
Essay on Favourite Colour Black

Students are often asked to write an essay on Favourite Colour Black in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Favourite Colour Black

What is black.

Black is a color seen everywhere. It’s like the night sky or the lines in a book. Many people love black for its power and mystery. It’s not really a rainbow color, but it’s in all the colors mixed together.

Black in Fashion

In clothes, black is very popular. It’s elegant and makes other colors stand out. People wear black to look serious or stylish. It’s a color that never goes out of fashion and looks good on everyone.

Black in Nature

Nature has black too. Think of a raven’s wings or shiny stones. Black in animals and plants is strong and beautiful, showing that this color is important in our world.

250 Words Essay on Favourite Colour Black

Why i love the colour black.

Many people have a colour they love more than others. My favourite colour is black. It is a unique colour that stands out. Some may think black is a sad or scary colour, but to me, it’s beautiful and stylish.

Black is also a colour we see in nature. The night sky is a deep, dark black, with tiny stars that shine bright. Some animals, like black panthers, have shiny black fur. These things in nature show that black is a strong and powerful colour.

Black as a Symbol

Black can stand for different things. For some, it means mystery or protection. In stories, the hero sometimes wears black to show they are strong and can take care of the problem. People also use black for important events. A black tie event is very special and fancy.

Black is a colour that makes things look good. It can be used in many ways, from fashion to nature, and it has many meanings. That’s why black is my favourite colour. It’s simple, yet it has so much to offer. It’s the colour of strength, elegance, and beauty.

500 Words Essay on Favourite Colour Black

Introduction to black.

Many people have a color that they like more than others. Black is a color that is both powerful and stylish. It is not just a color; it tells a story of elegance and strength. Black is not only popular in clothes but also in many other things like cars, phones, and even animals like the black panther.

Black is a color that never goes out of fashion. It is a favorite color for clothes because it makes people look slim and elegant. A black dress or suit can be worn at any event and still look perfect. It is easy to match black with other colors. This makes it very useful for people who want to dress nicely without spending too much time choosing what to wear.

Black and Feelings

Black is linked to many feelings and ideas. It is seen as a strong color that can show control and power. In many cultures, black is also a color of respect and seriousness, which is why people wear black at important meetings or sad events. Black can make other things look more important and can focus our minds on what is truly important.

Black in Art and Design

Artists and designers love to use black because it helps other colors stand out. In paintings, a black background can make the other colors look brighter and more interesting. In rooms, black furniture or decorations can make the space look more modern and stylish. Black is a favorite for many designers because it is simple yet powerful.

Black and Technology

Black is a color that has many different uses and meanings. It is a color of fashion, nature, feelings, art, and technology. People who like black might see it as a sign of strength, beauty, or simplicity. Black is a color that will always be important and loved by many for its ability to be both powerful and elegant at the same time.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

Essays About Colors: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Color allows us to see the world in all its natural beauty. If you are writing essays about colors, you can start by reading some essay examples. 

Almost everyone has gotten a glimpse of the wonders of colors, but what are they? To be precise, color is scientifically defined as “ the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them .” When light shines on objects, it reflects, producing different shades of light and allowing us to see and differentiate colors. 

Colors are powerful tools that can make or break how we view things. They are essential factors in inspiring the solitude of a small forest, the intimidation that a volcano provokes, and the sheer mystery of the deep ocean. They help us know when to “stop” and “go” on the road and which plants and animals are toxic. Most cannot imagine a world without color because of its near-essential role in our lives.

To start writing essays about colors, look at some of our top essay examples below. 


1. An Essay on Color by Melih Mert

2. the wonder of nature’s colors by kelly johnson, 3. the power of color by kerry nash.

  • 4.  World without colour by Ella Gray
  • 5. ​​The Meaning Behind the Many Colors of India’s Holi Festival by Victoria Finlay

1. Favorite Colors

2. colour blindness: what is it and how does it affect people, 3. how does color impact perception, 4. the use of color in culture and religion, 5. art and colors.

