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How to Craft a Memorable Message, According to Science

  • Charan Ranganath

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Four ways to make your point in a way that sticks.

Numerous researches have shown that we forget much of what we experience in a day. Knowing this, how do you create messages so there is a better chance of people remembering them? The author uses concepts from memory science to help you craft messages — whether it’s a presentation, an email, or a speech — that will be likely to stick. One way to craft a memorable message is to chunk it up. Explicitly tie together the points that you want to convey under the umbrella of a central idea. With this approach, your listener can stitch the pieces together in a meaningful way and build a rich memory for that material. Or, when communicating about a complex topic, you can make your message memorable with a concrete example instead of something vague. Remember to provide callbacks as recalling something that we previously learned can make it stronger and easier to access when we will need it. Lastly, spark their curiosity. The key to memorable communication lies not in conveying the answer, but in establishing a compelling question.

Imagine sitting in a meeting where someone is giving a presentation. You’re somewhat interested in the topic, and the speaker seems to be doing a good job. The meeting ends, and 30 minutes later, you try to recall what was discussed. You can remember that the coffee was weak, the room was too cold, and the speaker was wearing a pink tie … but you can’t remember what he was talking about.

  • Dr. Charan Ranganath is a professor at the Center for Neuroscience and Department of Psychology and the director of the Dynamic Memory Lab at the University of California, Davis, and the author of the book Why We Remember: Unlocking Memory’s Power to Hold On to What Matters (Penguin Random House).

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Pope Francis holds a weekly audience at the Vatican

Nicole Winfield, Associated Press Nicole Winfield, Associated Press

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Pope Francis is embarking on his longest and most challenging trip to Asia yet. Here’s what to expect

VATICAN CITY (AP) — If any evidence were needed to underscore that Pope Francis’ upcoming trip to Asia and Oceania is the longest, farthest and most challenging of his pontificate, it’s that he’s bringing along his secretaries to help him navigate the four-country program while keeping up with work back home.

Francis will clock 32,814 kilometers (20,390 miles) by air during his Sept. 2-13 visit to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore, far surpassing any of his previous 44 foreign trips and notching one of the longest papal trips ever, both in terms of days on the road and distances traveled.

That’s no small feat for a pope who turns 88 in December, uses a wheelchair, lost part of a lung to a respiratory infection as a young man and had to cancel his last foreign trip at the last minute (to Dubai in November to participate in the U.N. climate conference) on doctors’ orders.

READ MORE: Pope cancels trip to Dubai for climate conference on doctors’ orders while recovering from flu

But Francis is pushing ahead with this trip, originally planned for 2020 but postponed because of COVID-19. He’s bringing along his medical team of a doctor and two nurses and taking the usual health precautions on the ground. But in a novelty, he’s adding his personal secretaries into the traditional Vatican delegation of cardinals, bishops and security.

The long trip recalls the globetrotting travels of St. John Paul II, who visited all four destinations during his quarter-century pontificate, though East Timor was an occupied part of Indonesia at the time of his landmark 1989 trip.

By retracing John Paul’s steps, Francis is reinforcing the importance that Asia has for the Catholic Church, since it’s one of the few places where the church is growing in terms of baptized faithful and religious vocations. And he is highlighting that the complex region also embodies some of his core priorities as pope – an emphasis on interreligious and intercultural dialogue, care for the environment and insistence on the spiritual component of economic development.

Here is a look at the trip and some of the issues that are likely to come up, with the Vatican’s relations with China ever-present in the background in a region where Beijing wields enormous influence.

Francis loves gestures of interfaith fraternity and harmony, and there could be no better symbol of religious tolerance at the start of his trip than the underground “Tunnel of Friendship” linking Indonesia’s main Istiqlal mosque to the country’s Catholic cathedral.

Francis will visit the underpass in central Jakarta with the grand imam, Nasaruddin Umar, before both partake in an interfaith gathering and sign a joint declaration.

Francis has made improving Christian-Muslim relations a priority, and has often used his foreign travels to promote his agenda of committing religious leaders to work for peace and tolerance, and renounce violence in God’s name.

Indonesia is home to the world’s largest Muslim population and has enshrined religious freedom in its constitution, officially recognizing six religions — Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Protestantism and Catholicism. Francis is likely to highlight this tradition of religious tolerance and celebrate it as a message for the broader world.

“If we are able to create a kind of collaboration between each other, that could be a great strength of the Indonesian nation,” the imam said in an interview.

Papua New Guinea

Francis was elected pope in 2013 largely on the strength of an extemporaneous speech he delivered to his fellow cardinals in which he said the Catholic Church needed to go to the “peripheries” to reach those who need God’s comfort the most. When Francis travels deep into the jungles of Papua New Guinea, he will be fulfilling one of the marching orders he set out for the future pope on the eve of his own election.

Few places are as remote, peripheral and poverty-wracked as Vanimo, a northern coastal town on the main island of New Guinea. There Francis will meet with missionaries from his native Argentina who are working to bring Christianity to a largely tribal people who still practice pagan traditions alongside the Catholic faith.

“If we suspend our preconceptions, even in tribal cultures we can find human values close to Christian ideals,” Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, who heads the Vatican’s missionary evangelization office and is part of the Vatican delegation, told the Fides missionary news agency.

Francis will likely reflect on the environmental threats to vulnerable and poor places like Papua New Guinea, such as deep sea mining and climate change, while also pointing to the diversity of its estimated 10 million people who speak some 800 languages but are prone to tribal conflicts.

When John Paul visited East Timor in 1989, he sought to console its overwhelmingly Catholic population who had suffered under Indonesia’s brutal and bloody occupation for 15 years already.

“For many years now, you have experienced destruction and death as a result of conflict; You have known what it means to be the victims of hatred and struggle,” John Paul told the faithful during a seaside Mass in Tasi-Toli, near Dili.

“I pray that those who have responsibility for life in East Timor will act with wisdom and good will towards all, as they search for a just and peaceful resolution of present difficulties,” he said then in a direct challenge to Indonesia.

READ MORE: Pope Francis to visit East Timor as church sex abuse scandals there are met by silence

It would take another decade for the United Nations to organize a referendum on Timor’s independence, after which Indonesia responded with a scorched-earth campaign that left the former Portuguese colony devastated. East Timor emerged as an independent country in 2002, but still bears the trauma and scars of an occupation that left as many as 200,000 people dead — nearly a quarter of the population.

Francis will literally walk in John Paul’s footsteps when he celebrates Mass on the same seaside esplanade as that 1989 liturgy, which some see as a key date in the Timorese independence movement.

“That Mass with the pope was a very strong, very important moment for Timor’s identity,” said Giorgio Bernardelli, editor of AsiaNews, the missionary news agency. “It also in many ways put the spotlight on the drama that Timor was living for the international community.”

Another legacy that will confront Francis is that of the clergy sexual abuse scandal: Revered independence hero and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo was secretly sanctioned by the Vatican in 2020 for sexually abusing young boys.

There is no word on whether Francis will refer to Belo, who is still revered in East Timor but has been barred by the Vatican from ever returning.

Francis has used several of his foreign trips to send messages to China, be they direct telegrams of greetings when he flies through Chinese airspace or more indirect gestures of esteem, friendship and fraternity to the Chinese people when nearby.

Francis’ visit to Singapore, where three-quarters of the population is ethnically Chinese and Mandarin is an official language, will give him yet another opportunity to reach out to Beijing as the Vatican seeks improved ties for the sake of China’s estimated 12 million Catholics.

“It’s a faithful people, who lived through a lot and remained faithful,” Francis told the Chinese province of his Jesuit order in a recent interview.

The trip comes a month before the Vatican is set to renew a landmark 2018 agreement governing bishop nominations.

Just last week, the Vatican reported its “satisfaction” that China had officially recognized Tianjin Bishop Melchior Shi Hongzhen, who as far as the Vatican is concerned had actually taken over as bishop in 2019. The Holy See said China’s official recognition of him under civil law now was “a positive fruit of the dialogue established over the years between the Holy See and the Chinese government.”

But by arriving in Singapore, a regional economic powerhouse which maintains good relations with both China and the United States, Francis is also stepping into a protracted maritime dispute as China has grown increasingly assertive with its presence in the South China Sea.

AP writers Edna Tarigan in Jakarta, Indonesia and David Rising in Bangkok contributed.

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Guernsey Press

Pope’s trip to Asia and Oceania presents several challenges

Francis will clock 20,390 air miles during his September 2-13 visit to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.

how to present extempore speech

Pope Francis’ upcoming trip to Asia and Oceania is the longest, farthest and most challenging of his pontificate.

He is bringing along his secretaries to help him navigate the four-country programme while keeping up with work back home.

Francis will clock 20,390 miles by air during his September 2-13 visit to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore, far surpassing any of his previous 44 foreign trips and notching one of the longest papal trips ever, both in terms of days on the road and distances travelled.

That is no small feat for a pope who turns 88 in December, uses a wheelchair, lost part of a lung to a respiratory infection as a young man and had to cancel his last foreign trip at the last minute (to Dubai in November to participate in the UN climate conference) on doctors’ orders.

But Francis is pushing ahead with this trip, originally planned for 2020 but postponed because of Covid-19.

The long trip recalls the globetrotting travels of St John Paul II, who visited all four destinations during his quarter-century pontificate, though East Timor was an occupied part of Indonesia at the time of his landmark 1989 trip.

By retracing John Paul’s steps, Francis is reinforcing the importance that Asia has for the Catholic Church, since it’s one of the few places where the church is growing in terms of baptised faithful and religious vocations.

And he is highlighting that the complex region also embodies some of his core priorities as pope – an emphasis on interreligious and intercultural dialogue, care for the environment and insistence on the spiritual component of economic development.

Here is a look at the trip and some of the issues that are likely to come up, with the Vatican’s relations with China ever-present in the background in a region where Beijing wields enormous influence.

Francis loves gestures of interfaith fraternity and harmony, and there could be no better symbol of religious tolerance at the start of his trip than the underground Tunnel of Friendship linking Indonesia’s main Istiqlal mosque to the country’s Catholic cathedral.

Pope Asia

Francis has made improving Christian-Muslim relations a priority, and has often used his foreign travels to promote his agenda of committing religious leaders to work for peace and tolerance, and renounce violence in God’s name.

Papua New Guinea

Francis was elected pope in 2013 largely on the strength of an extemporaneous speech he delivered to his fellow cardinals in which he said the Catholic Church needed to go to the “peripheries” to reach those who need God’s comfort the most.

When Francis travels deep into the jungles of Papua New Guinea, he will be fulfilling one of the marching orders he set out for the future pope on the eve of his own election.

Few places are as remote, peripheral and poverty-wracked as Vanimo, a northern coastal town on the main island of New Guinea.

There Francis will meet with missionaries from his native Argentina who are working to bring Christianity to a largely tribal people who still practice pagan traditions alongside the Catholic faith.

When John Paul visited East Timor in 1989, he sought to console its overwhelmingly Catholic population who had suffered under Indonesia’s brutal and bloody occupation for 15 years already.

“For many years now, you have experienced destruction and death as a result of conflict; You have known what it means to be the victims of hatred and struggle,” John Paul told the faithful during a seaside Mass in Tasi-Toli, near Dili.

“I pray that those who have responsibility for life in East Timor will act with wisdom and good will towards all, as they search for a just and peaceful resolution of present difficulties,” he said then in a direct challenge to Indonesia.

Pope Asia

East Timor emerged as an independent country in 2002, but still bears the trauma and scars of an occupation that left as many as 200,000 people dead — nearly a quarter of the population.

Francis will literally walk in John Paul’s footsteps when he celebrates Mass on the same seaside esplanade as that 1989 liturgy, which some see as a key date in the Timorese independence movement.

Another legacy that will confront Francis is that of the clergy sexual abuse scandal: Revered independence hero and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo was secretly sanctioned by the Vatican in 2020 for sexually abusing young boys.

There is no word on whether Francis will refer to Belo, who is still revered in East Timor but has been barred by the Vatican from ever returning.

Francis has used several of his foreign trips to send messages to China, be they direct telegrams of greetings when he flies through Chinese airspace or more indirect gestures of esteem, friendship and fraternity to the Chinese people when nearby.

Francis’ visit to Singapore, where three-quarters of the population is ethnically Chinese and Mandarin is an official language, will give him yet another opportunity to reach out to Beijing as the Vatican seeks improved ties for the sake of China’s estimated 12 million Catholics.

“It’s a faithful people, who lived through a lot and remained faithful,” Francis told the Chinese province of his Jesuit order in a recent interview.

The trip comes a month before the Vatican is set to renew a landmark 2018 agreement governing bishop nominations.

Just last week, the Vatican reported its “satisfaction” that China had officially recognised Tianjin Bishop Melchior Shi Hongzhen, who as far as the Vatican is concerned had actually taken over as bishop in 2019.

The Holy See said China’s official recognition of him under civil law now was “a positive fruit of the dialogue established over the years between the Holy See and the Chinese government”.

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Visa waivers needed before travelling to Europe next year News | Aug 29

Bid to cut proposed rise in minimum wage by half News | 19 hours ago

In a surprise appearance, Oprah rallies the Democratic convention

In a rousing speech in Chicago, where she spent decades hosting her TV show, Oprah Winfrey rallied Democrats behind Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, telling a packed convention hall that "this election isn't about us and them. It's about you and me and what we want our futures to look like."

Her speech heaped praise on Harris and Walz, saying, "Common sense tells you that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz can give us decency and respect."

But Winfrey also threw in a few digs at former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, with a reference to Vance's 2021 remark about "childless cat ladies" running the Democratic Party.

"Despite what some would have you think, we are not so different from our neighbors. When a house is on fire, we don't ask about the homeowner's race or religion. We don't wonder who their partner is or how they voted. No, we just try to do the best we can to save them," she said, adding, "And if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady, well, we try to get that cat out, too."

She went on to reflect on Harris' life and her path to the Democratic nomination, telling a fired-up crowd, "At school and at home, somebody did a beautiful job showing this young girl how to challenge the people at the top and empower the people at the bottom."

"Soon, and very soon," Winfrey continued, "we're going to be teaching our daughters and sons about how this child of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father ... about how this child grew up to become the 47th president of the United States."

Winfrey has been involved in Democratic politics for years, most recently backing Joe Biden and Harris in 2020 and endorsing Democrats like Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania in key Senate races in 2022.

In her address Wednesday, she also paid homage to leading Black women who came before her and Harris, telling the story of Tessie Prevost Williams, who died last month , and the rest of the "New Orleans Four" — children who integrated the New Orleans school system in 1960.

"Tessie passed away six weeks ago, and I tell the story to honor her tonight," Winfrey said, before she linked Prevost Williams to Harris' experience going to school in California.

"[The New Orleans Four] broke barriers, and they paid dearly for it," she said. "But it was the grace and guts and courage of women like Tessie Prevost Williams that paved the way for another young girl who, nine years later, became part of the second class to integrate the public schools in Berkeley, California."

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Alexandra Marquez is a politics reporter for NBC News.

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Powell may use Jackson Hole speech to hint at how fast and how far the Fed could cut rates


FILE Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell takes a break during the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium near Moran in Grand Teton National Park, Wyo., Aug. 25, 2023. (AP Photo/Amber Baesler)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal Reserve officials have said they’re increasingly confident that they’ve nearly tamed inflation . Now, it’s the health of the job market that’s starting to draw their concern.

With inflation cooling toward its 2% target, the pace of hiring slowing and the unemployment rate edging up , the Fed is poised to cut its benchmark interest rate next month from its 23-year high. How fast it may cut rates after that, though, will be determined mainly by whether employers keep hiring. A lower Fed benchmark rate would eventually lead to lower rates for auto loans, mortgages and other forms of consumer borrowing.

Chair Jerome Powell will likely provide some hints about how the Fed sees the economy and what its next steps may be in a high-profile speech Friday in Jackson Hole, Wyoming , at the Fed’s annual conference of central bankers . It’s a platform that Powell and his predecessors have often used to signal changes in their thinking or approach.

Powell will likely indicate that the Fed has grown more confident that inflation is headed back to the 2% target, which it has long said would be necessary before rate cuts would begin.


Economists generally agree that the Fed is getting closer to conquering high inflation, which brought financial pain to millions of households beginning three years ago as the economy rebounded from the pandemic recession. Few economists, though, think Powell or any other Fed official is prepared to declare “mission accomplished.”

“I don’t think that the Fed has to fear inflation,” said Tom Porcelli, U.S. chief economist at PGIM Fixed Income. “At this point, it’s right that the Fed is now more focused on labor versus inflation. Their policy is calibrated for inflation that is much higher than this.”

Still, how fast the Fed cuts rates in the coming months will depend on what the economic data shows. After the government reported this month that hiring in July was much less than expected and that the jobless rate reached 4.3% , the highest in three years, stock prices plunged for two days on fears that the U.S. might fall into a recession. Some economists began speculating about a half-point Fed rate cut in September and perhaps another identical cut in November.

But healthier economic reports last week, including another decline in inflation and a robust gain in retail sales , have largely dispelled those concerns. Wall Street traders now expect three quarter-point Fed cuts in September, November and December, though in December it’s nearly a coin-toss between a quarter- and a half-point cut. Mortgage rates have already started to decline in anticipation of a rate reduction.

A half-point Fed rate cut in September would become more likely if there were signs of a further slowdown in hiring, some officials have said. The next jobs report will be issued on Sept. 6, after the Jackson Hole conference but before the Fed’s next meeting in mid-September.

Raphael Bostic, president of the Fed’s Atlanta branch, said in an interview Monday with The Associated Press that “evidence of accelerating weakness in labor markets may warrant a more rapid move, either in terms of the increments of movement or the speed at which we try to get back” to a level of rates that no longer restricts the economy.

Even if hiring stays solid, the Fed is set to cut rates this year given the steady progress that’s been made on inflation, economists say. Last week, the government said consumer prices rose just 2.9% in July from a year ago, the smallest such increase in more than three years.

Bostic noted that the economy has changed from just a couple of months ago, when he was suggesting that a rate cut might not be necessary until the final three months of the year.

“I’ve got more confidence that we are likely to get to our target for inflation,” he said. “And we’ve seen labor markets weaken considerably relative to where they were” last year. “We might need to shift our policy stance sooner than I would have thought before.”

Both Bostic and Austan Goolsbee, president of the Fed’s Chicago branch, say that with inflation falling, inflation-adjusted interest rates — which are what many businesses and investors pay most attention to — are rising even as inflation has slowed. When the Fed first set its key rate at its current 5.3%, inflation — excluding volatile energy and food costs — was 4.7%. Now, it’s just 3.2%.

“Our policies are getting tighter with every moment in that type of situation,” Bostic said. “We have to be concerned” that rates are so high they could cause an economic slowdown.

Still, Bostic said that for now, the job market and the economy appear mostly healthy, and he still expects a “soft landing,” whereby inflation falls back to the Fed’s 2% target without a recession occurring.

