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ABOUT US                                         PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS                           CONTACT US

Guidelines for proposal development


  -Their addresses and signatures should be included

  -Role of investigators/supervisors as applicable

  -The committee may require their curriculum vitae


-The committee may require their curriculum vitae   





   a. Broad objective(s)/overall goals

   b. Specific objectives

   c. Secondary objectives if applicable


  a. Study design

  b. Study area description

      -Specific study site

  c. Study population

      -Population characteristics

      -Definition of cases/controls if applicable

      -Inclusion/exclusion criteria

   d. Sample size determination and formula/computer programme used (assumptions  and reference)

   e. Sampling procedure/screening/selection of study participants   

   f. Recruitment and consenting procedures

  g. Variables – dependent, independent, confounders where applicable

  h. Data collection procedures (qualitative and quantitative data, field data collection

     instruments, laboratory procedures etc)

  i. Materials – equipment, supplies etc

  j. Training procedures where applicable

  k. Quality assurance procedures


- Use internationally accepted format e.g. Vancouver, Harvard, American Psychological Association (APA) etc. must maintain format consistency



-Consider coverage of such areas as Personnel, Salaries and Salary disbursements, Training costs, Participants service costs, Supplies and equipment, Animal acquisition where  applicable, Travel and accommodation, Transport – vehicles – repair, fuel, Operating expenses – postage, report writing etc., Consultancy if applicable, Dissemination, Miscellaneous, Contingency (%)


A. Informed Consent/ Assent Explanation and Consent Form

: ) ) )

II) Consent form to include investigators and participant statement with signature page


1. Severe Adverse Events (SAE) should be reported to the KNH-UoN ERC within 72 hours as per the approved format. 

2.Protocol violations/deviations should be reported to KNH-UoN ERC as soon as they occur.

3.KNH-UoN ERC approval is required for transfer of materials from one laboratory   to another for analysis.

4.The KNH-UoN ERC approval is given for one year only.  The researcher is required to officially request for renewal at least 60 days to the expiry of the current approval and provide a detailed progress report for the preceding year.

5. KNH-UoN ERC will make study site visits as and when deemed necessary.

6. The Principal Investigator must provide the executive study summary and a list of publications to KNH-UoN ERC of the at the end of study. 

7. The Principal Investigator must provide study closure report if the study ceases to continue for whatever reason.


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The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) is a fellowship program for African institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and member institutions of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) and partner universities

Donor: Play for Nature

Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

Countries/Regions: All Countries


Area: Business & Industry, Startups, Capacity Building,

Donor: Thrasher Research Fund

Area: Children, Health, Medical Research,

Harnessing Research for Resilience and Sustainability of Communities

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THEME :Harnessing Research for Resilience and Sustainability of Communities…


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Prof. Stephen Kiama, Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi,  officially opened the University of Nairobi's third Capacity Building Workshop, The two-day workshop was held on June 24–25, 2024, as part of the ARUA-Carnegie Data-Gathering & Benchmarking Project's Phase 3 activities,


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Thesis Submission Guidelines

This webpage provides guidelines for thesis submission to postgraduate students at the Department of Civil & Construction Engineering of the University of Nairobi. This webpage is continuously updated, the student and supervisor are requested to review it each time before corresponding with the department. 

Research Concept Paper Template

The student may use this Research Concept Paper Template .

Proposal Document Standards

The student should use the following template to ensure their document is up to standard. 

  • Faculty of Engineering (FEng) proposal template. The FEng Title Page Proposal template . The main body of the proposal (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Workplan & Budget and References) of the proposal should not exceed 30 pages. 
  • The student may use this  Thesis Proposal Checklist   (used to review the student's thesis proposal) as a guide to ensure the document is in order. 

Thesis Document Standards

The student should use the following template to ensure their thesis is up to standard. 

  • Faculty of Engineering (FEng) thesis template. The student may use this  Thesis Template  as guide. The Thesis Template  template is slightly modified from the Proposal template. 

Correspondences and Email Header Guidelines

All correspondences to the department regarding thesis submission must be done using the dedicated department's email. Postgraduate Correspondence, Civil & Construction Engineering [email protected] . Please copy your supervisors in all communications sent; doing so will enable the department to capture the student's and supervisors' email addresses and will make future correspondences with the student and the supervisor much easier. Endeavour to use the students' university email ([email protected]). The student must include their registration number in all correspondences to the Department. The subject of every inquiry should be as follows, ' Inquiry - Student Name - Registration Number ', for example, ' Thesis Submission Follow Up - Anony Mous - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Use of the title case allows the department to easily copy and record the requests to a spreadsheet without a lot of further formatting. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). It helps a lot. 

The department keeps the requests in digital form, kindly comply with these requirements of writing the subject to assist in the retrieval of records. Email filters have also been configured to automatically forward the email to the appropriate staff based on the subject header. The sender's compliance will ensure faster delivery of service. 

Because of the large correspondences received, the department may not respond to your email but the request will be recorded in the spreadsheet at the end of this webpage. 

Filenames of PDF documents

The files the student should also take the format of the Email Subject. However, when writing the registration number, the student should use the hyphen character instead of the back slashes. For example, when submitting a fresh thesis proposal, the subject of the email should be ' Fresh Proposal Submission - Mous Anony - F56/1234/2021 ' and the PDF file should be named ' Fresh Proposal Submission - Mous Anony - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Student University Email Account

Students are encouraged to set up the university email account via the student's portal on https://smis.uonbi.ac.ke .

Students who have forgotten their previous passwords and require recovery of the student email account can request a recovery code by writing an email to [email protected] through their personal email (Gmail, Yahoo, Work Email etc.). The subject of the email should be 'Student Email Recovery - Student Name - Registration Number' , for example, 'Student Email Recovery - Another Student - F16/12345/2021' .The body of the email should also include the student university email account to be recovered, phone number and any other relevant information. Copy the Department, [email protected] to assist you with follow up. The student will receive a code to activate the student university email from their personal email. The student is advised to be alert as the code sent to the student will expire six hours after the code is generated. The student should act immediately to restore their account once they receive the code. 

The student can also make a physical visit in to the Faculty of Engineering ICT office on Ground Floor, Mechanical Engineering Block, Harry Thuku Way. 

WhatsApp Support Group

There is a support group on WhatsApp where a student can submit queries, compliments, and complaints. WhatsApp - CCE Thesis Support Group . 

Extension of Registration

Students whose registration has expired will be required to renew their registration. Students who registered more than five years ago have expired registrations. For example, in the year 2024, students with registration number ending /2018 have their student status expired and must extend their registration. The student should write to the Chairman, Department of Civil & Construction Engineering requesting an extension of their registration.  The Faculty will then process the request for Senate approval according to student progression guidelines. The student may use this Extension of Registration template as a guide.  The student should ensure that the supervisor signs next to their name on the document before sending it. The student should send the letter as a signed PDF document to [email protected] . The subject of the email should be ' Extension of Registration - Student Name - Registration Number '. Do not use all uppercase in the subject. Use title case. Title case is a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters as indicated on this webpage. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The student should copy all the supervisors' email addresses. 

The filename of the PDF document

The PDF file should be named ' Extension of Registration - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Provisional Extension of Registration (PhD Students Only) 

PhD Students whose provisional registration has exceeded six months willl be required to extend their registration. The student should write to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic Affairs, through the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and through the Chairman, Department of Civil & Construction Engineering requesting provisional extension of registration.  The student may use this Provisional Extension Request as a guide.  The student should send the letter as a signed PDF document to [email protected] . The subject of the email should be ' Provisional Extension - Student Name - Registration Number '. Do not use all uppercase in the subject. Use title case. Title case is a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters as indicated on this webpage. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The student should copy all the supervisors' email addresses. 

The filename of the PDF document (PhD Students Only)  

The PDF file should be named ' Provisional Extension - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

The student will receive a letter from the academic registrar extending their registration status on the condition that they pay an extension fee. The letter provided will have instructions on how to make the payment.

Advisory: A student who has an overpayment in their fees can direct the excess fees to pay the extension fees by instructing the Finance Department to do so. The narrative for the transfer should be 'Registration Extension Fee Deduction'. The Student Finance Department is in Room G3, Ground Floor, Mahatma Gandhi Wing, Main Campus, Harry Thuku Way, Nairobi. 

Once this charge is effected, the student should go to the SMIS portal and download the fee statement with the narrative 'Registration Extension Fee Deduction' visible. This fee statement will act in place of the receipt. This payment should then be sent as the instructions sent via email. 

Payment of Extension of Registration

Once payment is made. Kindly send the payment receipt to  [email protected]   as indicated in the letter. Copy  [email protected]   so that the department can keep the record in your file and assist with follow-up. The subject of the email should be ' Payment of Extension - Student Name - Registration Number '. Do not use all uppercase in the subject. Use title case. Title case is a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters as indicated on this webpage. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The student should copy all the supervisors' email addresses.

Advisory: All payments should be made by direct physical deposit to the bank, where a deposit slip should be obtained. The narrative or description of the financial transaction should include the student's registration number. MPesa and RTGS Payments are not encouraged as they will require further follow-up with Student Finance by the student. The Student Finance Department is in Room G3, Ground Floor, Mahatma Gandhi Wing, Main Campus, Harry Thuku Way, Nairobi. 

The PDF file should be named ' Payment of Extension - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Advisory: The most opportune time to make the payment of extension (to maximise on the limited additional time) is as the student submits the 'Uploaded Thesis Proposal' if the proposal had not yet been approved by the Academic Registrar/Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic Affairs or as you submit the 'Intent to Submit Thesis' if your proposal had already been approved by the Academic Registrar/Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic Affairs. 

Change of supervisors

A change of supervisors is usually initiated by the student. Students whose proposals have NOT yet been approved by the department can change at any point during the proposal stage. Students whose proposals have already been approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor can request to change their supervisors through a letter. The student should address the letter to the Chairman, Department of Civil & Construction Engineering, requesting a change of supervisor. The student may use this Change of Supervisors template as a guide. The student should ensure that the supervisor signs next to their name on the document before sending it. The student should send the letter as a signed PDF document to [email protected] . The subject of the email should be ' Change of Supervisors - Student Name - Registration Number '. Do not use all uppercase letters in the subject. Use title case. Title case is a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters as indicated on this webpage. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The student should copy all the supervisors' email addresses. 

Students who wish to drop a supervisor must have their request supported with a letter from the supervisor to be dropped. The supervisor may take advantage of the Supervisor's Withdrawal template as a guide. 

The PDF file should be named ' Change of Supervisors - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Other general queries such as Transcript requests, Missing marks, Course registration, Timetables and other requests must be directed to the Department's main email address: [email protected].  

Identifying a research topic

Candidates will be required to undertake research guided by at least one supervisor competent in the subject area and field of research in which the candidate proposes to work. The main supervisor must come from the Department where the student is registered. To approach a supervisor, prepare a research concept paper and consult the supervisor. The student may use this Research Concept Paper Template . The student should then prepare a proposal in consultation with the supervisor, get the proposal and then conduct the research. After the research, the candidate shall be required to submit a thesis for examination. 

The student should approach any of the lecturers that hold a PhD degree whose speciality is in a field that the student is interested in researching on. The supervisors should guide the student in the process of writing a thesis proposal. The student may use this Proposal template as a guide . The candidate, in close liaison with the supervisors, shall develop the proposal. When the supervisors are satisfied that the draft proposal has attained a reasonable quality, they will allow the candidate to present it at a seminar with at least 30% of the academic members of staff of the Department.

Requirements for the supervisors

A minimum of two supervisors shall be appointed for each candidate of whom the first should be an academic staff in the Department of Civil & Construction Engineering. The first supervisor must be a PhD holder. The second supervisor must be an academic member of staff. The second supervisor can be from the Department of Civil & Construction Engineering or any other Department at the University of Nairobi. The Department may appoint a third supervisor from any other institution. If the third supervisor from another institution is appointed, the supervisor's CV must be attached. 

Letter of Introduction

Candidates requiring a letter of introduction in order to carry out research in a different institution should request the letter from the Department via email through [email protected] . The subject of the email should be as follows ' Letter of Introduction - Student Name - Registration Number '. The student must include the topic of their thesis and the address/es to which the letters should be addressed to. If no specific address is mentioned, the letter will be addressed "To Whom It May Concern". 

