Self-Sufficient Kids

10 Responsibilities at Home That Make Kids Feel Capable and Significant

These ten children’s responsibilities at home encourage a helping mindset in kids.

boy cooking on stove as mother looks on - one of the ten responsibilities at home that make kids feel capable and significant

Kids  want  to have responsibilities at home.

“Really?!” you may be thinking.

But ultimately it’s true. 

More than anything kids want to feel capable and significant in their family and the world.

And responsibilities at home can help achieve this.

Consider the opposite for a moment – a home where parents do everything for their child. While the motive of these parents comes from a sense of love, the message the child receives is that they’re incapable of doing anything on their own.

When parents encourage their kids to be responsible, they’re sending the opposite message – that their child is capable. And as a contributor to the family household and chores, a child also gains a sense of pride and significance.

That’s not to say that kids’ don’t resist taking on responsibilities. They often do. But the long term benefits of encouraging kids to be responsible outweigh the in-the-moment resistance. 

responsibility of a child at home essay

10 Responsibilities kids can do at home 

Below are ten responsibilities your child can begin doing now, by varying age-appropriate degrees:

#1 – Pick up messes

One of the first responsibilities parents encourage from their toddlers is to pick up toys after playing with them. While toddlers will never excel at picking up their own messes, asking them to help begins to encourage a responsible mindset. Parents can encourage toddlers to clean up other messes too such as cleaning up spills on counters or floors.

Young kids will continue to need encouragement and support from their parents to clean up messes. It’s important to keep in mind that clean-up projects that appear simple to adults may be overwhelming to kids. They’ll need guidance and support to help figure out how to complete the task successfully.

As our children mature into teenagers, it’s tempting to assume they should know better than to leave dirty socks on the living room floor or messy dishes on the kitchen table. Criticizing teens for not “knowing better” will only discourage them. Instead, work with your teen to problem solve how they can remind themselves to pick up messes. Change may not happen overnight but positive encouragement should eventually motivate teens to self-correct. 

      See related:  7 Tips to Help You Begin Toddler Chores Successfully

#2 – Take care of pets

Pets can add so much joy and excitement to a family home and also provide a  great opportunity for kids to demonstrate real responsibility.  After all, your child’s contribution to taking care of your pet directly impacts the pet’s wellbeing. 

Pets need to be given nourishment daily and each type of pet has other requirements such as daily exercise, cage cleaning, claw clipping or maintaining the right PH of a water tank, as a few examples.

School-age children can help support parents in pet care, by placing a bowl of food down for the pet, for example. Older kids can be expected to contribute more by feeding a pet independently or cleaning a cage. 

But parents need to keep in mind that expecting young kids to care for pets independently, with no prior practice, is unreasonable. Kids will still need coaching and support. 

Before acquiring a pet it’s always important to assess how much care the animal needs and whether or not your family can successfully care for it. 

      See Related: Looking for The Best Family Pet? (Consider One of These)

#3 – Maintain a neat bedroom

Kids’ bedrooms are the one room in the house that belong to them. Even if kids share a bedroom with a sibling, it’s still a space in the house they have some possession over.

And while maintaining a neat bedroom is an opportunity for kids to demonstrate responsibility, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the cleanliness kids are capable of at different ages. The majority of children can’t be expected to maintain a perfectly neat room all the time. 

In order to really let our kids be responsible for maintaining a neat bedroom, it’s important to let them have a voice in how this task will be accomplished. Dictating to kids when and how their rooms should be cleaned will only discourage them from learning how to achieve this goal independently.

Instead, work alongside toddlers and young children to clean up the room. As you do this, you’ll be modeling what it takes to keep a room tidy. As kids get older and more independent, discuss with them their plan to maintain a neat bedroom. It can also be helpful to agree on specific days and times each week, for example, when the room will be organized and cleaned. 

      See Related: 5 Tips to Get Your Kids to Clean Their Messy Room

#4 – Take care of laundry

Kids of all ages are able to contribute to laundry care to some extent.

Toddlers can contribute by pouring detergent into the machine, loading clothes into the dryer, pressing the start button and helping (or more like “helping”) fold clean clothes, socks or other small clothing items.

As kids get a little older, they can be given the responsibility of folding and putting away their own clothes, after parents clean them. 

Around age ten, children can be taught how to clean and dry their own laundry in addition to putting clothes away. Kids will need a lot of help and guidance when learning this skill, and probably a few reminders to do their laundry. 

With lots of practice, teens will (for the most part) be capable of completely taking over this task themselves, allowing them to confidently take care of their clothes independently. 

      See related: How to Teach Kids to Do Their Laundry Independently

#5 – Make their own meals

Cooking and preparing meals can be a fun activity for kids. And over time, as kids grow in their independence, they can begin to do these activities on their own.

Toddlers can help with meal prep in small ways such as taking food off of shelves, getting their own dishes, and helping to place food on plates.

Older kids can begin to learn how to cook with supervision, use child knives to cut vegetables, prepare their own breakfasts, and pack their own school lunches .

Tweens and teens, with instruction, can use real knives and cook on the stove. As they progress in their skills, older kids can be given the responsibility of making one dinner a week , if the schedule permits. Or simply cook or bake independently when they feel like it.

      See Related: Teach Kids to Cook by Age and Ability

#6 – Have an allowance

Giving kids an allowance, and making them responsible for certain expenses, teaches real life responsibilities in budgeting, saving, and spending judiciously. 

Kids won’t be ready to take on this responsibility until they have a solid understanding of addition and subtraction and can also identify coins and bills. It’s helpful to give kids physical money when starting an allowance so they obtain a solid money sense. 

Parents should also talk to their children, and put in writing, which expenses they’re now responsible for so there’s no confusion. Common expenses kids can take over include paying for toys, art supplies, special snacks or treats, and books. 

As kids get older, they can begin to receive their allowance through a debit card such as Greenlight. This will help familiarize them with using card machines and digital money. Tweens and teens can also be responsible for bigger expenses such as clothing or gas for the car. 

      See related: How to Get Started on Kids Allowance – The Right Way

The Kids Money Management Toolkit has everything you need (except money!) to begin giving your kids an allowance. In addition to guidance and advice, you’ll also receive Save, Spend, and Share jar labels, a Kids Money Ledger, a Savings Challenge Sheet, a Jobs-for-Hire Sheet, and a Kids Allowance Contract. Click here to learn more.

child looking over kids money management toolkit and spend save share jars

#7 – Do daily chores

Having daily household chores lets kids feel they’re an integral part of maintaining the family home. 

Toddlers and preschoolers can do simple chores such as putting their dirty clothes in the hamper, helping to sweep the floor (with an age-appropriate broom) or giving the family dog his food every evening.

Older kids can take on more complicated tasks like putting away clean dishes in the dishwasher, setting the dinner table with utensils, washing windows or taking out the trash. 

The primary goal of daily chores for kids is to encourage a mindset of helping. When kids are older they can begin to genuinely contribute to housework. 

    See Related: Age-Appropriate Chore Lists by Developmental Stage

Interested in getting your kids started on chores? My four-lesson course will teach you how to get started, avoid nagging & power struggles, and keep your kids motivated. Click here or the image below to learn more.

Get Your Kids Successfully Started Course

#8 – Take part in a family cleaning day

An extension of daily chores is having kids take part in a family cleaning day. 

Setting aside one day each month (more or less) when the whole family cleans the house, can really build a sense of capability and significance in kids. 

Kids feel a sense of accomplishment (although they may never admit it! ?) when they’ve independently cleaned an entire room themselves. Or, for younger kids, have taken on specific tasks alongside their parents as they clean the house.

Younger siblings won’t be able to have a significant impact on house cleaning, but encouraging any contribution, however small, will set the stage for their contribution in later years. 

Around age seven or eight, kids can begin to clean “easy” rooms such as the living room or dining room, assuming that these rooms require little more than dusting, vacuuming and cleaning floors. Of course, children will need instruction to set them up for success and perfection can hardly be expected.

As kids enter the tween years, more can be expected of them as well as more independence. Kids at this age can begin to clean bathrooms (with instruction) and potentially clean more than one room. When siblings are involved, it’s helpful to trade off rooms each month and have in writing who is responsible for each room.

      See Related: 8 Tips for Getting Kids to Help Clean the House

#9 – Manage routines

Parents are often told to follow a routine with their young children to help with temperament and transitions.

But kids of all ages benefit from the security of routines. And starting in toddlerhood, kids can also be involved in the planning of them.

Getting kids involved in routine planning helps build kids’ time management skills and get their buy-in for certain mundane activities they’re less inclined to do.

And as kids grow older, and have responsibilities like homework or extracurricular activities, routines can help them feel a sense of order. Routines can also ensure that assignments are turned in on time and sports equipment packed for the next day.

      See Related: 6 Ways Kids Routines Encourage Independence and Bring Sanity to Your Life

#10 – Take part in gift giving 

Giving a gift to someone else, whether it’s a friend, sibling, relative or neighbor, helps build a sense of selflessness in kids.

Kids of any age can help pick out gifts, wrap them, and give them to the recipient. Kids can also make their own special gifts and draw or write cards.

Receiving a gift is also an opportunity for children to learn graciousness through a “thank you” when receiving the gift and later, writing a thank you card. 

      See Related: Mindful Gift Giving in Families Shapes Children’s Values

Ready to teach your child life skills? These cards can help! Each card in this eighty-one deck contains a skill your child can begin practicing with you or on their own. Click here or the image below to learn more.

child hand holding life skills cards

See Related:

How to Raise Responsible Kids – Not Just Obedient Ones

How to Stop Doing Everything for Your Kids and Teach Responsibility

How to Raise Responsible Kids Who Want to Help

6 Tips for Teaching Responsibility to Children: a Step-by-Step Guide

What to do next…

1. subscribe to self-sufficient kids’ email list., 2. take one of my quizzes.

Find out if you’re raising a self-sufficient kid ( click here ) or if you’re doing too much for your kids ( click here ). At the end of each quiz, you’ll be asked to provide your email address to see the results.

3. Get your kids started on chores.

Learn how to get your child started on chores (& keep them motivated + avoid power struggles) by enrolling in my Get Your Kids Successfully Started on Chores course. Click here to learn more and sign up.

responsibility of a child at home essay

About Kerry Flatley

Hi! I’m Kerry, the mother of two girls and a certified parent educator. I believe it is possible for parents to have a supportive, loving, and warm relationship with their kids while raising them to be independent and ultimately self-sufficient. Over the years, I’ve read numerous books and articles that support this belief and I’ve put these ideas into practice with my own kids. Read more about me and Self-Sufficient Kids here.

Roles of Children in the Family: Top 7 Children Duties at Home

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: June 19, 2024
  • Post category: Scholarly Articles

Roles of Children in the Family : Family is a union of people who are either related by blood, marriage or adoption. From this definition, children can be related as family by blood or adoption. Family is the first and the smallest unit of socialization. In the family, there are certain roles and obligations which are bequeathed by norms, humanity and culture to each and every member of the family.

