Speech Script: Children’s Day

Children’s Day is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating the joys of childhood and recognizing the rights of children. It is an opportunity to reflect on the milestones achieved in child development and to advocate for the continued welfare and education of young ones around the world. Writing a speech for Children’s Day requires a thoughtful approach that captures the essence of the day, engages the audience, and delivers a meaningful message. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to craft an inspiring and memorable speech script for Children’s Day.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Audience and Purpose

Choosing a theme.

Children’s Day speeches often revolve around themes such as the importance of education, the joy of childhood, children’s rights, or the role of the community in nurturing the young. Choose a theme that resonates with you and is relevant to the current social context or any recent developments in child welfare. A clear theme will give your speech direction and unity.

Crafting the Introduction

Developing the body.

Use examples, stories, and data to support your points. Personal stories or anecdotes about children can be particularly effective in illustrating your points and making the speech more relatable. Remember to keep the language simple and clear, especially if children are in the audience.

Incorporating Quotes and Statistics

Engaging the audience, including a call to action.

A powerful Children’s Day speech often includes a call to action. Encourage your audience to take specific steps in support of children’s rights and well-being. This could be advocating for policy changes, volunteering with children’s organizations, or simply spending more quality time with the children in their lives.

Concluding Effectively

Revising and practicing, incorporating visuals and props.

Depending on the setting and your comfort level, consider using visuals or props to enhance your speech. Visual aids like slides or videos can reinforce your message and provide a break from the spoken word. Props, such as books or toys, can also illustrate points about childhood and play.

Being Flexible and Adaptable

Sample structure for a children’s day speech, introduction, point 1: the significance of childhood, point 3: our role in upholding children’s day ideals, tips for effective speech delivery, children’s day speech script example #1.

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, dedicated educators, dear parents, and most importantly, our vibrant and inspiring young stars!

Today, we come together to celebrate a day that is entirely and joyfully yours – Children’s Day. A day that is not just a pause for celebration but a reflection on the world we are crafting for our children, and in many ways, a world that will soon be shaped by these young minds.

As we stand here today, let us take a moment to look at the world through the eyes of a child. A world that is full of wonders, where every question is worth asking, every challenge is an adventure, and every day is a chance to learn something new. It is a world where imagination has no bounds and where love and kindness are the most valued treasures.

But let us also remember that not every child has the privilege of experiencing this magical world. Even as we celebrate, we must not forget our responsibility towards those children who are vulnerable and deprived of the joys of childhood. Today reminds us that we must work tirelessly to ensure that every child has access to quality education, proper healthcare, and a nurturing environment that allows them to grow and flourish.

To all the educators and parents, I commend you for your unwavering dedication to nurturing these young lives. It is through your guidance that these children will learn the values of compassion, integrity, and respect – values that are essential for the betterment of our society.

Thank you, dear children, for your infectious laughter, your insatiable curiosity, and your boundless energy that inspires us all. Here’s to celebrating your spirit today and every day.

Children’s Day Speech Script Example #2

It’s a great pleasure to stand before you on this occasion, a day dedicated to the purity of childhood, the future of our society, and the carriers of our collective dreams—Children’s Day. We are gathered here not just to celebrate the mere concept of childhood but to reaffirm our commitment to nurturing, protecting, and empowering our young ones.

Today, dear children, is your day—a day to enjoy the present while we adults look ahead to provide a future that is deserving of your potential. You are the promise of our future, the next generation of innovators, thinkers, and leaders. You hold the keys to unlocking a world of possibilities, and it is our duty to equip you with the tools you need to shape a better tomorrow.

To the teachers who work tirelessly to educate, inspire, and guide our children, your role is pivotal. You are the sculptors of their minds, the guardians of their curiosity, and the champions of their growth. Your contribution extends far beyond the classroom; it echoes through the lives of each child you teach and the future they will build.

Children, on this day, let us celebrate you in all your facets—your playfulness, your eagerness to explore, your questions, and your unique perspectives. May you always carry within you the joy of childhood, the satisfaction of learning something new, and the courage to chase your dreams.

Thank you, dear children, for the wonder you bring into our lives. May you always find the world as wondrous as we find you. Happy Children’s Day!

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  • Children’s Day Speech


Speech on Children's Day in English for Students

It is a very important moment when a student has to give a speech in front of the whole school. It becomes more significant if that speech falls on a special day, like Children’s Day. 

Almost all the schools celebrate days like Children’s Day. There are activities filled with fun and education that the students tend to enjoy. But along with those, there are also a few other activities like giving a speech. 

A day as special as this deserves a speech that is special as well. For any student giving such a speech, it is important that they get started with the origin and go on with content that is worth remembering. It can be a long speech or a short speech. The point is to keep it as engaging as possible for fellow students as well as the teachers.

If you need help or even some pointers on how to give a Children’s Day Speech in English for Students, then Vedantu is the perfect place for you to look. Here, you can not only find the tips but also some helpful material to include in your speech. You will know more about which type of speech you must give along with the kind of words that must be used. 

Long Speech on Children’s Day

Long Speech on Teachers Day in English for students is helpful for students in grades 7-12. Let’s take a look at the Teachers Day Speech, one can speak about.

Greetings to everyone gathered here on the occasion of Children’s Day respected teachers, and my dear friends.

Children’s Day in India is celebrated every year on 14th November. This day is also called Bal Divas, “Bal” in Hindi means a “child”, and divas mean “day.” This day is also celebrated in honor of the birth anniversary of our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who was fondly called “Chacha Nehru” or “Chachaji” by children, he had a special connection with them and was always affectionate in their company. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th November 1889, in Allahabad and was schooled at home under private tutors in his early life. This is his 132nd anniversary. After he breathed his last in 1964, a resolution was passed to celebrate his birthday as Bal Divas or Children’s Day, where all can revisit the child in them and celebrate their childlike qualities and remember the importance of keeping them intact.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the epitome of love towards children and was always devoted to working towards their betterment and welfare. A child when well nurtured builds a stronger nation. And this can be achieved through quality education, a child’s first school is their home, so parents play an important role in laying the foundation of discipline, honesty, and sincerity, and children with such qualities go on to excel in school and life and bring laurels to our nation. Many of our great freedom fighters credit their competencies and ability to their parents and teachers, similarly, one can take inspiration from them and follow their paths by giving due respect to parents and teachers equally as they play an essential role in shaping a child’s future. A child should be given complete freedom to unleash themselves and explore their interests and take the path of their calling. And this is possible only through proper education and holistic development.

