【Argumentative Essay格式】格式範文 topics example|ENG DSE

Mr. J English

Argumentative Essay DSE 經常出現?

Argumentative essay 特點, 1. 單邊與雙邊論述(one-sided vs. two-sided), 2. 論據結構(argument structure), 3. 語調鋒芒(tone and persuasiveness), argumentative essay 格式, argumentative essay 寫作清單, argumentative essay opening introduction 引言/前言寫法, 引言(introduction), 背景介紹(background), argumentative essay body 正文寫法, 主體段落(body paragraph), argumentative essay conclusion 結尾/結語/總結寫法, 結論(conclusion), argumentative essay dse 5+ 範例參考.

- 引起讀者興趣的開場白
- 提出你的論點或立場

- 提供與主題相關的背景資訊
- 引入相關的背景文獻或事實

- 段落 1: 第一個主要論據,包括支持該論據的具體證據和例子
- 段落 2: 第二個主要論據,同樣提供支持性的證據
- 可以有更多的主體段落,視需要而定

- 重申你的立場
- 總結主要論據
- 提出呼籲行動或結語

- 引起讀者興趣
- 提出你將討論的兩個對立觀點

- 簡要介紹兩個對立觀點的背景
- 可以提供一些有關爭議的歷史或相關的情境

- 段落 1: 第一個正面觀點的詳細說明,包括支持該觀點的具體證據和例子
- 段落 2: 第二個正面觀點的詳細說明,同樣提供支持性的證據
- 段落 3: 可能的中立或共通點

- 對第 3 部分的兩個觀點進行反駁,指出它們的弱點或瑕疵
- 提出你的立場或解釋為何你的觀點更為合理

- 重申你的觀點
- 總結兩個對立觀點的主要論據
- 提出呼籲行動或結構

argumentative essay sample hkdse

  • 引起讀者興趣的開場白。
  • 提出明確的論點或立場。
  • 提供背景資訊或引入主題。
  • 提供與主題相關的背景資訊。
  • 引入相關的背景文獻或事實。
  • 確保背景介紹有助於讀者理解主題。
  • 每個主體段落專注於一個主要論據。
  • 提供具體的支持性證據和例子。
  • 確保論據的呈現順序有邏輯性。
  • 使用過渡句子使段落間的過渡更順暢。
  • 確認每個主體段落的結尾與下一段有連貫性。
  • 提供簡短的反駁或解釋為何該觀點不成立。
  • 確保反駁的內容有針對性且有說服力。
  • 如適用,確保中立或共通點的部分清晰且有意義。
  • 提出呼籲行動或結語,使結論有結束感。

argumentative essay sample hkdse

相信以上內容一定幫到你!講咗咁多攻略,就知道 DSE 英文要高分,其實有好多方法!

Mr. J English

Mr. J English

👔 DSE 輕鬆取 5** • 英文考試技巧專家 🌟 八年補習經驗 • 超過 3,000 名學生成績顯著提升 🗣 資深辯論教練 • 最強 Oral 及論證技巧 📚 6 科 38 分(舊制不設加乘)• 香港大學 BBA Law 雙學位畢業Mr.J English 於 DSE 勇奪英文 5**,考入香港大學工商管理學學士及法學士 HKU BBA Law 雙學位。憑著八年 DSE 英文教學經驗,打造出一套技巧實戰兼備;幫助同學穩奪 Lv 5+嘅教學方法 ! 成功逆轉超過 3,000 多名學生英文成續,獲無數同學家長一致好評 !

argumentative essay sample hkdse






argumentative essay sample hkdse

【DSE考試技巧】Argumentative essay點寫先可以攞到高分?5**佳句例子合集懶人包

【DSE考試技巧】Argumentative essay

Argumentative essay 係DSE每年都會考嘅文體,亦係同學仔好中意挑戰嘅文體,不過要攞高分並唔係咁容易。等Wall Street English提供5**佳句examples,再逐步同大家拆解 argumentative essay 應該點做啦!

1. Title 標題

  • XXX is a must (XXX是必須的)
  • No more tolerance for XXX (不能再容忍XXX)
  • XXX – call for abstinence (XXX — 呼籲禁止)
  • XXX: a friend or a foe? (XXX:是敵是友?)
  • Is XXX a boon or a bane? (XXX是福還是禍?)
  • XXX — a blessing or a curse? (XXX — 祝福還是詛咒?)
  • Hot tips on XXX (關於XXX的熱門提示)
  • XXX makes a difference (XXX帶來改變)

2. Opening 開首

  • XXX has become the hot topic of town lately. XXX最近成為城鎮的熱門話題。
  • With just a few clicks on your screen, you can see photos and articles about XXX flooding your news feed. 只需在螢幕上點擊幾下,您就可以看到有關XXX的照片和文章充斥著您的新聞提要。
  • XXX has been hitting the headlines these days. 這些天XXX一直在佔據頭條新聞。
  • A heated debate on whether … has been raging in the city. 關於是否…一直在城市中肆虐。

II. Elaboration 延申

  • Some say … while others point out that … 有人說…而其他人指出…
  • There is a diverse spectrum of opinions of … 對於…,充斥著各種各樣的意見。
  • The advocates cling to the idea … while critics frown upon… 支持者堅持這個想法… 但持批判態度的人卻對之皺眉認爲…

III. Expository 説明文章的重要性

  • Both sides of the controversy are supported by concrete reasons. 爭議的雙方都有具體的理由支持。
  • It is worthwhile to investigate the issue to judge whether it is desirable for people to … 這個問題值得調查,以判斷…是否可取的行爲。
  • This essay is to explore both sides of the argument and conclude whether it is advisable for people to … 本文旨在探討雙方的論點,並得出結論,是否建議人們…