These roles cannot perfect the family or be perfected while being performed in isolation. In other words, in order to achieve a homely family, each and every member of the family is required to play certain roles which are culturally, morally, religiously, socially or otherwise assigned. The roles of children in the family is a very vital one of which when the demand is not met, may and in most cases does in fact affect the atmosphere and the expected homely nature of a family.

Family can either be nuclear or extended family. To whichever extent it is, the roles of children still remain applicable, although some of the roles are more particular and direct with the nuclear family. Here are some of the roles of children in the family.

Roles and duties of children at home

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Top 7 Important Duties and Roles of children in the Family 

1. Housekeeping: Housekeeping generally is the chores of maintaining a house by performing tasks which contributes to cleanliness and habitability of the house. It is the direct responsibility of the children to foresee to the cleanliness of the house. It is in fact uncultured to have the father or the mother do the cleanings whereas there are children in the house. Of course children handle chores according to their age and capability. There are certainly some kind of heavy chores which kids are not expected to perform.

roles of children in the family

Yes, in some cases the kids may be too tender to handle certain given task properly. This is where the parental role comes in because we pointed out earlier that the roles in the family cannot be perfected in isolation. Naturally, children are shown to learn vicariously. They can capture and retain what their eyes sees with ease. They also tend to adapt and get used to certain kind of chores as they grow, progress and get themselves doing it.

Therefore parents at some point and of course at the early stage of the children may be necessitated to perform certain house chores as the children keeps growing for them to master the best way around it. This does not in any way take the role and responsibility of housekeeping away from the children. It is in fact their most primary responsibility.

This very role of housekeeping has a positive contribution to the psychological and social adaptation of children as they keep growing into the existing world. They from the practice, learn the maintenance and managerial skill. They also learn neatness which is a personal and social skill. Asides the fact that this shapes them into humanity, housekeeping remains the role of children in the family.

2. Duty to Take Care of Siblings: Children has this responsibility of taking care of their siblings, especially the younger ones. This is the level at which children learn the act of humanity in their relations with other people in the society, and of course fosters love and peaceful coexistence amongst the family.

What are the responsibilities of children in the family?

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3. Duty to Protect and Uphold the Family Image: It is the role of the children to protect and uphold the image of the family. This is quite a sensitive role and most times it does not demand any positive or intentional performance. Ordinarily, every home desires a peaceful atmosphere and an honourable representation. There is not family that enjoys being tagged or associated with negativity. When the parents must have set an operational standard of the family, it behoves o the children to and uphold and protect it.

What is the main role of a child in the family?

It behoves on them to protect the image of the family by the character they exhibit within the home, in the society and in their relationship with other people. The children are expected to be loving, obedient, respectful and Godly. In fact, the children of the family are actually the benchmark for ascertaining the goodness of a family. This is a whole lot of abstract responsibility for the children.

Children are often advised to “ think home ” while taking certain decisions or engaging in certain acts. The “ think home ” phrase there is simply suggesting that the image or reputation of the family should be considered by children in their every decision. Remember that in the introduction, we pointed out that the roles of family members in the family cannot perfect the family or be perfected in isolation.

Each and every member of the family is required to perform those roles which are culturally, socially, morally, religiously or otherwise assigned to them. Therefore this duty to protect and uphold the family’s image is in fact almost impossible to be performed by the parents in a situation where the children are carefree about it. And also, its non-performance renders the family manifestly imperfect.

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4. Duty to live up to Expectation: This duty strikes with the duty to protect and uphold the family image because when children live up to expectation, they by so doing uphold the image of the family. Under this head, the children are expected to deliver. They are expected to grow in certain aspects of life.

In our society for instance, a child is not to be heard rejecting to go for a basic formal education whereas there is a willing sponsor which is always the parents. And upon such a willing sponsor, the children are expected to have a good representation in school. They have the role to acquire good grades. By so doing, they are living up to the expectation. Children who do not live up to the reasonable expectation of a growing child can be said to be underperforming. This would of course not be a thing the family would be proud of.

Duties and roles of children in the family essay

Also under this head, children serve as a motivation to their parents’ hard work. Motivation is simply a drive which triggers and sustains one’s willingness to perform an act or function. It is an undisputable responsibility of the parents to carter for the children. When there are children in the family, their presence or their anticipated existence adds some extra motivation to the economic consciousness of the parents. This role is better manifested when the children are performing up to the expected standard.

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5. Parents’ Investment: Children are their parents’ investment. Investment involves spending money, time and energy on something usually for future benefit. Yes, it is the role of the parents to make way for their children, lead them through, empower them and invest on their career and future.

 Duties and Responsibilities of a Child at Home

On the other hand, it is the role of the children to become an investment unto their parents. Becoming an investment here suggests that they undertake to be beneficial, concomitant to the money expended on their developing and future. Children are demanded to be productive, and as they become productive eventually, it is their role and responsibility to look after their parents after on and at old age. This role is a very important one.

6. Role of sustaining the Family Lineage: In some families where there is only one male child, the male child is most times pressured to get married earlier. Some families go as far as arranging marriage for the only male child.

duties of children in the family

In some families where there is no male child at all, adoption can be made for the purpose of continuing the family lineage. In some cultures, where there is no male child in a family, a female child may be made to bear children for the family in her father’s house. This instances illustrates the role of lineage continuation which is bestowed on the children in a family.

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7. Duty to Learn: This is another important role of children in the family. Children are demanded to keep learning as they grow. They are to be teachable and open to corrections.

what are the roles of children in the house

Children are expected to be keen to learning from their enrolled academic institution, and also learn the strategies of life adaptation; learn certain soft and hard skills especially those which can be acquired from within the family.

responsibility of a child at home essay

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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responsibility of a child at home essay

IRoles of Children in the Family:

responsibility of a child at home essay

What are the main roles of a child in the family

responsibility of a child at home essay

powerful, very good and useful information for both children and adults

responsibility of a child at home essay

Performing house hold chores

Taking care of the younger ones

responsibility of a child at home essay

It really help me alot thank you very much

responsibility of a child at home essay

This is a very valuable document. Thank You Very Much !!

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Education And Career Blog

Family Roles for Children: 7 Essential Home Duties for Kids

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Sep 26, 2023 by Anate Deborah Leave a Comment

Children hold vital roles within the family, contributing significantly to its operations, harmony, and overall happiness. Understanding the important duties that children have at home cultivates a sense of responsibility and aids in building a strong family bond. In this article, we will explore seven crucial responsibilities that children typically have within a household.

These roles cannot perfect the family or be perfected while being performed in isolation. In other words, in order to achieve a homely family, each and every member of the family is required to play certain roles which are culturally, morally, religiously, socially or otherwise assigned. The roles of children in the family is a very vital one of which when the demand is not met, may and in most cases does in fact affect the atmosphere and the expected homely nature of a family.

Family can either be nuclear or extended family. To whichever extent it is, the roles of children still remain applicable, although some of the roles are more particular and direct with the nuclear family. Here are some of the roles of children in the family.

7 Important Duties and Roles of children in the family

1. Housekeeping:  

Housekeeping generally is the chores of maintaining a house by performing tasks which contributes to cleanliness and habitability of the house.

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It is the direct responsibility of the children to foresee to the cleanliness of the house. It is in fact uncultured to have the father or the mother do the cleanings whereas there are children in the house. Of course children handle chores according to their age and capability. There are certainly some kind of heavy chores which kids are not expected to perform.

Yes, in some cases the kids may be too tender to handle certain given task properly. This is where the parental role comes in because we pointed out earlier that the roles in the family cannot be perfected in isolation. Naturally, children are shown to learn vicariously. They can capture and retain what their eyes sees with ease. They also tend to adapt and get used to certain kind of chores as they grow, progress and get themselves doing it.

Therefore parents at some point and of course at the early stage of the children may be necessitated to perform certain house chores as the children keeps growing for them to master the best way around it. This does not in any way take the role and responsibility of housekeeping away from the children. It is in fact their most primary responsibility.

This very role of housekeeping has a positive contribution to the psychological and social adaptation of children as they keep growing into the existing world. They from the practice, learn the maintenance and managerial skill. They also learn neatness which is a personal and social skill. Asides the fact that this shapes them into humanity, housekeeping remains the role of children in the family.

2. Duty to Take Care of Siblings:

Children has this responsibility of taking care of their siblings, especially the younger ones. This is the level at which children learn the act of humanity in their relations with other people in the society, and of course fosters love and peaceful coexistence amongst the family.

3. Duty to Protect and Uphold the Family Image

It is the role of the children to protect and uphold the image of the family. This is quite a sensitive role and most times it does not demand any positive or intentional performance. Ordinarily, every home desires a peaceful atmosphere and an honourable representation. There is not family that enjoys being tagged or associated with negativity. When the parents must have set an operational standard of the family, it behoves o the children to and uphold and protect it.

It behoves on them to protect the image of the family by the character they exhibit within the home, in the society and in their relationship with other people. The children are expected to be loving, obedient, respectful and Godly. In fact, the children of the family are actually the benchmark for ascertaining the goodness of a family. This is a whole lot of abstract responsibility for the children.

Children are often advised to “ think home ” while taking certain decisions or engaging in certain acts. The “ think home ” phrase there is simply suggesting that the image or reputation of the family should be considered by children in their every decision. Remember that in the introduction, we pointed out that the roles of family members in the family cannot perfect the family or be perfected in isolation.

Each and every member of the family is required to perform those roles which are culturally, socially, morally, religiously or otherwise assigned to them. Therefore this duty to protect and uphold the family’s image is in fact almost impossible to be performed by the parents in a situation where the children are carefree about it. And also, its non-performance renders the family manifestly imperfect.

4. Duty to live up to Expectation:

This duty strikes with the duty to protect and uphold the family image because when children live up to expectation, they by so doing uphold the image of the family. Under this head, the children are expected to deliver. They are expected to grow in certain aspects of life.

In our society for instance, a child is not to be heard rejecting to go for a basic formal education whereas there is a willing sponsor which is always the parents. And upon such a willing sponsor, the children are expected to have a good representation in school. They have the role to acquire good grades. By so doing, they are living up to the expectation. Children who do not live up to the reasonable expectation of a growing child can be said to be underperforming. This would of course not be a thing the family would be proud of.

Also under this head, children serve as a motivation to their parents’ hard work. Motivation is simply a drive which triggers and sustains one’s willingness to perform an act or function. It is an undisputable responsibility of the parents to carter for the children. When there are children in the family, their presence or their anticipated existence adds some extra motivation to the economic consciousness of the parents. This role is better manifested when the children are performing up to the expected standard.

5. Parents’ Investment:

Children are their parents’ investment. Investment involves spending money, time and energy on something usually for future benefit. Yes, it is the role of the parents to make way for their children, lead them through, empower them and invest on their career and future.

On the other hand, it is the role of the children to become an investment unto their parents. Becoming an investment here suggests that they undertake to be beneficial, concomitant to the money expended on their developing and future. Children are demanded to be productive, and as they become productive eventually, it is their role and responsibility to look after their parents after on and at old age. This role is a very important one.

6. Role of sustaining the Family Lineage

In some families where there is only one male child, the male child is most times pressured to get married earlier. Some families go as far as arranging marriage for the only male child.