With the economy’s outlook unclear and the Fed focusing heavily on what future data shows, there may be only so much Powell will be able to say Friday about the central bank’s next steps.

Given the Fed’s focus on how the economic data comes in, “it will be difficult for Powell to pre-commit to a particular trajectory at Jackson Hole,” Matthew Luzzetti, chief U.S. economist at Deutsche Bank, said in a research note.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Endorses Trump and Suspends His Independent Bid for President

Mr. Kennedy said he will remove his name from the ballot in battleground states, so as not to be a spoiler.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Suspends Presidential Campaign

Robert f. kennedy jr. announced he was suspending his troubled independent campaign for the presidency, and endorsed donald j. trump..

In my heart, I no longer believe that I have a realistic path to electoral victory. So I cannot in good conscience ask my staff and volunteers to keep working their long hours, or ask my donors to keep giving when I cannot honestly tell them that I have a real path to the White House. I want everyone to know that I am not terminating my campaign. I am simply suspending it and not ending it. My name will remain on the ballot in most states. My joining the Trump campaign will be a difficult sacrifice for my wife and children, but worthwhile if there’s even a small chance of saving these kids. Most unifying theme for all Americans is that we all love our children. If we all unite around that issue now, we can finally give them the protection, the health and the future that they deserve.

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By Rebecca Davis O’Brien Simon J. Levien and Jonathan Swan

  • Aug. 23, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. threw his support behind former President Donald J. Trump on Friday after suspending his troubled independent campaign for president, saying he was withdrawing his name from the ballot in battleground states and that Mr. Trump had “asked to enlist me” in his second administration.

He announced his plans in a speech in Phoenix that also castigated the mainstream media and accused the Democratic Party of “abandoning democracy” and engaging in “legal warfare” against him and Mr. Trump.

Campaigning in Las Vegas, Mr. Trump expressed delight with Mr. Kennedy’s decision. “That’s big,” he said. “He’s a great guy, respected by everybody.” On Friday evening, Mr. Kennedy spoke at a rally for Mr. Trump in Arizona.

Mr. Kennedy’s decision to back Mr. Trump, in the final months before a closely fought general election, was a remarkable twist for the scion of a Democratic political dynasty. A longtime Democrat, Mr. Kennedy renounced his party, whose leaders in turn accused him of running as a stalking horse for Mr. Trump.

In his remarks, Mr. Kennedy, 70, said he had pledged to leave the race if he “became a spoiler” — a candidate with no path to victory who could nonetheless alter the outcome of the election. “In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory, in the face of this relentless, systematic censorship and media control,” he said.

“Our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in battleground states, I would most likely hand the election to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on most existential issues,” he said.

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How to Deliver a Perfect Extemporaneous Speech: Tips, Tricks & Topics

  • The Speaker Lab
  • June 8, 2024

Table of Contents

Extemporaneous speech is essential for anyone who wants to be a public speaking superstar. Instead of reciting every word from memory, you get to speak off-the-cuff and really connect with your audience. Your personality gets to shine, and the best part is, you don’t have to be a natural-born speaker to achieve this.

In this post, we’ll break down the key elements of effective impromptu speaking and share actionable tips to help you hone your skills. From developing a clear structure to using body language to reinforce your points, you’ll learn how to speak with authority and authenticity. Whether you’re a seasoned toastmaster or a new to the speaking scene, these strategies will help you connect with your audience and make a lasting impact. Get ready to take your speaking skills to the next level!

What Is An Extemporaneous Speech?

Extemporaneous speech is a form of speech that involves speaking with limited or no preparation time. Typically, you rely on your knowledge of the topic and your ability to organize your thoughts quickly. When you step on stage, you might have a general idea of what you want to say, but the exact words come to you in the moment.

Advantages of Extemporaneous Speech

Because you aren’t trying to remember lines or find your place in your script, extemporaneous speaking is a great way to engage your audience and show off your public speaking skills. Eye contact, hand gestures , and reacting to the crowd’s energy make your speech feel genuine and captivating.

Extemporaneous speaking can also help you become a better public speaker overall. When you have to think on your feet, you learn how to organize your thoughts quickly and communicate your ideas clearly. This skill can come in handy in all sorts of situations, from job interviews to networking events.

How to Prepare for an Extemporaneous Speech

Just because extemporaneous speeches involve limited preparation time doesn’t mean you should wing it entirely. Instead, there are a few key steps you can take to set yourself up for success.

Researching Your Topic

First and foremost, you need to know your stuff. Even if you only have a few minutes to prepare, taking the time to research your topic can make a big difference. Look for key facts, statistics, and examples that you can use to support your points.

If you’re given a prompt or question to answer, make sure you understand it fully. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if needed. The more you know about your topic, the easier it will be to speak about it confidently.

Creating an Outline

You’ve put in the legwork, now it’s time to connect the dots. An outline is the key for keeping your speech tight and on-point. Start with your main points, then sprinkle in supporting facts and relatable examples to really hammer your message home. Although it might seem like extra work, a little structure goes a long way.

Keep in mind that your outline doesn’t need to be super detailed. A few bullet points or key phrases can be enough to jog your memory and keep you on track. The goal is to have a roadmap to follow, not a word-for-word script.

Practicing Your Delivery

Finally, don’t forget to practice. Even if you don’t have time to memorize your speech, running through it a few times can help you feel more confident and prepared. Focus on speaking clearly, making eye contact, and using gestures to emphasize your points.

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Tips for Delivering an Effective Extemporaneous Speech

You’ve done the work of researching, outlining, and rehearsing your extemporaneous speech. Now it’s showtime. Here are some quick tips to make sure you deliver a knockout performance.

Engaging Your Audience

Extemporaneous speaking gives you an incredible opportunity to bond with your listeners. As you speak, try to make eye contact with individuals in the audience. Smile warmly and use natural gestures to underscore your points. Keep your audience interested by varying your tone and pace throughout your speech.

If you notice your audience starting to tune out, don’t be afraid to switch things up. Ask a question, tell a story, or use a visual aid to re-engage them. The more you can involve your audience in your speech, the more impactful it will be.

Using Appropriate Vocabulary

When you’re speaking off the cuff, it can be tempting to use big words or jargon to sound smart. But in reality, using simple, clear language is often more effective. Avoid using words that your audience might not understand and focus on getting your point across in a way that everyone can follow.

In addition, use expressive language to really draw your readers in. The more vivid the description, the easier it’ll be for them to picture what you’re saying—and that means they’ll be hooked on every word.

Maintaining a Conversational Tone

One of the keys to effective extemporaneous speaking is sounding natural and conversational. Avoid reading from your notes or sounding like you’re reciting a memorized script. Instead, try to speak as if you’re having a one-on-one conversation with your audience. Additionally, use contractions, ask rhetorical questions, and don’t be afraid to show your personality. The more authentic and relatable you sound, the more your audience will connect with you and your message.

Handling Nerves

Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, especially when you’re speaking off the cuff. But there are a few things you can do to calm your nerves and project confidence.

Kick off your talk by consciously slowing your breathing. Inhale deeply, hold it for a beat, then let it out gradually. Repeat this a few times to lower your heart rate and soothe your anxiety.

Next, try to reframe your nerves as excitement. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, think about the opportunity to share your ideas and connect with your audience. With a little practice and preparation, you’ll be able to handle your nerves like a pro.

Common Extemporaneous Speech Topics

Now that you know how to prepare and deliver an extemporaneous speech, let’s talk about some common topics you might encounter.

Political Issues

From healthcare to immigration, political issues are a common topic for extemporaneous speeches. If you’re asked to speak about a political issue, try to focus on the facts and avoid getting too partisan. Use reliable sources to back up your points and be prepared to answer questions from the audience.

Social Concerns

Social issues like poverty, education, and discrimination are another common topic for extemporaneous speeches. When speaking about social concerns, try to focus on solutions rather than just problems. Use examples and statistics to illustrate your points and be prepared to discuss the potential impact of your ideas.

Environmental Matters

From climate change to conservation, environmental issues are a hot topic for extemporaneous speeches. When speaking about the environment, try to focus on the science and avoid getting too political. Use reliable sources to back up your points and be prepared to discuss the potential impact of your ideas on both the environment and society as a whole.

Technological Advancements

From artificial intelligence to space exploration, technological advancements are a fascinating topic for extemporaneous speeches. When speaking about technology, try to focus on the potential benefits and drawbacks for society. In addition, use examples and analogies to help your audience understand complex concepts and be prepared to discuss the ethical implications of new technologies.

Extemporaneous Speaking in Different Contexts

Extemporaneous speaking is a powerful tool in your communication arsenal. It’s not just for those high-pressure moments on stage or at the podium. Rather, this skill can come in clutch whether you’re raising your hand in class or pitching a game-changing idea to your colleagues.

Academic Settings

Picture this: you’re in class, and suddenly, you’re asked to share your thoughts on a topic. Giving your answer is extemporaneous speaking in action. In these situations, it’s essential to focus on the facts and back up your ideas with solid sources. Don’t be afraid to use examples to paint a clearer picture for your classmates and professor.

If people start asking you questions, don’t worry! Questions are a good thing because they show that people are engaged with what you’re saying. So embrace the opportunity to speak off-the-cuff and let your knowledge shine.

Business Presentations

In the business world, extemporaneous speaking is often used for pitches, meetings, and networking events. When speaking in a business context, try to focus on the benefits of your ideas and use data to back up your points. Be prepared to answer questions from your colleagues and clients and use storytelling to make your ideas more memorable.

Special Occasions

From weddings to funerals, extemporaneous speaking is often called for on special occasions. When speaking at a special event, try to focus on the emotions of the moment and use personal anecdotes to connect with your audience. In addition, be prepared to adapt your message to the tone of the event and use humor or sentiment as appropriate.

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Improving Your Extemporaneous Speaking Skills

While extemporaneous speaking may seem daunting at first, there are several ways to improve your skills. Embrace these methods, and you’ll soon find yourself delivering off-the-cuff remarks with ease and authority.

Joining Speech Clubs

One of the best ways to improve your extemporaneous speaking skills is to join a speech club like Toastmasters. These clubs provide a supportive environment where you can practice your skills, get feedback from other speakers, and learn from more experienced members. Plus, they’re a great way to network and build your confidence.

Participating in Speech Contests

Ready to take your speaking skills to the next level? Then try your hand at a speech contest. In these contests, you’ll have the chance to compete against other passionate speakers, get valuable feedback straight from the judges, and really challenge yourself to be the best speaker you can be. Although it can be a high-pressure environment, it can also help you grow your speaking skills significantly.

Seeking Feedback

Finally, don’t be afraid to seek feedback from others. Whether it’s from a mentor, a colleague, or a friend, getting an outside perspective can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your skills. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to grow as a speaker.

Analyzing Successful Speakers

To level up your speaking game, study the greats. Whether you’re watching videos of iconic speeches or sitting in the front row of a live event, pay close attention to what makes each speaker so effective. Maybe it’s their confident body language, their clever use of jokes, or the way they weave in personal stories. Whatever it is, jot it down and experiment with incorporating those elements into your own presentations.

Transforming into a powerful extemporaneous speaker is a process that demands patience and perseverance. So embrace the challenge, learn from your experiences, and watch as your ability to connect with audiences in any context flourishes.

FAQs in Relation to Extemporaneous Speech

What are extemporaneous speeches.

Extemporaneous speeches blend prep with spontaneity. Speakers outline main points, using note cards for reference, not memorization.

What’s the difference between impromptu and extemporaneous speech?

Impromptu speaking is totally on-the-fly, no notes or prep. Extemporaneous involves some planning and key points but still allows room for natural delivery.

What is an example of delivering extemporaneous speech?

An executive sharing a project update at an unexpected meeting, leaning on prepared stats but weaving in real-time feedback from colleagues.

What are the rules for extemporaneous speeches?

In contests, you’re allowed brief preparation time to organize thoughts around provided topics. Use bullet points or outlines onstage—no full scripts allowed.

Extemporaneous speech is a powerful tool that can transform the way you connect with your audience. Preparing thoroughly and practicing regularly are essential, but don’t forget to be yourself. Conviction in your knowledge and heartfelt words will allow your distinctive voice to resonate with others. Keep at it, and before long, you’ll be expressing yourself effortlessly, confidently, and powerfully.

So, are you ready to inspire your audience with your words and presence? By embracing the tips and strategies we’ve covered, you’ll be well on your way to delivering speeches that resonate, inspire, and leave a lasting impact. You’ve got the power to captivate and motivate—now go out there and own it!

  • Last Updated: June 4, 2024

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How to Speak Extemporaneously

Last Updated: September 15, 2021

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. This article has been viewed 58,272 times.

Extemporaneous speaking, also known as "Extemp", is a competitive speech event usually found in high school and university settings. It is a way of testing one's "on-your-feet" thinking and delivery skills. Students must speak about a current topic that has been chosen half an hour before appearing before the audience to discuss the topic. Usually articles will be left in the preparation room, to enable the speaker to draw additional information in putting the speech together. Extemporaneous speaking is generally divided into the two categories: US and International.

Step 1 Go into the draw room.

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • Smile. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Look sharp. Wear a suit or other nice outfit. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • A great way to practice is to draw topics out of a bin and have someone watch and time you. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Going overtime on a speech will cause you to lose points. Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 3
  • Remember: do not rely on a note card. Many meets (including sectionals, state, and national) do not allow you to use one during your speech. Those that do allow a note card allow a maximum of 50 words on your note card. Some judges will even ask to see your note card and will count the number of words, although this is rare. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • No electronic devices are allowed in the prep room at most competitions. Check your state rule books, some allow for computers with stored files, as long as they are dissociated from any wifi or internet access. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure to rid your file box of illegal materials (previous outlines, uncopyrighted sources, tip sheets, etc) before entering the prep room. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Watch out for bad judges, and report any improper etiquette or behaviors to your tab room. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

Things You'll Need

  • A suit. For girls, this can be a skirt, nice shirt and blazer, or set with pants. Heels help put together an outfit but make sure they're comfortable enough to be walking in all day.
  • Note card (optional)
  • Draw room (where you draw the question)

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Extempore – Tips & Tricks To Be Successful

Written by   rachit agrawal , mba.

how to present extempore speech

Extempore is a speech given at the spur of the moment without any prior preparation. At times there are few minutes given to prepare for a topic like 2-3 mins, usually, that is not the case. Extempore is conducted to understand various points from a candidate and hence has a lot of challenges. 

Just like any other task that we understand the reason it is performed, let us consider the various challenges that Extempore throws at us. Given below are the challenges of extempore.

  • Instantaneous thinking: Since the candidate is compelled to speak that the moment, a candidate should think, organize the thoughts and start talking. Here this is the test. It is a great challenge to come up with talking in that short period.
  • Analysis of the topic: Always analyze what the topic is explaining. Do not assume something nearest to it in cases that you do not understand.
  • Identification of the issue: On analyzing the topic if there exists any issue to be addressed, then note it down clearly. Always check again and get the main issue to be spoken about. There are chances a candidate gets diverted hence stick to the main point.
  • Idea generation: This is the biggest challenge of all. Come up with the most explicit ideas for the topic. This can be achieved from time to time reading and being aware of various things around the world. 
  • Prioritizing and sequence the logical points: Yes, I agree that speaking logical points in a certain time period is important but it is also very important as to how the points are prioritized and placed in order. This is a really tricky part because there are chances one might lose the track while talking. This is dependant on one’s perception in the case of abstract topics. Hence, one must be careful while stating their opinions as they can be judged crucially and one main help is never getting political.
  • Ability to connect with the audience: No matter how good one’s content is, it is important to connect with the listeners and always keep them engaged. If you fail to do this, then the extempore is out of your hands. Also with the very short time period, it is a challenge to connect but that all depends on how engaging the content is.
  • Communication skills: This is the most important and primary part of an extempore. Keep the vocabulary game up and be fluent. It is important to keep your energy levels high to make your content interesting bring the audience’s attention.
  • Overall presentation skills: In addition to all the above points, one must be confident, maintain a good body posture and have a good composure. This shall drastically improve the whole extempore presentation. 

Check Out: How to improve your English language skills

Table of Contents

Tips and Tricks For A Successful an Extempore

  • Always practice extempore with various other topics. This will help you work with the time without panicking to list points, arrange it and deliver it. 
  • If there is any time where you get blank, try to move around or make some movements in sync to avoid the nervousness. 
  • Do not get emotional while giving your speech and never get into too many personal details. 
  • In case of controversial topics, and in case of difficulty to choose any one side always be neutral and talk on behalf of both sides. But, of course, you do have to keep the time in mind and not make it too lengthy. 

One of the most important is to give small examples here and there and make it more interesting. These shall help you ace the extempore of course with the practice. 

Extempore Meaning

Extempore is a Latin word which means  “Out of the Moment” ; in other words, we can say  ‘at the time.’  For example, a speech delivered at the moment without any script, a judgment was given by a judge instantly after the hearing, a person spent 1000 instead of 500 as he planed is Extempore. In Countries like Australia, medium-level courts tend to give many extempore decisions because of the heavy load of cases.

When a person tries to speak freely, they tend to engage the audience more, and the audience takes more interest, and also it gives the weightage and credibility to their words. 

Extempore topics for class 8th

When a person tries to speak freely, it helps to increase their  Confidence level  and also help overcome their stage fear and public speaking. This usually helps the children to  speak their heart out  without hiding what they feel.

Some of the extempore topics:

  • Dogs are better pets than cats.
  • Video games are not evil.
  • Women Empowerment.
  • If I could design a school
  • I-Phone Vs. Android.
  • Why is junk food bad?
  • Why are outdoor games good?
  • Driving over the speed limit.
  • Why is social media important?

Extempore topics for class 9th and 10th

  • The need for vocational education in India
  • The significance of a person’s handwriting
  • Combating Terrorism
  • Privatization of Universities
  • The Problem of Unemployment
  • Reservation in India
  • Today’s youth is wiser than their forefathers
  • Is education educating us?
  • Importance of Social Media in a Democracy
  • All that glitters is not gold

Extempore Topics for MBA

Extempore allows you to explore a wide range of themes. They might range from general knowledge to current events. Having a rough grasp of the articles that are frequently discussed will help you perform miracles in extempore. Some of the most crucial extempore speech themes for MBAs are listed here. grouped into subheadings to give a clear picture of the subjects covered:

Current Affair Extempore Topics for MBA

  • Online Education
  • Impact of Covid-19
  • Work from Home – Pros and Cons
  • New Education Policy
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Recent Initiative by the Government
  • Citizenship Amendment Act
  • Data theft by social media platforms
  • Make in India vs Make for India
  • Goods and Services Tax
  • Negative Obsession with Artificial Intelligence

Economy Related Extempore Topics for MBA

  • How will the Economy Recover from Covid-19’s 
  • Globalization
  • Banking Frauds
  • Privatization
  • Impact of demonetization
  • Common currency in South Asia like in Europe
  • E – commerce discounts are harmful

Interesting Extempore Topics

  • Impact of technology on Jobs
  • Globalization & Indian Economy
  • Green marketing and climate change
  • Disaster Management in India
  • Cryptocurrency/ Bitcoin
  • IT: Boon or Bane
  • Why Individual Data Privacy is important?
  • Atmanirbhar Bharat
  • Free Speech

Social Issue Extempore Topics for MBA

  • Subsidy in the Fertilizer Sector
  • Covid-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Healthcare
  • Farm Bill 2020: Concerns, Issues
  • Covid-19 & Ensuring Public Health
  • Climate Justice
  • Unemployment in India
  • Rural Development
  • Global Terrorism
  • Reservations in India
  • Good economics is good politics
  • Social Media is making us un-social
  • Women Empowerment

Funny topics for Extempore

When a person tries to speak freely, it helps to increase their  Confidence level  and also help overcome their stage fear and public speaking. Speaking on Funny topics can be far more engaging and help the person bring the flavor of humor in their lives.

