2-minute Speech on English Language Day, 21 Topic Ideas, 14 Quotes.

English Language Day is an annual observance established by the United Nations to celebrate the English language’s role as a global means of communication and cultural exchange. It is recognized on April 23rd , which marks the birth and death anniversary of William Shakespeare, one of the most renowned figures in English literature. The day aims to promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism, emphasizing the importance of English as a tool for fostering mutual understanding and cooperation among people of different linguistic backgrounds worldwide. Various events, such as seminars, workshops, and cultural activities, are organized to highlight the significance of the English language in education, diplomacy, literature, and international relations.

2-minute Speech on English Language Day

Today, we celebrate English Language Day – a language that connects us across cultures and generations, showcasing the power of communication and the richness of expression.

With its vast vocabulary and nuanced grammar, English connects people from all walks of life. It is a means of communication and a gateway to understanding diverse perspectives, cultures, and ideas.

Today, we honour the contributions of significant literary figures like Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen, and countless others who have shaped the English language and left an indelible mark on the world of literature.

But English Language Day is about celebrating the past, embracing the present, and looking towards the future. In today’s interconnected world, proficiency in English opens doors to opportunities in education, business, and international relations.

English is widely used as a global language, but it is essential to acknowledge the significance of linguistic diversity. While English may hold a dominant position in the world, it is crucial to value and preserve every language’s richness since each language offers a unique perspective on the world.

On English Language Day, let’s promote linguistic diversity and cross-cultural understanding and use language to build a more inclusive world.


  • https://www.un.org/en/observances/english-language-day
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_English_Language_Day

21 Ideas for English Language Day Speeches.

  • The evolution of the English language: From Old English to Modern English.
  • The influence of Shakespeare on the English language.
  • English as a global language: Benefits and challenges.
  • The role of English in international diplomacy and communication.
  • The impact of technology on the English language.
  • English dialects around the world: Diversity and cultural significance.
  • The importance of English proficiency in the job market.
  • English literature: Exploring timeless classics and contemporary works.
  • English language learning strategies for non-native speakers.
  • English Language Day: History and significance.
  • The future of English: Trends and predictions.
  • English language teaching methods and approaches.
  • English in the digital age: Social media, texting, and language evolution.
  • English language and globalization: Cultural implications.
  • English as a lingua franca: Facilitating cross-cultural communication.
  • The linguistic legacy of colonialism: English and post-colonial identity.
  • English in academia: Research trends and developments.
  • English language policies in multilingual societies.
  • Language preservation vs. language shift: Balancing heritage and progress.
  • English proficiency tests: Their role in education and employment.
  • The influence of English on other languages: Borrowing and adaptation.

14 Quotes on English Language Day

  • “The English language is the sea which receives tributaries from every region under heaven.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” – Rita Mae Brown
  • “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • “Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides.” – Rita Mae Brown
  • “Language is the dress of thought.” – Samuel Johnson
  • “English is a funny language; that explains why we park our car on the driveway and drive our car on the parkway.” – Unknown
  • “Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • “Language is the most massive and inclusive art we know, a mountainous and anonymous work of unconscious generations.” – Edward Sapir
  • “The English language is nobody’s special property. It is the property of the imagination: it is the property of the language itself.” – Derek Walcott
  • “Language shapes the way we think and determines what we can think about.” – Benjamin Lee Whorf
  • “The English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet deeply civilised, too, common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane.” – Stephen Fry
  • “Language is the armoury of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • “Language is the means of getting an idea from my brain into yours without surgery.” – Mark Amidon
  • “The English language is full of words that are just waiting to be misspelt, leading to moments of confusion and hilarity.” – Unknown

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Collage of illustrations depicting William Shakespeare, a dragon-like seahorse, and scribbles over a blue background.

Though this be madness, yet there is method in ’t. William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

Celebrating the English language at the United Nations

English Language Day at the United Nations is celebrated on the 23 rd of April — the date traditionally observed as both the birthday and date of death of William Shakespeare . As well as being the English language's most famous playwright, Shakespeare had a significant impact on modern-day English . Shakespeare's creativity with language meant he contributed hundreds of new words and phrases: 'gossip'; 'fashionable' and 'lonely' were all first used by Shakespeare. He also invented phrases like 'break the ice', 'faint-hearted' and 'love is blind'.

English is one of the languages of international communication. People from different countries and cultures are increasingly able to communicate with each other in English, even if it is not their first language. This makes it an essential tool for global cooperation and diplomacy.

At the United Nations, English is one of the two working languages, along with French.

Shakespeare at the UN poster

Virtual event: Shakespeare at the UN

The UN Movie Society presents Shakespeare at the UN in celebration of the English language day.

Date: 23 April 2024 Time: 9:00 a.m. (EST) Flyer with details of the event

Watch premiere on UN YouTube Channel   |   UN WEB TV

Language days at the UN

English Language Day is the result of a 2010 initiative by the UN's Department of Global Communications , establishing language days for each of the Organization's six official languages . The purpose of the UN's language days is to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity, and to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization.

Under the initiative, UN duty stations around the world celebrate six separate days, each dedicated to one of the Organization's six official languages. With the goal of increasing awareness and respect for the history, culture and achievements of each of the six working languages among the UN community, Language Days at the UN aim to entertain, as well as to inform.

Six Language Days:

20 March French

20 April Chinese

23 April English

23 April Spanish

6 June Russian

18 December Arabic

  • Arabic (18 December)
  • Chinese (20 April)
  • English (23 April)
  • French (20 March)
  • Russian (6 June)
  • Spanish (23 April)

Multilingualism and the UN

An essential factor in harmonious communication among peoples, multilingualism is of particular importance to the United Nations. By promoting tolerance, multilingualism ensures effective and increased participation of all in the Organization’s work, as well as greater effectiveness, better outcomes and more involvement.

The balance among the six official languages has been an ongoing concern of the Secretary-General. From 1946 to the present, numerous activities have been undertaken to promote the use of the official languages, and to ensure that the United Nations, its goals and actions, are understood by the widest possible public.

In its resolution of 6 December 1999 ( A/RES/54/64 ), the General Assembly invited the appointment of a senior Secretariat official to serve as coordinator of questions relating to multilingualism .

Multilingualism is a Core Value of the United Nations - UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Multilingualism and the United Nations - One world, many languages

2021 Celebrations: focus on Africa

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. For the 2021 celebrations of English Language Day, let's learn more about its presence in Africa and its interaction with African languages and arts.

Anglophone Africa in numbers

There are about two dozen African countries where English is spoken as an official language or widely used in education, administration, law, business, the mass media and literature, the top five (by number of inhabitants) gathering nearly 500 million people.

On the African continent, in addition to being a working language of the UN Economic Commission for Africa , English is also one of the official languages of the African Union and of many of Africa’s subregional organizations.

Anglophone African writers and orators

She wept now because she hadn’t been able to do so for seven years, as staying alive required parting with all familiar ways of living during the years when the guns took words out of the mouths of the elders.

- Excerpt from Radiance of Tomorrow, by Ishmael Beah (Sierra Leone)

The night was very quiet. It was always quiet except on moonlight nights. Darkness held a vague terror for these people, even the bravest among them. Children were warned not to whistle at night for fear of evil spirits. Dangerous animals became even more sinister and uncanny in the dark. A snake was never called by its name at night, because it would hear. It was called a string. And so on this particular night as the crier's voice was gradually swallowed up in the distance, silence returned to the world, a vibrant silence made more intense by the universal trill of a million million forest insects.

- Excerpt from Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe

One human life is deeper than the ocean. Strange fishes and sea-monsters and mighty plants live in the rock-bed of our spirits. The whole of human history is an undiscovered continent deep in our souls. There are dolphins, plants that dream, magic birds inside us. The sky is inside us. The earth is in us.

- Excerpt from The Famished Road, by Ben Okri (Nigeria)

People in delirium rise and sink, rise and sink, in and out of lucidity. The swaying, shuddering, thudding, flinging stops, and the furniture of life falls into place. The vehicle was the fever. Chattering metal and raving dance of loose bolts in the smell of the children’s car-sick. She rose from it for gradually longer and longer intervals. At first what fell into place was what was vanished, the past. In the dimness and traced brightness of a tribal hut the equilibrium she regained was that of the room in the shift boss’s house on mine property she had had to herself once her elder sister went to boarding-school. Picking them up one by one, she went over the objects of her collection on the bookshelf, the miniature brass coffee-pot and tray, the four bone elephants, one with a broken trunk, the khaki pottery bulldog with the Union Jack painted on his back. A lavender-bag trimmed with velvet forget-me-nots hung from the upright hinge of the adjustable mirror of the dressing-table, cut out against the window whose light was meshed by minute squares of the wire flyscreen, clogged with mine dust and dead gnats. The dented silver stopper of a cut-glass scent bottle was cemented to the glass neck by layers and years of dried Silvo polish. Her school shoes, cleaned by Our Jim (the shift boss’s name was Jim, too, and so her mother talked of her husband as ‘My Jim’ and the house servant as ‘Our Jim’), were outside the door. A rabbit with a brown patch like a birthmark over one eye and ear was waiting in his garden hutch to be fed… As if the vehicle had made a journey so far beyond the norm of a present it divided its passengers from that the master bedroom en suite had been lost, jolted out of chronology as the room where her returning consciousness properly belonged: the room that she had left four days ago.

- Excerpt from July’s People, by Nadine Gordimer (South Africa)

Our struggle has reached a decisive moment. We call on our people to seize this moment so that the process towards democracy is rapid and uninterrupted. We have waited too long for our freedom. We can no longer wait. Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all fronts. To relax our efforts now would be a mistake which generations to come will not be able to forgive. The sight of freedom looming on the horizon should encourage us to redouble our efforts.

- Excerpt from Nelson Mandela’s speech on release from prison, 11 February 1990

Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood, by Trevor Noah (South Africa)

Trevor Noah’s unlikely path from apartheid South Africa to the desk of The Daily Show began with a criminal act: his birth. Trevor was born to a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother at a time when such a union was punishable by five years in prison. Living proof of his parents’ indiscretion, Trevor was kept mostly indoors for the earliest years of his life, bound by the extreme and often absurd measures his mother took to hide him from a government that could, at any moment, steal him away. Finally liberated by the end of South Africa’s tyrannical white rule, Trevor and his mother set forth on a grand adventure, living openly and freely and embracing the opportunities won by a centuries-long struggle.

Born a Crime is the story of a mischievous young boy who grows into a restless young man as he struggles to find himself in a world where he was never supposed to exist. It is also the story of that young man’s relationship with his fearless, rebellious, and fervently religious mother—his teammate, a woman determined to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse that would ultimately threaten her own life.

Laila Lalami (Morocco)

Laila Lalami was born in Rabat and educated in Morocco, the United Kingdom and the United States. She is the author of four novels, including The Moor’s Account, which won the American Book Award and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and The Other Americans, which was a Los Angeles Times bestseller and a finalist for the National Book Award. Her essays and criticism have appeared in The Nation, Harper’s, the Washington Post and the New York Times. She has received fellowships from the British Council, the Fulbright Program and the Guggenheim Foundation and is currently a professor of creative writing at the University of California at Riverside. She lives in Los Angeles.

Zimbabwe women writers

As one of Africa’s smaller countries, Zimbabwe punches well above its weight in the literary arena, most impressively among women writers. A number of Zimbabwean women writers have gained considerable standing and renown abroad, such as Yvonne Vera, Petina Gappah, NoViolet Bulawayo, Paula Hawkins and Novuyo Tshuma. Notable acclaim has been earned by Tsitsi Dangarembga, whose classic story of coming of age in pre-independence Rhodesia – Nervous Conditions – has been taught in Zimbabwe schools for many years and is the first in a trilogy, the third part of which, This Mournable Body, was nominated for the 2020 Booker Prize. Interestingly, two of the best-known women writers of the twentieth century – Muriel Spark and Doris Lessing – while not born in Zimbabwe, spent their formative years and began their literary careers in that country. 

Test your knowledge

a seahorse emerges from a book with scribbles written around it

Adobe Express/AI generated illustration

Test your knowledge of the English language!

Virtual Concert

concert flyer

Friday, 23 April 2021, 11:00am EST 

Watch on YouTube  or UN WebTV

The UN Chamber Music Society of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council (UNCMS) presents a virtual concert in celebration of the English and Spanish Language Days at the United Nations , which will celebrate the linguistic and cultural diversity of humanity, particularly through English and Spanish language and music. 

2021 Events for UN staff

Un english language programme.

The English Language Programme (ELP) offers regular core English courses (levels one through eight), which are designed to improve general English language proficiency, as well as communication courses and special courses to meet both the work-related needs and cultural interests of members of the United Nations community.

Multilingualism at the UN: Why it matters

multilingualism at the United Nations publication cover

English Language Day at the UN (UNIFIL 2023)

  • Coordination of multilingualism
  • United Nations Editorial Manual
  • United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database (UNTERM)
  • Competitive examinations for language professionals
  • Language Learning at the UN
  • Online language learning at the UN
  • Language proficiency examination
  • Dag Hammarskjöld Library
  • UNOG Library Research Guide on Multilingualism
  • UN Digital Library
  • UN Social Media accounts #EnglishLanguageDay

For further reading*:

Best of 2020: the top books by African writers (Al Jazeera)

An interview with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Boston Review)

Review of How Beautiful We Were, by Imbolo Mbue (The New York Times)

An interview with Tsitsi Dangarembga (The New York Times)

Afrolit Sans Frontieres

* Links to external websites are provided for information only and do not constitute endorsement by the United Nations.

Test your knowledge!

Kiribuni sign in Nairobi

Meet Rosemary Ekosso!

speech on english day

Partnering with African universities

Mou network.

The network of universities that have signed a memorandum of understanding with the UN on training language professionals for competitive examinations for language positions includes a number of African universities, including, in Anglophone Africa, the University of Nairobi.

Pan-African Masters Consortium in Interpretation and Translation

The Pan-African Masters Consortium in Interpretation and Translation aims to enable skilled and qualified African interpreters and translators to meet the demand for high-quality language services in Africa and on the world market.

In the first phase of the project, covering the period 2015–2019, PAMCIT included universities from Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique and Senegal and was serviced by a permanent secretariat operating from the United Nations Office at Nairobi, with funding from the European Commission.

For more information:

  • Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM)
  • The MoU network
  • PAMCIT on the DGACM website
  • PAMCIT on the European Commission Knowledge Centre on Interpretation

Gender-inclusive language

Given the key role that language plays in shaping cultural and social attitudes, using gender-inclusive language is a powerful way to promote gender equality and eradicate gender bias.

Being inclusive from a gender language perspective means speaking and writing in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes.

These Guidelines include recommendations and materials, created to help United Nations staff use gender-inclusive language in any type of communication — oral or written, formal or informal — and are a useful starting point for anyone.

logo of Gender-inclusive guidelines

Work with Us

UN language staff come from all over the globe and make up a uniquely diverse multilingual community. What unites them is the pursuit of excellence in their respective areas, the excitement of being at the forefront of international affairs and the desire to contribute to the realization of the purposes of the United Nations, as outlined in the Charter , by facilitating communication and decision-making. They include Production editors, Editors, Interpreters, Translators, Verbatim Reporters, Editorial and Desktop Publishing Assistants, and Language Reference Assistants. Visit our YouTube channel and our careers page .

Gender-inclusive language

Given the key role that language plays in shaping cultural and social attitudes, using gender-inclusive language is a powerful way to promote gender equality and eradicate gender bias. Being inclusive from a gender language perspective means speaking and writing in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes. These Guidelines include recommendations and materials, created to help United Nations staff use gender-inclusive language in any type of communication — oral or written, formal or informal — and are a useful starting point for anyone.

an abstract illustration of people engaged in an event

Why do we mark International Days?

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances .

English Language Day Speech in English- Check Out 10 Lines, Short & Long Speech!

English Language Day Speech: English Language Day is celebrated annually on April 23rd to commemorate the birthday of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest writers in the English language. It is a day to celebrate the richness and diversity of the English language and its global importance as a means of communication. English is spoken by over 1.5 billion people worldwide, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. On this day, we celebrate the power of language and its ability to connect people across cultures and borders.

Table of Contents

10 Lines on English Language Speech

Short speech on english language day, long english language day speech, faqs related to the english language day speech.

  • English Language Day is celebrated on April 23rd each year.
  • The day commemorates the birthday of William Shakespeare.
  • English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
  • It is the official language of over 50 countries.
  • English is considered the language of international business and communication.
  • It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people speak English worldwide.
  • The English language has a rich and diverse history.
  • English is constantly evolving and changing with the times.
  • Learning English can open up opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Celebrating English Language Day is a way to promote the importance of language and cultural understanding. 

Dear fellow language enthusiasts,

Today, on April 23rd, we celebrate English Language Day, a day to honor the richness and diversity of the English language. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and has become the global language of business, education, and communication.

English Language Day is a reminder of the importance of language learning and cultural understanding. As we continue to connect with people from different countries and backgrounds, knowing English can open up new opportunities and help us build bridges across cultures.

So on this day, let us celebrate the power of language and its ability to connect us with the world. Let us also remember the great contributions of William Shakespeare and other English writers whose works continue to inspire us today.

Thank you and happy English Language Day!

Also, Read the following:

Dear distinguished guests, colleagues, and language enthusiasts,

Today, on April 23rd, we celebrate English Language Day, a day to honor the richness and diversity of the English language. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with an estimated 1.5 billion speakers worldwide. It is also the official language of over 50 countries, making it a truly global language of business, education, and communication.

English Language Day is celebrated on April 23rd in honor of the birthday of William Shakespeare, one of the most renowned writers in the English language. Shakespeare’s contributions to the English language cannot be overstated, and his works continue to be celebrated and studied around the world today.

But English Language Day is not just a celebration of Shakespeare or the English language itself. It is also a reminder of the importance of language learning and cultural understanding. As we continue to connect with people from different countries and backgrounds, knowing English can open up new opportunities and help us build bridges across cultures.

Moreover, the English language is constantly evolving and changing with the times. New words and phrases are added to the language every year, reflecting the changing needs and interests of its speakers. The global nature of the language has also contributed to the development of numerous dialects and variations, each with its unique flavor and character.

On this day, let us celebrate the power of language and its ability to connect us with the world. Let us also remember the great contributions of William Shakespeare and other English writers whose works continue to inspire us today. And let us commit ourselves to the ongoing pursuit of language learning and cultural understanding.

speech on english day

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English Language Day

English Language Day – October 13, 2024

English Language Day is celebrated on October 13 to commemorate the day Parliament was opened for the first time by a speech in English, in 1362, rather than in French. The day also celebrates the universality of the language, and how it has evolved over the centuries. Scholars believe that there is no true version of the language, as over 7,000 variations of English can be found in the world right now. English has also adopted many words from other languages. Other than speech, English has also become the primary language for movies and TV shows, literature, and music.

History of English Language Day

The English Project launched the world’s first-ever English Language Day on October 13 in 2009. English Language Day is celebrated to commemorate October 13, 1362, when Parliament was opened for the first time by a speech in English, instead of French. In the same Parliament, a Statute of Pleading was approved that allowed members in debate to use the English language. This made English the official language of law and law-making.

