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Graduate Education

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  • Priscilla King Gray Public Service Center
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  • Digital Learning
  • Disability and Access Services
  • Information Systems and Technology
  • Student Financial Services
  • Writing and Communication Center
  • Major Course of Study
  • General Institute Requirements
  • Independent Activites Period
  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
  • First-​Year Advising Seminars
  • Interphase EDGE/​x
  • Edgerton Center
  • Grading Options
  • Study at Other Universities
  • Internships Abroad
  • Career Advising and Professional Development
  • Teacher Licensure and Education
  • ROTC Programs
  • Financial Aid
  • Medical Requirements
  • Graduate Study at MIT
  • General Degree Requirements
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  • Abdul Latif Jameel Clinic for Machine Learning in Health
  • Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
  • Art, Culture, and Technology Program
  • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
  • Center for Bits and Atoms
  • Center for Clinical and Translational Research
  • Center for Collective Intelligence
  • Center for Computational Science and Engineering
  • Center for Constructive Communication
  • Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
  • Center for Environmental Health Sciences
  • Center for Global Change Science
  • Center for International Studies
  • Center for Real Estate
  • Center for Transportation &​ Logistics
  • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
  • Concrete Sustainability Hub
  • D-​Lab
  • Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation
  • Division of Comparative Medicine
  • Haystack Observatory
  • Initiative on the Digital Economy
  • Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
  • Institute for Work and Employment Research
  • Internet Policy Research Initiative
  • Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
  • Knight Science Journalism Program
  • Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
  • Laboratory for Financial Engineering
  • Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
  • Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity
  • Laboratory for Nuclear Science
  • Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
  • Lincoln Laboratory
  • Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
  • Materials Research Laboratory
  • McGovern Institute for Brain Research
  • Microsystems Technology Laboratories
  • MIT Center for Art, Science &​ Technology
  • MIT Energy Initiative
  • MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative
  • MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
  • MIT Media Lab
  • MIT Office of Innovation
  • MIT Open Learning
  • MIT Portugal Program
  • MIT Professional Education
  • MIT Sea Grant College Program
  • Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
  • Operations Research Center
  • Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
  • Plasma Science and Fusion Center
  • Research Laboratory of Electronics
  • Simons Center for the Social Brain
  • Singapore-​MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre
  • Sociotechnical Systems Research Center
  • Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
  • Women's and Gender Studies Program
  • Architecture (SB, Course 4)
  • Architecture (MArch)
  • Art and Design (SB, Course 4-​B)
  • Art, Culture, and Technology (SM)
  • Architecture Studies (SMArchS)
  • Media Arts and Sciences
  • Planning (SB, Course 11)
  • Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science (SB, Course 11-​6)
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics Fields (PhD)
  • Aerospace Engineering (SB, Course 16)
  • Engineering (SB, Course 16-​ENG)
  • Biological Engineering (SB, Course 20)
  • Biological Engineering (PhD)
  • Chemical Engineering (Course 10)
  • Chemical-​Biological Engineering (Course 10-​B)
  • Chemical Engineering (Course 10-​C)
  • Engineering (Course 10-​ENG)
  • Engineering (Course 1-​ENG)
  • Computation and Cognition (Course 6-​9)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (Course 6-​3)
  • Computer Science and Molecular Biology (Course 6-​7)
  • Electrical Engineering with Computing (Course 6-​5)
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (MEng)
  • Computer Science and Molecular Biology (MEng)
  • Health Sciences and Technology
  • Archaeology and Materials (Course 3-​C)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3-​A)
  • Materials Science and Engineering (PhD)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Course 2)
  • Mechanical and Ocean Engineering (Course 2-​OE)
  • Engineering (Course 2-​A)
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering (Course 22)
  • Engineering (Course 22-​ENG)
  • Anthropology (Course 21A)
  • Comparative Media Studies (CMS)
  • Writing (Course 21W)
  • Data, Economics, and Design of Policy (MASc)
  • Economics (Course 14-​1)
  • Economics (PhD)
  • Mathematical Economics (Course 14-​2)
  • Global Studies and Languages (Course 21G)
  • History (Course 21H)
  • Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24-​2)
  • Philosophy (Course 24-​1)
  • Linguistics (SM)
  • Literature (Course 21L)
  • Music (Course 21M-​1)
  • Theater Arts (Course 21M-​2)
  • Political Science (Course 17)
  • Science, Technology, and Society/​Second Major (STS)
  • Business Analytics (Course 15-​2)
  • Finance (Course 15-​3)
  • Management (Course 15-​1)
  • Biology (Course 7)
  • Chemistry and Biology (Course 5-​7)
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9)
  • Chemistry (Course 5)
  • Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
  • Mathematics (Course 18)
  • Mathematics (PhD)
  • Mathematics with Computer Science (Course 18-​C)
  • Physics (Course 8)
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  • Chemistry and Biology
  • Climate System Science and Engineering
  • Computation and Cognition
  • Computer Science and Molecular Biology
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science
  • Humanities and Engineering
  • Humanities and Science
  • Urban Science and Planning with Computer Science
  • African and African Diaspora Studies
  • American Studies
  • Ancient and Medieval Studies
  • Applied International Studies
  • Asian and Asian Diaspora Studies
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Energy Studies
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Latin American and Latino/​a Studies
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Polymers and Soft Matter
  • Public Policy
  • Russian and Eurasian Studies
  • Statistics and Data Science
  • Women's and Gender Studies
  • Advanced Urbanism
  • Computational and Systems Biology
  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • Design and Management (IDM &​ SDM)
  • Joint Program with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • Leaders for Global Operations
  • Microbiology
  • Music Technology and Computation
  • Operations Research
  • Real Estate Development
  • Social and Engineering Systems
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Technology and Policy
  • Transportation
  • School of Architecture and Planning
  • School of Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making (Course 6-​4)
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering (PhD)
  • School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • Humanities (Course 21)
  • Humanities and Engineering (Course 21E)
  • Humanities and Science (Course 21S)
  • Sloan School of Management
  • School of Science
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (PhD)
  • Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Fields (PhD)
  • Interdisciplinary Programs (SB)
  • Climate System Science and Engineering (Course 1-​12)
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (Course 6-​14)
  • Interdisciplinary Programs (Graduate)
  • Biological Oceanography (PhD)
  • Computation and Cognition (MEng)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (SM)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (PhD)
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (MEng)
  • Engineering and Management (SM)
  • Leaders for Global Operations (MBA/​SM and SM)
  • Music Technology and Computation (SM and MASc)
  • Real Estate Development (SM)
  • Statistics (PhD)
  • Supply Chain Management (MEng and MASc)
  • Technology and Policy (SM)
  • Transportation (SM)
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics (Course 16)
  • Aerospace Studies (AS)
  • Architecture (Course 4)
  • Biological Engineering (Course 20)
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (Course 1)
  • Comparative Media Studies /​ Writing (CMS)
  • Comparative Media Studies /​ Writing (Course 21W)
  • Computational and Systems Biology (CSB)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)
  • Concourse (CC)
  • Data, Systems, and Society (IDS)
  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
  • Economics (Course 14)
  • Edgerton Center (EC)
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)
  • Engineering Management (EM)
  • Experimental Study Group (ES)
  • Global Languages (Course 21G)
  • Health Sciences and Technology (HST)
  • Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24)
  • Management (Course 15)
  • Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Military Science (MS)
  • Music (Course 21M)
  • Naval Science (NS)
  • Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Special Programs
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  • Theater Arts (21T)
  • Urban Studies and Planning (Course 11)
  • Women's and Gender Studies (WGS)

MIT graduate programs provide collaborative environments for advanced study by students and faculty working together to extend the boundaries of knowledge. MIT boasts globally prominent graduate programs in engineering, science, computation, architecture and planning, management, and the social sciences and humanities. MIT's five schools and one college encompass a broad variety of degree paths, each with their unique requirements. Across all schools and the college, MIT graduate programs offer students the opportunity to gain unparalleled discipline-specific knowledge; to master the tools needed to advance research; and to acquire a bedrock foundation in the skills necessary for career advancement.

