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Japan , island country lying off the east coast of Asia . It consists of a great string of islands in a northeast-southwest arc that stretches for approximately 1,500 miles (2,400 km) through the western North Pacific Ocean . Nearly the entire land area is taken up by the country’s four main islands; from north to south these are Hokkaido (Hokkaidō), Honshu (Honshū), Shikoku , and Kyushu (Kyūshū). Honshu is the largest of the four, followed in size by Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku. In addition, there are numerous smaller islands, the major groups of which are the Ryukyu (Nansei) Islands (including the island of Okinawa ) to the south and west of Kyushu and the Izu , Bonin (Ogasawara), and Volcano (Kazan) islands to the south and east of central Honshu. The national capital, Tokyo (Tōkyō), in east-central Honshu, is one of the world’s most populous cities.

english essay about japan

The Japanese landscape is rugged, with more than four-fifths of the land surface consisting of mountains. There are many active and dormant volcanoes, including Mount Fuji (Fuji-san), which, at an elevation of 12,388 feet (3,776 meters), is Japan’s highest mountain. Abundant precipitation and the generally mild temperatures throughout most of the country have produced a lush vegetation cover and, despite the mountainous terrain and generally poor soils, have made it possible to raise a variety of crops. Japan has a large and, to a great extent, ethnically homogeneous population, which is heavily concentrated in the low-lying areas along the Pacific coast of Honshu.

english essay about japan

Complexity and contrast are the keynotes of life in Japan—a country possessing an intricate and ancient cultural tradition yet one that, since 1950, has emerged as one of the world’s most economically and technologically advanced societies. Heavy emphasis is placed on education, and Japan is one of the world’s most literate countries. Tension between old and new is apparent in all phases of Japanese life. A characteristic sensitivity to natural beauty and a concern with form and balance are evident in such cities as Kyōto and Nara , as well as in Japan’s ubiquitous gardens. Even in the countryside, however, the impact of rapid Westernization is evident in many aspects of Japanese life. The agricultural regions are characterized by low population densities and well-ordered rice fields and fruit orchards, whereas the industrial and urbanized belt along the Pacific coast of Honshu is noted for its highly concentrated population, heavy industrialization, and environmental pollution .

Humans have occupied Japan for tens of thousands of years, but Japan’s recorded history begins only in the 1st century bce , with mention in Chinese sources. Contact with China and Korea in the early centuries ce brought profound changes to Japan, including the Chinese writing system, Buddhism , and many artistic forms from the continent. The first steps at political unification of the country occurred in the late 4th and early 5th centuries ce under the Yamato court. A great civilization then developed first at Nara in the 8th century and then at Heian-kyō (now Kyōto) from the late 8th to the late 12th century. The seven centuries thereafter were a period of domination by military rulers culminating in near isolation from the outside world from the early 17th to the mid-19th century.

Flags of all nations of the world. Grouping of various country flags on a world map.

The reopening of the country ushered in contact with the West and a time of unprecedented change. Japan sought to become a modern industrialized nation and pursued the acquisition of a large overseas empire, initially in Korea and China. By late 1941 this latter policy caused direct confrontation with the United States and its allies and to defeat in World War II (1939–45). Since the war, however, Japan’s spectacular economic growth—one of the greatest of any nation in that period—brought the country to the forefront of the world economy. It now is one of the world’s foremost manufacturing countries and traders of goods and is a global financial leader.

Japan is bounded to the west by the Sea of Japan (East Sea), which separates it from the eastern shores of South and North Korea and southeastern Siberia (Russia); to the north by La Perouse (Sōya) Strait , separating it from Russian-held Sakhalin Island , and by the Sea of Okhotsk ; to the northeast by the southern Kuril Islands (since World War II under Soviet and then Russian administration); to the east and south by the Pacific; and to the southwest by the East China Sea , which separates it from China . The island of Tsushima lies between northwestern Kyushu and southeastern South Korea and defines the Korea Strait on the Korean side and the Tsushima Strait on the Japanese side.

english essay about japan

The mountainous character of the country is the outcome of orogenic (mountain-building) forces largely during Quaternary time (roughly, the past 2.6 million years), as evidenced by the frequent occurrence of violent earthquakes, volcanic activity , and signs of change in sea levels along the coast. There are no sizable structural plains and peneplains (large land areas leveled by erosion), features that usually occur in more stable regions of the Earth. The mountains are for the most part in a youthful stage of dissection in which steep slopes are incised by dense river-valley networks. Rivers are mostly torrential, and their valleys are accompanied by series of river terraces that are the result of movements in the Earth’s crust, as well as climatic and sea-level changes in Holocene times (i.e., the past 11,700 years). Recent volcanoes are juxtaposed with old and highly dissected ones. The shores are characterized by elevated and depressed features such as headlands and bays, which display an incipient stage of development.

The mountains are divided into many small land blocks that are separated by lowlands or deep saddles; there is no long or continuous mountain range. These land blocks are the result of intense faulting (movement of adjacent rock masses along a fracture) and warping (bending of the Earth’s crust); the former process is regarded as dominant. One consequence is that mountain blocks are often bounded by fault scarps and flexure slopes that descend in step formation to the adjacent lowlands.

Coalescing alluvial fans—cone-shaped deposits of alluvium that run together—are formed where rivers emerge from the mountains. When the rivers are large enough to extend their courses to the sea, low deltaic plains develop in front of the fans; this occurs most frequently where the rivers empty into shallow and sheltered bays, as in the deltas of Kantō (Kwanto), Nōbi, and Ōsaka . In most places, however, fan surfaces plunge directly into the sea and are separated by low, sandy beach ridges.

Dissected plains are common. Intense disturbances have caused many former alluvial fans, deltas, and sea bottoms to be substantially uplifted to form flat-topped uplands such as those found in the Kantō Plain . Frequently the uplands have been overlain with volcanic ash, as in the Kantō and Tokachi plains.


Essay on Japanese

Students are often asked to write an essay on Japanese in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Japanese

Introduction to japan.

Japan, located in East Asia, is an island nation known for its rich cultural heritage. It’s famous for its traditional arts, cuisine, and technological innovations.

Japanese Culture

The culture of Japan is unique and diverse. It includes traditional arts like origami and ikebana, and popular practices such as manga and anime.