English is a vast language. There are more than 250,000 words in an Oxford Dictionary — minus a lot of technical, scientific, and slang words. English is probably the only language with as many synonyms for many of its words, largely because of its enormous absorbing capacity — borrowing words from as many languages as possible, including German, Greek, Portuguese, French, Latin, and even the language of the colonies where it became widespread. Years of colonialism meant that English now also had words from Asian, the Caribbean, and African cultures. The English language has always been eager to adopt and adapt words and phrases from other languages. The willingness to adapt itself is probably what makes English so different from other languages, such as French.

The English language is easily the most broadly used and spoken language on the planet, and it enjoys a good reputation for adapting words, concepts, and cultural influences from around the world. This adds to the language’s enormous vocabulary, one that is full of odd rules, spellings, and grammar. English Language Day remembers and celebrates the incredible popularity of the language and even its eccentricities!

English Language Day timeline

English originates from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Anglo-Saxon migrants.

The English used by William Shakespeare begins to develop.

Proper modern English similar to that spoken today, is in place.

Samuel Johnson publishes the Dictionary of the English Language.

English Language Day FAQ s

Why is english language day celebrated.

English Language Day is observed to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity by exploring the language. 

How many countries speak English as a first language?

English is recognized as an official language in a total of 67 different countries, as well as 27 non-sovereign entities. 

What is the oldest language on earth?

As far as history goes, Sanskrit stands as the first spoken language because it dates to as far back as 5000 B.C. Yet new information indicates that although Sanskrit is among the oldest spoken languages, Tamil dates further back.

How To Celebrate English Language Day

Learn more about the language.

You would be surprised to find out how so many common English words actually have roots in a different language. Try identifying these words and learn more about their origins on English Language Day.

Read your favorite author

The best way to celebrate English Language Day is by reading your favorite English language books and authors.

Volunteer at a class

Offer to volunteer at a spoken English class. You can teach the language to people of all age groups and help them get better at speaking the language.

5 Facts About The English Language That Will Blow Your Mind

Shakespeare coined many english words.

Shakespeare added over 1,000 words to the English language.

The alphabet is smaller than before

Originally, English had 29 letters instead of the current 26.

English is the official language of the air

English is the official language of airplane travel.

The longest word in English

‘Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis’ is a medical term that refers to a lung disease caused by inhaling sand dust or ash.

Some words are more commonly used than others

The most commonly used adjective is ‘good.’

Why We Love English Language Day

It’s one of the most popular languages in the world.

English Language Day celebrates one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It’s the day to cherish the universality of the language.

Celebrates history

The English language has a long history. Learning the history of the language also helps us understand the politics that have shaped the modern world.

Celebrates arts and culture

English is also a common medium for music, movies, literature, and other works of art. English Language Day also celebrates the role that the language has played in contributing to arts and culture.

English Language Day dates

Year Date Day
2024 October 13 Sunday
2025 October 13 Monday
2026 October 13 Tuesday
2027 October 13 Wednesday
2028 October 13 Friday

English Language Day related holidays

speech on english day

German Language Day

speech on english day

Arabic Language Day

speech on english day

Chinese Language Day

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

speech on english day

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  • Speech Topics For Kids
  • Speech On The Importance Of English

Speech on the Importance of English Language

The English language plays a very important role in our lives. As a result of globalisation and with the help of the English language, the entire world has now become familiar to all people. It is considered the principal language of communication by many nations, and everyone has accepted it as the global language. Do you want to know more about the topic? Read the article for cues and tips, and prepare a mesmerising speech on the importance of the English language – one of the interesting speech topics for kids .

Table of Contents

Sample speeches on the importance of the english language, speech about the importance of learning english.

  • Importance of Learning English Speech

Frequently Asked Questions on the Importance of English Language

A couple of sample speeches are given below. Go through them, utilise the resources, and prepare a speech about the importance of the English language on your own.

Have you ever wondered about our condition if there was no common language like English to share our thoughts and feelings with one another? There are numerous languages in our world. Most countries have a national language, and there are multiple regional languages within a nation. The English language is a great boon in such situations; it serves as a common language and helps everyone to communicate.

The English language bridges the gap between nations and offers everyone the possibility of attaining wide exposure. The adoption of the English language as the principal source of communication has resulted in increasing international relationships in travel and tourism, education, business, entertainment, science, technology, and so on.

The English language helps individuals to transcend international boundaries and get a global reach. For example, a book written in English will get far better reach than a book written in any of the regional languages. A regional language has limitations; it cannot be understood by anyone who doesn’t know it; as a result, the audience will be minimal. A common language like English will eradicate this limitation and help everyone to connect with wider audiences. Similar is the condition for any content presented in English.

The worldwide reach of the English language is the main reason for setting English as the language of the internet. By knowing the English language, a person can easily access all the information on any topics that are available on the internet. English content like songs, movies, news, entertaining programmes, public events, and all can be enjoyed by everyone who knows the language. Like the words of Frank Smith, “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way”. Let’s try to learn more languages and open every opportunity in our lives.

Speech on the Importance of Learning English

The English language was initially the national language of England. Later, as a result of British imperialism and colonisation, the language was introduced to many nations. Eventually, it became the primary and secondary language of their colonies, such as India, Australia, Sri Lanka, Canada etc. Gone are the times when the British ruled over more than half the world, but their language is still ruling almost half the entire world.

Today, nearly sixty-seven countries all over the world have declared English as their official language, and twenty-seven countries consider English as their secondary language. Without a second thought, we can declare the English language as one of the most dominant languages in the world.

The English language is the key to opening the door to the world. It is one of the most used languages in the world. The knowledge of the English language helps everyone to attain personal and professional growth. As a result, people all over the world have started to learn English as a second language. Many nations have included English as their second language in their school curriculums to assist students in learning English at a young age. Almost all the materials and subjects for learning are drafted in English to make it more accessible for everyone all around the world. The initiative of using the English language as a medium of instruction in schools and colleges brings a commonality to the structure of education and brings multiple positive impacts to the students.

Good communication skills in English is considered one of the most important soft skills required for an employee. Other than this benefit provided by the English language, it helps us understand different nations’ cultures. A piece of good knowledge in English guides us to travel to any new nation. With the support of good understanding and communication skills, a person can easily transfer ideas and thoughts to one another. An insight of the English language increases the chance of setting up a good career.

The impacts brought by the English language on our lives are boundless. Let’s realise the true potential of language and remember the words of Roger Bacon – “Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.”

How did English become a global language?

The English language is one of the most dominant languages in the world. The English language was initially the national language of England. Later, as a result of British imperialism and colonisation, the language got introduced to many nations. Eventually, it became the primary and secondary language of their colonies, such as India, Australia, Sri Lanka, Canada etc. Today, nearly sixty-seven countries all over the world have declared English as their official language, and twenty-seven countries consider English as their secondary language.

What is the importance of learning English?

The English language bridges the gap between nations and offers everyone the possibility of attaining wide exposure. The adoption of the English language as the principal source of communication has resulted in increasing international relationships in travel and tourism, education, business, entertainment, science, technology, and so on. The English language helps individuals to remove international boundaries and helps them to get a global reach.

List some advantages of the English language.

  • English is considered the principal language of communication by many nations, and everyone has accepted it as the global language.
  • The English language knowledge helps everyone attain personal and professional growth.
  • A piece of good knowledge in English guides us to travel to any new nations.
  • English helps every content creator to receive a wider audience.
  • The English language helps us to enjoy content like songs, movies, news, entertaining programmes, public events and so on.
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13 Speeches in English for Listening and Speaking Practice

Giving a speech in front of a whole room of people can be pretty scary. Especially if you are giving a speech in English as a non-native speaker.

But you can learn from the best.

You can watch videos of famous, effective speeches in English to learn how to do it the right way .

In this post we will share 13 amazing speeches in English that you can use to become a more confident speaker yourself.

1. Speech on Kindness by a 10-year-old Girl

2. “the effects of lying” by georgia haukom, 3. “education for all” by cameron allen, 4. gender equality speech by emma watson, 5. “rocky balboa speech” by sylvester stallone, 6. 2008 presidential acceptance speech by president barack obama, 7. “this is water” speech by david foster wallace, 8. “the great dictator speech” by charlie chaplin, 9. 2018 golden globe speech by oprah winfrey, 10. “i have a dream” speech by martin luther king jr., 11. “the gettysburg address” by abraham lincoln, 12. “britain does owe reparations” by shashi tharoor, 13. mark antony’s speech by william shakespeare.

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Level: Beginner

Do you think people should be kind to one another? This speaker sure does. And she knows how to convince you of the same.

This is a perfect informative speech for beginner English learners . The speaker is a child who is able to speak fluently but with simple words . She also uses her gestures and facial expressions to communicate her emotions with the audience.

This speech is perfect for listening practice . However, learners should be aware that her pauses are not perfect. Learners should focus more on her words and the content of the speech than her intonation or pacing while practicing.

Even though the speaker is a student in the fourth grade, her speech is one of the most interactive speeches I have seen. She starts with a game and is able to make her main point through the game itself.

English learners will enjoy her speech especially because the vocabulary she uses is simple and can be easily learned. But it does not feel like a beginner wrote this speech because she uses her words so well.

If you want to learn the art of making basic arguments while speaking, you should watch this speech. She is able to convince her audience because she is able to connect with them through games and stories.

She also uses scientific studies to back up (support) her main points.

Level: Intermediate

This is a short and simple speech about why everyone in the world should get an education. Because the speaker is a child, the speech does not have complex words or sentence structures.

This is also a classic example of an informative speech. The speaker presents the main argument and the facts simply and clearly . She also gives the basic definitions of important terms in the speech itself.

This speech is perfect for English listening and speaking practice because it is so short but also full of useful information. It is also a good example of the standard American English accent .

Emma Watson is a famous English actress who is best known for her role in the “Harry Potter” movie series as Hermione. She is also a United Nations Women Goodwill Ambassador .

In this speech, she is trying to both inform and convince the audience  of why men should support feminism. Feminism is a movement that asks for equal rights and opportunities for women.

She mixes her formal tone with personal stories to do this. The speech is also a good example of British English .

This is a speech taken from the movie “Rocky Balboa.”  In this scene, Rocky, played by Sylvester Stallone, is talking to his son.

His speech is a classic example of a motivational speech . In these kinds of speeches, a person tries to inspire someone else, especially when the listener feels hopeless or is full of shame.

The basic message of the speech is that no matter how strong a person is, he or she will always face difficulties. And even though the message does not sound positive, Stallone’s way of speaking still makes it inspiring.

Stallone is able to communicate his message with love, even though he is criticizing his son and telling him difficult facts about the world. Generally, this is called “tough love” in English.

Listeners should also notice how he uses gestures to make his point .

Compare this speech with the Oprah Winfrey and Martin Luther King speeches (later in this list). All of them inspire their audiences but have really different tones. Stallone’s speech is the most informal and personal while Martin Luther King’s speech is the most formal and written for a large audience. All these speeches are in American English.

Barack Obama was the first African American elected as president by U.S. citizens. He gave this speech after he won the election.

English learners can discover a lot from his speech. Obama talks about the most important issues Americans were facing back then and are still important to them. He also uses a kind of American English that is easy to understand . His speech is mainly about the values that he and Americans stand for.

Obama’s accent is a mixture of standard American English and the way of speaking commonly popular in African American communities. He is an expert in using pauses so that the audience can follow his words without breaking his rhythm.

As the speech is longer than most others on this list, you may want to listen to it in parts rather than beginning-to-end.

Level: Advanced

This speech is a perfect example of the mixture of casual and formal English . David Foster Wallace was an award-winning American writer who wrote about the culture of the U.S.

In this speech, he talks about the value of an education in liberal arts (general academic subjects, as opposed to technical/professional training). He believes that this kind of education teaches you how to think and think about others.

This is a good example of American English. Be aware that in some parts of the speech he also uses swear words (rude/offensive words) to create an emotional impact on the audience. This is very close to how people generally communicate with one another in daily life.

So, this speech is better for learning casual English even though it is a speech given at a university.


Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Charlie Chaplin is generally known for his gestures and facial expressions. In this movie, he proves that he can use speech as well to inspire and entertain the viewers.

The movie “The Great Dictator” is a satire about the rise of authoritarian governments in Europe. The word “authoritarian” means a person or a government that believes in controlling others and does not believe in freedom.

In this speech, Charlie Chaplin copies Adolf Hitler , but his message is exactly the opposite of Hitler’s ideas.

The interesting thing about the speech is how Chaplin uses short sentences for the most impact . There is also a lot of repetition that makes it easy for the audience to follow the speech.

Chaplin uses the tone, rhythm and pitch of his voice to make the speech interesting instead of using varied words. Chaplin’s speech can be categorized as inspirational or motivational. It does not use formal words but neither is it casual or informal.

Oprah Winfrey is an American talk show host and actor who is known around the world for her interviews. In the 2018 Golden Globe Awards, she was awarded the Cecil B. deMille award .

Her speech at the award show is about many different topics related to American society. She is the first African American woman to be awarded the prize . She talks about how watching an African American celebrity get another big entertainment award many years ago changed her life.

She also talks about sexual assault and the search for justice in American society. The MeToo movement is the main subject of the speech.

Even though the speech is in formal English , Oprah is able to make it emotional and personal .

Learners should focus on how she uses chunking in her sentences . Chunking is the technique of grouping words (called chunks) in a sentence with a slight pause between every chunk. It also helps with intonation and the rhythm of speaking.

This is one of the most well-known speeches of the last century . Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader of the civil rights movement in the U.S. The movement demanded that people of different races should be treated equally. This speech summarized the main vision of the movement using metaphors and repetition .

The speech begins by referring to the “Emancipation Proclamation.”  The proclamation (official announcement) was an order by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 that freed many slaves in the U.S. Martin Luther King talks about this because most of the slaves were African Americans and it was their first step towards freedom.

Advanced learners can learn about the history and cultural conflicts of America through this speech. It is also a perfect example of the use of formal English to convince other people .

Some of the words used in this speech are no longer common in American English. “Negro” is often regarded as an insult and learners should use words like “African American” instead.

This speech, delivered by the 16th president of the U.S. (Abraham Lincoln, whom we just discussed above) is considered to be one of the best speeches in English .

Lincoln delivered this in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where many soldiers had died fighting a civil war. It was fought between Americans who wanted to ban slavery and people who did not. Lincoln was there to dedicate a graveyard to the soldiers.

In this speech, Lincoln reminds the people why this was an important war. He mentions that the U.S. was created on the values of liberty and equality. And this civil war was a test of whether a nation based on these values can last for long or not.

He honors the soldiers by saying that they have already “consecrated” the land for the people of America. (“To consecrate” means to make something sacred or holy.) He reminds the audience that they have to make sure that the idea of America as a nation of freedom continues so that the efforts of these soldiers are not wasted.

This is a very short speech . Learners can easily listen to it multiple times in a practice session. But only advanced learners can understand it since it has several difficult words in it. For instance, “score” is an outdated term used for the number 20. And when he mentions the word “fathers” in the first line he is actually referring to the leaders who had founded the country of America.

Even though Shashi Tharoor is not a native English speaker, his English is so fluent that he sounds like one. Learners from India will instantly recognize him because he is famous there for his English skills.

In this video, he is giving a speech as a part of a debate at Oxford University . He lists out arguments that support the idea that the U.K. should give reparations to its colonies. “Reparations” are payments to a country or community for some harm done to them. A colony is a region or a country that is controlled by another country by force.

Britain had a large number of colonies throughout the world between the 16th and 20th centuries. In this speech, Tharoor tries to convince his audience that the U.K. should give something for the damage they did to the countries they had colonized.

This is one of the finest examples of a formal speech in today’s English . Learners who want to go into academics can learn how to organize their arguments with evidence.

The speech is also great for vocabulary practice . Plus, Tharoor has deep knowledge of both the national history of the U.K. and the colonial history of India. Apart from the content of the speech, his way of speaking is also impressive and is similar to formal British English .

This speech is part of a play called “Julius Caesar”  written by William Shakespeare. The play is based on the life and murder of Caesar who was a leader of the Roman Empire. The speech is considered to be one of the finest pieces of English literature .

It is also one of the best examples of the use of rhetoric (the art of speaking and persuasion).

Mark Antony makes this speech after Caesar is killed by other leaders of the Roman Empire. Antony was a close friend of Caesar’s and here he tries to remind the people of Rome that Caesar was actually a good man. He has to convince the people that his murderers like Brutus are actually criminals. But he has to do so without directly blaming the murderers.

Advanced learners should know this speech mainly because of its cultural value.

Many words in this speech have been replaced by other words in today’s English. “Hath” is the older form of “has” or “had.” “Thou” has also been replaced by the word “you.”

So rather than memorizing the vocabulary, learners should focus on how Damian Lewis delivers the speech instead. The intonation, tone, pitch and rhythm is similar to the formal English used today. He is also good at conveying emotions through pauses and expressions.

If you keep watching videos of native speakers talking, you’ll get used to hearing how different people talk in English. After watching these speeches, you could look for more speeches or interviews on YouTube. 

A video-based immersion program can give you even more native speech to work with. FluentU , for example, features news clips and inspiring talks among its English language videos.

The best way to learn the art of speaking is to first copy great speakers. Try to speak the same words in a style that is natural and comfortable to you. These speeches in English are the perfect material to master it!

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Oxford House

  • 5 Famous Speeches To Help you Learn English

5 famous speeches to help you learn English | Oxford House Barcelona

  • Posted on 16/06/2021
  • Categories: Blog
  • Tags: Famous Speeches , Listening , Listening Comprehension , Resources to learn English , Speaking

Everyone likes listening to inspiring speeches. Gifted speakers have a way of making people want to listen and take action to change their lives.

But speeches aren’t just interesting because of their content. They are also great tools to help you improve your English.

Listening to a speech and taking notes can help you develop your comprehension skills. Repeating the words of the speaker allows you to improve your pronunciation. And writing a summary can help you practise your spelling and grammar.

To help you get started, we’ve found 5 famous speeches to help you learn English.

1. Steve Jobs: Stanford Commencement Speech

Steve Jobs was no doubt a great speaker. Millions around the globe were enchanted by the presentations that he gave for Apple as the company’s CEO.

However, he wasn’t just known for speeches related to product launches , like the iconic 2007 speech where he introduced the iPhone . He’s also known for inspirational speeches, like the one he gave in 2005 at a Stanford Commencement ceremony.

In this speech, he addresses the graduating students of Stanford University. He starts by saying that he never actually graduated from college. This makes for an honest and heart-warming speech . For nearly 15 minutes, he talks about his life, telling stories that are funny, relatable, and emotional. He also offers tips for students to apply to their own lives.

Why is it good for learning English?

Jobs uses simple language and speaks in short sentences. He clearly pronounces every word so it’s easy to understand and mimic. Also, this video comes with big subtitles that make the speech even easier to follow.