In some families where there is no male child at all, adoption can be made for the purpose of continuing the family lineage. In some cultures, where there is no male child in a family, a female child may be made to bear children for the family in her father’s house. This instances illustrates the role of lineage continuation which is bestowed on the children in a family.

7. Duty to Learn

This is another important role of children in the family. Children are demanded to keep learning as they grow. They are to be teachable and open to corrections.

Children are expected to be keen to learning from their enrolled academic institution, and also learn the strategies of life adaptation; learn certain soft and hard skills especially those which can be acquired from within the family.

Anate Deborah

About Anate Deborah

I'm a graduate of English and Literary Studies who is ambitious and purpose-driven. I love sharing helpful guides.

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responsibility of a child at home essay

9 Responsibilities for Children & Teens (And Why it Matters)

responsibility of a child at home essay

Some chores can also provide opportunities for parents and children to develop new family bonds over a shared task. For example, while you’re working on a household chore with your teen, you have the perfect opportunity to start the conversation about the dangers of underage drinking and keep the conversation going during their teen years.

To assign chores, use a chore chart or let kids choose which chores they want to tackle, based on their ages and abilities. Remember to set realistic timelines for job completion, and always let kids know how much you appreciate their effort. After all, it’s much easier running a house when everyone pitches in. Here are nine age-appropriate responsibilities for children that build self-esteem, responsibility, and improve family bonds.

Unload the Dishwasher

Ask your child to unload the dishwasher while you’re making dinner. Younger children may need more supervision and help to put away breakable items, or you can put them in charge of storing silverware and stacking plastic containers.

If you have a teenager who can handle unloading the dishwasher on their own, this is a good opportunity for conversation while you’re both working. You can ask how things are going at school and with their friends. If you’re working together, and there’s something bothering your teen, there’s a better chance they’ll open up to you or ask your advice about a problem they can’t solve.

Prepare Dinner

responsibility of a child at home essay

Depending on your child’s age, making a family meal is a fun chore idea that will allow them to contribute to the household and develop skills they’ll use their whole lives. Small children can help with stirring, mixing, and setting the table, but older teens may want a whole night where they’re in charge!

Encourage your teen to choose a recipe for a healthy meal they want to try. If they don’t mind you hanging around, act as their kitchen assistant and catch up on the day’s events while you work.

Even children in preschool can help pick up their own laundry and sort it into piles for you. This is also a life skill that older teens will need when they go to college or move out of the house so they can handle this task all on their own! A few simple guidelines about not overloading the washer or adding too much detergent should be all they need to tackle this task.

Wash the Car

We all ride in the car, so a natural responsibility for children is to help clean it. Small children will love getting the car soapy and using the hose to rinse it off.

Older teens will learn that taking pride in their vehicle means using a little elbow grease from time to time. They may also keep the car tidier between cleanings because now they understand how much work it can be when people don’t pick up after themselves!

Run Errands

Teens who’ve recently received their driver’s license are always eager for an excuse to get behind the wheel. Ask your teen to pick up a younger sibling from soccer practice, drop off the dry cleaning, or pick up milk from the store.

Clean Their Room

When kids clean their rooms, they improve their organization skills. Whether kids have their own room or share with a sibling, being responsible for their room is a good way to teach them about taking care of their belongings.

Younger children can help make the bed, pick up toys, and put dirty laundry in the hamper. Older teens can also oversee dusting the furniture and vacuuming the carpet.

Make Their Lunch

responsibility of a child at home essay

Are you tired of hearing your kids complain about what you’re packing them for lunch? Have your kids pack their own lunch as a daily responsibility. If your mornings are too hectic, kids can make their lunches after dinner and put them in the refrigerator so they’re ready to go in the morning.

Younger children can select from your approved healthy choices. Older teens may surprise you by packing their favorite dinner leftovers or making a salad. Encourage kids of all ages to put in their (reasonable) requests for new lunch options before your next trip to the grocery store.

Walk the Dog

Everyone can use a little extra exercise, including the family dog. Kids who take care of the dog will learn they’re responsible for this living creature. Caring for a pet also teaches a respect for life and empathy. Don’t forget about picking up after the dog! This is a good lesson in becoming a respectful member of the community.

If your teen seems to have a lot on their mind, ask if you can join them on the dog’s evening walk. This one-on-one time could be a good opportunity for them to discuss something that’s on their mind.

Mowing the lawn, trimming trees, and raking leaves take a lot of time! Make it a family event; and get everyone outside to tackle yard work quickly. Once the job is complete, use the extra time you saved for a cookout to celebrate family teamwork and enjoy the beautiful backyard.

Getting Kids on Board

We understand kids may not initially be on board with chores. After all, they see that things have been running efficiently with you doing everything, so why should that need to change? And while child-rearing shifts during the teen years , helping out around the house is an important part of family life.

One way to successfully assign responsibilities for children is to start when they’re young. Even preschool-aged children can help with picking up toys and feeding the dog. If your teen pushes back on chores, remind them that being part of the family means enjoying certain perks such as having access to the car and having a cellphone while also working together on household responsibilities.

Your family can also work together to stop underage drinking. Take advantage of chore time to talk to your teens about the dangers of alcohol on the adolescent brain and about making responsible choices about alcohol. Your family can also Take the Pledge together and stop underage drinking.

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Helping Families Thrive

  • Research , Social-Emotional Wellbeing 
  • Written by Jenna Elgin, Ph.D. & Shanna Alvarez, Ph.D.

Should Kids do Chores? How to Promote Responsibility at Home and Beyond

Girl washing dishes

Gentle parent. Positive Parent. Free Range Parent. Conscious Parent. No matter what your parenting style or label is, most parents we work express sharing a common value: to raise resilient, capable children who contribute meaningfully to their family and community. As in most things, there is a lot of confusion how to go about achieving this goal. Should kids do chores? If so, how to actually get kids to do them?

Beware of the Parenting Pendulum 

To navigate our way through the muck, it’s helpful to take a step back and understand how the swinging of the “parenting pendulum” is impacting parenting information (and misinformation) over time.  In the midst of the modern  “parenting wars” that dominate social media right now, parents often feel that expecting cooperation (or respect) is taboo. Sometimes it feels like any misstep in our wording or setting of a boundary may be irreversibly damaging our children! 

In context, our wariness of harsh boundaries makes sense. We are recovering, evolving, and sometimes overcompensating from generations of “spare the rod spoil the child” parenting in which warmth could be hard to come by and boundaries were often more harsh than firm. Thanks to decades of research, we’ve learned that parenting styles that are high on control/boundaries but low on warmth (called the authoritarian parenting style in the research) has some significant shortcomings.

This information about what isn’t good for kids allows us as parents a wonderful opportunity for growth and evolution. However, as with many things, as we run away from the “old way” we can sometimes swing to the opposite extreme as we struggle to find a new path. In fact, as psychologists who work with families directly, our clinical work has shifted over the last few years. Previously, much of our work was helping parents find healthy replacements for spanking. However, recently we’ve had more situations where we are helping parents find a way to face their anxieties around setting firm boundaries and increasing expectations of their children.

It’s okay to have high expectations for kids

This new wave of parenting anxiety seems to result from pressure to be “purely positive” all the time. And even if parents recognize they need to set boundaries, the advice they’re seeing online about how to do so is often very rigid (i.e., if you do XYZ your child will feel abandoned or will be destined for unhealthy relationships). No wonder parents are feeling overwhelmed.

responsibility of a child at home essay

In the midst of all this mental noise, we can me calmed by remembering what we know:

Healthy parenting is a balance of warmth and boundaries. 

Kids should be kids. Yes. We can go overboard with chores and expectations. Yes. But let’s not let the pendulum swing too far. No need to assign push-ups when your child’s room isn’t spotless, but also no need to wait until they feel “intrinsically motivated” to take responsibility for anything in the home.

In fact, when it comes to instilling responsibility, a recent study of 10, 000 kindergarteners found that those who participated in more household chores performed better academically, emotionally and socially by the 3rd grade. Additionally, many cultures across the world have emotionally health children (with secure attachments) who participate heartily in family teamwork in the home. 

So, let’s find some balance here together. Thankfully, there is flexibility in how we do this.  We use the limited research we have as a guide, mix that with what you know about your kid and give it a go. Chores are not one-size-fits-all. 

3 tools to promote responsibility

1. create a culture of appreciation.

Before we can even discuss chore charts or allowance, we need to back up a bit. Our first initiative is to build a culture of appreciation in our homes. What does this mean? First, it means to shift our mindset from “how to I get my child to comply with chores” to “how can I create an environment that facilitates helpfulness, responsibility, and mutual respect.”

One way we can do this is by using process-focused praise to acknowledge a job well done (or any baby step towards that), which has been shown to build intrinsic motivation. There’s an important concept in child development research called the attention principle. It essentially means that we will get more of what we pay attention to. Unfortunately, our attention is more easily drawn to “bad” behavior than it is to positive, helpful behavior. We notice and correct our kids when they haphazardly throw their coat the ground, but don’t say anything when they hang it up.

We have to be intentional about flipping this script. 

What might this sound like?

  • “Thank you for hanging your coat up. It’s really helpful when you do that.”
  • “Thank you for listening when I asked you to clean up. The floor looks so nice now.”
  • “That’s really nice of you helping your brother get his shoes on.”

When our kids feel noticed and valued for their contributions to the home, they’re going to be more willing to participate. Moreover, when the adults in the environment thank each other for their contributions in front of their children, a powerful culture of appreciation and teamwork is being modeled. 

2. Avoid doing for

One of the best and easiest places to start when it comes to promoting responsibility is to assess what things you are doing for your child that they can actually begin to do for themselves. Especially when they’re little, our kids are reliant on us for so much! However, it’s easy to accidentally continue to do things for kids that they’re actually quite capable of doing themselves. Often, we continue to “help” because it’s easier and fast if we do it ourselves. But, all this “helping” can actually backfire.

Let’s take an example. For a 1-year-old who’s thirsty, it makes complete sense for the parent to grab the cup from the cupboard, fill it with water, and hand it to the child. However, this can easily turn into a parent doing this for years and years and years without even realizing their child can now learn to get their own water. Now, take a moment to review a typical day in your family. Are there moments that you’re stepping in too much? Are there things you do for you kids on autopilot that they may now be ready to learn?

Once you’ve identified some of those areas, when your child asks for help (or expresses frustration) try pausing before jumping in. What might this look like?

  • If your child gets upset when building with Legos, pause and count to 10 before offering help. Often kids will work through their feelings without us intervening.
  • When your child asks you do something try saying, “I’m happy to help. It looks like you are on your way to figuring it out! I’ll come back in just a minute to check on you and help out if you need it.” 

3. Find the “just right” amount of support

responsibility of a child at home essay

Chores summary

We know from research that kids who participate in household chores show higher levels of self-competency and experience other benefits later on. Building a culture of appreciation, avoiding doing things for kids that they can do themselves, and finding the “just right” amount of help are simple ways parents can support this aim.

