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How to explain the cold [closed]

How could one explain breathing when it's really cold outside and you can see your breath? I just can't find a good way to word it.

  • creative-writing

Kae's user avatar

  • 1 Your breath is kind of like blossoming vapor. It's like a baby cloud that disappears before you can study it too hard. –  Tasch Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 15:34
  • 1 Why do you need to explain it? What does it have to do with your story? Is it important to the character breathing? Is it important to the reader? What do you intend for the reader to feel when reading about your character breathing in the cold air? –  JRE Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 16:23
  • 1 Also, sometimes it is so cold that the slight movement of your cheeks when breathing stings and the air almost burns your lungs with each breath. –  J Crosby Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 16:51
  • Im using it to try and explain the fact that my character is cold in her own house and cant afford the heat –  Kae Commented Mar 3, 2020 at 21:42
  • Rephrasing or "what to write" questions are generally considered off-topic here. Which, I believe has been pointed out to you before, @Kae ? English SE has some leniency on questions regarding the finding of right words, but even there this would probably be too broad. –  Weckar E. Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 18:24

3 Answers 3

The biting cold filled [his/her] lungs with every breath of the stale air that filled the small home. The warm exhale was more palatable, but [he/she] braced for fresh shards of ice to stab [his/her] throat again.

Thought I might exaggerate a bit. Not sure how cold you were going for.

TitaniumTurtle's user avatar

It's called "vapor", "breath vapor", "[they] can see [their] breath", "exhaled steam", "frosty breath" etc...

imho this is better suited for English SE.

Alexander's user avatar


T'was so cold her breath instantly formed icicles, sharp fingertips of hardened ice that skewered her chest and froze her blood and congealed her heart; and in her last moments, tears formed in the corners of her eyes, made solid by the prevailing cold, and oh! wonders!!! they formed as pearls, beautiful wonderous pearls...

... that could have been sold to buy a $10 dollars heater, or wood to burn, and a lot more to spare, but no, alas, the author wants the melodrama of a little poor matchstick girl dying frozen,,. boo hoo hoo She can't even afford heat

Reed -SE is a Fish on Dry Land's user avatar

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cold description creative writing

Writing Beginner

How To Describe Night In Writing (100 Best Words + Examples)

As a writer, I know all too well the challenges that come with describing the essence of the night.

That’s why I’ve put together this guide to help you master the art of writing about the night.

Here is how to describe night in writing:

Describe night in writing by using vivid sensory details, metaphors, and character reactions to evoke the atmosphere, emotions, and complexities of the nocturnal world. Shift night imagery for unforgettable storytelling in different genres.

Keep reading to learn over 100 words and examples of how to describe night in writing.

Understanding the Intricacies of Nighttime Descriptions

Nighttime scene in the forest - How to describe night in writing

Table of Contents

When it comes to understanding nighttime descriptions, it’s essential to recognize the intricacies of night.

And to develop a keen eye for the subtle details that set it apart from the day.

As daylight gradually fades, elements like the absence of light, the emergence of shadows, and the contrast between sounds and silence become crucial for painting a vivid picture of the night.

Night has the unique ability to transform any setting into a canvas for significant character actions or revelations. It lends itself to engaging the senses and conjuring emotions that resonate with the human experience. To effectively capture the essence of night, a writer must skilfully navigate the intricacies of this complex landscape.

Different writing techniques for night scenes can bring to life the rich tapestry of the nocturnal world, fostering a connection with readers and inviting them to immerse themselves in the story.

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Observe how objects and characters cast shadows under the moonlight, creating a play of light and darkness that can heighten the drama and atmosphere of a scene.
  • Consider the unique sounds of the night, such as the hoot of an owl, the rustle of leaves, or the whisper of the wind as it weaves through branches.
  • Pay attention to the interplay between the senses and the emotions of the night, with silence often evoking a profound sense of awe, mystery, or solitude.

Mastering the art of nighttime descriptions requires both an eye for detail and an understanding of its inherent metaphorical value.

By seamlessly weaving the literal and the metaphorical, a writer can craft a gripping night scene that transports readers into the heartbeat of the story’s world.

The Role of Atmosphere in Crafting Night Scenes

The atmosphere is pivotal in night scene descriptions, guiding the reader’s emotions and setting the narrative tone.

Vivid sensory experiences help in concocting an immersive atmosphere that is as tangible to the reader as the darkness itself.

In this section, we will explore the importance of sensory details and emotions in nighttime narratives, and how they intertwine with our inner thoughts, making night scenes richer and more engaging.

Setting the Tone with Sensory Details

Sensory details can capture the essence of a night scene, evoking the night’s quiet majesty.

They provide a backdrop for reflective moments and draw the reader into the story using the five senses. Consider some sensory details that you can use to bring your night scene to life:

  • Visual: The moon casting a soft, silver glow on a quiet street.
  • Auditory: The distant hoot of an owl or the haunting whisper of the wind.
  • Olfactory: The crisp, cool air carrying the faint scent of fresh blossoms.
  • Touch: The dampness of dew-covered grass beneath the character’s feet.
  • Taste: The character savoring a warm drink on a chilly night.

By including these sensory details, you can set the tone of your night scenes and create a vivid, atmospheric setting that envelops the reader.

Emotions and the Night: Reflecting Inner Thoughts

The interplay of emotions and nighttime is a powerful narrative device.

Night can mirror a character’s inner thoughts and serve as a metaphor for the turmoil, tranquility, or mystery they experience.

It is a period of contemplation, amplifying the character’s emotional state, whether it’s the euphoria of falling stars or the agitation of shadows that resemble past fears.

To harness the emotional power of night, consider these tips:

  • Align sensory impressions with the character’s psychological state. For example, the sharp coldness of the night could reflect their inner turmoil.
  • Contrast the night’s serenity with the character’s emotional upheaval, heightening the impact of their internal struggles.
  • Utilize the darkness as a catalyst for introspection, prompting the character to dig deeper into their thoughts and feelings.

Ultimately, by aligning sensory impressions with psychological states, night scenes become a medium to delve deeper into the corners of the character’s psyche.

Combine sensory details and emotions to create atmospheric night settings that resonate with readers.

Utilizing a Rich Vocabulary to Portray Night

Effectively portraying a night in writing relies heavily on a rich vocabulary.

The proper selection of descriptive words not only evokes different shades of night but also conveys various emotions and atmospheres. Whether describing the color of the sky or the feel of nocturnal air, careful word choice can transport readers into the night scene you create.

Incorporating a range of sensory words and varying degrees of specificity can enhance your nighttime descriptions.

For example, simple but potent words like  quiet  set the tone, while more specific color descriptors such as  crimson  or  azure  paint a distinct picture of the night in the reader’s mind.

Below is a table showcasing different words and phrases that can be used to portray various aspects of the night:

AspectVocabulary Options
Time of NightMidnight, dusk, dawn, twilight
DarknessBlackness, obscurity, shadows, murkiness
ColorsIndigo, ebony, jet, charcoal, navy
SoundStillness, silence, rustling, murmurs, whispers
AtmosphereEerie, mysterious, serene, enchanting, haunting

Tapping into this diverse vocabulary allows you to craft vivid and immersive night scenes.

Each word carries unique connotations that can resonate with the reader, enhancing their connection to the narrative.

When used effectively, these descriptive words for the night can transform your writing, painting a vibrant picture of the night and drawing readers further into your story.

30 Best Words to Describe Night in Writing

When it comes to describing night scenes in writing, the choice of words plays a crucial role in painting a vivid picture.

Here are 30 of the best words to help you capture the essence of the night:

  • Star-studded

30 Best Phrases to Describe Night in Writing

Crafting a captivating night scene often involves using descriptive phrases that evoke the atmosphere and emotions of the nocturnal world.

Here are 30 of the best phrases to help you master the art of describing night in writing:

  • “The moon cast a soft, silver glow.”
  • “Stars adorned the velvety sky.”
  • “Shadows danced in the moonlight.”
  • “The night was cloaked in mystery.”
  • “A serene, moonlit meadow stretched before us.”
  • “The darkness whispered secrets.”
  • “Nocturnal creatures stirred in the silence.”
  • “The night sky was a canvas of stars.”
  • “Moonbeams kissed the earth.”
  • “The night held its breath.”
  • “Darkness enveloped everything.”
  • “The stars blinked like diamonds.”
  • “The moon hung low, a glowing orb.”
  • “The night was alive with whispers.”
  • “A blanket of stars covered the sky.”
  • “The night air was cool and crisp.”
  • “Shadows played tricks on the senses.”
  • “The night exuded a sense of enchantment.”
  • “The world was bathed in moonlight.”
  • “Silence settled like a shroud.”
  • “The night was a tapestry of shadows.”
  • “The stars shimmered with a celestial grace.”
  • “The moonlight painted everything in silver.”
  • “The night was a realm of dreams.”
  • “The darkness held its secrets close.”
  • “The night sky was a sea of stars.”
  • “The night whispered of ancient mysteries.”
  • “The moon’s glow was a guiding light.”
  • “Shadows clung to the edges of reality.”
  • “The night was a time for reflection.”

Writing Techniques: Going Beyond the Visuals

When crafting an engaging nighttime scene, writers must venture beyond the visuals to captivate the reader fully.

Using sounds and the sense of touch is essential for developing a rich, multi-dimensional narrative.

This section delves into incorporating sounds and silence for dramatic effect and the touch and texture of darkness in writing.

Incorporating Sounds and Silence for Effect

The sounds of night can have powerful effects on the atmosphere and emotional impact of a scene.

Thundering roars, rustling leaves, or the sudden absence of sound can all contribute to the mood of a scene. These auditory cues help create a vivid, believable setting for readers to immerse themselves in.

Consider incorporating the following techniques to represent the sounds of night and the role of silence in your writing:

  • Use auditory details  to paint a fuller picture of the environment.
  • Utilize silence  as a storytelling device, heightening suspense or emphasizing a moment of reflection.
  • Experiment with sound  to create contrast and tension within a scene.

Silence in writing can be as impactful as the sounds themselves, emphasizing the stark difference between the quiet of the night and the sudden eruption of noise that disrupts the calm.

The Touch and Texture of Darkness

Describing touch at night is another essential aspect of crafting a compelling nighttime scene.

The tactile experience of the night is as evocative as its visual counterpart, with the cool breeze raising goosebumps, the damp fog clinging to the skin, and the unsettling sensation of unseen objects brushing against a character.

When done effectively, these tactile descriptions in writing can make the darkness feel like a comforting shroud or an ominous presence looming over the narrative.

The following list includes tips on including touch and texture in your writing:

  • Describe the night’s touch  as it interacts with the character’s skin, clothing, and surroundings.
  • Highlight the texture of darkness , including the roughness or smoothness of surfaces, the dampness of fog, or a character’s emotional response to the touch of night.
  • Consider how the sense of touch  contributes to character development and advances the story’s plot.

Colorful Language: Painting the Night in Words

Descriptive language is essential in painting the night scene, employing shades like “scarlet,” “indigo,” or “emerald” to depict the sky’s canvas.

Such language transforms the scene into a vivid tableau, enabling readers to visualize the unique hues and tones the night unfolds.

Descriptive words for colors like “burgundy” or “magenta” not only portray the scene but also add emotional weight, enhancing the reader’s connection to the narrative.

Let us explore the variety of words that can be employed to describe the myriad shades and hues of the night sky:

ScarletIntense red, often associated with fiery sunsets
IndigoDeep blue-violet color, reflective of the clear night sky
EmeraldRich green, reminiscent of an aurora borealis display
BurgundyDark red, indicative of a brooding, moody atmosphere
MagentaVibrant pink-purple, typically found in striking sunsets and sunrises

Maximizing Impact with Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and similes are essential tools in the arsenal of a writer, allowing them to create rich and expressive night descriptions.

These literary devices make it possible for writers to craft relatable, evocative scenes that draw powerful parallels between nighttime and universal experiences, enriching the narrative and fostering deeper connections with the reader’s own memories and emotions.

Comparing Nighttime to Universal Experiences

Similes and metaphors have the power to transform ordinary descriptions into captivating and imaginative prose.

They can liken the dark to a velvet blanket that envelops the world in its gentle embrace or compare stars to a multitude of diamonds scattered across the heavens, casting their ethereal glow upon the earth below. By relating nighttime to familiar experiences, writers can breathe life into their descriptions, making them truly memorable and vivid.

When employing metaphors and similes in your writing, consider the following examples:

  • The night sky unfolded like an ebony tapestry, with the constellations embroidered in silver threads.
  • Shadows danced and flickered on the walls, creating a haunting ballet of light and dark.
  • The moon’s radiance carved a shimmering path across the water, mirroring the celestial bridge found in ancient myths.

Keep in mind the importance of balance when using metaphors and similes in your writing.

Overuse can lead to cluttered prose and detract from the impact of your descriptions. Use these devices sparingly and thoughtfully, ensuring they effectively enhance your narrative rather than overwhelming it.

Character Reactions and the Night: A Dynamic Tool

Exploring character reactions to the night serves as a dynamic storytelling tool in writing.

A character’s interaction with the night can range from a confrontation with their fears to a moment of serenity or revelation. Emotional responses to the night are as diverse as the characters themselves, allowing for the exploration of profound personal journeys influenced by the cloak of darkness.

These reactions can serve as a pivot for character development or as key moments that drive the plot forward.

In order to successfully incorporate character reactions to night into a story, consider the following aspects:

  • Understanding the character’s background and personality, in order to establish how they might react to the night.
  • Identifying how the night setting can influence each character’s inner emotions and thought processes.
  • Developing a natural progression of the character’s journey, from initial reactions to ultimate revelations or actions.
  • Utilizing sensory details, such as sights, sounds, and textures, to heighten the emotional response and connection of the character to their surroundings.
  • Employing narrative devices, such as flashbacks or introspection, to delve deeper into the character’s past experiences and how they relate to their current situation.

Notable authors have expertly utilized character reactions to night to enrich their narratives.

For example, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s  The Great Gatsby , the nighttime setting serves as a backdrop for Gatsby’s extravagant parties, highlighting his desires and insecurities.

In contrast, the darkness of night in Charlotte Brontë’s  Jane Eyre  signifies Jane’s feelings of isolation and despair as she struggles to navigate societal expectations and discover her own identity.

The table below outlines various emotional responses to the night and how they can contribute to writing character dynamics:

Emotional ResponseCharacter DynamicExample
FearA character confronts the unknown or faces their deepest fears, resulting in growth or change.A character lost in the woods at night encounters the embodiment of their childhood fear, forcing them to confront and overcome it.
SerenityThe character finds solace, wisdom, or insight during the stillness of the night.A character reflecting on the beauty of the moonlit sky gains a deeper understanding of their own emotions and purpose in life.
LonelinessThe character experiences isolation or disconnection from others, highlighting internal struggles or desires.A character, unable to sleep, walks through empty streets, pondering their loneliness and longing for connection.
MysteryThe character becomes entwined in a nocturnal enigma or secret, driving the plot forward.A character stumbles upon a clandestine meeting at a late hour, unveiling a web of intrigue and deception.
DesireThe character feels heightened passion or longing during the night, often exploring forbidden or complex emotions.A character embarks on a midnight rendezvous with a forbidden love interest, challenging social norms and boundaries.

Writing about the Darkness: Invoking Mystery and Fear

Writing about darkness has the power to reach into our core, tapping into primal emotions such as mystery and fear.

It serves as both a metaphorical and literal backdrop for danger, unknown elements, or even supernatural encounters.

By employing darkness as a narrative driver, writers can create experiences that keep readers on the edge of their seats, cementing engagement and intrigue.

Using Darkness to Drive the Narrative

When incorporating darkness into a story, there are several strategies that can drive the narrative forward.

These strategies contribute to a tense atmosphere and lie in setting up obstacles for characters, stirring tension, and laying the groundwork for suspenseful action.

The unknown aspects of the night provide a myriad of opportunities to cultivate fear and mystery in the reader’s mind.

Here is a chart that breaks down some helpful strategies:

Setting up obstaclesIntroduce challenges for characters due to the absence of light.A protagonist has to navigate through a dense forest at night without the aid of any artificial light, heightening the anxiety and uncertainty.
Stirring tensionCreate conflict by blurring the line between reality and the characters’ fears and emotions.A character revisiting an abandoned house in the dead of night, where memories of a tragedy long past resurface and manifest as paranormal presences.
Suspenseful actionHeighten the stakes in action scenes by shrouding events in darkness, disorienting the reader and adding doubt to the outcome.A thrilling chase scene on a dark and narrow path, where a single misstep could result in a fatal fall for the pursued hero.

Exploring the Twofold Nature of Night’s Tranquility and Turbulence

The twofold nature of night is a fascinating element in storytelling, offering writers countless opportunities to craft engaging narratives that capture the essence of both tranquil night scenes and turbulent night writing.

As the darkness wraps itself around the world, it reveals the duality of night.

You can use this duality to showcase how peaceful moments can intertwine with chaotic events, reflecting the complexities of human emotions and experiences.

To understand the twofold nature of night, let’s first delve into the serenity that can envelop the nocturnal landscape.

Tranquil night scenes depict nature at its most peaceful, showcasing a world untouched by human worries.