Renewal of Scholarships

Students who were awarded scholarships in the first year will be required to apply for the renewal of the scholarship for the second year. The scholarship renewal form can be downloaded here . The scholarship renewal application should be accompanied by the first year transcript. By the time the student requests the renewal, it is expected that the scholarship student should already be involved in some teaching assistantship and have made some significant progress on their research proposal in consultation with their supervisor since the supervisor will be required to fill in some sections of the form.  

Setting up a Proposal Seminar Online

The candidate should prepare presentation slides on their proposed research. The student should rehearse to ensure that their presentation lasts no more than 15 minutes.  The candidate may use university slides template to make the slides . The candidate should set up an online meeting via Google Meet and invite academic members of staff and other interested stakeholders. The student may use this guide on setting up online classes to schedule and present in the seminar . The main supervisor must attend the meeting. The minutes of the recommendations made during the presentation shall be forwarded to Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC) together with the revised version of the proposal.  The student may use this Minutes template as a guide . The student should make arrangements prior to the online meeting on who will take the minutes. 

Getting a Turnitin Similarity Index Report

To get a similarity index report, send the proposal document to [email protected]  and copy all the supervisors' emails. Endeavour to use the students' university email ([email protected]). The document to be sent should only contain Item No. 1 to Item No. 4 of the list in the requirements below. Item No. 5 to Item No. 7 should not be in the document to be checked. The document to be checked for plagiarism need NOT be signed by the student nor the supervisors. . The document sent must be in editable format (DOCX) format. Documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) will not be scanned. 

The subject of the email should be as follows 'Similarity Index Report - Student Name - Registration Number'. For example. ' Similarity Index Report - Mous Anony - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). It is important that you stick to this format for the following reasons:

  • The email received is automatically forwarded to the email of the staff responsible for running your document through Turnitin. Email filters have been configured to only forward the document based on the subject header.
  • The department will capture the student's and supervisors' email addresses and will make future correspondences with the student and the supervisor much easier. Emails requesting the Similarity Index Report without copying the supervisors' email addresses will not be acted on. 

A Turnitin report will be sent back to the student in five business days. The student should extract the summary pages of the similarity index report for signing by the student and the supervisors. Please note that any Similarity Index Report that is not signed and dated by the student and the supervisor is invalid. The signatures should be on the report that shows the total percentage.  The student may use this  signed Turnitin sample report for guidance . Some technical knowledge of editing PDF documents is necessary. The similarity index report should be below 15% ( 14% and below only ). 

Please note the whole document (Item No. 1 to Item No. 4) [Listed below] should be scanned hence the allowance of below 15%. Sentences in quotes and the bibliography will not be marked as plagiarised. A 30-word source exclusion has been set. The document to be submitted will not be deposited to any repository. 

Filename of the DOCX (Microsoft Word) document

The DOCX file should be named ' Similarity Index Report - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Getting Academic Transcript for First Year (MSc Students)

The student can request a transcript from the Department through writing and delivering it to the Office of the Chairman. A typed letter is preferred. The letter should have the student's registration number and name. The student can also make the request through the department's main email address: [email protected]

Funding Opportunities

Funding opportunities are available on successful application to a relevant grant. These opportunities are advertised every Thursday via the University email from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Innovation & Enterprise).  The funding opportunities are collated on the landing page of  https://uonresearch.uonbi.ac.ke  under the funding news tab. The candidate is advised to reach out to the Office of the DVC - RIE for further guidance and facilitation. Seeking research funding is one of the office's key role and the staff there will be glad to assist you. The office is located on the 15th Floor, UoN Tower, Main Campus, University of Nairobi, Nairobi. 

Submission of the Thesis Proposal to the Faculty of Engineering

The requirements to submit the Thesis Proposal to the Faculty of Engineering are as follows: 

  • Faculty of Engineering (FEng) Title Page without a page number. The FEng Title Page is included in this  Proposal template . 
  • Declaration and Approval page with all the signatures on the second page [Page number (i)].  The Declaration and Approval Page is included in this  Proposal template . 
  • Signed UoN Declaration of Originality.  The UoN Declaration of Originality Form is included in this  Proposal template . 
  • Main Proposal Document (Acknowledgement, Table of Contents, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Budget & Workplan, References and Appendices). The student may use this Proposal template as a guide. 
  • Minutes of the Proposal Seminar. The student may use this Minutes template as a guide. 
  • First Year Transcript (MSc Students). 
  • Turnitin Antiplagiarism Report. The similarity index should be below 15%. (The student and the supervisors should sign and date on the page that shows the percentage). 

Order of Components

Please compile your document into one PDF in the order above. The student should NOT upload the thesis proposal yet. Guidance and requirements for uploading are given further below on this webpage. 

Submit the document through your supervisors, through the Department of Civil & Construction Engineering [email protected]  to the Dean, Faculty of Engineering. The student may use this  Thesis Proposal Checklist   (used to review the student's thesis proposal) as a guide to ensure the document is in order. 

Filename of the PDF document

The PDF file should be named ' Fresh Proposal Submission - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Submission of Thesis Proposal through Email

Submission must be done by email in soft copy. Only one compiled PDF document is to be submitted. The subject of the email should be as follows, 'Fresh Proposal Submission - Student Name - Registration Number'. For example, ' Fresh Proposal Submission - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). There are two ways of submitting the document via email. Please use this subject header so that the email received is automatically forwarded to the email of the staff responsible for acting on the document. Email filters have been configured to only forward the document based on the subject header. 

  • The student can ensure the document is signed by the supervisors before sending it to the Chairman of the Department, [email protected] and copy the supervisors' email, or 
  • The student can send the document to the Chairman of the Department, through the supervisors via email. 

Option 1 is strongly preferred and recommended . To use Option 2 to submit your document, kindly send an email to the second supervisor asking them to sign and date on the relevant pages and forward it to the first supervisor and to inform them to sign and date on the relevant pages and forward it to the Chairman [email protected] . The student should not just copy all the interested parties in one generic email; the forwarding email should have detailed instructions to the various supervisors on what the supervisors should do. See the sample email below: 

Fresh Thesis Proposal Submission

The chairman will approve and forward the Fresh Thesis proposal to the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC). At the FPSC, the document is distributed to reviewers at their next scheduled meeting. The reviewers will give comments, suggestions and improvements to the submitted proposal at various dates. The FPSC chairman will consolidate all the reviews into one report and send it to the student through the department. 

It is the student's responsibility to follow up on the approval process of their thesis proposal. If the student has not received feedback after one month from the date of submission, the student should follow up on their thesis status with the Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies, Department of Civil & Construction Engineering.

The physical location of the office of the Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies , Department of Civil & Construction Engineering is: Office Number 110, 1st Floor, Mechanical Engineering Block, Harry Thuku Way, Main Campus, Nairobi. 

Resubmission of the Thesis Proposal to the Faculty of Engineering

The thesis proposal will be reviewed and it will be returned with some corrections from the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC). As you submit the corrected proposal, ensure you meet the following requirements: 

  • Faculty of Engineering (FEng) Title Page without a page number.  The FEng Title Page is included in this  Proposal template . 
  • Declaration and Approval page with all the signatures on the second page [Page number (i)]. Please note that the supervisors should sign again. Avoid repasting the signatures that were in the initial document.  The Declaration and Approval Page is included in this  Proposal template . 
  • Main Corrected Proposal Document (Acknowledgement, Table of Contents, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Budget & Workplan, References and Appendices).  The student may use this Proposal template as a guide. 
  • Original Minutes of the Proposal Seminar. 
  • Turnitin Antiplagiarism Report on the Corrected Proposal Document. The Corrected Proposal Document should then be rechecked for plagiarism. The procedure for getting the Turnitin Similarity Index Report is outlined above (The student and the supervisors should sign and date on the page that shows the percentage). Please note that the supervisors should sign again. The student must NOT  repaste the signatures that were in the initial document. 
  • The original Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC) Reviews. 
  • Table of Corrections. Avoid the use of lazy comments such as 'Ammended', 'Done', 'Corrected in Manuscript' or 'Attached'. Instead, make detailed responses to the reviewers' comments. Be clear about how you responded (copy and paste the updated text next to the reviewers’ comments) and state where this fits into the manuscript (with a page number). This practice allows the reviewers to easily see that you have taken all the reviewers’ comments on board and evaluate your response to each of their concerns. Please read this  article on how to properly respond to Reviewers' comments. The student may use this Table of Corrections Sample as a guide . 
  • Certificate of Corrections from the supervisors addressed to the Dean, Faculty of Engineering, through the Chairman, Civil & Construction Engineering and through the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC). The student may use this Certificate of Correction template as a guide. 

IMPORTANT: Please review your work plan to match the current dates. The dates signed on the proposal must also reflect the current dates. The date on the cover page must also be updated. 

Please compile your document into one PDF in the order above. The student should NOT upload the thesis proposal yet. Guidance and requirements for uploading are given further below on this webpage. 

Submit the document through your supervisors, to the Department of Civil & Construction Engineering [email protected]  and copy the supervisors' email addresses. The Department will forward the document to the Dean, Faculty of Engineering. The subject of the email should be as follows, 'Revised Proposal Submission - Student Name - Registration Number'. For example, ' Revised Proposal Submission - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). Please use this subject header so that the email received is automatically forwarded to the email of the staff responsible for acting on the document. Email filters have been configured to only forward the document based on the subject header. 

The PDF file should be named ' Revised Proposal Submission - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

The chairman will approve and forward the Revised Thesis proposal to the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC). At the FPSC, the document is distributed to reviewers at their next scheduled meeting. The reviewers will then confirm that the initial comments they gave have been addressed satisfactorily. It is for this reason that the student should include the FPSC reviews as they were. If fully addressed, the proposal is approved. If the comments have not been fully addressed, the FPSC returns the document to the student through the department to address the unattended comments.  The department will send the student further comments. 

Further Revised Proposal

To resubmit the further revised proposal, kindly submit with the subject ' Further Revised Proposal Submission - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 ' and copy all the supervisors' emails. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens).

The PDF file should be named ' Further Revised Proposal Submission - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

FPSC Approval

Once FPSC approval is done, the student will also receive minutes of the deliberations from the FPSC and the filled out Declaration and Approval Page [Page i] (including the Dean's Signature and Stamp). The student should then compile a single document in the order below. 

Final Approved Document to be Uploaded to Postgraduate Tracking System

  • Declaration and Approval page with all the signatures on the second page [Page number (i)]. This declaration page should have all the parties signatures: the student, the supervisors, the Chairman - Department of Civil & Construction Engineering, the Chairman - FPSC and the Dean - Faculty of Engineering. 
  • Minutes of the Proposal Seminar. 
  • Turnitin Antiplagiarism Report on the Corrected Proposal Document. 
  • Certificate of Corrections from the supervisors addressed to the Dean, Faculty of Engineering, through the Chairman, Civil & Construction Engineering and through the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC). This Certificate of Corrections should have all the parties signatures
  • Signed Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee (FPSC) minutes approving the forwarding of the proposal to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic Affairs. 

The PDF file should be named ' Uploaded Thesis Proposal - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Uploading to the Postgraduate Tracking System 

Before uploading the compiled document above, the student should ensure that they have first been assigned supervisors on the Postgraduate Tracking System on the Students Management Information System  on smis.uonbi.ac.ke . The student can check the assigned supervisors as shown in the screenshot below: 

Assigned Supervisors

If the students has not been assigned, the student should notify the department via email [email protected] with the subject being ' Supervisors - Student Name - Registration Number '. The body of the email should have the names of your supervisors.

Once assigned, the student should upload the compiled PDF document onto the Postgraduate Tracking System.

Uploading to the Postgraduate Tracking System

Please see this Guide on using the Postgraduate Tracking System. When uploading to the Tracking System. The student should ensure that the following instructions are followed to the letter. Step 6 in the photograph below is absolutely critical and the student must wait for the document to upload to the system before forwarding the submission. Please note that it is impossible to change any item once this process has been performed.  

A pictorial tutorial showing how to upload the proposal to the Postgraduate Tracking System.

The student should then alert the supervisor that they have uploaded their fully signed proposal (Item No. 1 - Item No. 11) on the Postgraduate Tracking System. The student may use this uploaded thesis sample for reference.  Students who had uploaded the proposal before approval will require reuploading the thesis proposal.

Reuploading to the Postgraduate Tracking System

To reupload, the student should click on the ' Test proposal submit ' link (circled in the image below). Once the student clicks on this link, they should click on 'Create Proposal' to reupload. 

