resin art business plan

Growing a Business , Starting a Business

How to start your own resin business.

I want to help you build a sustainable, profitable handmade business that makes you consistent income and sales. I only ever teach or recommend marketing, social media, pricing, production and branding tips that I’ve personally used successfully in my own 7-figure handmade businesses.

I'm Mei, from Los Angeles!

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You may have noticed there’s a growing trend in the art world called resin art. 

You know, those really mesmerizing, 3-Dimensional pieces that have been filling up your Instagram feed? 

If you know what I’m talking about, chances are you’ve already dabbled in making some resin art yourself. 

Today we’ll talk about how you can turn your new favorite craft into a business! 

Resin art has boomed in popularity in the last few years and this is largely because of social media. 

The creation process is pretty hypnotizing to watch and the end results are just stunning !

Videos of artists making these pieces go viral pretty quickly. 

Social media’s not the only reason for the trend, though. 

We can also blame quarantine. 

Remember when everyone was baking bread or making TikTok videos at the start of lockdown? 

People were getting super creative with their extra time – but not everyone wants to bake or go viral on TikTok. 

So, some people started to dip their toes into the world of resin art (not literally, of course, that would be pretty messy).

The resin industry itself is growing rapidly. 

The epoxy resin market was valued at $5.9 billion in 2019, and it’s expected to increase by 7% by 2027. 

Now, that’s not all because of art. 

Epoxy resin is used in a LOT of industries – from jewelry to wind power and even aerospace.

  This stuff is intense . 

That’s why it’s actually a great business to delve into. 

Resin can be used for such a large variety of pieces that your prices can fluctuate quite a bit depending on what you’re making. 

You can make anything:

The options are practically limitless – and depending on which route you choose to take; you can make quite a profit. 

Resin furniture, for instance, sells on Etsy for hundreds to thousands of dollars. 

Of course furniture’s a bit more intensive to make, but that just means you can stick a higher price tag on it.

resin art business plan

Choose What You’re Making

Let’s get into the first step to starting a resin business: choosing what you’ll actually be making! 

I know that might seem obvious, but for something like resin art, where you have so many choices, you need to narrow down your specialty. 

This is what’s going to establish your brand and give your business a unique angle, which is so important. 

If you’re selling everything from coffee tables to crystals to dog tags – how can you build trust with your customers? 

You know that feeling when you go to a restaurant and the menu is 90 pages long and they have everything from Mexican to Chinese to Italian.

It’s hard to trust the quality of a restaurant that serves everything!

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t sell more than one kind of product – it just means you need to find a focus to center your brand on. 

This focus, by the way, should be something you have the resources to make. 

Furniture will be more expensive to create than earrings.

If your resin art business is a side gig, you won’t want to trap yourself into a style that’s super time-consuming. 

You also need to look at the market before you make a final decision. 

You’ll want to find a corner of the resin art world that has high demand, but little competition. 

Resin keychains are one of the more saturated markets, so that’ll be a more competitive route to take. 

I’m not saying you can’t make a large profit in that niche, but it will be more difficult. 

Housewares like silverware, coasters, or dishes, though, are a less tapped market – with high demand. 

You’ll want to pick something that interests you. 

Don’t design cutting boards just because it’s less competitive. Design them because that’s something you really love doing! 

Think about your own interests and ask yourself if there’s a market there for themed resin art.

If you’re really into romance, ask yourself what a romance-based market looks like. 

How can you combine your interest with customer demand? 

The wedding industry is huge!

You could make sentimental gifts like flower resin bookmarks using a couple’s wedding flowers or heart-shaped resin dishes.    

Build Your Inventory

Once you know what you’re going to make, start building your inventory. 

It’s exciting to start a business and I get that a lot of artists want to dig in right away, but you want to be careful about how much stock you start with. 

While you want to keep up with demand, you also want to get a good feel for which of your products customers are actually buying. 

A lot of times, it’s not the piece you expected. 

Start with 10–15 ready-to-sell pieces and soon you’ll have an idea of what you should be making the most of. 

Before you establish your inventory, you’ve gotta practice!

You need to be competitive, so you need to have quality products that customers will love. 

The more you practice, the better your art will be. The better your art is, the more customers you’ll draw in (and at better prices). 

To really stand out in the resin industry, your work needs to be top notch.

Keep practicing until you’ve established a large enough inventory at a high enough level to start selling.

Your Supplies

With resin, your specific supplies will depend on the niche you choose.

If you choose furniture, flowers, or 3D paintings, you’ll require different materials. 

If you’re just getting started and still not sure what exactly you want to make, there are some inexpensive resin starter kits for making jewelry or 3D paintings. 

You can find those on Amazon or at craft supply stores like Michaels . 

These kits will give you a good feel for what style of art you like the most. 

If a kit is not for you, you can collect the materials you need at art stores and even hardware stores. 

Regardless of the style you’re making, almost every resin artist will need: 

  • casting resin
  • mixing cups 
  • stirring utensils
  • mold release

Before you get started, you need to make sure you have a flat surface to work on and are wearing safety equipment like gloves and protective glasses. 

Resins are chemicals, so you’ve got to make sure you play safely.

The fumes can get intense , and the last thing you want is to seriously hurt yourself while you’re trying to make some great art.  

Optional – but highly recommended supplies – include:

  • A heat gun to remove bubbles (or if you’re really a daredevil you can try a torch) 
  • Resin colorants to make that bright and vibrant look that makes resin art so mesmerizing. 
Because you’ll be working with chemicals, I highly recommend watching tutorials about how to work with resin and even reading books on the subject before you begin. 

This is as much a science as it is an art, so make sure you’re as prepared as possible before you get started.

Setting Up Shop

You’ve got your supplies, you’ve done your research, and you’ve established a starter inventory that you’re happy with. 

Now, it’s time to set up your shop! I recommend starting with Shopify .

On Shopify, you’ll be in total control of your site, instead of forcing your shop within the confines of another marketplace’s rules and regulations.

With Shopify, you’ll have access to a user friendly site for you and your customers, market building tools, customer contact lists, and other great resources aimed at helping your business thrive. 

Not to mention, you won’t have to share a percentage of your sales! 

Of course, shops like Etsy and Amazon are popular among new artists because they’re easy to use and they have a built-in audience of customers. 

If this feels better to you, go for it! 

Just know that as your business grows, you might want to branch out to your own site when you get tired of sharing those profits and being trapped in someone else’s rules and regulations. 

These sites are also extremely competitive, so it can be harder for your product to rise in the ranks. 

I highly recommend that if you do choose to go the Etsy route – just make sure you’re selling your product on a site of your own as well.

That way, you aren’t solely relying on a third-party site for your income.

Now, you’ll want to market your products so you can actually make sales! 

While marketing through social media posts is a popular way to promote your products, I actually don’t recommend them as your primary source of marketing. 

When I started my shop, I spent a long time trying to grow my business through organic posts alone and it was moving really slowly. 

It wasn’t until I started focusing on media outreach that I really started seeing those sales rise. 

When you can get your product in front of a large audience, you’ll see that building a loyal customer base is easier than ever. 

That’s because when your resin art is featured on a celebrity’s Instagram or even in a TV show or a magazine, it becomes so much more desirable. 

When a person sees someone they trust and admire using a product they’ve never heard of, it becomes personal and much more desirable than a regular Facebook or Instagram post you uploaded to your newsfeed. 

If you’re just starting out, look for micro-influencers.

Influencers with around 10,000 or 20,000 followers and good engagement.

This means around 1000 likes and comments combined per post.

These micro-influencers are far more approachable and they love getting cool products, especially if it’s something that’s right up their alley. 

Reach out and offer them a free product and a discount code in exchange for an Instagram feature. 

This could lead to enormous success!

When that influencer’s followers start buying and spreading the word about your product, you’ll find that even bigger influencers might want to help promote your products too!

This is how I established my businesses. 

Let me know in the comments below if you’re an artist that’s taken an interest in the latest resin art trends.

To learn more about building a successful art business be sure and check out my YouTube Channel . There you’ll find even more great tips and tricks for your handmade business. 

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This workshop is for anyone who makes and sells a handmade or physical product, including jewelry designers, artists, paper designers, bath & body product makers  and more!

What You'll Discover

The #1 mistake people make with Etsy & social media that causes shops to FLOP

 The secret to making it with your handmade shop so it's no longer just a hobby

How to make sales in your handmade shop with ease so you can finally get to 6-figures


Wow, you made this so easy to understand. I am looking forward to watching some of your youtube videos and learning more about starting my business. The tips you provided were very helpful, thank you so much!

Hey there! Thank you so much for such informative and crystal clear talk about resin business. This help me even more to build confidence in this way. Thankyou once again. Btw I would like to ask you to suggest me some good platform or store where I can buy resin moulds. Thankyou

Great info in easy to digest snippets! If only all articles were like this. Keep up the good work…looking fwd to future pieces.

Thanks so much for the tips! Just wondering if you could give me a rough estimate price to set up the business? I have some supplies but would like to set up completely and would like to have a rough price in mind to start off with.

Mainly the resin, good places to bulk buy etc. Any tips / advice will be greatly appreciated. :)

Thank you so much for such an I formative article for creative business I am interested in doi g this business…would love to watch your videos.

Thank you so much for this article. I really appreciate it much and will put it on my mind. Thank you again for sharing your experiences and tips for the beginners like me. Have a blessed day and keep safe.

Thank you so much to provide this information. I was bit worried about starting a resin business but your article seems very helpful. Thank you so much, god bless you.

So helpful! I’d love info on packaging your resin products once you make a sale. If you should include a disclaimer card, what the disclaimer should say, etc.

thanks this was very help full for starting my resin business

Hope y’all buy from me I am trying to start off my own business.

Wow.. you’ve made everything look so easy. I started with my resin art business around 1 yr ago, but unfortunately it didn’t end out great. Still thinking if I should go on with it or not makes me sad 😞

Thanks for the tips, I will like to learn the art, And I will like to know the cost to start this business

I want learn this art…. Plz suggest me…. Where from I learnd

Love this! Would like to branch out my craft some time in the future, this is a great suggestion.

Hi I watched the video and would like to know how to get started. The video was not moving along with the talking. So I missed a lot.

Thank you so much for these tips. Now I can focus on what I like making and stock up my inventory.

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How To Start a Resin Art Business: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re passionate about creating beautiful and unique art pieces, starting a resin art business might be the perfect opportunity for you. Resin art has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. It’s a versatile medium that can be used to create a wide range of products, from jewelry to home decor, and it allows for endless creative possibilities.

Starting a resin art business can seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it can be a fun and rewarding venture. There are several key steps you’ll need to take to get started, including choosing your products, setting up your workspace, and marketing your business. By following these steps and putting in the necessary time and effort, you can turn your passion for resin art into a successful and profitable business.

Understanding Resin Art

How To Start a Resin Art Business

If you’re interested in starting a resin art business, it’s important to understand what resin art is and how it works. Resin art is a type of artwork that is created by mixing synthetic or natural resin with colorants and pouring it onto a surface to create unique designs and patterns.

Resin is a material that hardens when it’s mixed with a hardener. It’s commonly used in construction and woodworking, but it’s also becoming more popular in the art world. There are different types of resin that you can use for resin art, and each one has its own unique properties.

When creating resin art, you can use a variety of techniques to achieve different effects. Some popular techniques include:

  • Mixing multiple colors of resin together to create a marbled effect
  • Using a blowtorch or heat gun to create cells and texture in the resin
  • Adding glitter or other embellishments to the resin for a sparkly effect

One of the benefits of resin art is that it’s very versatile. You can create resin paintings, resin jewelry, resin furniture, and more. The possibilities are endless, and you can really let your creativity shine.

It’s important to note that working with resin can be messy and requires some safety precautions. Make sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves and a respirator mask to protect yourself from the fumes. You should also avoid touching the resin with your bare hands, as it can cause skin irritation.

In addition to resin, you’ll also need to invest in some other supplies to get started with resin art. Some essential supplies include:

  • Mixing cups and stir sticks
  • Colorants and pigments
  • A heat gun or blowtorch
  • A level and measuring tools
  • A surface to pour the resin onto

With a little bit of practice and experimentation, you can create stunning resin art pieces that people will love.

Materials Needed for Resin Art Business

How To Start a Resin Art Business

Starting a resin art business requires a few essential materials. Here are some of the things you will need to get started:

The most important material for resin art is, of course, the resin itself. There are different types of resin available, but epoxy resin is the most commonly used for art projects. It is a two-part system that requires mixing a resin and a hardener. Epoxy resin is durable, self-leveling, and has a high-gloss finish.

Mixing Cups

You will need mixing cups to measure and mix the resin and hardener. It is essential to use the correct proportions of resin and hardener to ensure that the resin cures properly. Graduated mixing cups make it easier to measure the exact amounts needed.

Mold Release

Mold release is a substance that helps prevent the resin from sticking to the mold. It is especially important if you are using silicone molds. Mold release can be in the form of a spray or a wipe-on solution.

Silicone is a popular material for making molds for resin art. It is flexible, durable, and can be used to make intricate shapes. There are different types of silicone available, and it is essential to choose one that is compatible with epoxy resin.

Stirring Utensils

You will need stirring utensils to mix the resin and hardener. It is best to use disposable stirring utensils, such as wooden sticks or plastic spoons. It is essential to mix the resin and hardener thoroughly to ensure that the mixture cures properly.

Molds for Resin

You can use a variety of molds for resin art, such as silicone molds, plastic molds, or even household items. It is important to choose a mold that is compatible with epoxy resin and that can withstand the heat generated during the curing process.

Resin Colorant

Resin colorants are used to add color to the resin. There are different types of colorants available, such as liquid pigments, powders, or even glitter. It is important to use colorants that are compatible with epoxy resin and that do not affect the curing process.

Safety Considerations in Resin Art

How To Start a Resin Art Business

When working with resin, safety should always be your top priority. Resin can release harmful fumes and cause skin irritation, so it’s important to take proper safety precautions and use the right safety equipment.

Safety Precautions

Before you start working with resin, make sure you have a well-ventilated area to work in. Open windows and doors to ensure proper air flow. You can also use a fan or a respirator to help filter out any harmful fumes.

It’s also important to wear protective clothing, such as gloves, long sleeves, and pants. This will help prevent skin irritation and exposure to the resin.

Safety Equipment

In addition to protective clothing, there are a few key pieces of safety equipment you should have on hand when working with resin. These include:

  • Safety glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from any splashes or spills
  • Nitrile gloves to protect your hands from the resin
  • A respirator to filter out any harmful fumes

Non-Toxic Options

If you’re concerned about the toxicity of resin, there are non-toxic options available. Look for products that are labeled as non-toxic or safe for home use.

Keep in mind that even non-toxic resin can still cause skin irritation, so it’s important to take proper safety precautions and use protective clothing and equipment.

By following these safety considerations, you can enjoy the creative process of resin art while keeping yourself safe and healthy.

Turning Resin Art into a Business

If you love creating resin art, turning it into a business can be a great way to monetize your passion. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Develop a Business Plan

Before you start selling your resin art, you need to develop a business plan. This will help you define your goals, target market, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics. You can use online resources or seek advice from a business coach to create a solid plan.

Determine Your Profit Margins

One of the most important aspects of running a successful resin art business is determining your profit margins. You need to make sure that you are pricing your products high enough to cover your costs and make a profit. Research the market to see what other resin artists are charging and adjust your prices accordingly.

Create a Strong Brand

To stand out in the crowded resin art market, you need to create a strong brand. This includes developing a unique style, creating a memorable logo, and establishing a consistent visual identity. You can also consider creating a website and social media accounts to showcase your work and connect with potential customers.

Treat It Like a Business

To turn your resin art into a profitable business, you need to treat it like one. This means keeping track of your expenses, setting aside time for marketing and sales, and continuously improving your skills. You can also consider offering classes or workshops to generate additional income.

Success Takes Time

Starting a resin art business is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful venture. But with the right mindset and strategies, you can turn your passion for resin art into a profitable and fulfilling side hustle or full-time business.

Creating Resin Art Products

How To Start a Resin Art Business

Creating resin art products can be a fun and rewarding experience. With resin, you can make a wide range of items such as coasters, jewelry, keychains, furniture, earrings, cutting boards, trays, bowls, sculptures, and more. The possibilities are endless, and you can let your creativity run wild.

When creating resin products, it’s essential to have the right tools and materials. You will need resin, hardener, and pigments. You may also need molds, mixing cups, stirring sticks, a heat gun, and a torch. You can purchase these materials from a craft store or online.

Before you begin, make sure you have a clean and well-ventilated workspace. Follow the instructions on the resin and hardener carefully, and mix them thoroughly in a mixing cup. Add pigments to create the desired color. Pour the mixture into the mold and use a heat gun or torch to remove any bubbles.

Once the resin has cured, remove it from the mold and sand any rough edges. You can also add additional layers of resin to create a glossy finish. For coasters, you can add cork or felt to the bottom to prevent scratching.

Resin jewelry is another popular item to make. You can create rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. You can embed flowers, glitter, or other small objects in the resin to create a unique piece. You can also use molds to create different shapes and sizes.

Keychains are another item that can be made with resin. You can embed small objects such as beads or charms in the resin, or use pigments to create a colorful design. You can also add a keyring to the finished product.

Resin furniture is a bit more intensive to make, but it can be a profitable venture. You can create tables, chairs, and other pieces of furniture. You will need to create a mold and pour the resin in layers. Once the resin has cured, remove it from the mold and sand any rough edges. You can also add additional layers of resin to create a glossy finish.

Learning and Experimentation in Resin Art

How To Start a Resin Art Business

Starting a resin art business requires you to have a good understanding of the basics of resin art. While it may seem daunting at first, with a little bit of practice and experimentation, you can master the skills required to create beautiful resin art pieces.

One of the best ways to learn the basics of resin art is by taking a tutorial. There are plenty of online resources available that can help you get started. Udemy offers a Basic Resin Course that includes five tutorials and is perfect for beginners. You can also find tutorials on YouTube that cover everything from the basics to more advanced techniques.

Resin art can be a fun and relaxing hobby. It’s a great way to express your creativity and create beautiful pieces that you can display in your home or give as gifts. As you practice and experiment with different techniques, you’ll begin to develop your own unique style.

Practice is essential when it comes to mastering resin art. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. Start by creating small pieces and work your way up to larger, more complex pieces. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they can often lead to new and interesting techniques.


Experimentation is key when it comes to resin art. Try out different techniques and materials to see what works best for you. Don’t be afraid to mix colors or add in other materials like glitter or dried flowers. The possibilities are endless, and experimentation can often lead to new and exciting pieces.

Resin art requires a variety of skills, including mixing, pouring, and manipulating the resin. It’s important to take the time to develop these skills, as they will be essential when it comes to creating high-quality pieces. As you practice and experiment, you’ll begin to develop your own unique set of skills that will set you apart from other resin artists.

Take the time to learn the basics, practice, and experiment with different techniques and materials. With a little bit of patience and perseverance, you can master the skills required to create beautiful resin art pieces that will impress your customers.

Marketing Your Resin Art Business

Once you have created your resin art pieces, it’s time to market your business and get your products in front of potential customers. Here are some tips to help you market your resin art business effectively:

Build a Strong Brand

Your brand is what sets you apart from your competition. It’s what makes your business unique and memorable. Take the time to develop a strong brand identity that reflects your style and personality. This includes your business name, logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic.

Establish a Social Media Presence

Social media is a powerful marketing tool for any business, especially for those in the creative industry. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest allow you to showcase your work and connect with potential customers. Be sure to post high-quality photos of your resin art pieces and engage with your followers regularly.

Create an Etsy Shop

Etsy is a popular online marketplace for handmade and vintage items. Creating an Etsy shop is a great way to reach a wider audience and sell your resin art pieces. Be sure to optimize your shop with high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing.

Consider Using Shopify or Amazon Handmade

In addition to Etsy, there are other online marketplaces like Shopify and Amazon Handmade that can help you reach even more customers. Shopify allows you to create your own online store, while Amazon Handmade is a marketplace specifically for handmade items. Do your research and choose the platform that best fits your business needs.

Offer Discounts and Promotions

Everyone loves a good deal, so consider offering discounts or promotions to entice customers to purchase your resin art pieces. This could include a percentage off their first purchase, free shipping, or a buy-one-get-one-free offer.

By following these marketing tips, you can help your resin art business stand out and attract more customers. Remember to stay true to your brand and engage with your audience regularly to build a loyal following.

Understanding the Resin Art Market

How To Start a Resin Art Business

Starting a resin art business requires a basic understanding of the market. You need to know what the demand is like, who your target market is, and what your competition looks like. Conducting thorough market research is essential to ensure that you can succeed in the industry.

Resin art has been gaining popularity in recent years, and there is a high demand for it in the market. According to a report, the resin art market in the US was estimated to be worth USD 38.5 million in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.6% from 2021 to 2028. This growth indicates that there is a significant market for resin art, and it can be a profitable business venture.

When researching the market, it is important to identify your target market. Resin art appeals to a wide range of people, from art collectors to interior designers. You can also target individuals who are interested in DIY projects or those who want to add a unique touch to their homes. Understanding your target market will help you tailor your products and marketing strategies to appeal to them.

It is also important to identify your competition. With the growing demand for resin art, there are many businesses and individuals offering similar products. Conducting market research will help you identify your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. You can then use this information to differentiate your products and stand out in the market.

Pricing and Inventory Management

One of the most important aspects of running a successful resin art business is pricing your products appropriately. You want to ensure that you are making a profit while also remaining competitive in the market. Here are some tips to help you with pricing and inventory management:

Determine Your Costs

To price your products accurately, you need to know your costs. This includes the cost of materials, labor, and any overhead expenses. Keep track of your expenses and factor them into your pricing strategy. You also need to consider the time it takes to create each piece and factor that into your pricing.

Set Your Profit Margins

Once you know your costs, you can determine your profit margins. Your profit margin is the difference between the cost of producing a product and the price you sell it for. You want to ensure that you are making a profit, but you also need to remain competitive. Research what similar products are selling for in the market and adjust your prices accordingly.

Manage Your Inventory

Inventory management is crucial to the success of your business. You want to ensure that you have enough inventory to meet demand, but not so much that you are sitting on unsold products. Keep track of your inventory levels and adjust your production accordingly. This will help you avoid overproduction and minimize waste.

Make Extra Money

Consider offering additional services to supplement your income. For example, you could offer custom orders or workshops. This can help you generate additional revenue and expand your customer base.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your resin art business is profitable and sustainable. Keep track of your costs, set appropriate profit margins, manage your inventory, and consider offering additional services to supplement your income.

Expanding Your Resin Art Business

How To Start a Resin Art Business

Congratulations! Your resin art business is thriving and you’re ready to take it to the next level. Here are a few tips to help you expand your business and achieve even greater success:

Diversify Your Product Line

Resin is a highly resistant and versatile material, making it perfect for creating a wide variety of products. Consider adding new items to your product line, such as resin jewelry, coasters, or even furniture. By diversifying your offerings, you can appeal to a wider audience and increase your profits.

Focus on Specialty Items

While it’s important to diversify your product line, it’s equally important to focus on your specialty items. These are the products that set your business apart and make it unique. Consider specializing in a particular type of resin art, such as geode or ocean-inspired pieces. By focusing on your specialty items, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract loyal customers.

Attend Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Attending trade shows and exhibitions is a great way to showcase your products and network with other artists and businesses in the industry. This can lead to new opportunities and collaborations, as well as increased exposure for your business. Be sure to bring plenty of business cards and promotional materials to hand out to potential customers.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your business and reaching new customers. Consider creating a dedicated social media account for your resin art business and regularly posting high-quality photos of your products. You can also use social media to run promotions and giveaways, as well as to engage with your followers and build a community around your brand.

Offer Workshops and Classes

If you’re an experienced resin artist, consider offering workshops and classes to teach others your techniques. This can be a great way to generate additional income and establish yourself as a leader in the industry. You can offer classes in-person or online, depending on your preferences and the needs of your customers.

By following these tips, you can expand your resin art business and achieve even greater success. Remember to stay focused on your goals and continue to innovate and experiment with new ideas and techniques.

Starting a resin art business can be a fulfilling and profitable venture for those with a passion for creativity. By following the steps outlined in this guide on How To Start a Resin Art Business, including developing your skills, researching safety precautions, and establishing a strong inventory, you can set yourself up for success.

Remember to focus on quality in your art, safety in your process, and marketing your business to reach potential customers. With dedication and hard work, you can turn your love for resin art into a thriving business.

