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8 real co-op board reference letters that worked

  • Most boards want four to six letters and a mix of professional, personal, and property related
  • The letters should be succinct (one page is ideal) but still paint a positive picture of your character
  • Ask the reference to share examples of how you have been a responsible and involved neighbor

co-op board reference letters NYC

Reference letters are meant to reassure the board you will be a good neighbor and a responsible community member.

Buying a  New York City co-op is like the job application process—on steroids. Not only do you have to qualify with a pile of financial documents, but you also have to convince a co-op board you will be a good neighbor and an asset to the community. 

This is where references come in, which are letters from close friends and business colleagues that attest to your personal character and financial responsibility. 

To help you with your application, we’ve collected some reference letters from buyers who successfully landed their desired co-ops. We've redacted contact information and any identifying details to protect everyone's privacy. 

Most board packages ask for four to six letters. It's a good idea to ask for three from professional contacts, three from personal contacts, one from your landlord or property manager, and one from your employer. This way, you’ll have a good number to choose from when it comes time to submit the application.

[Editor's note: A previous version of this post was published in January. We are presenting it again as part of our summer  Best of Brick week.]

The letters below are a good guide for what needs to be included. We’ve also identified some of the key characteristics that made each one successful.

1. Begin and end the letter correctly

The letter should be addressed to “Members of the Board,” says Kimberly Blades, board package specialist at  BOND New York.  Blades helped to submit about 130 packages last year and says this opening address is crucial. Signatures in these letters have been redacted, and she says letters should be signed digitally or in pen.

First example of a successful co-op letter

2. Use letterhead

Letters should be on letterhead, Blades says. This might be easier for a professional reference like the one below, but Blades points out letterhead can be professionally designed or something simple created on a computer. 

 “The letterhead should have a full name, address, phone number, and email address,” she says. This is so board members can reach out to the reference if they have further questions. If the contact information isn’t on the letterhead or below the signature, it can be included within the body of the letter, as in the sample below. 

You also want to make sure the letter is typed and free from any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.

Second example of a co-op recommendation letter with letterhead

3. Establish the connection

Like the previous letters, this one below describes in detail who the author of the letter is and how that person knows you, as well as mentions positive examples from your life. 

“Skip embarrassing college stories at all costs,” Blades says. 

Another important requirement, says Kobi Lahav, director of sales at Living New York,  is that the person writing the letter is not a family member. A letter from your mom isn’t going to cut it—you need a more objective reference.

Third example of a personal co-op reference letter

4. Use someone who owns in New York

Someone who owns in NYC—or even better—someone who owns in a co-op, or is on a co-op board , will make a perfect reference, Lahav says. 

“It conveys to the board that the person who is writing the reference understands the complexities of owning in the city and believes that the applicant is able to coexist in a New York City building community,” he says. The writer of the personal reference letter below even lives in the building where the buyer is applying.

Example of personal recommendation co-op letter

Key characteristics of successful co-op board reference letters 
Follow a formal business 
letter format
Make it personal rather than pro forma
Get the right references

5. Keep it to one page

Not all the reference letters adhere to this rule but Rochelle Bass, a broker at  BOND New York, says a letter should be just one page. Keeping it to one page, or a page and a half max, can help keep the letter succinct while also allowing the writer to add specific details to paint a picture of a buyer’s character. You also want to make sure the letter is typed and free from any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.

Another example of a co-op recommendation letter

6. Find someone in an executive position

The letter below is written by the chief financial officer of a company. That is a major plus, Lahav says. 

“If the person writing the letter has an executive position that allows him to interview people, then the board will give more weight to the letter,” he says. 

Got a famous friend who can endorse you? Lahav says that might backfire if they have controversial views.

“If the person recommending you is a known figure who has opinions that might not be well-liked by certain parts of the public—either direction of the political map—then you might want to avoid using that person,” he says.

Example of a co-op recommendation letter from an executive

7. Include references to community involvement

Nicole Gary, a broker at Keller Williams New York City,  provides her clients with a sample letter that they can edit to suit their needs. In her view, another priority for the letter writer is to include what the prospective buyer has done to assist the community—and give examples of what would make them an excellent neighbor .  

“Have they volunteered or been on any boards together? What makes the buyer fiscally responsible? I always suggest giving as many real-life examples as possible to show this person is a person of integrity,” she says. 

