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How to give the best social media presentation in 2024.

social media apps presentation

Raluca Cirjan

Apr 8, 2024

social media apps presentation

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Creating an engaging presentation for social media is essential when you want to show your team the ROI of your latest social campaign or impress a client you’re trying to land. With an engaging presentation you’ll captivate your audience and effectively convey your message.

This article will help you learn how to showcase your work and deliver the key message while keeping your audience hooked. Pair this new knowledge with our free social media presentation template , and you’re ready to conquer the world.

What is a social media presentation?

How to create a social media presentation.

  • How to present your social media work
  • Social media marketing presentations to inspire you

A social media presentation is a visual document that shows how social media can be used to achieve specific goals or objectives . It can be used to pitch an idea to a potential client, to show how social media can be used in a marketing campaign, or simply to educate others about the benefits of using social media .

When creating a social media presentation , consider the following:

  • Who is your audience? Pick examples that will address your listeners’ specific pain points and make them nod in agreement.
  • What are you trying to achieve? Have a clear goal in mind: are you pitching to land a new client or showcasing your quarterly results and ROI to non-social-media-savvy execs?
  • What story do you want to tell?  Use your storytelling skills by including the problem, the actions to solve it, the resolution, and the results; always end with a call to action.
  • What is the hook? Hooking your audience early ensures you have their attention throughout. A good hook and withholding just enough information draws people in and intrigues them immediately. T hink shocking statistics, rhetorical questions, growth stats, engagement metrics or mind-blowing KPIs. 

Where do you even start creating your presentation? Different environments and audiences require a different presentation and tone of voice. Your social media marketing presentation should point out the advantages of personalized social media content and drive your main message home.

Properly showcasing your work can help you make a good first impression on potential clients and build a stronger relationship with existing ones. With this in mind, let’s tackle the topic of presenting your social media work to clients. The smart way: with the right social media marketing presentation. Ready, get set, read!

Using eye-popping videos, pixel-perfect images, and engaging storytelling, social media platforms help brands increase awareness, connect with their potential customers, and boost sales.

Step 1: Gather data & insights for your presentation about social media

Don’t skip your research and project discovery phase . Prepare an audit of the client’s existing social media presence, do a competitive analysis, understand the brand’s audience, and come up with content that is tailored to their needs. You can’t skip these steps if you’re looking to build a long-term professional relationship with your client and get the desired results.

  • Identify your audience
  • Pinpoint the tone of voice
  • Introduce solutions to common pain points

After doing your research, think about the extra things that can help you make a great first impression. It’s not enough to know the client’s past social media activity.

Look into the company’s values and overall website performance . Show them you’re really interested in their business by making content suggestions that support and emphasize their core values. It might help if you have similar clients in your social media portfolio to prove your experience in that industry, but it’s not mandatory. 

A social media portfolio is a set of pieces of creative work that you can use to demonstrate your social media skills. Building an engaging and creative portfolio is essential for showcasing your expertise as a social media expert. It can be anything from past posts to analytic reports . 

Don’t be afraid to address both the brand’s strengths and weaknesses. If you are going to work with this client, their problems become your problems as well. Collaboration is one of the most common challenges in any business. The marketing department makes no exception.

Step 2: Decide where to host the social media presentation

So you found out what your client needs in terms of social media presence, you understand the target audience, and you’ve come up with some brilliant content ideas. Hooray!

Now it’s time to start thinking about the way you are going to showcase those social media slides to your client.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. Are you maybe trying to save a ton of time and going with a premade template from Pitch’s proposal template collection or that lucky template you’ve used a few times before (and gotten amazing results with).

All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes. Then, a couple more.

Let’s analyze 4 environments you could use to present your work and explore what each of them allows you to do:

1. Planable — social media collaboration tool with great UI/UX

A dedicated social media management  tool is the right choice. Yes, it’s obvious we think that. It’s also true. 

how to schedule instagram posts planable

Planable offers one place to create, collaborate, showcase, and approve social media content. We help you preview Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Google My Business, and YouTube posts — I’m outta breath with so many platforms we support — exactly as they appear when published.

We really offer one of the best marketing presentation formats you can think of. 

With Planable, you can visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all your pages. You can strategically plan and schedule your content by dragging and dropping posts in your predefined time slots. One calendar, one integrated social media marketing strategy presentation across multiple channels.

social media apps presentation

With Planable, teams can plan and create content for pretty much all the major channels out there. We’re talking about:

  • Scheduling recurring Facebook posts .
  • Planning and layout out beautiful Instagram grids .
  • Scheduling TikTok videos .
  • Writing and scheduling thought-provoking LinkedIn content .
  • Spreading the word about your chic local brewery with Google My Business .
  • Writing tags and descriptions for multiple YouTube videos at once instead of doing it individually.
  • Crafting the perfect, character-number-appropriate Twitter post .

Showcase all that hard work described above to clients in all its beauty without relying on spreadsheets and clunky mockups.

Make social media presentations with Planable’s mockup pages

Have you ever taken a look at your work and went “boy, I’m sure looking forward to setting up a test page to show all this stuff to my client!”? No? Thought so.

The format you present your work is just as important as the work itself. And let’s be real, test pages and screenshot-laden PowerPoint presentations are messy.

Enter mock-up pages. In Planable, you can create a custom page for any of the 7 supported platforms quickly and hassle-free. You don’t even have to connect the actual page. If you don’t have permission and don’t want to ask the client just yet, you can still show them your work in context.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Go to “Add pages” in your workspace
  • Select the relevant platform
  • Click on “Create a mockup page”

social media apps presentation

While we’re at it, here are some of the details you can tweak to make your mockup pages as enticing and personalized to your client’s wishes as humanly possible:

  • Profile image
  • Cover photo
  • Page description

Your mock-up page is ready for feedback and collaboration!

If you want to elevate your mockup page to the status of “totally publishable content”, simply connect it to a real account. You can find this option in your page’s settings:

social media apps presentation

2. Powerpoint or Keynote — best for primary social media presentation templates

Social media PPT presentations or Keynote slides can be distributed easily to the team and clients. You can use text, photos, illustrations , drawings, tables, graphs, and movies to effectively walk your audience through the presentation. So far, so good. You can choose to structure your work by social media channels (Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter posts), time (month/week/day), or formats (single image/video/carousel/gif, etc.)

Keynote presentation of Facebook posts for March

Unfortunately, even if you go the extra mile and manage to create previews of the social media posts and add them to your presentation, these are often incomplete. Take the carousel, for example. Showing the rest of the cards would imply extra mockups or a separate email with links to Google Drive, where you would have a folder with all the images.

3. Google slides — popular for standard templates designed for social media presentations

This is a useful tool for collaborative presentations. You can work on slides together with your team without any special software, and you can see what other people are doing at all times. Plus, every change made will be saved automatically, so there’s no need to worry about losing anything important. 

social media apps presentation

Google Slides’ predecessor, PowerPoint, has always been a complicated tool that makes it hard to create simple presentations. Not everyone understands Powerpoint’s options and what they mean at first glance, which leads many beginners into confusion when starting out. By comparison, Google Slides is much more intuitive and user-friendly. 

Since Google Slides is a web-based tool, you don’t need to download any software, and you can start creating your slides from the get-go. You can easily embed videos (and other media you can think of), which makes it super convenient for social media managers looking to showcase their work or mockup accounts. 

As with any new software, there is a learning curve when you first start using Google Slides. Among the biggest drawbacks of this tool for presenting your social media work is the limited collection of themes and limited file types for exporting.

4. Social media test pages — best for creating a presentation on social media pages

Facebook Test Page with one social media post

Social media test pages are the closest you are going to get to the actual outcome of your work. These previews allow everyone to see what the posts are going to look like on the official pages. You can also invite your team and clients to post and leave feedback in the comment section of each post.

Even though it is time-consuming, a lot of agencies and social media managers still use this method to showcase their work. This proves that seeing social media posts as though they’re live before approving them is something that clients want and need.