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Resin Crafts to Sell – Guide for How to Start a Resin Business

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These days, having a second job or side hustle is a pretty common thing. Whether you’re doing door dash or giving Uber a try in your spare time, it’s always nice to have some extra money in your pocket One small business idea that’s really taken off in recent years is the selling of resin crafts, which has become something of its own market in recent years. How does one go about making a profit with resin crafts though? Which crafts sell the best? Is it profitable? Let’s have a look at the craft sales industry as a whole and why so many crafters use resin castings to make an extra (or primary) income.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Why Are People Buying Resin Art and Crafts?
  • 2.1 Cultivate a Social Media Presence
  • 2.2 Ensure That You Have the Right Tools for the Job
  • 2.3 Be Consistent and Cater to Your Target Market
  • 2.4 Where to Sell your Resin Crafts
  • 3.1 Resin Keychain Art
  • 3.2 Resin Coaster Art
  • 3.3 Resin Home Decorations
  • 3.4 Resin Earring Art
  • 3.5 Resin Trays
  • 3.6 Resin Cutting Boards
  • 4.1 What Is Resin for Crafts?
  • 4.2 Is It Expensive to Do Resin Art?
  • 4.3 What Can I Sell Resin For?

Is There a Market for Resin Crafts?

Making resin crafts has become a fun pastime for many people all over the world. It’s an easily accessible way for kids and grownups of all ages and skill levels to come together and create beautiful castings, furniture, cutlery, utensils, toys, and even clothing. What started off as a fun hobby for most people soon turned into a highly profitable small business idea with quite the market on sites like Esty.

It’s hard to believe that crafting, which is typically associated with jewelry creation, and the odd installation or mixed media art piece has become a market worth roughly 6 billion dollars. Yes, the market is  that  big, and it seems that as crafters innovate and streamline both their designs and production process, the resin craft market will only continue to grow even more profitable and popular as more and more people learn about it.

Epoxy Crafts

The sheer variety of things you can make from resin makes it the go-to material for those looking to express their creativity, and if people happen to like their creations and are willing to offer them a little something for their hard work, why not make a business out of it? Resin gives you, the artist, the ability to cater to all of your customer’s specific likes and dislikes because anything can be added to resin art .

Making resin art to sell is a unique business idea then, as you aren’t limited by material, scale, color, or production volume. Even the scope of your market is unlimited, you could make anything from resin paintings to deep pour river tables , to high-end costume jewelry, to kitchen wear. It’s really easy to get started too, all you need is some resin, hardener, some molds of things you’d like to create, and a space to work in. Another reason that making resin art to sell is so popular is that you don’t need a workforce to get started. Two people could fill dozens of molds in a day, which can amount to hundreds of resin castings in a week.

This is perfectly illustrated with small resin castings like jewelry and coaster, all of which can be dyed in different colors, be different sizes, and even made out of different types of resin.

Why Are People Buying Resin Art and Crafts?

We live in a world where pretty much everything that we own or want to own has been mass-produced on a conveyor belt in some factories. We go about our day and see other people with the exact same things we have, albeit with a slightly different color or with more features, but when it comes down to it, it’s pretty much the same thing. This is a major selling point of art and crafts created using resin. They are often completely unique, genuine one-off designs that will not be replicated, or mass-produced. We live in a world where exclusivity is rare, and typically comes with a premium price tag attached to it, but when it comes to epoxy crafts custom pieces can be commissioned and a fair price can be negotiated between the artist and customer.

Best Selling Resin Crafts

Another reason that epoxy crafts sell so well is that there are just  so many things to choose from. These aren’t just variations of the same crafts either, there are hundreds if not thousands of paintings, custom jewelry, character designs, masks, decorations, phone cases, and even electronics to choose from. Most resin artists also have their own websites or belong to coalitions in their local communities which allow them to not only build up a rapport with their customer base but gives them a very real idea of what their customer wants, as well as how their creations can be improved in the future. This is in stark contrast to major corporations that rely on sales statistics and market trends to determine what their customer base actually wants. At the end of the day, all of the aforementioned has resulted in people finding things to make with resin and creating a market for it in their communities or for online distribution.

This comes as no surprise considering that there are loads of ready-made molds, mold-making kits, and video tutorials showing you loads of things to make with resin that you could potentially sell and hopefully turn a profit on.

How to Start a Resin Business

If this is all entirely new to you, you’re forgiven. There are a few things you should know before you get casting, and just in case you’ve missed a few things we’re going to give you a quick rundown of a few things you should consider when starting a resin art business. Whether you’re selling pre-made castings, resin paintings, resin jewelry, or simply doing commissioned work, here is how to start a resin business the smart way.

Resin Ideas to Sell

Cultivate a Social Media Presence

One of the first things you should do is make your presence known on social media. This allows you to reach a limitless number of potential customers, so it’s important to showcase what you’re capable of doing. You can do this by doing things like giveaways, competitions, and challenges to ensure that the most amount of people possible can interact with your brand. The social media aspect of things doesn’t focus on your products alone, customers often want to know a bit about you, your approach, your opinions, and your history with resin art. Social media presence needs to be consistent and ever-evolving, so ensure that you keep your art and your content fresh and ever-evolving. Good platforms to start with are Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.

This not only makes entertaining content for your potential customers but ensures that you never grow stale in your approach to your artwork.

Ensure That You Have the Right Tools for the Job

Besides social media presence, it’s important to set yourself up with a decent workspace and acquire the right tools for the job. Buying resin and hardener in bulk is always a good idea, as the last thing that you want is to run out of your primary material during a busy period. Remember to stock up on disposable masks and gloves too, unless you’re using a respirator system in which case you only need to replace your filter cartridges.

Tools for Unique Resin Ideas

Besides the epoxy resin itself, you’ll have to fund molds and mold putty that work for you and the particular castings you’ll be making. This is where some experimentation could save you a lot of time and money in the future, as knowing what works best for you and your customers always pays off. Finally, develop a good public image by either collaborating with or donating to other businesses in your community.

Be Consistent and Cater to Your Target Market

While it’s true that anyone can get their hands on some resin and start making castings, there’s a difference between those who start resin businesses and those that have successful resin businesses. One thing that sets financially successful artists apart is the fact that they’re consistent, even when they aren’t feeling particularly inspired or passionate.

This consistency goes a long way in reassuring your customer base and social media community that you’re serious about what you do and that you’re here to stay.

The second thing that sets a successful artists apart is that they’re constantly developing their style and technique. A good illustration of this is starting out by customizing existing molds and then slowly developing your own molds to create castings that are completely unique. This in addition to keeping an eye out for changing aesthetic and market trends will ensure that you and your art stay relevant, and therefore profitable for the foreseeable future.

Where to Sell your Resin Crafts

If you’re an artisan or crafter with a flair for creating beautiful resin crafts, you’ll want to showcase your creations to a wide audience and find the perfect platform to sell them. In this blog post, we’ll take you through some of the top online marketplaces that are ideal for selling handmade and unique resin products.

  • Etsy : Etsy needs no introduction. It has earned a well-deserved reputation as a go-to marketplace for all things handmade. Whether it’s exquisite jewelry, stunning home decor, or, in your case, enchanting resin crafts, Etsy provides a thriving community of potential buyers who appreciate the value of craftsmanship.
  • eBay: For those looking for a more dynamic selling experience, eBay might be the perfect fit. This large online marketplace allows you to list your resin crafts for sale through auctions or fixed-price listings. With eBay’s vast user base, you’ll have the chance to reach a diverse audience and let them bid on your unique creations.
  • Amazon Handmade : If you qualify and are based in one of the eligible countries, Amazon Handmade offers an excellent opportunity to tap into the colossal customer base of the world’s largest online retailer. Selling your resin crafts on Amazon Handmade allows you to gain exposure to a global audience, further expanding your sales potential.
  • Shopify : Perhaps you’re someone who craves complete control over your brand and online store. With this platform, you can create your personalized online store and sell your resin crafts directly to your customers. The flexibility and customization options of Shopify enable you to create a seamless shopping experience which gives you the control of customizing the purchase experience.
  • Facebook Marketplace : When it comes to reaching out to a local audience, Facebook Marketplace offers an excellent solution. List and sell your resin crafts within your community or expand your reach to a wider audience using Facebook’s user-friendly marketplace feature.

With these top 5 online marketplaces, you have a range of options to choose from when it comes to selling your resin crafts. Remember to carefully review the terms, fees, and policies of each platform to determine which one best suits your needs and target audience.

Additionally, make sure to provide high-quality images and detailed descriptions to attract potential buyers to your captivating resin crafts. Happy selling! 

What Are the Best-Selling Resin Arts and Crafts?

Now that you know how big of a deal resin art has become and how to go about starting your own business making it, here are a few more pointers for you. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to provide you with a shortlist of the most popular resin project ideas and art trends so you’re able to get the best start to your new resin art business. Remember not to bite off more than you can chew if you’ve never used resin before, and start with small to medium-sized workpieces regardless of what medium you choose to go with.

How to Start a Resin Business

Resin Keychain Art

We can all agree that keychains have been and always will be cool. Now that we’ve settled that, you should consider adding resin keychains to your catalog if you’re interested in starting a resin art business. Why? Besides being wildly popular, the sheer variety of things you can make from ready-made molds alone is insane. You could be making resin art letters , animals like tigers and dolphins, to themed earrings like teddy bears, hearts, vampire bats, and even little butterflies! The possibilities are endless, and because these kits contain such a wide variety of molds, your opening catalog of resin art keychains will be huge, and what customer doesn’t like a variety?

Don’t forget that all of your keychains will be completely customizable, therefore as your skill level and confidence develop the resin ideas for your earrings can become more and more intricate.

Resin Coaster Art

One of the fastest-selling resin art forms is hands down resin art coasters . As far as resin ideas to sell go, this is arguably the best one you can go for. Why? Well, besides being really fun making a resin coaster can be made in all shapes and sizes. They can be colored, filled, filled, sanded, and they can even have pictures laid into them! What makes resin coasters good resin ideas to sell is that they’re not only functional but work as both decorative pieces for you and make incredible gifts which can be personalized in fun ways for your friends and family.

Resin Ideas Coasters

Resin Home Decorations

The term home decoration is kind of broad, but then again so is the range of things you can make from resin for home decoration. One of the beautiful forms of home decoration involving the use of resin has to be resin paintings. Splattering colorful resin all over a canvas to create abstract shapes and figures always results in the most unexpectedly beautiful and completely unique conversation pieces, which is probably why they’re so popular, not to mention expensive. Other home decorations include paperweights, free-form installation art pieces, mixed media art using resin castings, figurines and toys, and even serving trays!

Using resin for crafts allows you to create and sell anything that you put your mind to, and as long as you’re willing to invest the time and effort into your craft, you’ll find that there’s always someone out there that appreciates your work and might even be willing to give you a few dollars for it.

Resin Earring Art

It would be pretty much impossible to discuss some of the best-selling resin crafts out there without mentioning resin earrings. By far one of the bestselling resin crafts out there, earing have become a staple in the resin art community, with every conceivable type of earing from hoops to studs, to stretchers being made of 100% pure resin and selling ridiculously fast.

Jewellery Resin Ideas

It seems that in the film-making and events planning industry, custom jewelry that can be made quickly and in bulk is invaluable, therefore it’s not uncommon for artists to be commissioned to create custom earrings, rings, bracelets, or even tiaras for themed events or productions. Resin jewelry is also highly durable, heat resistant , and completely waterproof which means it typically lasts a lifetime, so it’s not surprising that it’s one of the most popular epoxy crafts to sell.

Resin Trays

Resin trays possess a myriad of practical applications, serving as functional food and beverage trays, charming receptacles for candles, jewelry, and decorative trinkets, as well as efficient organizers for consolidating daily necessities. Their waterproof properties and easy-to-maintain surface make them particularly well-suited for use as bathroom or vanity trays.

food safe epoxy

Due to their artisanal craftsmanship and artistic finesse, resin trays are highly coveted as thoughtful gifts for special occasions and serve as elegant accents for home decor. Furthermore, the process of crafting resin trays allows for customization, enabling customers to commission personalized designs tailored to their individual preferences.

Resin Cutting Boards

Cutting boards are probably one of the most inconspicuous resin items that any of us own, but if you feel like your cooking utensils could use a bit of livening up, why not get yourself a resin cutting board? IF you’re worried about food safety, don’t. Resin is 100% food-safe once it’s cured completely, so you and your family are not at risk if you decide to get one of these.

The reason that these are some of the most popular epoxy crafts to sell is that they’re not only completely unique, but they serve a practical purpose.

What better than buying that looks good and that you know that you’ll use almost every day? This is also one of the most unique resin ideas out there, as you can either have your cutting boards cast completely out of resin, or you could have a wooden cutting board with a resin handle, or a resin cutting board with a wooden handle.

Resin for Crafts

The possibilities are endless, and in each case, the resin can be modified with dyes , glitter, acrylic paint, and even food coloring to create some of the most unique resin ideas for your cutting boards. Taking all of the aforementioned into account it’s easy to see why resin cutting boards are one of the bestselling resin art mediums out there right now.

Now that you know what resin art is, what the market for resin art looks like, what you’ll need to start a business selling rein artwork, and what some of the most popular resin crafts are right now, it’s time for you to get out there and put your newfound knowledge to the test. Remember to be patient, start small, and always work safely.

We have also created an inspiring web story on resin craft projects .

Frequently Asked Questions

What is resin for crafts.

Crafting resin is a two-part formula that you can use to make a variety of things. It’s typically used to recreate shapes into a glassy, plastic replication. Resin is highly durable, waterproof, UV resistant, and completely food safe. It is extremely popular in both the professional crafting community and among DIY enthusiasts.

Is It Expensive to Do Resin Art?

Especially when creating castings in bulk, creating resin art can prove to be exorbitantly expensive. This is why professional artists that use resin as their medium of choice often sell their work for large amounts of money. It’s important to understand this if you intend to create resin artwork on a professional level.

What Can I Sell Resin For?

Wondering what you can make with resin to turn a profit? There are lots of things you can make from resin including paintings, sculptures, kitchen utensils, toys, figurines, light bulbs, cutting boards, rings, earrings, bracelets, cups, bowls, coasters, masks, book covers, and even paperweights. The possibilities are endless when you’re using resin as a medium.

charlene lewis

In 2005, Charlene completed her wellness degrees in therapeutic aromatherapy and reflexology at the International School of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. She worked for a company offering corporate wellness programs for several years before opening her own therapy practice. In 2015, she was asked by a digital marketer friend to join her company as a content creator, and it was here that she discovered her enthusiasm for writing. Since entering the world of content creation, she has gained a lot of experience over the years writing about various topics such as beauty, health, wellness, travel, crafting, and much more. Due to various circumstances, she had to give up her therapy practice and now works as a freelance writer. Since she is a very creative person and as a balance to writing likes to be active in various areas of art and crafts, the activity at is perfect for her to contribute their knowledge and experience in various creative topics.

Learn more about Charlene Lewis and about us .

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We’ve created your Go-To Guide to start working with Epoxy Resin. Learn to create fascinating Resin Arts and Crafts within minutes. All the tips and tricks that nobody tells you when you start. Including several detailed tutorials for your first projects.

Start your journey with Epoxy Resin the most efficient way and create stunning Resin pieces.

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our new Epoxy Resin eBook

resin art for beginners ebook

Learn to create fascinating Resin Arts and Crafts within minutes. All the tips and tricks that nobody tells you when you start, including several detailed tutorials for your first projects.

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Start Your Resin Art Business: Tips for Creative Success

Smiling artist in a white blazer showcasing an exquisite geode resin art piece, symbolizing the blend of creativity and business acumen in resin artistry

Discover how to transform your artistic passion into a thriving enterprise. Dive into our all-encompassing guide and begin the rewarding journey of starting and scaling your resin art business.

The Resin Art Renaissance

In recent years, the shimmering allure of resin art has captured my imagination and that of artists and collectors alike. Its versatility and beauty offer an expansive canvas for creative expression, turning simple objects into stunning pieces of art. In this guide, I explore the journey of transforming your passion for resin into a sustainable, profitable business.

Laying the Foundation: Building My Brand with Resin

The first step in transforming resin into revenue is understanding your medium. Resin, a versatile substance that cures to a glossy, durable finish, preserves the embedded art within a clear, shining coat. The materials I choose – from the resin brand to the pigments and additives – all contribute to the distinctiveness of my pieces.

A contemporary living room featuring an original large-scale resin art piece with gold and white accents on a deep blue background, hung on a white brick wall.

Resin Basics: The Gateway Course

As a beginner, the vast sea of information can be overwhelming. My ‘ Resin Basics ‘ course serves as your compass. I designed this course to guide you through the fundamentals of resin art, from safety protocols to the intricacies of color mixing and curing times. By mastering the basics, you lay a solid foundation for your art business.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the ‘ Resin Basics ‘ course:

  • Material Mastery : An in-depth look at the different types of resins – from epoxy to polyurethane – and their specific applications in art.
  • Safety First : Detailed safety guidelines to protect yourself from the fumes and chemicals involved in resin work.
  • Technique Training : Step-by-step instructions on basic pouring techniques, creating cells and lacing, and ensuring bubble-free finishes.
  • Color and Creativity : How to choose the right pigments, dyes, and additives to bring your artistic visions to life.

This course is more than a learning experience; it’s an investment in your artistry, equipping you with the knowledge to create with confidence and sell with credibility.

Promotional graphic for Resin Basics Online Course featuring elegantly crafted resin coasters with gold edging and pink roses on a marble surface.

Understanding the Market

Knowing your medium is paramount, but understanding where it fits within the art market is what turns a hobby into a business. I research current trends in resin art, identify my target audience, and observe what sells. This market knowledge informs my artistic direction and helps me carve out a unique niche.

Crafting a Cohesive Brand Image

Your brand is your promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from my products and what differentiates my art from my competitors’. A cohesive brand image – from my logo and website design to my social media presence – creates recognition and trust with your audience.

In this initial phase, it’s vital to establish a strong brand identity:

  • Logo Design : I created a logo that reflects my art’s style and quality.
  • Website Development : I developed a professional website showcasing my portfolio, with an easy-to-navigate online store.
  • Social Media Engagement : I build a following on platforms where visual arts thrive, like Instagram and Pinterest , by sharing my process and final pieces.

By solidifying my brand and mastering resin art basics, I pave the way to a successful art business that resonates with my audience and stands the test of time.

Business Strategies for Artists: From Passion to Profit

The transition from passion to profit is a pivotal journey for every creative entrepreneur. Resin art, with its vivid colors and mesmerizing patterns, can not only captivate an audience but also open a window to a multitude of business opportunities. In this section, I’ll dive into creating a business plan that resonates with the heart of your market and the best practices for presenting your artwork to the online world.

Crafting a Business Plan: Your Artistic Roadmap

A business plan is the compass that guides your creative enterprise. It’s a comprehensive document that outlines your business goals, strategies for achieving them, target market, competition, and financial forecasts. It also serves as an invaluable tool for communicating your vision to potential investors or partners.

Here’s what to include in your resin art business plan:

  • Executive Summary : An overview of your business and plans.
  • Company Description : What you offer and what makes your resin art stand out.
  • Market Analysis : Insights into your target audience and competitors.
  • Organization and Management : Your business structure and management team.
  • Marketing Strategies : How you plan to market your resin artwork.
  • Product Line : A detailed look at your artwork and any related products or services.
  • Funding Request : If you’re seeking investment, detail your funding requirements.
  • Financial Projections : Include income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets for the next three to five years.

Remember, your business plan isn’t set in stone—it’s a living document that should evolve as your business grows.

Embracing Online Sales Platforms: Your Digital Storefront For Resin Art Business

In today’s digital age, an online presence is not just beneficial; it’s essential. Online sales platforms like Etsy , Amazon Handmade, and your e-commerce store are virtual storefronts that can showcase your resin art to a global audience.

Here are the steps to optimize your online selling strategy:

  • Choose the Right Platform : Select a platform that aligns with your brand and where your target audience shops.
  • High-Quality Images : Post clear, high-resolution images of your art to capture every intricate detail.
  • SEO-Friendly Descriptions : Write product descriptions with relevant keywords to improve discoverability.
  • Customer Engagement : Encourage reviews and feedback to build trust and credibility.
  • Streamline the Buying Process : Ensure that the checkout process is as smooth and straightforward as possible.

Each platform has its unique features and audience. For example, Etsy is known for handcrafted goods and might be the perfect place to start for unique resin art pieces. Meanwhile, building your website gives you complete control over your brand and how your art is presented.

Leveraging Social Media: Building Community Around Your Art

Social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are particularly powerful for visual mediums like resin art. They allow you to build a community around your work, share your creative process, and engage directly with your fans and customers.

  • Showcase Your Work : Use your social media accounts to display your latest pieces and share behind-the-scenes glimpses into your creative process.
  • Interact with Followers : Engage with your audience by responding to comments, hosting Q&As, and sharing user-generated content.
  • Run Targeted Ads : Utilize the advertising tools provided by these platforms to reach a larger audience and drive traffic to your online stores.

Integrating these online strategies helps turn your solo artistic endeavor into a thriving, profit-generating business.

Marketing Mastery: From Studio to Spotlight

Transforming your resin art into a household name requires more than skillful brushstrokes—it requires savvy marketing. In a digital world where everyone is vying for attention, it’s crucial to stand out.

Crafting an Authentic Story

Marketing is storytelling. Your brand narrative is the story arc that connects you with your audience. Share your journey , your inspirations, and the meticulous process behind each resin pour . This story doesn’t just sell a product; it sells an experience, an insight into the world you create with every piece of art.

Social Media: Your Virtual Gallery For Your Resin Art Business

Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook , and Youtube are not just social networks; they are virtual galleries, showcasing the depth and breadth of your artistry to an engaged audience worldwide.

Collage of Instagram posts from Rosie's profile featuring her resin art creations, tutorials, and a snapshot of her engaging with her creative community.

  • Consistency is Key : Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and looking forward to your next piece.
  • Hashtags and Trends : Use relevant hashtags and participate in trending challenges to increase your art’s visibility.
  • Engagement : Interact with your followers, reply to comments, and engage with other artists. Building a community is pivotal to long-term success.

Email Marketing: The Direct Line to Your Audience

Email marketing is your direct line to collectors, enthusiasts, and patrons. It’s where you share exclusive previews, early-bird offers, and the personal side of your art that isn’t captured in social media snippets.

  • Build a Subscriber List : Offer an incentive, like my ” Free Resin Guide ” for website visitors to sign up for your newsletter. This could be a discount on their first purchase or exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content.
  • Craft Compelling Campaigns : Send regular updates about your latest works, upcoming shows, and any workshops or courses you offer.
  • Analyze and Adapt : Use email analytics to understand what content resonates with your audience and refine your approach accordingly.

Content Marketing: Educating and Enticing Your Audience

Blogs , podcasts, and YouTube channels offer a space to delve deeper into your craft. They’re platforms for educating your audience about resin art and its intricacies—fostering appreciation and demand for your pieces.

  • Blog Posts : Write about the ‘how-tos’ of resin art, or discuss the latest trends in the art world.
  • Podcasts : Start a series interviewing other artists or sharing insights into running an art business.
  • YouTube : Create tutorials or document your creation process. This not only educates but also builds a narrative around each piece.

Diversifying Income: More Than Just Sales In Resin Art Business

While direct art sales are the core of your business, diversification is the armor that shields against the ebbs and flows of the market. Affiliate sales, brand partnerships, and educational content can open additional revenue streams and bring stability to your creative pursuit.

Earning While Endorsing: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a powerful tool for artists. By sharing your favorite art supplies and tools through affiliate links, you provide value to your audience and earn commissions on sales. It’s a win-win—your followers discover quality products while you earn passive income.

Brand Partnerships: Mutual Value Creation

Brand partnerships elevate your business to new heights. As detailed in my guide, “ The Ultimate Guide to Securing Brand Partnerships for Creatives, ” these collaborations can provide you with free supplies, increase your brand’s exposure, and even offer direct compensation for campaigns.

Promotional display for the 'Ultimate Guide to Securing Brand Partnerships for Creatives' featuring a 22-page digital download. The visual includes a computer monitor displaying the guide's vibrant cover, flanked by samples of media kit templates and email scripts, emphasizing resources provided to foster successful brand collaborations for artists.

Amazon Storefront and Commissions

An Amazon Storefront allows you to curate a list of recommended products. However, if it’s underperforming, you’re missing out on potential income. That’s where “ Profit Amplifier: Creative’s Guide to Unlocking Amazon Onsite Commissions ” comes into play. This guide details the strategies I used to boost my Amazon earnings from negligible to a consistent $100-500 per month.

Screenshot of Rosie's Amazon Favorites profile on Amazon, highlighting sections for Resin, Kitchen Must-Haves, and more, featuring Rosie smiling in a professional headshot.

Online Courses: Sharing Your Expertise

Lastly, online courses are an avenue not only for income but also for sharing your expertise. Courses like “ Resin Basics ,” “ Geode Resin Art ,” and “ Epoxy Resin Top Coat ” can empower others while creating a steady revenue stream for you.

Diversifying income solidifies your financial foundation, ensuring that you can continue to create art without the pressure of selling each piece immediately. When considering your online courses consider platforms like Teachable . It’s about building a resilient, multifaceted business where your creativity isn’t stifled by financial constraints.