A child should be treated and cared for in the kindest and affectionate way and Pandit Nehru deeply cared for their well being hence many laws were established for this purpose. The Indian Constitution’s Supreme Law guarantees that all under the age of 18 have children’s rights. This law advocates the right to be cared for by their parents or guardians, the right to education, the right to consume healthy food, and the right to feel safe and protected. Specially-abled children have the right to special care.

In his regime, he always focused on the vision of making India a world leader and that can be achieved only by nurturing the future of the country which are the children. He always believed in empowering young children and never clipping their wings. He said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow.” This Children’s Day let’s take a pledge to create a safe place for the future of our country and not threaten and hinder their growth.

Wish you all a Happy Children’s Day.

Short Speech on Children’s Day

Short Speech on Children’s Day in English for students is helpful for students in grades 4-6. Students celebrate this day with great zeal, and they give speeches on stage to start the programs.

I welcome you all to the celebration of Children’s Day. This day is dedicated to children to commemorate the work and love put in by our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, this marks his 132nd anniversary. Jawaharlal Nehru became our first Prime Minister in 1947 after India was declared an independent nation and he reigned for 16 years, and he always advocated for children’s rights for safety, health, and education. He was tutored privately with a tutor in his early years and he understood the importance of education and the good outcomes it can lead to. 

He loved his time with children and children also were very fond of him as they referred to him as “Chacha Nehru” and “Chachaji”. He had a great vision for India, to make it into a world leader and he knew that was only possible if the young people are nurtured from childhood, by giving them the freedom to dream and have the basic amenities and the right to be protected and taken care of. 

Among the basic rights for children education and health were of extreme importance and he ensured to enlighten people with the same philosophy and encouraged parents and teachers to give their children wings to fly and dream the future they want to create and allow room for mistakes and improvements as these qualities empower them to innovate and build a better nation. So let’s be the children our nation is proud of and create a better tomorrow for everyone around. I wish you all the best and a Happy Children’s Day.

Thank you. 

10 Lines Speech on Children’s Day

The 10 Line Speech on Children’s Day in English for students is extremely helpful for students in grades 1-3 as they gain a certain perspective on the topic in a simple and easy form.

Children’s day is celebrated on 14th November every year, since 1964 in India.

This day is celebrated to mark the birth of our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru cherished every moment he spent with children and believed they are our tomorrow and the fate of the nation lies in their hands.

He left a remarkable legacy and children were very fond of him and lovingly called him “Chacha Nehru” or “Chachaji”.

He always believed in equality and was an activist for every child to have equal rights to education, health, and safety.

The schools around the country celebrate by conducting many programs to encourage children to give new ideas of innovation and various games and stage performances.

Stage performances include speeches, debates, seminars, singing, and dancing.

The importance of this day is explained and their role in society for a better tomorrow.

Sweets are distributed and celebrated along with teachers with a lot of enthusiasm.

Children’s day is to revisit Chacha Nehru’s principle of allowing children to have wings and fly rather than restricting and limiting their creativity.

Start your research regarding Children’s Day and formulate the ideal speech to seek accolades. Learn how to compile and remember a speech by referring to this article. Focus on maintaining your confidence while delivering it. The more informative you can make your speech, the better response you will get from the audience and judges.


FAQs on Children’s Day Speech

1. How long should a Children’s Day Speech in English for Students be?

The length of a speech for Children’s day depends on the type of program the school is hosting. If there are many other activities lined up after the speech, then of course the speech itself must be a short one. But in case, the school authorities can spare a few extra minutes for the students, then it must be a long one. Also, the decision depends on the students’ ability as well as how much they can memorize and their speech-giving talent and command over the language.

2. How can the teachers help with Children’s Day Speech in English for Students?

When the students have to prepare for a speech in English, it is a must that their teachers help them out. It is essential as giving a speech in front of the whole school is a big deal. Plus, it is a must that the students do not go wrong with their vocabulary or their grammar. A teacher can also help them with building their confidence to the point where they can give the speech as naturally as they can.

3. Where can the students get the best information they need to know before preparing their Children’s Day speech?

Preparing for a Children’s Day speech well is important in order to leave an impact. A student can find the answers to most of their questions from their teachers. However, when it comes to them getting some additional pointers, it is a must that they go to some outside source. This is where Vedantu comes in. The students can get all the information starting from the origin or the day to where it stands now. They also get an idea about how to deliver a speech in a proper format.

4. What should the students be taught about Children’s Day?

Children’s Day is one day that celebrates kids and the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister Jawarhal Lal Nehru. Now, almost all of the students may already know about the date this occasion falls on, but not the real meaning. With the help of their teachers and their guardians, they must be taught the real meaning of the day. Their learning can start from the very origin of the occasion and how the day came to be. Then it can proceed to them having an answer to the question “Why?”, as a result of them having a better understanding about it.

5. What can we do on Children’s Day?

Children’s Day is a very important day. It is one that celebrates not only children but the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru too. There are already many schools that host a lot of activities including speeches, games, etc. There are even ones where they compete, either solo or in teams and the winners get prizes. Such events can give the kids a break from their studies and it may also be good for their education outside of the books.


Speech on Children’s Day by Teacher

Children’s Day is a special occasion celebrated worldwide. As a teacher, it’s a day to honor your students, their innocence, and their unique talents.

You might be wondering how to make this day memorable. Let’s explore some fun and engaging ways to celebrate Children’s Day in school.

1-minute Speech on Children’s Day by Teacher

Respected Principal, fellow teachers, and my dear students, today, we gather here to celebrate a day dedicated to our cherished little ones, a day known as Children’s Day. An occasion that acknowledges the joy, innocence, and sheer spontaneity of our young learners, Children’s Day is indeed a special day!