2. Greta Thunberg: 2019 UN Climate Action Summit Speech

At just 18 years old, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is one of the most well-known speakers of our time. Some of her speeches have even gone viral on social media. And her powerful words have been repeated thousands of times on climate strike placards around the world.

In one of her most moving speeches, Greta Thunberg addresses world leaders at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York. She challenges them for not taking action to fight global warming and ensure a future for the younger generations.

“How dare you? You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” she says.

Greta’s speech is a lesson in how to express yourself on a variety of environmental issues like climate change. It’s full of lots of useful vocabulary. Plus, the subtitles will help you to understand any complicated language!

3. Will Smith: Speech About Self Discipline

You probably know Will Smith as an actor. He’s played a wide variety of characters – from a police officer in Men in Black to a single father in The Pursuit of Happyness . But did you know that he’s also a great motivational speaker?

A few years ago, a video featuring Will Smith talking about the secret to success went viral on YouTube. In it, he talks about mastering self-discipline as a way to achieve your dreams.

“You cannot win the war against the world if you can’t win the war against your own mind,” he says.

As an actor, Will Smith has a clear and compelling voice, which is easy to follow. Some parts of this talk also sound improvised so it’s great for practising natural speech. It’s also excellent listening practice for understanding an American accent. And there’s lots of slang which you’ll have to guess from the context.

4. Emma Watson: Gender Equality Speech

You may associate Emma Watson’s name with Hermione Granger, the quirky and smart witch from the Harry Potter movies. When she’s not chasing evil wizards, Emma Watson campaigns for real-world issues such as gender equality.

In one of her most famous speeches, which she gave at a special event for the UN’s HeForShe campaign, Emma Watson talks about feminism and fighting for women’s rights. In particular, she explains why neither of these should be confused with ‘man-hating’.

While the actress’s voice is pleasant and calming, the issues she talks about are thought-provoking and will leave you thinking long after this short, 4-minute speech.

This talk is great for helping you get used to a southern English accent. It can also give you some essential vocabulary about a relevant topic. Look out for uses of the passive voice in her speech, and write down those sentences to practise this grammar structure.

5. Benjamin Zander: The Transformative Power of Classical Music

Benjamin Zander is the musical director of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. He is also a well-known motivational speaker who loves to share his love for music.

In his 2008 TED talk, he found an engaging way to talk about classical music to people who know nothing about it. As you can see in the video below, he switches between speaking and playing the piano. And, he isn’t afraid to tell a joke or two.

This speech is a bit more of a challenge than the ones described above. Benjamin Zander speaks fast and in a conversational style, using many examples and short stories to tell his tale .

However, the pauses he takes to play the piano give you time to take some notes. Write down any unfamiliar words you heard him say so you can look them up later. If you’re having trouble understanding him, you can always turn on the subtitles.

Glossary for Language Learners

Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.

Gifted (adj): talented.

To enchant (v): to captivate.

Launch (n): a product release.

Heart-warming (adj): emotional.

To go viral (v): something spreads quickly on the internet.

Placards (n): cardboard signs.

Moving (adj): emotional.

Compelling (adj): captivating.

Quirky (adj): interesting and different.

Thought-provoking (adj): something interesting that makes you think a lot about the topic.

To switch (v): to change.

Tale (n): story.

To look something up (v): to search for a piece of information in a dictionary or online.

adj = adjective

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Picture this: You’re in your B2 First exam and you’ve finished the Use of English part. You can put it behind you fo... Read More

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12 Business Phrasal Verbs to K

Want to improve your English for professional reasons? You’re in the right place. When working in English, it’s comm... Read More

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How to use articles (a, an, th

Knowing what articles are and when to use them in English can be difficult for language learners to pick up. Especially ... Read More

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Are you preparing for ? Reading and Use of English Part 4 may not be your cup of tea – in fact most students feel quit... Read More

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Passing B2 First Part 3: Readi

Are you studying for the B2 First exam? You’re in the right place! In this series of blogs we want to show you al... Read More

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8 new English words you need f

New words spring up each year! They often come from popular culture, social and political issues, and innovations in tec... Read More

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7 of the Best Apps for Learnin

If you find yourself commuting often and spending a lot of time on the bus, you’ll most likely turn towards playing ga... Read More

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The B2 First is one of the most popular English exams for students of English. It is a recognised qualification that can... Read More

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4 Different Types Of Modal Ver

What are modal verbs? They are not quite the same as regular verbs such as play, walk and swim. Modal verbs are a type o... Read More

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So you’ve decided to take the ! Formerly known as FCE or the First Certificate, this is by far most popular exam. Whe... Read More

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Useful Expressions For Negotia

A lot of our global business is conducted in English. So, there’s a strong chance you may have to learn how to negotia... Read More

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Passing C1 Advanced Part 8: Re

If you’re wondering how to do Part 8 of the Reading and Use of English paper, you’re in the right place! After s... Read More

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The Difference Between IELTS G

You’ve probably heard of . It’s the world’s leading test for study, work and migration after all. And as the world... Read More

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Passing C1 Advanced Part 7: Re

Welcome to Part 7 of the Reading and Use of English paper. This task is a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. One where you have ... Read More

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The Benefits Of Learning Engli

Who said learning English was just for the young? You're never too old to learn something new. There are plenty of benef... Read More

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So, you’re preparing to take the . You’ve been studying for each of the four sections; reading, writing, speaking an... Read More

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6 Reels Accounts to Learn Engl

Are you looking for ways to learn English during the summer holidays? We’ve got you covered – Instagram Reels is a n... Read More

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Passing Cambridge C1 Advanced

Well done you! You’ve made it to Part 6 of the Reading and Use of English exam. Not long to go now – just three mor... Read More

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8 Resources To Help Beginner E

Learning a new language is hard, but fun. If you are learning English but need some help, our monthly course is what y... Read More

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How To Write A B2 First Formal

Dear reader… We sincerely hope you enjoyed our previous blog posts about the Writing section of the B2 First. As promi... Read More

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4 Conditionals In English And

Conditionals? Is that something you use after shampooing your hair? Not quite. You may have heard your English teacher t... Read More

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After racing through the first four parts of the Cambridge English Reading and Use of English paper, you’ve managed t... Read More

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7 Of The Best Apps For Learnin

There are roughly 170,000 words in use in the English language. Thankfully, most native English speakers only have a voc... Read More

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How to write a B2 First inform

You're probably very familiar with sending emails (and sometimes letters) in your first language. But how about in Engli... Read More

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How can I teach my kids Englis

Keep kids’ minds sharp over the Easter holidays with some entertaining, educational activities in English. There are l... Read More

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How Roxana went from Beginner

Roxana Milanes is twenty five and from Cuba. She began English classes back in May 2019 at Oxford House, and since then ... Read More

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4 Future Tenses In English And

“Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one.” - Doc Brown, Back to the future. Just like the and... Read More

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10 Business Idioms For The Wor

Business idioms are used throughout the workplace. In meetings, conversations and even whilst making at the coffee mac... Read More

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5 Tips For Reading The News In

We spend hours consuming the news. With one click of a button we have access to thousands of news stories all on our pho... Read More

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How To Write a Report: Cambrid

Imagine the scene. It’s exam day. You’re nearly at the end of your . You’ve just finished writing Part 1 - , and n... Read More

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8 English Words You Need For 2

Back in December 2019, we sat down and attempted to make a list of . No one could have predicted the year that was about... Read More

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5 Christmas Movies On Netflix

Christmas movies are one of the best things about the holiday season. They’re fun, they get you in the mood for the ho... Read More

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MigraCode: An Inspiring New Pa

Oxford House are extremely proud to announce our partnership with MigraCode - a Barcelona-based charity which trains ref... Read More

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The Ultimate Guide To Video Co

The age of telecommunication is well and truly here. Most of our business meetings now take place via video conferencing... Read More

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6 Pronunciation Mistakes Spani

One of the biggest challenges for Spanish speakers when learning English is pronunciation. Often it’s a struggle to pr... Read More

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6 Ways You Can Learn English w

“Alexa, what exactly are you?” Alexa is a virtual AI assistant owned by Amazon. She is voice-activated - like Sir... Read More

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Passing Cambridge C1 Advanced:

Okay, take a deep breath. We’re about to enter the danger zone of the Cambridge exam - Reading and Use of English Par... Read More

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What’s new at Oxford House f

Welcome to the new school year! It’s great to have you back. We’d like to remind you that , and classes are all st... Read More

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European Languages Day: Where

The 26th of September is . It’s a day to celebrate Europe’s rich linguistic diversity and show the importance of lan... Read More

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Back To School: 9 Tips For Lan

It’s the start of a new academic term and new courses are about to begin. This is the perfect opportunity to set your ... Read More

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How to Maximise Your Online Co

If there’s one good thing to come out of this year, it’s that learning a language has never been so easy or accessib... Read More

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How To Learn English With TikT

Are you bored of Facebook? Tired of Instagram? Don’t feel part of the Twitter generation? Perhaps what you’re lookin... Read More

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A Brief Guide To Different Bri

It’s a fact! The UK is obsessed with the way people talk. And with , it’s no surprise why. That’s right, accents a... Read More

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Study English This Summer At O

Summer is here! And more than ever, we’re in need of a bit of sunshine. But with travel restrictions still in place, m... Read More

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5 Reasons To Learn English Out

As Barcelona and the rest of Spain enters the ‘new normality’, it’s time to plan ahead for the summer. Kids and te... Read More

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5 Free Online Resources For Ca

Are you preparing for a Cambridge English qualification? Have you devoured all of your past papers and need some extra e... Read More

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6 Different Uses Of The Word �

The word ‘get’ is one of the most common and versatile verbs in English. It can be used in lots of different ways, a... Read More

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What Are The 4 Present Tenses

There are three main verb tenses in English - , the present and the future - which each have various forms and uses. Tod... Read More

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5 Of The Best Netflix Series T

On average, Netflix subscribers spend streaming their favourite content. With so many binge-worthy series out there, it... Read More

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Continue Studying Online At Ox

Due to the ongoing emergency lockdown measures imposed by the Spanish Government . We don’t know when we will be a... Read More

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Five Ways To celebrate Sant Jo

The feast of Sant Jordi is one of Barcelona’s most popular and enduring celebrations. Sant Jordi is the patron saint o... Read More

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What’s It Like To Study Onli

Educational institutions all over the world have shut their doors. From nurseries to universities, business schools to l... Read More

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6 Benefits of Learning English

Whatever your new year’s resolution was this year, it probably didn’t involve staying at home all day. For many of u... Read More

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9 Tips For Studying A Language

With the recent outbreak of Covid-19, many of us may have to gather our books and study from home. Schools are clos... Read More

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10 Ways To Learn English At Ho

Being stuck inside can make you feel like you’re going crazy. But why not use this time to your advantage, and work on... Read More

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Important Information –

Dear students, Due to the recent emergency measures from the Government concerning COVID-19, Oxford House premises wi... Read More

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7 Books You Should Read To Imp

Reading is one of the best ways to practice English. It’s fun, relaxing and helps you improve your comprehension skill... Read More

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Your Guide To Moving To The US

So that’s it! It’s decided, you’re moving to the USA. It’s time to hike the soaring mountains, listen to country... Read More

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How to write a C1 Advanced Ess

The is an excellent qualification to aim for if you’re thinking of studying or working abroad. It’s recognised by u... Read More

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Small Talk For Business Englis

Like it or not, small talk is an important part of business. Whether it’s in a lift, at a conference, in a meeting roo... Read More

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English Vocabulary For Going O

It’s time for that famous celebration of love and romance - Valentine’s Day! It is inspired by the sad story of Sain... Read More

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IELTS: Writing Part 2 –

When it comes to exams, preparation is the key to success - and the IELTS Writing Paper Part 2 is no exception! It is wo... Read More

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5 Unmissable Events at Oxford

At Oxford House, we know learning a language extends beyond the classroom. It’s important to practise your skills in m... Read More

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Am I ready for the C1 Advanced

Congratulations! You’ve passed your Cambridge B2 First exam. It was a hard road but you did it. Now what’s next? Som... Read More

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Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle. When you see its lush green landscape and breathtaking views, it’s easy to see w... Read More

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How SMART Goals Can Help You I

New year, new you. As one year ends and another begins, many of us like to set ourselves goals in order to make our live... Read More

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15 New English Words You Need

Each year new words enter the English language. Some are added to dictionaries like . Others are old words that are give... Read More

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Our Year In Review: Top 10 Blo

2019 went by in a flash - and what a year it’s been! We’re just as excited to be looking back on the past 12 months ... Read More

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Telephone Interviews In Englis

Telephone interviews in English can seem scary. Employers often use them to filter-out candidates before the face-to-fa... Read More

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How to Write a Great Article i

Writing in your only language can be a challenge, but writing in another language can be a complete nightmare ! Where do... Read More

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A Black Friday Guide to Shoppi

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. Traditionally, it signals the start of the Christmas shopping period. Expect... Read More

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Passing C1 Advanced: Part 3 Re

The (CAE) is a high-level qualification, designed to show that candidates are confident and flexible language users who... Read More

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AI Translators: The Future Of

Many people believe that artificial intelligence (AI) translators are surpassing human translators in their ability to a... Read More

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8 Of The Best Apps For Learnin

Apps are a great tool for learning English. They are quick, easy to access and fun. It’s almost like having a mini cla... Read More

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6 Ways To Improve Your Speakin

There are four linguistic skills that you utilise when learning a new language: reading, writing speaking and listening.... Read More

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So, you’ve moved onto Part 3, and after completing Part 2 it’s probably a welcome relief to be given some help with ... Read More

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8 Resources To Build Your Busi

Whether it’s in meetings, telephone conversations or networking events, you’ll find specific vocabulary and buzzword... Read More

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5 Ways to Become a Better Lear

It’s time for some back-to-school motivation. The new school year is about to start and everyone is feeling refreshed ... Read More

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Our 10 Favourite YouTubers To

Haven’t you heard? Nobody is watching the TV anymore - 2019 is the year of the YouTuber! If you’re an English langu... Read More

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So, you’ve completed the of your Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE). Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy the rest of the e... Read More

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The Secret French Words Hidden

“The problem with the French is that they have no word for entrepreneur.” This phrase was attributed to George W. B... Read More

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The Ultimate Guide To Gràcia

The Gràcia Festival, or , is an annual celebration taking place in the lovely, bohemian neighbourhood of Gràcia in upt... Read More

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5 Things To Do In Barcelona In

Barcelona residents will often tell you than nothing happens in August. It’s too hot and everyone escapes to little vi... Read More

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4 Past Tenses and When to Use

Do you have difficulty with the past tenses in English? Do you know the difference between the past simple and past perf... Read More

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How To Write A Review: Cambrid

Students who are taking their B2 First Certificate exam (FCE) will be asked to do two pieces of writing within an 80 min... Read More

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8 Hidden Benefits of Being Bil

Unless you were raised to be bilingual, speaking two languages can require years of study and hard work. Even once you�... Read More

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7 Films to Practise Your Engli

What’s better than watching a fantastic, original-language movie in a theatre? Watching a fantastic, original-language... Read More

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The 10 Best Instagram Accounts

Ever wonder how much time you spend on your phone a day? According to the latest studies, the average person spends on ... Read More

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Challenge Yourself This Summer

Here comes the sun! That’s right, summer is on its way and, for many, that means a chance to take a well-deserved brea... Read More

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You’ve done the hard part and finally registered for your , congratulations! Now all you need to do is pass it! H... Read More

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These 5 Soft Skills Will Boost

Everyone is talking about soft skills. They are the personal traits that allow you to be mentally elastic, to adapt to n... Read More

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Which English Exam Is Right Fo

Are you struggling to decide which English language exam to take? You’re not alone: with so many different options on ... Read More

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Passing C2 Proficiency: A Guid

We’re sure you’ve done a great job answering the questions for of your . But now you’re faced with a completely d... Read More

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Sant Jordi – Dragons, Bo

Imagine you have woken up in Barcelona for the first time in your life. You walk outside and you notice something unusua... Read More

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5 Ways To Improve Your Listeni

Have you ever put on an English radio station or podcast and gone to sleep, hoping that when you wake up in the morning ... Read More

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The Simple Guide To Communicat

What’s the most challenging thing about going on holiday in an English speaking country? Twenty years ago you might ha... Read More

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Stop Making These 7 Grammar Mi

No matter how long you've been learning a language, you're likely to make a mistake every once in a while. The big ones ... Read More

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How To Pass Your First Job Int

Passing a job interview in a language that’s not your mother tongue is always a challenge – but however daunting i... Read More

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5 Ways To Practise Your Speaki

“How many languages do you speak?” This is what we ask when we want to know about someone’s language skills... Read More

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You have survived the Use of English section of your , but now you are faced with a long text full of strange language, ... Read More

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Improve Your English Accent Wi

Turn on a radio anywhere in the world and it won’t take long before you’re listening to an English song. And, if you... Read More

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10 English Expressions To Fall

It’s nearly Valentine’s day and love is in the air at Oxford House. We’ll soon be surrounded by heart-shaped ballo... Read More

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7 Graded Readers To Help You P

Graded readers are adaptations of famous stories, or original books aimed at language learners. They are written to help... Read More

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6 Tools To Take Your Writing T

Written language is as important today as it has ever been. Whether you want to prepare for an , to respond to or it’... Read More

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EF Report: Do Spanish Schools

The new year is here and many of us will be making promises about improving our language skills in 2019. However, how ma... Read More

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Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts

It’s been a whirlwind 2018. We’ve made so many amazing memories - from our twentieth-anniversary party to some enter... Read More

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Time For A Career Change? Here

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get a job in an international company? Perhaps you’ve thought about tr... Read More

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Eaquals Accreditation: A Big S

We are delighted to be going through the final stages of our accreditation, which will help us provide the best languag... Read More

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A Guide To The Cambridge Engli

Making the decision to do a Cambridge English language qualification can be intimidating. Whether you’re taking it bec... Read More

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8 Top Tips To Get The Most Out

A language exchange (or Intercambio in Spanish) is an excellent way to practise English outside of the classroom. The a... Read More

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The Haunted History And Terrib

The nights are drawing in and the leaves are falling from the trees. As our minds turn to the cold and frosty winter nig... Read More

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Why Oxford House Is More Than

If you’re a student at , you’ll know it is far more than just a language academy. It’s a place to socialise, make ... Read More

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10 Crazy Things You Probably D

From funny bananas, super long words and excitable foxes, our latest infographic explores 10 intriguing facts about the ... Read More

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Meet our Director of Studies &

If you’ve been studying at Oxford House for a while there’s a good chance that you’ll recognise Judy - with her bi... Read More

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Which English Course Is Right

The new school year is about to begin and many of you are probably thinking that it’s about time to take the plunge an... Read More

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5 Ways To Get Over The Holiday

We head off on vacation full of excitement and joy. It’s a time to explore somewhere new, relax and spend time with ou... Read More

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10 Essential Aussie Expression

Learning English is difficult! With its irregular verbs, tricky pronunciation and even harder spelling, lots of students... Read More

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5 Great Apps To Give Your Engl