3. Body paragraph 正文

  • Every coin has two sides 每枚硬幣都有兩面
  • A double-edged sword cuts both ways 是把雙刃劍,有好也有壞。

4. Counter arguments 駁論

  • Critics put forward the idea that…. However, I am certain that… 批判者們推崇…的意見,但我認爲…
  • The argument might seem to be reasonable superficially. Upon deeper inspection, it does not hold. 從表面上看,這個論點似乎是合理的。經過更深入的檢查,它就不成立了。

5. Conclusion 結論

  • Without a shadow of doubt, XXX should be always banned. 毫無疑問,XXX應該始終被禁止。
  • Under no circumstances shall we watch the fading of XXX with folded arms. 在任何情況下,我們都不應該對XXX的衰退視若無睹。
  • All the above bring us to the conclusion that … 以上所有內容都使我們得出結論…。
  • Taking all the aspects into account, it is my firm belief that … 考慮到所有方面,我堅信…


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除咗“firstly, secondly…”仲可以用咩連接詞? 學好起承轉合,寫essay話咁易 !

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必學!十種表達 ”重要的“ 英文 唔好再只用 “important”啦!



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IELTS作文Task1必學:Introduction除左用“The graph shows …”仲可以點講?

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argumentative essay sample hkdse

【One-Sided Argumentative Essay 攻略】寫作法寶【附高分範文】

Picture of Spencer Lam

Spencer Lam

Dse英文文章內容在此推介課程下:, dse - 皇牌考試技巧班.


  • 以 六大範疇全方位 提升學生的英文水平
  • 自備過千頁 獨家精讀筆記
  • 教授獨門 考試技巧 及 口訣

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one-sided argumentative essay 中文 詳解

one sided argumentative 中文

one-sided argumentative essay 大全

  • 你係唔係為寫one-sided argumentative essay感到煩惱?
  • 唔知有啲咩句式可以背?

唔緊要!因為小編今天為大家整理了one-sided argumentative essay 攻略,內裡包含可以使用的句式以及範文參考!

one sided argumentative 格式

one sided argumentative format

one sided argumentative essay 是一種文體,如果要說它的格式,那麼就要知道題目要求我們根據哪一種實用格式書寫。






Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor





One sided argumentative essay 題目

One sided argumentative essay 題目

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) wants to encourage more people to watch stage plays. To do this, they want to .

You have just watched one of these recordings. .

The Hong Kong Daily Press invites readers to express their views on the following topic:

Do social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter encourage or stifle public debate? When first created, the social media was thought to be a place where rational debate and logic would thrive. However, as time has shown, this is not always the case.

²  Write an .

²  and state your position, giving reasons and evidence to support your view.

²  Include for your essay.

To raise public awareness of healthy eating, some countries now require food manufacturers to .

²  Write an .

²  .

One sided argumentative essay 開頭

One sided argumentative essay 開頭

: , the suicide rate of Hong Kong has increased in recent years.

, China has the largest number of smokers in the world.


, (

, the living standard of many Chinese people .

, many children are spoilt by their parents.


smartphones have penetrated our lives.

that Asian people are more prone to diabetes.

more and more Hong Kong people are considering migrating to other countries.

high property prices are the most pressing concern of Hong Kong people.


The problem of air pollution exists in many places. .


The incident involving Lam Wai-sze the moral standard of our teachers.

The serious traffic accidents in the past few weeks the road safety in Hong Kong.


The ferry disaster on Lamma Island last year navigation safety in Hong Kong.

The recent suicide by a 15-year-old secondary schoolboy the mental health of our next generation.


Obesity in our society.


: The Occupy Central Movement .

The expansion of landfills in Tsueng Kwan O, Tuen Mun and Ta Ku Ling .


Homosexuality .

of wealth gap .

Traditionally, men have enjoyed superiority over women. In many parts of the world, still .

Nowadays, more women have chosen to get married when they are older. also in Hong Kong.


animal cruelty in Hong Kong.

the reasons for the popularity of smartphones.

the problem of waste disposal for the government.


the advantages of building casinos in Hong Kong.

my opposition to build mental hospitals in Shatin.


the activities of the Science Club and students to become our members.

that heritage preservation can co-exist with economic development.

one-sided argumentative essay 句式

one-sided argumentative essay 句式

之前小編有些一篇argumentative essay文章,裡面有詳細講述有什麼 句式 好用。

one-sided argumentative essay topics

one-sided argumentative essay topics

one-sided argumentative essay 的主題大多都是一些社會議題

  • Should social media platforms be banned from collecting their users’ data?
  • Should companies have to hire human workers overusing autonomous machines?
  • Should cell phones be banned from vehicles?
  • Has the internet made society better?
  • Should parents limit screen time for kids?

One-sided argumentative essay DSE sample

One-sided argumentative essay DSE sample

To raise public awareness of healthy eating, some countries now require food manufacturers to put warning labels on foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and salt.

²  Write an argumentative essay.

²  Argue either for or against the effectiveness of food warning labels in changing people’s eating habits.

Food warning labels – an exercise of futility

Paragraph 1 介紹

With the of junk foods containing , their effects have sparked concerns in our society. In order to and , some the legislation requiring food producers to .

While this idea is , it would only be owing to the hectic lifestyles of , the human of tasty food and the effective marketing campaigns by .

Paragraph 2 論點一

First and foremost, our fast-paced lifestyles will in .

As everyone knows, the urban dwellers all over the world face workload. Whereas are confronted with piles of paperwork and virtual meetings every day, need to shoulder the burden of doing household chores and taking care of . Visiting supermarkets and department stores, most of them would avoid wasting time and would like to complete their shopping routines as soon as possible.