Japanese Cuisine

Japanese cuisine is renowned worldwide. Sushi, ramen, and tempura are some popular dishes. The food is known for its freshness and presentation.

Technological Advancements

Japan leads in technology, with inventions like bullet trains and robotics. It is a hub for innovation and technological development.

250 Words Essay on Japanese

The land of the rising sun.

Japan, often referred to as the “Land of the Rising Sun”, is an island country in East Asia, characterized by its rich cultural heritage and technological advancements. Its unique blend of traditional and modern aspects makes it a fascinating study topic.

History and Culture

Japan’s history spans thousands of years, from its earliest known civilization, the Jomon period, to the present Heisei era. The culture is deeply rooted in its history, with elements like Shintoism and Buddhism, samurai ethos, and the aesthetic principles of Wabi-Sabi shaping its society. Japanese literature, visual arts, and performing arts, such as Kabuki and Noh, further enrich the cultural landscape.

Modern Japan

In the modern era, Japan has emerged as a global powerhouse, particularly in technology and manufacturing. Japanese brands like Sony, Toyota, and Nintendo are recognized worldwide. Additionally, Japan’s pop culture, including anime, manga, and J-pop, has gained international acclaim, influencing global entertainment trends.

Economy and Infrastructure

Japan’s economy, the third-largest in the world, is noted for its efficiency and innovation. Despite having limited natural resources, the country has excelled in sectors like electronics, automobiles, and robotics. Its infrastructure, characterized by high-speed bullet trains and advanced urban planning, is a testament to its technological prowess.

Environment and Sustainability

Japan’s environmental policies, focusing on sustainability and energy efficiency, are commendable. Despite facing natural disasters, Japan has shown resilience and a commitment to rebuilding and sustainability.

500 Words Essay on Japanese

Introduction to japanese culture.

Japan, an island nation located in East Asia, is a blend of ancient traditions and advanced technology. Known for its unique culture, aesthetic principles, and technological prowess, Japan has left an indelible mark on global civilization.

Japanese History and Society

Japan’s history is a rich tapestry of feudal eras, samurai warriors, and imperial reigns. The Edo period (1603-1868) was a time of economic growth and strict social order, while the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) marked Japan’s transformation into a modern, industrial nation. Today’s Japanese society is a fusion of these historical influences and modern Western ideas.

The Japanese Language

Japanese is a complex language with three scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. While Hiragana and Katakana are phonetic scripts, Kanji is a set of characters borrowed from Chinese. The language also employs honorifics, reflecting the hierarchical nature of Japanese society.

Religion in Japan

Shinto and Buddhism are the two primary religions in Japan, often coexisting within the same individual’s belief system. Shinto, an indigenous religion, focuses on nature worship and ritual practices to establish connections with the ancient world. Buddhism, introduced from China and Korea around the 6th century, emphasizes enlightenment through meditation and ethical living.

Japanese Art and Aesthetics

Japanese cuisine, or “washoku,” is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, known for its emphasis on seasonality, presentation, and balance of flavors. Sushi, ramen, and tempura are popular worldwide, but traditional dishes like “natto” (fermented soybeans) and “mochi” (rice cake) are equally representative of the culinary culture.

Japan’s Technological Innovation

Japan is a global leader in technology and innovation. From robotics and electronics to automobiles and bullet trains, Japanese inventions have significantly impacted the world. The nation’s commitment to “kaizen” (continuous improvement) and “monozukuri” (craftsmanship) are key drivers of its technological success.

Japan’s unique blend of ancient traditions and cutting-edge technology offers a fascinating study of contrasts. Its rich history, unique societal norms, and innovative spirit continue to shape its identity and influence the world. To understand Japan is to appreciate the harmony of coexistence – of old and new, tradition and innovation, nature and technology.

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147 Japanese Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Looking for interesting topics on Japan? Find them here! This list contains plenty of Japanese culture topics relating to the country’s traditions, art, and social phenomena. Check them out!

🔝 Top 10 Japanese Culture Topics to Write About

🔎 culture-related japan research topics, ✅ japanese topics for presentations, 🏆 best japanese culture topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good japanese culture essay topics, 💡 interesting japanese culture topics to write about, 📌 simple & easy japanese culture essay titles, ❓ research questions about japanese culture.