This section outlines the general requirements together with other important aspects of graduate education, including admissions and financial aid.

MIT Academic Bulletin

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/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="graduate level course work"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

Graduate school degrees.

Central campus

The Graduate School administers research and professional degrees in more than 80 different fields of study, with opportunities for further exploration in 18 minor (non-degree granting) fields. The Graduate School provides an umbrella of support and resource for graduate students enrolled in these degrees, including admissions and funding support systems and data reporting tools.

Additionally, there are many other advanced degrees administered by colleges and schools at Cornell University that are not part of the Graduate School’s support system and, instead, provide these services within their specific colleges and/or programs. 

Graduate School Research Degrees 

These programs focus on the development of new knowledge through original research and scholarship. Our master’s degree programs are designed for those who wish to obtain further education in a selected field and to develop their ability for critical inquiry, research and teaching. Doctoral programs are designed for individuals who demonstrate the potential to perform original research and scholarship, with a view to various careers requiring a terminal degree, including those in research and teaching. 

  • M.A.  (Master of Arts)
  • M.S.  (Master of Science)
  • M.A./Ph.D.  or  M.S./Ph.D.  (joint Master’s/Doctor of Philosophy)
  • M.F.A.  (Master of Fine Arts), Creative Writing
  • D.M.A.  (Doctor of Musical Arts) , typically 3 or more years
  • J.S.D.  (Doctor of Science of Law)
  • Ph.D.  (Doctor of Philosophy)

Graduate School Professional Degrees

In professional degrees, the focus is on projects and coursework. Professional degrees prepare students to practice their profession at an advanced level or to teach the subject matter of their profession. 

  • M.F.S. (Master of Food Science) , 1 year
  • M.I.L.R.  (Master of Industrial and Labor Relations) , 2 years
  • M.L.A.  (Master of Landscape Architecture) , 3 years
  • M.P.H  (Master of Public Health) , 1-2 years; part-time option
  • Animal Science
  • Biological and Environmental Engineering
  • Integrative Plant Science
  • Global Development
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Natural Resources and the Environment
  • Applied Statistics
  • Fiber Science & Apparel Design
  • Human Resources (Online)
  • ​ Information Science
  • Veterinary Medical Sciences , 12 months
  • M.R.P.  (Master of Regional Planning) , 2 years

See the fields of study catalog for more information on degree programs offered through the Graduate School. 

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Why should you consider Cornell?

Graduate-level coursework

An honors by contract option.

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  • Grad Credit

Grad Credit Deadlines

Summer c-term 2024, dates not available for this quarter., autumn 2024.

By… You must have…
Submitted a complete application for graduate-level coursework happening this quarter
Received a confirmation email stating that an Honors adviser has approved or denied your application
Submitted any revisions for graduate-level coursework denied by an Honors adviser
Received adviser approval for any revisions made to an application that was initially denied.

Winter 2025

Applying graduate-level coursework towards your interdisciplinary honors requirements.

Students may take four- or five-credit decimal graded graduate-level (500-level or above) courses to earn Interdisciplinary Honors credit, by submitting the Graduate-level Honors credit form prior to the deadline for the quarter. Graduate courses will ONLY count in the “Elective” category of the curriculum (a maximum of 3 out of 5 of your additional any courses can be satisfied through any combination of our Honors by Contract options).

This option and the form linked above are specific to Interdisciplinary Honors. Departmental Honors policies surrounding graduate-level coursework vary major to major, because of this, you will need to contact your Departmental Honors Adviser directly after reviewing their Departmental Honors webpage for information and guidelines about what courses may be appropriate for Departmental Honors credit.

Joint-listed graduate and undergraduate courses

Some graduate-level courses are jointly listed with undergraduate (4xx and below) courses; students may enroll using either course number. However, we recommend registering for the graduate-level (5xx) course when possible, as it does not require your professor to approve your application or verify that you completed the graduate level coursework at the end of the quarter.  Students must complete and submit the Graduate-level Honors credit form regardless of whether they register for the 5xx course number or the jointly listed undergraduate (4xx or below) course.

Jointly listed 4/500 level courses that have no difference in undergrad or graduate required work are not eligible for honors credit. If there is no difference in course requirements, students may consider ad hoc to receive honors elective credit.

Go to the graduate-level Honors credit application

See examples of past applications

Frequently Asked Questions

Is X course eligible?

All decimal-graded 500 level courses are eligible to receive Honors credit. Undergraduate courses that are considered electives for various graduate programs may not be applied toward this requirement. Please contact an Honors adviser in advance of submitting the form if you have questions about whether the graduate course you are considering is eligible.

How do I register for a graduate-level course?

Approval to register for 500 level coursework is up to the discretion of the professor. Once you identify a 500 level course that is eligible for graduate level coursework credit, you will need to reach out to the professor directly for permission to enroll in their course.

My graduate-level course still isn’t showing up as Honors on my transcript, what gives?

Your transcript and degree audit should be updated by the Friday following the final grading deadline of the quarter. If by this date the course is still not applying correctly to your Honors Electives category, or appearing with an “H” on your transcript, please email uwhonors@uw.edu .

Connect with UW Honors:

Mary Gates Hall 211, Box 352800 Seattle, WA 98195-2800 Contact Us Office Hours: Open by appointment only during Summer 2024, as the Honors staff is available online.

© 2024 University of Washington | Seattle, WA

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Graduate Certificate Vs. Degree: Do You Need A Master’s Degree?

Kayla Missman

Updated: Aug 14, 2023, 10:24am

Graduate Certificate Vs. Degree: Do You Need A Master’s Degree?

After earning a bachelor’s degree and getting some professional experience under your belt, you might discover there’s more you need to learn. Whether you want to qualify for higher-level positions, change careers or specialize in a niche topic, earning a postgraduate credential—such as a master’s degree or graduate certificate—is a great next step.

Graduate certificates aren’t master’s degrees, but they do permit you to enroll in graduate-level classes at reputable universities. After finishing a set series of classes, you receive a certificate to show your achievement. At some colleges, graduate certificates can also count toward a full master’s degree.

Choosing between a graduate certificate vs. degree program comes down to your career aspirations, budget and schedule. Read on to learn more about the benefits of both educational paths and how to determine which is the right fit for you.

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Master’s vs. Graduate Certificate

Master’s degrees are generally longer, more comprehensive and pricier than graduate certificates, which take less time to complete and focus more narrowly on a niche subject. Read on to compare and contrast these credentials.

What Is a Master’s Degree?

A master’s degree is a postgraduate degree; you must hold a bachelor’s degree to enroll in a master’s program. In some fields, a master’s degree is the highest level of education. For other career paths, such as academia and research, graduates may continue on to a doctoral program.