So it’s less about personal accomplishments and more about serving the community at large. Lucy Wu, a broker at BOND New York, says the letter should describe how you’ve impacted the lives of your friends, co-workers, and neighbors. 

She asks: “What are some examples that your reference can place in the letter showing your impact on the community, your ability to collaborate with the community in problem-solving, your ability to handle conflict and resolve it to improve the situation of others?”  

Another example of a co-op reference letter

8. Try to create a low-key image

You don’t want the letter to imply you’re overly social and will be entertaining all the time. 

“Talking about how someone has many friends and likes to travel and socialize might suggest to the board [the buyer] is some kind of a party animal and they could face noise issues,” Lahav says. Instead, emphasize dedication to work and good work ethics. 

“In essence, the board is looking to keep a quiet community. A board letter should emphasize the professional side and less the socializing side,” he says.  

Final example of a co-op reference letter

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Co-op Purchase Application to Board Approval in NYC

The Co-op Board Package Application Process

  • August 11, 2020
  • 5 minute read

Table of Contents Show

  • What is the Co-op Board Application Package?
  • Table of Contents (Sample)
  • Aztech Recognition Agreement
  • Preparing The Co-op Board Application Package
  • Landlord Reference Letter
  • Employment Verification Letter
  • Bank Letter
  • Personal and Professional Reference Letters
  • Income Verification
  • Tax Returns
  • Consent Form
  • Co-op Board Application Fees
  • Co-op Application Fees
  • Review, Submitting Board Package, and Waiting For An Interview
  • Sample Co-op Application Download

New York City Co-op boards are notoriously discerning in approving aspiring applicants. Of course, the co-op should abide by fair housing laws. That said, boards have wide latitude in accepting applicants — the co-op board application package, including a REBNY financial statement and supporting documents. A thorough well-completed application would typically lead to the second step of the co-op board interview . A well-packaged coop application increases your chances of board approval .

We will go through the board application step-by-step to have a thorough understanding.

What is the Co-op Board Application Package? What is the Co-op Board Application Package?

The co-op board purchase application is an integral part of the approval process when buying a co-op . Think of it as doing a presentation at work. According to the contents, the purchase application package should be well-organized, with different vital sections. The information should be correct and consistent. Proofreading is essential. A buyer’s agent will handle this process for you.

A management company may require a specific way the co-op board application should be bound. Using blue pages subtitled based on the table of contents is the perfect way to package it. In addition, each section is noted correctly in the same order. Remember, neatness counts.


Table of Contents (Sample) Table of Contents (Sample)

  • Purchase application ( Sample download )
  • Fully Executed Contract of Sale.
  • Landlord/managing agent reference letter.
  • A letter from the prospective purchaser’s employer verifies the annual salary, position held & length of employment. If self-employed, please provide a letter from your accountant detailing the same.
  • Letter from your bank. You are stating the types of accounts and amounts on deposit. Please include account numbers.
  • Statement of Financial Condition. The financial report outlines all personal assets and liabilities with documentation (brokerage statements, bank statements, etc.) supporting all assets listed for the most recent two months (attached).
  • Three personal reference letters.
  • Submission of the preceding two (2) years of Federal Income Tax returns (complete with schedules and W-2s).9. Three (3) recent and consecutive pay stubs.
  • Consent Form (attached).
  • Two (2) forms of personal identification are required.
  • Fully executed; certificate of foreign status.
  • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form.
  • Window Guard Form.
  • Door Protocol form.
  • Emergency Contact Information.

REBNY Financial Statement REBNY Financial Statement

The REBNY financial statement is a crucial component. The financial information should have all the supporting documentation required for verification, including bank/brokerage statements. On financials, the board will need to see a copy of the loan commitment letter if financing.

Aztech Recognition Agreement Aztech Recognition Agreement

You also need three originals of an Aztech Recognition Agreement . The lending bank keeps two, and the building’s property manager retains the other. The Aztech agreement is a three-way agreement between you, the bank, and the board. The Co-op pledges alert the bank if you fail to pay the maintenance fees, sublet, or sell your apartment.

Preparing The Co-op Board Application Package Preparing The Co-op Board Application Package

The first two sections are the purchase application and the fully executed contract of sale . These should be straightforward. Using a real-life example should illustrate the application process better.

Landlord Reference Letter Landlord Reference Letter

Next, come reference letters from your landlord/managing agent. The landlord reference letter should discuss the tenant you have been and how long you have been at the residence. Again, remember this should be on official letterhead and signed.