  • The Cultural Impact of Anime
  • The Mystique and Roles of Geisha
  • Traditional Japanese Arts and Crafts
  • Tea Ceremony in Japanese Culture
  • The Beauty of Japanese Gardens
  • The Art of Japanese Floral Arrangement
  • Festivals and Matsuri in Japanese Culture
  • The Code of Bushido and Its Influence on Society
  • Pop Culture Phenomena of J-Pop and Kawaii
  • Sushi, Ramen, and Other Culinary Delights of Japan
  • Environmental Sustainability in Japan
  • Shintoism and Its Influence on Japanese Society
  • Modernization and Transformation of Japan
  • Challenges Related to Japan’s Aging Population
  • Japanese Video Games and Their Global Appeal
  • The Aftermath of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
  • The Role of Women in Modern Japanese Society
  • Ways of Preserving and Revitalizing Traditional Japanese Arts
  • The “Japanese Miracle” of Economic Growth and Technological Advancements
  • Achievements, Critiques, and Reforms in the Japanese Education System
  • Cherry Blossom Season in Japan
  • Symbolism of the Iconic Mount Fuji
  • The Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Japan’s Ancient Temples and Urban Landscapes
  • How Zen Buddhism Impacts Japanese Aesthetics
  • The Beauty and Significance of Origami and Calligraphy
  • Japanese Bullet Train and Other Transportation Advancements
  • Traditional Japanese Performing Arts: Noh, Kabuki, and Gagaku
  • Modern Japanese Literature: Haruki Murakami and Yukio Mishima
  • Japanese Business Etiquette, Work Ethics, and Corporate Practices
  • Ramen Culture as a Vital Part of the Traditions in Japan Studying the history of the transformation of ramen culture and the role it plays in modern Japanese popular culture helps to explore the uniqueness of the phenomenon and understand the origins of its immense popularity.
  • Japanese Animations’ Effects on the Japanese Economy and Their Cultural Influence on Foreign Countries These artists incorporate the characteristic anime stylizations, gags and methodology in their piece of work to produce animations that are a bit similar to Japanese anime. The growing interest among foreign artists in anime is […]
  • Culture Comparison Between China and Japan In Japan, it can be proved by the fact that the name Japan is written in the Chinese Kanji and not the Japanese Katakana or Hiragana.
  • Japan After Globalization: Culture and Ethnocentrism The isolated territorial position of the country, geographical and climatic features, frequent earthquakes, and typhoons had a significant influence on the culture and mentality of the Japanese people.
  • Japanese Popular Culture: Anime, Video Games, and the Film Industry This report will investigate the growth and influence of Japanese pop culture through anime, video games, and the film industry. The game was created by a Japanese studio and is built on the concept of […]
  • The Influence of Heavy Metal on Japanese Culture In Japan, the association involving the realm of heavy metal music and personal distinctions has been surveyed in a number of studies.
  • Language and Culture: The Honorifics (Speech or System) of Japanese and Korean In Japan, honorific use is determined by the category of the addressee, that is, he/ she might be superior to the addresser, and this corresponds directly to the verb in use.
  • Hip-Hop and the Japanese Culture The prevalence of soul dancing in Japan in the earlier years also formed the basis for the wide acceptance of the hip-hop culture into the Japanese culture because soul dancing was common in the streets […]
  • Disneyland in American, Japanese, European Cultures Due to the popularity of the American culture, Disneyland’s representation of American culture that spreading a positive attitude about life has a significant impact on Disneyland in Asian countries, especially in Japan.
  • Western Pop Culture and Street Fashion of Japanese Youth The research of the topic needs to be preceded by the explanation of the key subjects and notions used in the current paper.
  • Japanese Anime and Doujin Culture In the 1980’s the anime spread to other parts of the world including the western world where it has continued to grow in popularity.
  • Globalization and Japanese Cultures This map is in that book and this course because of demonstrating the movement of goods and people across the world from Afrique to Patagonia and Nouvelle-Guinee.
  • Researching of the Culture of Japan As for me, I thought that the Arabic language is complicated but after I heard Japanese, I understood it was really hard to learn and speak it.
  • Relationships in Japanese History and Culture The preparation of the obento is not easy, it demands some special skills, and, of course, deep knowledge of the traditions.
  • Chinese Han Dynasty: Comparing to the Japanese Culture Changing the focus to that one of the daily lives of ordinary citizens, the art of the Chinese culture during the Han Dynasty era allowed introducing a significant amount of diversity into the artistic realm.
  • The Japanese Culture and Ecological Interests Many Japanese practices have been adopted in the western world due to the popularity of the culture. Among the many cultural practices of Japan, karate is the most practiced one outside the state.
  • Violence and War in Japanese Popular Culture 50 years after the end of the war, the effects of the war have continued to influence the Japanese culture and have also affected its relations with other countries.
  • Conflict Management in Japanese Culture Japan and its culture truly represent the cultural compromise that determines the development of the entire Japanese spiritual tradition.
  • Comparing the USA, China, Japan and the United Kingdom Cultures This diversity is evident in their music, fashion, cuisine, visual arts, cinema and literature and due to the propagation of the same through the media; the American culture has today become the pedestal through which […]
  • Culture and Customs of Japan After WWII It must be admitted, however, in the interests of truth, that the traditional mode of living and ways of thinking, both good and bad, are deeply rooted in the life of the Japanese people of […]
  • Comparing Japanese and Chinese Cultures The main difference between the Chinese and Japanese concept of loyalty is that the Chinese people emphasize their loyalty to their family as a top priority.
  • Japanese and Southeast Asia Cultures The activities of the warrior were based on the principle of bushido. Human civilization is the main characteristic of the culture in the continent of Asia.
  • Japanese Colonialism Impact on the Korean Culture For instance, Faker and Ryang consider the effects that the Japanese culture has had on the Korean one, while Schmidt and Lim deal with the ways in which Korea accepted colonialism and how the country […]
  • Japanese Culture and Identity in the Modern Era I strongly believe that Japanese popular culture might lose its identity due to influence from other cultures, which may lead to a slight modification of the culture.
  • American vs. Japanese Cultures as Adaptive Systems Since the analysis of these cultures will be done from the perspective of the cultural theory, the paper will also examine how each culture influences the development of people, identity, and personality within it.
  • Zen Buddhism Religion in Japanese Culture The uniqueness of Zen is in rejecting the importance of doctrines and emphasizing the role of the spiritual growth of the person through the practice of meditation.
  • Daoism Philosophy in the Cultures of the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese Besides, the treatise explores the orientations of the Daoist tradition and the concepts of sages, deities, hell and heaven, and Confucian discourse.
  • General Aspects of Japanese Corporate Culture Analysing the corporate culture in Japan, the essay will classify the companies into two: the large and small companies The Japanese culture of management stands out clearly in large corporations.