Reuploading proposal

Please see this Guide on using the Postgraduate Tracking System. The student and the supervisor are encouraged to review this guide and understand their roles. 

Sending the Uploaded Thesis Proposal to the Department

Once uploaded, the student should also send the compiled PDF document to the Department, [email protected] and copy the supervisors, the email subject should be ' Uploaded Thesis Proposal - Student Name - F56/1234/2020 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The student should ensure that their registration status is in order prior to sending out the uploaded thesis proposal. For example, in the year 2024, students with registration number ending /2018 have their student status expired and must extend their registration and pay the required charges.

Advisory: Kindly note that the department has no access to the Postgraduate Tracking System and it is only by sending the Uploaded Thesis Proposal that the department gets the knowledge that you have uploaded the proposal and initiates the subsequent procedures. 

Based on the fully signed uploaded proposal, the supervisors, Chairman and Dean will then approve the online document for forwarding to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic Affairs. Once approved by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic Affairs, the student will receive a letter from the Academic Registrar, accepting their proposal. The letter will grant the student the authority to officially begin their research and assign the supervisors officially. Please see the sample Letter of Approval that the student and supervisors will receive to commence research . 

It is at this point that your proposal is considered fully registered in the system. 

Technical Challenges with the Postgraduate Tracking System 

Students with technical challenges with regard to the Postgraduate Tracking System should write an email to [email protected] . Copy the Department, [email protected] to assist you with follow-up. The subject of the email should be 'Postgraduate Tracking - Student Name - Registration Number' , for example, 'Postgraduate Tracking - Another Student - F16/12345/2021' .The body of the email should include the nature of the problem such as documents not attaching, or no documents available for download and request the ICT department to clear all documents in your portal and allow you to re-upload the documents. 

Once the documents have been cleared, the student should reupload and request the supervisor to approve the online documents. Once reapproved by the supervisor, the student should notify the department that the documents have been approved. 

The student can also make a physical visit to the Faculty of Engineering ICT office on the Ground Floor, Mechanical Engineering Block, Harry Thuku Way. 

Advisory: The student is advised to start writing a journal article first before writing the thesis. Writing the journal article first will save the student a lot of stress and effort when it comes time to writing the thesis.

CUE requirements: A Master's thesis should be about 20 000 to 30 000 words while a PhD thesis should be about 40 000 to 50 000 words. 

Progress Reports

The student can only get the letter to begin research if their compiled PDF (Items No. 1 - 11) has been uploaded to the Postgraduate Tracking System. Once they receive the letter, the candidate should immediately fill out their first progress report, have it commented and signed by the student and the supervisors only and then upload it on the Postgraduate Tracking system. Only fully signed progress reports should be uploaded on the tracking system.  The student may use this Progress Report template . Please note that comments by the Chairman, Dean and Deputy Vice-Chancellor will be made on the Postgraduate Tracking System. T he student may use this Progress Report sample for guidance . 

The student should also send the Progress Report to the Department department via  [email protected]  for record-keeping. The student must copy all the supervisors. The subject of the email should be, ' Progress Report Q1 - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 ' and so on for the other two progress reports for Q2 and Q3. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The supervisors must be copied to the email sent to the department. 

The PDF file should be named ' Progress Report Q1 - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

The student is required to upload three fully signed progress reports by the time the student sends out the 'Intent to Submit Thesis'. 

Conducting the Thesis

The candidate will then perform the research and make a report. The candidate will be required to make progress reports after every quarter. 

Publishing - Paper Submission to Peer-reviewed Journals

The candidate should make a paper submission to peer-reviewed journals. One journal article is required for MSc students while two journal articles are required for PhD students . This requirement is in line with the Commission for University Education's guidelines. After the publication of the journal article(s), the student may then issue an Intent to Submit the Thesis for Examination. The student may refer to these notes when considering publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. The journals should be indexed in SCOPUS, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Clarivate Analytics or Africa Journals Online (AJOL). The student is also strongly advised to watch this presentation by the University of Nairobi Library. Publications in predatory journals will not be considered legitimate publications. Read this article to understand more on predatory journals. A quick method of determining predatory journals is that they have short publishing times and require significant publication fees. Secondly, a student may Google the name of the publication followed by the word "predatory" and read the reviews online. 

The two articles for PhD students must be in different journals. Publishing twice in the same journal is considered a single publication. 

The student is strongly encouraged to see the University of Nairobi's library guide for publishing.

Some good journals can be found on: 

  • https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jat/
  • https://journalsuggester.springer.com/
  • https://journalfinder.wiley.com/
  • https://journalfinder.elsevier.com/
  • https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php 
  • https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/publishing-your-research/choosing-a-journal/journal-suggester/
  • https://doaj.org/ 

Good publishers also belong to the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). Please note some of the journals available from the links above require an additional fee to make your accepted publication open-access. However, it is not a requirement of the University of Nairobi that the journal article be made open-access. Some good journals are free to publish so long as the author accepts that there will be no free access and the reader will have to pay to download the article. The only university requirement is that the journal article should be published in a peer-reviewed journal. 

Once the student has published a paper, the student should send the final published manuscript to the department with the subject ' Published Paper 1 - Student Name - Registration Number '.For example, ' Published Paper 1 - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 ' and so on for the other published papers. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The supervisors must be copied to the email sent to the department. The department will then investigate the journal and confirm that the paper has been published in a reputable and credible journal. 

Paper Publications Review (PhD students only)

Journal articles done by the PhD student will be subjected to further review and scrutiny by the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee to ensure that the journal articles were of high quality and were published in peer-reviewed journals. 

Once the student has published two papers, the student should send a request for publications review to the department [email protected] . The student may use this template as a guide. The subject of the email should be ' Publications Review - Student Name - Registration Number '.For example, ' Publications Review - Another Student - F80/56789/2021 ' and so on for the other published papers. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The supervisors must be copied to the email sent to the department.

Filenames of the PDF documents

The PDF file should be named ' Publications Review - Student Name - F80-56789-2021 '. For this request, there should be three attachments. 

  • Publications Review - Student Name - F80-56789-2021.pdf
  • Published Paper 1 - Student Name - F80-56789-2021.pdf
  • Published Paper 2 - Student Name - F80-56789-2021.pdf

Thesis Registration on SMIS

The candidate should request for registration of FCE 699 after full payment of fees. The student may use this Course Registration Template for guidance . The student should send the Course Registration Request to the Department via  [email protected] . The subject of the email should be ' FCE 699 Course Registration - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens).

Once the request is sent and all the fees paid, the student may continue with the successive steps. 

Filename of the PDF document 

The PDF file should be named ' FCE 699 Course Registration - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Payment of Fees and Fee Statement 

The school fees should be fully paid before sending out the 'Intent to Submit Thesis'. Fees payable is as advised in the admission letter available on the application. For ease of the reference, the fee statements have been provided here: 

  • Master's Fee Statement:    A. Admitted before 2021 *    B. Admitted 2021 and later
  • PhD Fee Statement.              A. Admitted before 2021 *     B. Admitted 2021 and later  

*The university updated the cost for the student ID in 2020 from KES 500 to KES 1 000 and the amount to be paid should be KES 500 more than what is stated in the PDF form shared. 

Advisory: Bank A/C: UON CESSP Collection Account No.  2032771362  at Absa Bank, Plaza Branch.All payments should be made by direct physical deposit to the bank, where a deposit slip should be obtained. The narrative or description of the financial transaction should include the student's registration number. MPesa and RTGS Payments are not encouraged as they will require further follow-up with Student Finance by the student. The Student Finance Department is in Room G3, Ground Floor, Mahatma Gandhi Wing, Main Campus, Harry Thuku Way, Nairobi. 

Intent to Submit the Thesis for Examination

The candidate should submit a form giving notice of Intent to Submit the Thesis for Examination. A student should submit the Intent only after publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. Guidance on publishing is provided above. The Intent to Submit the Thesis form must be accompanied by  TWO  other documents: 

  • Abstract (in ONE page of approximately 300 words). 
  • Detailed Fee Statement (showing complete fees). The Detailed Fee Statement can be printed from the Students' Portal . The fee structure for all postgraduate courses are presented in the preceding section above. The fee statement should have a zero or a negative amount. A positive amount implies that fee payment is not complete. 

The candidate must use this Intent to Submit Thesis form . This Intent to Submit Thesis form  must then be combined with the two other documents into one PDF document. The order of the documents should be as follows:

  • Intent to Submit Thesis Form. 
  • Detailed Fee Statement. 

The PDF file should be named ' Intent to Submit Thesis - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. 

Submission of Intent to Submit Thesis for Examination through Email

Submission must be done by email in soft copy. Only one compiled PDF document is to be submitted. To submit your document, kindly send an email to the second supervisor asking them to sign and date on the relevant pages and forward it to the first supervisor and to inform them to sign and date on the relevant pages and forward it to the Chairman [email protected] . The subject of the email should be, ' Intent to Submit Thesis - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). The student should not just copy all the interested parties in one generic email; the forwarding email should have detailed instructions to the various supervisors on what the supervisors should do. See the sample email below:

Intent Email

It is recommended that the student ensures the document is signed by the supervisors before sending it to the Chairman of the Department, [email protected] and copy the supervisors' email addresses to the email. 

Submission of the Thesis

Submission must be done by email in soft copy. Submission is done to the Faculty of Engineering through the department Postgraduate Correspondence, Civil & Construction Engineering [email protected] . The constituents of the compiled PDF are listed below. The subject of the email should be as follows, 'Fresh Thesis Submission - Student Name - Registration Number'. For example, ' Fresh Thesis Submission - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens). All supervisors' email addresses must be copied. The department will forward the thesis to the Faculty for examination and will follow up on behalf of the student. 

Requirements for submission of the thesis are: 

  • Faculty of Engineering (FEng) Title Page without a page number. 
  • Declaration and Approval page with all the signatures on the second page [Page number (i)].  
  • Signed UoN Declaration of Originality. 
  • Main Thesis Document (Acknowledgement, Table of Contents, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results & Discussion, Conclusions & Recommendations, References and Appendices). 
  • Turnitin Antiplagiarism Report. The similarity index should be below 15%. (The student and the supervisors should sign and date on the page that shows the percentage). Guidelines on getting a similarity index report is provided in the 'Getting a Turnitin Similarity Index Report' above. 

The thesis will then be forwarded for examination by the Faculty of Engineering. 

Please compile your document into one PDF in the order above and attach the thesis submission form as a separate attachment. 

Filenames of the PDF documents 

The compiled PDF file should be named ' Fresh  Thesis Submission - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. For the fresh thesis, there should be two attachments to the email. 

  • Fresh Thesis Submission - Student Name - F56-1234-2021.pdf 
  • Thesis Submission Form - Student Name - F56-1234-2021.pdf 

The candidate must use this Submission of Thesis form . 

Thesis Examination and Defence

This examination and defence shall comprise two parts:

  • Independent written assessment of the thesis by Internal and external examiners.
  • Oral examination of the thesis by a committee of examiners as prescribed by the University of Nairobi statutes. The student may view a past defence presentation on YouTube via this link . Defence is done virtually. Even though the defence is virtual, the student will be expected to be present physically at the University with the student ID and other identification documents. 

Defence The candidate should prepare presentation slides on their research. The student should rehearse to ensure that their presentation lasts no more than 15 minutes.  The candidate may use university slides template to make the slides .

The candidate, in collaboration with the main supervisor, might be given some minor/major corrections to implement. The student will receive a consolidated list of corrections from the first supervisor. The student should ensure that the consolidated list is signed and dated by the supervisor. 

Resubmission of the Corrected Thesis after Thesis Defence and Examination

The student should correct the thesis as advised and prepare a Table of Corrections which should be sent to the main supervisor. The main supervisor will compile the following documents for forwarding to the Dean, Faculty of Engineering: 

  • Table of Corrections made by the student. The student should avoid the use of lazy comments such as 'Ammended', 'Done', 'Corrected in Manuscript' or 'Attached'. Instead, the student should make detailed responses to the examiners' comments. Please read this  article on how to properly respond to the examiners' comments. The student may use this Table of Corrections Sample as a guide. 
  • Certificate of Corrections. The main supervisor must use this   Certificate of Correction form . 

The supervisor should send the two documents to the Faculty on [email protected] . The supervisor may copy the email to the Department [email protected] . The subject of the email should be ' Certificate of Correction - Student Name - Registration Number '.For example, ' Certificate of Correction - Another Student - F56/1234/2021 '. 