“Each color conceals a story. Some virtuous and sensitive eyes see the truth through them, while others see rage, anger, and all the evils dictated by the alter ego. Colors carry such feelings as anger and hope, and symbolize such concepts as sinfulness and innocence. They are abused or sacrificed, and widely preferred or despised.”

This essay gives readers a brief overview of color, starting with a basic definition. Next, Mert discusses human responses to colors, the meaning of colors in different cultures, and the use of colors in different religions, governments, and organizations. To an extent, different colors evoke different emotions and qualities and can be used to control people’s perceptions. 

“Mother Nature’s palette is one of the most magical because it is perfectly suited to every circumstance. It is beautifully ever-changing, with the seasons, time of day, and geographic region. A bright yellow flower signals insects to come pollinate, while a bright red flower attracts hummingbirds. A blue sky tells us no need for an umbrella, while green grass tempts us to remove our shoes and enjoy the cool softness. The mysterious power of color affects every aspect of this bio-diverse world.”

Johnson opens a children’s outdoor activity tutorial with this essay, in which she discusses how colors contribute to nature’s beauty. Color affects our mood, so it is no surprise that nature’s bright, satisfying color palette is perfect for kids to enjoy. She also briefly explains the importance of introducing children to color- it sparks creativity and increases their awareness. 

“In conclusion, color is life and as matter of fact, it is everything. It determines the mood anyone could have within those inner rooms. Therefore, it is imperative that while trying to set up either of your living room, bedroom, kitchen or dining room, the right color combinations are used. These will not only make those rooms attractive, but also determine the level of productivity that could occur there.”

In Nash’s essay, she elaborates on the importance of color choice, particularly in interior design. Specific colors make a room feel more spacious, relaxing, and luxurious, and different colors work well for different rooms. Nash suggests some color combinations and their supposed effects on humans and reminds us that color choices can “make or break” a house. 

4.   World without colour by Ella Gray

“We’d lose all sight for which was which, basically normal organisms wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from one thing to another resulting in chaos. Emotionally and Mentally: Our world would seem depressing and very dark and disturbing. Some would enjoy this, while others would not because a world without colors means a world with no life. We basically need colors to help us get through the day and without them…life would be sad.”

Gray speculates on what the world would be like if we could not see colors- we would not be able to distinguish objects from one another as well. She also gives several examples of the beauty of color, including in landscapes, animals, cosmetics, and clothing. Her essay reveals how we take our ability to see color for granted, as we do not realize how depressing a world without color would be. 

5. ​​ The Meaning Behind the Many Colors of India’s Holi Festival by Victoria Finlay

“You might say something similar about how colors work in India. On the surface, they provide pleasure as well as useful signals of tradition and ritual. But if we’re attentive, colors in India also remind us of that which is easy to forget: the evasive nature of matter, and of our own special relationship with light, whatever that light may be.”

In her essay, Finlay reflects on the Indian festival of Holi and its prominent use of color. She describes the beauty she encounters as she watches the festival and explains the religious context of the festival. She explains the different colors used, such as yellow, blue, and indigo, and their meanings in Indian culture. Colors are significant in Indian culture and remind us of light, whether actual light or the “light” of the divine entities the Indians honor. 

Writing Prompts On Essays about Colors

Essays about Colors: Favorite colors

Plain and simple, you can write your essay about your favorite color. Explain why it is your favorite, what it means to you, and how you feel when you see it- perhaps you associate it with specific memories or people. Your essay should include personal anecdotes based on your own opinion. 

Color blindness is a phenomenon in which people have difficulty telling the difference between specific colors. Do some research on the topic and discuss the impacts that color blindness has on people. If you are color blind, reflect on how you see color, but if you are not, you must base your essay on the online experiences of color blind people. 

From room interiors to clothing to animals, color can make a striking difference in the way we perceive things. Think of examples in which something’s color impacts your impressions of it, and explain how other colors or combinations may change your perception. You can give either one example or multiple, but be sure to explain it in sufficient detail. 

For your essay, write about a cultural or religious tradition involving color. It can be an art form, festival, ritual, or anything else you can find, including Holi, the festival discussed in Finlay’s essay. Write about the cultural significance of colors in this tradition; you can also include a brief reflection on the tradition and colors. 

