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[REVIEW] Mat Kilau: A Movie That Should Have Went Out On Merdeka Day

Mat Kilau feat

Before I start this review, let me just formally apologise for being late to the party.

I know the hype of this movie is long gone by now but I feel like they should have just released it during Merdeka Day since it’s such a historical piece of film with a historical meaning behind it. Am I wrong? I don’t think so. 

As such, I took it upon myself to post this a few days before Merdeka day. You’re welcome. 

Anyway, the real reason I put the movie off for so long was because it’s RM24 for a ticket.

Now, I am lots of things, and a cheapskate is definitely one of them. Also, I’ve heard so many mixed reviews about this movie that it kind of made me procrastinate watching it. With some people saying it’s too overrated and others straight up pleading for you to “ got to go see this masterpiece! ” 

So here I am. Months later and completely up to date with all the Mat Kilau hype. I have seen it, I have quite a lot of thoughts about it. I also feel the need to say that I only saw this movie once so I’m doing this review based on memory only. Because there’s no way I’m paying another RM24 to get any of the facts right so bear with me. 

I’m also not going to mention that the movie broke records by being the highest paid movie of the year or something like that. That’s not the point of it. I’m just here to tell you my thoughts on the movie, that’s all.

Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead. Some , at least. So watch out and take care, folks!

The Beginning

review film mat kilau essay

The whole premise of this movie revolves around our main character, Mat Kilau (played by Adi Putra), who’s apparently deemed the best warrior his village has ever seen. Along with his other warrior friends, Wahid (played by Beto Kusyairi) and Awang (played by Fattah Amin), they try their hardest to defend their village and their people against the evil powers of the British colonists. 

The movie starts off with a bunch of villagers minding their own business until a group of British soldiers ambushed them and demanded tax payments for their land. But since the villagers refused to pay them they get shot one by one, with the last person ruing their existence and pledging revenge. 

After the screen fades to black, we move onto a Naruto-esque scene in the woods with a bunch of Malayan warriors practising their martial arts on each other, jumping through trees and attacking each other with keris and hand-to-hand combat. Here is where we first get introduced to the Mat Kilau gang. 

And despite the sound effects of their martial activity completely busting my eardrums, I’d say it’s a pretty cool scene altogether. It shows the ways of Malayan martial arts that I’ve only ever heard of but never before seen properly. So it’s super interesting to watch and had me give my undivided attention to. 

After the fight scene, we see that there’s conflict between the warriors. Especially a one sided conflict between Awang and Mat Kilau. It’s pretty basic in a sense that Awang thinks he’s the best warrior to ever live when everyone’s eyes were already on Mat Kilau since the beginning. So it makes sense that he has that sort of animosity and jealousy towards Mat Kilau and all the attention he’s getting.

The movie progresses with a lot more characters introduced. We see which characters would be the bane of our existence and we see ones that really didn’t matter in the first place (like that Chinese merchant man that played as the British’s confidant and those old men that are the village heads). 

Annoying Characters Are What Makes A Movie Memorable

review film mat kilau essay

This is the part where I tell you that I despise the mere existence of Awang in this film.

You know in every movie there has to be a character that just can’t and won’t listen to anybody but themselves and in the end gets everyone killed? Well, that’s Awang for you. This little loser just had to go out of his way to “prove himself worthy” and in the middle of his self-titled mission got a whole bunch of people killed. 

And he wanted to fix that mistake he made by saying that they can take his life as repayment? Boy, please . You were reckless and your friends suffered the consequences of your actions. Do more than offer yourself as sacrifice. 

If there’s one thing that I took away from this movie is that there were a lot of them that were annoying and unnecessary to start off with.

The village heads and even the Sultan in the movie did absolutely nothing to help their people fight off the British army invasion. They just sat there in their brooding frowns and serious faces and talked bad about Mat Kilau (who was the only one that actually did help!). It’s actually amazing that a movie can have so many unlikeable characters and still make you pay attention to it.

Mat Kilau ni pun satu . Never have I seen such a trusting and well-meaning person. Sometimes his husnuzon behaviour (always thinking good of people) gets on my nerves. But he redeemed himself in the end when he gave into his anger and just full-on massacres the army. It’s very satisfying to see.

I’m not going to get into the British army soldiers and the leader of the gang, Captain Syers (played by Geoff Andre Feyaerts) because an overwhelming feeling of anger for that character just takes over my body and I feel like this review would just be a 10-page rant on how annoying that British man is. The guy that plays him isn’t even British. But kudos to him for being able to pull it off — even though the bleach dye was a dead giveaway. 

Another thing is that Captain Syers had help from someone that’s from Borneo named Toga (played by Yayan Ruhian) and there’s something weirdly homoerotic going on there because I don’t know anyone who would lay down their own life for just a singular person. A person that doesn’t care if you lived or died, in fact. But I have to admit, he was actually the most interesting character in the movie.

Worded Poetry Can Only Get You So Far

Mat Kilau (2022) - IMDb

Moving on, the script could have used a little help though. All those flowery and poetic words just feels like a pep-talk before a big game. The characters are all very patriotic, that’s definitely something that’s not sugar coated at all. But sometimes, the words don’t hit as hard because they’re just said to make the viewers angry at certain characters. 

Like the British were given dialogues that either make your vein burst from clenching your jaw so hard in anger or they make you roll your eyes at every entry. It almost seemed comical how blatantly racist and ignorant their words are. 

The lines between the warriors, although said in a language that’s old and beautiful and filled with flowered poetry, sometimes lacks context and character. They’re just said very robotically and I feel like the only character that emotes well was Wahid — even though his dialogues are said in anger half of the time. 

This is definitely one movie that embodies “action speaks louder than words”, where we have a bunch of characters just brooding at each other throughout the whole two hours.

It’s also uncomfortably in your face about how patriotic they were. Is that alright to say? There were a lot of words like “ semangat Malayu ” thrown around but we’re not going to get into any of that. That seems like another article altogether.

This is also the part where I’m going to be completely honest and say that I don’t remember much of the movie. The parts that I do take away from it is that it has pretty good pacing and it doesn’t really dilly dally on one part of a scene for too long so it’s easy to watch. I’ve heard complaints of the movie being too fast-paced and gives the characters no room to grow but to me, it was alright. I like fast-paced films, it keeps me focused for the most part.

I do have complaints about the sound effects though. It’s so loud. And the exaggeration of the sound effects grates on my ears after a while. 

But overall, I’d give the movie a 7 out of 10.

I took points off of some plot holes, weird one liners and the ending but otherwise, I’d say this movie was pretty good. It’s a great movie to watch with family and to invoke a sense of pride and appreciation for your Malaysian heritage and the sacrifices your ancestors went through to make the country into what it is today. It also helps you learn history in a more… fun setting, I would say. 

There’s More To Come… Probably

review film mat kilau essay

So the movie ended in sort of like a cliffhanger. The bad guy got away while the good guys suffered injuries and deaths on their side of the fence. There wasn’t a definite ending, I would say. Definitely not an ending that people (read: me) are pleased with. It just leaves you hanging and forces you to make up your own conclusion. I don’t know, it just feels like there should be more to it than just death and cowardly escape plans, you know?

Or are they relating this to how real life actually is? That sometimes there’s just no happy ending at all and filled with cliffhangers. Who can really tell?

If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I’m sure it’ll be up on Netflix later this year or something. So there’s no need to feel any FOMO. A movie like this isn’t going to just fade away in time. There will also be sequels in the future, probably. 

Anyway, it was fun. That’s it. It’s not a movie that you’d take too seriously, in my opinion. It’s just a very good one to watch when you’re in a patriotic mood.

If you’re in for a more comedic Merdeka movie, we have another Malaysian hero that you might find more interesting:

[REVIEW] Badang: The Merdeka Movie No One Asked For

Badang movie poster

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Our review of the mat kilau movie.

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By Asia Samachar |  Malaysia  |

All set to scramble to catch the movie Mat Kilau? Sikhs are keen to see how Sikh soldiers, working for the British, were portrayed in the action movie which is breaking grounds on collection count. The movie is making money. After 17 days, the collection is said to have crossed RM61 million. It has certainly turned into a local box-office phenomenon.

Take a breather. We went to watch ‘Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan’ to help you decide whether you want to part with your hard earned money.

The movie is pitched as a ‘film inspired by the epic Malaysian historical figure Mat Kilau who had fought against the British colonists in Pahang before independence.’

There is Mat Kilau, the Malay warrior who fought the British colonialists in the Malaysian state of Pahang. He was the son of Pahang chieftain Tok Gajah. And there is Mat Kilau the movie, a fictional presentation around the times of the Pahang uprising (1891-1895).

Let’s get the politics out of the way. There are two things at work when we try to understand the world surrounding Mat Kilau at that point of time. There is the rivalry between the Malay chiefs, and their anger with the British for snatching away their income. In her monograph on Pahang’s history, Prof Aruna Gopinath noted that the major threat which (Pahang ruler) Sultan Ahmad and his chiefs faced was the British establishment of the State Council in 1889.