Stars glitter above, casting a calming glow upon the quiet earth below, while the gentle rustle of leaves sings a lullaby to the slumbering world. These moments of stillness can provide the most evocative settings for introspection, personal growth, or emotional connection between characters.

On the other hand, turbulent night writing employs darkness to create tension, suspense, or fear.

The howling wind and stormy skies set in stark contrast to the serenity of tranquil night scenes. These moments serve to bring out the raw, primal emotions within characters, forcing them to confront adversity, battle their fears, or come face-to-face with their deepest anxieties.

The Power of Short Sentences and Fragments in Night Imagery

Short sentences and fragments wield considerable power in night imagery.

This writing technique reinforces the themes of darkness and night by mimicking the shadows and disjointed glimpses that emerge in low light.

It creates a rhythm reflective of the night’s ebb and flow.

You can guide the reader through the narrative in abrupt, sometimes breathless, spurts that can increase tension or underscore a moment of clarity within the darkness.

Consider these examples:

  • Stars blinked in and out. A hush fell. Shadows danced.
  • Moonlight sliced through darkness. Cold air whispered. Teeth chattered.
  • Rain lashed the window. Thunder menaced. Breath shuddered.

Each example above showcases short sentences or fragments that mimic the fleeting nature of night scenes.

By truncating the length of sentences, the writer sets a  distinctive tempo —one that effectively captures the essence of night and transports the reader into the story.

Fragments in particular can serve as impactful standalone statements, leaving room for interpretation and heightening the sense of mystery. Not confined by traditional grammatical rules, they are free to support or disrupt a narrative flow, making them potent tools for night imagery.

She hesitated. Darkness clawed at her heart. Eerie silence.

In the example above, the fragment “ Eerie silence ” punctuates the sequence and provokes a sense of unease through its abruptness.

Fragments like this one become a powerful storytelling device in night imagery, condensing tension or emotion into brief, visceral moments.

Here is a good video about writing techniques you can use to describe night in writing:

Conclusion: How to Describe Night in Writing

Mastering the art of describing night opens doors to captivating storytelling.

Explore more articles on our website to further enhance your writing skills and craft immersive narratives.

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Master List for Describing Weather

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain

A lot of writers struggle with describing settings. I’ve written before about how to describe settings and why it matters , but a few people have told me they’d like me to do some of my master lists for writers to help them out!

I have a weird love for creating lists like this, so I’m happy to do it. “How to describe weather” seemed like a good place to start. This way, you won’t get stuck trying to figure out how to describe nice weather, or thinking up ways to describe rain. Hopefully, this will make your writing go faster.

I always include simple as well as more creative ways to describe or write about weather. Sometimes, the simple word is the one you want! I included dryness and humidity in a few of the categories because it felt weird for them to get their own.

As always, this is not a comprehensive list, and I might add to it. My list will probably make you think of other possibilities, too. Bookmark or pin it for future writing reference!

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

blazing sunshine

glaring sun

baking in the sun


scorching heat

extravagant heat

relentless sun

like a suana

dense tropical heat

radiating heat

blistering heat

oppressive heat

insufferable heat

suffocating heat

heat pressing down

searing sun

shimmering heat

like an oven

like a furnace


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

(“Pleasant” is a matter of opinion, of course.)

a beautiful day

a clear day

a temperate day

a golden day

a glorious day

heavenly weather

bright and sunny

a gorgeous spring day

a dazzling summer day

a brilliant autumn day

a vivid blue sky

a cloudless sky

fluffy white clouds

gentle sunshine

lazy sunshine

kind sunshine

filtered sunlight

dappled sunlight

welcome warmth

one of those rare, perfect days

the kind of day that made people forget to worry

the kind of day that lifted people’s moods


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

refreshing air

stimulating cool air

invigorating cool air

bracing cool air

a nip in the air

a brisk day

a chilly day

weak sunshine


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

(Most people don’t like gray days, so most of these descriptions are negative. I love them, so I had to add a few positive descriptions.)

colorless sky

a soft gray sky

a dove-gray sky

a gray day made for books and tea

steel-gray sky

granite sky

cement-gray sky

threatening clouds

foreboding clouds


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

glacial air

bitter cold

brutal cold

bone-chilling cold

penetrating cold

devastating cold

numbing cold

punishing cold

dangerous cold

unforgiving cold

too cold to talk

so cold it burned one’s lungs

so cold it took one’s breath away

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

like a blast from a hair dryer

a gust of wind

insistent winds

heavy winds

strong winds

cutting wind

whipping winds

biting wind

wintry squall

violent gale

howling wind

shifting winds

restless wind

fresh breeze

soft breeze

balmy breeze

perfumed breeze

slight breeze

hint of a breeze

stirring breeze

wind rustling through the trees

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

fine drizzle

gray drizzle

pebbles of falling rain

spitting rain

stinging rain

steady rain

rain falling in torrents

cascades of rain

rain beating down

shower of rain

sheets of rain

hard-driving rain

pelting rain

lashing rain

slashing rain


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

rumbling in the distance

a roll of distant thunder

crash of thunder

crackle of thunder

crack of thunder

clap of thunder

bang of thunder

booming thunder

rattled with thunder

earth-shaking thunder


a furious storm

flash of lightning

streaks of lightning


MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

flurries of snow

dancing flakes

snowflakes floating down

snowflakes wafting down

swirling snow

falling thick and fast

big flakes falling like petals

blinding snowstorm

raging blizzard

sparkling expanses

blankets of white

caked with snow

boulders of snow

branches coated in ice

glittering ice

crystallized by frost

silvered with frost

MASTER LIST FOR DESCRIBING WEATHER for writers #how to describe weather conditions #how to describe weather in writing #how to describe nice weather #ways to describe rain #words to describe snow

clouds of mist

swirling mist

billowing fog

cloaked in mist

cocooned in fog

shrouded in fog

enveloped by fog

smothered by fog

made mysterious by fog

the fog rolled in

the fog was burning off

the fog was lifting

the fog was clearing

the fog was dissipating

I have many lists like this in my book  Master Lists for Writers: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More . Check it out!

Master Lists for Writers by Bryn Donovan

Do you describe weather conditions in your writing? Do you have a favorite example of a weather description? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

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In my current WIP, weather is a crucial element. Not only is the woman in the romance a professional photographer — of weather — but it is a weather phenomenon, namely a tornado, that brings them together. So the description of the sky and the weather is quite detailed in places (specially as the supercell storm roars down on them).

On another angle, the phrase “gloriously sunny” is one that despite having that horrible “ly” adverb (shudder) is so evocative of the type of weather and the POV character’s attitude (and possibly even the type of weather that has gone before), that it’s powerful. It says a huge amount with only two words.

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Hi Chris! Oh, wow…that’s a lot more detailed than most of us ever get in writing about the weather. It sounds like a great premise!

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I will need this list as I begin edits next month on my WIP. I currently live in Hawaii, but am writing a story at Christmas time in Vermont. 🙂 Thank you!

Aw, nice! That’s some very different weather from what you’re used to. 🙂

It really is! And traveling to the climate I need isn’t ideal right now. So, off to the freezer I go! 🙂

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Wow! This is fantastic. Thanks. You ARE a master at this.

  • Pingback: Master List for Describing Weather – Written By Bryn Donovan – Writer's Treasure Chest

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This is comprehensive! It’s bookmarked for future use. Thanks!

Thanks, Steve, I’m glad you liked it!

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Amazing list that goes beyond the words that I struggle with – especially describing the rain-painted setting of Snowdonia.

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Love your lists. You don’t have one for beaches by any chance? Would this, including the weather be another book by any chance??

Hi, Nicole! It’s funny you should ask. 🙂 I am going to release a second, more expanded version of MASTER LISTS FOR WRITERS . It’s going to have several setting descriptions in there (including a whole list for beaches!), and the weather list will be in there, too! I’m hoping to get it done before November of this year, but we’ll see. Thanks for asking!

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That’s awesome and look forward to it’s release.

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I am in Chinan. I happened to enter this web-link and want to learn more about writing, I wonder if there are any descriptive passages. I can only find some words and expressions…

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That was really useful. Thank you!

  • Pingback: The Power of Vision in Writing | Writers In The Storm

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This list is fabulous. Thank you for sharing it. I will be consulting it when incorporating weather elements into writing my next picture book.

  • Pingback: How’s The Weather In Your Story? – Writer's Treasure Chest

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How to Write the Cold: Quick Tips for Writers

How to write the cold - Novlr quick tips

The way we feel cold is universal, but the way we contextualise it is not. Cold has a variety of connotations for readers, so it’s important to decide how to use it, and what mood you want to convey in your scene.

While cold is often associated with negative aspects in writing, if there’s anything the winter season teaches us, is that it can be a positive thing as well. Rather than just using the word cold, in your next writing project, try to contextualise it. Describe the weather, the light on the snow, the comfort of warmth after an icy swim, or the fear and loneliness of the dark on a cold night.

Here are our quick tips on how to write the cold:

  • Clean mountain air
  • Glittering ice crystals
  • Unique wildlife, like snow hares or polar bears
  • Snow muffled sounds
  • Steam rising from hot springs
  • Icy water in rivers and lakes
  • Overcast and rainy
  • Bright sun on fresh snow
  • Icebergs, glaciers, and ice floes
  • Storms and blizzards
  • Branches moving and creaking
  • Frozen ponds
  • Morning frost on grass
  • Snowdrops pushing through snowdrifts
  • Crisp and clear night skies
  • Wolves howling in the dark
  • Bare branches scraping against windows
  • Eerie shadows

Foods and objects

  • The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg
  • Heavy winter coats and scarves
  • Rich, hot meals with lots of gravy
  • Tea or coffee left out too long
  • Ice-cream, sorbets, or ice-lollies
  • Metal that is cold to the touch (like pots and pans or door handles)
  • Cold beverages straight out of the fridge
  • An icy bath
  • Freezer trucks or walk-in refrigerators
  • Crisp, fresh sheets on cold nights
  • Ice sculptures
  • A tap with a drip that freezes in place
  • Frozen celebratory drinks (like daiquiris)
  • A single cube of ice floating in a whisky glass
  • A cold pack for an injury

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Character moods.

  • Comfortable
  • Indifferent
  • A lack of affection
  • Calm and calculated

Character body language

  • Hunched shoulders
  • Crossed arms
  • Snuggling into something warm
  • Rub hands together for warmth
  • Tight or strained expression
  • Biting dry lips
  • Furrowing brow
  • Glaring against brightness
  • Tense and rigid stance
  • Stand close to others
  • Slow, deliberate steps
  • Move quickly to somewhere warm
  • Sitting relaxed in a warm space

Actions and events

  • Start a fire or build a shelter
  • Winter hikes
  • Outdoor activities like skating, skiing, or sledding
  • Traffic jams or snowed in cars
  • Frozen lakes cracking underfoot
  • Dodging icicles falling from rooftops
  • Going ice-fishing
  • Long sea voyages
  • Suffering from a cold, the flu, or pneumonia
  • Brainfreeze
  • Snuggling under a warm duvet
  • Sipping from a steaming hot drink for comfort
  • Cold-water swimming
  • Walking to work in the rain
  • Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere
  • Chrismas in July in the Southern Hemisphere
  • Reading a good book by the fire while it snows outside

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Positive aspects.

While cold is often associated with negative emotions, using it as a juxtaposition can often help to accentuate the positive feelings you want to convey.

If it’s cold outside, a character enjoying a hot chocolate under their duvet will give a much more positive impression than if they were simply staying in bed.

The beauty of the natural world in winter, like snow, ice, and winter foliage can also be used to create a scene of happiness and wonder.

Negative aspects

Cold is often used to describe characters who are emotionally detached, calculating, or generally unfeeling. It’s become an easy way to clue your readers in to how they’re meant to feel about your character.

There are also more creative ways to use the cold, however, like describing the disappointment of forgetting about a hot drink you put down somewhere and only remembering when it’s already gone cold, or the feeling of shock after you first step out of a warm shower.

Helpful synonyms

  • refrigerated

Incorporating descriptions of the cold into your writing can create a vivid and immersive atmosphere for your story. Whether you’re trying to convey a sense of wonder and awe or a sense of fear and danger, these tips can help you bring your readers into your world. Create a layered and nuanced story that will captivate your audience by knowing how to write the cold.

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160+ Ways to Describe Weather

cold description creative writing

I keep a collection of descriptions that have pulled me into the books I read. I’m fascinated how authors can–in just a few words–put me in the middle of their story and make me want to stay there. This one’s 160+   Ways to Describe Weather.

A note: These are for inspiration only . They can’t be copied because they’ve been pulled directly from an author’s copyrighted manuscript (intellectual property is immediately copyrighted when published).

  • Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple.
  • The shadows retreated.
  • Sun was sinking toward the horizon, the pitiless white ball now an angry orange.
  • Fading afternoon in early June
  • Evening sky had turned to molten brass.
  • Sun still cast a faint yellow light through Slowly gathering evening.
  • Daylight had begun to drain away.
  • one-quarter of a moonlit night
  • silver-white moon hung
  • A half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads.
  • watching the horizon drain of color
  • The shadows slipped up the rocks as though the world were drowning in darkness.
  • deepening shadows made it a city of ghosts
  • barely visible in the fading light
  • the high heavens
  • Darkness settled around him.
  • The shadows slipped up the rocks.
  • Evening was crisp already, the last of sunset just a fading pale stripe in the western sky.
  • darkening river
  • the moon golden at dawn, turn purple just before sunset in the rainy season, sometimes has white and black stripes created by volcanic ash, calm and clear sometimes attended by only a single cloud
  • humpback shapes of conical hills
  • The last rays of sun skimmed the surface.
  • late afternoon sun
  • velvety darkness
  • night shattered like a mirror
  • the Southern Cross lying on its side, the green meadow bathed in the humid light of the sinking sun
  • The corners have just about disappeared into the shadows.
  • black branches that traced the blue-black heavens overhead
  • far away down the night sky
  • full moon a pale blue-white disk
  • night sky dull black
  • Stars were remote pinpricks.
  • a half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads
  • inky blackness
  • Thick clouds blotted out the stars.
  • A thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the room with blue light.
  • Sun cast a luminescent glow.
  • The day was out of sync with his mood.
  • beautiful, 82 degrees, mild breeze, cloudless sunshine, a day for looking at a ball game
  • The air was cool but the sun was out.
  • The wind blew itself out overnight.
  • a web of clouds, back-lit by the failing sun, mist billowed through the trees and over the fields and hung low in the air, masking the camp in a ghostly gray
  • towering thunder clouds
  • Clouds threatening, but no rain predicted the 45-mile per hour gusts of drizzly wind.
  • brown cloud that passes for air
  • a wedge of sunlight bursting past the narrow window
  • The wind was icy and withering.
  • Heads bowed against the gusting wind.
  • Grit grated in his teeth. Dust was everywhere, blowing on the wind, leaving its scent in his nostrils.
  • as dust motes drifted
  • thirty miles over the horizon
  • razor edge of the horizon
  • cinder dust and gloom
  • The haze floated over the crowd like smoke from a doused fire.
  • Sun hanging in a pink haze of clouds and smog.
  • Fog yellowed by agricultural burning.
  • Fog began to billow across the road in a great grey mass like the effluent of a thousand smokestacks. The building was only a shadowy form, almost entirely lost to view.
  • Headlamps of cars did little to pierce the gloom.
  • The mist floated like smoke out of the cypress in the swamp.
  • dark clouds drifting over the hills
  • night was pitch
  • slice of sky
  • thick clouds blotted out the stars
  • a thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the room with blue light
  • cool restful shady world with light filtering lazily through the treetops that meet high overhead and shut out the direct sunlight
  • saw the anvil of cloud coming in. “A thunderstorm.”
  • Cumulus clouds falling down to the…
  • A light breeze whispered through the trees.
  • cloud shadows
  • first cumulus clouds darkening into thunderheads
  • hold humidity like a sponge holds water
  • thick heat of the growing morning
  • fierce humidity
  • windless heat
  • It was surprisingly hot. He could feel the sweat roll down his sides and the dampness of the box up against his chest.
  • Even with the breeze, the air remained thick and hot, and it stills tank of petroleum.
  • sky as gray-white and sunless
  • against the fading layers of orange, yellow
  • shoulders hunched against the early morning damp and cool
  • fused warm light of dawn now creeping down the summit
  • bathed in sunlight
  • gold shadow not three inches from his leg
  • his breath steaming in the air
  • Snow pelted his face and he pulled up the collar of his overcoat to further shield him from the bitter weather.
  • rubbed his arms
  • A harsh winter wind blew out of a midnight sky. It roared out of the frigid north and thrashed the brooking forest. The force of it bent trees, whipping their bare branches like angry lashes. Shrieking across the river.
  • Cold was like that, seeping through her seven layers of clothing, attacking seams and zipper tracks and spots of thin insulation. The exposed skin on her face felt as if it had been touched with lit cigarettes.
  • frigid Friday morning
  • swirling snow
  • winter’s naked branches created a black tracework
  • The sun was climbing out of the deep well of winter, but it was still brutally cold.
  • winter colors daubed the land in colors of brown and gray
  • sunny, crisp and cool
  • The crisp air and clear sky energized his thoughts.