  • Japanese Culture Analysis: Values and Traditions For a manager working with a person from the Japanese culture, understanding how the cultural dimensions apply to the culture will help the manager to work well with the other individuals.
  • Diversity Management and Japanese Culture This is because it requires a comprehensive understanding of the cultural values of both the native country and also that of the foreign country in which you are supposed to carry out your business activities.
  • Influence of Japanese Culture in Hawaii From the census, it is clear that the culture and the cuisine Hawaii, which are known today, were created by the history of the migration of Japanese to Hawaii when they settled there to work […]
  • An Aspect of Politics and Culture of Meiji in Japan In mid 1880’s there was a financial crisis in Japan due to the huge expenses on industrialization. The Sino-Japanese war between 1894and 1895 was due to divergence of interests in Korea involving China and Japan.
  • Whaling in Japan: Justifiable by Culture? The gap in reasoning when it comes to utilizing the concept of “scientific research” as a means of justifying the hunting of various whale species by Japanese whalers is the obvious fact that you do […]
  • Analysis of “Yuri” Manga as a Peculiarity of Japanese Popular Culture Conclusions of the analysis indicate that yuri manga is not limited to lesbian culture, moreover, it is a significant element of Japanese popular culture.
  • Japanese Fascist Ideology and Culture In a fascist authority, the issue of taking control over the people is of great significance and fascist leaders know that for them to control the naivety of the people well then they have to […]
  • Process of Modernization and How It Affected the Cultures of China and Japan Among such countries, China and Japan were voted as the most affected nations by modernization process because of the emergent of simple and advanced technologies. This changed gradually with the spread of industrial revolution in […]
  • Traditional Culture No Longer Is Prevalent in Japanese Society However with the phasing of the government policies in to the adoption of the 1870s epoch, it was aimed to enhance the exports of lacquerware to Western countries.
  • Cross-Cultural Management: Japanese Culture and Its Workplace Practices This is one of the strategies that can be adopted. This is one of the pitfalls that should be avoided.
  • Cultural Evaluation of Japan: Beliefs and Behavior Generally, the culture of Japan is characterized by collectiveness where individualism is not usually a key concept in various practices in different sectors of the economy such as the education system, health care, and politics.
  • Influence of the Consumption Phenomenon on Japan’s Social Culture The present society in Japan is founded on the concepts of bettering the welfare of people. Another vital aspect that is worth noting is that the Japanese society is exceptional in because of the presence […]
  • Political Economy and Culture in Japan A strong work ethic and management culture in the commerce and manufacturing industry has ensured the prosperity of the Japanese economy. A good example of the interaction of political economics and culture is the case […]
  • Issues of Japanese Cultural Identity The other way the anime productions deal with the issues of the Japanese and their cultural identity is by presenting the aspects and ideas that define the people of Japan.
  • The Japanese Culture of Ukiyo-E and Ikebana Two areas of the Japanese culture that Mori talks about is Ukiyo-e and Ikebana which are Japanese words that are common to the pre-Meiji artistic works of the Japanese people.
  • Japanese Culture vs. Chinese Culture: The Loss of Patriotism
  • Anime and Its Effects on Japanese Culture
  • Impact of Buddhism on the Japanese Culture
  • Chinese and Japanese Culture Comparison and Analysis
  • Cultural Globalisation Through Japanese Culture
  • Did the Samurai Have a Significant Impact on Japanese Culture?
  • Differences Between Korean and Japanese Culture
  • Eating Disorders and Self-Harm in Japanese Culture
  • Gender Roles in the Japanese Culture
  • Hip-Hop Impact on the Japanese Culture
  • How Does Sushi Reflect Japanese Culture?
  • Overview of Japanese Culture and Communication Features
  • Japanese Culture Views on Homosexuality
  • How Japanese Culture Has Become So Popular
  • Japanese Culture and Its Relation to Buddhism
  • How Japanese Culture Affects the Economy
  • The Parallels Between Japanese Culture and Military Conflict History
  • The Relationships Between Japanese Culture and Politics
  • How Reliance Will Get Fit Into the Japanese Culture
  • Linking Japanese and South African Culture
  • Japanese Culture and the Misconceptions Associated With It
  • American Culture and Japanese Culture: Comparative Analysis
  • Japanese Culture and Western Influence on It
  • The Role of Sexuality in the Japanese Culture
  • Japanese Culture: Art, History, and Society
  • Japanese Culture and Role of Women in It
  • Communication Guide Between America Business Culture and Japanese Culture
  • Japanese Culture Factors Influenced the Disclosure of Financial Information
  • The Link Between Religions and Japanese Culture
  • Japanese Culture: From Ancient to Modern Times
  • Social and Geographical Aspects of the Japanese Culture
  • Japanese Culture Places High Value on Privacy
  • The Gender Problems in the Japanese Culture
  • Japanese Culture: Producing Japan in the World
  • Key Similarities and Differences Between the Japanese and the American Cultures
  • Japanese Culture That Reflects Through Their Writing and Art Forms
  • Motivation and Organizational Japanese Culture
  • The Odd and Fascinating Japanese Culture
  • Tracing Back the Japanese Culture to 10,000 BC
  • Understanding the Japanese Culture Through the Warrior Codes of Bushido
  • What Is the Influence of Anime on Japanese Culture?
  • Are Chinese and Japanese Cultures Similar?
  • How Is Cultural Globalization Through Japanese Culture?
  • Did the Samurai Have a Significant Impact on Japanese Culture and Historical?
  • What Are the Differences Between Korean and Japanese Cultures?
  • Are Eating Disorders and Self-Harm Inherent in Japanese Culture?
  • What Is the Cultural Assessment of Japanese Culture?
  • What Are the Gender Roles in Japanese Culture?
  • How Has Japanese Culture Become So Popular?
  • How Dose Japanese Culture Affects the Economy Cultural?
  • What Is the Attitude Towards Homosexuality in Japanese Culture?
  • What Are the Features of Communication in Japanese Culture?
  • How Reliance Will Get Fit Into the Japanese Culture?
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  • What Is the Place of Women in Japanese Culture?
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  • What Are the Socio-Geographical Aspects of Japanese Culture?
  • What Is the Place of Food in Japanese Culture?
  • How Can Japanese Culture Be Understood Through the Warrior Codes of Bushido?
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  • What Is the Role of Buddhism in Japanese Culture?
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"147 Japanese Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 21 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/japanese-culture-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '147 Japanese Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 21 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "147 Japanese Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/japanese-culture-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "147 Japanese Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/japanese-culture-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "147 Japanese Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 21, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/japanese-culture-essay-topics/.

