Tue, 03 January 2023

NTT DATA helped Three overhaul their digital infrastructure, improve connectivity and transform both employee and customer experience

Ensuring better interconnectivity between internal departments means improved ability to serve the end user in a timely and efficient manner

As one of the UK’s foremost mobile network providers, Three is the market leader for network spectrum and download speeds. The telecoms and internet service provider has invested heavily in 5G during its transformation programme. Currently, Three is also the only operator able to meet the International Telecoms Union (ITU) 2020 standard for full 5G services.

Much of the basic systems had remained the same as those first 3G networks Three had when it began operations in 2003. As time went on, business areas such as billing, mediation and fraud, to credit and collection resulted in the company using over 100 different systems, making it increasingly difficult to serve customers quickly and efficiently.

Simon Gratton, Three’s Chief Data Officer, said: “As people in the industry will know, setting up a DevOps cycle where you can deploy daily is a huge undertaking for a company, where we have been more waterfall in nature. The strong competency of having NTT DATA engineers in our team, educating our internal team, and delivering that capability is a core reason why we have them with us."

“In data terms, we needed to be able to have all the information we have at our disposal in a single location, so that we were always ready for that next business question when it comes in.”

Initially, NTT DATA was brought in to do cloud optimisation and simplify the ecosystem that had mutated to that point. Because Three had experienced quite a dramatic growth in cloud services expenditure and the consumption of cloud services, whether that be on an IAS basis or a PAS basis, there was an opportunity to drive down costs while overseeing what it was consuming.

The strong competency of having NTT DATA engineers in our team, educating our internal team and delivering that capability is a core reason why we have them with us.


Simon Gratton Chief Data Officer at Three

Collaborative approach

At Three, digital, data, core IT, and the existing transformation programme were in separate physical locations and did not have any interaction with other teams. External assistance was needed to join these departments together in order to achieve maximum synergy and realise operational efficiencies.

Following discussions with Three’s Chief Information Officer, Belinda Finch, NTT DATA set about supporting a transformation programme which required successful results within a twelve-month period.

NTT DATA also helped on the consultative side by obtaining the correct design and architecture in the cloud, which was a substantial transition for Three. Leveraging the right technology for the right outcome and generating knowledge within the wider team as part of those interactions meant that it was also having an educational impact as well as a consultive one during the transition. But primarily, bringing a cloud philosophy and mentality to the data team has been the consultative nature of NTT’s work.

NTT DATA had been involved in cloud design, development, implementation, as well as the broader infrastructure ecosystem for several years. But since Three has experienced quite a dramatic growth in expenditure regarding cloud services, both parties saw an opportunity. Three wanted to drive down costs in terms of what it was consuming and planning- then on an ongoing basis- the benefit it could get from Cloud thanks to the NTT DATA cloud data engineering capabilities.

With the information on subscribers spread across three IT estates, the time it was taking to pull together all data that could enable Three to make agile, competitive business decisions meant despite having a compelling 5G offer, it was taking too long for its products to cut through.

Mutual benefit

NTT Vice President, David Counsell, said: “Some might call it risk reward. We collectively call it gainshare. Firstly, they get a motivated partner who is driven and incentivised to generate ideas, to execute initiatives, actions and activities, and are ultimately motivated to deliver and realise cost savings on behalf of Three.”

Throughout the partnership, there were several guiding principles that informed NTT DATA to help in everything it does. The foremost principle is putting the client first, and the second revolves around bringing foresight and innovation to the client and delivering value day in and day out. The third principle is teamwork and collaboration both with the main client, its own NTT partners, and with other partners that Three UK has itself.

Prepared for the future

Gratton believes that the investment in NTT DATA’s ability to make a difference has made this one of the most successful business transformations any of the parties have ever worked on.

Having additional expertise embedded into the existing team has benefitted Three significantly, as it has helped speed up the change in internal processes and has made sure everyone understands what they are using, and why.

Gratton concluded: “They work from inside as part of the team - that's been evident throughout. Their engineers are treated like members of the team. In fact, it's indistinguishable when we're developing things, or having meetings, who is working for NTT and who is working for Three. The ‘one badge’ ethic is a big part of the transformation philosophy.”