Rainy weather

  • grey wet morning
  • rain-swept and unpleasantly chilly
  • A flurry of rain stung my face.
  • Cold rain was beating down on my windshield.
  • The sky was leaden.
  • Downpour started in the early evening and continued on through the night, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops and drowned out the sound of all else. By morning, city streets were shallow rivers rushing toward the ocean.
  • Rain ran down the window, the streets gleamed.
  • damp paving stones
  • By the time it reaches the ground, it has spent its energy.
  • windshield wipers barely keeping up with the cold, hard rain
  • The rain came steady and cold against the windshield and rattled on the roof of the car.
  • turned her head away and looked out my window, where it had gotten dark and shiny with the lights glistening off the rain.
  • The maple trees were black and slick in the rain, their bare branches shiny. The flower bed was a soggy matting of dead stems.
  • The sky was low and gray.
  • Air was swollen.
  • the rain was steady and warm and vertical
  • drizzly rain
  • The sleety rain drizzled down, not very hard and not very fast, but steady.
  • Rain came down so hard it almost hurt, stinging the skin and blowing into the eyes and nose and mouth, but in the forest its fall is broken by the trees.
  • saw a distant flash of lightning, counted the seconds, and then said, “six miles, more or less.”

People in hot weather:

  • Heat wave hit, temperatures went soaring.
  • The heat hit them like a hand in the face.
  • strode into the dusk, into the stifling heat
  • The heat smacked the grin off his face.
  • Burst back into the blistering hot sun. Sweat immediately beaded across her brow. She could feel her T-shirt glue itself stickily to her skin.
  • I could feel the sweat form along my backbone and trickle down.
  • She slogged forward, feeling blotches of dark gray sweat bloom across the front of her T-shirt, while more trailed down the small of her back.
  • slogging across pavement as hot as ash in August.
  • white dress shirt, sharply pressed this morning, was now plastered against his chest
  • already short of breath, his lungs laboring as they headed down the path
  • still wrung out from working in the heat
  • Take your shirt off. Pop your underwear in the freezer. Dump a tray of ice cubes on your bed. Throw back some chilled vodka shots before you go to sleep.
  • The semi-drought slowly draining the life out of the grass and trees.
  • Only 7 in the morning, and already stocky hot. *** had a sheen across his forehead.
  • Sweat tricked from his forehead which he wiped with the back of his knotted, callused hand.
  • hundred degree heat, burning sun and parching salt
  • ninety-five outside, probably a hundred in the car. Not great weather for polyester suits
  • a fresh drop of sweat teared up on her brow and made a slow, wet path down the plane of her cheek
  • walking through a hair dryer
  • The heat slammed her like a blow.
  • *** cranked the air-conditioning. She stripped off her sweat-soaked clothes, climbed into the shower and scrubbed.
  • answered the phone while used the other hand to wipe the sweat from the back of her neck. God this heat was unbearable. The humidity level had picked up on Sunday and hadn’t done a thing to improve since.
  • *** thin green sundress was already plastered to her body while she could feel fresh dewdrops of moisture trickle stickily down between her breast.
  • Cradled the phone closer to her damp ear
  • Her face shiny with sweat.
  • Summer sun remained a brilliant, blinding white. No shade existed for miles and the heat rising up from the baked earth was brutal.
  • The summer heat came off the tarmac in waves.

Hot Weather

  • While the mercury climbed to a hundred degrees. Efforts started strong, then petered out. People got hot, got tired, got busy with other things—inside things.
  • Seemed to be bracing himself for leaving the cool comfort of air-conditioning behind and bursting once more into the heat
  • The heat settled in on them, rolling in like a heavy blanket and pressing them deep into their chairs while their clothing glued to their skin.
  • Even my teeth are sweating
  • The sun beat down relentlessly; even with the AC cranked up, she could feel the heat.
  • She could already feel sweat trickle down her back.
  • The sun burned white-hot overhead.
  • glass exploding from the heat of the sun
  • vanish in the dry season’s brown leaves

Click for the complete list of 69 writer’s themed descriptions .

Copyright ©2022 – All rights reserved.

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Jacqui Murray  is the author of the popular  Man vs. Nature  saga, the  Rowe-Delamagente thrillers , and the acclaimed  Building a Midshipman , the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy .  She is also the author/editor of over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, blog webmaster, an  Amazon Vine Voice , and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. Look for her next prehistoric fiction,  Savage Land Winter 2024

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125 thoughts on “ 160+ Ways to Describe Weather ”

It is really helpful

Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏

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My pleasure, Luisa. Thank you for stopping by.

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Weaving words so perfectly – Thanks for sharing. And overnight, a transformation. Summer at last.,, .

These really inspire me. I often read through my collections when I’m stuck.

helped my writing

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Reblogged this on Coffee82 and commented: Awesome.

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Nice collection! A lot of poetic and inventive phrasing there.


Weather is so many different things to different people. Not surprising I found 160 descriptions of it.

Ha! yes – that got me thinking about the old “Number of words for snow” question, and I found this . As a Scot myself though I have to say I am very, very skeptical of the final claim in that article!

I’ve heard of that, too. Luckily, my folks don’t have that problem but it is truly an issue if you’re writing about present-day groups in snowy lands.

Appreciate your list of ways to describe the weather. Timeless too. Here I am 2 years since your post and inspired by your creativity. Take care, Steve

It is timeless, isn’t it! When I put this list together, it helped me to better appreciate weather.

Impressive list. (Mine, now!) I’m compiling one for similes. Raymond Chandler makes me smile with his off the wall analogies. I recently added a Writing Terms Checklist on my free checklists page. It was too long for a post. Thanks for all you do!

I like checklists. I’ll check yours out!

Hi Jacqui, Thanks for reading my modest post. What an accomplished woman you are! What would we do without words, eh! Cheers. Joy x

Thanks, Joy. I enjoyed your thoughts. It’s amazing what inspired such accomplished writers as the Brontes.

Excellent list, Jacqui. I even get lots of ideas for titles, something I’m always struggling with entering competitions.

I grab these from books I read. You can probably tell I favor thrillers, action. I like ‘weather’ and ‘setting’ to be a character as much as the others.

That’s an amazing compilation. Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks! These sorts of lists inspire me.

An awesome post, Jacqui. Thank you. Weather intrigues. It is joy-filled and sometimes furious. God is bowling upstairs during a thunderstorm. Be well and enjoy the week. ox

Thanks–weather is fascinating. I like when I can feel it through an author’s words.

Indeed and thank you, Jacqui. Word play is an enjoyable activity. We have about seven months of winter, two days of spring and then summer at our end of the pond in Upstate New York. I love my four seasons. Be well.

7 months of winter. I didn’t know NY was that cold! Good to know so I never move there!

Jacqui, I laughed at your comment. We live near Lake Ontario and Oneida Lake and get frequent lake effect snow storms in winter. When I first moved to this area, I learned about lake effect snowstorms. We have excellent snow removal though so come on over sometime. Colorful in Autumn too.

Pingback: Episode 129: A Dark and Stormy Night – #WriteOnSC Radio Show and Craft School

These are great, Jacqui! And yes, inspirational. It’s good to see how other authors describe things; it gives ideas on alternates.

It is. There are some very clever minds out there.

What an epic list 😀 Reminds me of a ‘music’ video we were recommended to watch for university called ’50 words for snow.’ It’s fun to think of different ways to describe things!

That must be put out by Eskimos. They know more about snow than anyone I’ve seen.

That’s a long list, Jacqui. So many ways to tell the day. Thanks for sharing this!

It’s one of my longest! Who knew?

That’s a lot of ideas for talking about the weather 🙂

Dinner party chat.

Quite eloquent 🙂

These lists are so inspirational! Thank you for posting this.

It is pretty interesting to view weather through so many literary eyes, innit?

Yes, indeed. I learn so much. 🙂

great list Jacqui. i use the weather regularly in my stories to create a specific mood. thanks for the info.

A bit of unexpected inspiration. Who knew weather was so interesting?

exactly, Jacqui. i also post weather images regularly on instagram. especially the colours of sunrises and sunsets in clouds during different seasons and different weather conditions.

Interesting post, Jacqui. Thanks.

I highlight memorable phrases in the Kindle books I read. Although I no longer transcribe them into a file on my computer (too time-consuming), the mere act of highlighting imprints the phrases in my mind. If an author particularly impresses me, I can scroll through the highlights and reread the highlights for inspiration.

That’s how I do it, too. I like it so well, I’ve migrated from being a print book reader to a Kindle reader.

It’s nice to see the wide variety of language. Not that it is needy. I can describe the weather currently in my area in one word — sucky! 😀

Ah South Korea. It rained most of the time on my one visit there. And no one but me seemed to care!

We’re having a monsoon right now. Don’t remember having a good one of these for a while.

I remember my son telling me July was the typhoon season, which is why we visited in May. Stay safe!

Nothing that crazy. We had a tropical depression pass through, but that’s it. It’s just wet.

I love the idea of keeping a notebook with descriptions that catch your attention. I’m going to start doing this.

Mine is so long,d I added a table of contents with links to the sections! I’m a bit nuts about it.

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I love the way you compile and share these lists with us, Jacqui. They are amazing and so helpful. Can I confess something? I share some of them with my creative writing students, and then give them prompts where they have to include 3 or more things from your lists. Will be interesting to see how I do that with weather. 🙂

This one got a little long. Who knew there were so many clever ways to describe weather?

I am flattered you share them! I would say weather could surprise them.

This one IS long – but weather gives us a lot to talk about and a lot to experience. I love the list. I will say, the prompt my students seem to love the best is. (are you sitting down?) “It was a dark and stormy night…” 🙂

Reblogged this on Marina Costa and commented: Interesting and useful to know.

Thanks for sharing, Marina!

The English should love this…

I would say India not so much. Do you-all get anything other than hot and humid or too-darn-windy?

What a helpful post, Jacqui! It reminds me of how we can put effort into our descriptions.

BTW, you won a book on my blog. Please confirm there.

Ooh, sorry I missed that. I just went over and replied and then emailed my info to you. How exciting!

Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented: I love her lists of descriptions. I hope you find them as helpful as I do.

Thanks for sharing this! It puts to bed any thought that weather is boring, doesn’t it?

That’s quite a collection, Jacqui. Isn’t it amazing that each of us can conjure something unique?

It is! Next time you don’t know what to say to someone, you can eruditely talk about the weather!

That’s so funny. Weather ‘small’ talk. Who would’ve thought. 😂

Great post. That’s a wonderful collection

Thank you so much, Luisa. It’s hard to make weather interesting but some very clever authors have done just that.

Jacqui, I love this post. The more I have been reading, the more I recognize how important it is for authors to paint a picture in your mind. To be able to put you right in the middle of the books setting. Sometimes when my mind has trailed off the story, it is descriptions like these that put my mind right back in.

That’s true, innit. A little inspiration to start your day.

I love your descriptions of weather and the times of day. Such descriptions can help add a sense of time in a story (just as the phases of the moon or the stars can create time (crescent moon in evening is aa new waxing moon, crescent moon in morning before sunrise is a waxing moon just before the “dark of the moon” which are the three days the moon is in the shadow of the earth. As for stars: Orion in winter, Scorpus in summer, etc). The dog star in Canis Major, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rising in late summer (as it rises just before daylight) is linked to “dog days” of summer…

I also like the old graveside prayer that describes the end of life: “until the shadows lengthen and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, then in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest and peace at last.”

What a wonderful poem. I’ve copied it. It captures so much of the fear and hope.

Thanks for these awesome examples, Jacqui! Saving and sharing…

It’s always fun to talk about the weather, innit?

New Jersey weather: moist ‘n’ icky.

Good description, especially the ‘icky’.

I calls ‘em like I sees ‘em.

Oh my, Jacqui. I love your lists and that’s a good long one. Great thought starters. Thanks for sharing your collection!

Since we-all know we must cover weather, I thought these were clever asnd interesting ways to do that!

Ha ha ha. I love weather. 😀

Right now there is only one way to describe the weather here in my city: hot

Here, too, though I have an excellent fan in my home office.

Some great phrases here, Jacqui. I am reading The Long Walk by Bachman/King at the moment and that has some very descriptive phrases in it.

Oooh, I’ll have to look at him. I love nature writers.

It’s not a nature book, it is a dark psychological horror.

Woah! OK, that’s different!

Darn! All the things I was about to write! 😀

Hehee. These are beyond most of what I write but I’ve seen what you turn out. Excellent.

Wonderful post!

Thanks, Ed. Food for thought…

A lot, just wonderful and so helpful.

My goodness …. can I just say ‘HOT’ … luckily today it’s cooler with a sea breeze … I need to read them all – clever and thank you! Cheers Hilary

Hot works. Absolutely.

Hahaha can I just say HOT, or the weather outside is weather yeah?

What a wonderful list, Jacqui! These are descriptions that always make me pause and reread them to fully enjoy them. They do draw the reader deep the story. I enjoyed reading these, thanks:)

Thanks! They do that for me, too, and that’s why I couldn’t just read and move on. I had to note them!

Some of these are quite lovely. Thanks for sharing.

If you recognized them from your outdoors scenes, feel free to add a note!

I actually didn’t recognize any of them. 🤔

OMG, Jacqui. What an amazing list Thanks for sharing.

It’s really nice for those whose plots take place outdoors a lot!

BTW, finished your book. Couldn’t stop reading. Wonderful.

Thank you, Jacqui. You put a smile on my face:)

Wow, great post. Bookmarking.

Amazing how much there is to say about the weather, innit?

I love weather, the seasons, earth and sky. There were some lovely gems in this collection. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, Mae. I didn’t used to think much about the weather until I had to write about it, and make it interesting! These really struck me.

A terrific resource Jacqui. Thank you.

Thanks so much, Brigid. I couldn’t believe how many weather descriptors I had!

Nice information thanks

Thanks! Everyone writes about weather, right?

Great list, Jacqui. Thanks so much for sharing.

Thanks, Jill. Who says weather isn’t interesting? Hmm??

I think I’d like to be a meteorologist in my next life. 🙂

Reblogged this on chrismakan .

Thanks for sharing!

Wow this is very educative

I love how some writers weave their words so perfectly.

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101 Words To Describe Weather

Writers know that using the weather in their descriptions is a great way to make stories more relatable. Use this comprehensive list of words that describe weather  when you write.

Writers Write is a resource for writers and we have written about words that describe taste , smell , sound , and touch  in previous posts. (We even have one for words that describe colours .) In this post, I have included words that describe weather.

Weather is a wonderful tool for writers. We can use it to foreshadow , create a mood , complicate a plot , show a character , and increase or decrease the pace of a story. We can even use it as a motif .

A setting without the weather is like a character without a wardrobe.

Remember that we need to describe weather through our characters’ interactions with their environments. We should not describe it like a weather report. You could show how cold it is by the clothes they choose to wear or mention the weather in dialogue.

Whatever you do, don’t leave it out. There are unintended consequences to a lack of setting , including a static character, a lack of atmosphere, an inability for the reader to relate to the place and time in the story, and a lack of details.

What Is Weather?

According to Oxford it is ‘the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.’

Words To Describe Weather

General words describing weather.

