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Class 1 English Grammar Worksheet with Answers pdf(2025)

homework for class 1 english with answers

Introducing the “Session 2024-2025” edition of the English Grammar Class 1 Worksheet with Answers PDF, aligned with the NEP 2020, designed to cater to children aged 6 to 7 years, ensuring their English grammar learning journey is both enriching and enjoyable. This Class 1 English grammar resource not only fosters confidence in spoken and written English but also serves as a fundamental stepping stone in the learning process.

Crafted by considering the curriculum standards of CBSE, ICSE, and various State Boards, these CBSE Class 1 English Grammar worksheets with answers are meticulously designed to cater not only to Class 1 students but also to those in higher grades such as Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4. These resources provide a seamless transition into the realm of English grammar, facilitating practice and comprehension through the utilization of this complimentary Class 1 English worksheet.

From Class 1 through to Class 5, these grammar resources serve as indispensable aids, nurturing a robust understanding of English grammar and empowering children to hone their communication skills as they progress through their academic journey.

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Topics and Syllabus English Grammar Class 1

As per NEP 2020 and NCERT English Textbook, the initial English Grammar topics for Class 1 students, adopted by CBSE, ICSE, and State Boards, are incorporated. These grammatical subjects are also integrated into the NCERT English Textbook for Class 1, titled “Mridang.”

Topics And Syllabus

  • Letters and Alphabet
  • Nouns 
  • Types of Nouns
  • Singular and Plural
  • Is, Are, and Am
  • This, That, These, Those
  • Articles 
  • Punctuation

This learning process with the English Grammar Class 1 Worksheet adds an element of fun and will draw the students of Class 1 to learn Grammar Easily.

Class 1 English Grammar Lessons


It is noted that Worksheets tailored for class 2 level also offer interactive exercises to reinforce grammar learning, covering topics like nouns, verbs, adjectives, and simple sentence structures.

Class 1 English worksheet with Lessons

The following English Grammar Class 1 Topic will highlight the main points to learn and provides some example and explanations.

Lesson1 Worksheet: Letters and Alphabet

A. circle the vowels and underline the consonants in the following words..

d. Kangaroo

f. Notebook

Lesson 2 Worksheet: Nouns

A. underline the naming words in the sentences..

a. Sri Lanka is an island.

b. Delhi is the capital of India.

c. Rina is reading a book.

d. My friend lives in France.

e. Nazrul was a great poet.

f. Toto is my pet dog.

g. I visited the Taj Mahal.

h. The Nile flows through Egypt.

i. Buland Darwaza was built by Akbar.

Lesson 3: Types of Nouns Worksheet

A. circle the common nouns in the following sentences..

a. Dogs are man’s best friend.

b. The teacher is teaching the class.

c. The Sun is a star.

d. Fishermen catch fish.

e. There are many trees in the garden.

B. Underline the proper nouns in the following sentences.

Lesson 4 Worksheet: Singular and Plural

A. underline the singular nouns and circle the plural nouns in the following sentences..

a. The boy has five kites.

b. Mother baked two cakes.

e. Harsh has ten crayons.

d. The teacher gave us four books.

e. Susan saw many stars in the sky.

f. I have two friends.

g, Radha crossed many streets to go to school.

h. There are many plants) in the park.

Lesson 5 Worksheet: Is, Are, and Am

A. fill in the blanks with is, are, or am..

a. You …………….. a good girl.

b. Today …………….. a very cold day.

c. I …………….. reading a book.

d. Sneha …………….. Singing a song.

e. The pencils …………….. Very sharp.

f. They …………….. Playing football.

g. There …………….. Two shirts.

h. Here …………….. a black board.

i. Suniti and minu …………….. Watching cartoon.

j. We …………….. drawing pictures.

Lesson 6 Worksheet: Verbs

A. fill in the blanks with the correct action words from the brackets..

a. A star ………………… (twinkle/twinkles) at night.

b. Lions ………………… (live/lives) in the jungle.

c. A tailor ………………… (stitch/stitches) clothes.

d. You ………………… (dance/dances) well.

e. Sumi ………………… (like/likes) dogs.

f. They ………………… (work/works) in a factory.

g. Radha and I ………………… (go/goes) to school.