While graduate programs vary in format and length, master’s degrees typically take one to two years to complete. Enrollees complete 10 to 14 courses offering advanced insights on their chosen subject, building on the foundation of their undergraduate education.

While deepening students’ knowledge of their field, graduate courses also allow learners to specialize in a particular interest area. While pursuing a master’s in accounting , for example, learners might specialize in taxation, supply chain management or data analytics. In this way, they can personalize their education and define their career path by choosing and customizing a program to fit their goals.

What Is a Graduate Certificate?

A graduate certificate is not a degree, but it’s still a quantifiable achievement that can boost your résumé. Accredited universities offer graduate certificates as an alternative—and sometimes a starting point—to a full master’s program.

Graduate certificates differ from master’s degrees in both time and scope. Certificates typically consist of three to five courses and do not include a thesis or capstone component. The curriculum is highly specialized, covering a much narrower scope of information than a two-year program would.

Benefits of a Master’s Degree

If you have the time and budget, a master’s degree can be a worthwhile investment in your future. While a bachelor’s degree is enough to get started in many fields, earning a graduate degree qualifies you to take on leadership roles, paving the way for promotions or upper-management positions. Some industries, like finance, research and education, prefer a master’s degree, and many roles require one.

Graduate programs can empower you to make a career change, too. Completing graduate coursework can increase your confidence and develop the skills you need to apply for new roles. Even though master’s degrees allow for specialization, many are comprehensive enough to provide a basis for various career paths within your chosen field.

Increase Your Earning Potential

Advanced degrees typically lead to higher-level positions with higher earnings. In 2022, workers with master’s degrees reported median weekly earnings of $1,661, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . In comparison, those with bachelor’s degrees earned $1,432 per week.

Build Your Network

In addition to their academic benefits, graduate programs create opportunities for professional connections. During your program, you can forge relationships with your peers and professors, as well as industry professionals. These interactions may not pay off immediately, but building an extensive network may open unexpected doors.

Demonstrate Your Skills

Master’s degrees often involve a thesis or capstone project. Completing a thesis or an independent research project allows you to dive into a topic that interests you. The goal is to prove your mastery of the subject area, along with your writing skills, logical reasoning and research capabilities.

In a capstone course, students synthesize and apply everything they’ve learned in their coursework. An MBA capstone project, for example, might involve analyzing and developing solutions for a real-world client.

Benefits of a Graduate Certificate

With a shorter, more focused certificate, you can refine your skills in a particular area or close a gap in your knowledge. Certificates allow you to stay competitive in a constantly changing market by keeping on top of developments in your industry, such as new technology or environmental considerations, without going back to school for a full degree.

A few benefits set graduate certificates apart from master’s degrees:

More Flexibility

If you’re working full time, earning a graduate certificate may suit your busy schedule better. While each graduate-level course still requires a significant time commitment, with a graduate certificate program, you can take just one class at a time and complete the credential at a slower pace. Some programs even let you skip a term and finish when you have more time.

Plus, certificates are commonly offered online, allowing you to complete them from anywhere.

Since graduate certificate programs are run through universities, you’ll have to pay per-credit tuition for each course. But with fewer credits required, graduate certificates are much more affordable than master’s degrees. You’ll also pay for fewer associated costs, such as textbooks, housing and transportation.

As an example, Stanford University offers an online master’s degree in computer science , which could take up to five years for part-time learners to complete. Earning the degree’s required 45 credits would cost $65,520.

Alternatively, students could take a smaller selection of courses to earn a graduate certificate in artificial intelligence or advanced software systems from Stanford. With fewer credits, part-time learners could complete the program in one or two years for less than $24,000.

Easier Application

Enrolling in a graduate certificate program is usually fairly simple. You may need to submit a statement of purpose, your academic history and your professional experience, but you won’t need to take the GRE. Some schools are more competitive, but the application process and turnaround is generally quicker than applying to grad school.

What Is the Difference Between a Graduate Certificate and a Professional Certificate?

Unlike graduate certificates, professional certificates aren’t academic programs. Professional certificate programs may include coursework, but not graduate-level classes offered through a university. Rather, industry and professional development organizations usually run professional certificate programs, which can still advance your career depending on your field.

Some jobs require you to earn a professional certification, which is a more intensive process than obtaining a certificate. For example, the Certified Public Accountant and Chartered Financial Analyst certifications each entail initial education and experience requirements, a professional exam, ongoing fees and continuing education. These professional certifications are considered industry standards recognized by all employers in their respective fields.

To learn more, check out our guide exploring certificates vs. certifications .

Master’s vs. Graduate Certificate: Which Is Right for You

Completing either postgraduate credential is a big achievement, and both signal your commitment to learning and excelling in your field. But how do you choose between master’s vs. graduate certificate programs? Ask yourself these questions to help determine the right fit:

  • How specialized do you want your education to be? Even with a specialization, a full master’s program covers a wide breadth of knowledge. This can be useful if you’re switching to a new career, but if you just need to brush up on a particular topic, you might prefer a short, focused graduate certificate.
  • What are your career goals? Some jobs, especially in mid- and upper-level management, require master’s degrees. A graduate certificate is a good starting point, but it does not equate to a graduate degree. Similarly, research and academic positions may require a doctorate. Dedicating your time and resources to a master’s program with a thesis component is usually the best way to gain admission to a doctoral program.
  • How much time can you commit to this program? Master’s degrees take one to two years for full-time learners to complete. Since graduate certificates require far fewer courses—about one-third, in comparison—they’re more attainable for many professionals. Graduate certificates are less likely to involve in-person components as well.
  • What’s your budget? Earning a master’s degree often pays off, but it’s still a hefty investment. In the 2020-21 academic year, graduate tuition and fees averaged $26,621 at private schools and $12,394 at public schools, according to the National Center for Education Statistics . Graduate certificates offer a more affordable option for learners who don’t need a graduate degree.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Graduate Certificates vs. Degrees

What is a graduate certificate equivalent to.

A graduate certificate isn’t the same as a degree, but it does certify that you passed a series of graduate-level courses at an accredited university. While not equivalent to a full master’s degree, a graduate certificate demonstrates advanced knowledge of a particular topic.

Do employers care about graduate certificates?

Yes, earning a graduate certificate can be valuable to employers. Certificates cover various topics, such as technology, leadership, environmental issues, IT, and diversity and inclusion. Earning a graduate certificate demonstrates an ongoing commitment to learning.

Is a certificate equivalent to a degree?

No, a graduate certificate is not a degree. Most certificates require students to take three to five courses, while a master’s degree requires 10 to 14.

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Kayla Missman specializes in making complicated topics more approachable. She has eight years of experience in journalism, editing and marketing, allowing her to dive into interesting topics and industries. She primarily researches and writes about higher education, insurance and healthcare, helping readers make empowered, informed decisions.

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Stanford Online

Statistics graduate certificate.

Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences

Get Started

With the Statistics Graduate Certificate, you will gain an advanced skill set that can be applied to nearly all branches of science and technology. Statistical methods are used to analyze experiment results, test significance, and display results accordingly. Statistics can also be vital to making informed business decisions, particularly in times of uncertainty, by helping forecast seasonal, cyclic, and general economic fluctuations.

Increase your understanding of this mathematical science and develop the tools and know-how to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. You can begin your program any academic quarter that an applicable course is offered, subject to prerequisites, and tailor the program to your interests and career goals.