On this day, let us remember the great leader Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Known affectionately as ‘Chacha Nehru’, he loved and treasured children. He saw in you the capacity to change, to innovate, and to lead. His dream was to nurture and educate every child, and as teachers, we carry forward this noble mission.

As your teachers, our goal is not just to impart textbook knowledge but also to guide you, to help you grow, to instill values, and to encourage you to question, explore, and create. We are here to navigate you on the path of knowledge and wisdom.

So, on this Children’s Day, let us all pledge to create a nurturing, loving, and safe environment for our children. An environment that allows them to make mistakes, learn, grow, and ultimately, to flourish.

Thank you, and once again a very Happy Children’s Day to all our amazing students.

2-minute Speech on Children’s Day by Teacher

Dear students, respected colleagues, parents, and honorable guests,

Today we are gathered here to celebrate a very special occasion, Children’s Day, a day dedicated entirely to our lovely students. It provides us an opportunity to express our love, care, and affection towards our children.

Children are the future of our nation. They are the ones who will grow up to be the nation’s leaders, scientists, doctors, engineers, athletes, artists, and more. Each one of you present here today has boundless potential, capable of achieving great things. Children’s day is a celebration of that potential, a recognition of your possibilities, and a commitment from us, your teachers and parents, to help you realize them.

This day also reminds us of the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister, who was very fond of children. He often said, “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow.” These words remind us of the importance of nurturing, educating, and guiding you all correctly. Therefore, this day is not just a day of celebration, but also a day of reflection for us adults. We reflect on our duty and responsibilities in shaping the young minds of our nation.

On this special day, I want to encourage all of you to dream big. There is no dream too big or too small. Follow your passions, explore, ask questions, make mistakes, and learn from them. Remember, every mistake is a step closer to success. It is important to believe in yourselves, to have faith in your abilities. With hard work, perseverance, and dedication, there is no goal that you cannot achieve.

Lastly, I want to express my deep gratitude to all the parents. Without your support and cooperation, we could not carry out our duty as educators. We appreciate your trust in us and we promise to continue doing our best to provide quality education to your children.

On this joyful occasion, let’s celebrate the innocence, enthusiasm, and energy of childhood. Let’s create an environment filled with love, care, and understanding, where our children can grow and prosper.

Happy Children’s Day to all the wonderful children out there. This day is yours, and so is the future. Make the most of it.

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Children’s Day Speech

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Good [morning/afternoon/evening], esteemed guests, honorable members of the community, dedicated educators, beloved parents, and, most importantly, our bright and vibrant children. Today, as we gather to celebrate Children’s Day, we are reminded of the joy, innocence, and potential that children bring into our lives. It is a day dedicated to cherishing them, recognizing their importance in our world, and reaffirming our commitment to nurturing their growth and safeguarding their rights.

The Essence of Childhood

Childhood is a magical time, filled with wonder, curiosity, and dreams. It is a phase of life where imagination knows no bounds and possibilities are endless. Children view the world with fresh eyes, untainted by the biases and prejudices that often come with age. They remind us of the pure joy found in simple pleasures and the importance of living in the moment. Today, we celebrate not just the children in our lives but the child within each of us.

The Role of Society

As we celebrate Children’s Day, we must also reflect on our roles as guardians of these young souls. It is our responsibility to create a world where every child can grow up in an environment of love, understanding, and security. A world where education is not a privilege but a right that is accessible to every child, irrespective of their background. We must work tirelessly to protect them from harm, to ensure that their voices are heard and valued, and to provide them with the opportunities they need to reach their full potential.

The Importance of Education

Education is the cornerstone of a child’s development. It is not merely about acquiring knowledge but about learning how to think critically, solve problems, and understand the world. It is through education that we can empower our children to dream big and equip them with the tools they need to chase those dreams. On this Children’s Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to providing every child with quality education that is inclusive, equitable, and stimulating.

The Power of Play

Let us also remember that play is an integral part of learning and development. Through play, children learn to interact with their peers, develop emotional skills, and unleash their creativity. It is through the freedom of play that children discover their interests and passions. As we strive to educate our children, let us not overlook the importance of giving them the space and freedom to play and explore.

A Call to Action

Today, on Children’s Day, I call upon each one of you to take action in your own way. Whether you are a parent, teacher, community leader, or concerned citizen, you have the power to make a difference in the lives of our children. Advocate for policies that protect and empower children, volunteer your time and resources to support child-centric causes, and most importantly, listen to the children in your life. Encourage them, believe in them, and support them as they strive to build a brighter future.

In closing, let us remember that every day is Children’s Day. The dedication and commitment we show towards nurturing our children should not be confined to a single day. Let us carry forward the spirit of this day throughout the year, creating a world that values, respects, and cherishes its youngest members. To our children, I say: dream big, stay curious, and never stop exploring. The future is yours, and it is bright.


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Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

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Table of Contents

Children’s Day Celebration holds special place in our hearts simply because we all love children. Don’t we? They are the future; the torch bearer of our country and they should simply not be neglected. Since the day is around the corner, welcome speeches for Children’s Day Celebration have been prepared which are comprehensive and easy to understand.

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I offer my heartfelt greetings and wish everyone a joyful Children’s Day. Let’s commemorate this occasion with happiness and cherish the precious gift of childhood we’ve been bestowed with. Nevertheless, it’s important to reflect on the significant role we play in shaping our society and contributing to a brighter future for India.

Long and Short Welcome Speech for Children’s Day Celebration in English

Here are both short welcome speech for Children’s Day Celebration as well as long speech for Children’s Day Celebration keeping in mind the importance of the subject and the need of our audience. Both type of speeches convey the quintessential emotions to the children and make them realize that they truly are a great treasure for our country which we need to preserve and mould them into bright and mature youth.

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day Celebration 1

Good Morning One and All! I take this wonderful opportunity to welcome our dear students on this propitious occasion of Children’s Day.

This day is very important in the life of a child as well as their parents. The day reminds us about our duties towards you all. You are like a tender buds, who in whichever way can be molded. This implies that you children are so innocent that any wrong kind of schooling can adversely affect your personality.

This is the right age when every child needs appropriate education, you need to be taught good things in life and you should learn from your mistakes; they are also your best teachers in life. Mistakes teach you to identify your weaknesses and overcome them. Children are important all over the world. So, Children’s Day is celebrated in various countries with equal pomp and show. United Nations, one of the biggest organizations in the world, too celebrates Children’s Day but on 20 th November every year.