Lesson 7 Worksheet: Adjectives

A. fill in the blanks with the describing words given in the box..

a. ……………… oranges

b. ……………… mangoes

c. ……………… tortoise

d. ……………… train

e. ……………… water

f. ……………… sweater

g. ……………… tree

h.……………… mouse

i. ……………… hair

j. ……………… boy

Help Box: woolen, fast, slow, tall, good, black, sweet, small, cold, juicy.

Lesson 8 Worksheet: This, That, These, Those

A. change this to these and that to those in the following sentences..

a. This boy is reading.

………………. girl is writing.

b. These are pencils.

………………. are erasers

c. This is a blue hat.

………………. is a green shirt.

d. These are toys.

………………. are books.

e. This is a man.

………………. is a woman.

f. These are trees.

………………. are cows.

Lesson 9 Worksheet: Articles

A. circle the correct article to use in the following..

a. a/an lion

b. a/an monkey

c. a/an horse

d. a/an ostrich

e. a/an elephant

f. a/an tiger

g. a/an woman

h. a/an ant

i. a/an book

j. a/an pencil

Lesson 10 Worksheet: Pronouns

A. rewrite the sentences using the correct pronouns from the box..

a. Konika is reading a book.


b. Suman is my brother.

c. Harry and Murthy go to school.

d. Komol is making cake.

e. Tommy is my pet cat.

Lesson 11 Worksheet: Punctuation

A. rearrange the words to form sentences. remember to begin with capital letters and end with full stops..

a. a this is banana


b. those threes mangoes are

c. sharp are pencils these

d. the is that moon

e. those stars are

Lesson 12 Worksheet: Revision Lesson

Read the story aloud..

Gopal was a farmer. He had a wife and two children. He lived in a tiny village near

Madurai. Gopal had a well on his land but there was no water in it.

Every day Gopal looked at the sky. There were no clouds. The hot sun looked down on Gopal and laughed.  

Gopal went to Murugan. Please lend me fifty rupees,’ he said.

‘I can’t,’ replied Murugan, “There’s no rain. No rain means no ragi in the fields.

When the rains come you can have the money.’ 

Gopal went home and looked in the little box under the bed.

‘We have sixty rupees,’ he said to his wife. We can eat for a few more days. Then what shall we do?’ Every day Gopal looked at the sky. The sun laughed down at him. There were no clouds. Everyone was hungry.

After a few days, Gopal looked in the box again. Four rupees!

We only have four rupees for food,’ he said to his wife. “And then?’ said his wife. And then! No food,’ said Gopal. They looked very sad. Suddenly Gopal’s wife touched her earrings. What about these?’ she asked. ‘I gave you those on our wedding day,’ said Gopal.

Gopal’s wife took off her earrings. A tear dropped from her eye. ‘Sell them,’ she said. ‘We need food.’ Gopal was very sad, but he took the earrings and walked off towards the town. Suddenly he stopped. ‘Rain! Rain!’ he shouted. The rain came pouring down. Gopal was very happy.

-David Horsburgh

A. Pick out the nouns verbs, adjectives, and pronouns from the story and complete the table.

B. From the story, write down the sentences that begin with this that and these.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………

C. From the story, write the words that take the article in the left column and the words that take the article in the right column.

Lesson 13 worksheet: Reading Comprehension

Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

Rohini is crying. She has lost her golden bangle. Don’t cry, Rohini,’ says Mum. ‘Go and play.’ Rohini goes outside. She sits under the wood-apple tree. It is next to the wall. Rohini counts the leaves on the tree. One, two, three, four … One leaf is falling from the tree. The wind blows. It carries the leaf at the side of a rosebush. Rohini picks up the leaf. There she finds her golden bangle under it.

A. Answer the following Questions in one word:

1. Who sits under the wood apple tree?

2. What is falling from the tree?

B. Tick (✔) the right answer:

3. She has lost her golden _______

4. One _______ is falling from the tree

C. Write ‘T’ True ‘F’ for False 

5. Wind carries a leaf at the side of a rosebush.

6. Rohini counts the leaves falling from the sky. 

D. Fill in the Blanks with Words:

7.   __________  tree is next to the wall.

8. Rohini goes ______ her house.

E . Rearrange: LGEABN

F. Complete Word: R___S___B___S___

FAQs on Class 1 English Grammar worksheet

What are the topics for class 1 english grammar.