Online Presence and Sales: Showcasing Your Art to the World

In the digital era, an artist’s online presence can be as compelling as a gallery display. Your virtual storefront is the bridge connecting your art to the global audience.

Choosing the Right Platform

Your choice of platform can influence the type of audience you attract and the kind of sales you make. Etsy, with its community of artisans, or a dedicated Shopify storefront, can serve different aspects of your business. Consider where your target audience likes to shop and start there.

Optimizing for Online Sales

The key to selling online is presentation and ease of purchase. Clear, high-definition photos, engaging product descriptions, and a seamless checkout process are non-negotiable elements. Therefore, regularly updating your inventory and consider using analytics to understand customer behavior, further optimizing your sales funnel.

Networking and Community Engagement: The Artist’s Collective

Art thrives in community. Participating in artist collectives and online forums can open doors to collaborations, exhibitions, and peer learning. I have met some of my closest friends through my art and groups I have joined.

Engaging with Fellow Artists

Sharing your journey, challenges, and triumphs with fellow artists can lead to growth and opportunity. Whether it’s through social media groups, art forums, or local meetups, these connections can become a source of support and inspiration.

Customer Relationships

Building relationships with your customers is just as crucial. Engage with your followers, share stories about your creative process, and listen to their feedback. This two-way interaction can turn a one-time buyer into a lifelong patron.

Financial Management: The Art of Numbers

Budgeting for your resin art business.

Balancing the books may not be as thrilling as creating art, but it’s an essential aspect of running a successful business.

Learn to budget for materials, time, and unexpected costs. By keeping track of expenses and income, ensuring you price your artwork not just to cover costs but also to reflect its value.

Diversifying Revenue

Your art business can benefit from diversifying income. My guide, “ Profit Amplifier ,” demonstrates how I expanded my revenue streams from negligible to significant through Amazon commissions. It’s a testament to how diversification can stabilize and grow your creative business.

Scaling Your Resin Art Business: Growth Strategies

Scaling your business means expanding your brand’s reach and capacity to fulfill orders without compromising on quality.

Expanding Your Offerings

Consider diversifying your product range, offering limited editions, prints, or even branching into digital products . This not only increases your market appeal but can also stabilize your income.

Hiring Assistance

As demand grows, you may need to hire help. Whether it’s for packaging, customer service, or additional artists, expanding your team can ensure that your business thrives.

Advanced Marketing Techniques: Beyond the Basics

Once you have a grasp on fundamental marketing strategies, it’s time to delve into advanced techniques.

SEO and Content Marketing

Optimize your website and content for search engines to attract organic traffic. Use analytics to refine your SEO strategies and create content that resonates with your audience.

Long-term Brand Partnerships: Building Enduring Success

Targeting and retargeting.

Securing long-term brand partnerships can provide consistent benefits, from free supplies to expanded exposure.

Learn to target your ideal customers with ads and retarget them to keep your art top-of-mind. Effective targeting means your advertising budget is spent on those most likely to purchase your work.

The Art of Negotiation

Learn to negotiate partnerships that provide mutual value. My experiences with brands like Alumilite Resin have taught me the importance of aligning with companies that resonate with my brand’s ethos and artistic vision.

Conclusion: Your Creative Legacy Awaits

Your journey in resin art is more than a business venture; it’s the creation of a legacy. With each piece of art, you share a part of your story, and with each strategic step, you build a brand that can sustain and grow alongside your creative ambitions.

Choose a platform that aligns with your brand and where your target audience shops. Consider factors like the fees, the community, and how the platform’s features can showcase your art effectively.

Leverage social media to tell your story and connect with your audience. Utilize email marketing to share updates and offers, and consider paid advertising to reach a wider audience. Engage with your community consistently to build a loyal customer base.

Diversify beyond selling original pieces by offering prints, teaching courses , creating YouTube content, and engaging in affiliate marketing. Brand partnerships can also provide additional income and exposure.

When scaling, consider the demand for your work, your capacity to produce, and the quality you can maintain. Plan financially for expansion, and consider hiring help or partnering with manufacturers to increase your production without sacrificing quality.

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A Touch of Business

How to Start a Resin Craft Business

Main Sections In This Post Steps to Starting a Resin Craft Business Points to Consider Knowledge Is Power Featured Video

In this post, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to starting a resin craft business.

In addition, we will give you an overview of what you can expect from operating a resin craft business and help you make better decisions and gain clarity.

There is an abundance of information available to explore. If you like this post, consider sharing it with others and bookmarking it for future reference.

Let’s get started with the steps.

The Steps to Start Your Resin Craft Business

Below are the steps to starting a resin craft business.

Each step is linked to a specific section, allowing you to jump to your desired section or scroll to follow the steps in order.

  • An Overview of What You’re Getting Into
  • Resin Craft Business Overview
  • Researching Your Resin Craft Business
  • Looking Startup and Operating Costs
  • Creating Your Mission Statement
  • Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Choose a Resin Craft Business Name
  • Register Your Company
  • Create Your Corporate Identity
  • Writing a Business Plan
  • Banking Considerations
  • Getting the Funds for Your Operation
  • Software Setup
  • Business Insurance Considerations
  • Supplier and Service Provider Considerations
  • Setting Your Prices
  • Physical Setup
  • Creating a Website
  • Hiring Employees
  • Getting Customers Through the Door

1. An Overview of  Business Ownership

The more you know what to expect, the better your decisions will be and the fewer surprises you’ll encounter.

Before starting your resin craft business, there are many points to consider. The following link provides information to help you make the right decisions.

See our page on Critical Points to Consider before starting your business.

2. Gaining an Overview of Owning a Resin Craft Business

Next, let’s discuss the issues that will give you an overview of what to expect from owning and running a resin craft business.

In this step, we will be looking at the following sections:

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning a Resin Craft Business b.) Resin Craft Business Models c.) Challenges You Could Face When Starting and Operating a Resin Craft Business

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning a Resin Craft Business

A resin craft business specializes in creating and selling items made from resin, a versatile polymer that hardens into a durable, clear or tinted plastic.

This type of business appeals to a niche market that values handcrafted, customizable, and unique decorative or functional items.

Products can range from jewelry and accessories to furniture and artwork. Resin can also be used to encapsulate objects for display or preservation, adding to its appeal.

Day-to-Day Operations of a Resin Craft Business

  • Crafting and Production Daily activities include designing, preparing, and crafting resin items. This involves mixing resin with hardeners, adding colors or embeds like flowers or glitter, and pouring it into molds. The curing process is critical and must be monitored to ensure quality.
  • Quality Control Each piece is inspected for imperfections such as bubbles or uneven finishes. Items may need finishing touches, such as sanding or polishing.
  • Inventory Management Maintaining a stock of raw materials (resin, hardeners, colorants, molds) and finished goods is crucial. Inventory checks help manage supply levels and prepare for large orders or peak sales periods.
  • Order Fulfillment Packaging and shipping products to customers or stores. This includes handling online orders, preparing items for shipment, and managing delivery logistics.
  • Marketing and Sales Developing marketing strategies to promote products. This might involve managing a website, creating social media content, and participating in craft fairs or exhibitions.
  • Customer Service Responding to customer inquiries and feedback, managing returns or complaints, and maintaining customer satisfaction.
  • Financial Management Monitoring the business’s financial health through budgeting, managing expenses, and tracking revenues. Regular financial reporting and analysis are necessary to ensure profitability.
  • Product Development Researching new trends in resin art, experimenting with new techniques or materials, and developing new product lines to keep the offering fresh and appealing.

This detailed approach to daily operations ensures the business runs smoothly, maintains quality, and meets customer expectations while fostering growth and sustainability.

b.) Resin Craft Business Models

Types of Setups and Business Models for a Resin Craft Business

Resin craft businesses can adopt various setups and models depending on their target market, scale of operations, and production capabilities.

Here are common types:

  • Operates from home, minimizing overhead costs.
  • Suitable for small-scale production and individual artisans.
  • Utilizes a dedicated space outside of the home for larger scale production and storage.
  • Allows for hiring employees and holding workshops.
  • Sells products through an e-commerce platform or a personal website.
  • Focuses on digital marketing strategies to reach a broader audience.
  • Operates a storefront in a market or shopping mall.
  • Offers direct sales to customers and immediate product showcasing.
  • Offers classes and workshops teaching resin crafting techniques.
  • Generates revenue from teaching alongside selling products.
  • Produces in bulk and sells to retailers or other businesses.
  • Focuses on B2B (business-to-business) relationships and large order fulfillment.
  • Sells products made and shipped by a third party.
  • Reduces the need to keep inventory and handle shipping.

Choosing a suitable business model from the beginning is crucial, as switching your model later is more challenging.

Focusing on a niche allows you to adapt your products and services to a specific group of customers. Consider becoming a specialist instead of trying to be a business that offers everything to everyone.

Identifying a business model that feels right to you is essential and can give you a better chance of succeeding.

c.) Challenges You Could Face When Starting and Operating a Resin Craft Business

Challenges During the Startup Phase of a Resin Craft Business

Starting a resin craft business comes with several challenges that need careful consideration and management:

  • Initial costs can be high due to the need for quality materials, tools, and potentially a workshop or retail space.
  • Finding reliable suppliers for resin, hardeners, colorants, and molds is crucial. Delays or issues with supplies can hinder production.
  • Understanding the market demand, identifying target customers, and positioning against competitors require thorough research and strategy.
  • Mastering resin art techniques to ensure product quality and uniqueness takes time and practice.
  • Complying with local business regulations, health and safety standards, especially related to chemical use, can be complex.
  • Developing an effective marketing strategy to reach potential customers and create brand awareness from scratch.

Challenges When the Resin Craft Business Is Open and Operating

Once the business is established and operational, other challenges emerge:

  • Consistently producing high-quality items can be challenging as production scales up.
  • Attracting new customers and retaining them requires ongoing marketing efforts and exceptional customer service.
  • Keeping track of cash flow, managing expenses, and ensuring profitability are ongoing challenges.
  • Continuously creating new products to keep the product line fresh and engaging for returning customers.
  • Streamlining production processes to handle larger orders without compromising on the quality.
  • Adapting to changes in consumer preferences and market trends to stay relevant and competitive.

Addressing these challenges effectively is vital for the sustainability and growth of a resin craft business. Identifying a business model that feels right to you is essential and can give you a better chance of succeeding.

3. Research

The right information plays a significant part of your success, Quality research is vital. The more you know, the easier it is to operate your business.

a.) Demand, the Competition and Your Location b.) Target Audience

a.) Demand, the Competition and Your Location

Before launching a resin craft business, assessing the market demand for your products is crucial. High quality and reasonable pricing alone are insufficient if the demand is not robust.

An insufficient demand can result in business failure and financial liabilities that are difficult to overcome.

Evaluating the potential customer interest in your niche is a foundational step.

Market Saturation

The level of market saturation must also be considered:

  • If the market is saturated with similar offerings, distinguishing your products becomes essential. You need to offer something unique that competitors do not provide or cannot easily replicate.
  • Established competitors in a saturated market might dominate the market share, making it challenging for new entrants to gain traction.


Analyzing the competition involves understanding:

  • What existing businesses are offering.
  • Their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Opportunities where you can excel or differentiate. Rather than entering into direct competition, finding a unique angle or niche can provide a competitive edge.

Choosing Your Location

Selecting the right location is a strategic decision that involves several considerations:

  • Demand vs. Competition : Choose a location that offers enough demand but not overly saturated with competitors.
  • Affordability : While more populated or trendy areas might offer more exposure and potential customer traffic, the associated costs should not offset potential profits.
  • Accessibility and Visibility : Even if the rent is lower in some areas, it’s important to ensure that the location is accessible to enough potential customers to sustain the business.

Thorough research and analysis of these factors are vital to determine the feasibility and potential success of a resin craft business.

Choosing the right location with balanced supply and demand is crucial for your business’s success.

Take the time to thoroughly research and analyze potential locations to make an informed decision.

For more, see the Demand for Your Products and Services and Choosing The Best Location for Your Business.

b.) Target Audience

Benefits of Understanding Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is fundamental to the success of any business, including a resin craft business.

Here’s why:

  • Tailored Product Offerings : Knowing your customers allows you to tailor your products and services specifically to their preferences and needs. This targeted approach can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Effective Marketing : A deep understanding of your audience enables more effective marketing strategies. You can create messages that resonate and campaigns that are more likely to convert.
  • Resource Optimization : By focusing on the preferences of your target market, you can optimize your resources, focusing efforts on the most profitable areas rather than spreading resources too thinly across less relevant products.
  • Competitive Advantage : In markets with many competitors, knowing your customers better than others can provide a competitive edge, allowing you to anticipate market trends and customer needs more accurately.

Target Market Ideas for a Resin Craft Business

  • DIY Enthusiasts : Individuals who enjoy crafting and are interested in purchasing DIY resin kits.
  • Art Collectors : Those who appreciate unique, handcrafted art items and are willing to pay a premium for artisanal pieces.
  • Home Decor Shoppers : Customers looking for unique or custom furniture pieces, wall art, and other home decor items.
  • Jewelry Lovers : People interested in purchasing unique, handmade jewelry like earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.
  • Event Planners : Professionals who need custom, durable decorations or gifts for events like weddings, corporate events, or parties.
  • Retail Stores : Boutique shops that wish to feature unique and locally made products.
  • Online Marketplaces : E-commerce platforms that cater to handmade and artisanal products.
  • Educational Institutions : Schools and workshops that may purchase resin crafts for educational purposes or creative activities.

4. Looking Startup and Operating Cost:

You will struggle to manage a successful operation without investing the time and effort necessary to understand the financial elements of your resin craft business.

This section has a lot to cover, and these are critical steps in starting and operating your business.

The section is broken up into the following:

a.) Start-up Cost:

In this step, we will look at the importance of getting accurate estimates and a simple list to help you understand your needs.

b.) Monthly Expenses:

Expenses must be monitored, or the operation could be jeopardized. A sample list of monthly expenses is provided, which can be used to generate ideas for your setup.

c.) Best Practices

Well take a look at what you can do to ensure you are always on top of the financial well being of your operation.

Let’s get started!

a.) Start-Up Costs:

Understanding Startup Costs for a Resin Craft Business

Accurate Estimation of Startup Costs

Estimating startup costs accurately is critical for a resin craft business to ensure a smooth transition from the planning stage to the actual opening of the business.

Proper financial planning can help avoid two major pitfalls:

  • Underestimating Costs : If the initial financial needs are underestimated, the risk of running out of funds before the business becomes operational increases significantly. This could delay or even prevent the launch of the business.
  • Overestimating Costs : Overestimating can make the venture appear riskier to investors and lenders, potentially complicating the process of securing the necessary funds.

Factors Influencing Startup Costs

The startup costs will vary significantly based on several factors:

  • Business Model : Whether you are operating from home or setting up a commercial shop affects costs drastically.
  • Operation Size : Larger operations with more complex production processes will require more substantial initial investments.
  • Location : Costs can vary based on geographic location due to differences in rent, labor costs, and local regulations.
  • Staffing : Deciding between hiring employees or operating solo impacts wage expenses and operational complexity.
  • Equipment : Costs will differ depending on whether you purchase new or used equipment.
  • Facilities : Choosing between renting a space or using a pre-existing one alters the cost structure.

Steps to Estimate Startup Costs

To start estimating costs effectively:

  • List Necessary Items : Identify everything you need to launch your business, including materials, equipment, rent, licenses, and marketing.
  • Research Prices : Obtain quotes and prices for each listed item to gauge your financial needs accurately.
  • Consider Additional Expenses : As you research, you might uncover other costs like insurance, unexpected regulatory requirements, or additional tools needed.

Sample Estimates and Variable Factors

It’s important to note that no one can provide an exact cost to start your resin craft business, as each setup is unique and influenced by various variables.

The most effective way to determine your startup costs is through thorough research and obtaining accurate quotes.

This tailored approach ensures you can assess the viability of starting a resin craft business based on realistic financial expectations.

Sample List: Startup Costs for a Resin Craft Business

The purpose of the list below is to focus on the items more than the numbers because these are general samples, and your figures will be different.

  • Resin mixing containers, stir sticks, and measuring cups: $200 – $500
  • Silicone molds: $500 – $1,000
  • Heat gun or torch for removing bubbles: $50 – $100
  • Safety equipment (gloves, masks, aprons): $100 – $200
  • Work tables and storage shelves: $300 – $800
  • Utility knife and other crafting tools: $50 – $150
  • Resin (epoxy or polyester): $500 – $1,000
  • Pigments, dyes, and colorants: $200 – $500
  • Fillers (glitters, beads, etc.): $100 – $300
  • Release agents for molds: $50 – $150
  • Boxes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts: $100 – $300
  • Shipping labels and tape: $50 – $100
  • Logo design and branding materials: $200 – $1,000
  • Website development and hosting: $500 – $1,500
  • Business cards, flyers , and promotional materials: $100 – $300
  • Business registration and permits: $200 – $500
  • Legal consultation fees: $500 – $1,500
  • Accounting software or services: $100 – $300
  • First month’s rent: $1,000 – $3,000
  • Security deposit: $1,000 – $3,000
  • Initial inventory for display and sales: $300 – $800
  • Office supplies and stationery: $100 – $300
  • Utility deposits (electricity, water, etc.): $200 – $500

Grand Total (estimated range): $6,200 – $17,500

For more, refer to our article on Estimating Startup Costs.

b.) Monthly Operating Costs:

Monthly Expenses in a Resin Craft Business

Overview of Monthly Expenses

Managing monthly expenses is crucial for maintaining a financially stable resin craft business. Various factors influence these expenses, similar to the considerations for startup costs.

Key Variables Affecting Monthly Expenses

  • Staffing : Operating independently versus having a full staff has a substantial impact on monthly costs. Payroll can become one of the largest expenses for a business.
  • Location : The cost of your business location plays a significant role in determining overall expenses. A prime location in a high-traffic area generally incurs higher rental costs compared to a more secluded spot.
  • Marketing : The scale and approach of marketing campaigns can vary greatly. High-cost strategies might involve extensive online advertising or participation in large trade shows.
  • Loan Repayments : If your business startup was financed through loans, the monthly repayments would be a recurring expense.

Typical Monthly Expenses

  • Rent or Mortgage Payments : The cost for your physical business location, whether it’s rented or owned.
  • Utilities : Expenses for electricity, water, internet, and other utilities necessary to maintain a working environment.
  • Payroll : Salaries and wages for any employees, including contributions to social security, health insurance, and other benefits.
  • Materials and Supplies : Regular purchases of resin, hardeners, molds, and colorants needed for production.
  • Marketing and Advertising : Costs associated with promoting your business, such as website maintenance, online ads, and promotional materials.
  • Insurance : Necessary insurance policies, including liability, property, and worker’s compensation.
  • Repairs and Maintenance : Ongoing maintenance costs for equipment and facilities to avoid disruptions in production.

Strategies to Manage Expenses

To ensure your business operates efficiently, it’s vital to manage expenses wisely:

  • Minimize Costs : Focus on reducing costs that do not compromise the quality of your products, customer service, or productivity.
  • Regular Review : Periodically review your expenses to identify areas where you can cut costs or where you may need to invest more to support growth.

By understanding and effectively managing these monthly expenses, your resin craft business can maintain stability and adapt to revenue fluctuations, ensuring long-term viability.

Sample List of Monthly Expenses for a Mid-Sized Resin Craft Business

Again, the purpose of the list below is to focus on the items in the list more than the numbers. The numbers are a general idea, and your numbers will differ.

  • Monthly rent for workspace/studio: $1,500 – $3,500
  • Electricity: $100 – $300
  • Water: $50 – $150
  • Internet and phone: $50 – $150
  • Salaries for crafters or assistants: $2,000 – $5,000 per employee
  • Payroll taxes and benefits: 15-30% of total payroll
  • Resin (epoxy or polyester): $500 – $1,500
  • Shipping costs for materials and finished products: $200 – $500
  • Packaging materials (boxes, bubble wrap, tape): $100 – $300
  • Online advertising (social media, Google Ads): $200 – $500
  • Print advertising (flyers, brochures): $100 – $300
  • Promotional materials and giveaways: $100 – $300
  • Monthly loan repayment (if applicable): Varies based on loan terms
  • Liability insurance: $50 – $200
  • Property insurance: $50 – $200
  • Equipment maintenance and repair: $100 – $300
  • Facility maintenance: $50 – $200
  • Accounting and bookkeeping: $100 – $300
  • Legal consultation: $100 – $300
  • Office supplies and stationery: $50 – $150
  • Professional development and training: $50 – $200

Grand Total (estimated range): $5,150 – $15,400 (excluding loan repayments, which will vary depending on the terms of the loan)

c.) Best  Practices

Effective financial management is crucial to succeed. By doing so, you will clearly understand how your resin craft business is performing and make changes as needed.

For more, see, Critical Points About Small Business Finances

5. Create Your Mission Statement

A mission statement serves as a guiding force for a resin craft business, clarifying its purpose and the value it aims to deliver to customers and the community.

By articulating the main benefit the business provides, it helps maintain focus and ensure alignment with its goals.

For a resin craft business, a mission statement could emphasize creativity, craftsmanship, and the joy of handmade products.

Examples include:

  • “Our mission is to infuse homes with warmth and beauty through meticulously crafted resin art, sparking joy and inspiration in every piece.”
  • “We are dedicated to harnessing the versatility of resin to create unique, customizable decor items that add a touch of elegance and individuality to any space.”
  • “At our core, we strive to unleash creativity and self-expression through high-quality resin crafting supplies and workshops, empowering artisans to bring their visions to life.”

For more, see How To Create a Mission Statement.

6. Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) defines what sets a resin craft business apart from competitors, helping it stand out in the market.

By identifying and emphasizing distinctive qualities or benefits, a USP enables businesses to attract and retain customers who value what they uniquely offer.

Examples of a Unique Selling Proposition for a Resin Craft Business

  • “Our resin craft business specializes in eco-friendly materials, offering sustainable alternatives to traditional resin products.”
  • “We differentiate ourselves by offering fully customizable resin creations, allowing customers to personalize every aspect of their purchase.”
  • “With a focus on community engagement, our resin craft business hosts regular workshops and events, fostering creativity and connection among enthusiasts.”

7. Choose a Business Name

Choosing a Business Name for Your Resin Craft Business

When selecting a name for your resin craft business, it’s crucial to opt for a catchy and relevant name within your industry. Your business name should be easy to pronounce, memorable, and reflect the essence of your brand.

Since changing business names can be complicated, take your time in the selection process.

Additionally, securing a matching domain name for your online presence is essential. Ensure the chosen name isn’t already registered by another business to avoid legal issues.

30 Ideas for Resin Craft Business Names:

  • ResinRevive Creations
  • CrystalClear Crafts
  • Artistic Resin Designs
  • ResinWonder Studios
  • PureEpoxy Expressions
  • Vibrant Resin Ventures
  • GleamingGems Artistry
  • ResinFusion Creations
  • Elegance in Resin
  • Enchanting Epoxy Works
  • SparkleCraft Resin
  • ResinMagic Studios
  • DreamyDrops Artisanal Resin
  • LiquidLux Crafts
  • Crystalized Creations
  • ResinRealm Artworks
  • LuxeResin Designs
  • ArtisanalAlchemy Resin
  • ResinReflections Studio
  • CraftedClarity Creations
  • SereneSculpt Resin Art
  • LuminousLayers Crafts
  • ResinRadiance Designs
  • SparklingShores Resin
  • GlitteringGlobe Artistry
  • EnigmaEpoxy Crafts
  • EtherealElegance Resin
  • LuminaryLiquid Artisan Crafts
  • ResinRhapsody Studio
  • ArtfulAuras Resin Creations

This list can inspire your creativity and assist in crafting an original business name that resonates with your brand identity.

For more, see the following articles:

  • How To Register a Business Name
  • Registering a Domain Name For Your Business

8. Register Your Company

Ensuring Legal Compliance for Your Resin Craft Business

To ensure your resin craft business operates legally, it’s essential to consider various aspects, including tax obligations, liability protection, and regulatory compliance.

Consulting with a legal professional can help determine the most suitable business structure for maximizing tax benefits and minimizing liability risks.

Common Types of Registrations for a Resin Craft Business:

  • Sole Proprietorship: Simplest form of business ownership, where you are personally liable for business debts and obligations.
  • Partnership: Shared ownership with two or more individuals, each sharing profits and liabilities.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): Offers liability protection for owners while maintaining flexibility in management and taxation.
  • Corporation: Provides limited liability protection and separate legal entity status, with various tax advantages and compliance requirements.