In India we celebrate it on 14 th November due to a certain reason. The historical background associated with this date is that it happens to be Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary , who was also the first Prime Minister of India. He had a great love for children and was fond of spending his time with young kids like you all. Children affectionately referred him as Chacha Nehru. After his death in 1959, a decision was taken to celebrate Children’s Day on his birth anniversary; to commemorate his love for the children.

He believed that children are creation of god and their innocence melts anybody’s heart. A child’s sweet smile brings a big smile on your face automatically. It acts as a soothing balm to both parents and teachers. I still remember those days when I used to be tired from household work and as soon as I use to enter my class, my tiredness ended by seeing your happy smiles. School is considered to be second home for your children; we teachers not only impart education and knowledge but also become parents in certain circumstances as every child has a different talent. We nurture every seed and mould the child according to his strength and weaknesses.

Therefore, Teachers should not leave any opportunity to let this treasure of talent out of their students as children need encouragement both at home and school. Children’s day is celebrated with lots of fun and frolic activities like games, sports, indoor games, outdoor games, dance, drama play, national songs, speech, essay writing etc activities and all. This is the day which removes all the barriers against children and allows them to celebrate as they want. Students like you should be motivated by the teachers to show their talents on this occasion by participating in the quiz competitions or other type of competitions like painting, modern dress show, singing and cultural programs.

You now can enjoy the fun filled activities and participate in various competitions arranged by us.

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Welcome Speech for Children’s Day Celebration 2

Good Morning Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Loving Students!

Today is a very auspicious event of Children’s Day, which is celebrated among all of us. As we all agree you children are the bright sunshine of the society, the seed of a plant that will nurture our country’s future.

Children’s day is celebrated all over the world to cherish and adore the innocence of children like you, to make you feel special for your role in the world and show you the positive side of being a child. In India Children’s Day is celebrated on 14 th November which is also considered to be the birth anniversary of great Indian freedom fighter and our first Prime Minister of India, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru.

His birth anniversary is celebrated as children’s day all over the country because of his immense love and affection for children. He was a change maker, not only in the freedom fight but also in social change. Our first Prime Minister was a man of high ideas, and believed in equality between both male and female. He strived towards making this country equal in all terms which includes equality in relation to wealth, education etc. He believed that the strength of a country, is its young people and children who help in developing our country through their new ideas and innovative methods.

This admirable ideology and love for children is the main cause that we celebrate Children’s Day on his birth anniversary, to pay him respect and tribute. It is not only a day to celebrate the work of our first Prime Minister, but also to make the children feel special and loved. It is celebrated every year to make everyone realize the importance of children and their thoughts which are very crucial for our country and its culture.

This day helps us to acknowledge the value of you all in our lives and how we need to take proper care of you, which not only includes love but keeping you away from social evils of society which have destroyed the fabric of the state. I wish that you all should never lose the innocence of your childhood and should never get influenced from this cruel world.

Children’s day is to ensure that it is our duty to provide you with a happy atmosphere at both home and school. We all understand that the incidents that are happening around us today, no one is safe and we all need to assure you of that precious safety. Children are being easy targets to rapidly growing crime as you can be handled easily. This kind of crime can only be restricted by providing education to all members of our society.

We all can make this day even more special by donating clothes and books to children of your age who are not able to afford education and basic healthcare. We all should collectively start this initiative and bring happiness in those people’s lives who do not have such kind of facilities which God has bestowed upon us.

Now I would want you all to enjoy various activities that we have planned for you on this wonderful occasion. Enjoy a fun filled day!

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day Celebration 3

A Very Good Morning to everyone gathered here to celebrate the Children’s Day today. I wish you all my dear students a very Happy Children’s Day. I, being the Vice Principal of this school welcome you all on this wonderful occasion.

At this juncture, I would take pleasure to deliver a speech as to why the birth anniversary of Pundit Nehru is celebrated as Children’s Day. It has been officially declared by the UN General Assembly to celebrate Children’s day on 20 th November every year, yet it is celebrated on 14 th November all over India annually on the account of birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru. This is the main historical background behind celebrating Children’s Day.

His birthday has been chosen to be celebrated as Children’s Day due to his great love, care and affection for the children. He wanted to be surrounded by children throughout his life and worked hard for the betterment of children and youth of the country just after we attained Independence.

Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru was very much enthusiastic and warm hearted towards children especially about their welfare, rights, education and overall improvement in order to make this country a developed nation. He was very much concerned about the health and welfare of the children in India, so he worked hard for them so that they could get the rights that they deserve. He was called as Chacha Nehru by the children because of his selfless affection to them.

You should remember that childhood is the best phase of life which you all should live happily without any complaints. This phase would never come back where you can live life without any responsibilities. After a certain point in time, when you all grow up, you would have to take care of everybody which will make you responsible and you lose your innocence. This phase also prepares you to be motivated and develop your ambitions which in turn would help you attain a successful career in life.

If children like you are unhealthy from mind and body, you cannot give your best to the nation in near future. So, the juvenile phase of your life is the most significant phase which every parent and teacher should nourish with their love, care and affection. As being the citizen of the country, we should understand our responsibilities and save the future of the nation.

Children’s Day is celebrated with lots of fun and activities like games, sports, indoor games, outdoor games, dance etc. in several schools and colleges. In a similar manner we also have contributed in making this day a happy one for you all by arranging fun filled activities. This is the day which removes all the barriers against children and allows them to celebrate as they want.

Students should be motivated by teachers to showcase their talents on this occasion by participating in distinctive competitions which also gives them an insight about their strengths and weaknesses. We want that you should cherish these wonderful moments for your entire lifetime which will ultimately fulfill our objective of sighting you as happy and content.

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day Celebration 4

Good Morning Everyone! I thank you all for being present on this beautiful occasion of Children’s Day. This day is celebrated every year on 14 th November.

