Essay on Prevention of Global Warming for Students and Children

500 words essay on prevention of global warming.

Global warming is a term you must have heard by now as it is very prevalent in today’s world. Moreover, it has become a very dangerous environmental issue which we must resolve as soon as possible. If we do not prevent it now, soon we will find it hard to survive on this planet.

essay on prevention of global warming

Every person needs to contribute equally to help prevent global warming. Similarly, we must identify the causes that are contributing to this dangerous phenomenon and work hard to find solutions. Furthermore, we must immediately put a halt to all those activities which are causing global warming .

Causes of Global Warming

There are many activities through which global warming is happening. Mostly human activities are contributing to this damaging phenomenon. The carbon dioxide levels are increasing in the air which is causing global warming. Moreover, the increase in greenhouse gases is also contributing to this phenomenon.

Furthermore, the usages of hot water for various purposes like bathing, cleaning and more release gases contribute to it. After that, when we make use of ordinary bulbs instead of LED lights, we contribute majorly to global warming. Similarly, the way people leave their electronic devices unattended when not in use also plays a big role.

Most importantly, deforestation and cutting plants everywhere just make it worse for our planet. The way we burn wood and fossil fuels only makes the condition of global warming worse. Similarly, when we use too much of automobiles that release harmful toxins in the air, the temperature of earth increases and causes global warming. In order to prevent global warming, we must adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle to make the future safe for our future generations.

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Ways to Prevent Global Warming

There are many changes we can bring about in our life both big and small to prevent global warming and save our planet. Firstly, we must stop deforestation in all forms. Do not cut down more trees as it will only worsen the level of carbon dioxide in the air. Instead, encourage people to plant even more trees to create a fine balance in nature.

Moreover, it reduces the usage of energy everywhere. It does not matter if you are at your home or at your office, the higher the energy used the more the carbon dioxide produced. Thus, do not waste electricity as it requires the burning of fossil fuels. As a result of the burning of fossil fuels , greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase rapidly and contribute to global warming. Moreover, reduce the carbon footprint and do not travel through planes that often.

Most importantly, replace all your ordinary bulbs with LED lights. It will help in reducing the use of energy by a massive amount. Similarly, do not waste that energy. Instead of becoming more dependent, we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and electricity right away.

Opt for eco-friendly options like solar energy and win power. Take up the habit of recycling and reusing. Do not throw away things instead learn to reuse them properly. Further, carpool with your neighbors and relatives to not contribute to automobile exhausts and emissions.

FAQs on Prevention of Global Warming

Q.1 What is causing global warming?

A.1 There are many human activities that cause global warming. Some of them are the usage of hot water, old light bulbs, burning fossil fuels, wasting electricity, using excessive automobiles, deforestation and many more.

Q.2 How can we prevent global warming?

A.2 We can prevent global warming by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Try to carpool with your relatives and friends to not produce carbon emissions. Moreover, do not cut down trees unnecessarily and also replace old electronic gadgets.

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  • Global Warming Essay


Essay on Global Warming

The last few decades have been monumental when it comes to technological development. Humans have developed systems and machines that make our lives easier. Especially during the early modern period from the early 16th century to as far as the late 18the century, also commonly referred to as “The Scientific Revolution” or “The Enlightenment”, modern technology leapt ahead in development in such a short time frame compared to all of history.

However, with the development of society, there has been a severe detriment to the quality of Earth’s environment. One of the most massive threats to the condition of the planet is climate change. Inadequate research and reckless misuse of natural resources are some of the core reasons for the deteriorating condition of the planet.

To understand the concept of Global Warming and its causes and effects, we need to take an in-depth look into many factors that affect the temperature of the planet and what that means for the future of the world. Here is an objective look at the topic of Global Warming and other important related topics.

What is Climate Change?

Ever since the industrial and scientific revolution, Earth is slowly being used up for its resources. Moreover, the onset of the exponential increase in the world’s population is also very taxing on the environment. 

Simply put, as the need for consumption of the population increases, both the utilisation of natural resources and the waste generated from the use of said resources have also increased massively. 

