7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

Inside the mind of your prospect: change is hard, before-after-bridge: the only formula you need to create a persuasive sales presentation, facebook — how smiles and simplicity make you more memorable, contently — how to build a strong bridge, brick by brick, yesware — how to go above and beyond with your benefits, uber — how to cater your content for readers quick to scan, dealtap — how to use leading questions to your advantage, zuora — how to win over your prospects by feeding them dots, linkedin sales navigator — how to create excitement with color, how to make a sales pitch in 4 straightforward steps, 7 embarrassing pitfalls to avoid in your presentation, over to you.

A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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  • Business Models
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  • Strategic Planning
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Growth Strategy
  • Market Strategy
  • Customer Strategy
  • Geographic Strategy
  • Product Strategy
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  • Pricing Strategy
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  • Sales Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Organizational Strategy
  • HR Strategy – Organizational Design
  • HR Strategy – Employee Journey & Culture
  • Process Strategy
  • Procurement Strategy
  • Cost and Capital Strategy
  • Business Value
  • Market Analysis
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Strategic Options
  • Business Analytics
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  • Process Improvement
  • Project Planning
  • Team Leadership
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership Maturity Model
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  • Decision Making
  • People Leadership
  • Strategic Execution
  • Executive Coaching
  • Strategy Coaching
  • Business Transformation
  • Strategy Workshops
  • Leadership Strategy Survey
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  • Who’s Joe?


The big picture on sales strategy.

Conceptualize, measure and understand the opportunities to improve your customer pipeline and journey.


Growing Customers with Sales Strategy


Sales Strategy Template


When you strip out all of the noise, from a customer's point of view, their journey to purchase is a series of interactions and conversations. A customer is trying to solve a problem, and in their journey to solve it, they may become aware of your potential solution, show interest by seeking more information, consider the solution versus other competitors, and hopefully convert into a customer and a loyal repeat customer.

These interactions could be through a company's website, app, online content, stores, salespeople, partners and distributors, and other customers. You can conceptualize this series of customer & company interactions in two ways. From the perspective of the customer, you can codify the interactions in a customer journey map. From the perspective of a sales team, you can conceptualize the interactions in a  sales pipeline.

The first step in developing a strong sales strategy is to abstract the performance of the sales pipeline by applying a series of longitudinal metrics to each stage of the pipeline. How many potential targets are there, suspects, prospects, customers, or repeat customers? How long do they stay in each stage? How many drop off in each stage? How valuable are they in each stage? How have the metrics evolved over time?

Like any process , if you can't measure it, it becomes challenging to improve it. High-performing sales teams automate much of this data through a well-utilized and updated sales CRM system. If your company can't systematically report on the sales pipeline, then developing the capability, infrastructure, and discipline to measure and improve the pipeline should be an initiative in your sales strategy.

Sales Pipeline


Benchmarking Sales Strategy


There are four ways to grow sales through a customer pipeline:

  • Increase Addressable Market - put more people through the mouth of the funnel
  • Accelerate Deal Velocity - make each step/stage shorter for the customer
  • Improve Stage Gate Success - have the customer say yes to the next step more often
  • Increase Deal Size - upsell and focus efforts on the larger deals

Understanding how these four growth metrics evolved over time is a good starting point for diagnosing customer pipeline issues and opportunities.  These four growth metrics are outputs of the sales growth drivers, which we go into next.

4 Ways to Grow Sales


Sales growth comes down to better customer interactions and conversations, more of them, along with a better value proposition and marketing . To make these things a reality, there are three main components to a strong sales strategy:

1. Improving the alignment between the target customer , the differentiated value proposition , marketing, and distribution

2. Incorporating corporate growth strategy initiatives in the sales strategy

3. Developing a strong sales team strategy to improve the sales process and interactions executed by the salespeople, infrastructure, and partners

Sales Growth Strategy


Many CEOS misdiagnosis their weak sales by concluding, "it must be the sales team."  

A strong sales team is important, but the most important driver of sales is a killer value proposition that creates more value than the competition for target customers. Once you have a killer value proposition, then you need the right messaging, marketing, and distribution that clearly amplifies the value proposition to the target customers.

So, the first thing any sales strategy should address is to make sure there is a clearly defined and articulated target customer, a killer value proposition for the target customer, and impactful messaging, marketing, and distribution focused on the target customer. Alignment on a target customer will make everyone's efforts more focused, efficient, and effective, while differentiation will make customers say yes more often.

Seriously, don't overlook this point. Pretty much every company that grows for decades and becomes a leader in their industry has and continually improves a killer value proposition that creates more value than competitors for the target customers. It is the heart that makes the sales flow for any strong sales team.

Now, we often hear, "well, that isn't under my control."  Well, you better figure out how to influence it, because, without alignment and differentiation, the customer will more often than not choose not to do business with your company.

Sales Alignment Strategy


Hopefully, you have a killer value proposition and aligned marketing and distribution, now what? Well, you need to think through how the high-level corporate growth strategy is going to affect sales and the sales team. Is the company expanding into new markets , customer segments, and geographies? Are there new and improved products , services, and pricing ? Are there new distribution channels or marketing campaigns? While it may be a lot to think through, growth expansion initiatives can have a significant impact on sales and the sales team.

Now, a few words of caution. First, be careful not to go after too many options , which can quickly overextend the sales team and the entire company. Companies that fail often go after too many new markets , customer segments, and geographies at the same time. Inevitably, the ambitious agenda creates fragmented efforts, massive complexity , opportunity cost , and ultimately failure. Second, while sales leadership should have a sizeable role in shaping the corporate growth strategy, it should not lead the effort. We see too many companies that try to say yes to everything sales wants to do, which often leads to a lot of running in place and going nowhere. Successful companies have a strong and balanced leadership team stewarding the big decisions and execution around corporate growth strategy.

Growth strategy initiatives are significant inputs into the last part of sales strategy, which is the sales team strategy. The big question is how growth strategy initiatives will affect sales and the sales team. Is there a need for new processes, people, partners, and technology? What is the expected impact on sales, quotas, customer metrics, and pipeline dynamics? This is one of the reasons why sales strategy is so complicated since there are so many dimensions that ultimately need to be addressed by the sales team, with the ultimate goal of having better customer interactions and conversations and more of them.

Corporate Growth Strategies


Now to the heart of sales strategy, which is the sales team strategy. Any team, including a sales team, is simply a collection of processes executed by people, infrastructure, and partners. And, strategy is simply the goals we choose and the actions we take to achieve those goals. So, sales team strategy comes down to the sales team goals and the portfolio of initiatives to improve the processes, people, infrastructure, and partners to a level necessary to achieve the goals.

Below are some options to focus those sales team strategy initiatives on. We'll go over the high-level framing of some of the strategic options .

Sales Team Strategy


Everything every member of a sales team does is a process, whether acknowledged as one or not. Has your sales team documented their processes, measure them? If not, that is a great place to start.

There are four main levels of a sales process outlined below.

Sales Process Strategy

At the highest level is the sales team governance , which includes the processes that strategically manage the sales strategy, forecasting, opportunities, overall pipeline, and sales operations. It typically involves weekly or monthly pipeline reviews, quarterly business reviews, and annual strategic planning , budgeting, and forecasting. The better the governance , the better the accuracy of forecasts, sales strategy, performance, and understanding of cause and effect.

The next level of the sales process is the customer journey, which includes every aspect of the journey customers take through an organization's processes to discover, evaluate, purchase, and consume the company's services and products. Strategic initiatives typically target reducing customer effort (e.g., self-help, automation , digital enablement), leaning out the customer processes, and increasing the rate of success on prioritized pipeline stages.

The sales methodology is one of the most critical processes for a sales team. The sales methodology is the overall sales approach between sales team members and customers to drive deal velocity and success. Most sales books focus on sales methodologies, such as spin selling , solution selling , MEDDIC , key account selling , GAP selling , and many others. We'll go a little deeper and synthesize all those books into a handful of important questions to quickly qualify and accelerate a deal.

The last level of the sales process to solve for is the daily, weekly, and monthly activity at the team and individual levels, which typically includes the day-to-day activity management and reporting to drive productivity and deal velocity through the pipeline.


There are hundreds of good books on sales methodology, but most of the methodologies come down to answering the basic 5 Ws (who, what, where, why, when) and 1 H (how) questions of a deal to qualify, accelerate and close the deal.

Once again, sales growth is driven by better customer interactions and conversations, and more of them. Weaving these questions into customer interactions, and recording and addressing the answers will help deals get through the pipeline. If you don't have a strong sales methodology, then start developing one that asks and answers the basic customer questions necessary to get a deal done.

Sales Methodology Questions


For many B2B companies, sales expense, in the form of salary and commission, is often their largest financial expense, making it especially important to elevate and realize the potential of salespeople and the collective sales team.

There are many questions to answer about the people part of a sales strategy, which all fall into the various categories of our people strategy framework:

  • Org Design ( Mission , Corporate Strategy, Structure, Roles & Competencies)
  • Employee Journey (Recruiting, Hiring, Onboarding , Development, Evaluation, Advancement)
  • Culture (Comp & Benefits, Environment, Norms, Values )

For a complete overview, visit our entire section on organizational strategy , hr strategy - org design , and hr strategy - employee journey & culture . Below, we'll cover some of the more unique elements of sales team strategy.

Org Strategy Framework


A challenging question that typically comes up is, "what should the sales org look like?" 

There is a lot of art and science in answering this question. Regarding the size of the sales org, utilize benchmarks on revenue productivity per sales team member and percent of sales spend to revenue. You should also analyze the span of control, where each manager should have 8-12 direct reports. You also need to solve for the right amount of levels to the org, the fewer, the better. Finally, there are the actual roles and accountabilities , which we'll get into a bit more next.

Sales Org Design Strategy Questions


For many sales teams, better customer conversations and interactions necessitate a high level of specialization to address the needs of specific customer segments , markets, geographies, or stages within the sales funnel. This specialization leads to sales teams organizing around one or more of these dimensions (customer segments, markets, geography , sales funnel stages). What dimensions to organize around is a function of the customer experience, specialization, economics, and complexity.

Many companies are constantly reorganizing their sales team from one dimension to another, such as reshuffling the team from a segment focus to a geographic focus. These reorganizations often fail, due to the ensuing chaos. Most existing sales teams have optimized and refined their multitude of internal and external processes based on their existing organizational dimensions. When a sales team reorg happens, a sales team has to reconfigure its processes, infrastructure, and partners. If the change management of the sales reorg isn't stellar, often the customer journey and sales team devolves into a bit of chaos.

Different Ways to Organize Sales Team


The adage goes "it's all about the people."   We like to expand that to it's all about the recruiting, hiring, onboarding, development, evaluation, and advancement of the people. Improving the employee journey is essential in any sales strategy. The first place to start is to establish best practices in recruiting and hiring. The lowest hanging fruit is typically increasing the number of candidates you recruit and interview while professionalizing the interview and hiring process with standard interview guides and scorecards, group and immersive interviews, and team decision-making .

When it comes to the rest of the employee journey , one of the most impactful exercises is to survey team members about their employee journey, which not only creates a baseline but also solicits good ideas while providing built-in buy-in to improvements. Furthermore, there are a ton of established best practices in each stage of the employee journey.

sales team journey


sales compensation strategy options


In developing a sales strategy, always keep in mind you are solving for two things: 1.  the goals the sales team will strive to achieve, and 2. the strategic sales initiatives necessary to achieve the goals.

Whether it takes a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, there are typically four steps in developing a sales strategy, which is:

  • Generate insights into the sales pipeline, customer journey, corporate growth strategy, sales team, and overall alignment & differentiation.
  • Develop opportunities on how the sales team can improve the processes, people, partners, and infrastructure.
  • Prioritize the potential initiatives based on value & benefit versus cost & effort.
  • Set the goals and roadmap of the portfolio of sales initiatives

Given the breadth of possible analyses, gaps, opportunities, goals, and initiatives, it is imperative to assemble the best possible internal strategy team to develop and execute a very focused and impact-oriented project plan .

developing a sales strategy


In developing a strong sales strategy, there are five main areas to generate insights on 1. the sales pipeline, 2. the customer journey, 3. corporate growth strategy initiatives, 4. alignment & differentiation, 5. the sales team (processes, people, infrastructure and partners).

A focused set of hypotheses and analyses will generate a ton of insights, otherwise, a team can "boil the ocean," wasting precious time and resources on things that don't matter. Focus on answering the key questions below, utilizing some of the typical strategic analyses and tools. By doing so, the team will generate the big "aha" insights that will guide the entire strategy project.

sales strategy project plan


Once you have foundational insights for the sales strategy, then you enter the "create options" phase, where you need to come up with and develop the improvement opportunities that will drive sales to the next level. This phase drives the overall value of the strategy, since the number and quality of options limits strategies. Make sure you solicit ideas from as many places as possible and get the most creative and knowledgeable people involved to push the thinking.

There is always the opportunity to improve the customer journey, internal sales processes, and cross-functional processes. The lean toolkit , automation , and digital strategies will help sprout and nurture the best ideas. Solicit ideas and feedback from the entire sales team. A simple survey with both structured and open-ended questions will do the trick. There are also hundreds of best practices to improve the maturity of the sales processes , methodologies, people, and infrastructure.

strategy options for sales


Hopefully, at this stage of the project, you have more improvement ideas than resources and budget to execute.  Now, we are in the prioritization phase of the project. Before diving into prioritizing the ideas, you first want to see how much you can simplify , rearrange and combine the ideas into some larger potential initiatives.

Now, we get to the fun and collaborative stage of decision-making. Utilize some sort of prioritization or decision matrix to problem solve and debate the potential value/benefit , and cost/effort of each initiative. Get the right leadership and stakeholders in the room to have this robust debate, and potentially have a few rounds to refine and improve the thinking. In the end, focus the strategy on those "no brainer" ideas that are high value/benefit and low cost/effort with a shorter time horizon (3 months to 1-2 years).  For the "big bet" initiatives, figure out the timing, budget, dependencies, etc., before making a decision.

One of the most difficult challenges for sales team leadership is deciding on the right portfolio of initiatives. The first part of this challenge is getting enough skilled talent mobilized to successfully execute the initiatives and change management . The second part of the challenge is understanding the amount of change the sales team can realistically handle.

Whatever your decision-making governance , by the end you should have a strong portfolio of initiatives, budgets, owners, timing, and a pretty clear idea of the potential impact on the core metrics of the sales team.

prioritizing sales strategies


Strategy comes down to setting goals and executing the portfolio of improvement initiatives necessary to achieve the goals.  You should distill all of the strategic analyses, problem solving , collaborating, and decision-making into one page of sales goals and initiatives. Of course, there should be a lot more detail (e.g., project plans, resource plans, change management plans, budgets, spreadsheets) behind the one page. However, as you think about communicating the big sales strategy to upper management, the internal sales team, external stakeholders, and partners, one page is always best.

One last thought, invest the time, resources, and commitment to change management . The hardest part of executing any strategy is the necessary behavioral change at the individual level. Thinking through the change management framework for each initiative will pay dividends in driving the change you are seeking.

If you want to talk about your sales strategy with an experienced strategy coach, set up some time with Joe Newsum , a Mckinsey Alum, and the author of this content and website.

setting sales goals


Download the 100-page Sales Strategy Plan PowerPoint Presentation . The fully editable and professionally designed deck will give you a jump start on your sales strategy and plan.

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Product details

A sales strategy is plan that outlines how a business is going to sell its products or services. It’s a planned approach to identifying and qualifying prospects, sales presentation, policy formation, and order generation. It answers the following three questions – What are we going to sell? Who will we sell to? What methods are we going to use to sell our offering?

A sales strategy enables a company to position itself and its offering in a meaningful way. It will usually include detailed processes and best practices that a company’s sales team can use to have an easier time selling the company’s products or services. Creating a sales strategy will involve identifying a target market, performing competitive research, analyzing trends, and deciding on sales and promotion methods.

Creating a sales strategy will allow you to understand your target market better, as well as the reasons why your target audience should be buying from you. A good sales strategy should also address your unique selling points and all the ways you can communicate value. While sales strategy and marketing strategy work in unison, it is important to understand the differences between these two strategies. Your marketing strategy outlines the how you are going to reach your target audience, including all the ways you are going to promote your offering, as well as how you will achieve an advantage over your competition.

Your sales strategy, on the other hand, describes how you’re going to sell your product or service to your target audience. The purpose of your sales strategy should be to outline the most effective way of converting prospects into customers, as well as describe ways of converting one-time buyers into repeat customers.