Requirements for submission of the corrected thesis are:

  • Main Corrected Thesis Document (Acknowledgement, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results & Discussion, Conclusions & Recommendations, References and Appendices). 
  • Digital Repository Agreement Form . (Sent separately with the main thesis) 
  • Turnitin Antiplagiarism Report on the Revised Thesis Document. (Sent separately with the main thesis). Guidelines on getting a similarity index report is provided in the 'Getting a Turnitin Similarity Index Report' above. 
  • Another Signed UoN Declaration of Originality . (Sent separately with the main thesis) 
  • Valid Student ID. (Sent separately with the main thesis) 

For the corrected thesis, the Digital Repository Agreement Form and the Turnitin Antiplagiarism Report are submitted separately to the final compiled PDF document. The similarity index should be below 15%. (The student and the supervisors should sign and date on the page that shows the percentage). Guidelines on getting a similarity index report is provided in the 'Getting a Turnitin Similarity Index Report' above. 

Submission of the Revised Thesis

Submission must be done by email in soft copy to [email protected] . The student must copy the supervisors and the Department through  [email protected] . Five (5) separate PDF documents are to be submitted as attachments in ONE email. Do NOT  send the attachments in separate emails. The subject of the email should be as follows, ' Revised Thesis Submission - Student Name - Registration Number '. For example, ' Revised Thesis Submission - Another Student - F56/12345/2021 '. The subject should be in title case (mixed upper and lower cases). Do not use all uppercase letters. All supervisors' email addresses must be copied. Similarly, ensure the registration number on the email subject has slashes (not hyphens).

The PDF file should be named ' Revised Thesis Submission - Student Name - F56-1234-2021 '. For the revised thesis, there should be five attachments to the email. 

  • Revised Thesis Submission - Student Name - F56-1234-2021.pdf 
  • Digital Repository Form - Student Name - F56-1234-2021.pdf
  • Similarity Index Report - Student Name - F56-1234-2021.pdf
  • Declaration of Originality - Student Name - F56-1234-2021.pdf
  • Valid Student ID - Student Name - F56-1234-2021.pdf

*The Similarity Index Report should be signed and dated by the student and the supervisors on the page that shows the percentage. 

Valid Student ID

A Valid copy of the Student's ID should is required. Application of the ID is done by the student on their SMIS portal. A soft copy version of the Student's ID can be downloaded from the student portal. Please refer to the screenshot below on some directions on how to download the student ID. 

A screenshot showing how to download the student ID.

Where the ID is not valid, the student will be required to apply for the renewal and print out the page showing the renewal application from their SMIS portal. The student will attach the printout page as their proof of their application and attach it in place of the Valid Student ID. 

The student may follow up with the Admissions Office. The Admissions Office is located in Room 114, First Floor, Central Administration Office, Main Campus, Harry Thuku Way, Nairobi. 

The student will be required to clear in the following departments and offices:

  • Department/Faculty
  • Sports & Games
  • Halls of Residence
  • Faculty Registrar
  • Finance Office

Department/Faculty - The department is the mandatory first step of clearance. The student will be given a physical form at the Chairman's office. The student will have the form signed by the technologists of the various laboratories and resubmit it to the department. After resubmission, the clearance on the portal will activated and the status will change. 

Sports & Games - The location of Sports & Games is along Lower State House Road, near the Student's Clinic. 

Library - The location of the library is in JKML. 

Halls of Residence - The student should go to the Student's Welfare Authority along Mamlaka Road, close to Hall 9 and the Students' centre. 

Faculty Registrar - The Faculty Registrar's office is on the second floor of the Central Administration Offices in Main Campus. 

Finance Office - The Student Finance Department is on Room G3, Ground Floor, Mahatma Gandhi Wing, Main Campus, Harry Thuku Way, Nairobi. 

Once you have cleared you will be issued with a Letter of Award from the Senate. 

Library Clearance Procedure for Submission of Soft Copy Thesis

1. Graduating student forwards a duly signed PDF version of their Dissertation/Theses/Project alongside other mandatory documents to their respective Deans.

2. Dean confirm that the above documents meet the expected requirements and forward the same to the Graduate Studies Secretariat for verification for graduation.

3. Graduate Studies Secretariat forwards to the Library the above documents (No.1) for printing and binding through [email protected] for purposes of reference in the respective departments, Libraries and archiving in the repository.

4. The Library Bindery raises invoices and emails to the students to pay for printing and binding services.

5. Printing and Binding Charges are:

  • Four (4) copies for PhD theses @Kshs.3,000.00 per copy totalling to Kshs.12,000.00
  • Four (4) copies for Masters by Thesis @Kshs.1,950 per copy totalling to Kshs.7.800.00
  • Two (2) copies for Postgraduate diploma and Masters by projects/dissertation
  • @Kshs.1,450.00 per copy totalling to Kshs.2,900.00Kindly note that all bound copies shall be retained by the University. Any student who requires an extra copy or copies can place a request to the Library after paying for printing and binding charges.

Payment shall be done through either of the following modes:-

LIPA NA MPESA mode. Students using this mode should ensure they use their personal MPESA account and pay by “Buy goods & service” – Till Number 807313.

Deposit to Absa Bank. Account Name: UNES Corporate Account; Branch: Westland Branch; Account Number: 0732255303. Narrative should be the name of the student’s and their Registration Number.

6. Student Scans and forwards a copy of the payment evidence to   [email protected]

7. Bindery confirms payment, clears students for binding services, forwards scanned copies of the clearance form and payment receipt to Graduate Studies Secretariat, Dean and the Student. 8. The Dean initiates the clearance of the student for him/her to seek clearance from various departments. 

NB. Original receipts can be collected from Library bindery at Jomo Kenyatta Memorial

Library (JKML) Main Campus after clearance as per No.8 above.

Completion and Graduation

The student will graduate in the next graduation ceremony after paying the required graduation convocation fee. The mandatory convocation fee is paid to: 

  • Branch: ABSA Towers
  • Account Number: 2032770838
  • Amount: 1 000 
  • Narrative: Registration Number

Or as advised in memos leading to the graduation ceremony. 

Optional charges are: 

  • Hire of graduation gown: KES 4 000.00
  • Congregation fee: KES 2 500 (must be paid for those who wish to attend physically)

Collection of Certificate

The graduate should plan to collect their Master's or PhD certificate after the announcement for schedule for collection of certificates is made on the University of Nairobi's main website uonbi.ac.ke . The certificate should be collected from the University of Nairobi Central Examinations Centre, Chiromo Campus. The graduate student should register on the University CRM Portal  on https://graduates.uonbi.ac.ke/ before going to collect the document physically. 

The following will be required before collection of the certificates: 

  • Original National Identity Card or Original Passport. 
  • Convocation fee receipt for KES 1 000.00

Certificates should be collected by the stipulated date. Any certificate not collected by the stipulated date will be liable to a storage charge of KES 1 000/= per year or part thereof. For avoidance of doubt, any part of a year after the expiry of the collection date shall attract a storage charge of KES 1 000/=. For further information with regards to the collection of the certificate, please contact:

The Academic Registrar University of Nairobi P.O. Box 30917-00100 NAIROBI Telephone: 020-4914201/020-4914202/020-4914204/020-4914203 Mobile: 0700675405 Email:  [email protected]  or [email protected]

Ongoing students can view their status below. The table is sorted by the students' registration numbers in ascending order. 

KEY Turnitin Rcvd - The department has received a similarity index report request from the student. Action required: The department should take action and respond with a similarity index report in not more than five business days. 

Turnitin Snt - The department has scanned and sent back a similarity index report to the student. Action required: The student should take action and submit the proposal, if the similarity index was less than 15%; or revise the document if the similarity index was 15% or more. 

Prpsl Rcvd - The department has received a proposal document with all seven requirements from the student/supervisor. Action required: The chairman should take action and approve the document for forwarding to the FPSC. 

Prpsl Snt - The chairman has signed and has sent the proposal document to the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee. Action required: The FPSC should take action and review the document. 

FPSC Rcvd - The department has received the FPSC reviews. Action required: The department should take action forward the comments to the student. 

FPSC Snt - The department has sent the FPSC reviews to the student. Action required: The student should revise the proposal as per FPSC recommendations. 

NTntn Rcvd - The department has received a similarity index report for the revised thesis proposal from the student. Action required:  The department should scan and send the student the similarity index report. 

NTntn Snt - The department has sent a similarity index report for the revised thesis proposal to the student. Action required: The student should send the department a revised thesis proposal. 

Rev Prpsl Rcvd - The department has received the revised thesis proposal with all 10 requirements. Action required: The chairman should approve the revised thesis proposal and send it to the FPSC. 

Rev Prpsl Snt - The department has sent the revised thesis proposal to the FPSC. Action required: The FPSC should confirm that the student has adopted all the recommendations (or provided adequate rebuttals) to the recommendations it has made. 

Fcmnts Rcvd - The department has received further comments, if any, from the FPSC.  Action required: The department should send the FPSC further comments to the student. 

FCmnts Snt - The department has sent the student further comments from the FPSC, if any. Action required: The student should adopt the FPSC further comments. 

FRev Prpsl Rcvd - The department has received the further revised proposal from the student. Action required:   The chairman should approve the document and forward it to the FPSC. 

FRev Prpsl Sent - The department has sent the further revised proposal to the FPSC. Action required: The FPSC should review the further revised proposal. 

FPSC Aprvl Rcvd - The department has received the minutes from the FPSC granting approval of proposal. Action required: The department will allocate supervisors to the student on the Postgraduate Tracking System and should forward the signed pages and minutes to the student. 

FPSC Aprvl Snt - The department has sent the minutes from the FPSC to the student. Action required: The student should compile the document, upload the document to the Postgraduate Tracking System and forward the compiled document to the department. 

Upl Rcvd - The department has received the complete thesis proposal (with all signatures) for record-keeping. Action required: The department should also request the Dean to request DVC (AA) for official approval of the thesis proposal. 

Upl Snt - The department has sent the complete proposal to the dean's office for record-keeping. Action required: The Dean will request the DVC (AA) for official approval of the thesis proposal. 

Acd Rgstr LttrRcvd - The department has received the letter from the academic registrar. Action required: The department will forward the student the letter of approval to the student. 

Acd Rgstr Lttr Snt - The department has sent the letter from the academic registrar to the student. Action required: The student should begin the research and upload Progress Report Q1. 

Prg 1 Rcvd - The department has received the fully signed Progress Report 1 from the student. Action required: The student should file the second progress report in not less than a month (from submission of Progress Report 1) and begin publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. 

Prg 2 Rcvd - The department has received the fully signed Progress Report 2 from the student. Action required: The student should file the third progress report in not less than a month (from submission of Progress Report 2) and should be in the publication process in a peer-reviewed journal. 

Prg 3 Rcvd - The department has received the fully signed Progress Report 3 from the student. Action required: The student should complete the publication process in a peer-reviewed journal. 

Intt Submit Rcvd - The department has received an 'Intent to Submit' by the candidate. Action required: The department checks whether the student has filled the three progress reports and whether the publication has been made in a peer-reviewed journal.  

Intt Submit Snt - The department has sent the 'Intent to Submit' to the Dean. Action required: The department, chairman and the supervisor in consultation with the Dean will set up a Committee of Examiners. 

CoE Setup - A committee of examiners has been set up. Action required: The dean will request the student to submit the thesis. 

Submt Ths Rcvd - The department has received instruction from the Dean to ask the student to submit the thesis. Action required: The department will forward the instruction to the student. 

Submt Ths Sent - The department has sent the instruction from the Dean to the student asking the student to submit the thesis. Action required: The student should submit the thesis with all the requirements. 

Ths Rcvd - The department has received the thesis from the student. Action required: The Chairman will approve and send the document to the Dean. 

Ths Snt - The chairman has approved the document and has been sent to the Faculty. Action required: The dean will send the thesis to the reviewers for examination. The student will be called for a defence. 

RThs Rcvd - The department has received a revised thesis from the supervisor. Action required: The department will forward the revised thesis to the Faculty. 

RThs Snt - The department has sent the revised thesis to the Faculty. Action required: The Faculty will forward the document to Graduate Secretariat. Action required: The student should clear and prepare for graduation.

Help improve this page by asking questions or seeking clarifications from  [email protected] . Your comments might be incorporated into this page to assist other students. 