Some of the funny extempore topics: 

  • Blame your horoscope for why things went wrong
  • Why you should never take on a food challenge
  • Breakup insurance policy should be invented
  • Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
  • Why men shouldn’t wear skinny jeans
  • Vegetables have feelings – stop carrot cruelty
  • Camping: the fun and the not so fun
  • Why kids should make jokes in class
  • Why lying well can be helpful
  • Why I should marry Cameron Diaz
  • When nothing goes left, go right
  • Grown-ups are weird species
  • Blame your dog for things

Extempore Speech Topics

Extempore speech is a way to know and judge a person’s speaking skills, the flow of thoughts, way that you present your ideas. The way you approach a particular topic with or without its knowledge matters a lot and the relevant points that you speak.

These are some of the popular extempore speech topics:

  • Article 370, Alienated Kashmir
  • Mythology and Management
  • Zero v/s Sunya
  • Individual freedom and civil society
  • Indian Classical Music
  • Moon Mission- a success
  • Red v/s Blue
  • Orange is the new black

Benefits of Extempore Speech

These are some of the benefits of extempore speech:

  • Idea Generation
  • Ability to think on the spot
  • Communication skills
  • Increased Confidence 
  • One can develop logical and analytical thinking

Extempore Rules

Extempore is a Latin word which means  “Out of the Moment” ; in other words, we can say  ‘at the time.’  One should always remember that when speaking extemporaneously, one should follow a certain set of prescribed rules.

These are some of the rules one should follow.

  • Speak to the point, and irrelevant points attract negative marking.
  • Each participant gets a particular 2to5 minutes time slot to speak to put your points forward.
  • If the Time limit exceeds, marks can be deducted.
  • One should speak in a prescribed language may be English or Hindi or any other, switching in between to other language attracts negative marking.
  • Decision made by jury or judges is final.

Extempore Tips

To succeed in the Extempore round, one needs to follow certain tips that can be proved very helpful in your extempore speech. Always remember that extempore speech is only delivered on a random topic given to you, and the core purpose of giving you that is to see how aware are you and how patently you speak. 

Some tips to remember:

  • Topic Knowledge is not necessary, but the way you approach it matters.
  • Think first, then speak.
  • Frame outline, how to start- points to make- how to end.
  • Be Audible Enough.
  • No Bluff, irrelevant and unnecessary points attract negative points.
  • Remain Calm and Composed.
  • Conclude with a positive note.

How to prepare for Extempore

To succeed in the Extempore round, one needs to follow certain tips that can be proved very helpful in your extempore speech. Always remember that extempore speech is only delivered on a random topic given to you. Always remember to prepare previously used extempore topics. Practice makes a man perfect is not a mare phrase, but it always works, so one should always practice speaking on random topics.

These are some tips to prepare Extempore:

  • Always read Current affairs.
  • Think first, then organize everything that you know about the topic.

How to start an Extempore

Extempore speech is a way to know and judge a person’s speaking skills, the flow of thoughts, way that you present your ideas. So always try to speak relevant to the topic and do not stretch it as one has a limited period to speak for the topic.

There is no perfect way to start an Extempore, but the mention blow is one of the best ways to start an extempore:

  • Start with a quote, real-life experience, or example.
  • Always speak relevantly to the topic.
  • If you remember any quantitative data about the topic, mention it to justify your points. 
  • Stick only to the topic.
  • Be calm and composed.
  • End with a positive note.

How to conduct Extempore Competition

Ways to conduct extempore competition:

  • Preparation, list out a different topic which brings awareness, happiness, humor, and entertainment
  • Randomly, ask students to speak for 2 minutes on a topic chosen by him from the list
  • Feedback, for future betterment 

how to present extempore speech

Ans. Extempore is a speech given at the spur of the moment without any prior preparation. At times there are few minutes given to prepare for a topic like 2-3 mins, usually, that is not the case. Extempore is conducted to understand various points from a candidate and hence has a lot of challenges.

Ans. An extempore speech is an impromptu speech, the participant is given a topic and is given minute and he/she has to prepare and give there thought on it.

Ans. 1. To start an extempore speech, you can start with a quote, short story around the topic, this give a good kick start. 2. If you think you can’t think of anything, just quickly relate it to your life and go on. 3. As extempore is only for a couple of minutes, so people try to speak quickly.

Ans. There is no difference between impromptu and extempore, both are improvised without any prior preparation, planning, or rehearsal.

About the Author & Expert


Rachit Agrawal

Rachit believes in the power of education and has studied from the top institutes of iiit allahabad, iim calcutta, and francois rabelias in france. he has worked as software developer with microsoft and adobe. post his mba, he worked with the world's # 1 consulting firm, the boston consulting group across multiple geographies us, south-east asia and europe., related posts.

how to present extempore speech

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Extemporaneous Speech – Definition, Tips, List of 100 Topics.

24 May, 2020

15 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

Do you belong to that type of people who fear to speak on education topics in public? Then check our list of extemporaneous speech topics to get yourself started.

Extemporaneous Speech Topics

 Definition of Extemporaneous Speech

Extemporaneous Speech Topics

What is an extemporaneous speech you may ask? The essence of this type of speech lies in answering the question in a school assignment or tournament in front of the audience. In comparison to impromptu speech that requires zero time for topic preparation, extemporaneous speaking does allow us to take some time and take notes before entering the stage.

While giving a speech looks like a terrifying task, the art of extemporaneous delivery is not that hard to master. After all, there is a reliable essay writer , that can provide you with a brilliant text if you don’t know how to write an extemporaneous speech.

Extemporaneous Speech Tips

Extemporaneous Speech Tips

Stick to One Presentation Structure

For those who don’t know what is extemporaneous delivery – the answer is simple. It’s a natural ability to speak on a topic without or with little preliminary preparation for a speech. The best way to develop your extemporaneous style is to use a solid structure, like the SEE one. The abbreviation stands for statement, evidence, and emotion. This scheme is a useful tool for you to utilize when you need to speak extemporaneously during a speech. For example, when you’re asked to speak on your recent class project in an extemporaneous speech, divide your answer into blocks. First, provide a statement that tells about your success on the project. Then, give some evidence of your hard work on the task to back up your initial statement. Finally, appeal to emotion by sharing an interesting story associated with the project.

Tap into the Power of Extemporaneous Presentation Methods

There might be situations when you’ll feel uncomfortable speaking to a large – or not very – number of people. Your audience will sense this inner tension during the speech unless you find a way to maintain communication with them. One of the time-proven means of delivering an excellent speech is to be kind and speak nicely. Keep eye contact with people you talk to, smile naturally, and visually scan the audience to make them feel that you’re confident. Another great trick to use in case of confusion or oblivion during an extemporaneous speech is to create an intentional pause whenever you forget the text. This way, you’ll heat the interest of listeners for your speech even more.

Don’t Strive to Memorize Everything at Once

Learning texts by heart is a great practice anytime, except when it comes to giving an extemporaneous speech. Memorizing everything you want to pronounce in front of the audience will only distract you from what’s important – the message you want to speak on. You’ll only want to remember words from the notes instead of focusing on the essence of your speech.

Extemporaneous speaking is a skill that requires the ability to engage listeners to the topic and naturally discloses the idea with the mighty power of words. With little practice and devotion, you can make listeners genuinely interested in your personality and your manner of presenting any subject. If you have struggles defining your topic or keep asking “ can someone write my speech ?”, there are writing services that are ready to help. Stay confident, forget about fear, and strive to deliver the most memorable extemporaneous speech ever.

How to Prepare for Your Next Extemporaneous Speech in 3 Steps?

How to Prepare for Extemporaneous Speech in 3 Steps

Step 1 – Think of Your Topic

Before the speech starts, you will, in most cases, be given a subject to speak about. At this point, it’s more than important to choose the topic for a speech which is closer to you, or which you have a burning desire to speak on with others. Whether it’s connected with controversial issues or even socially disturbing ones, choose wisely and confidently.

Step 2 – Develop a Thesis Statement

A thesis is an essential element of any writing or speech piece. It’s a form of instruction that helps speakers better swim in the ocean of thoughts that spring to mind with regard to this or that extemporaneous speech topic. Write down, in two-three short sentences, what your feelings and opinions about the issue are. Then, reread your thesis and add some more information to speak about if necessary.

Step 3 – Practice in Advance

The practice is the key to success in any situation, and especially in cases when you’ll need to give an extemporaneous speech. Start with something as simple as speaking to yourself in the mirror. Try to observe the manner you speak, the body language you use, and if there are blind spots, fill them with more practice to avoid such mistakes. Alternatively, consider recording yourself to evaluate how good you speak and how decent your articulation is. Keep training until you are satisfied with the result.

3 Things You Should Not do While Presenting Your Extemporaneous Speech

Things You Should Not Do While Presenting Extemporaneous Speech

Don’t be Afraid of Your Audience

Your palms are probably sweating as you try to imagine how others will judge you or make premature conclusions when you speak to them during a speech. In reality, it’s just a delusion that lives in your head. Try to relax and enjoy the experience of being listened to.

Don’t Speak Fast

The human brain always needs some to process the information it receives while you speak. Accelerated speech makes it harder for listeners not only to digest your ideas but also to figure out what you want to say. To get away with nerves and calm down, it’s always a good idea to take a deep breath before you start an extemporaneous speech.

Don’t Pretend to be Smarter Than You Are

Many speakers make a huge mistake when they try to be experts in the topic, when in fact they’re not. Such an attitude to an extemporaneous speech will only diminish the trust of your audience that will otherwise detect your false intentions. Hence, be sincere with the public you speak to and take a personal stance on any topic you discuss during a speech .

Extemporaneous speaking is a skill that requires the ability to engage listeners to the topic and naturally discloses the idea with the mighty power of words. With little practice and devotion, you can make listeners genuinely interested in your personality and your manner of presenting any subject. If you have struggles defining your topic or keep asking “can someone write my speech?”, there are writing services that are ready to help. Stay confident, forget about fear, and strive to deliver the most memorable extemporaneous speech ever.

extemporaneous speech

To facilitate your work on a speech, we’ve prepared a list of 100 speech topics on a wide range of disciplines that’ll guide you in the right direction.

List Of 100 Speech Topics.

  • How can unequal conditions for different social classes be combated?
  • Should people be restricted by social rules and ethical codes, and why?
  • How has the environmental pollution worsened our quality of life?
  • Speak on why is apathy about politics more widespread now than in past decades?
  • Should the government constantly encourage people to convert waste into reusable material?
  • How can you foster environmental responsibility in your community?
  • What environmental issue keeps menacing the environment in America?
  • Tell us about yourself, and share some unusual trait that you have
  • Speak on the best day of your life. How did you feel then and why?
  • Tell the class about where you see your life in 10 years
  • Describe the ten best things you like about your city
  • What are the ten things you dislike about your school/ college?
  • An incident of your bravest act
  • A story from my life with a lesson and a message
  • Speak about who is your favorite author, and why?
  • Present a word portrait about one of your friends
  • Recall on the time when you had to give honest feedback
  • What is one thing that you think will make you successful?
  • Speak on a person who motivates you
  • Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
  • Why is Paris a unique place for traveling to?
  • What television show you think should be canceled, and why?
  • Speak on what is the best way to combat internet crime and piracy
  • Will the problem of water supply be the top geopolitical problem we will be ought to resolve?
  • Can workers do anything to resist automation?
  • Is big tech eroding American concerns about personal privacy?
  • Speak on your biggest concern for the future
  • Real wealth is never measured in money, what do you think about it?
  • How do you see the killing of animals that keep happening all over the world to produce food or other leather materials?
  • Do you believe in fate/ destiny?
  • What is the most useless invention do you think?
  • If you got a chance to choose between born as a boy or a girl, which one do you prefer?
  • Speak on how important communication is to you?
  • What is more important – skills or education?
  • Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, do you agree with it?
  • If you were extremely rich, what would you do with your money?
  • What goes around comes around, how would you explain it?
  • If you were a president, what would you do?
  • Do you want to live in a kingdom? Why?
  • If you could choose a country to live in, what country would it be?
  • Describe the happiest moment in your life
  • If you were an animal, what kind of animal do you want to be?
  • What could we do to save the earth?
  • Speak on why is it important to learn a second language
  • Should exams be replaced by other forms of testing performance?
  • Tell us what can we do to increase our patience?
  • How can world peace be achieved?
  • Every change should start with the man in the mirror, do you agree with it?
  • What is the meaning of life in the moment for you?
  • Should we cherish everything we have?
  • Which is more important do you think, being smart or beautiful?
  • Do you think the doomsday is real?
  • Speak about your favorite family tradition?
  • If you were alone on a lonely island, what would you do there?
  • How does technology affect our lives?
  • Can we reach our goals without working hard?
  • What does being fair mean for you?
  • Imagine how people will look like in 1000 years.
  • Actions speak louder than words, how do you see it?
  • Speak on whether smoking should be allowed in public places?
  • If your life was a movie, what title would you give it?
  • Speak on your biggest fear
  • Is it important to have a sense of humor?
  • What is your idea of a perfect job?
  • Speak about your role model?
  • What do you think being educated means?
  • Is it necessary to make plans before doing something?
  • Conservation is survival, do you agree with this statement?
  • What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
  •  All that glitters is not gold, explain it
  • If you had a chance to invent something useful, what would it be?
  • If you knew you only had 24 hours left to live, what would you do?
  • What does a family mean for you?
  • Speak on your idea of a perfect day?
  • Speak on whether it is a good idea to be a vegetarian?
  • Do you prefer tea or coffee? Why?
  • What is the biggest thing you’ve done that you’re proud of?
  • What do you think is a healthy lifestyle?
  • When you go for shopping, which one is more important for you, price or quality?
  •  People say the biggest challenge in life is discovering who you are, do you agree?
  • The world is full of nice people. In your own opinion, are you one of them?
  • When you are in a room full of people, do you mostly feel happy or lonely?
  • You are what you do, not what you say you will do. Do you agree?
  • If you could take a year off from school, what would you do?
  • Speak on what do your dreams mean to you
  • Explain the meaning of life for you
  • Do you think all people are selfish?
  • Speak on how can society affect your character
  • What are the benefits of homework?
  • Could final testing in senior high schools reflect your effort for the past few years?
  • Should hunting be illegal?
  • Is it right to ban fur clothing?
  • Speak on the ways to reduce homelessness
  • Should the death penalty be banned?
  • Do you think being a leader is easy?
  • Speak on what do you think your life purpose is
  • How do you start a conversation with a stranger?
  • What human quality do we need more of and why?
  • What do you miss most from your childhood?
  • Will life be better in the next century?

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4 Extemporaneous Speaking: The Basics

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of proper speech delivery by learning the key elements of extemporaneous speaking and the time it will take to deliver the well-developed speech.

Extemporaneous Speaking

Extemporaneous speaking is a fancy way of saying: delivering a well-prepared speech. Extemporaneous speaking is not delivering a monologue or a memorized speech. Public speaking students often fall into the trap of under-preparing and under-practicing their speeches. This results in an, “Oh! no! I am not prepared and now I must read this outline word-for-word and hope for the best.” However, the best does not come to fruition and students that engage in this practice are disappointed when they lose substantial points from their speech grade due to lack of preparation, practice, and reading word-for-word from an outline. Just – don’t – do -it.

Here are a few ways you can engage in extemporaneous speaking:

  • Know your speech topic
  • Research your topic
  • Create a timeline – research, writing, peer-review, practicing, editing, practicing again
  • Create note cards to guide your speech
  • Practice, practice, practice
  • connecting with your audience is key in extemporaneous speaking

Dialogue vs. Monologue

The first tenet of the dialogic perspective is that communication should be a dialogue and not a monologue. Lev Yakubinsky argued that even public speaking situations often turn into dialogues when audience members actively engage speakers by asking questions. He even claimed that nonverbal behavior (e.g., nodding one’s head in agreement or scowling) functions as feedback for speakers and contributes to a dialogue (Yakubinsky, 1997). Overall, if you approach your public speaking experience as a dialogue, you’ll be more actively engaged as a speaker and more attentive to how your audience is responding, which will, in turn, lead to more actively engaged audience members.

Build a Proper Timeline

  • To ensure you have enough time for the assignment, create a timeline that works for your schedule
  • Week 1 – Brainstorm your speech topic and conduct an audience analysis
  • Week 2 – Research, gather support, plan outline, and write a speech
  • Week 3 – Edit, peer-review, begin practicing your speech
  • Week 4 – Revise, practice, create note cards, create a visual aid, and refine your delivery

Speech making timeline

Building on This Information

As you progress through this course, you will revisit proper extemporaneous speaking, the use of outlining, proper use of notecards, and delivering a strong speech. It is important to note that your audience deserves a speech that is interesting, thoughtful, and well-rehearsed. The audience is listening to you as the credible speaker in the room; in order to remain credible and professional, you will want to deliver an extemporaneous speech.

Key Takeaways

Students will want to become familiar with extemporaneous speaking in order to work towards a speech delivery that relies on effective speech strategies and not reading word-for-word from an outline.

  • Extemporaneous speaking is a skill that public speaking students must hone in on before delivering their speech to an audience.
  • Students will want to plan ahead to deliver a strong speech in the informative and persuasive speech weeks of this course.
  • Creating a proper timeline will assist in delivering a well-developed extemporaneous speech.

Public Speaking Copyright © by Dr. Layne Goodman; Amber Green, M.A.; and Various is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Extempore Speech – Topics, Tips and Benefits

  • Public Speaking

What Is an Extempore Speech?

Key components of extempore speech, tips for extempore speech, why is extempore speech important, some more extempore speech tips and tricks, extempore speech topics.

  • What is the Importance of Learning Extemporaneous Speech?

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One can define extempore speech as an impromptu amalgamation of thoughts culminating into a self-composed speech, the topic for which one receives then and there. Extempore speech is typically used to gain a deeper knowledge of a participant’s many points but it also comes with a lot of problems.

No prior preparation for which is permissible. It won’t be wrong to say that catching hold over the art of delivering extempore speeches becomes the primary characteristic of a public speaker. Furthermore, being able to present the extempore topic to the audience without any proper preparation is a genuinely exceptional achievement.