Employment Verification Letter Employment Verification Letter

All employment and reference letters should be on letterhead and contain signatures and contact information. Include a letter of employment verifying your income. The employment letter should include how long you have worked there and your income and compensation history.

Self-employed must provide a letter from their accountant. The letter should offer the same information. Information about your business and several years of profit/loss statements. We suggest providing more detail.

Bank Letter Bank Letter

An official Bank letter shows the account types, including account numbers and balances. You can obtain bank letters by asking the branch manager.

The sixth item is a Statement of Financial Condition. The letter shows your assets and liabilities. In addition, you will need to provide supporting documentation. Supporting documents include brokerage and bank statements.

Personal and Professional Reference Letters Personal and Professional Reference Letters

You should have three personal reference letters for this building (sometimes only two are needed. These should not be; overlooked. The personal reference individual letters should be detailed and include the length of time you have known each other; and character traits with examples.

Income Verification Income Verification

Earnings history is required. Required are federal tax returns for the prior two years. You must include the full tax return, with schedules and W-2 statements. If anything is filed with the IRS, the board would like to see it.

Tax Returns Tax Returns

Two years of your most recent tax returns are required. It would help if you likely had business and personal references. Many boards require you to include photo identification with your package.

Paystubs Paystubs

The co-op board application requires three consecutive pay stubs. Many employers have online statements, making this easy to obtain. Alternatively, include paystubs. If necessary, ask your payroll department.

Consent Form Consent Form

The following section calls for a consent form. Again, it is easy to forget; in this example, you need two types of personal identification.

Why two? Remember, an incomplete co-op board application delays your purchase.

Sections 12-16 are a fully executed certificate of foreign status (if applicable), a lead-based disclosure form, a window guard form, a door protocol form, and emergency contact information.

Co-op Board Application Fees Co-op Board Application Fees

Application fees, including processing your co-op board application, a credit check, and a criminal background check. Application fees are non-negotiable. New York City is not cheap, and the board typically applies fees to review your application.

Application fees vary by building. Using the same real-life example provides a basis for what you can expect. A $125 credit report fee, a $600 application fee , a $1,000 move-in price , and a $1,000 move-in deposit . Upon board approval at closing, these fees will be due. In addition, there is a $300 Recognition Agreement fee . If closing after the 15 th of the month, you must pay next month’s maintenance fee .

Co-op Application Fees Co-op Application Fees


  • $125.00 credit report fee per applicant, payable to –  (non-refundable)
  • $600.00 application fee, payable to –  (non-refundable)
  • $1,000.00 a move-in fee payable to –  (non-refundable)
  • $1,000.00 move-in deposit payable to –  (refundable)
  • Closing Fee: $300.00 Recognition Agreement Fee, if applicable, payable to

Board Application Must Be Complete Board Application Must Be Complete

Your application should be complete. Any missing information could delay or kill your chances of getting the co-op unit. Remember, your buyer’s agent can be an immense help. They have helped many people compile, collate, and submit board applications. They know the information to highlight and how best to package the application.

Your agent will sit down and walk you through the board package. They will ask you to provide all the requested documentation to complete all package fields. The preparation of the application is time-consuming. Having your buyer’s agent assist from start to finish is best.

Typically there are similar sections to fill out. There will likely be a purchase application. The Co-op board application includes your name, unit number, number of shares, employment information, housing information, mortgage information, educational history, and business and personal reference contact information. A contract of sale should be part of your package; write a cover letter to package it well.

Review, Submitting Board Package, and Waiting For An Interview Review, Submitting Board Package, and Waiting For An Interview

Once all supporting documents have been supplied, your buyer’s agent reviews and organizes the board package; typically, the board will contact you within two to three weeks to schedule an interview. Times vary widely. It is prudent to prepare yourself for the questions prior. If you want the apartment, you must be patient and let the process run.

Sample Co-op Application Download Sample Co-op Application Download

Sample Board Package

Download [779.00 KB]

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Co-op Cover Letter

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Intro to Resumes & Cover Letters

Your resume represents your accomplishments and abilities at a glance. Your cover letter complements the resume by demonstrating your business communication skills and highlighting how your experiences are relevant to the position for which you are applying.