One of the main results of this over the many years has become climate change. Climate change is not just the rise or fall of temperature of different areas of the world; it is also a change in the rain cycles, wind patterns, cyclone frequencies, sea levels, etc. It affects all major life groups on the planet in some way or the other.  

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is often considered an effect of Climate change. Global Warming is the rapid increase in the temperature of the Earth’s environment that is causing many life-threatening issues to arise.

Global Warming is a dangerous effect on our environment that we are facing these days. Rapid industrialization, increase in the population growth and pollution are causing a rise in Global Warming. Global Warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface during the last century. One of the reasons why Global Warming is dangerous is because it disturbs the overall ecology of the planet. This results in floods, famine, cyclones and other issues. There are many causes and results of this warming and is a danger for the existence of life on earth.

The sign of Global Warming is already visible with many natural phenomena happening around globally, affecting each living species.

Here is some data that can help to give a more precise understanding of the reality of Global Warming in the last few years:

On average, the world’s temperature is about 1.5°C higher than during the start of the industrial revolution in the late 1700s. That may not seem a lot to you, but that is an average estimate. This number is only increasing. Many parts of the world face far more severe changes in temperature that affect the planet’s overall health.

In 1950, the world’s CO 2 emissions were at 6 billion tonnes which had quadrupled in volume until 1990, just 40 years later to 22 billion tonnes. Not only that, unchecked CO 2 emissions today have reached a whopping 35 billion tonnes.

The most evident causes of Global Warming are industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, and sophisticated human activities. These human activities have led to an increase in the emission of Greenhouse Gases, including CO₂, Nitrous Oxide, Methane, and others.

Causes of Global Warming

A variety of reasons causes Global Warming. Some of which can be controlled personally by individuals but others are only expected to be solved by communities and the world leaders and activists at the global level.

Many scientists believe the main four reasons for Global Warming, according to recent studies, are:

Greenhouse gases


Per capita carbon emissions

Global Warming is certainly an alarming situation, which is causing a significant impact on life existence. Extreme Global Warming is resulting in natural calamities, which is quite evident happening around. One of the reasons behind Global Warming is the extreme release of greenhouse gases stuck on the earth surface, resulting in the temperature increase.

Similarly, volcanoes are also leading to Global Warming because they spew too much CO₂ in the air. One of the significant causes behind Global Warming is the increase in the population. This increase in the population also results in air pollution. Automobiles release a lot of CO₂, which remains stuck in the earth.

This increase in the population is also leading to deforestation, which further results in Global Warming. More and more trees are being cut, increasing the concentration of CO₂.

The greenhouse is the natural process where the sunlight passes through the area, thus warming the earth's surface. The earth surface releases energy in the form of heat in the atmosphere maintaining the balance with the incoming energy. Global Warming depletes the ozone layer leading to the doom's day.

There is a clear indication that the increase in Global Warming will lead to the complete extinction of life from the earth surface.

Solution for Global Warming

Global Warming can not be blamed on individuals; however, it can be tackled and maintained from worsening starting at the individual level. Of course, industries and multinational conglomerates have higher carbon emissions levels than an average citizen. Still, activism and community effort are the only feasible ways to control the worsening state of Global Warming.

Additionally, at the state or government level, world leaders need to create concrete plans and step programmes to ensure that no further harm is being caused to the environment in general. 

Although we are almost late in slowing down the Global Warming rate, it is crucial to find the right solution. From individuals to governments, everyone has to work upon a solution for Global Warming. Controlling pollution, population and use of natural resources are some of the factors to consider. Switching over to the electric and hybrid car is the best way to bring down the carbon dioxide.

As a citizen, it is best to switch over to the hybrid car and to use public transport. This will reduce pollution and congestion. Another significant contribution you can make is to minimize the use of plastic. Plastic is the primary cause of Global Warming taking years to recycle.

Deforestation is another thing to consider that will help in controlling Global Warming. Planting of more trees should be encouraged to make the environment go green.

Industrialization should be under certain norms. The building of industries should be banned in green zones affecting plants and species. Hefty penalties should be levied on such sectors contributing towards Global Warming.