The next time you’re walking down the street, in a waiting room, or on public transport in Barcelona take a look aroun... Read More

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Here’s Why You Should Move T

Many students have aspirations to move abroad. This might be for a number of reasons such as to find a new job, to impro... Read More

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Improving Your Pronunciation W

What do English, Maori, Vietnamese and Zulu have in common? Along with another , they all use the . If your first la... Read More

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How To Improve Your English Us

Netflix has changed the way we spend our free time. We don’t have to wait a week for a new episode of our favourite TV... Read More

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Oxford House Community: Meet O

The year has flown by and we are already into the second week of our summer intensive courses. Today we look back at th... Read More

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6 Amazing Events to Make It an

Things are hotting up in Barcelona. There’s so much to see and do during the summer months that it’s hard to know wh... Read More

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How to Improve Your English Ov

The long summer holiday is almost here and we’ve got some top tips on how you can keep up your English over the summer... Read More

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World Cup Vocabulary: Let’s

Football, football, football: the whole world is going crazy for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar! The beautiful game i... Read More

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The 10 Characteristics Of A �

Learning a second language has a lot in common with learning to play an instrument or sport. They all require frequent p... Read More

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Catch Your Child’s Imaginati

Imagine, for a moment, taking a cooking class in a language you didn’t know - it could be Japanese, Greek, Russian. It... Read More

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Exam Day Tips: The Written Pap

Exams are nerve-wracking. Between going to class, studying at home and worrying about the results, it’s easy to forget... Read More

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10 Reasons to Study English at

Learning a second language, for many people, is one of the best decisions they ever make. Travel, work, culture, educati... Read More

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Shadowing: A New Way to Improv

Speech shadowing is an advanced language learning technique. The idea is simple: you listen to someone speaking and you ... Read More

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The Best Websites to Help Your

Our children learn English at school from a young age - with some even starting basic language classes from as early as ... Read More

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15 Useful English Expressions

When was the last time you painted the town red or saw a flying pig? We wouldn’t be surprised if you are scratchin... Read More

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Help Your Teens Practise Engli

Teenagers today are definitely part of the smartphone generation and many parents are concerned about the amount of time... Read More

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IELTS: Writing Part 1 –

Are you taking an IELTS exam soon? Feeling nervous about the writing paper? Read this article for some top tips and usef... Read More

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Business skills: How to delive

Love them or hate them, at some point we all have to give a business presentation. Occasionally we have to deliver them ... Read More

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10 phrasal verbs to help you b

A lot of students think English is easy to learn - that is until they encounter phrasal verbs! We are sure you have hear... Read More

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6 Unbelievably British Easter

Have you heard of these fascinating British Easter traditions? Great Britain is an ancient island, full of superstition... Read More

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Guide to getting top marks in

Your is coming to an end and exam day is fast approaching. It’s about time to make sure you are prepared for what man... Read More

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4 Ways English Words are Born

Have you ever wondered where English words come from? There are a whopping 171,476 words in the . From aardvark to zyzz... Read More

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Writing an effective essay: Ca

Students take language certifications like the Cambridge B2 First qualification for lots of different reasons. You might... Read More

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5 Powerful Tools to Perfect Yo

Foreign accent and understanding When you meet someone new, what’s the first thing you notice? Is it how they look?... Read More

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Essential Ski Vocabulary [Info

Are you a ski-fanatic that spends all week dreaming about white-capped peaks, fluffy snow and hearty mountain food? ... Read More

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5 Tips to Get the Best Out of

Quizlet, Duolingo, Busuu...there are lots of apps on the market nowadays to help you learn and improve your English. But... Read More

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10 False Friends in English an

Is English really that difficult? English is a Germanic language, which means it has lots of similarities with Germa... Read More

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How to Improve your English wi

If you’ve been studying English for a long time, you’ve probably tried lots of different ways of learning the langua... Read More

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Myths and Mysteries of the Eng

Learning another language as an adult can be frustrating. We’re problem-solvers. We look for patterns in language and ... Read More

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10 Ways to Improve your Englis

Every year is the same. We promise ourselves to eat more healthily, exercise more and save money. It all seems very easy... Read More

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10 English words you need for

Languages are constantly on the move and English is no exception! As technology, culture and politics evolve, we’re fa... Read More

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Catalan Christmas Vs British C

All countries are proud of their quirky traditions and this is no more evident than . In South Africa they eat deep-fri... Read More

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9 Ideas To Kickstart Your Read

You’ve heard about the four skills: reading, writing, and . Some might be more important to you than others. Although... Read More

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How to Write the Perfect Busin

Business is all about communication. Whether it’s colleagues, clients or suppliers, we spend a big chunk of our workin... Read More

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10 Phrasal Verbs You Should Le

Why are phrasal verbs so frustrating? It’s like they’ve been sent from the devil to destroy the morale of English la... Read More

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How to Ace the Cambridge Speak

Exams are terrifying! The big day is here and after all that studying and hard work, it’s finally time to show what y... Read More

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7 Podcasts To Improve Your Lis

Speaking in a foreign language is hard work. Language learners have to think about pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary... Read More

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IELTS: Your Ticket to the Worl

Have you ever thought about dropping everything to go travelling around the world? Today, more and more people are quit... Read More

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6 Language Hacks to Learn Engl

It’s October and you’ve just signed up for an English course. Maybe you want to pass an official exam. Maybe you nee... Read More

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5 Reasons to Learn English in

Learning English is more fun when you do it in a fantastic location like Barcelona. Find out why we think this is the pe... Read More

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FAQ Cambridge courses and Exam

  Is it better to do the paper-based or the computer-based exam? We recommend the computer-based exam to our stud... Read More

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Cambridge English Exams or IEL

What exactly is the difference between an IELTS exam and a Cambridge English exam such as the First (FCE) or Advanced (C... Read More

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English Speech Topics for Students


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 2, 2024

english speech topics for students

Writing an exciting and thoughtful speech requires selecting a good topic, researching it thoroughly, and forming individual opinions to express the same. School students are usually asked to speak on a contemporary topic to help them become good public speakers as well as learn the art of expressing oneself in front of an audience. While many speech competitions often allot topics beforehand, you might also have heard of extempore where topics are given on the spot for speech. This blog brings you a list of common English speech topics as well as some helpful tips and tricks that can assist you in effectively expressing your thoughts and opinions in front of an audience. Before starting, we would like to give you one piece of advice: you can also Humanize AI to humanize these topics for better readability and human touch, if required. Let’s begin!

Checkout our 200+ Essay Topics for Students in English

This Blog Includes:

List of best english speech topics for students, 1-minute speech topics, 2-minute speech topics, 3-minute speech topics, easy topics for speech in english, english speech topics on environment, english speech topics on technology, english speech topics on independence day, english speech topics on diwali, english speech topics on corruption, english speech topics on feminism, english speech topics on mother’s day, english speaking topics on capitalism, engish speech topics on gandhi jayanti, english speech topics on reading, english speech topics on communism, english speech topics on deforestation, english speech topics on social issues, english speech topics on important days & events, english speech topics on greatest leaders in india & around the world, english speech topics on indian culture, english speech topics on proverbs, english speech topics on human rights, english speech topics on education, english speech topics on the importance of water, miscellaneous speech topics, types of persuasive speech topics, tips for writing and speaking a speech.

Speeches are all about one’s thoughts. It should not be copied from somewhere. It is all about what the speaker thinks of any given topic. However, take a look at the following list of English Speech topics on different contemporary issues as well as concepts.

  • The Best Day of My Life
  • Social Media: Bane or Boon?
  • Pros and Cons of Online Learning
  • Benefits of Yoga
  • If I had a Superpower
  • I wish I were ______
  • Human Rights
  • Environment Conservation
  • Women Should Rule the World!
  • The Best Lesson I Have Learned
  • Paperbacks vs E-books
  • How to Tackle a Bad Habit
  • My Favorite Pastime/Hobby
  • Why should every citizen vote?
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Is it real or not?
  • Importance of Reading
  • Importance of Books in Our Life
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  • Water Diplomacy: Promoting Collaboration for Transboundary Water Management
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  • Article 370
  • Women rights
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  • Youth of India
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  • Importance of Unity
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  • Importance of Value Education
  • Old Age Homes
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  • Leadership skills
  • Rise of Smart Classes
  • Grading System
  • Importance of Practical Education
  • Benefits of Co-Education
  • Importance of Co-Curricular Activities
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While exploring persuasive English speech topics, you must make sure that they are stimulating, engaging, concise and clear. There are three main types of Persuasive Speech topics which are:

1. Factual Persuasive Speech : These topics include facts, figures and statistics to thoroughly analyse the given topic and assess whether it’s true or false.

2. Policy Persuasive Speech : Discussing policies, laws and reforms, these speech topics critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of the given policy or law and suggest the improvements that can be made.

3. Value Persuasive Speech : Mainly focusing on social or political issues, these speech topics present the critique and argument of whether certain actions are morally right or not.

While speaking on a particular topic, there are certain things that you must keep in mind to make your speech expressive and effective. Let’s take a look at some useful topics that help you in acing any topic you are speaking on.

tips for writing and speaking

  • Always research the topic. If you are participating in an extempore, then make sure to go through the common and popular topics as well as the unconventional ones that you might get. Preparation is the key to delivering an impressive speech. For inspiration, look up various speech examples to see how effective speakers engage their audience
  • Whether you are given a topic on the spot or you are prepared for the speech, it is always pivotal that you seem interested in speaking about it. Relate the given issues to your own life and this will help you in giving it your twist.
  • Pay extra attention to your body language and enunciation. While a gesticulative approach will make you seem outward, having timid body language can cause a wrong impression.
  • Ponder upon the different viewpoints on a topic . Try to present a holistic view of the given topic but don’t forget to present your opinion on it as well. Along with this, don’t try to take sides unless the topic demands you to.
  • Involve your audience, if possible. This way, you will be able to interact with the people and it will also be useful in fighting the fear of public speaking.
  • Don’t mug up a speech. It becomes evident when someone just speaks on a topic continuously and the audience might realise that you have memorized it or you might forget a certain part which will let the whole speech fade away from your brain.
  • Instead, make notes about the topic in your mind, remember certain keywords and try to maintain a particular flow in your speech.
  • Incorporate humour in your speech in a way that you do not offend anyone or overdo it but get a positive reaction from the audience. Humour is a great way of lightening the mood as well as ensuring the whole speech is interactive and engaging.
  • When you need more specialized assistance, a  US essay writing service  can be a valuable resource for crafting your speech.

While preparing for English Speech topics, you must also check out IELTS Speaking Topics !

Juvenile delinquency is acceptable. Prostitution should be legal. Underage driving should be punishable by law. Beauty pageants for children should be banned. Prisoner’s right to vote. Voting rights should not be universal. Guns should be banned from college campuses.

A three-minute speech is undoubtedly a wonderful starting point for public speaking. This is because you need to communicate with your audience more effectively when you just have a short amount of time. In addition, the speech ought to be concise, pertinent, and clear.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives.

 2-minute speeches are  short and crisp speeches of about 260-350 words .

Related Reads

Thus, we hope that this list helps you in preparing for different English speech topics. Gearing up for IELTS ? Sign up for an online demo session with our experts at Leverage Edu and we will assist you in preparing for its different sections as well as improving your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills to ensure that you ace the exam with flying colours!

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Here are some articles on books and study material that will help your students- https://leverageedu.com/blog/english-speaking-books/ https://leverageedu.com/blog/books-by-charles-dickens/ https://leverageedu.com/blog/best-books-by-george-orwell/

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Speech Script: Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion where we express our gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions of educators in shaping our lives. Delivering a heartfelt speech is a wonderful way to honor teachers on this significant day. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to write an inspiring speech for Teachers’ Day, highlighting key elements such as understanding the audience, structuring the speech, incorporating personal anecdotes, expressing gratitude, and delivering a memorable conclusion.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Audience

Structuring the speech.

An organized structure is essential for an effective speech. Begin with a warm introduction, capturing the attention of your audience. Provide a brief overview of the significance of Teachers’ Day and the purpose of your speech. Transition into the main body, divided into several key points. Each point should focus on a specific aspect, such as the impact of teachers on students’ lives, the transformative power of education, or the importance of continuous learning. Use clear and concise language, and support your points with relevant examples or anecdotes. Finally, conclude your speech by summarizing the key ideas and reinforcing the message of appreciation and gratitude.

Incorporating Personal Anecdotes

Expressing gratitude, delivering a memorable conclusion.

A powerful conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Summarize the key points of your speech, emphasizing the significance of teachers and their role as catalysts for change. Inspire your audience with a call to action, encouraging them to continue making a difference in the lives of students. Conclude with a heartfelt thank you, expressing gratitude once again for the dedication and passion exhibited by teachers. Consider ending with a memorable quote or a thought-provoking statement that encapsulates the essence of your speech.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #1

Teachers hold the power to change lives, to ignite curiosity, and to unlock the potential within each of us. They are the guiding lights that illuminate our path to knowledge and understanding. Through their dedication, expertise, and unwavering belief in our abilities, they empower us to dream big, to challenge ourselves, and to reach for the stars. Teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also nurture our character, values, and life skills. They instill in us the confidence to face challenges, the resilience to persevere, and the compassion to make a positive impact in the world.

Education is the key that unlocks the doors of opportunity and empowers us to shape our own destinies. Teachers play a pivotal role in this transformative journey. They create inclusive and engaging learning environments where we can explore new ideas, ask questions, and discover our passions. They encourage critical thinking, creativity, and independent thought, equipping us with the tools to navigate an ever-changing world. Beyond textbooks and exams, teachers impart life lessons, values, and the importance of empathy and respect for others. They foster a love for lifelong learning and inspire us to become lifelong learners ourselves.

Let us recognize the teachers who have gone above and beyond, who have nurtured our potential, and who have believed in us when we doubted ourselves. Their guidance and mentorship have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. Today, we acknowledge their selflessness, their passion for teaching, and their relentless pursuit of our growth and development.

In conclusion, on this special occasion of Teachers’ Day, let us honor and celebrate the guiding lights who have touched our lives and shaped our futures. Let us express our gratitude not only through words but through our actions, by applying the lessons they have taught us and making a positive impact in the world. To all the remarkable teachers present here today and to teachers around the world, we extend our deepest appreciation and wish you a joyous and fulfilling Teachers’ Day.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #2

Teachers are the guiding light that illuminates the path to discovery and understanding. They possess the extraordinary ability to ignite a flame of curiosity within us, sparking a lifelong love for learning. Through their passion, knowledge, and dedication, they provide us with the tools to navigate the complexities of the world. Teachers foster critical thinking, encourage intellectual curiosity, and instill in us the confidence to voice our opinions and ideas. They create an environment that nurtures creativity, problem-solving skills, and resilience. Their unwavering support and belief in our abilities empower us to explore our potential and pursue our dreams.

Teachers’ Day is a momentous occasion to express our sincerest gratitude and honor the teachers who have made a profound impact on our lives. Let us take this opportunity to acknowledge their unwavering dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering belief in our potential. Today, we celebrate not just individual teachers, but the entire teaching community. Every teacher, whether in a classroom, a laboratory, or through virtual platforms, plays a crucial role in shaping the minds of future generations.

Let us remember those teachers who have gone above and beyond, who have inspired us to dream big and supported us in achieving our goals. Their mentorship and guidance have left an indelible mark on our lives. Today, we honor their commitment to our growth and their tireless efforts to make a difference.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #3

Teachers are the guiding lights that illuminate the paths to knowledge, wisdom, and self-discovery. They possess the unique ability to recognize and nurture the potential within each student. In their classrooms, they create an environment that fosters growth, curiosity, and intellectual exploration. With passion and expertise, they impart knowledge, challenge assumptions, and inspire us to think critically. Teachers not only teach us subjects but also guide us in navigating life’s complexities, instilling values, empathy, and resilience. They believe in our capabilities and provide unwavering support, empowering us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

Let us acknowledge the sacrifices teachers make, often going above and beyond their responsibilities to ensure our success. Their encouragement, mentorship, and guidance have shaped our futures and inspired us to become the best versions of ourselves. Today, we express our heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering support and the countless hours they invest in our growth.

Moreover, let us extend our gratitude to the entire teaching community. Teachers work collaboratively, sharing knowledge, best practices, and inspiration. They support and uplift one another, united by a common goal of nurturing young minds. The collective efforts of teachers shape the foundation of education, laying the groundwork for a brighter and more enlightened future.

Final Thoughts

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Teachers' Day Speech For Kids: 5 Short Speech Ideas To Celebrate Our Classroom Heroes

Teacher's Day is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to show your teachers the appreciation they truly deserve. Below, we've provided some short speech ideas that kids can use for inspiration.

Itisha Arya

  • Itisha Arya
  • Updated - 2024-09-04, 10:10 IST

Teacher’s Day speech for kids

Teachers' Day Short Speech Ideas for Students

"a teacher's influence beyond academics".

teachers day speech ideas

2. "My Teacher, My Inspiration"

3. "grateful for your faith in us".

teachers day short speech ideas

4. "The Joy of Learning, Thanks to You"

5. "a salute to our lifelong guides".

Credits: Freepik

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Teachers Day 2024: 2 Minutes Short Speech On Teachers Day In English

India celebrates Teachers' Day on September 5th to honour Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's birth anniversary. He was a former President of India and a distinguished scholar. This day is dedicated to recognising the efforts and contributions of teachers in shaping young minds and guiding students towards knowledge and wisdom.

For those looking to deliver a short speech, there are two ideas. One focuses on paying tribute to teachers, highlighting their roles as mentors, friends, and sources of inspiration. The speaker expresses gratitude for their endless efforts and dedication. Another speech idea recognises teachers as pillars of society who inspire students to dream, question, and explore. The speaker appreciates all teachers who have made a difference in their lives and others.

Teachers Day 2024 2 Minutes Short Speech On Teachers Day In English

Here are some Happy Teachers Day 2024 speech examples:

Speech 1: "Good morning everyone! Today, we celebrate Teachers' Day, a day dedicated to honoring the incredible work of our teachers. Teachers are the guiding lights who help us navigate through our educational journey. They inspire, motivate, and encourage us to reach our fullest potential. On this special day, we want to say a big thank you to all our teachers for their endless patience, dedication, and passion for teaching. We are grateful for everything you do to help us grow and learn. Happy Teachers' Day!"

Speech 2: "Dear teachers and friends, today is a special day where we celebrate and appreciate our teachers. Our teachers not only teach us lessons from books but also lessons of life. They shape our minds and mold our futures. Their guidance and support make us better individuals each day. Let's take this moment to express our gratitude for their hard work and commitment. Thank you, dear teachers, for all the love, wisdom, and knowledge you share with us. Happy Teachers' Day!"

Speech 3: "Good morning to all! Teachers' Day is a day to remember and appreciate the impact our teachers have on our lives. A teacher is someone who ignites our minds with curiosity, encourages us to dream big, and supports us in achieving those dreams. Their influence goes beyond the classroom, shaping our character and helping us become responsible citizens. Today, we express our heartfelt thanks to all our teachers for their unwavering dedication and care. Happy Teachers' Day to all the wonderful teachers!"