Apparently, is unlikely to their shopping routines and hence . After hours of , are so physically and mentally that they will not even . would be impatient to compare the of of each and every brand of food products one by one, especially as their nutritional knowledge is limited.

As a result, the policy can hardly and .

Paragraph 3 論點二

, the of human beings for food will also prevent the success of .

After working for a whole day, it is natural for us to eat mouth-watering food to reward ourselves. Socializing with our loved ones, we food so as to maximize our . In many cases, it has been widely reported in newspapers and on TV programmes that the foods we savour . However, so are we that we continue eating them given their better taste compared with healthier food.  

Even with the of food manufacturers to insert warning labels on their products, it will be highly likely that we will simply ignore them. . .

As we can see, the human of craving will blind our and .

Paragraph 4 論點三

It is also worth noting that the marketing campaigns held by food manufacturers will the in our .

In a where consumer behaviour is advertisement, the real world and the virtual world are full of marketing campaigns promoting unhealthy food. More often than not, we the slogans and the by our favourite celebrities and neglect the harmful effects by the junk food.

In spite of the , it can be foreseen that since the will utilize to . Obviously, they are far more eye-catching than the and predictable . by the charming faces of and and ignore the high sugar levels of the traditional Chinese delicacy. When we consume , we will simply be enticed by the ingredients demonstrated on the billboards at MTR stations and the advertisements on billboards and forget the fact that they contain excessive saturated fats. When we watch our favourite soccer teams fighting for glory in the English Premier League and the Champions League at midnight, we cannot help but gobble up potato chips while ignoring on the packages.

Clearly, effective marketing campaigns by will the impact of and render ineffective in .

Paragraph 5 總結

To conclude, on account of our lifestyles and the attractiveness of junk food as well as advertisement campaigns.

Instead of , the government should pass legislations that food products can contain in the future. Only through this can the of the general public truly be .

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港大 9A 狀元 Ms Priscilla


2021 DSE English Paper 2 題目、5** 答案【狀元 5** 範文】

​2021 dse english paper 2 part a, question 1 (short task).

2021 DSE English Paper 2 Part B

Question 5 (範文更新中)

Question 7 (+5**範文)

​DSE 作文 常見樽頸位?如何解決?

訂閱 電子報 ( 免費 接收 5** DSE 範文)

了解 DSE 備考課程 (7 科 5** 狀元之選)

2022 dse english paper 2

You are helping your school organise the annual school fair. You have been asked to make an announcement about the event during the morning assembly.

Use the poster below to help you write your announcement. In your announcement:

Introduce the event.

Describe some of the activities that will take place.

Let students know how they can help out.

dse english writing

​2021 DSE English Paper 2 Part B

Choose ONE question and write about 400 words.

Learning English through Social Issues

Although studies show electric cars are more environmentally friendly than petrol cars, less than 3% of all vehicles sold in 2020 worldwide were electric.

Write a letter to editor of Hong Kong Post .

Discuss why sales of electric vehicles are so low.

Suggest what can be done to attract more people to drive these vehicles.

Learning English through Workplace Communication

You work in the sales department at Fast Fashion, an online company that sells clothes. Recently, you have received a number of complaints from customers about the company’s no-exchange/no-refund policy.

Write an email to the sales manager.

Explain why you think this policy should be changed.

Suggest what changes could be made.

Discuss ways to prevent customers from taking advantage of the new policy.

Learning English through Sports Communication

You are a professional athlete looking for a career change. You have seen the job vacancy shown below and would like to apply for the position of Assistant Coach.

Write a job application letter to the Human Resources Manager.

Introduce yourself and your athletic history.

Explain your interest and suitability for the job.

Learning English through Debating

A social media influencer is a person who is paid by a company to promote goods and services through their social media networks.

Surveys show that a majority of millennials trust the advice of social media influencer over traditional media advertisements.

Write an argumentative essay.

Discuss whether social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements.

Give reasons to support your point of view.

Learning English through Popular Culture

You took part in a social media challenge called ‘The 21-day Gratitude Challenge’. For three weeks, you kept a journal about the things you were thankful for on a daily basis.

After completing the challenge, participants are invited to share their experience on the 21-day Gratitude Challenge website.

Write a blog post.

Explain why you accepted this challenge and what you hoped to achieve.

Reflect on the 21 days and whether taking on this challenge has changed you in any way.

Learning English through Short Stories

You are joining a short story contest organised by a book shop.

Write a scary story about a security guard on duty one night.

Use the pictures to help you write your story. You can use the pictures in any order.

dse english writing

The hours passed by uneventfully, and boredom started to creep in. Fred couldn't help but stifle a yawn while Dave fought against the drowsiness threatening to overpower him. Just as the monotony reached its peak, an alarm pierced through the silence, jolting them both from their slumber-like state.

Fred, wide-eyed and alert, sprang into action. "Dave! Wake up! We've got an alarm!" he shouted, nudging his sleep-addled colleague.

Dave blinked groggily, rubbing his eyes. "What? Alarm? What's going on?"

Fred sighed impatiently. "We have to check it out, Dave. Stay awake!"

Grabbing their walkie-talkies, they prepared to venture out into the unknown. Fred glanced at Dave's tired face and added, "You stay here, Dave. Keep an eye on the screens. I'll go investigate."

With a nod, Dave replied, "Alright, be careful out there, Fred."

As Fred stepped into the dimly lit corridor, he clutched his walkie-talkie tightly. The flickering lights overhead created eerie shadows, causing him to shiver involuntarily. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves, but just then, the walkie-talkie emitted an ear-piercing scream.

Startled, Fred almost dropped the device. "What in the world? Who's there? Can you hear me?" he exclaimed, holding the walkie-talkie close to his ear.

