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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Foreign Films & Culture (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 5 Comments

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Foreign Films & Culture (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the real exam on the topic of foreign films and their impact on local culture.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Foreign Films & Culture

Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Real Past IELTS Exam

Some believe cinemas should show a wide breadth of films from around the world, while others worry about the globalising effect on local culture. In my opinion, though reliance on domestic film can contribute greatly to the cultural development of a nation, it is too severe a restriction.

Those wary of the pernicious effects of films from other countries point to the importance of nationally produced films. When a country imports few films from abroad, they are forced into making more and better movies to attract audiences. For instance, in the 1980s immediately after the cultural revolution in China, few foreign films were shows. Studios instead funded ambitious Chinese film-makers like Zhang Yimou, who would later go on to lead the early 1990s ascent of Chinese new wave cinema. This same pattern has been repeated in South Korea, Japan, France, and numerous other countries at different periods in the 20th century. The sum effect on culture for each respective nation has been massive and, in many cases, represents their most recent defining cultural achievements.

Nonetheless, watching foreign films allows individuals to enjoy the best entertainment on offer. It would be cruel to ban foreign films and enforce a sub-par viewing experience in countries with under-developed film industries. Film is, after all, mainly an enjoyable form of relaxation. The most popular movies tend to come from Hollywood and include blockbuster superhero franchises, Oscar-worthy dramas, and comedies. Many local theatre chains would struggle to stay in business without foreign films and the new online streaming options mean that audiences would likely just subscribe to Netflix or download movies illegally. The actual cultural benefits of such restrictions might therefore be questionable while theatre-goers would surely be deprived of quality recreation.

In conclusion, the examples of isolated national film industries do not outweigh the diversionary value of film. There are other methods of preserving and encouraging culture besides censoring outside influences.

1. Some believe cinemas should show a wide breadth of films from around the world, while others worry about the globalising effect on local culture. 2. In my opinion, though reliance on domestic film can contribute greatly to the cultural development of a nation, it is too severe a restriction.

  • Paraphrase the overall topic for the whole essay.
  • Give a clear opinion. Read more about introductions for IELTS here .

1. Those wary of the pernicious effects of films from other countries point to the importance of nationally produced films. 2. When a country imports few films from abroad, they are forced into making more and better movies to attract audiences. 3. For instance, in the 1980s immediately after the cultural revolution in China, few foreign films were shows. 4. Studios instead funded ambitious Chinese film-makers like Zhang Yimou, who would later go on to lead the early 1990s ascent of Chinese new wave cinema. 5. This same pattern has been repeated in South Korea, Japan, France, and numerous other countries at different periods in the 20th century. 6. The sum effect on culture for each respective nation has been massive and, in many cases, represents their most recent defining cultural achievements.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea, if necessary.
  • Give an example.
  • Develop or extend the example to other countries.
  • State the full results.

1. Nonetheless, watching foreign films allows individuals to enjoy the best entertainment on offer. 2. It would be cruel to ban foreign films and enforce a sub-par viewing experience in countries with under-developed film industries. 3. Film is, after all, mainly an enjoyable form of relaxation. 4. The most popular movies tend to come from Hollywood and include blockbuster superhero franchises, Oscar-worthy dramas, and comedies. 5. Many local theatre chains would struggle to stay in business without foreign films and the new online streaming options mean that audiences would likely just subscribe to Netflix or download movies illegally. 6. The actual cultural benefits of such restrictions might therefore be questionable while theatre-goers would surely be deprived of quality recreation.

  • Write another topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain this main idea.
  • Vary short and long sentences.
  • Give specific examples to support your main idea.
  • Continue developing the same main idea – don’t switch to a new one.
  • Conclude with a strong statement.

1. In conclusion, the examples of isolated national film industries do not outweigh the diversionary value of film. 2. There are other methods of preserving and encouraging culture besides censoring outside influences.

  • Repeat your opinion and summarise your main ideas.
  • Add a final thought/detail.

What do the words in bold below mean?

Some believe cinemas should show a wide breadth of films from around the world, while others worry about the globalising effect on local culture . In my opinion, though reliance on domestic film can contribute greatly to the cultural development of a nation, it is too severe a restriction .

Those wary of the pernicious effects of films from other countries point to the importance of nationally produced films . When a country imports few films from abroad , they are forced into making more and better movies to attract audiences . For instance, in the 1980s immediately after the cultural revolution in China , few foreign films were shows. Studios instead funded ambitious Chinese film-makers like Zhang Yimou, who would later go on to lead the early 1990s ascent of Chinese new wave cinema . This same pattern has been repeated in South Korea, Japan, France, and numerous other countries at different periods in the 20th century . The sum effect on culture for each respective nation has been massive and, in many cases , represents their most recent defining cultural achievements .

Nonetheless , watching foreign films allows individuals to enjoy the best entertainment on offer . It would be cruel to ban foreign films and enforce a sub-par viewing experience in countries with under-developed film industries. Film is, after all, mainly an enjoyable form of relaxation. The most popular movies tend to come from Hollywood and include blockbuster superhero franchises , Oscar-worthy dramas , and comedies. Many local theatre chains would struggle to stay in business without foreign films and the new online streaming options mean that audiences would likely just subscribe to Netflix or download movies illegally . The actual cultural benefits of such restrictions might therefore be questionable while theatre-goers would surely be deprived of quality recreation .

In conclusion, the examples of isolated national film industries do not outweigh the diversionary value of film. There are other methods of preserving and encouraging culture besides censoring outside influences .

wide breadth lots of different

globalising effect making the whole world the same

local culture the country in question

reliance dependence

domestic film film made in their country

contribute greatly add a lot to

cultural development the progress of art/culture

severe extreme

restriction regulation

wary suspicious about

pernicious effects bad impacts

point to argue

nationally produced films movies made in that country

imports what is brought into the country

abroad foreign

forced into must

attract audiences bring people in

immediately after right after, following

cultural revolution in China a program of restriction in China in the 1960s and 70s