Ans: In Class 1 English grammar, students typically focus on foundational concepts to build a strong language base. Common topics include:

  • Alphabet Recognition: Identifying and understanding the English alphabet.
  • Letter Sounds (Phonics): Associating letters with their corresponding sounds.
  • Basic Vocabulary: Learning simple words and their meanings.
  • Sentence Structure: Grasping the formation of basic sentences.
  • Noun Awareness: Introducing the concept of nouns and basic naming words.
  • Verb Introduction: Basic understanding of action words.
  • Pronoun Recognition: Introduction to pronouns and their usage.
  • Prepositions: Simple awareness of basic prepositions.
  • Adjective Awareness: Introduction to describing words.
  • Sentence Completion: Engaging in exercises to complete simple sentences.

These topics serve as a foundation for more advanced grammar concepts in the subsequent grades.

What is grammar for grade 1?

  • Alphabet Recognition: Identifying and understanding each letter of the alphabet.
  • Phonics: Associating letters with their corresponding sounds and understanding basic phonetic patterns.
  • Basic Sentence Structure: Grasping the formation of basic sentences, including subjects and predicates.
  • Nouns: Introduction to naming words and identifying people, places, and things.
  • Verbs: Basic awareness of action words and their role in a sentence.
  • Pronouns: Introduction to pronouns and understanding their usage.
  • Adjectives: Basic understanding of describing words that add details to nouns.
  • Prepositions: Simple awareness of basic prepositions indicating location.
  • Word Usage: Developing a basic vocabulary and understanding common word usage.
  • Sentence Completion: Engaging in activities to complete or create simple sentences.

How to start English grammar for Class 1?

Ans: Introducing English grammar to Class 1 students involves a gentle and interactive approach. Here are some steps to start:

  • Alphabet Introduction: Begin with the English alphabet, ensuring students are familiar with each letter and its sound.
  • Phonics Activities: Engage in phonics activities to associate letters with their corresponding sounds, making early reading and writing connections.
  • Basic Vocabulary: Introduce simple, everyday words to build their initial vocabulary. Use visuals to aid understanding.
  • Sentence Construction: Start with basic sentence structures, using familiar words. For example, “I see a cat” or “The sun is bright.”
  • Storytime: Read short, age-appropriate stories aloud, emphasizing the connection between spoken and written words.
  • Grammar Through Play: Incorporate grammar concepts into games and activities, making learning fun. For instance, use flashcards for basic nouns and verbs.
  • Interactive Learning: Encourage student participation by asking questions and prompting them to respond using simple sentences.
  • Visual Aids: Utilize visuals such as charts, posters, and illustrations to reinforce grammar concepts visually.
  • Songs and Rhymes: Introduce English grammar through catchy songs and rhymes, helping students remember basic rules in an enjoyable way.
  • Encouraging Creativity: Foster creativity by allowing students to draw or create simple sentences, reinforcing grammar concepts in a hands-on manner.

By combining these interactive and age-appropriate methods, educators can create a positive and engaging environment for Class 1 students to begin their English grammar journey.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 1 English

  • NCERT Solutions


NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English - Free PDF Download

The Class 1 English subject includes chapters that have interesting stories, fun rhymes, and grammar exercises for the children. The syllabus of Class 1 English has a total of 29 chapters between the two books, Raindrops and Marigold. To complete such big syllabus, students will need some help. Thus, the NCERT Solutions Class 1 English are provided for students to practice and learn the chapter easily. Class 1 is an important standard for students as they are introduced to the English language in a much more detailed manner. The chapters help in improving their English speaking, reading, and writing skills. Apart from that, students can learn a lot about the use of English grammar from these chapters.


The learned faculty members at Vedantu have created the most reliable English notes for Class 1st. Students can download these notes and solutions to aid their preparation strategy for final exams. They can delve deeper into the English chapters present in both books and get valuable insights. The solutions are also helpful when they need to learn the meanings of any difficult word or phrase in English. The Class 1st English Solutions are some of the best study resources that students can rely on. They will be able to tackle the chapters easily and perform better than the rest of the class in their exams.

Detailed Overview of Class 1 English NCERT Solutions



Class 1 English

Number of Chapters:

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

Class 1 English Marigold NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English have been provided for all the chapters. Download free PDFs of these chapter-wise NCERT solutions from the links below.