Speech 4: "Respected teachers and my dear friends, on this special occasion of Teachers' Day, we gather to honor and thank our teachers. Teachers play a vital role in our lives, not just as educators but as mentors and guides. They help us navigate the complexities of learning and life, always pushing us to do our best. Today, let's express our gratitude and respect for their hard work, patience, and the positive impact they have on our lives. Thank you, dear teachers, for everything. Wishing you all a very Happy Teachers' Day!"

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Teachers Day Speech by Students in English

Teachers Day Speech – Teachers’ Day is an important day for everyone. It celebrates the transformative role of a teacher which they play in a student’s life. In other words, teachers spend all their years in educating us and helping us become better human beings. However, generally, people forget their teachers once they pass out of their school. Thus, it is very important to have a day that is dedicated solely to them and their contributions. It is rather essential to show gratitude to these great human beings who shape us in innumerable ways. In India, we celebrate Teachers Day on the 5 th of September every year. A lot of activities take place in order to appreciate the teachers and their offerings.

teachers day speech

The Man Behind It

In India, 5 th September is chosen as Teacher’s Day because it was the birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He was a renowned academic of our country who was also the first Vice President and the second President of Independent India.

Before he stepped foot into politics, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan used to represent the University of Calcutta in numerous international forums in the United Kingdom.

After he became the president, his students wanted to celebrate his birthday instead he asked them to mark it as a day to celebrate teachers. Thus, due to this and his contribution to academics, his birth anniversary became Teacher’s Day for Indians.

Get the Huge list of 100+ Speech Topics here

Significance of this Day

Teacher’s Day serves as a great reminder to appreciate our teachers for their services which they continue to render to the students and also to the community as a whole. Further, it is also teachers who motivate us to do better in life. Thus, it recognizes their efforts to produce excellent artists, doctors, musicians, dancers, engineers and more.

It also encourages the students to respect and honor the teachers because they play a major role in making the students what they are. Teachers Day is great for making them feel appreciated and loved as it does not happen every day due to the busy schedule.

Furthermore, this day gives them a much-needed break from the busy schedule. As the teachers are always under stress to complete the syllabus on time, it helps them relax and enjoy a day meant to celebrate their greatness and contributions.

In Honour of My Teachers

You might not realize the power of simple words as a thank you can go a long way. In this fast-paced world, we forget to express gratitude to one another. Thus, Teachers Day serves as the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to our beloved teachers present here.

Every day is a blessing because of my dear teachers. Their selflessness and love help me grow and learn new things. Each day our teachers show up for us despite various hardships that they do not discuss, thus, it is our turn now to show them we are here for them.

It is because of you dear teachers that we are able to have the skills that we do today. Your experiences have helped us become wiser for the better. No token of appreciation can ever be enough to thank you for what you all have done for us. Time spent with each one of us is nothing short of memorable and we will forever be indebted to you all for shaping our personalities and making us better human beings.

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Best Speech on Teachers Day in English for Teachers

What Are The Qualities of a Great Teacher

As much as the Youth of any nation is its future builder, teachers play an equal role in the development of the nation. Because they help us dream, realize those dreams, and take necessary steps to achieve them. Therefore, in 365 days, teachers deserve a special when we can let them learn that we appreciate and value their contribution to our lives. With this in mind, there are countless ways to celebrate teachers day. Also, delivering a teachers day speech is one of the best ones on this beautiful occasion. In the following article, there are two sample teachers day speeches from which you can opt the Best Speech on teachers day in English for teachers.

Sample Speech 1

“Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stop.” ~Henry Brook adam

Good morning everyone! Initially, I welcome you all to this graceful day. Respected principal, teachers, and my dear fellow students, I feel privileged to have gotten the chance to share my views about teachers and their role in society.

Dear audience, since we have gathered here to celebrate one of the most beautiful and glorious days in the calendar, I would like to take this opportunity to read you a little poem on teachers called “I Want to Be Like You” by Joanna Fuchs.

Thank you, teacher, for being my life’s role model. When I consider all you’ve taught me and reflect on the kind of person you are, I want to be like you— smart, interesting and engaging, positive, confident, yet unpretentious. I want to be like you— well-informed and easy to understand, thinking with your heart as well as your head, gently nudging us to do our best, with sensitivity and insight. I want to be like you— giving your time, energy and talent to ensure the brightest possible future for each of us. Thank you, teacher For giving me a goal to shoot for: I want to be like you! ~By Joanna Fuchs

All in all, the poem sums up that teachers play a vital role in the lives of every student. Because they help us build a bridge towards a successful future sacrificing a happy time with their friends and family; and working harder every minute of their lives. They are basically the reason why ordinary students like us dream extraordinary things.

With that being said, I would like to end my speech by thanking our dear teachers for offering a hand, opening our minds and touching our hearts.

Sample Speech 2

A teacher is like Spring, Who nurtures new green sprouts, Encourages and leads them, Whenever they have doubts. A teacher is like Summer, Whose sunny temperament Makes studying a pleasure, Preventing discontent. A teacher is like Fall, With methods crisp and clear, Lessons of bright colors And a happy atmosphere. A teacher is like Winter, While it’s snowing hard outside, Keeping students comfortable, As a warm and helpful guide. Teacher, you do all these things, With a pleasant attitude; You’re a teacher for all seasons, And you have my gratitude! ~By Joanna Fuchs

A very good morning/evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today we have gathered here to celebrate one of the most honorable occasions. We are here to celebrate teachers day and honor the hard work and contributions of teachers in our day to day routine and most importantly our future. Dear audience, teachers day is celebrated every year all around the globe at different dates probably but it is celebrated with a similar purpose. Generally, 5th September is dedicated to teachers to show appreciation and acknowledge the role of teachers in our lives.

Thus, I am sure you are voluntarily enthusiastic to join us and pay your tributes not only to your beloved teachers but also to all the teachers out there who are always ready to take part in shaping our personalities, helping us build a happy and successful future and to make us become an ideal citizen of our society. Moreover, there is a special reason behind celebrating 5th September as teachers day in India. Because 5th September is the birthday of   Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan . He was highly devoted to education. Professionally, he was a well-known scholar, philosopher, statesman, first vice president of India, second president of India, and most importantly, a great teacher.

In 1962, when he was selected as the president of India, he was asked by students if he would like them to celebrate his birthday on 5th September. However, he refused and told them that it would be better if they dedicate 5th September to teachers. Since then, students all around India have been celebrating 5th September as the teachers day to honor the teachers and the teaching profession.

For all the students out there, teachers day play a  vital role and help them to pay tribute and gratitude to their teachers for their precious and selfless efforts in shaping their character and future. Besides, teachers have an important role in the development of the education system in our society. Because they not only teach us the school subjects but also they teach us the good ways of living our lives.

Furthermore, they are some of the best inspirations and motivation for us. Besides, they help us to tackle any difficult situations and problems we get while we are working on our future dreams.

Thus, in order to conclude my speech, I would like to say that I am grateful to all the teachers out there for being the lighthouse guiding us through both easy and difficult moments of life. Thank You!

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  • What Are The Qualities of a Great Teacher

So that is it for the Best Speech on teachers day. If you have any questions or suggestion, you can let us know by dropping a comment down below.

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Teacher’s Day Speech in English for School Students

Teacher’s day speech in english: teacher’s day is around the corner and we have brought for you what every excited student needs right now - long and short teacher’s day speech in english, tips to start a teacher’s day speech, tips on how to conclude the teacher’s day speech along with the short introduction on dr. sarvepaali radhakrishnan..

Garima Jha

Teacher’s Day Speech in English: In India, the 5th of September is dedicated to celebrating Teacher's Day each year. This date holds great significance as it commemorates the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished scholar and the second President of India. The observance of Teacher's Day is a meaningful tradition across educational institutions, serving as a tribute to the dedication and wisdom of esteemed educators.

This occasion brings a sense of enthusiasm and festivity to schools, where various events and festivities take place, including a special Teacher's Day celebration speech. To aid students in their preparations, we have presented here a short speech and a long speech on Teacher's Day. Additionally, this article also offers tips on how to start and end your speech along with a set of 10 lines on teacher’s day for students from younger grade levels.

How To Start a Teacher's Day Speech?

The beginning lines of any speech hold immense power, setting the stage and captivating the audience's attention. For those students preparing to deliver a Teacher's Day speech, the initial moments can be a puzzle to solve. Crafting the perfect start for a Teacher's Day speech demands an introduction that resonates with respect and engagement, establishing the tone for the entirety of your discourse. Here are some tips to help you have an amazing start:

1.Commence your Teacher's Day speech with a warm greeting tailored to the time of day—be it a "Good Morning," "Good Afternoon," or "Good Evening." An exemplary way to open might be, "Good Morning to our esteemed teachers and cherished friends." 

2.As you unfurl your speech, consider weaving in a compelling quote to seize your audience's attention.

3.Furthermore, emphasise the profound significance of Teacher's Day and its role in our lives. 

Teacher’s Day 2024 Quotes 

“The true teachers are those who help us think for ourselves.” - Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

"A teacher affects eternity; they can never tell where their influence stops." - Henry Adams

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X

"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see." - Alexandra K. Trenfor

"One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai

"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." - Mark Van Doren

"Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students." - Solomon Ortiz

Teacher's Day 2024 Slogans 

"Honoring the Architects of Knowledge: Happy Teacher's Day!"

"Education is the key to success, and teachers are the ones who hold the key."

"Teachers, the Architects of Intelligence."

"Teachers: Inspiring Excellence, One Lesson at a Time."

"Teaching Today for a Better Tomorrow."

"Teachers: Lifting Minds and Inspiring Hearts."

"Teachers: Empowering Futures, One Lesson at a Time."

First of all, there has to be speech preparation. Help your child write the speech by  creating an outline, including an introduction, main points, and conclusion: Have your child practice speaking aloud in front of a mirror or in front of you and other family members to build their comfort and confidence. Ensure that the speech is not very long for their age and capability. Encourage your kid to speak in a natural tone. Also, encourage them to make eye contact with the audience while speaking. Do not criticise them negatively. Instead offer encouragement and emphasise on how to make their speech delivery better. 

Short Speech on Teacher's Day for Students

Good morning everyone,

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate a day that holds immense significance in our lives – Teacher's Day. This day is dedicated to honouring those individuals who tirelessly dedicate themselves to our growth, both academically and personally. Our teachers are the guiding lights who illuminate the path of knowledge, wisdom, and character-building for us.

Teacher's Day is not just a day to offer flowers and gifts; it's a day to express our deep gratitude and appreciation for the selfless work our teachers do. They play a pivotal role in shaping our future and moulding us into responsible citizens of society. Their dedication goes beyond the classroom as they inspire us to dream big and believe in ourselves.

On this day, we remember the great philosopher and teacher, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose birth anniversary we celebrate as Teacher's Day. He believed that education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but also about fostering a sense of empathy, compassion, and critical thinking.

As students, we are fortunate to have teachers who not only impart knowledge but also instil values that stay with us for a lifetime. They encourage us to think beyond textbooks, ask questions, and explore the world around us. They provide a safe and nurturing environment where we can learn, grow, and make mistakes.

So, let's take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to our teachers for their dedication, patience, and hard work. Let's promise to value the education they provide us and strive to make the best use of the opportunities they offer.

Long Speech on Teacher’s Day for Students

Respected Principal, teachers, dear students, and esteemed guests,

Good morning to all of you,

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate a day that holds immense significance in our lives – Teacher's Day. This day provides us with an opportunity to express our deep appreciation for the invaluable contributions that our teachers make to our education and personal growth.

Teachers are the architects of our futures. They are the guiding lights that illuminate the path of knowledge, wisdom, and character-building for us. Their impact goes far beyond the classroom, shaping not only our academic pursuits but also our values, aspirations, and outlook on life. As we celebrate Teacher's Day, it is essential to reflect on the profound role teachers play in moulding us into responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

The history of Teacher's Day dates back to the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished philosopher, scholar, and teacher. His dedication to education and his belief in the power of knowledge to transform lives have left an indelible mark on our society. It was his humility and commitment that led him to suggest that his birthday should be celebrated not as his own, but as a day to honour teachers. This gesture exemplifies the humility and selflessness that define the teaching profession.

The journey of education cannot be traversed alone. It requires the guidance, mentorship, and support of dedicated teachers who nurture us along the way. They invest their time, energy, and passion in ensuring that we are equipped with the tools we need to succeed, both academically and in life. They believe in us even when we doubt ourselves and encourage us to reach for the stars.

Every teacher is unique and brings their own style and approach to the classroom. Some teachers are strict taskmasters, pushing us to achieve our best, while others are compassionate listeners, ready to offer a guiding hand when we face challenges. Regardless of their methods, all teachers share a common goal – to empower us with knowledge and skills that will enable us to thrive in an ever-changing world.

The impact of a teacher goes beyond academic subjects. They are role models who teach us values like honesty, empathy, and perseverance. They inspire us to be curious, to question the world around us, and to seek knowledge beyond the confines of textbooks. Teachers shape our character, instil in us a sense of responsibility towards society, and encourage us to contribute positively to the world.

Think back to the teachers who have left a lasting impression on your life. Perhaps it was a teacher who patiently explained a difficult concept until you grasped it, a teacher who recognized your potential and encouraged you to pursue your passions or a teacher who offered a listening ear and words of comfort during challenging times. These are the teachers who go above and beyond, and who make a difference not only in our education but in our hearts.

As we celebrate Teacher's Day, let us not forget the challenges that teachers face. The teaching profession is one of dedication and sacrifice. Teachers often work long hours, spend countless evenings grading papers, and invest their own resources to create engaging learning experiences for us. It is important that we acknowledge their efforts and show our appreciation not just on this day but throughout the year.

So, how can we make this Teacher's Day meaningful? Firstly, let us express our gratitude. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in letting our teachers know that their hard work is recognized and valued. Secondly, let us strive to be active participants in our education. Engage in class discussions, ask questions, and take ownership of your learning journey. Lastly, let us carry forward the lessons our teachers have taught us. Let's be kind, curious, and committed to making a positive impact on the world around us.

In conclusion, let us celebrate Teacher's Day with genuine appreciation for the teachers who shape our lives. Let us honour their dedication, recognize their impact, and express our heartfelt gratitude. Remember that the knowledge and values they impart will continue to influence us long after we leave the school gates. As we embark on our journey of learning and growth, let us carry the torch of knowledge that our teachers have passed on to us and make them proud in all our endeavours.

How To Conclude Teacher's Day Speech?

  • Extend gratitude to your listeners and offer a heartfelt "thank you." 
  • Concluding with a resonant quote about teachers while expressing your sincere appreciation can be especially impactful. 
  • Don't shy away from weaving in your encounters and experiences, as these anecdotes can infuse authenticity and emotion into your speech, making it all the more impactful.
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  • How to get Teachers Day speech in English PDF? + Get Teachers Day speech in English PDF download link from this article.
  • What is teacher Day in 10 lines? + Teacher's Day in 10 lines: Teacher's Day is an annual celebration to honour educators for their contributions to students' growth and learning. It is observed on various dates worldwide, but in India, it is celebrated on September 5th. The date coincides with the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a prominent philosopher and India's second President. Teacher's Day acknowledges the hard work, dedication, and positive impact of teachers on society. Students often express gratitude through gifts, cards, and special events to show appreciation. Educational institutions organize ceremonies, speeches, and cultural performances to commemorate the day. Teachers are recognized for their role in shaping young minds and guiding future generations. The day fosters a sense of respect and gratitude among students for their mentors. It serves as a reminder of the crucial role teachers play in nurturing academic and personal development. Teacher's Day promotes the importance of education and the profound influence of teachers in shaping the world.
  • How do I start a speech on Teachers Day? + You can start your Teacher's Day speech with: 'Respected prinicpal, dear teachers, esteemed guests, and my fellow students, a warm and hearty welcome to the much-awaited Teachers' Day celebration today. We are all gathered here to pay tribute to the guiding lights of our lives, our remarkable teachers. On this special occasion, we express our deep gratitude for their tireless dedication and inexhaustible efforts.' Check more tips to start your Teacher's Day welcome speech here.
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Teachers Day Speech

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speech on english day

A Teachers Day speech is a formal or informal address delivered in honor of Teachers Day, a special day dedicated to appreciating and celebrating the contributions of teachers. Teachers Day is observed in many countries worldwide, though the date varies. The speech typically highlights the importance of teachers, their impact on students’ lives, and their role in shaping the future.

What is Teachers Day Speech?

A Teachers Day speech is an address delivered in celebration of Teachers Day, recognizing and honoring the significant role teachers play in education and society. This speech can be given by students, fellow educators, or school administrators and is designed to convey appreciation, respect, and admiration for teachers.

Teachers Day Speech Examples Bundle

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Teachers Day Speech Format

1. introduction.

Greet the audience. Mention the occasion (Teachers Day). State the purpose of the speech.

2. Opening Remarks

Briefly introduce yourself. Share a personal anecdote or quote related to teachers.

3. Acknowledgment

Thank teachers collectively. Highlight the importance of teachers in society.

4. Main Content

Discuss the role and impact of teachers. Share specific examples or stories of teacher influence. Mention the dedication and hard work of teachers.

5. Conclusion

Summarize key points. Offer final words of gratitude and appreciation. End with a motivating or inspiring quote.
Thank the audience for listening. Wish everyone a happy Teachers Day.

Teachers Day Speech Example

Introduction Good morning everyone! Today, we gather to celebrate Teachers Day, a special occasion to honor and appreciate the remarkable contributions of our teachers. I am truly delighted and humbled to have the opportunity to speak about the incredible impact teachers have on our lives. Opening Remarks My name is [Your Name], and as a student of [School/College Name], I have been fortunate to learn from some of the most dedicated and inspiring teachers. As William Arthur Ward once said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of what great teachers do. Acknowledgment On this special day, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who have shaped our minds and guided us through our educational journey. Teachers are the backbone of our society, molding young minds and preparing us for the future. Their dedication, patience, and passion for teaching are truly commendable. Main Content Teachers play a vital role in our lives. They not only impart knowledge but also inspire us to dream big and work hard to achieve our goals. I remember how [Teacher’s Name] helped me overcome my fear of math by patiently explaining complex concepts in a way that made them simple and easy to understand. This support and encouragement boosted my confidence and made a significant difference in my academic performance. Teachers often go above and beyond their duties, spending countless hours preparing lessons, grading assignments, and providing extra help to students in need. Their commitment to our education and personal growth is invaluable, and their influence extends far beyond the classroom. Conclusion In summary, teachers play a crucial role in shaping our lives and deserve our deepest gratitude and respect. They are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly to ensure that we have a bright and successful future. Thank you to all the teachers who make a difference every day. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for everything you do. As Henry Adams said, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Closing Thank you all for listening. Let’s take a moment to appreciate and celebrate our wonderful teachers. Happy Teachers Day to all!