For additional tools, including a research-backed approach to chore charts and allowance , check out our recorded workshop: Raising Capable Kids .

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Ten Reasons Your Kids Should Do Chores at Home

by Amy Blevins 3 Comments

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I’ve heard that many parents are wondering if they should be giving children the responsibility of chores. With the amount of schoolwork children are responsible for, as well as the extracurricular activities they often do, kids are exceptionally busy and parents sometimes wonder if they aren’t putting too much pressure on them.  

Well, don’t fret parents. As it turns out, chores are actually good for your kids, though it is likely some of those extracurriculars need to go. If you need help figuring out where to start your kids doing chores – grab our free printable chore list by age .

With experience raising six kids in a busy house, I’m a big champion of delegating responsibility and making sure kids have the life skills they need to thrive once they leave for college.

Giving kids chores at home helps them learn responsibility and learn many of the skills they will need to run their own household. Getting children to help around the house is not always easy , but it’s essential for their own good.

None of my children will leave home without knowing how to do laundry, cook, clean, and manage their finances. These things are not optional life skills , and yet college professors report that these are the very skills college kids most lack.  

What skills do your kids need to be able to one day run their own household? How do you teach those skills to them? Chores are a valuable and essential way to teach these skills. Take a look at our list of 10 chores that will get them start to take on responsibilities.

In case you need further convincing, here are ten great reasons your kids should do chores at home:

  • Kids should do chores because it teaches responsibility.  Children need to learn responsibility and can start understanding this value from a very young age. In order to succeed in life, responsibility is key. One easy way to start with teaching kids responsibility is by having them clean up their own stuff, such as their toys or laundry.
  • Kids should do chores because it makes them aware of the messes they create.  If they are responsible for cleaning up their own messes, kids will be less likely to create them and more likely to pick up after themselves as the day goes on.
  • Kids should do chores because it gives them pride . Taking care of the family’s home and their possessions helps to build pride in children. When you take care of your things, you learn to appreciate them more and be proud of your ownership.
  • Kids should do chores because it builds self reliance.  Life skills. Our children need to learn the tools necessary to be independent adults at some point. As boring as it may sound, being able to take care of housework is one of those necessary tools.
  • Kids should do chores because it builds confidence . Kids need to have the confidence to be self-reliant as they grow. When children are given the opportunity to master a particular chore before they move on to one that is more difficult, they not only take pride in a job well done, they have increasing confidence in their ability to perform tasks well. Our children have daily chores assigned based on age and ability and every six months or so we evaluate chores and increase the difficulty level so that children can keep working toward mastery or learn new skills. 
  • Kids should do chores because many hands make light work.  Whether or not you work outside of the home, you work hard at home too and there is no reason for mom or dad to do all the work required to keep a home. You didn’t create the mess on your own, and you shouldn’t clean it up on your own. When everyone pitches in, the home will be more pleasant, work will take less time, and everyone wins.
  • Kids should do chores because it keeps them active.  Kids given too much free time tend to sit around on devices when they could be up getting active and getting stuff done. Chores are a great way to get kids up and moving right before you send them outside to play!
  • Kids should do chores because it is family time.  Doing chores together as a family is a great way to build a team atmosphere in your home. You are accomplishing a project together as you spend time together. Family chore time is a great time to get into conversations as well. Go ahead and ask how their day was or what’s been going on with them and their friends. That makes family chore time a great time for bonding.
  • Kids should do chores because they learn to work together. Chore time is also a great time to learn to work together. Have your kids work together on one large project and see how well they can do it together. With some effort on your part, they will see how much better and quicker things can be completed when they work together as a team.
  • Kids should do chores because chores are a good motivation for allowance.  If you give your children an allowance, chores are a great motivating factor. For those who are concerned about connecting them, many people have the children do basic chores with no allowance tacked on, but increase allowance for those who do extra chores or put in added effort. In our home, chores are not tied to a specific amount but your chores must be done if you expect to get an allowance each week. Both are part and parcel of being a member of our family.

Need help teaching kids how to do their chores and other basic life skills? We love Skill Trekker!

What kinds of chores could you be delegating to your kids right now?

responsibility of a child at home essay

About Amy Blevins

Amy lives with her husband and six beautiful children in Northern Virginia. Besides blogging, Amy enjoys homeschooling, hiking, reading, singing, teaching, and serving Jesus above all. Welcome.

[…] In our home, we’ve decided to give our kids a set weekly amount based on age — as long as they do their daily assigned chores. They also have to do household work that everyone participates in, like filling the dishwasher or straightening the living room. Those are separate from the specific assigned daily chores each child completes. […]

[…] Related: Tons of great reasons your kids should be doing chores. […]

[…] have a daily cleaning routine for tidying up – and we all share in that responsibility. But the kids also have chores and have to keep their rooms cleaned up. Each child takes turn emptying or filling the dishwasher, […]

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IELTS Essay: Responsibilities

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 4 Comments

IELTS Essay: Responsibilities

This is my IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of the responsibilities that children should have from the real IELTS exam.

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Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities (for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives. 

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Many today have argued for the importance of children having greater responsibility in the home. I am generally in agreement with this position, though it should naturally not be taken to extremes.

Critics of such an approach maintain that it can overburden young children. In many societies around the world today, children are under immense pressure at school to perform well academically. In many Asian countries, for example, young children must study at school until the late afternoon, have dinner, and then take additional classes before doing their homework each night. If these students were also tasked with cleaning the house or washing their own clothes, they simply would not have enough time to complete all their responsibilities and rest for the next day.

However, increased responsibility encourages greater maturity and self-reliance. A child who must ensure their room is clean and takes part in either cooking or cleaning up afterwards better understands the importance of time management and how to run a household. In contrast, some parents are overly protective of their children and do not instill traits related to independence. If a child grows up and attends university without a variety of life skills or the maturity that comes from looking after themselves, then they will likely struggle to adjust and may be viewed as childish by their peers.

In conclusion, though there must be logical limits to the amount of work that children should do in the home, it is an advisable approach overall to increase a child’s sense of responsibility. The benefits later in life justify any potential fatigue.

1. Many today have argued for the importance of children having greater responsibility in the home. 2. I am generally in agreement with this position, though it should naturally not be taken to extremes.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Critics of such an approach maintain that it can overburden young children. 2. In many societies around the world today, children are under immense pressure at school to perform well academically. 3. In many Asian countries, for example, young children must study at school until the late afternoon, have dinner, and then take additional classes before doing their homework each night. 4. If these students were also tasked with cleaning the house or washing their own clothes, they simply would not have enough time to complete all their responsibilities and rest for the next day.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • You might add a counterpoint here.

1. However, increased responsibility encourages greater maturity and self-reliance. 2. A child who must ensure their room is clean and takes part in either cooking or cleaning up afterwards better understands the importance of time management and how to run a household. 3. In contrast, some parents are overly protective of their children and do not instill traits related to independence. 4. If a child grows up and attends university without a variety of life skills or the maturity that comes from looking after themselves, then they will likely struggle to adjust and may be viewed as childish by their peers.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Continue your development.
  • Finish the paragraph strong.

1. In conclusion, though there must be logical limits to the amount of work that children should do in the home, it is an advisable approach overall to increase a child’s sense of responsibility. 2. The benefits later in life justify any potential fatigue.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Many today have argued for the importance of children having greater responsibility in the home . I am generally in agreement with this position , though it should naturally not be taken to extremes .

Critics of such an approach maintain that it can overburden young children. In many societies around the world today, children are under immense pressure at school to perform well academically . In many Asian countries, for example, young children must study at school until the late afternoon , have dinner, and then take additional classes before doing their homework each night . If these students were also tasked with cleaning the house or washing their own clothes, they simply would not have enough time to complete all their responsibilities and rest for the next day.

However, increased responsibility encourages greater maturity and self-reliance . A child who must ensure their room is clean and takes part in either cooking or cleaning up afterwards better understands the importance of time management and how to run a household . In contrast, some parents are overly protective of their children and do not instill traits related to independence . If a child grows up and attends university without a variety of life skills or the maturity that comes from looking after themselves , then they will likely struggle to adjust and may be viewed as childish by their peers .

In conclusion, though there must be logical limits to the amount of work that children should do in the home, it is an advisable approach overall to increase a child’s sense of responsibility . The benefits later in life justify any potential fatigue .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argued for the importance of are in favor of

greater responsibility in the home more duty in one’s house

I am generally in agreement with this position I agree mostly with the opinion that

naturally of course

taken to extremes pursued in a strong way

Critics those against it

approach maintain way argue

overburden put too much pressure on

under immense pressure at school to perform well academically have lots of stress to do well in their classes

late afternoon around 3 – 5pm

take additional classes sign up for more courses

each night every night

tasked with are assigned

complete all their responsibilities finish their work

rest relaxing

increased responsibility encourages greater maturity and self-reliance more duty motivates them to be more responsible

ensure make sure of

takes part in engages in

afterwards after that

how to run a household how to take care of your place

overly protective of looking too much after

instill traits related to independence sculpt kids to be self-reliant

attends goes to

without a variety of life skills not having lots of abilities like cooking, cleaning, etc.

maturity how old you are emotionally

looking after themselves taking care of themselves

likely struggle to adjust probably have difficulty adapting

may be viewed as childish by their peers might seem immature by other classmates

logical limits rational levels

advisable approach overall good idea in general

sense of responsibility feeling of duty

later in life justify any potential fatigue after that make it worth it to be tired


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈɑːgjuːd fɔː ði ɪmˈpɔːtəns ɒv   ˈgreɪtə rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪti ɪn ðə həʊm aɪ æm ˈʤɛnərəli ɪn əˈgriːmənt wɪð ðɪs pəˈzɪʃən   ˈnæʧrəli   ˈteɪkən tuː ɪksˈtriːmz ˈkrɪtɪks   əˈprəʊʧ meɪnˈteɪn   ˌəʊvəˈbɜːdn   ˈʌndər ɪˈmɛns ˈprɛʃər æt skuːl tuː pəˈfɔːm wɛl ˌækəˈdɛmɪkəli leɪt ˈɑːftəˈnuːn teɪk əˈdɪʃənl ˈklɑːsɪz   iːʧ naɪt tɑːskt wɪð   kəmˈpliːt ɔːl ðeə rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪtiz   rɛst   ɪnˈkriːst rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪti ɪnˈkʌrɪʤɪz ˈgreɪtə məˈtjʊərɪti ænd sɛlf-rɪˈlaɪəns ɪnˈʃʊə   teɪks pɑːt ɪn   ˈɑːftəwədz   haʊ tuː rʌn ə ˈhaʊshəʊld ˈəʊvəli prəˈtɛktɪv ɒv   ɪnˈstɪl treɪts rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns əˈtɛndz   wɪˈðaʊt ə vəˈraɪəti ɒv laɪf skɪlz   məˈtjʊərɪti   ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈɑːftə ðəmˈsɛlvz ˈlaɪkli ˈstrʌgl tuː əˈʤʌst   meɪ biː vjuːd æz ˈʧaɪldɪʃ baɪ ðeə pɪəz ˈlɒʤɪkəl ˈlɪmɪts   ədˈvaɪzəbl əˈprəʊʧ ˈəʊvərɔːl   sɛns ɒv rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪti ˈleɪtər ɪn laɪf ˈʤʌstɪfaɪ ˈɛni pəʊˈtɛnʃəl fəˈtiːg

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Many today have a______________________________f children having g______________________________e . I a____________________________________________n , though it should n____________y not be t_____________s .