Amidst the piercing screams, a frightened voice managed to break through the chaos. "Help... please... something... can't..." a girl desperately cried.

Fred's heart raced as he strained to decipher the terrified pleas. "Hold on! I'm coming! Just stay on the line!" He shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

As he followed his hunch and walked toward the end of the corridor, Fred's mind raced with concern for the girl on the other end of the walkie-talkie. "Almost there." he muttered to himself.

Finally, he reached a metallic exit door, his hand trembling as he pushed it open. The screaming stopped all of a sudden. And to his surprise, he discovered a walkie-talkie lying on the floor, abandoned and silent. His brows furrowed in confusion as he scanned the empty room.

"Anyone?" Fred called out, his voice echoing through the eerie silence. But there was no response, only the chilling emptiness of the room.

An unsettling feeling settled over Fred as he pondered the disappearance of the screaming girl. "Where did she go? How did she vanish into thin air?" he wondered.

Fred were baffled with more questions than answers. With a heavy heart, he picked up the walkie-talkie on floor and retraced his steps back to the security room.

To this day, the story of the girl's disappearance remains a haunting mystery within the government headquarters. And whenever Fred walks those dark corridors, he can't help but feel a chill down his spine, a constant reminder that some secrets are meant to remain shrouded in darkness.


Learning English through Poems and Songs

You read this poem in class and your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the theme of friendship.

New Friends and Old Friends

Make new friends, but keep the old.

One is silver, the other is gold.

Friendships that have stood the test –

Time and change – are surely best.

Cherish friendship in your breast –

New is good but old is best.

Joseph Parry (1841 – 1903)

Use these questions to help you write your essay:

What is the difference between old and new friendships?

Do you agree that older friendships are better than new ones?

argumentative essay sample hkdse

Learning English through Drama

You want to be a screenwriter and have an idea of a TV drama series about three generations of a family.

Write a letter to the production manager at TV-Station X.

Introduce the characters, plot and setting of your TV drama.

Explain why you think this idea would be popular with viewers.

dse english writing


針對學生英文作文時的各類痛處,以下收輯了 Ms Priscilla 學習心得和解決方法,切忌錯過!

即學「DSE 寫作格式大全」


?​ 即學「狀元百搭寫法」

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2022 dse english paper 2

【DSE Eng Paper 2】DSE English Writing 英文作文技巧、寫作格式、提示詞 #附範例

2022 DSE English Paper 2 題目、5** 答案【狀元 5** 範文】

2023 DSE English Paper 2 題目、5** 答案【狀元 5** 範文】

argumentative essay sample hkdse

DSE English – Paper 2 Exam Analysis

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperInter-school debating contestReport for school newsletter
• Describe the topic for debate
• How the team performed
• Which team won the competition
• What the prize was
Data unavailable
Practice paper“Nuclear power is the best source of energy for the future”Debate speechData unavailable
2012Recruiting school debating club membersSpeech in the school assembly
• Explain the activities the debating club organizes
• Benefits of being in the club
• Importance in life of being a good debater
8.5% (24.56)
2013People making unreasonable complaintsLetter to the editor
• Describe the situation which some people complained about
• Outline the point of view of the complainants
• Indicate why they are unreasonable
6.3% (22.66)
2014Limited access to school lockersFormal letter to the school Principal
• Persuade her to change the policy on lockers as the chairperson of the SU
34% (18)
2015Land use of undeveloped harbor front areaLetter to the editor
• State the opinion either for or against leaving the area open for public use
• Give three reasons
7.1% (24.69)
2016Parents installing apps on children’s mobile phones that monitor their activitiesLetter to the editor
• State whether you agree with the parents' actions
• Give three reasons
20.6% (22.6)
2017“Watching TV makes us smarter”Debate speech
• Give three reasons
12.0% (21.46)
2018“The policy of reporting students’ class position should be abolished”Debate speech
• Argue either for or against the motion
9% (26.1)
2019“Do social media platforms encourage or stifle public debate?”Argumentative essay
• Choose one side of the argument and state your position
• Give reasons and evidence
9.4% (23.3)
2020Warning labels on foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and saltArgumentative essay
• Argue either for or against the effectiveness of food warning labels in changing people’s eating habits
20% (24.9)
2021Social media influencersArgumentative essay
• Discuss whether social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements
12% (23.3)
Four-day school week
Letter to the President of the PTA (Parent-Teacher Association)
• State your opinion either for or against a four-day school week
• Give reasons to support your view 
Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperDisastrous school play performanceReview
• Describe what the play was about
• Explain what went wrong on the night
Data unavailable
Practice paperDrama rehearsalDiary entry
• Describe what happened at the rehearsal
• Whether it was a success
• What you need to improve before the next rehearsal
Data unavailable
2012Incorporating drama into English lessonsForum post
• Explain the (lack of) educational benefits of the use of drama
• Share experience of learning through drama
7.8% (19.14)
2013Betraying best friendDiary entry
• Describe an instance of betrayal
• Make reference to the plot of Julius Caesar
2.7% (15.31)
2014Poor behaviour during a drama performanceFormal email to Drama Club members
• Describe the complaint received
• Explain what behaviour is prohibited/encouraged and reasons
3.9% (12.92)
2015Elderly realizing their dreamsStory
• Describe the elderly realizing their dreams
6.5% (17.78)
2016Studying at HKAPAPersonal email
• Convince parents to support the decision to study at HKAPA instead of another institution
7.3% (19.5)
2017Romantic love and happy marriageEssay
• Define romantic love and happy marriage
• Explain why romantic love is (not) necessary for a happy marriage
1.6% (19.09)
2018Showing video-recordings of live drama performancesMagazine feature article
• Explain why the video-recordings are (not) a good way to attract more people to watch stage plays
2% (18.4)
2019New CinderellaFilm review
• Brief description of the plot
• How the characters are portrayed
• Why the director wanted to make this film
4.3% (20.5)
2020Chinese OperaBlog post
• Describe your experience watching Chinese Opera in the new Xiqu Centre in West Kowloon Cultural District
• Describe the impact it had on you
6% (17.4)
2021A new TV drama series about three generations of a familyFormal letter to the production manager
• Introduce the characters, plot and setting
• Explain why the idea would be popular with viewers
1.5% (16.9)
The hero and the villain
Journal entry
• Reflect on which role you preferred playing
• Explain the reasons 