Updated: 2024-07-31

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research proposal university of nairobi

Stephen Odebero

Basic education being the minimum education that every Kenyan must have for progressive existence in society is a crucial factor. That is why Kenya subscribes to the international protocol that established Education for All (EFA) in Jomtien, Thailand 1990 and the world education forum in Dakar, Senegal, 2000. Since then, the Kenya Government in her Education Sector Strategic Plan and Sessional paper No. 1 of 2005 has articulated how to attain goals for education. For instance early childhood education which tries to ensure development of the whole personality of the child’s physical, mental, and socio-emotional attributes faces challenges such as lack of access to early childhood education mostly caused by poverty, regional and gender disparities, policy framework, and HIV/AIDS among others. At primary school level where children stay longest in the schooling years and they develop more motor skill, further cognitive skills along with higher socialization than the early childhood ed...

Elijah Onsomu, PhD, MPH, MS.

Abstract: In 2010, there was a slight decrease in the number of out-of school adolescents from 75 million in 2009 (UNESCO, 2009) to 71 million in 2010, of which 55% are girls (UNESCO, 2010). In Kenya, only 17% of girls have secondary education (CBS, 2004). This paper analyzes the role of families in girls' secondary education in two schools within Nairobi province, Kenya. Data were obtained from interviews with adolescent girls attending Kamu and Lafama* schools in Nairobi province, the dropouts, and a sample of teachers. Results show girls' lives and opportunities were socially constructed and this permeated into the families, influencing the way parents treated their daughters. This further provided a fertile ground for sexual harassment that plagued girls within their own families. The Kenyan Government needs to influence women and girls perceptions, through increasing campaigns from the grassroots on the importance of being committed to girls' education. Keywords: educational achievement, slums residence, family context, girls-social construction, Kenya

Raphael Gikunda

Access to secondary school education in Tharaka South Sub-county is low. This poor accessibility to secondary school education cannot be associated with inadequate facilities because the government, NGOs and school sponsors have provided enough resources. The purpose of the study was to establish socio-cultural factors that influence students’ access to secondary school education in Tharaka South Sub-County, Tharaka-Nithi county of Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of study was 17 secondary school principals, 17 class teachers, 1654 students and 96 primary school head teachers. The sample was selected through stratified random sampling technique which included four secondary school principals, four class teachers, 165 students and 9 primary school head teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. Data entry and analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 for Windows. Findings wer...

Diana Rose A. Oyula


The thrust of this study was to examine the level of attainment of the main Kenya vision 2030s ’ education policy flagship targets and their influence on the enhancement of quality and equitable provision of education in public secondary schools in Nakuru District, Kenya. The study was premised on Dale’s cone of visual classification of learning experiences. The study used descriptive survey design. Stratified random sampling was used to select 10 principals from 24 and 32 teachers from 308, constituting 41.7 % and 10.3 % of the target population of principals and teachers in Nakuru District, respectively, to participate in the study. Questionnaires for principals and teachers as well as interview schedule for district quality assurance and standards officers were used to collect data. Qualitative data from interviews was analyzed thematically while quantitative data from questionnaires was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The major finding was that most schools in the study l...

Were Omange

International Journal of Educational Development

Njora Hungi

Christopher Mushedhe

Phillemon Tubei

All children in Kibera slum are like any other Kenyan child who has a right to Free Primary Education (FPE) and not relegated to the periphery because of their Socio-economic and political background.They are therefore, for the sake of providing o f equity education are supposed to be given education, learn and pass xaminations like any other child in Kenya.Therefore, their slum environment has acrted as an hurdle over which one leaps to go over the vicious cycle of social-economic problems. Although children are sent to slum schools for learning,in most cases,they have not gotten quality education before and during FPE programme implementation,hence ended not performing to their expectations in the final national examinations.This herald their future in terms of competing for the same job apportunities with their counterparts who happened to come from and study in enabling environment.This puts them at a disadvantaged position throughout their lives.It is for this reason that the researcher investigated factors that militate against quality education acquisition for Kibera children.The researcher has described any problems the pupils,parents and face in this teachers in the implementation of Free Primary Education(FPE) programme in Kenya. This study therefore, looked at the hurdles now and future that stand in the way of marginalized children in Kibera slum.The whole thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter one gives the th introduction to the study that contain background information,statement of the problem,purpose and objectives of the study,research questions,scope and limitations,assumptions and finally definition research terms.Chapter two deals with related literature review,thus looks at concepts,theoretical and conceptual frameworks and their gaps. Chapters three,four and five looks at the field deduced facts that are key to the whole thesis and how they were collected,analysed and presented.Chapter three deals with the methodology that was used to gather data and how it was anlysed.Chapter four wholly dedicates itself to research findings,analysi and interpretation.Chapter five finally deals with the conclusion and recommendations as deduced from the conclusion of the research report. For the success of FPE programme, there is need for concerted efforts by government, community, Faith Based Organizations, Community Based Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Non-Goervenmrntal organizations and private sector.None of the above can be able to have FPE programme implemented alone.Therefore, government need to recognize the efforts done by the latter in contributing to quality provision to children who are marginalized by virtue of being found in marginalized areas.

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Atta Kwenin

Advances in Anthropology

Ginger Johnson

Problems of education in the 21st century

Jyoti Bawane

East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature

Dr. Erastus Muchimuti

Educational Research and …

Joseph Nasongo

Kelly Alexander

African Research Journal of Education and Social sciences

Anthony M. Wanjohi

martin kasina

Masinde Muliro

Jefferson Mutosya

International Journal of Education

Isaac Muasya

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Stephen O . Andai (PhD)

Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary

Cecilia Sang

John A L U K O Orodho

Journal of Education and Practice

Africa Education Review

Anne Mungai

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Elizabeth Ngutuku


Elias Mhegera

Journal ijmr.net.in(UGC Approved)


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University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Research Proposal Guidelines

  • Post author: applyonlineafrica
  • Post published: July 20, 2021
  • Post category: Admissions And Intakes

University Of Nairobi Research Proposal Guidelines – Details:




Faculty of Arts Postgraduate Studies Committee


This outline is intended to serve as a guide to the postgraduate students, supervisors, Departmental Heads, Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committees and the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee in the preparation and assessment of research proposals, research project papers and theses.

Research is a systematic process for generating new knowledge or for confirming existing knowledge. A farmer planting two kinds of sorghum side by side to compare yields, a biochemist sequencing the proteins of a new virus, a statistician analyzing the health impact of an intervention over space and time, a sociologist questioning villagers about their feelings towards family planning – all are doing research (a  scientific  and  systematic  search for  pertinent  information on a specific topic or problem area).

Each form of research offers its own perspective and follows its own set of procedures. This therefore means that besides the general guidelines on the procedure of doing research, there are variations across disciplines, meant to address specific disciplinary requirements. Even in a given discipline, research protocols may differ considerably. The format suggested below is only a guide as to what is important in compiling a research proposal and subsequently a research paper or a thesis. It is to be used flexibly both by graduate students and by the Postgraduate Studies Committee.

It is to be used flexibly both by graduate students and by the Postgraduate Studies Committee.

READ ALSO: University Of Nairobi  Faculty Of Arts Courses


A research proposal is a key step in the process of obtaining knowledge. Once the knowledge is obtained, it is processed and compiled into a research paper or thesis.

A research proposal states the nature of knowledge to be sought and specific objectives to be achieved. It should justify the need for pursuing the gap in knowledge and should specify the methods to be used in that effort, among others.

Preceding the actual body of the proposal is the front cover page information which includes the title page, date of the proposal, and name and institution of the author, table of contents matching text pages.

The title of the proposal should be as short as possible and should reflect the main thrust of the intended investigation. The substantive sections of a proposal are as below. University Of Nairobi Research Proposal Guidelines

2.1 Background to the Study

A background to the study provides an introduction to the proposed research. It prepares the reader for the statement of the problem by contextualizing the topic. It discusses the existing body of knowledge on the topic of the study.

2.2 Statement of the Research Problem

The statement of the research problem is a concise discussion of the nature of knowledge to be sought or of gaps in existing knowledge that need to be filled. A statement of the problem is meant to demonstrate that the researcher has a good grasp of what he/she wants to research on.

For instances, there could be a discrepancy between theoretical assumptions and actual behavior in society, the research would be to seek an explanation for that gap .

2.3 Research questions

For qualitative research there should be research questions which aim at providing adequate answers based on the data collected. These questions should derive from the problem and focus on the data to be collected and interrogate the various aspects of the gap to provide a possible explanation.

2.4. Objectives of the Study

This section requires the statement of a general/ overall objective of the study followed by a number of specific objectives.

2.5. Justification of the study

This comprises a clear statement of the value of the proposed research; it might specify the significance for solving an existing problem in society such as behavioral change or policy modification. The value could also be of epistemological nature, solving an academic/theoretical problem.

2.6. Scope and Limitations of the study

The section states what areas are included and excluded from the study. In the first place the scope determines the conceptual area in which the research is carried out and points out those conceptual areas that are no included and the reasons for that. The limitations are related to constraints related to scope, such as finances, time, geographical areas, school(s) of thought, etc.

2.7. Definition of concepts

This section deals with definition of key concepts and terms to be used in the study. It requires a list of lexical/dictionary definitions as well as operational definitions. This section can be placed at the beginning of the proposal or elsewhere depending on disciplinary orientation.

2.8 Literature Review

This section describes how the stated or a similar research problem has been approached in the past .  It may also make reference to current research on the matter when there is concurrence or divergence of opinion or if it is relevant for stressing a point tackled by the research. The review should be focused (related to the topic under study) and be critical stating weaknesses and strengths of previous works. The contribution of new work should be stated.

2.9. Theoretical Framework/Conceptual framework

In this section, a theory or theories relevant to the research problem is/are critically reviewed on how the theory/theories is/are contributing to solve the research problem. It should state the specific theoretical assumptions that help to solve the problem. In case more than one theory is used the student must point out how the theories relate to each other and the value they add to the study.

The conceptual framework guides data collection and facilitates interpretation of research findings. Either a theory or a conceptual framework is used for the research.

2.10 Research Hypotheses

The hypotheses preferably used in quantitative research are derived from the theoretical framework and/or from data. A hypothesis is a statement that expresses the probable relationship between variables. Hypotheses state what is expected to be found rather than what has already been determined to exist depending on the disciplinary orientation. Hypotheses could be used with research questions. This refers to a possible proof to be arrived at and which will stand or not after the process of reasoning and proof has been carried out. It may be proved to be true, partly true, false or partially false. In this truth lies in the added information that the research set out to seek and the gap it sought to fulfill. Thus the conclusion will necessarily make reference to the hypotheses.

2.11 Methodology

This section deals with a detailed explanation of how the research project will be carried out to answer the specific questions. According to disciplines it can include proposed study sites, sources of data and reasons for their selection; types of data to be collected; sampling methods to be used; techniques of data collection and analysis. The success of the research will to a great extent depend on the awareness of the method and its meticulous following. Library research is not methodology.

2.12 Proposed chapter outline

This section provides a tentative outline of chapters and its salient points of the thesis or project paper.

2.13 References

The reference list follows the chapter outline, and precedes the annexes, and should be consistently done according to a preferred style. Footnotes and/or in-text citations, or endnotes, should be done depending on disciplinary/departmental orientation.

2.14 Appendices and Annexes

Any appendices should be listed here and they should be referenced in the text. The annexes could include time frame of the project, photographs, maps, anticipated budget, questionnaires, if applicable and research permits, if necessary.

2.15 Proposal Size

The proposal shall be formatted as follows: 1.5 line spacing, font 12, and 1″ (one inch) margins. It should be twenty-five (25) pages maximum, including bibliography/references. The student should submit a hard and a pdf formatted copy to the faculty or department, as the case may be

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The Technical University of Kenya aims to facilitate education training and research in science, engineering and technology and create an enabling environment for research innovations which are relevant to national socio-economic development.

The Universities research agenda is intended to build capabilities and competencies which will contribute and support the interface of Science, Engineering & Technology and Sustainable development. The TU-K has established a platform for research integration into academia which is geared towards developing innovative solutions in science, engineering, technology, entrepreneurship, industry, and, in policy and decision-making.

The development of applied research at TU-K is guided by the national priorities in research and development and the principles articulated in the Kenya Sector Plan for Science and Technology.  The TU-K encourages both basic research and applied research and promotes University and industry collaborations which will result in outcomes that benefit mankind.