Class 1 English Poem NCERT Solutions

Here are the chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English. Download free PDFs of these chapter-wise (Poems) solutions from the links below

English NCERT Solutions for Class 1 is available for:


NCERT Class 1 English Solutions - Free PDF Download

Ncert solutions english class 1, class 1 english solutions will provide step-wise answers to all the textbook questions of every story and poem given in the ncert english book for class 1. referring to these class 1 english ncert solutions will help students to understand the stories and poems covered in their syllabus in a comprehensive way. the basic concepts and summaries of the chapters can be understood in a much-clarified manner with the help of these ncert english class 1 solutions. kids can download and refer to the chapter-wise class 1 english ncert solutions pdf files, for free, from vedantu to secure good marks in the examination., ncert class 1 english raindrops chapter-wise details.

The NCERT Class 1 English Raindrops Book consists of 9 chapters, most of them being poems and some short stories that little children will find fun to read.

Chapter 1: Clap, Clap, Clap – This poem is about actions like clapping, tapping, and jumping. While reciting the poem, it can be a fun activity to perform these actions.

Chapter 2: One, two – In this chapter, you will learn about how some numbers rhyme with some animal sounds in the form of a poem.

Chapter 3: The Little Bird - This poem is about a girl and a little bird sitting at the window of her room. The girl wants to befriend the bird but the bird might get scared and fly away.

Chapter 4: Bubbles – Small children love bubbles and enjoy playing with them. This poem discusses bubbles in a fun way for you to understand.

Chapter 5: Chhotu – This is a story about a mouse named Chhotu who never comes home on time, despite his mother asking him to. Eventually, he gets into trouble when a crow picks him up in his beak.

Chapter 6: Animals and Birds - This chapter has some pictures of animals and birds. You can identify the pictures from real life and write the names of animals or birds in the provided blank space.

Chapter 7: Fruits and Vegetables - In this chapter, you get to learn about different types of vegetables and fruits in the form of pictures. The exercise for this chapter requires you to identify the names of fruits and vegetables from given pictures.

Chapter 8: Who Am I? – This chapter is more of an activity for students, who are required to sit in a circle. The teacher calls the student’s name and throws a ball at him/her. When it is your turn, you need to introduce yourself. The exercise for this chapter requires you to trace the dots to complete the alphabets.

Chapter 9: Hide and Seek - The final chapter of this book is an interesting story about a Cat called Rani, a dog called Moti, Frog called Happy, Rabbit called Bunny, and two other cats called Jimmy and Rimmy.

NCERT Class 1 English Marigold Chapter-Wise Details

The first unit consists of two chapters. One is ‘A Happy Child’ and the other is ‘Three Little Pigs’. Chapter 1, “A Happy Child”,  is a poem about a child who lives in a little red-coloured house. The second chapter is a story about three little pigs Sonu, Monu, and Gonu who lived in a house made of red bricks. In “A Happy Child”, the child is seen laughing and playing all around the city. The whole day she will laugh and she never cries. The child generally sits under the green tree that is near her house. This tree saves her from the heat of the sun. The NCERT Solutions provide explanations of all the chapters and you can learn from them easily. In the story, three little pigs had to deal with a big cruel pig. The wolf could not break into Gonu’s house because it was very strong and made of bricks. Practice and understand the chapter. Solve the exercise questions using the solutions.

This Unit consists of chapters 3 and 4: ‘After a Bath’, and ‘The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe’. “After a Bath” is a poem about a child who tells us what he does after he takes a bath. The second chapter, “The Bubble, the straw and the shoe” is a story about three friends who were passing through the forest one day. In the first chapter “After a Bath”, the child thinks that if he was a dog he could have just shaken and he would get dried. Read the poem and revise multiple times to memorize. Use the solutions for preparing this chapter and maintain separate notes for writing and revising. In the next chapter “bubble, the straw, and the shoe” in this chapter, the three friends were wondering how to cross the river. They decided that they would cross the river with the help of a straw. Solve the exercise questions on a separate note.