We welcome our adorable students to this program which we have arranged in order to make you satisfied and happy. It’s once in a while when you all can do what you want. You are considered to be the building blocks of our country and will remain to be so. It’s important that every parent and teacher on this day should take an oath to protect our tender buds from all kinds of wrong doings happening around us. Crimes against children shatter us to bits and every human being on this earth should understand the value of a child.

You are the ones who in certain circumstances give us huge ideas in life. Your innocence melts everybody’s heart but still some people involve in crime in relation to young minds. The crime rate against children in India has been increasing at a rapid pace which leads me to advice you all to keep yourself alert at every moment in life. Be safe and secure from your end. It is our responsibility too to keep you safe and sound as school is believed to be your second home.

Every child born on this mother earth has the right to basic education and healthcare like you all deserve in your childhood, but this is not the scenario. There is certain alarming ratio that I need to make you all aware about. You might have seen young children on roads and traffic lights begging for food. Have you ever wondered why do they dwell in such kind of activity? The fact of the matter is there are huge numbers of children in India who do not attend schools, as their parents are not able to afford their schooling; which leads them to working as menial laborers.

Government of India has taken certain stringent measures to stop child labor but there are still several people who force children like you to work as laborers. If ever you see such a condition, then you should immediately inform the police which will make you a responsible citizen of our country. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was a famous statesman and first Prime Minister of our country too stressed on the fact that you all are the building blocks of our nation. If you unite together then you all can become a strong force and fight against social evils prevalent in our country which have the ability to destroy social fabric of our society.

You all being young minds can develop new ideas and take our country to new heights. It is the day which unites everyone together without any barriers in our heart and soul. Thus, on this special day of yours dear children, we teachers collectively wish you happy Children’s Day and pray to god that you all will be able to achieve your dreams and objectives without facing any obstacle in life and make your parents and teachers feel pompous of your success.

You can now enjoy the colorful events of the day.

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FAQs on Children’s Day Celebration

What is the welcome anchoring script for children's day.

A welcome anchoring script for Children's Day typically involves warm greetings, mentioning the significance of the day, and acknowledging the presence of children, educators, and guests.

How do you start a welcome line of speech?

To start a welcome speech, begin with a cheerful greeting, express gratitude for the audience's presence, and set a positive tone for the event.

What is the best speech for children's day?

The best speech for Children's Day should celebrate the spirit of childhood, highlight the importance of education and play, and inspire young minds to dream big.

How do you welcome on children's day?

You can welcome everyone on Children's Day by extending a heartfelt greeting, sharing the purpose of the celebration, and inviting them to participate in the festivities.

How do you introduce children's day?

Introduce Children's Day by explaining its origin, significance in honoring children, and how it's celebrated worldwide on various dates.

How do you make a slogan for Children's day?

To create a slogan for Children's Day, focus on themes like Empowering Young Minds, Celebrating Childhood Dreams, or Bright Futures, Happy Children.

What is a simple slogan for Children's day?

A simple slogan for Children's Day could be Happy Children, Bright Future.

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  • Children'S Day Speech By Teacher, Free Samples

"Good morning/afternoon everyone, today we gather here to celebrate Children's Day, a day that holds a special place in our hearts as we honor the boundless potential, innocence, and dreams of our future generation. As teachers, we are fortunate to witness the incredible growth and transformation of our students each day, and it's a privilege that reminds us of the profound impact we can have on their lives. Children's Day is not just a day of festivity; it's a solemn reminder of our role as educators, mentors, and caregivers, entrusted with nurturing the minds and hearts of these young souls. It's a day to reflect on the responsibility we bear and the importance of providing children with the best possible foundation for their dreams. Today, we'll explore four distinct perspectives, each emphasizing the significance of this day and our role in shaping the future. So, let's come together to celebrate the essence of childhood and the profound impact we, as teachers, can have in unlocking the potential within our children."

Template Celebrating the Joy of Childhood

Good morning/afternoon everyone,

Today, we gather here to celebrate a day that is filled with joy, laughter, and the boundless potential of our future—the Children's Day. It's a day when we honor and cherish the innocence and creativity that children bring into our lives.

As teachers, we have the privilege of witnessing the remarkable growth and development of our students. Each child is like a seed, brimming with potential waiting to bloom into a beautiful flower. It is our responsibility to nurture and guide them towards a bright and promising future.

Children's Day is not just about festivities and gifts; it's about recognizing the importance of providing our children with a safe and nurturing environment. It's about fostering their dreams, encouraging their curiosity, and ensuring they have the tools and knowledge to pursue their passions.

We, as educators, play a crucial role in shaping the future of our nation. We are entrusted with the task of instilling values, knowledge, and compassion in these young minds. Let us pledge to do so with dedication and love.

Today, let us celebrate the smiles on our students' faces, the sparkle in their eyes, and the enthusiasm in their hearts. Let us remind ourselves of the responsibility we bear as teachers and parents to provide them with the best possible foundation for their dreams.

In conclusion, let's cherish this Children's Day as a reminder of the beauty of childhood. Let's commit to nurturing and guiding our children so they can flourish into responsible, compassionate, and successful individuals.

Template Unlocking the Potential Within Our Children

Good morning/afternoon,

On this special occasion of Children's Day, we come together to celebrate the treasure trove of potential that resides within each child. As teachers, we are fortunate to witness the growth and transformation of our students every day, and it's a privilege that we should never take for granted.

Children are like sponges, eagerly soaking up knowledge and experiences. It is our responsibility to provide them with the right environment, encouragement, and opportunities to help them grow and shine. We must help them discover their talents, nurture their dreams, and equip them with the skills they need to navigate the challenges of the world.

As educators, we should strive to create a classroom atmosphere where curiosity is encouraged, questions are welcomed, and creativity is celebrated. Let us inspire our students to explore, experiment, and learn from their mistakes. Let us be their mentors, guiding them towards a future filled with possibilities.

Children's Day reminds us that childhood is a fleeting moment in our lives, a time of innocence, wonder, and boundless enthusiasm. It is our duty to protect and preserve this precious phase for our children, ensuring they experience the joy and laughter that childhood brings.

In conclusion, let us reaffirm our commitment to the well-being and education of our children. Let us pledge to unlock the potential within each child and help them become the best versions of themselves. Happy Children's Day!