Short Teachers Day Speech Example

Good morning everyone! Today, we gather to celebrate Teachers Day, a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating our teachers. I am [Your Name], and I am excited to share a few words on this special occasion. Acknowledgment First and foremost, I want to thank all our teachers for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire us, challenge us, and help us grow. Main Content Teachers play a vital role in shaping our lives. They not only teach us academic subjects but also valuable life lessons. I remember how [Teacher’s Name] made learning fun and engaging, turning even the toughest subjects into enjoyable experiences. Their patience and encouragement have left a lasting impact on me. Conclusion In conclusion, teachers deserve our deepest gratitude and respect. Their efforts shape our futures and make the world a better place. Thank you to all the teachers for your commitment and passion. Happy Teachers Day to all! Closing Thank you for listening, and let’s give a round of applause to our amazing teachers!
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More Teachers Day Speech Topics

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  • Teachers Day Speech for Different Grades
  • The Role of Teachers in Shaping the Future
  • Celebrating the Dedication and Hard Work of Teachers
  • The Evolution of Education
  • The Importance of Lifelong Learning for Teachers
  • Building Strong Teacher-Student Relationships
  • The Impact of Technology on Modern Teaching
  • Teachers as Role Models and Mentors
  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Teaching
  • Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion in Education
  • The Power of a Growth Mindset in Education

How to Write Teachers Day Speech

  • Greet the audience.
  • Mention the occasion (Teachers Day).
  • Introduce yourself briefly.

Example: “Good morning everyone! Today, we gather to celebrate Teachers Day. My name is [Your Name], and I am thrilled to share a few words about our wonderful teachers.”

2. Acknowledge Teachers

  • Thank the teachers collectively.
  • Highlight their importance and dedication.

Example: “First and foremost, I want to thank all our teachers for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Teachers are the guiding lights who inspire us, challenge us, and help us grow.”

3. Share Personal Experience or Story

  • Mention a specific teacher or experience.
  • Explain the impact they had on you or others.

Example: “I remember how [Teacher’s Name] made learning fun and engaging, turning even the toughest subjects into enjoyable experiences. Their patience and encouragement have left a lasting impact on me.”

4. Highlight the Role of Teachers

  • Emphasize the significance of teachers in shaping lives.
  • Mention their contributions beyond academics.

Example: “Teachers not only teach us academic subjects but also valuable life lessons. They are role models who inspire us to be better individuals.”

5. Conclude with Gratitude

  • Summarize your key points.
  • Offer final words of gratitude and appreciation.

Example: “In conclusion, teachers deserve our deepest gratitude and respect. Their efforts shape our futures and make the world a better place. Thank you to all the teachers for your commitment and passion.”

  • Thank the audience for listening.
  • End with a positive note or applause for teachers.

Example: “Thank you for listening, and let’s give a round of applause to our amazing teachers! Happy Teachers Day to all!”

Tips for Teachers Day Speech

  • Start with a Greeting : Begin with a warm welcome.
  • Introduce Yourself : Briefly say who you are.
  • Thank the Teachers : Show gratitude to all teachers.
  • Share a Personal Story : Mention a specific experience or teacher.
  • Highlight Their Role : Emphasize their importance beyond teaching.
  • End with Gratitude : Summarize and thank the teachers again.
  • Close with Positivity : End on a positive note.

Uses of Teachers Day Speech

  • Comedy Shows : Comedians use entertainment speeches to deliver stand-up routines. These speeches are crafted to evoke laughter through jokes, anecdotes, and humorous observations about everyday life, politics, culture, and human behavior.
  • Award Ceremonies : Hosts and presenters at award ceremonies use entertainment speeches to engage the audience, introduce award categories, and celebrate the achievements of recipients. These speeches often include witty commentary, light-hearted jokes, and memorable stories about the nominees.
  • Weddings : At weddings, the best man, maid of honor, and even the newlyweds often deliver entertainment speeches. These speeches are filled with humorous stories, heartfelt anecdotes, and well-wishes, making the celebration more enjoyable and memorable for all attendees.
  • Corporate Events : During corporate events, entertainment speeches can be used to lighten the atmosphere, foster team spirit, and make the event more enjoyable. These speeches might include humorous reflections on the workplace, motivational stories, or entertaining observations about the industry.
  • Fundraising Events : Entertainment speeches at fundraising events can help engage the audience, making the event more enjoyable and encouraging donations. Speakers might share inspiring and amusing stories related to the cause, helping to connect emotionally with attendees.
  • Social Gatherings : At parties, reunions, and social gatherings, entertainment speeches can be used to entertain guests and enhance the overall experience. These speeches often include humorous anecdotes, personal stories, and playful commentary on shared experiences.
  • After-Dinner Speeches : After-dinner speeches at banquets and formal dinners are often entertaining. These speeches aim to amuse the guests with humorous anecdotes, witty observations, and light-hearted reflections on the event or the organization hosting it.
  • Talent Shows and Competitions : Hosts of talent shows and competitions use entertainment speeches to introduce acts, fill time between performances, and keep the audience engaged. These speeches are typically lively, humorous, and designed to maintain the energy of the event.
  • Festivals and Cultural Events : During festivals and cultural events, entertainment speeches can introduce performances, celebrate traditions, and engage the audience with stories and humor. These speeches help set a festive tone and enhance the overall experience.
  • Public Speaking Events : In public speaking events, motivational speakers and entertainers use entertainment speeches to captivate their audience. By combining humor, storytelling, and engaging content, they can make their messages more impactful and memorable.

When is Teacher’s Day celebrated?

In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5th each year. This date honors Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday, who was a respected teacher and the second President of India. In the United States, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May.

Why do we celebrate Teacher’s Day?

We celebrate Teacher’s Day to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of teachers in educating and nurturing students.

How should I start my Teacher’s Day speech?

Begin your speech by greeting everyone, thanking the teachers, and stating the purpose of your speech—honoring and appreciating teachers.

What should I include in my Teacher’s Day speech?

Include personal anecdotes, inspirational quotes, the impact of teachers on your life, and the importance of education.

How long should a Teacher’s Day speech be?

A Teacher’s Day speech should typically be around 3-5 minutes long to keep it engaging and respectful of everyone’s time.

How can I make my speech engaging?

Use a conversational tone, share personal stories, use humor appropriately, and express genuine gratitude to make your speech engaging.

Can I include quotes in my Teacher’s Day speech?

Yes, including quotes from famous educators or leaders can add depth and inspiration to your speech.

What tone should I use in my speech?

Use a respectful, warm, and appreciative tone to convey your gratitude and admiration for teachers.

How can I conclude my Teacher’s Day speech?

Conclude by thanking the teachers again, summarizing your main points, and ending with an inspirational quote or a heartfelt note.

Should I practice my speech beforehand?

Yes, practicing your speech will help you deliver it confidently and smoothly, ensuring you convey your message effectively.


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  • Teachers Day Speech for Kids


Understanding the Importance of Teachers Day and Writing a Memorable Speech


Teacher's Day Speech by Students In English - Teacher's Day speech is given by students on 5th September to celebrate the mentors and teachers who contribute to forming young minds and the next generation. This is an honorary tradition that started in the year 1962 on Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birth anniversary, he was the 2nd president of our country and a great philosopher, mentor, and a teacher. In this article, the importance of 5th September is explained in detail in the form of a Long and a Short Speech on Teachers' Day.

Happy Teachers Day

Long Speech on Teacher’s Day

Long Speech on Teachers' Day in English for students is helpful for students in grades 7-12. Let's look at the speech.

Greetings to everyone gathered here!

On the occasion of Teacher's Day respected teachers, and my dear friends I ABC (your name) welcome you here as we acknowledge and appreciate the work our teachers put in.

When we think about the first teacher in our lives, the first person that comes to mind is our parents'. They are our teachers at home who teach us how to live. Then we go to school for formal education and meet our teachers who teach us various academic subjects and essential life skills. Teachers shape the young minds of our country and show them how to be good citizens. Today is the day to honour all of them in a small way.

Teacher's Day is celebrated around the world to appreciate the mentors in our lives on different days. In India, we celebrate this day on 5th September every year, in honour of the 2nd president of our country Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was born on the 5th of September 1962. Apart from being a revolutionary leader, he was also a great philosopher, teacher, and guide who has made a lasting impact on youth and on generations to come. When some of his beloved students wanted to celebrate his birthday, the humbled Dr. Radhakrishnan said, "Instead of celebrating my birthday, it would be my proud privilege if September 5th is observed as Teachers' Day."

After all parents and teachers are the role models that children look up to and learn valuable skills in life. Our school teachers help us find our interests and nurture them into hobbies. They play a major role in guiding and encouraging our professional inclination at every stage with so much care and understanding. Teachers shape the destiny of student by guiding them and are the reason behind the successful career of a student.

Teaching is the profession from which comes all the other professions. Because our teachers find out about different opportunities available and make an informed choice about our careers. They help their students form opinions about important things like current realities and fight for justice for the underprivileged. Teachers are happier when their students evolve to be better and more successful than them. They create future minds and the society we will live in relies on them.

Teachers understand the minds of their students and teach them accordingly. They are so encouraging and always try to show the correct way to find a solution for any problem. Apart from giving academic knowledge, they also teach us moral values that we carry with us throughout our lives. Our teachers teach us how to be good sportsmen when we fail and enlighten us on the importance of making mistakes and learning from them. They help us realise the benefits of being a team player and respecting everyone around us. These are what serve as the groundwork for building a good personality.

Teaching someone is the greatest service a human being can offer to help another human being realise their full potential. Teaching since time immemorial has been through stories from our great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents. Even in our sacred texts such as the Mahabharata or the Quran, there are references to a teacher-student interaction where a sage or prophet imparts knowledge to their students. It is one of the holiest traditions of passing on the wealth of knowledge from one generation to another.

However, teaching as a profession came about when the Gurukul system was practised wherein the students went to study and learn from the rishis and sages. In the earlier days, the Gurus taught their students academic knowledge like science, Maths, and languages and taught a way of life. Right from the most basic cooking skills to martial arts and vocational skills like pottery and carpentry, to name a few. As the teaching profession evolved, we now have different teachers for each subject.

Appreciating teachers is so important because the work they do is selfless and often undervalued for their contribution. Even during the most challenging times of a worldwide pandemic , teachers worldwide rose to the challenge and made sure the future of their students was not harmed.

They adapted to the new ways of teaching online in such a short period, it is worth marvelling. Once again, teachers proved that they constantly put the needs of their students and their growth first. Many teachers also acted as a big support system for their students during the trying times of the coronavirus.

We are so honoured to have teachers like you, who have taught us so much about life and the importance of being a good human being. We are also grateful to you for being so kind and patient with us all along our faults and mischief.

To recognise your consistent efforts, we want to make this day memorable for all our teachers with the various activities that we have planned. There are many games organised, like musical chairs for teachers, skits performed by students, and stage performances by teachers as well as students. This is a small way of acknowledging the selfless work you put in for our bright future. We hope you have a great time today. Happy Teachers Day.

A Short Speech on Teacher’s Day

Short Speech on Teacher's Day in English for students is helpful for students in grades 4-6.

Today, we all are gathered here to honour and appreciate the teachers who are the massive reasons for the successful careers of the students. Even though 5th September is celebrated as Teacher's Day, we are grateful for your work every day.

To speak a little about the history of this day, Teacher’s Day Celebrations first began in India in 1962. The 5th of September is the birth anniversary of our leader and great teacher, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He also served as our country’s president from 1962 to 1967.

The word Guru comes from Sanskrit which means teacher, master, expert, or guide. Our teachers act as our guiding forces in life. They impart essential knowledge that teaches us how to be better human beings. It is indeed an honour and privilege to be taught by such experts who have not only guided us professionally but also helped us personally with our problems with the utmost understanding and belief in us. Our teachers have taught us important life lessons such as resilience and gratefulness. They show us how far we can go by working hard and never giving up. We will always look up to our teachers for inspiration and motivation in life.

Teachers and teachings can be obtained anywhere if one is willing to. Teachings lie in the smallest of things and that can inspire us to do great work. Parents are our first teachers, one can also learn so much from children and also the nature we are surrounded by. We are fortunate to have been surrounded by great teachers like you and thank you for the hard work and generosity you have shown for us.

On this day, we as students take the responsibility to ensure our teachers have a wonderful and relaxing time. We hope they also have some fun with the different activities and programs we have planned. Students will be wearing traditional clothes to play the role of teachers, and teachers can enjoy being a students for a day.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to make a speech on this memorable day.

2 Minute Speech On Teachers Day in English

Good morning everyone,

Today, I’m excited to give a 2 minute speech on Teachers Day in English. Teachers Day is a special occasion where we get to show our appreciation for our teachers. They work hard every day to help us learn and grow, and this day is all about recognising their efforts.

In our 2 minute speech on Teachers Day in English, it’s important to remember how much our teachers do for us. They not only teach us subjects but also guide us through life’s challenges. Their dedication and passion make a big difference in our lives.

So, as we celebrate Teachers Day, let’s take a moment to thank our teachers for their hard work and kindness. They truly make our world a better place. A big thank you to all the teachers for being so wonderful!

10 Lines Speech on Teacher's Day

The 10 Line Speech on Teachers Day is extremely helpful for students in grades 1-3, as they gain a certain perspective on the topic in a simple and easy form.

Teacher's Day is celebrated to celebrate and honour the contributions of our teachers, to the students, to society, and to the nation.

This day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, on 5th September who also was a great teacher, philosopher, and guide.

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was very loved and respected by his students as he left a great impact on such young minds.

He was a distinguishable leader, who served our country as the 2nd President from 1962 to 1967. Our 11th President, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, also set an incredible example of being a wonderful teacher.

Teacher's Day is celebrated around the world on different days, as Argentina celebrates on 11th September and Bhutan celebrates on 2nd May. The tradition of recognising and appreciating all the efforts a teacher puts in is prevalent worldwide. World Teacher’s Day is celebrated on October 5th.

India has been celebrating Teacher's Day on 5th September, since 1962.

This day is to celebrate the selfless contribution of our teachers who work tirelessly for quality education and a holistic approach.

On this day, students ensure their teachers participate in the organised celebrations and have fun to make it a joyous day.

Students dressed up as teachers go to classrooms, to evoke a feeling of being the teacher and take up classes.

Programs conducted include games, dance and musical stage performances. Teachers receive gifts, and a cake is cut to mark the occasion. Sweets are also distributed among students.

Teachers Day Speeches for Kids: Samples

Today, we are here to celebrate Teachers Day, a special day dedicated to honouring our teachers. They are the ones who guide us through our studies and help us understand new concepts. Teachers don’t just teach us about subjects like math and science; they also teach us important life skills and values. They work tirelessly to ensure we succeed and grow. On this Teacher's Day, let’s take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude and let them know how much we appreciate their hard work, patience, and dedication. They play a crucial role in shaping our future, and today is all about celebrating them.

Hello everyone,

Happy Teachers Day! Today is a special day where we get to celebrate and thank our amazing teachers. Every day, our teachers come to school with a smile, ready to teach us new things and help us learn. They not only explain lessons but also motivate us to do our best. Teachers Day is an opportunity for us to show how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication. Let’s make this day memorable by sharing our thanks and letting them know how much they mean to us. Our teachers make a huge difference in our lives, and today is all about recognising their efforts.

Hi everyone,

Today, we celebrate Teachers Day to show our appreciation for our teachers' incredible work. They are not just educators but mentors who guide and support us in every step of our learning journey. Teachers Day is the perfect occasion to thank them for their commitment, kindness, and encouragement. They put in countless hours to help us succeed and make learning enjoyable. As we celebrate this day, let’s remember to express our gratitude and tell them how much we value their contributions. They are truly special, and today is about celebrating them.

Good morning,

On this Teachers Day, we come together to honour and appreciate our wonderful teachers. They play a vital role in our education, guiding us through challenging subjects and inspiring us to achieve our goals. Teachers Day is a chance for us to reflect on their hard work and dedication. They make a significant impact on our lives, helping us grow both academically and personally. Let’s use today to express our thanks and show them how much we value their efforts. Our teachers are the backbone of our learning experience, and today is all about recognising their importance.

Today, we celebrate our amazing teachers who work hard every day to help us learn and grow. This 2-minute speech on Teachers Day in English highlights the importance of showing our appreciation. A Teachers Day speech for students is a great way to thank them for their support and dedication. Let’s remember to express our gratitude and let our teachers know how much they mean to us. Their efforts make a big difference in our lives. Happy Teachers Day to all our wonderful teachers!


FAQs on Teachers Day Speech for Kids

1. What is the short teachers day speech for students?

A good teacher is akin to a candle – they burn themselves out to illuminate the path for others," as Mustafa Kemal Ataturk aptly said. Teaching has long been revered as a noble profession. A dedicated teacher does not seek personal accolades; their focus is always on the well-being and future of their students.

2. How to write 5 lines about Teachers Day?

Teacher's Day celebrates the hard work of teachers and is observed on different dates around the world, with India marking it on September 5th, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's birthday. The day highlights how important teachers are in shaping students' futures and encourages students to show thanks with gifts and special events. It’s a chance to appreciate the positive influence teachers have on our lives.

3. What is teacher day in simple words?

In India, Teachers' Day is celebrated on 5th September in honour of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, commemorating his birth anniversary. Dr. Radhakrishnan was an esteemed scholar, Bharat Ratna awardee, and served as the first Vice-President and second President of independent India.

4. How can I write a short speech about the role of a teacher?

A teachers day speech for students is a divine gift, as God, the creator of the universe, endows the teacher with the ability to shape an entire nation. Teachers play an essential role in a student's life by providing knowledge, patience, and affection, thereby moulding their future.

5. What is a simple message on Teachers Day?

I am truly fortunate to have a teacher like you, who not only drives me towards achieving my goals but also supports me every step of the way. Today, I celebrate your selflessness, dedication, hard work, and wisdom. I am grateful to be your student. Happy Teacher's Day!

6. What is the best line for teachers?

As Guy Kawasaki said, "If you must place someone on a pedestal, let it be teachers. They are the heroes of society.” Malala Yousafzai also said, "One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” Henry Adams remarked, "A teacher affects eternity; one can never discern the extent of their influence." And B.B. King added, "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can ever take it away from you.

7. How do you explain Teachers Day to kids?

You can begin with an inspiring quote about education or share a personal story about a memorable teacher. Emphasise the significance of Teachers' Day and its celebration in India. Highlight the crucial role teachers play in shaping the future of their students and society.

8. What are a few lines about a teacher?

Every day, we encounter our teachers at school, who serve as our guides and enlighten our lives with knowledge. Among these teachers, there is always one who stands out as a favourite. Today, we will learn how to write essays and ten-liners about our favourite teacher.

9. How to start a Teachers Day Speech for Students?

I extend a warm welcome to all my esteemed teachers and everyone present today. I am here to deliver a speech on Teachers' Day. I want to begin by expressing my gratitude to all my cherished teachers for consistently guiding us, imparting moral values, and instilling discipline.

10. Who is a teacher in simple words for kids?

A teacher is someone who helps others learn, often working in a classroom setting.

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Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students

"Republic Day Celebrates unity, diversity, and freedom in India, marking the adoption of the Constitution on January 26, 1950". Here providing you, long and short Republic Day Speech in English.