“With the creation of the this institution, the individual powers and privileges of the Sultan and his chiefs were defined and regulated….Paradoxically Sultan Ahmad and his chiefs were affected by the new regulations passed with regards to two sensitive issues – slavery and forced labour. These had constituted an essential part of wealth in the traditional government for Sultan Ahmad and his chiefs, but the new laws were to act against their interests,” she writes in the monograph entitled ‘Pahang, 1880-1933: A Political History .’

So, it’s not all about yanking out the British. Self-preservation and self-interest is very much at work.

Now, back to the movie. Turbaned Sikhs were very visibly present throughout the movie. These were the British-employed policemen. How did they end up there? Here are two entries in the ‘Sikhs In Malaysia Series (Volume Two) – Highlights of A Century (1873-1973) ‘ by Malkiat Singh Lopo-Dhaliwal and Mukhtiar Kaur Rattian-Sandhu.

“1888: Sikhs from Selangor Police volunteered to follow Captain Cross to start a new force in Pahang. On reaching Singapore the party sailed to Pekan. In the following year the British Resident Mr Rodger established the Pahang Sikhs after recruiting more men from Selangor, Perak and Singapore. In this way Sikhs became the pioneers to start the police forces in Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor and Pahang. By 1892, there were 200 Sikhs in the Pahang Police.”

“1891. A detachment of 53 men from the Selangor Sikh Contingent, under Captain Syers, rendered their services in Pahang.”

The audience are quickly drawn in the thick of action. The movie begins with Captain Syers, accompanied by Sikh soldiers, rounding up a group of Malay villagers, looking for some rebel-rousers. It does not end well for the villagers. Some cold blooded shooting ensue.

The British officer comes across as arrogant, displaying haughty contempt of others. He describes the Malays as ‘ bangsa yang berpecah-belah, bangsa yang mudah dibeli ‘ (a divided race, easily bought). More on the scripting, later. He is made out to be almost a comical figure. Okay, you cannot mistake enemy number one!

One of the Punjabi-Sikh soldiers speaks Malay, and is pretty good at it, too. Nothing like the Punjabi kid in the Upin & Ipin series who speaks funny Malay, mimicking the ways how some Sikhs used to speak in pre-Merdeka days. Syers sidekick is a Chinese taukey. He, too, speaks fluent Malay.

But there’s a huge problem with the scripting. Many a time, it ends up sounding like a school play. There is too much of in-your-face preaching of Malay unity and Islam. “ Di mana ketuanan orang Melayu di mata British ?” asks one of the chieftains at a meeting. Nothing wrong with wanting to push the Malay agenda. But do it more gracefully. It should weave effortlessly in and out of the dialogues, not pushed down your throat. When writing, remember this dictum: show, don’t tell.

Take the scene when Mat Kilau is talking to wife and kid. They are about to go separate ways for a while due to the intense situation. Behind them is a waterfall, a beautiful scenery. But the dialogue falls flat, and the acting is miserable. All through the movie, they tried to deliver Yoda-like lines, but failed.

When it came to the brutal murder of a very pregnant woman, is it possible they had confused British harshness with the Japanese brutality in Malaya during World War 2? Perhaps the producers took liberty of the creative license. No one is suggesting the British are do-gooders, not capable of harm. Sikhs recall the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919. In 2019, British Prime Minister Theresa May described it as a ‘shameful scar on British Indian history’. [Year corrected].

So, is there an issue with the way the Sikh soldiers were represented? These were soldiers, not civilians. You give the movie producers the bandwidth to portray them a little bit on the ruthless side. Despite the intense fighting, with some fierce silat moves, their turbans stayed in tact. Bravo!

In real life, though, there is little documented proof that Sikh soldiers were barbaric.

When preparing his book years ago, Malkiat had combed reams and reams of material. Did he find anything to the opposite? “I have never came across a news report or complaint of Sikhs being brutal to the public. They were helpful, they helped the poor, they were the trusted by the community,” Malkiat told Asia Samachar .

So, if you have nothing really to do, then go and enjoy this Malay flick. Otherwise, keep drilling into your Netflix or whatever other platforms you have at your disposal.


Action film Mat Kilau can promote hatred towards minorities, says Sikh organisations ( Asia Samachar,  9 July 2022)

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Mat Kilau (2022), A Step Ahead For Malaysia’s Film Industry

Mat Kilau 2022 Poster

Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022) , Malaysia’s current highest-grossed blockbuster film with almost 100 million collection since 23 Jun 2022. Read more to read our movie review on this piece!

Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022)

This film is about the crusade of Mat Kilau, a very prominent historical figure known for his freedom fighting against the British in Pahang, Malaysia. It successfully captures people’s attention to the point that the discussion about this film can be seen on every social media platform.

Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022) Main Cast

Adi Putra as Mat Kilau (2022)

Movie Review: Why This Piece Is A Must Watch Movie 

Mat Kilau (2022) Main Cast

Mat Kilau Movie Review: Understanding its essence, Mat Kilau (2022) covers the struggles of the locals during the British colonial period which became the ground of the movement. The exploitation that is perpetrated upon the locals caused them to fight for their justice, and Mat Kilau (Adi Putra) along with Wahid (Beto Kusyairy) and Awang (Fattah Amin), decided to lead their people. 

Since this film is a biographical historical film, it serves as a visual depiction of what happened during that time. Malaysians learn about Tanah Melayu’s warriors in highschool namely Mat Kilau, Dol Said, Datuk Maharaja Lela, and etc.

With this film, it helps in giving a bigger picture of the situation and catches people’s attention to explore deeper within the warriors’ perspective. At the same time it has become Malaysia’s catalyst in the rise of patriotic and nationalistic values.

The Wave This Film Created

review film mat kilau essay

The director, Syamsul Yusof, uses this film to cherish Malaysia’s tradition and culture by including fighting scenes highlighting “Silat”, the nation’s martial art.

Mat Kilau (2022) Fighting Scene

Mat Kilau and his friends utilised the Silat martial art along with “keris” (dagger with a wavy blade) and “sabit” (curved blade) in all their fights against the British. This spotlights the importance of preserving Malaysia’s cultural elements for the next generation. 

Malaysian men wearing tanjak to cinema

Netizens’ reaction in social media shows how effective this strategy is in raising awareness on our tradition and culture. Some of them even wear Malaysia’s male headgear made of songket, best-known as “tanjak” or “tengkolok” to the cinema. This contributes to the encouragement that wearing traditional garments are not restricted to traditional and formal events. 

@sofyank96 Keris yang mengilau, aku dipanggil Mat Kilau ? w/ @theabyl_ #9forstvid #matkilau #jalexrosa ♬ original sound – Sofyank96 – Sofyank96

This is one of the example, posted by Sofyank , Malaysia’s rising talent, jumping into the trend paved by Mat Kilau (2022). More can be seen throughout social media platforms, namely Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, etc..

About The Real Mat Kilau

Mat Kilau bin Imam Rasu Image

Mat Kilau is a native of Kampung Pulau Tawar in Jerantut, Pahang, who is said to have been born in late 1980s. He is known as the most important Malay warrior, fighting against British colonisation in his state. He fought together with his father, Tok Gajah (Imam Rasu), and other warriors namely Dato’ Bahaman and Mat Kelubi. 

The struggle started in the 1890s, when people in Pahang were revolting. They went against the British who took over their government’s power; collected taxes and revenue from appointed local authorities. Due to the raging protest by people, the British then declared war against several Pahang nobilities. They ordered for their arrest and punishment. Thankfully, Mat Kilau and other several leaders managed to escape to neighbouring states namely Kelantan and Terengganu.

Mat Kilau's death report

Going through his nomadic life, Mat Kilau was once thought dead by his friends in 1895 at Kelantan. 

review film mat kilau essay

However, 74 years after that, on 26 December 1969, Malaysia was perplexed with a shocking declaration made by an old man living in Kampung Pulau Tawar. He claimed that he is Mat Kilau and had been hiding his identity for decades. Unfortunately, on 10 August 1970, 4 days after the then Menteri Besar Pahang announced that he is indeed Mat Kilau, he died due to an illness. He was believed to be 122 years old at that time.

Mat Kilau is the warrior that will always be respected and looked up to by Malaysians. It is such a shame if we are not proud and amazed by our history. The effort in the making of Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022) film should be praised and celebrated. Maybe we can hope that this film is also going to the Oscars 2022, like Prebet Sapu .

Since this film is still in cinemas, Malaysians are recommended to go watch and support our local film. Run to your nearest cinema now!

Nur Sharmimi

Nur Sharmimi

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Mat Kilau Ending Explained

Mat Kilau  makes its way to Netflix and this Malay patriotic film is action-packed as the locals fight for their freedom from British colonialism. Directed by Syamsul Yusof, the movie stars Adi Putra, Beto Kusyairy, Fattah Amin, Yayan Ruhian, alongside other cast members.

The plot of the movie follows the Malaysian historical figure Mat Kilau who had fought against the British colonists in Pahang before Independence.