How to Give a Good Extempore Speech?

To succeed in an extempore speech round, one needs to follow certain tips which can prove to be very helpful in your extempore speech. An extempore speech is always delivered on a random topic given. Always remember to prepare with some previously used extempore topics. We don’t say Practice makes a man perfect, just for the sake of it, it truly is so. One should always practice speaking on random topics. That is how we get an idea of a good extempore speech and its concoction.

Below are some checkpoints on giving a good extempore speech.

Know Your Direction

You’ve got to know how you want to deliver your speech before you start it. Whether you wish to begin on a lighter note by giving your opening a pinch of humour or with an awe-inspiring serious remark. The easiest approach to decide is to acquire a rapid sense of your target audience. What type of people are they? What direction would they accept? Your speech will be appreciated significantly more if you speak in a language that works with those listening to it.

Watch Your Words

You’ve got to listen to yourself. Do not say something that makes you regret it later. As a few matters could be personal to your audience while certain words can be offensive to others. Mind your tone as well, as it may simply affect the reception of your speech. Listen to the words coming out of you to make sure you’re saying what you want your audience to hear.

Plot A Course

Before you speak, try making a quick mental outline of what you want to say. Some of the worst speeches came when people didn’t take a moment to organize their thoughts before opening with their speeches. Your outline doesn’t even have to be a detailed one; all you require is a guide to help you keep track of your thoughts.

Prepare Some Back-up

Have some backup in mind. Forgetting your next statement which you wished to propose, isn’t unnatural. What separates a good speech from a disaster is how well you catch yourself before making a blunder. It’s good to have a backup plan for the times when your mind suddenly goes blank. That way, if you find yourself in a circumstance where you don’t have anything to say, you’ll be able to gracefully exit the situation. You can also bail yourself out with a polite way of excusing yourself. If you wish to attract a few laughs, it’s okay to explicitly talk about your mental block.

Keep It Short

Last but not least keep your speech short. Your extempore speeches are not supposed to be epic narratives . The crisper and to the point you get the better. Use of certain words results in reflecting it to your audience that you lack in prior preparation. By doing so, you simply miss the point here. Speaking clearly and with as few words as possible you reflect confidence in your own opinions and that makes you a much refined public speaker than those who just seem to rely on their wide vocabularies.

To be able to give a good extempore speech, one must practice a lot of extempore topics but more importantly, understand the structure of a good extempore speech and presentation. The three most important aspects of a good extempore speech are-

Fluency is of the utmost importance when it comes to giving an extempore speech. Understanding the relationship between the various parts of speech and keeping track of the new words learnt is a way of developing grammar and vocabulary. Good grammar isn’t the only thing that gives you fluency. Practising speaking in the language is as important as grammar.

When a person is fluent in a particular language it becomes easier for them to recover from a grammatical error or any such error made while making a speech. Recovering from an error is not difficult at all, simply repeat the sentence correctly, excuse yourself and Move on. Being afraid is normal, but never let fear overtake you.

Shortcut to Complete English Fluency - Learn How to Produce Instant English  Speech | English Harmony-speech concoction

Never try to talk about something you do not have any idea about, rather limit your extempore to the fact you possess and go on. When you are unfamiliar with the theme in the level of detail for just about any reason, talk about what you know about it. Additionally, too much content is never a good sign, limited but meaningful content is what we should aim for.

Listen! It is an important lesson which people forget to revise. Preparation for any topic can only happen when you have sufficient knowledge of the topic, and that is only possible when you listen to the topic given and the instructions provided.

how to present extempore speech

Structure of Extempore Speech

The last wheel on this three-wheeler is Structure. One can build an extempore on varied topics and for multiple time spans. The structure of any such speech acts as a framework, the content acts as the functional unit, and fluency acts like its muscular power.

An extempore speech should be structured in a way to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. The following is one of many structures to ensure the best results.

A Winning Speech Structure: 1-3-1 - Virtual Speech CoachVirtual Speech Coach-speech concoction

Always open your extempore by grabbing the attention of the audience. A smart line, concise observation or a famous quote is always a good way to go and contains what it takes an extempore to be a winner.

Try sticking to a few factors so that your extempore doesn’t seem overcrowded, interrupted, boring, or hard to remember. Be specific and stick to a point. As a listener, an individual might begin to feel boring and lose interest, the moment your extempore becomes too general. The extempore becomes a complete buzzkill. There will be no reason for the audience to remember you or the topic you’re speaking on.

An anecdote is nothing but an account of a particular incident or event, specifically a short one that is of amusing nature . Something that happened to either you or someone close to you. Include personal experiences to make your piece relatable and engaging. Getting to know how a particular incident made you feel also helps the audience to relate better. You may even talk about how you came up with this extempore speech and its concoction at that very moment.

Ending with a bang is the final criteria of an excellent extempore. The previous points stated, should naturally pave way for the conclusion . Attempting to cover too many points in a single go can even dilute the impact of your speech. Use Pauses to highlight the points and lead up to a great closing.

The Latin word extempore translates to “at the time.” It’s necessary to keep in mind that there are certain baseline rules to follow when giving an extempore speech.

Here are a few extempore speech tips to follow. If you don’t get straight to the point, you’ll get a bad grade.

  • Firstly, each participant is given a 2-to-5-minute time frame to talk and present their ideas.
  • If the time limit is not met, points may be deducted.
  • Switching from one language to another earns negative marking.
  • The jury’s or judges’ decision is conclusive.

how to present extempore speech

When a person tries to talk freely, it boosts their confidence and helps them overcome stage fright and public speaking fears. This typically allows the children to express themselves without masking their feelings.

In comparison to other types of talks, extemporaneous speeches have a number of advantages. Extemporaneous presentations are more authentic and unscripted, and they keep the audience engaged and motivated in the extempore topic. A well-prepared extemporaneous speaker will also know his topic very well and in-depth, making him sound like an authority in his field and earning the audience’s trust.

Because of its adaptability , extempore speeches encourage audience participation. During the extempore presentation, the speaker has the option of involving the audience. He can also take questions during his speech to ensure that the audience understands the topic of the presentation while it is being delivered. This allows the person to ensure that everyone is aware of the situation and that no one loses interest in the middle of a talk due to a lack of extempore topic understanding.

Some other benefits of extempore speech and presentation include:

  • Boosts Confidence
  • Improves Communication skills
  • Ability to think on the spot
  • Develops logical and analytical thinking
  • Extempore should always be practised with a variety of topics. This will allow you to list points, arrange them, and deliver them without feeling rushed.
  • If you find yourself becoming nervous, try moving about or making some coordinated movements.
  • Avoid sounding emotional or disclosing too many confidential info when giving your extempore speech.
  • When dealing with delicate issues or when selecting one side is difficult, always remain impartial and speak on behalf of both sides. However, you must bear in mind the time limit and avoid going overboard.
  • One of the most important things to remember is to provide a few small examples related to your extempore topic to liven things up. With practise, you should be able to ace the extempore topic.

how to present extempore speech

Extempore speech is a method of assessing and judging a person’s speaking abilities, as well as the flow of their thoughts and the manner in which they communicate their views. The way you approach a subject and the points you make, whether you realise it or not, are quite essential.

Following are some of the most common extempore speech topics:

  • Why is junk food bad?
  • Are outdoor games good?
  • Why is social media important?
  • All that glitters is not gold
  • Hard Work Vs Smart Work
  • Are Scores a good measure of Intelligence?
  • The significance of a person’s handwriting
  • Why books are important
  • Great things about the ocean
  • How to save money
  • Animals are stress relievers
  • Online communication and real-life friendship
  • Creativity cannot be taught
  • Why is a failure the greatest teacher?

What is the Importance of Learning Extemporaneous Speech ?

  • Throughout an extempore session, a person’s capacity to think quickly is put to the test. Because the individual must talk on the spot, it assesses his or her capacity to analyze, coordinate, and express in the moment.
  • If adequate preparation is not done before to the speech, an extempore speech has a great consequences of going in a chaotic and disorientated direction. Before rationally positioning them to form a cohesive and well-knitted presentation, it is essential that the candidate first grasp the important issues that must be discussed.
  • The most challenging aspect of presenting an extempore speech is arriving up with a fresh chain of thoughts. Due to the restricted time available for the assignment, this takes on even greater proportions.
  • Prioritization and sequencing to exhibit logical thinking: The challenge isn’t just speaking quickly. But also making logical sense by stating things in a systematic and rational manner. This is especially true if the topic is vague and strongly dependant on the viewpoint of the person.
  • Interaction with the panel: A one- to five-minute extempore presentation is standard. The applicant must do justice to the issue within this constrained time span. Which, is more likely if he connects well with the panel.
  • Communication skills : These are essential because communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, have an impact on the presentation’s efficacy. Arrangement, smoothness, and intonation are all important characteristics of successful verbal communication. Enthusiasm, eye contact, and mannerisms are common examples of nonverbal communication.

The basic feat is the deliverance of an extempore speech and its concoction. Here’s a blog from  Podium School  to give you a few tips on extempore.

An extempore speech is one in which the person is offered a topic and one minute to prepare and deliver their opinions about it.

Impromptu and extempore are the same in that they are both improvised without any prior preparation, planning, or practise. The distinction is in the delivery method: an impromptu speech is composed and delivered on the spot, but an extemporaneous speech is composed and delivered with only a few notes.

1. To begin an extempore speech, begin with a quote or a brief narrative related to the topic; this will give you an excellent start. 2. If you’re short on ideas, quickly apply what you’ve gained to your own life and move on. 3. Because extempore only lasts a few minutes, people try to speak rapidly.

The following criteria are used to evaluate participants 1. Opening/conclusion 2. Presentation 3. Composure/Confidence 4. Inflection/projection of voice 5. Diction/Enunciation 7. Expressions on the Face 8. Persuasiveness 9. Gestures 10. Ideas should be presented clearly

Extempore allows students to think on their feet and outside of the box. It’s a fantastic way to hone your communication and time management abilities. Encourages one to think of and develop ideas without any prior planning. It forces students to deal with and analyse the problem at the moment.

Because extemporaneous speeches are not read or memorised, the speaker must stay in the present and “think on their feet”-a process that can be stressful. But it also allows for a high level of spontaneity, resulting in a natural, conversational style.

Extempore speech is a method of assessing and judging a person’s speaking abilities, as well as the flow of their thoughts and the manner in which they communicate their views. As a result, always strive to speak in a way that is pertinent to the topic and do not go beyond, as one only has a certain amount of time to speak on the subject.

There is no perfect method to begin an Extempore, but one of the finest ways to begin an extempore is as follows:

  • Begin with a quote, a true story, or an example.
  • Always talk in a way that is pertinent to the topic.
  • If you recall any quantitative data regarding the subject, use it to back up your arguments.
  • Only discuss the subject at hand.
  • Maintain your composure and calm.
  • Also, FINISH on a positive note.

It’s always without a question of doubt a little difficult to walk up to the stage and give a speech. be it prepared or unprepared. But we should never back down from a challenge because you would succeed. the question is will it be with flying colours or would it be a little short of it. If it is a little short of it, we always have the next time. When it will be even better than flying colours. Therefore, work on giving an extempore speech and its concoction.

Podium School offers Public Speaking lessons to help you develop and master your speaking talents. At every stage, we also believe in growth and creativity. For this reason, our Blog Site leaves no stone untouched in terms of branching out. We value your input and eagerly await further direction.

Until then, engage on a smooth knowledge journey!

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Extemporaneous Speech

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Published on: Apr 14, 2022

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Extemporaneous Speech

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Public speaking can be intimidating, especially when you're asked to deliver a speech on the spot. The fear of stumbling over words or losing track of thoughts can cripple even the most confident individuals.

However, there is a powerful technique that can help you overcome these challenges and deliver compelling speeches with ease. It's called Extemporaneous Speaking.

But don't worry, we have got you covered!

In this blog, we will explore the art of extemporaneous speaking. We will provide you with valuable insights, techniques, and tips to master this skill. 

Whether you're a student, or someone who simply wants to improve their speaking abilities, this guide is here to help.

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

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Extemporaneous Speech Definition

Extemporaneous speech, also known as impromptu speaking, is a form of public speaking. It requires delivering a speech on a given topic without prior preparation. 

Unlike prepared speeches, extemporaneous speaking tests an individual's ability to think on their feet. They have to present coherent arguments or ideas in a spontaneous manner.

Speakers are typically provided with a topic and given a short amount of time to gather their thoughts before delivering the speech.

This style of speaking is often seen in various settings. This includes competitions, debates, or classrooms.

What are the Elements of an Effective Extemporaneous Speech?

An effective extemporaneous speech incorporates several key elements that contribute to its overall impact and success. Let's explore these elements in detail for this particular type of speech :

Clear Introduction

Begin your speech with a concise and attention-grabbing introduction. Clearly state the topic or question at hand and provide a brief overview of what you'll be discussing. Engage the audience from the start to capture their interest.

Well-Structured Content

Organize your speech into a logical structure that flows smoothly. Use a combination of main points and supporting details to build a coherent and persuasive argument. Consider using techniques like the problem-solution approach, cause-effect analysis, or chronological order, depending on the nature of your topic.

Engaging Delivery

Deliver your speech with energy, confidence, and enthusiasm. Maintain eye contact with the audience, use appropriate gestures and body language, and vary your tone of voice. Aim for a conversational style that connects with your audience on a personal level.

Supporting Evidence

Back up your arguments with relevant and credible evidence. Incorporate statistics, facts, examples, and anecdotes to strengthen your points and provide a deeper understanding of the topic. Use sources such as reputable studies, expert opinions, or real-life experiences to lend credibility to your speech.

Effective Conclusion

End your speech with a memorable conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis statement. Leave the audience with a lasting impression or a call to action, encouraging them to reflect on your speech.


Extemporaneous speaking requires the ability to adapt to unexpected situations or changes in the speaking environment. Be flexible and prepared to adjust your speech as necessary. This may involve addressing counter arguments, responding to audience questions, or incorporating new information that arises during your speech.

How To Deliver An Extemporaneous Speech?

Delivering an extemporaneous speech requires a combination of preparation, confidence, and adaptability. Here are some key tips to help you deliver an effective extemporaneous speech:

Familiarize Yourself with the Topic

Take time to understand the topic or question you'll be speaking about. Research and gather relevant information to develop a solid understanding of the subject matter. This knowledge will give you a foundation to draw upon during your speech.

Structure Your Speech

Create a basic structure for your speech with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Clearly define the main points or arguments you want to address. Organize your supporting ideas in a logical sequence, ensuring a smooth flow from one point to another.

Use Prompts and Keywords

Instead of memorizing your entire speech, use prompts and keywords to guide you through each section. Create cue cards or outline key points on a notecard. This will help jog your memory and keep your speech on track without sounding overly rehearsed.

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Speak Naturally

Avoid sounding robotic or overly scripted. Aim for a conversational tone that reflects your personality and allows you to connect with the audience. Be mindful of your pacing and avoid rushing through your speech. Speak clearly and enunciate your words to ensure clarity.

Use Visual Aids (if available)

If visual aids such as slides or props are available, utilize them to enhance your speech. Visual aids can provide additional support to your main points and make your presentation more engaging. However, be careful not to rely too heavily on them and maintain the focus on your spoken words.

Handle Nervousness

Feeling nervous is natural, but try to manage your nerves by taking deep breaths and maintaining a positive mindset. Remind yourself of your preparation and expertise on the topic. Channel your nervous energy into enthusiasm and passion for your subject.

Practice Active Listening

During your speech, pay attention to the audience's reactions and engagement. Stay alert to any cues or questions they may have. Adjust your delivery based on their responses, such as slowing down or elaborating on certain points to ensure comprehension.

Be Flexible and Adaptable

Extemporaneous speaking requires adaptability. Be prepared to adjust your speech if needed, such as addressing unexpected questions or incorporating new information. Stay composed and respond thoughtfully to any challenges that may arise.

Seek Feedback and Learn

After delivering your extemporaneous speech, seek feedback from others, such as colleagues, mentors, or trusted individuals. Assess areas of improvement, such as clarity, structure, or delivery. Use the feedback to enhance your skills for future extemporaneous speaking engagements.

How to Make Extemporaneous Speech?

When it comes to writing an extemporaneous speech, the goal is to strike a balance between preparation and spontaneity. A few steps can be followed to write a great extemporaneous speech. 

1. Select a Topic

The very first step is selecting a topic. A wise choice would include a topic that you are familiar with. It will take you less time to brainstorm ideas and plan your speech. Take a few minutes to brainstorm all the information you have on the subject. 

2. Create an Outline

Draft a quick outline for your speech. It should have a few lines for your introduction, something that the audience can relate to or will find funny, or a question that will alert the audience. Here is a sample outline for you to get a better idea.

Extemporaneous Speech Outline

3. Begin with the Body Paragraphs

After the outline, start working on your body paragraphs. Keep in mind that you do not have a lot of time to write and practice your speech. So make sure that the body paragraph should have a few key points only. 

4. Give Examples to Support Your Stance

Continue with your main points by giving some examples. Examples help the audience understand your topic better. It also makes them curious so they might have some questions at the end. 

5. Draft a Brief Conclusion

Write your conclusion, but make it very short. If your conclusion is too long it will be redundant for the audience. 

Extemporaneous Speech Examples

If you are still struggling to understand how to deliver an extemporaneous speech or how to write it time efficiently, check out these examples mentioned below:

Example of Extemporaneous Speech

Extemporaneous Speech About COVID-19

Extemporaneous Speech Sample

Example of Extemporaneous Speech About Education

Extemporaneous Speech Topics

When it comes to extemporaneous speech topics, the possibilities are vast. Here are some engaging and thought-provoking topic ideas to inspire your impromptu speeches:

  • Why do I love playing volleyball?
  • When will I become a millionaire?
  • Why is Playstation better than Xbox?
  • The best songwriter is -fill a name-
  • Gays don't have equal rights, is it true?
  • Political instability in my country is due to?
  • Why is facebook's popularity falling down so quickly?
  • Why are illegal immigrants not given rights?
  • Are internet crime and piracy penalized?
  • Stopping the war in Afghanistan is important

These are just some of the many extemp speech topics that you can choose from. Feel free to mold these topics according to your knowledge. 

If you need more interesting topics, check out our blog on the best Impromptu speech topics for public speaking .

Expert Tips For Delivering An Extemporaneous Speech 

Here are some brief tips to help you deliver an extemporaneous speech with confidence and impact:

Know your Audience: Tailor your speech to the specific audience you are addressing to ensure relevance and engagement.