  • climate – the type of weather that a country or region has
  • climate change – changes in the earth’s weather, including changes in temperature, wind patterns and rainfall, especially the increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere that is caused by the increase of particular gases, especially carbon dioxide
  • meteorology – the scientific study of weather
  • seasonal – suitable or typical of the time of year it is now
  • spell – a period when there is a particular type of weather
  • weather forecast  – a report on likely weather conditions for a period of time in the future
  • zone – one of the large areas that the world is divided into according to its temperature

Words Describing Warm Weather

  • balmy – warm and pleasant
  • blistering – extremely hot in a way that is uncomfortable
  • dog days – the hottest days of the year
  • heatwave – a continuous period of very hot weather, especially when this is unusual
  • Indian summer – a period of warm weather in autumn
  • scorcher – an extremely hot day
  • sunny – not stormy or cloudy
  • thaw – ice and snow turns into water
  • the heat – very hot weather
  • tropical – like weather near the equator, climate that is frost-free

Words Describing Cold Weather

  • bleak – very cold and grey
  • biting – so cold that it makes you feel uncomfortable
  • brisk – fairly cold and a fairly strong wind is blowing
  • crisp – cold and dry
  • fresh – fairly cold and the wind is blowing
  • frosty – cold enough to produce frost
  • hard – a very cold winter
  • harsh – extremely cold and unpleasant
  • icy – very cold, like ice
  • raw – cold and unpleasant
  • snowy – covered with snow

Words Describing Pleasant Weather

  • calm – very little wind
  • clear – no clouds, rain, etc.
  • clement – pleasant because it is neither very hot nor very cold
  • cloudless – no clouds in the sky
  • equable – does not change very much
  • fair – pleasant and not raining
  • fine – sunny and not raining
  • pleasant – dry and neither very hot nor very cold
  • still – without wind
  • temperate – a temperate climate or region is never extremely hot or extremely cold
  • windless – without any wind

Words To Describe Unpleasant Weather

  • bone-dry – completely without water or moisture
  • fierce – very strong or severe
  • foul – unpleasant, with rain, snow, or wind
  • gale-force – an extremely strong wind
  • gusty – the wind blowing in gusts
  • humid – hot and wet in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • muggy –  warm in an unpleasant way because the air feels wet
  • murky – dark and unpleasant because of fog, clouds, etc.
  • severe – extremely unpleasant and likely to cause harm or damage
  • sultry – the air is hot and slightly wet
  • threatening – clouds, skies, or seas show that the weather is likely to be bad
  • torrential – rain falling in large amounts
  • unseasonable – not the type of weather that you expect in a particular season
  • windy – with a lot of wind

Words To Describe Wet & Cloudy Weather

  • bank – a large mass of cloud or fog
  • billow – a cloud that rises and moves in a large mass
  • blizzard – a snowstorm with very strong winds
  • cirrocumulus – small round clouds that form lines high in the sky
  • cirrostratus – a thin layer of cloud found very high in the sky
  • cirrus – a type of thin cloud found very high in the sky
  • cloudy – full of clouds
  • column – something that rises up into the air in a straight line
  • cumulonimbus – a mass of very tall thick cloud that usually brings rain and sometimes thunder
  • cumulus – a large low white cloud that is round at the top and flat at the bottom
  • dull – when there are a lot of clouds and it is rather dark
  • fog – a thick cloud that forms close to the ground or to water and is difficult to see through (fog is thicker than mist)
  • fogbound – not able to operate normally because of thick fog
  • foggy – full of fog or covered with fog
  • gather – if clouds gather, they start to appear and cover part of the sky
  • grey – when it is not very bright, because there is a lot of cloud
  • hurricane – a violent storm with very strong winds
  • inclement – unpleasantly cold or wet
  • lower – if clouds lower, they are very dark, as if a storm is coming
  • mist – small drops of liquid in the air
  • misty – lots of mist in the air
  • nimbus – a dark grey rain cloud
  • overcast – a sky completely full of clouds
  • pall – cloud that covers an area and makes it darker
  • pea souper – thick low cloud that prevents you from seeing anything
  • scud – clouds moving quickly
  • sea mist – a thin low cloud that comes onto the land from the sea
  • steam- the wet substance that forms on windows and mirrors when wet air suddenly becomes hot or cold
  • storm cloud – a very dark cloud
  • squall – a sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet.
  • thundercloud – a storm cloud producing thunder
  • tsunami – an extremely large wave in the sea
  • typhoon – a violent tropical storm with very strong winds
  • vapour – very small drops of water or other liquids in the air that make the air feel wet
  • vog – smog that contains dust and gas from volcanoes

Words To Describe Changes In Weather

  • break – if the weather breaks, it changes unexpectedly, and usually becomes worse
  • break through – if the sun breaks through the clouds, it appears from behind them
  • brighten up – if the weather brightens up, it becomes sunnier
  • clear up – if the weather clears up, the clouds or rain go away
  • close in – if the weather closes in, it becomes unpleasant
  • cloud – to become darker because grey clouds are forming in the sky
  • ease – if bad weather such as wind or rain eases, it becomes less strong
  • fickle – weather that is fickle changes often and unexpectedly
  • lift – if something such as cloud or fog lifts, the weather improves and you can see clearly again
  • melt away – if ice or snow melts away, it changes into water as it gets warmer
  • thaw – if the weather thaws, it becomes warmer and causes ice or snow to change into liquid
  • track – if weather tracks in a particular direction, it moves in that direction

The Last Word

I hope these words that describe weather help you with your writing.

If you’re looking for help with describing setting, buy our Setting Up The Setting Workbook .

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Top Tip : Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop .

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And nowadays there’s also Pyrocumulonimbus.

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News, Notes, Talk

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Let it snow: 6 of the best descriptions of winter weather in literature.

Katie Yee

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! But the reading is so delightful… Weather (sorry) or not you love the snow—blanketing your driveway, stalling your subway lines—it’s hard to deny that there have been some pretty darn good descriptions of it in literature, the kind that make you want to curl up by the fire (or, in my case, the space heater). Personally, I think I like winter weather best when it’s on the page and not the thing standing between me and the closest bar or the corner bodega when I’m out of popcorn. In an attempt to reframe the cold months ahead for myself, I have assembled some of the most beautiful/relatable descriptions of snow I could find in fiction. Perhaps now I will think of it as one of these instead of being irrationally irritated by Mother Nature’s cruel attempts to curb my snacking and my social life. So, here we go: let it snow! Sit down with these delightfully icy passages, and keep the hot cocoa coming.

From Leo Tolstoy’s  Anna Karenina :

At first she was unable to read. To begin with she was bothered by the bustle and movement; then, when the train started moving, she could not help listening to the noises; then the snow that beat against the left-hand window and stuck to the glass, and the sight of the conductor passing by, all bundled up and covered with snow on one side, and the talk about the terrible blizzard outside, distracted her attention. Further on it was all the same; the same jolting and knocking, the same snow on the window, the same quick transitions from steaming heat to cold and back to heat, the same flashing of the same faces in the semi-darkness, and the same voices, and Anna began to read and understand what she was reading.

From Italo Calvino’s   If on a winter’s night a traveler :

So here I am walking along this empty surface that is the world. There is a wind grazing the ground, dragging with flurries of fine snow the last residue of the vanished world: a bunch of ripe grapes which seems just picked from the vine, an infant’s woolen bootee, a well-oiled hinge, a page that seems torn from a novel written in Spanish, with a woman’s name: Amaranta. Was it a few seconds ago that everything ceased to exist, or many centuries? I’ve already lost any sense of time.

From Ali Smith’s  Winter :

And here instead’s another version of what was happening that morning, as if from a novel in which Sophia is the kind of character she’d choose to be, prefer to be, a character in a much more classic sort of story, perfectly honed and comforting, about how sombre yet bright the major-symphony of winter is and how beautiful everything looks under a high frost, how every grassblade is enhanced and silvered into individual beauty by it, how even the dull tarmac of the roads, the paving under our feet, shines when the weather’s been cold enough and how something at the heart of us, at the heart of all our cold and frozen states, melts when we encounter a time of peace on earth, goodwill to all men; a story in which there is no room for severed heads; a work in which Sophia’s perfectly honed minor-symphony modesty and narrative decorum complement the story she’s in with the right kind of quiet wisdom-from-experience ageing-female status, making it a story that’s thoughtful, dignified, conventional in structure thank God, the kind of quality literary fiction where the slow drift of snow across the landscape is merciful, has a perfect muffling decorum of its own, snow falling to whiten, soften, blur and prettify even further a landscape where there are no heads divided from bodies hanging around in the air or anywhere, either new ones, from new atrocities or murders or terrorisms, or old ones, left over from old historic atrocities and murders and terrorisms and bequeathed to the future as if in old French Revolution baskets, their wickerwork brown with the old dried blood, placed on the doorsteps of the neat and central-heating-interactive houses of now with notes tied to the handles saying please look after this head thank you […]

From Donna Tartt’s  The Secret History : 

The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation.

From Kelly Link’s  Stranger Things Happen :

The next day it was snowing and he went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back. You sat on the patio drinking something warm and alcoholic, with nutmeg in it, and the snow fell on your shoulders. You were wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt; you were pretending that you weren’t cold, and that your lover would be back soon. You put your finger on the ground and then stuck it in your mouth. The snow looked like sugar, but it tasted like nothing at all.

From Charles Dickens’  A Christmas Carol :

Holly, mistletoe, red berries, ivy, turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, meat, pigs, sausages, oysters, pies, puddings, fruit, and punch, all vanished instantly. So did the room, the fire, the ruddy glow, the hour of night, and they stood in the city streets on Christmas morning where (for the weather was severe) the people made a rough, but brisk and not unpleasant kind of music, in scraping the snow from the pavement in front of their dwellings, and from the tops of their houses, whence it was mad delight to the boys to see it come plumping down into the road below, and splitting into artificial little snow-storms.

The house fronts looked black enough, and the windows blacker, contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground; which last deposit had been ploughed up in deep furrows by the heavy wheels of carts and wagons; furrows that crossed and re-crossed each other hundreds of times where the great streets branched off; and made intricate channels, hard to trace, in the thick yellow mud and icy water. The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in a shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing way to their dear hearts’ content. There was nothing very cheerful in the climate of the town, and yet was there an air of cheerfulness abroad that the clearest summer air and brightest summer sun might have endeavoured to diffuse in vain.

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Descriptive Adjectives for Cold – Examples Included

cold description creative writing

When it comes to describing the cold, we often find ourselves reaching for the same tired adjectives – “chilly,” “freezing,” or “frigid.” But what if I told you there’s a whole world of adjectives out there just waiting to be discovered? In this article, I’ll be sharing a collection of unique and descriptive words that will help you paint a vivid picture of the cold. From bone-chilling to teeth-chattering, these adjectives will add depth and nuance to your writing, whether you’re crafting a winter scene or describing the sensation of stepping outside on a frosty morning. So, grab a cup of hot cocoa and get ready to explore the fascinating world of adjectives for cold!

Table of Contents

How to Describe cold? – Different Scenarios

When it comes to describing cold, there are various scenarios to consider. Each scenario presents its own unique characteristics and sensations. Let’s explore some different scenarios and the adjectives that can beautifully capture the essence of cold.

Remember, using vivid and descriptive adjectives not only enhances your writing but also allows readers to truly feel and experience the cold through your words. Experiment with different adjectives to create imagery and evoke emotions in your readers.

Describing Words for cold in English

When it comes to describing the cold, there are countless adjectives that can paint a vivid picture and make your writing come to life. Below, I’ve compiled a list of descriptive words that can help you accurately portray different aspects of the cold.

The frigid air cut through the trees, leaving a trail of icicles that sparkled in the winter sunlight.
We huddled together to keep warm as the bitter wind whipped through the streets, stealing the warmth from our bodies.
The chilly breeze rustled the leaves, reminding us that autumn had arrived and winter was just around the corner.
She cautiously walked across the icy sidewalk, taking small steps to avoid slipping.
The freezing temperatures made it impossible to go outside without layering up in hats, scarves, and mittens.

As you can see, using these descriptive words for cold can help you create vivid imagery and bring your writing to life, allowing your readers to truly feel and experience the cold. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different adjectives and paint a picture that captures the essence of the cold in your writing.

Adjectives for cold

Positive adjectives for cold.

Remember, finding the right adjective will depend on the specific context and the emotions you want to evoke. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and explore different adjectives to capture the essence of coldness in your writing.

Synonyms and Antonyms with Example Sentences

Synonyms for cold.

When it comes to describing cold temperatures, there is a wide range of adjectives that can be used to create vivid and engaging descriptions. Here are some synonyms for “cold” that you can use to add variety and depth to your writing:

Antonyms for Cold

On the other hand, if you want to describe the absence of cold or warmth, here are some antonyms for “cold” that you can use:

Furthermore, experimenting with different adjectives for cold enables us to capture the essence of the cold in various scenarios. Whether it’s a positive or negative portrayal, using the right adjectives can evoke specific emotions and create a stronger connection with our readers.

Additionally, incorporating synonyms and antonyms for “cold” expands our vocabulary and allows us to express the concept of coldness in different ways. Synonyms such as “chilly” and “frigid” offer alternative options, while antonyms like “warm” and “cozy” provide contrasting feelings.

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Enchanting Marketing

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How to Infuse Your Writing With Oodles of Personality (in 3 Steps)

by Henneke | 61 enchanting opinions, add yours? :)

How to describe anything with oodles of personality

Today is her writing day.

Helen is a marketing coach, and she tells herself she must, at last, write her coaching page. How else can she attract more clients?

She sips her Jasmine tea, and mutters to herself that she must stop procrastinatin g and start writing.

But she feels sooooo uninspired.

She performs a quick Google search for inspiration. Ouch. A search for “marketing coach” generates 462,000 results.

Helen feels scared about competing with thousands of coaches for the same clients. But she understands how she should compete:

She has to describe her service with personality so she can attract her favorite clients. And when she does her best work, clients will rave about her, and her reputation will spread naturally.

The theory sounds good. But Helen feels stuck. How does she describe her coaching offer with more flair?

Shall I explain?

50 shades of cold

I recently read the thriller “The Quality of Silence” by Rosamund Lupton. From a writing perspective, the numerous descriptions of the coldness caught my attention.

Think about it for a sec … How would you describe a cold day? Extremely cold? Freezing? Ice-cold? It’s so cold you can’t stop shivering?

In the book, Yasmin arrives in Alaska with her deaf daughter Ruby. They drive in 24-hour darkness through the frozen wilderness searching for Ruby’s lost father.

10-year old Ruby’s description of the cold air is full of personality:

It’s FREEZING cold; like the air is made of broken glass. Our English cold is all roly-poly snowmen and ‘woo-hoo! it’s a snow day!’ a hey-there friendly kind of cold. But this cold is mean.

The main storyteller’s voice is grownup, and it describes the cold differently:

Yasmin put on her Arctic parka and face mask and mittens before getting out of the truck. Even so, the cold shocked her; it was like plunging into a lake, not air.

And Yasmin wonders what the color of cold is:

She’d thought the color of cold was white, like snow, or blue perhaps, like on a cold tap, but cold like this was conceived in a place without daylight and was black, the absence of all light and color.

Later in the book, the cold gets worse. Yasmin and Ruby get stuck in a truck in the middle of a snowstorm, without heating:

It’s getting so hard to breathe, my lungs are filling up with ants and there isn’t room for air any more. There’s a monster made of cold, hard as the edge of a pavement, coming towards us in the dark and it’s cutting through the windscreen and doors and windows and the only weapon against it is heat, but we don’t have any heat.

To write descriptions that ooze personality, go beyond the obvious. Think a little harder to find strong imagery to fully engage your reader. This works for anything, whether it’s the scenery in a fiction book, a product description on an ecommerce site, or the service page on your website.

Follow the three steps below to describe anything with oodles of personality …

Step 1. Write with piercing precision

Writing with personality starts with being more descriptive. Pay attention to details.

Note how many details are in this description of the cold:

She’d seen cold as a predator, made of the dark, as if it were alive. But she felt it now as vastly, cruelly impersonal; a frozen darkness absorbing you into itself. She felt it filling her hollow spaces, embedding itself as icy marrow in her bones and then consciousness seeped away from her into the Arctic blackness.

And here’s how Vitamix applies the same technique, describing precisely why their mixers are durable:

A key to long motor life is preventing it from overheating. In addition to the overload protection that’s built into every blender, Vitamix engineers have been working for decades to perfect airflow circulation around the motor, precisely channeling a controlled amount of air to the places that need it most. The result is a quieter, more reliable motor that will serve you for years to come.

And studio Neomam describes exactly how they develop link-worthy content for their clients. One of the steps they describe is how they test their content:

Before we hit up journalists we test your content with a real audience of at least 1,000 people using Reddit. We make adjustments based on audience feedback, so we’re confident about the success of your content even before we start pitching.

No matter what service you supply, it’s easy to think your clients know what you do.

But do they really? Probably not.

So, take a potential client by the hand and show her, step by step, what you do for her and how you make her life better. Don’t skimp on the details.

Step 2. Create a multi-sensory experience

Have you considered what cold smells like?

She smelled the cold and then realized that it was an absence of all odors. She wondered if it was because her airways were not functioning properly – she could feel the little hairs in her nose freezing – or if it was that in this degree of cold no molecules could permeate the air.

When you appeal to the senses , readers experience your content as if they can really see, feel, hear, smell or taste it.

The copywriters at Innocent know this, and they turn drinking a smoothie with pineapples, bananas and coconut into a sunny, sensory experience:

(…) this drink tastes of sunshine. Not that watery stuff that you get in the UK for five or six days of the year, but the great, clear, life-affirming rays that you’ll only find where these fruits are grown. So even if you’ve used up your holiday allowance on lots of mini-breaks to Prague and Oslo, you can still find a little bit of the tropics in this recipe. Just close your eyes, whack on the factor 16 and have a mouthful. Il fait soleil.

Sound difficult for a service?

Chris Conner gets pretty close in his description of my business blogging course :

Imagine sitting on a sunny sidewalk at a café … As you are writing in your journal, your teacher occasionally strolls by to look over your shoulder and help with your work. Henneke’s Enchanting Business Blogging course is as close as you will get to that without buying a plane ticket.

If you struggle to describe your product or service, ask your clients. What was their experience like? Can they provide a detailed description? What experience can they compare your service with?

Step 3. Make readers feel the impact

What impact does the cold have on your body?

She took a breath and the freezing air went into her lungs and she felt them going into spasm. She gasped and more cold air went into her lungs and it was as if she were drowning.

When you read such a vivid description, you can almost feel the cold air and the spasms of your lungs.

The copywriters at Purple use the same writing technique . Here’s how they explain what a comfortable mattress means for you:

The Purple Smart Comfort Grid™ effortlessly isolates motion, so you don’t feel your partner, posterity, or pets when they wiggle about.
The only mattress that intelligently adapts to the human body for mind-blowing, personalized comfort. Translation: Wake up every morning with your happy face on.