This Unit consists of chapters 5 and 6, “One Little Kitten” and “Lalu and Peelu” respectively. ‘One Little Kitten’ is a poem that teaches the names of various animals and numbers in a poetic rhythm. The second chapter, “Lalu and Peelu” is a story about a hen and her two chicks, Lalu and Peelu. Solve all the exercise questions and study the poem. Use the solutions for learning the answers and the chapters. “Lalu and Peelu”, this chapter is about a red and a yellow hen chick. One day Lalu ate chilli and started crying and Peelu came and gave Lalu a yellow laddu to help. Study and learn the chapter properly. Solve all the exercise questions from the Class 1 English solutions. Maintain notes and practice daily.

This Unit consists of chapters 7 and 8. Chapter 7 is “Once I saw a Little Bird” and Chapter 8 is “Mittu and the Yellow Mango”. Chapter 7 is a poem about a boy who sees a little bird sitting at his window. The boy came near the window but the bird flew away. Understand the poem and write a summary in your words. Use separate notes for writing and practising the poem and also you can use these notes for revision purposes. Chapter 8 is about a parrot named Mittu who once saw a yellow mango while he was flying. In this story, a parrot named Mittu, after getting afraid of the crow, so, comes back with an idea. He uses the idea to scare the crow and get the mango. Mittu ate the mango and also scared the crow away. This chapter is important and you need to be through with it. Solve the exercise questions and use the NCERT Class 1 English solutions as a guide. You can also download the 1 st standard English Solutions for offline revision. 

This Unit consists of Chapters 9 and 10. Chapter 9 is “Merry-Go-Round” and Chapter 10 is “Circle”. Chapter 9 is a poem about a child who is enjoying swinging on the Merry-go-round. In this poem, the child sits on a brown coloured wooden horse. Do the exercise questions and use the solutions for learning them. Be focused while studying the poem and practice reading as many times as possible. Chapter 10 is about a girl named Mohini and her grandmother. The name of this chapter is Circle. Mohini sits with her grandmother and she teaches her how to draw circles. Then her grandmother asks her to make things in the shape of circles. This chapter is important and you need to study it. Prepare all the exercise questions too. 

This Unit consists of chapters 11, 12, and 13. Chapter 11 is “If I were an Apple”, in this poem the boy thought that if he were an apple then he could swing all day. He also wishes that he falls for a nice boy. Study the poem and solve all the exercise questions. Chapter 12 is “Our Tree”. This poem is about a tree. The poem talks about how a bird eats fruit and drops the seed which later gets water from the rain and grows. This poem is very important in your Class 1 English. Practice all the exercise questions and use the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English revision. Chapter 13 is “Murali’s Mango tree”. Chapter 11 is a poem about a little boy who thinks that if he were an apple then he would not have liked swinging on the tree. Chapter 12 is also a poem that is based on a tree. Chapter 13 is about a man named Murali who ate a mango one day.

This Unit consists of chapters 14 and 15. Chapter 14 is “A Kite” and chapter 15 is “Sundari”. A kite is a poem about a child who wishes to become a kite and fly in the air. Chapter 15 “Sundari” is a story about a big colourful kite named Sundari made by a boy named Bobby. Bobby flew the kite higher and higher and at last, he had to leave it and let it go. Study and revise the exercise questions and read the story properly. Use the 1 st Class English solutions for better learning.

This Unit consists of chapter 16 and chapter 17: “A Little Turtle” and “The Tiger and the Mosquito” respectively. Chapter 16 is a poem about a little turtle that moves very slowly. Chapter 17 is a story about a mosquito and a tiger.

This Unit consists of chapters 18 and 19. Chapter 18 is “Clouds” and chapter 19 is “Anandi’s rainbow”. Chapter 18 is a poem that is regarding a hot day when the sky was looking blue and everybody was waiting for rain. Chapter 19 is a story about a girl named Anandi who was sleeping and dreaming of the rainbow.

This Unit consists of the last two chapters of the Class 1 NCERT English book, chapters 20 and 21. Chapter 20 is “Flying Man” and chapter 21 is “The Tailor and his friend”.

The NCERT English Class 1 Solutions provide explanations for all the chapters and solutions for the exercise questions. You can download PDF chapter-wise and learn from them.

Class 1 English Chapter - Wise Marks Weightage

All the chapters from 1 to 21 are extremely important. All of them carry the same marks weightage. Hence it is advisable not to study selective chapters for examination and rather study all the chapters from the book with an equal amount of attention and effort.