Permits and Licenses to Consider for a Resin Craft Business:

  • Business License: Required for operating a business within a specific jurisdiction.
  • Sales Tax Permit: Necessary for collecting and remitting sales tax on products sold.
  • Zoning Permit: Ensures your business location complies with local zoning regulations.
  • Health Department Permit: If handling food products or using hazardous materials.
  • Home Occupation Permit: If operating the business from a residential property.
  • Environmental Permits: If using chemicals or materials that may impact the environment.
  • Fire Department Permit: Ensures compliance with fire safety regulations for your workspace.

Ensuring compliance with these registrations, permits, and licenses is crucial to avoid legal issues and maintain the legitimacy of your resin craft business.


  • How to Register Your Business
  • How To Register a DBA
  • How to Register a Trademark
  • How to Get a Business License

Business Structures:

  • How to Choose a Business Structure
  • Pros & Cons of a Sole Proprietorship
  • How To Form an LLC
  • How To Register a Business Partnership
  • How To Form a Corporation
  • How To Choose a Business Registration Service

9. Create Your Corporate Identity

A Corporate ID, or identity, encompasses visual elements representing your business, ensuring consistency across various platforms.

Components like logos, business cards, websites, signage, stationery, and promotional materials establish a professional image, fostering trust with customers.

Consistent design reinforces brand recognition and credibility, vital for attracting and retaining clientele.

You can see our pages for an overview of your logo , business cards , website , and business sign , or see A Complete Introduction to Corporate Identity Packages.

10. Writing a Business Plan

Role and Benefits of a Business Plan

A business plan is a critical tool for anyone starting a resin craft business, serving multiple essential functions:

  • Financing and Investment : It is often required when applying for loans or attracting investors, providing detailed information about the business, its market, and financial projections.
  • Operational Guide : Acts as a roadmap during both the startup phase and ongoing operations, helping to keep business activities aligned with strategic objectives.

Creating a Vision

Crafting a business plan involves projecting the future of your business and detailing the steps to achieve it:

  • Vision Development : The process helps you envision and articulate how your business will operate once it is fully functional.
  • Detail-Oriented Planning : It requires thorough planning and detailed expression of all aspects of the business, from marketing strategies to operational logistics.

Effort and Reward

Developing a business plan demands considerable time, effort, and strategic thinking:

  • Comprehensive Detailing : The depth of detail in a business plan can help clarify the requirements for resources, market positioning, and competitive strategy.
  • Valuable Insight : Completing it provides not only a document for outsiders but also deep insights for the business owner into what is needed to succeed.

Options for Creating a Business Plan

There are several approaches available for crafting a business plan, each with its own benefits:

  • From Scratch : Allows for full customization but requires a significant time investment and deep knowledge of business planning.
  • Hire a Professional : Ensures a high level of polish and professionalism but can be costly.
  • Use a Template : Templates provide a structured outline that can simplify the process, suitable for those with some business knowledge.
  • Business Plan Software : Offers tools and guidance, making it easier to create a professional plan with less specialized knowledge.

Flexibility and Adaptation

It is important to recognize that a business plan is not static:

  • Ongoing Optimization : As the business grows and market conditions change, revising the business plan may be necessary to reflect new insights and strategies.
  • Periodic Reviews : Regularly reviewing and updating the business plan is advisable to ensure it remains relevant and effective in guiding the business.

Actively participating in the creation of your business plan is crucial, even if you choose to hire a professional. This involvement ensures that the final document accurately reflects your vision and strategies for your resin craft business.

Business Plan Sample Template for a Resin Craft Business

Below is a template you can use as a starting point for your business plan, you can adapt it to fit your resin craft business.

Business Plan Template for a Resin Craft Business

Executive Summary

  • Business Name and Location : Include the name of the business and its physical or online location.
  • Products/Services Offered : Briefly describe what the business will sell (e.g., resin jewelry, art pieces, custom furniture).
  • Mission Statement : Outline the business’s purpose and core values.
  • Key Objectives : Highlight main goals for the first few years (e.g., reach specific sales targets, expand product lines).
  • Ownership and Management Structure : Detail the ownership structure and key management personnel.

Business Description

  • Industry Overview : Provide an analysis of the resin craft industry.
  • Business History : If applicable, the history of how the idea came about or previous iterations of the business.
  • Vision : The long-term goals and aspirations of the business.
  • Legal Structure : Indicate whether your business is a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, etc.

Market Analysis

  • Target Market : Define the primary customers (e.g., DIY enthusiasts, home decor collectors).
  • Market Needs : Describe what needs your products meet.
  • Market Trends : Discuss trends in the craft market and how they affect your business.
  • Competitive Analysis : Identify major competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses relative to your business.

Organization and Management

  • Organizational Structure : Chart of the business structure and description of each department’s role.
  • Management Team : Profiles of key team members and their qualifications.
  • HR Needs : Future hiring plans and the types of roles you plan to fill.

Products and Services

  • Product/Service Description : Detailed description of products and services.
  • Competitive Edge : Explain what makes your products unique and competitive.
  • Product Development : Future plans for new products or services.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

  • Marketing Strategy : How you plan to market your business (e.g., social media, online marketing, craft fairs).
  • Sales Strategy : Sales techniques and sales goals.
  • Customer Relationships : How you will build and maintain relationships with customers.

Operational Plan

  • Production : How and where your products are made.
  • Suppliers : Details about suppliers for materials.
  • Facilities : Description of the business location and necessary equipment.
  • Technology : Any technology used in the creation or selling of your products.

Financial Plan

  • Startup Expenses and Capitalization : Detailed list of startup costs and how you plan to finance the business.
  • 12-Month Profit and Loss Projection : Monthly projections for the first year.
  • Three-Year Profit and Loss Outlook : Yearly projections for the following two years.
  • Cash Flow Projection : Include a monthly cash flow projection for at least the first year.
  • Balance Sheet : To be filled out upon completion of each fiscal year.
  • Break-Even Analysis : Calculate when the business is expected to become profitable.
  • Additional Documents : Any additional information that can help establish the credibility of the business plan (e.g., charts, graphs, images of products, detailed market research).

This template provides a comprehensive structure for a business plan tailored to a resin craft business, helping to ensure all necessary aspects are covered thoroughly.

See How to Write a Business Plan for information on creating yours.

11. Banking Considerations

Choosing a nearby bank with a focus on small businesses and a solid reputation in the financial sector is crucial for your resin craft business.

Establishing a professional relationship with your banker is key for receiving support and advice during both prosperous and challenging times. A reputable bank can streamline application processes and provide assistance tailored to your business needs.

Maintaining separate business accounts facilitates efficient financial management, ensuring accurate record-keeping for tax purposes and financial reporting.

Additionally, having a merchant account or payment service allows your business to accept credit and debit card payments, enhancing sales and customer convenience.

For more, see How to Open a Business Bank Account. You may also want to look at What Is a Merchant Account and How to Get One.

12. Getting the Funds for Your Operation

If seeking a loan to kickstart your resin craft business, consider various funding options like traditional lenders, private loans, investors, or leveraging personal assets.

Additionally, explore potential government grants tailored to support small business initiatives in your field.

Considerations When Meeting with a Loan Officer:

  • Clearly articulate your business plan and financial projections.
  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of your industry and market potential.
  • Highlight any relevant experience or expertise in resin crafting or business management.
  • Be prepared to discuss your repayment strategy and how the loan will benefit your business growth.
  • Inquire about interest rates, repayment terms, and any associated fees or penalties.

Documents Needed to Apply for a New Resin Craft Business Loan:

  • Business plan outlining your resin craft business concept, target market, competition analysis, and financial projections.
  • Personal and business financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow projections.
  • Proof of business ownership or legal entity formation documents (e.g., articles of incorporation, partnership agreements).
  • Personal identification documents (e.g., driver’s license, passport).
  • Tax returns for the previous few years (both personal and business, if applicable).
  • Collateral documentation, if securing the loan with personal or business assets.
  • Any additional documents requested by the lender, such as credit history reports or references.

Gathering and organizing these documents beforehand can streamline the loan application process and increase your chances of securing the necessary financing for your resin craft business.

For more, see the following:

  • Getting a Small Business Loan
  • SBA Small Business Grants
  • Search: Resin Craft Business Start-up Loans
  • Search: Grants For a Resin Craft Business

13. Software Setup

Researching software options is crucial for a resin craft business, as transitioning systems after data entry can be cumbersome.

Prioritize companies with a reliable history to ensure ongoing support. Take advantage of software demos to assess suitability before committing.

Reviews and forums offer valuable insights from other users. Consider software offering training options, whether from the company or other sources, to maximize its potential.

Additionally, explore accounting software for expense tracking and tax preparation. Consulting with a bookkeeper or accountant can aid in selecting the most suitable software for your business needs.

Types of Software for Resin Craft Business Management and Operations:

  • Inventory Management Software
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
  • E-commerce Platform
  • Project Management Software
  • Accounting and Financial Management Software
  • Graphic Design Software
  • Website Development and Design Software
  • Social Media Management Tools
  • Email Marketing Software
  • Point of Sale (POS) Systems

Check out Google’s latest search results for software packages for a resin craft business.

14. Get The Right Business Insurance

Business Insurance for a Resin Craft Business

Ensuring adequate insurance coverage is vital for protecting your resin craft business from unforeseen risks and liabilities.

Prioritize obtaining insurance before commencing any business activities to safeguard against potential incidents.

Considerations for Business Insurance:

  • General Liability Insurance: Protects against claims of bodily injury, property damage, or advertising injury to third parties.
  • Professional Liability Insurance: Also known as errors and omissions insurance, it covers legal fees and damages resulting from claims of negligence or inadequate work.
  • Property Insurance: Covers physical assets such as equipment, inventory, and workspace against damage or loss due to fire, theft, or other covered perils.
  • Business Interruption Insurance: Provides financial assistance to cover ongoing expenses and lost income in the event of a temporary shutdown due to covered perils, ensuring business continuity.
  • Home-Based Business Insurance: If operating from home, inform your home insurance agent to avoid nullifying your existing policy, and consider additional coverage for business-related risks.

Using an Insurance Broker:

  • Engage a competent insurance broker to navigate the complexities of business insurance and ensure you have adequate coverage.
  • A knowledgeable broker can assess your specific business needs and recommend suitable insurance policies to mitigate risks effectively.

By investing in the right insurance coverage tailored to your resin craft business, you can minimize financial losses and protect your assets, employees, and customers in the event of unexpected incidents or accidents

For more, see What to Know About Business Insurance . You can also browse the latest Google search results for resin craft business insurance .

15. Suppliers and Service Providers

Building Strong Relationships with Suppliers and Service Providers

Establishing a strong rapport with suppliers and service providers is essential for the success of your resin craft business.

Dependable suppliers play a critical role in ensuring smooth operations and maintaining customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Reliable Suppliers:

  • Competitive Pricing: Trusted suppliers offer competitive prices, enabling you to provide cost-effective products to your customers and enhance profit margins.
  • Continuous Supply: Reliable suppliers ensure a steady flow of materials, preventing disruptions in production or service delivery.
  • Business Efficiency: By consistently delivering quality products on time, suppliers contribute to the efficiency and productivity of your operations.

Maintaining Positive Relationships:

  • Respectful Treatment: Treating suppliers and service providers with respect fosters goodwill and strengthens working relationships.
  • Mutual Benefits: Ensuring that suppliers also benefit financially from the partnership encourages their continued support and cooperation.

Items and Services from Suppliers and Service Providers:

  • Raw materials such as resin, pigments, and molds
  • Packaging materials including boxes, bubble wrap, and labels
  • Equipment and tools such as mixing containers, heat guns, and safety gear
  • Shipping and logistics services for product distribution
  • Accounting and bookkeeping services
  • Legal consultation for business compliance and contracts
  • Marketing and advertising services
  • Web development and graphic design services
  • Utility services for workspace operation
  • Maintenance and repair services for equipment

By cultivating strong relationships with suppliers and service providers, you can optimize your business operations and position your resin craft business for long-term success.

For more information, see How To Choose a Supplier.

16. Setting Prices

Benefits of Researching Pricing for a Resin Craft Business

Optimizing Sales and Profitability:

  • Researching pricing ensures competitive rates that attract customers without sacrificing profitability.

Avoiding Loss of Sales:

  • Setting prices too high may deter potential customers, resulting in lost sales opportunities.

Maintaining Profitability:

  • Conversely, pricing too low may attract customers but jeopardize profitability, making it challenging to cover expenses.

Achieving Market Alignment:

  • Finding the right balance aligns pricing with the current market while emphasizing the value proposition of your resin craft business.

See the following for more:

  • Setting the Price of Your Products and Services
  • Search Results for Pricing Strategies for a Resin Craft Business.

17. Physical Setup

Considerations for Resin Craft Business Layout:

  • Product Accessibility: Arrange products in a way that makes them easy for customers to browse and purchase.
  • Workspace Efficiency: Designate separate areas for resin crafting, packaging, and administrative tasks to streamline operations.
  • Safety Measures: Ensure adequate space and proper ventilation to minimize health hazards associated with resin materials.
  • Storage Solutions: Implement efficient storage solutions to manage inventory effectively and prevent clutter.

Setting Up Business Signs:

  • Main Business Sign: Install a prominent sign displaying your business name and logo to attract customers and enhance brand visibility.
  • Location Signage: Add signs to exits, restrooms, and specific areas to guide customers and improve navigation within your premises.
  • Professional Image: Well-designed signs convey professionalism and credibility, enhancing the overall impression of your business.

Managing Your Office Setup:

  • Time Management: Allocate dedicated time for managing administrative tasks to ensure the smooth operation of your business.
  • Productivity Boost: An organized office layout facilitates productivity by minimizing distractions and optimizing workflow.
  • Essential Equipment: Equip your office with necessary tools such as computers, printers, filing cabinets, and office supplies to support efficient business management.
  • Considerations for the Setup of Your Office
  • Considerations for Your Company Sign.

18. Creating a Website

A website is essential for your resin craft business, serving as the primary platform for showcasing products, services, and promotions.

Unlike social media accounts, a website provides full ownership and control when you host and register a domain name.

It doubles as a marketing tool, allowing you to blog about industry insights and offer valuable tips, fostering trust and positioning your business as an expert in the field.

For more, see How to Build a Website for Your Business .

19. Hiring Employees

Running a Resin Craft Business Solo vs. Hiring Employees

Running your resin craft business alone initially can help control costs, especially considering payroll expenses.

However, as your business grows, managing all aspects alone may become overwhelming, necessitating hiring employees.

Considerations When Hiring Employees:

  • Qualifications: Ensure candidates possess the necessary skills and experience for their respective roles.
  • Work Ethic: Look for individuals with strong work ethics who are dedicated and reliable.
  • Fit for the Job: Assess whether each new hire aligns with the specific requirements and demands of the position.

Job Positions or Outsourced Services to Consider:

  • Production Assistant: Assists with resin crafting and product assembly.
  • Customer Service Representative: Handles inquiries, orders, and resolves customer issues.
  • Marketing Specialist: Develops and implements marketing strategies to promote the business.
  • Accountant or Bookkeeper: Manages financial transactions, records, and tax preparation.
  • Website Developer: Builds and maintains the business website for online presence.
  • Graphic Designer: Creates visually appealing graphics for marketing materials and product packaging.
  • Shipping and Logistics Coordinator: Manages shipping processes and ensures timely delivery of orders.
  • Social Media Manager: Manages social media accounts, engages with followers, and runs advertising campaigns.
  • Legal Consultant: Provides legal advice and ensures compliance with regulations.
  • Cleaning and Maintenance Services: Ensures cleanliness and maintenance of workspace and equipment.

For more, see How and When to Hire a New Employee.

20. Getting Customers Through the Door

When you have reached this step, your business is set up and ready to go, with one more final step, which is important: getting customers through the door.

There are numerous ways to do this, like advertising, having a grand opening , word of mouth, etc.

The following sections will give you a few ideas to spark your creativity and draw attention to your new resin craft business.

In this step, we’ll cover the following sections:

a.) Marketing Considerations b.) The Market Can Guide You c.) Sample Ad Ideas d.) Joint Venture Ideas

Let’s dig a little deeper into the following sections.

a.) Marketing Considerations

Attracting Customers for Your Resin Craft Business

Ensuring a steady flow of customers is crucial for the success of your resin craft business.

Initially, attracting customers may be challenging as your business is new and lacks awareness.

However, building a positive reputation over time simplifies the process and enhances marketing effectiveness.

Continuous Marketing Efforts:

  • Ongoing Process: Marketing your resin craft business is a continuous effort that requires consistency and persistence.
  • Investment in Marketing: Allocate resources to effective marketing techniques to generate revenue and attract customers.

Simplified Marketing Approach:

  • Utilize Available Resources: You don’t always need a marketing agency or expert; leverage available resources and platforms to promote your business.
  • Focus on Awareness: Simplify your marketing process by focusing on raising awareness about your business whenever an opportunity arises.

Simple Methods to Promote Your Business:

  • Social Media Platforms: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your resin crafts and engage with potential customers.
  • Word-of-Mouth: Encourage satisfied customers to spread the word about your business to friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Local Events and Markets: Participate in local craft fairs, markets, or community events to showcase your products and connect with customers.
  • Online Marketplaces: List your products on online marketplaces such as Etsy or eBay to reach a broader audience of potential buyers.
  • Networking: Build relationships with other local businesses or artisans to cross-promote each other’s products and services.

See How To Get Customers Through the Door and our marketing section for ideas on promoting your business.

b.) The Market Can Guide You

Staying Aware of Customer Demand

Remaining attentive to customer preferences is crucial for the success of your resin craft business. While you may have a specific product or service in mind, it’s essential to recognize market demand for variations.

Ignoring signs of customer interest in alternative offerings could result in missed opportunities for business growth.

Market Responsiveness:

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Prioritize meeting the needs and preferences of your target market to maximize business potential.
  • Flexibility in Business Planning: While it’s essential to stay focused on your business vision, be open to adapting your offerings based on evolving market trends and demands.

Opportunities for Business Growth:

  • Recognizing Signs: When market indicators consistently point towards customer demand for certain variations, consider reevaluating your business strategy to capitalize on opportunities for expansion.
  • Balancing Vision and Market Feedback: While maintaining a clear business vision is crucial, integrating market feedback can lead to enhanced business outcomes and increased profitability.

c.) Sample Ad Ideas

Headline: Elevate Your Space with Stunning Resin Creations!

Unleash your creativity with our exquisite resin crafts. Shop now for unique home decor pieces that will elevate any room!

Headline: Discover Artistic Resin Masterpieces for Your Home!

Transform your living space with our handcrafted resin art. Explore our collection of stunning tabletop decor and wall hangings today!

Headline: Add a Touch of Elegance to Your Home with Resin Art!

Upgrade your home decor with our elegant resin creations. Browse our selection of stylish coasters, trays, and more!

Headline: Bring Your Vision to Life with Custom Resin Designs!

Create your dream decor with our customizable resin products. From personalized coasters to bespoke jewelry, we bring your ideas to reality!

Headline: Explore the Beauty of Resin Crafts for Every Occasion!

Celebrate life’s special moments with our exquisite resin gifts. Discover unique pieces for weddings, birthdays, and more!

d.) Joint Venture Ideas

Potential Joint Venture Partners for a Resin Craft Business

Forming strategic joint ventures can be mutually beneficial for expanding market reach and enhancing business opportunities.

Here are some businesses that a resin craft business owner could approach for potential joint ventures:

Home Decor Stores:

  • Collaborate with home decor retailers to feature resin craft products in their stores, expanding your customer base and increasing product visibility.

Art Galleries and Studios:

  • Partner with art galleries or studios to showcase resin art pieces alongside other artistic creations, attracting art enthusiasts and collectors.

Interior Designers:

  • Team up with interior designers to incorporate custom resin pieces into their design projects, offering unique and personalized decor solutions to clients.

Gift Shops:

  • Establish partnerships with gift shops to sell resin craft items as exclusive or complementary products, catering to gift buyers and special occasion shoppers.

Craft Supply Stores:

  • Collaborate with craft supply stores to offer resin crafting workshops or supply resin materials and tools, tapping into the DIY crafting community.

Event Planners:

  • Work with event planners to provide custom resin favors or decorations for weddings, parties, and corporate events, adding a touch of elegance and uniqueness to celebrations.

Online Marketplaces:

  • Explore joint ventures with online marketplaces such as Etsy or Amazon Handmade to showcase and sell resin craft products to a broader audience of online shoppers.

Furniture Manufacturers:

  • Partner with furniture manufacturers to incorporate resin elements into furniture designs, creating one-of-a-kind pieces that blend craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics.

Fashion Boutiques:

  • Collaborate with fashion boutiques to offer resin jewelry collections or accessories, diversifying product offerings and appealing to fashion-forward consumers.

Artisanal Cafes and Restaurants:

  • Establish partnerships with artisanal cafes or restaurants to display and sell resin art pieces, adding visual interest and artistic flair to dining spaces.

Approaching these businesses with a well-thought-out proposal outlining the mutual benefits of a joint venture can lead to fruitful collaborations and long-term partnerships.

Also see How To Create A Joint Venture

Points To Consider

Next, for your resin craft business, let’s review essential points to consider

We will cover sections, including tips to improve the setup of your resin craft business, equipment, alternatives to starting from scratch, and more.

After that, you’ll reach the “Knowledge Is Power,” section, where you can access resources to external information.

Key Points to Succeed in a Resin Craft Business

Critical Points to Succeed in the Setup Phase of a Resin Craft Business:

  • Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify target demographics, assess competition, and understand market trends and demands.
  • Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your business goals, target market, product offerings, pricing strategy, and financial projections.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with all legal requirements, including business registration, permits, licenses, and tax obligations.
  • Supplier Partnerships: Establish reliable supplier relationships to secure quality materials and equipment needed for resin crafting.
  • Workspace Setup: Create an efficient and well-equipped workspace with adequate ventilation, storage solutions, and safety measures in place for resin crafting.
  • Brand Identity: Define your brand identity through compelling branding elements such as a logo, website, and marketing materials to establish a strong brand presence.
  • Initial Marketing: Implement targeted marketing strategies to build awareness of your resin craft business, including social media promotion, local networking, and participation in craft fairs or markets.
  • Financial Management: Set up proper accounting systems and budgeting processes to manage finances effectively and ensure sustainable growth.
  • Customer Engagement: Develop customer engagement strategies to attract and retain customers, such as offering promotions, discounts, and loyalty programs .

Critical Points to Succeed When Your Resin Craft Business is in the Operation Phase:

  • Quality Control: Maintain high standards of product quality through rigorous quality control processes to uphold customer satisfaction and brand reputation.
  • Inventory Management: Implement efficient inventory management practices to optimize stock levels, minimize wastage, and ensure timely replenishment of materials.
  • Customer Service: Prioritize exceptional customer service to address inquiries, resolve issues promptly, and foster positive customer experiences.
  • Staffing: Hire and train qualified staff members who align with your business values and goals to ensure smooth operations and uphold service standards.
  • Employee Turnover: Develop strategies to mitigate employee turnover by offering competitive wages, providing opportunities for growth and advancement, and fostering a positive work environment.
  • Operational Efficiency: Continuously review and streamline operational processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and maximize productivity.
  • Adaptability: Stay adaptable to changing market dynamics, emerging trends, and customer preferences to remain competitive and responsive to market demands.
  • Continuous Improvement: Seek feedback from customers and employees to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies for continuous business growth and development.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with the local community through outreach initiatives, sponsorships, and partnerships to enhance brand visibility and foster community goodwill.

Ideas to Make a Resin Craft Business Stand Out:

  • Unique Product Designs: Offer a diverse range of unique and innovative resin craft products that differentiate your business from competitors. Experiment with different colors, textures, and techniques to create one-of-a-kind pieces.
  • Customization Options: Provide customization services to allow customers to personalize resin crafts according to their preferences. Offer options such as custom colors, shapes, and designs to cater to individual tastes and needs.
  • Artistic Collaborations: Collaborate with local artists or designers to create exclusive resin art collections that combine artistic creativity with craftsmanship. Partnering with renowned artists can enhance the prestige and appeal of your products.
  • Sustainability Focus: Emphasize sustainability by using eco-friendly resin materials and incorporating recycled or upcycled elements into your craft designs. Highlight your commitment to environmental responsibility to attract environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Interactive Workshops: Host resin crafting workshops or classes where customers can learn the art of resin crafting firsthand. Provide hands-on instruction and guidance to participants, fostering community engagement and creating memorable experiences.
  • Online Presence: Establish a strong online presence through a professional website and active social media profiles to showcase your resin craft products and engage with customers. Utilize visually appealing content and storytelling to captivate audiences and build brand awareness.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: Prioritize excellent customer service by offering personalized assistance, prompt responses to inquiries, and hassle-free shopping experiences. Make customer satisfaction a top priority to foster loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Innovative Marketing: Implement creative marketing strategies such as influencer partnerships, viral challenges, or experiential marketing events to generate buzz and attract attention to your resin craft business. Think outside the box to capture the interest of your target audience and differentiate your brand from competitors.