This template will be primarily useful for sales managers and company executives. You can use the slides of this template when preparing a sales strategy both for the whole company and for specific regions. For example, in one region, customer preferences differ from preferences in another, or there is a lot of competition in this region, so sales strategies may be different. Also, this template can be used by CEOs of startups when preparing to meet with their potential investors.

The first and second slides can be used to present sales strategies in a summarized manner. With the third slide, the user can represent stages in a sales strategy and show other sales-related details with the 5-staged funnel chart. Show the impact of synergizing two sales strategies with the fourth slide. This sales strategy template comprises of 4 pre-designed slides to help you save time and effort on putting together your sales strategy presentation. 100% editable and can be personalized in a seamless manner.

The sales strategy template has vast usage across all industries and is designed for managers, business analysts, strategic planners, company owners, sales, marketing and advertising executives, etc. Impress your audience with your well-executed strategy that can be presented in a crisp and impressive manner with this sales strategy PowerPoint template.

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10+ Sales PowerPoint Presentation Examples To Get Inspired!


One of the biggest challenges B2B sales and marketing teams face is creating sales presentations that impress potential customers and lead to conversions.

So, what does an excellent sales presentation look like? Today, we'll explore some of the best examples to help you craft your own outstanding presentation. And that’s not all, we’ve interviewed our head of sales, Robert Juul Glaesel , to provide you with the BEST insights to unlock success. So…let's dive in!

sales strategy presentation sample

We’ll be covering the following topics

What is a sales presentation?

Sales presentation vs. sales deck vs. pitch deck.

  • Sales Presentation PPT Examples - and why they were successful

Sales Powerpoint Presentation Templates

Sales presentation video examples, get ready to create the best sales presentation: tips from our sales expert, unlock success: expert support for your sales presentation design.

Let’s start from the top! - Or, as always, you can skip to your preferred section.

A sales presentation is a crucial part of the sales process. It refers to a meeting where a sales team showcases their product or service , persuading potential customers to purchase.

This meeting typically takes place after initial contact with the prospects , either through marketing efforts, cold calls, or expressions of interest from potential customers themselves.

In this meeting, the sales team usually provides a comprehensive overview of the product or service. They address key points such as:

  • What is the product or service?
  • How is it used?
  • What distinctive features does it have?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • Why is this their best option?
→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation template [Access Now]

The sales presentation and sales deck are pretty similar. On one hand, a sales presentation is designed to persuade potential customers about the value of your product or service. It typically includes detailed information about your product, its features, benefits, pricing, case studies, testimonials, and more.

On the other hand, a sales deck is essentially a condensed version of a sales presentation . It is usually concise and only includes key highlights.

In contrast, a pitch deck is a presentation created for investors to secure funding. It generally contains information about the company's vision, the problem it aims to solve, market opportunities, business model, and financial projections.

Sales Presentation PPT Examples: and why they were successful

Below are several sales presentation examples you can use as inspiration to create your own. Let’s look at each of them and see exactly why they were successful.

sales strategy presentation sample

Spendesk is a powerful spend management platform designed to help users save time and money by offering a clear view of their company expenses. Their sales presentation is the definition of a successful sales presentation: it is incredibly clear and straightforward . It clearly defines the problem it solves and introduces you to the solution, highlighting how it stands out from the competition.

As you’ll see, this presentation is not overloaded with text - it's simple and easily shows you how the product works. And most importantly, it’s branded! Which is key for brand positioning and visual consistency .

To check it out, click here .

Reddit Advertisement Sales Presentation

sales strategy presentation sample

Reddit's sales presentation is definitely one of a kind. By incorporating memes and other pop-culture images throughout their deck, they engage the audience and stay true to their brand identity . This approach not only resonates with the Reddit community but also sets them apart from mundane sales pitches.

The presentation not only provides valuable data and showcases the effectiveness of its product but also does so effortlessly, proving that a presentation does not have to be overly serious to be effective.

Click here to explore Reddit's engaging sales presentation.

sales strategy presentation sample

Zuora, a SaaS platform for subscription billing, takes a compelling approach in its sales presentation. It starts by highlighting the industry's changing landscape , effectively showing the importance of adapting to these changes.

But Zuora doesn't stop there. Throughout their presentation, they also showcase what their platform can do for the audience and provide social proof to back it up . This includes quotes from CEOs and other business executives who have successfully used their platform to improve their subscription billing process.

See for yourself and check out one of the best sales deck examples here .

sales strategy presentation sample

Drift, a web-based live-chat tool for sales and marketing, takes a unique approach to its sales presentation. They begin by highlighting a common problem that many businesses face : how traditional communication methods, such as email, calls, and forms, are insufficient.

The presentation then goes on to showcase how Drift can provide a solution to this problem. They demonstrate how their live chat tool offers a more personalized approach to communication that can lead to impactful results.

Check out Drift's impressive sales presentation here .

sales strategy presentation sample

Salesforce, an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, provides a valuable lesson about creating sales presentations that convert . They start by explaining how the industry has undeniable changes and how we need to adapt to keep our businesses successful.

But they don't stop there. They continue showing us what things can look like, in other words, "the promised land," and how their product can change everything about how companies do things. And obviously, they finish with the greatest success stories from CEOs and clothes executives.

Click here to get inspired by the Salesforce presentation.

→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation PDF [FREE]

Snapchat Advertising

sales strategy presentation sample

Snapchat Advertising's sales presentation stands out not only for its visually appealing design but also for its unique features. The presentation begins by emphasizing the vast reach of its platform and key age demographics, providing valuable insights for those looking to make the most of their marketing campaign .

In addition, Snapchat Advertising effectively compares itself to the competition, showcasing its unique features and advantages. And, of course, the presentation is visually branded with the company's iconic ghost character , making it instantly recognizable.

Check out their captivating sales presentation here .

sales strategy presentation sample

Klima’s sales presentation is a special one. This climate change app’s presentation makes sure we know they are a company that focuses on “what truly matters.” It presents itself as a business with real, global impact.

And that’s not all. One standout feature of Klima's sales presentation is its visually appealing design. The slides effectively showcase the app's interface and demonstrate its key features. This visual representation really helps prospects consider getting an employee benefit with purpose .

Click here to get inspired by one of the greatest b2b sales deck examples.

Are you ready to create the best Sales PowerPoint presentation? We’ve got great news for you! Discover our sales presentation templates that you can download for exactly $0 .

sales strategy presentation sample

Any of these templates could be a GREAT starting point for your next sales presentation . And what’s best…they are completely free for you to download at our Templates platform ! You’ll find not only these ones but also hundreds of other PowerPoint templates, for ANY industry, completely at your disposal.

Sales presentations can take various forms, including videos. Video presentations can effectively engage and captivate the audience by combining visual content, audio narration, and sometimes animations or graphics. Here are a few examples of sales presentations that are delivered in video format:

sales strategy presentation sample

Medallia's video presentation showcases the effectiveness of using video to clearly represent their platform. The video highlights the platform's features, demonstrating how it can be a powerful tool for businesses.

By utilizing video, Medallia effectively shows viewers what the platform looks like and what they can expect to access and analyze in terms of data. The detailed exploration of each feature gives potential clients a comprehensive understanding of the platform's capabilities and how it can benefit their business.

Click here to check it out.

sales strategy presentation sample

Moodcaster, a digital casting platform, starts with the main problem: how time-consuming castings can be and how tedious auditions are . It then shows you how they can be a great solution and how the platform works.

This video presentation truly shows what the client can expect when using the platform , by showing the process step-by-step. And if they are not convinced yet, it ends up listing all the fantastic features it has one by one, leaving the best impression.

Click here to view Moodcaster’s incredible video sales presentation.

sales strategy presentation sample

Viable, the pioneering experience analysis platform, doesn't just identify the problem you're facing; it swiftly transitions to showcasing how they can provide the solution . They offer a real-time demonstration of how their platform works, providing concrete insights into how it can improve your business.

Finally, they conclude by highlighting all the advantages, features, and versatile applications that can benefit your specific needs.

Click here to take a look at Viable’s video sales presentation.

We know that creating the best sales presentation is key for your business. So, in order to provide valuable insights, we consulted Robert Juul Glaesel , head of sales at 24 Slides, who understands the importance of a good presentation for your business.

Let’s take a look at some insights from our head of sales:

Insight #1: Take elements out instead of adding elements in

Remember that quality is always more important than quantity . So, keep in mind not to overload your presentation with excessive text, because your audience’s attention will go directly there, instead of your speech. In Robert’s words:

“If you incorporate too many elements, it results in clutter, obscuring the main message and making it more challenging for the presenter to effectively convey their message.”

Insight #2: Don’t rely on your slides

We know this might sound counterintuitive, given that all this article is about creating your presentation, but remember that the presentation and the story are yours . As Robert says:

“Make sure that your presentation supports your story, it shouldn't tell your story. You, as the presenter, are the storyteller. Therefore, presentations should emphasize key points.”

Bonus insight #3: Brand your sales presentation !

This is one of your most crucial presentations; it should reflect who you are . There should be consistency between what they see on your website, social media, etc., and what they will see in this presentation. So, it is extremely important that you show that you care about your image and pay close attention to detail.

Creating a sales presentation is an incredibly important task, so it's best to leave it to the experts. Here at 24Slides , we can assist you in creating an amazing sales presentation that perfectly aligns with your brand. All you need to do is share the content you want to include and your brand guidelines. In less than 48 hours, you'll have your presentation ready for sales!

sales strategy presentation sample

Want to learn more? Check out these articles!

  • The Best Sales Presentation Services for Winning Sales Decks
  • How to Create the Perfect B2B Sales Presentation
  • Learn How to Start an Effective Sales Presentation
  • Top 20 Free Templates for Corporate and Business Presentations
  • +20 Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!

Create professional presentations online

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Sales presentations: templates, examples and ideas on how to present like a pro

Sales Presentation

A good sales presentation is more than a simple pitch, a demo or a list of facts and figures. Done well, at the right time in your sales process , it’s a tool for getting your prospects’ attention, drumming up excitement and moving prospects toward a buying decision.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use the power of storytelling to drive decision-making and close more deals. We’ll also cover the fundamental elements of an effective sales presentation strategy, what to include in your sales decks and practical ideas on how to deliver them.

What is a sales presentation?

A sales presentation is a live meeting where your team showcases your product or service and why it’s the best option for your prospect.

Although the terminology differs from company to company, a sales presentation is not always the same as a sales pitch.

A sales pitch is what your sales professionals do all day long, on the phone, over Zoom or in person with clients.

A sales presentation (although it’s still a sales pitch) is a point-in-time event that usually happens when your sales team is trying to close a more lucrative deal. It’s not a simple phone call, as it often involves a meeting and a demo.

Because you’re likely presenting to a group of senior decision-makers and executives, sales presentations require ample prep time and coordination across multiple team members.

Key takeaways from this sales presentations article

Deliver effective presentations: Make your sales presentations compelling with storytelling, effective slide decks, tailored content and strong delivery techniques. Benefits of great presentations: Sales presentations grab attention, excite prospects and drive decision-making, helping close more deals by showcasing your product’s value. Pipedrive’s tools, including customizable sales dashboards and Smart Docs , help you create professional, tailored presentations that enhance your sales strategy. Try Pipedrive free for 14 days .

How (and why) to use storytelling in your sales presentation

Use stories in your presentations to help people remember and relate to your brand.

Statistics, facts and figures can help when you’re trying to persuade a prospect to become a customer, but they’re more impactful if you can frame them with a memorable story.

For example, tell a story about a customer who faced the same challenges as your prospect and supplement it with powerful data, they are more likely to listen and want to know more.

Human beings have a deep relationship with storytelling. Stories move, teach and, in a sales context, persuade audiences.

Chip Heath, a Stanford professor and the co-author of Made to Stick , demonstrates the importance of storytelling by doing an exercise with his students. He divides them into groups and asks them to deliver a one-minute persuasive pitch based on data he’s just shown them.

After the pitches are delivered, he asks the class to jot down everything they remember about them. Although most students use stats rather than stories, 63% remember the stories, while only 5% remember an individual data point .

The stickiness of stories makes them a useful tool for developing a sales presentation outline. They help prospects understand and remember the key points of the presentation and your product.

Thomas Dredge Sales Manager, Particular Audience

Start with a problem (and a deadline)

Your presentation is about the solution you’re offering your prospects, but it shouldn’t start with that solution.

Instead, lead with the problem your solution was designed to solve.

“ Value selling is key,” says Bradley Davies, business development at Cognism . “It is important to understand your buyer and tailor their journey to what you can do for them.

“First, you need to understand what is motivating them to have a discussion, which allows you to identify their pains and present how your offering solves their pains. Everything presented to a prospect should be based on the value for them specifically.”

You might choose to tell a story that positions your product as the hero, helping the customer vanquish a villain: their pain point.

Your story should be tailored to the pain points of the prospects in the room. For example, a change to their business, industry or the technology they use.

“If an element of your offering is not relevant, then don't distract them from the important features. It will keep them engaged and help to build their user story,” adds Bradley.

Recommended reading


Digging deep to determine customer pain points and make the sale

Create a sense of urgency around your product: It’s a solution to their problem, but if they don’t act now, they could miss an opportunity. Tell a story about what might happen if your prospect doesn’t change, framing the consequences of inaction.

Focus on outcomes

You’ve outlined the problem and, if you’re doing your job, your audience is nodding along. Now it’s time to start talking about the solution.

However, that doesn’t mean you should launch into the features and benefits of your product just yet.

Rather than presenting your product, a good sales presentation draws a picture of what life could look like for a customer once they start doing things differently. How will their workload or productivity improve? What will they be able to do with additional time and resources? How will they reduce spending and increase revenue?

From there, introduce your solution and the features that can make this brave new world possible. Do this in a few ways:

Position your features against the old way of doing things

Present those features as “superpowers” that will solve your prospect’s problems

Compare those features to competitors’ features

Quantify the value your features bring vs. the cost of doing nothing

Use a combination of some or all of the above

Creating a winning sales presentation slide deck

Most sales presentations include a slide deck to deliver facts, case studies and statistics that convey the value of your solution.

Create your sales pitch deck in an application like PowerPoint or Google slides to ensure your presentation is visible to everyone in the room (or in a virtual setting).

The best sales decks have a few key elements:

A great cover image or opening slide. Like the story you open your presentation with, your cover slide should grab your audience’s attention.

Data and key points . Charts, graphs, infographics, quotes and other information back up your presentation. Your slides should support your presentation by visualizing data, not repeating what you’re saying. You can get metrics from third-party sources or (if appropriate) from your own sales dashboard .

Testimonials and case studies from other customers. Quotes and success stories from or information about other customers, preferably in the same industry as your prospects, will act as social proof and go a long way to backing up your claims.

Competitive context. In all likelihood, your product isn’t the only one a potential customer is evaluating. Savvy sales professionals take the opportunity to proactively communicate how their product stacks up to their competitors’ and anticipate objections.

Customized content. While it might seem tempting to use the same content for every presentation, you should personalize your presentation for each meeting. You might want to use your prospect’s brand colors, find data specific to their market or industry, or reference an earlier exchange. You can find ready-to-use customizable sales decks through a graphic design app, such as Canva.

A glimpse into next steps. Give your prospects an understanding of what new customer onboarding looks like with a slide that includes a direct call to action offering next steps. For some companies, the training and customer support experience can be a value proposition in and of itself.

A note about text in your sales deck : Keep the slides simple and light on text. Your prospects don’t want to look at a wall of words to read. According to data from Venngage , 84% of presenters use visual data in their presentations – and for good reason: You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with text as they listen to you, look at your sales deck and watch the demo.

When you do include text, ensure you use a font (and font size) that can be easily read by everyone sitting in on your presentation.

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What else to bring to your sales presentation

Now that we’ve discussed the story elements of a sales presentation and your slide deck, what else should you bring to the meeting?

Most sales presentations are in-person affairs and include visual elements like a sales deck, handouts or even an in-person demonstration of the physical product. Here are a few things to think about including in your pitch.


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The product.

Nothing sells a product like seeing it in action.

Take Scrub Daddy, a sponge that changes shape depending on the heat of the water. When Aaron Krause, Scrub Daddy’s founder and inventor, presented the product on Shark Tank in 2012 , he demonstrated the sponge cleaning dirty kitchenware and greasy countertops. He also used bowls of water and two 10-pound weights to show the sponge’s amazing morphic abilities.

The tactic paid off: Scrub Daddy partnered with Lori Greiner for $200,000, in return for 20% equity in the business and is now considered one of Shark Tank’s most successful products.

Not all products are easy to demo, so you may have to improvise.