But you’re the marketer here. You need to think about both the upsides and the downsides. Before embracing this solution, bear in mind that you would have to create one test page for every social media platform that the client is using. What happens when the person who is responsible for approving the content does not own a social media account on a particular platform? Another thing to take into consideration is the privacy issue. Your client trusts that no other people get to see that jolly Christmas campaign before it’s (at least) December.

Fortunately, you don’t need to look for solutions to these kinds of problems. It’s 2020. There are tools out there that solve both the challenge of presenting your work and receiving feedback. It’s not a secret. In fact, thousands of marketers have already chosen this type of solution. Fast collaboration. Easy planning. And support that will never, ever leave you hangin’.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes.

How to choose the right environment for your social media presentation:

  • It has to allow the marketing team and client to see pixel-perfect content previews of the social media posts;
  • Any format, whether it’s text, video, gif, link, photo, album, or carousel, should be easy to show; 
  • Your social media work should be rich in emojis, active hashtags, page tags, or gifs. Your client needs to be able to see them as they will appear live;
  • It has to allow your posts to be adapted to the intended channel accordingly, whether there are image formats or character limits;
  • Ideally, your client should be able to visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all the pages;
  • It needs to make collaboration easy for your team and clients. Changes to the original work are inevitable, so make sure to plan ahead. For instance, your solution should make it possible to give feedback right next to the posts, to add attachments to comments, resolve comments once feedback is implemented, and collaborate in real-time;
  • Whatever solution you choose, make sure it improves your team’s efficiency. No extra clicks, no need for extra communication channels to give and receive feedback.
  • Everything should be automated; Push notifications should be an exception. This is why Planable has the option to directly publish your posts ( Instagram included ) without manual work.

Step 3: Create your social media presentation outline

A presentation outline is a very important part of writing. It’s basically the skeleton of your essay, and if you’re going to have a good structure, then you need one. During the writing process, it’s key to make sure that your ideas are well organized. By writing an outline of what you’re planning on saying in a social media presentation beforehand, you can be sure that all of your points have a good transition and that you cover everything you set out to go over.

Step 4: Structure & organize the social media marketing presentation

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to shape your random ideas into a concrete social media presentation. Now that you have an idea of what the message should be, the design and organizing step implies molding your ideas into a digestible and appealing form for your audience. You want them to lap up your content, so don’t skimp out on the creativity.

The first step is to make a list of all the information that you want to include in your presentation. From there, decide on an organizational structure for this information.

Here’s an idea of how you can structure your presentation in three broad sections:

  • Introduce yourself & your team
  • Show your work
  • Present the social media management pricing range
  • Include a CTA

How to nail a social media marketing presentation

We all know there are many things to do before delivering a presentation. You must be confident, practice in front of the mirror, organize your slides and devices , and take care of any last-minute changes. 

Before the social media presentation

Preparation goes beyond last-minute adjustments. Here are a couple of valuable assets that will help you with presentations in general.

“Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

social media apps presentation

The secret to making your message ‘stick’ is all in the details. Once you know what makes people remember things, it’s easy to formulate a coherent and compelling argument for them!

Chip & Dan Heath’s book does exactly that (and more). It helps you understand how to make your audience remember the core message of your presentation. How to formulate your vision so that it ‘sticks’ in their minds with a simple formula:  Simple, Unexpected, Credible, Concrete, Emotional, Story (yep, it spells success).

“How to sound smart in your Tedx talk” by Will Stephen

Stephen’s viral and hilarious Tedx talk shows the power of confidence, inflection, and empathy. It’s the perfect example of presentation skills at work. Here’s the gist of the presentation:

  • gesticulate and use inflection to appear confident
  • ask the audience questions
  • tell an anecdote to connect with your audience
  • use images and other media
  • dress accordingly
  • build intensity, then change the tone near the end
  • connect the end of the speech to the beginning

After social media marketing presentation

Your offline deck is just as important as your live presentation. It’s always great to follow up after your live presentation. Remind them what it was about, include some highlights, and thank them for their time. This will not only help you stay in contact, but it can seriously increase your chances of hearing back from customers or potential clients. 

Done with your presentation? Engaging online or following up has several benefits. 

If you’ve given a social media presentation, follow up by sending thank-you notes or surveys. This will make sure your message stays fresh in people’s minds. Your focus should still be on offering value, not taking up someone’s time.

Social media presentation examples to get inspiration

Need some inspo? Here are six hand-picked examples to get those creative juices flowin’!

1. Introduction to Social Media Strategy Presentation

Before jumping into the never-ending nebula of content ideas for social media, never underestimate the power of an efficient social media strategy. That’s what this presentation will cover: the main aspects of creating a social media strategy for your brand . As a true geek, my favorite slide of this presentation is the one that defines SMART Goals and gives a specific example. 

2. 10+ Social Media Tips – Social Media Starts with a Content Strategy

If your social media strategy is fired-up and ready to meet the social networks, check out these slides with straight-up tried social media content tips & tricks. Skipping the fluffy theories, Joe Pulizzi takes us through the steps of creating a content plan that makes sense by giving explicit examples. 

3. How to: Optimise Facebook & Youtube for your Business

Check out this presentation that takes you step by step through the use of Facebook pages and YouTube features. If you’re new to Facebook and YouTube as a business, Megalyn will help you build brand awareness using social media. 

4. TikTok Hashtag challenge – for content ideas proposals

Planning on using a specific social media channel in your strategy? Here’s how to present it to the client. Pick a specific direction for your social media content and describe it: present the general concept and its potential, and showcase the most popular campaigns and their results (if possible). Take this TikTok Hashtag challenge as an example: 

5. Launching something new? Here’s a Website Launch Plan Presentation

Here’s an alternative way to present a website without building it from scratch. Tip: always include a meeting agenda and a summary of your project in the presentation. This would prepare the audience for what the presentation will cover and will emphasize that you’re an organized person/team. 

6. Weekly Progress Meetings Presentations

Once you’ve set up a social media workflow with your team and clients, it’s time to set up a weekly progress meeting. These meetings will help everyone exchange insights, get clarity and solve or anticipate possible issues. It’s also a good time to point out the main goals you’re seeking to achieve by implementing a social media strategy. Here’s an example of what your presentation could look like.

social media apps presentation

Raluca Cîrjan, Digital Marketing Specialist Advertising and social media enthusiast, fast learner & ailurophile. I believe that one joke a day keeps the doctor away. Feel free to share a funny story with me.

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15+ Best Social Media Presentation Templates

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FAQs About Social Media Presentation Templates

What are social media presentation templates.

Social Media Presentation Templates are pre-formatted designs that can be used for creating professional and visually appealing presentations related to social media. These templates can be used across various presentation software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. They typically feature elements such as infographics, charts, and diagrams related to the social media realm.

These templates are used to present data and analytics, marketing strategies, campaign overviews, and other related topics in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. They are ideal for social media managers, digital marketers, business owners, or anyone who needs to showcase information about social media in a professional context.

Why should I use Social Media Presentation Templates?

Using Social Media Presentation Templates comes with several benefits. First, these templates can save you a lot of time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch, you only need to input your data and adjust the design according to your branding or preferences. They provide pre-made layouts, so you no longer have to worry about designing your slides.

Second, templates ensure consistency in your presentation. All slides follow the same design, which contributes to a seamless and professional look. Lastly, these templates help in delivering your message effectively with the help of relevant visuals, making your presentation more engaging.

Why do I need a Social Media Presentation Template when I can use traditional ones?

Social Media Presentation Templates are designed specifically for presenting social media-related content. These templates usually include graphics, icons, and layouts that are tailored to present social media data and strategies. Traditional templates may not have these specialized components.

In addition, using targeted templates for your presentation can make it more focused and relevant to your audience. It also helps in keeping your audience engaged as the visuals are more relatable and easy to understand.

How customizable are Social Media Presentation Templates?

Social Media Presentation Templates are usually fully customizable. You can insert your text, photos, logos, or any other necessary graphics. You can also adjust design elements like color scheme, fonts, and backgrounds to align with your company branding or specific preferences.

Moreover, the included charts, graphs, and infographics are often data-driven, which means you just need to replace the presented dummy data with your own. This feature can make a significant impact in terms of achieving a personalized and professional presentation.