>> TU-K Research Framework

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Research Seminars/Conferences/Workshops

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Meeting with German Collaborators on 4 th December, 2023

In attendance were Prof. Isaac Orina (DVC-Research & Technology Development, TUK), Prof. A. O. Aluoch (Director, Research & Knowledge Exchange, TUK), Prof. Luke O. Olang (Department of Bio systems and Environmental Engineering), Prof. Dr. Britta Klagge (Future Rural Africa), Kleauns (Anthropologist), Elias Ako (Department of Energy, Gas & Petroleum, Kenyatta University) and Dr. Collins O. Handa (Department of Ecology & Conservation Biology, TUK)

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Participants at the 4 th  Technical University of Kenya International Conference held at the Sarova Panafric  Hotel on 21 st – 23 rd  February 2018. The conference thematic area was  Technology and Innovation for Societal Transformation. More than 100 participants drawn from local regional and international academic and research institutions attended the 3 day event  >> Read More

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TU-K Research Proposal Writing Workshop Participants with facilitators during proposal writing workshop at Methodist Guest House, Nairobi on 22 nd – 23 rd June 2017  

Call for Articles/Publications

Research funding opportunities, research professional africa funding database.

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National Research Fund

National Research Fund Reporting Template (2019)

Predatory Journals

List of Predatory Journals

Research Grants Report Checklist

Tuk progress report form.

Progress Report Form

Featured Opportunities

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

December 2027 : The DAAD representation in the Kenyan capital Nairobi started as a small adjunct office in September 1973. By 1979, the small office had grown into a fully-fledged DAAD Regional Office for Africa providing information about DAAD’s full range of academic programmes. Today, the Nairobi office with its ten staff members offers consultation on study and research opportunities and funding possibilities for individual scholars in Germany and the East Africa region, for university collaboration between German and East African universities and research institutes, and for capacity building for university staff members at East African universities. Click here more information

Grants for international research collaborations – British Council

Invitation for applications from UK institutions for research proposals, offering grants of up to £100,000 (£125,000 full economic costs), to collaborate with international partners through the Department of Science, Innovation, and Technology’s International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF).

Deadline for applications : 12 March 2024, 12 noon UK time See more at: https://opportunities-insight.britishcouncil.org/news/opportunities/grants-international-research-collaborations#:~:text=We%20invite%20applications%20from%20UK,Science%20Partnerships%20Fund%20(ISPF)

Pre-Announcement; IDRC Upcoming Funding Opportunity on Climate change and Health 19 February 2024

International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is providing preliminary information on this funding opportunity to allow applicants time to prepare their applications. The fundingopportunity will be launched on  February 19, 2024 . Through the anticipated call, up to five institutions will be funded to establish regional hubs in the Global South. These hubs will initiate and manage research sub-grants in West and Central Africa, East and Southern Africa, South Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa.

See more at: https://research.tukenya.ac.ke/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Pre-Announcement-IDRC-Upcoming-Funding-Opportunity-on-Climate-change-and-Health-19-February-2024.pdf

Researcher Development

NSF Funded STEM Ed. Research Training Opportunity, July 22-25th Madison, WI

This is an NSF-funded opportunity for researchers to learn and train in quantitative ethnography at the Quantitative Ethnography (QE) Fellows Institute . The institute brings together researchers for a subsidized, week-long training in Madison, Wisconsin, followed by several online sessions with internationally recognized experts in teaching and conducting  QE research .

Government and Internal


Kenya and France have for a long time had scientific cooperation, formalized in 2009 through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, represented by the Embassy of France in Kenya.

Kenya and France wish to strengthen the co-operation activities in Higher Education, Science, and Technology as expressed in the bilateral scientific cooperation agreement signed on 5th May 2015 known as “PAMOJA PHC” (Hubert Curien Partnership). The agreement was renewed on the 6th of October 2021 to cover the 2021-2026 period.

See more >> https://www.kenya.campusfrance.org/kenya-france-pamoja-phc-5th-call-for-applications

TU-K Research News

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Research Opportunities

International Climate Protection Fellowship

Fellowship for prospective leaders and postdocs

Click link: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/international-climate-protection-fellowship

SCOR Visiting Scholars Program

Click link: https://scor-int.org/work/capacity/visiting-scholars/

HIAS calls for applications for individual research fellowships (3-10 months) for the academic year 2025/26.

Deadline: 15 th April, 2024

Click link: https://hias-hamburg.de/en/fellowship/application/

Four-year PhD Studentships in Science

This scheme offers graduates outstanding training in scientific research.

Click link: https://wellcome.org/grant-funding/schemes/four-year-phd-programmes-studentships-basic-scientists

WEBOMETRICS TRANSPARENT RANKING: Top Universities by Citations in Top Google Scholar profiles (Click to view)

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March 2022:   KENYA NEW DATA PRIVACY RULES https://www.businessdailyafrica.com/bd/news/boost-for-data-privacy-as-new-rules-take-effect-3754642

Quality Management System

QMS 9001-2015 Manual

Quality Objectives and Quality Policy

Service Charter – Revised 2018

Hati ya Utoaji Huduma

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How to Write a Research Proposal: (with Examples & Templates)

how to write a research proposal

Table of Contents

Before conducting a study, a research proposal should be created that outlines researchers’ plans and methodology and is submitted to the concerned evaluating organization or person. Creating a research proposal is an important step to ensure that researchers are on track and are moving forward as intended. A research proposal can be defined as a detailed plan or blueprint for the proposed research that you intend to undertake. It provides readers with a snapshot of your project by describing what you will investigate, why it is needed, and how you will conduct the research.  

Your research proposal should aim to explain to the readers why your research is relevant and original, that you understand the context and current scenario in the field, have the appropriate resources to conduct the research, and that the research is feasible given the usual constraints.  

This article will describe in detail the purpose and typical structure of a research proposal , along with examples and templates to help you ace this step in your research journey.  

What is a Research Proposal ?  

A research proposal¹ ,²  can be defined as a formal report that describes your proposed research, its objectives, methodology, implications, and other important details. Research proposals are the framework of your research and are used to obtain approvals or grants to conduct the study from various committees or organizations. Consequently, research proposals should convince readers of your study’s credibility, accuracy, achievability, practicality, and reproducibility.   

With research proposals , researchers usually aim to persuade the readers, funding agencies, educational institutions, and supervisors to approve the proposal. To achieve this, the report should be well structured with the objectives written in clear, understandable language devoid of jargon. A well-organized research proposal conveys to the readers or evaluators that the writer has thought out the research plan meticulously and has the resources to ensure timely completion.  

Purpose of Research Proposals  

A research proposal is a sales pitch and therefore should be detailed enough to convince your readers, who could be supervisors, ethics committees, universities, etc., that what you’re proposing has merit and is feasible . Research proposals can help students discuss their dissertation with their faculty or fulfill course requirements and also help researchers obtain funding. A well-structured proposal instills confidence among readers about your ability to conduct and complete the study as proposed.  

Research proposals can be written for several reasons:³  

  • To describe the importance of research in the specific topic  
  • Address any potential challenges you may encounter  
  • Showcase knowledge in the field and your ability to conduct a study  
  • Apply for a role at a research institute  
  • Convince a research supervisor or university that your research can satisfy the requirements of a degree program  
  • Highlight the importance of your research to organizations that may sponsor your project  
  • Identify implications of your project and how it can benefit the audience  

What Goes in a Research Proposal?    

Research proposals should aim to answer the three basic questions—what, why, and how.  

The What question should be answered by describing the specific subject being researched. It should typically include the objectives, the cohort details, and the location or setting.  

The Why question should be answered by describing the existing scenario of the subject, listing unanswered questions, identifying gaps in the existing research, and describing how your study can address these gaps, along with the implications and significance.  

The How question should be answered by describing the proposed research methodology, data analysis tools expected to be used, and other details to describe your proposed methodology.   

Research Proposal Example  

Here is a research proposal sample template (with examples) from the University of Rochester Medical Center. 4 The sections in all research proposals are essentially the same although different terminology and other specific sections may be used depending on the subject.  

Research Proposal Template

Structure of a Research Proposal  

If you want to know how to make a research proposal impactful, include the following components:¹  

1. Introduction  

This section provides a background of the study, including the research topic, what is already known about it and the gaps, and the significance of the proposed research.  

2. Literature review  

This section contains descriptions of all the previous relevant studies pertaining to the research topic. Every study cited should be described in a few sentences, starting with the general studies to the more specific ones. This section builds on the understanding gained by readers in the Introduction section and supports it by citing relevant prior literature, indicating to readers that you have thoroughly researched your subject.  

3. Objectives  

Once the background and gaps in the research topic have been established, authors must now state the aims of the research clearly. Hypotheses should be mentioned here. This section further helps readers understand what your study’s specific goals are.  

4. Research design and methodology  

Here, authors should clearly describe the methods they intend to use to achieve their proposed objectives. Important components of this section include the population and sample size, data collection and analysis methods and duration, statistical analysis software, measures to avoid bias (randomization, blinding), etc.  

5. Ethical considerations  

This refers to the protection of participants’ rights, such as the right to privacy, right to confidentiality, etc. Researchers need to obtain informed consent and institutional review approval by the required authorities and mention this clearly for transparency.  

6. Budget/funding  

Researchers should prepare their budget and include all expected expenditures. An additional allowance for contingencies such as delays should also be factored in.  

7. Appendices  

This section typically includes information that supports the research proposal and may include informed consent forms, questionnaires, participant information, measurement tools, etc.  

8. Citations  

research proposal university of nairobi

Important Tips for Writing a Research Proposal  

Writing a research proposal begins much before the actual task of writing. Planning the research proposal structure and content is an important stage, which if done efficiently, can help you seamlessly transition into the writing stage. 3,5  

The Planning Stage  

  • Manage your time efficiently. Plan to have the draft version ready at least two weeks before your deadline and the final version at least two to three days before the deadline.
  • What is the primary objective of your research?  
  • Will your research address any existing gap?  
  • What is the impact of your proposed research?  
  • Do people outside your field find your research applicable in other areas?  
  • If your research is unsuccessful, would there still be other useful research outcomes?  

  The Writing Stage  

  • Create an outline with main section headings that are typically used.  
  • Focus only on writing and getting your points across without worrying about the format of the research proposal , grammar, punctuation, etc. These can be fixed during the subsequent passes. Add details to each section heading you created in the beginning.   
  • Ensure your sentences are concise and use plain language. A research proposal usually contains about 2,000 to 4,000 words or four to seven pages.  
  • Don’t use too many technical terms and abbreviations assuming that the readers would know them. Define the abbreviations and technical terms.  
  • Ensure that the entire content is readable. Avoid using long paragraphs because they affect the continuity in reading. Break them into shorter paragraphs and introduce some white space for readability.  
  • Focus on only the major research issues and cite sources accordingly. Don’t include generic information or their sources in the literature review.  
  • Proofread your final document to ensure there are no grammatical errors so readers can enjoy a seamless, uninterrupted read.  
  • Use academic, scholarly language because it brings formality into a document.  
  • Ensure that your title is created using the keywords in the document and is neither too long and specific nor too short and general.  
  • Cite all sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism.  
  • Make sure that you follow guidelines, if provided. This includes rules as simple as using a specific font or a hyphen or en dash between numerical ranges.  
  • Ensure that you’ve answered all questions requested by the evaluating authority.  

Key Takeaways   

Here’s a summary of the main points about research proposals discussed in the previous sections:  

  • A research proposal is a document that outlines the details of a proposed study and is created by researchers to submit to evaluators who could be research institutions, universities, faculty, etc.  
  • Research proposals are usually about 2,000-4,000 words long, but this depends on the evaluating authority’s guidelines.  
  • A good research proposal ensures that you’ve done your background research and assessed the feasibility of the research.  
  • Research proposals have the following main sections—introduction, literature review, objectives, methodology, ethical considerations, and budget.  

research proposal university of nairobi

Frequently Asked Questions  

Q1. How is a research proposal evaluated?  

A1. In general, most evaluators, including universities, broadly use the following criteria to evaluate research proposals . 6  

  • Significance —Does the research address any important subject or issue, which may or may not be specific to the evaluator or university?  
  • Content and design —Is the proposed methodology appropriate to answer the research question? Are the objectives clear and well aligned with the proposed methodology?  
  • Sample size and selection —Is the target population or cohort size clearly mentioned? Is the sampling process used to select participants randomized, appropriate, and free of bias?  
  • Timing —Are the proposed data collection dates mentioned clearly? Is the project feasible given the specified resources and timeline?  
  • Data management and dissemination —Who will have access to the data? What is the plan for data analysis?  