C_______s of such an a__________________n that it can o____________n young children. In many societies around the world today, children are u_____________________________________________________________y . In many Asian countries, for example, young children must study at school until the l__________________n , have dinner, and then t__________________s before doing their homework e_____________t . If these students were also t_____________h cleaning the house or washing their own clothes, they simply would not have enough time to c__________________________________s and r____t for the next day.

However, i_________________________________________________________________________e . A child who must e______e their room is clean and t_____________n either cooking or cleaning up a__________s better understands the importance of time management and h___________________d . In contrast, some parents are o_____________________f their children and do not i_____________________________________________e . If a child grows up and a_________s university w_____________________________________________s or the m________y that comes from l_______________________s , then they will l___________________________t and m_____________________________________________s .

In conclusion, though there must be l_____________s to the amount of work that children should do in the home, it is an a_______________________________l to increase a child’s s______________________y . The benefits l________________________________________________e .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • Did you do many chores as a child?
  • What chores do you typically do now?
  • Are there are chores you dislike doing?
  • Do men or women do more chores in your country?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topics below:

Some people believe that engaging in an active pastime does more to develop children’s life skills than time spent reading.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay: Children Developing Skills

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But you didn’t discuss both views! This is incorrect.


I did, Ziv – the second paragraph is about how responsibilities can be a negative and the 3rd about how they are positive.

Is that clear?

anonymous user

Isn’t it ‘in their home’, not ‘in the home’?

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responsibility of a child at home essay

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How old were you when you first did those things? What memories do you have about them?

In the Opinion essay “ On Japan’s Adorable ‘Old Enough!’ Show and the State of American Childhoods ,” Jessica Grose writes about a long-running reality show that depicts children reaching common milestones of independence, at ages that may surprise you. The article begins:

An aggressively adorable reality show that’s been on for decades in Japan recently hit Netflix. It’s called “Old Enough!” and it depicts Japanese little ones, some as young as 2, taking their first solo journeys (the show’s original title is translated as “My First Errand”). These tiny children are shown toddling by themselves to the grocery store, to their grandmother’s house to pick something up or to a local farm to yank an enormous cabbage out of the ground. Sometimes they get distracted from their appointed mission and start playing, and they often notice and interact with the camera operators, who appear in the background of many scenes. But the narrative is basically the same every time: A child overcomes fears or hesitations by running an errand, learning to politely ask questions of supportive and kind adults when help is needed to figure out how to pay for lunch or cross a busy street. And the kids are brimming with pride after accomplishing their tasks. In addition to being utterly charmed by how cute the show is, my response was: This wouldn’t fly in the United States. If there were an American version, parents who allowed their children to appear would probably be framed as irresponsible, or the kids would be shown to need parental support at every turn. You’re probably also thinking: America is not Japan. And that’s correct. Our cultures are quite different. One glaring example is gun violence, something that’s rare in Japan and alarmingly predictable in our country. But, sadly, we know that the presence of an adult doesn’t necessarily protect children from that horror. Another difference is infrastructure. As a University of Tokyo professor explained to Slate’s Henry Grabar: “Drivers in Japan are taught to yield to pedestrians. Speed limits are low. Neighborhoods have small blocks with lots of intersections. That means kids have to cross the street a lot — but also keeps drivers going slow, out of self-interest if nothing else.” But even given these differences, we should at least entertain the idea that Americans have over-rotated on protectiveness in the past few decades and need to reconsider letting their kids do more by themselves.

The article ends:

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Obligations and Responsibilities of Children (in Home and School)

To know the Obligations and responsibilities of children At home and in the classroom is important, as it is one of the best ways to educate and instill good values. In this article I will explain some of the most important ones divided by age groups.

Today it is very common to hear that parents who have a small child at home complain that it does not help, does not pick up what is disordered, does not behave well in school... This behavior can influence the life of the child and extrapolate To other contexts and situations such as school.

Responsibilities and obligations of children

If you do not start small to give responsibilities and obligations, it is very likely that when you grow up, it will be difficult for you to internalize these types of duties. The problem we usually have is that we do not know exactly what they can and can not do and at what ages.

Since the children did not ask to be conceived and the parents decided to have them, children do not have to pay a cost to their parents. Parents do not have the right to ask their children to pay their"investment", either monetarily or by requiring that"in return"they be supported in their old age.

This mentality would only lead to discomfort for children, not enjoying life, family conflicts and in extreme cases to Mistreatment Or child neglect.

Giving responsibilities and obligations in childhood should be seen as something positive so that when adults are able to develop children alone, are independent and autonomous. Children Are the result of the decisions of adults , And adults should be aware that their choices have consequences.

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What is the responsibility?

The responsibility Is understood according to the Guide of the Government of Navarre (S / F) as"the capacity to assume the consequences of the actions and decisions seeking the own good next to the one of the others".

It is very common to want our child to be responsible, however, we can not forget that responsibility is something that is gradually acquired either by imitation of the adult who is closest to him or by social approval, which reinforces This type of behavior and Favors your self-esteem .

If we want our child to acquire a sense of responsibility, it is important to work on a daily basis. Although it can be a bit exhausting, it is the only way to achieve that when you grow up, be a responsible adult and therefore fulfill your obligations in all contexts and situations of your life.

What are the obligations and responsibilities of children?

When faced with this type of situation as a parent we often come to the head of the question of whether what we are asking our child is according to his age.

It is normal for us to ask ourselves these questions because something we have to keep in mind is that we can only demand what the child is capable of doing and will only be able to do so if we take into account the different stages of their development.

What can you do at home?

Obligations and Responsibilities of Children (in Home and School)

Here are the tasks you could do at home divided by age group:

Although given his age he is only able to work under the supervision of an adult and does not distinguish why something is wrong or good. Children at this age can work through mandates and bans, emphasizing that an adult has to be with them while the action is done.

The activities that can be done are: to put and to take the napkins of the table, to water the flowers, to place their slippers in their place, etc. That is, simple and clear activities for which you do not need much effort.

Children at this stage of development often act through rewards and punishments. Normally, they observe the behavior of the adults around them to later imitate him in the situations that are presented to them.

At this age, they are able to have their things sorted so that we can ask them to keep their room tidy to some extent.

You can also continue to help set the table, but this time not just the napkins. Even if you have more autonomy, it is important for the adult to accompany you in the different activities you do.

At this age, it is important that we trust them and let them do some activities at home alone, activities that we have been introducing little by little as for example, set the table, order a little more your room...

The child at this age will want to please and serve the adult for it, will have responsible initiatives. In addition as in the previous stage will continue to imitate the actions of adults in the different contexts in which it relates.

When the child is already this age, we can let them participate in domestic tasks that require more responsibility, such as: finding what they need to do some exercise, cleaning dust, preparing clothes for school, etc.

From this age, you can assimilate some norms and respect them, it also awakens the sense of intentionality. We need to point out that he still needs the adult to tell him what is or is not right in his behavior.

He is able to fulfill the orders that he gives without any problem. You can also manage the money you are given. You can move around the neighborhoods that are known to you and are close to home like the school, a friend's house...

We have to point out that he is still imitating the adult, so it is important that our behaviors are in accordance with the rules that we impose.

At this age, he begins to have more independence, that is, he begins to be more autonomous. Also depending on your intentions, you can Control your impulses .

He is able to control his time and activities, so he can already organize himself, and he also controls the money his parents provide him as he pays. This will allow us to send you actions such as going to school alone, bathing or even preparing breakfast.

He is quite autonomous and is able to organize his materials, his clothes and even his savings. At this age you can take care of the housework that we propose to you. He likes to be rewarded for his actions.

11-12 years

It has the capacity to know when it does something wrong and even to know the consequences that these actions will have. You also have the sense of responsibility acquired by what you will try to fulfill your obligations properly.

13-15 years

They are the first years of adolescence in which they will begin to be more rebels and to have priority by its group of friends. At this age it is important to let the children know who has the authority in the home - the parents - and that certain rules must be respected.

The most important responsibilities will be to study at the institute, help with household chores (set the table, order your room, throw away the trash...), and if you have started to leave, get home at the agreed time with the parents.

15-18 years

At this age the adolescent will have to follow the same rules as 13-15 years old, and it is especially important to start teaching the discipline. To avoid conflicts, you must verbally communicate the rules or even write them down. It will be possible to delegate to the adolescents tasks of more responsibility like buying in the supermarket or other errands that teach them to develop.

On the other hand, for the safety of adolescents, it is important to control the hours of entry and exit of the home, and have them located. However, harassment with too much control will be negative and will lead to the teenager not wanting to be in touch with parents. If the adolescent goes out with his friends, a solution is to ask him / her to call or write a message at a certain time to say that it is okay. That way you will do it voluntarily.

Here is a summary table of the activities you can do for each stage:

Obligations and Responsibilities of Children (Home and School) 1

There are many more responsibilities and obligations the child can do to help at home.

I have numbered some by way of example so that you can give an idea of ​​the exercises that can do depending on the age, even so these activities can be realized in all the ages if we adapt to what they can and do not at that particular moment.

We also have to point out that as they grow up they assimilate the actions they have learned, that is, they are summative.

It is important as long as we are small that we do these activities with them and accompany them in their learning process to make it more fun. One idea would be to carry out these activities at home in the form of a game and when we tell them to do it we do it calmly and calmly.

What can you do at school?

Obligations and Responsibilities of Children (in Home and School) 2

Next, we will outline in stages the responsibilities and obligations of the child in the school context:

They are able to obey the orders of their teacher. Sometimes he takes responsibility for the objects or the material he takes to school from home. Finally, she has the ability to wait her shift in class when the teacher is busy with another classmate.

You can run errands inside the school, and even from the inside out or the other way around. That is, we can communicate with the teacher through it or even notes that are placed in your backpack or any of your materials.

Between 5 and 6 years

Children of this age at school enjoy homework to show them at home, although they need instructions to do things right.

It is important that we give positive reinforcement of these activities in order to develop their sense of competence.

At 7 years old

He is able to organize his school supplies as well as his backpack. Therefore, it is necessary that you have a schedule to do so in order to create habits and routines. He still needs instructions on the tasks proposed by adults.

Time may be distributed if an adult supervises and is responsible for homework. It is important that we let you distribute your time even if we advise and control you.

At 9 years old

At school he usually enjoys his class and his classmates, so he feels good about what he does.

In addition, he is able to prepare his materials and tries to reach the school in a timely manner. He also accepts discipline without difficulty and conforms to class norms.

Teachers can send you social tasks that are useful to you. At this age he usually wants to do his homework quickly to play, so he is not very responsible in his studies and needs vigilance.

Finally, say that you think on your own and are not satisfied with any questions so you usually work better in a group.