You Will Learn

  • How to use statistical methods to extract meaning from large datasets
  • How to develop and use predictive models and analytics
  • How to understand and use strategic decision-making applications

Courses (complete 4)

Theory of Probability Course image (3d bar colorful bar graph)

  • Online, instructor-led


How Much It Will Cost

How long it will take.

  • Complete four graduate courses within 3 academic years.
  • Your time commitment will vary for each course. You should expect an average of 15-20 hours per week for the lecture and homework assignments.
  • Most students complete the program in 1-2 years.

What You Need to Get Started

Don’t wait! While you can only enroll in courses during open enrollment periods, you can complete your online application at any time.

Once you have enrolled in a course, your application will be sent to the department for approval. You will receive an email notifying you of the department's decision after the enrollment period closes. You can also check your application status in your my stanford connection account at any time.

Learn more about the graduate application process .

What You'll Earn

Graduate Certificate Sample

You’ll earn a Stanford Graduate Certificate in Statistics when you successfully earn a grade of B (3.0) or better in each course in the program.

With each successful completion of a course in this program, you’ll receive a Stanford University transcript and academic credit, which may be applied to a relevant graduate degree program that accepts these credits. If admitted, you may apply up to 18 units to an applicable Stanford University master’s degree program (pending approval from the academic department).

This Stanford Graduate Certificate is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

Graduate Certificates are delivered as a digital credential document, verified on the blockchain. You’ll be able to share your accomplishments, verify your credential, and communicate the scope of your acquired expertise.

What You Need to Apply

  • A conferred Bachelor’s degree with an undergraduate GPA of 3.3 or better.

Teaching Team

Alden Green

Alden Green

Alden's research has focused on graph-based learning, a collection of geometrically-motivated methods for dimensionality reduction. He earned his PhD from the CMU Department of Data Science and Statistics, where his thesis was recognized with the Umesh K. Gavaskar Thesis Award. Other interests include epidemiological modeling and network-based inference.

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 University of Missouri Graduate School

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Grading & credit, grading policy.

Graduate students’ grades in all courses counting toward an advanced degree  may be reported as: A +/- ,  B +/- , and  C +/- .

Faculty members are not required to use a plus/minus grading scale; that decision should be based on the faculty member’s evaluation of student performance and/or polices of their academic program.

Grade point averages  are calculated as:

A+ 4.0
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7

The Graduate School considers grades of C+, C and C- as passing grades; however, grades in the C range may not be acceptable for specific programmatic requirements and may result in the student being unable to maintain a 3.0 cumulative average.

No D grade may be awarded to a graduate student, and a grade of F means the work has not satisfied the minimum requirements of the course. W denotes withdrawn passing and does not affect a student’s grade point average.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) Grading

Graduate students may be graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) in graduate-level courses  only when those courses are designated as “graded on S/U basis only”  in the Schedule of Courses (available through  myZou ).


An  incomplete grade (I) may be recorded when the student’s work, for good reason, is incomplete but otherwise worthy of credit, or when the instructor is unable to assign a grade at the end of the semester. The student must finish this work within the next calendar year of residence.

Research (e.g., 8090/9090) courses should NOT receive an incomplete grade.

If the work is not completed after one calendar year, the request to change an I grade will require an accompanying letter of justification from the instructor. Although I grades do not automatically convert to an F if not completed, academic programs or the instructor may establish conditions or regulations pertaining to I grades that are more stringent.

Unreported Grades: NR

When grades are not reported by the instructor, they are recorded as  Not Reported (NR) . The NR designation will remain on the student’s transcript until a letter grade is submitted. If a letter grade is not submitted, the NR can remain on the student’s record indefinitely and will not revert to an F.

Graduate-Level Credit

No graduate credit is given for courses numbered below 7000.  Graduate students taking 7000-level courses cross-leveled with 4000-level courses will be given additional course requirements in order to warrant graduate credit received for those courses.

Courses at 8000/9000 level are primarily for graduate credit.  8090/9090 Research (8990/9990 Research for Engineering students) is reserved for master’s and doctoral degree students working on a thesis or dissertation.

Grade Point Average

A graduate student’s grade point average is based on the student’s entire graduate record at MU.  If a student retakes a course, the grade from the first time the course was taken cannot be replaced; it will be calculated into the student’s GPA along with the grade from the retaken course.

To remain in good standing, a graduate student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

GPA and Probation

At the end of each semester, graduate students with a cumulative GPA below 3.0 are placed on academic probation.  If at the end of the following semester the cumulative GPA is 3.0 or better, the probationary status is removed. A student on probation failing to raise the cumulative GPA to 3.0 may, on the recommendation of the department or area program, be allowed a second probationary semester.

A student is subject to dismissal upon failure to raise the cumulative GPA to 3.0 by the end of the second probationary semester, or at any time a semester/term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.

Note:  Summer session is not counted as a semester.

GPA & Graduation

To graduate, a student must have an overall GPA of 3.0 in all graduate courses taken at MU and not just those courses listed on a plan of study.

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ECE Graduate Level Courses - Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Purdue University

Purdue University

ECE Graduate Level Courses

Note about terms offered information: The terms a course is offered may vary from the information show below due to a number of factors, including instructor availability. Direct any questions to Lynn Hegewald .

50000-level ECE courses are dual (graduate/undergraduate) level courses. A 3.0 or better major GPA is recommended for undergraduate students taking 500 level courses.

60000-level ECE courses are intended primarily for graduates students and special permission is required for undergraduates to take these courses. In addition to approval of their advisor and instructor, Graduate School approval is also required. If you are an undergraduate student considering taking a 600 level course, please see your academic advisor.

Grad School Center

45 Free Graduate Courses You Can Take Online

Reviewed by David Krug David Krug is a seasoned expert with 20 years in educational technology (EdTech). His career spans the pivotal years of technology integration in education, where he has played a key role in advancing student-centric learning solutions. David's expertise lies in marrying technological innovation with pedagogical effectiveness, making him a valuable asset in transforming educational experiences. As an advisor for enrollment startups, David provides strategic guidance, helping these companies navigate the complexities of the education sector. His insights are crucial in developing impactful and sustainable enrollment strategies.

Updated: May 24, 2024 , Reading time: 26 minutes

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Find your perfect college degree

In this article, we will be covering...

Data Points:

  • In 2020, almost 8 in every 10 (72.9%) graduate school enrollments * were in master’s degrees. The rest pursued a doctorate.
  • The average debt ** among master’s degree holders is $83,651.
  • PhD holders, on the other hand, owe an average of $125,276.

A significant variable that weighs in your decision to proceed to graduate study is your tuition cost . College tuition continues to rise and weighs on students’ and families’ financial concerns, not to mention the college debt that can follow you around for a lifetime (or until it is paid off).

Grad School Costs

The average grad school tuition runs between $54,000 and $73,000 for a master’s degree and $150,835 for a doctoral degree. Despite the rising tuition costs, individuals pursue an advanced degree for reasons that help them qualify for promotions, specialize in specific knowledge and skills, and enhance job security.

The National Center for Education Statistics stated that there had been a 19% increase in master’s degrees granted and an 18% increase in doctor’s degrees conferred between 2011 and 2021. This, in turn, has encouraged institutions to provide more ways for those who want to earn an advanced degree.