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108 Japanese Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Japan is a country rich in history and tradition, with a unique culture that has captivated people from around the world. If you are studying Japanese culture or simply have an interest in learning more about it, here are 108 essay topic ideas and examples to help you explore this fascinating subject.

  • The history of samurai culture
  • Traditional Japanese tea ceremonies
  • The significance of cherry blossoms in Japanese culture
  • Shintoism and its influence on Japanese society
  • The art of calligraphy in Japan
  • The role of geishas in Japanese culture
  • Japanese martial arts: karate, judo, and kendo
  • The evolution of sushi and its cultural significance
  • The tradition of hanami (cherry blossom viewing)
  • The importance of family in Japanese culture
  • The influence of Buddhism on Japanese culture
  • Traditional Japanese architecture: temples and shrines
  • The concept of wabi-sabi in Japanese aesthetics
  • The history and significance of kabuki theater
  • Japanese festivals: Matsuri and Obon
  • The art of bonsai cultivation
  • The role of kimono in Japanese fashion
  • The tradition of sumo wrestling
  • Japanese folklore and mythology
  • The history of sake brewing in Japan
  • The cultural significance of Mount Fuji
  • Japanese traditional music: gagaku and shamisen
  • The art of origami and its cultural importance
  • The history of ukiyo-e woodblock prints
  • Japanese traditional dance: Noh and Kabuki
  • The influence of manga and anime on Japanese culture
  • The history of Japanese cinema
  • The art of ikebana flower arranging
  • The significance of torii gates in Shinto shrines
  • The tradition of onsen (hot springs) in Japan
  • The cultural impact of haiku poetry
  • Traditional Japanese puppet theater: Bunraku
  • The origins of Japanese kanji characters
  • The history of Japanese tattooing
  • The importance of rice in Japanese cuisine
  • The art of traditional Japanese pottery: kintsugi
  • The role of the tea house in Japanese culture
  • The significance of the Japanese flag
  • The cultural impact of cherry blossom festivals
  • The art of Japanese sword-making: katana
  • The history of Japanese gardens
  • The tradition of hanafuda card games
  • The influence of Confucianism on Japanese culture
  • The role of the emperor in Japanese society
  • The significance of the geisha district in Kyoto
  • Japanese traditional puppetry: kugutsu
  • The art of Japanese paper folding: kirigami
  • The history of Japanese sake breweries
  • The cultural impact of cherry blossom viewing parties
  • The tradition of Japanese flower arranging: ikebana
  • The role of tea houses in Japanese society
  • The significance of Japanese calligraphy
  • The influence of Zen Buddhism on Japanese culture
  • The art of traditional Japanese ceramics: raku
  • The history of Japanese woodblock printing
  • The tradition of Japanese kite festivals
  • The cultural impact of Japanese puppet theater
  • The significance of the Japanese tea ceremony
  • The role of sumo wrestling in Japanese society
  • The art of traditional Japanese puppetry: bunraku
  • The history of Japanese traditional music
  • The cultural impact of Japanese tea houses
  • The significance of cherry blossom festivals in Japan
  • The role of geisha in Japanese society
  • The art of Japanese paper folding: origami
  • The history of traditional Japanese pottery
  • The tradition of Japanese hot springs: onsen
  • The cultural impact of Japanese tattooing
  • The significance of Japanese sword-making
  • The role of rice in Japanese cuisine
  • The art of traditional Japanese ceramics
  • The history of Japanese woodblock prints
  • The tradition of Japanese kite flying
  • The cultural impact of Japanese cherry blossom viewing
  • The significance of Japanese tea ceremonies
  • The role of sumo wrestlers in Japanese society
  • The art of traditional Japanese puppetry
  • The history of Japanese traditional dance
  • The tradition of Japanese flower arranging
  • The role of geisha in Japanese culture
  • The art of Japanese paper folding
  • The tradition of Japanese hot springs
  • The cultural impact of Japanese tattoo art
  • The role of rice in Japanese society
  • The cultural impact of cherry blossom viewing

In conclusion, Japanese culture is a rich and diverse subject that offers endless opportunities for exploration and study. Whether you are interested in traditional arts and crafts, religious practices, or culinary traditions, there is something for everyone to discover in the fascinating world of Japanese culture. So pick a topic that piques your interest and start delving into the vibrant and captivating world of Japan.

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Essay Service Examples Geography Japan

Japan Essay: A Land of Rich History, Stunning Geography, Vibrant Culture, and Modern Life

Table of contents

The history of japan, the geography of japan, the culture of japan, life in japan today, the japanese language.

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Japan Essay: A Land of Rich History, Stunning Geography, Vibrant Culture, and Modern Life

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On living in Japan: Five essential essays from the internet, the greatest library on earth

Fran W

Ten years ago, I used to read a lot of books. Now, I read a lot of content , which is to say, blogs and online articles. But when I read something that sticks with me, even for a fleeting moment, I still want to reach for a highlighter and shade the words fluorescent yellow, so I can find that part again later. And I’m not alone in my instinctive response to treat the digital word in the same way I do printed material. There’s a reason browsers still call it a “bookmark” when we save a webpage.

There are all kinds of great English-language blogs about Japan out there. But there are also a number of stand-alone articles that, over the years, I’ve read again and again – and they still make me want to grab my highlighter and start collecting quotes. I’ve put them together into this short list, which we may think of as a small (highly subjective) foreigners- living-in-Japan canon : seminal pieces of writing from around the internet.

Some of these are very long. Some are controversial. All of them have stayed with me for some reason or another, and maybe they’ll stick with you too.

  • How Discovering Japan Changed My Life – Danny Choo

Every so often, I’ll be talking to someone who’s into Japan and they’ll start telling me about this one super-long article they read by this guy one time. Sometimes they’ll tell me they read it twice in a row, and then went back again to look at the pictures properly. They’re talking about Danny Choo, whose account of how he learned Japanese and came to live and work in Japan has been providing “you can do it too!” -style motivation for otaku worldwide since its publication a few years ago.

For a whole generation of Japanophiles, Choo is quite literally living the dream. It seems like every other comment on Choo’s post (there are now over a thousand) calls him “an inspiration”, and it’s easy to see why:

“My dream came true. I was going to live and work in the land of the rising sun. All the hard work over the previous few years paid off. Discover and live your passion and the rest will just follow – it always does. Never give up.”

Not many people could write a blog post of their life story in such epic terms.

For me, the appeal also lies in Choo’s arresting old-school snapshots, from his teenage bedroom where Kylie Minogue posters compete for space with Mega Drive games, to his first days in Shibuya. These days, Japanese culture is instantly accessible to anyone with internet access – Choo’s tales of renting old unwanted videos of Japanese TV shows and borrowing a typewriter to make his own kanji charts is a reminder that it wasn’t always so.


  • Why You Shouldn’t Learn Japanese – Ken Seeroi

In this witty and acerbic cost-benefit analysis of learning a foreign language, Ken Seeroi puts forward seven reasons not to bother. Speaking Japanese, he says, is statistically likely to be a waste of your time (seeing as you’ll burn out and quit anyway; and in that time you could have learned to play the guitar instead, and then you’d be getting lots of sex by now). You don’t need it, if you speak English. And speaking Japanese can even make you less popular. Seeroi is at his finest when comparing English speakers in Japan to David Blaine:

“Your magic trick is that you can speak English. That’s what everyone wants you to do. And every time you do it, and tell them about how big the cheeseburgers are back home and how people wear shoes inside the house, their eyes will light up and they’ll be like, wow, amazing!”