Poems & Songs

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperA poem advertising a restaurantPersonal letter
• Comment on the things you like best about his poem
• What could be improved to make the advertisement more effective
Data unavailable
Practice paperFoul language in songs and freedom of speechLetter to the editor
• Explain why songs which contain foul language do not have a negative influence on society
• Explain how songs are just a means of expressions under freedom of speech
Data unavailable
2012First performance at a music festivalBlog post
• Describe the performance
• How you felt
• The atmosphere
• The things you could have done better
8.8% (16.3)
• Explain how time can slip away if you don’t make good use of it
• Explain how to make good use of time
• Need to refer to the song
4.7% (20.76)
2014Hong Kong Schools Poetry FestivalSchool magazine feature article
• How you prepared for the competition
• What you learned from this experience
3.3% (16.04)
2015Language arts festivalFormal letter to the Central Library
• Suggest two interesting activities
• Explain how these activities would increase students’ interest in learning English
2.5% (15.68)
• Explain how importance it is for us to acknowledge the challenges we face and find ways to cope with them
• Need to use relevant personal examples
• Need to refer to the quote
2.4% (21.7)
2017OpportunitiesBlog post
• Write about one opportunity that you missed
• One opportunity that you took
• Need to refer to the song
3.1% (21.23)
2018Summer poetry workshopLetter of application
• Explain why you are interested in participating in the workshop
• Why you should be selected to take part in this workshop
1% (10.7)
• Discuss what a critic does
• How to give criticism
• Ways to respond to criticism
• Need to refer to the quote
3.7% (23.6)
2020Best New ArtistFeature article in a magazine
• Report on Zoe’s sudden rise to fame
• Report on where the ideas behind her songs came from
5% (24.1)
2021New friends and old friendsEssay
• What is the difference between old and new friendships?
• Are older friendships better than new ones?
4.5% (17.3)
Bio for a musical group
Artist biography
•Background information about the group
•Style of music
•Plans for the future

Popular Culture

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperPlanning a special birthday event for one of your parents on a reality showPersonal letter
• Describe the event was organized
• How your parent felt about it being shown on TV
Data unavailable
Practice paperProposing a reality TV show for school TV networkProposal
• Theme and content of the show
• Why this would be popular with students
• How to make it appealing to viewers
Data unavailable
2012Cosmetic surgery and obsession with physical beautyLetter to the editor7.3% (26.28)
2013Popularity of Asian stars in Western countriesArticle for school newspaper
• Reasons for the rise
16.0% (20.78)
2014Stand-up comedy showArticle for school magazine
• Describe the show
• Discuss the challenges performers might face
• How students can benefit from watching it
4.4% (18.92)
2015Fewer people going to cinemas than beforeReport
• Reasons
• Suggestions
5.9% (22.46)
2016Proposing a Youth Festival to showcase youth trends in Hong KongProposal
• Suggest 1 or 2 trends
• Ways to present
3.1% (13.2)
2017Protecting intangible cultural heritage (traditional egg tarts or mahjong)Letter to the editor
• Reasons why we should protect
• Ways to protect
20.1% (19.42)
2018Trend of athleisureArticle for local newspaper
• Reasons for the rise
9% (23.6)
2019Getting information about the latest trends in pop cultureArticle for Young Post
• Sources of information about the latest trends
27.5% (21.1)
2020Hong Kong’s housing estates becoming Instagram spotsEssay
• What attracts Instagrammers to Hong Kong’s housing estates
• How residents feel about this
22% (22.3)
2021The 21-day Gratitude ChallengeBlog post
• Why you accepted this challenge
• What you hoped to achieve
• Reflect on the 21 days and whether taking on this challenge has changed you
11% (24.6)
YouTube channel from a teenage perspective
Article for Teen Magazine
•Why you started this channel
•What you have learned in the process

Short Stories

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperChanges in Hong KongPersonal letter
• Describe the changes in Hong Kong
• How you feel about them
Data unavailable
Practice paperWhat makes a good short storySchool magazine article
• Explain why you found the talk interesting
• What you learnt
Data unavailable
2012Poor brother driving an expensive sports carShort story
• Explain how you found out the truth
10.9% (17.9)
2013Vandals hit museumShort story
• Explain why the masterpieces were damaged
3.2% (19.62)
2014Roommate’s sudden departureShort story
• Describe the events that led to your roommate’s sudden departure
• Explain why your roommate suddenly left the hall
6.8% (17.01)
2015Meet the authorFormal email to a teacher
• Explain why you have selected the author
• Suggest activities the author can either lead or help with
2.8% (15.01)
2016Revenge is sweetShort story
• Explain why the protagonist took revenge
4.0% (17.1)
2017WildlifeShort story
• Describe the events leading to a lion climbing up a kitchen stove
5.3% (18.34)
2018Open bird cageShort story
• Describe the events leading to the open bird cage
• Describe the events that take place afterwards
11% (18.7)
2019The New Tortoise and the HareShort story
• Describe the race
• Include the ending that the two characters team up to race against other contestants and win
• Include a message for the story
11.6% (16.7)
2020Disappearing staff in a research stationShort story
• Write the first chapter only of a story based on the scenario
4% (23.6)
2021Scary story about a security guard on duty at nightShort story
• Write a scary story based on four pictures provided: two people in the security room, a security guard falling asleep, alarm ringing, security guard patrolling (in any order)
9% (19)
Story about survival in nature
Short story
•Write a story about a hiker who got caught in a storm while hiking in the mountains