Where can I find quality Social Media Presentation Templates?

Quality Social Media Presentation Templates can be found on various online platforms. These platforms include template marketplaces and specific tools for presentations like SlidesCarnival, SlideModel, Envato Elements, or TemplateMonster. These platforms offer a wide range of templates to satisfactorily cater to your needs.

When choosing a template, be sure to evaluate its design, customization features, and relevance to your content. A preview function is usually available to help you choose the most suitable template. It's also worthwhile to check reviews or ratings if available to ensure it's a reliable choice.

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How to Integrate Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) Into PowerPoint

A powerpoint slide with four different social media icons in the corner

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. It allows us to connect with others, share content, and engage in meaningful conversations. With the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, it is important to leverage their power and incorporate them into our everyday tools, including PowerPoint presentations.

Table of Contents

Why Integrate Social Media Platforms Into PowerPoint?

Before we dive into the world of integrating social media platforms into PowerPoint, let’s understand why it is essential to do so. By integrating social media into your presentations, you are taking advantage of the vast reach and engagement potential of these platforms. This enables you to interact with your audience in real-time, promote your brand, share updates, and stimulate conversation.

Furthermore, incorporating social media into PowerPoint presentations adds an element of interactivity and multimedia, making your presentations more engaging and dynamic. It allows you to seamlessly integrate live feeds, videos, and other interactive content, enhancing the overall impact of your presentations.

Benefits of Integrating Social Media Platforms Into PowerPoint Presentations

Now that we understand the importance of integrating social media platforms into PowerPoint, let’s explore the various benefits it offers:

  • Increased engagement: By incorporating social media feeds and interactive elements, you can actively engage your audience, encouraging participation and conversation.
  • Real-time updates: Social media integration enables you to showcase live updates from your social media accounts directly within your PowerPoint slides, keeping your audience up to date with the latest developments.
  • Enhanced visual appeal: By integrating social media content, you can add visual interest and variety to your presentations, making them more visually appealing and memorable.
  • Broadened reach: When you integrate social media platforms into PowerPoint, you have the opportunity to extend your message and content beyond the confines of the presentation room, allowing your audience to share and engage with your content long after the presentation ends.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Facebook into PowerPoint

Now, let’s delve into the specifics of integrating individual social media platforms into PowerPoint. We’ll start with the ever-popular Facebook. Here is a step-by-step guide to seamlessly integrating Facebook into your PowerPoint presentations:

  • Step one: Open your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide where you want to integrate Facebook content.
  • Step two: Access the “Insert” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon and click on the “Web Page” option.
  • Step three: In the dialog box that appears, enter the URL of the Facebook page or post you want to embed.
  • Step four: Select the “Display as Icon” checkbox if you prefer to have a Facebook icon displayed on your slide instead of the actual content.
  • Step five: Adjust the size and position of the embedded Facebook content as desired.
  • Step six: Save your PowerPoint presentation and test the embedded Facebook content by entering presentation mode.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Facebook content, such as posts, videos, or live streams, into your PowerPoint presentations, adding a new dimension to your slides.

Top Tips for Incorporating Twitter into PowerPoint Presentations

Twitter is another powerful social media platform that can be effectively integrated into your PowerPoint presentations. Here are some top tips for incorporating Twitter into your slides:

  • Hashtag display: Include a live Twitter feed displaying relevant hashtags related to your topic or event to encourage audience participation and interactive discussions.
  • Tweet quotes: Showcase impactful tweets from industry influencers or thought leaders within your presentation to add credibility and diverse perspectives.
  • Embed tweets: Incorporate specific tweets or Twitter threads directly into your slides to provide real-time examples and evidence to support your points.
  • Integration with polls and surveys: Utilize Twitter’s polling feature to gather audience opinions and display the results in real-time within your presentation.

By leveraging these tips, you can unlock the full potential of Twitter and create impactful PowerPoint presentations that actively involve your audience and foster engagement.

Enhancing PowerPoint with Instagram Feeds: A Comprehensive Guide

Instagram, with its visually captivating content, offers unique integration possibilities for your PowerPoint presentations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to enhancing your slides with Instagram:

  • Embedding Instagram posts: Incorporate specific Instagram posts or user-generated content directly into your slides to showcase engaging visuals and authentic social proof.
  • Live Instagram feeds: Integrate real-time Instagram feeds displaying your brand or event hashtag to encourage audience participation and amplify the reach of your presentation.
  • Creating Instagram-inspired slides: Channel the aesthetic of Instagram within your presentation design by using vibrant colors, filters, and square-shaped visuals.

By leveraging the inherent visual appeal of Instagram, you can elevate the aesthetic quality of your PowerPoint presentation and create a visually stunning experience for your audience.

Leveraging LinkedIn in PowerPoint: Best Practices and Techniques

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, offers unique opportunities to connect with your audience on a professional level. Here are some best practices and techniques for leveraging LinkedIn in PowerPoint:

  • Showcasing professional achievements: Include LinkedIn recommendations, endorsements, or certifications relevant to your topic to establish credibility and create trust with your audience.
  • Displaying company profiles: Showcase company profiles from LinkedIn to highlight your organization’s expertise, achievements, and industry recognition.
  • Integrating LinkedIn SlideShare content: Embed SlideShare presentations or documents hosted on LinkedIn directly into your PowerPoint slides for easy access and enhanced sharing capabilities.

By strategically leveraging LinkedIn within your PowerPoint presentations, you can position yourself and your organization as industry experts and strengthen your professional connections.

Creative Ways to Integrate Multiple Social Media Platforms Into a Single PowerPoint Slide

If you want to take your social media integration to the next level, consider incorporating multiple platforms into a single PowerPoint slide. Here are some creative ways to achieve this:

  • Live social media mosaic: Create a dynamic visual using live feeds from various social media platforms arranged in a mosaic-like pattern.
  • Interactive social media hub: Design a slide featuring interactive buttons or tabs that allow your audience to navigate between different social media platforms and explore engaging content.
  • Real-time updates dashboard: Display a comprehensive dashboard showcasing live updates from different social media platforms, giving your audience a real-time snapshot of your digital presence.

By utilizing these creative techniques, you can create visually striking slides that showcase a multitude of social media platforms and captivate your audience’s attention.

Tools and Plugins for Seamlessly Integrating Social Media Platforms into PowerPoint

While PowerPoint provides some built-in functionality for integrating social media platforms, there are also several third-party tools and plugins available that can enhance and simplify the process. Here are some popular tools:

  • LiveSlides: This plugin enables you to embed live web content, including social media feeds, directly into your PowerPoint slides.
  • SlideShare: LinkedIn-owned SlideShare offers an easy way to share and embed PowerPoint presentations, complete with social media integration.
  • Twitter Visualizations: Tools like TweetBeam or TAGS Explorer allow you to visualize live Twitter feeds and hashtags, which can be integrated into your PowerPoint slides.

By leveraging these tools, you can streamline the process of integrating social media platforms into your PowerPoint presentations and create more impactful slides with ease.

How to Embed Live Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn Feeds in PowerPoint

If you want to go beyond static content and display live social media feeds directly within your PowerPoint presentations, here’s how you can do it:

  • Step one: Use a third-party tool or plugin that specializes in embedding live social media feeds.
  • Step two: Connect your social media accounts to the tool or plugin and configure the settings according to your preferences.
  • Step three: Once you have set up the feeds, select the desired layout and design options.
  • Step four: Generate an embed code provided by the tool or plugin.
  • Step five: In PowerPoint, navigate to the slide where you want to embed the live social media feed and access the “Insert” tab.
  • Step six: Click on the “Web Page” option and paste the embed code into the dialog box.
  • Step seven: Adjust the size and position of the embedded live social media feed as necessary.
  • Step eight: Save your PowerPoint presentation and test the embedded feed by entering presentation mode.

By following these steps, you can display real-time Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn feeds directly within your PowerPoint presentations, keeping your audience engaged and informed.