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NTT Data

NTT Data Empowers Strategic Innovation Through SPEEDA Edge’s Real-Time Insights

Open Innovation Team, Strategy Department, NTT Data Japan Corp.

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For ten years, the Open Innovation Team at NTT Data has been promoting innovation activities that lead to collaborative businesses with their clients and startups with “From Toyosu Port”, NTT Data’s open innovation initiative. They would hold business contests, which created lots of opportunities for collaborative businesses with their clients, such as Catch & Go—cashierless store solutions. While open innovation contests helped scout promising startups and technologies in areas like big data, AI, and 5G, the team faced challenges when developing new collaborative businesses with those discoveries. Since the contests occurred annually, they could scout favorable startups/technologies only once a year, making it challenging to commercialize collaborative business ideas at the right time. To maximize successful incubations and to better understand specific customer needs, in 2021, the team started conducting in-depth interviews with business units within NTT Data. As a result, they could pinpoint more precise focus areas for open innovation and successfully assist some business units in launching new collaborative ventures.

The shift to understanding customers' latent needs and then proactively creating business opportunities based on their understanding was a strategic change; however, engaging with business units meant that team members needed greater specialized knowledge. For instance, when a Subject Matter Expert (SME) communicates and supports business units providing trusted IT services for clients in the financial industry—such as banking, credit, and insurance—(s)he needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the domain. More specifically, grasping emerging trends like BNPL, digital banking, wellness management, DeFi, and blockchain is very important in guiding business units to new business opportunities.With just five people responsible for over 100 business departments, the team noticed that their research approach, gathering information from  both offline and desktop sources, was limited. They needed a new solution to rapidly get to know cross-industry trends and pinpoint growth opportunities within each domain.

Bio person 1

The Edge Solution

1. industry trees.

When it comes to mapping industry trends to focus areas more systematically, the Open Innovation Team turns to the "Edge industry tree". For example, when exploring new areas in Food & Life Science, the Edge industry tree immediately shows the relationships between the Food industry and the Healthcare industry, allowing them to quickly gain a better understanding of industry trends across sectors within their focus areas and ultimately narrow down potential business opportunities.

Industry Tree img

2. Customized research

The team can access high-quality research speedily through customized research conducted by Edge analysts. These reports are very useful for discussions on niche business opportunities with clients and internal business units. For example, research on overseas embedded finance trends and use cases helped interest new clients.

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3. Weekly newsletters

The team receives weekly newsletters from Edge, ones that are aligned with their focus areas like 5G, telecom, and utilities, enabling each member to stay on top of the latest trends. Sometimes, the Edge newsletters are even shared internally to increase awareness of trends within their business units.

industry tree imgs

By leveraging tools and insights from Edge, the Open Innovation Team could enhance its customer-centric business development process. Using the Edge industry tree, customized research reports, and weekly newsletters has empowered the team to:

  • Gain a better understanding of customer needs and industry trends across a range of sectors, thanks to the quick & systematic mapping of relationships between industries.
  • Pinpoint promising new business opportunities by exploring potential areas and understanding use cases through on-demand research support.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest developments that impact their focus areas through technology and industry trend reports and newsletters regularly curated by Edge.

The team members are now armed with timely, in-depth market intelligence to strategically develop new businesses and promptly communicate these insights to internal business units.

Future Outlook

NTT Data hopes to use Edge analysts’ insights in setting their themes for business development. Since formulating hypotheses is most difficult during the VUCA era, they are looking to collaborate with Edge as hypothesis-discussion partners, and leverage the Edge analysts’ trend and business domain knowledge, to help select focus areas for business development. 

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Bio 1

Izuru Watanabe

Izuru Watanabe joined NTT Data in 2004 where he engaged in developing new services utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as distributed computing, metadata content distribution, and robotics.In 2017, he participated in NTT Data's open innovation initiative "From Toyosu Port," and has been leading activities aiming at creating win-win-win partnerships between NTT Data, their clients, and startups. His work focuses on developing new business opportunities through collaboration.Since 2019, Izuru has expanded the scope of his efforts to digital strategy planning, human resource development, organizational development, and other initiatives to drive digital transformation. In addition to managing open innovation projects, he also focuses on familiarizing SME(subject matter experts) with agile development methods and advanced service design methodologies based on his past experience.

ntt data case study

Ken Fujiwara

Ken Fujiwara has been working with NTT Data for about 25 years. He started his career as an IT engineer in financial industry, and afterwards, he was seconded to a management consulting firm and a New York branch of Japanese Mega-bank. As a result of his career, he has a lot of skills and experience of IT, consulting and financial business. For about these 10 years, he has been responsible for driving forward open innovation between NTT Data and startups, and also been serving as a mentor for overseas startups. In his free time, Ken likes mountain stream fishing and giving guides in a traditional Japanese garden to overseas tourists.