studios film companies

funded ambitious gave money to promising

later go on after this would

ascent rise

Chinese new wave cinema early 1990s movement of good Chinese films

same pattern identical trend

repeated happened again

numerous many

different periods various times

20th century 1900-2000

sum effect total impact

respective nation country in question

massive huge

in many cases most of the time

represents total

most recent defining cultural achievements most important art made recently

nonetheless regardless

on offer available

ban restrict

enforce make sure it is followed

sub-par viewing experience bad time at the movies

under-developed not mature, not advanced

form make up

tend to usually

blockbuster superhero franchises Marvel and DC movies

Oscar-worthy dramas high-brow films

local theatre chains cinemas in your country

struggle have a tough time

stay in business continue to operate

streaming options online services for watching videos

audiences the people who watch

subscribe sign up to

download movies illegally steal films

actual cultural benefits real advantages for the culture

restrictions limits

questionable doubtful

theatre-goers people who watch movies

deprived of quality recreation taken away the fun

isolated alone

outweigh more important than

diversionary value important distractions

preserving keeping intact

encouraging helping

censoring outside influences restricting foreign films


waɪd brɛdθ   ˌgləʊb(ə)laɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n ɪˈfɛkt   ˈləʊkəl ˈkʌlʧə   rɪˈlaɪəns   dəʊˈmɛstɪk fɪlm   kənˈtrɪbju(ː)t ˈgreɪtli   ˈkʌlʧərəl dɪˈvɛləpmənt   sɪˈvɪə   rɪsˈtrɪkʃən   ˈweəri   pɜːˈnɪʃəs ɪˈfɛkts   pɔɪnt tuː   ˈnæʃnəli prəˈdjuːst fɪlmz   ˈɪmpɔːts   əˈbrɔːd   fɔːst ˈɪntuː   əˈtrækt ˈɔːdiənsɪz   ɪˈmiːdiətli ˈɑːftə   ˈkʌlʧərəl ˌrɛvəˈluːʃən ɪn ˈʧaɪnə   ˈstjuːdɪəʊz   ˈfʌndɪd æmˈbɪʃəs   ˈleɪtə gəʊ ɒn   əˈsɛnt   ˌʧaɪˈniːz njuː weɪv ˈsɪnəmə   seɪm ˈpætən   rɪˈpiːtɪd   ˈnjuːmərəs   ˈdɪfrənt ˈpɪərɪədz   ˈtwɛntɪəθ ˈsɛnʧʊri   sʌm ɪˈfɛkt   rɪsˈpɛktɪv ˈneɪʃən   ˈmæsɪv   ɪn ˈmɛni ˈkeɪsɪz   ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnts   məʊst ˈriːsnt dɪˈfaɪnɪŋ ˈkʌlʧərəl əˈʧiːvmənts   ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs   ɒn ˈɒfə krʊəl   bæn   ɪnˈfɔːs   sʌb-pɑː ˈvjuːɪŋ ɪksˈpɪərɪəns   ˈʌndə-dɪˈvɛləpt   fɔːm   tɛnd tuː   ˈblɒkˌbʌstə ˈsuːpəˌhɪərəʊ ˈfrænʧaɪzɪz   ˈɒskə-ˈwɜːði ˈdrɑːməz   ˈləʊkəl ˈθɪətə ʧeɪnz   ˈstrʌgl   steɪ ɪn ˈbɪznɪs   ˈstriːmɪŋ ˈɒpʃənz   ˈɔːdiənsɪz   səbˈskraɪb   ˌdaʊnˈləʊd ˈmuːviz ɪˈliːgəli   ˈækʧʊəl ˈkʌlʧərəl ˈbɛnɪfɪts   rɪsˈtrɪkʃənz   ˈkwɛsʧənəbl   ˈθɪətəˌgəʊəz   dɪˈpraɪvd ɒv ˈkwɒlɪti ˌriːkrɪˈeɪʃən   ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd   aʊtˈweɪ   daɪˈvɜːʃənəri ˈvæljuː   prɪˈzɜːvɪŋ   ɪnˈkʌrɪʤɪŋ   ˈsɛnsərɪŋ ˌaʊtˈsaɪd ˈɪnflʊənsɪz  

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Some believe cinemas should show a w___________h of films from around the world, while others worry about the g________________t on l______________e . In my opinion, though r____________e on d_______________m can c________________y to the c______________________t of a nation, it is too s________e a r____________n .

Those w_______y of the p____________________s of films from other countries p_________o the importance of n_________________________s . When a country i__________s few films from a_________d , they are f_____________o making more and better movies to a___________________s . For instance, in the 1980s i_______________________r the c_____________________________a , few foreign films were shows. S________s instead f________________s Chinese film-makers like Zhang Yimou, who would l____________n to lead the early 1990s a________t of C________________________a . This s___________n has been r__________d in South Korea, Japan, France, and n___________s other countries at d____________________s in the 2_______________y . The s____________t on culture for each r___________________n has been m__________e and, i____________s , r________________s their m____________________________________s .

N____________s , watching foreign films allows individuals to enjoy the best entertainment o________r . It would be c_______l to b___n foreign films and e__________e a s___________________________e in countries with u________________d film industries. Film is, after all, mainly an enjoyable f______m of relaxation. The most popular movies t________o come from Hollywood and include b____________________________________s , O_________________________s , and comedies. Many l_______________________s would s______________e to s_________________s without foreign films and the new online s_________________s mean that a______________s would likely just s_______________e to Netflix or d____________________________y . The a__________________________s of such r_______________s might therefore be q__________________e while t_______________s would surely be d____________________________________n .

In conclusion, the examples of i____________d national film industries do not o___________h the d________________________e of film. There are other methods of p_______________g and e_________________g culture besides c_______________________________s .

Listening Practice

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Hi Dave, Could you please check my essay.

Many people feel that international movies should be streamed as it opens the window for communication whilst some think that it can lead to an unfavorable effect on the culture and tradition of the people as they believe that westernization would uproot their roots and civilization. In my opinion, even though, there would be apprehension among the people, it would widen people’s perspective and provides a platform for the international exchange of beliefs and ideas. Those who believe that international movies are advantageous focus on the wide wider range of prospects. Having these international movies shown would allow people to peep into other’s cultures and language, moreover, it would be beneficial for the country’s economy. To illustrate, a movie named’ fast and furious’ was released all over the world which gave insight not only about the technology used by foreign movie makers but also about their clothing and lifestyle. Apart from that, it gave monetary gains to the country and thus stabilizes the economy. Nonetheless, there is a segment, who believes that showing foreign movies has a downside too, as people are intrigued by western culture and tend to unfollow their own. Moreover, it has been seen that people are converting their religions to Christianity and changing their lifestyles. To illustrate, in many developing countries, such as Asian countries, people are following the western trend by imitating the foreign language and clothing styles. One recent remarkable change has been seen in celebrating foreign festivals such as Valentine’s day and Christmas day in underdeveloped nations. To conclude, although bringing foreign movies into one’s own culture gives manifold benefits, people still believe that it can lead to disregard for one’s own values and culture. However, I believe that international movies should be shown globally, to share ideas globally and a better understanding of other nations.