Republic Day Speech in English

Table of Contents

Republic Day

Republic Day is a joyous occasion celebrated annually in many countries, symbolizing the establishment of a sovereign state. In India, Republic Day is observed on January 26 with immense pride and favor. This day commemorates the adoption of the Constitution in 1950, marking the nation’s transition to a republic. The festivities include a grand parade showcasing the country’s diverse culture, military prowess, and technological achievements. People gather with enthusiasm, unfurling the national tricolor, singing patriotic songs, and honoring the sacrifices made for freedom. It’s a day to reflect on the values of democracy, unity, and progress that define the nation, making Republic Day a cherished and significant celebration for every Indian.

26 January Speech in English

On 26th January, a significant day in India’s History, the nation commemorates Republic Day. This date marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution in 1950, replacing the Government of India Act (1935). The day is celebrated with patriotic fervor and grandeur, showcasing India’s cultural diversity and military strength during the Republic Day parade in the capital, New Delhi. The event typically includes a colorful display of various state floats, traditional dances, and military exhibits. The highlight is the Republic Day Parade along Rajpath, where the President of India hoists the national flag, and the armed forces showcase their capabilities. It serves as a reminder of Inia’s commitment to democratic principles and unity in diversity. People Across the country come together to express their love for the nation, reinforcing the values enshrined in the Constitution and fostering a sense of national pride.

Check the Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students and Teachers in the article given below:

Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students_3.1

Republic Day Short Speech in English

Fellow Citizens,

As we gather to mark the 75th Republic Day on January 26th, let us reflect on the journey of our nation and the responsibilities bestowed upon each of us. Our democratic fabric, woven with threads of diversity, resilience, and inclusivity, stands as a testament to our collective strength. In this evolving global landscape, let’s strive for innovation and progress, nurturing the ideals that bind us as Indians. On this auspicious occasion of Republic Day, let us celebrate the spirit of unity and diversity that defines our great nation, India.

Today, we commemorate the adoption of our constitution, a document that reflects our shared values and commitment to justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. As we hoist the tricolor Flag and sing our national anthem, let’s take a moment to honor the sacrifice of our freedom fighters who paved the way for an independent and democratic India. Our Republic Day is a reminder that the power to shape our destiny lies in the hands of the people.

Let us embrace the diversity that enriches our culture and strengthens our nation. As responsible citizens, let’s pledge to uphold the principles enshrined in our Constitution and work towards a society that ensures the well-being of every individual. May the spirit of Republic Day instill in us a renewed sense of patriotism and civil duty, guiding us toward a brighter and more inclusive India. Jai Hind!

Republic Day Speech in English, Short and Long Speech for Students_4.1

Republic Day Long Speech in English

Republic Day is a momentous occasion in the history of India, celebrated with greater enthusiasm and patriotic fervor every year on January 26th. This day holds immense significance as it marks the adoption of the Constitution of India in 1950, replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document. The transition from a constitutional monarchy to a pivotal step in shaping India’s destiny.

The foundation of Republic Day lies in the struggles and sacrifices made by the freedom fighters who dreamt of an independent and sovereign nation. This day is a tribute to their relentless pursuit of liberty and justice. The Constitution of India was drafted under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and embodies the aspirations and principles that define the nation. Its adoption on January 26, 1950, signifies the establishment of India as a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.

As we celebrate Republic Day, it’s essential to reflect on the values enshrined in the Constitution. The preamble, with its emphasis on justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, serves as a guiding light for the nation. Republic Day is a reminder of our commitment to upholding these ideals, ensuring that every citizen enjoys the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

The celebration of Republic Day is a grand spectacle that unites the diverse tapestry of India. The iconic Republic Day parade at Rajpath in New Delhi is the centerpiece of the festivities. The event showcases the military might, cultural richness, and technological prowess of the country. The marching contingents, vibrant tableaux, and spectacular flypast by the Indian Air Force create a mesmerizing tableau that captivates the nation.

The unfurling of the national flag by the President of India at the Republic Day parade symbolizes the collective pride and unity of the country. Schools, Colleges, and Communities organize flag-hoisting ceremonies, cultural programs, and patriotic events. It’s a time when citizens come together to reaffirm their commitment to the nation and its values.

Moreover, Republic Day serves as an opportunity to recognize the contributions of unsung heroes – individuals who, through their dedication and service, contribute to the progress and well-being of the nation. Awards such as Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, and Bharat Ratna are conferred on deserving individuals for their exceptional achievements in various fields.

Republic Day Speech in English 10 Lines

Good Day, Everyone!

  • Today I am excited to talk about Republic Day, a special day for our country.
  • As we all know Republic Day is celebrated on January 26th every year. It marks the day when our constitution came into effect in 1950, making India a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic.
  • Our country has a rich history and diverse cultures. Republic Day is a time to honor our heritage and the unity in diversity that makes India unique.
  • The Constitution is like a rulebook of our country. It guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens and outlines how our government works.
  • On Republic Day, a special flag-hoisting ceremony takes place across the nation. It’s a symbol of national pride and unity.
  • Have you seen the grand parade on TV? Soldiers, cultural displays, and colorful floats make the Republic Day celebrations unforgettable.
  • Republic Day is a time to feel proud of our country. When we sing the National Anthem, it’s a moment to express our love for India.
  • As citizens, we have responsibilities too. We should respect each other, follow rules, and contribute positively to society.
  • In conclusion, Republic Day is a day of joy, unity, and pride.
  • Let’s celebrate it with respect, understanding the importance of being part of this great nation.

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Republic Day Speech: FAQs

Q1. when is the republic day celebrated.

Ans: The Republic day is celebrated every year on January 26th.

Q2. Why is the Republic Day Celebrated?

Ans: Republic Day is celebrated to honor the day when India's constitution came into effect in 1950, marking the country's transition to a sovereign republic with democratic governance.

Q3. Under whose leadership the constitution of India was drafted?

Ans: The Constitution of India was drafted under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Q4. Where do the Republic Day parade take place?

Ans: The Republic Day parade in India is held in the capital city, New Delhi, specifically on Rajpath, a ceremonial boulevard that runs from Rashtrapati Bhavan (the President's residence) to India Gate.

Q5. Which republic day is celebrated in 2024?

Ans: 75th Republic Day is going to be celebrated in 2024.

Sonika Singh

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Teachers Day Speech

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Speech on teachers day in english: 4 short and easy speech ideas.

Are you looking for speech ideas to write an amazing speech on teachers day? We have curated a list of 4 short and easy speeches, which you can get inspired by. A friend, a guide, and a philosopher, a teacher is the one that fills a student with knowledge, skills, and confidence allowing them to tap into the independence of life. Teacher�s day is celebrated each year in India on the 5 th of September to honor the birth of the honorable Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, popularly called Professor, he was the second President and the first vice president of India after independence. Admired by many in his field, his birthday was chosen to honor teachers from all parts of the nation since 1962.

Words can be quite impactful and decisive. If you are looking to prepare a speech on Teachers day, we have prepared a list of a few simple speeches that you can use as a reference in making your very own inspirational and motivational speaker.

Here are some examples to help you understand the format of the teacher's day speech.

Speech On Teachers Day : 1

Very good morning to all. Today is Teacher�s day, one of the most auspicious occasions when we get to thank our teachers for everything they do for us. Celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr. S Radhakrishnan. He was a teacher himself and was the second president of our country.

A philosopher and educationist, Dr. Radhakrishnan believed that teachers are the foundation of the future for us students. From teaching us chapters from textbooks to giving us valuable lessons in life, our teachers help us to become a better version of ourselves. Teachers are not limited to our classrooms. Anyone who provides us with values and life skills can be considered a teacher and they can help us in many forms. Today is the day we get to thank our teachers.

It is my pleasure and privilege to be a part of the group thanking our teachers and I would like to wish them a warm and happy teacher�s day. You are a blessing for us and for our future selves. Thank you for guiding us through the difficult chapters of our textbooks as well as life to help us become valuable citizens of India. On behalf of my class, I would like to extend our love to our teachers. We are fortunate enough to be guided by such lovely teachers to become fine students. We sincerely pray for your happiness and well-being from the bottom of our hearts.

Speech On Teachers Day : 2

Very good morning to all my friends and my lovely teachers. On this wonderful occasion of teacher�s day, we celebrate the birthday of Dr. S Radhakrishnan and honor our dear teachers. Our teachers have been working day and night tirelessly to provide us with the best education that we deserve to help us become responsible citizens of India.

Remembering Dr. Radhakrishnan, every year all of us students wait eagerly for the 5th of September with joy and enthusiasm. This day is celebrated all over our country to pay respects to our teachers who play an important role in sharpening the next generation.

I would also like to include that teachers are equal to our parents. They teach us with utmost effort and treat us like their own children. Though our parents gave birth to us, it is our teachers that held us to the standards of being a wonderful human beings. They fill us with motivation and inspiration to help our young minds grow and reach their potential. Preparing us for the challenges to come, thank you for giving us the strength and inspiration to face any challenge.

Teachers are a blessing to us and we cannot thank them enough with a simple five-minute speech. Let us pledge to respect and honor our teachers by following their advice and teachings to become good human beings for society. Thank you everyone for your guidance and support whenever we need them.

Look at a few more examples of teacher's day speech.

Speech On Teachers Day : 3

Respected Teachers and my dear friends,

We have all gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Teacher�s day. On behalf of me and all my fellow students, I would wholeheartedly like to thank our teachers for everything that they have done for us. I have prepared a few words in honor of our teachers.

As we all know that Teacher�s day is celebrated on the occasion of Dr. Radhakrishnan�s birthday on the 5th of September. Dr. Radhakrishnan was the second president after independence who was also a teacher and educationist. His excellent guidance helped pave the future path for many of the brightest minds of our country. India has been celebrating Teacher Day since 1962 in his honor who has been an inspirational figure to all.

Our teachers are one of the most irreplaceable parts of our lives. No student can succeed without the efforts and blessings of their teacher. From teaching us lessons from textbooks to life lessons, our teachers have helped us love learning and believe in ourselves and we cannot thank them enough. Can we imagine how life would have been without our teachers? We got a taste of this during the pandemic when we lost our school days and we dearly missed our interactions. From classroom fights to the scolding of our teachers, we missed it all. This however did not slow our teachers down and they jumped back to help us with online classes. With the tremendous efforts and sacrifices our teachers have made for us, we would like to thank you all for being there for us.

We promise to hold up the lessons and values you taught us and hope to make you proud someday!

Speech On Teachers Day : 4

Good morning to all! We are all gathered here to offer our gratitude for the efforts put in by our teachers. Teachers are our parents away from home and our guides to a successful future. On the occasion of Teacher�s day, I would like to extend our love on the behalf of all the students.

Teacher�s day is celebrated to commemorate the efforts of our teachers and observe the birth anniversary of Dr. Radhakrishnan, who was the first vice president and the second president of independent India. It is said that when students came to congratulate Dr. Radhakrishnan on his birthday, he told them to dedicate the day to the profession of teaching, and thus Teacher�s day was born to honor the efforts of teachers across the country.

I would like to take this opportunity and thank my teachers for their support and guidance all through these years. You have all been a motivation and inspiration for us all helping us to tackle any difficult situation in life.

Dear teachers, we will always be grateful for your guidance wherever we are in the future. We are thankful to have been under the blessings of such wonderful teachers who have been nothing but the absolute best.

Thank You. Read More: Teachers Day Quiz 2021: 10 MCQs To Check Your Knowledge!

Students plan a variety of acts and speeches for their teachers. With their teachers, they perform dances, sing songs, and play a variety of games.

Teacher's Day is observed to honor and acknowledge the contributions of teachers to the development of children's futures.

  • April,02 2022

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Heartfelt Grandparents’ Day speech ideas in English and Hindi for 2024

Celebrate grandparents' day 2024 with meaningful speeches. find ideas in english and hindi for a heartfelt welcome and tribute to your beloved grandparents..

Mansi Jha

New Delhi: Grandparents’ Day, observed on the first Sunday of September each year, is dedicated to appreciating the love and support our grandparents provide. In India, this special day falls on 8th September 2024. During public gatherings, where much is said about the significance of grandparents, it is essential to express our gratitude for their presence in our children’s lives. We have provided examples of speeches for Grandparents’ Day that can assist you on any occasion, helping you to thank and honour grandparents appropriately.

Here are some speech ideas in Hindi and English to warmly welcome and honour your grandparents on this special day.

Heartfelt Happy Onam wishes, images and quotes in English and Malayalam [2024]

Welcome speech for Grandparents’ Day

Here are some welcome speech ideas to celebrate and honour the wonderful grandparents who enrich our lives.

1. Good morning everyone, Today, we gather to celebrate Grandparents’ Day, a special occasion dedicated to honouring our beloved grandparents. They are the pillars of our families, full of wisdom, love, and countless stories. Their presence enriches our lives and connects us to our roots. Let us take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for all they do. Welcome to this celebration of love and legacy!

2. Hello and welcome, It’s a pleasure to have you all here as we celebrate Grandparents’ Day. This day is a beautiful reminder of the irreplaceable role our grandparents play in our lives. They are our guides, our storytellers, and our sources of unconditional love. Let’s come together to honour their contributions and celebrate the cherished moments we share with them. Thank you for joining us in this heartfelt tribute.

3. Greetings everyone, Welcome to our Grandparents’ Day celebration! Today is all about recognising and appreciating the special bond we share with our grandparents. They have given us so much over the years, from their wisdom to their boundless affection. Let’s celebrate their presence and the impact they have on our lives. We are thrilled to have you all here to honour these extraordinary individuals. Enjoy the festivities!

Grandparents’ Day speech in English

Here are some speech examples in English to help you express your gratitude and appreciation for your grandparents.

1. Good morning everyone, Today, we celebrate the remarkable individuals we call grandparents. Their love, guidance, and unwavering support shape our lives in countless ways. On this special day, let us reflect on their invaluable contributions and the joy they bring to our families. Grandparents, your stories, traditions, and wisdom are treasures we hold dear. Thank you for being the heart of our families. Happy Grandparents’ Day!

2. Dear friends and family, Grandparents’ Day is a wonderful occasion to acknowledge and celebrate the incredible role our grandparents play in our lives. Their experiences and lessons have shaped who we are today. They teach us about resilience, love, and the importance of family. Today, we honour them and express our gratitude for their endless patience and affection. Let’s cherish these moments and make this day memorable for them.

3. Ladies and gentlemen, On this Grandparents’ Day, we celebrate the love and wisdom that our grandparents bring into our lives. They have been our mentors, our storytellers, and our greatest supporters. Their influence extends beyond generations, enriching our lives with their experiences and love. Let us take this opportunity to thank them and make them feel cherished. Happy Grandparents’ Day to all the wonderful grandparents here!

Grandparents’ Day speech in Hindi

Here are some speech ideas in Hindi to warmly convey your love and respect for your grandparents.

1. Namaste sabhi ko, Aaj hum Grandparents’ Day ke avsar par ekatha hue hain. Ye din hamare dada-dadi aur nana-nani ki mahima ko manane ka hai. Unki pyaar bhari baatein aur anmol anubhav hamari zindagi ko roshan karte hain. Aaj hum unki atulniya yogdan ko sammanit karte hain. Unhe hamari taraf se dil se shubhkamnayein aur dhanyavaad!

2. Hello sabhi ko, Grandparents’ Day par hamare pyare dada-dadi aur nana-nani ko sambodhit karna ek vishesh avsar hai. Unka pyar aur samarthan hamesha hamare saath rahta hai. Aaj hum unki seva aur pyaar ko yaad karte hain aur unhe batate hain ki wo humare liye kitne mahatvapurn hain. Aaj ka din unke naam, unhe shubhkamnaayein!

3. Namaskar doston, Grandparents’ Day par hum apne grandparents ki mahima aur yogdan ko manate hain. Unki kahaniyan aur anubhav hamare liye bahut maayne rakhte hain. Unki pyaar aur samarthan ke liye hum unka abhaar vyakt karte hain. Aaj ka din unki yaad mein hai, unhe hamari taraf se dhanyavaad aur pyar!

Use these speech ideas to craft heartfelt and memorable tributes for Grandparents’ Day. Whether in English or Hindi, these examples will help you express your gratitude and admiration for your grandparents. Celebrate their invaluable role in your life and make this special day truly meaningful by sharing your love and appreciation with them.

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English Aspirants

Teachers Day Speech in English 2024 [Short, Simple & Best] – PDF

Teachers Day Speech in English: In this article, you are going to read 5 samples of speech on Teachers’ Day for students (100, 150, 200, and 250 words). A set of 10 Lines Speech on Teachers’ Day is also given here. All the speeches have been written in an easy and simple language. You can deliver any of these speeches on the Teachers’ Day program in your school. These speeches will be helpful for kids as well as higher-class students. We’ve also attached a free PDF at the end of this article. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Teachers Day Speech in English: 100 Words

Good morning respected Principal sir, all the teachers, and dear students. Today we have gathered here to celebrate the Teachers’ Day. First, I would like to wish all my respected teachers a very happy Teachers’ Day.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a philosopher, a teacher, and an author.

Teachers are undoubtedly the backbone of the society. They play a big role in building the character of students. They give us knowledge, believe in us, and help us achieve our dreams.

On behalf of all students, I would like to thank all the teachers for the tireless efforts they make to give us knowledge and shape our future.

Happy Teachers’ Day!

Teachers Day Speech in English

Teachers Day Speech for Kids: 150 Words

Good morning my dear friends and respected teachers. Today we’ve gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Teachers’ Day. Teachers’ Day in India is celebrated on 5th September to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a former President, scholar, philosopher, and recipient of Bharat Ratna.

First and foremost, I’d like to express my gratitude to our dear teachers for making us what we are today.

Teachers are the second parents for children. They are responsible for shaping a child’s future, making him/her a better human being. They teach us good manners and discipline to lead a successful life. The teachers are the nation builders. By creating ideal citizens, they uplift the position of the nation in the world.

Thank you teachers for all your love and support. Thank you for being a true friend, philosopher, and guide to us.

Happy Teachers’ Day, to all our dear teachers!

Speech on Teachers Day

Also Read: 10 Lines on Teachers Day

Short Speech on Teachers Day: 200 Words

A very warm welcome to the principal sir, all the teachers, and everyone present here. First of all, I would like to thank my class teacher for giving me the opportunity to speak before you on this special occasion. Today is the 5th of September, and on this day we celebrate Teachers’ Day with great pomp and show.

Actually, the 5th of September is the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was a great teacher, philosopher, first vice-president of India, and second president of India. Due to his contribution to education, we celebrate his birthday as teachers’ day.

Teachers play a major role in student’s life. Teaching is a noble profession that builds a solid foundation for the future of students. They teach us moral values, discipline, and punctuality. It is because of their guidance that the students can differentiate between right and wrong. They inspire and encourage us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential, and see the best in ourselves.

At the end of my speech, I would like to thank my dear teachers for all their dedication and hard work.