Q2. What is the difference between the Introduction and Literature Review sections in a research proposal ?  

A2. The Introduction or Background section in a research proposal sets the context of the study by describing the current scenario of the subject and identifying the gaps and need for the research. A Literature Review, on the other hand, provides references to all prior relevant literature to help corroborate the gaps identified and the research need.  

Q3. How long should a research proposal be?  

A3. Research proposal lengths vary with the evaluating authority like universities or committees and also the subject. Here’s a table that lists the typical research proposal lengths for a few universities.  

  Arts programs  1,000-1,500 
University of Birmingham  Law School programs  2,500 
  PhD  2,500 
  Research degrees  2,000-3,500 

Q4. What are the common mistakes to avoid in a research proposal ?  

A4. Here are a few common mistakes that you must avoid while writing a research proposal . 7  

  • No clear objectives: Objectives should be clear, specific, and measurable for the easy understanding among readers.  
  • Incomplete or unconvincing background research: Background research usually includes a review of the current scenario of the particular industry and also a review of the previous literature on the subject. This helps readers understand your reasons for undertaking this research because you identified gaps in the existing research.  
  • Overlooking project feasibility: The project scope and estimates should be realistic considering the resources and time available.   
  • Neglecting the impact and significance of the study: In a research proposal , readers and evaluators look for the implications or significance of your research and how it contributes to the existing research. This information should always be included.  
  • Unstructured format of a research proposal : A well-structured document gives confidence to evaluators that you have read the guidelines carefully and are well organized in your approach, consequently affirming that you will be able to undertake the research as mentioned in your proposal.  
  • Ineffective writing style: The language used should be formal and grammatically correct. If required, editors could be consulted, including AI-based tools such as Paperpal , to refine the research proposal structure and language.  

Thus, a research proposal is an essential document that can help you promote your research and secure funds and grants for conducting your research. Consequently, it should be well written in clear language and include all essential details to convince the evaluators of your ability to conduct the research as proposed.  

This article has described all the important components of a research proposal and has also provided tips to improve your writing style. We hope all these tips will help you write a well-structured research proposal to ensure receipt of grants or any other purpose.  


  • Sudheesh K, Duggappa DR, Nethra SS. How to write a research proposal? Indian J Anaesth. 2016;60(9):631-634. Accessed July 15, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5037942/  
  • Writing research proposals. Harvard College Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. Harvard University. Accessed July 14, 2024. https://uraf.harvard.edu/apply-opportunities/app-components/essays/research-proposals  
  • What is a research proposal? Plus how to write one. Indeed website. Accessed July 17, 2024. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/research-proposal  
  • Research proposal template. University of Rochester Medical Center. Accessed July 16, 2024. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/pediatrics/research/documents/Research-proposal-Template.pdf  
  • Tips for successful proposal writing. Johns Hopkins University. Accessed July 17, 2024. https://research.jhu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Tips-for-Successful-Proposal-Writing.pdf  
  • Formal review of research proposals. Cornell University. Accessed July 18, 2024. https://irp.dpb.cornell.edu/surveys/survey-assessment-review-group/research-proposals  
  • 7 Mistakes you must avoid in your research proposal. Aveksana (via LinkedIn). Accessed July 17, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-mistakes-you-must-avoid-your-research-proposal-aveksana-cmtwf/  

Paperpal is a comprehensive AI writing toolkit that helps students and researchers achieve 2x the writing in half the time. It leverages 21+ years of STM experience and insights from millions of research articles to provide in-depth academic writing, language editing, and submission readiness support to help you write better, faster.  

Get accurate academic translations, rewriting support, grammar checks, vocabulary suggestions, and generative AI assistance that delivers human precision at machine speed. Try for free or upgrade to Paperpal Prime starting at US$19 a month to access premium features, including consistency, plagiarism, and 30+ submission readiness checks to help you succeed.  

Experience the future of academic writing – Sign up to Paperpal and start writing for free!  

Related Reads:

How to write a phd research proposal.

  • What are the Benefits of Generative AI for Academic Writing?
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism When Using Generative AI Tools
  • What is Hedging in Academic Writing?  

How to Write Your Research Paper in APA Format

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Call for applications: The Professor Sewankambo Global Health Security PhD Fellowships

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The Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) is excited to announce four (4) PhD Fellowship positions within the prestigious Sewankambo Global Health Security Fellowship Program. This 3-year fellowship aims to cultivate the next generation of leaders in Global Health Security (GHS) across Africa. IDI is a renowned Centre of excellence in infectious disease research, training, and patient care in Africa. Through our fellowship program, we are committed to fostering scientific excellence and leadership in global health security.

Who Are We Looking For?

We seek candidates with a background in clinical, numerical, or biological sciences who are passionate about advancing global health security. Ideal candidates will leverage IDI’s rich resources, including datasets, mentorship, internet access, and state-of-the-art facilities, to engage in practical training and internships.  The PhD fellows will be expected to develop PhD proposals with a focus on any one of the following 7 specialized program areas:

  • Antimicrobial Resistance: Addressing the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance through innovative research and strategies.
  • Laboratory, Biosafety, and Biosecurity: Enhancing laboratory capacity and implementing robust biosafety and biosecurity measures.
  • Epidemic Intelligence and Surveillance: Strengthening early detection and response systems for infectious disease outbreaks.
  • Case Management, Infection Prevention, and Control: Improving clinical management and infection prevention strategies to reduce disease transmission.
  • Vaccination and Medical Countermeasures: Advancing vaccine development and deployment strategies to combat infectious diseases.
  • Planetary Health and WASH: Integrating health with environmental stewardship and promoting Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) initiatives.
  • Health Policy, Advocacy, and Economics: Influencing policy decisions and advocating for sustainable health solutions through economic analysis.

Academic Qualification

  • Masters in Medicine, public health, veterinary, biological, or numerical background
  • Ability to leverage existing data (quantitative and qualitative) to answer research questions related to their PhD topic
  • At least two first-author publications

Candidate Eligibility

  • Minimum qualifications:  Applicants should have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Medicine, public health, veterinary, biological, or numerical background with at least an upper second. Candidates should have their undergraduate and master’s training from a chattered University. 
  • Demonstrated interest in Global Health Security or mathematical modelling.
  • A viable and innovative research concept in any of the above-mentioned areas.
  • Ability to leverage existing data (quantitative and qualitative) to answer research questions related to their PhD topic.
  • Ready to commit as a full-time PhD student.

Application Requirements:

  • Certified copies of relevant academic documents.
  • Reference letters from two academic referees. The letter should speak to the candidate’s academic maturity, academic ability, intellectual potential, creativity and originality, scientific writing skills, and interpersonal skills.
  • Motivation Statement (up to 1000 words)
  • Research Concept (no more than 2 pages, excluding references)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing education, work experience, conference presentations, and publications. Candidates are requested to include in their CV links their previous scientific documents authored, including manuscripts, reports, or grant awards.
  • Cover Letter

For more information visit  https://idi.mak.ac.ug/opportunities/

The application deadline is 6 th September 2024

Responsive Culture, Partnerships, and Research Ethics Emphasized at CARTA’s APAS Workshop in Kampala

research proposal university of nairobi

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KAMPALA—Researchers in African Universities have been urged to cultivate a Responsive Culture, create, maintain, and strengthen collaborations, and uphold Research Ethics. In the CARTA programme, Participants explore the requirements for successful research in African universities, including researcher training based on global best practices. They also define and address knowledge management as the process of generating and sharing information; demonstrate the positive linkages between quality research and sustainable development in Africa.

These issues featured prominently at the CARTA’s APAS Workshop in Kampala, a week-long training for Academic, Professional, and Administration Staff (APAS) and Trainers of Trainers (ToTs). It is organized by  Makerere University  and the  Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) .

Dr. John Bosco Isunju, the CARTA Focal Person, and  iCARTA Project  lead at  Makerere University , highlighted the Workshop’s Goal of fostering a responsive culture among Universities and Research Institutions Staff. By examining the efficiency of governance structures and processes that support research and graduate training in African Universities and Research Institutions. The  CARTA  programme seeks to create an environment conducive to the success of early-career and seasoned researchers.

Therefore, a total of 57 Participants and 14 Facilitators from across Africa are convening in Kampala to train on research systems, policies, and processes. The Participants are from  Makerere University  in Uganda;  Moi University  and  University of Nairobi  in Kenya;  Obafemi Awolowo University  and  University of Ibadan , Nigeria;  University of Rwanda , Rwanda;  University of the Witwatersrand , South Africa;  Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS) , Malawi. Further, Participants were drawn from Research Institutions including the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC), Kenya;  Agincourt Health and Population Unit , South Africa; and  Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania .

The CARTA APAS Workshop was conducted in 3 days for all Participants; and an additional 2 days for the Training of Trainers (ToTs), from August 12 th to 16 th August 2024, at  Makerere University, School of Public Health – ResilientAfrica Network (MakSPH-RAN) , Plot 28, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala, Uganda. At the end of the training, Participants were awarded Certificates and urged to cascade the knowledge and skills acquired in their respective institutions.

At the opening session,  Dr. Rhoda Wanyenze , a Professor and Dean of  Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) , emphasized the importance of collaborations in research among African academics.

She noted that over the past five years, MakSPH has collaborated with partners across 25 African countries, indicating a vast network of research partnerships. Dr. Wanyenze also expressed hope that Participants will leave the training with new partnerships and networks, further emphasizing the goal of fostering collaboration among attendees.

“Partnership is very important and I hope as we are here, we will be networking so that at the end of the APAS training, as we leave we will maintain the partnerships and continue to forge networks with researchers we haven’t worked with before. That will hopefully be one of the outcomes of us working together during this APAS Training,” said Professor Wanyenze.

Over the years,  Makerere University  has enjoyed a long-standing partnership with APHRC. According to Dr. Wanyenze, there is a need to reduce bureaucratic bottlenecks that hinder productivity and collaboration in African Universities and Research Institutions needed to improve the university research ecosystem, with a key focus on students.

She further noted that; “Students are critical in the research ecosystem. They are smart; they have ideas, especially when we give them space and when they know that their views matter. We need to create an environment where students can communicate freely what they think works without feeling shy and thinking that you’re going to throw it back at them, and make them feel uncomfortable in our Universities.”

Dr. Anne Nangulu, a Professor of Economic History and Principal of Bomet University College (a Constituent College of Moi University) who is also the Focal Point for  CARTA  at Moi University, believes it is vital for university officials to be proactive and plan ahead of time to execute their academic and research related duties and responsibilities. Prof. Nangulu, re-echoed Prof. Wanyenze, encouraged faculty to delegate some of their duties to students; early career academic and administrative staff as part of mentorship especially at postgraduate level.

Dr. Anne Nangulu, a Professor of Economic History and the Focal Point for CARTA at Moi University speaks during the CARTA's APAS training at Makerere University. Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) week-long training for Academic, Professional, and Administration Staff (APAS) and Trainers of Trainers (ToTs), 12th to 16th August 2024, at Makerere University, School of Public Health - ResilientAfrica Network (MakSPH-RAN), Plot 28, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.

Prof. Nangulu further noted that; “We might be a little selfish when funds arrive in small amounts. You want to accomplish everything such as data collecting, analysis and dissemination. Think about collaborative research by incorporating early career staff as well. Also, please update your resume today, keep it online, and keep it current. It is part of leadership in promoting institutional and individual visibility in the global space.”

Dr. Joseph Gichuru Wang’ombe , a career development expert and Deputy Executive Director at APHRC, emphasized the need for greater participation in high-quality research and urged participants to actively develop research capacity.

“If you believe in something and put it into your mind and heart, it can be realized. The research and good quality research have to be done by more and more people, and that means that we are building capacity and enabling many others to do research.”

In addition, he stated that workshops emphasize the value of a supportive network of research administrators, clear distinctions between functionaries, the need for funding, mainly from African governments, and technology transfer for the continent.

Dr. Joseph Gichuru Wang'ombe, Deputy Executive Director at APHRC -Nairobi speaks to participants of the APAS training in Kampala. Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) week-long training for Academic, Professional, and Administration Staff (APAS) and Trainers of Trainers (ToTs), 12th to 16th August 2024, at Makerere University, School of Public Health - ResilientAfrica Network (MakSPH-RAN), Plot 28, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.

