China Essay Topic Ideas & Titles

🏆 good china essay topic ideas, 🥇 interesting china topic ideas for college, 📍 essay topics to write about china, 📝 list of topics about china, 💻 titles for university students.

  • Putting his hands on the reins of power in China: Mao Zedong This essay will argue that although favourable conditions such as the weak GMD forces in Chinese Civil War contributed to CCP victory, his rise was mostly due to his political astuteness and ruthless that allowed him to eliminate opponents and ...
  • Problems related to the growth of china Problems related to the growth of china The impressive economic growth of china which is also leading to the increase in its GDP has encouraged other countries to compete with it, even the competing countries have to incur losses at ...
  • Mao Zedong – Famous Leader of China From his strategic success of the Long March, to his humiliatingfailureof the Great Leap Forward, to the Cultural Revolution that shocked the country and took countless lives, Mao has significantly influenced the result of what China is today. This book ...
  • Essay On Slow Food In China China is a country that values it culture and traditions, which is why the Slow Food movement's 'Respect' for food mentality is liked by many people there. With proper effort and support from the government, it is expected that the ...
  • India- China BUSINESS Environment shift The benefit that India has is that along with the population growth rate, the working class proportion Is also increasing and by the year 2025 Indian working age population will overtake that of China as demonstrated in the graph below. ...
  • Business Environment Analysis Report on China Population Growth RatePopulation of growth rate of China already starts to decline as the Chinese government tries to control the size of their population in a form of government policies such as the "One Child Policy". GovernmentOpenness to Foreign Direct ...
  • China’s 1998 Summer Flood Disaster on the Tangtze In 1998, a collection of floods of the Yangtze River caused bydeforestation,overpopulation, location, andfailureto learn past mistakes all resulted in a high number of deaths, millions of homeless people, life-threatening water borne diseases, and the suffrage in the industrial and ...
  • Explanation Of China’s Shopping Spree Of The Last Decade The reputation of all the big companies took a hit as a result and some of them fell like ninepins and made everyone scared. As I have discussed in the paragraphs above that the companies from China reaped the benefit, ...
  • Milk Powder Wars – China vs Hong Kong Essay Sample But while the desire of any parent to secure the best possible supplies of food for their children is understandable, the milk-formula issue has come to crystallize for Hong Kong people the disquieting ease with which the mainland is now ...
  • Starbucks Global Expansion Strategy, with a focus on China Essay Sample One of the amazing things about Starbucks is the fact that the vision of the CEO is absolutely shared by each and every employee in the company. In summary Starbuck's initial vision is the key to their global acceptance and ...
  • Banking in China Its huge experience with the developing markets first provides the bank a reliable and efficient mainframe to face the difficulties of the buoyant Chinese market. Regarding the professionalism for example, the managers of the PBOC implemented the Citibank audit procedures ...
  • Article Review on the China Road for Peace Zheng' Bijian is the current chairman of the China Reform Forum and until 2002 when he retired he was the executive Vice President of the Central Party School committee of the Communist Party of China. The road for peaceful rise ...
  • Accounting Laws- China, Gambia & Czech Per the World Fact book, China and the Czech Republic follow the Civil Law System while Gambia practices a Mixed Law. China: The Republic of China is the most heavily populated country in the world.
  • Coping with Corruption in Trading with China Although some of these? rms said they had no experience with corruption in the People's Republic of China, the majority said they increasingly were asked to make payments to improve business, engage in black-market trade of import and export licenses, ...
  • Birth Control in China: the One Child Policy Population control in China has been hurting the Chinese people and destroying the Chinese economy for a p of 65 years, and continues to cause conflict even today. The one-child policy has been in place for over 50 years and ...
  • Differences between in India and China about Buddhism Siddharta Gautama is a prince in the kingdom of Magadha who abandoned his rank, privileges, and even his wife and child; in search for an answer of the true existence in life. Also, like in India, Buddhism introducedequalityin the treatment ...
  • Spread of Buddhism in China Essay Sample The people of China responded in different ways to the spread of Buddhism. The people of China responded in different ways to the spread of Buddhism.
  • China’s Social Credit System: an Epoch Of Value Creation Social Credit System refers to the system which allocates every individual and organisation a credit score with a vision of steering the behaviour of citizen and compliance of organization with government regulations to create a credit society. Critical questions answered ...
