Fashion school: Q&A with Elle Education

Fashion school: Q&A with Elle Education

Elle Education is an international institute that focuses on the lifestyle industries, in particular fashion and interior design. FashionUnited spoke to the tutor and coordinator of the visual merchandising and fashion stylist diploma course and the image consultant and personal shopper short course Isabel Yuste Tosina and international communications specialist Grushenka Monsalve about the institute’s future plans, courses and its community.

How would you describe Elle Education’s student community?

Elle Education is available worldwide, and in two languages (Spanish and English) so our student community is highly diverse. We have students from around 35 nationalities and from different ages and professional backgrounds, all with the common goal of following their passion and specialising, or starting their career, in the lifestyle industries of fashion and design. Another way to describe our student community is hard-working and determined since a large majority of our students take advantage of the flexibility of our programmes and complete them whilst working or completing other education programmes.

What do we need to know about Elle Education?

Elle Education was created with the main purpose of helping individuals to not give up their dreams and follow their passion in their professional paths. This dream started 13 years ago in Spain, expanded to Mexico, and finally internationally with the Executive Education Program made in partnership with MIT Sloan Executive Education: Innovation Leadership for Fashion and Luxury Brands. Elle Education is a project by Mindway and Elle International. Since its start, Elle Education has helped more than 20,000 students to reach their professional goals, and we continue to expand our offer to continue with our mission.

What kind of courses does Elle Education offer? What is the focus area?

We recently launched our master programmes, accredited by the Complutense University of Madrid, which start in October and have a duration of one year. They cover the topics of fashion marketing, interior design, and management of lifestyle businesses. This last one has two modality options: 100 percent online, like the rest of our programmes, or hybrid, where students attend some on-site classes.

Next, we have our diploma courses which are six months long and are also accredited by the Complutense University of Madrid. The courses include marketing and communications for fashion and luxury brands, interior design, and visual merchandising and fashion styling. The next intake will take place in October.

Then we have our short courses, with the largest range of topics and courses, these last two months, are certified by Elle and Mindway Liberal Studies, and offer very specialised information for a specific sector including image consultant and personal shopper, how to create a brand, introduction to business management, influencer marketing, product design, event production, and fashion and lifestyle branding. The enrollment period for the next edition opens today, 15 April.

Finally our educational offer ends with our open programmes which are by far are most flexible and specialised, they include the psychology of consumer behaviour by style psychology founder, Kate Nightingale; disruption in fashion- 3D collection: design, develop and present, by Mountain Collective CEO, Mourad Bahrouch; and how to make a mood board by Beauty Papers editor, John William.

How would you describe the visual merchandising and fashion stylist course?

This diploma course is a perfect mix of two professions, we provide an added value to the styling courses that are already on the market, which are usually focused only on the fashion styling profession or combined with image consulting or coolhunting. We wanted students to learn two fascinating professions within the fashion world where there are real job opportunities.

The visual merchandiser is responsible for the image of a store, the stylist’s responsibility is the image of a particular brand or person, having deep knowledge in both professions helps students to be a better professional in the other, nowadays it is imperative to master both disciplines to perform positions in e-commerce or be responsible for the entire image of a fashion retail company.

What are the plans for this year? Any new things coming up?

This year we want to continue inspiring as many individuals as we can, we already started what we called Elle Education Live last year which offers free masterclasses on our website, but we wanted to do something bigger and with more impact, and so, we launched the Sustainability Seminar with support from the United Nations Office for Partnerships, which will take place from April to June, 100 percent online and free upon registration on our website.

We are extremely excited about this initiative as different speakers will cover topics such as the impact of innovation on sustainability, sustainable business models, the impact of technology, and how we can move towards sustainability in the lifestyle industries.

We believe that the first step to changing the world is always education, and we are honoured to be contributing to this global initiative and to provide individuals with the frameworks to be the change the world desperately needs right now.

Do you have any tips for future students who want to study at Elle Education?

Our main tip for future students is to believe in themselves and follow their passions. This will be the driving force of their ambition in their professional path. We are here to help them take their first steps towards their ideal professional future and give them the tools to succeed.

Photo credit: Elle Education

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Elle pushes Elle Education launch worldwide

Elle International and Mindway Liberal Studies are expanding their education programme worldwide , with the launch of Elle Education , an online platform offering diploma and short courses.

elle education

The expansion comes after a 10 year trajectory in Spain with Escuela Moda ELLE , and two successful editions of the Executive Education Program Innovation Leadership for Fashion and Luxury Consumer Brands made in collaboration with MIT Sloan Executive Education.

elle education

In a statement from Elle International, the company said: "Our mission is to train our students to face the new challenges of the industry , and to develop the innovative mindset needed to always stay ahead of the trends.