“To appreciate that it is more than simply the research; it is also about what happens in the library. It is what happens in the Registrar’s and bursar’s offices. We are very happy to see people from many sections of our universities come together. One of the most amazing things we have noticed with  CARTA APAS programme  is that personnel in Universities as well as research institutions can come from the same institution and not know each other. They meet for the first time but the silos are broken when they return, you’ll notice they’ve discovered new collaboration methods,” said Dr. Gichuru.

Dr. Akinyinka Omigbodun , a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the  University of Ibadan , believes that; Everyone in the university research ecosystem is essential and that institutions must try to use the multi-disciplinarity and expertise of their human resources to build better research environments.

He further emphasized that; “Let us all work as a group. If you observe soccer players, they are part of a team, but they also work in groups. You have the attackers, midfielders, and the defense. You will find that even defenders score goals. The attackers go back to defend when the team is under pressure. Thus, we all must learn to appreciate and do work as teams as well as groups; that way, we can achieve more in African Universities and Research Institutions.”

Dr. Akinyinka Omigbodun, a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Ibadan. Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) week-long training for Academic, Professional, and Administration Staff (APAS) and Trainers of Trainers (ToTs), 12th to 16th August 2024, at Makerere University, School of Public Health - ResilientAfrica Network (MakSPH-RAN), Plot 28, Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.

Started in 2007/2008, CARTA, a Consortium of eight African Partner Universities, four Research Institutions, and Eight non-African Partner Institutions has been led jointly by the  African Population and Health Center , Kenya, and the  University of the Witwatersrand , South Africa.

Every year, CARTA facilitates APAS Workshops to strengthen the capacity of institutional functionaries. The  iCARTA Project  at  Makerere University  (a NORHED II grant from NORAD), and the Global Science for Africa Foundation (SFA) through CARTA funded the Workshop. This programme seeks to inspire Participants to improve commitment to institutional systems and drive transformation to attain world-class research in African Universities and affiliated research institutions.

In sum, CARTA works as a collaborative arrangement to support sustainable development of a vibrant African Academy able to lead world-class multidisciplinary research that positively impacts public and population health.

View on MakSPH

ENABLING Project Social Scientist Positions: (1) Team Lead (3) Research Associates

An elevated shot of the School of Biomedical Sciences Building, College of Health Sciences (CHS), Makerere University. Kampala Uganda, East Africa

Makerere University College of Health Sciences-MAKCHS- Centre of Excellence in Women’s Health in collaboration with Makerere University -Johns Hopkins University (MU-JHU) Care Limited received funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Enabling Platforms for Maternal Immunization: Uganda (ENABLING Project).  The Project aims to identify, characterize, and support the delivery platform, policy, and preparedness requirements for introducing new maternal vaccines. The Project seeks to recruit suitable candidates for the following positions;

Social Scientist, Team Lead (01)

Social Scientist Research Associate  (03)

Duty Station : Kampala

Engagement: Full Time 

All applications must be submitted to the email: [email protected] before Monday, 29th July 2024 at 23:59hrs EAT

Call for Abstracts: Makerere Bioethics Conference 2024

Call For Abstracts: Makerere Bioethics Conference (MakBC 2024), 11th - 12th November 2024. Deadline: 15th August 2024. Hotel Africana, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Centre for Bioethics under Makerere University Biomedical Research Centre (MakBRC) is delighted to announce the MAKERERE BIOETHICS CONFERENCE (MakBC 2024) , scheduled to take place on 11 th and 12 th November 2024 at Hotel Africana, Kampala, Uganda. This year’s theme is ‘Contemporary Issues in Bioethics Practice, ‘ and we invite researchers, practitioners, and students to submit their abstracts for presentation.

Thematic Areas:

  • Genetics and Genomics
  • Assisted Reproductive Health
  • Drug and Vaccination Development
  • Nanotechnology
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Biotechnology
  • Digital Health
  • Research Ethics
  • Research Integrity
  • Clinical Ethics
  • Public Health Ethics

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 th August 2024

Registration Deadline: 16 th September 2024

Submission and Registration:

Abstract Submission: Click here to Submit your Abstract

Online Registration: Click here to Register for the Conference

For more information contact Conference Secretariat:

Department of Anatomy,  Last Floor, School of Biomedical Sciences Makerere University College of Health Sciences,  P.O Box 7072 Kampala, Uganda.  Email: [email protected]      Website:  https://chs.mak.ac.ug/makbc2024  Tel: +256 782 363 996 or +256 772 246 681

Senate Building Makerere University

Admission Lists -Successful Appeals and Re-advertised programmes 2024/25

research proposal university of nairobi

Admission Lists with Subject Combinations 2024/25

research proposal university of nairobi

ADVERT: Employment Opportunities at Makerere University

Freedom Sq. with Main Building in the background.

Mature Age Admission List under Private Sponsorship 2024/25

The Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs), Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi addresses Freshers at the 2024/2025 Orientation on 5th August 2024. Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Freshers’ Joining Instructions 2024/2025


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    Department, SOB website or MBA/MSc. office. The student should al. o sign the Anti-plagiarism declaration form.Proposal development should take at least one and half (11⁄2) months after which the. l presentation.B. Plagiarism Check/TurnitinOnce the proposal has been approved, the student submits it for plagiarism check as per the guidelines ...


    %PDF-1.5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group >/Tabs/S ...

  3. PDF Guidelines on Research Proposals

    1. INTRODUCTION. This outline is intended to serve as a guide to the postgraduate students, supervisors, Departmental Heads, Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committees and the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee in the preparation and assessment of research proposals, research project papers and theses.

  4. PDF University of Nairobi Faculty of Arts Research Proposals, Research

    UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI FACULTY OF ARTS RESEARCH PROPOSALS, RESEARCH PAPERS AND THESES AND PROJECTS: FORMAT GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION This outline is intended to serve as a guide to students in the writing and assessment of research proposals, research papers and theses. Research is a systematic process for generating new knowledge or

  5. The Research Proposal

    Office of the Dean, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences. P.O.BOX 30197 -00100 NAIROBI. Tel: 0204919006 / 0204919007. Email Address : [email protected] Faculty Registrar

  6. Guidelines for proposal development

    2.Protocol violations/deviations should be reported to KNH-UoN ERC as soon as they occur. (Click for the update form) 3.KNH-UoN ERC approval is required for transfer of materials from one laboratory to another for analysis. (Click for the transfer of materials form) 4.The KNH-UoN ERC approval is given for one year only.

  7. Home

    Innovation is the way to go! Nairobi Innovation Week 2024. Friday, May 10, 2024 - 09:37. On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 the University experienced a historical event that saw the Official Opening of the 8th edition of the Nairobi Innovation Week 2024 that was characterized by Innovation exhibitions, attendance by Faculty, Government and Government ...

  8. Guidelines for Writing Academic Research Projects

    In an academic field, research project and/or thesis is an integral and mandatory component of the higher degree programmes. The guidelines on how to write research proposals are therefore expected to assist a student to identify and choose a viable research problem. Many research proposals are turned down each year because of content and ...

  9. Thesis Submission Guidelines

    Seeking research funding is one of the office's key role and the staff there will be glad to assist you. The office is located on the 15th Floor, UoN Tower, Main Campus, University of Nairobi, Nairobi. Submission of the Thesis Proposal to the Faculty of Engineering


    The Chairman. Department of BioChemistry. Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiromo Campus, University of Nairobi. P.O.BOX 30197-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.

  11. UoN Digital Repository Home

    Research Papers [2351] Theses and Dissertations [46368] University Projects / Collaborations [540] UoN Digital Health Repository [575] ... Ombija, Franz O (University of Nairobi, 2023) Background Anxiety is a frequently encountered condition in individuals with heart-related illnesses. It is linked to heightened rates of cardiovascular ...

  12. Research Papers

    Influence of Gemba-kaizen Strategy on Performance of Bamburi Cement Plc in Kenya . Endusa, Sarah(University of Nairobi, 2021) The study sought to determine the influence of Gemba-Kaizen strategy on performance of Bamburi Cement Limited in Kenya. The study was anchored on the dynamic capabilities theory and the theory of lean management.

  13. Dagas Guidelines for Writing Research Proposal

    The University of Nairobi will host the Research Week 2023 themed 'Harnessing Research… Jul 25 GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY FOR KANTARIA AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION CENTRE(KATIC) UPPER KABETE CAMPUS

  14. Guidelines on Research Proposals

    Research proposal university of nairobi faculty of arts guidelines for project paper and thesis proposal writing faculty of arts postgraduate studies committee. Skip to document. University; ... RESEARCH PROPOSAL. A research proposal is a key step in the process of obtaining knowledge. Once the knowledge is obtained, it is processed and ...

  15. The Research Proposal

    UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI SCHOOL OF BUSINESS GRADUATE BUSINESS STUDIES MBA/MSCs GUIDELINES ON THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL SECTION A. A. Proposal Registration The student on completing and passing the eighteen (18) units registers for proposal supervision.

  16. (PDF) Research proposal

    university of nairobi school of law - parklands campus research proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the bachelor of law degree gpr 421 the relationship between labour laws and employees job security in kenya: a case study of employees at the city county of nairobi josphat kimani ngaruiya reg: g34/37928/2016 supervisor: dr.

  17. (DOC) Research Proposal by Ezan Final Copy


  18. PDF University of Nairobi

    This is a reminder to all PhD School of Business on the approval process of research proposal in the Postgraduate Students Progress Tracking System (PGTS). The students are guided as follows: The Declaration of Originality Form. The supervisor shall approve the documents in the tracking system (PGTS). The Chair of Department, and Director ...

  19. University Of Nairobi (uonbi) Research Proposal Guidelines

    University Of Nairobi Research Proposal Guidelines - Details: 1. INTRODUCTION. This outline is intended to serve as a guide to the postgraduate students, supervisors, Departmental Heads, Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committees and the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee in the preparation and assessment of research proposals, research ...

  20. Theses and Dissertations

    Effect of Foreign Portfolio Flows on the Growth of Capital Market in Kenya . Ojijo, Cavin O (University of Nairobi, 2023) This comprehensive study investigates the intricate relationship between foreign portfolio flows and the growth of Kenya's capital market. Employing a robust descriptive research design, the investigation methodically ...

  21. The Directorate of Research and Knowledge Exchange

    The TU-K encourages both basic research and applied research and promotes University and industry collaborations which will result in outcomes that benefit mankind. ... Nairobi on 22 nd - 23 rd June 2017 ... Invitation for applications from UK institutions for research proposals, offering grants of up to £100,000 (£125,000 full economic ...

  22. Announcement on Commencement and Reporting Dates 2024/2025

    The University of Nairobi wishes to inform the following groups of students (Module I and Module II) that the commencement and opening dates for the 2024/2025 Academic Year are as follows: 1. MONDAY, 19TH. AUGUST 2024- FIRST SEMESTER A. Year I (FRESHERS) FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE (FOA) FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (FOASS)

  23. Students Downloads

    Office of the Dean, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences. P.O.BOX 30197 -00100 NAIROBI. Tel: 0204919006 / 0204919007. Email Address : [email protected] Faculty Registrar

  24. Physicochemical and microbial quality of bottled drinking water sold in

    a Kenya Medical Research Institute, Mbagathi Rd, Nairobi, Kenya. b Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, P.O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya. ... These findings reveal the poor quality of bottled drinking water in a suburb of Nairobi, presenting risks to consumers. There is a need to strengthen risk management and oversight ...

  25. How to Write a Research Proposal: (with Examples & Templates)

    Research Proposal Example Here is a research proposal sample template (with examples) from the University of Rochester Medical Center. 4 The sections in all research proposals are essentially the same although different terminology and other specific sections may be used depending on the subject. Structure of a Research Proposal

  26. Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

    Office of the Dean, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences. P.O.BOX 30197 -00100 NAIROBI. Tel: 0204919006 / 0204919007. Email Address : [email protected] Faculty Registrar

  27. Call for applications: The Professor Sewankambo Global Health Security

    The PhD fellows will be expected to develop PhD proposals with a focus on any one of the following 7 specialized program areas: ... and processes. The Participants are from Makerere University in Uganda; Moi University and University of Nairobi in Kenya ... that hinder productivity and collaboration in African Universities and Research ...