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Launching empowered work with a data-first approach to media relations

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NTT DATA Systems

Program & deliverables, pr & awareness, introduction, elevating brand visibility in a crowded market .

NTT DATA, a digital business and IT services leader, has always focused on helping its clients through major periods of digital transformation, but when the pandemic hit, its clients needed their help in a new way. 

As remote and hybrid work became common practice, their clients leaned on NTT DATA to help navigate both from a technology and personnel perspective. At the same time, the media landscape has become more complex and crowded than ever before, and NTT DATA needed a new approach to stand out and offer its unique point of view. 

pieces of coverage

top-tier pieces of coverage


Creating a story around the future of work 

Taking a data-first approach, PAN conducted an in-depth media audit to understand where the company’s experts could offer expertise in a crowded media landscape of ever-changing topics. 

Thought Leadership 

PAN garnered interest from top-tier and trade media, and when the announcement went live, NTT DATA was positioned in the conversation about the future of work. 

Strategic Media Relations 

A critical component of this strategy was keeping a constant pulse on the news landscape and working with our NTT DATA spokespeople to quickly respond to trending news events while reporters were working on corresponding stories. 

A resource & leader on the future of work 

PAN garnered coverage in publications including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, TechRepublic, and CIO, and has continued to partner with NTT DATA to extend the Empowered Work narrative as an evergreen program. 

Also, this approach has helped NTT DATA become a resource for the Future of Work and uplevel overall media strategy which ultimately led to more media placements for other key messages. 

Since the initial launch, PAN has garnered a total of 34 pieces of coverage on Empowered Work and ended the year with 137 media placements (up 30% from the previous year). 

Once the storyline and launch plans based on a data-driven approach were in place, we were on the best path and continue to see results – the PAN team’s leadership made all the difference.” Amy Baj, Marketing & Communications Director at NTT DATA

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Unlock the future of your business with UniKix, the low-risk path to modernization. We offer unparalleled flexibility and scalability with one of the most cost-effective modernization solutions on the market.

Organizations are focusing on innovation as a means of achieving growth in a challenging business landscape.

Learn how NTT DATA is using technology for good to restore a damaged section of the Daintree Rainforest in Australia.

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Gartner Innovation Case Study Spotlight: A Look Inside NTT DATA's Commitment to Disruption

  • January 20, 2021

What's your secret formula for innovation? Experts continue to debate the subject, and everybody seems to have a different answer. Steven Johnson, whose book " Where Good Ideas Come From ," chronicles the history of innovation, says it all "comes from creating environments where … ideas can connect." Others, like Stanford professor Tina Seelig, see innovation as a more complex blend of elements. Her " Innovation Engine " idea incorporates six internal and external factors: knowledge, imagination, attitude, resources, habitat and culture.

Here at NTT DATA, we have our own formula. I had the chance to discuss it recently when industry-leading research firm Gartner interviewed me for an entry in its Innovation Case Study Spotlight Series.

The spotlight report * goes into more detail, but our formula is based on three best practices and go-to techniques.

  • Define innovation priorities based on client needs
  • Foster a culture of innovation
  • Develop and sustain the talent that's needed to deliver optimal levels of innovation

While other companies likely deploy variations on these themes, the focus we've put on them for many years have engrained these practices into our DNA. And the results we've realized are significant.

A good example of our innovation in action can be found in the spotlight report. Partnering with client Narita International Airport in Tokyo, NTT DATA delivered a high-precision airport navigation app leveraging radio frequency and geomagnetism to determine one's position. Users can view a 3D map on their smartphones to help guide them toward preferred destinations. It's the first app of its kind to be used in an airport in Japan.