Distance Learning for the Grad Student

Developments in distance education technology have made it possible to fit an individual’s learning around work and other responsibilities. Graduate online courses have been growing to accommodate each student’s needs . Time management can be a problem for busy professionals who are enrolled in graduate programs.

Fortunately, for people hoping to improve their resume or take a step into a new field, there is easy access to courses online today. It can be a challenge, but with online courses, graduate students get to plan their schedules and study at their convenience.

What about the cost of these online courses? They are mostly cheaper than online graduate degrees and can be taken anytime, anywhere. What’s even better is that there are free online graduate courses that are often taught by an impressive faculty using the most effective learning materials.

Various universities offer these courses, and what’s exciting is that most of them are from Ivy League schools across the nation. They are even accessible to students around the world.

Technology requirements for completing these free online graduate courses may vary, but generally, they include the most up-to-date devices, software programs, and internet browsers. Most of these online graduate courses do not need admission to college, and they don’t offer credit toward a degree. Prestigious schools and universities might offer credit courses for a limited time only.

GSC - Average Debt Among Graduate Degree Holders

Free Online Graduate Courses

We’ve curated free online graduate courses offered by reputable educational institutions in the nation.


Political Economy I

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT

This online graduate course is designed for students who want to learn about the effects of how political and economic forces form public policy. It provides you with a firm foundation for studying classical political economy.

The course requires a lot of reading materials like Theories of the Liberal State and Politics, Neo-Classical Theories of the Economy, The Keynesian Revolution, and more.

You will need to submit assignments by writing two essays, one topic after every six sessions. Political Economy will challenge you to be critical about the issues facing the world and how we provide for the necessities in our lives.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Synchronous EFFORT: 2 hours per week DURATION: 12 weeks

Quantitative Methods for Biology

Harvard University via HardvardX

Harvard University via HardvardX

The online Quantitative Methods for Biology course is intended for those who want to learn more about basic biological and medical applications through MATLAB.

This will greatly benefit programmers who want to explore knowledge within medicine and biology or biologists who want to develop technical computing language that will enable them to increase their ability to write efficient scripts.

Taught by a first-rate Systems Biology professor, the Quantitative Methods for Biology online course will give you the confidence to pursue research using MATLAB on your own.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $99 Certificate Available EFFORT: 3-5 hours per week DURATION: 10 weeks

Advanced Studio on the Production of Space

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT

Architects may find this online graduate course helpful to their careers. Combining liberal arts studies with creative problem-solving skills, the Advanced Studio on the Production of Space online course discusses concepts and meanings of the relationship among models, diagrams, and objects.

Learners immerse themselves in helping shape the future environment, development, and facilities.

You are expected to create models of spatial production while understanding the needs of the community or environment. Assignments and readings are required to complete the online course. There are two modeling experiments: a midterm presentation, a final project proposal, and a final presentation.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Synchronous EFFORT: 6 hours per week DURATION: 14 weeks

Intellectual Property Law and Policy

University of Pennsylvania via PennsylvaniaX

University of Pennsylvania via PennsylvaniaX

When about to embark on a career in Law, remember that Intellectual Property Law is one of the most important legal areas. It is continually growing and, in fact, a multi-billion dollar business.

Graduate students can take this online course that presents a thorough examination of the Intellectual Property Law and its different verticals—patent, trademark, design, and copyright.

This two-part course takes a comprehensive look at the Intellectual Property Law and Policy and explores modern cases and debates involving copyright and trademark issues.

PROVIDER : edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $169 Certificate Available EFFORT: 2–3 hours per week DURATION: 6 Weeks

Engineering Ethics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT

Engineering graduate students may complete the Engineering Ethics course without having to go to campus. This course is essential to all engineers, no matter the level and specialization.

Also, it is one of the requirements for maintaining your license as an Engineer. Online Engineering Ethics covers the standard code of ethics, philosophy, and case study methodology.

Reading materials will help you gain knowledge and skills in structured moral reasoning and identify moral dilemmas related to your profession. Two sets of homework and a research project should be completed during the term. Audio and video lectures are also provided.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Synchronous EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 12 weeks

Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Stanford University

Stanford University

This course introduces concepts and fundamentals of innovation and entrepreneurship, which are vital in this age’s global environment. Students will be able to learn the language of innovation and recognize its importance in the 21 st century.

This online course comes with not just learning materials from world-class instructors but also from leading Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and innovators. You are encouraged to present your reflection on how the course applies to your own experience. An evaluation may also be completed.

PROVIDER: Stanford Online COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: Graduate Certificate Available DURATION: 60-day course access

Principles and Practice of Drug Development

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

The Principles and Practice of Drug Development online course provides modules that will give you a grasp of why drugs are developed in a certain way, how they are developed, and who is responsible for the whole process. Reading materials in the form of articles are provided for this online course.

You will be part of a team to work on a project concerning drug discovery and drug development for a specific illness. Your team should be able to present your progress report on week 11 and the final paper on the last session.  Lecture notes are provided.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Synchronous EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 14 weeks

Introduction to the Internet of Things

Stanford School of Engineering

Stanford School of Engineering

The Introduction to the Internet of Things is a short course that lets you experience Stanford’s quality online education by combining expert teaching and real-world applications. It consists of 5 modules that can download videos for reviews on technology advancement.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of all devices connected to the Internet, such as IoT sensors, Supply Chain Management, Barcode Readers, Smart Farming, and more. Online graduate students are encouraged to submit an evaluation upon completion of the course.

PROVIDER: Stanford Online COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: Graduate Certificate Available DURATION: 60-day access

Fundamentals of Probability

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

Probability in Engineering degree programs is a relevant course that leads students into learning to examine how likely events would happen. This means engineers would use probability to do risk assessments when analyzing data.

This online course lets you build a foundation in probability by providing lecture notes, recitation notes, and recommended textbooks for additional materials.

Each student is required to complete a series of assignments, as well as midterm and final exams, which will count for 30% of your grade. Although not required, students are expected to have a Multivariable Calculus course or anything related to probability and analysis as formal prerequisites.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Synchronous EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 16 weeks

Leadership and Influence

University of Maryland via USMx

University of Maryland via USMx

There can be no effective leadership without influence. Leadership and Influence online course fosters business management students’ skills to become successful leaders and create an impact on an organization.

Successful leaders work not only by directing and guiding their people toward fulfilling an organization’s goals but also by inspiring them to follow his/her footsteps.

In this course, enrollees are expected to develop an influence strategy for building confidence in employees. Credits are transferrable to an online master of business administration program.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led CERTIFICATE: $214 Certificate Available EFFORT: 8–10 hours per week DURATION: 7 weeks

Competition in Telecommunications

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

The Competition in Telecommunications online course allows students to analyze and discuss issues involving competition in the telecommunications industry. It covers topics in law principles and regulation of telecommunications, best practices, the economic theory of competition, and market forces.

Students must be present in all classes and comply with all assigned readings (from books, articles, and websites) and written reports.

Besides professors from the MIT Management School, guest speakers from leading organizations will give course lectures. This will give students the great opportunity to meet and interact with respected speakers.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 3-4 hours per week DURATION: 11 weeks

Product Management with Lean, Agile and System Design Thinking

Boston University via BUx

Boston University via BUx

Product Management with Lean, Agile, and System Design Thinking is one of the advanced courses for students who want to become excellent digital product managers in the future.

The growing importance of data- and metrics-driven approaches in decision-making puts the role of product managers in high demand. You will be taught development methods and performance management, as well as stand-in approaches for lean, agile, and waterfall development.