Best Practices for Designing Engaging Social Media Slides in PowerPoint

Now that you have learned how to integrate social media platforms into PowerPoint, let’s explore some best practices for designing engaging social media slides:

  • Consistent branding: Ensure your social media slides align with your overall presentation design and brand guidelines, creating a cohesive visual experience for your audience.
  • Legible font sizes and colors: Use font sizes and colors that are easily readable, even from a distance, ensuring your audience can effortlessly follow the content on your social media slides.
  • Consider visual hierarchy: Arrange your social media content in a logical order, prioritizing key information and keeping the design visually balanced.
  • Engaging visuals: Incorporate eye-catching images, videos, and infographics into your social media slides to capture your audience’s attention and support your key messages.
  • Minimal text: Avoid overcrowding your social media slides with excessive text. Instead, focus on utilizing concise phrases and bullet points to convey your message effectively.

By following these best practices, you can create visually appealing and engaging social media slides that effectively communicate your message and captivate your audience.

How to Add Social Media Icons and Links to Your PowerPoint Presentation

If you want to include social media icons and links in your PowerPoint presentation, follow these simple steps:

  • Step one: Find high-quality social media icons that represent the platforms you want to include (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn).
  • Step two: Save the icons to your computer or cloud storage service.
  • Step three: In PowerPoint, navigate to the slide where you want to add the social media icons.
  • Step four: Access the “Insert” tab and click on the “Picture” option.
  • Step five: Select the social media icon file from your computer or cloud storage and insert it onto the slide.
  • Step six: Resize and position the social media icons as desired.
  • Step seven: Right-click on each icon and select the “Hyperlink” option.
  • Step eight: Enter the respective social media URL in the hyperlink dialog box for each icon.
  • Step nine: Save your PowerPoint presentation and test the social media icons by clicking on them in presentation mode.

By following these steps, you can easily add social media icons and links to your PowerPoint presentation, allowing your audience to connect with you on various platforms and further engage with your content.

Using Social Media Data in PowerPoint: Strategies for Visualizing Analytics

Integrating social media data into your PowerPoint presentations can provide valuable insights and add credibility to your content. Here are some strategies for visualizing social media analytics in PowerPoint:

  • Data-driven charts and graphs: Use visual elements such as bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts to display social media metrics such as follower growth, engagement rates, or post reach.
  • Heatmaps and word clouds: Visualize sentiment analysis or trending topics using heatmaps or word clouds to make complex social media data more digestible and visually appealing.
  • Comparison tables: Compare performance metrics of different social media platforms, campaigns, or time periods using tables to showcase key findings and trends.

By effectively visualizing social media data in your PowerPoint presentations, you can present compelling insights and make data-driven decisions that drive social media success.

Exploring Advanced Techniques: Embedding YouTube Videos Within Your PowerPoint Presentation

While social media platforms play a significant role in PowerPoint presentations, let’s not forget about the power of video. YouTube, with its massive library of content, can be seamlessly integrated into your slides. Here’s how you can embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint:

  • Step one: Open your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide where you want to embed the YouTube video.
  • Step two: Access the “Insert” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon and click on the “Video” option.
  • Step three: Select the “Online Video” option and enter the URL of the YouTube video you want to embed.

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

What is social media presentation.

In the digital age, where attention spans are shrinking, creating an effective social media presentation is crucial for capturing and retaining any client’s interest. For example, when a business is looking for a social media manager (SMM) to boost their company’s social media presence, they want to know what will be done before it is actually done: what results they’ll get and what methods will be used to achieve them. That’s when a social media presentation comes in handy as the most attractive and informative way to introduce a business PowerPoint presentation .

If you wonder how to present a social media strategy, consider the below tips to help guide your path forward. In today’s article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to create an impactful social media strategy PPT for any platform that not only conveys your message effectively but also engages your client, so dive right in!

social media campaign presentation

How to create a social media strategy presentation?

Before you design slides, you need to have text, images, or infographics to add. A social media PowerPoint presentation must be related to content such as your social media strategy. Below, we share the steps that will help you craft an impactful social media marketing presentation for client they will never forget!

Disclaimer: You should not limit yourself to just one slide, e.g., to show the target audience, and we’ll now give you an approximate skeleton to follow.

Set goals: Slide 1 ⎼ Social media goals

To present informative social media presentation slides, you should have a solid discussion with the client to discover their business goals and transform them into social media goals. It will impact further brand presentation and research on the target audience, competitors, and promotion methods. In such a presentation, your clients will expect clear and tangible metrics.

For example, a shoe company wants to boost its sales using Instagram. In this case, you have to create goals of getting more conversions in sales, like increased clicks to the company’s website. Your social media analytics presentation should depict how a specific promotion method on a specific platform will give specific numbers.

Pro advice: Use Google Analytics for enhanced tracking and PowerPoint redesign services to create compelling diagrams.

Research your audience: Slide 2 ⎼ Target audience

Most clients know the “persona” they are marketing to, but your task is understanding if desirable business goals match the typical buyer persona. If the client doesn’t know their target audience, you should make recommendations but still try to discover the location, age, occupation, or favorite game of the people they want to reach. The more criteria you know, the more targeted tone and voice you will be able to use to influence people’s choices.

Research competitors: Slide 3 ⎼ Competitors

An effective social media marketing presentation ppt has to analyze direct competitors that definitely exist. And their SMM has already tried promotion strategies for you to learn from or avoid. Researching competitors is about thinking outside the box and analyzing their mistakes or successes. Your client should not be present on every platform, so do research and explore which ones will work best for their business.

When looking at competitors, consider two main things:

  • MARKET GAP (e.g., there is no podcast about house plant care).
  • LEAD ENGAGEMENT (e.g., they get fantastic traffic from Instagram).

Remember, researching competitors teaches you what to do and what not to do: posting frequency, type of content, followings of their followers, and more.

Do social media audit: Slide 4 ⎼ Social media analysis

Any social media report presentation must summarize what the company is already doing. It may be a new company you have to launch social media channels for, and it may be an experienced business looking for a new strategy.

If you create a social media strategy for an existing company, you have to audit its media to define baseline metrics: the number of followers, demographic data, average engagements, content performance, and other important analytics.

If you create a social media strategy for a startup, you will have what to offer only after researching their personas and suitable social media. For example, the target audience is women aged 40 to 55 living in the suburbs, so you offer to go with Facebook.

Set up the infrastructure: Slide 5 ⎼ Content posting tools

In the case of a new company, setting up the infrastructure means doing manual work or making use of SOPs to automate processes.

Answer the following questions if you’re going to do everything manually:

  • Am I going to post things natively?
  • How are we going to get the content calendars approved?
  • Am I the only one to contact/answer the audience in DM/messaging?

In the case of established companies, they will most probably onboard you on a tool they already use and assign a colleague for you to master it quickly.

Create a content calendar: Slide 6 ⎼ Instagram/Facebook/TikTok content calendar

The last thing is putting together your content calendar and content into motion, which can be the hardest part. The last slides in the social media presentations ppt show an example of a post and calendar in tools like CoSchedule. For instance, you will post stories daily, behind-the-scenes images twice a week, and share product posts thrice weekly.

Regardless of plenty of scheduling tools, we advise building a simple content calendar in Excel Spreadsheets to send directly to a client and get approval/feedback.

6 bonus tips for newbies

Tip #1: develop a compelling storyline.

Every effective presentation tells a story, and social media presentations are no exception. Craft a compelling narrative that takes your client on a journey, keeping them engaged from start to finish. Begin with a strong introduction, followed by a clear progression of ideas, and conclude with a memorable closing. Remember, a well-structured storyline can enhance the overall impact of your social media content strategy presentation.

Tip #2: Design eye-catching visuals

Visual elements play a crucial role in any presentation. Create visually appealing graphics, images, and videos that complement your content and are consistent with the brand’s aesthetics. Then, ensure they are optimized to maintain a professional and cohesive look across different devices.

Pro advice: If design is not your cup of tea, consider hiring a professional PowerPoint redesign company to create beautiful icons, diagrams, and other visuals for you.

Tip #3: Incorporate engaging multimedia

Diversify your content by incorporating various multimedia elements. Leverage the power of videos, GIFs, and interactive elements to captivate your client even more.