Effects of Global Warming

Global Warming is a real problem that many want to prove as a hoax for their political benefit. However, as aware citizens of the world, we must make sure only the truth is presented in the media.

Various parts of the environment, both flora and fauna, are directly adversely affected by the damages caused by Global Warming. Wildlife being in danger is ultimately a serious threat to the survival of humanity as we know it and its future.

The effect of Global Warming is widely seen in this decade. Glacier retreat and arctic shrinkage are the two common phenomena seen. Glaciers are melting in a fast way. These are pure examples of climate change.

Rise in sea level is another significant effect of Global Warming. This sea-level rise is leading to floods in low-lying areas. Extreme weather conditions are witnessed in many countries. Unseasonal rainfall, extreme heat and cold, wildfires and others are common every year. The number of these cases is increasing. This will indeed imbalance the ecosystem bringing the result of the extinction of species.

Similarly, marine life is also widely getting affected due to the increase in Global Warming. This is resulting in the death of marine species and other issues. Moreover, changes are expected in coral reefs, which are going to face the end in coming years.

These effects will take a steep rise in coming years, bringing the expansion of species to a halt. Moreover, humans too will witness the negative impact of Global Warming in the end.


FAQs on Global Warming Essay

1. What Global Warming will Cause?

Global warming will have a massive impact on our earth in the end. Flood, extreme weather conditions, famine, wildfire and many more will be the result. There will be hotter days, which will also increase the wildfire and famine. In the past years, many meteorological bureaus have added purple and magenta to the forecast.

Another impact of global warming will be rising sea levels. Increased ocean temperatures will lead to the melting of glaciers and ice caps. Increase in the sea level will lead to floods in many low-lying areas.

The overall ecosystem of nature will be an imbalance. This will affect nature in the long-term.

2. Why Does Global Warming Happen?

There are many reasons for the cause of global warming. There are certain gases in the atmosphere called greenhouse gases. The energy then radiates from the surface; the greenhouse gases trap longwave radiation. We humans have added to the atmospheric blanket of greenhouse affecting the living species. Warming of air, oceans, and land is how global warming happens.

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Essay On Global Warming

Essay on global warming is an important topic for students to understand. The essay brings to light the plight of the environment and the repercussion of anthropogenic activities. Continue reading to discover tips and tricks for writing an engaging and interesting essay on global warming.

Essay On Global Warming in 300 Words

Global warming is a phenomenon where the earth’s average temperature rises due to increased amounts of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and ozone trap the incoming radiation from the sun. This effect creates a natural “blanket”, which prevents the heat from escaping back into the atmosphere. This effect is called the greenhouse effect.

Contrary to popular belief, greenhouse gases are not inherently bad. In fact, the greenhouse effect is quite important for life on earth. Without this effect, the sun’s radiation would be reflected back into the atmosphere, freezing the surface and making life impossible. However, when greenhouse gases in excess amounts get trapped, serious repercussions begin to appear. The polar ice caps begin to melt, leading to a rise in sea levels. Furthermore, the greenhouse effect is accelerated when polar ice caps and sea ice melts. This is due to the fact the ice reflects 50% to 70% of the sun’s rays back into space, but without ice, the solar radiation gets absorbed. Seawater reflects only 6% of the sun’s radiation back into space. What’s more frightening is the fact that the poles contain large amounts of carbon dioxide trapped within the ice. If this ice melts, it will significantly contribute to global warming. 

A related scenario when this phenomenon goes out of control is the runaway-greenhouse effect. This scenario is essentially similar to an apocalypse, but it is all too real. Though this has never happened in the earth’s entire history, it is speculated to have occurred on Venus. Millions of years ago, Venus was thought to have an atmosphere similar to that of the earth. But due to the runaway greenhouse effect, surface temperatures around the planet began rising. 

If this occurs on the earth, the runaway greenhouse effect will lead to many unpleasant scenarios – temperatures will rise hot enough for oceans to evaporate. Once the oceans evaporate, the rocks will start to sublimate under heat. In order to prevent such a scenario, proper measures have to be taken to stop climate change.