Similarly, you can write about the impact color has on a work of art. Choose a painting, photograph, film, or anything else, and analyze the color choices. Write about the role color plays in work- explain its effect on the viewers and how it could make them feel. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

essay on my favorite color black

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Black Is My Favorite Color Themes

Black Is My Favorite Color by Bernard Malamud

(approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page)

Racial Inequality

From the very beginning of the story, when "Charity Quietness sits in the toilet," eating her eggs, while Nat eats in the kitchen, the divide between African Americans and Caucasians plays a major role in the story. Nat recalls how he invited Charity to eat with him in the kitchen when she first came to work as his cleaning woman. Charity is only able to take "a small bite" out of one of her eggs. At that point, as Nat says, "she stopped chewing and she got up and carried the eggs in a cup to the bathroom, and since then she eats there."

This divide between cultures is even more apparent when Nat recalls the "rundown," "Negro houses" that are located in the middle of a "not-so-hot white neighborhood." As Nat says, "In those days though I had little myself I was old enough to know...

(read more)

(approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page)

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What Your Favorite Color Says About You: A Deep Dive into Personality Insights

What Your Favorite Color Says About You

Have you ever paused to consider why you’re drawn to a certain color? Is it merely a matter of preference, or could there be more to it? Color psychology suggests that our favorite colors can indeed reveal aspects about our personality and influence our moods and emotions. It’s a fascinating topic that I’m eager to delve into.

When you choose your clothes in the morning, select the color of your new car, or even when painting the walls of your home, are these choices random, or do they reflect something deeper about who you truly are? According to color psychologists, these seemingly mundane decisions might say more about us than we think.

In this article, I’ll explore what your favorite color could potentially indicate about your personality. From fiery red lovers to those who prefer cool blue hues, every shade on the spectrum has an intriguing story to tell! So sit back and let’s dive into a world painted with colors as vibrant as our personalities themselves.

Understanding Color Psychology

Digging deep into the world of color psychology, it’s fascinating to see how colors can influence our feelings, behaviors and decision-making processes. It’s not just a coincidence that you feel calm in a blue room or hungry when you see red food packaging. There’s science behind these reactions.

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. While perceived color meanings can vary between cultures and individuals, there are some generally accepted associations that have been validated through research. For instance:

  • Red is often associated with energy, passion and danger.
  • Blue tends to evoke feelings of calmness or serenity.
  • Green typically symbolizes nature and tranquility.

Here’s a simple breakdown for some common colors:

Color Association
Red Energy, Passion, Danger
Blue Calmness, Serenity
Green Nature, Tranquility

The effect colors have on us goes beyond personal preferences. Businesses use color psychology in branding and marketing to influence consumer behavior – think McDonald’s iconic red-and-yellow logo designed to stimulate appetite and create a sense of urgency.

But let’s remember: while color psychology provides useful guidelines, its effects are highly individualistic and subjective. What may uplift one person could possibly depress another because our personal experiences also play a significant role in our perceptions of color.

So next time you’re picking out paint swatches for your home or deciding what outfit to wear for an important meeting – remember that your choice might say more about you than you realize!

What Your Favorite Color Reveals About Your Personality

Ever wondered why you’re drawn to certain colors more than others? Well, it’s not just a random preference. Psychologists believe that our favorite colors can actually provide insight into our personalities – let’s dive in!

If blue is your go-to color, you’re likely a calm and reliable individual. People who favor blue are often seen as trustworthy and stable, valuing harmony in their relationships. They appreciate balance and find comfort in consistency.

Now let’s talk about red lovers out there. If red gets your heart racing, you’re probably an energetic person with a zest for life! People who love red are usually passionate, ambitious and aren’t afraid to chase their dreams.

Adore the color green? It may mean you crave safety and security in your life. Green lovers tend to be nurturing individuals who value strong ties with family and friends.