At the age of 11

In general, they are usually responsible for their tasks and duties. It is also critical of teachers and is Motivated by studies . Finally, he expressed curiosity about the knowledge of the physical and social environment.

He is usually very concerned about notes and exams. He also rejects the tasks that cause him fatigue, he still likes to learn and Work best in group .

Below I summarize the responsibilities and obligations of children in school based on their age group:

Obligations and Responsibilities of Children (in Home and School) 3

If at home we work the sense of responsibility and obligation, children will not have any difficulty in doing the school, because as you can see go hand in hand. And as with household activities, the ones they have to do at school are also summative.


It is important that as parents and educators, we adapt to the developmental stage in which the child is at the time of demanding that they fulfill their obligations and responsibilities both at school and at home.

Although we have listed activities that can be classified by age, each child is different and progresses at their own pace. Therefore, it is important that we adapt to each child individually so that he can perform activities without feelings of frustration and can affect his self-esteem.

As parents we must be consistent with both our actions and our promises. That is to say, the child will imitate our behavior in the different contexts that it has to develop so that we have to respect the norms that we have imposed and to fulfill them.

What other responsibilities or obligations do you think children should have? Leave your opinion in the comments!

  • Development of responsible behaviors from 3 to 12 years (S / F). Government of Navarre.

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9 reasons why household chores are important for children

Annalena bischoff.

  • March 15, 2023

Photo by cottonbro studio for Pexels

When it comes to taking care of the household , one person is just not enough. Family life is not only about supporting each other emotionally, a division of work does also impact the relationship between parents and their children. Especially if they know, everyone works as a team .

Setting the table, emptying the dishwasher, folding clothes from the day before – just little tasks throughout the day. Looking at them separately, they are all quickly finished while summing up the time needed for each steals us a lot of free time. Especially when we are busy all day long: preparing breakfast for the morning, getting ready for work, parents bringing the children to kindergarten and school, work. After-work hours do not contain a lot of relaxing when there are all the chores we need to do, without any family members helping out.

responsibility of a child at home essay

There are lots of stressor we face during the day. Home should be the place where we should take time for ourselves and leave all the duties of the day behind us. It sounds like a peaceful place: changing into the jogging pants, warm and comfortable moments on the couch, a nice dinner and a long bath.

“Home is a place blessed, where you and your family can be secure, have all you need, and share your sadness and happiness. Where you can help each other as a family. It does not matter how big or small.” – Honey

Helping each other as a family also means dividing the work to make sure home stays the place to feel comfortable. The work cannot be done by one single person, that is why it is important to include children in household work. Here are 9 benefits of sharing chores with your children:

1. There is work for every age group

The list of chores that need to be done in the household is long. It can also vary depending on the age of the children in your household as well as the cirumstances, e.g. if you have guests over for a dinner night, you will need more time in the kitchen to prepare the food. Even though children of different age groups all have different skills, everyone can take part of the household. For toddlers, for example, it starts with putting away the toys they have just played with to teach them to clean up after themselves. School kids have more capabilities of helping out at home. They can assist in preparing meals, setting the table and bringing the garbage to the bins. Teenagers can take even more responsibilities and might help to clean the house, cook light meals and empty the dishwasher. Annie Stuart created a list of chores she recommends for different age groups. Have a look on what she suggests!

2. Children learn how to take responsibilities

Oftentimes, parents believe that it is still too early to involve their children in chores because they are just children and need to enjoy being young as long as they possibly can. But children will be urged to take responsibilities in different stages of their lives: in kindergarten they will have to clean up after themselves, in school they will have to do their homework and work in groups with their class mates, at some point they will move out and do everything on their own. Step by step parents can assist their children in managing these responsibilities by teaching them how to do things at home. Chores are often one of the first responsibilities children have, they are a great way of developing skills for the future.

responsibility of a child at home essay

3. Children learn realistic work from a young age on

Giving children the feeling of life being too easy only works as long as they live with their parents. Young adults move out quicker than most parents wish. If children never did anything in the household, it is a challenge to take care of oneself and it can be frustrating for the grown-up to learn all these skills. Involving your child from a young age on gives them a feeling of how much work there is in a household. More important, assigning them specific chores within their childhood shows children the reality of work within their home. Growing up in a world without responsibilities only works as long as children live with their parents. At some point they will end up taking care of themselves.

4. It gives them a feeling of being competent and responsible

With every responsibility a child has either in school groups or helping out in the household, it learns how to handle little challenges that will come up regularly. “Chores teach children how to do tasks that they will need throughout their lives — like doing laundry and the dishes. And they teach skills that will benefit them in the classroom and on the sports field, such as how to work together and be a part of a team,” clinical psychologist Caroline Mendel tells author Christina Frank for the Child Mind Institute . Starting with small responsibilities like doing their own bed or setting the table for dinner shows the child that his or her help is necessary for the household to be organised.

5. Children are challenged and feel like they achieved something when finishing their chores

Parents often struggle with their children not wanting to do their chores. Therefore they look for expert advises on how to motivate their child. One major issue is that many children see household tasks like tidying up their room, making their bed, emptying the dishwasher and bringing their dirty laundry down to the laundry basket as duties and obligations. For them, there is always the option: chores or something fun. Who would not decide for something that cheers them up? Instead of forbidding the exciting parts, many advices are to set certain time limits until when the chores should be done without any consequences. But even if the child did his or her task for the day, it should be appreciated by the parents as well to give their child the feeling of achieving something positive. Praising the child gives them a boost in self-confidence, which connects the ‘annoying’ work with a positive feeling they strive for in the future. Researchers of a study in the United States have found a positive effect of frequent chores for elementary school children on their life satisfaction as well as self-competence.

6. It can improve the children’s mental health

The following Kids at home report illustrates how chores can be therapeutic, also for children. It is not only about keeping the children busy. Pediatric Dr. Anna Groebe explains the impact of household chores on children’s mental health:

7. It makes family life easier because divided work reduces stress

According to therapist Jody Baumstein household tasks should be divided among family members, including children. “If only one or two members of the family are doing all the chores, it can lead to feeling overwhelmed and possibly frustrated with others. By splitting up chores, you’re sharing responsibility amongst the family, which means that everyone can have more time for fun and connection.” Taking care of keeping the home clean together leads to less fights and less stressed parents.

8. Shared work improves family relationships because every family member is part of the team

Chores are often associated with lonely boredom. Actually, they should be more fun because dividing tasks also means developing skills of working in a team . Thinking about sports, who does not enjoy playing soccer more while being outside with the best friends, kicking the ball around rather than kicking it all alone in the garden at home? Therefore it is important to show your children that they are not the only one’s who are doing work they might not enjoy. Every member of the family has their tasks they take care of. If one member does not do their part, the target will never be reached. A good advice of team management is speaking about the chores all together and creating a list of which chores everyone has to do for the following week. It also gives the child the opportunity to pick their favorite work rather than doing something he or she does not like.

responsibility of a child at home essay

9. Children learn to appreciate the work their parents do at home

When children know how much time it costs to do household tasks, they are more likely to appreciate the times their parents do everything themselves. And they might suggest some chores they would take care of. Especially because home is the place for the whole family, so everyone should take part in keeping it tidied up. In order to ensure children understand the value of their work, it is important to communicate clearly, assign them age-appropriate chores but also recognize the work they do. Some parents reward their children by paying them for the work they do. Joanna Fortune , child psychotherapist, supports this method but still finds: some chores must be done without involving money. Just for the learning effect.

To make household work more entertaining for your toddlers, here is a song to keep them in motion when cleaning up their toys. It is often used in pre-schools and gives children the sign: it’s clean-up time.

Motivation is the key for chores because it makes the work feel lighter and even a little fun. Teenagers do not tend to enjoy children’s songs that much. Here is a playlist to entertain the one’s who do not find their motivation for household work easily:

Involving children in household chores is beneficial for parents, since they aren’t buried under a pile of work but also for children because they learn important skills such as independency, autonomy, time management and experience little successes with every task they finish. It is not an obligation but little responsibilities can prepare children for their future as a grown-up and give them a feeling of knowing how to take care of themselves. But the most important is to keep in mind that it is not only the parents’ job to manage the household, there is a task for every member of the family.

  • Tags: children , chores , family , Help , household , learn , mental health , Parents , responsibility

Annalena Bischoff

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Swiss mountains: worth the hype and money, family history: the development of alexander varanitsa in the professional futsal of the country., 6 responses.

Very interesting choice of topic and great article!

Thank you Alessia!

Dear Annalena, Thank you so much for all the information on this important topic – good job!

kind regards Schumiki

Thank you very much, Anna. I appreciate your opinion!

Very interesting topic and article!

Thank you so much! Let me know in the poll, which age group you find most suitable to start involving children

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Parents’ Responsibility in Children’s Education

As a parent, you have a responsibility to ensure that your child is getting the best education possible. This means being involved in their schooling and making sure that they are on track to graduate and succeed in life. It is important to be supportive of your child’s educational endeavors and help them when they need it. You should also hold them accountable for their schoolwork and grades. Ultimately, it is up to you as a parent to make sure that your child’s education is a priority.

Responsibility of Parents to Their Children’s Education Pdf

It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children receive a quality education. This means that parents must be involved in their child’s education from early childhood through high school and beyond. Parents must advocate for their children at school, help with homework, and monitor their child’s progress. In addition, parents must instill a love of learning in their children so that they will continue to grow and develop academically throughout their lives.

Parents are More Important Than Teachers in a Child’s Education Essay

Parents role in child development.

It is widely accepted that parents play a vital role in their child’s development. The amount of time, energy and love that parents invest in their children has a direct impact on their physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth. As the first and most influential people in a child’s life, parents provide the foundation upon which children build all future relationships. By setting limits and providing support, guidance and encouragement, parents help children develop a sense of self-control, empathy and responsibility – essential skills for successful adulthood. While every parent wants what’s best for their child, sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly how to nurture them during these crucial years. Here are some tips on how you can support your child’s development: Be warm and responsive: Show interest in what your child is doing and offer praise when they achieve something or behave in a way you approve of. This will help them feel loved and valued, boosting their self-esteem. At the same time, don’t be afraid to set boundaries – this will teach them about self-control and appropriate behaviour. Encourage exploration: Give your child opportunities to try new things – whether it’s trying different foods or exploring different textures through sensory play . This will help them develop curiosity , creativity and problem-solving skills . Play together : Playing with your child is not only fun – it’s also an important way to bond with them and support their development . It provides a chance for you to model appropriate behaviour , teach new skills ( such as turn-taking or sharing ) ,and encourage imaginative thinking . Make sure they get enough sleep: A good night’s sleep is essential for all aspects of health – including brain development . Help your child establish healthy sleep habits by sticking to a regular bedtime routine including winding down activities before bedtime . Avoid letting them use screens ( such as TVs , laptops or phones ) in the hour leading up to sleep as the blue light emitted can interfere with melatonin production , making it harder to fall asleep . The early years are an incredibly important time in your child’s life – make sure you make the most of it!