Ideas for Add-ons for a Resin Craft Business:

  • Resin Craft Kits: Offer DIY resin craft kits containing all the materials and instructions needed for customers to create their own resin art projects at home.
  • Resin Craft Supplies: Sell a selection of high-quality resin materials, tools, and accessories for enthusiasts and professionals to purchase separately for their crafting needs.
  • Resin Jewelry Components: Provide a range of resin jewelry findings, such as bezels, molds, and charms, for jewelry makers to incorporate into their designs.
  • Resin Craft Workshops: Host specialized workshops or masterclasses focused on specific resin crafting techniques or project ideas, catering to both beginners and experienced crafters.
  • Custom Resin Casting Services: Offer custom resin casting services for customers who have unique design ideas but lack the equipment or expertise to execute them independently.
  • Resin Art Commissions: Accept commissions for custom resin art pieces tailored to individual preferences and specifications, such as personalized home decor or corporate gifts.
  • Resin Craft Subscription Boxes: Curate monthly or quarterly subscription boxes featuring curated resin craft supplies, project ideas, and exclusive perks for subscribers to enjoy.

Hours of Operation:

A resin craft business may consider operating during typical business hours, such as 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday, and potentially extending hours into the evening or weekends to accommodate customer schedules.

Adjustments to hours may depend on factors like location, target market, and demand for evening or weekend workshops or events.

Equipment and Supplies

A List of Equipment and Supplies to Consider for a Resin Craft Business:

  • Resin and Hardener: Essential components for creating resin crafts, available in various types and formulations for different applications.
  • Mixing Containers: Containers or cups for accurately measuring and mixing resin and hardener in the correct ratios.
  • Mixing Tools: Stirring sticks or mixing wands to thoroughly blend resin and hardener without introducing air bubbles.
  • Molds: Silicone molds or casting molds in different shapes and sizes for creating resin craft pieces.
  • Release Agents: Substances such as mold release spray or powder to prevent resin from sticking to molds.
  • Safety Equipment: Personal protective equipment including gloves, safety goggles, and a respirator to protect against resin fumes and skin contact.
  • Ventilation System: Proper ventilation system or respirator to minimize exposure to resin fumes and ensure a safe working environment.
  • Curing Equipment: UV lamp, heat gun, or curing box for curing resin and accelerating the curing process.
  • Measuring Instruments: Graduated measuring cups, scales, or syringes for precise measurement of resin and hardener.
  • Surface Preparation Tools: Sandpaper, sanding blocks, or polishing compounds for sanding and finishing resin surfaces.
  • Colorants and Additives: Pigments, dyes, or additives for coloring resin and creating special effects.
  • Storage Solutions: Shelving units, storage containers, or cabinets for organizing and storing resin craft supplies and finished products.
  • Workstation Setup: Worktables or benches with smooth, flat surfaces for pouring and working with resin.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Solvents, alcohol wipes, or cleaning agents for cleaning tools, molds, and work surfaces.
  • Labeling and Packaging Materials: Labels, packaging materials, and branding materials for labeling and packaging finished resin craft products.
  • Quality Control Tools: Magnifying glass, calipers, or inspection tools for inspecting and ensuring the quality of finished resin craft pieces.

See the latest search results for resin craft equipment.

It’s crucial to focus on your skill set when considering running a resin craft business because your abilities directly impact the quality of your products, customer satisfaction, and overall success.

Evaluating whether you possess the necessary skills allows you to identify areas where improvement or assistance may be needed.

If lacking a particular skill, options include acquiring it through training or education, or hiring someone with expertise in that area to complement your strengths.

Essential Skills for a Resin Craft Business Owner:

  • Resin Crafting Techniques: Proficiency in various resin crafting techniques such as pouring, molding, casting, and finishing.
  • Creativity: Ability to generate unique and innovative ideas for resin craft designs and products.
  • Attention to Detail: Precision and meticulousness in mixing resin, pouring molds, and finishing surfaces to ensure high-quality results.
  • Problem-Solving: Aptitude for troubleshooting and finding solutions to challenges encountered during the crafting process.
  • Business Management: Basic knowledge of business principles, including budgeting, inventory management, and customer service.
  • Marketing: Understanding of marketing strategies to promote the business, attract customers, and drive sales.
  • Time Management: Effective time management skills to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and maximize productivity.
  • Customer Relations: Strong interpersonal skills for engaging with customers, addressing inquiries, and resolving issues professionally.
  • Safety Awareness: Awareness of safety precautions and best practices to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.
  • Continuous Learning: Willingness to stay updated on industry trends, new techniques, and innovations in resin crafting.

For more, see The Essential Skills To Run a Business


Being familiar with the terminology in your industry is a must. You can pick it up as you gain more experience.

For now, you can see the list below to get you started.

  • Resin: A viscous liquid compound used as the primary material for creating resin crafts.
  • Hardener: A chemical agent mixed with resin to initiate the curing process, transforming the resin from a liquid to a solid state.
  • Curing: The process of hardening or solidifying resin through chemical reaction with the hardener, often facilitated by heat, UV light, or time.
  • Casting: Pouring resin into molds to create three-dimensional objects or shapes.
  • Mold: A container or form used to shape and contain resin during the casting process, available in various materials and designs.
  • Demolding: Removing cured resin pieces from molds after they have fully cured and hardened.
  • Epoxy Resin: A type of resin commonly used in crafting due to its clarity, strength, and versatility.
  • Polyester Resin: Another type of resin used in crafting, known for its affordability and fast curing time.
  • UV Resin: Resin that cures rapidly when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, commonly used for small-scale projects and jewelry making.
  • Pigment: Colorants added to resin to achieve desired hues and shades, available in liquid or powder form.
  • Dye: Concentrated colorants used to tint resin, providing transparent or translucent color effects.
  • Inclusions: Objects or materials embedded within resin crafts for decorative or artistic purposes, such as dried flowers, glitter, or metallic flakes.
  • Embedding: Placing objects or materials within resin molds before pouring resin to create embedded designs or patterns.
  • Bubble Release: Techniques used to remove air bubbles trapped in resin during mixing or pouring, ensuring a smooth and bubble-free finish.
  • Curing Time: The duration required for resin to fully harden and cure, influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and resin type.
  • Finish: The final surface appearance of cured resin, which may be glossy, matte, or textured depending on finishing techniques and additives.
  • Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Document providing information on the safe handling, storage, and disposal of resin products, including potential hazards and precautions.
  • Flash Point: The temperature at which resin emits flammable vapors, important for safety considerations when working with resin and solvents.
  • Resin Art: Artistic creations made using resin as the primary medium, encompassing a wide range of styles and techniques.

Knowledge Is Power if You Use It!

There are many sources of information to increase your knowledge for starting and running a resin craft business.

The good news is that the sections below lead to material, and I have made it easy for you by providing links to Search Results.

You don’t have to focus on what to look for; instead, click the links that interest you and explore the search results that can deliver a wealth of information.

Buyer Guides

See the latest search results for resin craft buyer guides.

Business For Sale

See latest search results for a resin craft business for sale and others in the same category. See our article on performing due diligence for buying a business if you find something promising.

Franchise Opportunities Related to a Resin Craft Business

See the latest search results for franchise opportunities related to this industry. You can also look into information to give you an overview of owning and operating a franchise.

Trends and Statistics

See the latest search results for trends and statistics related to the resin craft industry.

The Top Resin Craft Companies

See the latest search results for the top resin craft companies.

Customer Expectations

See the search results related to customer expectations for resin crafts.

Tips for Resin Craft

See the latest search results for resin crafts to gain tips and insights.

Tips for Running a Resin Craft Business

See the latest search results about insights into running a resin craft business.

What to Avoid When Running a Resin Craft Business

See the latest search results about mistakes to avoid in your resin craft business.

Interviews With Resin Craft Business Owners

See the latest search results for interviews with resin craft business owners.

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11 Essential Steps to Start a Successful Resin Art Business

If you’re reading this, it is very likely that you love creating resin art and would like to learn how to turn it into something profitable . But, on the other hand, maybe you’re new to resin art or looking for a side hustle or ways to make some extra money and stumbled across a resin business by accident. 

Whatever the case might be, you’re probably at the point where you are asking yourself a bunch of questions like whether it is possible to turn resin art into a profitable business . Is starting a resin business worth it? Is there a market for resin art? 

And the answer to all of these questions is a resounding yes. Not only is it possible, but it is also not as difficult as you might think. 

To turn your hobby or love for resin art into a successful and thriving long-term business you’ll need a combination of three things—a little business planning , a whole lot of marketing , and most importantly, the ability to create art pieces that resonate with people . If you’re a bit lost and all of this sounds a bit overwhelming, don’t worry we’ve got you covered! 

To kickstart your resin art career, we’ve compiled a list of some helpful tips that you can use to start your resin art business and set it up for success . In this article, we’ll answer the question: how to start a resin art business? 

We’ll talk you through all the steps that you’ll need, from the planning phase to setting up shop and even making your very first sale online. These easy-to-follow steps can take you from an employee to a business owner in a matter of weeks. 

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!

1. Plan It All Out 

resin art business plan

Like any business, planning is the first step to starting a resin business. This is probably the most important step that will determine the success of your business. This is also the step that most people tend to either overlook or that they don’t pay much attention to. 

However, it is crucial for any business to go through the first phase where you plan everything out. And by everything we mean EVERYTHING! Think of this phase as the foundation or blueprint of your business. Here you will define everything from your business idea to your business and financial goals, your branding, your measurements of success, etc. Though this part might be a bit time-consuming, there’s no need for it to be complicated. 

There are a lot of very helpful resources online that can help you to draw up a pretty professional and neat business plan that you can hold on to and follow during the different growth phases of your business. 

Some websites even offer free printables that you can print, fill in, and then file. This really takes the guessing work out of business planning and will set your resin art business up for success. 

2. Research the Market

Next, you’ll have to do some market research . 

The field of resin art is very broad and can range from anything like furniture to something as intricate as handmade jewelry or keychains. Take some time to research other people or businesses that have found success in selling resin art products. 

resin art furniture brown wood coffee table

What are they selling? How many people are selling the same product? Is the market saturated or is there a shortage? Are there any gaps in the market?

Gathering all of this information is very important and will help you come up with some g ood resin business ideas . You’ll want to find the sweet spot between something that has high demand , but where the market is not already over-saturated – meaning there’s not a lot of competition. 

For example, resin keychains are one of the most saturated markets in the world of resin art. This means that there’s a lot of competition from businesses that have already established their brand – which can be hard to compete against. 

Home decor items, on the other hand, are a market that is less tapped into, with high demand! This makes products like resin coasters or cutting boards an easier market to get into.

Don’t be afraid to let your mind wander a bit! Try to incorporate something that you love or that inspires or interests you into your artwork. Be creative! The sky is your limit… 

Tip: A good market to always look into is weddings. People love the idea of having a unique wedding that leaves guests with a lasting impression. If you can find a way to display your resin art pieces, or decor in this scenario, in a way that is elegant and romantic, you might just be able to make this your niche. 

In this scenario, there’s no need to limit yourself to only the wedding decor.  You can create thank you gifts for the guests or even make a memorable art piece from the bride’s bouquet. The possibilities are truly limitless! 

That brings us to our next step; to find your niche !

3. Find Your Business’s Niche

We’ve all heard the phrase “ find your niche ,” but what does that mean? Simply put, to find your niche means to find a product or service that you can sell to a small group of people with the same needs or interests . 

By finding a niche for your business, you can target customers who would be interested in buying products from you. 

Resin Art cutting board

For example, if you make resin jewelry, your main audience may be young women between the ages of 20-30 years old. This means that any marketing materials or content should focus on this type of person: their interests, goals in life, etc. This will allow you to market more effectively, which will lead to more sales.  

Now that we know what a niche is and how it works to help us reach our target audience , it’s important to know what kind of resin art sells the most. Let’s look at some good niches for starting a new resin art business:

  • Handmade Jewelry
  • Customized decor items (i.e., wall hangings or coasters)
  • Unique sculptures

As a next step, it’s important for you to actually choose the products that you are going to be creating and selling. This is an important step in starting your business. 

You want to pick a product that you’re good at and enjoy creating , but also one that will appeal to customers . It’s also helpful if the product is popular and in demand . 

Selecting a variety of sizes and colors will also make it easier for customers to find what they need, which means more sales for you!

Tip: Don’t discard a resin art business where the “product” that you offer is actually a service. 

If you are very skilled at resin art, why not consider a resin business where you teach your hard-earned skills to people who would like to learn them? Offering resin art classes in-person or online on platforms like Youtube, Patreon, or Skillshare can be very profitable . They are also high in demand!

Another avenue to consider is doing commissioned pieces . The biggest plus here is that you know that you already have a buyer for the product that you are creating. But the downside is that you might end up creating art that you do not enjoy! 

4. Get To Know Your Target Market

After understanding your products and what you offer, it’s time to start finding the right market for it.

Next, you’ll need to identify your target customer or audience . This is a marketing term you’ll hear time and time again, and that’s because it’s so important! 

Resin Art marketing

When you figure out what your ideal client is like (the person most likely to buy your work), you’ll start to understand how you can promote your pieces more effectively . 

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to help you understand and find your target customer:

  • What age group would your art appeal to?
  • What income level can afford your pieces? Are they meant to be collectors’ items, or can anyone afford them?
  • What are your client’s goals, and how can your art help to achieve these goals?
  • Where do your customers buy art? Online? At a market? Or somewhere else?
  • Where do your buyers live, hang out, or travel?
  • Do your buyers have any hobbies?
  • Is there a connection between your art and your buyers?
  • Who is your competition (selling similar art pieces), and how is their work priced?
  • What kind of marketing would be the most effective (social media/ email/ word of mouth?)

The answers to these questions will give you a better idea of who you will make your art for. Marketing directly to your target audience will save you a lot of time and money and it will also lead to more sales. 

5. Create Your Inventory

making resin art pink coasters

Now that you’ve decided on the products you will sell, it’s time to create your inventory!

To start off, it might not be wise to have too many products. A better option might be to dip your toe into the water and first test the waters. By this, we mean that it might be better to have about 10-15 pieces ready to sell and then see which products are higher in demand. 

More often than not, clients are full of surprises and tend to like the pieces that we think very little of. That’s why it’s wise to first get an idea of what your clients are actually buying. 

6. Price Your Work for Profit

Pricing artwork is one of the things that most artists struggle with. And figuring out how to make a profit can be even harder. But that’s the goal of starting a business, right? To make a living from it. 

Success all comes down to your business strategy, and a great deal can be attributed to how you price your art . So how do you price your art? Is there a general rule of thumb? A recipe to follow? 

Unfortunately not, but there are some guidelines that you can follow to price your art for success. Firstly, it’s essential to know your costs and to ensure that your price covers all your expenses. It’s important to include your time, materials, and shipping. 

If you are renting a space to display your work or where you create your work, it’s essential to include this expense as well. 

start resin business profit and loss

For your time, decide on a reasonable hourly wage that you would feel comfortable with and work it backward. The US Department of Labor lists the average hourly wage for fine artists as $33.18. Use this number as an estimate for your hourly wage. 

You can also use some of the popular art pricing formulas to price your work. You can find the art pricing formulas with a simple Google search. There are also a lot of Youtube videos from some remarkable artists online that give some helpful tips and formulas for how they price their art. 

Factors that might come into play when selecting a pricing model for your art are the size of your work, the labor time and costs , or your skill level . 

However, no matter what pricing formula you choose just make sure that it is geared for a profit and that your pricing is consistent for all your art pieces. Don’t undersell yourself!

Tip: If you are still unsure about how to price your resin art, look at what your competitors are asking for their art and use that as a reference. 

7. Assemble Your Supplies

resin art supplies

With resin art, your supplies will vary depending on your chosen niche. However, regardless of the style or niche you choose, you’ll likely need:

  • A mold/molds
  • A mold release
  • Casting resin 
  • Mixing cups
  • Safety gloves
  • Protective glasses
  • Stirring utensils
  • A heat gun or blow torch (to remove bubbles)
  • Resin colorants (for bright and vibrant colors)

Also, be sure to work on a flat surface in a well-ventilated area . The fumes of the resin can get quite intense! It’s also important to remember that you will be working with chemicals, so it’s always wise to check the safety requirements of the chemicals that you will be working with. 

8. Set up Shop

Finally! The step that we’ve all been waiting for – setting up shop! 

We highly recommend selling your art online in stores like Resin Creator Market, Shopify, Amazon Handmade, or Etsy. 

opening Resin Art business

Though we won’t be able to advise on which one is right for you, many resources are available on all of these platforms to help you choose the right option. However, each has unique features and limitations, and it’s essential to consider where your business is heading before selecting an option. 

If you would like to have a physical shop, the most important factor to consider is location . You want to find a place that has good visibility and access to customers as well as safety and security. If your shop will also be your studio, your workspace will also need appropriate ventilation to keep you from inhaling all the fumes.

Another factor to consider is lighting! Select a place that is well-lit so that you and your customers can view the pieces properly. 

If none of these criteria are met in any given space, don’t be afraid to look around until one does meet them all!

9. Take a Lot of Photos!

When you’re starting out, you’ll want to take a lot of photos of your work to post on your new website and on all of your social accounts . 

You need to be able to show potential customers and buyers what they’re buying into: The product itself, as well as the story behind it. What better way than through images? Maybe even include a few video clips of your art space and how you create your pieces. It’s all about building trust and relationships with your clients!

Resin Art product photo

Tip: Since photos are supposed to be representing your art online, you have to ensure the photos are a good representation of the art that you’re selling. It’s important to have good lighting to ensure that the picture is well-lit and clear. 

Try taking photos from different angles to get an interesting composition. 

10. Build Your Social Networks

Not only do you need a website, but you will also need a social media presence.

Social networks are a great way to build your resin art business. You can use them to promote your work, find customers, connect with other resin artists, and find inspiration.

In the early stages of your resin art career, you might not have much more than a basic social media presence. But that’s okay! A little bit goes a long way in terms of making connections and getting your name out there. 

Resin creation social media

Just remember that if you want people to follow you on social media (and trust me – you do), then it’s important to post regularly and interact with people who like or comment on posts from time to time.

11. Get the Word Out

Today it is nearly impossible for your business to take off without an online presence. And yes, this includes marketing! 

In fact, this includes marketing on social media platforms- which is the leading marketing platform in this day and age. It’s not necessary to market on ALL social platforms, but it is important to think about what audience you’d like to appeal to (your target audience) and focus on these platforms.

Tip: Select two or three social platforms, based on where your target audience spends most of their time, and focus on marketing your work there. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest are all good options for marketing.  

Remember to be real and transparent with your audience. Customers tend to be more willing to buy a product when they not only find a piece that resonates with them but also when they feel connected to the artists. Tell a story with your art. Maybe give the backstory of where your love for resin art began or what inspired you to create the piece. 

The biggest advantage that small businesses have is interpersonal connection – use this to your advantage!

Tip: Ensure that you have a cohesive online presence. Think about what branding colors you think would fit your brand and stick to them. 

Pick a resin business name and decide on a logo and the tone of voice you’d like to communicate in. Will you be informative? Energetic? Transparent? These are all things to consider when deciding on how you are going to market your products. 

Final Thoughts

As with any business, there’s a lot of work to do and some risk involved. Starting a resin art business will take time, planning, effort, and dedication. 

But if you have a good product and are willing to put in the time and effort, resin art can be a rewarding way to make money. If you do decide to start your own resin art business, we hope that this article will help ease the process. 

If you’ve enjoyed the article, feel free to share it with your fellow resin art enthusiasts. 

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How To Start a Resin Art Business at Home: A Beginners Guide

For those of you who love creating resin art, have you considered turning your passion into a profitable business? Starting a resin art business from home is a great way to monetize your creativity and share your unique art pieces with others.

Whether you’re a beginner or have experience with resin art, our beginner’s guide will walk you through the steps to start your own home-based resin art business and make it successful.

But Firstly – What Is Resin?

Resin is a two-component mixture that involves mixing liquid resin (an opaque liquid plastic) and a liquid hardener. Mixing these two components leads to a chemical reaction that causes the mixture to harden or cure. Usually, the mixture will harden within 24 to 72 hours.

Resin is non-toxic, durable, lustrous, and waterproof after it has dried. But dealing with it can be dangerous without the proper safety equipment, so it’s important to always be safety-first when creating your resin pieces.

Different resins are available, with the main ones being:

  • Epoxy resin
  • Polyester resin
  • Polyurethane resin

Epoxy resin is the most commonly used in art because it has a high gloss finish, is durable, and is easy to work with.

Here’s where you can find out more about resin , what it is and how it works.

What Is Resin Art?

Resin art is a form of arts and crafts that uses resin as its base material. Creating resin art can involve different methods, such as pouring, layering, casting, and more. Many artists also create resin art in combination with other materials such as wood, acrylic paints, and pigments.

You can pour the resin into molds with decorations like dried flowers or shells or mixed with paint or ink to produce vibrant patterns and designs. You can also pour resin over paintings to create a protective coating that is thick and glossy.

Resin is versatile, so you can use it to create a wide variety of art forms. Functional products like jewellery, home décor, and abstract paintings all form part of resin art. Artists use resin to create various effects, such as a glossy finish, encapsulation of objects, or a layered, three-dimensional look.

It’s important to note that working with resin can be tricky and messy and requires proper ventilation and safety precautions such as gloves, a mask, and a well-ventilated area.

Resin Art Business

Resin Art Business Ideas

Here’s some different ways you can use resin art to create unique art pieces and business opportunities….

Given that resin is such a versatile material, this opens up a lot of exciting and creative business opportunities to try from home.

From creating abstract resin art paintings with fluid art, geode, or marbled effects to jewellery making with unique and one-of-a-kind pieces like pendants, earrings, bracelets, resin keychains, and rings, the possibilities are endless.

You can also use resin to create three-dimensional sculptures, figurines, other objects, and decorative items for the home, such as resin coasters , bookends, candle holders, and vases.

Another option is incorporating resin into custom furniture such as tables, chairs, and other pieces. You can also offer custom orders and commissions for personalized pieces or sell your work in bulk to retail stores or other businesses for a wider reach and steady income.

Experienced resin artists can even create online classes and tutorials to teach others the technique and skills involved.

These are just a few examples of the many types of resin businesses you can start. The best idea for you will depend on your interests, skills, and resources. Have fun with this, and remember to be creative and think outside the box 🙂

How To Start Your Own Resin Art Business

Starting a resin art business can be a great way to turn your passion for art and resin into a profitable venture. However, knowing where to start and even what to consider when starting from scratch can be daunting.

We’ve compiled a list of the most important things to do when starting a resin art business to ease you into the process. These steps will also help make the goal of becoming a profitable resin artist seem more realistic, achievable, and less frightening.

8 Steps to Start Your Own Resin Art Business

Here are a few steps you can take to get your resin art business up and running:

Step #1 – Develop your Skills

Before you can start a resin business, you need to have a solid understanding of resin art and the skills necessary to create high-quality products for your clients. This may involve taking classes, reading books, or experimenting with different techniques.

It’s also important to keep up with the latest resin art trends and stay informed about new products and techniques. Practice working with resin as much as possible to perfect your technique and create a portfolio of your work to showcase to potential customers.

Step #2 – Research the Market

Researching the market is essential in your resin art business. Not only will it give you an idea of what types of resin art are popular, who your target market is, and what your competitors are charging for their work, but it will also help you to identify any gaps in the market.

Step #3 – Create a Business Plan

After you’ve mastered the skills and technique that goes into creating resin art and doing your homework on market research, it’s time to start planning your business.

Every business needs a business plan to direct the course of the business.

A business plan will help you outline your goals, identify your target market, and develop a marketing strategy.

This will also help you understand the costs of starting your business, such as materials and equipment, and how much you need to charge for your products. Consider your overhead costs, projected income, and how you fund your business.

Step #4 – Obtain Any Necessary Licenses and Permits

Check with your local government to determine what licenses and permits you will need to operate your business legally .

Step #5 – Get the Right Equipment and Materials

Starting a resin art business will require some investment in equipment and materials. Basic resin art materials include resin, pigments, molds, and tools such as cups, stir sticks, and gloves.

Depending on your products, you may also need additional equipment, such as heat guns and UV lamps. Do your research and invest in high-quality materials to ensure that your products are of a professional standard from the get-go.

Step #6 – Set Up Your Workspace

You will need a well-ventilated area to work with resin, which can give off fumes. You will also need a workspace to store and organize your supplies. This is especially important if you’re a mum and have young kids at home. Make sure these supplies are stored away safely and away from little fingers.

Step #7 – Build Your Brand

A strong brand is essential for any business, and your resin art business is no exception. Your brand should reflect your unique style and aesthetic and be consistent across all your marketing platforms.

From your logo and website to your business cards and social media profiles, your branding should reflect your personality and style and attract your target audience.

Step #8 – Market and Sell Your Products

Once your business is up and running, it’s essential to market your products effectively. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great ways to connect with potential customers, showcase your work, or offer promotions or sales.