Netflix’s synopsis of the movie reads:


Mat Kilau Ending Explained

As the movie, Mat Kilau reaches its climax, the hero tries to light the flames of freedom in the villagers’ hearts as he tells them to get together and fight against the colonists. However, the people are not ready to risk their lives as they leave the gathering to get along with their lives.

Mat Kilau is not ready to give up on his faith in these people and continues to prepare for the upcoming battle. However, he soon finds out that there is a traitor among the leaders and that this person was why Wahid’s wife is dead. Soon the group connects the dot and finds the man who chose to betray them.

Mat Kilau Ending Explained

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He leaves to punish the man but instead gives him a chance. Elsewhere, Captain Syers is desperate to find Kilau and his friends so that he can finally prove his worth. He soon gets the information from the spy he had placed among the leaders and is ready to pull an attack on Kilau.

The next day, the British soldiers enter the forest where Kilau and his friends have set traps and one by one they all lose their lives to the ingenious traps. The group even sends back a heavily wounded soldier to Syers before launching their attack on the colonists.

However, Syers is ready for them as he unleashes the canons on the group and just when it looked like things are going downhill for Kilau, the villagers emerge and come running to fight.

And soon, amidst the canon and gun firing, the battle for freedom has begun. The intense war continues and seeing how Kilau’s side is not easy to defeat, Toga and the other pirate join the battle in order to counterattack.

Mat Kilau Ending Explained

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While they are able heavily wound the villagers, Syers is not assured and soon escapes the battlefield. Kilau notices this and runs behind him while Toga follows behind. On the other hand, Wahid is set to take revenge on the murderer who killed his wife.

Kilau runs behind Syers but is soon stopped by Toga who engages in a fight with him, but the former is unable to strike him down until Wahid interferes. The two join hands but Toga ends up killing Wahid after which he ends up killed by Kilau.

On the battlefield, the freedom fighters are able to take down the British soldiers, and even though the lives lost were many, the spirit of freedom rose once again.

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Will there be a Mat Kilau 2?

Mat Kilau has definitely left the door open for a sequel and looking at the domestic popularity of the movie. It is known that this has led to the creators already working on a sequel which was a given seeing that this movie became the highest-grossing Malaysian movie.

So let’s wait until we get more information on Mat Kilau 2 .

Till then watch  Mat Kilau  on  Netflix .

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  • Beto Kusyairy
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Mat Kilau Reviews

review film mat kilau essay

One will definitely have to overcome the intense propagandistic elements in “Mat Kilau”, but beyond that, as a martial arts film, this is one of the best of the year.

Full Review | Original Score: 7.5 | Jan 4, 2023

A Review of Syamsul Yusof’s Malaysian Box Office Hit, Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022)

  • First Online: 22 May 2024

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review film mat kilau essay

  • Fatimah Muhd Shukri 3 ,
  • Mohd Saipuddin Suliman 3 ,
  • Nur Asfarina Ab Aziz 3 ,
  • Hidayat Hamid 3 ,
  • Siti Nur Anis Muhammad Apandi 3 &
  • Nik Zulkarnaen Khidzir 3  

Part of the book series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control ((SSDC,volume 524))

257 Accesses

Malaysian film Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (MKKP) directed by Syamsul Yusof tells the story of the Malay warrior Mat Kilau and his father Tok Gajah as they battle the British Empire to rescue Malaya from colonial rule. The film has become one of the highest-grossing Malaysian films of all time, earning RM97 million at cinemas in Malaysia, including Brunei, and Singapore in just 50 days. The film’s success highlights the potential of films to support national economic expansion and cultural diplomacy. This paper uses qualitative research design and content analysis to analyze the film’s portrayal of unity in Malay society in that colonial era. The five guidelines for social and psychological needs from “Uses and Gratification Theory” were adopted to validate the portrayal of unity application in the film and cinematic masterpiece production. Analysis indicates 60% of the narrative used is based on true stories, visuals, and dialogue to initiate emotional and aesthetic experiences to the audience, reflect the Personal Integrative Needs through heroics Mat Kilau character, Integrative Social Needs by highlighting the various Malaysian ethnicities act in the film and the Tension Release Needs for the audience when the climax of the film brings joy and relieve as results of the efforts and initiative to unite and fight together and gain a victory from British Colonizers. Therefore, these content analyses provide sufficient and significant evidence to conclude that MKKP entertains and effectively conveys the historical values, nationalism, and unity of Malaysian society.

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Bernama: Filem Mat Kilau sarat dengan mesej patriotisme. Astro Awani. . Last accessed 22 June 2022

Bernama: Kutipan filem Mat Kilau cecah RM90 juta selepas 33 hari tayangan. Sinar Harian. . Last accessed 25 July 2022

Begum, M.: Malaysian film ‘Mat Kilau Kebangkitan Pahlawan earns RM12.2mil at box office in 4 days. The Star Online. . Last accessed 27 June 2022

Bernama: Kejayaan luar biasa, Mat Kilau disebut dalam bajet 2023. . Last accessed 2022/10/07

Leha @ Zaleha Muhamat: perpaduan Ummah Menurut Kacamata Islam. Kertas kerja dalam seminar Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) dan Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM), 27–29 Februari 2004, di Eagle Bay Resort Resort, Pulau Langkawi, Kedah (2004)

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Hisham, H.T.: Cabaran industri filem Melayu, pandangan penggiat industri dan penonton. Doctoral dissertation, University of Malaya (2015)

Razid, M.A.: Patriotisme Nilai Jati Diri Dorong Rakyat Gigih Bangunkan Negara. Dlm. Ariah Judah. Mentari. Bil 2. Putrajaya: Bahagian Penerbitan Dasar Negara, Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia (2017)

Shariff, S.Z., Sualman, I., AdiIrawan, E.D.: Fostering unity among Malaysians: a case study on the local film industry. Int. J. Humanities Soc. Sci. 3 (10) (2013)

Umi Atikah Mohd Kamil: Kritikan Sosial Filem Talentime (2009). Kertas Penyelidikan Ijazah Sarjana Pengajian Melayu, Akademi Pengajian Melayu Universiti Malaya. Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (2017)

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Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kota Bharu, Malaysia

Fatimah Muhd Shukri, Mohd Saipuddin Suliman, Nur Asfarina Ab Aziz, Hidayat Hamid, Siti Nur Anis Muhammad Apandi & Nik Zulkarnaen Khidzir

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Department of Computerized Banking and Financial Sciences, Faculty of Business and Economics,, Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, Ramallah, Palestine, State of

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About this chapter

Muhd Shukri, F., Suliman, M.S., Ab Aziz, N.A., Hamid, H., Muhammad Apandi, S.N.A., Khidzir, N.Z. (2024). A Review of Syamsul Yusof’s Malaysian Box Office Hit, Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022). In: Awwad, B. (eds) The AI Revolution: Driving Business Innovation and Research. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 524. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 22 May 2024

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-54378-4

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-54379-1

eBook Packages : Engineering Engineering (R0)

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Mat Kilau

Where to watch

Mat kilau: kebangkitan pahlawan.

Directed by Syamsul Yusof

The rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1892. The greed of British officials and policies, which have imposed excessive taxes, confiscated land belonging to the Malays to reap the treasures of Pahang and disrupted the Islamic way in Pahang has caused dissatisfaction among the rulers and the Malays. The patriotic spirit of Mat Kilau and his friends who rose up against British violence had caused Captain Syers to launch an attack on Mat Kilau. Witness the heroic spirit of Mat Kilau, Tok Gajah and Mat Kilau's best friends use their wisdom to fight in the jungle against the British soldiers. Did Mat Kilau and his friends succeed in driving out the barbaric and greedy British army to reap gold and tin in Pahang?

Adi Putra Beto Kusyairy Fattah Amin Johan As'ari Ali Karimi Yayan Ruhian Geoff Andre Feyaerts Wan Hanafi Su Khir Rahman Farid Amirul A. Galak Zarina Zainoordin Farah Ahmad Jalaluddin Hassan Rahim Razali Namron Shaharuddin Thamby Ellie Suriaty Mubarak Majid Z.Zamrie Siraj Alsagoff Harith Haziq Kris Law Sathisvaran Magesvaaran David Abraham Wan Suhaimi Megat Terawis Awie Bakri Mark Geoffrry Show All… Dennis Arthur

Director Director

Syamsul Yusof

Producers Producers

Shahruddin Dali Abdul Rahman Dali

Writers Writers

Shahruddin Dali Syamsul Yusof Rizal Ashraf

Editor Editor

Cinematography cinematography.

Rahimi Maidin

Composer Composer

Santosh Logandran

Studio Kembara Skop Productions Sdn. Bhd.

Releases by Date

23 jun 2022, 31 aug 2022, 16 sep 2022, releases by country.

  • Digital 16 Netflix
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118 mins   More at IMDb TMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

Amir Daniel

Review by Amir Daniel ★ 2

bising nak mati


Review by Syaheeda ★★★

Quite a loss this film does not highlight the beauty of Pahang and its people. That's the first thing I hope for in this movie. I have to praise Syamsul Yusof's attempt. But the Islamization of a historical character continues to throw away our special Malay culture and it is very disappointing.