Defining innovation priorities Throughout history, some organizations have succeeded by opening up innovation to a wide range of activities, with varying degrees of relevancy (and success) to their core business focus. At NTT DATA, we concentrate more directly on one key attribute — developments that support our clients' innovation strategies. Initiatives could focus on one or more of the following aspects:

  • Automating and optimizing business processes
  • Integrating supplier, partner and customer ecosystems
  • Reinventing the client and employee experience
  • Providing new digital products and services
  • Creating new, disruptive business models.

Gathering client needs for innovation is done in a number of ways. We take a proactive stance by leveraging a planned portfolio of techniques, including open innovation contests, global hackathons, digital boot camps, client visits, virtual labs, academia collaborations and centers of excellence demos. Based on current client demand, our focus areas include data and intelligence, intelligent automation, client experience, Internet of Things (IoT), IT optimization, and cybersecurity.

Fostering a culture of innovation To build a culture of innovation, first you need to create a structure that nurtures innovation. NTT DATA currently operates several global centers of excellence (COEs), each focused on a specific domain. These CoEs act as innovation and business accelerators. They've provided digital competency in artificial intelligence (AI), agile/DevOps, blockchain and digital design, and starting this past year, intelligent automation, software engineering automation and IoT.

The CoEs are run by a technology and innovation steering committee (TISC). The TISC oversees corporate-wide technology and innovation activities, and regional technology and innovation initiatives are aligned to the corporate direction. TISC coordinates virtually all aspects of innovation projects -- including innovation identification, acquisition, partnering, building intellectual property, and go-to-market and deployment/operational plans.

NTT DATA also founded an innovation school in Spain to train employees in the finer points of innovative thinking. The school, known internally as innCub3, provides a crash course in innovation. It conducts consulting, training and awareness programs to assess and increase innovation mindsets and learn innovation techniques. The school also enables group learning via open laboratories and co-creation workshops on how to think in a client-centric manner.

The innovation school encourages employees to generate and test creative ideas. Getting experience in real, challenging situations gives them the ability to generate "quick wins" and develop confidence as they pursue other innovation activities.

Developing and sustaining an innovation-focused talent base Innovation initiatives won't get far without a strong, skilled talent base. The question is, how do you build one? One way is to recruit creative and innovative talent externally from startups, corporations that are advanced in digital technology and/or management consulting firms. That's expensive and uncertain. Our focus has always been developing our talent in-house to become creative and innovative via collaboration with the CoE and working on client projects.

Through the CoE, NTT DATA is targeting 5,000 employees to be trained in the selected digital competency. Professionals in AI (800), Agile/DevOps (300), blockchain (300), and digital design (550) have been trained while they worked on client projects in these specific domains. We expect this number to increase, and in 2020, we added three new fields — intelligent automation, software engineering automation and IoT.

The innCub3 school plays an important role in the selection of top performers. The open labs inside the school help detect early adopters and elevate those curious about innovating. After initial sets of training activities, participants can request mentoring from innovation coaches to practice their creativity and innovation techniques with their respective teams.

Even though NTT DATA tries to focus innovation projects on client-related issues, we open up an avenue for some freelance thinking. Each employee in the Tokyo headquarters, for example, can pursue 50 hours of self-directed innovation time per year. They use this time to develop their innovative ideas, collaborate with others and explore new areas of innovation.

Innovation formulas vary from company to company. The important thing is to commit to the practice and come up with your own tactics.

What's your formula? To read more about NTT DATA's innovation strategies, visit the Gartner Innovation Case Study .*

*Gartner Innovation Case Study Spotlight Series: NTT DATA's Go-To Innovation Techniques , Tsuneo Fujiwara, 28th October 2020.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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UCL Computer Science

NTT Data Case Study


UCL IXN and NTT DATA: "Best of its kind programme" that benefits both students and industry   

The multinational IT and business services company explain the many reasons why they support students' work experience through the UCL Industry Exchange Network (UCL IXN)

NTT DATA is part of the Japanese NTT group, ranked the world's 55th largest company in the Global Fortune 500. There are many collaborative research projects and partnerships between UCL and Japanese companies. These relationships build upon the historically strong ties between UCL forged 150 years ago when the founders of modern Japan attended UCL.