Online marketplaces like Etsy or Amazon Handmade are also great options for reaching a wider audience. Note that most of these platforms will take a cut from your sales, so be sure to incorporate that into your selling price.

Setting up a website and social media accounts will help you promote your business and connect with potential customers.

Step #9 – Continuously Improve and Adapt

Starting a business is a continuous learning process. Monitor the market trends and customer feedback, and adapt your business accordingly.

Following these steps, you can start building a successful resin art business from home.

Starting a business takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent.

Also, allow yourself the time to figure things out and find your unique art style.

Resin Art Business Ideas

What Equipment Do I Need To Start My Own Resin Art Business?

Like all businesses, you’ll need some supplies to get started. To start creating resin art for your business, you will need the following materials:

  • Resin: This is the star of the show, and you’ll want to make sure you have plenty of it on hand. Try different brands and types to find your favourite. Epoxy resin is the most popular choice among artists, thanks to its versatility.
  • Mixing cups and stir sticks: You’ll use these to mix the resin and hardener together. Make sure they’re clean and dry to avoid any contamination. Consider using disposable cups and have a separate cup for each colour you plan to mix.
  • Tools: You may need extra tools like plastic or silicone palette knives, heat guns, silicone moulds, and plastic wraps to shape and manipulate your resin art.
  • Protective gear : Resin art can get messy, so put on some disposable gloves and a respirator mask to keep your skin and lungs safe from fumes.
  • Pigments and other fun additions: To add colour and texture to your pieces, use pigments, inks, mica powders, glitters, and other materials. Including unique elements like these can set your art apart from others and make it truly special.

With these supplies in hand, you’re ready to dive into the world of resin art and start creating stunning pieces for your business.

How Much Does It Cost To Start a Successful Resin Art Business?

Starting a resin art business can be as affordable or as costly as you make it. If you’re just starting out, you might want to keep it simple and then expand as your business grows . Or you can start as a side hustle, work with a limited budget, and invest more as your profits increase .

The most significant expense when starting a resin art business will be the cost of materials like resin, pigments, and other additives. While buying resin in bulk can reduce the cost per unit, the initial investment can still be substantial.

Other overhead costs can include rent and utilities for your workspace, business licenses and permits, and a website to promote and sell your work.

Just remember that starting a business takes time and effort, and it may take a while to see significant returns on your investment. The key is to start small, focus on improving your skills, building your customer base, and gradually expanding your revenue streams.

Where Can I Sell My Resin Art?

There are many options for selling resin art. Online marketplaces such as Etsy, Amazon Handmade, Redbubble, Resin Creator Market , and Society6 are popular platforms for selling handmade items. These websites have a very large audience, reasonable fees and commissions, and an intuitive user interface.

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook can also be a great way to connect with potential customers and sell your work using appropriate shopping tags and links.

Your own website can also be a good option, which will give you more control over your brand and prices and allow you to showcase your work in a personalized way.

Then you have local art fairs and markets where you can sell your work in person. This can help you reach new customers and increase exposure for your brand. You can also reach out to local art galleries to display your work and reach a wider audience.

The right place to sell your work will depend on your goals, target market, and the type of art you create. We recommend using a variety of platforms to sell your work, as it helps to reach a wider audience and diversify your income streams.

Are You Ready To Start Your Own Resin Art Business?

Resin art is a versatile and durable medium that has gained immense popularity in recent years, providing endless possibilities for artists to showcase their unique styles and techniques. To ensure success, it is crucial to invest time and effort into improving your skills, marketing strategies, and persistence.

With determination and patience, you can turn your love for resin art into a thriving business. So why not take the leap and see where your artistic journey with resin will take you? And if you’ve started creating your own resin art, comment below and let us know what you’re making 🙂

Leandri Vermaak Resin Art

Leandri Vermaak is a stay-at-home mum, freelance writer, and part-time resin artist. She left behind her career as a Chemical Engineer to become an artist and a writer. Leandri is passionate about parenthood and working from home to support her kids.

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Home / Business / How to Start a Resin Business


How to Start a Resin Business

Last modified on: March 4th, 2024

Creating beautiful objects using resin can go from being a fun hobby to being a lucrative side gig with just a few minor adjustments. You’ll need to create the right pieces, manage your costs, and promote your business.

Do you love working with resin and want to earn money selling the pieces you create? Read this article to learn how!

How a Resin Business Works

How much is the resin business industry worth, how much revenue does a resin business generate, should you start a resin business, what do you need to start a resin business, how much do you need to invest in a resin business, how can you start a resin business, how do resin business owners pay themselves, how should you price resin products, do you need a license for a resin business.

Epoxy resin is a versatile material that can create a wide range of decorative and useful items. The resin may be poured into a frame or mould, with inks and embedded materials adding design elements, and the result could be breathtaking wall art, a gorgeous pair of earrings, a set of coasters, or anything you can dream of.

For most people in the business, working with resin begins as a hobby. It’s easy to acquire the needed materials and start practicing. After a short time, working with resin becomes natural, and your design aesthetic takes over.

When you decide to expand your interest in resin art to include selling what you create (even if it will just be a side hustle), you’ll need to begin approaching your favourite pastime in a whole new way. You’ll have to take care of small business basics: creating inventory, promoting your products, and making sales . Each of those activities brings its challenges, but we’ll cover everything you need to do to get your resin business off the ground. 

A quick survey of resin items for sale on sites like Amazon, Etsy, Poshmark, and Facebook Marketplace reveals how active the market is and how much money is being made. Many people want resin art, and high demand has driven prices up. Analysts predict that, by 2027, the resin market will generate $10.3 billion.

Resin business revenue depends on many factors, including the type of resin items you’re selling, how well you minimize costs, and how you go about promoting your business. Assuming you create an in-demand item and sell everything you produce, the only thing limiting your revenue will be the number of pieces you can make.

You may come up with a hot earring design, for example, with pairs selling as fast as you can make them. With production at peak efficiency, you might create 100 pairs per month. Producing 1,200 pairs in a year and selling them at $10 per pair, you’d have annual revenue of $12,000.

Your large-scale resin wall art may catch the eye of a few local business owners and art lovers. A $500 price tag per piece would offset production costs nicely, and with just ten sales, you would pull in $5K in revenue.

These are first-year numbers we’re talking about. Your business can quickly gain momentum as you discover new, high-demand items to create, cut production costs, and improve marketing efforts.

Creativity and an interest in selling what you make are two key requirements for someone considering starting a resin business. Another one is realistic expectations.

As it’s not likely to be a primary source of income, you’ll devote quite a bit of your downtime to the business. Imagine spending 8 to 10 hours per week making resin art and another 4 hours per week promoting and selling your pieces. If that sounds good, proceed with your plan to start a resin business.

The supplies you’ll need to start a resin business include epoxy resin, hardener, mixing cups and stirrers, a respirator and nitrile gloves for safety, and a plastic tarp or two. Depending on the types of pieces you’re making, you may need to purchase moulds or canvases, and your designs might call for inks, glass, flowers, or other materials.

Your biggest expense will be the epoxy resin. A half-gallon of resin and the half-gallon of the chemical hardener you’ll need to go with costs about $100. Whether you’re crafting a large inventory of cool fridge magnets or pouring two massive, framed wall pieces, you will need a lot of resin.

You’ll also need a website where you can sell your items. Using a site like Amazon or Etsy would eat into your profits too much. For the price of a low-cost hosting plan, you can have a website that enables effective marketing and can include eCommerce features that enable you to sell your products online.


To create your initial inventory, the resin alone will cost at least $400, and you should plan to invest another $100 into moulds and other gear, plus the inks, paints, and other materials you’ll use. Also, you should set aside about $100 to get your website up and running.

With startup costs that low, money is not a major barrier to entry for resin artists who want to turn their hobby into a business. If you still face problems in funding your business, you can take out a  collateral loan  or a credit card to help. 

When you start your own resin business, you’ll fill two roles, one as the creative, artistically inclined producer of your pieces and the other as the shrewd entrepreneur that handles promotion and sales. Let’s look at four more business-focused parts of starting your resin operation.

Get an Eye-Catching Resin Business Logo

While your unique approach to design is what will engage customers initially, your resin business’s name and logo will be important branding elements. They’ll help solidify the company’s identity. Your logo should reflect the aesthetic of the items you create. In designing your logo , consider the colours and how the design will look resized. You should be able to use it on a brochure, as the image for a social media account, at the top of an invoice, and on the banner of your website.

Set Up Your Business Website

Setting up a website for your resin business involves four easy steps:

  • Select a hosting provider and plan Web hosting does not need to be a big expense if you choose a shared hosting service, where one computer runs many websites. Shared hosting is the most affordable type of hosting suitable for most small businesses. You should choose a hosting plan built around WordPress since that will make creating your site very easy. There’s a competitive market for hosting, so only consider a provider if they offer low rates, free domain registration, a free SSL certificate , 24/7 support, and free training.
  • Register a domain name Your domain name will represent your resin business online. You can tie your domain name to the business name, the products you make, or a memorable keyword that represents your creative approach. In any case, choose an inexpensive domain name. There’s an annual fee to keep your domain name, and the price of sought-after domain names can be very high. Note the annual fee when you register your domain name and account for that as an ongoing business cost.
  • Design your site If you’re new to website design, have no fear. WordPress makes creating a website easy. WordPress hosting is the most popular option for small business owners because of the platform’s user-friendly interface and the countless professionally designed themes available. There are WordPress themes made for arts and crafts business websites and plugins that make it easy to add eCommerce capabilities to your site.
  • Add content to your site You will drive visitors to your website primarily using social media. When prospective customers visit your website, they’ll have a chance to learn about the pieces you create. Ensure that your content engages readers with perfect photos of your work. Add an enticing description for each piece, perhaps explaining your artistic intentions or your process of creating the piece. Emphasize what makes your items unique and answer questions prospective customers may have.

Your business website should be the hub of all your marketing activities. When you research the hosting market, you’ll find providers offering WordPress-focused shared hosting plans with deeply discounted rates. There are some standouts among those hosting companies – look for a low-cost provider with great plan features, top-tier support, and free training. You’ll be able to easily set up a professional resin business website, and it won’t cost you a lot.


Create a Detailed Resin Business Plan

It’s easy for a resin hobbyist turned entrepreneur to minimize the importance of a business plan . If you’re already making things out of resin, you may feel that the next step is to sell those products, and there’s not much more to it. However, when you get into the details, you’ll find that a business plan is needed to ensure success.

Capturing your revenue goals and estimated profit serves as a required gut check. Seeing those numbers might spur you to do additional market research to determine the best product to sell. You should make the kind of resin items in high demand and have a price point that will allow you to meet your revenue goal.

Your business plan should also include a year or two of financial projection – look past the startup phase and estimate operating costs, profit and loss , and cash flow.

Documenting these details in a business plan validates your strategy, and the process of creating the document can cause you to consider important factors that you otherwise would have overlooked.

Promote Your Business

Your marketing strategy should focus on social media. You’ll find communities of people interested in resin creations, plus countless groups continuously use the internet to explore various aspects of personal style and home decor.

Pinterest is a great platform for showcasing your work. Many homeowners and professional decorators spend a lot of time on Pinterest, relying on the platform to keep their room designs and decorating ideas on the cutting edge. Instagram and Facebook are ideal for building a following by engaging an interested community with details about your pieces and how you make them.

Your goal should be to create an online presence for your business. Having an account on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, all named for your resin business, creates a unified brand image that helps people understand what you do. Your content should highlight your most popular work and drive people to your website.

If your startup funds cover the resin and equipment, you need to produce your initial inventory. You’ll see a positive cash flow early. The income should be put in a bank account that you use exclusively for your business. All future operating costs and the money you take out of the business should come from this account.

The income from your resin business is taxable, and depending on your projected revenue, you may have to pay taxes quarterly . Closely managing the business’s cash flow is not always a priority in a one-person operation, but it’s crucial for success, regardless of the size of the business.

A quick survey of Etsy and other craft marketplaces will reveal important data: the market value of the kinds of resin pieces you make. You should price your resin pieces competitively.

After dealing with startup expenses, charging barely more than your production costs might be hard to swallow, but doing so will get your business off the ground. After your startup phase, your business will have momentum and improved production efficiency, and you’ll be able to adjust your prices to maximize profit.

Outside of the construction industry, there are typically no resin-specific license requirements for small businesses. However, even the smallest small businesses may be required to have a license to operate.

Depending on your location, you may need state or local business licenses. Additionally, your business should be registered with the state because you have to pay sales tax for items sold, plus income tax. You should obtain an EIN or employer identification number, and your business’s federal tax ID.

While most resin business owners will not have to get a license that covers working with resin, the general licensing and registration requirements that apply to any small business should not be overlooked.

Start a Resin Business and Turn Creativity into Cash

Working with resin to create beautiful art and objects with eye-catching designs is a great hobby and an even better part-time job . You can engage your creativity, flex your small business skills, and make money.

If you love working with resin and want to sell what you create, devoting a small chunk of time every week can make that happen. You’ll earn some money and have the satisfaction of sharing your creativity with the world.

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Tim Mattson

Tim is a freelance writer focused on helping people achieve their business goals through digital marketing.

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bouquet casting co

  • Nov 10, 2023
  • 10 min read

Starting and Growing a Successful Resin Art Business

The captivating world of resin art has garnered significant attention and popularity in recent years. This unique form of artistry, which involves transforming liquid epoxy resin into glossy and impeccably designed art pieces, is not only a creative outlet for artists but also a promising business venture for those looking to combine their passion with entrepreneurship. If you are intrigued by resin art and envision yourself launching a successful resin art business, this comprehensive guide aims to provide you with the crucial steps and effective strategies to embark on this journey successfully.

resin art business

Resin art leverages epoxy resin, a versatile and robust medium, to create a myriad of artistic items ranging from jewelry and coasters to decorative pieces and more. Among the innovative applications of resin art is the creative preservation of bridal bouquets and special event florals, a specialty of the successful resin art business, Bouquet Casting Co. This unique approach not only amplifies the beauty of these floral arrangements but also encapsulates the emotions and memories attached to them, providing customers with a lasting keepsake.

In order to set the wheels of your resin art business in motion, you'll need to gather some essential supplies and materials. These essentials include high-quality epoxy resin, an assortment of resin molds, reliable mixing tools, and safety equipment to ensure a safe and health-conscious working environment. Remember, the quality of your materials directly influences the quality of your final product. For instance, Bouquet Casting Co uses industry-standard materials that meet safety benchmarks to preserve flowers, ensuring the durability and aesthetic appeal of the finished pieces.

Creating your workspace is another fundamental aspect of starting your business. This space should not only accommodate your materials and creativity but also prioritize safety. As working with resin involves dealing with chemicals, a well-ventilated area helps to mitigate any potential health risks. This could be a dedicated space in your home, or if feasible, a rented studio where you can create your masterpieces in a safe, efficient, and inspiring environment.

Essential Resin Art Supplies and Materials

resin art business plan

Creating resin art requires a unique set of supplies and materials. The star of the show is undoubtedly epoxy resin, a two-component system consisting of resin and a hardener. When mixed together, these two components undergo a chemical reaction that results in the resin hardening or curing, turning into a solid, durable material.

But epoxy resin isn't the only crucial component. You'll also need an assortment of resin molds, which determine the shape and size of your finished pieces. From silicone molds that are flexible and easy to unmold to rigid plastic molds for specific shapes, the choice depends on the type of art you wish to create.

Additionally, to ensure a perfect mix of resin and hardener, you'll need mixing tools such as silicone spatulas or wooden stir sticks. Another vital consideration is safety – working with resin can expose you to chemicals, so protective gear like gloves, masks, and goggles are a must.

High-quality materials are key to creating beautiful and durable resin art pieces. Bouquet Casting Co, for instance, uses industry-standard materials that meet safety requirements for flower preservation. This ensures that the preserved bouquets remain beautiful and intact over time.

The use of additives and inclusions can also add depth and uniqueness to your resin art pieces. Glitter, mica powders, alcohol inks, dried flowers, or small objects like beads or seashells can be added to the resin before it cures, creating layers of visual interest. Experimenting with these elements can help you develop your unique style and make your artwork stand out.

Steps to Start a Resin Art Business

resin art business plan

Starting a resin art business involves a series of crucial steps. First and foremost, thorough market research is necessary to identify your target customers and understand your competitors. This exploration will shed light on the current demand in the resin art market, popular trends, and any potential gaps that your business could fill.

Following your research, it's time to formulate a comprehensive business plan. This document should outline your business goals, budget, pricing strategy, and marketing approach. Your business plan will serve as a roadmap, guiding your business decisions and helping you stay focused and organized. It's also a valuable tool when seeking funding or partnerships, as it demonstrates the viability of your business concept.

The next step involves the official registration of your business and obtaining any necessary licenses or permits. This will vary depending on your location, so it's important to research local regulations to ensure you're operating within the law. This step also includes setting up your tax obligations, so you might find it helpful to consult with a business advisor or accountant.

Finally, establishing a dedicated workspace is crucial. This should be a well-lit area with ample space for your supplies and creations, along with proper ventilation for safety reasons. Consider how you can organize your space for maximum efficiency – this might mean setting up separate areas for different stages of the resin art process or investing in storage solutions to keep your supplies tidy and accessible.

All-in-all, it's best to be confident in your resin knowledge and capabilities before making the leap to start your own business. Routine experimentation with resin, creating all kinds of different pieces experimenting with dried flowers, fresh flowers, colorant, and other techniques are crucial to knowing your stuff.

Building a Brand in Resin Art

resin art business plan

Building a strong and distinctive brand is a crucial aspect of running a successful resin art business. Your brand is more than just your business name or logo – it's the overall impression that people have of your business, reflecting your style, values, and the quality of your products.

Start by defining what your brand stands for. What is your business mission? What values do you uphold? What unique style or characteristics define your resin art? These elements form the foundation of your brand and help to differentiate your business from others in the market.

Next, create a memorable logo and choose a business name that resonates with your target audience and reflects the nature of your business. Your logo and business name are the first things that potential customers will notice, so it's important to make a strong and positive impression.

Bouquet Casting Co, for instance, has established a strong brand image as a reliable and creative bouquet preservation company. Their name and logo are not only distinctive but also clearly communicate what their business is about. Moreover, their unique approach to bouquet preservation using resin art aligns with their brand image, reinforcing their position as a specialist in their field.

Additionally, it's important to consistently communicate your brand across all your marketing channels, from your website and social media profiles to your product packaging and customer service. Consistency helps to build brand recognition and trust among your customers, making them more likely to choose your products over others in the market.

Finally, remember that building a strong brand takes time and effort. It involves continuously delivering high-quality products, providing excellent customer service, and upholding your business values. However, the rewards are well worth the effort, as a strong brand can help to attract and retain customers, differentiate your business from competitors, and ultimately drive your business success.

Marketing Your Resin Art Business

resin art business plan

Marketing is a key aspect of running a successful resin art business. It involves promoting your products and brand to your target audience, with the goal of attracting and retaining customers. There are several marketing strategies that you can employ, depending on your business goals, target market, and resources.

One effective strategy is to utilize social media platforms to showcase your resin art and engage with potential customers. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are especially suited for visual content like resin art, allowing you to showcase your creations in a visually appealing way. You can also use these platforms to share behind-the-scenes content, tips and tutorials, and customer testimonials, providing value to your followers and building a sense of community around your brand.

Another strategy is to implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve your online visibility and reach a wider audience. This involves optimizing your website and online content with keywords related to your business, making it easier for potential customers to find you when they search for resin art online.

Collaboration is another powerful marketing strategy. Consider partnering with complementary businesses, such as wedding planners or florists, to reach a wider audience and offer more value to your customers. For instance, Bouquet Casting Co could partner with a wedding planner to offer a special package for brides, including both wedding planning services and bouquet preservation.

Finally, don't underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Happy customers are likely to recommend your products to their friends and family, bringing in new customers at no cost to you. Therefore, strive to provide excellent customer service and high-quality products, and encourage your customers to leave reviews or share their purchases on social media.

Pricing Your Resin Art

Pricing your resin art products is a crucial aspect of your business strategy and can significantly impact your profitability and competitiveness in the market. It's important to set prices that not only cover your costs and provide a profit margin but also reflect the value of your products and are acceptable to your target customers.

When setting your prices, consider the cost of materials, the time and effort invested in creating each piece, and the perceived value of your product. Don't forget to factor in indirect costs such as overheads, marketing, packaging, and shipping. It's also a good idea to research the prices of similar products in the market to ensure that your prices are competitive.

For instance, Bouquet Casting Co offers a range of preservation options with varying prices, depending on the complexity of the design and size of the bouquet. By offering different price points, they cater to a wider range of customers and allow customers to choose the option that best fits their budget and preferences.

It's also important to clearly communicate the value of your products to your customers. This could involve highlighting the quality of your materials, the uniqueness of your designs, or the time and skill involved in creating each piece. By effectively communicating the value of your products, you can justify your prices and make your customers feel that they are getting good value for their money.

Finally, remember that pricing is not a one-time decision but should be reviewed and adjusted as necessary based on changes in costs, market conditions, or customer feedback. It's a delicate balance between making a profit and keeping your products affordable and attractive to your customers, but with careful planning and analysis, you can find a pricing strategy that works for your business.

Customer Identification and Targeting

Identifying and targeting the right customers is crucial to the success of your resin art business. Your target customers are the individuals or groups who are most likely to be interested in your products and able to purchase them. Understanding who these customers are and what they want can help you tailor your products, marketing strategies, and customer service to better meet their needs.

resin art business plan

Start by conducting market research to gather information about your potential customers. This could involve surveying potential customers, researching online forums or social media groups, or analyzing data from your website or online store. Look for information on your customers' demographics (e.g., age, gender, location), their preferences and needs related to resin art, and their buying behaviors.

Once you have a clear understanding of your target customers, you can develop strategies to reach and attract them. This could involve choosing the right marketing channels (e.g., social media platforms, local craft fairs), creating targeted marketing messages that highlight the benefits of your products, or offering special deals or promotions that appeal to your target customers.

Building relationships with your customers is also key to retaining them and encouraging repeat business. This could involve providing excellent customer service, interacting with customers on social media, or offering a loyalty program or special discounts for repeat customers. For example, Bouquet Casting Co offers free consultations to help customers choose the best preservation options for their flowers, providing a personalized and valuable service.

Remember, attracting and retaining customers is not a one-time effort but requires ongoing attention and effort. By continuously seeking to understand and meet your customers' needs, you can build strong relationships with your customers and drive the success of your resin art business.

Growing and Scaling Your Resin Art Business

Once your resin art business is up and running, it's time to think about growth and expansion. Growing a business involves increasing your customer base, expanding your product range, improving your skills and knowledge, and possibly hiring additional staff or outsourcing certain tasks.

One of the best ways to grow your customer base is through marketing and promotion. This could involve improving your SEO to reach a wider online audience, partnering with other businesses to reach new markets, or offering special promotions to attract new customers. Remember, satisfied customers are your best promoters, so providing excellent customer service and high-quality products can also lead to word-of-mouth referrals.

Expanding your product range is another effective growth strategy. This could involve offering new designs, sizes, or types of resin art, or branching out into related products such as art supplies or DIY kits. Offering a wider range of products can attract a wider range of customers and provide additional revenue streams for your business.

Improving your skills and knowledge is also crucial for business growth. This could involve attending workshops or courses, learning from other artists, or experimenting with new techniques or materials. The more you know and can do, the more value you can offer to your customers.

Finally, as your business grows, you may need to hire additional staff or outsource certain tasks to accommodate increased demand. This could involve hiring an assistant to help with production, outsourcing your marketing or accounting, or even opening a physical store or studio. It's important to plan for growth and be prepared to invest in your business to support its success.

Bouquet Casting Co is a great example of a business that has successfully scaled its operations. They have expanded their range of preservation options and now offer nationwide shipping, allowing them to serve a wider customer base. Their success demonstrates that with creativity, dedication, and strategic planning, it's possible to grow a small resin art business into a successful enterprise.

Dealing with Challenges in the Resin Art Business

resin art business plan

Running a resin art business comes with its own set of challenges. These may include competition from other artists, pricing pressure from customers or competitors, changing trends in the art market, or maintaining high-quality standards in your production process.

Competition is a natural part of doing business, but it can be particularly intense in a popular and growing market like resin art. It's important to understand your competition and find ways to differentiate your business. This could involve offering unique or specialized products, providing exceptional customer service, or leveraging your personal brand and story to connect with customers on a deeper level.

Pricing pressure can also be a challenge, especially if you're competing with mass-produced or lower-priced products. It's important to communicate the value of your products to your customers and justify your prices based on the quality of your materials, the time and skill involved in creating each piece, and the unique designs or services you offer.

Trends in the art market can change quickly, and it's important to stay updated and adapt your products to meet changing customer preferences. This could involve learning new techniques, experimenting with new materials or designs, or even expanding into new product categories.