I understand the sentiment that the director brings. But I will not necessarily be attracted to that sentiment. The overly preachy dialogue writing from Mat Kilau’s character, Toga all the way to Byers spoils this storyline. Malay cinema needs to learn the importance of "silence" in character. Not everyone needs to talk to convey a feeling.

For me, Syamsul Yusof chose the safe path to make this film…


Review by rajaadam ½ 2

Ok we get it you’re all melayu, palawan melayu and faith in religion is the strongest weapon we can have in battle you do not need to SCREAM IT OUT LOUD EVERY 4 scenes

Eddie The Plankton

Review by Eddie The Plankton ★½ 1

Malaysia Cinema Watch #4

Pros: • Brilliantly choreographed fight sequences. • Excellent acting especially from Beto Kusyairi, who gave one of the most nuanced performance I've seen in a long while.

Cons: • Convulated plot that is further pulled down by its overly preachy tone. • Unbearably obnoxious and unnecessarily loud sound design throughout the movie. • The constant shaky camera made me nauseous. • Fight sequences sometimes went on for way too long that it drowns the story. • The non-existent ending is the cherry on top for me.

To summarize the whole film, it's kinda like the shittier version of RRR (2022) but with no songs and a little sprinkle of religious preach every 5 seconds.


Review by qream ★★

kenapa perut si rokiah tu sampai ke dada 😭


Review by Hilmy ★★

Could appreciate it more if it wasn't edited like a kl gangster movie. Also the sound design guy should be fired.

selim shedey

Review by selim shedey ★★

Imust confess that the first 5 minutes is one the best scenes in it. They keep on giving and i admit i cant even breath, kudos to that. If only the momentum stays throughout the whole film. Im a big fan of silat and i can say the fight choreography doesn't dissapoint me, but the camera work did, BIG ISSUE. Im totally okay if they want to implement the 'shaky camera' technique, but it was overdone. I cant fully enjoy the fight and sometimes i felt dizzy watching it. At one time i didn't even know what's happening and who's fighting at that exact moment. The next issue i had is the repetitiveness especially in the dialog. The idea of…


Review by nabila ½ 1

Everything about this was annoying pretentious n highly stereotyped I literally stopped gaf after 30 mins of watching plus fighting scenes made me dizzy n the sound is just shitty. Editing lvl bohemian rhapsody

A good attempt but just sad that this is the standard that we put onto local films cause we can do better than this I think


Review by g0ldrv5h ★★

editor: so how many sound effect do you want for mat kilau? 

syamsul yusof : yes

Ed Küpfer

Review by Ed Küpfer ★★

British imperialists wreak havoc in 1890s Malay, the titular warrior tries to get his fellow citizens to rise up in rebellion. For me, bad movies in English are much more difficult to sit through, because bad dialogue that I can understand is painful to hear—shitty dialogue in other languages is normally much easier to tolerate. This movie is the exception that tests that rule: usually bad dialogue is awkward and cringy, but in this movie the dialogue is bombastic and monotonous. Nobody in this movie talks, they speechify; literally every line is religious platitude or nationalistic sloganeering. It's an endless barrage of this shit. There are no characters, there are just socratic archetypes arguing for one position or another. It's…


Review by lymphaticsewage ★★

Perasan je…orang melayu kaitan dengan islam bukan selama selamanya dalam sejarah kita. Silat was not always tied to islam, acting like agama kita is our one and only asset and strength is hurtful and preachy. I know the muslims got off to this, hell me and my family liked it but some subtlety and silence would have been appreciated. Syamsul Yusof has always been explicit with his themes but the violence against women and children in his films to push up his male characters feels like they’re just props. Isteri Wahid was right. She died because of him, it was selfish of him but that was all overlooked because they wanted to make him seem noble.


Review by LaresPares ★★

Actionfilm über den Kampf malaiischer Dorfbewohner gegen britische Besatzungsmächte,Neu auf Netflix.

Überragende Martial Arts-Choreographien, auch wenn die Soundeffekte und die Shaky Cam oftmals drüber sind, werden leider von schwülstigem, oft fundamentalistisch religiösem und plump patriotischem Dauergeschwafel und -geschrei und schwachem Schauspiel unterbrochen. Zudem basiert dies auf historischen Ereignissen aber auch abgesehen von Dörfern voller Stuntmen stimmt hier historisch (vermutlich) überhaupt nichts. So sind auch einfach alle britischen Soldaten mit indischen Darstellern besetzt, wahrscheinlich aus Budgetgründen und damit die Kampfszenen besser umgesetzt werden konnten. Ziemlich lachhaft.

"Mat Kilau" macht stellenweise wahnsinnig Spaß, aber so viel Hirn ausschalten, um den Rest zu ertragen, geht gar nicht. Daher am Ende komplett unentschlossene zwei Sterne und keine Empfehlung. Bei Spaß am Subgenre einfach auf das Best of der MA-Szenen bei Youtube warten.

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Mat Kilau – what’s all the fuss about?

A look at the movie at the heart of the controversy

Updated 2 years ago · Published on 14 Jul 2022 11:00AM

Mat Kilau – what’s all the fuss about?

by Haikal Fernandez

THERE'S no mistaking that Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (Mat Kilau: Rise of the Warrior) is a phenomenon, becoming the highest-grossing Malaysian film of all time in less than two weeks. Of course, hitting that level of success has inspired both a backlash to the movie by critics, and a backlash to the backlash by its defenders. 

Fenomena #MatKilau ! ??? Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan adalah filem #1 di Malaysia selama 3 minggu berturut-turut, dan telah mengutip lebih RM71 juta box office dalam & luar negara! Congratulations Syamsul Yusof & Studio Kembara! Thank you Malaysia! ?? — GSC x Mat Kilau ?? (@GSCinemas) July 12, 2022

This discourse is not surprising given how racially and politically polarised Malaysia can get, especially considering how Mat Kilau interweaves a historical setting and conflict (though fictionalised) with themes of Malay supremacy and religious purity, while just about every other ethnic group are either nonexistent or complicit in the British subjugation of Malaysia.

Now, of course, a movie does not have to be all things to all people, if director Syamsul Yusof  wants to tell the story of Malay defiance in the face of colonialism, it is his right to do so. In fact, one of the very first things audiences in the cinema are shown is a disclaimer that while the character of Mat Kilau is real, the events of the movie are fictional in nature.

But if Sikh groups  are offended by the depiction of their people in the movie, that is also their right. While it is unquestionably true that the British employed ethnic groups like the Sikhs as troops in their empire, Sikhs did not commit the acts that are explicitly depicted in Mat Kilau – they did not gleefully gun down innocents. The movie has them in the role of hapless henchmen to be slaughtered by the dozen at the hands of Malay heroes. 

Which underlines the fact that Mat Kilau is not a historical drama , despite its setting, instead it is more of a straightforward action movie with the British colonisers and their puppets – Sikhs, Chinese schemers, mercenaries from Borneo – serving as the villains. 

Heroes and villains

In terms of its story, Mat Kilau is very black and white, in fact almost painfully so. It is 1890, and the British are expanding into Pahang to exploit its resources and levy burdensome taxes on the citizens. 

They – and the people who help them – are comically evil, while the Malay warriors, as embodied by Mat Kilau are heroic and virtuous, powered by an unshaken love of family, country and religion. They clash a few times, and good triumphs over evil.

The British are at turns evil and comical and that is exemplified by the character of Captain Syers, the primary villain of the movie. – Pic courtesy of Studio Kembara

There’s nothing inherently wrong with making a movie like this, even if the drama is simplistic and manipulative, with many dialogue scenes repeating the same ideas. Every character is one-dimensional and they have the same conversations that begin and end in the same way – oftentimes shouting most of the time. Themes of Malay supremacy and Islamic ideals are underlined and underlined again. 

This is not a subtle movie, and it doesn’t have to be, but for those looking for more than good guys beating bad guys, there’s not much there. At the same time, it is no surprise that it has struck a chord with audiences, especially Malays, because it celebrates traditional values in the face of foreign encroachment. 

The blurring of fact and fiction, and the emotions that it spurs among certain audiences is probably what some quarters of society are fearful of. After all, people are not generally swayed by facts, as emotions tend to rule the day. Reducing other ethnicities into stereotypes plays into that. 

Watching the Mat Kilau, one can’t help but think of other similarly nationalistic movies from overseas. A common comparison has been Ip Man, the 2008 modern martial arts classic from China, starring the awesome Donnie Yen. Like Mat Kilau, that film tells a highly fictionalised story of a real person. Wrapped up in the cloak of nationalism, Ip Man is also the story of traditional values rising up against a foreign power.

The Japanese in Ip Man are also evil and brutal, though if you read the history of their occupation, this depiction is not far from reality. However, Ip Man is remembered more for its exceptional fight scenes, which Mat Kilau falls short of. The action scenes are pretty exciting and the hits have impact – it’s also pretty bloody, which is a positive – but the annoying shaky cam often gets in the way.