With a physical product, think of the perfect environment for a demo. What would show the product at its best?

With a digital product, make sure you have the technology on hand to show what your product can do (and check beforehand that the tech works). If it’s a mobile app, have your prospects download it. If it’s a platform, consider producing recorded or interactive product demos that can be embedded in your sales presentation.

For items that are too big to be brought in or which are location-specific, you may have to rely on a video as part of the presentation.


7 steps to putting together a brilliant sales demo

Leave behinds.

Depending on the nature of your solution, you may want to have materials you can leave with the prospects in the room.

This can be as simple as contact information or sales literature you pass out at the end of the presentation. It can also be something that’s part of the presentation, like a QR code that allows them to download the demo on their phones. Whatever format you choose, make sure the material is concise and to the point.

Tailoring your sales presentation to speak to your audience

Once you develop a strong sales deck template, it’s tempting to use it over and over with your target audience. Remember, personalization is essential in sales.

During lead generation , prospecting and sales calls, you know that prospects are more interested in buying if your pitches are tailored to them. It’s the same with your sales presentations, especially if you have an unusual prospect.

Let’s say your product is a CRM that’s normally used by sales organizations, but a human resources department is interested in using it to create a recruiting pipeline.

You wouldn’t use a sales deck with sales-related examples to sell it during the presentation.

Instead, you’d research talent acquisition challenges, ask your product department to create a template or a demo aimed at recruiting and build your sales deck accordingly.

Different industries have unique challenges and opportunities. It’s your responsibility to tailor your value proposition and key bullet points accordingly.

“To craft the perfect sales presentation pitch,” advises Danny Hayward, Sales Manager at Unruly , “ensure you take care of these three things:

Ask the right questions beforehand to understand the needs of the client, especially their flaws

Learn your product inside and out

Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse again

Danny Hayward Sales Manager, Unruly

How to nail your sales presentation delivery

Here are a few tried and true sales presentation techniques to make sure you close the deal.

Whether you’re presenting solo or as part of a team, it’s important to plan in advance. Follow these sales presentation tips for preparation.

Practice, practice, practice . You’ll need to get the timing right, especially if your presentation has a lot of moving parts. Go through it to make sure your timing works, so that you can nail the meeting itself.

Make sure everything works . You don’t want to go into a meeting with a faulty PowerPoint presentation or a broken sample – or find out there is no whiteboard when one is integral to your demonstration. Do your best to make sure everything goes to plan.

Decide on everyone’s roles . This one is just for those presenting as a team. Will different sales reps speak through each section? Will one rep talk while the others handle the sales deck and demo? Decide who will do and say what ahead of time.

Know your attendees. Make sure you know who from the prospect company will be in the meeting, their titles and the roles they each play in the buying process. Conducting light social media research can also clue you into attendees’ past experiences or alma maters (information that can fuel pre-presentation small talk and forge closer connections with your audience).

Practice confident body language

Presentations usually happen in person, which is why you need to practice strong body language. You want to look relaxed and confident (even if you’re shaking in your shoes).

Here are some ways you can improve your body language:

Eye contact . Make and maintain eye contact, even in virtual meetings. This shows people you’re interested in them and invested in what they have to say.

Stand up straight . Pull your shoulders back and straighten your spine; fixing your posture is an easy way to convey confidence. You’ll also feel better if you’re not hunched over.

Chin up. It’s hard when you’re in front of people, but don’t look at the floor or your shoes. Face straight ahead and make eye contact (or look at the back wall rather than the floor.)

Have a firm handshake. Some people judge others by their handshakes. Offer a firm handshake to make a good first impression.

Engage your audience

Presentations can span 30 to 60 minutes or more, so you need to be able to hold your prospects’ attention. There are a number of ways to keep everyone interested:

1. Understand your audience’s attention span

The beginning and the end of your presentation are the most memorable, so that’s where you want to use your strongest material.

Rather than leading with your product’s features, use the first few minutes of a presentation to briefly introduce yourself, and share the compelling story we mentioned earlier. If your demo itself is compelling, lead with that.

Then talk about product features and pricing. Your prospects might have already researched it or can look it up afterward, so it’s fine that it’s occupying real estate in the middle of the presentation.

Lastly, finish strong. Return to your story, sharing how your product solved an important problem. Close with confidence, and open the floor for questions.

2. Be funny

Humor can be tricky, so if you’re not comfortable making jokes, don’t force it. If, however, humor is part of your brand voice and you think it will be well-received by your audience, go for it. Humor can be a good way to connect with prospects, make your presentation memorable and relax everyone in the room.

3. Use a little showmanship

The best thing about a sales presentation is that it lets you show off your product. Unlike a pitch, a presentation lets you pull out the stops, make a splash and showcase your solution.

Use this to your advantage and be as memorable as you possibly can.

Sophie Cameron Business Development Representative, CAKE

What to do after the sales presentation to close the deal

The sales cycle isn’t over when the sales presentation ends. Here are some tips on how to wrap up loose ends and close the deal.

Take questions

Encourage questions to show prospects you care about their experience.

Sometimes prospects may want a question answered right in the middle of a presentation. Interactivity is a great sign of engagement. If that happens, stop the presentation and take their questions head-on to show you’re listening and validate their thoughts.

Other times they may sit silently waiting for you to give them all the information they need.

In either case, proactively ask for questions once you’ve ended your presentation. Encourage them to share their concerns. This is a consultative selling approach that works to build a relationship with your prospects.

By the end of your sales pitch, your prospect should be ready to come along with you and start your business relationship.

Outline the next steps of the process. The first could be offering a trial of your product, scheduling a follow-up meeting or sending over a proposal.

Whatever the steps, make sure they’re clearly defined. If you don’t hear from the prospect soon after the proposal, check back in with a follow-up email or call.


How to write a response-worthy follow-up email (with 15 templates)

Great sales presentation examples (and why they worked)

Here are some sales pitch examples you can use to inform your next sales presentation; these examples range from great sales decks to presentations and we’ll explain why they worked so well.

The successful demo

Stephen Conway of vegan chocolate brand Pure Heavenly opened his elevator pitch on the UK’s Dragons’ Den in 2019 by handing out samples of his chocolate. The product, paired with Stephen’s story about wanting to create an allergen-free treat that his young daughters could enjoy, led to three offers.

Why it worked: Conway knew the strength of his product and packaged it in a personal story, betting (correctly) that it would sell itself.

The data-driven presentation

Lunchbox is a restaurant technology company that specializes in online ordering, customer loyalty and guest engagement software. The sales deck the company used to raise its $50 million Series B in 2022 relied on bold visuals and graphs to illustrate its market opportunity, ARR history and competitive differentiators.


Why it worked: The deck tells two stories, one about the company itself and another about the way consumer dining habits have changed in the wake of COVID-19. Lunchbox used data to show how it met the industry’s new pain points for both itself and other companies.


Sales data: How to analyze sales data and a sample Excel spreadsheet

The presenters with overwhelming confidence

When Brian and Michael Speciale went on Shark Tank in 2017 to pitch their product, The Original Comfy, they had very little – no numbers or inventory, just a prototype of a big fleece blanket/hoodie and video of that hoodie being worn everywhere from the couch to the beach. What they did have was a good product and confidence in that product. Their presentation earned them an offer of $50,000 for 30% from Barbara Corcoran.

Why it worked: Corcoran says she bought in because the Speciale brothers had a good idea, the guts to present it and knew they had to strike while the iron was hot. While you probably should be more prepared for your own sales presentation, the Original Comfy story shows just how important confidence is in a sales presentation.

Begin your sales presentation by capturing your audience’s attention and establishing a solid foundation for the rest of your presentation. Here are some steps to consider:

Greet and introduce yourself

Establish rapport

State the purpose and agenda

Address the pain points

Present a compelling hook

Outline the benefits

Establish credibility

Set expectations

Remember to maintain a confident and enthusiastic demeanor throughout your presentation.

The ideal length of a sales presentation can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the product or service, the audience’s attention span and the context in which the presentation is being delivered. However, keeping a sales presentation concise, focused and within the timeframe is generally recommended.

The conclusion of a sales presentation is a significant opportunity to leave a lasting impression and inspire action from your audience. Here are a few steps you should take to end your presentation effectively.

Include a call to action

Summarize key points

Showcase success stories

Open the floor to questions

Offer additional resources

Here’s an example of how to end your presentation:

“To quickly recap, we’ve covered these key points today: [Summarize the main features and benefits briefly].

“Now, let’s revisit our success stories. Our clients, like [Client A] and [Client B], achieved [mention their specific results]. These successes demonstrate how our product/service can deliver tangible benefits for your business.

“I’d be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to ask about anything related to our offering, implementation process or pricing.

“Before we finish, I’d like to encourage you to take the next step. Schedule a demo, request a trial or start a conversation with our team. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the advantages firsthand.

“Lastly, we have additional resources available, such as case studies and whitepapers, to provide you with more insights. Feel free to reach out to our team for any further assistance.

“Thank you all for your time and consideration today.”

Final thoughts

It can be tempting to play it safe with a sales presentation by keeping it to a sales deck and a speech – but a sales presentation should be a show-stopper.

The best sales presentation tells your customer’s story, validates with data, offers a demo and more. It’s a major undertaking that shows the strength of your product. Done well, it keeps your prospects engaged and will make them want to do business with you.

Show customers how your product can push their business forward (or better yet, how your product can make them the superhero) and you’ll have a winning sales presentation that sparks your customer’s interest and drives revenue.

sales strategy presentation sample

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Sales Strategy Presentation Template

A sales strategy helps sales teams achieve their sales goals and close more deals. Beautiful.ai’s sales strategy template enables managers and sales reps to prioritize and engage with potential customers, while developing different selling models to reach prospective clients. 

Our customizable template has everything you need for a sales strategy like key performance indicators (KPIs), sales process, and product overview. A thoughtful sales strategy presentation can help teams understand things like target market, response time between inbound leads and first sales touch-point, and how to properly demo the product.  

Our sales strategy template can also help you:

  • Identify objectives and provide guidance to your sales team 
  • Create product positioning guidelines  
  • Share sales pipelines and wins with the team and other stakeholders

Use our template to create an effective sales strategy presentation

A sales strategy presentation is an integral component to your sales team’s success – one that requires a concise format, clear layout, and seamless flow. That’s why our template includes everything you need to create an effective presentation. Whether you need to establish ways to improve the sales cycle or share target clients with key players, you can quickly bring your visions to life with slides such as:

Title slide

Tips to create a memorable sales strategy presentation

As you use this template to craft your sales strategy presentation, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

Sales strategy presentations are meant to hype up internal sales teams and set them up for success. Lead by example and tell a compelling story with your strategy so that they’re client-facing pitches are compelling, too.

It can be easy to get caught up in target logos and sales goals, but first you need to identify your value proposition. Make sure that is front and center of your sales strategy.

Remember: Sales teams are busy, and they don’t need every detail of their pipelines in a visual presentation. Limit the amount of content and data you add to each slide to only the most need-to-know information.

Sales strategy presentations don’t have to be boring and repetitive. Liven up your presentation with video clips of sample demos, logos of prospects, and infographics explaining the sales process.

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We're here to help you, what is sales strategy.

A Sales Strategy is a set of action, plan, decision, and objective that helps showcase the sales team's performance in an organization. It is the best tool to support sales reps with perfect goals and objectives.

What are Sales Strategy PowerPoint Templates?

Sales Strategy PowerPoint templates are the best presentation tool designed with an attractive sales theme. These templates help depict clear sales process objectives with eye-grabbing visuals and designs.

How can I make a Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template for a presentation?

A presentation template is easier to construct for PowerPoint designers. If you're a beginner, you could find creating a new slide for your presentation challenging. So pick the best pre-designed templates. If you need design inspiration, visit our PowerPoint tips & tricks page.

Who can use Sales Strategy PowerPoint Templates?

These Sales Strategy PowerPoint templates are the perfect choice for sales managers, reps, sales executives, and project managers. It is the perfect tool for sales presentations.

Where can I find free PPT Templates?

You may have come across numerous free PowerPoint supplier websites, but the design did not satisfy you. As a result, it's always safer to rely on a reputable source like Slide Egg.

Home Blog Business How to Create a Winning Sales Plan Presentation

How to Create a Winning Sales Plan Presentation

Cover for how to create a sales plan presentation

As sales professionals, you are used to writing sales plans, but presenting them to stakeholders is a different story. People in your organization, including executives and decision-makers, often possess high-level industry knowledge and business acumen. They are also incredibly impatient and don’t have time to sit for long presentations. Therefore, your sales plan presentation should go beyond mere information-sharing; it should be about aligning your sales plan with their existing understanding concisely and time-efficiently.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a presentation material based on your sales plan. Expect useful presentation templates along the way!

Table of Contents

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Plan Presentation

Executive summary, goals and objectives, market analysis, sales strategies and tactics, financial projections, contingency plan and risk management.

  • Tips for Sales Presentations

Preparing your sales plan presentation parallels your steps when writing the document. After all, your goal didn’t change; that is, to spell out the objectives, strategies, and implementation measures guiding your sales efforts.

Your sales plan presentation should cover the following elements.

Let’s discuss each component in detail.

An executive summary is the preface to your larger sales plan document, so it should also precede the body of your sales plan presentation. This slide provides a concise overview of the entire sales plan, including your objectives and strategies, setting the stage for what’s to come.

Normally, executive summaries are written in paragraph form proportionate to the report’s length. But it is different when it comes to PowerPoint presentations. Executive summary slides should be visually dynamic to draw the audience’s attention to the most critical information of the report. 

Here’s an example of a sales plan presentation’s executive summary slide . Note that the following slides outline a hypothetical sales plan for FreshBite Delivery, a fictitious company. The data and market trends presented in this example are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect actual market conditions.

Executive Summary sample slide for a Sales Plan

Following the executive summary is a slide/s that outlines the goals and objectives you want to achieve with your sales efforts. Depending on the size of your organization, this part might cover the specific goals of each department involved in the sale. Imagine being in a larger company; different groups might work parts of the sales process. So, you’d discuss the goals for each of those groups. 

You may talk about when you expect certain things to happen as well. Like, when do you plan to reach certain milestones? For the employees, this helps create a clear line of sight between the goals and their day-to-day work. For decision-makers, this shows where the sales plan is taking the company.

Let’s continue our FreshBite Delivery sales plan and see what a Goals and Objectives slide may look like.

Representation of sales goals in a slide

Presenting the findings of your market analysis activity holds significant importance in proving the validity of your chosen sales goals and strategies. Your market analysis presentation builds confidence among decision-makers that your approach is grounded in a solid understanding of the market’s realities. Through this section, you can also address a crucial concern they often have: whether there’s a genuine demand or space for your products or services.

There are several market analysis templates you can use, but the best ones should allow you to do the following:

  • Assess available market factors (e.g., volume and value)
  • Identify and quantify target customer
  • Identify competitors

For example, FreshBite Delivery’s market analysis presentation could include a slide dissecting the market segments they can turn into customers.

TAM SAM SOM analysis for sales plan presentation

Another option presenters can consider is using a Perceptual Map to present the company’s position against competitors in the same market.

Perceptual Map in a Sales Plan Presentation

Now, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of your presentation by talking about your sales strategies and tactics. This part is the heart of your presentation, where you’ll outline the key activities you intend to implement to achieve your sales goals.

So, what should a sales strategy slide include? It should typically answer the following questions:

  • How will we reach our target customers?
  • Who is responsible for what?
  • What’s the timeline for implementation?

Reaching Target Customers

This section zooms in on the methods and channels you’ll use to connect with your intended audience. Can you leverage social media, email campaigns, direct sales calls, or a mix of these approaches?

For example, the sales and marketing team of FreshBite Delivery may launch targeted advertising and search engine marketing campaigns to reach potential customers. They may also offer subscription discounts for long-term commitments to encourage repeat orders. All of these strategies are in line with their sales goal of increasing their monthly revenue.

Representing target customers in a sales plan presentation

Presenting the Team

In your presentation, it’s also important to identify the individuals or teams who will be accountable for different aspects and execution of your sales plan. You’ll want to showcase the connections between individuals and their driving strategies. This demonstrates the coordinated effort that’s underway. Whether it’s the marketing team spearheading digital advertising or the customer support team nurturing customer relationships, this alignment of roles is the backbone of your sales success.

Setting Timelines

In this timeline slide , you will outline the actionable tasks contributing to achieving your sales goal with a clear completion timeline. Each task would be accompanied by its responsible party, a brief description, and a specific completion deadline. You may also list the activities in a way that assumes logical dependencies between tasks. 