"For this reason we pride ourselves in being an International platform that welcomes diversity, international networking, and that brings the best professionals in the industry to share their professional secrets."

elle education

At completion students will receive a Diploma issued by Complutense University of Madrid, and Mindway Liberal Studies.

The courses will focus on areas of fashion, luxury, interior design, and management, with innovation a key part of every single course. Courses on offer include Image Consultant and Personal Shopper, Event Production and Influencer Marketing.

Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the new Elle Education platform will be also offering short masterclasses with insightful information of different sectors within the fashion industry, available from 31 March 2020.

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Your September 2024 Horoscope Is Here: Every Star Sign's Forecast For Romance, Career And Life

Find out what’s in store for the month ahead.

september 2024 horoscope

Ah, September. As we bid adieu to the balmy months of summer and turn our attention to the falling leaves and imminent change of the seasons, it pays to take heed of how far we have come. Indeed, this September. that's precisely what the zodiac is imploring each of us to do.

The next four weeks will unlock answers that many of us have spent a large portion of this year yearning for. For starters, make note of the Autumn Equinox, which will take place on September 22 and marks the official beginning of autumn. This is the time to leave all that no longer serves you behind in the flurry of summer, and re-focus your energy instead on what lies ahead. September is the month to focus on that subject many of us fall into the trap of forgetting about: yourself – your wants, your needs, your dreams, your desires.


For the last time in our lifetimes, Pluto will also move back into Capricorn this month and remain there until November 19. This is a transit that will reaffirm teachings about power and responsibility and how we can leverage our individual sway for our collective betterment. In astrology , the celestial energies of Capricorn and Pluto are strong in both will and determination, with neither likely to stop until it achieves its goal. Prepare for misinformation to be outed as just that, and for people to see the light that has cowered in the darkness for so long.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If you've been feeling disenfranchised or lost, dear Aries, fear not – September will provide the clarity and sense of purpose you've quietly been craving. On September 3, the New Moon enters Virgo and will land in your tenth house – the house of your career – so get ready to manifest your biggest and wildest dreams because this is a month that's about rolling up your sleeves and making magic happen.

To really allow the powers of this month to bring abundance into your life, speak your dreams into existence; tell anybody who'll listen and write them over and over again in journals until you begin to feel the traction of them transitioning from the virtual to reality.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This month will provide emotional healing for those Taureans who need it. On September 1, Uranus, which is known as the Planet of Rebellion, will begin its retrograde, peeling the curtain back on the shifts that need to be made in people's lives. When Uranus retrogrades it usually happens in conjunction with people re-evaluating the changes that are required of them to align with their truest and deepest desires.

If that feels heavy, the New Moon in Virgo will ease some of the more strategic requirements of this celestial shift. In order to shift our inner landscape, sometimes we need a little guidance, and that clarity will be provided in abundance by the New Moon – so stay in tune with your inner voice and the emotional cleansing you may well need to prioritise.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

If you've felt like this year has been something of a stop-start rollercoaster, then prepare to be released from the shackles of uncertainty. The New Moon in Virgo will land in your fourth house, the house of home, which will calm the stormy waters you may have been experiencing domestically of late.

Remember that fortune favours the bold, and the calming of your home life will enable you to step forward in the endeavour you've embarked upon with boldness. No cowering in the shadows for you this month, dear Gemini...

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Not everybody has your best interests at heart, dear Cancer, and this September prepare for that revelation to really make itself known to you. Pluto's retrograde in Capricorn will land in your seventh house, the house of relationships, so get ready to confront some potentially difficult truths about those who you allow close to you. The hard truth is that not all is quite as it may seem with some of your nearest and dearest.

Mars enters Cancer on September 4 too, which may well poke and prod you to finally do something about that which you've ignored for far too long. Ultimately though, growth only happens when we're uncomfortable, so be sure to remind yourself of that when the going gets tough.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

In astrology, the second house represents personal possessions, finances and emotions, and this month the New Moon in Virgo will land in yours on September 16 – making this a pivotal time for any and all career-oriented decisions that may be on the horizon. Be sure to ignore the naysayers who may not be championing you; remember who you are, where you come from, and the unique gifts that only you have to offer the world. Nobody does it quite like you, and you'd do well to keep that front of mind.

This month might not be plain-sailing (Mars entering Cancer on September 4 will provide some challenges to you too, Leo), but remember that without pressure, we'd never have diamonds. Sometimes perseverance, endurance and tenacity really are the keys to unlocking true and lasting happiness.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Oh Virgo, to be you this month. The Full Moon eclipse in Pisces will occur in your zone of relationships, so prepare to strengthen, widen and nurture your inner circle of unwavering supporters. No man is an island, so make sure that you're showing love and appreciation to the people who continue to lift you up and support you unequivocally – they're one of life's few and true treasures.