Jessica Nadal

Movie production is one of the biggest industries in society these days. While some people think that a particular country should not show international films, others are not advocating this belief. In my opinion, it is more advantageous to allow foreign films because it can bring individuals to a state of euphoria.

Those who argue in favor of the restriction of movies from abroad typically consider the potential drawbacks to local culture. When foreign movies introduce to a country, changes in the expectation of people is inevitable. Indeed, movies from first-world nations are incredibly entertaining and have a high standard. That is why the local movie industry could lose its support from the people because they appreciate more the movies from outside. This could be a contributing factor to the downturn of the local film-making industry, so the country’s population should be contented with nationally produced films.

However, international movies are essential to people’s happiness and excitement. It is undeniable that their way of producing films are more imaginative and sophisticated. These are the reasons why a particular nation’s viewers are attracted to their movies. Moreover, it could open the gate to an extraordinary experience because they are creating movies related to innovative and futuristic ideas. That is why it is more thrilling and enjoyable to watch. Thus, a particular country should allow movies from overseas, especially from a developed nation, because of the satisfaction that it can bring to the viewers.

In conclusion, although there are some negative impacts of permitting foreign films in a certain nation, these are beneficial in people’s overall well-being. I believe that allowing them is worth considering because of their favorable effects on individuals.


Good again – very accurate!

A specific example would help the 3rd paragraph.


Hi Dave, It would be my huge honor if you check it for me. thanks a lot.

Some believe films from other countries should be shown while others argue they may have positive influences on the cultural development of a nation. In this essay, I will attempt to elaborate on both sides of this debate before declaring my viewpoint.   On the one hand, there are understandable reasons why some are in favor of the pernicious effects of foreign films on local culture. Firstly, these films possibly promote foreign lifestyles that may be unsuitable to certain countries. For example, Penthouse- a Korean original – depicts the luxury life of a social class who are mostly no respecter of the law. This way of living is totally in contrast with Vietnamese who prioritize obeying the rules.  Therefore, viewers are encouraged to overlook their culture and may underestimate its importance. In addition, solely showing movies of one country forces domestic film industries to produce more and better ones to attract people. On the other hand, supporters of foreign films point to audiences’ sense of enjoyment and knowledge. Firstly, viewers are benefited from a wider range of movies which consist of broader topics. For instance, without the arrival of imported shows, Vietnamese people may find it boring to watch only their original movies which mostly exploit family themes. Additionally, showing these films not only cater for demand from complicated viewers but only help them enhance their knowledge about cultural diversity including codes of conduct in a different country. A good example would be ‘friends’ a US series which draws the friendship of five young people through the depiction of their daily life. Thus, the audiences can take chances to learn English and find out about appropriate behaviors in the USA.   In conclusion, while international movies may possibly make one undervalue their cultural importance, they create enjoyment and broaden one knowledge. Having considered both views, I believe there should include movies imported from other countries in the world.

Good work, Anh!

There is an over-reliance on linking phrases – try to use as few as possible but your ideas and vocabulary are really strong.

Keep working hard!

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This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the real exam on the topic of foreign films and their impact on local culture.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Foreign Films & Culture

Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer:

Some believe cinemas should show a  wide breadth  of films from around the world, while others worry about the  globalising effect  on  local culture . In my opinion, though  reliance  on  domestic film  can  contribute greatly  to the  cultural development  of a nation, it is too  severe  a  restriction .

Those  wary  of the  pernicious effects  of films from other countries  point to  the importance of  nationally produced films . When a country  imports  few films from  abroad , they are  forced into  making more and better movies to  attract audiences . For instance, in the 1980s  immediately after  the  cultural revolution in China , few foreign films were shows.  Studios  instead  funded ambitious  Chinese film-makers like Zhang Yimou, who would  later go on  to lead the early 1990s  ascent  of  Chinese new wave cinema . This  same pattern  has been  repeated  in South Korea, Japan, France, and  numerous  other countries at  different periods  in the  20th century . The  sum effect  on culture for each  respective nation  has been  massive  and,  in many cases ,  represents  their  most recent defining cultural achievements .

Nonetheless , watching foreign films allows individuals to enjoy the best entertainment  on offer . It would be  cruel  to  ban  foreign films and  enforce  a  sub-par viewing experience  in countries with  under-developed  film industries. Film is, after all, mainly an enjoyable  form  of relaxation. The most popular movies  tend to  come from Hollywood and include  blockbuster superhero franchises ,  Oscar-worthy dramas , and comedies. Many  local theatre chains  would  struggle  to  stay in business  without foreign films and the new online  streaming options  mean that  audiences  would likely just  subscribe  to Netflix or  download movies illegally . The  actual cultural benefits  of such  restrictions  might therefore be  questionable  while  theatre-goers  would surely be  deprived of quality recreation .

In conclusion, the examples of  isolated  national film industries do not  outweigh  the  diversionary value  of film. There are other methods of  preserving  and  encouraging  culture besides  censoring outside influences .

Foreign Films & Culture : Vocabulary

  • wide breadth  lots of different
  • globalising effect  making the whole world the same
  • local culture  the country in question
  • reliance  dependence
  • domestic film  film made in their country
  • contribute greatly  add a lot to
  • cultural development  the progress of art/culture
  • severe  extreme
  • restriction  regulation
  • wary  suspicious about
  • pernicious effects  bad impacts
  • point to  argue
  • nationally produced films  movies made in that country
  • imports  what is brought into the country
  • abroad  foreign
  • forced into  must
  • attract audiences  bring people in
  • immediately after  right after, following
  • cultural revolution in China  a program of restriction in China in the 1960s and 70s
  • studios  film companies
  • funded ambitious  gave money to promising
  • later go on  after this would
  • ascent  rise
  • Chinese new wave cinema  early 1990s movement of good Chinese films
  • same pattern  identical trend
  • repeated  happened again
  • numerous  many
  • different periods  various times
  • 20th century  1900-2000
  • sum effect  total impact
  • respective nation  country in question
  • massive  huge
  • in many cases  most of the time
  • represents  total
  • most recent defining cultural achievements  most important art made recently
  • nonetheless  regardless
  • on offer  available
  • cruel  mean
  • ban  restrict
  • enforce  make sure it is followed
  • sub-par viewing experience  bad time at the movies
  • under-developed  not mature, not advanced
  • form  make up
  • tend to  usually
  • blockbuster superhero franchises  Marvel and DC movies
  • Oscar-worthy dramas  high-brow films
  • local theatre chains  cinemas in your country
  • struggle  have a tough time
  • stay in business  continue to operate
  • streaming options  online services for watching videos
  • audiences  the people who watch
  • subscribe  sign up to
  • download movies illegally  steal films
  • actual cultural benefits  real advantages for the culture
  • restrictions  limits
  • questionable  doubtful
  • theatre-goers  people who watch movies
  • deprived of quality recreation  taken away the fun
  • isolated  alone
  • outweigh  more important than
  • diversionary value  important distractions
  • preserving  keeping intact
  • encouraging  helping
  • censoring outside influences  restricting foreign films

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August 19, 2024

Some people think that foreign films have a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you

“some people think that foreign films have a negative impact on local culture. to what extent do you agree or disagree (2020)”, sample answer:.