Setting timelines in a Gantt Chart for a Sales Plan Presentation

When presenting your sales plan to stakeholders, you outline your company’s growth roadmap. However, numbers speak louder than words, and a well-crafted financial projection serves as a quantitative validation of the strategic path you are advocating. This projection offers a calculated glimpse into the financial outcomes your sales initiatives are poised to generate.

In this section of your presentation, you may include the following:

  • Sales Revenue Projection – an estimate of your expected sales revenue based on your sales strategies, market demand, and historical data.
  • Sales Growth and Market Trends –  anticipated market growth rates and trends that could impact your sales.
  • Cash Flow Projection – a breakdown of the inflow and outflow of cash over a specific period.
  • Break-Even Analysis – the point at which your total revenue equals your total expenses.
  • Churn Rate – the proportion of customers who are leaving.

A sales plan aims to provide your organization with a systematic approach to achieving your revenue goals successfully. However, unforeseen incidents may catch you off guard and disrupt your plan’s progress. It’s paramount to let the stakeholders know that you have a “Plan B.”

According to Forbes Advisor , a contingency plan is a plan that will guide how your team should react to factors that interrupt the normal course of business. On the other hand, risk management is a broader approach focused on identifying and mitigating potential risks before they materialize into disruptions. Both concepts are crucial components of a sales plan.

Here’s a sample presentation of a contingency plan and risk management strategy for our made-up organization, FreshBite Delivery.

Contingency plan slide for a sales plan presentation

Tips for Sales Plan Presentations

1. keep your presentation concise.

When you present a wordy slide during a sales plan presentation with the stakeholders, a lot can go wrong. They may inadvertently read ahead or, worse, lose interest in the presentation altogether. Hence, you need to make a conscious effort to prioritize brevity and clarity in your slides.

One technique that can help you in this regard is the 1-6-6 rule, which suggests that there should only be one main idea for each slide, a maximum of six bullet points, and six words per bullet point.

Guy Kawasaki, on the other hand, suggests that an engaging presentation consists of no more than 10 slides, lasts no longer than 20 minutes, and is no lower than 30 points in size. This is known as the 10/20/30 rule of presentation .

2. Use Graphs, Charts, and Infographics

Sales plan presentations often include data-heavy information that visuals can convey more effectively than words alone.

For example, you can use a bar chart to compare revenue growth over quarters or a pie chart to showcase the percentage distribution of customer segments. You may also utilize a sales funnel to visualize the customer journey and the strategies you must implement for each stage.

Visual representations can simplify complex data, enhance comprehension, and make the information more engaging for your audience.

3. Create Narratives to Connect with the Audience

Stories are one of the most engaging ways to grab an audience and gain support for your strategies in the context of a sales plan presentation. A well-crafted story can illustrate the rationale behind your proposed plan and emotionally connect stakeholders to your vision.

Instead of directly stating your resource requirements, for example, you can weave a story highlighting employees’ challenges in completing a transaction. This demonstrates how these challenges affect revenue and explains why you need more resources to do better.

4. Anticipate Objections

Facing objections during a sales plan presentation can be nerve-wracking, but you can also use them to strengthen your case and increase stakeholder buy-in.

When faced with customer objections , what you need to do is to respond to the real issue. Shift the conversation towards potential solutions and showcase how your strategies address the concerns. Support your response with concrete evidence to add credibility to your arguments.

So, if a stakeholder objects to the potential risks of entering a competitive landscape, highlight your risk mitigation plan and cite market trends to prove that your strategies are grounded on tangible data.

5. Send Follow-Up Info

The next crucial step is to maintain momentum and solidify the impact of your presentation, which you can do by sending follow-up information.

You can start your follow-up email by thanking your audience and concisely summarizing the main points discussed in your presentation. You may also further address objections and reiterate how your strategies solve those concerns.

Don’t forget to attach the complete sales plan document to your email so your audience can revisit and study the content.

For more information, check our article about strategy presentations .

Crafting an effective sales plan presentation is paramount for achieving support and buy-in from your organization’s decision-makers. By meticulously analyzing market trends, setting clear goals, and transforming them into insightful presentation materials, your presentation becomes a potent tool for engaging stakeholders and realizing organizational objectives. Our presentation templates can help you level up the clarity of your proposals necessary to secure the backing you need for successful implementation.

1. Simple Executive Summary Slide Template for PowerPoint

sales strategy presentation sample

You don’t have to go overboard to express the Executive Summary in a Sales Plan Presentation. Work with this visual one-pager slide with three colorful sections to showcase the main business objectives. Clipart icons help to add value to your presentation as visual cues of what the objective is oriented.

Use This Template

2. Executive Summary PowerPoint Template

sales strategy presentation sample

The Executive Summary slide used in the case study of this guide can be part of your upcoming sales plan presentation. This highly visual template is intended for QBR presentations, as it summarizes the business plan’s milestones, a market analysis, and strategies, and you can even include the company’s vision and operational processes.

Work with the included icons, and resize or reorganize the elements listed in this 100% editable executive summary slide deck.

3. Perceptual Map PowerPoint Template

sales strategy presentation sample

A selection of 3 layouts to express a Perceptual Map in your sales plan presentations. Using this tool, you can instantly map companies in how they rank according to two key attributes – such as price and quality.

This perceptual map template helps companies understand where their product or service stands in the market compared to other industry actors. Edit the included icons in terms of size, color, and positioning in just seconds.

4. Brand Positioning Map PowerPoint Template

sales strategy presentation sample

An alternative to express a brand’s stance in the market, use this Brand Positioning Map PowerPoint template to analyze and present your brand against competitors in the same niche according to two ranking metrics. This two-axis map is expressed through multiple formats, such as a simple map diagram, a 3×3 matrix, a multi-map layout, and more. You can edit all details in this template, such as shapes and colors used to represent brands and their overall position.-

5. Member Profile PowerPoint Template

sales strategy presentation sample

Introduce your team in a detailed format by highlighting their core skills in relation to your company’s sales plan. Using our Member Profile PowerPoint template, we can ditch the dull org chart slides and get your team closer to stakeholders in a layout resembling a website or social media profile.

Try and edit these 3 creative meet-the-team slides, and tailor their color scheme to your branding requirements in just a couple of clicks.

6. Editable Gantt Chart for PowerPoint

sales strategy presentation sample

Express deadlines, overlapping tasks, and dependencies by using an elegant and simple Gantt Chart Template for PowerPoint. This fully editable template shall help you represent your tasks by using three main properties: Start Date, End Date, and Task Curation Percentage.

This template allows full customization of color, shape sizes, task count, time period, etc., to help presenters narrow down the core areas of their projects in an efficient format. Using a two-tone bar, this Gantt Chart stands out as a sort of 3D graphic, making it an attractive visual asset for your presentation.

7. Financial Projections & Key Metrics Template for PowerPoint

sales strategy presentation sample

Represent the numbers managed in your financial projections in a visual format. This Financial Projections & Key Metrics Template for PowerPoint uses a table format that is fully editable to cover as many years as required or even lists other metrics than Customer Number, Revenue, Expenses, and Cash Flow.

Easy to update, the pre-made slides cover 2-year, 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year plan projections.

8. Sales Action Plan PowerPoint Template

sales strategy presentation sample

Use this Sales Action Plan PowerPoint template to turn your sales goals into an actionable plan. The template features two slides with 3 columns for different sales channels: In-Store, Online, and Wholesale. Each slide is a variation of the layout, either in vertical or horizontal format.

List down the core elements of your action plan according to your KPIs, and measurement parameters like projected sales, deadlines, distribution strategy, and more.

9. 30 60 90 Days Plan Timeline Template

sales strategy presentation sample

Your sales plan presentation can feature a 30-60-90 days Plan Timeline Template to express short-term actions and when is the expected deadline for them. We list five different layouts for this purpose, so presenters can easily adapt these slides to their graphics style.

10. Creative TAM SAM SOM Slides Template

sales strategy presentation sample

An alternative to this article’s TAM SAM SOM slide, this pyramid format presents the market size subsets in a funnel layout. The usage of this tool is relevant to any business size but particularly relevant to small business owners to initiate their operations with the right selling strategy.

Use this template today and smartly create lead-generation strategies with these insights.

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Presentation Approaches, Sales Filed under Business

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7 Sales Presentation Examples for Successful Pitches

sales strategy presentation sample

A successful sales presentation can significantly influence a potential client’s decision-making process. It needs to be engaging, informative, and persuasive.

This guide explores the components of an effective sales presentation, and best practices for creating one, and provides seven exemplary sales presentation templates from various sources.

What Is a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation is a strategic dialogue designed to persuade a potential client or customer to purchase a product or service. It typically involves a detailed explanation of the product’s features, benefits, and potential return on investment.

What Is Included in a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation typically includes sections on:

  • Introduction : Brief introduction of the company and the presenter.
  • Customer Needs : Identification of the client’s needs and how they align with the product or service.
  • Product/Service Details : Detailed information about the product or service, highlighting unique selling points.
  • Success Stories : Real-life examples or case studies demonstrating the value of the product or service.
  • Pricing and Packages : Overview of pricing options and any customizable packages.
  • Call to Action : Strong conclusion that prompts the audience to act or decide.

Sales Presentation Best Practices

Creating an effective sales presentation involves several best practices:

  • Tailor Your Message : Customize the presentation to address the specific needs and interests of your audience.
  • Keep It Concise : Focus on key points to maintain the audience’s attention and keep the presentation within an appropriate timeframe.
  • Use Visuals : Employ charts, graphs, and images to make your points clearer and more engaging.
  • Rehearse : Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Engage Your Audience : Encourage questions and interact with the audience to make the presentation more dynamic.

7 Sales Presentation Examples

1) piktochart: “sales pitch examples”.

sales strategy presentation sample

Piktochart’s Sales Pitch Examples illustrate how to effectively communicate the value of your product or service. These examples showcase various strategies to capture and retain the audience’s interest, making them highly practical for anyone looking to enhance their sales presentations.

Canva Sales Presentation Template offers visually appealing templates designed to make sales presentations more engaging. These templates are easy to customize and suitable for a wide array of industries, helping presenters create professional-looking presentations effortlessly.

2) Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template

sales strategy presentation sample

Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template is designed to streamline the creation of impactful sales presentations. The template guides users through structuring an effective pitch, emphasizing the art of storytelling to captivate potential investors and clients.

3) Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template

sales strategy presentation sample

Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template offers a dynamic way to engage audiences with its distinctive zoomable canvas. The template allows sales professionals to outline their strategies and goals in a visually engaging sequence that captures the natural flow of a sales process.

It is designed to help presenters illustrate complex sales plans through a structured yet flexible narrative, enabling the audience to follow along through a visual journey of targets, tactics, and expected outcomes.

4) Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint

sales strategy presentation sample

Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint from Envato Elements is designed with pastel colors and a clean, modern aesthetic, making it ideal for sales and marketing presentations that require a fresh and inviting look. This PowerPoint template is versatile, featuring a range of slide layouts that can be used to showcase products, market analysis, sales strategies, and more.

5) SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates

sales strategy presentation sample

SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates ****offer a comprehensive sales deck that is robust and creatively appealing, ideal for making impactful sales presentations. It features hundreds of unique slides designed for various sales niches, allowing for extensive customization.

6) Solua : Cyber Monday Sale Event Powerpoint

sales strategy presentation sample

The Cyber Monday Sale Event PowerPoint on Envato Elements is a powerhouse for creating high-impact sales presentations. This template features a modern design that effectively combines bold colors and sleek layouts to capture audience’s attention. It includes multiple slide options to showcase products, promotional offers, and pricing strategies.

7) SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template

sales strategy presentation sample

SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template offers professionally designed templates tailored for sales presentations. These templates are structured to facilitate clear communication of complex data, strategic alignment, and persuasive storytelling. They are particularly useful for sales teams looking to present data-driven arguments effectively.


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10 Sales Presentation Examples & Templates to Boost Your Sales

  • April 25, 2024

Picture of Edgar Abong

Imagine unlocking the full potential of every sales opportunity that comes your way. 

This isn’t just another article; it’s the key to elevating your sales presentations from merely functional to truly compelling. 

Here, we delve deep into expert strategies that promise to not only save you from common presentation pitfalls but also significantly amplify your sales impact. 

With insights designed to captivate your audience and solidify your message , missing out on this guide could mean missing out on your next big sale. 

If you’re ready to transform your approach and see tangible results, this article is your indispensable tool. 

Let’s embark on a journey to sales excellence together.

What Are Sales Presentations?

Sales presentations are dynamic tools designed to captivate your audience , showcasing why your product or service surpasses others. These presentations serve as a strategic platform, allowing you to eloquently highlight your offering’s advantages while directly addressing the unique needs and concerns of potential clients.

What Are Sales Presentations

With the right blend of compelling sales pitch presentations and impactful PowerPoint examples, you have the opportunity to connect deeply with your audience. 

The essence of crafting an effective sales presentation lies not just in flaunting your product but in forging a meaningful relationship with your listeners, demonstrating undeniable value, and steering towards a successful sales outcome.

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Presentation

Crafting an effective sales presentation is an art that combines strategy, storytelling, and persuasion. At its core, it’s about connecting with your audience, making a compelling case for your product or service, and guiding them towards saying yes. 

Here are the key elements you need to nail it:

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Presentation

  • Clear Value Proposition : Start with a bang by clearly stating what sets your offering apart. This is your chance to shine and make your audience understand the unique benefits they'd get from choosing you.
  • Engaging Storytelling : Wrap your facts and figures in stories that resonate. People remember stories, not just data, so weave narratives that paint a vivid picture of the problems you solve.
  • Understanding Audience Needs : Tailor your presentation to address the specific challenges and pain points of your audience. Showing that you understand their needs builds trust and credibility.
  • Strong Visuals : Use powerful and relevant visuals to support your message. Sales presentation PowerPoint examples or sales pitch PowerPoint examples can inspire visuals that captivate and communicate more effectively than words alone.
  • Compelling Call to Action : End with a clear and persuasive call to action. Whether it's to sign up, schedule a meeting, or make a purchase, make sure your audience knows exactly what step you want them to take next.

Remember, the goal of your sales presentation isn’t just to inform; it’s to transform interest into action. By focusing on these key elements, you’ll be well on your way to creating presentations that not only engage and entertain but also convert.

General Sales Presentation Outline

​​When building your sales presentation, especially for a PowerPoint format, consider it a strategic journey that leads your audience towards making a decision. Here’s a clear-cut structure that ensures your presentation covers all the essential bases:

General Sales Presentation Outline

  • Opening Slide : Begin with an impactful opening slide to capture attention. Introduce yourself and your business, setting the tone for what’s ahead.
  • Audience Needs Slide : Highlight the challenges and needs of your audience. This slide is crucial for demonstrating empathy and understanding of their situation.
  • Value Proposition Slide : Dedicate a slide to showcase your value proposition, clearly stating how your product or service uniquely solves the audience's problems.
  • Features and Benefits Slide : Detail the features and benefits of your offering. Structure this information clearly to show how it aligns with what your audience needs.
  • Success Stories/Testimonials Slide : Use success stories or testimonials to lend credibility. Real-world examples can significantly bolster your case.
  • Objection Handling Slide : Prepare slides that proactively address common objections. This is your chance to alleviate concerns and build trust.
  • Call to Action Slide : Conclude with a strong call to action. Make it straightforward for your audience to know what you want them to do next, whether it’s reaching out for more information or making a purchase.

This framework is your guide to crafting a PowerPoint sales presentation that not only informs and engages but also effectively persuades your audience towards taking action. Tailor each part to fit your message and audience, ensuring your presentation is both compelling and convincing.

10 Sales Presentation Examples & Templates

Navigating through the world of sales presentations can feel like a maze. With the right examples and templates, though, you’re equipped to create presentations that not only engage but also convert. 

Let’s walk through 10 scenarios where tailored sales presentation examples and templates can make all the difference.

1. Startup Pitch

A startup pitch template is your first step towards turning your vision into reality. It’s designed to succinctly convey the essence of your innovation , the vast market potential awaiting, and the unique value your startup brings to the table. 

This template not only showcases your business model and growth strategy but also weaves a compelling narrative around your vision, making investors and stakeholders see the world through your innovative lens. It’s about painting a picture of success and opportunity, backed by solid data and a clear roadmap.