Tip #4: Keep your social media presentation ppt concise

In the fast-paced world of social media, conciseness is key, so keep your presentation focused on the essential points. Avoid overwhelming your client with excessive information. Instead, prioritize clarity and simplicity to ensure your message is easily digestible. Consider using bullet points, short sentences, and impactful visuals to convey your ideas efficiently.

Tip #5: Leverage data and statistics

Support your claims and statements with relevant data and statistics. Incorporating credible information not only adds authenticity to your presentation on social media strategy but also helps build trust with your client. However, be sure to attribute your sources to enhance credibility.

Tip #6: Optimize for mobile

With the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your presentation for mobile devices is crucial. Ensure that your content is responsive and looks appealing on smaller screens. Test your presentation on various devices to identify and address any formatting issues. A mobile-friendly presentation enhances accessibility and caters to the preferences of on-the-go clients.

Creating an effective social media campaign presentation requires a thoughtful combination of understanding the client’s needs and their target audience, compelling storytelling, and visually engaging content. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to craft presentations your client will most definitely appreciate.

In case you need any help with social media slide design, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional assistance. Our presentation design experts are available to help 24/7/365!

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Social Media Presentation Templates for your Marketing Strategy

Carla Albinagorta

For good or for bad, Social Media has changed our lives. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… These are all words that are part of our daily life now. Millions of people spend hours a day checking their social media platforms. And this phenomenon is an excellent opportunity for business. Digital Marketing has evolved a lot in the last few years. Social media, however, it’s a whole world on its own, and it’s worth its own marketing strategy. Here you’ll find the best free Social Media presentation templates.

Social Media Analysis PowerPoint Template

An excellent way to engage your clients is through social media. Platforms such as Facebook or Instagram have become true gold mines for digital marketing. But it only works if you do it correctly. It’s not enough to post something every once in a while. If you want it to work, you need to make a Digital Marketing strategy. This means planning what and how you’re going to do, assigning responsibilities, setting a budget… Bring your team or your boss on board of your strategy proposition with this amazing Social Media Presentation Template.

Social Media Analysis free PowerPoint Template

This template’s colorful palette will help you get your audience’s attention. While most of the other templates in this article follow a more playful design, this one is a little bit more serious. However, its bright colors and unique layout will avoid your presentation turning dull and boring. It also has several charts and diagrams that will help you showcase your data in visual and more engaging ways. It has bar charts, line charts, circle charts, and even a map.

social media powerpoint presentation

Another great element you’ll find for your social media presentation is a competitor analysis slide. It’s always wise to know what your closest competitors are doing. This way, you can plan better strategies to take advantage of their weaknesses. This also applies to social media. So take some time to see by yourself what your competitors are doing and what you can do better.

Playful Social Media Template

Social Media marketing strategies are unique because social media are usually used for a closer and more personal interaction. It completely depends on your market, but most of the time, social media is the ideal way to connect with your potential buyers in a more relaxed, casual and friendly way. If you don’t believe it, check out this QSR Magazine’s article on how Wendy’s uses social media !

This Social Media Presentation template and its playful design will help you convey friendliness from the very start. This template is ideal to showcase your strategy, do your monthly reports, and share your findings and growth of your business in social media. All in an engaging and fun way.

social media playful presentation template

It has slides in different colors for each platform. It also includes a team slide and a chart and graph slide so you can show quantitative data you’ve found in your campaigns. This Social Media Presentation also includes a slide to show what’s the different approach you’ll take for each platform. In short, it’s the ideal template for a digital marketing report.

Playful Facebook Report Template

Ever since it first appeared, Facebook has always been one of the big players when talking about social media platforms. The rise of influencers has made it an even more important tool when considering digital marketing. The platforms you use depend a lot on your product, your market segmentation and your marketing strategy. But if you have chosen Facebook as a platform for your digital campaign, then this Social Media Presentation template is for you!

facebook powerpoint presentation free template

This template has a playful style that will give your presentation a fresh and entertaining look. It follows a color scheme designed to resemble Facebook’s colors, so your audience can connect immediately with it. And all along the presentation you’ll find icons designed with the Facebook “reactions” on mind. It includes an agenda, and charts and graphs in case you need to add some numbers to your presentation. And, an awesome Facebook themed SWOT analysis slide for your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Twitter Campaign Slide Deck Template

Planning on starting a campaign on Twitter? Then this social media presentation template is what you need. Twitter is a microblogging service that, ever since it first started in 2006, has only been gaining more and more users. One of its main characteristics is that you can only use 280 characters per post. This may seem like a hindrance, but it’s actually a great opportunity. Twitter demands that you think about everything in terms of conciseness and impact. If you’re up for the challenge that Twitter represents, then you’ll certainly have to think about your strategy very carefully. You can not treat this platform as any of the others, nor you can do exactly the same campaign. Twitter needs its own marketing strategy! And if that is what you’ve decided, then this PowerPoint template will help you showcase it perfectly.

free twitter campaign presentation template

The whole presentation is designed to look just Twitter’s layout, which makes for a really unique and fun PowerPoint. It has several text slides for all the information you could need to add. All these have customized illustrations, so despite them having a considerable amount of text, they’re still engaging and eye-catching. It also includes a bar chart slide and a team slide, among many more.

Other Social Media Presentation Resources

The templates here are not meant to be complete presentations. But rather, great slides that can improve any social media presentation you’re planning to do. You can download them for free and see which one would be a good addition to your presentation. Each of these has some really awesome slides that will help you get your PowerPoint to the next level.

Digital Marketing Presentation Template

digital marketing slide deck

Marketing strategy is usually a process. You need to think about your strategy in several steps since it’s not going to happen overnight. This template has 3 slides that are perfect for showcasing your marketing process. It’s bright colors and creative design will help you convey clearly all your ideas.

Digital Marketing Presentation Templates

Who said PowerPoint presentations have to be boring? Even if the “death by PowerPoint” phenomenon it’s pretty common nowadays, it’s up to you to make an eye-catching, engaging, presentation. The bright colors in this Digital Marketing PowerPoint slides will help you a long way with that.

social media marketing powerpoint template

This deck includes 3 Social Media slides that will fit perfectly any presentation. They’re great because they allow you to showcase the platforms you’re planning to use separately. And it also includes a marketing SEO strategy slide for your social media strategy presentation.

Social Media Icons Template

In this PowerPoint template pack, you’ll find some truly amazing icons for your next social media presentation. With these, you’ll be able to turn even the plainest presentation into a unique one. You can use them as bullet points, or to highlight important information. They’re also easily editable, so you can rest assured they’ll fit what you have in mind.

free social media icons powerpoint template

You’ll find icons for social media platforms, blogging, and other common aspects of the social media world. And, as always, you’ll find these in different styles. You can use the playful style ones to make a more light-hearted presentation. Or you can use the more corporate ones for a more serious one. In any case, you’ll find something that will fit your needs and help you customize your presentation.

These Social Media presentation templates are only the tip of the iceberg of everything you will find in the Templates by 24Slides platform. There you’ll find many more presentations concerning marketing and digital marketing, in case you want something more general. And obviously, you will find hundreds of templates concerning every possible aspect of your business and business strategy.

If none of these strike your fancy, you can always talk to our designers here at 24Slides . They’ll be happy to help you design a completely customized presentation that really represents your brand and amazes your audience!

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Social Media Presentation Templates

Supercharge your social media presentations with slide egg's social media powerpoint templates and google slides. from vibrant instagram designs to strategic facebook templates, our collection caters to every platform. engage your audience with eye-catching infographics, icons, editable layouts, and captivating visuals. free downloads are available..

Social media

  • Diverse Themes & Purposes: From technology deep dives and social media history to specialized topics like social media pitch decks, monthly reports, or advertising nuances, our slides cater to every facet of this expansive domain.
  • Platform-Specific Templates: Are you crafting a LinkedIn marketing strategy or discussing the outreach of YouTube? Our collection accommodates platform-specific nuances, ensuring your presentation stays relevant.
  • Special Edition Slides: Acknowledging the enormous influence of social media, celebrate World Social Media Day with our dedicated slides.
  • Stellar Design Elements: Information meets art in our slides. Expect a blend of creative infographics, recognizable social media icons, and captivating designs that hold your audience's attention.
  • User-Centric Customization: Each social media PPT and Google slides template is designed for ease. Edit effortlessly, ensuring your presentation has your unique touch.
  • Pocket-Friendly Excellence: Stellar quality can be affordable. Explore a plethora of free downloads , ensuring top-notch presentations without the price tag.