  • Cover Letter Guide Your cover letter is an opportunity for you to express why you are the right candidate for the co-op or job. Use this Co-ops & Careers handout for guidance on writing and submitting a Cover Letter.
  • Cover Letters: Why and How? A cover letter can help you get an interview. Check out this blog for tips on how to write a compelling one.
  • Resume Guide A resume is a targeted summation of your education, skills, and experience.Use this handout as a guide for recommended sections of a resume. The resume you use for your co-op search will be different than the one you use for a job search, and formatting can vary by major so connect with your Co-ops & Career Advisor for major specific resume samples and before applying to co-op.
  • Resume Grammar Guide Resume writing requires special consideration of both grammar and spelling. Use this handout to help keep your writing concise and specific with a professional tone.
  • How to Keep Your Resume to One Page Sometimes keeping a resume to one page seems like an impossible task, but there are ways to do it. These tips and tricks will help you maximize the space on your resume while making sure it’s easy to quickly skim.

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  • Resume Builder is a resource for job seekers that provides you with the information, machine learning tools, and guides you need to build the best resume possible.
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Sample Cover Letter 1: Application Letter

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PDF: Sample cover letter for an online job, internship, or co-op application.


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Cover Letter Tips

Why write a cover letter.

The cover letter is the normal practice in business and is a basic courtesy.  Do not underestimate the importance of writing an effective cover letter.  This is your chance to personalize the application package and showcase your writing skills, attention to detail, enthusiasm about the firm and the position and your ability to perform in the job.

What should a Cover Letter Look Like?

Keep the letter brief. It should not exceed one page in length. Three to four paragraphs are standard. A lengthy letter is only frustrating to the employer and will likely not be read, whereas a concise and interesting letter will be read and appreciated by an employer who has several hundred applications to review. Your letter should contain three basic elements:

Paragraph One: Opening This is an introductory paragraph in which you - identify yourself (e.g., "I am a fourth year engineering student at Western University") and state the specific position for which you are applying (e.g., "I am applying for the position of Manufacturing Engineer in your Sarnia location"). If applicable explain how you learned of the position (e.g., through Engineering Career Services).

Paragraph Two/Three: Body This section usually contains two types of information. The first and most common is a description of the attributes and experience of the applicant that would be of interest to the employer. Begin by addressing your academic experience followed by any relevant employment experience. Avoid simply repeating the information in your résumé. Choose a few specific skills and demonstrate them using examples from your background. As much as possible focus your application on the requirements of the company. If you have no engineering experience, state how the skills you have acquired are transferable to the position for which you are applying. It is important to be specific yet modest in your description. Generally, this is the most important section of your cover letter and the longest. Therefore, take the time to research each employer. You may also want to explain gaps in your résumé or poor grades (optional).

Paragraph Three: Closing In this paragraph, the applicant usually confirms the items that are included in the application package (generally, this should be your résumé, copies of official transcripts if required, and optionally letter of reference or a list of references).  It will also include an invitation for the company to contact the applicant and sincere thanks for the employer taking the time to consider the application. Use a professional ending such as "Sincerely".

Other Helpful Hints:

  • Tell them what you can offer the company, promote your skills.
  • Maintain a business tone, avoid slang, short forms or jokes.
  • Use the same type of heading, paper, font, and print quality as on your résumé.
  • Type your full name under your closing salutation.
  • If you are submitting this in person or by fax,  include your signature above your typed name.
  • Have someone proof read your cover letter - double check your spelling, grammar, addresses and contact name. (Engineering Career Services is available for this).
  • Ensure the correct date is on the cover letter.
  • Include the company address between the date and the greeting.
  • If you wish you can include a "Re:" line after the greeting (RE: Position Title, Posting Number).

Cover Letter Handout

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Cover Letter Guide

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A cover letter is a formal business letter used to draw connections between an applicant’s past experiences and the position to which that individual is applying. It is a primary marketing tool for a job-seeker – it should complement the resume. While some employers do not explicitly state a cover letter is required, submitting one gives the applicant a strategic advantage and should be included.

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Co-Op Cover Letter Tips

Hello guys, I am applying to BM co-op this month and was wondering with some tips that can make for a great cover letter for my co-op application. For those who got accepted before, what was your letter like? I'm a Marketing student btw.

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    Remember that in addition to financial information and reference letters, your co-op or condo application must include a written insurance quote or active insurance policy—on an apartment you are not even approved to buy yet.

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    10 steps to creating a stellar co-op or condo board application. Preempt any questions about your finances by providing necessary details. Provide talking points or samples of great letters to your reference letter writers. By Emily Myers | February 5, 2024 - 9:30AM. The board's scrutiny is intended to make sure candidates will be able to ...