Here’s a presentation outline template:

Startup Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Startup name, logo, and tagline.
  • Vision and Mission : Briefly describe your startup's vision and mission.
  • The Problem : Outline the problem your startup aims to solve.
  • Your Solution : Present your product/service as the solution.
  • Market Potential : Highlight the size and potential of your target market.
  • Unique Value Proposition : Define what makes your startup unique.
  • Business Model : Explain how your startup will make money.
  • Growth Strategy : Outline your strategy for growth and market penetration.
  • Competitive Analysis : Show how you stand out from competitors.
  • Financial Projections : Share expected financial outcomes.
  • Team : Introduce your team and their expertise.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Summarize and invite investors to join your journey.

2. Product Launch

Launching a new product is an exciting journey, and with the right presentation template, you can make sure your audience feels that excitement too . A product launch template is tailored to highlight the key features of your product, the benefits it offers to customers, and the specific problems it solves. 

By using engaging visuals and clear, concise information, this template ensures that your audience understands why your product is the market’s new must-have. It’s about creating anticipation and desire, leading to that moment when everyone can’t wait to get their hands on your product.

Product Launch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Product name and a captivating image.
  • Introduction : Briefly introduce the product and its inspiration.
  • The Problem : Describe the problem your product addresses.
  • Product Overview : Detail the features and benefits of your product.
  • How It Works : Show how the product works (demos or videos).
  • Market Fit : Explain why now is the right time for your product.
  • Customer Testimonials : Include early feedback or beta tester reviews.
  • Pricing and Availability : Outline pricing strategy and availability.
  • Marketing Strategy : Highlight how you plan to promote the product.
  • Closing Slide : Recap and call to action (e.g., Pre-order now).

3. B2B Sales Proposal

In the B2B realm, a sales proposal needs to speak the language of benefits and ROI. A well-crafted B2B sales proposal template helps you lay out your solutions in a way that directly addresses your business clients’ needs. 

It allows you to present a clear case for how your product or service can solve their problems , backed by data, case studies, and testimonials. This template is about building a strong argument for your solution, showing potential clients not just why they need it, but how it will positively impact their bottom line.

B2B Sales Proposal Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Proposal title and company name.
  • Executive Summary : Brief overview of the proposal.
  • Client Needs & Challenges : Outline the client's specific needs and challenges.
  • Proposed Solution : Describe your product/service as the solution.
  • Benefits & ROI : Detail the benefits and return on investment.
  • Case Studies/Testimonials : Showcase success stories relevant to the client.
  • Pricing Model : Present your pricing structure.
  • Implementation Plan : Outline steps for solution implementation.
  • Why Us? : Highlight your company’s strengths and uniqueness.
  • Next Steps & Call to Action : Suggest the next steps and encourage action.

4. Service Offering Presentation

For businesses that thrive on offering unparalleled services, this template is a beacon. It’s designed to detail what you offer, how your services solve specific client problems, and why your approach is better than the competition . 

Through customer success stories and testimonials, you can showcase real-world examples of your service excellence. This template is your platform to demonstrate the tangible benefits clients receive when they choose you, making it clear why your service is the smart choice.

Service Offering Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Service name and your company logo.
  • Introduction : Brief overview of your service offerings.
  • Problems Solved : List the problems your services solve.
  • Service Details : Break down each service, its features, and benefits.
  • Customer Success Stories : Share testimonials and success stories.
  • Why Choose Us? : Differentiators and competitive advantages.
  • Pricing Structure : Explain your pricing model.
  • Implementation & Support : Outline how services are implemented and supported.
  • FAQs : Address common questions or concerns.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Summarize and invite to engage your services.

5. Technology Solution Pitch

Technology can be complex, but your pitch doesn’t have to be. A technology solution pitch template is crafted to demystify your tech offerings, breaking them down into clear, digestible benefits. 

It focuses on how your technology addresses specific needs or challenges in an innovative way, making it a game-changer for your target audience. 

By simplifying complex concepts and focusing on the real-world applications and advantages of your technology, this template helps you convey the uniqueness and value of your tech solutions in a straightforward, compelling manner.

Technology Solution Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Solution name and a compelling image or logo.
  • Introduction : Briefly introduce the technology solution.
  • The Challenge : Describe the challenge or need your technology addresses.
  • The Solution : Detail your technology and how it works.
  • Key Benefits : Highlight the primary benefits and features.
  • Technical Specifications : Provide a brief overview of technical aspects.
  • Use Cases : Share real-world applications and success stories.
  • Market Analysis : Discuss market demand and potential growth.
  • Competitive Advantage : Explain what sets your technology apart.
  • Implementation Plan : Outline steps for adopting your technology.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Recap benefits and invite to take the next step.

6. Annual Sales Plan

Crafting an annual sales plan is about setting a vision for what you want to achieve and defining the steps to get there. An annual sales plan template serves as a comprehensive guide to outline your sales objectives , strategies , and specific tactics for the upcoming year . 

It helps you establish clear targets, segment your market, allocate resources efficiently, and plan actionable initiatives to reach your goals. 

This template is essential for keeping your sales team motivated , providing a roadmap for success that is both ambitious and attainable, ensuring everyone is aligned and pushing in the same direction.

Annual Sales Plan Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Year and sales plan title.
  • Executive Summary : Overview of sales goals and key strategies.
  • Sales Targets : Breakdown of monthly or quarterly sales targets.
  • Market Analysis : Insights into market trends and target demographics.
  • Sales Strategies : Detailed strategies for achieving sales targets.
  • Tactics and Actions : Step-by-step tactics for each strategy.
  • Key Accounts and Territories : Focus areas and key account strategies.
  • Tools and Resources : Overview of tools and resources for the sales team.
  • Performance Metrics : Metrics and KPIs to measure success.
  • Training and Development : Plans for team skill enhancement.
  • Conclusion and Motivation : Wrap-up and motivational close to rally the team.

7. Real Estate Listing Presentation

In the competitive world of real estate, making a lasting impression with your listing presentation can make all the difference. A real estate listing presentation template is designed to showcase your properties in the best light , with stunning visuals and detailed market analysis that highlights why your listing stands out. 

It also outlines your comprehensive selling strategy, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to securing the best deal. This template is your tool to build confidence with potential sellers, showing them you have the skills and plan to sell their property quickly and for top dollar.

Real Estate Listing Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Listing presentation title and your contact information.
  • Property Overview : High-quality images and key details of the property.
  • Market Analysis : Current market conditions and pricing strategy.
  • Marketing Plan : How you plan to market the property.
  • Selling Strategy : Your approach to negotiations and closing the sale.
  • Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) : Pricing strategy based on similar listings.
  • Testimonials and Success Stories : Past selling successes and client testimonials.
  • Closing Plan : Steps to take from listing to closing.
  • About Me/Us : Your experience and success in real estate.
  • Next Steps : Encouraging sellers to take action with you.

8. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Blending creativity with strategic thinking is key to developing an effective marketing and sales strategy. A template for this purpose helps you lay out a cohesive plan that covers how you intend to reach your target audience, engage them with compelling content, and convert them into loyal customers. 

It includes identifying customer personas , planning targeted marketing campaigns, and outlining sales tactics that align with your marketing efforts. 

This template is about creating a synergistic approach that leverages both marketing and sales strengths, ensuring a seamless buying journey for the customer from awareness to purchase.

Marketing and Sales Strategy Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Presentation title and your company logo.
  • Market Overview : Analysis of the current market environment.
  • Target Audience : Detailed profiles of your target customer personas.
  • Marketing Goals : Key objectives for your marketing efforts.
  • Sales Goals : Sales targets aligned with marketing objectives.
  • Strategic Approach : How marketing and sales will work together.
  • Key Initiatives : Major marketing campaigns and sales initiatives.
  • Timeline and Milestones : When and how goals will be achieved.
  • Measurement and KPIs : How success will be measured.
  • Conclusion and Call to Action : Summarizing the strategy and next steps.

9. Financial Services Pitch

Trust and reliability are the cornerstones of any financial services pitch. A dedicated template for financial services focuses on these aspects, incorporating customer success stories and testimonials to underscore the value and security your services offer. 

It allows you to present complex financial products in an accessible manner, emphasizing how they meet the specific needs of your clients . 

This template is not just about showcasing your services; it’s about building a case for why clients can trust you with their financial well-being, highlighting your track record of success and stability in the financial landscape.

Financial Services Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Service offering and your company name.
  • Company Overview : A brief introduction to your company and mission.
  • Client Challenges : Common financial challenges your clients face.
  • Our Solutions : How your services address those challenges.
  • Product/Service Details : Detailed breakdown of offerings.
  • Success Stories : Testimonials and case studies of satisfied clients.
  • Trust and Security : Your commitment to client security and trust.
  • Pricing and Packages : Overview of pricing structures and options.
  • Why Choose Us : Your competitive advantage in the financial sector.
  • Next Steps : Encouraging potential clients to take the next step.

10. Retail Product Pitch

Captivating potential retailers with your product pitch is crucial in the retail industry. A retail product pitch template is visually engaging, designed to spotlight the high quality of your products, underscore customer satisfaction, and emphasize the unique selling points that set your offerings apart from the competition. 

It’s your canvas to present market research, consumer trends, and sales data that demonstrate the product’s potential success in the retail environment. 

This template aims to entice retailers by showing them how stocking your product will not only meet but exceed the expectations of their customers, driving sales and enhancing their product lineup.

Retail Product Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Product name and a compelling image.
  • Product Overview : Key features and benefits of the product.
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs) : What makes the product stand out.
  • Market Insights : Analysis that supports the need for your product.
  • Customer Feedback : Positive feedback from early users or testers.
  • Retailer Benefits : How stocking your product benefits the retailer.
  • Marketing Support : Marketing initiatives to support product launch.
  • Pricing and Margin Information : Competitive pricing and margin details.
  • Ordering and Logistics : Information on ordering processes and logistics.
  • Closing Slide : Recap and call to action for retailers to stock your product.

Embarrassing Mistakes to Avoid in Your Sales Presentation

In the heat of a sales presentation, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and let a few errors slip through. But beware, some blunders can turn an otherwise stellar pitch into a cringe-worthy moment. 

Steering clear of these mistakes not only keeps your professionalism intact but also significantly boosts your chances of closing the deal. Let’s dive into a few common pitfalls you’ll want to avoid at all costs:

Embarrassing Mistakes to Avoid in Your Sales Presentation

  • Lack of Preparation : Walking in unprepared is the fast track to failure. Know your material inside and out.
  • Ignoring Audience Needs : Tailor your pitch to address the specific challenges and interests of your audience.
  • Overloading with Information : Bombarding your audience with too much data can overwhelm rather than impress.
  • Skipping the Rehearsal : Practicing your delivery ensures you come across as confident and polished.
  • Neglecting the Storytelling : Facts tell, but stories sell. Weave your points into a compelling narrative.
  • Failing to Show Value : Make sure you clearly articulate the benefits and ROI of your solution.
  • Weak Closing : A hesitant or unclear call to action can leave your audience unsure of the next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties : Always have a backup plan in case of technical glitches with your PowerPoint or other presentation tools.

Remember, your sales presentation is your moment to shine. By avoiding these embarrassing mistakes, you set the stage for a successful pitch that resonates with your audience and drives home the sale.

Frequently Asked Question About Sales Presentation

When it comes to nailing your sales presentation, there are always a few questions that seem to pop up more often than not. 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or gearing up for your first big pitch, getting these questions answered can make all the difference in delivering a presentation that not only captures attention but seals the deal. 

So, let’s dive into three questions you might still have on your mind.

How long should my sales presentation be?

The sweet spot for a sales presentation is between 20 to 30 minutes . This time frame gives you ample opportunity to cover all the essential points—like presenting a compelling sales pitch, showcasing your sales presentation examples, and explaining your product or service benefits—without losing your audience’s attention.

Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity. Focus on delivering a concise, impactful message that resonates with your audience’s needs and interests.

Can humor be incorporated into a sales presentation?

Absolutely, but tread lightly. Humor can be a fantastic tool to break the ice and build a connection with your audience, but it’s crucial to ensure it’s appropriate and won’t be misunderstood or offend anyone. 

When done right, a well-placed joke or light-hearted comment can make your presentation more memorable and engaging. Just keep it relevant to the topic and make sure it adds value to your presentation , rather than distracting from your main message.

What's the best way to handle tough questions during a sales presentation?

Handling tough questions with grace and confidence is key to maintaining credibility and control during your sales presentation. First, listen carefully to the question and take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. 

If you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to admit it—just ensure you follow up with a commitment to find out and get back to the questioner. Always aim to turn challenging questions into opportunities to further highlight the benefits and strengths of your product or service. 

Showing that you can navigate tough questions not only demonstrates your expertise but also builds trust with your audience.

Key Takeaways on Mastering Sales Presentation

Diving into the heart of a standout sales presentation, we’ve unpacked everything from steering clear of common blunders to tackling those tricky questions with confidence. The takeaway? Preparation , clarity , and knowing your audience are your golden tickets. 

A sales presentation should be snappy—aim for that 20 to 30-minute sweet spot —and a dash of humor can work wonders, provided it’s on point and in good taste. Facing tough questions head-on showcases your expertise and builds trust.

In sum, crafting an effective sales presentation is about blending storytelling with solid facts , making a genuine connection with your audience, and leaving a lasting impression. 

So, as you prepare for your next pitch, remember these essentials. With focus and finesse, you’re all set to turn your sales presentation into a compelling narrative that not only engages but also convinces. Here’s to making your next presentation a smashing success!

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Edgar Abong

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Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by Edgar Abong

35+ Best Sales PowerPoint Templates (Sales PPT Pitches)

Learning to craft successful and better-looking sales presentations is one of the key skills you should master as a marketer or sales rep.

In this digital era, being able to deliver great presentations is not enough. You also need to be able to design attractive and beautiful slides that engage with your audience while adding more context to your speech.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a designer or take courses to design such effective PowerPoint presentations. All you need is the right PowerPoint template.

In this post, we bring you a collection of PowerPoint sales presentation templates to help you find the right designs for your sales plan, proposal, and pitch slide decks. Be sure to save these templates for future events and meetings.

2 Million+ PowerPoint Templates, Themes, Graphics + More

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Mystify Presentation

Mystify Presentation

Animated PPT Templates

Animated PPT Templates

Fully animated.

Ciri Template

Ciri Template

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Minimal PPT Templates

Minimal PPT Templates

Clean & clear.


Explore PowerPoint Templates

SalesUp – Sales & Marketing PowerPoint Template

SalesUp - Sales & Marketing PowerPoint Template

SalesUp is a dynamic PowerPoint template designed for effective sales and marketing presentations. With 15 unique slides, a light background, and a widescreen format, this template also includes a handmade infographic feature that can be fully customized for any business. It’s ideal for making your business propositions more impactful.

Sales Growth – Marketing PowerPoint Template

Sales Growth - Marketing PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is perfect for showcasing your sales and business development journey. It features 15 unique slides, a light background, and captivating handmade infographics, all housed within a widescreen format. The template is fully customizable, allowing a personalized touch to your presentations.

Sales Deck Presentation PowerPoint Template

Sales Deck Presentation PowerPoint Template

A versatile PowerPoint template designed to enhance your sales and business presentations. It boasts features like a 16:9 widescreen size, unique slide variations, editable charts and elements, a preset color scheme, and more. This easy-to-use template equips you with infographics for each stage of business development, aiming to boost user satisfaction and improve your brand’s presence.

Modern Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

Modern Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is a highly customizable slideshow for creating impactful presentations. Featuring a yellow and purple design, the template includes 20 unique slide layouts with easily editable graphics, infographics, and placeholders for pictures. Ideal for a range of business purposes like sales strategies or company profiles.

Dark Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

Dark Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

A stylish PowerPoint template aimed at enhancing your sales presentations. Featuring a widescreen format, unique slides, editable charts, and elements, it is user-friendly and adaptable to your brand’s needs. From kick-starting a project to improving goal propositions, this template is designed to give your talks an edge.

Sales Plan PowerPoint Template

Sales Plan PowerPoint Template

An expertly crafted PowerPoint template designed to communicate sales strategies and objectives clearly to varied audiences. Its presentation potential spans from showcasing marketing campaigns to 30-60-90 day plans. The template allows for easy customization of features such as pie charts, colors, and text to fit your specific needs.

Sales Growth Strategy PowerPoint Presentation

Sales Growth Strategy PowerPoint Presentation

This is an impressive PowerPoint template that allows you to build sales presentations in minutes. It’s perfect for various needs – be it a sales pitch, an innovative sales strategy display, or regular business meeting. The template includes useful features like fonts, color schemes, and image placeholders.

Sales Growth PowerPoint Template

Sales Growth PowerPoint Template

A carefully crafted PowerPoint template perfect for illustrating sales tactics, performance indicators, and growth plans in a professional and engaging way. Tailored for sales pros, business development teams, and marketing managers, this template, presented in PowerPoint format, offers uncomplicated personalization options.