If Danny Choo’s why-Japan post inspires universal adoration, Seeroi’s ‘ Why You Shouldn’t Learn Japanese ‘ has as many detractors in the comments as it does fervent fans, perhaps in part because of its (brilliantly) controversial title. I don’t agree with everything he says, but I’m glad he took the time to say it.


  • Japan: It’s Not Funny Any More – Tim Rogers

Living abroad can be a baffling and frustrating experience at times. In fact, if the country you live in – whether it happens to be the one in which you were born or not – is one you hold dear, I actually believe that makes it more ok to criticise the  10 things it gets horribly, horribly wrong , for example. If you don’t like to read criticism about Japan because you think it’s some kind of magical dream country where everything is perfect, however, you might not want to bother with ‘Japan: It’s Not Funny Any More’ , an epic polemic that lays into just about everything in Japan. Anime, we are immediately informed, sucks ; the food’s too meaty; work parties; comedy, pop music, movies; TV; the tape they put on your items in convenience stores; the weather; pachinko; stereotyping. Nothing is spared.

Reading ‘It’s Not Funny Any More’ is like being in an izakaya with your friend at 2am, when he’s had too many beers and just wants you to know how much he hates everything and wants to go home . Except, my drunk friends aren’t anywhere near as funny as Rogers, such as when he tears into Japanese television with its revolving door of the “famous-for-being-famous”:

“If Paris Hilton were Japanese, they’d literally have her anchoring the fucking national news.”


  • On Awkward Acts of Generosity in Japan – Eryk Salvaggio

In this stellar post from his ‘ This Japanese Life ‘ blog, Salvaggio draws on an anecdote about his school lunch order to explore the everyday awkwardness of his life as an ALT in Japan, as an innocent query about the possibility of a spare lunch drags him into a “tangled web of reciprocity” with no hope of escape.

On the glorious ambiguities of the Japanese language and the potential for misunderstanding it brings, Salvaggio is priceless:

“Asking ‘I don’t have a bento today, right?”’ translates, in that hint-at-everything manner of Japanese communication, that maybe probably I was expecting bento.”

Salvaggio’s perceptive account of the lunch exchange brought me a shudder of recognition as I re-read it today that was half- schadenfreude , half sympathetic awkwardness .

  • No Meaning No: How Learning Japanese Changed My Life  – Conan Grames

Craving some of those positive vibes you got from reading about Danny Choo hopping off the plane at NRT with a dream and his cardigan? This wonderful essay from Conan Grames was posted by the American Association of Teachers of Japanese, and tells the story of his love affair with Japan. He came here as a Mormon missionary in 1966; and like Choo, he found himself “hooked” on the language and culture.

The enthusiasm he displays is contagious and (I hope) inspiring: “Now many [Japanese] speak fluent English, but how fun it is to be able to talk to them in their language.” Grames’s account of his Japan-focused career, and the delight and enrichment the language has brought him, serves as a rebuttal to Ken Seeroi’s suggestion that we shouldn’t bother after all. “There are other stories,” he writes;

“But the fact is that every job I have had in my very fun career has come to me because of my Japanese language and my experience in Japan.”


On the internet, of course, there is no canon – that’s kind of the point. But these are the highlighted and bookmarked pages of my life in Japan. It’s not all rosy, but it’s not half bad either . I’m out of suggestions now though, so over to you: what’s on your required reading list?

Featured image: OYTutorial

  • ( blog • essay • foreigners in Japan • internet • Living in Japan )

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Words: 1843 |

10 min read

Published: Sep 19, 2019

Words: 1843 | Pages: 4 | 10 min read

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Overview of japan, the japanese culture, political structure, the status of men and women under the japanese culture, the prevalence of social withdrawal in japan, potential solutions to the social withdrawal problem in japan.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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American View

650 Words. Limitless Topics. Your Chance to Stand Out from the Rest.

By Yuki Kondo-Shah, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate Fukuoka

The essay is the single most important part of your college application, because it's the one part that you can truly control at this moment. The grades on your transcript reflect the last three years of hard work in various courses. Your standardized test scores are a snapshot of your test taking ability on one weekend morning. Teacher recommendation letters are their perspectives about you compared to your classmates.

The essay, on the other hand, will reflect how much effort you put into it right now. You should start the draft early, make edits and rewrite it multiple times, and share it with friends and mentors that you trust. While there may be other students who have great grades, test scores, resumes, and letters, there should be only one personal statement that sounds like you wrote it, and that’s the key to a successful application essay. It's perfectly fine to write it first in Japanese and then translate it into English!

In my experience evaluating Japanese student essays in admissions applications, too many students simply answer the essay question being asked. That seems counterintuitive, I know, but the point of the essay questions is to function as a prompt, a starting off point, from which you can explore your background, history, intellectual interests, and future plans. The goal is to have the admissions officer come away after reading your essay knowing you better as an individual, why you are motivated, and why you would be a great addition to the classroom and campus life at their school.

My specific advice to Japanese students would be to NOT be humble, but to think BIG. This is not a time to be shy, as you are competing with American students who have been educated to express their dreams and articulate their plans in their applications. Ask yourself what is motivating you to study in America, and what you think an education there would allow you to do that you cannot achieve if you were to stay in Japan. If you want to read some sample essays, the New York Times does a series every year on essays that move their editors .

Let's look at a short essay question from my alma mater, Dartmouth College, on this year's application: "In the aftermath of World War II, Dartmouth President John Sloane Dickey, Class of 1929, proclaimed, ‘The world's troubles are your troubles…and there is nothing wrong with the world that better human beings cannot fix.’ Which of the world's ‘troubles’ inspires you to act? How might your course of study at Dartmouth prepare to you to address it?”

There are many inspirational young people setting great examples these days by tackling challenges like climate change or bullying. In writing your 650 words, think about the impact you want to have on the world. What makes you stand out from the rest?

Yuki Kondo-Shah

Read the other articles in the series:

  • American Universities Want YOU!
  • Extracurricular Activities: What You Do Outside School Matters
  • Six Tips for Getting Strong Recommendation Letters
  • Dos and Don'ts for Writing Teacher Recommendation Letters

Click here for more information on studying in the U.S. and EducationUSA programs throughout Japan.