Foreign films have long been a source of controversy when it comes to their impact on local culture. While some argue that they have a negative influence, I firmly believe that exposure to foreign films can actually have a positive effect on local culture.

Firstly, foreign films provide audiences with a window into different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. By watching foreign films, individuals can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of the world. This exposure can lead to increased tolerance and empathy towards people from different backgrounds, ultimately enriching the local culture.

Moreover, foreign films often showcase unique storytelling techniques, cinematography, and artistic expressions that can inspire local filmmakers and artists. This cross-pollination of ideas and styles can lead to the creation of innovative and compelling works within the local film industry, contributing to the overall cultural landscape.

On the other hand, critics argue that foreign films may overshadow or dilute local cultural identities. They fear that the dominance of foreign content may lead to the erosion of traditional values and narratives. However, I believe that local culture is dynamic and adaptable, and exposure to foreign films can actually serve to invigorate and evolve local artistic expressions rather than diminish them.

In conclusion, while some may argue that foreign films have a negative impact on local culture, I contend that they can bring about positive changes by fostering cultural understanding, inspiring creativity, and contributing to the richness of local artistic endeavors.

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Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films – IELTS Writing Task 2 Discursive Essays

Janice Thompson

Updated On Sep 18, 2023


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Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to show imported foreign film and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  OR

Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Band 8.0 Model Essay 1

People have different views about whether it is better for a country to purchase foreign movies or to create domestic ones. While importing movies from other countries can have some advantages, I would argue that producing local movies is a better option.

On the one hand, there are some clear benefits to buying movies from other countries. Firstly, when a country imports movies produced overseas, it can help its people learn about other cultures in a much easier and more effective way. This would help its citizens to be more knowledgeable. Secondly, individuals can learn the good things of other more civilised societies and alter their behaviour. For example, the habit of queuing is a nice thing in many Western countries, and people from Vietnam can learn and copy this action when watching foreign movies.

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On the other hand, I believe it is better for countries to produce movies domestically for a number of reasons. The first one is that movies made by local people would help preserve the traditions and customs of their own cultures. For instance, many Vietnamese TV programmes remind young generations how people celebrate Lunar New Year, which is the most important public holiday in some Asian countries. If young people only watch foreign movies, traditional values might be gradually forgotten. Another reason is that the film industry often creates jobs such as actors, directors, and cameramen. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in producing movies in order to provide more employment opportunities for local people.

In conclusion, while purchasing foreign movies is beneficial for a nation’s culture to some extent, it seems to me that making local ones is a much better choice.

Band 8.0 Model Essay 2

For the past decades, the importance of a country developing its own motion picture expertise versus importing foreign entertainment programs has been the center of attention in the entertainment industry. I believe that having the best of both worlds would work most effectively.

There are certain grounds supporting the view of featuring foreign films and TV shows. Firstly, globalization supports the widespread of cultural products that integrate within themselves the essence of the nation from which they originates. Viewers, therefore, while enjoying the entertaining element of these programs can simultaneously learn more about the world and its various cultures. For instance, an Asian viewer can be amazed by the individualism conveyed in western blockbuster movies while an American can explore the significance of collective eastern values from a Chinese or Korean drama. Furthermore, the international trade of these items has not only aided the development of globalized culture but also broadened people’s understanding of the diverse world around them. It is not deemed daring to say that without cultural exchange through TV channels, feeling and learning about other cultures would turn less visually impressive.

On the other hand, it is justifiable, though maybe considered ethnocentric, that domestic entertainment products retain an equally indispensable role in a country’s film segments. The most obvious reason is that the act of a country developing its own movies and broadcasting industry is of necessity to preserve its culture. Through local films and TV shows, children and adolescents develop their cognition of local customs and traditional values and have a tendency to practice them. Another endorsing reason is that domestic films and shows are irreplaceable products that bring people true feelings and complete understanding of contexts and clichés used. Since people can more easily relate themselves to others who speak their language and whose behavior they could totally understand, viewers can reflect themselves and their society in a lively way through local TV programs.

In conclusion, I believe it is crucial for a country to find a balanced coexistence of both ways, not only advancing towards globalization but also preserving one’s unique film and TV industry.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Foreign Films And Programmes Have a Negative Impact on Local Culture - IELTS Band 9 Essay

Foreign Films And Programmes Have a Negative Impact on Local Culture - IELTS Band 9 Essay

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Sample Essay 1 (Disagreement)

While some argue that foreign films and television programs erode local culture, I contend that they rather enrich it, promoting cultural exchange and understanding. This essay will examine the ways foreign media serve as a conduit for cultural diversity and challenge the insularity of local customs.

Foreign films and television programs not only entertain but educate, providing a platform for diverse narratives and perspectives that act as windows to the world. For instance, the Korean drama "Parasite" intricately portrays issues of social stratification, offering profound insights that resonate globally and encourage viewers to reflect on similar societal structures within their own cultures. These media channels do not impose foreign ideals; rather, they invite a synthesis of values, promoting a blend that enhances cultural appreciation. Furthermore, the exposure to varied cultural expressions through foreign films broadens viewers' perspectives, fostering a more inclusive worldview. This enhanced exposure not only helps diminish xenophobia but also facilitates a global dialogue on universal human experiences such as love, conflict, and ambition, thereby enriching the viewer's understanding and empathy towards different cultures.