Benefits of Downloading Class 1 NCERT English Book Answers

NCERT Solutions provide a strong base to the students in the subject of English. We suggest that you download the Chapter Wise List of NCERT Solutions Class 1 English to make sure that your preparation is completely done for the exams. The following benefits are provided to the students who rely on NCERT Solutions for the Class 1 English subject.

The experts at Vedantu have made sure to use easy-to-understand language for explaining the chapters in detail. Thus, students will be able to gain a complete view of all the chapters and understand the meaning of the lessons easily. This will also help them in formulating the answers to questions that might seem a bit challenging.

These solutions have been created by expert faculty members on the basis of CBSE guidelines. For students, this is nothing less than a plus point because they can figure out the exam pattern and answering format easily by practising these questions and answers.

If you want to make sure that your doubts are clarified about the chapters of English, you can take help from the notes and solutions here at Vedantu. These solutions provide a great base for identifying and correcting mistakes in your own answers.

The solutions from Vedantu have been explained in detail and prove to be helpful study resources. Students can easily improve their speaking, writing, reading, and comprehension skills with these solutions. They can boost their overall knowledge of the English subject in the most effective way.

Important Related Links for NCERT Class 1 English

NCERT Books for CBSE Class 1 English

CBSE Worksheets for Class 1 English

Syllabus for Class 1 English

Ensure Better Preparation With NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English PDF Download

Do you want to score good marks in Class 1 English final exams? Head on to the website of Vedantu and download the notes and solutions for Class 1 English right now. By referring to these solutions, one can definitely guarantee a better grasp of the English language.


FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 1 English

1. How will NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Help me?

The NCERT Solutions will help you get a precise understanding of all the chapters along with solved exercises. The questions are solved in an easy to understand language, so you will be able grasp things quickly. Since these solutions are based on the CBSE Syllabus, learning them will help you score good marks in your exam.

2. Are NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Reliable?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English on Vedantu are very reliable because these are prepared by experienced teachers in an easy-to-understand language according to the CBSE guidelines. Not just that, every important concept is thoroughly explained in these solutions. It is more than reliable enough to use for preparation and revision purposes 

3. How do you teach English to Class 1 students?

Teaching languages to Class 1 students can be an ardent task. However, the NCERT syllabus is designed to familiarize the students with the English language in an uncomplicated and effortless way. Parents and teachers should follow the NCERT syllabus for Class 1 as the core study material to make it easy for students to acquaint the child with the basics of the English language. NCERT Solutions for the English syllabus by Vedantu can also be used for simple and comprehensive answers.

4. How many subjects are there in Class 1?

There are three subjects in Class 1. Vedantu provides solutions for the Class 1 NCERT syllabus for English, Mathematics, and Hindi. All the solutions have been explained in easy language and offer an in-depth understanding of concepts. These solutions are created by subject matter experts, making them accurate and according to the CBSE guidelines. The solutions PDF can be downloaded from the website as well as the Vedantu app free of cost.

5. Why did Bobby call his kite Sundari?

Bobby loved kites. He made a very big kite in mesmerizing colors of red, white, and blue. Bobby was so bedazzled by the beauty of the smiling kite that he called the kite "Sundari." "Sundari" is the Hindi word for beautiful. 

6. Are Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English effective for young students?

The expert professionals at Vedantu carefully curate age-appropriate solutions keeping in mind the students. The solutions provided by Vedantu explain the answers in the simplest language for Class 1 students. These solutions are as per CBSE guidelines and will help young students in their studies.  The solutions PDF can be downloaded from the website as well as the Vedantu app free of cost.

7. What is the syllabus of Class 1?

Here is a list of the syllabus for Class 1 for various subjects:

Mathematics: The syllabus consists of 13 units comprising different topics. You can find the complete list of chapters on the page NCERT Class 1 Maths book.

English: Syllabus consists of two books, namely “Marigold” and “Raindrops”. You can find the complete list of chapters by clicking on the link NCERT Class 1 book English. You can also find the solutions for “Marigold,” NCERT Class 1 English Solutions.  

Hindi: Syllabus contains a total of 23 units for Class 1. You can find the complete list of chapters of NCERT Class 1 Hindi book here. 