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How To Make Social Media Infographic Templates

How To Make Social Media Infographic Templates

We're here to help you, what is social media.

Social media is internet-based and allows users to share anything quickly, including movies, images, documents, and personal information. Users interact with social media through web-based computers, tablets, or smartphone applications.

What are Social Media Presentation templates?

Social Media Presentation Templates is a driving tool and a platform for client acquisition and engagement, boosting sales through advertising and promotion, identifying consumer trends, and providing assistance or customer service.

Where can we use these Social Media slides?

Social Media Slides can be used in promotional seminars, workshops on social media awareness, extensions of social media activities, etc.

How can I make Social Media PPT Slides in a presentation?

A vital skill for creating a PowerPoint presentation is the ability to add shapes, layouts, and colors to your slide. Your presentation views and attention during the show both rise as a result. You are welcome to browse the tips and tricks page and make your job simple and efficient, if you have any questions about creating the slides for your presentation.

Who can use Social Media Presentation Templates?

Social Media templates can be used by anyone who wants to discover professional prospects, interact with people around the world who share their interests, and share their thoughts, feelings, and insights online.

Why do we need to use Social Media Presentation Slides?

Creating a PowerPoint presentation requires the presenter to refine their message since it forces them to put their ideas "into writing." So, have a better option to add your points and give life to your social media presence for the next meeting.

Where can I find free Presentation Templates?

Don't worry about finding free templates because the internet offers millions of options. You can browse the gallery on Slide Egg and download the free slides you need with excellent graphics.

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A Social Media Presentation Deck Stacked In Your Favor [Free Template]

Social media facilitates connections, but the stories we tell there are what binds us together. Great storytelling in your social media presentation will help keep your audience captivated from start to finish.

A great deck acts as the outline for your story arc, allowing the concepts and ideas to shine on your slides. Use this free, customizable social media presentation template to create a polished slide deck that brings your stories to life. 

In the template you’ll find: 

  • Ways to add structure
  • Customization tips
  • Data visualization ideas
  • Additional template slides 

Whether you’re pitching a new idea, proposing a budget increase or recapping a successful campaign, download and customize this deck to wow your audience.

View Template

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  • Father's day
  • Visual chart
  • Architecture
  • Advertising

Popular template categories

  • Infographics
  • White papers
  • Letterheads
  • Newsletters
  • Business cards
  • Human resources
  • Certificates
  • Invitations
  • Social media
  • Table of contents
  • Magazine covers
  • Price lists
  • Album covers
  • Book covers
  • See All Templates

social media apps presentation

The 10 Best Social Media SlideShare Presentations

Photo of Kevan Lee

Former VP of Marketing @ Buffer

One of my favorite visual social networks —and one that probably flies under the radar compared to other visual spots—is SlideShare . Browse through the featured slidedecks, and you can find big ideas and helpful strategies condensed into a couple dozen simple, succinct slides. There are few better ways to consume killer content so quickly.

In writing about how to create a SlideShare presentation that gets results , I ran across a number of presentations that inspired me, educated me, and wowed me. There’s a lot of great stuff out there! I thought it might be apt to highlight a few.

So here’re 10 awesome SlideShare presentations, all having to do with social media . You’ll find strategies, big-picture ideas, stats, research, and more. If you’ve got a favorite of yours that didn’t make the list, I’d love to hear about it! Feel free to share in the comments.

10 of the best social media SlideShares

1. a complete guide to the best times to post on social media (and more).

(via TrackMaven )

We’ve had the privilege of featuring Track Maven’s awesome research here on the Buffer blog before. This slidedeck is the best of Track Maven’s best: Research into optimal timing for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blogposts, and email.

My favorite slide:

Peak times for interactions on social

2. 6 Questions to Lead You to a Social Media Strategy

(via Mark Schaefer )

Question No. 1 is a fabulous one: “Fill in the blank: Only we ___.” The rest just keep building the usefulness from there. If you’re getting started with a social media strategy , this deck can help you get organized and ready for putting a plan in place .

Facebook's mission statement

3. Go Viral on the Social Web: The Definitive How-To guide!

(via XPLAIN )

This deck packs an informative strategy for going viral with an awesome set of visuals and photos. From advice on the elements of virality on social to examples of brands who have done it well, the deck has a little bit of everything—even a cameo by George Clooney.

Viral content storytelling

4. Why Content Marketing Fails

(via Rand Fishkin )

Though explicitly about content marketing, this slidedeck’s applications to social media are unmistakeable. We took great inspiration from this SlideShare when we wrote about our ideas of tracking Social Media ROI . Basically, social media marketing isn’t as cut-and-dry as traditional marketing methods (and flip through the entire SlideShare to learn how and why).

how content marketing works

5. The Nuts and Bolts of Social Media…’Great Success’

(via Matthew Capala )

This slidedeck is heavy on the Borat, but the message is still solid: 5 key ways to inform and entertain your audience on social media .

do things, tell people

6. How to Create the Perfect Social Media Post

(via Guy Kawasaki )

Guy Kawasaki is one of the leading names in social media, and he and Peg Fitzpatrick teamed up on this slidedeck to share some of their secrets for creating perfect social media posts. Much of the advice takes leans toward visuals , and the slide deck is chock full of examples of how these perfect posts look when they’re in the wild.

use incognito mode

7. 50 Expert Tips for Getting Started on Social Media

from Constant Contact

Constant Contact reached out to a panel of social media experts (in a wide assortment of jobs and industries) to answer the following question:

If you were to give a one-sentence tip to a small business owner just starting out with social media, what would you say?

The answers led to these 50 tips on how to get started with social media.

useful, indispensable

8. How to Determine the ROI of Anything

(via Gary Vaynerchuk )

If you pair this slidedeck with Rand Fishkin’s on content marketing (listed above), you’d have a pretty powerful case for rethinking how you measure your social media efforts. Vaynerchuk explains his message in real-world terms—e.g., what’s the ROI of a piano, video games, or cat photos? Flip through the deck to see what he means.

My favorite slide(s):

9. Be a Digital Trailblazer When Building Your Brand

(via Carrie Kerpen )

This deck deals with an inspiring, specific strategy that you may wish to use on social media: Building your personal brand. Carrie Kerpen of Likeable Media lays out the reasons why it’s more and more important to blaze your own digital trail nowadays and how to think in these terms when you’re sharing on social media.

what makes me great

10. The ROI of Trust in Social Selling

(via Barbara Giamanco )

How do social media and selling converge? This deck by Barbara Giamanco explains the way that social media is used to build trust—the key ingredient to closing a sale.


Bonus: How Often Should You Post to Facebook and Twitter

(via Buffer )

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention one of Buffer’s more popular social media slidedecks in this collection, too. The below is our companion deck to our blogpost about social media frequency .

What has been your favorite SlideShare?

Can you think of a particular SlideShare that grabbed you, inspired you, or educated you? Which ones stand out?

I’d love to hear what slidedecks have had an impact on you and which ones from my list here were familiar or helpful. Feel free to share in the comments about your experiencce!

Image credits: Markus Spiske

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How to Choose the Best Social Media Presentation Templates in 2024

Andrew Childress

Are you shaping up your social media strategy for 2024? You might need to create one from scratch, then pitch it to the strategy to your team. The best way is to use social media strategy templates  that are easy to create and customize.

Intro features of digital marketing PPT

No matter how hard you work, success in 2024 comes down to having the right strategy. Effort is important. But it's got to be the right effort. That means building a strategy that guides everything you do. It's much easier when you choose social media strategy templates with placeholders for  your  strategy.

In this tutorial, you'll learn the key criteria to choose the best digital marketing strategy templates . We'll help you choose by showing you top designs from Envato Elements. You'll find the perfect template for your social media marketing strategy.