Prerequisites of this course include basic mathematics, project and process (operations) management, marketing, and software engineering functions. These functions are all integrated into this online graduate course.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $399 Certificate Available EFFORT: 4–8 hours per week DURATION: 6 weeks

Interactive Music Systems

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

Harmonix’s Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Fantasia: Music Evolved are some of the successful interactive musical experiences that allow users to connect with music more deeply. Interactive Music Systems is one of the most sought-after programming and design courses at MIT.

Music perception and audio synthesis, programmatic MIDI and event sequencing, building graphics for UI, music visualization, and aesthetic cohesion are only three of the many exciting topics in this online course.

It uses Kivy – an application framework for Python, so students are expected to have any Python proficiency or electrical engineering and computer science prerequisites. Assignments and final project presentations are completed with your assigned team.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 13-14 weeks

Advanced Bioconductor

Harvard University via HarvardX

Harvard University via HarvardX

HarvardX’s online course in Advanced Bioconductor is one of the seven-part series of Data Analysis for Life Sciences and Genomics Data Analysis programs. This online course will help you make an exciting career in the field.

You will build upon your experience with rigorous topics in next-generation genomic data visualization, reproducible analysis methods, and cloud-scale genomic archives. Students with Statistics and Biology backgrounds are advised to skip the first few courses (introductory courses).

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $49 Certificate Available EFFORT: 2–4 hours per week DURATION: 5 weeks

Marketing Analytics: Products, Distribution, and Sales

University of California – Berkeley via BerkeleyX

University of California – Berkeley via BerkeleyX

This course helps students use analytics to improve marketing outcomes. It aims to determine the most effective tools and techniques to calculate consumer value, measure and analyze marketing data, track marketing campaign efficacy, and estimate the ROI of marketing projects.

To achieve product decisions, one must know how to interpret data. Students of the online graduate course will be so fortunate to be mentored by one of the marketing wizards, Stephan Sorger.

He held top marketing positions in organizations such as Oracle, 3Com, and NASA. Learn this course through lectures, case studies, and in-class exercises.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $249 Certificate Available EFFORT: 5–7 hours per week DURATION: 4 weeks

Project Management Life Cycle

Rochester Institute of Technology via RITx

Rochester Institute of Technology via RITx

Project Managers are required with an overwhelming amount of planning to fulfill project goals. This course will guide you on the four phases of the project management cycle— initiation, planning, execution, and closure.

A project life cycle helps managers take control of the project and recognize the various levels of effort needed for a particular project.

This online course will let you explore diverse projects and different project cycle models appropriate to specific industries. Course enrollees should be holders of a bachelor’s degree in any business program or have had at least five years of work experience to register for this course.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $150 Certificate Available EFFORT: 8–12 hours per week DURATION: 10 weeks

Logistical and Transportation Planning Me t hods

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

Online graduates in civil engineering can take this course to gain a strong foundation in the Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods. This course is commonly found in civil engineering undergraduate programs, but programs with a specialization in this area are typically found at the graduate level.

Emphasis areas like planning, design, analysis, and traffic operations of transportation and service systems are discussed in this online course.

You will learn about scientific and technical concepts to address logistical and transportation problems. You will be graded through quizzes and assignments, and lecture notes are provided.

Digital Transformation Strategy

Boston University via BUX

Boston University via BUX

Digital Transformation Strategy is one of the courses available in BU’s 8-month MicroMasters® Program in Digital Leadership. Today’s leaders and entrepreneurs are driven to create or reinvent their businesses using technology. This will teach you how to change business operations and how to create value for your clients/customers.

In this course, you will gain outstanding knowledge, skills, and tools to use data for innovative ways to build business opportunities. It includes three phases of transformation essential to business success.

The Online Digital Transformation Strategy course will guide you through developing effective ways for changes required in your company.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $399 Certificate Available EFFORT: 4–6 hours per week DURATION: 6 weeks

Financial Accounting for Corporations

University of Maryland Global Campus via USMx UMGC

University of Maryland Global Campus via USMx UMGC

UMGC’s online Financial Accounting for Corporations course is excellent for students who want to shift their careers to financial planning. This course will focus on areas where corporate accounting differs from other forms of entity.

Activities in this course will include preparing financial statements based on the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and in compliance with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Taking this online course is your first step to moving up the CFO ladder as a corporate accountant and becoming a valued consultant to your company.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led CERTIFICATE: $249 Certificate Available EFFORT: 8–10 hours per week DURATION: 8 weeks

Fundamentals of Current Flow

Purdue University via PurdueX

Purdue University via PurdueX

Even with zero experience in nanotechnology or quantum mechanics, electronics students will be lucky to find this online course—Fundamental of Current Flow.

With its new approach to electron flow, the course teaches you about modern nanoelectronic devices that bear electrons that travel through channel lengths comparable to a mean free path.

As part of the MicroMasters® Program in Nanoscience and Technology, this online course will help you gain an understanding of microtechnology and its application in novel ultra-small or nanoscale electronic devices.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led CERTIFICATE: $750 Certificate Available EFFORT: 5–6 hours per week DURATION: 5 weeks

Education Technology Studio

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

Educational software, interactive books, and exercise are some of the tools that give new meaning to the education experience. Education Technology Studio is an innovative course that aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge to develop new structures in the education environment.

This online course hones your skills in using design models, conceptualization, and strategies for managing technology in an educational setting.

One of the goals of this course is to expose students to new research on teaching methods and techniques using education technology. Class participation and mini- and final projects determine student’s grades.  

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 14 weeks

Introduction to Web Security

Stanford University

Delve into the fundamental building blocks of web security. The Introduction to Web Security is a short course intended for individuals working in the field of cybersecurity or those who want to make a start in the field.

Learning about key security concepts, common threats to system security, assessment of the availability of data, and implementing security solutions to the common threats are some of the topics you will tackle in this course. 

Algorithmic Design and Techniques

The University of California San Diego via UCSanDiegoX

University of California San Diego via UCSanDiegoX

Algorithmic Design and Techniques enable students to gain much-needed experience in advanced techniques and ideas for analyzing and designing algorithms. Programming and IT professionals seeking information on using algorithm designs in various contexts will find this online course perfect for their careers.

This will help you learn theories for turning simple tasks into big data and applying programming to genomic studies.

Prerequisites to this online course are a background in programming language and mathematics in proof by induction and proof by contradiction.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $99 Certificate Available EFFORT: 8–10 hours per week DURATION: 6 weeks

Graduate Seminar in American Politics I: Political Behavior

MIT OpenCourseWare

The Graduate Seminar in American Politics I: Political Behavior is offered by one of the few political science departments in the nation.

As a graduate course on mass political behavior, it focuses on teaching students about topics in political participation and public opinion and discussing difficulties in social science research in preparation for individual research.

Class participation makes for the most significant part of your grade, along with memos and the final paper. Each student must lead a discussion in a meeting.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 2 hours per week DURATION: 13 weeks

Computer Architecture

Princeton University

Princeton University

Individuals looking to advance their careers in Computer Science should look for strong online courses like Princeton University’s Computer Architecture.

This online course mainly covers the concepts involved in computer systems. As a learner, you will learn about computer architecture, microarchitecture, and instruction set architectures.

Other topics include pipelined processor microarchitecture, cache review, superscalar, VLIW design, and more. Each topic has its video course material, and graded assignments can be accessed when you purchase the Certificate experience.