Moreover, the concern that foreign media undermines local culture overlooks the adaptability and resilience of indigenous cultural expressions. Local cultures are not static; they have always absorbed and adapted foreign elements to evolve. For example, Bollywood, India’s film industry, has skilfully blended Western musical styles with traditional Indian music and storytelling techniques, creating a distinctive genre that resonates with a global audience while maintaining its unique Indian identity. This cultural hybridization demonstrates the strength and flexibility of local traditions, which can adopt external influences to enhance their vibrancy and relevance. Far from diluting the essence of local cultures, this dynamic interplay enriches them, making them more accessible and engaging to both local and international audiences, thus ensuring their survival and continued evolution in a globalized world.

In conclusion, the impact of foreign films and programs on local culture is not a zero-sum game of loss and gain. Rather, these media enrich local cultures by introducing new perspectives and encouraging cultural hybridity.

Sample Essay 2 (Agreement)

The infiltration of foreign films and television programs into local markets is often perceived as a cultural threat rather than an enrichment. I staunchly agree that this media influx can overshadow local traditions and values, leading to a homogenization of cultural identities. This essay will explore how foreign media can dilute local cultural uniqueness and diminish traditional values.

Firstly, the influence of foreign films and television on local cultures is profound, as they often introduce and promote values and lifestyles that starkly contrast with indigenous norms, leading to cultural displacement. For example, many Hollywood productions advocate individualistic ideals, which diverge from the community-centric ethos of Asian and African societies. This can create cultural dissonance, particularly among the youth who may find these glamorous portrayals alluring, thereby distancing themselves from their cultural heritage. Moreover, the allure and widespread distribution of these foreign films often overshadow local productions, which struggle to match the production quality and celebrity appeal of international media. This competition can lead to a significant decline in local arts, diminishing the traditional avenues of storytelling and cultural expression which are crucial for cultural continuity and identity preservation.

Secondly, the pervasive presence of foreign media in local markets can significantly undermine the appreciation and visibility of local cultural outputs. In many regions, local films and television programs are marred by underfunding and limited distribution networks, struggling against the financial might and extensive promotional strategies of blockbuster foreign productions. This disparity not only hampers the development of local talent and the evolution of creative industries but also restricts the cultural choices available to the local audience. Over time, the dominant presence of foreign narratives in media consumption molds public perceptions and preferences, subtly eroding the unique characteristics of local cultures. This erosion can lead to a homogenized global culture where unique cultural identities and practices are diminished, ultimately reducing the rich tapestry of cultural diversity that characterizes human societies.

In conclusion, the dominance of foreign films and television is indeed a cultural challenge, often diluting the unique expressions of local cultures. As demonstrated, this influence can displace traditional values and diminish the visibility and viability of local media, leading to a gradual erosion of cultural diversity and identity.

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Essay 317 – Many people prefer to watch foreign films

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 317.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films.

Why could this be? Should governments give more financial support to local film industries?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

A large number of people choose to see foreign movies than domestically produced movies. This essay will outline the reasons why this happens. I think that governments ought to provide generous financial support to local films to develop the national economy.

There are several cogent reasons why some people opt to see foreign films. One of the strongest reasons to watch foreign movies is that these movies allow spectators to experience different genres and cinematic styles. Films are the reflection of culture, so international films are likely unique to their place of origin. In fact, the plots tend to be faintly familiar and thus more interesting. A case in point is “The War Is Over”, which is a historical fiction movie based on stories about the children of the Holocaust. Another good reason for watching movies made in other countries is to get a new perspective on filmmaking. Indian movies usually have a feel-good ending. Although this is a popular approach to Indian filmmaking, this is not always happening in the international film market. Life is depicted differently, presented in thought-provoking ways that leave people hanging. This is actually an uncharted narrative area and visual poetry.

Nevertheless, I believe that governments should provide more financial assistance to local film producers. This is because the film industry could be an engine for the national economy. The industry could support a dynamic creative economy, employing a substantial number of people in every state, and a wide range of skills and trades. Consequently, this sector can create plenty of employment opportunities, thereby stimulating the economy. For example, the American film industry pays out $55 billion every year to more than 450,000 businesses in different cities across the country. This essay, therefore, argues that government should financially support the local film industry.

To conclude, many people tend to watch international films because of experiencing different genres and perspectives. However, the government should give local film industries financial help because it can boost the national economy.

One Comment to “Essay 317 – Many people prefer to watch foreign films”

Essay: Western culture has a great influence on the young generation, and they follow their styles, fashion, music, and other trends. In fact, they prefer to watch Hollywood movies instead of movies produced in their own countries, and it could be because they find them interesting and informative. I believe authorities should provide local movie producers with financial assistance because it will boost the economy of the nation and promote local culture.

There are a plethora of reasons for international productions to attract an abundance of spectators across the whole world. Initially, they have a keen storyline that develops great inquisitiveness among viewers. Here, it would be interesting to talk about one of the world’s most famous films – Avengers; it has been successful in entertaining people for the past half-decade. With its unbeatable sequence of a story, it has earned billions of dollars. Besides this, the direction and utilization of technology in certain creations are always unbeatable. Since people could never predict between reality and animation, it provides a completely distinct experience to the masses. Consequently, brilliant ideas, techniques, and cinematography of foreign industries keep on fascinating people.

The government ought to provide enough funding to the local movie producers because the entertainment industry could prove to be a good source of income for the locality and it would help promote local customs and traditions. As a result, this sector could provide ample employment opportunities to actors, directors, writers, and so forth. The government could gain more benefits in this field by supporting local film industries as it would bring more revenue.

In conclusion, Foreign movies, especially Hollywood movies, are entertaining and are enjoyed worldwide with their outstanding creations. Nevertheless, continents ought to focus on their own industries and assist local movie producers and production houses financially.

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Foreign Films Essays

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International and or local films - what people prefer to watch?

foreign films essay

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The documentary genre is a more varied one than many people give it credit for. As a type of film, documentaries do usually aim to inform or educate about some kind of non-fiction story or topic, but that's not their sole purpose. Some aim to evoke certain feelings or experiences more than anything else, others aim to present an argument or point of view in a persuasive manner, and others are mostly concerned with simply entertaining audiences the way a work of fiction might. Furthermore, some documentaries aim to do a combination of the above, or maybe even none of the above, instead opting to do something else entirely

Exploring the world of documentary filmmaking can be a truly eye-opening thing to do, and reveal worlds or unique perspectives that aren't as easy to explore through other genres. It's safe to assume that documentary movies will never go out of style, which makes keeping track of the best documentaries out there worthwhile. Some of the best documentaries of all time have been around for decades, while others are more recent, and deal with ongoing, ever-topical issues. The films below aren't merely good documentaries; they're largely considered all-timers within the genre, and can all be described quite reasonably as the best documentaries ever. What follows are some of the finest documentary films of all time, ranked below from great to greatest.