Where to Find the Best Social Media Strategy Templates

Envato Elements is the top source for the best social media marketing strategy designs. It' s a flat-rate subscription that offers you unlimited downloads. It gives you every asset you need for a digital marketing strategy template.

Elements social media strategy template

As part of your low-cost monthly subscription, you'll unlock unlimited downloads of:

  • PowerPoint and other presentation templates , perfect for crafting a social media strategy.
  • Stock photos   that complement your digital marketing strategy template.
  • Creative font options   that set designs apart.
  • Other graphic design assets ,  like illustrations and icons.

You've learned the best source for social media strategy templates. Now, let's check out some of the criteria that'll help you choose the best digital marketing strategy templates for your next project.

Top 5 Decision Factors for a Winning Social Media Presentation Template

The best social media marketing strategy templates share several key attributes. These center around their layouts, style, and design. As you choose a social media strategy template, you need to be sure that you’ll make a great impression right away.

When I choose a digital marketing strategy template, there are five key things that I’m looking for. These factors guide my decision because I can use them to review any template in seconds. And you can use them too. Let’s take a look:

1. Infographics and Mockups

Social media marketing strategy templates should have plenty of illustrations. Think about content you see on social media. It often features images, charts, and infographics. This helps bring your ideas to life.

Infographics are illustrations combining information with graphics. They help explain even tough concepts in clear, simple ways. They’re found in premium templates, and they help a features of digital marketing PPT stand out.

Social PowerPoint presentation media planning basics PPT

Mockups are 3D illustrations of devices like laptops, phones, and tablets. They’re used to show how websites or apps appear on-screen. Mockups are especially useful to show off your social presence. They’re a hallmark of the best Twitter presentation designs, for example.

2. Clean, Stylish Designs

A social media planning basics PPT conveys information in new ways. The last thing you want to do is overload slides and pack them full of content. This is distracting to an audience, and you’ll lose key details in the clutter. That’s why I always look for clean, stylish designs as I build my slide deck.

A social media strategy template should have plenty of open space on the slide. This draws attention to the main key ideas that you’re trying to present. By having this breathing room, your most important content will shine. This helps cut distractions and keeps your audience engaged with you.

Learn more about the best PPT layouts here:

social media apps presentation

3. Mobile-Optimized Layouts

Let’s face it: most people aren’t viewing social media content on their computers. Indeed, social media strategy template designs must be optimized for mobile use. Consider an Instagram presentation template. It should always fit perfectly in the app’s image and story sections. Both have their own unique aspect ratios.

Social media presentation kit instagram presentation template

The same is true for a Tik Tok presentation, or a Facebook post PowerPoint template. By designing your content for how people actually view it, you’re sure to capture a wider audience. Once again, these custom layouts star in premium template designs from Envato Elements.

4. Colorful Slides with Bright Themes

An Instagram presentation template needs to have bright colors. In fact, this is true for any social media strategy template. Social media often feels like content overload. That means it’s essential for your Facebook post PowerPoint template to stand out.

The use of color is an essential element of the best PowerPoint templates. It adds style, draws a viewer’s eye, and helps you focus on key ideas.

5. Creative Backgrounds

It’s easy to forget that empty space can be a style element of its own. But in fact, this is absolutely true. Creative backgrounds use color and patterns for the most effect. This brings a social media strategy template to life.

I like creative backgrounds because of their uniqueness. It’s an easy way to build more distinctive social media marketing strategy templates.

With a Twitter presentation template background, you can show off your design prowess. But again, it doesn’t take any extra effort when you choose a premium template. Many have these unique slide backdrops built in. All you need to do is drop in your content on top of them!

How 3 Top Social Media PresentationTemplates Compare (Benefits and Drawbacks)

We’ve just explored the five key factors I use to choose a social media strategy template. These criteria should be present in any successful media planning basics PPT. Now, let’s explore three top designs from Envato Elements .

We’ll check how all three stack up against the above criteria. This is the best way to choose a social media strategy template that best fits your needs:

1. Social Media Infographic

Social media infographic social media strategy templlate

Social Media Infographic is a themed template packed with content. It includes over 20 social media infographic designs spread over many slide layouts. Supporting text boxes help to add more context.

Let's see how this digital marketing strategy template stacks up against our criteria:

  • Infographics and mockups. This is the go-to thanks to the 20 slide designs focused on infographics.
  • Clean, stylish designs.  The infographics are informative but uncluttered.
  • Mobile-optimized layouts.  Several slides can easily be tweaked to fit vertical screens.
  • Colorful slides with bright themes.  Each infographic has a splash of bright color on the Twitter presentation template designs.
  • Creative backgrounds.  Most slides bypass backgrounds, but it's easy to drop them in thanks to customizable slide designs.

2. Social Media PowerPoint Template

Social media PowerPoint Tik Tok Presentation

Another option for a social media strategy template, this one has an array of slide layouts. The slides are in high-definition, helping them work well on any display. All design elements are customizable to fit your content.

  • Infographics and mockups.  This template features fewer infographics, but it's mockup-friendly for easy visualization.
  • Clean, stylish designs.  Totally modern in style, this is so stylish it feels futuristic.
  • Mobile-optimized layouts.  Each slide is formatted with vertical designs in mind, so it's perfect for TikTok presentations, for example.
  • Colorful slides with bright themes.  This template doesn't lack for color with stylish gradients and plenty of pastels.
  • Creative backgrounds.  Rounded out with cool geometric shapes, you've got the perfect backdrop to promote your content. 

3. Oyimen Social Media PowerPoint

Oyimen social media marketing strategy

Oyimen is an Instagram presentation template with two dozen slides. Layouts are present for both story and post sizes. This one includes two color themes, and help files to assist you as you build your media planning basics PPT.

  • Infographics and mockups.  Ready for mobile, every slide is a mockup unto itself.
  • Clean, stylish designs.  Everything in this template is easy-to-read, so it fits the bill perfectly.
  • Mobile-optimized layouts.  The vertical slide shapes are ready to prep and export for mobile-first social media.
  • Colorful slides with bright themes.  As the preview shows, the template is built with punchy primary color designs that stand out on mobile.
  • Creative backgrounds.  This template is another great option with shapes that serve as  just enough visual interest to entertain without distraction.

Three Social Media PowerPoint Templates: Side-By-Side Comparison

Let's look at how these three templates measure up to our criteria for social media PowerPoint templates:

Social Media Infographic

Social Media Infographic

Social Media PowerPoint

Social Media PowerPoint

Oyimen Social Media PowerPoint

Oyimen Social Media

Infographics and Mockups. It’s the name of the template for good reason. This one includes 21 stylish infographic layouts. There are basic mockups too.

Infographics and Mockups. The Social Media PowerPoint Template focuses on mockups. You’ll find options for computers, tablets, and phones too.

Infographics and Mockups. Although not included, they’re easy to add with the array of image placeholders in the template. 

Clean, Stylish Designs. The slides are more data-heavy. But you can always remove extra content by deleting it.

Clean, Stylish Designs. Slide designs here are very eye-catching. The layered style helps keep layouts clean and stylish.

Clean, Stylish Designs . Each slide features a clean, modern design. Your content shines and audiences won’t be distracted by cluttered slides.

Mobile-Optimized Layouts. The template fits on standard displays. But you can view them on mobile devices too. The template isn’t specifically styled as an Instagram presentation template, for example.

Mobile-Optimized Layouts. This template is an Instagram presentation template. Each slide design fits perfectly within the app for mobile sharing

Mobile-Optimized Layouts. Oyimen is a template for mobile use. It’s easy to share on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms.

Colorful Slides with Bright Themes. Each of the infographic slides is stylish and colorful. This makes this template a top choice if you want to keep audiences engaged with you.

Colorful Slides with Bright Themes. Colors here are bright without being flashy, giving them an element of timeless style.

Creative Backgrounds. Content shines here with the background complementing each of the colorful layout designs.

Creative Backgrounds. With funky pattern backgrounds, you'll find plenty of backdrop creativity.

Creative Backgrounds. Cool, colorful backgrounds are in use on every slide.