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NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English | For 2024-25 Session

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English have been updated on aglasem based on latest 2024-25 curriculum. So now you can download Class 1 English Solutions PDF for all chapters here. These NCERT Solutions contain answers of questions asked in Class 1 English book namely Mridang for all exercises . Therefore you can use English solutions guide to complete class 1 syllabus, and use it with English notes to get full marks in exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English

What are NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English?

The NCERT Solutions Class 1 English is the collection of questions and their correct answers asked in exercises of all chapters of NCERT Book for Class 1 English. Therefore these NCERT Solutions for Class 1 contain chapter-wise answers of the book or books Mridang. They are as follows.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English PDF

  • Chapter 1 Two Little Hands Worksheet
  • Chapter 2 Greetings Worksheet
  • Chapter 3 Picture Time Worksheet
  • Chapter 4 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys Worksheet
  • Chapter 5 A Farm Worksheet
  • Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures Worksheet
  • Chapter 7 The Food We Eat Worksheet
  • Chapter 8 The Four Seasons Worksheet
  • Chapter 9 Anandi’s Rainbow Worksheet

How to download NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English PDF?

There is a simple way to download class 1 English solutions PDF here at aglasem. So if you have to solve exercises of class 1 English NCERT book multiple times, then you can use solutions of NCERT book Mridang as per your convenience. The steps to download class 1 English questions answers guidebook is as follows.

  • Start by searching NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English PDF aglasem to come to this page.
  • Then click the link of the Class 1 English Solutions Chapter for which you want to know answers.
  • Now pdf file of NCERT questions answers for class 1 English for that chapter opens.
  • Thereafter click download pdf link to get Class 1 English NCERT Solutions PDF for all exercises of the topic.
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 1

One has to study multiple subjects in addition to English in standard 1. You can use NCERT solutions of respective topic when you solve their exercises. The Class 1 NCERT Solutions for all subjects are as follows.

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has books for all classes. You can explore the book solutions depending on your grade level. Here are NCERT book solutions for all classes.

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 2
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 3
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 4
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 5
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 6
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 7
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 8
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 9
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 11
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English – An Overview

The important highlights of this study material are as listed below.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English

NCERT Class 1 English Book Solutions are designed with the intent to help kids get an understanding of how to prepare for the subject and ace their exams with flying colours. Our NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English have been solved in a simple manner. This helps young kids to develop an in-depth understanding and interest in the subject through rhyming poems and enchanting stories.

English is one of the most important subjects of the Class 1 CBSE curriculum. It is imperative for young learners to develop their spoken English as well as writing skills in this subject at the onset of their academic life. Having a solid foundation in the subject and a strong grammatical base makes it easier for students to understand and progress to higher classes with ease. This can be achieved with the help of NCERT Solutions at BYJU’S.

At BYJU’S, we have extensively covered all exercises and every single question of all units of the NCERT Class 1 English textbook, Marigold. The NCERT Class 1 English Book Solutions have been solved and explained in detail by our panel of subject-matter experts. The answers are written in a lucid manner, as per the latest CBSE syllabus considering the grasping power of young minds.

Class 1 English NCERT Solutions

Here we have provided the links to the unit-wise CBSE English Solutions for Class 1:

Unit-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English

Ncert solutions for class 1 english unit 1.

A Happy Child

The poem “A Happy Child” is about a young girl who happily describes her house, daily routine, a tree that provides shade from the sun and she enjoys sitting and playing under it. To explore more about the chapter, you can check the NCERT Solution for Class 1 English given above.

Three Little Pigs

This story, “Three Little Pigs”, conveys the moral lesson to its readers that hard work and dedication always pay off. Students learn about the three little pigs and their conflicts against the wicked wolf to safeguard their respective houses.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 2

After a Bath

The poem “After a Bath” mentions a young boy who describes his post-bath activities, including wiping out excess water from his body, one at a time. He draws a comparison with a dog and wishes he could just shake off the water all at once and save time. Students can check the NCERT Solution for Class 1 English given above to know more about the chapter.

The Bubble, the Straw and the Shoe

The story “The Bubble, the Straw and the Shoe” is about three friends who go to the forest and come across a river but are unsure how to do it. This story offers the lesson that you should analyse a situation and use your wit properly before following others’ suggestions blindly.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 3

One Little Kitten

In the poem, “One Little Kitten”, students will learn about a little kitten and different kinds of animals. By reading this poem, young learners are able to learn about various animals, numbers and the words used to describe each animal.