PROVIDER: Coursera COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: Paid Certificate Available EFFORT: 3-6 hours per week DURATION: 11 weeks

Atomic and Optical Physics I

 MIT OpenCourseWare

The online Atomic and Optical Physics I is offered to give online graduate students a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and a higher level of research skills.

Learning AMO physics means being able to connect theoretical methods and significant data to its related fields like astrophysics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and more.

Graded activities consist of reading and problem-solving assignments, a midterm quiz, and a term paper. Video lectures are also provided for each topic.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 11 weeks

Sports Marketing

Northwestern University

Northwestern University

Marketing professionals who want to focus their careers on Sports Marketing can take the first step and enroll in this online course. This online course lets you acquire knowledge on how marketing, content creation, and public relations are structured to aid in business sports operations.

This course will help you prepare for strategies to promote sports businesses effectively. Work for a professional sports team and start nurturing your passion for sports with this online course.

PROVIDER: Coursera COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: Paid Certificate Available EFFORT: 1-4 hours per week DURATION: 6 weeks

Speech Communication

MIT OpenCourseWare

Online graduate students attain a broad and advanced knowledge in studying communication concepts. This course helps you develop critical and research skills while also broadening your understanding of communications.

The course covers a wide range of topics, from the methods of the study of Speech and Language to speech analysis, the acoustics of speech production, sentence production, speech, and language development in children. Each student must submit a term paper by the end of the course.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 2 hours per week DURATION: 15 weeks

The Human Intelligence Enterprise

MIT OpenCourseWare

The Human Intelligence Enterprise is an online course belonging to the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department. It discusses the computational theories of human thinking and covers reading in artificial intelligence.

This will also teach you about using models to examine the fundamental issues in human knowledge and how they can influence our understanding of intelligent machines.

The course consists of 23 sessions with course readings, reports, and a final project.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 12 weeks

Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

Harvard University via HarvardX

If you’re looking for courses to improve your business practices, then an online course from an Ivy League school is here to give you the preparation you need.

Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies uses a multidisciplinary approach in evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities and generating original and innovative solutions to modern-day business problems.

You will learn to describe challenges in the different parts of every business, such as finance and marketing. With all of these, you will learn to apply entrepreneurial ideas in different business areas and also develop your comprehensive business plan.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $125 Certificate Available EFFORT: 3–5 hours per week DURATION: 6 weeks

Gendering U.S. Immigration Policy: Sociopolitical, Theological and Feminist Perspectives

MIT OpenCourseWare

This online course covers topics on understanding and addressing concerns of immigrant women and their role in the sociopolitical perspectives on immigration policy.

It provides you with critical topics on the concerns of the study of fairness in the various political systems and how to address women’s unique concerns. Each student is expected to give a presentation and a blog assignment after every module.

One group project presentation is also required, which will allow you to collaborate on practices for field research. Then, a research paper is due at the end of the course. The Consortium for Graduate Studies in Gender, Culture, Women, and Sexuality (GCWS) serves as a prerequisite to this course.

Supply Chain Analytics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MITx

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MITx

Consumers want their products and orders moved and delivered faster, so the supply chain manager is under pressure to meet demands.

The online Supply Chain Analytics course is for business management graduate students whose learning goals include mastering supply chain management and developing strategies to enhance an organization’s competitive advantage.

To complete this course, you must submit case studies using spreadsheets to apply techniques and methods in solutions for supply chain problems and projects.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led CERTIFICATE: $199 Certificate Available EFFORT: 8–12 hours per week DURATION: 15 weeks

Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions

The George Washington University

The George Washington University

Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions will introduce you to the enhancement of knowledge in the methodologies used in clinical simulations. This online course is designed for nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, educators, and other healthcare professionals.

It is divided into seven modules that include videos, reading assignments, and quizzes that provide flexibility in completing the course.

These modules cover standards in best practices, development of simulation center, debriefing simulation, and simulated patient, (SP)e7ffe0.

PROVIDER: Coursera COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: Paid Certificate Available EFFORT: 2 hours per week DURATION: 7 weeks

Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MITx

The Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance is intended for students who have completed courses in calculus, probability and statistics, and linear algebra. This online graduate course is offered to help graduate students complete programs independently and conveniently.

Mathematical methods have been increasingly important in risk management, quantitative analysis, and computational techniques in the finance industry.

You will learn that this course will give you a firm grounding on the application of the theory of modern financial markets and acquire additional analytical skills.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led CERTIFICATE: $450 Certificate Available EFFORT: 10–14 hours per week DURATION: 12 weeks

Blockchain and Money

Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare

Blockchain and Money is an online graduate course that lays the foundation for gaining knowledge and a competitive advantage in blockchain technology.

This online course is meant for individuals with a business or economic background. You will learn how blockchain affects the finance industry and discover factors and principles governing the planning and organization of a Blockchain-based company.

The class will start with a review of cryptocurrency Bitcoin, its regulatory landscape, possibilities, and limitations. By the end of the course, you will present a group research paper that will count for 40% of your grade.

Buddhism and Modern Psychology

Princeton University

This online course draws on the bestselling author and first-rate Princeton visiting lecturer, Robin Wright, to examine the meditative practice and link Buddhist ideas about the human mind.

The concept of mindfulness in the Buddhist perspective speaks about its central premise of paying attention to the present moment.

The course will answer what Buddhism and modern psychology have in stock to cultivate essential human qualities and transform the human mind. You will gain free access to readings, videos, and lectures in this online course.

PROVIDER: Coursera COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced EFFORT: 2-6 hours per week DURATION: 6 weeks

Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning

MIT OpenCourseWare

This online course presents a wide range of topics on environmental planning and decision-making, environmental ethics, public policy, and environmental analysis. You will examine the techniques of forming and implementing environmental policies and learn to develop planning theory and practice. It is divided into four units:

  • Federal Environmental Policy-Making,
  • Environmental Ethics and the Environmental Policy Debate,
  • Environmental Planning Techniques, and
  • Public Participation and Collaborative Decision-Making.

Readings, assignments, scenario presentations, and exams are all part of the grading for this online course.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 11-12 weeks

Design Thinking Fundamentals

Rochester Institute of Technology via RITx

Design thinking has become increasingly significant in businesses and organizations in the present. It helps develop creativity in creating new products, services, and experiences for consumers.

This online course will guide you through the foundation of next-level design thinking and problem-solving strategies in business management.

You will master the knowledge you need to sustain design thinking abilities and acquire the mindset you need to develop and apply your learning in your organization.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $299 Certificate Available EFFORT: 8–12 hours per week DURATION: 6 weeks

Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering (ELS)

MIT OpenCourseWare

Science and engineering writing is essential in articulating essential issues and concepts in your studies and careers.

This online course will enable you to think through how to synthesize and organize your thoughts to communicate all that you have learned from your chosen field. Drafting, revising, and sharing your writing are all done during the session.

Therefore, regular attendance is a must. You will be assigned to lead a group discussion or a short presentation throughout the course. This will help you develop skills on how to define the audience, use appropriate techniques in reporting, and develop articles, blogs, and videos.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Instructor-led EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 13 weeks

Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster

Harvard University via HarvardX

The Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster focuses on contemporary humanitarian concerns such as human rights in conflict, urban disasters, forced migration, and violence in aid workers. This is designed for students who seek to develop the skills needed to interact with the global humanitarian community.