New Moons in Virgo can also kick-start ideas and conversations, so expect epiphanies galore this month. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, there's nothing like a Virgo's energy to help realign priorities and re-configure the route to success. Just be sure to write all of them down so that you can strategise in the best way possible.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

If you've felt as though you've been on pause, then September is the month to finally press play once again. Mars enters your tenth house of career on September 4, making this a month that will prove key in the process of making your dreams a reality. Ask yourself: are you happy in your job? If you could, what would you change? If there are answers you crave to any work-related queries, this is the month to delve into sourcing them for yourself.

In a real celestial double-whammy, the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces will reveal an abundance of cool and creative ideas to you. Take note of the stream of thoughts that come to you and remember that if you dream it, you can do it.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Congratulations are in order for you, dear Scorpio. The deal you've been waiting for is almost done and completion is on the horizon. It might not have been an easy journey to get here, but remember that nothing worth having ever came easy. The wait is always eventually worth it. You've got Uranus to thank for this triumph; all that's left for you to do is to trust in the process and those you have ushered into your sacred circle.

Your ruling planet, Mars, lands in your ninth house of travel, education, and beliefs on September 4, marking the beginning of a two-month stay. This may well trigger growing pains in your personal life that prove tricky to extrapolate yourself from, but this month will give you the space that you need to calcify your feelings on the matter. Remember that everything you need to weather the storm is already inside of you, this may well just be a case of needing to rejig your priorities.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

This month is set to be one of re-evaluation for you, Sagittarius. The New Moon in Virgo will provide you with the space and inclination to clarify what exactly your goals and ambitions are for yourself, while on September 4, Mercury will transit into Leo in your ninth house of mental exploration and academic stimulus. If there's a brainstorm you've been deferring, now's the time to strike while the iron's hot.

Similarly, for those who are feeling as though the path they're on may not be the best path for them, consider seeking guidance from friends and mentors during the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

When Pluto first re-entered through Capricorn back in 2008, it may well have felt as though it happened in tandem with you becoming the strongest and most formidable version of yourself. That unwavering confidence in yourself, who you are and what you stand for? It came from the celestial powers among us, and on September 1 Pluto re-enters Capricorn once again. What does this mean for you? It means that, until November when Pluto moves on for good, your new-found strength and tenacity will be tested to the limit.

On September 4, Mars will land in your seventh house of significant others, which will reveal to you who your true friends really are. Take solace, though, in the fact that if there was ever a sign in the zodiac that was made to weather these kinds of challenges, it's you, dear Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

There are shifts on the horizon for you this month, Aquarius. Mars enters your sixth house of work on September 4, prompting you to confront your deepest, darkest fears about how satisfied you really are doing what you do for a living, before the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17 ushers in a slew of money-making opportunities. Don't shy away from asking yourself difficult questions.

Staying in the present with your trusted inner circle will help you to stay focussed this month. Allow yourself to be teachable; nothing good ever came from being stagnant, after all.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

There's nothing worse than feeling stuck in a rut, but this month, prepare to free yourself from the restraints that have been weighing so heavily on you. A new wave of inspiration will come to you during the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17; embrace the momentum that this period brings you.

Not only are the seasons changing but you are too, and you'd do well to remind yourself of that. Nothing stays the same, including you, dear Pisces. Just don't go forgetting it.

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  1. ELLE Education

    ELLE Education ofrece másteres, diplomas, MBA, grados y cursos en colaboración con la Universidad Camilo José Cela. Aprende con expertos del sector, accede a prácticas y experiencias en empresas y transforma tu carrera.

  2. ELLE Education

    Take a look. "The best part of studying at ELLE Education is that it is a very flexible method. It's great because it lets you get organized in a way that is easier for you." Christian Rodriguez Carrion. "Getting started with the classes was very exciting and I quickly found myself becoming eager to learn more. In contrast to many of my classes ...

  3. ELLE Education Online Programs

    Learn from ELLE Education and UCJC, a European university, how to create lifestyle experiences, market and communicate fashion and luxury brands, and design interiors. Choose from online diploma courses, workshops, or open programs in English.

  4. Elle Education launches worldwide

    The aim of Elle Education is to assist women in achieving their ambitions with a range of education programmes that will be taught entirely online in order to give flexibility in learning, in what the Elle calls the "future of education". Chief executive of Elle International, Constance Benque, said in a statement, that Elle Education has ...

  5. Fashion school: Q&A with Elle Education

    Elle Education is an international institute that focuses on the lifestyle industries, in particular fashion and interior design. FashionUnited spoke to the tutor and coordinator of the visual merchandising and fashion stylist diploma course and the image consultant and personal shopper short course Isabel Yuste Tosina and international communications specialist Grushenka Monsalve about the ...

  6. ELLE Education

    ELLE Education® es un proyecto de mindway, nace de la experiencia de más de 13 años acompañando y formando a los mejores profesionales del mundo de la moda, ...