Lalu and Peelu

The story “Lalu and Peelu” talks about the beautiful bond between a mother hen and her two chicks, Lalu and Peelu. From this chapter, children learn the essence of a family and helping each other in need.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 4

Once I Saw a Little Bird

In the poem, “Once I Saw a Little Bird”, students will learn about how a young boy meets a little bird which came and sat upon his window by chance.

Mittu and the Yellow Mango

The story “Mittu and the Yellow Mango” describes how a parrot uses his wit to eat a mango from a tree which is guarded by an unfriendly crow. Students can learn more about it from the NCERT Solutions given above.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 5


The poem “Merry-Go-Round” is about a young girl who enjoys riding the merry-go-round and how this makes her very happy. To know more about the chapter, students can refer to the NCERT Solutions link given above.

The story, “Circle”, narrates how a grandmother builds her relationship with her granddaughter Mohini as they draw various shapes within a circle. Students can explore more about the chapter from the NCERT Solutions link given above.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 6

If I Were An Apple

In the poem “If I were an Apple”, the narrator is a little boy. The little boy says that if he were an apple, he would not just stay on the tree without giving joy to anyone. Instead, he would drop himself down on someone as good as the little boy and say, “Eat me, my boy”.

“Our Tree” is a poem about a little seed that grows into a huge tree. The poem teaches kids that a single tree can be so useful to different living beings, like birds, humans, animals, insects, etc. To learn more about this poem, you can click on the above-mentioned NCERT Solutions link.

Murali’s Mango Tree

“Murali’s Mango Tree” is a very crisp story about how Murali once throws a mango seed behind his house, and later that little seed germinates and develops into a big mango tree. The fruits of the mango tree are later enjoyed by Murali’s children.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 7

A poem with just 4 lines, “A Kite” describes how a little boy wishes to be a kite. He wants to be a kite and fly up in the sky. He wishes to ride upon the breeze and go wherever the wind takes him. Get more insight into the questions of this lesson by referring to our Class 1 NCERT Solutions.

In the story “Sundari”, Sundari is the name given to a beautiful kite by the one who made it, a little boy named Bobby. When Bobby takes Sundari to fly, she gives strong tugs so that Bobby will just let go of her. Bobby does so, and Sundari flies high in the sky.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 8

A Little Turtle

In the poem “A Little Turtle”, the narrator is a little turtle who describes his characteristics. He says that he is a little turtle who walks slowly and carries his home everywhere. To know more about the poem and its questions, visit the above NCERT Solutions link.

The Tiger And the Mosquito

The story “The Tiger and the Mosquito” teaches kids that one should respect others as everyone has something special. The story is about a tiger who is forced to wake up from his sleep and move to another place because of a little mosquito. Explore more about this interesting lesson by clicking the NCERT Solutions link given above.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 9

The poem “Clouds” is about the fact that clouds help in bringing rain. Refer to the poem and get a solution to every question in the NCERT textbook through the link provided above.

Anandi’s Rainbow

In the story “Anandi’s Rainbow”, the protagonist is a little girl by the name Anandi. She dreams of a rainbow, and when she wakes up and looks out of her window, she sees a rainbow. She then decides to paint the flowers in her garden with the colours of the rainbow.

NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Unit 10

In the poem “Flying-man”, a child is talking to the Flying-man. The child asks the Flying-man where he is going by flying so high. He enquires if the flying man can take him too.

The Tailor And His Friend

The story “The Tailor and his Friend” talks about a tailor who is befriended by an elephant. One day, the tailor plays a prank on the elephant, which makes the elephant enraged. In retaliation, the elephant throws water on the tailor. The tailor then realizes his mistake and apologizes. They become friends again. You can get a deeper understanding of the lesson by referring to the NCERT Solutions link provided above.

Do you want to explore more such amazing best-in-class resources? You can check our Kids Learning section and make learning a fun-filled and delightful experience for your little one.

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One and Many (Singular and Plural)

Prepositions, vowels and consonants, animals and their babies / animals and their young ones, joining words (conjunctions), names of workers / community helpers, the sentence, pairs of words, opposite words / antonyms, compound words.

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Use of Am, Is, Are

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Use of Was, Were

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