Explore Slide Designs for Your Next Social Media Strategy PPT

We’ve explored how the three templates above compare with our five factors. Now, let’s bring them to life. We’ll look at slide designs from each to see how well they measure up:

1. Instagram Slides

Oyimen Instagram presentation template

Slide #2 in Oyimen is a classic example of an Instagram story slide. Notice that it's got the tall, vertical layout that the app uses in stories. This means your slide will fill the screen, maximizing the use of space. To customize the slide, I simply added text and a photo.

Below is a second Instagram presentation template slide. This one uses the Social Media PowerPoint Template . In this example, it’s built for an Instagram post.

Social media instagram presentation template

As you can see, it makes use of bright colors and custom backdrops. Again, I only had to add my own text and photos using the placeholders.

2. Product Marketing Slides

Social media infographic media planning basics

Here, slide #3 in the Social Media Infographic template is styled as a product marketing slide. On the left is an infographic showing off several social channels. On the right, I’ve customized supporting text to market social media services. It only takes a few clicks.

Don’t forget, many people view ads on their mobile devices. The Oyimen template is an option for this type of marketing.

Oymen Facebook post PowerPoint template

A slide like this one promotes an upcoming sale. I designed it in PPT and can quickly post it to my social media channels. Once again, the size is perfectly optimized for mobile sharing.

3. Mockup Device Slides

Social media infographic Twitter presentation template

Here's a device mockup slide from the Social Media Infographic template. It features a modern laptop with several social channels displayed onscreen. Notice that the layout is clean and uncluttered. Viewers’ eyes focus on the mockup, and then move to the supporting text over on the side.

More Designs For Digital Marketing Strategy Templates

Every template helps you tell a story. You've already seen our pick for the top social media strategy templates. But there are so many more  options for social media marketing strategy designs.

If you haven't found the perfect media planning basics PPT design, keep exploring. Check out three more articles with the best selection of digital marketing PPT options.

social media apps presentation

Learn More About Social Media Marketing

The world of social media marketing is massive. There are so many platforms and strategies that it might seem overwhelming to master. 

It helps to have more resources that teach you the ins-and-outs of social media marketing strategies. Check out the tutorials below to level up your knowledge while you explore the world of social media marketing.

social media apps presentation

Start Using Social Media Strategy Templates Today

This tutorial taught you how to choose the very best social media strategy templates . For beginner marketers, a template gives you the cues and placeholders you need to craft your strategy. That saves time and gives you superior results.

Create your own design with the help of a digital marketing strategy template . Remember that this is the best resource when you need help. Start off with a template to set your social media strategy now!

Andrew Childress

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Design Inspiration for Social Media

It seems that you like this template, design inspiration for social media presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Download the Design Inspiration for Social Media presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. How do you use social media platforms to achieve your business goals? If you need a thorough and professional tool to plan and keep track of your social media strategy, this fully customizable template is your ultimate solution. It simplifies the process of organizing your content calendar, scheduling posts, and analyzing performance metrics. Stay on top of your social media game and make the most of your online presence with this indispensable resource.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

How can I use the template?

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How to attribute?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

Create your presentation create personalized presentation content, writing tone, number of slides.

social media apps presentation

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  • PowerPoint Templates

12 Social Media PowerPoint Template Free Download

Searching for some social media PowerPoint templates for your presentation? You’ve come to the right place.

Whether you are looking for a social media report template, or a social media cover and story template, you will find the right social media PowerPoint template in this collection.

All of these ppt templates are free to use and have an aesthetic design, they can be easily customized to what you like.

Table of Contents

Free social media report powerpoint templates, free social media powerpoint template for mcn, agencies, free social media posts, cover photos, graphics template, other free social media powerpoint templates, premium social media powerpoint template, socialcloud – social media report powerpoint template.

Socialcloud - Social Media Business PowerPoint Template

Socialcloud is a professional PowerPoint template for a social media company. It provides 50+ slides, such as Social Media for Your Business, Social Media Statistics, Social Media Popularities, reports, and case studies.

Dark Social Media Report PowerPoint Template

Free Social Media Report Google Slides Template

Dark Social Media Report Powerpoint Template comes with 12 creative dark background slides, is made for social media report presentation.

Free Social Media Strategy Presentation Template

Free Social Media Strategy Presentation Template

This PowerPoint template for social media strategy is free to use and contains 35 unique slide designs. It includes social media trends, digital media strategies, infographics, charts, and more. The template has a modern and clean design that can be tailored to any type of social media strategy presentation.

Social Media Report PowerPoint Template (1 Page)

1  Page Social Media Report PowerPoint Template Free Download

Instagram analysis Free Social Media PowerPoint Template

Preview of Instagram analysis Free Social Media PowerPoint template

Social Network presentation is a free social media report PPT template for Instagram, comes with 20 unique slides with animation, and full editable Instagram mockup. Suited for Instagram report presentation.

One-Page Social Media Summary PowerPoint Template

Preview of One-Page Social Media Summary

Use this excellent PowerPoint template to present the summary of your social media channels. It provides 4 channels by default: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

Social Media Business PowerPoint Template

Preview of Social Media Business PowerPoint Template

This free PPT template is made for a social media agency to introduce its business. It features 15 modern and creative slides, all slides are editable.

Free Social Media Presentation Powerpoint Template (9 Slides)

Social Media PowerPoint Template

This free social media presentation template comes with 9 unique slides.

STYLE Animated Instagram Social Media template

Preview of STYLE Animated Instagram Social Media template

This template is a one-page animated Instagram posts template, used to make an Instagram post quickly. You won’t need Adobe Photoshop or other services which limit your goals.

Ravi Social Media Pack PowerPoint Template

Preview of Ravi Social Media Pack PowerPoint Template

Ravi Social Media Pack is a banner PowerPoint template for Instagram, Facebook. It consists of 6 free templates (3 facebook templates, and 3 Instagram templates).

Animated Social Media PPT Template Free Download

Social Media PPT Template Free Download

Animated social media infographics templates for your presentation. For editing, you can use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365.

Free Sample Included:

  • 16 total slides ( 8 unique slides, dark & light )
  • 16×9 aspect ratio
  • format: .PPTX

Premium Version Included:

  • 50 animated social media infographics templates
  • All slides are fully animated
  • Dark version included
  • All elements in files are grouped and easy editable
  • Fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint

Social media cover slide template free download (8 Pages)

Preview of Social media cover slide template

This template contains 8 cover slides for social media presentations, consisting of the Linkedin cover slide, Twitch cover slide, Discord cover slide, TikTok cover slide, tinder cover slide, Snapchat cover slide, YouTube cover slide, Meta cover slide.

Why Social Media PowerPoint Infographic Tempalte

Preview of Why Social Media PowerPoint Infographic Tempalte

This free PPT template consists of 7 unique infographic slides, you can use to present social media related information, why social media, how social media works, social media marketing, some social media facts.

Social Media Network Infographics

Preview of Social Media Network Infographics

This template provides 15 social media infographics for PowerPoint, including social media timelines, mockups, flow charts, and more, it uses a network illustration as the background.

Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Template

Preview of Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Template

This template is a well-crafted PowerPoint template for social media report presentation. It comes with 109 useful slides for social media strategies and processes.

This template is a great choice for any presentation about social media, such as social media report, social media marketing, social media analysis, social media proposal, digital media, and more.

Social Media Dashboard

Preview of Social Media Dashboard PowerPoint Presentation Template

Social Media Dashboard PPT is an excellent PowerPoint template for social media analysis presentations. It includes 30 unique ppt slides and 5 color schemes on the white and dark background versions.

Active Social Media Creative Powerpoint Template

Preview of Active Social Media Creative Powerpoint Template

Active Social Media Creative Powerpoint Template is a beautiful PowerPoint template for any Social Media project ideas.

It features 90+ well-structured slides, image placeholders, 3D icons illustration, and blurred background.

Social Media PowerPoint Infographics

Preview of Social Media PowerPoint Infographics

This Social Media PowerPoint Infographics template comes with 43 unique social media infographics and 6500+ Icons.

We hope this article helped you find the best social media PowerPoint template. You may also want to see our 300+ free PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes .

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Free Healthy Food PowerPoint Template cover

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