Template The Gift of Education and Dreams

Today, we gather here to celebrate Children's Day, a day dedicated to the future of our nation—the children. As teachers, we have the privilege and responsibility of nurturing the minds and hearts of these young souls.

Children's Day is not just a day of fun and games; it's a day to remind ourselves of the precious gift of education. Education is the key that unlocks the doors to a world of possibilities. It empowers children to dream, aspire, and achieve greatness.

In our classrooms, we witness the magic of learning every day. We see the spark of curiosity in their eyes, the excitement when they grasp a new concept, and the determination to overcome challenges. As teachers, we play a vital role in shaping their journey.

Let us remember that our role goes beyond textbooks and exams. We are here to instill values, build character, and nurture empathy in our students. We must guide them to become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.

On this Children's Day, let us renew our commitment to providing quality education to our children. Let us create an environment where they feel safe, inspired, and encouraged to chase their dreams.

In conclusion, as we celebrate Children's Day, let's cherish the gift of education and the dreams it nurtures. Let's pledge to be the guiding lights in our students' lives, helping them realize their full potential.

Template Celebrating the Innocence of Childhood

Today, we gather here with hearts full of joy to celebrate Children's Day, a day that reminds us of the innocence, purity, and boundless potential that children bring into our lives.

Children are the future of our society, and as teachers, we are entrusted with the responsibility of shaping their minds and nurturing their souls. Every day, we witness the incredible journey of growth and learning that our students embark upon.

In a world that often moves too fast, it's essential to take a moment to celebrate the simplicity and purity of childhood. Children's Day is a time to cherish the laughter, the giggles, and the unfiltered curiosity that children exude.

As educators, we must provide a nurturing environment that encourages creativity, imagination, and self-expression. We should be the guiding lights that help our students explore their talents, overcome challenges, and discover their passions.

Let us also remember the importance of instilling values and empathy in our students. As they grow, let us guide them towards becoming responsible and compassionate individuals who make a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, as we celebrate Children's Day, let us renew our commitment to the well-being and education of our children. Let us embrace the innocence of childhood and pledge to be the pillars of support as they journey towards a future filled with promise.

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Short Speech

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Speech On Children’s Day For Students And Teachers

For an effective speech on Children’s Day, speakers need to know their audience. Here I provide speeches for a different audience.

Here you get a 2-minute, 5-minute short speech, and a long speech as well. At the end of the article, you find some points that you can add to make your speech more creative and interesting.

Table of Contents

Speech no. 1: children’s day speech in easy words for students.

If you are a student and want to give a speech in front of your school or classroom then this speech is designed for you. In this speech, I mainly focus on children’s capability, Nation future building, ability, talent, etc.

Speaker: Student

Audience: Mainly students, Teachers, and Principal

Main Focus of Speech: children’s capability, Nation future building, ability, talent, etc

Speech starts here,…

In today’s newspaper, I read a story about Prisha Lokesh Nikajoo 5-year-old Betul’s youngest girl to reach the base camp of Mt Everest. This Bhopal girl made us proud and showed the capability of the child. (This news helps to grab the attention of your audience)

Respected Principal, teachers, and my brothers and sisters.

Today, I stand before you as a student to celebrate a special day that holds great importance in our lives – Children’s Day. It is a day dedicated to the essence of our being, the dreams that ignite our souls, and the limitless potential that lies within each of us.

Children’s Day is not just a day of celebration and happiness; It is a day that reminds us of the power we have as young people. It’s a reminder that our voices matter, our dreams matter, and our actions can shape the world around us.

On this auspicious day, we pay tribute to the visionaries who believed in the power of children and dedicated themselves to our well-being. We remember Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, whose love for children led to the declaration of his birth anniversary as Children’s Day in our country.

As students, we are the makers of our future. We have far-reaching dreams and aspirations that know no bounds. Today, let’s take a moment to reflect on the immense possibilities within us. Let us embrace the power of knowledge, for education is the key that opens the door to innumerable opportunities.

Our journey as students is not limited to textbooks and exams only. It is a journey of self-discovery, exploration, and honing our talents and skills. Let us remember to make the most of this phase of our lives, cherish every moment, and take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow.

As we celebrate Children’s Day, it is important to remember that not every child is as fortunate as us. Many children around us face many challenges like poverty, lack of education, and unequal opportunities. As responsible young citizens, let us help those in need, advocate for their rights, and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

Let us also remember the importance of kindness and compassion. Small acts of kindness can create ripples of change, brighten someone’s day, and foster a sense of unity and support among all of us. Together, we can create a nurturing environment where every child feels loved, respected, and empowered.

On this Children’s Day, I urge all my fellow students to dream big and strive to achieve greatness. Let us embrace our uniqueness, for each of us has special talents waiting to be revealed. Let us stand up and be the change we want to see in the world.

In conclusion, let us celebrate this special day with joy and gratitude. Let us respect our childhood, for it is a priceless gift that shapes our future. May we always keep the spirit of Children’s Day within us, nurture our dreams, uplift others, and create a better tomorrow for all.

Speech No. 2: Speech On Children’s Day For Teacher

Speaker: Teacher, Principal, or any person other than the student

Audience: Students, Teachers group, Parents

Main Focus: Background/History of Children’s Day, Challenges And issues related to children’s rights, Campaigns and initiatives by NGOs and government organizations, and Duty of Parents and Teachers.

Respected Principal, my colleague teachers, parents, and energetic students.

Today, I stand before you as a teacher, entrusted with the noble responsibility of guiding and nurturing the young minds that grace our classrooms. On this momentous occasion of Children’s Day, we gather to celebrate the essence of childhood and acknowledge the profound impact it has on our children’s lives.

Children’s Day is not just a day of merriment and festivities; it is a poignant reminder of the immense potential residing within each and every child. It is an opportunity for us, as parents and educators, to come together and honor the dreams, aspirations, and capabilities of our children.

We celebrate Children’s Day on the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who believed in the power of education and its vital role in shaping future generations. His approach and love towards children have inspired us to dedicate this day to celebrating their innocence and unique talent.

As a parent, you play an important role in your children’s lives. You are their guiding light, their pillar of support, and their first teacher. On this day, let us acknowledge your immense influence in shaping their values, nurturing their dreams, and instilling in them the thirst for knowledge.