When you think about the impact of your service on clients, it’s often best to ask clients to explain it to you. Here’s how Irina Bengtson describes one of my courses:

I loved waking up in the mornings during this class. I knew something exciting was waiting for me—a next lesson, a new assignment or a new comment.

And Louise Rasmussen said it like this:

Henneke’s Enchanting Business Blogging course is like fentanyl for chronic writing pain. For me this course undid 20+ years of misguided writing habits.

Writing your own service description can feel hard. But you don’t have to do it alone. Ask your clients for their input, and use their testimonials throughout your page.

Discover your writing genius

You might think that writing with personality should come naturally.

But writing often doesn’t work like that.

You have to work a little harder to inject personality into your writing. So, follow the three steps. 1. Write with piercing precision . 2. Appeal to the senses and use strong imagery. 3. Let readers feel the personal impact.

That’s how you engage your readers with power and pizzazz.

Let your personality shine.

And discover your writing genius.

Recommended reading on descriptive writing:

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cold description creative writing

May 18, 2021 at 8:57 am

It was such a delight reading your post Henneke! It has been a while since I last checked out your blog. I will say it helped to calm my otherwise anxious mind as I was so immersed in your vivid descriptions/writings. Reading doesn’t feel like a task but such an enjoyment, it feels like my soul is nourished. So thank you, please keep up the great content 🙂

cold description creative writing

May 18, 2021 at 9:34 am

Thank you so much, Charlene, for your lovely compliment and for coming back to read my blog again!

cold description creative writing

March 15, 2019 at 3:08 pm

Thank you Henneke, the descriptive examples you shared were fun to read and very helpful as I embark on my writing adventure. 🙂

March 15, 2019 at 4:32 pm

I’m glad you liked the examples, too. Enjoy your writing adventure, Deborah! 🙂

cold description creative writing

October 11, 2018 at 3:18 am

“She felt it filling her hollow spaces, embedding itself as icy marrow in her bones and then consciousness seeped away from her into the Arctic blackness.” That sentence really grabbed me and I needed to walk out into the sunshine.

Once again you inspired me to write something immediately. I’d love to share it with you but think, maybe not. And even though I had no idea what I would write, it flowed out of me. And it turned out to be a Bio piece if I were so bold as to use it. Whether it’s ‘any good’ or if I use it or not seems immaterial. To be stirred as your writing always stirs me is reward enough. Thanks so much, Henneke and may your day be blessed. ♡

October 11, 2018 at 6:50 pm

Ha, yes! Reading that book made me feel cold sometimes, too.

It makes me happy that my writing inspires you to write. Thank you for your lovely comment, Joan 🙂

cold description creative writing

July 4, 2018 at 1:25 pm

I don’t usually comment on older posts, but your examples are so apt, I had to congratulate you, Henneke, brilliant as always.

It brings to mind one of many things I learned from studying NLP …that while the majority of people are visual, with language that expresses their experience of the world such as “I see” and “look at it this way”, many are auditory, so their language is a little different: “that sounds interesting” and “listen to this”. A smaller percentage of people are kinaesthetic, responding to “I feel” and “that touches me”. Very few are gustatory, responding to smell and taste references. I have found it very useful to include words and phrases in my writing, especially marketing copy, that embrace different styles of expression and learning.

For any reader who can’t imagine writing in a gustatory way, I recommend “Chocolat” by Joanne Harris. It’s a masterpiece of mouthwatering, scented writing that seizes the senses in every way!

July 5, 2018 at 11:58 am

I am glad you took the time to comment on an old post. Thank you, Sue. I love your point on communicating multi-sensory experiences. I find that in different situations, I respond to different senses. When I think back to the places I’ve lived, my impression is often a combination of visuals, sounds and smells. It seems that smells can bring up strong memories for me. But when I write, my first drafts are often full of “I feel” (or “I think”). When editing, I remove these. Isn’t it fascinating how we’re all different?

I’ve added “Chocolat” to my reading list. I look forward to reading it! Thank you for your recommendation.

cold description creative writing

May 12, 2018 at 2:39 am

I suppose in this area, a foundation in creative writing would certainly help to add flair to descriptions. The art of melding your creative writing voice and your professional voice to create a smooth, natural, non-stuffy persona that informs and also entertains readers at the same time —I think, Henneke, you have mastered it. I love how you start out your posts as though they’re stories.

Thank you for this post. Informative and inspirational as always!

May 12, 2018 at 5:53 pm

Yes, I agree with you. Blending creative writing skills with an understanding of persuasion is a great combination.

Thank you for your compliment! I appreciate your comments.

cold description creative writing

May 8, 2018 at 7:45 pm

I really love your point about impact. I used to be a senior marketing writer at a high tech company. I wrote stories directed to non-technical audiences about our work. Writing about the technology was boring to outsiders. But if I could describe how the technology helped first responders get food, water, and ice to disaster victims, the story instantly had more appeal.

May 9, 2018 at 3:12 pm

I love your point about telling stories to help explain how technology makes a real difference to people’s lives. The technical details are uninteresting outside a techie audience, but how technology changes lives is interesting for everyone.

Thank you for sharing your story, Patty.

cold description creative writing

May 4, 2018 at 11:43 am

I’m obviously in the minority, but this kind of writing is awful. It doesn’t add personality, it adds corporate whimsy, which is artificial and pretentious.

May 4, 2018 at 7:01 pm

Firstly, not everyone needs to write with personality. For instance, if you’re writing for a bank, then people expect straightforward, plain copy. Ideally, the copy should be jargon-free (though most banks don’t seem to be able to do this).

Secondly, this process doesn’t need to make copy whimsical. Look, for instance, at the example of Vitamix in the post. The tone is more serious than the copy of Purple.

The right tone for copy always depends on the brand (or the writer) and who the audience is. You’re clearly not the intended audience for a Purple mattress. But that’s how good positioning works—you only attract the people that are right for your brand.

cold description creative writing

May 4, 2018 at 10:37 am

noodles of personality 🙂

May 4, 2018 at 6:57 pm

cold description creative writing

May 2, 2018 at 7:33 am

Hi Henneke, This was a great and helpful post, I will try these techniques in my writing from now on. I really must read that thriller, you have made a great case for it!

May 2, 2018 at 7:56 pm

Thank you, Sudhaara. I’m glad you found it helpful. Happy writing!

I hope you’ll enjoy The Quality of Silence, too 🙂

cold description creative writing

May 2, 2018 at 3:28 am

Write. Appeal. Feel. It always goes back to touching the five senses to truly make an impact. Your cold examples made me shiver, and reminded me why I live in Florida. 😉

Keep up the good work, Henneke!

Reading about the traveling in Alaska made me glad to live in England—it might be wet and it might not be as sunny as Florida, but it’s warm compared to Alaska. 24-hour darkness sounds tough, too.

Thank you for stopping by again, Penelope. Always good to see you 🙂

cold description creative writing

April 27, 2018 at 8:38 pm

Hi Henneke,

I don’t know what to say; I’m speechless and happy and smiling.

You’re playing a huge role in improving my copywriting, and I’m sure the same goes for many others.

The way you encapsulate the ideas in simple words is fantastic.

I learned from this blog post that how choosing the right words can make readers feel the depth of the story. Amazing.

I’m looking forward to reading the next blog post.

April 29, 2018 at 6:59 pm

“make readers feel the depth of the story” — I love how you’ve phrased that, Hassaan.

I’m glad you enjoyed this article. I enjoyed writing it, too 🙂

cold description creative writing

April 26, 2018 at 10:45 am

I know I’ve said this before, but it’s the examples in your blog posts that take them to the next level for me. Thank you for the time you take to find them, they are worth their weight in raindrops ?

I love your writing. It’s crisp and clear but also fun and entertaining. You make things simple and doable.

I can see how some people might not like it, but as you say, those people are not the important ones; you will probably never win them over ?.

April 26, 2018 at 9:02 pm

This time I was lucky with the examples as I didn’t need to go searching. I was reading The Quality of Silence and the examples were just begging me to write this post 🙂

And yes, I can’t win over everyone, and that’s not necessary either. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂

I hope the rain keeps falling on Cape Town, and wishing you happy writing while listening to the sound of rain (isn’t it a beautiful sound?)

cold description creative writing

April 26, 2018 at 9:29 am

Love learning new ways to engage in the writing process. (One that was dreaded much like death. yeah,. really)

Now, it’s fun – like jumping through puddles on a warm rainy day – because it brings on the feeling of ease and effortless flow !

So glad my hubby found you. His joy for writing is infectious. It is mainly due to your class, and lucky for me, he shares his knowledge with the pleasure of a kindergartener ! Wild and free, so now we get to meet in the middle where structure creates freedom.

AND, I do have a much better web site – blog –

A heartfelt Thank-YOU!

April 26, 2018 at 8:59 pm

I love your idea that writing is like jumping through puddles on a warm rainy day. What a beautiful metaphor!

And it makes me happy to read that writing brings you joy—it brings me so much joy, too 🙂

Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment, Amy, and do say hello to Chuck. Happy writing!

cold description creative writing

April 26, 2018 at 9:06 am

I really appreciated reading this post Henneke.

What I ‘ve taken from this, and am experiencing in my own writing, is that it’s not ‘how much’ we write but ‘what’ we write that adds personality.

Less can truly be more.

We experience more too as readers.

I rarely comment but I do enjoy your posts :-).

April 26, 2018 at 8:56 pm

Yes, that’s so true: “Less can truly be more.” I so agree with that.

Thank you for leaving a comment, Bianca. I appreciate it. Happy writing!

cold description creative writing

April 25, 2018 at 10:44 am

Thanks Henneke for this great article. I am a big fan of your blog 🙂

April 25, 2018 at 5:32 pm

Thank you, Chooki. I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog posts. Thank you for stopping by.

cold description creative writing

April 25, 2018 at 12:16 am

Awesome, Henneke, You’ve done it again. You never stop surprising me with something I really truly need at that moment. Love you, thank you, I’m so grateful for having you and your intuitive writing to support my own progress. What a glorious day this is, the sky is clear, the little waves on the ocean past the boardwalk are sparkling and dancing out of the bay, Ocean here we come. All because you made me look at it more closely.

What a lovely comment!

What you say is so true. When we take the time to stop and look more closely, we realize how much beauty we pass by. I try to make myself look around me on my daily walks. I love looking at the trees and listening to the birds. And the sea is magic — just a little too far for me to get there daily, but I try every month. I love the sound of the waves 🙂

Thank you for adding your thoughts, Annamarie.

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 10:12 pm

This is such an important topic and I love the examples you give. It’s so true; with all the content that’s out there already, you NEED to add personality to your writing if you want to stand out.

BTW, I think I’m going to have to read The Quality Of Silence now… 🙂

April 25, 2018 at 5:30 pm

Yes, without personality it’s hard to compete online. I totally agree with you.

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 9:38 pm

Dear Henneke,

Whenever I read one of your posts…Everytime, and I mean Everytime I am never left feeling disappointed.

Great work, thank you.

Regards Wendy ?

April 24, 2018 at 9:40 pm

Thank you so much, Wendy, for your lovely compliment.

Happy writing!

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 9:32 pm

Hi Henneke, I enjoyed the article and the metaphors (by the way, metaphor exercises were my favorites during the course!). I also remembered Peter Høeg’s book “Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne” (“Smilla’s Sense of Snow in the USA) with amazing descriptions of snow that came from an inuit language of native people in Greenland. Thank you for inspiration.

April 24, 2018 at 9:37 pm

Maybe I should re-read that book. I read it ages ago, but it was before I was interested in writing. I don’t remember much about it, but one of my nieces is called Smilla 🙂

Thank you for stopping by, Irina!

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 8:19 pm

It just doesn’t get any better than this…good stuff!

April 24, 2018 at 9:08 pm

Thank you, Jack. 🙂

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 8:11 pm

There is a beautiful winter description in the autobiography of German writer Joseph von Eichendorff, describing the winter of his birth (1787/88). For those who understand German, here is the original text: «So streng war der Winter, dass die Schindelnägel auf den Dächern krachten, die armen Vögel im Schlaf von den Bäumen fielen und Rehe, Hasen und Wölfe verwirrt bis in die Dörfer flüchteten.» And my humble English translation: «So severe was the winter that the shingle-nails were cracking in the roofs, the poor birds fell off the trees in their sleep, and deer, rabbits and wolves fled to the villages in confusion.» Now that’s a winter, is it?

Yes, I love that description of winter. Thank you for sharing, Matthias (and for the translation!)

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 7:53 pm

I am feeling the precision point. Crisp! I dig it because I’ve focused on writing with precision recently. No filler. Think of how to say much with few words. Visualize experiences to make the the pictures to feel alive. Thanks much for the rocking post!

April 24, 2018 at 9:06 pm

That’s a good point about precision: Saying a lot with a few words is a challenge, but it’s a challenge I like!

Thank you for your comment, Ryan. I appreciate it.

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 3:30 pm

Spot on, Henneke!

I love the advice that you don’t always have to do it alone.

I find that, even though you are its author/innovator, you can never fully understand how your product or service impacts the lives of those who use it. Only they can describe it vividly enough.

Sometimes, to stir the emotions of those you are trying to promote your product to, you have to call on those who have used the product and have been affected by it.

Testimonials and reviews are, thus, very powerful tools that, as copywriters, we don’t always value and utilize enough.

Thanks for another great post.

April 24, 2018 at 8:57 pm

Yep, I agree. Testimonials and reviews, too, are powerful tools. The best marketers (and the best copywriters) are close to customers because customers can give them all the input they need, and if you pay attention they write your copy for you.

Thank you for stopping by again, Patrick. I appreciate it. Happy writing!

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 2:59 pm

Fantastic post, Henneke! Your examples shone with sensory details. Loved how the author of the thriller personified the cold into a deadly beast, and how we can use the same principles in our copy (to positive effect!). 🙂 This is one for the files. Thanks, as always, for your inspirational and educational posts!

April 24, 2018 at 3:13 pm

The various cold descriptions in the thriller are really inspirational. When you put them all on a sheet, you can see how varied they are. It’s like a masterclass in descriptive writing.

As always, thank you for stopping by, Kathy. I appreciate it. 🙂

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 1:58 pm

I can’t wait to write another article on my blog. Thank you for these tips. Learning from your blogs makes writing liberating instead of suppressed thoughts and feelings… writing becomes an art of “free stroke” expression with colourful thoughts and feelings. Thank you for sharing your talent.

April 24, 2018 at 3:08 pm

That is a big compliment. Thank you.

It cheers me up when people feel inspired to write after reading my blog. Happy writing, Lorna!

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 1:50 pm

April 24, 2018 at 3:07 pm

I hope you’ll enjoy the thriller. I thought it was a good read (especially the first 3/4).

Thank you for stopping by, Kim 😉

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 1:40 pm

Hi Henneke, You have the most uncommon way of stirring my thoughts. Yes, writers provide intangible services. But it is the injection of the writer’s personality that brings life to a pile of written words to influence a reader. Again you dealt with the ‘how’ in your usual amazing and easy-to-follow way. My appreciations.

Thank you, Paul. I’m glad you enjoyed this post, and I appreciate your comment. Happy writing!

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 12:46 pm

Haha! ‘ you don’t feel your partner, posterity, or pets when they wiggle about.’ I am jealous of that joke.

I love this one: ‘It’s FREEZING cold; like the air is made of broken glass.’ Now there’s a good writer.

Great post! Do you recommend the thriller?

April 24, 2018 at 3:04 pm

You’ll find a lot more fun copywriting on the Purple website 🙂

And yes, I enjoyed the thriller, especially the first 3/4 or so. It’s well written.

April 24, 2018 at 3:15 pm

The Purple website?

April 24, 2018 at 3:42 pm

The mattress company: That’s where ‘ you don’t feel your partner, posterity, or pets when they wiggle about’ comes from 😉

April 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Ah, yes, sloppy reader, me.

cold description creative writing

April 24, 2018 at 11:38 am

I don’t think I’m doing it right. I can’t help but add some p for personality in my writing most of the time and I honestly think people like it as it makes for a more fun read. I think. Even if the subject is serious or “how-to.”

But, I know for certain that a couple people who I WANT to see the beauty in a personable, relatable, more fun style, just hate my work.

I work super hard at taking constructive criticism, editing relentlessly, accepting #LetsGetRejected and doing the best I possibly can. But, I guess I am somewhat upset somehow, sometimes, cause I feel like they just don’t get it. Or maybe like appreciate my style perhaps it is!?!? Idk…

I totally love the quote examples for how cold and variable cold can be and feel and sound…with words… lending personality. Brilliant.

Thanks, Henneke! Take care, Sue-Ann

April 24, 2018 at 3:01 pm

Hey Sue-Ann,

Not everyone needs to like your writing, and the stronger your voice the more people will fall either in the love-your-writing or hate-your-writing camps. There are also plenty of people who don’t like my writing. They may think it’s boring or childish. And one person has mentioned that my writing was too masculine (whatever that may be). I also get complaints about my word choice sometimes. But I write for the people who feel I’m writing for them, so most of the time, I ignore criticism (not always of course, sometimes it is valid).