As a public company, NTT has a powerful social mission, namely to create a harmonious and affluent society through the intelligent use of technologies. So, NTT DATA's focus on applied R&D chimes with UCL's commitment to innovation. It is also aligned with UCL IXN, which readies UCL Computer Science students for the job market while assisting many NHS and charity projects.

UCL IXN enables students to work on actual problems experienced by industry. With NTT DATA, the solutions frequently involve artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and immersive technologies, including augmented reality (AR). Many of these focus on IXN for the NHS, working closely alongside Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

Several projects have evolved over successive UCL IXN cycles; student teams can follow up on the work of previous cohorts. For example, a Sota robot was configured as an interactive storyteller. This project, which aims to keep children engaged and help them learn new words, was started by undergraduates and continued by a master's student. A virtual assistant that interacts with IoT devices was also developed over consecutive years. Projects have a variety of applications. One proof of concept uses NTT DATA's 'hitoe' smart t-shirt system as a wireless sensor suit for GOSH's Respiratory Sleep Clinic. Another is a multiplayer AR game enabling hospitalised children to have fun and socialise. Virtuoso is an indoor navigation app that uses computer vision and AR to guide the user.

UCL master's students have also worked on a project for NTT DATA's blockchain banking practice. The project investigated how blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) could be used to improve the credit scoring model. The students’ in-depth quantitative research helped identify strategic investment areas and future trends.

NTT DATA find the UCL students intellectually curious and keen. They also welcome the abundance of fresh ideas the students bring. This out-of-the-box thinking has enriched the company’s understanding of future services they could offer to clients.

The IXN programme has also provided NTT DATA with connections to other organisations and new insights into markets. Thanks to the programme, the company has explored emerging needs and requirements in the healthcare space. A NTT DATA team collaborates extensively with GOSH DRIVE, Great Ormond Street Hospital's Digital Research, Informatics and Virtual Environments Unit, alongside other industry partners.

NTT DATA want to help students on their career path. But the programme also functions as a recruitment tool and allows them to build their employer brand on campus. The advantages don't stop there, however. UCL IXN enables NTT DATA's staff to advance their professional development, and they find mentoring the students hugely enriching.

We really love working with the UCL IXN programme because it's the best of its kind. It is unique in the academic-industrial outreach space. It allows us to work practically with students without worrying about intellectual property rights and it's structured in a really easy to use way. It's helped us generate ideas for projects that we are taking forward. UCL IXN and Dr Dean Mohamedally, Dr Graham Roberts and UCL Computer Science staff have also opened doors for us as a business. It was because of the programme that we started working with Great Ormond Street Hospital and became a founding strategic technology partner in the GOSH DRIVE lab. 

Tom Winstanley CTO & Head of New Ventures at NTT DATA UK

To find out more about becoming a UCL IXN partner, contact UCL Computer Science's Strategic Alliances Team   

UCL Industry Exchange Network (UCL IXN) UCL Computer Science  Gower Street London WC1E 6BT [email protected]

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Case Studies

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PT. NTT DATA Indonesia

NTT DATA Corporation

Android EDC implementation for BRILink


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  • AI (Proof of Concept)
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PT NTT DATA Indonesia provided Android EDC as the latest technology advancement to Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)

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NTT DATA to Build Connected City with Smart Solutions Powered by Private 5G

CXOtoday News Desk

NTT DATA’s Smart Solutions will leverage real-time data, predictive analytics and AI to support public services, safety, sustainability and growth.

NTT DATA,  a global digital business and IT services leader, has been selected by the  City of Brownsville , Texas, to deploy NTT DATA’s Smart Solutions and Private 5G (P5G) wireless connectivity. The city seeks to enhance citizen services, increase public safety, achieve sustainability and effectively manage growth by leveraging real-time data analytics and AI empowered by a seamless and secure wireless network.

“The future is coming to life in Brownsville today as we partner with NTT DATA to set a new standard for smart, connected and sustainable cities,”  said John Cowen, Jr., Brownsville City Mayor . “Ultimately, we’re seeking to reinvent human-to-digital interactions in ways that deliver amazing citizen services and an outstanding quality of life.”