30 'Bowling for Columbine' (2002)

Director: michael moore.

bowling for columbine, Michael Moore, Cameras, Victim, Journalists

Coming out years before crime documentaries became Netflix's bread and butter, Bowling for Columbine uses a horrific crime spree as a jumping-off point to explore American culture, and its seemingly unending love of firearms. The event it's all framed around is the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, which claimed more than 20 victims.

In one of the best movies of 2002 , Michael Moore made arguably his most passionate and emotional movie with Bowling for Columbine , with the editing and presentation making the arguments put forward quite persuasive. It's in-your-face and uncompromising as a documentary, and it works well as something that clearly wants to start a conversation about a serious topic.

bowling for columbine

Watch on Tubi

29 'Sans Soleil' (1983)

Director: chris marker.

Sans Soleil - 1983

Sans Soleil is a documentary that's hard to summarize, and has a rather experimental approach to the format/genre. It has little by way of narrative or a direct argument that it wants to present, instead being an artistically presented odyssey through a woman's abstract thoughts, often relating to the meaning of life and human existence.

Sans Soleil feels broad and open to interpretation, but it's the kind of thing where someone could watch it and have it fully click , gaining an entirely different understanding than other viewers. This might make Sans Soleil something of an acquired taste, but it's worth at least one watch for those who appreciate unconventional and adventurous documentary movies .

Watch on Criterion

28 '13th' (2016)

Director: ava duvernay.

A black girl in 13th looking at something or someone off-camera.

Standing as one of the most important cultural/political documentaries in recent memory, 13th is a difficult yet essential watch. It tackles the U.S. prison system with a particular focus on the racial inequality present within it, tying the way prisons function in modern times to the way slavery functioned back during the nation's earlier days.

It might be a difficult thing for some viewers to hear and grapple with, but 13th is persuasive and remarkably good at presenting the case for this claim. It's all assembled amazingly well, and makes for the kind of film that wants to frustrate, get people thinking, and have viewers reassess what they thought they knew. In these ways, 13th is a resoundingly successful documentary.

Watch on Netflix

27 'Gimme Shelter' (1970)

Directors: albert and david maysles, charlotte zwerin.


It's no secret that Martin Scorsese loves The Rolling Stones , having directed his own documentary about them and using their songs throughout his films. He seems particularly fond of the song "Gimme Shelter," which is also the name of this 1970 documentary about The Rolling Stones, focusing on one particularly infamous concert they performed in 1969.

Gimme Shelter is one of the few concert movies that could be described as nightmarish , because even if you enjoy some of the music on offer, the stark presentation of a tragic event is ultimately what's most memorable. It's an intense watch that's probably not for everyone, but it certainly stands as one of the most distinct - and harrowing - music documentaries of all time .

Watch on Max

26 'Man on Wire' (2008)

Director: james marsh.

Man on Wire - 2008

Somehow functioning as both a documentary and a heist movie at the same time, Man on Wire tells a wild true story that was also adapted into a feature film with 2015's The Walk . It's about daredevil/tightrope walker Philippe Petit , and the way he managed to execute a stunt in 1974 that involved walking between the two towers of the World Trade Center, which had then only recently been built.

Man on Wire 's pacing makes it feel more dynamic and thrilling than many other documentaries out there , and some of the footage/photographs captured prove awe-inspiring to look at. It's artistically presented and genuinely exciting, serving as both a psychological exploration of a rather unique man while also celebrating the absolutely wild feat he managed to pull off.

Man on Wire

Watch on Hulu

25 'Grey Gardens' (1975)

Directors: david maysles, albert maysles, ellen hovde, muffie meyer.

Grey Gardens - 1975

For better or worse, Grey Gardens feels like a proto-reality TV show, arguably leading the way for the genre to exist in all its wild , uncomfortable, and sometimes exploitative glory. This is because Grey Gardens simply observes two real-life people who live strange lives, and may or may not be exaggerating their odd behavior because cameras are present.

The two women at the center of Grey Gardens are relatives of Jackie Kennedy Onassis , and they live in a large yet rundown house, and have very isolated lives. It's an unsettling and uncomfortable film that blurs the line between documentary and drama , but ultimately one that's proven influential within the genre, and a somewhat haunting watch that has resonated with many viewers since its 1975 release.

24 'They Shall Not Grow Old' (2018)

Director: peter jackson.

World War One soldiers in They Shall Not Grow Old - 2018

There have been many great films about the First World War , and among them would have to be They Shall Not Grow Old . It was released on the 100th anniversary of the conflict's end, and uses colorized and meticulously restored footage to depict the harrowing experience of trench warfare in a way that's never been shown before in previous WW1 documentaries.

It was an ambitious project directed by Peter Jackson , and though getting the footage to look so striking would have taken a great deal of work, the results speak for themselves. They Shall Not Grow Old isn't an easy watch, but it is an essential one , and recontextualizes a century-old conflict by presenting an emotional and intimately personal look at the horrors of war.

23 'Life of Crime: 1984-2020' (2021)

Director: jon alpert.

Life of Crime 1984-2020

Life of Crime: 1984-2020 may have a bit of a clunky title, but as a film, it's anything but clunky. It's the third and final installment in a series of documentaries that follow several individuals who engage in petty crime and/or struggle with drug addictions, with it all being filmed in an uncompromising and very raw fashion.

This 2021 film spends one hour recapping the first and second documentaries in the series (which covered the 1980s and 1990s respectively) before moving on to what happened to the subjects at its center in the 21st century. Life of Crime: 1984-2020 sheds light on a group of people who've seemingly been forgotten by society, showing their flaws while also being empathetic. It's devastating, proving hard to watch, and maybe even harder to forget.

22 'The Act of Killing' (2012)

Director: joshua oppenheimer.

The Act of Killing - 2012

Though The Act of Killing isn't a horror movie by any means, it feels more brutal and terrifying than most could ever hope to be. It covers a difficult subject in a unique yet stomach-churning way, focusing on the Indonesian mass killings of 1965-1966 which saw somewhere between 500,000 and 1 million people being killed (mostly people associated with communism, or believed to be).

It follows various people who participated in these killings more than 40 years on from the events, with the filmmakers getting these individuals to recreate what they did through the guise of "making a film" in the hope they'll realize the brutality of their past actions. The Act of Killing is a daunting look at the dark side of human nature , as well as a terrible period in history that's still in living memory for many people living today.