I don’t know why you feel that some people hate your writing and you want them to see the beauty in your writing. If it really matters that much to you, ask them for their input and ask them to be specific in their comments. Is there too much imagery? Is the imagery too strong? Do they not like your word choice? It might also be something completely different.

But be careful. Not everyone has to like you.

cold description creative writing

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I never saw myself as a writer, but in my early forties, I learned how to write and discovered the joy of writing. Now, I’d like to empower you to find your voice, share your ideas and inspire your audience. Learn how I can help you

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cold description creative writing

400+ Ways to Describe Temperature: A Word List for Writers

Temperature Words

Temperature Embodies More Than Heat and Cold

Applied effectively in prose or poetry, heat or lack of it can express subtleties of emotion, hence terms such as hot-tempered and cold-hearted .

Ambient temperature affects sleep patterns, productivity, and emotions.

Excessive heat irritates tempers. Your characters might quarrel without realizing they’re responding to the environment. Or your protagonists could blame their bad mood, blushing , or sweating on temperature while hiding the true reasons for their behavior.

Cold surroundings can draw people together to share body heat. Men have exploited this fact for centuries to entice women into their arms.

Temperature may indicate good or ill health, pleasant or unpleasant weather, good or bad omens.

People expect certain types of food, such as soup, to be hot. Serve a guest cold gazpacho, and you might expect a surprised reaction.

Hot liquids stain more readily than their cold counterparts. Story fodder? Perhaps your protagonist deliberately spills hot coffee into someone’s lap to spur the removal of pants or skirt?

Young women who are not ready to get pregnant sometimes have their eggs frozen in order to bear children later in life. What would happen if one of these women met a sperm donor at a reproduction clinic and they started dating?

Although today’s technology can’t reanimate corpses, some people choose to have their bodies vitrified and cryogenically preserved after death in hopes that future scientists will be able to revive them.

A chase through the hot desert will require different props and plotlines than a similar event at the South Pole.

Heat sterilizes objects and food. Freezing doesn’t. That’s why frozen corpses of animals and humans can endanger modern generations: They harbor microorganisms that could be dangerous to a non-immune population.

Someone trying to save money might turn the heat down in the winter; likewise with air conditioning during summer months. This could cause complications with health, pets, and houseplants.

Incinerators burn confidential documents. “Oops! I swear, boss, Findlay tripped when he was disposing of the top-secret files. The burns on my hands ? I … uh … tried to rescue him. Yeah, that’s it. I tried to rescue him.”

Story Prompts Ahead

Some of the preceding paragraphs may have given you ideas for stories or plot twists. Please enjoy a few more.

  • A patient’s temperature reads several degrees lower than usual.
  • Wife repeatedly turns the heat down. Husband turns it back up.
  • Thirteen months of stifling summer weather stumps scientists.
  • Bears decide to hibernate three months early.
  • A three-acre patch of ice forms in the Bay of Bengal.
  • A pendant grows warm whenever anyone nearby tells a lie.
  • A talking refrigerator develops a personality.

The following lists contain more than 400 words that will help you include temperature in your writing.

Hot Adjectives

A to F ablaze, afire, aflame, Africa-hot, baking, blazing, blistering, boiling, branding, broiling, burning, charring, extreme, febrile, fevered, feverish, feverous, fiery, flaming

H to R hyper-heated, hyper-hot, hyperthermic, intense, melting, molten, muggy, oppressive, overheated, parching, piping, poker-hot, roasting

S to W scalding, scorching, searing, shriveling, singeing, sizzling, smoking, smoldering, steaming, stifling, sultry, sweaty, sweltering, torrid, tropical, withering

A to E ash, asphalt, barbecue, blast furnace, blaze, bonfire, coffee, conflagration, cooking oil, desert, dragon’s breath , ember, exhaust pipe, exploding meteor

F to I fever, fire, firecracker, fireplace, fireworks, French fries, frying pan, furnace, geyser, glue gun, Hades, Hell, incalescence, infected wound, inferno, incinerator, iron

K to R kiln, magma, mineral spring, molten lava, molten metal, pavement, radiator, rocket exhaust

S to W sidewalk, solar flare, soldering iron, soup, stage lights, steam bath, stove burner, summer sun , tin roof, volcano, wok

A to C arc, autoclave, bake, barbecue, blaze, blister, boil, braise, brand, broil, brown, bubble, burn, burst into flames, carbonize, catch fire, cauterize, char, commit arson, cook, cremate

D to I deep-fry, defrost, detonate, disinfect, explode, fan the flames, fire, flame, flare, flash, fry, fuel, glow, go off, go up in flames, grill, heat, ignite, immolate, incinerate

K to R kindle, light, liquefy, melt, microwave, nuke, overcook, overheat, pan-fry, parboil, perspire, poach, reduce to ashes, refry, reheat, rewarm, roast

S sanitize, sauté, scald, scorch, scramble, sear, set a match to, set alight, simmer, singe, smolder, solder, spark, steam, steam-clean, sterilize, stew, stir-fry, strike a match, sweat, swelter

T to Z thaw, toast, torch, warm, zap

Warm Adjectives

A to P agreeable, balmy, blood-warm, clement, comfortable, comfy, cozy, enjoyable, fair, fine, homey, lukewarm, mellow, mild, moderate, pleasant

R to W restful, room-temperature, slightly warm, snug, summery, temperate, tepid, toasty, warm, warmish

B to F baby toes, baby’s laugh, bathwater, breath, clothes from the dryer, cow manure, dog/cat vomit, dog/cat doo-doo, ear muffs, flannel, freshly baked bread/buns, freshly laid egg

G to M gloves, groin, handshake, hand warmers, happy book/movie, just-vacated seat, kiss, kitten, lover’s body/ smile , memory foam, milk before bed, mitts, mother’s smile

P to W parka, puppy, rope/rug burn, sunshine, sweater, welcome, wool socks

Empty list. If something is cold, you require a hot verb to warm it; if it’s hot, you need a cold verb to bring it to a warm state.

Cold Adjectives

A to C algid, Antarctic, Arctic, austere, benumbed, biting, bitter, bitterly cold, bleak, bone-chilling, bracing, brisk, brumal, chilly, congealed, cool, crisp, cryogenic

D to H desolate, drafty, dreary, exhilarating, extreme, freezing, fresh, frigid, frigorific, frore, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, harsh, hibernal, hiemal, hoary, hypothermic

I to P icebound, icebox, ice-capped, ice-cold, ice-kissed, icicled, icy-cold, icy, intense, invigorating, keen, nippy, numbed, numbing, penetrating, piercing, polar

R to W raw, refrigerated, rimy, severe, sharp, shivery, sleety, Siberian, snappy, snowy, stimulating, stinging, subzero, wintry

B to G banana split, blizzard, brain freeze, dark side of the moon, deep sea, dry ice, ex’s heart/scorn, father’s criticism, freezer, frozen fish, Fudgesicle, glacier

H to P hoarfrost, iceberg, ice chest, ice-cream cone, ice cube, igloo, liquid nitrogen, milk shake, North Pole, penguin, Plutonian crater/mountain, polar bear, popsicle

S to W sherbet, skating rink, ski hill, sled dog, snow angel, snowbank, snowflake, snowman, South Pole, winter, witch’s toe

A to H air-condition, bite, chill, congeal, cool, crystalize, deep-freeze, flash-freeze, freeze, frost, gel, glaciate, harden

I to P ice, ice over, ice up, infrigidate, jell, keep cold, lose heat, lower the temperature, preserve, put on ice

R to V refrigerate, rime, set, solidify, sting, turn to ice, vitrify

Other Adjectives

A to C abnormal, above-zero, absolute, adiabatic, air, ambient, annual, atmospheric, average, axillary (armpit), basal, below-zero, body, calescent, Celsius, critical

D to I daily, daytime, decalescent, diurnal, elevated, environmental, external, extreme, Fahrenheit, favorable, fixed, global, high, ideal, indoor, inside, internal

L to P low, maximum, mean, metabolic, minimum, minus, moderate, monthly, ocean, optimum, oral (mouth), outdoor, outside, oven, overall, peak, plus, preferred

R to S raised, recalescent, recommended, recorded, rectal, reduced, regulated, relative, requisite, room, seasonal, soil, stable, standard, static, subnormal, substrate, surface

T to Y temporal (forehead), thermodynamic, thermogenic, tympanic (ear), underground, uniform, volatile, water, yearly

Other Nouns

H to T homeostasis, lyophilization, thermocline, thermocouple, thermogram, thermometer, thermoreceptor, thermoregulator, thermos, thermostat

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2 thoughts on “ 400+ Ways to Describe Temperature: A Word List for Writers ”

This helped me so much with my writing. I definitely will be turning to this gorgeous website more often for all my describing word needs.

Thanks, Lily!

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Start your story with “It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark.” (Hans Christian Andersen, “The Little Match Girl”)

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  • Start your story with someone looking out at the snow, and end it with them stepping tentatively onto a frozen surface.

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Write a short story about someone who refuses to write New Year's resolutions.

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The best winter writing prompts

Got the chills? No? Well, you will soon, with our winter writing prompts. These creative writing ideas are suitable for kids and big kids alike, and will give you inspiration for the wintry story of your dreams.

Winter is a season that many of us attach strong memories to: sledding in the snow and ice, building snowmen, snowball fights, running for shelter during blizzards, walking to school in the biting cold. It's time to delve into that treasure trove of experience to inspire your winter writing.

To help you get started, here are our top ten winter writing prompts:

  • A busy city is quieted by a big blanketing of snow. Write from the perspective of two (or more) characters who live there.
  • Write a short story that takes place in a winter cabin.
  • Start a story with the classic: "It was a dark and stormy night..."
  • "Well, this year's office holiday party didn't go as I'd planned."
  • You are stranded on a winter hike when you come across a little cottage.

Looking for more tips for your writing? Check out the free resource below:

How to Master the 'Show, Don't Tell' Rule (free course) — Winter is a season for the senses — stinging snowstorms, glistening icicles, fluffly snowflakes, the sound of tires over slush. And that means you're going to want to get your descriptions spot on. To brush up your skills, try out our free course.

Want more help learning how to write a winter short story? Check ou t How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten day course guiding you through the process of short story writing by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.

Ready to start writing? Check out Reedsy’s weekl y short story contest , for the chance of winning $250! You can also check out our list o f writing contests or our directory o f literary magazines for more opportunities to submit your story.


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Winter - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing

  • Autumn to winter
  • cold weather
  • cold winter
  • condensation
  • first day of winter
  • mild winter
  • red berries
  • seasonal change
  • snow clouds
  • snowball fight
  • warm winter
  • winter landscape
  • winter leaves
  • winter months
  • winter season
  • winter storm
  • winter sunset
  • winter trees
  • winter wonderland
  • winters day
  • wintry wind
Winter comes as a hearth song bequeathed by black cradled stars.
Winter arrives, an icy serenade, a coolness to bring out the warmth within.
The winter sun brought out the purity of the heaven-given snow, as if were a blank page for our merriment, inviting the feet to play and the spirit to laugh.
This winter I'm gonna win. Let the ice crackle underfoot, for it is nothing as compared to this warm heart and the fire burning within, that steady pilot flame. That's the thing about these tough times, the most loving win because we dig in, we get determined when the greedy cut and run. So, that winter wind with its toothy bite is nothing but excitement to me.
The winter is such crystalline joy, those brilliant rays that show the uniqueness of every snowflake. It is the time of puddles that become transient skating rinks and for my thoughts to remain cozy within a woollen hat. It is the time when the sunniest of days are warm even in when I can see my breath rise as neat and pure vapour. It is the days of quiet poetry forming in my soul as if it calls to the spring flowers that will soon blossom.
The wintry sun is the brightness of the day, taking centre stage as the blooms of the summertime become a part of the soil. The sunshine and cold, the sparkle and the ice, somehow warm even when the north wind bites. There will be days I wish to stay in the warm, to observe from a duvet, fingers wrapped snuggly around some cocoa... yet somedays the winter takes my hand and shows me its beauty, that in truth, it is but the dawn of spring.
The river appears still, yet she flows under the thinnest of ice, awaiting the gentle touch of the sun. Though the air bares only the coldness and the ground is frozen once more, they glitter with the gift of each nascent ray. It is as if God ensured there would be hope even on the deepest and most wintry of days, asking us to see the sparks that remain even when the world is frozen. And so I choose not to see the blanket of ice but the waters that remain deep and moving, ever onward to join the ocean in its slow yet sure way.
Wintry trees stand as ballet dancers poised to show the world their grace, strength showing in how they remain so still in the seasonal gusts. Now that the leaves have fallen, they are so proud, as if their silvery-brown skin was their glory all along. I lift my head into the wind, eyes open for this softly lit day. Cold is good if you are warm inside, just the same as we love ice in the summer time.
Before the cold winds come to breathe our world anew, before snow makes our familiar streets a canvas for dreams, I see each sculpted flake with eyes at rest, the chaotic dance of billions uniting over the earth. These daydreams are my hearth-fire, bringing the hint of a newborn smile, one that lifts every part of what I am. I ask the icy wind to bring me to higher senses, to wake within that which rested in the easy summer days; for in these dreams are wintry puddles, silver-blue in the path, as if they were nascent moons born to shine. Then, as if I can contain this energy surge no-longer, I run... I run past trees with skin the hue of spring soil, through shadow and light just the same.
Upon each tree born wand, naked from winter's rasp, come the buds of spring. Each tells of green leaves to come, or the sweet blossom within. Even as cold winds blow, they are such embryonic joy.
As the long summer days linger in our memories, nature rests her rainbow palette. In their place she brings out the colours of beach and woodland, soothing us into a quiet reflection. We walk through pictures shown so beautifully by the winter sun; each as bathed in love as the one before. Be it the blue of sea or sky, or every shade of brown from almost white to almost black, it brings a peaceful harmony. Yet in this choir of colours, mother nature keeps by a little green, a little red, for the holly tree, the evergreens and robins. And after this rest, this deep breath of cool fresh air, we are ready for the sweet mischief of spring.
Under a dove grey sky the colours of my world don their winter coats, each hue darker and richer than before. The path sparkles and crunches, like sugar underfoot, and the coolness brings me right into the now, into the moment of life. Though the flowers sleep and the trees show their lofty arms once more, a smile plays upon these cold lips. For as much as I love the summertime, I love the winter too. For every perfume of the meadow, there is the earthy loam of the newly-lit forest floor.
There is a warmth that tumbles out in the winter time; when all else is so cold. It radiates from those who love and nurture as easily as they breathe. In truth, the sparks of warmth are always there no matter the season, just like a warm rock blends into a summer beach, yet melts winter ice.
The air is frozen lace on my skin, delicate and cold, like winter waves on sallow sand. The sky is washed with grey, watery light illuminating thin patches to brilliance. In some moments I am watching my boots over the frozen sidewalk, perfect concrete slabs, flat and square, and in others transfixed to the interplay of cloud and sun above. For some reason my mind conjures a stone mosaic made beautiful by the shards of a mirror and I want to keep my eyes heaven bound while my imagination makes them one thing. Only the slipping of my feet brings my attention earthward once more, the need to stay upright pulling my mind into the present.
The rain has lost the ambient temperature of early fall, freezing and paling my skin on contact. The path through the park is muddy water in motion, filling deep puddles that hide the ruts of dryer weather. To feel it isn't enjoyment, not fun like the gentle sunshine of springtime, yet it is a part of life and I want to feel it just the same. I want to experience each drop, together and apart, same and different. I want to see the droplets soaking my eyelashes before they join their brethren on the ground like saltless tears. I need to be in this, chaotic and wild, just like my mind and soul - like nature looked right into me and pulled the weather out.
Though the winter had been long, the first signs of spring grew boldly, as if commanding the warm weather to come all the faster. It was as if the teeth of winter had shattered and the kiss of a new season approached. Joanna breathed in deeply, so wanting the pretty flowers and blossoms that she could almost smell the promise of their fragrance. Just to imagine the change of season relaxed her and she walked down the wide avenue with her favourite, her steps bolder than they had ever been before.
Even on the coldest days of winter the sun is bright in the sky, bringing joy to my heart. The snow has a purity that elevates my spirit, the world made as pristine as a book ready for new stories. Already my creativity is surging, dancing around the evergreens with the delight of a child. Even the coldness upon my face is refreshing, my body cozy inside a warm coat.
Under the wintry air and the sky that has born black clouds since November came, the harbour is as grey as a newspaper picture. The sea has given up her blue, the stones show no russet colours and the boats have taken on the monochrome look of old movies. Even the air tastes more dull. The wind whips salt into eyelashes and onto exposed skin and all the while the trams run along the beachside with a clatter and whir.
For years I had lived winter and summer in separate houses, believing them to be both necessary to my wellbeing. Yet truly, my heart was in my summer house and this time, when winter called, I refused with a simple shake of my head. The months rolled by regardless and snow did fall on my summer house. In my tall boots I strode out to meet the world made anew and clapped my hands for joy, for the sight of the home I only associated with the warm weather was prettier than my imagination had ever conjured before. That year new life was breathed into my bones and I chose my summer home to be my only one.
The naked winter trees line the avenue. Our breath rises in visible puffs to join the darkened clouded night sky. There is a freezing chill in the air that brings crispness to the leaves, bejewelled with frost, that crunch underfoot. Rosy cheeked, we stamp to keep warm, pulling woollen hats over our reddened ears and tightening scarves over our blue-tinged lips. Teeth chatter and the cold seeps into our gloves numbing our fingers until they cease to bend properly, stiffened and frigid. Suddenly the illuminated sign on the bus appears, trundling slowly down the icy black road and we raise our arms to hail it.
The snow comes, white and glistening, erasing the troubles beneath, directing me toward a new and positive day. The coldness only crispens up my resolve to find love today. Perhaps in this swirling perfect whiteness that gives crystalline kisses, the coolness in the air will rejuvenate my soul, elevate my spirit and give me new reasons to step forward with confidence. It might be winter but there is beauty in it, clarity, the kind of thinking that lets me notice small details like how the trees though bare have the promise of spring within them, like the creator Himself lies dormant in the branches, ready to burst forth and greet the world with His many hues of green.
Mama always made her home-made soups and stews on those crisp winter days. The stew would warm us down to our toes, radiating the kind of glow that only her hearty food could give.