Business Funnels Infographics PowerPoint Template

Business Funnels Infographics PowerPoint Template

This is a unique and professional PowerPoint template to enhance your sales presentations. With 16 characterized slides, it’s easily customizable and comes with drag-and-drop image options, editable charts, and distinctive mockup devices. This template is specially designed to emphasize text readability and usability, ensuring your ideas are well communicated.

Sales Dashboard Infographic PowerPoint Template

Sales Dashboard Infographic PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is perfect for dynamic business and sales presentations and showcasing company profiles. This package features 30 unique, widescreen (16:9) infographic slides, designed for accessibility and ease of use.

Business Sales PowerPoint Presentation Template

Business Sales PowerPoint Presentation Template

Sales presentations don’t always have to be all stats and data, they can be beautiful too. This PowerPoint template allows you to design more effective slideshows with modern layouts with creative animations. There are more than 50 unique slide designs included in this template. You can easily edit and customize them to your preference.

Sales Strategy Powerpoint Template

Sales Strategy Infographic Powerpoint Template

If you want to make your sales strategy presentations more effective, you should consider creating a slideshow with more visual elements. This PowerPoint template will help you get that job done. It includes 30 unique slides you can use to present your sales plan and strategy in a step-by-step approach.

Sales Pitch PowerPoint Template

Sales Pitch PowerPoint Template

A great pitch deck goes a long way to make sure your sales pitch stays on point. It will also help convince your audience of your skills and knowledge on the topic. Be sure to use this PowerPoint template to design such a killer slide deck for your sales pitch presentations. It includes 20 master slide layouts with fully customizable layouts.

Marketing & Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

Marketing & Sales Strategy PowerPoint Template

There are many different types of charts, graphs, and infographics you need to use in your sales presentations to visualize data and key points. This PowerPoint template includes 30 unique slides you can use to add some of the most popular charts and graphs to your presentations. There are slides for sales cycles, planning, strategy model, B2C and B2B strategy plans, and much more.

B2B Marketing and Sales PowerPoint Template

B2B Marketing and Sales Powerpoint Template

Whether you’re working on a smart strategy for your B2B marketing approach or creating a master plan to beat your competitors, this B2B marketing PowerPoint template will help you create the best presentation to showcase your plan. It includes a total of 60 slide layouts that can be used to create both marketing and sales presentations.

Sales Meeting – Free PowerPoint Template

Sales Meeting - Free PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template that comes with a set of slides you can create professional slide decks for sales meetings. It features 30 unique slides with modern designs and fully customizable layouts.

Free Sales Planning Process PowerPoint Template

Free Sales Planning Process PowerPoint Template

With this free PowerPoint template, you can create visual presentations for your sales process presentations. There are 35 different slides included in this template that you can edit and customize to change colors, fonts, and images.

Sales – Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

Sales - Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

This professional PowerPoint sales presentation template uses a beautiful color scheme to create a consistent look across all its slides. The template lets you choose from 40 different slide designs to create slideshows for all kinds of sales and marketing presentations. The template includes master slides as well.

Sales Funnel PowerPoint Template

Sales and Digital Funnel PowerPoint Templates

Sales funnels are an important part of creating an effective sales strategy. With this PowerPoint template, you can create a presentation to showcase your plan for sales funnels with lots of visual elements. There are 20 unique master slide layouts included in this template that feature important charts, graphs, and infographics for sales funnel presentations.

Sales Proposal PowerPoint Template

Sales Proposal PowerPoint Template

With this PowerPoint presentation, you can create professional slideshows for presenting your sales proposals. The template comes with some of the most important slides for sales slide decks, including slides for showcasing your marketing plan and business strategy. Each slide comes in 5 pre-made color schemes as well.

Anasalez – Sales Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Anasalez – Sales Analysis Powerpoint Presentation

You can make a complete visual analysis of your sales process or plans using this useful PowerPoint template. It comes with more than 50 unique slides that are designed specifically for sales presentations. Each slide is available in both light and dark color themes as well as 10 pre-made color schemes.

Sales and Digital Funnel PowerPoint Templates

This professional PowerPoint template allows you to create more effective slides for showcasing your sales funnels. There are 20 different styles of sales funnel designs included in this template. Each slide can be customized to your preference to change colors, fonts, and images.

Free Creative Sales Strategy Presentation Template

Free Creative Sales Strategy Presentation Template

Another free PowerPoint template for creating sales strategy presentations. This template has over 30 unique slides with very creative designs. It features colorful shapes, illustrations, and graphs as well.

Free Sales Process PowerPoint Infographic Slides

Free Sales Process PowerPoint Infographic Slides

Grab this free PowerPoint template to design effective presentations for outlining your sales process. It includes 32 unique slides with many different styles of sales infographic designs.

Dashi – Sales Report PowerPoint Presentation

Dashi Sales – Sales Report PowerPoint Presentation

Dashi is a PowerPoint template made just for professional marketers. You can use it to design visual and beautiful slideshows for presenting your sales dashboards and reports. The template has 10 slides featuring more than 30 character positions, over 2000 vector icons, and 30 business concepts. Each slide is available in light and dark color themes as well as 30 pre-made color schemes.

Sales Pitch Presentation PowerPoint Template

Sales Pitch Presentation Powerpoint Template

This is a multipurpose PowerPoint template for making all kinds of pitch proposals. Whether it’s a sales pitch, marketing pitch, or even startup pitch decks, this template can handle them all. There are more than 120 unique slides in this template with 6 different color schemes to choose from, making it a total of over 800 slides.

Sales Playbook PowerPoint Template

Sales Playbook Powerpoint Template

Creating an attractive slideshow for your sales and marketing campaigns will get much easier when you have this PowerPoint template at your side. It features over 35 unique slide layouts with professional designs. Everything in each slide design, including the colors, fonts, shapes, and images are fully customizable as well.

Sales Process PowerPoint Presentation Template

Sales Process PowerPoint Presentation Template

Use this PowerPoint template to create slides with visual diagrams and graphs for presenting your sales process in a professional way. There are 40 unique slides in this template with useful sales process designs. Each slide is available in 10 different pre-made color schemes, which makes it a total of 400 slides to choose from.

Kanigara – Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

Kanigara - Marketing & Sales Powerpoint Template

Kanigara is another multipurpose PowerPoint template that comes with modern and stylish slides for making all kinds of sales presentations. The template features over 40 slides with beautiful layouts. There are lots of creative graphs, charts, and graphics included in this presentation.

Felicia – Free Sales Presentation PowerPoint Template

Felicia - Free Sales Presentation PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with lots of colorful and creative slide designs for making sales presentations that will surely leave your mark. It includes more than 20 unique slides. And it comes in both PowerPoint and Google Slides versions.

Ardall – Free Sales Presentation Template

Ardall - Free Sales Presentation Template

Ardall is another free PowerPoint template that’s also available in Google Slides format. This template features a set of modern and professional slides for making sales and marketing presentations. There are 20 slide layouts included in the template.

B2B and B2C Digital Marketing & Sales Presentation

B2B and B2C Digital Marketing & Sales Presentation

This PowerPoint template works perfectly for creating presentations for both B2B and B2C marketing slideshows. The template includes over 35 unique slides and you can choose from 5 pre-made color schemes as well. The slides are easily customizable to your preference.

Real Estate Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

Real Estate Marketing & Sales PowerPoint Template

If you’re working on a marketing presentation for a real estate agency, this PowerPoint template will come in handy. It includes 50 unique slides that are designed with property and real estate marketing presentations in mind. They are available in 7 different color schemes.

3D Stairs Diagram for Sales Process Presentation

3D Stairs Diagram for Sales Process Presentation

The stairs diagram is commonly used in marketing and sales presentations to showcase various stats and reports. This PowerPoint template will help you add such diagrams to your presentations with ease. It includes 6 unique slides with 3D-like stair diagram designs.

Ozone – Sales & Marketing Portrait PowerPoint Template

Ozone Sales & Marketing Portrait PowerPoint Template

Ozone is a creative PowerPoint template that comes in portrait-style slide designs. There are 50 unique slides included in the template with over 60 master slide layouts to choose from. It features transition animations and infographics as well.

For more great presentation templates, check out our best professional PowerPoint templates collection.

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Home » MTD Sales Blog » 13 Steps For Creating Your Sales Strategy Presentation

13 Steps For Creating Your Sales Strategy Presentation

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But when it comes to ‘how to write a sales strategy’ and ‘how to present a strategy’ , where do you even begin?

We’ve got 13 useful steps to help you create an effective Sales Strategy Presentation that your stakeholders will love! From start to finish, we’ll cover everything you need to make it a huge success. Including a sales presentation structure to follow, and a strategy slide template to use. Let’s get started!

  • What Is a Sales Strategy?
  • What Is a Sales Strategy Presentation?
  • How to Create Your Sales Strategy Presentation
  • Effective Sales Strategy Presentation Template
  • Wrapping Up


A Sales Strategy is a plan which aims to maximise sales whilst coordinating the plan across your whole sales team and aligning it with the corporate strategy.

Research giant Gartner defines Sales Strategy as “an organisation’s detailed plan to drive sales performance, innovation and growth by better penetrating existing markets and growing share of current customer wallet.”

This definition downplays the corporate alignment aspect and focuses on sales performance. However, a Sales Strategy does not merely consist only of delineating your sales approach.

In brief, a well-written Sales Strategy can be said to have three main aims:

  • To ensure all reps are working to the same playbook and adopting a uniform approach
  • To ensure that sales methods, messaging, and media reinforce corporate priorities
  • To maximise sales revenue, within given targets and KPIs

The above list is not ordered in terms of priority—all three aims contribute vitally to your Sales Strategy.

When we’re talking about a presentation, it’s important to distinguish this from the pitch you’ll give to your clients. A Sales Strategy Presentation is where you obtain corporate buy-in for your sales approach, making sure that messaging, pricing, product specs, sales media and other details of your campaigns are clarified and agreed across the board.

In this presentation you’ll describe your target market, competitors, sales techniques , and the composition of your sales team, amongst other information. The aim is to secure support for your strategy, which may include budget approval. It’s important to include enough detail to convey the main information, without overburdening your audience.

Below, we’ll look at how best to go about preparing your presentation, alongside some tips for maximising audience attention and approval. If you can nail this presentation, you’ll be off to a flying start with your strategy, so it’s worth putting the hours in to get it right.

The most important thing to get right is your structure. This should be logical and narrative-driven, leading the audience from big picture to fine detail. It should be compelling and as brief as possible, without short-changing your audience. Remember that you’ll be asked plenty of questions when your presentation is complete!

1. Start with an Overview of Your Company

Begin by outlining the current state of play within the company. If you are an agency selling your strategy to a company, here’s your opportunity to demonstrate a rounded understanding of the company and its priorities, as well as giving a summary of your agency, and what it does.

If you are heading up an in-house sales team, you have the chance to maximise corporate buy-in, and ensure your strategy is fully supported with the necessary resources.

Don’t go into exhaustive detail – offer the sort of brief “executive summary” you find at the front of annual reports. Do use bullet points and figures where these are impressive enough to support your case. Highlight the opportunity your Sales Strategy will address, whether it’s a gap in the market, the chance to cross/up-sell a new product, or some other benefit you’ll bring.

2. Touch on Your Target Market

Here’s where you identify who your ideal customers or clients will be, and really hit home that you understand your customer.

You can use buyer personas , which may include graphics depicting “typical” customers, to help your audience visualise who you’ll be selling to. In terms of aggregate markets, you can include Venn diagrams or other graphic means to delineate core customers and subsidiary consumers.

For instance, if you’re selling an app for video editing, your core customers may be corporate content producers, but your subsidiary audience may be far wider, touching upon anyone who regularly uploads content to YouTube or other social media platforms.

You’ll need to describe how you’ll approach all your significant markets elsewhere in your presentation (see step 5).

Sales DNA

3. Discuss the Value of Your Proposition

USP or Value Proposition (VP) is a concise statement of what makes your product stand out in your chosen marketplace. It’s a vital concept for sales reps to grasp because it’s the main reason why a consumer would choose your product over a rival’s. It’s important that all stakeholders buy into the value proposition because it’s a key factor in building brand identity.

For instance, some footwear brands stress comfort as their USP, while others highlight value, durability, style, or exclusivity. Your VP could also be a combination of factors, i.e. going back to the app for video editing example, “we offer the most accessible, best value for money and most fully featured video editing app on the market”.

Key to your VP is describing the “problem” a customer might have and how your product is the perfect solution to that problem. How will your customers uniquely benefit from the product you’ll be selling?

You can use comparisons with rival products, and data taken from market research, showing what consumers want, and how your product addresses those needs. Literal quotes taken from review sites can be helpful, revealing how real customers feel about their purchases.

The main takeaway is that your sales team are enthusiastic about the value they are offering customers, and that they understand how to characterise the benefits and features of the product.

4. Consider Any Competitors

It’s essential at this stage to factor in your competitors. Unless you are first to market or are offering a very niche product, the chances are you have a host of rivals eager to bite off chunks of your customer base. Here you need to emphasise that your sales team have the answers to the question “why us?”

Differentiation is key! What solutions does your product offer that rivals cannot? It’s important not to underestimate the competition and respect the successes that other players in the sector have scored. Much can be learned by studying the achievements of legacy brands, while offering something that builds upon previous offerings.

It can be a good idea to tabulate your top three or five competitors and show how their success provides an opportunity, rather than a threat. Remember that competitors should be understood in the broader context and can help you turn your weaknesses into strengths.

For instance, Netflix hasn’t only got to worry about Amazon Prime TV, Disney Plus and other streaming services. It must compete with cinema, social media and podcasts too. These are all popular draws upon customers’ leisure time.

5. Outline Your Marketing Strategy

Now you can summarise how your product will be marketed. Will conventional advertising be used? Will social media play a significant role? Is this a B2B campaign or will the product appeal to individual customers? Will buyers be targeted at work, or at home?

Perhaps you have partners working on marketing campaigns. If so, introduce them, and their best work to date. Provide examples of finished campaign materials if you have them or works in progress if that’s all you have at this stage. This is a good opportunity to use dramatic visuals or video, rather than text or graphs, which can become boring if overused.

Your marketing strategy should include the following five elements:

  • The target audience for the campaign
  • The goals or objectives
  • How your brand will stand out against competitors
  • What content has or will be created
  • Any KPIs that have been agreed

You can finish by briefly describing how marketing and sales departments will cooperate and coordinate their efforts.

6. Go Over Your Sales Process

Here you can drill down into the specifics of the sales process. What does your sales funnel look like? Where are you getting your leads and how are you qualifying them? Will cold calling or email drip campaigns be a major part of the process? Will you have a presence at any trade shows or events?

Do you have scripts that you can share to offer an example of a typical sales contact? Provide concrete examples to help your presentation feel solid. If you have incentives planned for your sales team, or KPIs you expect them to achieve, then outline them here too. You can break down your sales activities into:

  • Prospecting (including lead sources)
  • Lead segmentation and qualification
  • Research processes – market research, customer surveys
  • The sales pitch – a typical call or contact
  • How your team will handle sales objections
  • The process for closing .

Once you have outlined what you’ll do to make sales, it’s time to explore who will do what.

7. Review the Current Sales Team Structure And Roles

Begin with an organisational diagram of your sales team, so that your audience will get a clear picture of command structure. Outline the responsibilities of each role, lines of reporting and (if relevant) base salaries.

If you are creating a sub-team for this project, then show the diagram for that sub-team. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel with an organisational chart since everyone understands the traditional flowchart model. Use that, to save valuable time.

Explain any unfamiliar roles or unexpected team members. Perhaps you have an in-house social media researcher, or a CRM specialist . Make sure you highlight and explain anything unexpected. You can also identify roles that are not filled yet, which will help when it comes to steps 10 and 11.

8. Summarise Any Sales Materials Used

If you have leaflets, landing pages, product listings, demonstration videos or anything else that will be key to the sales process, then here is a suitable time to hand out samples or give demonstrations. If you’re offering a free demo version of a piece of software, you can quickly run through its features and how you plan to convert free users to paid subscribers.

Remember that if you provide handouts, your audience will lose eye contact with you while they pore over them, so use this option sparingly. You can always provide supplementary handouts or follow-up emails, after your presentation is over.

9. Talk Through Goals, Sales Metrics and KPIs

All goals and objectives expressed should conform to the SMART principle, being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant , and time-based.

Try to be specific with sales targets, without promising more than you can reasonably deliver!