  • Blue : Calm, Reliable
  • Red : Energetic, Passionate
  • Green : Nurturing, Safety-seeking

It’s fascinating how much a simple color preference can say about us. However, remember that this isn’t an exact science – everyone is unique after all! So while these insights might resonate with some folks more than others – they’re fun to consider nonetheless.

Whether we realize it or not – our favorite hues do play a part in revealing our inner selves. So next time someone asks what your favorite color is — know that you might be sharing a bit more than just your palette preference!

The Influence of Blue: The Tranquil Color

Imagine closing your eyes and picturing a serene, tranquil ocean. What color do you see? Chances are, it’s blue. That’s no coincidence. Dive into the world of this calming hue with me.

Blue is more than just a shade—it’s an emotion, a state of mind. It’s associated with feelings of calmness and peace. Research suggests that being surrounded by blue can actually lower our heart rates and blood pressure. Scientists have even found that people tend to associate images of clear skies and clean water—both naturally blue—with feelings of tranquility.

If blue is your favorite color, you might find yourself drawn to these peaceful situations. You appreciate stability in life, valuing trust and loyalty above all else. People who prefer blue often strive for inner peace and truth, seeking out ways to express themselves creatively.

While many people think of blue as being cold or distant—that’s not always the case! Consider the variety within this vibrant color family: from soft baby blues to bold cobalt hues, each has its own personality.

  • Baby Blue: This lighter shade often indicates sensitivity and introspection.
  • Royal Blue: A preference for this deeper tone suggests confidence and power.
  • Teal Blue: Combining the calmness of blue with the balance of green, those who favor teal may be naturally resilient.

Of course, like any other color preference, loving blue doesn’t fit everyone into one box—it merely offers insight into possible traits or tendencies. After all, as individuals we’re as unique as shades on a painter’s palette!

So next time when you’re donning that favorite navy sweater or painting your room sky-blue remember—your choice says more about you than mere aesthetics; it could be mirroring your inner serenity!

The Power of Red: The Passionate Hue

Let’s dive into the world of red, shall we? When I think about this color, it stirs up feelings of power and passion. It’s a hue that demands attention and carries a certain vigor with it. In many cultures, red symbolizes love, courage, and even anger. But what does your preference for red say about you?

If you’re a fan of red, you might just be the life of any party. You’ve got an energy that can light up a room and an undeniable zest for life. Research shows that people who prefer red are often outgoing and assertive. They’re not afraid to go after what they want!

I’ve found some fascinating data backing this up:

Outgoing 75%
Assertive 68%

That said, there’s more to being a lover of red than being extroverted and bold. Other studies have suggested that those drawn to this color tend to be both ambitious and competitive.

  • Ambitious: Red lovers are typically driven individuals with clear goals in mind.
  • Competitive: With their fiery spirit, these individuals enjoy healthy competition.

It’s also worth noting that if your favorite color is red, it could suggest that you’re someone who values personal freedom – the ability to express yourself without hesitation or fear.

But remember – while your favorite color can offer some insights into your personality traits , it doesn’t define who you are entirely. After all, we’re complex beings with unique experiences shaping our individual personalities!

Embracing Green: The Nature Lover’s Choice

Have you ever wondered why your heart skips a beat at the sight of lush greenery? It’s because the color green has a calming, renewing effect on us. This soothing shade is often associated with nature lovers who have an innate desire to be outdoors and connect deeply with the environment.

Let me share a fascinating fact; according to color psychology, people who favor green are usually stable and balanced. They’re known for their patience, persistence, and love of learning. I bet you didn’t expect that your favorite color could reveal so much about you!

Green enthusiasts often carry strong ethical values and show high regard for their community’s well-being. Their idealistic mindset makes them advocates for causes related to environmental conservation and sustainability.

Now let’s talk about productive spaces. Ever noticed how many offices have plants or green elements around? That’s because research shows that shades of green can enhance creativity and promote fresh ideas!

Here are some key attributes commonly associated with people who love the color green:

  • Strong connection with nature
  • Stable and balanced personality
  • High level of patience
  • Persistent in their pursuits
  • Passionate about learning

So next time you find yourself drawn towards anything green, remember it reflects your deep-rooted love for nature coupled with a balanced outlook towards life!