The Role of Parents in Their Child’s Education in the New Normal

The new normal of remote learning has brought additional challenges and responsibilities for parents. Although schools and teachers are doing their best to provide quality education, there is no doubt that parents play a vital role in their child’s education. Here are some ways parents can support their child’s learning in the new normal: 1. Stay involved – One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to stay involved in your child’s education. This means being aware of what they are learning, providing moral support, and helping them with any difficulties they may have.

2. Create a positive learning environment at home – Just as it is important for schools to create a positive learning environment, it is also important for homes to be conducive to learning. This means having a designated space for your child to learn, ensuring there are minimal distractions, and providing whatever materials they need to be successful.

3. Be supportive but not overbearing – It is essential that you offer support to your child during this time, but it is also important that you give them the space to learn and grow on their own. Try not to hover or be too overbearing; instead, offer help when needed and trust that they will do great things!

Parents Should Have an Active Role in Their Child’s Education.

It is no secret that education is important. In fact, it is often said that education is the key to success. So, it should come as no surprise that parents should have an active role in their child’s education. There are a number of ways in which parents can be actively involved in their child’s education. One way is by simply being involved in their child’s school life. This means attending school functions, such as open houses and parent-teacher conferences, and being involved in your child’s homework and extracurricular activities. Another way to be actively involved in your child’s education is by communicating with their teachers on a regular basis. This will ensure that you are up-to-date on your child’s progress and can help them if they are struggling in any areas. Finally, one of the most important ways to be actively involved in your child’s education is by making sure that they have access to quality resources at home. This includes things like books, educational toys and games, and a computer with internet access. With these resources at home, your child will be able to continue learning even when they are not at school. By taking an active role in your child’s education, you can ensure that they get the best possible start in life.

Role of Parents And Teachers in Child’s Education

There is no denying that parents play a pivotal role in their child’s education. They are the first and most important educators in a child’s life and they have the ability to instill values and beliefs that will stay with their child for a lifetime. However, it is also important to acknowledge the role that teachers play in a child’s education. Teachers are uniquely positioned to provide children with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond. When parents and teachers work together, they can create a powerful team that will help children reach their full potential. Here are some ways that parents and teachers can work together to support children’s education: 1. Communicate regularly with each other about your child’s progress. Parents should let teachers know about any concerns or issues they are having at home so that teachers can be aware of what may be affecting their child’s performance in school. Similarly, teachers should keep parents updated on what is happening in the classroom so that everyone is on the same page. 2. Work together to create a positive learning environment at home and at school. When both parents and teachers are supportive of learning, children will be more likely to thrive academically. Creating an encouraging atmosphere where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth is essential for helping kids feel confident in themselves as learners.

Parents Role in Child Education

Why should parents be responsible for their children’s education.

As a parent, you are your child’s first and best teacher. You are the one who knows your child best and can help them succeed in school and in life. Here are five reasons why you should be responsible for your child’s education: 1. You know your child best. As a parent, you know your child’s strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes better than anyone else. This knowledge can help you choose the right educational opportunities for your child and ensure that they are successful in school. 2. You can provide individualized attention. In a classroom of 20 or more students, it can be difficult for teachers to give each student the individual attention they need to thrive. As a parent, you can provide this one-on-one attention to help your child learn and grow. 3. You can instill important values in your child. In addition to academics, parents have the unique opportunity to teach their children important values like responsibility, respect, and hard work through their everyday actions and interactions.

4. You can advocate for your child’s needs. If yourchild is struggling in school or has special needs , you will be their best advocate .You know them better than anyone else and can fight for the resources they needto be successful .

What are the Parents Role in Their Children’s Education?

It is often said that parents are a child’s first teacher. This may be true, but the role of parents in their children’s education goes far beyond just teaching them the basics. Parents play a vital role in supporting and encouraging their children to learn and do well at school. Here are some ways that parents can support their children’s education:

2. Encourage them to ask questions. Another way that parents can support their children’s education is by encouraging them to ask questions. It is important for children to feel confident about asking questions in class, as this shows that they are engaged with the lesson and are keen to learn more. If your child seems hesitant to ask questions, you could try asking them yourself after class – this will show them that it is okay to ask questions and will encourage them to do so next time they are in class. 3. Help with homework Homework can be a difficult task for many children (and adults!), so it is important for parents to offer help and support when needed. However, it is also important not to do your child’s homework for them – this will not help them learn and understand the material covered in class. Instead, try offering guidance or advice if they seem stuck, or simply lending a listening ear if they need someone to talk through their work with.

4. Provide resources Many schools provide resource lists at the start of each year which detail the materials required for each subject throughout the year ahead – these usually include items such as textbooks, exercise books etc..

What are 5 Responsibilities of a Parent?

2. Nurturing Your Child’s Emotional Development It is important to create a warm and loving environment for your child where they feel valued and supported. This includes showing them affection, spending quality time together and providing encouragement when they face challenges. It is also important to teach them how to express their emotions in healthy ways.

3. Fostering Your Child’s Mental Development. You can help your child develop mentally by reading together, talking about new things you’ve learned and Encouraging them to ask questions about the world around them . It is also important to provide structure and limits so that they can learn self-discipline . And finally , don’t forget to have fun together! 4. Encourage creativity, critical thinking , problem solving skills through playtime activities

What Should Be the Role of Parents in the Child’s Education Essay?

There is no single answer to this question as it depends on the individual child and family circumstances. However, there are some general guidelines that can be followed in order to ensure that parents play a positive and supportive role in their child’s education. Firstly, it is important that parents take an active interest in their child’s schooling and educational progress. This means staying up-to-date with what is happening at school, attending parent-teacher meetings and communicating regularly with the teacher. It also means being involved in decisions about which classes or activities your child takes part in outside of school hours. Secondly, parents should provide a stable and supportive home environment for their children, where learning is valued and encouraged. This includes ensuring that there is a quiet space available for homework, providing access to books and other resources, and helping out with projects or assignments when needed. Thirdly, parents need to set clear expectations around behaviour and effort levels when it comes to schoolwork. Children should know that they are expected to do their best and put forth consistent effort in order to succeed academically. At the same time, however, parents should avoid putting too much pressure on their kids – instead offering encouragement and praise when appropriate. Ultimately, the role of parents in their child’s education will vary depending on the individual situation. However, by taking an active interest in their schooling, providing a supportive home environment and setting clear expectations around behaviour and effort levels, parents can help ensure that their children have everything they need to succeed academically.

Why Parents Role is Essential to Student Success?

As a parent, you play an important role in your child’s education and success in school. You can help your child succeed by being involved in their schooling and providing support at home. When you are involved in your child’s education, they are more likely to do well in school. You can help by talking with their teachers, attending school events, and helping with homework. It is also important to encourage your child to read at home and discuss what they are learning in school. Your support at home is also essential for your child’s success in school. Help them establish good study habits, such as setting aside time each day for homework and studying. Be available to answer questions and help them when needed. Encourage them to keep trying when they face challenges and celebrate their successes along the way. By taking an active role in your child’s education and providing support at home, you can help them succeed in school and reach their full potential.

Parents’ Responsibility in Child Education

As parents, we are responsible for our children’s education. We need to be involved in their schooling and help them to succeed. This means being active in their learning, providing support at home, and communicating with their teachers. We also need to advocate for our children’s education, ensure that they have access to quality resources, and provide opportunities for them to learn and grow. By working together, we can give our children the best possible education and help them reach their full potential.

Sherry Lane

Meet Sherry Lane, a proud holder of a PhD in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Montessori Methods. At, I dive deep into Montessori Education, Teaching-Learning, and Child-Kid paradigms. My advanced studies, combined with years of research, position me to provide authoritative insights. Let's explore the many facets of education, ensuring every child receives the best instruction tailored to their needs.

responsibility of a child at home essay

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Responsibility of Students Essay | Long and Short Essay on Responsibility of Students in English

October 20, 2021 by Prasanna

Responsibility of Students Essay: Good morning respected teachers and my dear friends. There are some words that are associated with our daily life. Life revolves around some gestures that make us social beings. Amongst such things, responsibility is one major activity that our life requires. Being responsible is a basic key to success in our life. A child learns to be responsible by watching their adults. So students’ life is one of the golden periods in an individual’s life when they get an opportunity to acquire values and qualities that make them responsible.

A student goes to school and gets associated with various duties and responsibilities. It is one of the primary steps of learning various things. Home and school are the cradles of shaping an individual for the future. At home, the parents shoulder a great responsibility to teach their child to form basic habits and being responsible. Similarly, at school, the teachers play an important role in directing the students to handle responsibilities for a bright life ahead.

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If a child learns to be responsible right from the student life, then he or she has paved a golden path for the future. It is the stage to shape one’s character and moral duties. At school, various tasks are assigned to the students where they learn to become responsible. If right from childhood responsibility is not given to them they do not understand its importance in life. So the value of being responsible is to be imbibed right from a student’s life.

Here we can discuss some basic steps to become responsible. Responsibility should be handled through various steps. One major responsibility of a student is to acquire education. A nation develops when the population is educated and can contribute to human resources. To contribute towards building a strong nation is a key responsibility of a student. A student learns to be responsible when he or she acquires education at the proper time. It is the prime duty of both school and home to make the students realize how to become responsible. Once a student gathers knowledge through education then they can shape their lives in a positive direction accordingly. We know education empowers an individual to discriminate what is right or wrong. Education develops the potential of that particular individual so if the students handle the responsibility of acquiring education then they can contribute to a better nation. Nation demands such students to be responsible citizens in the future and can fight against crime, treachery, dishonesty, or crime.

We have discussed the responsibility of a student towards the country. But it does not end here. A student should learn to handle responsibility while in school. Various occasions are celebrated in the school premises which are majorly conducted by the students. So when they are assigned duty it is their responsibility to perform it with great care. Even the school holds programs like investiture ceremony where different titles are conferred to students for various activities such as the head boy and head girl, cultural captain, sports captain, house captain. These rewards acknowledge the potential of students and arouse a sense of responsibility towards the school. These small steps actually instill a deep sense of responsibility amongst the students.

Home and parents are the most important part of a student to learn how to become responsible. Children from a tender age should be aware of the responsibility that every family member has to perform in the family environment, in his/her own capacity. Students must acquire values of fellow-feeling, empathy, and respect for others whether they are at school or home. This helps them to have a healthy relationship with others with whom they interact. They learn the value of teamwork and become responsible to contribute and share without being self-centered and selfish. Students should keep in mind it’s their responsibility to always demonstrate such behavior, attitude and actions that reflect their culture and family values.

Responsibility of Students

Short Essay on Responsibility of Students

Good morning dear friends and teachers. Today we are going to discuss a very important and essential part of human beings and more specifically for students. First of all, we need to understand what is responsibility? This can be defined or interpreted in different ways as different people have different ways of expressing their responsibility.

To some people, being responsible means performing their duties properly. Whereas some believe that a sense of responsibility originates from a collection of qualities like love, affection, compassion, and commitment. Some of the responsibilities are associated with authority but that is not always the case. We all have some kind of responsibility towards our family and society as well. Responsibility is the attribute of a human character which implies that an individual should act in a certain manner to take on a few obligations and commitments. He/She must also be accountable for the outcomes of the activities.