Adi Putra brings the character of Mat Kilau to life, though there isn’t really much to him. He starts off heroic and ends heroic, without going through a single moment of doubt. – Pic courtesy of Studio Kembara

Why Mat Kilau?

Plenty of countries around the world make nationalistic movies about their past that are not entirely accurate – the US makes plenty – so why the furor around this one? 

Personally, a lot of it can be boiled down to factors beyond the movie itself. Non-Malays contributed to the fight against the British, then against the Japanese, and after that, they opposed communism, but they don’t feel like they get enough credit in mainstream culture. Meanwhile, the role of Malays is celebrated and highlighted, seemingly to the point of their exclusion. 

This is not the fault of the Mat Kilau movie, but its celebration by moviegoing audiences and others  means it has become the latest lightning rod for this type of argument. It reflects a continuing unease in a polarised socio-political climate. 

The movie itself is a predictable crowd-pleaser. It is predictable in many ways, including how it has captured the attention of audiences who want simple stories of virtuous heroes vanquishing villains. Mat Kilau’s celebration of Malay and Islamic values is a reminder of who the majority are in this country and what they want from their entertainment. – The Vibes, July 14, 2022

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R A W L I N S _ G L A M

Mat Kilau - Kebangkitan Pahlawan [Movie Review]

Mat Kilau - Kebangkitan Pahlawan [Movie Review] | I am not a big fan of a biography movie, but that doesn't mean that I don't watch them. 

Why not a fan? I don't like crying while watching it as you know that incidents in the film are based on true event.

Mat Kilau, Kebangkitan Pahlawan, Filem Mat Kilau, action, drama, Adventure, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins,

So, I was invited to watch Mat Kilau - Kebangkitan Pahlawan last Thursday at Starling Mall. Since it has been ages that I got invited to movie premieres, I quickly accepted the invitation. And of course I was excited to see a huge budget movie - how it fares in the hands of Syamsul Yusof as the Director. 

Mat Kilau, Kebangkitan Pahlawan, Filem Mat Kilau, action, drama, Adventure, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins,

Mat Kilau - Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022) Trivia  

  • Starring: Ady Putra , Beto Kusyairy , Fattah Amin , Johan As'ari , Rahim Razali , Nam Ron , A. Galak , Wan Hanafi Su & Jalaluddin Hassan
  • Directed by: Syamsul Yusof
  • Production Companies: Kembara Studio, Skop Productions
  • Release date: June 23, 2022
  • Running time: 120 minutes
  • Country: Malaysia
  • Language: Bahasa Melayu
  • The movie is inspired by Mat Kilau's resistance and not based entirely on facts .
  • There were bumps since the idea conception, way back in 2017 when Syamsul first announced that he is interested in directing a biopic movie of a Malaysian historical figure. 
  • In 2018, he announced the movie would revolved around Mat Kilau and started filming in April 2018, before stopped due to a few reasons.
  • The filming continued later in 2018. In 2020, he announced that the filming is nearing the end.
  • The filming completed in Feb 2021 but the release was postponed due to Covid. 
  • The overall cost is RM8 million with 100 days of filming in Perak, Pahang, Melaka and Selangor.  

Mat Kilau, Kebangkitan Pahlawan, Filem Mat Kilau, action, drama, Adventure, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins,

The movie starts with the British attacking a village, looking for three young men who were accused of rebelling against the British. When the group refused to disclose the whereabouts of the men, Captain Syers instructs the Gurkha army to kill everyone in sight, women and children included.  

This action worries the Malays - from the village people up until the royals. They decides that it is time for them to stand up against the British and agrees that the pupils of Tok Gajah should be considered to lead the resistance. 

Mat Kilau, Kebangkitan Pahlawan, Filem Mat Kilau, action, drama, Adventure, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins,

Even siblings face the test of jealousy when one feels that he deserves better. So is the situation between Kilau, Awang, Wahid and Brahim, the pupils of Tok Gajah. When Kilau was elected to lead the resistance, Awang feels like he was being sidetracked as he thinks he is better than Kilau. 

He acts on his own and causes some trouble, not only to himself but to the community too. 

Mat Kilau, Kebangkitan Pahlawan, Filem Mat Kilau, action, drama, Adventure, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins,

Meanwhile, Capt Syers sees his opportunity to continue driving the wedge among the Malays - it's like to continue pouring gas on an open fire. He continues to widening the unity gap among the people, and even have his own spies inside the community.

Some are pro-resistance whereas most are afraid for their lives and believe that if they keep to themselves, the British will not interfere with their daily lives. 

Mat Kilau, Kebangkitan Pahlawan, Filem Mat Kilau, action, drama, Adventure, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins,

Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Mt Dali, the Managing Director and Director of Kembara Studio shares his gratitude with the masses just as the premiere ended. 

He is especially grateful that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad attended the premiere, the takes it as a recognition for the movie. YB Senator Datuk Seri Hajah Zurainah Musa (FINAS Chairman) and YBhg Prof. Dr. Md Nasir Ibrahim (CEO of FINAS) were among present during the premiere. 

He hopes that Mat Kilau - Kebangkitan Pahlawan , that will start airing in local cinemas from June 23 onward, will be an added value to the local's film scene and will further enhances the industry player to keep on producing great quality films. 

Some famous quotes (not directly taken) from the movie:

Biarlah aku gugur mempertahankan hak daripada melihat tanahair aku dilapah penjajah: Wahid (I would rather die while protecting my land than letting it being colonized)

Salahkah bangsa kita sendiri kerana memberi ruang kepada mereka untuk jajah tanah kita ini: Usup (Is it wrong for us to let the British a little space, even if it means letting them colonizing us?)

Kalau kita tak ganggu mereka, mereka pun tak akan ganggu kita. Maka, janganlah kita ganggu mereka di bumi kita: Awang (They will leave us alone if we do not interfere with whatever they are doing)

Orang melayu mudah dibeli dan tidak bersatu: Syers (The Malays are easily swayed and not united)

How will Kilau manages his relationships with his Silat brothers? And how will Kilau bring the people together to rid off of the British?

Mat Kilau, Kebangkitan Pahlawan, Filem Mat Kilau, action, drama, Adventure, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins,

Plot: 4.8/ 5.0 I am pleasantly surprised by the plot of Mat Kilau - Kebangkitan Pahlawan. It was compact and full of history pieces. 

And it is a straight to the point kind of movie. 

The scripts are great, character development is enough and the fighting sequence is flawless.

But if some dialogues were in Pahang dialect, it would be much authentic. 

Perhaps could enhance the camera works - too much camera movement during the fighting scenes makes me dizzy. Perhaps it was meant to make the movement seems 'fast and fatal' but it made me dizzy - it seems shaky. But perhaps it is just me. 

Another thing, but perhaps this is only me too, the costumes colours are perhaps too striking for that era.

Other than that, YOU SHOULD WATCH  this movie. You'll be proud of our history after watching it. 

Cast: 4.9/ 5.0 Great job to all actors. Even the supporting actors are great! Good job for casting the right actors!

Will I Watch It Again: Yes, I don't mind watching it again.

The pictures are taken from multiple s ources on the Internet. Thank you .

 #MatKilau #KebangkitanPahlawan #FilemMatKilau #Action #Drama #Adventure #RawlinsGLAM #RawlinsLifestyle  #MovieReviewbyRawlins

review film mat kilau essay

Posted by Rawlins GLAM

You may like these posts, post a comment, 11 comments.

Tak banyak filem macam ni. Tapi sebenarnya menarik cerita macam ni..yang pasti pelakon memang hebat2 semuanya

Heard many praises regarding this movie as well, makes me want to watch it myself too! 😁

review film mat kilau essay

Filem yang di nanti-nantikan semua... lagi dua hari ajaa.. Sis pun nak jugalah tonton di panggung...

review film mat kilau essay

cerita ini membangkitkan semangat terutama orang mudah bagaimana kepayahan orang dulu mempertahankan kedaulatan negara

review film mat kilau essay

Suka tengok cerita bersejarah macam ni. Nampak macam best je layan kat panggung ni

review film mat kilau essay

seem like a good movie kan. Can plan to bring my kids to watch together this weekend

review film mat kilau essay

This is a good movie with history value , with your rating of 4.8, definitely worth to check out. Thanks for sharing this. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

review film mat kilau essay

Bagus cerita macam ni ditayangkan. Teringat balik sejarah dulu kan. Ramai kata best,haishh nak pergi tengok tapi takde teman

Dah tgk preview Mat Kilau mmg best giler, sedih bila tgk kita org Melayu dulu2 ditindas British, mmg patut bdk2 skrg tgk filem MAT Kilau

review film mat kilau essay

the director is great, the line up of actors is great, and the story line is even greater. definitely need to catch this at the cinema!