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Writing prompt: Cold

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Describe The Weather In Writing With Better Vocabulary

Describe The Weather

When you describe the weather in writing, you set the scene for your story or a part of your story.

It’s an opportunity to show readers the setting rather than tell them about the weather using a couple of quick adjectives.

Using highly descriptive or figurative language and a variety of grammar structures helps you paint the picture vividly in a reader’s mind.

In almost every story, both fiction and nonfiction, there is usually at least one reference to the weather.

Article Contents

How to describe the weather in writing

We all know this famous opening line from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s 1830 novel, Paul Clifford.

It was a dark and stormy night.

Many have criticized the phrase, and Writer’s Digest went as far as to call it the literary poster child for bad story starters.

The main issue is that it uses two very weak adjectives: dark and stormy. Neither of them is usefully descriptive.

The second problem with the phrase is that it starts with a grammatical expletive .

When writing about the weather, using it was,  or there was is a common writing fault. It’s because we so often refer to the weather as it.

But few people take into account what follows Bulwer-Lytton’s famous clause. It’s a pity because the complete sentence is a wonderful example of how to describe the weather in writing.

It was a dark and stormy night ; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.

He uses descriptive noun phrases , strong verbs, and powerful adjectives.

The combination of these three elements paints a vivid picture for readers.

Choosing your vocabulary

cloudy weather

You can find many lists of common and unusual words to describe the weather, so you have plenty of choices.

But you should avoid words that are too simplistic. It was hot, cold, windy, or rainy are all very weak expressions.

But if you describe the heat, the cold, the wind, or the rain with noun phrases, you can improve these easily.

The sun started baking early across the plains, delivering a scorching promise for the day ahead.

The cruel icy wind cut like a knife across her cheeks.

Rain, as always, arrived too little, too late to save the crops.

Words that are not widely understood are also worth avoiding. While it’s interesting to find new words, not all of them are useful.

A good example is petrichor. It is the smell or scent of rain arriving after a period of dry weather.

But it is difficult to use, and it might send readers hunting for a dictionary.

The petrichor gave a hint of hope to the farmers.

It would be better to use a descriptive phrase.

The sweet far off scent of rain on dying grass gave hope to the farmers.

Brontide is another, meaning the sound of distant thunder or rumblings of an earth tremor. Again, it’s a great word to know, but with very limited use in writing.

Try this simple formula

Anytime you need to write about the weather, keep this little trick in mind.

Start with a noun phrase, use a strong verb , then add a descriptive clause .

You also need to describe the noun and verb with adjectives and adverbs.

Here’s a quick example.

The heavy dark clouds rolled slowly and low across the parched pastures, but they were heartbreakers, as not a drop of rain fell before the cruel wind carried them away.

It’s an easy way to make sure you avoid the grammatical expletive and weak adjectives.

You can also experiment with similes or metaphors . For example, raining cats and dogs.

Use verbs that sound like the weather


Onomatopoeic verbs and words are perfect for describing the weather because they make a sound.

Here are a few examples to illustrate sound words.

The pitter-patter of raindrops.

Thunder rumbled overhead.

Light hail pinged on the window pane.

With each step, the fresh snow crunched underfoot.

A bolt of lightning cracked across the night sky.

A cold north wind hissed through the trees.

A sudden boom of thunder forewarned us of the approaching storm.

Verbs and words like these are extremely useful because they are action words and highly descriptive.

This article is not a lesson or lecture on how to describe the weather in writing.

It’s purely a reminder that you can always improve.

I have listed a few ideas above, but there are many more ways you can make the weather more interesting.

All it takes is to remember that the setting for a scene or a story needs careful thought and imagination.

But if there are two key takeaways from my article, they are these.

1. Avoid using the grammatical expletive when referencing the weather.

2. Use noun phrases and strong verbs.

If you do those two things, the rest of your weather scene setting will come very easily.

Related reading: Words To Avoid In Writing That Say Nothing

About The Author

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Derek Haines

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Winter Creative Writing Prompts: Embrace Cold-Weather Creativity

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Winter Creative Writing Prompts: Embrace Cold-Weather Creativity

Unleash Your Imagination​ with Captivating Winter Settings

Discover the magic of⁣ snow: evoking winter wonderland in your writing, unwrapping emotions: explore the intricacies​ of winter⁤ feelings, embrace⁤ the chill: crafting engaging ⁤characters in‌ frozen landscapes, ignite inspiration with cozy winter activities and traditions, journey through winter memories: nostalgic tales to warm the soul, winter adventures: engaging plot ideas to spark your creativity, masterful descriptions: painting vivid pictures of frosty winter scenes, frequently asked questions.

‌ As the snowflakes fall gently from the sky, winter presents a⁤ golden opportunity to ignite your imagination and ‌unleash your creativity. ‌Whether you’re⁤ a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your​ creative⁢ writing journey, winter serves as a magical muse, offering a myriad of captivating prompts to spark your next literary masterpiece. So, grab a cozy blanket, curl up by the ⁣fireplace, and let these winter-inspired writing prompts transport you to a world of ⁤chilly enchantment. ⁤

​ 1.‌ Skating on Thin Ice: Describe ⁣the exhilarating feeling ⁤of gliding effortlessly‍ across a frozen‌ pond, the crisp⁣ air⁣ nipping at‌ your cheeks. 2. The Snow Globe’s Secret: Explore‍ the mysterious adventures that unfold when​ a small child discovers a magical snow globe hidden in the attic. 3. The Forgotten Cabin: Uncover the stories‍ of a forgotten cabin deep in the snowy woods—its secrets, inhabitants, and the memories it holds. 4. A Winter’s Wish: Write about a⁢ heartwarming encounter ​between ⁤a young child and a ‌lonely ⁣elderly neighbor during a ⁣blizzard. 5. ‌The Ice‌ Queen’s Spell: Dive into a mythical tale where a ​courageous hero must break ⁤an ice queen’s spell to save their enchanted kingdom from eternal⁤ winter. 6. Winter Wanderlust: Describe⁢ the journey of an adventurous ⁢traveler as they explore a frost-covered mountain range,⁣ encountering breathtaking vistas and unexpected challenges along the way.

Unleash Your Imagination with Captivating Winter Settings

‌ Step into‍ a winter wonderland and let your imagination run ⁤wild amidst ⁣breathtaking snowy landscapes.‍ As the ‌frosty air ‍nips at your‌ cheeks, get ready to embark on a journey through stunning and captivating winter settings that are sure​ to awaken your senses.⁢ From snow-covered forests to sparkling frozen lakes, there’s ⁣an abundance of picturesque⁢ scenery waiting ‍to‌ be explored and inspire your creativity.

Picture yourself surrounded by towering snow-capped mountains, their peaks glistening‌ in the sunlight. Feel the soft crunch⁣ of fresh snow beneath your boots as you traverse vast meadows, every ‌step⁤ unveiling a new world of possibilities. Engulfed in serenity ⁢and peace, you’ll find yourself lost in the ⁢beauty of nature’s winter canvas, where each scene beckons you to weave your own story.

To ignite your imagination⁣ further, imagine stumbling upon a quaint log cabin ‌nestled in​ the woods, smoke lazily rising from its chimney. Hear the crackling of the fireplace as you step ‌inside, greeted by its ⁣warm embrace. The cozy interior decorated with flickering candles and plush blankets invites you to curl up with a book and ​lose yourself in another realm. Allow the winter setting to transport you to far-off lands, where adventure and magic await at every turn.

  • Discover⁤ the ⁤hidden secrets of frost-covered castles that stand ‌frozen in time.
  • Marvel at the intricate ice sculptures ⁢that seem to defy the laws of nature.
  • Embark on thrilling‍ sleigh rides through snowy valleys, with the laughter of friends echoing in the crisp⁤ air.

Winter settings provide endless opportunities for your imagination to soar. Unleash your creativity as you engage with ​these captivating landscapes and let ‍them serve as a backdrop for your wildest dreams and stories. Whether you’re ⁤a writer seeking ‍inspiration, an artist yearning for new subjects, or simply a daydreamer with a longing for enchantment, the wonders ‍of winter are sure to set your ‌imagination ablaze. ​

Discover the Magic of Snow: Evoking Winter Wonderland in your Writing

When it comes to describing the enchanting‌ beauty of winter, nothing quite captures the imagination like the magic of snow. Snowflakes gently⁣ falling from the sky, transforming the world into a ⁤pristine⁤ winter wonderland, can truly transport readers to a land filled with ⁣beauty and‍ wonder. Incorporating vivid descriptions of snow in your writing can engage your readers’ senses, evoking the​ peacefulness and serenity associated with this season. Whether you are writing a descriptive passage or crafting a captivating ⁢snow-filled​ scene, ⁢here are some tips to help you evoke the magic of snow ‌in ⁤your writing.

1. Paint a picture: Begin by illustrating the ​scene⁣ with your words. Describe the delicate snowflakes, ​their intricacies and patterns, as they gracefully dance through the air. Bring the readers​ into the moment by‌ detailing the sparkling ⁣white blanket covering every surface, transforming the world into a shimmering wonderland.

2. Engage ​the senses: To make your writing truly come ​alive, engage the readers’ senses. Describe the crisp, clean scent of snow in the air, ⁤the⁣ comforting sound of snowflakes softly⁤ landing on the ground, and the gentle touch of cold snowflakes on⁣ the ⁤skin.⁤ By evoking these⁣ sensory experiences, you can transport your readers to a world vividly imagined.

Winter is a season that brings about a myriad of emotions, each as unique and intricate as the delicate snowflakes that fall gently from the sky. It’s a time when ‍feelings are amplified, and the crisp⁣ air carries a sense of both nostalgia and anticipation. Let’s delve into the captivating world ​of winter ⁤emotions and uncover the hidden layers that make this‌ season so enchanting.

1. Coziness: Winter is synonymous with cozy moments, whether it’s curling up by the ⁣fireplace with a warm cup of hot cocoa or snuggling‍ under a fuzzy blanket. The feeling of being tucked away from the harsh elements outside can evoke a sense​ of comfort and contentment like no⁤ other season.

2. Solitude: Winter has an uncanny ability to make⁢ us embrace solitude. As the world becomes quieter and ⁢enveloped in a serene white blanket, it’s the perfect time for self-reflection and introspection. The⁢ peacefulness that comes with​ winter solitude ‍can be both introspective and rejuvenating, allowing⁢ us to reconnect with ourselves on‍ a deeper level.

Embrace the Chill: Crafting Engaging Characters in Frozen Landscapes

In the ‌mystical realms of frozen landscapes, where the icy winds whisper secrets and the snow-laden ground hides untold treasures, lurks a unique opportunity for character ⁢development like no other. These frosty backdrops offer a rich canvas for storytellers to weave tales ⁣of resilience, self-discovery, and raw beauty. To truly embrace the chill and create ​engaging characters within these ‍frozen vistas, consider the following:

  • Let the ⁤landscape‍ shape their ⁤journey: ⁣Just as glaciers carve majestic valleys, let the frozen landscapes leave their mark on your characters. Utilize the⁣ harsh conditions to test their strengths and weaknesses, forcing them to⁢ adapt and evolve. The‍ frigid climate ​can serve as a‌ powerful ‌catalyst ⁣for personal growth, as characters endure the chill and emerge transformed.
  • Unleash the power ​of ‌isolation: In the‍ midst of snow-covered plains and‌ icy mountain peaks, characters can find themselves truly alone. This isolation can ⁤plunge them into a deep introspection, unearthing hidden depths ‍of their personality. Allow the quiet solitude of these frozen landscapes to reveal their hidden ‍fears,‍ desires, and strengths, unveiling a captivating complexity that draws readers deeper into their world.

When you immerse your characters ⁣in frozen landscapes,⁢ you enrich their stories​ with an ethereal charm that awakens the imagination. The ‌stark beauty, the piercing cold, and⁢ the ever-present struggle against nature create an atmospheric setting that mirrors the ‍character’s journey. So, embrace the chill and⁢ let⁢ your characters dance‍ on the ice of ⁢frozen‍ landscapes, ‌capturing the hearts of readers with ‌their⁣ enchanting⁤ tales.

Ignite Inspiration with Cozy Winter Activities and Traditions

Winter is a magical‌ season that offers ⁤countless⁢ opportunities to create memories and embrace the coziness of the⁣ cold ⁤weather. Here are some delightful activities and traditions that will surely ignite inspiration and add a touch of warmth‌ to your winter days:

  • Roasting Marshmallows by the Fireplace: Grab a cozy ‌blanket, gather around the crackling fire, and savor the joy of roasting marshmallows. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors,⁢ this ​simple activity never fails to ⁢bring‍ people together and create an atmosphere of warmth and laughter.
  • Winter Nature Walks: Bundle up in your favorite winter gear and embark on ‍a serene ⁢nature walk. Feel the ⁣crisp ⁤air fill your lungs ⁤and marvel at the whimsical beauty of snow-laden ‍trees and sparkling landscapes. These walks⁢ not only allow you to appreciate nature’s wonders but also provide a peaceful escape ⁢from​ the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Continue the winter magic with more ‌heartwarming traditions:

  • Hot Cocoa and Movie Nights: Treat yourself to a mug of hot cocoa topped with fluffy marshmallows while snuggling up with ⁤your ⁤loved ones for a movie marathon. Whether it’s a classic holiday film or a feel-good comedy, these cozy‌ nights in will fill your heart ‍with joy ‌and create cherished memories.
  • DIY Winter ⁤Crafts: Embrace your creativity and engage in a variety ⁤of winter-themed crafts. From making snowflake decorations to designing personalized greeting cards, these crafts⁤ not only ⁣unleash your artistic side but ⁣also serve ​as delightful decorations that⁢ will infuse your home with a festive spirit.

No season elicits more nostalgia than winter. As the snow blankets ‌the earth, memories of hot cocoa by the fireplace and cozy nights with ⁢loved ones come flooding⁣ back. Join us on a heartwarming journey through the frosty wonderland of winter as ‍we‌ dive into stories that will transport you to a magical time.

  • Cozy Cabin Escapes: Discover the allure of rustic⁢ getaways, ‍where crackling fireplaces and snow-covered landscapes create an idyllic retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Feel the warmth of a hot cup of cocoa as you curl up with a favorite⁤ book, enveloped in the⁤ scent of pine and the soft glow of candlelight.
  • Festive ⁢Traditions: Take a step back in time and relish in ‍the traditions that ⁣make ‌winter so special. From building snowmen in the front yard⁢ to baking cookies with loved ones, these timeless rituals bring families and communities closer together. Delve into heartwarming‌ tales of holiday ⁢cheer and the joy that ⁢only the ‌holiday season can⁢ bring.

Winter memories ‍hold a ‍special place ​in our hearts, reminding us of simpler times and the beauty ⁣that can be found in the‍ quiet solitude of nature. ⁣Whether you’re reminiscing about your own childhood adventures or discovering new​ tales, let these nostalgic stories warm your soul as you embark on a magical journey‌ through the many wonders of winter.

As the snowflakes fall softly from the sky ‍and the⁢ chilly wind ​whisks through the trees, winter becomes the ‌perfect backdrop for exciting ⁤and captivating adventures. Whether you’re a writer looking for inspiration or simply seeking some‍ winter-themed reading material, we’ve got you covered with an array⁤ of plot ideas that are bound to unleash⁢ your creativity. So grab a hot drink,⁤ cozy up by the fire, and let your imagination take flight in the ​wondrous world of winter!

1. The​ Enchanted Ice Palace: Dive into a fantastical tale where‍ a hidden ice palace mysteriously appears in the heart of a snowy forest.⁢ Within its walls lies‌ a mystical portal that‍ leads to a magical realm. Follow the⁢ journey of a curious adventurer who stumbles​ upon this ⁤palace and embarks on a quest ‌to uncover its secrets, encountering mythical creatures, solving riddles, and battling‌ treacherous challenges along the way.