Yellow Enthusiast: The Optimistic Soul

If yellow’s your go-to hue, you’re likely an optimistic soul. It’s no secret that color psychologists often link the color yellow with characteristics like joy, energy, and cheerfulness. You’re probably the type of person who sees the glass as half full rather than half empty. After all, it makes sense – yellow is the color of sunshine, a universal symbol for positivity and warmth.

Now let’s dive into some specifics about what being a ‘yellow enthusiast’ truly means. Often seen as forward-thinking and intellectual individuals, yellow lovers are known to possess an adventurous spirit. They relish in exploring new ideas and concepts which can be seen in their innovative approach towards life; always seeking for fresh angles or solutions.

Being a ‘Yellow Enthusiast’ isn’t just about having an outgoing personality though. Research suggests that folks who favor this bright hue also tend to have an expressive and communicative nature. They’re usually good conversationalists who are comfortable expressing their thoughts openly.

Interestingly enough, there’s more to this enthusiasm for yellow than meets the eye! Here’s some quick facts:

  • Fact 1: According to Pantone Color Institute, those who prefer yellow are generally motivated by self-fulfillment and values.
  • Fact 2: Studies have found that people surrounded by yellow often report feeling happier overall.

No matter how you slice it, being drawn to yellow reveals a lot about your personality traits – from your upbeat outlook on life to your intellectual curiosity. But remember – colors can only say so much about us since we’re complex beings with diverse tastes and preferences!

Black and White Preferences: A Study in Contrast

Let’s dive into the world of black and white color preferences. It’s fascinating to see how these two colors, as starkly different as they are, can reveal so much about an individual’s personality traits.

If you find yourself drawn to the color black, it might indicate that you’re someone who values power and control. This doesn’t mean you’re a control freak; rather, it indicates that you appreciate having a sense of command over your life circumstances. Individuals favoring black often embody characteristics like independence, strong-will, and decisiveness. They also tend to be ambitious and purpose-driven.

On the other end of the spectrum is white. If white is your go-to hue, it could suggest that you value simplicity and perfection above all else. You’re likely someone who loves peace, avoids conflict whenever possible and maintains a neat appearance or environment around yourself. People who prefer white generally seek harmony in their lives – they strive for balance rather than extremes.

Here are some interesting data points on individuals’ preferences for black versus white:

Color Percentage Preference
Black 15%
White 5%

But remember this isn’t cut-and-dried science; our personalities are complex mixtures molded by countless factors beyond just our favorite colors! As I delve more into the subject matter in future sections of this article series on “what your favorite color says about you”, expect more insights into how even seemingly mundane choices can offer intriguing glimpses into our inner selves!

Conclusion: Embracing the Colors of You

We’ve embarked on a vibrant journey, exploring what your favorite color says about you. It’s become clear that colors play an integral part in our lives, impacting our moods, behaviors and even personality traits.

Maybe you’re drawn to blue because you value tranquility and stability. Perhaps green is your go-to because it reflects your love for nature and growth. Or it might be that red resonates with you due to its association with energy and passion.

The fascinating thing about this study is not just what we’ve learned about individual colors but also how unique each person’s color preference can be.

  • Red lovers may be passionate and driven
  • Blue fans often lean towards calmness and reliability
  • Green enthusiasts usually appreciate growth and harmony
  • Yellow followers are typically optimistic and cheerful

But remember – this doesn’t mean we should box ourselves into these categories exclusively!

Life isn’t made up of single hues but rather a diverse palette of colors. Our personalities are complex, composed not just from one shade but many different ones combined together.

So whether you’re a lover of purples, pinks or any other hue under the sun, embrace that! Revel in the fact that your favorite color is a piece of the puzzle that makes up who you truly are.

In closing, let’s continue to explore our colorful world with curiosity. After all, it’s these nuances in taste and personality that make us human — diverse yet connected through shared experiences.

Embrace the colors of you!