Banyak nama-nama besar dalam filem ni. No wonder, but then pengarahan Dan penghayatan watak tu sangat mainkan peranan

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GLAM Comments

Shamiera Osment


shamiera osment

me during the film preview

Who is Mat Kilau?

biografi mat kilau,

Synopsis of Film Mat Kilau : Kebangkitan Pahlawan.

adi putra, beto kusyairi,fattah amin, ali hakimi in mat kilau,

Dato Adi Putra, Beto Kusyairi , Fattah Amin, Ali Hakimi in Mat Kilau.
Ellie Suriaty short scene but gave a great impact on this film
Hollywood actor, Yayan Ruhian
all the main characters during the preview night
the orang putih character is so alive and make me hate them so much. haha

review film mat kilau essay

shamiera osment

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Nice film review. I like Dato Adi Putra.

review film mat kilau essay

Nak kena tomton ni, jarang ada filem melayu lama gini kann...

Shamiera Osment

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Mat Kilau (2022)

  • User Reviews
  • One guy throw a line and not even a 0.01s, another guy throws his line almost cutting the first line. No momentum, no space to feel anything. Give them some time. You're not rushing. Though the pronunciations are clear, I already forgot the first guy's line 3 seconds ago.
  • Love the superb choreography. But the camera work? It's not helping. Yes, we can see them punching and yes, we can see them flying but does the camera work helps? Oh I kid you not, it does not work. The intention of shaky cameras is to make the audience feel like you're there in a fight. Not in a 4x4 back seat heading towards Sabah rural school.
  • Jump cuts, here and there. Cutting the screen time for the sake of intensity? This is no KL Gangster.
  • Oh my God, loud here and there. Over 95% of the film are filled with soundtracks. This is a Malay epic film and how come there's no Malay-feel soundtracks? Rembat Hollywood's soundtrack is it? At least go full silence on 'supposedly intense' fight scene. Make people feel engaged to the fight.
  • Believe there are 5 stages in storytelling structures, no? Bla bla bla, silat this and that, Adi Putra gave his speech after a fight and it ends. That's it? Even iklans by agency have an ending, man.
  • The premise was there but very poor storytelling.
  • It has some decent ideas but very poor execution.
  • Lacks story depth and emotional connection.
  • Poor character development.
  • Dialogues are way too boring and too slow for some reason. Just talk normally.
  • Movie felt too long.
  • Soundtracks are loud and almost covered the whole movie. Learn to appreciate the beauty of silence.

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Review on Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022)

Review on Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022)

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Mat Kilau : Kebangkitan Pahlawan / 2022

Director : Syamsul Yusof

Language : Malay

Genre : Action/Drama

Written by : Eswandy

The film was loosely inspired by the real historical figure, a Pahang-born Malay warrior named Mat Kilau who fought against British colonialists in the late 19th century. Directed by the successful young local director Syamsul Yusof, whose previous films KL Gangster and Munafik film franchise enjoyed extensive popularity and likings amongst audiences. These films of Syamsul had broken numerous local box office records and won him many prestigious awards in the local and international arena. For the record, before the release of Mat Kilau , Munafik 2 (2018) was the highest grossing local film with RM 48 million ticket collection leaving Hantu Kak Limah in second place. Today, five years after Munafik 2 ’s release, once again Syamsul has taken the Malaysian film industry by storm with his latest film Mat Kilau where by the time I’m writing this article, Mat Kilau has collected a staggering amount of RM 96 million from ticket selling and still going strong in Malaysia cinema. An unexpected achievement beyond the director’s imagination gave not just a lifeline and hope to our local film industries which suffered over the last two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic caused movement control orders (MCO), but most importantly, someone had might have found a perfect formula to draw greater number of audiences who before this have only been attracted towards films mainly from Hollywood such as those from Marvels , Fast and Furious creating a belief that Malay film is inferior and can not compete against other films. And as it happened, whether you like it or not, that guy that managed to put a stop to that myth was Syamsul Yusof. Although he always knew how to sell his films, his filmmaking technique had always been heavily criticised by professional film critics and normal audiences alike. So, with RM 96 million in collection, does it mean Mat Kilau is a ‘good movie’, an Oscar-worthy film to represent Malaysia in the academy awards next year? 

Aside from a “Malay” centric space where the characters of Mat Kilau lived in this film (which I kind of appreciate because it has been a long time since local films had this kind of national hero and propaganda sentiment where it has been pretty common in countries such as USA and China) along with the non-stop action sequences (which I believe to be the crowd-puller), Mat Kilau from my eyes is a film that the director somehow forgot to put a full stop. It feels rushed without a proper build-up in the storyline (like other Syamsul Yusof’s films; KL Gangster , Munafik ). Sometimes as an audience I felt like I was watching the Malaysian investigative so-called reality television series, 999 on TV3, with the overly shaky camera approach, the overuse of music and the fast-cut editing. It has also reminded me of Gerak Khas, the longest running local TV series produced by Skop Production which is also owned by the Syamsul Yusof family. Coincidence? Maybe yes.

The constant use of tight shots shrinks the world and space of Mat Kilau to look narrow. I believe that this is a wasted opportunity as the director failed to create and capture the landscape of Pahang, in particular Pulau Tawar, where Mat Kilau grew up and then fought bravely against the colonial rule to defend his land with blood, sweat, and tears alongside his friends. As a result, I refused to admit that this is a period film. In period films, scenery, landscape and setting besides costume are very important to signify the time of events that happens in the film which Mat Kilau failed to present. On top of that, I felt annoyed with how the actors communicated their dialogues, 80% of them are shouting. From another perspective, this might be Syamsul’s directorial trademark as what you can see from his other films, his characters are prone to shouting despite being sad or happy, let alone angry. He will definitely pump up the volume to even higher to maximise the impact. To add to the injury, the background music/soundtrack/sound effects that play constantly from the beginning to the end are not to my liking (I remember the horror movie Jwanita that also manages to annoy me with the ridiculous amount of background music that sometimes does not add to the atmosphere). Music should be placed at the right moment, according to the scene, emotion, and situation. These three elements, the shot, the style of dialogue, and also the music causes the world of Mat Kilau to become narrow and crowded, busy and messy. The world that Syamsul created is rather small and limited. Not to mention the editing, which does not represent the ‘Malay’ characteristics and architecture where this is supposed to be the main thing as this film is gratifying towards Malay culture. Of course, the content is indeed Malay but deep down the outer layer, the skin is still Hollywood. This also applies to the visual graphics of the opening and closing montage of Mat Kilau which I think does not suitable for the historical film and instead feels more like a fantasy film such as Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings , and from the local context, Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa . In terms of creative storytelling, there are things that I don’t like, especially in the 2nd act of the story where the main character Mat Kilau, who is played by Dato’ Adi Putra, in my opinion, has not been given the same challenge and treatment as to Wahid who played by Beto Khusyairi whose only the supporting character in the movie. Wahid in the story has to go through a lot of obstacles and challenges that made him the better character in Mat Kilau . Unfortunately, the character development of the main character Mat Kilau is absent. Other than his strength, Mat Kilau does not shine above Wahid. And that for me is the biggest weakness in Mat Kilau . In the film, the main character should be the main attraction, not the other way around.

However, I admit that Syamsul Yusof is very good at manipulating shock value in his films. He used that to trigger the local audience’s emotions which he has done in all of his films to date. Mat Kilau for example, the film begins with the scenes of British soldiers brutally executing a bunch of children to shock the audience right from the start. Similar techniques have been used by the director in his film KL Gangster , where a group of thugs are shown destroying a police car, an unlikely depiction in local films. In Munafik , Syamsul was critical of those abusing religion for personal benefits. A rape scene in Munafik by a character named Abuja depicts a fake religious leader who is a devil in disguise using religion for his exploits. Syamsul has however managed to include these sorts of scenes in his films. Syamsul is also good at using issues or appeals that are popular with the local Malay community. For example illegal street motor race ( rempit ), gangsterism, superstitions, and most recently in Mat Kilau , the ‘Malay’ persona, and because of this, many of his films are able to sell beyond millions of ringgit, following his father’s footsteps, the popular actor and director Dato’ Yusof Haslam who also dominated the local cinema in the ’90s.

Overall, I do agree that the existence of this Mat Kilau film in our local film industry is important since we have been devoid of a historical film for a long time even though this film has many flaws and is argued for its historical inaccuracies. The latest was Hanyut which was released in 2014 and was a commercial flop. Although I see this movie as more of an action film rather than a period film, where I put Mat Kilau under the same category as other movies, the popular example would be IP Man from Hong Kong and the latest phenomenon in India, RRR which leans more towards fiction. The multitude of people that celebrate Mat Kilau in the cinema comes from different age groups, backgrounds, and social economy has become proof that the Malay community still loves our local films. They are just waiting for the right film that is able to draw them to the cinema. Amid political struggle where race has always been a trump card for all parties, Syamsul is brave enough to carry the dream of the new production studio, Studio Kembara to give the Malay community the hero that they always wanted, Mat Kilau . Mat Kilau is what Rambo was meant for Hollywood, Yip Man for Chinese, Asoka for Indian and many others. To be honest, I feel grateful that I am alive to see the phenomenon where our local film runs amok in our cinemas where before this has always been dominated by Hollywood movies. Congratulations to the Mat Kilau team for a good marketing strategy. I finally see a shining light on the commercial value of Malay films to compete with foreign films. I also hope that this would become a starting point for better and good quality movies in the future. But then again, as we go back to the most important question, do I think that Mat Kilau is good enough to represent Malaysia in the Oscars like how Roh (year) , and Prebet Sapu (year) have represented us recently? I failed to see any logic in that idea. Besides the box office success, Mat Kilau is just an ordinary action movie that does not add anything new to the genre. 

review film mat kilau essay

*This article is written based on the reflection of the writer’s own personal view and expression towards the subject matter.