  7. ELLE Education ( • Instagram photos and videos

    En ELLE Education ofrecemos una formación 🎓enfocada al mundo profesional de nuestrxs alumnxs y para nosotros es importante la inmersión completa en el mundo de la moda brindándoles una formación completa y experiencial 🤩 En esta ocasión, nuestra alumna @nievesam_____ Nieves Amorós Marchante, del Máster en Marketing de Moda 👗👔, tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar 🎤a Custo ...

  8. ELLE Education Employees, Location, Alumni

    ELLE Education es un proyecto de mindway, nace de la experiencia de más de 15 años acompañando y formando a los mejores profesionales del mundo de la moda, el lifestyle, innovación y diseño ...

  9. Elle Education

    Elle Education | 411 followers on LinkedIn. Study Abroad Agent specialised in UK and Japan.

  10. Elle pushes Elle Education launch worldwide

    Elle International and Mindway Liberal Studies are expanding their education programme worldwide, with the launch of Elle Education, an online platform. Partner with us Free newsletter. Menu. ... Elle pushes Elle Education launch worldwide. Tom Shearsmith. 30 March 2020.

  11. New Home

    ELLE Education & UCJC: Accredited European University Diploma: More information. Diploma Course Interior Design. Online 100%: English: ELLE Education & UCJC: Accredited European University Diploma: More information "The best part of studying at ELLE Education is that it is a very flexible method. It's great because it lets you get organized in ...

  12. ELLE Education x mindway

    ELLE Education es un proyecto de mindway, nace de la experiencia de más de 16 años acompañando y formando a los mejores profesionales del mundo de la moda, el lifestyle, innovación y diseño ...

  13. Elle Conde

    Experience: Intapp · Education: Hudson Institute of Coaching · Location: New York · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Elle Conde's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion ...

  14. September 2024 Horoscope: Every Star Sign's Forecast For Romance ...

    Your ruling planet, Mars, lands in your ninth house of travel, education, and beliefs on September 4, marking the beginning of a two-month stay. ... ELLE Collective is a new community of fashion ...

  15. ELLE Education ( • Instagram photos and videos

    27K Followers, 227 Following, 673 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ELLE Education (

  16. Staff

    Dr. Mich elle Jorden. ... Medical Examiner Office and a Clinical Assistant Professor at SUNY Upstate Medical University in charge of the autopsy education for the rotating pathology residents. She obtained her medical degree from University of New Mexico School of Medicine, and completed her residency training in both Anatomic and Clinical ...

  17. Know more about us

    About us. ELLE Education® is a project by mindway born from more than 13 years of experience of training the best professionals in the worlds of fashion, lifestyle, innovation, and interior design. ELLE is one of the most important lifestyle brands in the world, with more than 21 million readers and 100 million website visits per month.

  18. ELLE Education (

    En ELLE Education nuestros alumnos 🎓tienen la oportunidad de vivir momentos inolvidables y ver el mundo de la moda desde dentro 🤩 @nievesam_____ Nieves Amorós, alumna de nuestro Máster de Márketing de Moda 👗👔, tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar 🎤a @maite.casademunt No pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar y formar parte de experiencias exclusivas y enriquecedoras para tu futuro ...

  19. ELLE Education: Alumni and Graduates

    ELLE Education | 9,621 followers on LinkedIn. Stop aspiring, start achieving. Your career in fashion starts here! | ELLE Education es un proyecto de mindway, nace de la experiencia de más de 15 ...

  20. Schools

    ELLE Education offers online and on-site programs in fashion, luxury, architecture and design, and branding. Learn from ELLE magazine's legacy and experts in a globalized and innovative learning environment.

  21. Santa Clara Adult Education

    Santa Clara Adult Education offers adult education programs including English as a Second Language (ESL), High School Diploma, High School Equivalency, Career Training, Parent Education, and more. Skip to content (408) 423-3500; Email; Facebook; Instagram; Login; New Students; Staff (408) 423-3500; Login; New Students; Staff; About Us.

  22. ELLE Education Faculty

    ELLE education is made up of professionals from the Fashion, Lifestyle, and Innovation sectors, as well as professors from prestigious and leading universities including Complutense University of Madrid and MIT in Boston. Our programs offer a 360°vision of the areas in each course, combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

  23. Assistant(e) de service social contractuel(le) DSDEN 06

    Elle accueille 368 263 élèves (dont 198 170 dans le premier degré et 170 093 dans le second degré), 64 066 étudiants et 37 535 personnels (dont environ 12 000 enseignants du 2nd degré public). Le rectorat, siège de l'académie, compte environ 300 personnels.

  24. Elle Billman

    <br> · Experience: Stanford Cancer Institute · Location: New York · 474 connections on LinkedIn. View Elle Billman's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.