Social Issues

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperAbusing petsFormal letter to SPCA
• Show concern
• Give details of any incidents of abuse
• Suggest some measure to ensure the welfare of the pets and say why they are urgent
Data unavailable
Practice paperThe joys of being a teenager in Hong KongSpeech for a conferenceData unavailable
2012Mental healthMagazine feature article
• Describe the friend’s depression
• How he/she overcame it
• Give advice on how to help fight depression
31.4% (24.84)
2013Private school bus service operators not following proper safety proceduresFormal letter to the Bus Operators Association
• Express concerns
• Give three recommendations for how private school bus services can be improved
17.7% (20.92)
2014Filming movies in the city centreLetter to the editor
• Give opinion
• Give three reasons
19.8% (20.74)
2015Sending children to other countries to complete schoolingSchool magazine article
• Examine two reasons for the phenomenon
• Discuss the impact of this on local schools and on children who leave to study overseas
42.9% (22.05)
2016“Hong Kong’s Disappearing Street Life”Essay
• Focus on one aspect of local street life or culture that is fast disappearing
• Suggest why it is worth preserving
5.2% (18.7)
2017Hong Kong NEETsReport
• Explain why the number of NEETs in HK is rising
• Suggest what can be done to help these youths
• Give reasons to support suggestions
39.9% (22.2)
2018Parental intervention in choosing careerLetter of advice for a teen magazine52.3% (22)
2019Hiring international talentsEssay
• Explain some benefits and challenges international talent brings to HK
• Ways to ensure that people from local community are not neglected
28% (24.2)
2020Small independent stationery shops in Hong Kong closingNews report
• Explain the trend
• Discuss whether independent stationery shops can survive
22% (23.4)
2021Low sales of electric darsLetter to the editor
• Discuss why sales of electric vehicles are so low
• Suggest what can be done to attract more people to drive these vehicles
44% (24.0)
Young people's lack of interest in traditional art forms
Letter to the editor

Sports Communication

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperTaking up motorbike racing as a hobbyInformal letter
• Explain why you are worried about the hobby
• Persuade him to take up a different sport
• Give reasons for the recommendation
Data unavailable
Practice paperremoving PE lessons from the curriculumFormal letter to the Secretary of Education
• Express your views
Data unavailable
2012Doing virtual sports versus real sportsOnline post in a health e-magazine
• Write your views
14.1% (19.3)
2013Producing a program about a local HK sporting eventFormal email to a teacher
• Suggest a sporting event
• Explain what would be included in the program
• Outline how to make the program interesting to schoolmates
17.4% (12.23)
2014Requesting donation of old equipment from a fitness centreFormal letter to a fitness centre
• Describe how the donation could benefit the school and the fitness centre
14% (17.33)
2015Disappointing PE lessonsFormal letter to the Principal
• Explain why the classmates are unhappy about existing PE lessons
• Suggest some activities that could be introduced in the future PE lessons
• Explain why students would prefer them
26.8% (17.36)
2016Using sports facilities after school hoursLetter to the editor
• State the opinion
• Give three reasons
34.1% (19.5)
2017Dancers are athletesSchool magazine article
• as a member of the dancing team
• Write about physical strength and skills
• Self-discipline and training
7.4% (16.9)
2018Hong Kong MarathonBlog entry (on HK Marathon website)
• Encourage other young people to take part in the next marathon
23% (20.8)
2019Unexpected incidence during the final game of the seasonNews report
• Describe the incident and what happened afterwards
• Include thoughts and opinions from different people involved
9.5% (18.4)
2020Proposing Dragon Boat Racing in future OlympicsFormal letter to the International Olympic Committee
• Explain how it appeals to young people
• Explain how it promotes gender equality
• Explain how it attracts media coverage
8% (20.7)
2021Professional athlete looking for a career changeJob application letter
• Introduce yourself and your athletic history
• Explain your interest and suitability for the job
8% (19.4)
Being second in the inter-school championship

Workplace Communication

Year Topic Genre & Requirements Popularity (Mean/42)
Sample paperWork experience programSchool magazine article
• Describe the experience during the “Working Week”
• The feeling about the chosen job
Data unavailable
Practice paperJob interviewPersonal email
• Offer advice on how to prepare for the interview
• What to do during the interview
Data unavailable
2012A campaign about recruiting criminals or drug addictsFormal letter
• Outline the new project
• Explain the benefits
• Persuade the businesses to join the scheme
11.1% (20.5)
2013Many people leaving the office lateCompany newsletter article
• Describe the situation
• Discuss the negative effects
• Give two suggestions to improve the situation
31.0% (22.10)
2014Summer job experiences as a costumed character performerNewspaper article
• Describe the typical working day
• The good things and bad things about the job
34% (18)
2015Handling complaints about the companyEmail to the manager
• Summarize details of a recent complaint
• Suggest three possible actions
5.0% (17.96)
2016Graduates finding a job in other cities in AsiaEssay
• Discuss your views on this suggestion
• Give three reasons
22.6% (21.7)
2017Graduates being less hard-working and less willing to face challengesLetter to the editor
• Disagree with the issue
• Give three reasons and / or examples
10.0% (20.18)
2018Complaints about work-related emails and text messages received out of officeLetter to staff
• Address the complaints
2% (20.1)
2019Designing campaign poster for a candidate running in the district council electionEmail to the council election committee
• Explain the ideas behind the designs and how they would make a good campaign theme
• Share the idea for a new design
5.3% (21.97)
2020Applying for a work transferEmail to manager
• Highlight your work experience
• Highlight why you would like to transfer
• Highlight how your transfer will benefit the organisation
13% (19.6)
2021Advocating for the cancellation of the no-exchange/no-refund policyEmail to sales manager
• Explain why the policy should be changed
• Suggest what changes could be made
• Discuss ways to prevent customers from taking advantage of the new policy
10% (21.7)
Opening a café vs. accepting a promotion at current company
Letter of advice for a job magazine