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My favorite color essay my favorite color black essay​

                                                My favorite color

There are lots of colors present in this world and different people have different choices of colors. This choice of color may vary from person to person and also some people may have the same choices of colors. Colors bring smiles to everyone's face. These colors have some categories that are bright and dark. On the basis of these categories, people chose their favorite color.

Just like everyone, I have also a favorite color and that is black. I believe that the color black goes with everything. I prefer clothes of black color and not only clothes but shoes also. It is a color of elegance and power and also sometimes evokes anger and sadness.

There are many reasons to choose a favorite color and this choice of color is not distinguished by the class of people, everyone has the right to choose the color and we should accept that and respect that.

Black is my favourite colour ,

It is not not only a colour for me ,but a emotion

If you check my wardrobe , you will find that most of my clothes are black, my most of the denims are black ,so my friends thinks that I only wear 1 cloth daily.

My mobile is also black.

Even my wallet is also black,my school bag ,

My friends and relatives and even my sisters used to say that I do not have colourful choice, because I always select black.

Now question comes to why,

1.I find black more attractive than any other colours.

2.another reason may be to like black that black hides thing,other colour, similarly I like not to share my feeling with others.

3. It is the only color which can fade other colour.

Think, that all colours are made by mixing different colour,black is also made by mixing red, yellow,blue. But the point I want to conclude here is that black do not loses its colour after mixing with another colour.

Here is something intra about black.

According to hindu mythology,

Black colour is used to protect from evils.

Black is also associated with power,elegance,formality,mysteries,death, seriousness.

And one most important fear.

. It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death'). Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes).

We can also say that black is absence of color.

I have also read somewhere ,that the persons who loves black has the most colour full mind.

Your personality if black is your favorite color

You are a serious person, you may struggle to let yourself go and enjoy yourself.

You are a very independent person, you like to do things for yourself and rarely ask others for help.

Due to your serious nature you often seem intimidating to some people.

You are not in touch with your emotions, your mind naturally suppresses your feelings and desires.

You have a rebellious nature, you dislike authority and being told what to do.

You like to feel strong and powerful.

You like to keep things to yourself, privacy is important to you and you like to keep a certain amount of mystery about yourself.

You don’t easily get close to people, you put up walls and barriers to protect yourself.

hope this helps u mate

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    Discussion of themes and motifs in Bernard Malamud's Black Is My Favorite Color. eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of Black Is My Favorite Color so you can excel on ...

  17. Black Is My Favorite Color by Bernard Malamud

    The short story Black is My Favorite Color by Bernard Malamud is about Jewish-Black relationships in America similarly to several of his other novels (such as The Assistant, 1957) and short stories. Bernard Malamud (1914-1986) was born in Brooklyn as an offspring of Russian Jewish immigrants.

  18. What Your Favorite Color Says About You: A Deep Dive into Personality

    It's also worth noting that if your favorite color is red, it could suggest that you're someone who values personal freedom - the ability to express yourself without hesitation or fear. But remember - while your favorite color can offer some insights into your personality traits, it doesn't define who you are entirely. After all, we ...

  19. My Favourite Colour College Essay Sample (500 Words)

    A 500-word essay on why blue is the writer's favorite color, with facts and examples. Learn how blue can influence emotions, actions, and perceptions, and how it relates to the writer's personality and preferences.

  20. Black Is My Favorite Color Teaching Guide

    Start an essay Ask a question Join Sign in. Study Guides ; Homework Help ... "Black Is My Favorite Color - Topics for Further Study." Short Stories for Students, Vol. 16. Gale Cengage, 7 Sep. 2024 ...

  21. my favorite color black essay

    Black is my favourite colour , It is not not only a colour for me ,but a emotion. If you check my wardrobe , you will find that most of my clothes are black, my most of the denims are black ,so my friends thinks that I only wear 1 cloth daily. My mobile is also black. Even my wallet is also black,my school bag ,

  22. Black Is My Favorite Color What Do I Read Next?

    The essays explore Jewish identity, spirituality, scripture, the Holocaust, conflicts in Israel, and Jewish culture. ... Download the entire Black Is My Favorite Color study guide as a printable PDF!