The Act of Killing

A documentary which challenges former Indonesian death-squad leaders to reenact their mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers.

Watch on Peacock

21 'The Thin Blue Line' (1988)

Director: errol morris.

The Thin Blue Line - 1988

The true crime genre has experienced a boom in the last five to 10 years, and on a streaming service like Netflix in particular, it seems difficult to avoid documentaries about crime. Many documentaries that are definable as true-crime owe a great deal to 1988's The Thin Blue Line , which was revolutionary for documentary filmmaking as a whole.

It follows the investigation surrounding the murder of a police officer in Dallas, criticizing certain aspects of how it was done, and arguing that the primary suspect might not have been as guilty as detectives believed. The Thin Blue Line was influential enough to impact criminal proceedings, ultimately highlighting how powerful a well-argued and intelligently presented documentary can be.

20 'Harlan County, USA' (1976)

Director: barbara kopple.

Harlan County, USA - 1976

While Harlan County, USA may be almost 50 years old, it remains relevant, and will continue to feel vital for as long as workers don't feel fairly compensated for their work. It focuses on a specific 1973 strike in Harlan County, but the ideas and struggles explored here are relevant to various industries and groups of workers.

The "USA" part of the title could be referring to Harlan County, or it could be read as emphasizing that the sort of conflict here is something felt throughout the USA, back in the 1970s and to this day, too, with the recent Writer's Guild of America strike . The presentation in Harlan County, USA is simple, no-nonsense, and ultimately persuasive, ensuring it stands as a classic - and essential - work of documentary filmmaking.

19 'The Times of Harvey Milk' (1984)

Director: rob epstein.

The Times of Harvey Milk - 1984

Biographical stories can often be told more powerfully through documentaries than in traditional feature films (though the former isn't likely to earn as many Oscar nominations as the latter). This is demonstrated by 1984's The Times of Harvey Milk , because while the 2008 film Milk covers similar ground and is compelling, seeing it play out in a documentary is even more powerful.

As the title implies, this documentary covers the life and career of Harvey Milk - both cut tragically short by his assassination in 1978. The Times of Harvey Milk aims to celebrate what he accomplished for gay rights in America while mourning his untimely passing , and serves as an emotional and extremely well-presented look at Milk and his life.

18 'Free Solo' (2018)

Directors: jimmy chin, elizabeth chai vasarhelyi.

Alex Honnold climbing in 'Free Solo'

Viewers with acrophobia should stay well away from Free Solo , because it can be genuinely hard to watch for anyone who has even a slight fear of heights. It follows Alex Honnold as he attempts to climb a 3000-foot-high rock face by himself, and without the safeguards of ropes or safety gear.

As far as "man versus nature" documentary movies go, this is easily one of the greatest of all time, and in a way, ends up being more heart-racing than the vast majority of blockbuster thrillers out there (even the great ones). As far as adrenaline-rush documentaries go, few can compete with what Free Solo pulls off.

Alex Honnold faces the biggest challenge of his career, climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. He pursues it Free Solo, which means climbing without a rope and alone.

Watch on Disney+

17 'American Movie' (1999)

Director: chris smith.

mike-schank-american-movie copy

A heartwarming and funny documentary , American Movie is one of the essential documentaries about the filmmaking process of the last few decades . It centers on independent filmmaker Mark Borchardt and his attempts to complete his movie, an unusual horror film about addiction and demonic cults called Coven .

It's one of those films that's likely to hit home for anyone who's undertaken a daunting creative project before, or even those who've ever dreamed of fulfilling their creative desires. It celebrates art - no matter the budget or the technical qualities - and even for non-creatives, is likely to provide plenty of entertainment value thanks to its humor and down-to-earth charms.

Rent on Apple TV

16 'Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse' (1991)

Directors: eleanor coppola, fax bahr, george hickenlooper.

Apocalypse Now set shot from Hearts of Darkness - 1991

While American Movie shows the struggles of independent filmmaking, Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse - released at the other end of the 1990s - looks at the struggles of big-budget filmmaking. It follows the infamous production of Apocalypse Now , a film that ended up being a classic, but was plagued with just about every problem under the sun before release.

For as harrowing as the psychologically tense and violent war film is, Hearts of Darkness makes the fight to get the film made look equally brutal and mentally devastating . Francis Ford Coppola and the rest of the cast and crew went to hell and back to make one of the greatest films of the 1970s, and this documentary captures that nightmarish production in stark, eye-opening detail.

Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse

15 'the beaches of agnès' (2008), director: agnès varda.

Agnès Varda in 'The Beaches of Agnès' (2008)

Agnès Varda was one of the greatest and most creative French filmmakers of all time. She was known for both her feature films and her documentary work, and while titles like Cléo from 5 to 7 and Vagabond are her best-known when it comes to the former, 2008's The Beaches of Agnès is probably her greatest achievement for the latter.

It plays out like a visual autobiography, with Varda reflecting on her youth, her filmmaking career, and her relationship with fellow French filmmaker Jacques Demy . The Beaches of Agnès is touching, entertaining, visually dazzling, and thought-provoking , all thanks to Varda's unique outlook on life, and could serve as a good introduction to the filmmaker's immense body of work.

14 'Man with a Movie Camera' (1929)

Director: dziga vertov.

A man standing atop a giant movie camera in Man With a Movie Camera

Without Man with a Movie Camera , the entire documentary format may look entirely different today. It's likely one of the most important and influential documentaries of all time, using inventive visuals and creative editing techniques to show how life was in the Soviet Union during the 1920s.

Beyond that premise, there isn't really a whole to this silent film. Yet the style is what makes it dazzling and engaging to this day, and even if it doesn't grab all modern viewers, surely everyone can recognize its significance for the documentary format as a whole. At only 68 minutes long, documentary fans don't exactly have an excuse not to at least give it a shot.

Watch on Vudu

13 'Woodstock' (1970)

Director: michael wadleigh.

A group of festival goers in Woodstock

Woodstock is far from the only iconic concert film (more on those below), but it covers what many would argue was the most significant live music event of all time. That was 1969's Woodstock Music & Art Festival, an event that went for three days, saw 32 different musical acts perform, and was attended by more than 400,000 people.

A huge film is needed to capture such a large-scale event, and Woodstock is more than up to the task. The theatrical cut runs for over three hours, and a director's cut runs for almost four, with it capturing some iconic live music (including performances by Jimi Hendrix , Janis Joplin , and The Who ) as well as documenting what the festival was like for those attending, and the ways organizers dealt with certain issues that came about while the festival was underway.