Trends in text types

Genre Specific text type Frequency Year & Question number
Expositionfeature article18SPQ8, PPQ3, 12Q1, 12Q9, 13Q6, 13Q7, 14Q1, 14Q6, 14Q7, 14Q8, 15Q4, 16Q3, 17Q8, 18Q6, 18Q7, 19Q5, 20Q7, 22Q2
Expositionformal letter14SPQ9, PPQ6, 12Q8, 13Q4, 14Q2, 14Q5, 15Q2, 15Q8, 17Q1, 18Q3, 20Q4, 20Q5, 21Q9, 22Q9
Expositionletter to the editor12PPQ4, 12Q6, 13Q5, 14Q4, 15Q1, 15Q5, 16Q2, 16Q4, 17Q5, 17Q9, 21Q2, 22Q5
Expositionspeech7PPQ9, 12Q5, 13Q8, 16Q1, 19Q7, 21Q1, 22Q4
Expositionformal email613Q2, 14Q3, 15Q6, 15Q9, 19Q8, 21Q3
16Q5, 16Q8, 17Q4, 19Q2, 20Q2, 21Q8
Expositionletter of advice4SPQ2, PPQ8, 18Q4, 22Q3
Expositiondebate speech3PPQ7, 17Q6, 18Q5
Expositionpersonal letter3SPQ4, SPQ6, SPQ7
Expositionreview3SPQ3, 19Q6, 20Q1
Expositionargumentative essay319Q3, 20Q6, 21Q5
Expositionproposal2PPQ5, 16Q7
Expositionreport215Q7, 17Q7
Expositionforum post212Q2, 12Q3
Expositionletter of application218Q8, 21Q4
Expositioninformation poster1PPQ1
Expositionpersonal email116Q9
Expositionparents’ letter118Q1
Expositionnews report120Q3
Artist biography
Narrativeshort story1112Q7, 13Q9, 14Q9, 15Q3, 16Q6, 17Q3, 18Q9, 19Q9, 20Q8, 21Q7, 22Q8
travel guide
Recountblog post512Q4, 17Q2, 18Q2, 20Q9, 21Q6
Recountnews report3SPQ1, SPQ5, 19Q4
Recountdiary/journal entry3
PPQ2, 13Q3, 22Q7
Recountphoto descriptions113Q1
Recountyearbook entry119Q1

Average Score of Different Electives

Property 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Average
Social Issues24.8420.9220.7422.0518.722.22224.223.42422.3
Popular Culture26.2820.7818.9222.4613.219.4223.621.122.324.621.3
Workplace Communication20.522.11817.9621.720.1820.121.9719.621.720.4
Poems & Songs16.320.7616.0415.6821.721.2310.723.624.117.318.7
Short Stories17.919.6217.0115.0117.118.3418.716.723.61918.3
Sports Communication19.312.2317.3317.3619.516.920.818.420.719.418.2

English language & literature

2021 dse english writing question 5 (sample).

5. Learning English through Debating

A social media influencer is a person who is paid by a company to promote goods and services through their social media networks. Surveys show that a majority of millennials trust the advice of social media influencer over a traditional media advertisements. Write an argumentative essay. 

  • Discuss whether social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements. 
  • Give reasons to support your point of view.

Social Media Influencer More Preferable

Thanks to the technological advancement, social media has become indispensable in our modern life. It helps connect people around the world and influences what information they share and receive and thus their thoughts and behaviours. Due to the powerful influence of social media, some industry experts choose to promote and sell specific goods and services through their social media networks. Because of their professional knowledge and insights, their opinions greatly affect their followers’ purchase decision and behaviour. Therefore, some of them have become social media influencers. According to a recent survey, a majority of millennials trust the advice of social media influencers over traditional media advertisements. In my opinion, this phenomenon is justifiable. The following arguments will explain the reasons why social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements.

In the first place, social media influencers are more trustworthy than traditional media advertisements because they demonstrate professional knowledge over the goods and services they choose to promote to their target customers. Most of them have achieved professional insights and accumulated solid experience in their own industry. They are willing to share and communicate with their audience their expertise and professional opinion in respect of certain goods and services. As a result, they have gained trust and confidence from their followers. For example, Gloria Tsang, an experienced nutritionist and dietician, has gained widespread credibility from her numerous Facebook and Instagram followers by sharing her professional opinion on how to keep fit through healthy eating and how to choose healthy food through reading nutrition labels. Gloria’s choice of and recommendation on certain brands of food is highly respected and adopted by her audience. On the contrary, traditional media advertisements, usually in the form of celebrity endorsement, are less persuasive because they only rely on the positive image and popularity of the celebrities to attract customers’ attention and to raise the awareness of and the status of the goods and services promoted. The celebrities are not necessarily experts in the products and services promoted. Therefore, social media influencers are more trustworthy.