2. The⁤ Winter Detective: Enter the thrilling realm ⁤of mystery as a seasoned ‍detective is summoned to a secluded mountain village, where strange occurrences are happening under the‍ cover of winter’s darkness. Investigate suspicious footprints in ⁣the snow, follow cryptic clues left behind, and unravel ⁤an intricate web of deceit. With ‍each new lead, piece​ together the enigmatic⁤ puzzle until the truth is ⁤finally revealed,⁢ exposing ⁣hidden secrets and ​unexpected twists that will leave readers on the edge‌ of their seats.

Winter, with its ethereal beauty, presents a ‍captivating canvas for imaginative minds to embark on a journey⁢ through words. In the hands of ⁤a skilled wordsmith, descriptions of frosty winter scenes can transport readers to a world ‌adorned with glistening ice ‌crystals and a soft blanket of snow. Mastering the art of painting vivid pictures with words allows one to capture the essence of these chilly ​landscapes, evoking a sense of wonder and enchantment in the reader’s mind.

When describing a frosty winter scene, it⁢ is essential to pay attention⁤ to details that bring the imagery to life. The crisp, biting air ⁢that leaves a faint wisp of vapor with‍ each breath, ⁤the crunching sound of fresh⁤ snowfall⁣ beneath one’s feet, and the delicate frost that adorns branches like⁣ nature’s intricate⁢ lacework – these are⁣ the elements that create the ⁣foundation‍ for a truly ‍mesmerizing description. By skillfully using sensory words and descriptive phrases, an ⁢adept ⁣writer can transport the reader to a⁤ world ​where they can feel the chill in the air, see the shimmering frost on every surface, and hear the hushed stillness ⁢that ⁤winter ‌bestows ⁤upon its ​surroundings.

  • Utilize sensory adjectives: Words ‍like “sharp,” “frigid,” and‍ “numbing” bring the cold to⁤ life.
  • Highlight contrasting textures: ‍Mention the juxtaposition of the smooth, icy surface against‍ the fluffy, untouched snow.
  • Enliven ‍the description with figurative language: Similes and metaphors like “crystals glimmering​ like diamonds” or “whispering winter’s secrets” add a touch of poetic⁣ beauty.

Mastering the‍ art of painting vivid pictures of frosty winter scenes requires a​ careful⁤ balance between immersive sensory details and the reader’s imagination. By skillfully crafting​ descriptions that appeal to‍ the senses, ‍a writer can ignite the‍ reader’s curiosity, transporting them to a ‌world where they can witness the‌ magic‌ of winter firsthand.

Q&A: Winter Creative⁢ Writing Prompts: Embrace Cold-Weather Creativity

Q: What⁤ are creative writing prompts? A: Creative writing ⁢prompts are stimulating ideas,⁤ sentences, or images that inspire ⁤writers to​ ignite their imagination and artistic expression.

Q: Why should we embrace cold-weather creativity? A: ⁣Cold weather presents a unique backdrop to explore emotions,⁢ sensations,⁣ and scenarios that can‍ be incorporated into our ‍writing. It creates a cozy and introspective atmosphere that‌ can spark original ideas and enhance our creativity.

Q: Can​ you give some examples of winter creative writing prompts? A: Certainly! Here are a few examples: 1. Describe the feeling of standing alone in a snow-covered forest. 2. Write a poem about the beauty and serenity of winter mornings. 3. Tell a story‌ about a ‌person who discovers a magical snow globe that grants wishes. 4. Imagine yourself ‌as a snowflake.​ Write about your journey from the sky to the⁣ ground. 5. Create a‍ dialogue​ between two characters sitting by a ⁢cozy fireplace on a snowy evening.

Q:⁣ Who‍ can benefit from using winter creative writing prompts? A: Anyone with a passion for ⁣writing can⁣ benefit from using these ⁤prompts. It’s an excellent tool for professional writers seeking inspiration, as ​well as beginners⁤ looking‍ to develop their skills or explore new creative territories.

Q: How can these prompts help improve our writing skills? A: ⁣Winter creative writing prompts challenge us to think outside the box, develop new ideas, and experiment with different ​writing styles. Regularly engaging with prompts​ can​ improve our descriptive abilities, character development, and storytelling techniques.

Q: Where can one find these winter creative writing prompts? A:‌ There are various sources⁣ to find winter ‍creative writing prompts. You can search online ‌writing communities , follow writing blogs, join workshops, or even create your own prompts inspired by winter scenery, traditions, or seasonal activities.

Q: How can⁣ I make the most out⁣ of ⁤winter creative writing prompts? A: Here ⁣are a few tips: 1. Choose prompts ‌that⁣ resonate ​with you personally to create a stronger connection with your writing. 2.⁣ Set aside regular time for writing, ensuring you have a quiet and comfortable space to focus on your creative process. 3. Don’t be⁣ afraid ‌to diverge from the prompt if your imagination takes you in a different direction. The prompts ‌are ‍just a starting point. 4. Share your work with⁣ others, either in writing groups‌ or online platforms, to gain constructive feedback and encouragement.

Q: Can winter creative writing prompts be used for other artistic ⁣forms? A:⁤ Absolutely! While originally designed for creative writing, ⁢these prompts‌ can ⁤be adapted for various artistic forms. Artists, poets, photographers, and even ‍musicians can use them as a springboard‌ for their​ own artistic expressions related to winter themes.

Q: Are there any additional resources available ⁢to⁢ enhance ​my winter‌ writing ‍experience? A: Yes, apart from creative writing prompts, you can explore other winter-inspired activities like reading winter-themed literature, attending writing workshops or ‍retreats, or⁣ immersing yourself in nature to gather inspiration from winter scenery.

Q: Is there any final​ advice to embrace cold-weather⁤ creativity? A: Winter is a magical season that invites us to delve into‍ our imagination. Embrace the​ cozy ambiance, take ⁢advantage of unique sensory experiences, and let your creativity flow. Remember, there⁣ are no‌ limits when it comes to writing; allow ⁤yourself ‍to explore new ⁤ideas and embrace the joy of creating in ‌the wintertime.

Embrace the‌ chilly season by unlocking your creativity with these winter writing prompts. ​Explore the magic of winter ⁣through words!

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Winter Describing Words: A Comprehensive List for Your Writing Needs

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on September 27, 2023

Categories Writing , Creative Writing

Winter is a season that is often associated with cold temperatures, snow, and a variety of outdoor activities. It’s a time of year when people bundle up in warm clothing and indulge in hot cocoa, cozy blankets, and indoor activities.

One of the ways to describe winter is through its vocabulary and descriptive words.

Understanding winter vocabulary and descriptive words can help you better communicate your experiences and feelings during this season. Whether you love winter or hate it, there are many words that can help you describe it.

From chilly and frosty to blustery and bleak, winter has a unique set of characteristics that make it stand out from the other seasons. This article is an aide memoir for writers, when featuring this season in their writing.

Key Takeaways

  • Winter has a unique set of characteristics that make it stand out from other seasons.
  • Understanding winter vocabulary and descriptive words can help you better communicate your experiences and feelings during this season.
  • From chilly and frosty to blustery and bleak, winter has a variety of descriptive words that can help you describe it.

Winter Vocabulary and Describing Words

Winter is a season that brings with it a unique set of experiences and emotions. It’s a time of year when the world around us transforms into a snowy wonderland, and the air becomes crisp and refreshing.

To help you better describe this season, we’ve compiled a list of winter vocabulary and describing words that you can use to bring your writing to life.

One of the most effective ways to describe winter is through the use of adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, and they can help you paint a vivid picture of the winter landscape. Here are some adjectives that you can use to describe winter:

  • Bone-chilling

In addition to adjectives, there are many winter-specific words that you can use to describe the season. These words can help you create a more immersive and detailed picture of the winter landscape. Here are some winter vocabulary words that you can use:

  • Arctic animals
  • Blowing snow
  • Cabin fever
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Downhill skiing
  • Ice fishing
  • Ice skating
  • Snowboarding
  • Snowshoeing
  • Winter sports

Understanding Winter

Winter is one of the four seasons, which typically lasts from December to February in the Northern Hemisphere. During this season, the weather becomes colder, and the days become shorter. The winter season is characterized by snow, ice, and freezing temperatures.

Winter is a time of rest and renewal for many plants and animals. Many trees lose their leaves, and many animals hibernate to conserve energy. Winter is also a time for outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating.

The winter season can be challenging for some people, especially those who live in areas with severe winter weather. Cold temperatures, snow, and ice can make it difficult to travel and perform everyday tasks. It’s important to take precautions during the winter season to stay safe and healthy.

To prepare for the winter season, people have warm clothing, such as a coat, hat, gloves, and boots. They also stock up on non-perishable food and bottled water in case of a power outage or other emergency.

Overall, winter is a beautiful and transformative season that offers many opportunities for rest, renewal, and outdoor activities.

Physical Characteristics of Winter

Winter is a season that is characterized by its distinct physical features. In this section, we will explore the colors of winter, winter weather patterns, temperature, and climate.

Colors of Winter

Winter is often associated with the color white, which represents the snow that covers the ground during this season. The snow can also create a sparkling effect when the sun shines on it, which adds to the beauty of winter. However, winter is not just about white.

The season can also be characterized by shades of blue, gray, and black, which are often associated with the dark and overcast skies that are common during this time of year.

Winter Weather Patterns

Winter weather patterns can vary depending on the location. However, some common weather patterns associated with winter include snow, ice, freezing temperatures, and frost.

Winter is also known for its foggy and misty conditions, which can create a sense of mystery and beauty. In some areas, winter can bring blizzards and snowstorms, which can be dangerous and disruptive.

Temperature and Climate

Winter is a season that is associated with cold temperatures. In some areas, temperatures can drop below zero, which can be dangerous if you are not properly dressed. The Arctic is a region that is known for its frigid temperatures, which can reach as low as -70 degrees Celsius.

However, winter is not just about cold temperatures. It can also be characterized by crisp and refreshing weather, which can be invigorating.

Winter Clothing

Materials used.

The materials used in winter clothing play a crucial role in keeping folk warm. Here are some common materials used in winter clothing:

WoolA natural fiber that is warm, soft, and durable. Wool is often used in sweaters, scarves, and socks.
FurA natural material that is warm and soft. Fur is often used in coats, hats, and gloves.
DownA natural insulator that traps heat. Down is often used in jackets and coats.
SyntheticA man-made material that is designed to mimic the properties of natural materials. Synthetic materials are often used in jackets, gloves, and hats.

Winter Holidays and Traditions

Winter is a season of holidays and traditions. From Christmas to Hanukkah, Kwanzaa to New Year’s Eve, there are many celebrations that take place during the winter months. These holidays are often associated with cold weather, snow, and cozy indoor activities.

One of the most popular winter holidays is Christmas. It is celebrated on December 25th and is a time for family and friends to come together and exchange gifts. Many people decorate their homes with Christmas lights, wreaths, and trees. Some people also attend church services or participate in other religious traditions.

Another popular winter tradition is drinking hot cocoa or eggnog by the fireplace. These warm drinks are perfect for cold winter nights and can be enjoyed alone or with friends and family. Some people also enjoy roasting marshmallows or chestnuts over an open fire.

If you live in a place with a lot of snow, you might enjoy outdoor winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some adjectives that describe the feeling of winter.

Winter can be described as chilly, cold, frosty, crisp, biting, and refreshing. It’s a season that can feel invigorating and energizing, but also harsh and unforgiving.

What are some unique and ancient words used to describe winter?

There are many unique and ancient words used to describe winter. For example, the Old English word “hrim” means frost, and the Finnish word “kaamos” refers to the period of darkness that occurs during the winter months. Other interesting words include “hygge” (a Danish word meaning cozy and comfortable) and “brumal” (a rare English word meaning wintery).

What are some common winter nouns used to describe the season?

Common winter nouns include snow, ice, frost, blizzard, chill, and darkness. These words are often used to describe the weather and conditions that are typical of the winter season.

How can winter be described in writing?

Winter can be described in many ways, depending on the writer’s perspective and the purpose of the writing. Some writers might focus on the beauty of snow-covered landscapes, while others might describe the challenges of navigating icy roads and sidewalks. Descriptive language can help convey the sights, sounds, and sensations of winter, whether it’s the crunch of snow underfoot or the howling of the wind.

What are some cozy words used to describe winter?

Cozy words used to describe winter include snuggly, warm, toasty, comfortable, and inviting. These words evoke feelings of comfort and relaxation, and are often associated with activities like curling up with a good book, drinking hot cocoa by the fire, or spending time with loved ones.

What are some adjectives used to describe snow?

Snow can be described as fluffy, powdery, icy, slushy, wet, and heavy. These adjectives help convey the texture and consistency of snow, as well as its impact on the environment and daily life.

Descriptive Writing Lesson - A Winter Setting

Winter descriptive writing.

One area of narrative writing that my students continue to need practice is with elaborating details. When my students write to tell a story, they generally want to get the information out in the shortest way possible. Getting them to stop the story and elaborate on details is often a challenge. Adding descriptive details is a learned skill in which students need to be given support and lots of practice.

One area of student writing that often gets overlooked is describing the setting of a story. I really enjoy helping my students practice this skill. When given a little structure and support, students can transform their writing. By describing the setting in elaborate detail, the students learn to set the stage and help draw the reader into their story.

Winter Writing-3.png

11 Steps for Writing a Descriptive Setting

STEP 1: Select a setting (like winter wonderland) or allow your students to select a topic.

STEP 2: Show images of a setting to inspire descriptive ideas.

STEP 3: Whole Group - Explain to students that the purpose of writing a descriptive setting is to paint a picture for their reader using words. In order for the reader to visualize the story, they need to have a clear picture of where it takes place.

STEP 4: Whole Group: As a class, create questions about the setting that will help draw out more information about the setting. Start by modeling questions for the students such as: What colors do you see? What does the air feel like? What do you hear? When in doubt, use the five senses a guide. The first time, you may need to generate the questions for the students, but as they practice more and more, students will be able to ask the questions.

STEP 5: whole class or small group : have the students generate answers to the questions.

STEP 6: whole class : Model for students how to take the answers to the questions and make them complete sentences. Students often want to simply list the answers, so be sure to demonstrate how to use sentence variety.

STEP 7: Independently : give students the brainstorming page and allow students to write down any words or phrases that describe the scene using the questions as a guide.

STEP 8: Independently – Have students write their own setting description independently. If students get stuck, you can scaffold by offering different sentence starters.

STEP 9: Independently – Have students revise and edit their descriptive paragraph.

STEP 10: Independently :  Students write or type their final draft

STEP 11: Independently : Self Assessment. Students use the Descriptive Writing Quick Rubric to self assess their writing.

Winter Wonderland Descriptive Writing Resources 

Have your students write a descriptive paragraph all about a snowy winter setting. Use these photos, questions, sentence starters and sample to help your students get writing! You can also download my freebie with lesson and printable HERE.

“I stepped out into a winter wonderland.”

Winter Setting Image


Ideas for Detail Questions:

winter 2-page-001.jpg

What do you see?

What does the snow feel like?

What color is the sky?

What does the air smell like?

What colors do you see?

What do you hear?

How do you feel about the winter wonderland?

Is there anything that really stands out to you?

Sample Sentence Starters:

Descriptive Writing - WinterWonderland Freebie.jpg

As I looked around I noticed…

I could smell…

The snow felt like…

Off in the distance I could hear…

The air felt…

The sky was...

I will never forget…

winter 3-page-001.jpg

What do you see? Snow, a bird, trees, a cottage, mountains

What does the snow feel like? Cold, icy, soft, fluffy

What color is the sky? Deep blue, grey

What does the air smell like? Pine needles, smoke from a chimney, hot cocoa

What colors do you see? White, green, blue, grey

What do you hear? Birds chirping, kids laughing

How do you feel about the winter wonderland? It feels magical, warm inside, peaceful

Is there anything that really stands out to you? The way the snow glistens in the sun, the wreath on the house

Sample winter setting paragraph:

I stepped out into a winter wonderland. Suddenly, the cold air stung my cheeks so I pulled my scarf up closer to my face. As I looked around I noticed a white blanket of snow covering the trees, ground, and houses. I was surprised by how quiet everything seemed. The only sound I could hear was my boots crunching in the snow. The smell of damp pine trees made the air feel fresh and clean. I felt so peaceful to be walking in such a magical place.

Have fun getting in the winter mood with this descriptive writing lesson for elementary students!

Freebie Cinquain Poetry cover.jpg

Click here to download the Winter Wonderland Descriptive Writing Freebie. Complete with winter setting images, sample questions for kids to answer, sentence starters, a writing sample, and decorative paper for a final draft.

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I’m Whitney Ebert, founder of . As you may have guessed, teaching young authors to develop their craft and feel confident in their writing skills is kind of my thing. 

I have 10+ years teaching experience in elementary education, and I've taught every grade level from kindergarten to sixth grade (except first). My teaching passions include interest-based learning, creative technology, project based learning, and building confident writers. Additionally, I have my M.S. in Instructional Media, so I frequently incorporate digital flare into projects and writing assignments.

 I live in a sunny beach town with my husband, preschooler and baby. When I'm not teaching, blogging, or designing new lesson plans, you can find me at the beach with the family.

Find out more about The Elementary Writing Coach at

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