12 'Stop Making Sense' (1984)

Director: jonathan demme.

David Byrne dances in his iconic big suit in 'Stop Making Sense'

Stop Making Sense isn't just one of the best films of 1984 ; it's right up there as one of the best concert films of all time. It documents new wave band Talking Heads at their creative and commercial peak, going through an excellent tracklist over 88 glorious, upbeat, entertaining minutes.

There isn't much of a message or story here, of course, but the way it's shot, edited, and paced is certainly more intricate than most concert films. Stop Making Sense is the gold standard for how music documentaries about concerts should look and feel , and an essential watch, regardless of whether you're a big Talking Heads fan.

Watch in Cinemas

11 'Paris Is Burning' (1990)

Director: jennie livingston.

The cast of Paris is Burning celebrating together.

Despite only running for about 70 minutes, Paris Is Burning covers many years, focusing on the New York drag scene throughout much of the 1980s. It looks at a subculture that was likely underground and unseen for many people during that time, and gives those who belong to it a chance in the spotlight.

Paris Is Burning holds up as one of the most important documentaries of the 1990s, and one that is still relevant today , even if these sorts of subcultures are a little more well-known today. It shows the power that documentary films have when it comes to raising awareness for different people and groups, and for doing so here with an LGBTQ subculture, Paris Is Burning is a landmark.


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  1. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Foreign Films & Culture (Real

    This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the real exam on the topic of foreign films and their impact on local culture. Be sure that you check out my exclusive IELTS Ebooks and materials on Patreon here (and recommend a friend if you can!). Dave. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Foreign Films & Culture

  2. IELTS Writing Task 2: 'foreign films' essay

    There are various reasons why many people find foreign films more enjoyable than the films produced in their own countries. Firstly, the established film industries in certain countries have huge budgets for action, special effects and to shoot scenes in spectacular locations. Hollywood blockbusters like 'Avatar' or the James Bond films are ...

  3. IELTS Writing Task 2: Foreign Films & Culture (Real Exam/Test)

    This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the real exam on the topic of foreign films and their impact on local culture. IELTS Writing Task 2: Foreign Films & Culture. Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture. Discuss both views and give your own ...

  4. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    In many countries, foreign films such as Hollywood or Bollywood films are more popular than the locally produced ones. And to cope with the problem, governments should provide financial support for domestic film producers. The following essay will discuss in details about the issue and how governments should resolve it.

  5. IELTS Essay # 1436

    However, this essay strongly disagrees with the notion that foreign media has a negative impact on local culture, emphasizing the benefits of cultural exchange and diversity. Foreign films and programmes serve as a bridge for cultural exchange, fostering understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.

  6. Some people think that foreign films have a negative impact on local

    Moreover, foreign films often showcase unique storytelling techniques, cinematography, and artistic expressions that can inspire local filmmakers and artists. This cross-pollination of ideas and styles can lead to the creation of innovative and compelling works within the local film industry, contributing to the overall cultural landscape.

  7. Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films

    In conclusion, while purchasing foreign movies is beneficial for a nation's culture to some extent, it seems to me that making local ones is a much better choice. Band 8.0 Model Essay 2 For the past decades, the importance of a country developing its own motion picture expertise versus importing foreign entertainment programs has been the ...

  8. Band 4: Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally

    The essay addresses the prompt by discussing reasons why people prefer foreign films and the importance of financial support for local cinema. The position on both aspects is clear. However, the essay lacks depth in exploring the reasons behind the preference for foreign films and could benefit from providing more examples and elaboration to ...

  9. Foreign Films And Programmes Have a Negative Impact on Local Culture

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  10. IELTS Essay Topic: Foreign vs Local Films

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  11. IELTS Writing Task 2: two-part question introduction

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  12. Band 6: Some people think that it is good for a country's culture to

    On the one hand, foreign movies and soap operas indirectly pave the way for the formation of civilization. Firstly, it enables possibilities for progressive thinking. Movies are mostly the reflection of a society's culture and by watching films from different regions, people are confronted with multiple perspectives as well as values.

  13. Foreign films essays

    Foreign films essays is a youtube channel dedicated to shedding light on movies made outside of the US by analyzing and dissecting some of the greatest films ever made.

  14. Essay 317

    Write at least 250 words. Model Answer: A large number of people choose to see foreign movies than domestically produced movies. This essay will outline the reasons why this happens. I think that governments ought to provide generous financial support to local films to develop the national economy. There are several cogent reasons why some ...

  15. ️IELTS Writing Task Preference for Foreign Films and ...

    In this essay, we explore why people prefer foreign films and whether governments should provide more financial support to local film industries.https://thew...

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  17. Foreign Films Essay Examples

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  18. foreign films and the effects it could have on a country's culture

    foreign films and the effects it could have on a country's culture. I had to discuss both the views and give my opinion. ... You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay. The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been ...

  19. How to Get Into Foreign Cinema

    Start your free trial at and use code ACCENTEDCINEMA to get 10% off your first purchase.Accented Cinema - Episode 94I'v...

  20. Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than ...

    Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why could this be? Should governments give more financial support to local film industries? ... A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three ...

  21. Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films ...

    Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ... A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three ...

  22. International and or local films

    Response: It is true that a lot of young people would likely love to see international movies than their home countries films. There are various reasons for that and local authorities must subsidize their film industries. It is argued that foreign movies are much more preferable than domestic films, and there are two main reasons for this fact.

  23. Top 10 Most Popular Non-English Movies on Netflix of All Time

    Every Tuesday, we publish four global Top 10 lists for films and TV: Film (English), TV (English), Film (Non-English), and TV (Non-English). These lists rank titles based on 'views' for each title from Monday to Sunday of the previous week. We define views for a title as the total hours viewed divided by the total runtime.

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  26. Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than ...

    Foreign movies are often considered more interesting to be watched by locals than their local films. Therefore, in this essay, I will discuss what are the causes of this problem and why the governments should give financial support to the local film industries | Band: 7 ... Writing9 was developed to check essays from the IELTS Writing Task 2 ...

  27. Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than ...

    In conclusion, there are many people choose to watch foreign movies rather than domestic movies because it has sophisticated technology and people can learn a new . language. In my opinion, local . film. ... A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion ...

  28. The 30 Best Documentaries of All Time, Ranked

    The documentary genre is a more varied one than many people give it credit for. As a type of film, documentaries do usually aim to inform or educate about some kind of non-fiction story or topic ...