You can have nested targets—fair, good, and excellent anticipated results—while stressing that you’ll always be aiming for the latter. You can also express goals in terms of short, medium, and long-term. This is especially relevant when you’re launching a brand-new product, or entering a new market, where it would be unrealistic to achieve full market penetration immediately.

It’s very important to obtain buy-in on your goals and targets, so that there’s transparency across the organisation, and you can be held accountable if you fail to deliver. That’s the downside of getting specific with KPIs, but it’s also a great motivator for sales teams. On the plus side, you can also mention any incentive or bonus structure you’ll be offering your sales team for achieving ambitious goals.

10. Explore Training and Development Requirements

If you know you’ll need to train up staff to understand a new product, software system, or working process, then it’s valuable to admit this upfront. Training needs affect the bottom line, as well as your process timeline. You have the opportunity here to demonstrate that you’ve thought through all human resource requirements and researched training opportunities. You may already have Sales Training Providers you’ll partner with (mention them now) or if you’re still looking why not check out our Essential Selling Skills Training or Telesales Training Course.

Spending time on this aspect of your Sales Strategy will also build stakeholder confidence. They’ll know you aren’t throwing your reps in at the deep end. Instead you are preparing them properly for success.

11. Consider Any Budgeting Needs

With resources in mind (IT, human resources, content creation, research costs and other expenses) outline what you expect your operating sales budget to be. There is no point in understating your anticipated costs, since overruns may occur, and senior management will often try to make cost savings. It pays to build in a little wriggle room for negotiation.

Don’t blind or bore your audience with spreadsheets; just give the headline figures. Highlight any areas of expenditure that are loosely estimated, or unclear. Remember to allow for hiring costs for any unfilled sales team roles you described in step 7 (see above), and for staff training.

Remember also to include cash flow, as well as overall expenditure. How much money will you need and at what milestones? Sometimes success can be more expensive than failure; for instance, when it necessitates a sudden recruitment drive to expand your sales team. It’s vital for stakeholders to appreciate key dates when funding must be made available.

12. End With Next Steps And Future Action Plans

If you’ve prepared a simplified GANTT chart, you can show where in the project timeline you currently sit. Explain what your next actions will be, and what the future holds. Here you can build further confidence by demonstrating that you’ve thought everything through.

Remember to build in a little more time than you think you’ll need for more flexible stages like research, training, and lead prospecting. Make sure you highlight any immovable deadlines, like sales events or product launches, and how you’ll ensure you’re prepared for them.

You should also be building excitement and enthusiasm here, so don’t make it too dry. This is a thrilling time—you’re about to hit the go button on a brand-new sales campaign. Get your audience to feel your enthusiasm and you’re halfway to achieving buy-in.

13. Don’t Forget To Use Engaging Visuals Throughout!

The cliché is true – a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes a short video or meme can make a more dramatic point than yet another set of bullet points, facts, or figures.

There’s a popular rule of thumb with PowerPoint slides, called the 7 x 7 principle. This states that no single slide should contain more than seven lines of text, and each line should contain no more than seven words. How many presentations have you witnessed that fail to pass that test? Too many, most likely!

Avoid this issue by preferring visual content over words. After all, you are there to deliver the verbal component of the presentation. You can do this so much more effectively with your communication and interpersonal skills. You already know this — you’re a salesperson!

Finally, make sure you leave time for questions (and prepare some answers to likely ones in advance). Thank your audience for their time… and relax!

Now you know how to create your presentation, it’s time to have a go at making it! Here’s a PowerPoint template you can download to kick you off.

The deck includes 13 slides covering all the sections we’ve touched on. Just customise the template by adding your own branding font and colours – and don’t forget to add some of those engaging visuals we’ve spoken about!

ppt download

Perhaps it’s worth leaving you with a simple thought – you can enjoy this moment! After all, it’s the culmination of a complex sales planning process, and now you get to share your vision with everyone who matters. That opportunity doesn’t come around very often. So, take a moment to congratulate yourself on your hard work, and have fun!

Finally, here are some parting thoughts on presentations, from writers and speakers who’ve been there:

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” –Carl W. Buechner, politician and church leader.

“The first 30 seconds and the last 30 seconds have the most impact in a presentation.” –Patricia Fripp, Sales presentation expert and speech coach.

“You are not being judged, the value of what you are bringing to the audience is being judged.” –Seth Godin, dotcom executive and bestselling author.

Hopefully, this article has reminded you of some principles you already understand and has given you the inspiration to really smash your Sales Strategy Presentation!

If you need any extra sales support for you or your team, please contact us for further information on our Sales Management Training and Account Management Training solutions, also take a look at our popular portfolio of Sales Training Courses .

Happy Selling!

Sean McPheat

Sean McPheat Managing Director MTD Sales Training

  • General Sales Skills

Updated on: 13 June, 2023

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Sales Strategy Presentation Template

Used 4,954 times

Reviewed by Keith Rabkin

Create an information-rich sales strategy presentation that captivates and educates your audience.

e-Sign with PandaDoc

Image 44

Sales Strategy Presentation

Prepared by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] ​ [Sender.Company] [Sender.Email] ​

Image 1

Table of Contents

Executive summary, sales strategy objectives, goals and kpis, lead generation channels, lead categories, ideal customer profile, sales strategies, pre-sale activities.

Upsale Strategy

Sales Process

Roles and responsibilities, sales support documents.

Image 2

Write a short summary of the information your audience can expect to learn more about in the presentation.

Image 3

State the primary objectives of the sales strategy e.g. increase conversion rates, improve customer retention, increase upsells, etc.

Image 6

Explain which goals you'll be striving to achieve and the KPIs

you'll use to measure your progress, e.g. the goal of paying less to acquire customers measured with the KPI of average customer acquisition cost.





Image 8

Name some of the main lead generation channels

​you'll rely on

Email marketing

Social media

Direct traffic

Image 9

Describe some of the lead categories you'll be using in the strategy

Image 10

Ready to buy

Image 12

Needs more convincing

Image 13

Not ready to buy

Image 14

Explain who constitutes a marketing qualified lead (MQL)

and who would be a sales qualified lead (SQL) with criteria examples

Image 16

Anyone who has spoken with a sales rep

Image 19

Anyone who has downloaded a free report

Image 22

Share insight into your ideal customer

Average income

Image 23

Provide some of the sales strategies you'll be employing

Cold calling

Flash sales

Social media marketing

Image 26

List some of the pre-sale activities your company

will make us of

Crafting unique selling propositions

Creating call scripts

Building a prospect list

Market research

Creating social buzz

Image 27

Outbound Sales

State any inbound and outbound sales strategies that will be used

Image 28

Organic search, webinars, or blog posts;

Image 29

Cold calling, targeted advertising, or email marketing.

Image 30

Upsale Strategy

Image 34

Describe the upsell strategy that you'll be putting into action

Image 31

Promoting additional services

Image 32

Suggesting a more feature-rich product

Image 33

Offering discounts for buying higher volume

Image 35

Describe the steps of your sales process

Lead generation


Sales outreach

Image 36

Give an overview of your sales team, the general capacity, and the key responsibilities of each member or group.

Image 38

Describe the roles on your sales team and the responsibilities of those roles

Image 39

Lead generation and nurturing

Image 40

Closing deals

Image 41

Overseeing the team

Image 42

List any sales support resources that have been made available to your team e.g. sales battle cards, a training manual, webinars, etc.

Image 43

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22 Best Sales Strategies, Plans, & Initiatives for Success [Templates]

Discover sales strategy examples, templates, and plans used by top sales teams worldwide.



Outline your company's sales strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

sales strategies initiatives and templates to plan your quarter

Published: 08/28/24

A strong sales strategy plan creates the foundation for a cohesive and successful sales organization. Sales strategies and initiatives also align salespeople on shared goals and empower them to do their best work — keeping them happy and successful, too.

In this guide, I’ll dig into some sales strategies and initiatives that I’ve found can help you generate more leads and close more deals. But first, let’s define what a sales strategy is.

Free Download: Sales Plan Template

Table of Contents

What is a sales strategy?

Why is a sales strategy important, the most effective sales strategies, how to build a sales strategy, sales initiatives, sales strategy examples from successful sales teams.

A sales strategy is a set of decisions, actions, and goals that inform how your sales team positions the organization and its products to close new customers. It acts as a guide for sales reps to follow, with clear goals for sales processes, product positioning, and competitive analysis.

a look at the sales process as it relates to sales strategy

Free Sales Plan Template

Outline your company's sales strategy in one simple, coherent sales plan.

  • Target Market
  • Prospecting Strategy

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Account-Based Selling

Account-Based Selling (ABS) is a sales strategy that's rooted in locking in on key, higher-value accounts as opposed to casting a wide net for a broad range of prospects. With ABS, salespeople are expected to identify and pursue specific accounts that have high conversion potential.

That means salespeople are expected to conduct thorough, thoughtful research on prospects to more effectively meet them where they are. The strategy also places emphasis on collaboration with marketing — sales teams lean on their marketing departments to create personalized, targeted content for each account.

Ultimately, successfully executed Account-Based Selling rests on a sales team's ability to take a granular approach to really lock in on individual prospects' needs and interests. Salespeople leveraging the strategy also need to know how to prioritize the accounts they pursue.

ABS can be extremely effective if it's done right, but it does come with its share of risk — if your sales org elects to forego reaching out to a wide range of prospects in favor of connecting with key accounts, you generally have less room for error.

For a look at some other key methodologies that can inform your sales strategy, check out this article.

Below, I’ll walk through how to create a sales strategy plan for your team.

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Top 30 Free Sales Plan PowerPoint Templates to Design a Winning Sales Plan!

Top 30 Free Sales Plan PowerPoint Templates to Design a Winning Sales Plan!

Deepali Khatri


Writing a sale plan sucks, isn’t it? Here we provide a one-stop solution for your concern. If you are looking for a sales plan that will give direction to your activities, your search ends here. We at SlideTeam offer you professionally designed sales plan templates that will help you ramp up your sales and improve the company’s revenue.

Create a stellar presentation by making use of these 30 free sales plan PowerPoint templates that will provide a roadmap to your sales effort. These templates are sure to change your sales game.

Research has proved that visual slides are more remembered than the text slides. Therefore, we provide you these 30 readymade content ready PowerPoint templates to help you design a winning sales plan.

Before, we tour the PPT Templates, are you looking for a comprehensive module to train your sales team and improve their performance? Access our Sales Training Curriculum with content-ready, well-researched slides that will make your training program a terrific success!

Comprehensive Curriculum for Sales Training PPT

Click Here to Download our Comprehensive Curriculum for Sales Training

Speed up your process of writing a sales plan by utilizing these amazingly designed sales PowerPoint slides and achieve your sales target without any hassle.

Agenda Free PowerPoint Template-1

Agenda Free PowerPoint Template

Click Here to Get this Agenda Free PowerPoint Template

The above-shown template can be used for revealing the agenda of the business sales plan meeting. Devise sales strategies and jot down the points to be discussed in the next sales meeting. The PPT slide is completely customizable and can be altered as per your needs. Plan for the completion of your projects by assigning tasks to your employees on daily basis using this readymade agenda-free PowerPoint Template. Characterize the roles and responsibilities of your sales team and layout your objectives.

Problem Solutions Free Presentation Template-2

Problem Solution Free PPT Template

Download this Problem Solution PowerPoint Slide

Present solutions to sales challenges by incorporating this pre-designed problem solutions PowerPoint slide design. This template can also be used to discuss the challenges and difficulties and for finding out the solutions to the problems. Review and examine your sales team’s work using this readymade PPT slide .

Change Management Process Free PPT Template-3

Change Management Process Free PowerPoint Template

Get this readymade Change Management PPT Slide

Mention the steps in an effective change management process and showcase how the sales team can benefit from change management. The professionally designed PPT template can also be used to show different sales targets. Using this slide, you can keep your team members up to date on upcoming changes. Close more deals by clearly understanding the change management process.

Roadmap Free PowerPoint Template-4

Road map Free PowerPoint Template

Download this Professionally Designed PowerPoint Template

Visualize the sales strategies with this sales roadmap PowerPoint template. This sales roadmap ensures that the team members are aligned to a wider vision. Using this sales roadmap PowerPoint slide, you can also present the hurdles faced in the sales process. Display the sales target that are achieved by your organization using this PPT slide.

Features & Highlights Free PPT Template-5

Features & Highlights Free PPT Template

Grab this predesigned Features and Highlights Free PowerPoint Template

List out all the features of the products and services you are offering in an impactful way taking the assistance of this readymade PowerPoint layout. Highlighting the features of your product using this slide will let you maximize your sales. This slide is professionally curated with high-grade icons that make your presentation more appealing.

Targets Free PowerPoint Template-6

Targets Free PowerPoint Template

Click Here to Download this Target Free PowerPoint Slide Design

Set your sales target using this targets free PowerPoint slide design. Setting up sales targets will help you and your team members stay focused on achieving the set goals. It will help people empower and develop their own skills for reaching the set targets. Set the goals for the sales personnel or the sales team that will be measured in revenue and units and on the basis of which rewards will be given. Provide a direction to your sales team by employing this readymade PPT layout.

Timeline Free PowerPoint Template-7

Timeline Free PowerPoint Template

Grab this Readymade Timeline Free PowerPoint Slide Show

Plan and organize your sales projects using this timeline free PPT slide. Using this PPT template, you can illustrate the sales plan on the timeline with clear objectives and deadlines that will help you stay focused on strategic goals. This customizable slide can be used by sales leaders, marketers and account executives. Present your business plan to the sales team, management and other staff members with the help of this free timeline PPT template.

Brainstorming and Idea Generation Free PPT Template-8

Brainstorming Techniques Free PPT Template

Download this Brainstorming Technique PowerPoint Layout

Encourage new ideas for maximizing the sales using this brainstorming and idea generation free PowerPoint template. Create, develop and communicate ideas for making an effective sales plan. Showcase the various techniques and processes of brainstorming taking advantage of this readymade PowerPoint template.

Opportunities and Challenges Success Free PPT Template-9

Opportunities and Challenges Success Free PPT Template

Get this predeveloped Opportunities and Challenges Success PPT Layout

Showcase the ways one can overcome the challenges in the way of success. Present the challenges that salespersons in your company might encounter. The PPT slide can be used to present the ways one can exploit the opportunities and the ways to face the hurdles.

SWOT Analysis Free PowerPoint Template-10

SWOT Analysis Free PowerPoint Template

Click here to Download this amazing SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Slide Show

Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats using this SWOT analysis free PowerPoint template. Create a powerful sales plan after analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Discover new opportunities and solutions to improve your sales activities strategically with this professionally designed SWOT analysis free PPT slide.

Customer Feedback Free PowerPoint Template-11

Customer Feedback Free PPT Template

Download this Creative Customer Feedback PowerPoint Graphic

Get feedback from your customers on the products and services you offer. Let your customers know that they are valuable, and their feedback is important for you. Make them feel that their opinion matters. This is a completely editable slide that can be altered as per your convenience. Getting feedback from your customers is very crucial as it helps in running your business efficiently.

Comparison Free PPT Template-12

Comparison Free PowerPoint Template

Download this Comparison Free PowerPoint Slide Show

Conduct a comparative analysis in the sales plan of two periods and evaluate the two plans. One can also compare their sales plan with the sales plan for the previous year. You can also compare your sales plan with your competitors taking the assistance of this readily available comparison PPT slide.

Geographical World Map Free PPT Template-13

Geographical World Map Free PPT Template

Get this Geographical World Map PPT Slide Design

This professionally designed PPT slide can be used to showcase the sales, geographical segmentation and locations across the globe. Display the countries in which you are selling your product. Present the company headquarters and branches in different locations. Keep a tab on the company’s progress across the globe by incorporating this geographical world map free PPT slide.

Team Introduction Free PPT Template-14

Team Introduction Free PPT Template

Click here to Grab this Amazingly Designed Team Introduction Free PowerPoint Slide 

Introduce your sales team in front of the viewers by taking advantage of this amazing team introduction free PPT template. This is the best way to introduce your team members in front of the clients and stakeholders. Talk about the experience, qualification and job description of the team members using this slide.

Business Team with Solutions Free PowerPoint Template-15

Business Team with Solutions Free PPT Template

Download this Business Team with Solutions PowerPoint Slide Show

Quickly fix your sales problem using this business team with a solution free PowerPoint template by finding out the accurate solutions. One can also illustrate teamwork, unity, group activity and strength using this readymade PPT slide. Devise an effective sales strategy and make a common sales methodology using this slide.