  • Practice Impromptu Speaking : Regularly engage in impromptu speaking exercises to sharpen your ability to think on your feet and articulate your thoughts effectively.
  • Use Effective Body Language : Use gestures, facial expressions, and body movements to enhance your message and connect with the audience.
  • Emphasize Key Points : Highlight important ideas through vocal emphasis, pauses, or repetition to ensure they resonate with your audience.
  • Maintain a Steady Pace : Speak at a moderate pace to allow your audience to follow your ideas without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.
  • Use Storytelling Techniques : Incorporate anecdotes or stories to make your speech more relatable, memorable, and engaging.
  • Be Concise : Keep your ideas succinct and to the point. Avoid unnecessary tangents or rambling, as it can dilute the impact of your speech.
  • Practice Active Listening : Pay attention to your audience's reactions and adapt your speech accordingly. Respond to their cues, questions, or feedback to maintain a dynamic and interactive presentation.
  • Maintain a Positive Attitude : Approach your extemporaneous speech with a positive mindset. Embrace the challenge, believe in your abilities, and exude confidence in your delivery.

Remember , practice is key to improving your extemporaneous speaking skills. 

In conclusion, extemporaneous speaking is a valuable skill that can elevate your public speaking abilities to new heights. 

By mastering the art of impromptu speeches, you can deliver compelling presentations in any situation. 

Embrace opportunities to practice extemporaneous speaking, whether it's in classrooms, competitions, or professional settings. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is an extemporaneous speech.

The length of an extemporaneous speech can vary depending on the specific context or requirements. In general, extemporaneous speeches are typically shorter than prepared or formal speeches. They often range from 5 to 7 minutes, but can sometimes be as short as 3 minutes or extend up to 10 minutes. 

What is the difference between impromptu and extemporaneous speech?

The main difference between impromptu and extemporaneous speech is in the level of preparation. Impromptu speeches are delivered on the spot without prior planning or preparation. On the other hand, extemporaneous speeches involve some level of preparation, research, and organization before delivering the speech.

What are two qualities that make up an extemporaneous speech?

Two qualities that make up an extemporaneous speech are spontaneity and organization. Spontaneity refers to the ability to think and speak on the spot.

Organization involves structuring the speech with a clear outline, and cohesive content, ensuring that ideas are effectively communicated.

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how to present extempore speech


Extemporaneous Speech

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how to present extempore speech

Mastering an Extemporaneous Speech requires a balance of preparation and spontaneity. This guide, enriched with engaging speech examples , offers key insights into delivering compelling and impromptu speeches. Extemporaneous speaking, a valuable skill in both academic and professional settings, involves presenting a well-organized speech with limited preparation. Through our examples, learn how to effectively structure your thoughts, employ persuasive techniques, and deliver a speech that resonates with your audience, all while maintaining a natural and spontaneous delivery style.

What is Extemporaneous Speech? Extemporaneous speech refers to a speaking format where the speaker delivers a presentation with little to no specific preparation time but has a general understanding of the topic . Unlike impromptu speeches, which are entirely unprepared, or manuscript speeches, which are read verbatim, extemporaneous speeches strike a balance by allowing speakers to prepare and organize their thoughts in advance, often with the help of notes or outlines. This method encourages speakers to speak in a more natural and spontaneous manner, yet with a coherent structure and well-developed content. Extemporaneous speaking is highly regarded in both educational settings and professional environments for its ability to combine preparation with the flexibility to adapt to audience reactions or questions, showcasing the speaker’s knowledge, eloquence, and ability to think on their feet.

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The truth is, nobody claims to be perfect at public speaking. Everyone gets that unsettling feeling before a presentation where their hands grow cold and the butterflies run wild. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of how good you are at masking the anxiety. But public speaking can be especially challenging when giving an extemporaneous speech. Given the limited time available to prepare for the professional speech , you need to know how can make the best out of the situation for a successful delivery.

The Purposes of an Extemporaneous Speech

  • Informing : To educate the audience about a specific topic, providing insights, data, and explanations to enhance understanding.
  • Persuading: To convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action on an issue, using logical arguments, emotional appeals, and credible evidence.
  • Motivating : To inspire the audience to pursue a goal, change behavior, or overcome challenges, often involving stories of resilience or success.
  • Entertaining : To provide enjoyment, capturing the audience’s interest through humor, storytelling, or thought-provoking content.
  • Adapting : To adjust the message based on the audience’s reactions, feedback, or the specific context of the speech, ensuring relevance and engagement.
  • Engaging: To foster a connection with the audience, encouraging interaction, questions, or further discussion about the topic.
  • Reflecting: To share personal insights, experiences, or reflections that can resonate with the audience, making the speech more relatable and impactful.

How to Give an Extemporaneous Speech?

An extemporaneous speech involves a blend of preparation and the ability to adapt your message dynamically. Here’s how to effectively deliver an extemporaneous speech:

  • Research and Understand Your Topic
  • Plan Your Main Points
  • Practice with Notes
  • Know Your Audience
  • Start Strong
  • Use Natural Language
  • Incorporate Pauses and Emphasis
  • Maintain Eye Contact
  • Adapt and Be Flexible
  • Conclude Effectively
  • Reflect and Improve
  • Stay Confident and Positive

Extemporaneous Speech Format


Hook: Start with an engaging statement to capture the audience’s attention. Thesis Statement : Clearly state the main argument or purpose of your speech. Preview: Briefly outline the main points you will cover.
Point 1: Present your first main point, supported by evidence, examples, or anecdotes. Support: Provide data, quotes, or specific examples to substantiate your point. Point 2: Move to your second main point, again with supporting details. Support: Use additional evidence or examples to strengthen your argument. (Optional) Point 3: If time allows, present a third point with corresponding support.
Summary: Recap the main points you’ve discussed, reinforcing your thesis. Closing Statement: End with a powerful statement, call to action, or a thought-provoking question to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Extemporaneous Speech Samples

  • Extemporaneous Speech for Students
  • Extemporaneous Speech for High School
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Middle School
  • Extemporaneous Speech about Poverty
  • Extemporaneous Speech for College Students
  • Extemporaneous Speech for My Family
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Global Environmental Issues
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Technological Advancements and Society
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Leadership in the 21st Century
  • Extemporaneous Speech for The Impact of Social Media on Youth
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Mental Health Awareness
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Economic Trends and Their Global Effects
  • Extemporaneous Speech for Climate Change and Sustainable Living

Extemporaneous Speech Example

Extemporaneous Speech Example

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Extemporaneous Speech Topic Example

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Short Extemporaneous Speech Example

Extemporaneous vs Impromptu Speech

Feature Extemporaneous Speech Impromptu Speech
Short preparation time before speaking, with an organized structure in mind. No preparation time; speaking on the spot without prior planning.
Use of notes or bullet points is common to guide the speech. No notes are used; completely unscripted.
Delivery is more polished and structured, but still allows for some spontaneity. Delivery is entirely spontaneous, relying on the speaker’s immediate thoughts and reactions.
Flexible to some extent; allows for adapting to audience reactions while maintaining a planned structure. Highly flexible; the speaker adapts instantly to the audience and setting.
Often used in settings that require a well-thought-out argument or presentation, such as seminars or competitive speaking. Common in casual or informal settings, or when a speaker is asked to give a sudden opinion or response.
Requires practice in organizing and structuring thoughts quickly, as well as familiarity with the topic. Practices quick thinking and the ability to articulate thoughts coherently without preparation.
Structured to engage the audience with a clear flow of ideas, potentially more in-depth content. Relies heavily on the speaker’s charisma, wit, and ability to connect with the audience on the fly.
Time is managed according to the planned structure, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Time management is improvised, with the speaker having to gauge and adjust on the spot.

The Basics of Extemporaneous Speaking

Imagine that you’re working hard on a new project that’s due in about three weeks when suddenly, a coworker comes in to inform you that the client is waiting at the conference room down the hall for an update on the latest model. You tell your coworker that you’d be there in five minutes tops, then reality dawns on you that 300 seconds may not be enough to prepare a clear and meaningful presentation. You may also see  8 steps in speech composition .

Can you deliver a concise and compelling message in such short notice? Or will you stammer through each word that leaves your lips?

If you identify yourself as someone belonging to the second category, you’re not alone. A lot of people, even the most respected executives of an organization, struggle with impromptu communication. This is a problem that many individuals consider as one of their major weaknesses that have hindered their performance at work. You may also like speech examples for students .

Luckily, extemporaneous speaking is actually a skill that may be developed and even mastered. Though many of the techniques used in formal presentations may not apply to extemporaneous speaking, they may be enhanced and incorporated into an individual’s presentation skills in more ways than one. You may also check out how do you write a speech ?

Extemporaneous speaking, otherwise known as impromptu (from the word improvisation) or off-the-cuff speaking, is a speech event that involves limited preparation regarding a topic based on the speaker’s research and personal analysis. Although this may be one of the most difficult types of simple speech to deliver, it can also be a fun and rewarding experience that can help boost your confidence and career.

Extemporaneous Speaking: How to Perform under Pressure

An extemporaneous speech is only considered as such if it is created quickly without a script to follow. With just a few days’, hours’, or even minutes’ notice, the speaker must be smart enough to utilize the remaining time to prepare for his or her speech.

Some speakers possess this natural ability to create an improvised speech that can sound logical yet unforced, but it’s not because their minds are quick enough to process information, but because they’ve developed this clever method to organize their thoughts in such a way that is time-bound and sensible. You may also see launch speech examples .

1. Use a proper structure.

Think about it this way. When we work under a strict time pressure, our body immediately sets itself into maximum overdrive. Somehow, we manage to do multiple things at a time just so we could meet the proposed deadlines. When this happens, we fail to complete each item on the list as successfully as the other due to the lesser amount of attention given to these tasks. You may also like campaign speech examples .

Similarly, when delivering an extemporaneous speech, the mind divides itself in order to perform two essential activities.

One part of your brain would focus on determining the right message to convey, while the other part would concentrate on the desired structure of the speech . But the human brain can only do so much at a time, which means you’ll only be able to use half of your total brain power to perform each task, this can then lead to poor execution.

For this reason, it’s important to prepare a solid structure for your speech. A speech outline will make it easier for you to follow an imaginary structure without putting too much thought into it. Once you have developed a structure that works for you, all that’s left to do is to fit your content into it. This method can help you deliver articulate and concise extemporaneous speeches like a pro.

2. Formulate thoughts about the topic.

Having a great outline is one thing, but creating your content is a whole other factor that must be addressed for the outline to be put into good use. If you don’t know much about the topic, then the structure alone won’t be able to save you. You might be interested in appreciation speech examples & samples .

As a professional, you need to be aware of everything that goes on around you. This includes projects, deadlines, and milestones that concern you.

Coming unprepared to a meeting or interview can be extremely dangerous, especially if you haven’t been paying attention to your assigned workload. Keep in mind that not everyone is an expert at remembering content. And if you happen to be one of these people, then maybe an index card , a paper, or even the notes app on your mobile phone would come in handy.

Rather than complete sentences, make a list of important words or phrases that can help you remember key points about the topic. Quick glances at this copy allows you to maintain eye contact with your audience at all times. Though you might not use it during your presentation, it can help keep your mind at ease just in case. You may also see special occasion speech examples .

3. Create an outline.

Since you have already formulated an appropriate structure for your speech, it’s not time to fill your outline with useful content. This means putting the major points of your formal speech into actual sentences that are relevant to your cause.

Though memorizing an entire speech is highly discouraged, you still need to give yourself an idea on how the topic may be delivered. The ideas included in your outline will make it easier for you to emphasize important concepts that must be shared to the group. This way, you’d only have to worry about filling the spaces between each subpoint for a quick and coherent speech delivery. You may also like dedication speech examples .

4. Utilize extemporaneous style methods.

Extemporaneous speaking usually involves a conversational tone. This requires you to speak directly to your audience, with the frequent scanning, eye contact, and smiling (if applicable) in order to keep listeners engaged. Though lengthy pauses are more common in extemporaneous speeches compared to other forms of speaking, this should not be something to worry about. You may also check out after dinner speech examples .

More often than not, a strategic pause can add a dramatic effect to your speech. This allows an audience to ponder on a thought that had just been shared, which can also make your points more profound. As long as you can keep it short, a well-placed pause offers you the opportunity to think about your next thought for a split second or so. You might be interested in how do you write a speech ?

5. Practice! Practice! PRACTICE!

One of the challenges involved in extemporaneous speaking is your inability to practice at whatever time you have. It can be difficult to enhance your skills if there isn’t anyone there to judge the outcome. If possible, you can have a friend or a coworker help you out during these practice sessions. This gives you the chance to practice in front of a potential audience member, and criticize your mistakes or lapses that might need some improvements. You may also see tribute speech examples .

What NOT to Do in Public Speaking

An extemporaneous speech, or any types of speech in that matter, can be a struggle to deliver without the proper guidance. To help you improve your skills in speech delivery, here are some tips on what you shouldn’t do in public speaking:

1. DON’T memorize!

Rather than memorizing your piece word for word, focus on familiarizing each line. This will make it easier for you to improvise whenever it gets difficult to recall a particular word or sentence from your speech. Keeping an index card in your pocket might also be useful just in case you desperately need it. You may also see narrative speech examples .

2. DON’T stress over detail.

Admittedly, you might not be the best at pronunciations. Grammar seems more like an acquaintance rather than a best friend as well. But stressing over every word and detail of your speech isn’t going to do you any favors. Instead, practice eloquently on a regular basis. This will soon become a habit that will help enhance your performance. You may also like leadership speech examples .

3. DON’T be intimidated by others.

Many people hate speaking in front of an audience in fear of being judged. But the only thing that’s really stopping you from taking the opportunity is the negative mind-set that you possess. You need to practice speaking in front of other people in order to overcome this fear. Although it may take time before you grow completely comfortable, this is a skill that must be developed for your own personal and professional sake. You may also check out after dinner speech examples .

4. DON’T speak too quickly.

If you let the nerves get the best of you, you’d end up speaking too quickly. This will make it difficult for listeners to understand what you’re trying to convey as you constantly stumble over your own words.

So the next time you stand in front of a microphone, remember to take a deep breath before you let your confidence take over. A few strategic pauses will also give you enough time to think thoroughly before you continue on with your speech. You might be interested in school speeches examples .

5. DON’T assume your audience knows everything.

Whether you’re delivering a motivational speech or a school welcome speech , remember to be yourself. People can’t predict every word that’s about to come out of your mouth, which is why they’re staring at you so intently. These people aren’t there to judge you rather, they’re there to listen to what you have to share with them. The best you can do is to let your personality in order to make the speech meaningful and memorable to your audience.

Now that we’re aware of how we can improve our skills in public speaking, it’s time that we erase the perception that extemporaneous speakers are born that way. Nobody was born to be an impromptu speaker, not even the CEO of a respected firm, nor the leader of the free world. You may also see dedication speech examples .

Extemporaneous speaking is a skill that one can only develop through constant practice and improvement. With the proper mind-set and attitude in place, you can deliver an impressive extemporaneous speech in no time!

Rules for Extemporaneous Speaking

Extemporaneous speaking involves delivering a speech with little preparation, using notes or brief outlines rather than a full script. The key rules include understanding your topic deeply, practicing structured delivery, keeping within time limits, engaging with the audience through eye contact, and using clear and concise language. This format balances preparedness with spontaneity, allowing flexibility in addressing the audience’s reactions or questions.

Example of Extemporaneous Speech

An example of an extemporaneous speech might begin with an introduction to the topic, such as the importance of renewable energy, followed by structured points like current energy challenges, benefits of renewable sources, and ending with a call to action or solution. The speaker uses notes for reference but relies on their knowledge and speaking skills to engage the audience.

Example of an Extemporaneous Speech Situation

A common situation for extemporaneous speaking could be a debate competition where participants are given topics shortly before they speak. Another scenario is a business meeting where a team member is asked to present a project update without prior preparation. These situations require speakers to organize their thoughts quickly and convey their message effectively within a short timeframe.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Create an Extemporaneous Speech on coping with stress during exams.

Write an Extemporaneous Speech on the future of renewable energy.

Deliver an Extemporaneous Speech discussing the importance of mental health awareness.

Craft an Extemporaneous Speech on the role of technology in modern communication.

Formulate an Extemporaneous Speech about the effects of social media on society.

Prepare an Extemporaneous Speech on the significance of community service.

Present an Extemporaneous Speech exploring the challenges of climate change.

Develop an Extemporaneous Speech on the future of work in the digital age.

Construct an Extemporaneous Speech about the value of multicultural education.

Offer an Extemporaneous Speech discussing strategies for sustainable living.

Rigorous Themes

  • Internet , Productivity

10 Extemporaneous Speech Examples

Ah, the extemporaneous speech. The perfect balance of preparation and improvisation. It’s the type of speech that allows you to sound like a total pro without spending hours pouring over notes and rehearsing every single word. But if you’re anything like me, the idea of giving an extemporaneous speech can still be intimidating. What if you forget something important? What if you completely blank out and can’t think of a single thing to say?

Definition of Extemporaneous Speech

Flexibility and adaptability, improvisation skills, authenticity, improved public speaking skills, elements of an extemporaneous speech, research your topic thoroughly, organize your ideas, practice your delivery, anticipate questions and objections, 1. barack obama, 2. bill clinton, 3. ellen degeneres, 4. steve jobs, 5. jimmy fallon, 6. stephen colbert, 7. tony robbins, 8. tina fey, 9. martin luther king jr., 10. john f. kennedy, 1. follow a single presentation style, 2. don’t be scared of the audience, 3. don’t try to memorize every detail.

Fear not, dear reader. I’ve compiled a list of 10 extemporaneous speech examples to inspire you. These examples come from politicians, comedians, and everyday people who have mastered the art of speaking off the cuff.

However, before we dive in, let’s talk some more about what extemporaneous speech actually means.

how to present extempore speech

Photo by Matheus Bertelli

An extemporaneous speech is a type of public speaking that is given with minimal prior preparation. Unlike prepared speeches, which are rehearsed and memorized beforehand , extemporaneous speeches are spontaneous and rely on the speaker’s ability to think on their feet.

In an extemporaneous speech, the speaker may have a general outline or set of ideas to follow, but they do not have a fully written out or memorized speech .

Instead, they must rely on their knowledge, research, and improvisation skills to present their ideas in a clear and compelling way.

Extemporaneous speeches are often given in response to a specific prompt or topic, such as a question from an audience member or a discussion topic in a debate. They may also be given in situations where the speaker has limited time to prepare, such as impromptu talks or debates.

Benefits of Extemporaneous Speeches

There are several benefits to using extemporaneous speeches in public speaking. Here are just a few:

One of the main advantages of extemporaneous speeches is that they allow speakers to be flexible and adaptable. By not being tied to a specific script or set of notes, speakers can respond to the needs and concerns of their audience in real-time.

how to present extempore speech

Photo by ICSA

This can help to create a more engaging and dynamic presentation, as the speaker can tailor their message to the specific audience and situation.

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Giving an extemporaneous speech requires a high level of improvisation skills. Speakers must be able to think on their feet and come up with responses to unexpected questions or objections.

This can help to build confidence and poise, as well as improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Extemporaneous speeches can also help speakers to come across as more authentic and genuine.

By not being tied to a script, speakers can speak more naturally and from the heart, which can help to build trust and credibility with their audience.

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Overall, giving extemporaneous speeches can help to improve public speaking skills, including the ability to research and organize ideas, think critically and creatively, and engage with an audience.

Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your public speaking abilities, developing your skills in extemporaneous speaking can be a valuable investment.

There are several elements that go into creating a successful extemporaneous speech.

how to present extempore speech

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

First, it’s important to choose a topic that you are knowledgeable about and passionate about.

This will help you to speak with confidence and enthusiasm, and engage the audience. It’s also helpful to choose a topic that is relevant to your audience and that they will find interesting.

Next, you’ll want to do your research and gather all of the information that you’ll need to support your points.

This may include statistics, examples, and quotes from experts in the field. Be sure to organize your information into an outline so that you can easily access it during your speech.

Another important element of an extemporaneous speech is the introduction. This is your opportunity to grab the audience’s attention and set the stage for your presentation.

You may want to start with a question or a statement that will grab their attention, or use a personal story to draw them in.

The body of your speech should be well-organized and flow smoothly from one point to the next. Use transitions to help your audience follow along and make connections between your points.

It’s also important to use a variety of speaking techniques, such as rhetorical questions, repetition, and using your voice and body language to emphasize your points.

Finally, the conclusion of your speech is an opportunity to summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on your audience. You may want to end with a call to action , encouraging your audience to take some type of action based on what they’ve learned.

How to Prepare for an Extemporaneous Speech?

While extemporaneous speeches rely on improvisation, that doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare in advance. Here are a few tips and strategies for preparing for an extemporaneous speech:

The more you know about your topic, the better equipped you will be to improvise and respond to questions and objections. Be sure to do thorough research and have a good understanding of the key points and arguments you want to make.

how to present extempore speech

Even though you won’t have a script, it can still be helpful to have a general outline or set of ideas that you can follow. This can help you to stay focused and on track, and make it easier to improvise and adapt to the needs of your audience.

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Photo by Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent

While you won’t be able to rehearse a specific script, you can still practice your delivery and get a feel for how you want to present your ideas. This can help you to feel more confident and comfortable when it comes time to give your speech.

Think about the types of questions or objections that your audience might have, and come up with responses in advance. This can help you to feel more prepared and confident when faced with these types of challenges.

Examples of Extemporaneous Speeches

Extemporaneous speeches are a common and effective tool in many different settings, including politics, business, and public policy. Here are a few examples of extemporaneous speeches that showcase the style and effectiveness of this type of public speaking:

No list of extemporaneous speech examples would be complete without mentioning the 44th President of the United States. Obama was known for his smooth, confident delivery and ability to think on his feet.

Obama had several great moments during his presidency and one of which was during a press conference in 2010. A reporter asked him a question about the economy, to which Obama responded with a perfectly crafted analogy about the economy being like a “car that got stuck in a ditch.”

The analogy not only helped Obama explain a complex topic in a relatable way, but it also showed his ability to improvise and think on the spot.

Bill Clinton was another president who had experience speaking spontaneously. In truth, Clinton was renowned for his capacity to engage crowds and give them the impression that he was speaking to them directly.

During a town hall meeting in 1992 during Clinton’s presidential debate, an audience member questioned him on his strategy for “improving the economy and people’s lives.”

In addition to being intelligent and well-reasoned, Clinton’s statement demonstrated his capacity to comprehend and solve the concerns of regular Americans. You can see the transcript of the exchange here .

Okay, I know Ellen DeGeneres isn’t a politician, but she’s definitely someone who knows how to speak extemporaneously (and make us all laugh in the process).

One of the best moments from her show was during a segment called “ What’s Wrong with These Signs .” Ellen and her team had set up fake storefronts with hilarious and absurd signs, and Ellen had to improvise jokes and commentary on the fly.

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, was known for his captivating and persuasive presentations. And while many of his speeches were rehearsed and planned out, he also had a knack for extemporaneous speaking.

Steve Jobs gave one of the most spontaneous speeches ever in 2001 when the iPod was initially released. One of the journalists in the room where Jobs was announcing the new device asked Jobs why the iPod was better than other MP3 players on the market.

Without missing a beat, Jobs launched into a passionate and persuasive explanation of the iPod’s superiority. You can watch the entire presentation here .

Like Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Fallon is a master of extemporaneous speaking and making his audience laugh. Fallon is the host of “The Tonight Show,” and one of the best extemporaneous moments from his show was during a segment called “Thank You Notes.”

In this segment, Fallon writes and performs humorous “thank you” notes to various people, places, and things. The catch is that he has to come up with the jokes and gags on the spot.

Another comedian who excels at extemporaneous speaking is Stephen Colbert. Colbert is the host of “The Late Show,” and like Fallon, one of the best extemporaneous moments was also from his show.

During a segment called “The Werd”, Colbert delivers a monologue on current events and political issues. He had to come up with the jokes and commentary on the fly, without any prior preparation.

Colbert’s quick wit and ability to think on his feet make this segment a must-watch for anyone interested in current events and politics.

Self-help guru Tony Robbins is known for his energetic and motivational speeches. And while many of his talks are planned and rehearsed, he also has a knack for extemporaneous speaking.

During a seminar on goal setting, a participant asked Robbins a question about how to overcome fear and self-doubt, and Robbins launched into a powerful and inspiring response here .

Tina Fey is an everyday actress and comedian who became an internet sensation thanks to her extemporaneous speaking skills.

In 2021, Fey and her fellow Golden Globe host, Amy Poehler, presented the award show to an unusually empty hall , no thanks to Covid.

Rather than getting flustered or thrown off, Fey handled the situation with poise and humor. She improvised witty remarks and carried on with her presentation as if it was business as usual, including taking a dig at HFPA for its lack of diversity.

Fey’s ability to think on her feet and handle a difficult situation with grace and humor made her a viral hit and an inspiration to anyone who has ever had to deal with such circumstances.

While Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his planned and rehearsed speeches, such as his “I Have a Dream” speech, he was also skilled at extemporaneous speaking.

In 1968, King was speaking to a crowd of civil rights activists when he delivered a powerful and dynamic speech.

In his “I Have Been to the Mountaintop” speech , he spoke about the civil rights movement and its progress, as well as the challenges that remained ahead. He also spoke about the importance of nonviolence and unity in the face of adversity.

Despite being an impromptu speech, “I Have Been to the Mountaintop” has been widely hailed as one of King’s most powerful and memorable speeches.

John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was known for his charm and charisma. And while many of his speeches were planned and rehearsed, he also had a knack for extemporaneous speaking.

He had a memorable extemporaneous moment during a press conference in 1962 when a reporter asked Kennedy a question about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The president explained the steps that the United States was taking to address the situation, and he reassured the American people that the government was doing everything it could to ensure their safety.

Kennedy’s response to the Cuban Missile Crisis was widely praised, and it helped to defuse the situation and prevent a potential nuclear conflict. It is remembered as one of the defining moments of his presidency, and it is an example of his ability to handle difficult situations with poise and grace.

Tips to Present Your Extemporaneous Speech

If you want to give an extemporaneous speech, here are some tips to help you present it effectively.

It is important to follow a single presentation style when giving an extemporaneous speech, as it helps to create cohesiveness and structure in your presentation.

how to present extempore speech

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

A presentation style refers to the way in which you deliver your speech, including elements such as your posture, gestures, and facial expressions.

When following a single presentation style, it is important to be consistent and maintain the same level of energy and enthusiasm throughout your speech.

This can help to engage your audience and keep their attention. It is also important to use natural and appropriate gestures and facial expressions, as they can help to convey your message and emotions effectively.

Another aspect of presentation style to consider is your posture. Stand up straight and maintain good posture throughout your speech, as it projects confidence and professionalism. Avoid fidgeting or pacing excessively, as it can be distracting to your audience.

Finally, consider the tone of your speech. Are you trying to persuade, inform, or entertain your audience? Choose the appropriate tone to match your purpose and maintain it throughout your presentation.

It is natural to feel a little nervous when speaking in front of an audience, but it is important not to let your fear get the best of you.

One of the best ways to reduce anxiety is to be well-prepared. Make sure you fully understand your topic and the purpose of your presentation and spend time rehearsing and fine-tuning your outline. The more confident you are in your material, the less nervous you will be.

how to present extempore speech

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist

Before you give your speech, take a few minutes to close your eyes and visualize yourself giving a successful presentation. See yourself speaking confidently, using natural gestures, and engaging your audience. This can help to boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.

Instead of worrying about what the audience is thinking, try to focus on connecting with them. Make eye contact, use appropriate facial expressions, and respond to their questions and comments. This will help you feel more present and less self-conscious.

how to present extempore speech

Photo by Igreja Dimensão

The way you talk to yourself can have a big impact on your confidence and anxiety levels. Avoid negative self-talk such as “I can’t do this” or “I’m going to mess up,” and instead, use positive affirmations such as “I am well-prepared” or “I am confident in my abilities.”

If you start to feel anxious, take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This can help to relax your body and clear your mind.

There are a variety of relaxation techniques that can help to reduce anxiety, such as progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you.

When it comes to extemporaneous speech, it can be tempting to try and memorize every single detail of your topic in order to feel prepared. However, this approach is often not effective and can even be counter-productive.

how to present extempore speech

First of all, the human brain is simply not designed to store vast amounts of information in the form of raw details. Instead, our brains are better at organizing and synthesizing information and creating connections and patterns between different pieces of information.

This means that memorization is not a sustainable or effective way to learn complex concepts or information.

Furthermore, relying too heavily on memorization can actually hinder your ability to think on your feet and improvise during an extemporaneous speech.

If you’re too focused on reciting memorized details, you may struggle to respond to unexpected questions or challenges that come up during your speech.

how to present extempore speech

A better approach is to focus on understanding the material you’re speaking about rather than trying to memorize every detail. This means actively engaging with the material, asking questions, and making connections between different concepts.

This will not only help you to retain the information better in the long term, but it will also make it easier for you to apply your knowledge to new situations and adapt your message as needed during an extemporaneous speech.

Additionally, there are often more efficient ways to learn certain types of information, such as using mnemonic devices or visual aids to help you remember key points.

By taking a more holistic approach to learning, you can save time and energy while still gaining a thorough understanding of the material.

In conclusion, extemporaneous speeches are a dynamic and effective tool for public speaking. By relying on their knowledge, research, and improvisation skills, speakers are able to deliver spontaneous and authentic presentations that can engage and inspire their audiences.

Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your public speaking abilities, learning how to give an extemporaneous speech can be a valuable skill to have in your toolkit.

With the right preparation and practice, you too can become a confident and effective extemporaneous speaker, able to adapt and engage with any audience.

how to present extempore speech

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

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Speech Writing

Extemporaneous Speech

Barbara P

How to Write an Extemporaneous Speech? A Step-by-Step Guide

Extemporaneous Speech

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Do you have to give an extemporaneous speech but don't know where to start? You're in the right place!

Whether you're a student in a debate or a professional giving an impromptu speech, this guide will help you craft a great speech. We'll explain what an extemporaneous speech is, give you examples, and share some tips to help you understand the topic better.

This step-by-step guide will help you write a fantastic extemporaneous speech that will captivate your audience.

So, let's get started!

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  • 1. Understanding Extemporaneous Speech
  • 2. 7 Easy Steps to Writing an Extemporaneous Speech 
  • 3. Extemporaneous Speech Examples
  • 4. Extemporaneous Speech Topics 
  • 5. Tips for Improving Extemporaneous Speech Delivery

Understanding Extemporaneous Speech

An extemporaneous speech is a type of speech delivered with little to no preparation, often with the help of notes or an outline. Unlike a memorized or read speech, an extemporaneous speech allows for more natural delivery and interaction with the audience, as the speaker can adapt to the audience's reactions and feedback in real-time. 

This style of speech writing is commonly used in debates, public speaking events, and professional presentations.

An example of an extemporaneous speech situation is when a student is asked to give an impromptu talk on a current news headline in front of the class. Note that, unlike manuscript speeches, extemporaneous speeches are not read word-for-word from a prepared script. They allow for more flexibility and spontaneity in delivery.

Comparing Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speech

The above extemporaneous speech definition might make you think that impromptu and extemporaneous speech sound similar. But that is not the case. 

Let’s take a look at the key difference between the two speech types:

  • Impromptu speeches do not allow preparation for the speech and they often lack structure and familiarity. 
  • On the other hand, extemporaneous speeches require a little preparation time, some organization, and familiar topics.

Let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of extemporaneous speech.

Advantages of Extemporaneous Speech 

  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Improves public speaking, listening, and interpersonal communication skills.
  • Confidence Boost: Regular practice instills self-assurance in various speaking situations.
  • Adaptability: Speakers learn to tailor their message to the interests and concerns of different audiences. 
  • Quick Thinking: Extemporaneous speaking sharpens the ability to think quickly and make decisions on the spot.

Disadvantages of Extemporaneous Speech

  • Lack of Preparation: Speakers may deliver incomplete or less coherent presentations due to limited preparation.
  • Potential for Inaccuracy: The absence of time for thorough research can lead to providing inaccurate information.
  • Nervousness: The pressure of impromptu speaking can lead to anxiety and reduced confidence.
  • Time Constraints: Speakers must manage their time effectively to stay within the allotted timeframes, adding to the pressure.

7 Easy Steps to Writing an Extemporaneous Speech 

Let’s take a look at some easy steps to writing an extemporaneous speech that you can follow along:

Step 1 - Research and Gather Information

To write a compelling extemporaneous speech, you must gather relevant information quickly. This step includes:

  • Identifying the Topic or Prompt: Understand the subject or question you'll be speaking about.
  • Finding Reliable Sources: Utilize trustworthy resources to gather facts, statistics, and arguments.

Step 2 - Create an Extemporaneous Speech Outline

An outline will give you a basic blueprint of the speech and can even help you weed out any potential mistakes in the speech format . 

Though the speech outline can vary depending on the type of speech you are writing, here is an extemporaneous speech format you can follow:

 Engage your audience with a captivating start, state your main point, and clarify why your topic matters.  Add supporting details, present your first key idea, and back it up with evidence.  Introduces the second key idea, providing supporting evidence.  Add an optional third key idea with supporting details.  Recap your main arguments and leave a lasting impression.

Step 3 - Crafting a Strong Introduction 

It is crucial to capture your audience's attention in the introduction and set the tone for your message. 

Here is what you need to keep in mind when writing the introduction ;

  • Use an attention-grabbing technique to engage your listeners.
  • Formulate a clear and concise thesis statement that clearly states the main point of your speech.
  • Explain why the topic is relevant or important.

Step 4 - Developing Compelling Main Points

The main body of your speech should convey your message effectively and coherently. Here are the things you should keep in mind;

  • Identify key ideas and supporting details to determine the main arguments. If possible, try to gather and mention any evidence to back up your arguments. 
  • Make sure that your speech flows logically and smoothly.
  • Use real-life examples, personal stories, and relevant statistics to make your points more compelling and understandable.

Step 5 - Engaging the Audience

Engaging your audience is essential for an effective extemporaneous speech. You can achieve that by maintaining your body language to establish a connection with your listeners.

You should also develop the audience's interests by tailoring your speech to address their concerns and interests.

Step 6 - Handling Transitions

Transitions are essential for keeping your speech coherent and organized. This step includes:

  • Make sure your ideas flow seamlessly in the speech, creating a natural progression.
  • Use words and phrases that act as guideposts for your audience through your speech.
  • Avoid sudden changes in the topic that could leave your listeners confused.

Step 7 - Navigating the Conclusion

Concluding your speech effectively leaves a lasting impression. Here is what you should keep in mind when writing:

  • Recap key points to ensure your audience leaves with a clear understanding of your main arguments. 
  • Make your message resonate with your listeners by delivering a powerful closing statement.
  • Invite questions or comments from your audience to engage them. 

Extemporaneous Speech Examples

Let’s take a look at an example of an extemporaneous speech situation:

Ladies and gentlemen, today, I want to talk about a topic that is not only relevant but also deeply integrated into our daily lives: the impact of social media on modern society. In a world where we're constantly connected, it's essential to understand the influence and implications of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on our lives.

First, let's look at the positives. Social media has redefined the way we communicate. It allows us to stay connected with friends and family, no matter where they are in the world. We can share our experiences, photos, and stories instantly. It has even played a significant role in mobilizing social and political movements, creating awareness of issues that might have otherwise been overlooked.

Moreover, social media is a valuable tool for businesses and entrepreneurs. It provides a platform for marketing and brand promotion, reaching a global audience with just a few clicks. The power of influencer marketing and digital advertising can't be underestimated.

However, there's another side to the story. Social media can be addictive, leading to what some call "doomscrolling." Many people find themselves scrolling through their feeds endlessly, which can be detrimental to mental health. The constant comparison and the pressure to present a perfect image of our lives can lead to anxiety and depression.

Moreover, the spread of misinformation and "fake news" on social media has real-world consequences. It can influence elections, create public panic during crises, and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword. It has brought the world closer, facilitated communication, and revolutionized the business world. However, it has also raised concerns about mental health, privacy, and the spread of disinformation. As users, we must use social media responsibly, be critical of the content we encounter, and recognize its potential impact on our lives.

The above example of extemporaneous speech addresses the topic of the impact of social media on modern society. It provides a well-structured, balanced, and informative discussion of the subject while maintaining a clear and engaging delivery style.

Here are some more extemporaneous speech samples to let you have a better understanding of how to write a speech;

Extemporaneous Speech Example

Extemporaneous Speech Example for Students

Extemporaneous Speech Example About Life

Extemporaneous Speech Example About Education

Be sure to check out more speech examples to have a better understanding of structuring and formatting a speech. 

Extemporaneous Speech Topics 

Here are some ideas for extemporaneous speech that you can use for practice or in various speaking situations:

  • The impact of urban farming on local food security
  • The role of virtual influencers in shaping consumer behavior
  • The potential of biohacking for personal health optimization
  • The influence of ancient philosophy on modern leadership styles
  • The implications of space tourism for global economies
  • The resurgence of vinyl records in the digital age
  • The effect of minimalism on consumer culture and sustainability
  • The role of augmented reality in enhancing historical site tours
  • The cultural significance of traditional tattoos in contemporary society
  • The ethical considerations of using AI in criminal justice systems

Be sure to check out more speech topics to select the one that stands out to you the most. 

Tips for Improving Extemporaneous Speech Delivery

Here are some extemporaneous speech tips you can use to improve the delivery of your speech:

  • Know Your Topic: Start by having a solid understanding of your topic. The more you know, the more confident you'll feel when speaking.
  • Speak Clearly and Slowly: Pronounce your words clearly and speak at a moderate pace. Avoid rushing through your speech.
  • Be Mindful of Fillers: Avoid using fillers such as "um," "uh," or "like." Practice eliminating these from your speech.
  • Manage Nervousness: Nervousness is natural. Practice relaxation techniques, like deep breathing, before speaking to manage anxiety.
  • Gestures and Body Language: Use appropriate gestures and body language to emphasize points and maintain audience interest.
  • Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact with your audience. This creates a sense of connection and engagement.
  • Vocal Variety: Vary your tone, pitch, and volume to keep your audience engaged. Avoid speaking in a monotone voice.