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Filem Mat Kilau: Ulasan Dan Pengajaran

  • Hafizuddin Abdul Mukti
  • 1 Julai 2022

Filem Mat Kilau: Ulasan Dan Pengajaran | IKRAM

Ramai yang telah memberikan ulasan tentang filem ‘Mat Kilau : Kebangkitan Pahlawan’, kisah pahlawan Melayu terkenal yang menentang British di negeri Pahang, sama ada pro atau kontra setelah beberapa hari ia ditayangkan di pawagam.

Filem terbitan Studio Kembara dengan kos RM8 juta arahan Syamsul Yusof berinspirasikan sejarah pahlawan itu dilaporkan telah berjaya mengutip lebih RM23 juta dalam tempoh tujuh hari tayangan yang bermula 23 Jun lalu.

Sebagai anak Pahang, penulis tidak melepaskan untuk menyaksikan filem kepahlawanan tersebut yang menampilkan ramai pelakon popular antaranya Dato’ Adi Putra, Beto Kusyairy dan Fattah Amin, termasuk pelakon filem Hollywood dari Indonesia, Yayan Ruhian.

Watak Dan Lakonan

Dato’ Adi Putra melakonkan watak Mat Kilau dengan aura yang tersendiri sebagai seorang yang tenang, berhati-hati, taat, berani dan tangkas mengalahkan lawan.

Boleh jadi bentuk badannya yang segak dan tegap menjadi faktor dipilih sebagai Mat Kilau agar dilihat lebih gagah untuk bersilat dan melawan tentera British. 

Walaupun begitu, lakonan mantap Beto Kusyairy berjaya menjiwai watak Wahid sebagai seorang sahabat Mat Kilau yang setia, tabah hadapi dugaan kematian isteri serta bangkit daripada kesedihan dan terus berjuang.

Tidak keterlaluan dikatakan, jika Adi Putra tidak memegang watak Mat Kilau, Beto sudah pasti jadi pilihan terbaik untuk memegangnya. Lakonan Fattah Amin dalam filem ini juga tidak mengecewakan sebagai seorang yang bijak, tidak kaku dan lincah bertarung bagi membantu sahabat yang lain.

Kebanyakan pelakon berlakon dengan baik, namun watak Yassin yang dibawa Johan As’ari mungkin ada kekurangannya kerana dikatakan lakonannya seperti ‘tidak menjadi’.

Menariknya, pelakon-pelakon wanita semuanya menutup aurat yang melambangkan bahawa adab beragama turut dijaga dalam pembikinan filem ini. 

Babak Filem

Babak awal saja sudah mengejutkan kerana dimulakan dengan tembakan dan pembunuhan oleh tentera British secara tiba-tiba terhadap penduduk kampung.

Mungkin pengarah ingin menampilkan kelainan dalam permulaan filem, namun babak sebegitu mungkin membuatkan mereka yang baru mula menonton tidak dapat ‘berehat’ pada awalnya kerana kejutan seperti itu.

Boleh dikatakan separuh babak daripada filem ini adalah gabungan beberapa aksi pertempuran dan boleh dianggap mempunyai banyak klimaksnya. Penulis menduga aksi berkuda, pedang, bertempur dan serangan gerila di hutan ini dilhamkan daripada drama bersiri Turki terkenal, Ertugrul.

Dari sisi lain, babak-babak yang emosional boleh dikatakan agak ringkas dan penonton tidak sempat ‘feel’ lebih lama dalam adegan tersebut kerana ia sentiasa diselangi dengan aksi konflik dan pertempuran.

Babak isteri Wahid dibunuh oleh pihak British pula boleh dipertikaikan dari sudut sejarah, adakah wanita pernah diperlakukan dengan kejam oleh British di Tanah Melayu? Atau ia sebagai sindiran untuk ‘wajah’ sebenar British secara tersiratnya? Mungkin ada mesej yang ingin disampaikan. 

Walaupun Mat Kilau adalah filem fiksyen, faktor sejarah juga perlu diambil kira dan lebih berhati-hati dalam memperhalusi jalan cerita agar lebih hampir dengan faktanya.

Penulis juga cuba memahami mengapa watak isteri Mat Kilau yang setia dan isteri Wahid yang seperti menentangnya. Ini mungkin kerana pengarah tidak mahu melihat babak yang ‘skema’, perlu ada watak bertentangan dan konflik untuk menghidupkan filem.

Bahasa Dan Mesej

Dalam konteks bahasa yang digunakan dalam filem ini, mungkin penggunaan perkataan bahasa pasar seperti ‘engkau orang’ atau ‘je’ boleh dielakkan dalam skrip.

Penggunaan bahasa dalam filem ini bercampur-campur antara gaya bahasa moden, bahasa semasa penentangan (abad ke-18 dan 19) dan zaman sebelumnya. Gaya bahasa perlu dilihat konsisten sepanjang filem supaya ia mudah dihayati.

Dari sisi lain, memang wajar elemen loghat Pahang diketengahkan kerana Mat kilau adalah pahlawan yang merupakan anak jati Pahang.

Walaupun begitu, penulis memahami kesukaran yang dihadapi para pelakon jika mereka terpaksa belajar dan menggunakan loghat tersebut dalam filem yang mungkin akan mengambil masa yang lama.

Dalam pada itu, tidak dinafikan bahawa mesej berkaitan keberanian dan kepahlawanan Mat Kilau dan rakan-rakannya dalam menentang penjajahan British di Pahang, serta kelincahan seni persilatan yang dipersembahkan.

Namun, mesej berkaitan Melayu dan Islam dilihat lebih menonjol dengan skrip yang berulang-ulang tentang perpecahan dan kesatuan orang-orang Melayu.

Pada hemat penulis, pengulangan tersebut adalah tidak perlu kerana mesejnya sudah sampai dan boleh digantikan skrip lain dengan mesej yang bermakna sebagai nilai tambah dalam filem ini.

Sebagai contoh, menurut sejarah, Mat Kilau dikatakan pandai mengaji. Alangkah bagusnya jika babak beliau mengaji al-Quran yang memberi mesej bahawa beliau seorang yang kuat beramal dengan agama sebagai sumber kekuatannya. 

Ucapan Mat Kilau pada akhir babak filem ini mungkin menjadi ‘penyelamat’ dengan mesej supaya berpegang dengan akidah, keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT sebagai hakikat kemuliaan dan kekuatan bagi manusia.

Secara keseluruhannya, pengarah Syamsul Yusof berjaya menggarap babak-babak dalam filem ini dengan baik, yang menaikkan semangat membela bangsa dan tanah air, meruntun emosi dan mendidik jiwa.

Pengajaran Filem Mat Kilau

  • Kepahlawanan dan keberanian orang Melayu tidak boleh dinafikan melalui sejarah penentangan Mat Kilau terhadap British. Kekuatan persenjataan British yang besar tidak mampu membendung penentangan hebat Mat Kilau.
  • Semangat persaudaraan dan persahabatan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menggerakkan sebuah perjuangan. Tanpa persahabatan, kuranglah dorongan dan hilanglah sebahagian kekuatan dalam perjuangan.
  • Sikap suami isteri yang saling memahami dan memberi dorongan mampu membina keluarga yang utuh. Bijak mengawal emosi, sentiasa bersabar menghadapi konflik atau ujian, berakhlak dalam tutur kata menjadi sebahagian resipi kerukunan rumah tangga.
  • Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, sewajarnya kita sentiasa menghayati sejarah perjuangan pahlawan-pahlawan terdahulu dalam menentang penjajahan kerana itulah yang menjadi jati diri yang menaikkan semangat patriotik dan cintakan negara.
  • Sikap khianat terhadap perjuangan dan menjadi tali barut sentiasa ada pada bila-bila masa dan dalam mana-mana bangsa, tanpa mengira pangkat dan warna kulit. Yang penting, kita harus waspada dan sekurang-kurangnya mendidik diri agar menjauhi sikap tersebut.
  • Amalan dasar kutipan cukai yang menindas penduduk dikatakan antara punca Mat Kilau menentang British. Kerajaan sekarang wajar mengambil iktibar daripada filem ini dengan tidak mengenakan cukai yang membebankan terhadap rakyat. Jika tidak, sikap ini sama saja dengan penjajah British.
  • Sebagai umat Islam, tarbiah atau didikan agama perlu menjadi elemen penting, bukan sahaja di rumah dan sekolah, bahkan menjadi amalan dalam seluruh kehidupan, yang menjadi kekuatan sebenar dalam membina generasi rabbani dan berakhlak mulia.