“The partnership between the City of Brownsville and NTT DATA to implement a Private 5G network is a crucial step towards transforming our city into a technology hub,”  said Helen Ramirez, ICMA-CP, AICP, Brownsville City Manager . “This advanced infrastructure will enhance connectivity for our residents and businesses, while resolving pain points for the city. It will attract new opportunities and innovations to Brownsville.”

Brownsville continues to experience significant growth driven by high quality of life, the nearby SpaceX Starbase complex, the Texas LNG export facility and the deep-water Port of Brownsville as well as Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport. Providing advanced digital capabilities and secure wireless connectivity will help the city deliver optimal benefits to citizens and businesses while effectively shaping sustainable future growth.

“As Brownsville continues to emerge as a leading tech hub, the implementation of a Private 5G network is not just beneficial—it’s essential,”  said Jorge Cardenas, Brownsville Chief Information Officer . “This advanced network infrastructure will enable faster connectivity and support innovative technologies. By investing in Private 5G, we’re ensuring that Brownsville remains at the forefront of technological advancement and economic development.”

“Brownsville’s leaders have demonstrated a remarkable vision for using data-driven insights to improve the citizen experience and lay the foundation for a sustainable future,”  said Eric Clark, Chief Executive Officer, NTT DATA North America . “NTT DATA’s Smart Solutions and Private 5G connectivity are game changers for communities and industries seeking digital transformation. We look forward to partnering with the city on further innovations that create a bright and prosperous future.”

The first phase of NTT DATA’s fully managed solutions will concentrate on the city’s downtown core including four public parks, the Department of Public Works Yard and the airport. Initial use cases include:

  • Smart Infrastructure: In phases, NTT DATA will leverage new and existing data-collection devices to establish an Internet of Things (IoT) throughout the city.
  • Connected City: NTT DATA will deploy a P5G network in phases to create blanket coverage that supports IoT assets and high bandwidth use cases throughout the city. P5G creates the connective mesh in which Smart Solutions are deployed.
  • Safety and security: Smart Solutions will deliver data analysis, predictions and recommendations in real-time. These insights will help city officials monitor and manage public areas, parks and streets in addition to identifying and addressing public safety issues.

The installment of a Private 5G Network marks a significant advancement in enhancing public safety and security across key community areas. By establishing robust 5G coverage at Dean Porter Park, Linear Park, St. Charles Park, and the Downtown Recreational Center, the city ensures the operation of advanced security analytic cameras. These cameras will monitor occupancy levels, streamline crowd management, and employ predictive analytics to foresee and mitigate potential safety risks. This technology will enhance real-time response capabilities and aid in long-term safety planning and resource allocation, making public spaces safer for all residents and visitors.

NTT DATA’s Smart Solutions will collect actionable data from thousands of new and existing city assets such as live-streaming 4K security cameras, wireless access points, and optical, audio and motion sensors. Smart Solutions will use machine learning and AI analytics to assess real-time and historical data to help city officials address diverse issues and achieve the broadly beneficial goals of becoming a Smart and Connected City.

In addition, NTT DATA is tasked with building and managing a turnkey Private 5G network that creates seamless connectivity across the city and underpins Smart Solutions. The high-speed, high-bandwidth, ultra-low latency wireless highway will quickly deliver data at the edge. By using this private network, the city will avoid data charges assessed by traditional wireless carriers. NTT DATA’s P5G network also can flex and scale to future demand and use cases.

To learn more about NTT DATA’s Smart Solutions visit:  https://us.nttdata.com/en/services/accelerate-smart

To learn more about NTT DATA’s Private 5G visit:  https://5g.nttdata.com/enterprise-5g/


NTT DATA is a $30+ billion trusted global innovator of business and technology services. We serve 75% of the Fortune Global 100 and are committed to helping clients innovate, optimize and transform for long-term success. As a Global Top Employer, we have diverse experts in more than 50 countries and a robust partner ecosystem of established and start-up companies. Our services include business and technology consulting, data and artificial intelligence, industry solutions, as well as the development, implementation and management of applications, infrastructure and connectivity. We are also one of the leading providers of digital and AI infrastructure in the world. NTT DATA is part of NTT Group, which invests over $3.6 billion each year in R&D to help organizations and society move confidently and sustainably into the digital future. Visit us at  nttdata.com

About City of Brownsville

Brownsville is the largest City in the Rio Grande Valley. It is strategically located at the epicenter of international trade hubs. It features a robust multi-modal transportation system, including rail, land, sea, air, and space port. Brownsville offers a distinct natural beauty and fantastic entertainment, with tree-lined resacas and oxbow lakes nestled throughout neighborhoods. Our City offers an outstanding quality-of-life, an affordable cost of living, safe neighborhoods and higher education institutions. We are  Brownsville –  On the Border, By the Sea, and Beyond!