More to Read: Learn How Greenhouse Effect works

Tips To Writing the Perfect Essay

Consider adopting the following strategies when writing an essay. These are proven methods of securing more marks in an exam or assignment.

  • Begin the essay with an introductory paragraph detailing the history or origin of the given topic.
  • Try to reduce the use of jargons. Use sparingly if the topic requires it.
  • Ensure that the content is presented in bulleted points wherever appropriate.
  • Insert and highlight factual data, such as dates, names and places.
  • Remember to break up the content into smaller paragraphs. 100-120 words per paragraph should suffice.
  • Always conclude the essay with a closing paragraph.

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Essay On Climate Change – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Climate Change For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on climate change for kids, paragraph on climate change for children, short essay on climate change in 250 words for kids, long essay on climate change in english for children, interesting facts about climate change for kids, what will your child learn from the essay.

Climate change is described as a shift in weather conditions due to human and environmental factors. We are experiencing temperatures rising at substantial rates on earth, and because of this, icecaps are melting. Global warming is a significant concern which is why learning about various hazards such as air, water, and soil pollution, industrial waste disposal, contamination of resources, etc., is crucial. We are going to talk about how to write an essay on climate change for classes 1, 2, and 3 children. A climate change essay in English isn’t hard to comprehend and can be simple; we’ll show you below.

Climate change can be a big threat to our environment, and it affects every aspect of our lives and may cause global catastrophes if ignored. Here are some key points to remember for kids on how to write an essay on climate change.

  • Begin with an introductory overview of what climate change is. Describe how it works, impacts the environment, and what steps can be taken to analyse it.
  • Discuss the consequences of not addressing climate change concerns and how it may affect livelihood.
  • Go through steps on how to reduce waste, increase natural resources, and improve climate change.
  • Add a conclusion paragraph at the bottom and summarise your essay.

Intense bouts of famine and rainfall, sudden changes in weather conditions, and forest fires result from climate change. Kids can refer to these lines while writing an essay for classes 1 and 2 on climate change:

  • Climate change is bad for our planet and should not be underestimated.
  • The consequences of climate change are catastrophic. It can melt glaciers, cause deforestation, and deplete other non-renewable sources
  • Animals depend upon natural resources for survival, and climate change causes them to go extinct.
  • Climate and global warming negatively impact agriculture.
  • Greenhouse gases play a significant role in climate change.
  • The earth is heating up at an alarming rate, which is unnatural.
  • Ozone layer depletion is a major consequence of climate change.
  • We must start inculcating sustainable living practices and ensure our natural resources don’t get depleted.
  • Taking better care of our environment and planting many trees makes a big difference.
  • We should educate others about climate change and reduce non-biodegradable waste and plastic usage.

Frequent changes in weather conditions are not normal and should be prevented. Given below is a paragraph on climate change for more insight on the topic.

Global warming happens when the earth’s average temperature rises at exponential rates, thus contributing to climate change. We cannot fully control climate change as humans. Still, we certainly play a part by preserving natural resources and controlling air pollution by opting for public transport over private vehicles. Scientists are unclear whether global warming is solely responsible for climate change or whether other factors are involved. The main reason behind climate change is attributed to greenhouse gases, mainly consisting of carbon dioxide, CFOs, methane, and Chloro Fluro Carbons. Constant fluctuations in environmental temperatures can be stressful to wildlife, and nature is not used to going through such shifts. Humanity should join hands to tackle this serious environmental issue.

Climate change is not a good indicator and means that the earth is depleting rapidly. Kids can include this point in a short essay for classes 1, 2, and 3 kids and can write an amazing essay.