Maintaining high-quality standards in your production process is also crucial, as this directly affects the quality and value of your products. This could involve investing in high-quality materials, improving your skills and techniques, or implementing quality control measures in your production process.

Despite these challenges, it's important to stay positive and motivated. Challenges are opportunities for learning and growth, and overcoming them can make your business stronger and more resilient. With creativity, adaptability, and a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can navigate these challenges and lead your resin art business to success.

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Resin Art Business: How Do You Make Money?

So you want to start a resin art business, but you’re not sure where to start. You’re in the right place, we’ll provide you with the knowledge to help you start your own resin business.

Resin is a growing trend in the arts and crafts world. You see celebrities like Blackpink’s Lisa, BTS’ Jungkook, Bella Hadid to Dua Lipa wearing accessories like resin rings and bangles. It’s a trend that’s reminiscent of the early 2000s, and the brightly colored statement piece is now making a comeback .

It’s not just pieces of jewelry that are becoming popular, resin art is booming thanks to the influence of social media. You’ll find that more people are buying resin kitchenware, centerpieces and other products as well.

What exactly is resin?

There’s a variety of different resin materials. Synthetic resin is made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen among other things. On the other hand, the natural resin is a composition that’s sourced from plants.

Synthetic resin is a form of unprocessed plastic but is much stronger than and impervious to water damage. Part of what makes it popular is that it can mimic metal and stones in terms of looks at a much cheaper price.

Humans have been using resin for thousands of years , dating back to ancient Egypt where resin is used for the mummification of important figures. It’s also used to make incense in the Medieval period for churches and other places of worship.

What can you make out of resin?

Here are some of the things that you can make for your business.

  • Phone beads
  • Centerpieces

Resin furniture is more difficult to make and can be more lucrative as this type of furniture can cost thousands of dollars.

How to Start a Resin Business

Choose your products.

First, you have to decide which products you’re going to make. Resin art is so broad and can offer you many different choices; you just have something specific that’s going to define your brand.

Having a particular specialty and being good at it will gain your customers’ trust and will bring you the exact clients you’re targeting to serve. If you maintain a general “jack of all trades” status with the goal of casting a wider net, you may have a difficult time convincing clients to choose you over a competitor who specializes in a product they’re looking for.

Do your market research

It’s easier to do market research with the internet and social media. You get to hear what people are saying just by looking at comments, blogs, or tweets.

Look at the market before you decide on anything as you want to know if people would want to buy the products you’ll be making and selling.

What you’re looking for is an area where there is high demand for the product, but fewer competitors.

Resin jewelry is popular but depending on the area, it could be quite saturated. On the other hand, not many are creating resin-made kitchenware, like dishes, trays, coasters, so you may also want to look into that.

resin in the making

Pick something you’re passionate about

When you’re creating a product you’re deeply passionate about, from custom resin necklaces to .resin kitchenware, you’ll be inspired to put in the time and effort necessary to succeed commercially.

Gather your supplies

Supplies selection becomes less complicated once you choose the products you want to offer.

There are many different supplies for different kinds of products. But you’ll need the following materials no matter what you’re making.

  • Casting resin . Casting resins are used for containers like a mold. They make it easier to pour large volumes into molds without bubbles because they’re thinner.
  • Stirring utensils . Stirring utensils are very important in making sure that your resin cures without any sticky spots. Plastic stir paddles are one of the most commonly used stirring equipment.
  • Mixing cups . You need to get accurate measurements when casting resin so that it will cure or harden properly. Mixing cups help you get all measurements right so that your resin solidifies. Get a resin mixing cup that has measurement lines so you know that you’re getting accurate measurements.
  • Safety equipment . Resins are still chemicals so it’s important to stay protected with safety equipment like gloves and goggles or glasses. These will protect your eyes and hands from accidental splashes.
  • A surface for casting . You need a level surface area that’s also flat on the surface. An even table will make sure your molds are straight.
  • Wax paper or other protective mat . Expect things to get messy. You’re going to experience some resin splashes here and there so protect other surface areas by using wax paper or tarpaulin. In any case that a resin spilled, you can let it cure then peel it afterward.
  • Molds for resin . Make sure that you have your resin mold to pit your mixture into. Ensure that your mold is compatible with resin to prevent any melting or cracking.
  • Mold release . This material helps release your castings from the mold. Twisting your mold can warm or crack it and reduce its lifespan, so it’s good to have a mold release to prolong the life of your resin mold.
  • Resin colorant . Make sure that you get colorants that are designed for resin as this will help you produce more consistent results.
  • LED light . Bubbles can be annoying when it comes to resin art. To ensure that you’re detecting all the bubbles, you need a bright LED light in your workroom.
  • Heat tool . Another equipment to help you eliminate bubbles is a heat gun, this is much safer than using propane or other kinds of flame.

Read up on resin art before you begin. You’ll be working with chemicals, so it will do you much good if you’re as knowledgeable and prepared as possible.

resin product

Build your inventory

It’s time to prepare your inventory. Once you know what products you’ll be making and you have a list of things you need to create those products, stock up without creating too many products.

You’re still in the experimentation phase, so you need to get a feel for which items customers will be more interested in.

Start with a dozen or two ready-to-sell items and see which products will sell more. After that, you’ll get an idea of which items you should be making more of.

Create your store

After getting everything ready, think about the best place where you can sell your products. A physical store is traditional, but with online shopping on the rise, think about building a virtual store.

Create a professional website, this way, you’ll be more in control of what you can show and how you want your products to appear to customers. Browsing and checking out will be much easier for your clients, too.

Once you have a solid website, don’t forget to create social media accounts on platforms where your target audience are.

Invest in marketing

Marketing lets you stay competitive and visible. Paid ads, social media, SEO, influencer marketing, and outreach programs are just some of your options.

Social media may be a good start if you’ve built up a decent following, from several hundred to thousands. If you have sufficient funding, look into partnering with influencers. Start with micro influencers , those who have 10,000 to 50,000 followers, to get exposure for your resin creations. Sometimes, micro-influencers are followed by bigger celebrities; when they see something that catches their eye, they may want to get a piece for themselves and promote it as well.

SEO is highly recommended for marketing because customers won’t be able to know about your resin products if you’re not showing up on search results.

Make and Sell Resin Art

Resin art has been around for a long time and can be a lucrative source of income. There are just so many things you can do with them, and more ideas can pop up in the future as well. It’s flexible, durable, aesthetically pleasing and versatile.

When you’ve done your research, learning more about the business and implementing strategic marketing, your resin art products could help you earn well.

About The Author

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Emily Stevens

Pourfect - Resin Art Store

  • 3:1 Art Resin Systems
  • 2:1 Art Resin Systems
  • 2:1 Fast Cure Systems
  • 1:1 Art Resin Systems
  • 3:1 Thick Cast Systems
  • ResiPaste - Most Viscous epoxy system
  • Opaque pigments
  • Metallic pigments
  • Translucent pigments
  • Color shifting pigments
  • Glow in the dark pigments
  • Magnetic Pigments
  • Easy Cell - Instant Cell Generators
  • HydroCast Packs
  • HydroCast Shades
  • HydroCast Molds
  • Resin Polish
  • HydroCast Sealer
  • Seal Bond - Structure & Texture Paste
  • Silicone Molds
  • MDF Cutouts
  • Dried Flowers
  • Flora Dry (Flower Drying Particles)
  • HydroCast DIY Kits
  • Resin Art DIY Kits
  • Shades Combos (HydroCast)
  • Pigment Combos (Resin Art)
  • Tips and techniques
  • Resin art basics

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How much does it cost to start a successful resin art business.

by Jai Jain on Nov 17, 2022

Cost of starting a resin art business

How do I start a resin art business?

Are you looking for an additional source of income? Are you exploring resin art as a source of profitable business? Are you wondering if you can do resin art business full time? Then this blog is for you. It will help you get a fair understanding of the expenses in setting up a resin business and the potential revenues which can be earned .

Is resin art profitable?

Resin art, if done well, can be an extremely profitable business with the luxury of working from home at your own flexibility. It still remains an unexploited industry and you get high margins for the creativity that you pour in your resin products.

What are the expenses in setting up a resin business?

Compared to most other businesses, resin art business is relatively cheap to start with. All you need is,

A good epoxy system for your resin projects - starts at INR 650-700

Choosing a good resin art (epoxy system) system forms the foundation of your final products. Before buying a resin art kit, you must first assess the requirement of your intended artwork.

For example - If you are looking to create serveware, jewellery, rakhis with different pouring techniques, then 3:1 ART RESIN is the product for you. If you are looking to make river tables using resin, then THICK CAST is the product for you. If you are looking to work in layers and require your resin to cure quickly, then FAST CURE is the system for you.

Always remember to get an ASTM-D certified resin for your artworks. A lot of beginners aim to go for the cheapest resin system available in the market. We advise to be smart about spending money but keeping your safety as top priority

Resin art pigments

You have to buy colors for your resin art project. Tip - Always prefer to use pigments from the manufacturer whose resin you are using. For example - Pourfect pigment s work best with Pourfect epoxy systems.

One pigment of 25 gm would cost you about INR 110 .

Other resin art supplies as a beginner

  • Depending on your art project, you might require a silicone mold , MDF board or wood cutouts. If you are a beginner in resin art, we recommend you to first try it in silicone molds . (starts at INR 100)
  • Get your nitrile gloves . Always wear them while playing with resin. You can find them at any medical shop near you. (~INR 20 for a pair)
  • Invest in a drip sheet . It comes for around INR 220 but makes your life really easy. It covers your working area, protects it from sticky resin drips which are otherwise tough to clean.
  • Get mixing cups and sticks. Mixing cups can be of paper or plastic. You can use ice cream sticks as your mixing sticks. (~INR 50)

The above are basic necessities that you must have. Some epoxy systems do not have bubble release mechanism and in that case, you will also require a heat gun . Some have a bad odour and release harmful fumes. In that case, you must get eyes and nose protection gear.

With Pourfect resin art systems, most artists are not investing in the last 2 items.

Total expenses in starting a resin art business

As described above, you can set up your small resin business in just about ~INR 1300 - 1500 . Once you have made a few items, you can then expand and invest in more expensive molds, bigger resin art packs and more pigments.

If you want to start with a wider variety of artworks to display, you can still consider the expense to be in the range of INR 5,000-10,000.

This is going to be higher for those looking at starting to make river tables or resin art furniture. That would include an investment in sanding machine, angle grinder, leveling scale, a bigger resin art kit. It would start somewhere around INR 20,000.

Start your resin art business with just INR 5,000

You can market your artworks/ resin products to your family and friends. Get the word out on social media platforms. If you are using Pourfect, tag them in your posts. The brand helps increase awareness by reposting and re-sharing your stories on their instagram. Ask your customers to write in reviews and feedback. Exhibit in nearby stores.

Creating resin art items require time, creativity and right technique. The artists who master this and produce beautiful finished products find it easy to sell their items at  greater than 100% margin .

Resin art can be a profitable business for you if you are willing to invest in the early trials with resin and mastering the art of creating beautiful finished products.

For more questions relating to resin art, you can comment here or DM us on instagram (we reply the quickest on instagram!) -

Happy pouring.

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resin art business plan

An Artist’s Guide to Making a Business Plan (In Just 6 Steps)

Artwork Archive | October 25, 2016 (Updated September 20, 2022)

resin art business plan

Being a professional artist involves more than being skilled with paints or clay—you actually become a small business owner!

So, where do you begin? By creating a business plan, of course! That’s why we’ve come up with an outline for artists to follow, so you can better understand your art business and develop a step-by-step strategy for success.

So when you are ready to carve out a half hour or so, follow along this guide (or bookmark it for when you are ready) and start writing down a plan to take your art career to the next level:


A. Mission Statement

Figure out what your mission is by asking yourself the question, “why do you want to be a professional artist?” We doubt that it’s all about the money, but be honest with yourself about what it is about. Let this answer, and the passion you feel when you write it down, drive every other aspect of developing your art business.

B. Vision Statement

Your vision statement should describe where you want to take your art business in the future. But, success means something different to each and every artist. Do you want to be famous? Leave a legacy? Change the way people interact with art? Get rich? Do you want gallery representation? The answer is up to you.

Now, depending on your definition of success, develop short-term and long-term goals that will keep you on track. Try to set goals for each of the following: the next three months, six months, one year, three years, and five years. (Visualizing your art career like this will help you see the natural progression of steps to take, erasing the pressure to become an overnight success!)

Take this goal-setting advice from Catherine Orer , business and PR strategist for artists: “‘Quitting my day job to do art full time’ or ‘sell my art’ are not clear career goals.”  Instead, Catherine asks you to dig deeper: “What type of career do you want? How much do you want to earn?” Spelling out exactly what you want to do will help you take the actual steps.


The next step is to identify who your ideal client is so you can market your artwork in the most effective way possible. Start by answering these questions:

What age group or income level can afford your pieces?

What are your client’s goals and how does your art help the client achieve them?

Where do your customers buy art?

Where do these buyers live, travel, or hang out?

What are their hobbies? Attitudes? Style? Interests?

What type of buyers understand your work?

Why do your clients buy art?

What connection can you find between you, your art, and your buyers?

What kind of marketing would reach them best (word of mouth, email, social media)?

With these answers, you can set up a well thought out plan of attack for your art marketing strategy. You can go where your buyers go, form important relationships , and know exactly how to talk with them confidently about buying your artwork.

resin art business plan


Much like understanding your target customer, you can’t dive into the art business world without understanding the rest of the art market—and that means who you are competing with.

Take the time to research other artists that are similar to you. Do they have great connections in the art world? Do they need better photos of their artwork? What are their prices like? Figuring out both their strengths and weaknesses can help you develop a plan for your own art business and gain a competitive advantage.


A. Expenses

Like any business, you are going to have expenses. But, they don’t have to eat up your hard earned profits if you plan for them ahead of time! In this section of the art business plan, write down the costs of everything you can think of, from supplies to renting studio space.

Once you’ve created your itemized list, you will need to formulate a plan on how you are going to pay for everything at the start of your art business. Do you have savings built up? Do you need to apply for an artist grant ? How many pieces do you need to sell to cover all of your costs? Is crowdfunding a good option for you ?

The answers to those previous questions about funding will get you thinking about how much you need to charge for each piece to actually make a living as an artist. Check out “ How to Price Consistently for Art Sales Success ” to learn more about different pricing methods.


Based on the profile of your ideal buyer, settle on the exact marketing strategy that complements your art business. Think about which of these art marketing outlets you should use: social media, email newsletters, art fairs, galleries, blogging, etc.

B. Where to Sell

Whether you target physical galleries, sell online, network within artist associations, or rely on a mixture of opportunities, determine where your potential customers will have the most eyes on your art.

C. Your Story

The next step is to write down your story as an artist. This is one of the most important steps because it’s how you can form a worthwhile connection with your possible collectors. Write your artist statement by answering these 5 questions art buyers have about you .


List out every single step of your art business workflow , from creation to sale. This will help you truly understand how long the process takes and how you should plan your schedule.

Plus, it’s a handy document to refer back to it in case you get stuck on what to do next! Here’s an example of what your process could look like:

Buy supplies

Begin piece

Share work-in-progress pictures on social

Finish piece

Take photos of finished artwork

List piece and details on Artwork Archive

Put piece up on personal website

Share on social media

Email collectors

Submit artwork to upcoming show

Generate invoice

Record sale in Artwork Archive

Get your art business up and running! Use this business plan outline and sign up for your 14-day free trial of Artwork Archive here .

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Epoxy Resin

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Social Media Tips For Your Epoxy Resin Business

Feb 12, 2023

By Craft Resin

Social Media Tips For Your Epoxy Resin Business - Craft Resin US

We know that lot's of resin artists choose to market their business mainly through Social Media platforms, like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook, amongst others. Social Media is a great tool to use for this purpose because most of the time it's completely free to market your business on there.

Now you're not only becoming incredible artists who are gaining more resin skills every day, but now you're also Marketers too. And most of you at a guess are probably self taught Marketers.

Thats why we want to give you some tips to help you make the most of marketing your resin creations on Social Media today, hopefully you'll learn something new that you can then factor into your 2023 Social Media plan of action.

resin art business plan

Before we get started we do have a few other articles in our Blog section that also share specific Social Media tips. So once you've read this weeks blog, please use the search bar in the main blog page and search Social Media to bring these articles up.

Let's get back to digging into today's tips...

1. show your face:.

People buy from people they trust, in order for someone to trust your brand, they need to know who's behind the brand.

It blows our minds when even today we visit an artists resin business page/profile/feed and we can't even see their name, it puts us off getting in touch with the artist because we don't know who we're speaking to. Imagine if that was a potential customer, and they didn't reach out to you about creating a project for them because they didn't know who they were speaking to.

So at least put your name in the bio, even a nickname will do.

A step up from that would be to show your face! When people know your name that's great, thats level 1 of building trust, but showing your face, that takes you up a few trust levels.

Regularly share images or videos of yourself stood beside your resin stall at an in person event, or working at your resin table on your latest project, or posing with one of your projects. These are all just examples, get creative with this. When you're feeling good get snapping loads of pictures, then you'll have a stockpile.

Even if you need to add a subtle filter because you're not comfortable in your own skin, then that's better than nothing, as long as it's not a cat/dog filter and you have those silly ears on your head - Don't post them, unless that's part of your branding, but that's another story, and for most of you, it isn't.

Another great tip to make your face look amazing, is to make sure you have great lighting!

We know, standing in front of light shining directly onto your face might make you feel like it is going to show every single aspect of your skin that you hate, but actually it does the opposite. Bad lighting behind you or from above you can actually show up more imperfections and also won't brighten the image. Instead place your phone on a windowsill then stand in front of the window facing the light and try an image there, you'll be surprised how good your skin looks.

Another way to do this is to purchase a Ring Light. These don't have to be expensive, but they will come in handy to photograph yourself and your work without horrible shadows getting in the way, and they make your skin look amazing!

resin art business plan

2. Post content that educates your customers:

Share helpful tips and tricks related to your epoxy resin projects, such as how to select the right resin for a particular project, what molds to use, how to create resin projects, how to add different colour or patterns to projects. The list could go on!

There are two main benefits to this: A - When people see the time, energy, money, effort, skill that goes into creating your projects, your work becomes more valuable and you look like more of an expert compared to the rest of the resin artists trying to get people's attention online! Who would you prefer to buy from, a resin expert, or someone who looks like they're creating for a hobby? B - This can help you get brand endorsements, or brand ambassador opportunities with your suppliers which can then allow you to earn free supplies, additional money, and even extra eyes on your channel as the bigger brands then in turn share your work to their audiences too.

We've actually seen lots of artists doing this more and more recently and we've noticed that the artists who are, are gaining so many more followers and engagement on these kinds of educational posts/videos. We work with a lot of artists who use epoxy resin for crafting in this way, to help grow their brand as well as ours.

One thing that might have been putting you off sharing content like this is thinking this kind of content will only make more people take up resin and therefore become your "competition".

This thought process is actually one of a lack mentality, you think there won't be enough customers to go around if you teach others to resin, but actually what we've found to be true is the opposite.

Yes you teach others, and some people will try resin and they will enjoy it, and they will even start their own businesses. But as of 15th November 2022, the population of the world surpassed 8 billion people! How many out of this 8 billion people do you think has probably still not even heard the words epoxy resin let alone use epoxy resin for crafts or mica powder for art!

1.386 billion of those people are on Instagram, out of which, how many of those does your content reach when you post? You're not going to run out of customers any time soon.

We say this because we want you to get the scale of your potential customer base, so that you can break past this lack belief that can actually be holding you back.

How else does this belief stop you moving forward in your resin business, what else aren't you sharing/doing/speaking about on social media because you have this fear in your mind?!

If you're not sharing, speaking or doing certain things on social media because of this then you are limiting the people who are going to be seeing your work.

Not everyone will try resin because you've shown them how to, not everyone will purchase your creations because you've shown them they exist, but the more people you expose to your brand the better - You're looking for the ones who want to buy your items, you need to expand your reach and engagement on social media to do this.

resin art business plan

3. Interact with your audience:

Simply having a social media account and posting isn't enough to get your work seen, and customers to buy. You need to engage with your audience.

When you post, but then also engage with your audience they engage back. Social media is called social media because it's designed to be sociable, your posts get shown more the more your audience engages with them.

So make your posts engaging, open posts with taglines that draw people in... Wow, you'll never guess what!? Who would love to see how I made this? I can't decide...

All of the above examples will hook people in and they'll want to click on your post and read more. Once you have them hooked fill in the middle of the content with what you'd like to say about your post, but then always end with a call to action... Which colour do you prefer? Comment below ⬇️ What would you pop in this resin trinket pot? Comment below ⬇️ Have you ever created with epoxy resin? Let me know ⬇️ Comment below, would anyone like to give resin a try? ⬇️

Does anyone else use epoxy resin for art? ⬇️

Your call to action can of course be, click the link in my bio to buy this creation etc. But this won't drive engagement, so this post won't get seen by more people. And so less eyes on the post means less chance of a sale.

It would be much better to use an engaging call to action where people aren't being sold to in your post, but then share the post and creations on your stories with a buy call to action, you can even use the link feature to send people directly to your online store so they can buy from your stories straight away.

Regularly check your posts for comments, and answer anyone who has left a comment. Also set aside time each day to check your DMs, make sure you're responding to these.

Ask your audience questions, questions lead to them replying with answers, which means more engagement to and from with your audience, driving your engagement.

resin art business plan

4. Connect/collaborate with other artists:

Reach out to other resin artists and form a online community between yourselves. Use the community you create to collaborate with. Collaborate on projects or social posts to increase your visibility and theirs.

Again many will possibly fear collaborations because of what we spoke about earlier in the blog. By collaborating and their audience seeing my work, will there be any competition between us - No!

Every artist is so very different and the work you all create is very different too. In the same breath, every customer is different and would like different creations. By collaborating with other artists you're helping your visibility again and also growing your trust and likability once more.

Your customers will find you easier and they will like the fact that you're the type of person who is that comfortable with themselves and their abilities that they can collaborate with others in a non-competitive way. We'd all like to buy from an artist like that.

By collaborating with other artists you also personally get many benefits. Maybe you work alone most of the time, having another artists to chat to might be lovely. It will keep the inspiration and enthusiasm for creating with resin going, when you both love what you do the energy when you come together is infectious and you'll learn more skills as well as unlock more creativity within yourself. Building an online connection with another artist can give these benefits, try it.

resin art business plan

5. Utilise video:

Videos are a great way to showcase your projects in action and create excitement around your brand. They also help build that trust and authenticity with your audience as they get to see you!

You can also collaborate with other artists or brands you use in videos or through lives which can really help your reach online.

Moving from sharing images to videos at first can be scary, it can also take time to master them fully. There are buttons you have to press to go live, things you have to remember to press afterwards to save the video, theres setting up your workspace, looking slightly more presentable than you maybe normally do in your craft room. But all of this is so worth it.

Going live or posting regular videos really helps you stand out from the resin artist crowd and also massively increases your audiences engagement and trust in you which will lead to more sales.

Don't get too caught up on being "perfect" online, no one expects your videos to be super clear and bright like you've been an influencer for years. No one expects your craft room to be tidy, in fact it can put some people off and make them feel inadequate, embrace the mess. No one expects you to talk like a robot and read from a script, just flow, imagine your camera is your best friend and your having a conversation with them about your creations.

Remember with videos, the more you do them the better you get, the less you do the less you improve, so just go for it and do them!

resin art business plan

6. Host fun contests and giveaways:

Offer prizes like one of your epoxy resin creations that you haven't sold yet or discounts on select products to reward your customers and attract new followers.

You don't have to go crazy with this, and you don't have to do them all the time. If you're starting out on social media and in your resin business start with small giveaways, or reach out to brands you use and see if they will supply you with something small to give as a prize. Mention the exposure there brand will get when you share your giveaway to your audience and many brands will help if they can.

You can even offer up an hour of your time virtually to teach someone how to use resin! That won't cost you anything if they get their supplies first and you do it through Zoom, or in person, if they can get to you. Use your imagination, get creative.

resin art business plan

7. Measure your success:

We know what it's like at first when you step into the world of social media and you start sharing your creations. It's like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping it sticks! You randomly post anything, at any times, in any way that you can. That's completely fine, remember, give yourself a break, you're not a social media marketing expert, you're learning!

Once you've been sharing on social media for a few months start to track the performance of your social media posts/videos/reels/stories to see what content resonates best with your audience.

Look for how many likes your post got, how many people engaged on it, if you can correlate it with how many sales you got of that particular project that week.

It will take time, but you'll start to notice trends. Certain projects doing better than others, certain types of content performing better than others, certain followers engaging with your posts more than others (these will be your super fans, and you can reach out directly to these people and thank them for all their support, they'll love that!).

When you know what times work better for your posts, post then! Or schedule them with a scheduling app like .