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Everest Group PEAK Matrix ® Assessment

NTT DATA is a Leader and Star Performer in the Everest Group Sustainability Enablement Technology Services PEAK Matrix ® Assessment 2024.

PSG Group gains a 360 view of patient data with a fully integrated electronic health record system for multiple healthcare units

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PSG Group wanted a custom clinical solution that seamlessly integrates with their homegrown electronic health record (EHR) system for better standardization of healthcare records and holistic visibility of patient-related data. The solution had to be fully mobile, with customized, specialty-specific configurations, and capable of supporting clinicians with real-time decision-making. By partnering with NTT DATA, they were able to realize the outcomes of streamlined operations, an enhanced clinician experience and data-driven insights through a fully digitized, unified repository.

How can we help you

Connected industry expertise, cloud services, business need, integrating in-house ehr for data-driven insights and enhanced patient care.

PSG Group, a leading healthcare and education provider with a network of more than 2,000 hospital beds across three facilities, sought a unique solution to integrate seamlessly with their homegrown EHR. The primary goal was to standardize health data across their vast network, facilitating medical education and research while continuing to deliver exceptional care to over a million patients annually. They partnered with us to develop and deploy such a custom clinical solution, drawing on our extensive and proven capabilities in healthcare technology, with significant benefits.

"When we decided to opt for an EHR solution, NTT DATA was chosen after a competitive evaluation of multiple companies. Thanks to the dedicated team, support and competence of NTT DATA, we were able to implement our outpatient EHR in a record time of about 8 months at PSG Hospitals and are on track to extend the same to the inpatient department as well. Their professionalism and support are truly top-class, which gives us the confidence that NTT DATA is the right partner for implementing additional smart solutions."

Custom clinical solution enabling an end-to-end digitalized workflow.

Careful consideration was given to clinicians when designing the solution for transitioning from traditional paper-based records to a fully digital workflow.

Key features of the solution included:

Seamless EHR integration

The solution integrated smoothly with the client’s homegrown EHR system, providing clinicians with a unified interface to access lab results and medical images, and manage prescriptions.

Flexible, mobile and accessible

The solution enabled clinicians to access the EHR through desktop computers, mobile carts and dedicated tablet devices at the patient’s bedside, or via a mobile app for remote access.

Specialty-specific configuration

The system offered intelligent workflows and clinical template designs, allowing customization for various specialties while maintaining data standardization across the network.

Real-time decision support

Clinicians benefitted from instant notifications and alerts, along with customizable views of patient data (notes, results, medications and images), significantly improving the accuracy and speed of clinical decision-making.

Integrated data repository to improve clinician experience and patient insights

The implementation of this integrated EHR solution has yielded significant benefits for the client:

Streamlined operations improve outpatient management

Through electronic prescriptions and paperless records, they can now manage over 2,000 daily outpatients, while also improving efficiency and reducing errors.

Connected network enables more holistic care

The fully integrated EHR unifies all of their community health centers and three hospital units, creating a common medical repository for seamless data sharing.

Digital workflow enhances clinician efficiency

A smooth transition from paper-based to digital records across all specialties, thanks to intuitive workflows and customizable templates, gives clinicians access to critical information when they need it.

Data-driven insights for research and education

Standardized health data allows for advanced analytics and research opportunities, supporting the client’s commitment to medical education and improving patient care.

Improved quality of care and patient safety

Real-time alerts and comprehensive patient data views empower clinicians to make faster, more informed decisions, directly impacting the quality and safety of patient care.

About PSG Group

PSG Group, located in Coimbatore, India, is a well-established conglomerate with a history dating back to 1926. The group has contributed significantly to education, healthcare and community development. With a focus on social responsibility, PSG Group operates numerous educational institutions, hospitals and research centers, fostering innovation and providing quality services.

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