So there you have it!

Learning the art of writing an extemporaneous speech is a valuable skill that can benefit you in various personal and professional situations. 

By following this step-by-step guide, practicing, and learning from your experiences, you can become a confident and effective extemporaneous speaker.

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your extemporaneous speaking skills. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be delivering impressive speeches on the spot with ease.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the idea of extemporaneous speech.

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The idea of extemporaneous speech is to deliver a well-organized and spontaneous presentation using minimal notes. It allows speakers to engage with their audience while showcasing their knowledge and ability to think on their feet.

What are the rules for extemporaneous speaking?

Some basic rules for extemporaneous speaking include:

  • Stay on topic.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Organize your thoughts logically.
  • Avoid excessive filler words like "um" and "uh."

What are the characteristics of extemporaneous speaking?

Extemporaneous speaking is characterized by:

  • Preparation with brief notes or an outline.
  • Spontaneous delivery with natural language.
  • Audience engagement and interaction.
  • Adaptability to time constraints and audience feedback.

What techniques are used in extemporaneous speaking?

Techniques in extemporaneous speaking include:

  • Mindful breathing to stay calm.
  • Pausing for emphasis and clarity.
  • Using gestures and body language effectively.
  • Structuring your speech for clarity and impact.

What is the function of extemporaneous speaking?

The function of extemporaneous speaking is to inform, persuade, or entertain an audience with a well-prepared yet spontaneous presentation. It's often used to engage listeners in discussions, debates, or educational settings.

When would you use an extemporaneous speech?

Extemporaneous speech is widely used in academic, competitive, or professional settings. Speakers deliver presentations or arguments with minimal preparation, such as in debates, school presentations, and business meetings. This approach enables natural audience engagement and real-time adjustments based on feedback, making it valuable for dynamic and interactive speaking engagements.

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14.1 Four Methods of Delivery

Learning objectives.

  • Differentiate among the four methods of speech delivery.
  • Understand when to use each of the four methods of speech delivery.

Lt. Governor Anthony Brown bring greetings to the 13th Annual House of Ruth Spring Luncheon. by Brian K. Slack at Baltimore, MD

Maryland GovPics – House of Ruth Luncheon – CC BY 2.0.

The easiest approach to speech delivery is not always the best. Substantial work goes into the careful preparation of an interesting and ethical message, so it is understandable that students may have the impulse to avoid “messing it up” by simply reading it word for word. But students who do this miss out on one of the major reasons for studying public speaking: to learn ways to “connect” with one’s audience and to increase one’s confidence in doing so. You already know how to read, and you already know how to talk. But public speaking is neither reading nor talking.

Speaking in public has more formality than talking. During a speech, you should present yourself professionally. This doesn’t mean you must wear a suit or “dress up” (unless your instructor asks you to), but it does mean making yourself presentable by being well groomed and wearing clean, appropriate clothes. It also means being prepared to use language correctly and appropriately for the audience and the topic, to make eye contact with your audience, and to look like you know your topic very well.

While speaking has more formality than talking, it has less formality than reading. Speaking allows for meaningful pauses, eye contact, small changes in word order, and vocal emphasis. Reading is a more or less exact replication of words on paper without the use of any nonverbal interpretation. Speaking, as you will realize if you think about excellent speakers you have seen and heard, provides a more animated message.

The next sections introduce four methods of delivery that can help you balance between too much and too little formality when giving a public speech.

Impromptu Speaking

Impromptu speaking is the presentation of a short message without advance preparation. Impromptu speeches often occur when someone is asked to “say a few words” or give a toast on a special occasion. You have probably done impromptu speaking many times in informal, conversational settings. Self-introductions in group settings are examples of impromptu speaking: “Hi, my name is Steve, and I’m a volunteer with the Homes for the Brave program.” Another example of impromptu speaking occurs when you answer a question such as, “What did you think of the documentary?”

The advantage of this kind of speaking is that it’s spontaneous and responsive in an animated group context. The disadvantage is that the speaker is given little or no time to contemplate the central theme of his or her message. As a result, the message may be disorganized and difficult for listeners to follow.

Here is a step-by-step guide that may be useful if you are called upon to give an impromptu speech in public.

  • Take a moment to collect your thoughts and plan the main point you want to make.
  • Thank the person for inviting you to speak.
  • Deliver your message, making your main point as briefly as you can while still covering it adequately and at a pace your listeners can follow.
  • Thank the person again for the opportunity to speak.
  • Stop talking.

As you can see, impromptu speeches are generally most successful when they are brief and focus on a single point.

Extemporaneous Speaking

Extemporaneous speaking is the presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes. By using notes rather than a full manuscript, the extemporaneous speaker can establish and maintain eye contact with the audience and assess how well they are understanding the speech as it progresses. The opportunity to assess is also an opportunity to restate more clearly any idea or concept that the audience seems to have trouble grasping.

For instance, suppose you are speaking about workplace safety and you use the term “sleep deprivation.” If you notice your audience’s eyes glazing over, this might not be a result of their own sleep deprivation, but rather an indication of their uncertainty about what you mean. If this happens, you can add a short explanation; for example, “sleep deprivation is sleep loss serious enough to threaten one’s cognition, hand-to-eye coordination, judgment, and emotional health.” You might also (or instead) provide a concrete example to illustrate the idea. Then you can resume your message, having clarified an important concept.

Speaking extemporaneously has some advantages. It promotes the likelihood that you, the speaker, will be perceived as knowledgeable and credible. In addition, your audience is likely to pay better attention to the message because it is engaging both verbally and nonverbally. The disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking is that it requires a great deal of preparation for both the verbal and the nonverbal components of the speech. Adequate preparation cannot be achieved the day before you’re scheduled to speak.

Because extemporaneous speaking is the style used in the great majority of public speaking situations, most of the information in this chapter is targeted to this kind of speaking.

Speaking from a Manuscript

Manuscript speaking is the word-for-word iteration of a written message. In a manuscript speech, the speaker maintains his or her attention on the printed page except when using visual aids.

The advantage to reading from a manuscript is the exact repetition of original words. As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, in some circumstances this can be extremely important. For example, reading a statement about your organization’s legal responsibilities to customers may require that the original words be exact. In reading one word at a time, in order, the only errors would typically be mispronunciation of a word or stumbling over complex sentence structure.

However, there are costs involved in manuscript speaking. First, it’s typically an uninteresting way to present. Unless the speaker has rehearsed the reading as a complete performance animated with vocal expression and gestures (as poets do in a poetry slam and actors do in a reader’s theater), the presentation tends to be dull. Keeping one’s eyes glued to the script precludes eye contact with the audience. For this kind of “straight” manuscript speech to hold audience attention, the audience must be already interested in the message before the delivery begins.

It is worth noting that professional speakers, actors, news reporters, and politicians often read from an autocue device, such as a TelePrompTer, especially when appearing on television, where eye contact with the camera is crucial. With practice, a speaker can achieve a conversational tone and give the impression of speaking extemporaneously while using an autocue device. However, success in this medium depends on two factors: (1) the speaker is already an accomplished public speaker who has learned to use a conversational tone while delivering a prepared script, and (2) the speech is written in a style that sounds conversational.

Speaking from Memory

Memorized speaking is the rote recitation of a written message that the speaker has committed to memory. Actors, of course, recite from memory whenever they perform from a script in a stage play, television program, or movie scene. When it comes to speeches, memorization can be useful when the message needs to be exact and the speaker doesn’t want to be confined by notes.

The advantage to memorization is that it enables the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience throughout the speech. Being free of notes means that you can move freely around the stage and use your hands to make gestures. If your speech uses visual aids, this freedom is even more of an advantage. However, there are some real and potential costs. First, unless you also plan and memorize every vocal cue (the subtle but meaningful variations in speech delivery, which can include the use of pitch, tone, volume, and pace), gesture, and facial expression, your presentation will be flat and uninteresting, and even the most fascinating topic will suffer. You might end up speaking in a monotone or a sing-song repetitive delivery pattern. You might also present your speech in a rapid “machine-gun” style that fails to emphasize the most important points. Second, if you lose your place and start trying to ad lib, the contrast in your style of delivery will alert your audience that something is wrong. More frighteningly, if you go completely blank during the presentation, it will be extremely difficult to find your place and keep going.

Key Takeaways

  • There are four main kinds of speech delivery: impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized.
  • Impromptu speaking involves delivering a message on the spur of the moment, as when someone is asked to “say a few words.”
  • Extemporaneous speaking consists of delivering a speech in a conversational fashion using notes. This is the style most speeches call for.
  • Manuscript speaking consists of reading a fully scripted speech. It is useful when a message needs to be delivered in precise words.
  • Memorized speaking consists of reciting a scripted speech from memory. Memorization allows the speaker to be free of notes.
  • Find a short newspaper story. Read it out loud to a classroom partner. Then, using only one notecard, tell the classroom partner in your own words what the story said. Listen to your partner’s observations about the differences in your delivery.
  • In a group of four or five students, ask each student to give a one-minute impromptu speech answering the question, “What is the most important personal quality for academic success?”
  • Watch the evening news. Observe the differences between news anchors using a TelePrompTer and interviewees who are using no notes of any kind. What differences do you observe?

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

113 Extemporaneous Speech Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

extemporaneous speech topics

If you are asking yourself: What should I do in the extemp speech? Then keep this rule of thumb in mind: the extemporaneous speech topics must answer the question in a school assignment or tournament. Simple and easy. Although the best spontaneous speaker can speak almost without any notes. But avoid that if you feel not confident enough.

In this article:

Preparation In 3 Steps

Extemporaneous speaking without preparation, extemporaneous speech topic examples, outline examples, how to prepare, how to deliver, tips/h2>.

In general, we can define three specified types of extemporaneous speeches:

  • High School And College Assignments – Always do what your teacher asks you to do! Often you have to pick out forms of informative, analytical, international, domestic or economic questions about current events. Your extemporaneous speech topics should answer the question exactly.Check if some written notes are permitted in classroom.
  • Tournaments – An event where speakers receive their questionnaire forms. Check the tournament entry to see which format and which rules will be used. Successful extempers don’t use cards.However, if you are allowed to use notes, then use a card for each element in the form below. Just use keywords.
  • Business Presentations – The are considered as difficult by those who must give presentations in business. Here I limit myself to good class hints for at school, college and for tournaments.

These three steps for preparing extemporaneous speech topics will help you to do what you have to do: answering the question in case of school assignments or tournaments.

The First Step – Analyze what extemporaneous question you have to answer:

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  • Questions of fact – Characterized by is and are , or will or would .
  • Questions of value – Characterized by should .
  • Questions of policy – Characterized by can and could . Often used for an political discour.

The Second Step – Determine if it is informative or persuasive. The words what , which and  who indicate that it is an informative issue. The words should and why indicate that it is a persuasive issue.

The Third Step – Always stay with your subject. In other words: never change the ideas. Now, organize your ideas and points effectively. You can use the outline technique below. Focus on your subject and think about the various angles.

Now write those first thoughts quickly down. Catch them in keywords.

Extemporaneous speaking speech topics in three parts to help you do a better job next time you have to speak without preparation. Almost everyone is going to have to speak extemporaneously at some point in their lives, whether it is a simple introduction to a group, presentation for work, or something more complex occasion.

Most natural communication can fall under the umbrella of the term extemporanous speech. But just what is it, and what are the best rules to follow so that you know you are giving a real winner extemporaneous speaking talk or address and cure your on stage fear?

Let’s take a look at my tricks that will help you do a better job next time you have to speak without preparation:

Ready for a couple of extemporaneous speech topics? Here we go:

  • Can We Blame – fill in a team – For Its Defeat?
  • Why Do I Play Golf? Or another kind of sports
  • Should – fill in a name – Win A MTV Award?
  • I’m Just A Paperboy Now, Will I Become A Millionaire?
  • Who Is The Laziest Person On The Campus And Why?
  • Should We All Buy – fill in a product – ?
  • Why Do We Celebrate Thanksgiving?
  • Which Moviestar Earns Too Much Money In Comparison To His / Her Merits?
  • Why Is Barcelona A Special Place To Be? Or any other city or region
  • Is The X-Box Better Than Playstation?
  • Will – fill in a name- Become Senator?
  • Who Is The Best Songwriter?
  • Could We Really Say To Our Bosses What’s On Our Mind?
  • What Television Program Should Be Banned And Why?
  • Should cruel and very authoritarian principals be sacked – or are there any degrees in domineering the campus population with accordingly disciplinary fines for them?
  • Why do we need a Whistle Blower Protection Act – whether we like it or not they always serve as a replacement or scape goat anyway?
  • Does the Bharatiya Janata Party represents a pan Indian ideology and how did it evolve over the years?
  • Must we focus more on improving basic education for the poor and historically disadvantaged – and what are the chain reactions for the overall well-being of human beings in society?
  • Do gays have as many rights as the rest of society does?
  • Does global warming makes the Arctic Sea ice melting or is it a conspiracy theory to make us believe to invest in alternative power sources? Both sides of the same coin are extemporaneous public speaking topics you could consider to try out anyway.
  • Does the world community really want to solve the Darfur Sudan problem even the states are now separated?
  • How India can be persuaded to participate in efforts to tackle global warming, or is it not prerequisite?
  • Is the growing population and economy a threat to India’s environment?
  • Does the development of tourism in Malaysia open new opportunities?
  • Should the Indian society invest in maintaining peace between Hindus and Muslims?
  • What are the causes of political instability in Pakistan?
  • Can prime-minister and Democratic Party leader Yukio Hatoyama give a boost to the Japanese economy?
  • Reasons why Facebook’s popularity is falling down?
  • Is Wikipedia sometimes more reliable than for example the Online Encyclopaedia Britannica?
  • Should illegal immigrants receive no doctor care?
  • Will petroleum be the major fuel till 2050?
  • The quality of health care in America is the best in the world, or is it a myth?
  • Do pharmaceuticals profit too much from Swine Flu or other mondial diseases?
  • Should the Cash for Clunkers program be continued due to its success?
  • Should we prosecute individual American intelligence personnel involved in outrages committed during the hunt for al-Qaeda members?
  • Will microloans and community banking be the lifesaver for developing countries?
  • Did bankers caused the recession and are ordinary people paying the price?
  • Should we be afraid of internet crime and piracy?
  • Is this the time to increase taxes?
  • Should we lower our tolerance for repeat drunk driving?
  • Does the number of abandoned and abused pets swell as the economy has worsened or even closer at home: when the vacation season will soon be in sight …
  • Will on-campus housing problems worsen in the future – what are botherations and squeezing annoyances that should be cleaned up right away>
  • Should there be fines for running out of petrol on the motorway?
  • Should we consider free public transportation (metro, bus, or other forms) in large cities?
  • Should the time high school students spend on homework each school night be limited to two hours maximum?
  • Is Barack Obama the next John F. Kennedy but better because he is an expert in auticue teleprompting reading …
  • Does the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan become tougher over time?
  • Should internet service providers and hosts be prohibited from blocking any content?
  • Is the Hugo Chavez controlled legislature in Venezuela a serious threat to free thought and freedom of speech in that country?
  • Is the reappointement of Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors a good and wise decision?
  • Should lobbyists in our financial and political capitals work transparent and open?
  • Do we need a government funded campaign to transform our capitalist economy to a clean and green energy economy?
  • Will freezing the construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank favors the Middle East peace process?
  • Is prison and jail reform more than just reworking tough legislative packages of criminal sentencing laws?
  • Does fanatic animal rights extremists endanger the universal human rights, or vice versa?
  • Will a flexible timetable to withdraw American troops from Iraq will best serve our national needs and interests?
  • Is seizing laptops or other computers indefinitely by the customs a proper instrument to fight the border crime?
  • Does lifting the moratorium on commercial whaling cause more slaughter by commercial vessels in the oceans?
  • Is it acceptable to force American laborers or employees to be fingerprinted at the working place?
  • Should all young girls up to 15 years be required to get the vaccine against the human papillomavirus H P V to avoid cancer of the cervix?
  • Should NASA abandon plans and blueprints for colonization of the Moon by 2021 – or even Mars?
  • Should we improve mental health care for returning veterans and servicemembers – longer than five years after they have returned home?
  • Should India and China work together to counter western economic power? Or is it still under construction and do we see and hear less about that successful joint venture?
  • Could the conflict between Georgia and Russia implode to a threat to world peace? Pick some other regional conflict if you like, as long as you stay close to actual politics.
  • Do the Six-Party Talks on North Korea’s nuclear program lead to a satisfying package solution? What if they progress on down to earth nuclear tests …
  • Does the Arab television stations al-Arabiya, al-Jazeera and the Saudi financed Middle East Broadcasting Center in the United Arab Emirates together reach more people worldwide watching television than CNN?
  • Does the system to register and grant patents for new innovations needs to be reformed?
  • Does Venezuela really need to nationalize private rice-processing plants? And why the powerplant supplies branches …
  • Is legalizing the opium cultivation in Afghanistan a better option than forcing it down?
  • Is Osama bin Laden still alive? Or has the conspiracy ended a couple of years ago with the sniper action …
  • Should the federal Attorney General be chosen by the people?
  • Is the NATO nuclear policy consistent with our federal nuclear policy
  • Is Vladimir Putin the real almighty political and national strength that Russia needs now?
  • May U S military authorities hire private security contractors in doubtful areas?
  • Must the international community assembled in the ASEAN nations (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) work collaboratively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – or is that a so-called mission impossible for lots of nations? (You can fill in other organizations as alternative extemporaneous topics)
  • Must we make the immigration system consistent with national economic precedences and priorities – what are the exceptions anyway?
  • Will the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty C T B T have more positive ramifications for arms control – or is it ‘paper tiger’?
  • Reasons why Facebook’s popularity is not falling down despite the critics.
  • The controversy over President Obama’s broadcast education speech to schoolchildren.
  • Why we have to preserve architecturally significant historic-cultural monuments and heritage.
  • Should we make legal alcohol limits the same for both car drivers as well as boaters?
  • Should the labels light and low tar be banned on in tobacco and nicotine products? And what to say about the mandatory illustrations on the packaging in some countries that are supposed to shock and deter people?
  • A Few Extemporaneous Topic Ideas To Test Your and Your Public Audience Intelligence.
  • Bailouts and have prevented that our economy become worse in current and future times.
  • Does Europe rely too much on Russian gas petrol fuel sources? And what about the border conflicts in relation to vulnerable pipeline transports.
  • Must all college and university textbooks also be available in easy to update and cheaper electronic ebook versions – to save money and easily updatable versions?
  • Why releasing Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi from a Scottish prison is an insult of the relatives of the Lockerbie victims.
  • The government of India should advocate for a nationwide census; regarding the population growth and in spite of the totally understandable privacy concerns that could override the need for credible statistics to rule a country?
  • Should the African Union nations and organizations end direct military aid to the Transitional Federal Government?
  • Why we should not be afraid of the Swine Flue and trust on the precautions.
  • How former vice president Dick Cheney breaks the tradition of being not critical towards a new Washington administration.
  • Pre-existing conditions may never be a reason to to deny coverage by insurance companies.
  • Or choose the opposite side for an extemporaneous topic: Bailouts will cost us, the taxpayers, in the end mucht more?
  • Should we accept a sky-high federal budget deficit number?
  • Why church ministers should have lifelong, monogamous, stable relationships.
  • The three pillars of a labor union: higher salaries, secondary benefits and job security.
  • Will freshwater supply to millions become the next huge world problem besides the global warming issue?
  • Does marijuana has a therapeutic and medicinal value for cancer patients and what about the legal consequences.
  • Why do bush fires often occur immediately after a rainy season in spring and autumn is there an scientific explanation for this annually natural phenomenon?
  • Should mayors keep a daily blog concerning their whereabouts and policies – just for squaring up at the next election time?
  • The requirement to register to vote in general elections. Should we end, keep / alter that practice – what is the reason behind it, is there some kind of a preambule in the laws concerning registration?
  • Should we outlaw taxpayer-funded events in political campaigns?
  • Should the Justice Department release information more often and sooner to local media to involve the local residents in crime fighting and solving almost undoable cases?
  • Is it ethical to wipe away illegal migrant or asylum camps in Europe?
  • Are teens with free access to a car more at risk to get involved in accidents?
  • Will Hispanic immigrants – like other foreigners – adapt to the American society?
  • Is the new G-20 summit effective in solving the economic crisis?
  • Must judges sentence drunk drivers who for long terms in jail?
  • Is the decision to stop the development of an Eastern-Europe air missile defense system a threat to the national security of the nations involved?
  • Or: alternative best speech topics could be the position of the western world, or even Russia’s point of view.
  • Could we lose the war in Afghanistan now the insurgent troops are multipying their forces?
  • Are the rich G-20 nations buying out their efforts to reduce the negative climate change effects?
  • Will water supply be the next geopolitical problem we must face seriously?