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This page introduces the variety of essays written by popular contemporary authors. Unless noted, all are in Japanese.

The author, さくらももこ, is known for writing a comic titled 『 ちびまる子ちゃん 』. The comic is based on her own childhood experiences and depicts the everyday life of a girl with a nickname of Chibi Maruko-chan. The author has been constantly writing casual and humorous essays, often recollecting her childhood memories. We have both the『 ちびまる子ちゃん 』 comic series and other essays by the author. 

To see a sample text in a new tab, please  click on the cover image or the title .

中島らも(1952-2004) started his career as a copyrigher but changed his path to become a prolific writer, publishing novels, essays, drama scripts and rakugo stories. He became popular with his "twisted sense of humour."  He is also active in the music industry when he formed his own band. He received the 13th Eiji Yoshikawa New Author Prize with his 『今夜、すべてのバーで』 and Mystery Writers of Japan Aaward with 『 ガダラの豚 』.


東海林さだお(1937-) is a well-known cartoonist, but he is also famous for his essays on food. His writing style is light and humorous and tends to pay particular attention toward regular food, such as bananas, miso soup, and eggd in udon noodles, rather than talk about gourmet meals. (added 5/2/2014)

Collection of Essays: 天声人語 = Vox Populi, Vox Deli (Bilingual)

A collection of essays which appear on the front page of Asahi Shinbun . Each essay is approx. 600 words. KU has collections published around 2000. Seach KU Online catalog with call number AC145 .T46 for more details. 

To see a sample text, please click on the cover image or the title .

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  • 村上さんのところ "Mr. Murakami's Place" -- Haruki Murakami's Advice Column Part of Haruki Murakami's official site. He answers questions sent to this site. He will also take questions in English. Questions will be accepted until Jan. 31, 2015.

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Mastering The Art Of Japanese Essay Writing: A How-To Guide

Mastering The Art Of Japanese Essay Writing: A How-To Guide

Essay writing in Japanese can be both challenging and rewarding. Whether you’re a student striving for academic excellence or an enthusiast looking to express yourself fluently in Japanese, honing your essay-writing skills is crucial. From crafting compelling arguments to mastering the intricacies of grammar and style, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your Japanese essay writing. In this guide, we’ll explore some effective techniques to help you elevate your writing to the next level.

1. Expand your vocabulary

Building a strong vocabulary is fundamental to effective essay writing in any language, including Japanese. Make a habit of learning new words regularly and incorporating them into your writing. Utilise flashcards, language learning apps, and reading extensively to expose yourself to a wide range of vocabulary. Additionally, pay attention to kanji and their various readings, as they can significantly enhance your writing proficiency.

2. Practice writing regularly

Like any skill, Japanese essay writing requires consistent practice to improve. Set aside dedicated time each day to write essays on different topics. Start with simple subjects and gradually increase the complexity as you gain confidence. Don’t shy away from seeking feedback from native speakers or instructors to identify areas for improvement.

3. Focus on grammar and syntax

Paying attention to grammar and syntax is essential for producing coherent and polished essays. Review grammar rules regularly and practise applying them in your writing. Take note of common mistakes and strive to avoid them in your essays. Additionally, analyse well-written Japanese essays to observe how native speakers construct sentences and convey their ideas effectively.

4. Develop strong arguments

Whether you’re writing an opinion piece or an analytical essay, developing strong arguments is crucial. Take the time to brainstorm and organise your thoughts before writing. Clearly outline your main points and provide supporting evidence to strengthen your arguments. Consider using rhetorical devices and persuasive language to engage your readers and make your essay more compelling.

5. Read Japanese literature

Reading Japanese literature is not only enjoyable but also beneficial for improving your essay-writing skills. Expose yourself to a variety of literary works, including novels, essays, and articles, to familiarise yourself with different writing styles and techniques. Pay attention to how authors structure their essays, develop characters, and evoke emotions through language.

6. Edit and revise

Effective editing and revision are essential steps in the essay writing process. After completing a draft, take a break and then revisit your essay with fresh eyes. Look for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and inconsistencies in your writing. Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to gain valuable insights into areas for improvement. Revise your essay multiple times until you’re satisfied with the final result.

7. Immerse yourself in the language

Immersing yourself in the Japanese language and culture can significantly enhance your essay-writing skills. Watch popular Japanese TV shows , listen to Japanese music, and engage in conversations with native speakers whenever possible. Immerse yourself in authentic Japanese content to absorb idiomatic expressions, colloquialisms, and cultural nuances that will enrich your writing.

In conclusion, improving your Japanese essay writing skills requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn. By expanding your vocabulary, practising regularly, focusing on grammar and syntax, developing strong arguments, reading Japanese literature, editing, and revising your work, and immersing yourself in the language, you can make significant strides in your writing proficiency. Remember that mastery takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

For further guidance and resources on Japanese language learning, consider exploring Japanese Explorer’s comprehensive Japanese classes. With our expert instruction and tailored curriculum, you can learn Japanese with ease and accelerate your journey toward fluency and proficiency in Japanese essay writing.

So, what are you waiting for? Enrol in a Japanese lesson in Singapore with us today!

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International Essay Contest for Young People

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  • The selection process is now underway. All prize winners will be announced on October 31, 2024 (Japan time) on this website. Certificates and gifts will be mailed to the winners in January 2025.
  • 1st to 3rd prize winners will be invited to the Winners Gathering to be held online.

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This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.

* This program is an activity within the framework of UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs ( ESD for 2030 ).

The Essay Contest online registration page is currently experiencing high traffic ("Error establishing database connection", "Not Found", etc. ). If you are having difficulty, please try again after a few hours, and you should be able to get through. In case you are unable to access the page before the deadline, we will still accept your essay.

Click here to send your essay online

Theme Conflicts occur for a variety of reasons, including differences in opinions and values. Have you ever had an experience of overcoming a conflict that you were involved in? What did you learn from that experience? How do you want to make use of what you learned, for your own life and for society?
Guidelines 1. Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old (as of June 15, 2024) in one of the following age categories: a) Children (ages up to 14) b) Youth (ages 15 - 25)

Essays must be 700 words or less in English or French, or 1600 characters or less in Japanese. Essays must be typed, with your name, email address and essay title included at the top of the first page.