You will be able to broaden your understanding of emerging risks and disasters by examining five case studies: Crisis in Goma (Zaire), Somalia, the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Engage with the faculty and other humanitarian practitioners who have both academic and field experiences in relief and assistance.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $99 Certificate Available EFFORT: 3–4 hours per week DURATION: 5 weeks

Public Transportation Systems

MIT OpenCourseWare

The online course in Public Transportation Systems emphasizes transportation network analysis, operation and control, modeling and simulation, capacity analysis, and technological transportation systems. Learners of this online course will work on recommended readings, problem sets, assignments, and a final exam.

Select topics in the course include funding of transportation projects, data collection, design and construction, management and operations, efficiency, and human resources management.

The course assumes that learners have taken Transportation Systems Analysis: Demand and Economics.

Principles of Biochemistry

Harvard University via HarvardX

This online course introduces the concepts of cellular structure, replication, function, and metabolism. It will also provide a solid foundation for molecular interactions in the biochemical processes in cells, tissues, and organisms.

It is recommended that learners have prior exposure to college-level Introductory Biology or General Chemistry.

Explore chemical, physical, and biological processes and biological systems responsible for the survival and growth of organisms, develop problem-solving and analytical skills applicable to the aspects of chemical differences and similarities of DNA and RNA, and many more.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $199 Certificate Available EFFORT: 4–6 hours per week DURATION: 15 weeks

Feminist Thought

MIT OpenCourseWare

Feminist Thought is an online course that allows students to explore, analyze, and engage in topics related to social inequalities. It will also take you to three feminist theoretical approaches, The Sameness Approach, The Difference Approach, and The Dominance Approach, to examine specific issues.

Readings will include both historical and contemporary authors, and lecture notes for all sessions are provided.

PROVIDER: MIT OpenCourseWare COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced EFFORT: 3 hours per week DURATION: 13- 14 weeks

CitiesX: The Past, Present, and Future of Urban Life

Harvard University via HarvardX

This online course provides a solid theoretical basis for analyzing urban planning issues, urban public policies, and the impacts of urban planning and design on infrastructures.

You will also learn how the urban environment influences how humans live, the historical development of urban planning and development, and how to envision possibilities and other roles of urbanism in the future.

Learning materials include interviews and lectures from policymakers, urban planners, and city residents.

PROVIDER: edX COST: Free Online Course SESSION: Self-paced CERTIFICATE: $99 Certificate Available EFFORT: 5–7 hours per week DURATION: 11 weeks

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The instructions in our Application Guide are relevant to applications for all graduate courses at Oxford, except for :

  • Biochemistry (Skaggs-Oxford Prog.) , DPhil
  • Biomedical Sciences (NIH OxCam) , DPhil
  • Clinical Psychology , DClinPsych
  • EcoWild , NERC CDT
  • Medicine (Graduate Entry)  eg BMBCh
  • Saïd Business School courses

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Please note that websites external to the University of Oxford may hold information on our courses.  Those websites may contain incomplete and inaccurate information. Please refer to this website which provides the definitive and up-to-date source of information on any graduate course offered by the University.

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The Human Perspective in Care

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Simulating existential conversations in palliative care using AI for nursing students at undergraduate and graduate level

Simulating existential conversations in palliative care using ai.

for nursing students at undergraduate and graduate level

The project aims to explore how existential conversations in palliative care can be taught using an AI-generated virtual person for nursing students.

Start date: 2024-01-01

End date: 2026-12-31

The goal is to investigate whether phenomenological conversation methodology can be effective for training with a virtual person, and how students experience the use of such a method to develop both theoretical and practical skills in existential conversations and ethical supervision.

Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to analyze the students' experiences and the effect of the simulation. The project is in line with the university's goal to promote ethical and existential issues in healthcare and is expected to increase students' confidence and competence in handling complex conversations, which in turn can improve care for seriously ill patients.

Project Leader

Maria giovinazzo brovall.

033-435 4748

[email protected]

graduate level course work

Researchers/University employees

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Lotta Saarnio Huttu

Senior Lecturer

033-435 4708

[email protected]

graduate level course work

Marita Gabre

033-435 4769

[email protected]

graduate level course work

033-435 4850

[email protected]

External project members

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Carina Lundh-Hagelin, Leg. sjuksköterska, docent, lektor

Elin Hjort, Leg. sjuksköterska, PhD, postdoktorand, lektor

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At the University of Borås we conduct research that leads to solutions that change society for the better. Our research on The Human Perspective ...

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  1. Graduate Courses & Certificates

    Earn credits toward a master's degree or certificate in a flexible online format. Get started with a few simple steps. Browse our portfolio of graduate courses and graduate certificates. Submit an online application and supply accompanying documents. Register for courses during the open enrollment period to be considered for admission.

  2. Graduate Certificate vs. Master's Degree

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  4. Graduate Education

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  5. What you need to know about online graduate courses

    Every institution is different and it's important you review the structure of each unique course and program. In Stanford's online graduate courses you can watch recorded graduate level lectures or watch the lectures in real time as it takes place on campus. You are able to hear directly from the professors and students and benefit from all ...

  6. Graduate School Degrees : Graduate School

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  7. Graduate-level coursework

    Overview Applying graduate-level coursework towards your Interdisciplinary Honors requirements. Students may take four- or five-credit decimal graded graduate-level (500-level or above) courses to earn Interdisciplinary Honors credit, by submitting the Graduate-level Honors credit form prior to the deadline for the quarter. Graduate courses will ONLY count in the "Elective" category of the ...

  8. Graduate

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    A graduate certificate isn't the same as a degree, but it does certify that you passed a series of graduate-level courses at an accredited university. While not equivalent to a full master's ...

  10. Statistics Graduate Certificate

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    Graduate students taking 7000-level courses cross-leveled with 4000-level courses will be given additional course requirements in order to warrant graduate credit received for those courses. Courses at 8000/9000 level are primarily for graduate credit. 8090/9090 Research (8990/9990 Research for Engineering students) is reserved for master's ...

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    Note about terms offered information: The terms a course is offered may vary from the information show below due to a number of factors, including instructor availability. Direct any questions to Lynn Hegewald.. 50000-level ECE courses are dual (graduate/undergraduate) level courses. A 3.0 or better major GPA is recommended for undergraduate students taking 500 level courses.

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    But before signing up for graduate courses, check that you meet your school's requirements. At Cleveland State University, undergraduates can take up to nine credits of graduate courses. But the policy only applies to those with senior-level standing and a minimum 2.75 GPA, plus a minimum 3.0 GPA in their major.

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    This course is commonly found in civil engineering undergraduate programs, but programs with a specialization in this area are typically found at the graduate level. Emphasis areas like planning, design, analysis, and traffic operations of transportation and service systems are discussed in this online course.

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  17. Graduate courses A-Z listing

    Please note that websites external to the University of Oxford may hold information on our courses. Those websites may contain incomplete and inaccurate information. Please refer to this website which provides the definitive and up-to-date source of information on any graduate course offered by the University.

  18. Simulating existential conversations in palliative care using AI

    Simulating existential conversations in palliative care using AI for nursing students at undergraduate and graduate level The project aims to explore how existential conversations in palliative care can be taught using an AI-generated virtual person for nursing students. ... Saved courses/programmes Required fields are marked with an asterisk ...