Opportunity and Challenges Roadmap Free PPT Template-16

Opportunities and Challenges Roadmap Free PPT Template

Download this Opportunities and Roadmap Free PPT Slide

Present the sales roadmap and depict the challenges that the sales team faces while selling the product in the market. The challenges like long decision time frame, staying motivated, finding more qualified leads, too many competitors and weathering budget cuts can be presented with this free opportunities and challenges roadmap PowerPoint slide. Display how the sales department in the organization has been taking advantage of the opportunities through this creatively designed PowerPoint slide show.

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Idea Generation Free PowerPoint Template

Download this Idea Generation PowerPoint Slide Design 

Generate ideas for a better sales plan and encourage your team members to contribute more in the decision-making process. The slide will help you figure out solutions to a number of problems. Expand your range of ideas by inviting ideas from the employees and other staff members for maximizing the sales of the organization.

Gantt Chart Free PowerPoint Template-18

Gantt Chart Free PowerPoint Template

Download this Gantt Chart PowerPoint Slide Show

This template can be used to make structured plans for achieving the sales target. A sales plan is essential for achieving the sales goal and a plan presented using this chart can be easily understood by the audience. This template can be used by sales leaders, marketers and account executives. Track the monthly progress of your organization using this amazing Gantt chart free PPT template.

Dos and Don’ts Free PowerPoint Template-19

Dos and Don’ts Free PowerPoint Template

Grab this Readily Available Dos and Don'ts PowerPoint Slide Show

This slide can be used to showcase two sides of any concept. Present the point that the sales personnel should keep in mind while selling the product. Also, the slide can be used to showcase the things that a salesperson should avoid while selling the product. This slide is perfect to elucidate the essential dos and don’ts for a salesperson.

Operations Free PowerPoint Template-20

Operations Free PowerPoint Template

Get this Operations Free PowerPoint Slide Design 

Showcase the interrelated parts of your organization using this predesigned PowerPoint template. Display how sales department is dependent on the other departments of the organization. Create an impactful presentation on operational planning and team management. The sales department is based on the purchase, finance and other departments for its proper functioning.

Global Challenges and Solutions Free PowerPoint Template-21

Global Challenges And Solutions Free PPT Template

Grab this Creative Global Challenges Free PPT Slide 

The above-shown template can be used to showcase the global business challenges faced by your organization. Formulate plans and strategies to deal with the challenges and overcome them. This beautifully designed template is curated by a team of professional designers that gives you access to alter and modify all the elements of this slide.

Challenges Free PowerPoint Template-22

Challenges Free PowerPoint Template

Click here to Download this Challenges Free PowerPoint Slide Design

Mention the challenges a person faces while selling the product or while making a sales plan. Jot down the points one must consider while creating an effective sales plan. Display the steps of creating a sales plan and the technique to overcome the sales objections. Devise an impactful sales presentation taking the assistance of this template.

Clock for Time Management Free PowerPoint Template-23

Clock For Time Management Free PowerPoint Template

Download this Clock for Time Management PowerPoint Slide

Take care of the deadlines and meeting events with the help of this ready-to-use clock for time management free PowerPoint Slide. Manage your time efficiently and guide your workforce about the ways they can meet the deadlines timely. The PPT slide will help you list and prioritize your sales task.

Zigzag Roadmap Free PowerPoint Template-24

Zigzag Roadmap Free PowerPoint Template

Get this Zigzag Roadmap Free PPT Slide

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Process Free PowerPoint Template

Grab this Professionally Created Process Free PowerPoint Slide Show

This template will serve as a step-by-step guide for designing a winning sales process. Showcase the key activities that the representatives must follow to keep the deals moving forward. Present the important sales strategies that are sure to increase productivity using this slide.

Product Features PowerPoint Template-26

Product Features PowerPoint Template

Click here to Download this Product Features Free PPT Template

Highlight the features of the products and services you are selling by employing this product features PowerPoint slide design. You can create a sales plan taking into consideration the product’s features and characteristics. This creatively designed PPT slide is totally customizable and can be modified as per your needs. Showcase the sales target and the sales policies of the current year using this template.

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Mission Vision Goals Free PPT Template

Get this Customizable Mission Vision Goal Free PPT Slide

Share the mission, vision, and goals of the organization with your audience in an engaging way. Meet your sales target by incorporating this completely editable PowerPoint slide show. This slide design will prove to be a resourceful template for you with all the facets like sales target, sales mission, sales vision, and goal. Discuss with your team members about the concept of sales and come up with an interesting strategy.

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Project Management Free PowerPoint Template

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Get started with these beautifully created free sales PowerPoint templates and devise strategies to ramp up your sales .

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How to Execute the ADDIE Model in Training Development (Templates + Examples)

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

September 1, 2024

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We’ve all sat through training sessions that are just…blah? 👀

But not all training has to be boring. What if you can design a training that’s informative, inspiring, motivating, and downright fun?

That’s where the ADDIE model comes in.

 It’s your road map for creating training that’s not just memorable but effective. 

The ADDIE model provides an orderly strategy for designing, developing, and delivering high-quality learning experiences. Combining the ADDIE framework with the right templates ensures that your learning content design and development are smooth and easy.

Ready to level up your training game?

In this blog, we’ll discuss how the right ADDIE model template can help speed up the development process while delivering a quality learning experience for participants.

What are ADDIE Templates?

What makes a good addie template, examples of the addie model in training, clickup’s free addie templates, enrich the learning experience with clickup addie templates.

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The ADDIE Model is a methodical approach used in instructional design that ensures the development of effective educational and training programs . It is one of the most widely used instructional design frameworks for developing training and educational products. 

The model stands for five phases:

Each phase plays an important role in ensuring that the learning objectives are met and that the instructional materials are tailored to the specific learning needs of the individuals. ADDIE templates can help learning and development professionals create ADDIE-based training courses easily. 

Whether you’re an instructional designer, human resources HR professional, or corporate trainer, the ADDIE model template can help bridge the gap between business expectations and training outcomes.

It’s a great way to chart a clear path for course development and get buy-in from process owners, subject matter experts (SMEs), and other stakeholders.

When choosing an ADDIE model template, consider your training goals, the instructional design processes you follow, and the target audience. The right template must:

  • Visualize ADDIE stages: You should be able to capture project requirements, create a content outline, align tasks under each stage, view feedback, and track change requests—all in one place
  • Support attachments: Your ADDIE template should have sections for adding attachments, draft links, mock-up files, feedback forms, etc.
  • Be customizable: Whether you need to start from scratch or jump directly to the final step, a good ADDIE template should be adaptable to any part of the ADDIE training model
  • Show dependencies: The template should provide both a big-picture view of the overall project and a filter down to specific learning tasks
  • Enable automation: At a minimum, you should be able to set reminders for meetings and follow-ups
  • Promote collaboration: The ADDIE template you choose should have sharing, task assignment, and commenting options for all stakeholders
  • Support integrations: Look for an ADDIE template that integrates smoothly into your existing instructional design workflows, LMS, project management tools like ClickUp, etc
  • Be AI-powered: Select a training software that provides AI-assisted templates to enhance the overall learning experience

The ADDIE model is the de facto standard for developing effective training plans. Here are a few use cases that prove its effectiveness across its five phases:

Sales training

Sales reps often need objection handling or closing techniques scripts they can use in different situations. In the development phase, the instructional designer must take special care to avoid information overload while breaking down specific scenarios agents face on client calls. 

With the help of the ADDIE model, trainers and instructional designers can:

  • Analyze: Review the existing sales playbook to gain a deep understanding of the current sales process and business metrics. They can then use this knowledge to contextualize learning goals and identify areas for improvement
  • Design: Organize the content by topic, condense key process elements into modules, and create a flexible outline based on various sales scenarios—to ensure the training is relevant and applicable to different situations
  • Develop: Create the course content and write down instructional materials for the facilitators
  • Implement : Schedule the training sessions, encourage participation, and provide feedback to learners
  • Evaluate : Collect feedback on ease of use and content quality. Then, compare performance scores achieved pre and post-training to gauge their effectiveness

Onboarding training

Onboarding programs are distinct from process training. They are usually in-person sessions providing information on benefits, access rights, DEI training , reporting, and schedule alignment. However, if HR keeps getting questions related to the same topics covered during onboarding, leveraging the ADDIE model can help you:

  • Analyze : Understand what parts of the onboarding program employees struggle with and identify missing contextual information that would make  the content more relevant
  • Design: Break down complex topics into smaller modules and evaluate the need for e-learning videos or other interactive elements with on-demand access. Consider whether ditching the whiteboard and using online teaching tools might increase retention
  • Develop: Prioritize updating the new hire manual or preparing FAQ pages relating to payroll, benefits, etc., for the internal employee portal
  • Implement: Spend time discussing topics highlighted by employees earlier in the session and provide links to online resources for the relatively less important ones
  • Evaluate: Schedule follow-ups three to six months after onboarding to check if employees can recall or find answers to their questions using knowledge management software

Soft skills training

Soft skills are generally harder to measure than other skills. Analyzing metrics like CSat or NPS can help. However, you would also need qualitative feedback or observational data to identify gaps and develop effective training interventions. 

Using the ADDIE model, you can:

  • Analyze: Hold one-to-one meetings with SMEs, line managers, and trainers to understand soft skill gaps and compare findings with reporting metrics to identify common trends
  • Design: Create an outline for both self-assessment and instructor-led training modules, ensuring alignment with project goals. Obtain sign-off from project owners to confirm the training’s relevance and effectiveness. Establish clear success metrics to measure the course’s impact and effectiveness
  • Development: Create the instructional materials based on the learning goals and develop a facilitator’s guide for use by the trainers
  • Implement: Schedule sessions with no more than 20-30 participants to facilitate interaction and engagement. Try to incorporate warm-up activities to create a positive and inviting learning environment. Regularly review key topics and gather post-training feedback to assess effectiveness and identify areas for improvement
  • Evaluate:  Identify areas for improvement and recommend post-training interventions

While Excel, PowerPoint, or Google Sheets can provide you with a base outline for the ADDIE model framework, it’s best to have training plan templates that integrate with your existing workspace.

As a collaborative and user-friendly project management platform, ClickUp can help you manage your learning content creation process end to end. 

With its advanced project management features and an array of handy templates and integrations, ClickUp makes the workflow smoother and easier to document, process, and share ahead. The platform offers customizable, feature-rich templates that help you create a master plan around the ADDIE instructional design model. 

Let’s check them out! 

1. ClickUp Addie Template

ClickUp ADDIE Template

When starting work on a new training project, you must first determine what to prioritize, how to organize the course, identify the resources needed, and set deadlines. For all these tasks, ClickUp’s ADDIE Template is your best ally. 

It lets you:

  • Plug your project details into this folder template and break them down into the five ADDIE phases. It’ll track their current status by due date and owner name. Batch specific tasks together and assign priority levels to them
  • Coordinate with content, design, and IT teams easily thanks to built-in sharing options and a dedicated Gantt view. This helps you manage dependencies and resource constraints in the design phase or even the implementation phase
  • Attach files alongside each record or task and save time switching between email or Slack chats to download files or share updates
  • Get a high-level view of design and development tasks on a timeline , which makes planning and execution easier, especially when creating new iterations of the basic material/outline
  • Align learner needs and organizational goals , thereby streamlining content planning and production 

💡Pro Tip: You can leverage ClickUp’s 1000+ integrations to ensure easy collaboration, hassle-free communication, and transparency in the workflow across various platforms, such as Google Calendar, Hubspot, Slack, Gmail, Dropbox, etc.

2.  ClickUp’s Course Development and Planning Template

ClickUp Course Development and Planning Template

A primary benchmark while developing course content is whether the participants will be able to perform the desired task with the desired level of proficiency. That’s where the ClickUp Course Development and Planning Template comes to your rescue.

It helps you:

  • Set clear course development  goals to align the business goals and learner preferences right from the analysis phase. Create an initial outline, break it down into activities, and turn them into tasks
  • Assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and identify challenges based on the progress level and effort required
  • See the complete project timeline, allocate resources, and share periodic updates with other stakeholders via the built-in Preparation Gantt. If certain tasks require additional input, team members can mark those on a dedicated status board 
  • Build multiple training modules concurrently in a university management software and accelerate the implementation phase with this nifty template

Read More : 10 Best Customer Training Software in 2024

ClickUp’s Education Management Software is notable for its capacity to streamline and centralize management and administrative tasks in the educational sector.

ClickUp Education Management Software

The software allows you to:

  • Organize tasks
  • Manage enrolment data
  • Track the course information
  • Automate workflows and administrative tasks in one convenient platform

💡Pro Tip: Use ClickUp Whiteboards to brainstorm the topics and activities you want to focus on and how to design the overall structure and outline of your course content.

 3. ClickUp Training Framework Template

ClickUp Training Framework Template

Whether it’s an online or in-person course, connecting individual lessons to the overall course plan helps improve comprehension and retention among learners. To make logical decisions regarding training methods and delivery, use ClickUp’s Training Framework Template . 

It’s designed to help:

  • Assess the current knowledge level of your target audience and structure the training around their needs
  • Decide the best delivery mode based on the experience and learning styles of the audience. For example, process training for new hires must be instructor-led in most cases, while quarterly compliance training can be assigned as an e-learning course
  • Collect post-session feedback efficiently and use it in the evaluation phase to accurately assess the overall learning experience

💡Pro Tip: Use ClickUp Clips to create screen recording-based video content for e-learning courses. You can also add comments on the Clips if you’re trying to develop content and need to give feedback. 

4. ClickUp Training Rollout Plan Template

ClickUp Training Rollout Plan Template

Based on your organization’s annual training calendar, employees may be required to take assigned training within a specific timeframe. However, there may be delays because of unrealistic expectations or inadequate planning. 

ClickUp’s Training Rollout Plan Template allows you to schedule training programs in a way that’s convenient for learners and complies with business expectations . For example, you may decide to stagger the rollout on a phase-by-phase or department-by-department basis.

With this template, you can:

  • Adapt the learning design for different audiences like new hires, first-line employees, senior managers, and executives
  • Choose the best mode of delivery, including instructor-led, online, blended, etc.
  • Schedule training sessions according to the schedules of the participants
  • Track the completion rate and manage any pending groups
  • Manage the training calendar more effectively
  • Iterate and improve the instructional materials for a better learning experience

💡Pro Tip: Use ClickUp Automations to manage and act on the status of your tasks. You can configure ClickUp to archive a task when its status changes from “In Progress” to “Complete.” 

5. ClickUp Learning Management System Implementation Template

Learning Management System Implementation Template

As your product or service evolves, your Learning Management System (LMS) needs to keep up. You would need an LMS implementation project plan that outlines steps for launching and successfully implementing the system on schedule and within budget. 

If you’re considering an upgrade, ClickUp’s Learning Management System Implementation Template can make the transition stress-free. It provides a blueprint for the implementation phase, including setup, testing, and reporting. 

In the post-implementation stage, this template can help streamline administrative aspects like enrollment management, compliance tracking, and reporting. 

ClickUp’s Learning Management System Implementation Template helps you:

  • Align implementation objectives with the operational needs of the organization   
  • Reduce implementation costs
  • Prioritize tasks based on impact and complexity and map them to the five phases of the ADDIE process
  • Build a big-picture view for all stakeholders, improving transparency and accountability
  • Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for post-implementation tasks like data governance, access management, etc

💡Pro Tip: Use ClickUp Docs to brainstorm ideas for goals and objectives. Edit in real time with your team, tag them on comments, assign action items, and convert text into trackable tasks to stay on top of your ideas.

6. ClickUp Learning and Development Project Template

Screenshot of ClickUp's Learning and Development Project Template

If you want to get more out of your learning and development budget, it’s critical to avoid scope changes and content revisions . While changes may be fine during the analysis phase, once the project progresses to the design phase, the cost of making changes increases substantially. 

ClickUp’s Learning and Development Project Template helps you cover all your bases when executing instructional design projects. This includes optimizing resource allocation, improving the learner experience, and impacting business outcomes. 

With this template, you get to:

  • Centralize all your project briefs, responsibilities, and resources in one place
  • Plan new and ongoing projects from end to end 
  • Track the status of each project in the development stage and keep all stakeholders in the loop
  • Streamline budgeting and resource allocation for ongoing and new projects

 Missing out on small but important details can derail even well-planned course development projects. ClickUp’s ADDIE model templates help plug these execution gaps by combining training workflows across all five phases in one place. 

Whether you want to improve the onboarding experience, update your learning content, or collect feedback, ClickUp provides the visibility and focus you need to execute demanding projects on time and within budget.  Enhance your curriculum development process and improve training and development outcomes with ClickUp. Sign up for free today!

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