Thank you so much

Happy Teachers’ Day to all!

short speech on Teachers Day for kids

Also Read: Essay on Teachers Day in English

Simple Speech on Teachers Day: 150-200 Words

Good morning to all the teachers and my dear friends. First I wish all of you a very Happy Teachers’ Day. It is my honour and privilege to talk about our teachers on this special occasion. In India, September 5 is celebrated as Teachers’ Day as a tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society.

The day also marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice President of India who was also a teacher and a philosopher.

Teachers’ Day is the best way for us to acknowledge and honour the hard work and contributions of the teachers. A good teacher is an asset to the students. They not only teach us but also guide us and inspire us. Teachers serve the country best by making their pupils into good citizens.

I wish the teachers continue to inspire young generations like that. I would like to conclude with a quote of APJ Abdul Kalam –

“Teachers are the backbone of any country, the pillar upon which all aspirations are converted into realities.”

Happy Teachers Day Speech: 200 – 250 Words

Good morning everyone. As we all know, we have gathered here today to celebrate the Teachers’ Day. On this day, students express their gratitude towards the teachers to acknowledge the efforts made by them to make their lives better. In India Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5 September annually since 1962, to mark the birth anniversary of the first Vice-President & the second President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Teachers are role models to children. They shape our future through education and help us to build strong character. Without the guidance of teachers, we are really incomplete. Teachers not only give us knowledge but we also learn many useful things like moral values, good manners , and social etiquette’s from them. They help us to develop confidence in our life. They also help us to improve our natural talents.

We are extremely fortunate to have lovely teachers who are very cooperative and supportive. I cannot thank them enough for all the love and support they have given us.

Last but not least, I would like to end my speech with a quote of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam –

“The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers.”

10 Lines Speech on Teachers Day

1. Good morning respected Principal sir, teachers, and my dear friends.

2. First of all, I wish all of you a very Happy Teachers’ Day.

3. As we all know, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September on the birthday of Dr. S Radhakrishnan.

4. Dr. Radhakrishnan was a great philosopher and teacher who dedicated his life to education.

5. Teachers’ Day is the day when we appreciate and honour the contributions of teachers in society.

6. A teacher is a role model and an inspiration to go further and to dream bigger.

7. Teachers have the ability to shape the future of millions of students and guide them on the right path.

8. It is through their guidance that the students learn to differentiate between right and wrong.

9. Teachers bring out the best in us and encourage us to strive for greatness.

10. On this special day, I want to thank our teachers for guiding us, inspiring us, and making us what we are today.

10 Lines Speech on Teachers Day

Download PDF

Read More: 1. Report Writing on Teachers Day  2. 10 Lines on Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 3. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Essay

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Speech on Teachers Day

Different profession have different effect on society. Doctors treat patients so that people remain healthy. Engineers design new things to make people lives easy. Lawyers work to provide people justice. Like this, every profession does different things for people. But from where does a person choose this profession? The noble profession that help to build people what they want is none other than Teachers. To honor teachers and their work, one day is dedicated to them. To know more about this day, let us discuss Teachers Day in detail.

Speech on Teachers Day in English

Here, we are presenting various speeches on Teachers Day in word limits of 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 Words, and 500 Words. The provided speeches will serve as a useful resource for students to deliver effective speech on Teachers Day.

10 Lines Speech on Teachers Day

1) A warm welcome to everyone!

2) I am Partish Saxena of class 1 ‘A’.

3) Today we are celebrating Teachers Day.

4) We celebrate this day to honor and respect teachers.

5) Also, it is the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radha krishnan.

6) Teachers are the precious gifts of God.

7) They teach and help us to reach our goals.

8) Without teachers, progress is impossible.

9) We should thank them for their invaluable support.

10) Thank you and happy teachers day to all my dear teachers.

Speech on Teacher’s Day (100 Words, 1 Minute Speech)

Good Morning everyone! Respected Principal sir, Director sir, teachers and my dear friends. Today is Teachers Day. This is the day we should show our gratitude and appreciation for our teachers. Teachers play a significant role in shaping our lives and future. They teach, encourage, and inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves. The role of teachers in our life can’t be explained in words. Whatever we are today and in the future is only because of them. Today, let’s take a moment to recognize their hard work and dedication. Thank you, teachers, for all that you do. Happy Teachers’ Day!

Speech on Teacher’s Day (200 Words, 2 Minute Speech)

Good Morning everyone!I am Shristi Jain of class 4 ‘B’. Today, we are gathered here to celebrate and honor our teachers on this special occasion of Teachers’ Day. Teachers play a crucial role in our lives, guiding and moulding us into the individuals we are today. They are the ones who share knowledge, inspire us, and help us grow both academically and personally. Teachers work tirelessly for our progress and success. They dedicate their time and effort to our learning journey, ensuring that we gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel in life. They’ve served as examples to us, guides, and friends. They are our second parents. A teacher’s role is crucial in the development of a civilized society. A teacher is like a door that leads to countless positive possibilities for their students. A teacher is like a candle that burns itself out to make the world brighter. On this day, let’s express our heartfelt gratitude to all our teachers. I would like to thank them for their politeness, patience, and dedication to our education. So, let’s take the opportunity to express our gratitude and wish all our teachers a very Happy Teachers’ Day!

Speech on Teacher’s Day (300 Words, 3 Minute Speech)

Honourable Principal sir, director sir, teachers, and my dear friends. A very warm welcome to everyone present over here. I am Kshitij Thakur of class 8 ‘A’. As we all know today is 5 September so we are here to celebrate Teachers’ Day, a day dedicated to our mentors who have played a significant role in shaping our lives.

Teachers are the guiding lights that enlighten our paths. They nurture our minds, support our dreams, and inspire us to achieve greatness. They are the ones who provide us with the knowledge to navigate the world. They serve as role models, imparting not just knowledge but also values of integrity, respect, and perseverance. Their patience, compassion, and belief in us help build our self-confidence and shape our character. The foundation of each developing nation is its teachers. Because of this, teaching is the best job in the world. A teacher isn’t always someone who teaches us school subjects. It can also be someone who teaches us about the most important things in life. Teachers and their students are like gold and their craftsmen. The gold goes through the fire and jiggers of the jeweller, but this is what makes it shine and look beautiful. In the same way, teachers also beat or shout at their students, but only to teach them control and get the best out of them. Because of this, our society has always told us to put our teachers even above God. On this special day, let’s express our deep appreciation by thanking all our teachers.

Now, I would like to end my speech by wishing all our teachers a very Happy Teachers’ Day. Your dedication, passion, and commitment are truly admirable, and we are grateful for everything you do. Thank you for being the lights that show us the way.

Thank you everyone!

Speech on Teacher’s Day (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)



Good Morning! Honorable Principal sir, director sir, teachers, chief guests, and my dear friends. I am Jagdish Rathor and I study in class 10 th . It’s an honour and a huge pleasure for me to be standing here today. On this special occasion, I want to say few words on behalf of our respected teachers, who are thought of as the backbone of our society. Today is Teacher’s Day, which is a celebration of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birthday. He was one of the best teachers our nation has ever had. He was also India’s second president. Dr. Radhakrishnan told that it would be a great honor for him if they didn’t celebrate his birthday on September 5 but instead made it Teachers’ Day. This really shows how much he cared about teaching and how much he wanted to honor all teachers.

We all know that the word “teacher” is hard to describe. It’s not easy to be a teacher, because they have to teach students all day without sitting down, figuring out their strengths and weaknesses, and then work on them in the right way. Teachers don’t just shape the lives of the students they teach, but also the lives of the whole generation. Teaching is more than just a good job. It’s also one of the greatest contributions to mankind. A teacher is an intellectual and spiritual guide, and they help their students so that they can spread their wings and fly. They give us the strength to get through life’s hard times. They help us turn our raw potential into beautiful realities. They plant the seeds of knowledge, grow our skills, and give us the power to become the best versions of ourselves. In addition to giving us knowledge, teachers also teach us essential values and qualities that shape us. They teach us how important it is to be honest and have ethics, to respect others, and to never give up. They make us want to dream big, follow our interests, and keep going even when things get hard.

Teacher’s Day is a good time to tell our teachers how much we appreciate them and how important they are to us. Without them, our lives would be useless. As we celebrate Teachers’ Day today, let’s thank the teachers who have made a difference in our lives. Let’s appreciate the pleasure of remembering how hard they worked to make their lessons interesting, how patiently they answered all of our questions, and how much they cared about us when we needed it the most. I bow my head and thank them from the bottom of my heart, now and always. Have a happy teacher’s day! Last but not least, I’d like to end my speech with a quote from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: “The goal of education is to make good people who are skilled and knowledgeable. Teachers can help people become more enlightened.” Thank you to all of my teachers, who have always shown us the way and been there for us.

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Crafting The Perfect Teachers' Day 2024 Speech: Check Idea With Samples

Teachers' day 2024 is a special occasion to honor the dedicated educators who inspire and guide us daily. here are speech samples for students to express their gratitude and appreciation..

Teachers Day 2024 speech ideas and sample in English Crafting The Perfect Teachers' Day 2024 Speech: Check Idea With Samples

Every year on September 5, we celebrate Teachers' Day. Many schools observe this day by organising various activities where students express their gratitude and appreciation for their teachers. If you're preparing to give a speech at your school and looking for a strong idea, we’re here to help. We’ve got a great concept for you, along with sample speeches to inspire you.

Idea For Teachers' Day  Speech In School

The central theme of the speech could focus on the vital role teachers play in shaping the future of students and society. The speech can express gratitude, highlight the impact of education, and draw inspiration from Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s philosophy on teaching and knowledge. Emphasising the importance of lifelong learning and the teacher-student relationship would resonate well with both students and teachers.

Sample Speech 1:

Respected Principal, Teachers, and my dear friends,

Today, we gather to celebrate one of the most significant days in our school calendar—Teachers' Day. This day holds a special place in our hearts, as we honor the individuals who tirelessly guide, inspire, and shape our future—our beloved teachers.

September 5th is not just a date; it’s the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great scholar, philosopher, and the second President of India. He once said, "The true teachers are those who help us think for ourselves." This quote reflects the essence of what it means to be a teacher—a mentor who doesn’t just impart knowledge but also ignites the spark of curiosity and encourages us to explore the world on our own.

Teachers, you are the architects of our future. You teach us not just to solve problems, but to face challenges with courage and confidence. You guide us through the journey of life, helping us become better human beings. For this, we are eternally grateful.

On behalf of all the students, I want to thank you for your dedication, patience, and unwavering support. We promise to uphold the values you instill in us and to always strive for excellence, just as you have taught us.

Thank you for being our guiding light. Happy Teachers' Day!

Also Read: Teachers' Day 2024: 20 Inspirational Quotes By Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Sample Speech 2:

Good morning everyone,

Today, we are here to celebrate Teachers' Day, a day dedicated to appreciating the incredible role that teachers play in our lives. This day is particularly special as it also marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished teacher and philosopher who believed that "education is the means for a free and full life."

Teachers are more than just instructors; they are mentors, friends, and sometimes even second parents. They shape our thoughts, our beliefs, and our character. They see potential in us that we might not even see in ourselves and help us realize it.

Each day, our teachers come to school with the goal of not just teaching us the curriculum, but also preparing us for life. They instill in us the values of discipline, perseverance, and empathy. They encourage us to question, to think critically, and to never stop learning.

To all our teachers, thank you for believing in us and for the countless hours you spend preparing lessons, grading papers, and finding ways to make learning engaging and meaningful. Your impact on our lives is immeasurable, and we will carry your lessons with us forever.

Wishing all our wonderful teachers a very Happy Teachers' Day!

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How to write an independence day speech in tamil language.

Independence Day is a significant occasion for every Indian, celebrated with great patriotism and enthusiasm across the country. Schools, colleges, and various institutions hold events where students deliver speeches to express their love for the country. Crafting a meaningful and engaging Independence Day speech in Tamil can help students connect with their audience and express their thoughts eloquently. In this article, we will guide you through writing an impactful Independence Day speech in Tamil, catering to different age groups and providing examples, including speeches for kids, school students, and short versions in 10 lines.

Independence Day Speech in Tamil (சுதந்திர தின உரை தமிழில்)

When writing an Independence Day speech in Tamil, consider the following structure:

  • Introduction (குறுகிய அறிமுகம்):  Start with a respectful greeting to the audience, such as “அனைவருக்கும் எனது மனமார்ந்த வணக்கம்” (My heartfelt greetings to everyone).
  • Importance of Independence Day (சுதந்திர தினத்தின் முக்கியத்துவம்):  Discuss the significance of Independence Day, why it is celebrated, and how it symbolizes the country’s freedom from British rule.
  • Role of Freedom Fighters (சுதந்திரப் போராட்ட வீரர்களின் பங்கு):  Mention the sacrifices of the freedom fighters who fought for India’s independence and the lessons we can learn from their courage and determination.
  • Current Relevance (இன்றைய முக்கியத்துவம்):  Explain how the values of independence are relevant today, and emphasize unity, diversity, and progress.
  • Conclusion (முடிவு):  End with a motivational note, urging everyone to contribute positively to the nation’s growth and development.

Independence Day Speech in Tamil for Kids (குழந்தைகளுக்கான சுதந்திர தின உரை தமிழில்)

A speech for kids should be simple, engaging, and easy to remember. Here is a sample Independence Day speech for kids in Tamil:

Sample Speech:

“அனைவருக்கும் இனிய காலை வணக்கம். நான் (உங்கள் பெயர்), நமது நாட்டின் 77வது சுதந்திர தினத்தை கொண்டாடுகிறோம் என்பதை நினைவில் கொண்டுள்ளேன். 1947 ஆகஸ்ட் 15 அன்று நம் நாடு சுதந்திரமானது. மகாத்மா காந்தி, ஜவஹர்லால் நேரு போன்ற தலைவர்கள் சுதந்திரம் பெற்றதற்கு ஏராளமான முயற்சிகள் செய்தார்கள். இன்று நாம் இங்கே இருக்கிறது அவர்கள் எமக்காக மேற்கொண்ட போராட்டத்தால் தான். நாம் அனைவரும் நல்ல மாணவர்களாக இருந்து நம் நாட்டை சிறப்பிக்க வேண்டும். ‘இந்தியா வாழ்க’ என்ற கோஷத்துடன் என் உரையை முடிக்கிறேன். நன்றி!”

Independence Day Speech in Tamil: 10 Lines (சுதந்திர தின உரை – 10 வரிகள் தமிழில்)

For younger students or quick presentations, a 10-line speech can be effective. Here is a short and crisp version:

  • அனைவருக்கும் இனிய காலை வணக்கம்.
  • இன்று நம் 77வது சுதந்திர தினத்தை கொண்டாடுகிறோம்.
  • 1947 ஆகஸ்ட் 15 அன்று நம் நாடு சுதந்திரமானது.
  • மகாத்மா காந்தி, நேரு போன்ற தலைவர்கள் சுதந்திரம் பெற்றார்.
  • நம் போராட்ட வீரர்கள் பல தியாகங்கள் செய்தனர்.
  • நம் நாட்டின் இனம், மதம், மொழி பல்வேறு இருக்கின்றன.
  • “ஒரு நாள் வருமா?” என்று அவர்கள் கேட்ட கேள்விக்கு, இன்று நம்மால் விடை அளிக்கப்படுகிறது.
  • நாம் அனைவரும் ஒற்றுமையுடன் இருக்க வேண்டும்.
  • நம் நாட்டை முன்னேற்றும் விதமாக செயல்படுவோம்.
  • “இந்தியா வாழ்க” என்ற கோஷத்துடன் என் உரையை முடிக்கிறேன்.

Independence Day Speech in Tamil for School Students (பள்ளி மாணவர்களுக்கு சுதந்திர தின உரை தமிழில்)

For school students, the speech can be more detailed and informative, including historical facts, the significance of the day, and the role of the younger generation in shaping the future.

“அனைவருக்கும் என் அன்பான வணக்கங்கள். இன்று நாம் அனைவரும் இங்கே நமது 77வது சுதந்திர தினத்தை கொண்டாடுவதற்கு கூடியுள்ளோம். 1947 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஆகஸ்ட் 15 ஆம் தேதியன்று, நம் நாடு பல ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பிறகு படைத்த சுதந்திரம் என்பது மறக்க முடியாத நாள் ஆகும்.

நமது நாட்டின் சுதந்திரத்தை பெற, பல போராட்ட வீரர்கள் தங்கள் வாழ்க்கையையும், இளமையையும் கொடுத்தனர். மகாத்மா காந்தி, ஜவஹர்லால் நேரு, சுபாஷ் சந்திர போஸ் போன்ற தலைவர்கள், நாட்டின் சுதந்திரத்திற்காக பல தியாகங்களைச் செய்தனர்.

இன்று நாம் இதை கொண்டாடுவதன் மூலம், அவர்கள் தியாகத்தையும், கடின உழைப்பையும் நினைவுகூருகிறோம். இன்றைய நாளில், நாம் அனைவரும் ஒற்றுமையுடன் இருக்க வேண்டும், நாட்டின் வளர்ச்சிக்கு ஒவ்வொருவரும் ஒரு பங்காற்ற வேண்டும். ‘விடுதலை வேண்டாம், போராட வேண்டாம்’ என்று சொன்ன நம் தலைவர்கள் சொற்கள் இன்னும் இன்றைய காலத்தில் பொருந்தும்.

நம் நாட்டின் பெருமையை நிலைநாட்டவும், அனைத்தையும் இணைத்து நம் நாட்டை முன்னேற்றுவோம். “இந்தியா வாழ்க!” என உரையை முடிக்கிறேன். நன்றி.”

Independence Day Kavithai in Tamil (சுதந்திர தின கவிதை தமிழில்)

Including a poem or  kavithai  in Tamil adds a creative and emotional touch to the Independence Day celebration. Here’s a sample poem that can be used:

Sample Kavithai:

“போராடி பெற்றோம் விடுதலை நம் நாட்டின் வீரர்கள் தியாகம் நம் பெருமை, ஒற்றுமையும் அன்பும் நாம் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள, இந்தியாவின் சுதந்திரம் வாழ்க நம் தமிழில் சொல்ல! “

Conclusion – Independence Day Speech in Tamil

Crafting an Independence Day speech in Tamil requires understanding the historical significance, respecting the sacrifices made by freedom fighters, and inspiring the current generation to uphold the values of freedom and unity. Whether it is for kids, school students, or a general audience, the speech should be heartfelt, respectful, and motivational. Including poems and short speeches can add variety and depth to the celebration, making it a memorable experience for all.


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  27. Teachers' Day 2024: Speech ideas and samples in English

    Idea For Teachers' Day Speech In School. The central theme of the speech could focus on the vital role teachers play in shaping the future of students and society. The speech can express gratitude, highlight the impact of education, and draw inspiration from Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's philosophy on teaching and knowledge.

  28. How to Write an Independence Day Speech in Tamil Language

    Conclusion - Independence Day Speech in Tamil. Crafting an Independence Day speech in Tamil requires understanding the historical significance, respecting the sacrifices made by freedom fighters, and inspiring the current generation to uphold the values of freedom and unity.