Educators also play an important role in the lives of our children. We are entrusted with the task of providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that fosters their holistic development. We are privileged to ignite their curiosity, guide their learning, and nurture their innate talents.

On this occasion, let us know that education extends beyond the boundaries of textbooks and classrooms. It is a lifelong journey of discovery and development. As parents and teachers, we must encourage our children to learn in all its forms – to acquire knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and become compassionate and responsible individuals.

However, as we celebrate Children’s Day, let us also acknowledge the challenges that some children face. Many young souls face adversities such as poverty, lack of access to quality education, and limited opportunities. As parents and teachers, it is our collective responsibility to advocate for their rights and work towards creating a more inclusive society.

I call upon all the parents and teachers present here today to be the necessary guiding force for our children. Let us extend unwavering support to them, instill a sense of confidence in them, and empower them to overcome obstacles in the way of success.

In conclusion, let us celebrate Children’s Day with gratitude for the privilege of shaping future generations. Let us cherish the innocence and limitless potential of our children. Let us all work together to create an environment where they feel loved, valued, and equipped with the tools they need to move forward.

Happy Children’s Day to all the parents, and educators here today. May we continue to inspire, nurture, and guide our children towards a brighter and better tomorrow.

2 Min Short Speech (150 Words)

[Greetings As per your audience] Respected Principal, teachers, parents, and energetic students.

Children’s Day in India holds a special place in the hearts of millions, as it celebrates the innocence, joy, and aspirations of the country’s youngest citizens.

From its humble beginnings as a tribute to the beloved first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, to today’s grand festivities, this day has seen an incredible evolution.

As we delve deeper into the history and significance of Children’s Day in India, we discover a story of love, advocacy, and unwavering faith in the potential of each child.

Join us on this journey as we explore how this auspicious day has transformed over the years, adapting to the changing needs and aspirations of our future generation. From educational initiatives to cultural programs, Children’s Day has become a platform to empower and uplift our young minds, ensuring that they are cherished, nurtured, and given every opportunity to flourish.

So, let’s dive into the enchanting story of Children’s Day in India and celebrate the incredible journey that has shaped this special day into what it is today.

Education plays a crucial role in shaping the lives of our children. As Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Let us ensure that we provide quality education to every child, regardless of their background or circumstances. Let us empower them with knowledge, ignite their curiosity, and encourage them to think critically and creatively.

Long Speech

Note: Here I give headings only for separation of speech which helps you to understand. Ignore them while speaking.

Respected Principal, teachers, parents, and energetic students. I welcome you all into this auditorium/ground. It is my pleasure to speak in front of you. [Change as per your audience]

Why We Celebrate Children’s Day?

From 1964 to till day we celebrate 14 th November as Children’s Day in the whole country. Let me tell you how it started.

The birthday of our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, which falls on 14 November, was chosen as the ideal day to celebrate Children’s Day. The decision was made to honor Nehru’s love for children and his commitment to their welfare. Nehru believed that children were the future of the country and they should be provided with a nurturing environment to grow, learn and flourish. Thus, Children’s Day became a way to celebrate Nehru’s legacy and promote the well-being of every child in the country.

Jawaharlal Nehru, fondly known as Chacha Nehru, was not only a visionary leader but also deeply connected with children. His love for children was evident in his interactions with them, where he was often seen playing, laughing, and engaging in conversation. Recognizing the importance of nurturing India’s young minds, Nehru was instrumental in establishing Children’s Day.

Significance of Children’s Day in promoting child rights and Well-being

Children’s Day holds immense significance in promoting child rights and well-being in India. It serves as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of providing every child with equal opportunities and a safe environment to grow. This day highlights the need for policies and programs that prioritize the rights of children, including access to education, healthcare, and protection from exploitation and abuse.

Furthermore, Children’s Day serves as a reminder to parents, educators, and society as a whole to recognize and respect the unique abilities and talents of children. It encourages us to create a nurturing environment where children can freely express themselves, explore their interests, and pursue their dreams. By promoting child rights and well-being, Children’s Day plays a crucial role in shaping a better future for our nation.

Unique Ways Children’s Day is celebrated across India

Children’s Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy across India. The day is filled with various activities, events, and programs that cater to the interests and needs of children. From schools to community centers, every place becomes a hub of celebration and excitement.

In schools, children often dress up in colorful attire and participate in cultural programs, including dance performances, skits, and music recitals. Teachers and staff organize special assemblies and events to honor the students and recognize their achievements. It is also common for schools to organize sports competitions, art exhibitions, and science fairs, providing children with a platform to showcase their talents.

In addition to school celebrations, many communities and organizations host events that engage children in fun and educational activities. These can include storytelling sessions, painting competitions, and workshops on various subjects. The aim is to create an inclusive and enjoyable atmosphere where children can learn, interact, and make lasting memories.

Children’s Day campaigns and initiatives by NGOs and government organizations

Numerous NGOs and government organizations in India actively work towards promoting child rights and well-being, and Children’s Day serves as a catalyst for their campaigns and initiatives. These organizations use this day to raise awareness about various issues affecting children and advocate for change at both the grassroots and policy levels.

Campaigns may focus on child education, child labor eradication , child health, or child protection. They aim to engage the public, policymakers, and stakeholders to address the challenges faced by children and create an environment that nurtures their growth and development.

Government organizations, such as the Ministry of Women and Child Development, play a crucial role in implementing policies and programs that safeguard the rights and well-being of children. They collaborate with NGOs, educational institutions, and healthcare providers to ensure that children’s needs are met and their voices are heard.

Challenges and issues related to Children’s Rights in India

While Children’s Day celebrates the progress made in promoting children’s rights in India, it also sheds light on the challenges that persist. Despite efforts to improve access to education, healthcare, and protection, many children in India continue to face barriers and injustices.

Child labor remains a significant concern, According to data from Census 2011, the number of child laborers in India is 10.1 million of which 5.6 million are boys and 4.5 million are girls.

Poverty, lack of awareness, and limited enforcement of labor laws contribute to this issue. Children living in marginalized communities, including those from tribal and rural areas, are particularly vulnerable to exploitation.