There are no particular rules regarding formatting (font style, size, line space, etc.). However, essays must be submitted in either MS Word (DOC/DOCX) or PDF format.

* Your name, email address and essay title are not included in the word count limit.


, and follow the required steps. Entries submitted by postal mail or e-mail are not accepted.

Teachers and youth directors may submit a collection of essays from their class or group by creating an ‘account for school/organization entrant’ on the online registration page.

* Only one entry per person is accepted.
* We are unable to confirm receipt of essays.


Essays must be original and unpublished.

5. Entries that include plagiarized content or content created by generative AI (such as ChatGPT) will be rejected.
6. Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.
7. By submitting your essay, you give permission to the organizer to publish it in any medium. Ownership of the essay remains with the entrant.

 section below.

Deadline Entries must be received by
Awards The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively: * 1st to 3rd prize winners will be invited to the Winners Gathering to be held online.
* Additional awards (Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable.
* All prize winners will be announced on October 31, 2024 (Japan time) on this website. Certificates and gifts will be mailed to the winners in January 2025.
* We are unable to answer individual inquiries concerning contest results.

Organized by

Under the auspices of.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, Japan Private High School Federation Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Nikkei Inc

Supported by


For further inquiries concerning the International Essay Contest for Young People, please contact [email protected]

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Transition Words and Phrases for Japanese Essays  

  June 9, 2020

By   Alexis Papa

Are you having a hard time connecting between your ideas in your Japanese essay? In this article, we have listed useful transition words and phrases that you can use to help you let your ideas flow and have an organized essay.

Transition Words and Phrases for Japanese Essays

Japanese Phrases for Giving Examples and Emphasis

(NOUN) + という(NOUN) + to iu“called as (noun)”
いっぱんてきにippanteki ni
tatoeru to
tatoeru ba
たしかにtashika ni
実は(じつは)jitsu wa
本当に(ほんとうに)hontou ni
たしかなことにtashika na koto ni
mattaku motte
jitsu no tokoro
jitsu wa

For example,

がいこく、たとえばちゅうごくへいったことがありますか。 Gaikoku, tatoeba Chuugoku e itta koto ga arimasu ka?

Have you been abroad, for instance China?

たぶんちゅうごくへいったことがあります。 Tabun Chuugoku e itta koto ga arimasu.

I have probably been to China.

Japanese Essay Phrases: General Explaining


as a result; because of; in order to; consequently
(stress on the reason)

so; then
だって because, afterall
~からだ for

しけんにごうかくするのために、まじめにべんきょうしなきゃ。 Shiken ni goukaku suru no tame ni, majime ni benkyou shinakya.

In order to pass the exam, I must study.

あしたあめがふるそう。だから、かさをもってきて。 Ashita ame ga furu sou. Dakara, kasa wo motte kite.

It seems that it will rain tomorrow. So, bring an umbrella.

Showing Sequence


まず first of all
初めに(はじめに) in the first place,
to begin with
主に(おもに) primarily
第二(だいに) second
二義的に(にぎてきに) secondarily
ついで in the second place
第三(だいさん) third
次に(つぎに) next
前者(ぜんしゃ) former
後者(こうしゃ) latter
やっと、ついに after all, at last
~の後(〜のあと) after
~の前(〜のまえ) before
最後に(さいごに) finally

まず、あたらしいさくぶんのがいせつをしようとおもう。 Mazu, atarashii sakubun no gaisetsu wo shiyou to omou.

First, I am going to do an outline of my new essay.

つぎに、さくぶんをかきはじめます。 Tsugi ni, sakubun wo kaki hajimemasu.

Then, I will begin writing my essay.

Adding Supporting Statements


and; and then

and then

also, too

furthermore, moreover
~しかも and yet

nevertheless, nonetheless;

together, simultaneously

かれはブレーキをかけ、そしてくるまはとまった。 Kare wa bureki wo kake, soshite kuruma wa tomatta.

He put on the brakes and then the car stopped.

いえはかなりにみえたし、しかもねだんがてごろだった。 Ie wa kanari ni mieta shi, shikamo nedan ga tegoro datta.

The house looked good; moreover,the (selling) price was right.

Demonstrating Contrast 

でも but; however, hence

sore ga
but; however; although; nevertheless
しかし but; yet; however
~とちがって unlike…
ちがって / ちがう

besides; different; another
それにしては to the contrary
それなのに unlike my expectation

but and yet

but then but still

in spite of the fact that

にほんごはむずかしいですが、おもしろいです。 Nihongo wa muzukashii desu ga, omoshiroi desu.

Although Japanese language is difficult, it is enjoyable.

にほんごはむずかしいです。でも、おもしろいです。 Nihongo wa muzukashii desu. Demo, omoshiroi desu.

Japanese language is difficult. Nevertheless, it is enjoyable.

にほんごはむずかしいです。しかし、おもしろいです。 Nihondo wa muzukashii desu. Shikashi, omoshiroi desu.

Japanese language is difficult. However, it is enjoyable.

にほんごはむずかしいですけれど、おもしろいです。 Nihongo wa muzakashii desu keredo, omoshiroi desu.

Japanese Essay Phrases for Summarizing

musubi ni
ketsuron wa
in conclusion
ketsuron wo iu toto conclude
youyaku suru toin summary
all in all
zentai mato nion the whole
kono you ni
sore yuu ni
thus; hence

われわれはこのはなしはじつわだというけつろんにたっした。 Wareware wa kono hanashi wa jitsuwa da to iu ketsuron ni tasshita.

We have come to a conclusion that this is a true story.

Now that you have learned these Japanese transitional words and phrases, we hope that your Japanese essay writing has become easier. Leave a comment and write examples of sentences using these Japanese essay phrases!

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Alexis Papa

Alexis is a Japanese language and culture enthusiast from the Philippines. She is a Japanese Studies graduate, and has worked as an ESL and Japanese instructor at a local language school. She enjoys her free time reading books and watching series.

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  22. Transition Words and Phrases for Japanese Essays

    for. For example, しけんにごうかくするのために、まじめにべんきょうしなきゃ。. Shiken ni goukaku suru no tame ni, majime ni benkyou shinakya. In order to pass the exam, I must study. あしたあめがふるそう。. だから、かさをもってきて。. Ashita ame ga furu sou. Dakara, kasa wo motte kite. It ...

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