When you know what content your audience prefers, you can make more of that type and less of the others that won't get seen as much!

You'll actually find that taking the time to track your content now, will save you lots of wasted time creating and posting content that doesn't work later down the line. Also the sooner you build this habit into your time, the more you will do this throughout your whole business journey, which will make your journey more efficient as you grow.

We have attached a giveaway to these Topic Of The Week announcements on our Instagram platform, this is helping us to spread the knowledge of how to use epoxy resin further, but also enabling anyone who helps us share this information to win free resin and mica powders.

resin art business plan

To enter the weekly giveaway please see the latest post   #CRWEEK7  on our Instagram feed/highlights and follow the instructions to enter:


We hope you've all taken something from this blog that you can use in your social media.

Team Craft Resin

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Danielle Cormack, Resin Artist - @krakenslair


Acquire Resin Art Business: Essential Checklist!

By henry sheykin, get full bundle.


Are you passionate about resin art and considering acquiring a resin art business? As the resin art industry continues to thrive, now is a great time to invest in this creative and lucrative venture. According to industry reports, the global resin art market is expected to reach $7.96 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% . With increasing demand for unique and customizable artwork, acquiring a resin art business can be a smart move.

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To successfully buy or acquire a resin art business, it is important to follow a checklist of essential steps. From conducting market research to developing a transition plan, each step contributes to a smooth acquisition process and sets you up for success in this competitive industry.

1. Conduct market research: Start by conducting thorough market research to understand the current trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscape in the resin art industry. This will help you identify gaps in the market and set your business apart from others.

2. Define your acquisition criteria: Determine the specific qualities and characteristics you are looking for in a resin art business. Consider factors such as location, customer base, revenue potential, and growth opportunities to narrow down your search.

3. Identify potential resin art businesses for sale: Search for potential businesses to acquire through online platforms, business brokers, industry conferences, and local networks. Make a list of businesses that align with your acquisition criteria and show promise.

4. Evaluate the financials and profitability of the business: Assess the financial health and profitability of each potential business. Review their financial statements, cash flow, expenses, and revenue streams to determine if it is a viable investment.

5. Perform due diligence: Engage in thorough due diligence to gather additional information about the business, such as legal compliance, intellectual property rights, customer contracts, and any potential liabilities. This step helps you uncover any hidden risks or issues.

6. Develop a business plan and financial model: Create a comprehensive business plan that outlines your strategies, marketing approach, target audience, and growth projections. Develop a financial model that forecasts revenue, expenses, and profitability to demonstrate the potential of the business.

7. Secure financing: Determine the funding required for the acquisition and explore financing options, such as bank loans, investors, or personal savings. Ensure you have the necessary capital to complete the acquisition and support the growth of the business.

8. Negotiate and close the deal: Once you have selected a potential business, negotiate the terms of the acquisition, including the purchase price, payment structure, and any additional agreements. Seek professional assistance if needed to ensure a fair and mutually beneficial deal.

9. Develop a transition plan: Create a detailed plan for transitioning into the new business. Consider aspects such as inventory management, staffing, supplier relationships, and marketing strategies to ensure a seamless transition and continuity of operations.

Acquiring a resin art business requires careful planning, research, and financial analysis. By following this checklist, you can increase your chances of acquiring a successful resin art business and tap into the growing demand for unique and customizable artwork.

Conduct Market Research

When considering the acquisition of a resin art business, conducting thorough market research is vital to ensure success. Market research provides valuable insights into the current state of the industry, customer preferences, and potential opportunities for growth.

Start by analyzing the demand for resin art in your target market. Determine if there is a growing interest in this type of artwork and assess the level of competition you may face. Look for trends and patterns within the industry, such as popular resin art techniques or materials that are in high demand.

Key factors to consider during market research:

  • Identify your target audience: Understand who your potential customers are and what they are looking for in resin art pieces. This will help you tailor your business strategy and offerings to meet their needs.
  • Analyze the competition: Research and analyze existing resin art businesses in your target market. Identify their unique selling points, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts. This will help you differentiate your business and develop a competitive advantage.
  • Explore sales channels: Investigate different sales channels, such as online platforms, craft galleries, and markets, to identify the most effective ways to reach your target audience and showcase your artwork.
  • Assess pricing and profitability: Determine the average price range for resin art pieces in your market and evaluate the profitability potential of the business. This will help you set realistic pricing strategies and forecast your financial projections.
  • Consider surveying potential customers to gather insights on their preferences, purchasing habits, and willingness to pay for resin art pieces.
  • Attend industry exhibitions and art events to network with other artists and gain a deeper understanding of current market trends.
  • Stay updated on new resin art techniques, materials, and industry developments through online forums, social media groups, and art-related publications.

By conducting comprehensive market research, you will gain a solid foundation of knowledge to make informed decisions throughout the acquisition process. This research will guide your strategies and enable you to position your resin art business for success in a competitive market.

Resin Art Financial Model Get Template

Define Your Acquisition Criteria

Before beginning your search for a resin art business to buy or acquire, it is important to define your acquisition criteria. This will help you narrow down the options and focus on businesses that align with your goals and objectives.

Consider the following factors when defining your acquisition criteria:

  • Location: Determine the geographical area where you want to operate your resin art business. This could be a specific city, region, or even an online-only presence.
  • Size: Decide on the size of the business you are looking to acquire. This could be based on annual revenue, number of employees, or physical space.
  • Customer base: Identify the target market and customer profile that you want to serve. Determine if you are looking for a business with an established customer base or if you are willing to build one from scratch.
  • Product offering: Define the types of resin art products and services you want to offer. This could include custom pieces, ready-made pieces, art classes, or a combination of these.
  • Financials: Consider your budget and financial goals. Determine the maximum price you are willing to pay for a resin art business and what return on investment you are seeking.
  • Be specific and realistic when defining your acquisition criteria. This will help you avoid wasting time and resources on businesses that do not meet your needs.
  • Consider seeking professional advice from a business broker or consultant who specializes in acquisitions. They can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the process.
  • Stay open-minded and flexible. While it is important to have clear criteria, be willing to adjust or refine them based on the opportunities that arise.

By defining your acquisition criteria, you can streamline your search and focus on finding a resin art business that aligns with your vision and objectives. This will increase your chances of acquiring a successful and profitable business that will set you up for success in the resin art industry.

Identify Potential Resin Art Businesses For Sale

Once you have conducted market research and defined your acquisition criteria, the next step is to identify potential resin art businesses that are available for sale. This process requires a thorough search and evaluation of various sources to find suitable opportunities.

Here are some steps to help you in identifying potential resin art businesses for sale:

  • Utilize online platforms and marketplaces: Explore websites that specialize in buying and selling businesses, such as business-for-sale websites and online marketplaces. These platforms often have a wide range of businesses listed for sale, and you can search specifically for resin art businesses.
  • Network with industry professionals: Reach out to individuals and organizations within the resin art industry who may have knowledge of businesses that are available for sale. Attend industry events, join relevant forums or groups, and connect with artists and entrepreneurs who may be aware of potential opportunities.
  • Contact business brokers: Business brokers are professionals who specialize in helping buyers and sellers navigate the process of buying or selling a business. They often have connections and resources that can help you find resin art businesses for sale. Reach out to reputable brokers in your area and express your interest in the resin art industry.
  • Check local classifieds and directories: Explore local classified advertisements, both online and in print, for any resin art businesses that may be listed for sale. Additionally, consult business directories and art-related publications to identify potential opportunities.
  • Be proactive in your search: Actively reach out to businesses and individuals to inquire about potential opportunities that may not be publicly listed.
  • Consider businesses with complementary offerings: Look for businesses that offer related products or services, such as art supply stores or galleries, as these can provide additional value and synergies to your resin art business.
  • Engage professionals for assistance: If you find the process overwhelming or need additional guidance, consider hiring a business consultant or advisor who specializes in acquisitions to help you identify potential resin art businesses for sale.

Identifying potential resin art businesses for sale requires thorough research, networking, and exploring various resources. Stay diligent and proactive in your search to find the right opportunity that aligns with your acquisition criteria and business goals.

Evaluate The Financials And Profitability Of The Business

When considering the acquisition of a resin art business, it is crucial to carefully evaluate its financials and profitability. This step will provide valuable insights into the company's financial health and its potential for generating profits in the future.

1. Analyze the financial statements: Review the company's financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Look for trends, patterns, and inconsistencies that can provide insight into the business's financial performance. Pay attention to key financial ratios such as gross profit margin, net profit margin, and return on investment.

2. Assess revenue streams and expenses: Evaluate the sources of revenue for the business, including sales of ready-made artwork, custom commissions, and art classes. Understand the profitability of each revenue stream and identify any potential risks or opportunities. Additionally, review the company's expenses, such as material costs, marketing expenses, and overhead costs, to assess their impact on profitability.

3. Consider the business's customer base: Examine the composition and loyalty of the customer base. Are there recurring customers or a strong customer referral network? Evaluate the customer retention rate and the potential for expanding the customer base in the future. A solid customer base can contribute to the business's profitability and sustainability.

4. Investigate pricing strategies: Understand how the business sets its prices and assess whether they align with industry standards and customer expectations. Analyze the pricing structure for different products and services offered by the business to determine its profitability. Consider whether there is room for adjustments or improvements in pricing strategies.

  • Consult with an accountant or financial advisor to help you interpret and analyze the financial statements.
  • Compare the business's financial performance to industry benchmarks to gauge its competitiveness.
  • Look for potential cost-saving measures or revenue growth opportunities that can enhance profitability.

By thoroughly evaluating the financials and profitability of the business, you can make informed decisions about its potential for success and assess whether it aligns with your acquisition goals and objectives. This step is crucial in ensuring that you invest in a viable and financially sound resin art business.

Perform Due Diligence

Performing due diligence is a crucial step in the process of acquiring a resin art business. It involves conducting a thorough investigation of the target business to assess its financial health, legal standing, and operational efficiency. Here are some important aspects to consider during the due diligence process:

  • Financial Analysis: Review the financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, to understand the business's financial performance. Look for any red flags such as declining sales, significant debt, or irregularities in the financial records. It's also essential to verify the accuracy of the financial information provided by the seller.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the resin art business complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and licenses. Review contracts, agreements, and any pending legal issues to assess the potential risks and liabilities associated with the business. Consider consulting with a legal expert to minimize any potential legal pitfalls.
  • Operational Assessment: Evaluate the business's operational processes, including production methods, inventory management, and supply chain. Assess whether the current operations can be optimized to enhance profitability and efficiency.
  • Customer Base and Reputation: Gain insights into the business's customer base, including their preferences and buying patterns. Analyze customer feedback and reviews to understand the overall reputation of the business. A loyal and satisfied customer base can significantly contribute to the success of your acquisition.
  • Engage professionals such as accountants, attorneys, and consultants with expertise in mergers and acquisitions to assist you during the due diligence process.
  • Request relevant documentation from the seller, such as tax returns, bank statements, and contracts, to verify the information provided.
  • Consider interviewing key employees and suppliers to gain a deeper understanding of the business's operations and relationships.
  • Never rush through due diligence – take your time to thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the business to make an informed decision.

Performing due diligence will provide you with a comprehensive picture of the resin art business you intend to acquire. This knowledge will not only help you negotiate a fair deal but also assist in developing a solid transition plan to seamlessly integrate the business into your own operations.

Develop A Business Plan And Financial Model

Developing a business plan and financial model is essential when acquiring a resin art business. This step will help you outline your goals, strategies, and financial projections for the business. Here are some important considerations during this process:

  • Clear objectives: Clearly define your short-term and long-term objectives for the business. These objectives may include target sales, profitability, and market share.
  • Market analysis: Conduct a thorough market analysis to understand the demand for resin art pieces and the competition in the industry. Identify your target audience, competitors, and potential growth opportunities.
  • Product and pricing strategy: Define your product offerings and pricing strategy. Consider factors such as the cost of materials, labor, and market demand when determining the prices for your artwork.
  • Marketing and sales strategy: Detail your marketing and sales strategies to promote your resin art business. This may include online marketing, attending craft fairs, collaborating with other artists, and leveraging social media platforms.
  • Operations and production plan: Outline the processes and resources required to create and sell resin art pieces. Include details on sourcing materials, production timelines, quality control measures, and any necessary equipment.
  • Financial projections: Develop a comprehensive financial model that includes projected sales, expenses, and cash flow. Consider factors such as material costs, labor, rent, marketing expenses, and any other operational costs.
  • Research industry benchmarks and financial ratios to evaluate the financial health of your business and set realistic goals.
  • Consider seeking professional assistance, such as hiring a business consultant or accountant, to ensure accuracy and feasibility of your financial projections.
  • Regularly review and update your business plan and financial model to adapt to changing market conditions and business needs.

Developing a comprehensive business plan and financial model will provide you with a roadmap to guide your decision-making and demonstrate the viability of your resin art business to potential investors or lenders. It is a crucial step in successfully acquiring and running a profitable resin art business.

Secure Financing

Once you have evaluated the financials and profitability of the resin art business you wish to acquire, it's time to secure the necessary financing to make the purchase. This step is crucial as it will determine your ability to proceed with the acquisition and ultimately make your dream of owning a resin art business a reality.

Here are some important considerations when it comes to securing financing:

  • Explore different financing options: Research and approach various financial institutions, such as banks, credit unions, or private lenders, to explore the financing options available to you. Compare interest rates, terms, and conditions to choose the best fit for your needs.
  • Prepare a comprehensive business plan: A well-prepared business plan is essential when seeking financing. It should outline your vision, goals, market analysis, marketing strategies, financial projections, and how you plan to repay the loan. Be sure to highlight the potential growth and profitability of the resin art business.
  • Collateral and personal guarantees: Assess the collateral you can offer to secure the loan and any personal guarantees you may need to provide. This may include assets such as property, equipment, or inventory. Be prepared to provide evidence of their value and ensure you are comfortable with the risk involved.
  • Demonstrate your commitment and capabilities: Lenders want to see that you have a vested interest in the business and the necessary skills to make it successful. Highlight your experience, relevant qualifications, and any transferable skills that will contribute to the growth and success of the resin art business.

Tips for securing financing:

  • Prepare a clear and concise pitch: When meeting with potential lenders, clearly communicate your vision, passion, and unique selling proposition for the resin art business. Show confidence in the opportunity and your ability to repay the loan.
  • Maintain a strong personal credit score: Lenders often assess the creditworthiness of the individual acquiring the business. Ensure your personal credit score is in good standing and address any issues or discrepancies before applying for financing.
  • Consider alternative funding sources: Explore alternative funding sources, such as crowdfunding platforms, angel investors, or small business grants, that align with your vision and business model.
  • Seek advice from professionals: Consult with financial advisors, accountants, or business consultants who specialize in acquisitions and financing. They can provide valuable insights, guidance, and help streamline the financing process.

By securing the necessary financing, you can move forward with the acquisition process and take the next steps towards making your resin art business a reality. Remember to carefully review the terms and conditions of the loan before finalizing any agreements and ensure that the financing aligns with your long-term business goals and objectives.

Negotiate And Close The Deal

Once you have found a potential resin art business that aligns with your acquisition criteria and have conducted thorough due diligence, it is time to enter into negotiations to finalize the deal.

During the negotiation process, it is important to approach the discussions with professionalism and a clear understanding of your goals and objectives. Here are some important steps to consider:

  • Prepare a detailed offer: Clearly outline your offer, including the purchase price, terms of payment, and any additional conditions or contingencies.
  • Keep the lines of communication open: Establish open and transparent dialogue with the seller to address any concerns or questions that may arise during negotiations.
  • Consider seeking professional advice: Engage the services of a lawyer or business broker who specializes in mergers and acquisitions to guide you through the negotiation process and ensure all legal aspects are taken care of.
  • Be flexible: Negotiations may involve some give and take. Be prepared to compromise and find mutually beneficial solutions that satisfy both parties.
  • Document the agreement: Once the terms of the deal have been agreed upon, it is crucial to prepare a written agreement that clearly outlines all aspects of the transaction, including the purchase price, payment terms, and any other relevant details.
  • Do your research and understand the market value of the business you are acquiring to ensure your offer is fair.
  • Be patient and respectful during negotiations, as maintaining a positive relationship with the seller can help facilitate a smoother closing process.
  • Consider including a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to protect sensitive business information during the negotiation phase.
  • Consult with a financial advisor to review the financial projections and ensure the business's profitability and sustainability.
  • Seek a win-win outcome, where both parties feel satisfied with the terms and conditions of the deal.

Develop A Transition Plan

Developing a transition plan is crucial when acquiring a resin art business. It helps ensure a smooth and successful transition of ownership, operations, and customer relationships. Here are some important considerations:

  • Communicate with the current owner:

Establish open and transparent communication with the current owner. Discuss their transition preferences and gain insights into the day-to-day operations, customer base, and any ongoing commitments or contracts. This will help you understand the business better and plan for a seamless handover.

  • Assess staffing needs:

Evaluate the existing staff and assess whether you need to make any changes or additions to the team during the transition. Consider their expertise, responsibilities, and the necessary training or support they may require to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Review processes and systems:

Thoroughly review the existing processes and systems in place. Identify areas that need improvement or customization to align with your vision and goals for the resin art business. Develop a plan to implement these changes gradually and monitor the impact on operations.

  • Retain key customers and suppliers:

Identify valuable customers and suppliers and reassure them about the continuity of the business. Maintain open lines of communication and address any concerns they may have during the transition. Building trust and relationships with key stakeholders will help ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruptions.

  • Establish a timeline and milestones:

Create a timeline that outlines key milestones and activities to be completed during the transition process. This will help you stay organized, manage resources effectively, and track progress. Regularly review and adjust the plan as needed to address any unexpected challenges or delays.

  • Document all important processes and procedures to facilitate knowledge transfer.
  • Provide adequate training and support to the new staff members to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Consider keeping the previous owner or key employees on board during the transition period for their expertise.
  • Communicate the transition plan to customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to manage expectations and maintain business relationships.

By developing a comprehensive transition plan, you can minimize disruptions, build upon the existing foundation of the resin art business, and set yourself up for long-term success.

In conclusion, acquiring a resin art business can be a lucrative opportunity for art enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike. By following the checklist outlined above, you can ensure a smooth and successful acquisition process. From conducting market research to developing a transition plan, each step plays a crucial role in acquiring and running a successful resin art business.

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  1. How To Start Your Own Resin Business

    The more you practice, the better your art will be. The better your art is, the more customers you'll draw in (and at better prices). To really stand out in the resin industry, your work needs to be top notch. Keep practicing until you've established a large enough inventory at a high enough level to start selling.

  2. How To Start a Resin Art Business: A Beginner's Guide

    Follow the instructions on the resin and hardener carefully, and mix them thoroughly in a mixing cup. Add pigments to create the desired color. Pour the mixture into the mold and use a heat gun or torch to remove any bubbles. Once the resin has cured, remove it from the mold and sand any rough edges.

  3. Resin Crafts to Sell

    Resin gives you, the artist, the ability to cater to all of your customer's specific likes and dislikes because anything can be added to resin art. Making resin art to sell is a unique business idea then, as you aren't limited by material, scale, color, or production volume. Even the scope of your market is unlimited, you could make ...

  4. Master the Art of Writing a Resin Business Plan in 9 Steps

    Explore potential funding sources, such as personal savings, loans, or investors. Example: Determine the estimated cost of raw materials, equipment, and labor required to produce a single resin art piece, as well as the expected sales price and profit margin. Develop product prototypes and pricing strategy.

  5. Resin Art Business Guide: From Passion To Profit In The Creative World

    Transitioning from Hobby to Business: Recognize the potential of your resin art and understand the pivotal steps to shift from a hobbyist to a resin art entrepreneur. Mastering Essential Techniques: Dive into core resin art techniques, pigments, and additives that will elevate your creations to awe-inspiring heights.

  6. How to start your own Epoxy Resin Art business?

    As a business you do not want people complaining that the resin art they have purchased has dog hairs or dust in it! Step 5 - Time to set up your shop - Online will probably be best, especially right now and to future proof your business. We recommend looking into online stores like Shopify, Etsy or Amazon Handmade.

  7. Start Your Resin Art Business: Tips for Creative Success

    Here's what to include in your resin art business plan: Executive Summary: An overview of your business and plans. Company Description: What you offer and what makes your resin art stand out. Market Analysis: Insights into your target audience and competitors. Organization and Management: Your business structure and management team.

  8. Start Your Resin Craft Business: A Beginner's Guide

    Business Plan Template for a Resin Craft Business. Executive Summary. Business Name and Location: Include the name of the business and its physical or online location.; Products/Services Offered: Briefly describe what the business will sell (e.g., resin jewelry, art pieces, custom furniture).; Mission Statement: Outline the business's purpose and core values.

  9. 11 Essential Steps to Start a Successful Resin Art Business

    1. Plan It All Out. Like any business, planning is the first step to starting a resin business. This is probably the most important step that will determine the success of your business. This is also the step that most people tend to either overlook or that they don't pay much attention to.

  10. How to Start a Resin Art Business: Tips for a Profitable Venture

    Business Plan Development. Embarking on the journey to start a resin art business necessitates a robust foundation, central to which is an all-encompassing business plan. This strategic document should meticulously outline your business's vision and mission, delineate your target market, and conduct a thorough competitive analysis.

  11. How To Start a Resin Art Business at Home

    Step #1 - Develop your Skills. Before you can start a resin business, you need to have a solid understanding of resin art and the skills necessary to create high-quality products for your clients. This may involve taking classes, reading books, or experimenting with different techniques.

  12. How to Start a Resin Business

    Many people want resin art, and high demand has driven prices up. Analysts predict that, by 2027, the resin market will generate $10.3 billion. ... Create a Detailed Resin Business Plan. It's easy for a resin hobbyist turned entrepreneur to minimize the importance of a business plan. If you're already making things out of resin, you may ...

  13. How Do I Start A Successful Resin Art Business?

    Build Your Business Plan. Now that you have a good understanding of the supplies and techniques involved in resin art, it's time to start building your business plan. Consider factors such as pricing, production times, customer service, marketing strategies, and more. Having a well-thought-out plan can help ensure your success.

  14. Starting and Growing a Successful Resin Art Business

    The captivating world of resin art has garnered significant attention and popularity in recent years. This unique form of artistry, which involves transforming liquid epoxy resin into glossy and impeccably designed art pieces, is not only a creative outlet for artists but also a promising business venture for those looking to combine their passion with entrepreneurship.

  15. How to Start a Resin Art Business

    Ensure that your mold is compatible with resin to prevent any melting or cracking. Mold release. This material helps release your castings from the mold. Twisting your mold can warm or crack it and reduce its lifespan, so it's good to have a mold release to prolong the life of your resin mold. Resin colorant.


    7 - Choose your selling platform: So far you've planned what you'd like for your business, you've got a budget set, and you've sourced your supplies. You have inventory ready to go and you have your work priced up. Now you need to choose a platform to sell your creations on.

  17. How much does it cost to start a successful resin art business?

    Total expenses in starting a resin art business. As described above, you can set up your small resin business in just about ~INR 1300 - 1500. Once you have made a few items, you can then expand and invest in more expensive molds, bigger resin art packs and more pigments. If you want to start with a wider variety of artworks to display, you can ...

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    Prepare a comprehensive business plan: Create a detailed business plan that outlines your resin art business's financial projections, marketing strategies, target market, and competitive analysis. This will demonstrate to angel investors that you have a well-thought-out plan for success. 5.

  19. An Artist's Guide to Making a Business Plan (In Just 6 Steps)

    C. Your Story. The next step is to write down your story as an artist. This is one of the most important steps because it's how you can form a worthwhile connection with your possible collectors. Write your artist statement by answering these 5 questions art buyers have about you. 6. YOUR PROCESS.

  20. Social Media Tips For Your Epoxy Resin Business

    That won't cost you anything if they get their supplies first and you do it through Zoom, or in person, if they can get to you. Use your imagination, get creative. 7. Measure your success: We know what it's like at first when you step into the world of social media and you start sharing your creations.

  21. Business Plan: Ms. Jhanna Lusterio

    BUSINESS-PLAN - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. MG and Co. is an e-business company established in 2021 that offers handmade resin crafts. Their mission is to become a leading producer of resin crafts through creating high quality, eco-friendly, and sustainable products. Their market research found that their primary target ...

  22. Complete Guide to Buying Resin Art Business: Essential Checklist

    By developing a comprehensive transition plan, you can minimize disruptions, build upon the existing foundation of the resin art business, and set yourself up for long-term success. Conclusion. In conclusion, acquiring a resin art business can be a lucrative opportunity for art enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike.

  23. Business Plan

    Business Plan - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Resiniverse is an online business that produces and sells luxury resin art accessories such as keychains and necklaces. It aims to create trendy, customizable accessories at affordable prices to attract loyal customers. The business is operated online through platforms like Facebook and Instagram to ...