Education is another area that demands attention. Although efforts have been made to increase enrollment rates, quality education remains a challenge in many parts of the country. Limited infrastructure, inadequate resources, and a lack of trained teachers hinder the educational progress of children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

In addition, survey data shows that dropout rates have declined at all school levels in FY2012. For the primary level, the dropout rate declined by 1.5%, for the upper primary level by 3% and for the secondary level, the dropout rate declined by 12.6%.

Child marriage, child trafficking, and child abuse are additional issues that require urgent attention. These violations of children’s rights not only deprive them of their childhood but also have long-lasting physical, emotional, and psychological impacts.

Conclusion: Reflecting on the importance of Children’s Day and the continued need for child-centric policies

Children’s Day has had a significant impact on children’s empowerment and advocacy in India. By dedicating a day solely to celebrating and acknowledging children, society acknowledges their importance and value. This recognition boosts their self-esteem, encourages them to dream big, and instills in them a sense of belonging and purpose.

As we reflect on the captivating story of Children’s Day in India, it becomes clear that the day is not just another celebration, but a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility towards the well-being and future of our children. From its beginnings as a tribute to Chacha Nehru to its evolution into a day dedicated to all children, Children’s Day has come a long way.

Although progress has been made in promoting child rights and well-being, there are still challenges that remain to be overcome. Child labor, limited access to quality education, and various forms of exploitation continue. Therefore, it is essential to continue advocating for child-centered policies and programs that address these issues and create an enabling environment for each child’s development.

Children’s Day serves as a call to action for individuals, communities, NGOs, and government organizations to work together to protect and nurture the youngest citizens of our country. By investing in their education, health, and holistic development, we invest in a brighter future for India, where every child has the opportunity to fulfill their potential and contribute to society.

Thank You…….. Speech Finish

Adding In Your Speech

If your audience needs more factual data or needs more attention you use the points given below.

Attention Grabber

  • Prisha Lokesh Nikajoo 5-year-old Betul girl youngest to reach the base camp of Mt Everest. Read more
  • Truptraj Pandya was just 18 months old when he started playing the tabla. At age 6, he was awarded with a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records for being the youngest-ever Tabla Master.
  • The 9-year-old wonder kid, Pooja Bishnoi, is a world-recording Athlete. She has recently scripted history by covering a distance of 3 km in just 12.50 minutes in the under-age category of 10. 

The first Children’s Day was celebrated in India on November 14, 1964.

According to data from Census 2011, the number of child labourers in India is 10.1 million of which 5.6 million are boys and 4.5 million are girls.

Laws In India

  • Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
  • Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986
  • Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012

“Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.” – Nelson Mandela

“Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.” — A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

“Treat your kids like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend . Your grown-up children are your best friends.” —  Chanakya

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Children’s Day Speech for Student and Children

Children’s day speech.

Children’s Day Speech – The mid of November is a very special occasion for us. Every year we celebrate 14th November as Children’s day. We celebrate it because it’s the birthday of our first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru . His bond and fondness with children are legendary.

Children's Day Speech

How We Celebrate Children’s Day?

In schools and institutions is a day of fun, most of the schools organize several entertainment programs and exciting competitions for the children. However, the day is incomplete without a reflection of the ideas and values that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru lived by.

He has come from a very fortunate background but it did not affect his attitude. Also, his family wealth was enough to have him a place of honor in British India. Still, he chose to be at the side of Mahatma Gandhi and become an important part of the freedom struggle.

Moreover, he dedicated himself completely for the cause of the nation, from the Civil disobedience movement to Satyagraha. From jail terms to negotiating the terms of our independence he was there. He has shown us a path that can help us to reclaim our rightful position as leaders of the world.

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His Personal life

He has set an excellent example for the youngsters, parents, and teachers of our country. In this era of technology, we all have complaints and most of the lack of time. Nehruji proves that all these barriers have been built up by our minds.

In 1928, he was busy attending to the work of the Congress, and call for the Purna Swaraj was a hopeful spark and at that time his 10-year-old daughter Indira was studying in Mussoorie.

However, the great man manages to shape the mind of his young daughter. The letter that he wrote to his daughter is what we now know as “Letters From A Father To His Daughter”. Which gave us the dynamic leader Indira Gandhi.

Even though his imprisonment term he manages ton pen down one of the finest books of Indian history- The Discovery of India. All these examples are enough to motivate teachers and parents. Nehruji’s life encounter can show parents, teachers, and thinkers to shape up the young mind and lead them to greatness.

The Bitter Truth of Today

Today, the children of our country are fighting for basic healthcare and education. On this occasion, I would like to put forward some alarming data. In the Asian continent, India is the leading country when it comes to the employment of child labor.

Moreover, around 33 million children are working in various industries which are about the firth of child labor working worldwide. Also, many of these children are working in hazardous industries such as bangle making, matchbox making, precious stone cutting, etc.

By not making an effort to stop child labor and by not making primary education available to each child we are entrusting their future and our own into darkness. When each one of us makes a concrete effort towards this evil, only then we can make our country successful and great just like Nehruji, Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders had envisioned.

To sum it up, I extend my warmest greetings and wishes you all a Happy Children’s Day. In addition, let’s celebrate this day with joy and fully appreciate the gift of childhood that has been given to us. However, let us also remember the great responsibility that is ours towards this society and a better India.

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    "Good morning/afternoon everyone, today we gather here to celebrate Children's Day, a day that holds a special place in our hearts as we honor the boundless potential, innocence, and dreams of our future generation.

  8. Speech On Children's Day For Students And Teachers

    Children’s Day is not just a day of merriment and festivities; it is a poignant reminder of the immense potential residing within each and every child. It is an opportunity for us, as parents and educators, to come together and honor the dreams, aspirations, and capabilities of our children.

  9. Children's Day Speech - Testbook.com

    This Children’s day speech celebrates children and their enthusiasm for life and how their little smiles light up our worlds. Learn ways to deliver a perfect speech

  10. Children’s Day Speech for Student and Children - Toppr

    Children’s Day Speech – The mid of November is a very special occasion for us. Every year we celebrate 14th November as Children’s day. We celebrate it because it’s the birthday of our first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. His bond and fondness with children are legendary.