The change in the weather patterns over a long period of time is called climate change. These changes are sometimes necessary, while they may be unexpected on rare occasions. Climate change is causing a negative impact on all living beings. The overpopulation crisis makes surviving nearly impossible. People are facing difficulties procuring food and water due to untimely climate fluctuations. Climate change has existed for centuries and is not a recent threat. But it was not so severe or rapid as today. Rather than bring worries, it is imperative to take action and rectify it as soon as possible. The affluent countries can help poorer nations combat the crises and develop adequate funding for access to research and technology. Direct participation of local communities or the grassroots movement is one of the best ways to get to the heart of it. Understanding that climate change results from humanity’s unhealthy relationship with nature is crucial. The Paris Agreement is an example of the world doing its share to build a sustainable future and come together to fight the climate change crisis.

Writing a long-form essay on the topic will need your child to be aware of the existence of climate change and its issues at present, although it began generations ago with the Ice Age. Here is a sample essay for class 3 on climate change your child can read before drafting their own write-up.

Climate change is defined as the change that impacts our ecosystems. This can happen due to internal and external factors, sometimes the scale being large enough to affect communities. The earth has experienced several periods of drought, famine, and cyclical rainfall for more than 2 million years, and many species and wild animals have become extinct due to this reason.

Global warming depletes the ozone layer, impacts agriculture, and affects water supply. Various problems can be caused by climate change, such as transportation issues, natural disasters, water logging, and air pollution. There are various reasons for climate change including fossil fuel extraction, dumping of oils in oceans, industrial waste, and releasing other toxic contaminants such as radiation into the atmosphere, etc.

If we do not think about climate change now, a day will come when the planet may go extinct. There will be heavy damage to the environment, and land may become uninhabitable. Animals depend upon the environment to survive, but too many changes in weather conditions rob them of valuable natural resources. Deforestation and forest fires are also becoming a significant problem in this regard. Although humans are responsible for the adverse effects of climate change, it is not too late to start over or curb them. An excellent first step is planting as many trees as possible and caring for our neighbourhoods.

Rapid warming of the planet is not natural, and in history, it never happened at such unprecedented rates. Volcanos also contribute to climate change by releasing ash, molten lava, and debris into the environment, thus causing landslides and other natural disasters. If everyone takes responsibility for their actions and what they do for the environment, the planet would be a better place to live in.

What Is Climate Change?

Climate change refers to the natural shifts in weather patterns and any changes made in solar cycles. Many changes in the climate are unprecedented, and humans have been noticing these changes for thousands of years.

What Are The Causes And Effects Of Climate Change?

Here is a list of the causes and effects of climate change on the planet.

Causes of Climate Change

A few major causes of climate change are:

  • The buildup of greenhouse gases
  • Industrial waste disposal
  • Soil erosion
  • Increased volcanic activity
  • Changes in solar cycles

Effects of Climate Change

The major effects of climate change are as follows:

  • Droughts and sandstorms
  • Destruction of various lifeforms and animal habitats
  • High rates of carbon emissions
  • Melting of glaciers and ice caps
  • Air, soil, and water pollution
  • Depletion of natural resources

Ways to Prevent Climate Change

Here are the different ways to prevent climate change:

  • Encourage biodiversity in ecosystems by planting more trees and reducing the global warming crisis
  • Promote sustainable living practices and recycle waste
  • Stop using plastic and do not dump industrial waste in soils and water bodies
  • Get active, stop using fossil fuels, and ride your bike more
  • Commute to work on foot and use public transportation
  • Control your electricity consumption for sustainable living.

Although the samples given above can help your child write a decent essay, some more knowledge on the topic will allow them to add more value to it or make it an interesting read. Read on to learn some interesting facts about climate change.

  • The earth was very cold around 600-800 million years ago and turned to ice.
  • As per many scientists, climate change is caused by humans these days.
  • The earth raised its temperature by 0.69 degrees Celsius between January to December 2014, which was recorded as the highest in history.
  • We are currently going through a phase known as the Holocene. The Holocene can be defined as the last 11,700 years of the earth’s existence.

Your child will learn a lot about the earth from writing an essay on the topic. They will understand how they can positively contribute to climate change, what can be done to improve it, and how to preserve our natural resources for a better life on this planet.

The amount of energy we get from the sun proves that life on earth can be perfect. But it’s more about how we use our natural resources and not deplete them. Hopefully, this climate change essay has shed some light on the subject.

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