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  • J Chiropr Med
  • v.5(3); Fall 2006

Writing narrative literature reviews for peer-reviewed journals: secrets of the trade

Bart n. green.

a Associate Editor, National University of Health Sciences

Claire D. Johnson

b Editor, National University of Health Sciences

c Vice President of Academic Affairs and Program Development, Texas Chiropractic College

This document may be redistributed and reused, subject to certain conditions .

To describe and discuss the process used to write a narrative review of the literature for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Publication of narrative overviews of the literature should be standardized to increase their objectivity.

In the past decade numerous changes in research methodology pertaining to reviews of the literature have occurred. These changes necessitate authors of review articles to be familiar with current standards in the publication process.

Narrative overview of the literature synthesizing the findings of literature retrieved from searches of computerized databases, hand searches, and authoritative texts.

An overview of the use of three types of reviews of the literature is presented. Step by step instructions for how to conduct and write a narrative overview utilizing a ‘best-evidence synthesis’ approach are discussed, starting with appropriate preparatory work and ending with how to create proper illustrations. Several resources for creating reviews of the literature are presented and a narrative overview critical appraisal worksheet is included. A bibliography of other useful reading is presented in an appendix.

Narrative overviews can be a valuable contribution to the literature if prepared properly. New and experienced authors wishing to write a narrative overview should find this article useful in constructing such a paper and carrying out the research process. It is hoped that this article will stimulate scholarly dialog amongst colleagues about this research design and other complex literature review methods.

Sources of support: This article is reprinted with permission. Its original citation is: Green BN, Johnson CD, Adams A. Writing narrative literature reviews for peer-reviewed journals: secrets of the trade. J Sports Chiropr Rehabil 2001;15:5–19.

  • DOI: 10.1179/2047480615Z.000000000329
  • Corpus ID: 43921542

Writing narrative style literature reviews

  • Rossella Ferrari
  • Published 23 December 2015
  • Medical Writing

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The Structure and Conduct of a Narrative Literature Review

Marco Pautasso

Forest Pathology and Dendrology, Institute for Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Animal and Plant Health Unit, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy

Mohammadali Shoja

Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Division of General Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago Metropolitan Group Hospitals, Chicago, IL, United States

Anastasia Arynchyna

Pediatric Neurosurgery, Children's of Alabama, Birmingham, 35233 Alabama, United States

Marios Loukas

St. George's University School of Medicine, St. Georg's, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Grenada, West Indies

Anthony V. D'Antoni

Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Anatomy, New York, United States

Sandra M. Buerger

College of General Studies, Boston University, Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Boston, United States

Marion Karl

Lure Animations, Reno, United States

R. Shane Tubbs

Seattle Science Foundation, Seattle, United States

Writing a narrative literature review requires careful planning. This chapter summarizes some key steps in reviewing the literature. First, a team needs to be formed. Second, a topic needs to be chosen. This needs to be relevant to the author's research/teaching interests and a well-defined issue. Third, a thorough search strategy using a variety of pertinent keywords and databases is needed. Inspecting papers cited in and citing the retrieved material is helpful. Fourth, efficient reading is required. My advice is to start taking notes alongside the literature search. Fifth, a decision is needed on whether to write a mini- or a full review. Sixth, whilst revising and restructuring the first draft, it is important to keep the review focused, but to make it interesting for a broad audience. Seventh, a good review of the literature does not just list the main achievements in the field but is also critical, consistent, and objective. Eighth, the sections of the review need to be linked in a logical way. Ninth, it is helpful to obtain peer feedback on the manuscript before submitting it for peer-review. Finally, dissemination of the review on social media and online repositories can help increase the review's audience.

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Planning For Your Expert Literature Review

Narrative literature reviews.

  • Types of Expert Literature Reviews

Further Reading

  • Standards and Guidelines
  • The Systematic Review Process
  • Review Tools and Platforms
  • Screening Tools and Software This link opens in a new window
  • Where to Publish
  • Searching for Evidence in the Health Professions This link opens in a new window

Narrative or traditional literature reviews can take many shapes and forms. They do not need to follow any specific guideline or standard. A narrative literature view may be assigned as part of your coursework or capstone.

A narrative literature review can be a first step to building on other research in the field. After all, if it's a topic that you're interested in, you need to know what's already been done, right?

Your Narrative Literature Review Should Have...

  • A clearly defined topic
  • A search for relevant literature
  • A logical organization structure
  • An interpretation and discussion of the selected relevant literature

A common structure for narrative literature reviews is IMRaD, or:

  • Introduction
  • What is your topic?
  • What are you interested in finding out?
  • Why did you select this topic?
  • How did you look for the literature?
  • Where did you look?
  • What search terms did you use?
  • What kind of literature did you find?
  • Did the literature you found change your opinion on the topic?
  • Did you find out something new?
  • What were the key concepts?
  • and Discussion
  • Evaluate and summarize the major concepts
  • Connect the major concepts to future research potential

While the structure above may be sufficient for your topic, you may also consider using the similar but more robust structure IAMRDC, or:

  • Ferrari, R. (2015). Writing narrative style literature reviews. Medical Writing, 24 (4), 230-235. https://doi.org/10.1179/2047480615Z.000000000329
  • Sollaci, L. B., & Pereira, M. G. (2004). The introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD) structure: a fifty-year survey. Journal of the Medical Library Association 92 (3), 364–367. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC442179/

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  • Last Updated: Sep 10, 2024 5:04 PM
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    pertain to narrative literature reviews, as com- pared with writing empirical reports. Our own collaboration began, perhaps fit- tingly, with a literature review project. We had each by that point published a number of prior literature review articles and chapters. What struck us, however, as we began our work

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    Narrative reviews are evidence-based summaries on a particular, defined topic, often covering a range of specific questions from pathophysiology to treatment. The content may be clinical, ethical, policy or legal review. The scope of the narrative review should be defined in the work. Though the standards of

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    Narrative literature reviews serve a vital scientific function, but few resources help people learn to write them. As compared with empirical reports, literature reviews can tackle broader and more abstract questions, can engage in more post hoc theorizing without the danger of capitalizing on chance, can make a stronger case for a null-hypothesis conclusion, and can appreciate and use ...

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    The quality of a narrative review may be improved by borrowing from the systematic review methodologies that are aimed at reducing bias in the selection of articles for review and employing an effective bibliographic research strategy. AbstractReviews provide a synthesis of published literature on a topic and describe its current state-of-art. Reviews in clinical research are thus useful when ...

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    A narrative review would be appropriate when a literature review is desired in relation to a collection of quantitative studies that have used diverse methodologies, or which have

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  20. The Structure and Conduct of a Narrative Literature Review

    Writing a narrative literature review requires careful planning. This chapter summarizes some key steps in reviewing the literature. First, a team needs to be formed. Second, a topic needs to be chosen. This needs to be relevant to the author's research/teaching interests and a well-defined issue.

  21. Research Guides: Planning For Your Expert Literature Review: Narrative

    Narrative or traditional literature reviews can take many shapes and forms. They do not need to follow any specific guideline or standard. A narrative literature view may be assigned as part of your coursework or capstone. A narrative literature review can be a first step to building on other research in the field.

  22. PDF Writing an Effective Literature Review

    at each of these in turn.IntroductionThe first part of any literature review is a way of inviting your read. into the topic and orientating them. A good introduction tells the reader what the review is about - its s. pe—and what you are going to cover. It may also specifically tell you.

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