  4. 8 Co-op Board Reference Letters That Sealed the Deal

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  5. How to Fill Out a Co-op Board Application Package

    There will likely be a purchase application. The Co-op board application includes your name, unit number, number of shares, employment information, housing information, mortgage information, educational history, and business and personal reference contact information. A contract of sale should be part of your package; write a cover letter to ...

  6. Cover letter for co-op

    Check out these catchy and convincing co-op cover letter examples and templates used by jobseekers to land on job interviews at co-op. Use our AI cover letter generator to create a personalized cover letter for co-op.

  7. Resume and Cover Letters

    The resume you use for your co-op search will be different than the one you use for a job search, and formatting can vary by major so connect with your Co-ops & Career Advisor for major specific resume samples and before applying to co-op. Resume Grammar Guide Resume writing requires special consideration of both grammar and spelling.

  8. Cover Letter Worksheet

    Cover Letter Worksheet. Use this worksheet to set up the structure of your cover letter and begin brainstorming content. View Resource.

  9. Cover letter for co op applications? : r/rit

    I would only write cover letters for the co-ops you are really excited for. I got my co op because of the cover letter I wrote (was told this during follow up interview) and it turned into a 4+ year job. It was just a couple free-form paragraphs about why I was interested in the position and company.

  10. Sample Intro Letter To Co-op Board in NYC

    Any tips in general on how to write a good introduction letter to the co-op board when buying a coop in NYC would be helpful! Co-op Board The Manhattan Co-op 150 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10043 September 21, 2018 To the Co-op Board, Please accept my application to purchase apartment 10C in the Manhattan Co-op.

  11. Sample Cover Letter 1: Application Letter

    PDF: Sample cover letter for an online job, internship, or co-op application.

  12. Co-op Board Package Cover Letter Sample for NYC

    Co-op Corporation Inc. 115 Fifth Avenue. New York, NY 10013. RE: Purchase Application for Unit #3C. Dear Board Members of Directors: With reference to the proposed sublease of the above captioned apartment, enclosed please find the completed lease application package containing the following documents: Biography. Purchase Application.

  13. Cover Letter Tips

    Why write a Cover Letter? The cover letter is the normal practice in business and is a basic courtesy. Do not underestimate the importance of writing an effective cover letter. This is your chance to personalize the application package and showcase your writing skills, attention to detail, enthusiasm about the firm and the position and your ability to perform in the job.

  14. Write the Best Cover Letter Ever

    The first thing you always need to do is carefully read the entire job description. Employers sometimes have very specific expectations for your cover letter, resume, and overall application. They may require you to include certain information in your cover letter. If you don't follow those instructions, your application is going in the trash.

  15. Cover Letter Guide

    A cover letter is a formal business letter used to draw connections between an applicant's past experiences and the position to which that individual is applying. It is a primary marketing tool for a job-seeker - it should complement the resume. While some employers do not explicitly state a cover letter is required, submitting one gives ...

  16. PDF Cover letter Samples.PDF

    Cover Letter and Resume Departmental Name Address Ottawa, Ontario RE: Co-op Placement Position Dear Mr. or Mrs. With this letter, I wish to express my strong interest in seeking a co-op placement with the Department of Health. Accordingly, a complete resume is enclosed for your review and consideration.

  17. Anyone want to share their *accepted* Co-op cover letter? (Bcomm)

    Anyone want to share their *accepted* Co-op cover letter? (Bcomm) Currently in the process of applying to co-ops and internships for summer 2023 with zero point of reference as to what I should include or sound like (Im applying to finance internships and my past 6 years of professional experience is in unskilled, customer service roles).

  18. Help us write our co-op application letter

    Help us write our co-op application letter. We are applying to co-op housing: Please help us write an appropriate (and awesome!) cover letter for our application! My housemates (married couple, baby due this year) and I are starting the process of applying to co-op housing in Vancouver, Canada*. Please help us write an appropriate (and awesome ...

  19. Co-Op Cover Letter Tips : r/ryerson

    Hello guys, I am applying to BM co-op this month and was wondering with some tips that can make for a great cover letter for my co-op application. For those who got accepted before, what was your letter like? I'm a Marketing student btw.

  20. PDF Student Cover Letter Samples

    Please accept this letter and my attached resume as an application for the (name of position) within (name of company). Your advertisement regarding a (name of position) in the (name of newspaper or source)