Second, social media influencers have a more authentic relationship with their target customers than traditional media advertisements. In order to maintain trust and credibility among their followers, social media influencers tend to promote good and services which they have used and preferred by themselves. Social media influencers will not risk losing their hard-won long-term credibility by selling poorly-performing products and services in favour of short-term interests. However, traditional media advertisements in general lack sincerity and authenticity because it is uncertain whether the celebrities actually use or prefer the products and services they endorse. 

Lastly, social media influencers are more transparent than traditional media advertisements. The former has a two-way communication with their audience while the latter is only a one-way communication. As social media users can leave their comments and reviews on the products and services recommended by the social media influencers, in order to avoid any misunderstandings and doubts about their credibility, social media influencers usually actively engage and interact with their target audience. The two-way communication deepens the trust between the social media influencers and their followers which traditional media advertisements can never achieve.

In short, compared to traditional media advertisements, social media influencers are more trustworthy in terms of their professionalism, integrity, sincerity and transparency.

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DSE英文作文格式 -17個寫作題材 format及貼士

 【dse英文作文格式 】這個寫作系列將會包含以下文體:.

1. ESSAY – 有分 one-sided / two-sided argumentative essays 兩種,同學要小心審題,用正確的格式寫一篇 essay。 2. LEAFLET – 一般是 informal的文章體裁,需要用很多具有說服力的語言。 3. LETTER OF ADVICE – 英文建議信一般是寫給朋友或者一些認識的人,一般是 informal 的,要獲取高分,必須要提供實用建議! 4. LETTER OF COMPLAINT – 英文投訴信一般是 formal 的文章體裁,需要清楚列明投訴的事情,和希望他們改善的建議,語氣必須要嚴厲一些又要保持適當的禮貌。

  5. LETTER TO THE EDITOR – 同學們要注意 Letter to the Editor 是絕對不是 Editorial! Letter to the Editor 是普羅大眾寫給報章,希望透過報章的影響力,抒發自己對社會事情的一些意見,是 formal 的文章。 6. PROPOSAL – 英文建議書,這個文章體裁也有兩種寫法: 一種是要以書信形式提交這個建議書,另一種是好像 report 一樣,需要有正式的 Heading, 把具體的建議,正式提交給一個比你高級的人。 7. REPLY TO A LETTER OF COMPLAINT – 這種文章體裁一般是paper 3 Integrated 用的,一般在 data file 會出現一封投訴信,然後有人,例如你的老闆,叫你去回覆這個投訴信之類,這種回覆投訴信需要很高技巧,因為一般要道歉,然後又要澄清自己有沒有錯的情況,很多同學很難掌握這個文章體裁的 tone。 8. REPORT – 這個是極之formal的文章,但是要注意的是寫英文報告,必須要以一個中立的立場去表達和報道事情,所以不能用強烈意見的語言去表達,當然除了最後的 suggestion 一段。 9. SPEECH – 英文演講稿其實不難寫,因為有很多寫作手法可以幫到大家,看看我的10個貼士,再看看我的英文演講稿 model essays, 希望對你們有用吧!

  10. ARTICLE – 這一種文體比較 tricky, 其實 article 即是 feature article, 一般是刊登在報章雜誌之類的,同學要多看現實生活的 articles 或者我提供的模範文章,希望掌握到應該用 tone and style。 11. BOOK REVIEW – 這種寫作問題一般不會在考試用,  但是 SBA 應該有機會寫這種,所以加插在這個網站內。 12. EDITORIAL – 之前有提及過了,絕對不要和 letter to the editor 混淆,Editorial 是報章的最高層,最有力的 editor 寫的一篇文章,是代表報館立場的,是極之 formal 的文章體裁。 13. PROFILE – 這種文章一般不會在公開試中出現,因為實在有太多可以背的因素,但是有時候也會在 Paper 3 Integrated 出現!除此之外,就是一般學校會教,你們為了應付學校考試要學這種文章體裁! 14. STORY – 寫英文故事看似簡單,其實要高分非常困難,一般考試寫故事的同學基本上有非常深厚的英文功力! 但是用這種文章體裁奪取 Level 4 對很多同學來說壓力沒有其他的大,可以即管試一試! 15. DEBATE SPEECH – 英文辯論稿,如果認真溫習英文的同學,這一種文章體裁就是需要花點時間記住格式的一種,因為辯論稿總有一定的格式和詞語要運用到,考試前沒有準備的話,最好不要寫這一個文章體裁。 16. TWO-SIDED ESSAY – 其實最簡單分辨 one-side 還是 two-sided essay, 關鍵在於 two-sided essay 問題中一般有這個字 ‘Discuss’。 17. BLOG – 這一種文章體裁,像寫英文故事一樣,看似容易,但是要獲取高分,認真要多一點功力!

DSE英文作文格式 17個

【DSE English Writing Paper 2】Editorial格式

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【DSE 英文】Feature Article 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

【DSE 英文】Feature Article 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

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【DSE 英文】How to reply to a letter of complaint 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

【DSE 英文】Leaflet 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

【DSE 英文】Leaflet 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

DSE 英文】One-sided Argumentative Essay 格式

【DSE 英文】One-sided Argumentative Essay 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

【DSE 英文】Proposal格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

【DSE 英文】Proposal格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

【DSE 英文】Report 格式 - DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

【DSE 英文】Report 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

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【DSE 英文】Speech 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips 英文卷二技巧

DSE 英文】Two-sided Argumentative Essay 格式

【DSE 英文】Two-sided Argumentative Essay 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

Invitation letter for event DSE Letter of Invitation 格式

【Invitation letter for event 1】DSE Letter of Invitation 格式

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【英文 Paper 2】A Letter to the Editor 格式 – DSE English Paper 2 English Writing Tips

DSE English Paper 3 - Profile Writing 人物簡介格式

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