Penerbitan filem ‘Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan’ yang berinspirasikan sejarah pahlawan adalah satu usaha yang amat baik walaupun ada kekurangannya, bahkan sambungan kisah-kisah perjuangan beliau wajar difilemkan pada masa akan datang.

Negara kita juga tidak ketandusan sejarah pahlawan-pahlawan terdahulu yang menentang penjajahan seperti Datuk Maharaja Lela, Tok Janggut, Abdul Rahman Limbong, Datuk Bahaman, Rentap, Mat Salleh, Panglima Salleh, Syarif Masahor dan sebagainya.

Walaupun begitu, seharusnya karya-karya berindentitikan Malaysia, tidak sekadar berinspirasikan sejarah kepahlawanan, perlu dibanyakkan lagi oleh para penggiat filem negara dengan kerjasama pelbagai pihak yang berminat sama ada organisasi, syarikat atau individu.

Ini penting bagi mendidik rakyat bahawa kita mempunyai sejarah, keunikan dan identiti kita sendiri yang akan membentuk jati diri bangsa dan negara.

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  1. [REVIEW] Mat Kilau: A Movie That Should Have Went Out On Merdeka Day

    The whole premise of this movie revolves around our main character, Mat Kilau (played by Adi Putra), who's apparently deemed the best warrior his village has ever seen.Along with his other warrior friends, Wahid (played by Beto Kusyairi) and Awang (played by Fattah Amin), they try their hardest to defend their village and their people against the evil powers of the British colonists.

  2. Our review of the Mat Kilau movie

    The movie is pitched as a 'film inspired by the epic Malaysian historical figure Mat Kilau who had fought against the British colonists in Pahang before independence.' There is Mat Kilau, the Malay warrior who fought the British colonialists in the Malaysian state of Pahang. He was the son of Pahang chieftain Tok Gajah.

  3. Mat Kilau Review: A Malay Patriotic Film That Raises Questions

    Riya Singh. September 16, 2022. Mat Kilau makes its way to Netflix and this Malay patriotic film is action-packed as the locals fight for their freedom from British colonialism, but it also brings forth many questions. Directed by Syamsul Yusof, the movie stars Adi Putra, Beto Kusyairy, Fattah Amin, Yayan Ruhian, alongside other cast members.

  4. Mat Kilau (2022) Movie Review: Catalyst for Malaysia's Nationalism

    Mat Kilau Movie Review: Understanding its essence, Mat Kilau (2022) covers the struggles of the locals during the British colonial period which became the ground of the movement. The exploitation that is perpetrated upon the locals caused them to fight for their justice, and Mat Kilau (Adi Putra) along with Wahid (Beto Kusyairy) and Awang ...

  5. Mat Kilau

    Mat Kilau (2022) Mat Kilau (2022) Mat Kilau (2022) Mat Kilau (2022) View more photos Movie Info. Synopsis After British armies invade Pahang, a legendary warrior leads his people into guerilla ...

  6. Mat Kilau Ending Explained: Will the Villagers Join the ...

    Mat Kilau makes its way to Netflix and this Malay patriotic film is action-packed as the locals fight for their freedom from British colonialism.Directed by Syamsul Yusof, the movie stars Adi Putra, Beto Kusyairy, Fattah Amin, Yayan Ruhian, alongside other cast members. The plot of the movie follows the Malaysian historical figure Mat Kilau who had fought against the British colonists in ...

  7. Mat Kilau

    Mat Kilau Reviews. One will definitely have to overcome the intense propagandistic elements in "Mat Kilau", but beyond that, as a martial arts film, this is one of the best of the year. Full ...

  8. A Review of Syamsul Yusof's Malaysian Box Office Hit, Mat Kilau

    Malaysian film Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (MKKP) directed by Syamsul Yusof tells the story of the Malay warrior Mat Kilau and his father Tok Gajah as they battle the British Empire to rescue Malaya from colonial rule. ... This paper is based on a basic research design with a qualitative study design. A literature review is also applied to ...

  9. ‎Mat Kilau (2022) directed by Syamsul Yusof • Reviews, film + cast

    The rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1892. The greed of British officials and policies, which have imposed excessive taxes, confiscated land belonging to the Malays to reap the treasures of Pahang and disrupted the Islamic way in Pahang has caused dissatisfaction among the rulers and the Malays. The patriotic spirit ...

  10. Mat Kilau (film)

    Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (English: Mat Kilau: The Rise of a Warrior) is a 2022 Malaysian Malay-language epic biographical action adventure film that is inspired by historical events [5] [6] [7] directed by Syamsul Yusof, starring Adi Putra as Mat Kilau bin Imam Rasu, [8] a Malay warrior who fought the British colonialists during the Pahang Uprising in Pahang, British Malaya before ...

  11. Mat Kilau

    Like Mat Kilau, that film tells a highly fictionalised story of a real person. Wrapped up in the cloak of nationalism, Ip Man is also the story of traditional values rising up against a foreign power. The Japanese in Ip Man are also evil and brutal, though if you read the history of their occupation, this depiction is not far from reality.

  12. Mat Kilau (2022)

    Mat Kilau: Directed by Syamsul Yusof. With Adi Putra, Beto Kusyairy, Fattah Amin, Johan Asari. The film is inspired by the epic Malaysian historical figure Mat Kilau who had fought against the British colonists in Pahang before independence.

  13. Mat Kilau (2022)

    Summaries. The film is inspired by the epic Malaysian historical figure Mat Kilau who had fought against the British colonists in Pahang before independence. The rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1892. The greed of British officials and policies, which have imposed ...

  14. Mat Kilau

    There were bumps since the idea conception, way back in 2017 when Syamsul first announced that he is interested in directing a biopic movie of a Malaysian historical figure. In 2018, he announced the movie would revolved around Mat Kilau and started filming in April 2018, before stopped due to a few reasons. The filming continued later in 2018.

  15. Mat Kilau

    Mat Kilau is a movie directed by Syamsul Yusof, starring Ady Putra. A viewing experience that follows (or reminds us of) the distinct tracks of RRR, the historical take. Premise. This film tells the rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1890. Review


    Mat Kilau (Jawi: مت كيلاو; born Mat Kilau bin Imam Rasu before changing his name to Mohamed bin Ibrahim with the title Mat Siam, Jawi: مت سيام; s. 1866-67 - 16 August 1970) was a Malay warrior who fought against the British colonialists in Pahang. His mother was Mahda, the daughter of Tok Kaut Burau. Mat Kilau is believed to have been born in about 1865-1867 in Kampung Masjid ...

  17. 'Mat Kilau': a historical action film in need of a script doctor

    Based on a real-life historical figure, Mat Kilau was a Malay warrior who took up arms against the British during the 1890s. (Studio Kembara pic) Patriotic films have always had a part in movie ...

  18. Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022)

    MAT KILAU REVIEW Let me admit that I hate Malay films especially Syamsul Yusof films. However, since my friends wanted to watch this movie so much, so I tagged along with them. ... This is like KL Gangster except that now Jai is Mat Kilau. I wouldn't call Mat Kilau as a historical film or biography. It's more like Syamsul only use the name to ...

  19. Review on Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022)

    Review on Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022) Mat Kilau : Kebangkitan Pahlawan / 2022. Director : Syamsul Yusof. Language : Malay. Genre : Action/Drama. Written by : Eswandy. The film was loosely inspired by the real historical figure, a Pahang-born Malay warrior named Mat Kilau who fought against British colonialists in the late 19th century.

  20. Mat Kilau (2022)

    Budget $1,814,059.00. Revenue $5,283,447.00. The rise of a Malay warrior named Mat Kilau and his friends against the British colonialists who came to Pahang in 1892. The greed of British officials and policies, which have imposed excessive taxes, confiscated land belonging to the Malays to reap the treasures of Pahang and disrupted the Islamic ...

  21. Filem Mat Kilau: Ulasan Dan Pengajaran

    4:47 pm. Ramai yang telah memberikan ulasan tentang filem 'Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan', kisah pahlawan Melayu terkenal yang menentang British di negeri Pahang, sama ada pro atau kontra setelah beberapa hari ia ditayangkan di pawagam. Filem terbitan Studio Kembara dengan kos RM8 juta arahan Syamsul Yusof berinspirasikan sejarah pahlawan ...

  22. Fakta Sejarah dan Proses Kreatif Filem Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan

    Mat Kilau: Kebangkitan Pahlawan (2022) is a historical film directed by Syamsul Yusuf inspired by the historical figure Mat Kilau. This film has successfully won the title 'box office' with a collection of RM 90 million within 33 days of screening. Even though this movie managed to collect high gross, there

  23. I just watched mat kilau and i gotta say : r/malaysia

    oh for crying out loud, I bet the people criticizing mat kilau are the same people giving standing ovation to fast & furious, also I bet the people ridiculing tamil action movies are the same people in awe with the scene in fast & furious, and now everyone want to be an expert in reviewing movie yet they surely be like someone nitpicking on ...