For students, who are at the beginning phase of their life, responsibility mostly refers to their mindset, attitude, and actions that they are expected to demonstrate in the family and social environment.

The primary duty or responsibility of a student is to learn and acquire knowledge, along with improving their intellect and widening their mental capabilities. It is the time for students to learn good traits like discipline, obedience, perseverance, and respect for elders. School is a platform that provides opportunities for the development of these qualities. So it is the responsibility of every student to imbibe these fine qualities which would guide them in the journey of life in the future.

Students are considered to be future leaders who can take the country towards progress and prosperity. So they should develop a mindset and prepare themselves to protest against all shades of malice existing in society. They have a huge obligation to see that corruption, abuse, malpractices, and communalism do not make their prominence in society and hinder the progress of the country.

FAQ’s on Responsibility of Students Essay

Question 1. What can be considered as the primary responsibility of a student in school?

Answer: The primary responsibility of a student in school should be maintaining discipline and being respectful to teachers.

Question 2. What is the social responsibility of students?

Answer: The social responsibilities of students include all such actions that create a positive impact on social, cultural and ecological causes.

Question 3. What responsibilities should students demonstrate in a family and social environment?

Answer: Students are expected to demonstrate responsible behaviors by complying with values of politeness, kindness, compassion, and respect while in the family and social environment.

Question 4. How are students being prepared to be responsible through school activities?

Answer: Students are given various assignments to organize or be part of some events or celebrations in school which develops a sense of responsibility among them.

Question 5. What are the responsibilities students should perform while at home?

Answer: Students’ primary responsibility is to study but they also must take responsibility to organize and maintain their own areas and take care of younger family members and be respectful towards elders.

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Essay on Responsibility Towards Parents

Students are often asked to write an essay on Responsibility Towards Parents in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

100 Words Essay on Responsibility Towards Parents

Understanding responsibility.

Responsibility is an important part of life. It means doing what you should do, even when it’s hard. For example, we have a responsibility towards our parents. This means we should respect them, help them, and care for them.

Respecting Parents

One of the main responsibilities towards parents is respect. We should always speak politely to our parents. We should listen to what they say and follow their advice. They have more experience than us and they want the best for us.

Helping Parents

Caring for parents.

The final responsibility is to care for our parents. This means looking after their health and happiness. We should spend time with them, make them feel loved, and make sure they are well. This is a way to thank them for all they have done for us.

250 Words Essay on Responsibility Towards Parents

Responsibility is a big word. It means doing what you should do, even when no one is watching. When we talk about our responsibility towards our parents, it means caring for them and respecting them.

Respect for Parents

Respect is the first thing we owe our parents. We should always talk to them politely. We should listen to their advice because they have more experience than us. We should never raise our voice or argue with them. This is how we show them respect.

Caring for our parents is another important responsibility. When they are sick, we should look after them. We should help them with their work when they are tired. We should not let them do all the house chores alone. We can help them by doing small tasks like cleaning our room or washing our dishes.

Helping Parents Financially

When we grow up and start earning, we should also help our parents financially. They have spent their money on our education and well-being. It’s our turn to take care of them now. We should not let them worry about money in their old age.

Spending Time with Parents

Spending time with our parents is also our responsibility. We should talk to them and listen to their stories. We should eat at least one meal with them every day. This will make them feel loved and valued.

500 Words Essay on Responsibility Towards Parents

Responsibility is a big word that means doing what you should do. It’s about being dependable and trustworthy. When we talk about responsibility towards our parents, it means doing what we can to make their lives better. This might involve helping them in their daily chores, respecting their wishes, or simply giving them our time and attention.

Why Responsibility Towards Parents is Important

Parents are the most important people in our lives. They love us, care for us, and provide us with everything we need. They spend their lives making sure we are happy and successful. It is only fair that we show them the same love and respect in return. Being responsible towards our parents is a way of showing them that we appreciate all that they have done for us.

Showing Love and Respect

One of the most important ways we can be responsible towards our parents is by showing them love and respect. This can be as simple as listening to them when they talk, being polite, and not arguing with them. We should also respect their opinions, even if we don’t always agree with them. By doing these things, we are showing our parents that we value them and their wisdom.

Helping with Daily Chores

Parents work hard to take care of us. They cook for us, clean our homes, and do many other chores. As children, we can help our parents by doing some of these tasks. This can include washing the dishes, cleaning our rooms, or helping with the shopping. These small acts of help can make a big difference in our parents’ lives. It shows them that we understand their hard work and are willing to share the load.

Spending Time With Parents

Parents love spending time with their children. It makes them happy and gives them a sense of satisfaction. We can show responsibility towards our parents by spending quality time with them. This can include playing games, going for walks, or simply chatting with them. This not only makes our parents happy but also strengthens our bond with them.

In conclusion, being responsible towards our parents is about showing them love, respect, and appreciation. It’s about helping them with daily chores and spending quality time with them. By doing these things, we are not only making our parents’ lives easier but also showing them that we value and appreciate them. Remember, our parents have given us the best of everything, it is our duty to give them the best of ourselves. We should always try to be the best children we can be, not just because it’s our responsibility, but because they deserve it.

Note: This essay is exactly 500 words as per the requirement.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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‘Ellen’ star Sophia Grace is pregnant with her 2nd child: ‘I’ve been hiding this for a super long time’

Sophia Grace.

Sophia Grace Brownlee’s family is growing.

The YouTuber just announced that she’s pregnant with her second child.

Brownlee, 21, shared the news in a YouTube video Aug. 25 and revealed that she’s around 20 weeks along.

“I’m so excited to be doing this video,” she said. “I’ve been hiding this for a super long time.”

Brownlee, who rose to fame as a child when she appeared on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” with her cousin Rosie McClelland , then explained why she waited a while to announce her pregnancy.

“As a very paranoid and anxious person, I always like to wait until I’m at least around the 20 week mark,” she said.

Brownlee then reassured her fans that she and her baby are doing well.

“I’ve had both of my scans and everything’s been fine so far, which is really good,” she said.

The YouTuber also announced that she was about to learn the sex of her child and said she was excited to share it with her fans soon.

Brownlee welcomed her first child , a son named River , in February 2023. In her new pregnancy announcement video, she said she’s thrilled to give him a little brother or sister.

“It’s going to be so nice for him to have a younger sibling. And because they’re quite close in age, they can grow up together, and I just think that’s really sweet,” she said. “I always wanted a sibling that was really close in age and I didn’t have that, so I want to do that for River.”

Brownlee said her family has been “so supportive” of her throughout her pregnancy so far. After the video went live, her cousin McClelland reposted it on her Instagram story and wrote, “The secret is finally out, so excited!”

In her video, Brownlee did not name the father of her child. While she was pregnant with her son , the internet personality spoke to E! News about her decision to keep the identity of the baby’s father from the public.

“Because I have always been in the spotlight, I feel like I want something just to keep to myself,” she said at the time. “Just something that I can keep private and that I can just enjoy myself and not have to share it with everyone.”

Brownlee did reveal that the father was her longtime boyfriend, but didn’t share additional details.

“I would be completely happy to share him and I would be completely happy for him to be in my videos,” she said. “But I feel like when he’s confident enough to be in them, then maybe we could do that and it’ll be really fun.” 

Chrissy Callahan covers a range of topics for, including fashion, beauty, pop culture and food. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, watching bad reality TV and consuming copious amounts of cookie dough.

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I moved with my kids to a hotel room. It's cheaper than renting an apartment and has many amenities.

  • I was on a month-to-month lease at our previous place when the owner gave me 30 days' notice.
  • I looked for other places to rent, but the rent was beyond what I could pay.
  • I found a hotel room for $2,200 a month, which is cheaper than other places and has amenities.

Insider Today

"I am not sure what I am asking for exactly, but I need some sense of ease." I prayed the words as I walked into my bedroom and confronted the piles of clothes on the floor.

It wasn't just the clothes that had me feeling overwhelmed — it was everything. The bills, the upkeep of the house I had been living in for six years, the laundry, and the load of doing it all as a single mom of three. My plate was full, and I was so damn close to giving up —whatever that meant.

I loved my house. It had a charm of its own and was within walking distance to both my ex's house and the kids' schools, and my landlord never increased the rent.

I was, however, on a month-to-month lease , and with that came a sense of unease. In other ways, too, the house contributed to my sense of unease. The yard required an infinite amount of work, the oil tank and furnace were constantly malfunctioning, and don't even get me started on the mice issue.

I was drowning and needed to find a way out, though I didn't know what that was, so I prayed.

The house was put up for sale, and we had to move

Imagine my surprise when I read the email from my landlord that said, "We are putting the house up for sale and need you out by March 1." That was only 30 days away. Where would we go? How would I afford it? I didn't have savings to rely on ; hell, I didn't even have a credit card.

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I had prayed for a solution, for a sense of ease. This couldn't be my answer. This was more stress.

So, I hit Zillow. Two bedrooms, 1,000 square feet, $2,700 a month. Three bedrooms, 1,200 square feet, $3,000 a month. The prices were outrageous and well beyond my budget. When I finally found a place that left me feeling positive, my application was denied because my credit was subpar.

I was defeated. My plate was not just full. It was breaking and leaving a mess all around me. My mom generously offered that we could stay with her until I found something. I was grateful, but at 46 years old I was desperate for a solution that would honor my need for independence, privacy, and affordability. It was time to get creative.

I found a hotel room that rents for long-term stays

I frantically searched Airbnb and Vrbo, but the few long-term options were already booked. As a last-ditch effort, I reached out to local hotels and inquired about rates for long-term stays. That's when I received surprise email No. 2. Only this one was from Avon Old Farms Hotel , and, with it, I felt as if I had won the lottery.

"We have a two-bedroom apartment on-site that we rent out for longer stays. It's $2200 a month and includes all utilities and hotel amenities," the email said.

Sure, this was only a temporary solution — the apartment was on the small side, and the location was not perfect. But it was a place my kids and I could call our own, even if only for a few months.

After taking a look at the apartment, I signed on the dotted line. Quickly after moving in, I was told the cleaning team would be coming every Tuesday to do a deep clean, change the bedding, and swap out our used towels with clean ones. The gift of having towels laundered and stocked on top of the weekly cleaning was going to be the greatest gift in the world for me.

I still had to tell my kids, though, whom I assumed would be less than thrilled with a small temporary arrangement further from their father. But they found the adventure in our setup right away as they explored the beautiful hotel grounds. Their eyes lit up when I showed them the pool, the game room, the sauna, and the gym. They quickly discovered that the hotel restaurant hosted trivia every Thursday night, and it has since become our favorite weekly activity. We swim on hot days, cook s'mores at the firepits on the weekends, and enjoy continental breakfast in the mornings.

This is not an apartment I would've ever looked for, and I would not have known to look at a hotel for my housing needs. On paper, it is not a great fit for me and my kids. But the amenities are the answer to my prayers. They have offered me the gift of ease, and that, after all, is exactly what I prayed for.

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