Use this outline to prepare ideas quick and properly. Remember: all information that you want to cover should answer the mandatory question of the teacher or jury members.

Your Theoretical Outline Method

YOUR TITLE In one complete summarizing sentence: _______


Grab the attention of your public in a oneliner that state the theme. Relate the oneliner to question. State the extemporaneous speech topics question and tell why it is important. Briefly answer it. Tease your main points.


The main points should be phrased as argumentative statements. Devote an equal amount of time at each point. Try to come up with three points.

Try to come up with three sub-points. Construct your sub-points with credible arguments and factual evidence.

Perhaps you can add relevant statistics and references. Think about the pros and cons, likes and dislikes, advantages and disadvantages.

Refer to reliable sources, it will enhance your credibility. Write down your the points in one sentence for each point.

Just pick out the elements which are appropriate within the time limit!



Arguments? Evidence? Statistics? References?

SUB POINT 2: Arguments? Evidence? Statistics?


SUB POINT 3: Arguments? Evidence? Statistics? References?


SUB POINT 1: Arguments? Evidence? Statistics? References?

SUB POINT 2: Arguments? Evidence?

Statistics? References?



SUB POINT 3: Arguments? Evidence? Statistics?


Summarize the main points of your extemporaneous topics. State the question again. State your answer in a catchy one-liner.

Extemporaneous speech topic outline for students who have to deal with actual themes using ordinairy news articles to formulate arguments and evidence in a snap. For this writing I used four articles as basics to filter out information, listed in the sources paragraph below:

My step by step method: First I decided on the angle of view. Secondly, I simply choose for this extemp question:  Does President Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?  And thirdly, I follow the instructions in the template below. Remember, you can also take side  in favor  of the laureate. This is  not  my personal opinion, but just an  example  to show you how to write an extemp pattern yourself.


I. INTEREST STEP The award of the Nobel Peace Prize 2009 to Barack Obama is a surprise pick which raise lots of doubts. A peace award winner who has not directed any winning peace project so far.

II. THESIS So, does he realy deserve it? No, he has not achieved any real success in foreign policy matters.

III. CLARIFICATION The Norwegian Committee has praised his extraordinary efforts in international diplomacy. But world reactions expressed surprise. The honor comes too soon, according to worldleaders, there are no  real  peace achievements.

IV. PREVIEW (This is a short compelling summary of the vital body bricks) The laureate does not deserve the prize because of Iraq, the Middle East and Afghanistan, the President himself has spoken openly about his doubts, and other preeminent political figures who won before sure had achieved real substantial diplomatic peace successes. And they are openly credited for it internationally.


I. MAIN POINT OF YOUR EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH TOPICS There have not been any concrete achievements in Afghanistan, Iraq or Middle East.

A. EVIDENCE He ordered thousands of US troops extra to Af. The Palestinians claim he has does nothing concrete for their rights. Ir. has been suffering from the deadliest year since the 2003 invasion.

B. REASONING (Explain here how the first argument of the extemporaneous speech topic is constructed, based on your evidence)

More troops could to Af. violence and civilian casualties in the end, the enemy proclaims. There still is no working M E peace plan in which both parties, Israel and Palestinians trust. The schedule of the person in charge for the withdrawal of troops is still discussed, the oppositional forces still try to create disorder.

C. RELATIONSHIP TO THESIS Can we call that peace efforts? Yes, we can. Can we call that substantial peace achievements? No, we can not – at this moment.

II. MAIN POINT The chief of state himself has spoken openly about his doubts less than a year in office.

A. EVIDENCE He says to be surprised and deeply humbled.

B. REASONING Hw further said that he not feel he ‘deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honoured by this prize’.

C. RELATIONSHIP TO THESIS O. has stated that he doesn’t see it as a recognition of his accomplishments, but ‘rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations’.

III MAIN POINT These are other cardinal political persons who won before. Who are those transformative figures as the 2009 laureate describes them?

A. EVIDENCE In 1994 Shimon Peres, Foreign Minister of Israel, won. In 1994 Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, in 1978 Menachim Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, and in 1973 Henry Kissinger, U S Secretary of State.

B. REASONING Their peace efforts resulted in concrete historical peace making moments: Shimon Peres, and Yitzhak Rabin were honoured for their historic agreement between Israel and Palestinians. Menachim Begin for the peace treaty he co-concluded between Israel and Egypt. And Henry Kissinger was praised for helping to establish a ceasefire and U S withdrawal from Vietnam.

C. RELATIONSHIP TO THESIS Yes, they all accomplish concrete diplomatic successes. Obama not.

I. SUMMARY There have not been any real substantial peace achievements at this moment. The laureate himself refers to the lack of peace making moments. And he refers to Nobel Peace Prize winners who are awarded because of their historical agreements.

II. RESTATEMENT So, now again: is President Obama entitled? No, he has not achieved any real success in foreign policy matters, and predecessors have.

III. APPEAL OF YOUR EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH TOPIC Some call the award a politically motivated insult. I don’t. I prefer to look ahead and cite 1984 Winner South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu ‘it’s a magnificent endorsement for the first African-American leader in history’. But the Commander in Chief of Hope has sure achieved one thing – do think about it – he carries  hope  in his peace efforts. And I predict: one day he will really deserves the Prize for real peace accomplishments!

SOURCES Aljazeera News Europe, Norwegian Nobel Committee Report, and All Laureates List.

Is There One Single Best Outline?

No. The best outline doesn’t exist. The pattern above is just a method to organize extemporaneous topics quick and efficient.

Open Or Closed Questions?

Mostly there are two types of questions, open and closed for extemporaneous speech topics.Determine what type you are answering.

Closed Questions – You can only state a clear Yes or No in your introduction. In the points of the body part you offer the arguments. Example: Is Disclosure A Bad Movie? Yes, you can also choose for humorous.

Open Questions – State how or what will, should or can be done in your introduction. Then guide the audience to the answer in logical steps. Those steps are the major points in your extemp. E.g. What Can We Do Against Corrupt Politicians?

Tip # 1  Set up your extemp to start with a good summation that grabs the attention, then state the theme in one sentence.

Tip # 2  Develop between three and five main points and make sure each one is a single, clear, self contained idea.

Tip # 3  Make sure that each one is related to your main thesis statement and that it reminds the audience what your key note point is.

Tip # 4  Make sure every point leads smoothly and sensibly into the next one – no non sequiturs here. No ‘bridges’ that do not make sense.

Tip # 5  All your sub points must contain new information or details not stated in the main points. Their job is to describe, explain, or otherwise support your main points. For the conclusion, don’t just summarize. But also analyse and provide a judgement on each conclusion.

Tip # 6  Come back to the introduction and reinforce your thesis statement, connect the interests and needs of the audience to the theme, then go back over the major points of your speech, finishing up neatly.

Tip # 7  Stick to using simple words, and don’t try to impress with complex topics for an extemporaneous. There is a bigger chance that you will end up stumbling over them or that your speech will fall flat.

Tip # 8  It’s all about producing topics for an extemporaneous that get strictly to the point. If you’re feeling nervous, put your hands in your pockets or on front of the table in front of you, and don’t be afraid to let people know.

Tip # 9  Keep comments about your nervousness short and to the point. They will probably get a chuckle, they will understand, and you’ll feel a little better.

Tip # 10  Do not go on and on, though, or stop dead. Go right to what you need to say. Conclude, restate, smile and just stick to that!

This is about time management, practicing and repeating, and the delivery:

Time Management –

The right time management is crucial. Put a watch in front of you. If you have 30 minutes to prepare, then divide that time in parts. Below are three examples of time management. Find out which one is the best for you. If you are allowed to use note cards, then the memorize part can be shorter in time, of course.


5 minutes
10 minutes


10 minutes
10 minutes


10 minutes
5 minutes


5 minutes
5 minutes

More about practicing

Visualize the flow of your extemporaneous speech topics in your mind. Something like this: first I want to state this, and then I prove it by that. And so on. Learn the sequence by heart. If there’s a possibility to practice in front of a friend or classmate, then do it!

And listen to their comment. Elaborate on it. Another idea is to tape yourself on audio or video. Listen and look if you are making logical steps, transitions and pauses.

Another possibility is to practice out loud in front of a mirror.

Do not be boring with monotonous and facts and a phlegmatic attitude, add some funny extemporaneous speech topics in your presentation. Talk easy, and in a normal tempo – do not talk to fast. Do not speak like a talking puppet in a suit. Move a little bit, use the proper gestures (guide them

trough your material with hand signals and passionate facial expresions) to emphasize your main points and the direction of logical reasoning.

Composing Handy Tubs

Many competitors spend hours a week to prepare files with noteworthy articles about every possible subject for extemporaneous speech topics. They can use these so-called Extemp Tubs in tournaments. But how does a speaker fill these files with the best?

1. Analyze and study current events in magazines and newspapers. Sort out the headlines, the pros and cons, reasons, statistics and sources.

2. Research on the Internet. Pay special attention to quotes and reports of scientific researchers. Don’t forget to find humorous quotes, to break the ice.

3. Watch interesting television documentaries and note the facts and the conclusions that could be extracted.

4. Ask experienced competitors how they prepare for public speaking. Look how they practice and perform on stage, and learn their educational discourse tricks.

5. Organize and update your files in a way you can find your written notes quick and easy. For instance, organize your plastic tub like a cherry tree – pick four or five general extemporaneous speech topics in hanging folders.

And place within those general tabulations lots of sub-sequences categorized from A to Z.

6. Also use a reference book, a dictionary, a small encyclopedia, et cetera to refill fresh and creative ideas.

By now, you have learned how to prepare and outline your communication subjects – I wish you all succes you need and keep improving your communication skills. Bookmark and share this tutorial and come back whenever you like 🙂

1 Minute Speech Topics : 8 Samples

Self Introduction Speech [Topics + Outline Sample]

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how to present extempore speech

How to Develop Extemporaneous and Public Speaking Skills

how to present extempore speech

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Introduction to public speaking as an extracurricular activity

Public speaking is an important skill in many stages of life, both in school and in your career. Honing your communication skills while you are in high school will help you tremendously in college and beyond and also serves as a great confidence-booster. There are a number of extracurricular activities available to help you develop your public speaking skills, such as Speech and Debate , Model UN , Mock Trial , Girls and Boys Nation/State , and others. It’s also a skill involved in many performance-related activities, including drama, singing, and slam poetry.

Despite how nerve-wracking public speaking can be, putting in the time and effort to develop your skills in high school will serve you well no matter what your future plans are.

What is extemporaneous speaking?

“Extemporaneous” means on the spot, with minimal preparation. Extemporaneous speaking is speaking about a topic on the fly. You receive or think of a topic, generally have a short amount of time to jot down ideas and formulate a structure, and then publicly perform your speech.

The National Speech and Debate Association (formerly National Forensics League) has two specific Extemporaneous Speech events, International and United States, at Speech and Debate competitions, with particular rules and standards. The National Speech and Debate Association website describes these events as follows:

Extemporaneous Speaking, typically called extemp, is a speech on current events with limited preparation time. A student’s understanding of important political, economic, and cultural issues is assessed along with critical thinking and analytical skills. Students report to a draw room (often referred to as extemp prep) where all of the extempers gather at tables, set out their files, and await their turn to draw topics. Students may access research brought with them to the tournament during the 30-minute preparation period. When prep time is up, the student reports to the competition room to deliver a 7 minute speech.

Students have a lot to do in 30 minutes—they must select a question, review research, outline arguments with supporting materials, and practice at least part of the speech before time expires. Many tournaments prohibit the consultation of notes during the speech in which case speech structure and evidence need to be memorized during prep time as well.

The International and United States events are similar in that they both offer a choice of three questions related to current events; the International event’s questions concern international issues, while the United State event deals with the U.S. only.

Other Speech and Debate organizations may have similar events. If you are interested in participating, start by talking to your English teacher or the Speech and Debate coach at your school. He or she may be able to give you resources and names of competitions that are most appropriate for you. If you are a homeschooled student, contact the school in your zoned school district to find out if you are eligible to participate in extracurricular activities through that school or ask our state’s activities association for more information.

The skills you will develop as an extemporaneous speaker will serve you well in a number of different arenas. For instance, you may use them to respond to a classmate’s point in a class discussion, or to give an impromptu toast at a wedding. If you decide to attend law school, you will be tasked with formulating impromptu arguments in class routinely, and must be well-prepared with extemporaneous speaking skills.

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How to become a better extemporaneous speaker

If you would like to become a better extemporaneous speaker, start by practicing with a wide range of both familiar and unfamiliar topics. You could find ideas by watching the news or reading a newspaper or a book.

Use competition-type timing and materials restrictions while practicing (consult The National Speech and Debate Association website for the rules). It is also a good idea to practice in front of audiences, especially those who can give you critical feedback on booth your content and delivery, such as your parents, teachers, or friends. If you are in a Speech and Debate club or organization, ask fellow members if they can give you feedback, and offer to do the same for them.

You can also record yourself on video and watch it back critically to evaluate your own speaking. Pay attention to your body language—your gestures should be natural and accentuate your message. Try not to be overly dramatic.

Work on your memorization abilities. Repetition is one way to solidify facts in your mind, so try making flash cards with key points and facts and using them to practice. Repeating facts out loud is another way to help you remember them. You will need to practice before your events, because using notes while speaking during competitions is usually not allowed. Even if it is permitted, notes can sometimes confuse you and hold you up more than they help.

Be sure to slow down even more than feels natural. Many students in Speech and Debate events speak much too quickly, but if you practice speaking slowly, you are less likely to let your nerves get the better of you and speed up when the competition rolls around. Also, be sure to time yourself: you want to fill your allotted time slot without going over the limit, and regularly timing yourself will help you develop a feel for how much you can say in the given time.

Make sure you use your analytical skills to argue an interesting and nuanced point rather than simply listing facts. You might practice doing so by thinking about arguments from different angles and developing counterarguments, as well as paying attention to current events and other issues in the news so you are aware of what is happening and the different perspectives people have on them.

At events that do allow you to bring research materials and notes, make sure you organize your materials so you can access the information you need quickly and easily.

Visit the NSDA website for guidelines to help you with particular events.

For more information

There are many extracurricular activities that can help you hone your public speaking skills. Start with CollegeVine’s guides below to find the one that is right for you.

A Guide to Excelling at Speech and Debate

Guide to the American Legion Oratorical Competition

A High School Student’s Guide to Mock Trial

How to Win Best Delegate in Model UN

Girls and Boys Nation—an Extension of Girls and Boys State

Summer Programs for Prospective Theatre Majors

Looking for help navigating the road to college as a high school student? Download our free guide for 9th graders  and our  free guide for 10th graders . Our guides go in-depth about subjects ranging from  academics ,  choosing courses ,  standardized tests ,  extracurricular activities ,  and much more !

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    clear understanding of her objective before she even begins delivering her speech. The purpose for the different types of speech-es mentioned above is clear. It could be to thank someone, to persuade a jury, to make an audience laugh, or to inspire a team. The purpose of an extemporaneous speech is less straightforward. In extemp, we speak about

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    Mastering an Extemporaneous Speech requires a balance of preparation and spontaneity. This guide, enriched with engaging speech examples, offers key insights into delivering compelling and impromptu speeches.Extemporaneous speaking, a valuable skill in both academic and professional settings, involves presenting a well-organized speech with limited preparation.

  25. 10 Extemporaneous Speech Examples

    Tips to Present Your Extemporaneous Speech. If you want to give an extemporaneous speech, here are some tips to help you present it effectively. 1. Follow a Single Presentation Style. It is important to follow a single presentation style when giving an extemporaneous speech, as it helps to create cohesiveness and structure in your presentation.

  26. How to prepare for an extempore/on-the-spot speech/table topics speech

    Receiving a topic on the spot, thinking on your feet and delivering a speech instantly without any error necessitates a wide range of skills. Let us learn it...

  27. Extemporaneous Speech

    Understanding Extemporaneous Speech. An extemporaneous speech is a type of speech delivered with little to no preparation, often with the help of notes or an outline. Unlike a memorized or read speech, an extemporaneous speech allows for more natural delivery and interaction with the audience, as the speaker can adapt to the audience's reactions and feedback in real-time.

  28. 14.1 Four Methods of Delivery

    Extemporaneous Speaking. Extemporaneous speaking is the presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes. By using notes rather than a full manuscript, the extemporaneous speaker can establish and maintain eye contact with the audience and assess how well they are understanding the speech as it progresses.

  29. 113 Extemporaneous Speech Topics • My Speech Class

    Tip # 8 It's all about producing topics for an extemporaneous that get strictly to the point. If you're feeling nervous, put your hands in your pockets or on front of the table in front of you, and don't be afraid to let people know. Tip # 9 Keep comments about your nervousness short and to the point.

  30. How to Develop Extemporaneous and Public Speaking Skills

    Extemporaneous Speaking, typically called extemp, is a speech on current events with limited preparation time. A student's understanding of important political, economic, and cultural issues is assessed along with critical thinking and analytical skills. Students report to a draw room (often referred to as extemp prep) where all of the ...