  • China’s Long Term Trade And Currency Goals: The Belt And Road Initiative This would provide the Chinese MNEs, an advantage over its western counterparts and facilitate effectiveness and efficiency of the MNEs although the success of BRI is critically dependent on the internationalization of Yuan which would facilitate Chinese outbound investment and ...
  • China Taxation: Interpretation In order to maximize efficiency, the ideal tax policy should be consistent with the principle of 'fiscal neutrality' in the sense that it does not interfere with the workings of markets or the decisions of individuals while minimizing disincentive effects ...
  • Macroeconomics and its study with relevance to china SummaryIn accordance to the formulation of latest economic data juxtaposed with macroeconomic principals and theories it can be stated that at the start of 2006, the People's Republic of China officially proclaimed itself as the fourth largest economy, determined by ...
  • Macroeconomics – Competition with China and India The phenomenon of rapid economic growth in China and India is often discussed within the frameworks of is possible threat to the global world economy. For the first time in the history China and India became the subjects of the ...
  • Han China and Imerial Rome Comparison During the Classical Age the Imperial Administration of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were similar in a form of centralization but differed in reliance of laws and bureaucrats and governance of new territories. During the Classical Age the ...
  • Rome and Hans China Comparison Rome and Hans China Comparison Essay The ancient empires Rome and Hans China played a vital role in the economic health of Europe and Asia. The barbarians took advantage of this and disbanded the Roman Senate, ending the Roman Empire ...
  • Marketing Mix of China’s Haier in the US Essay Sample Through the introduction of successful experiences of china's Haier in the US market, the article tries to reveal some key elements in marketing strategy. The US is the largest refrigerator consuming market of 90 million units every year and the ...
  • China’s Historic Transformation from a Dynasty to Communism In the terms of the trade, the Chinese government mandated silver as the only material of value to be traded for commodities with the western powers. The boxer militia became united in their course under the rule of the Empress ...
  • China Authoritarian State There are three reasons as to why China is considered to be governed by an authoritarian regime: The Communist Party seeks to maintain their own control; corruption, and the absence of constitutional restraint and clear legal framework. It is hard ...
  • Communism In China And North Korea Essay Examples The fact, that communism emphasizes reserved tendencies and isolation from the international scene, has led to the poor performance of both China and North Korea in the global scene. Today, entrepreneurs from the west are moving to both china and ...
  • Homelessness In New China Essay Examples Many people have divergent views about the state of the homeless people in china. Further, they argue that the dignity of the people is paramount and thus, the authorities have to find a solution to solve the problem.
  • Economics Of China Term Paper Examples In order to demonstrate how the maximum freedom society differs from the minimum freedom society, McGregor provides example of thescenarios where the freedom in China is limited by "the party". According to McGregor, the minimum freedom society in china is ...
  • Opening China: Nixon's and Kissinger's Motives Therefore, a brief explanation will be given of the Cold War and the hostile relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Cuban Missile Crisis that led to talks of Detente, the Sino-Soviet split, and consequently how the ...
  • Evaluate the Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization in China Globalization has become one of the most talked about debates of the past 10 years and as been the subject of numerous books and videos and the cause of many global demonstrations in most of the major cities all over ...
  • Media Systems in China and the Us These two media systems have some similarities but they differ greatly from each other in the way and extent that their media is regulated and by the way their news is reported and by who reports the news. All citizens ...
  • The Singularity of China Europe and China : a priori distant cultures - China is the "Middle Kingdom", kowtow - For the ancient Chinese, Europe was a distant land, barbaric, uncultivated, in the Western Oceans, by definition inaccessible to Chinese culture - IR culture: ...
  • Conflict Between China And Japan Research Papers Examples Separated by the East China Sea, when the bilateral relationship between China and Japan disused, generally, the history is seen as a background issue for the reasons behind the current conflicts. Looking at the public media and history textbooks of ...
  • Compare and Contrast : Classical Greece and China Essay Sample The civilization of classical Greece and China has a lot to compare and contrast. In China's bureaucratic system, exceptionally talented people on the basis of education was able to move up; in Greece, it was usually wealth that enabled one ...
  • Changes and Continuities in Ancient China Essay Sample At the end of time in Ancient China in 500 C. E there were many significant political and cultural changes and continuities in Ancient China, which changed how the chinese civilization is ruled today.
  • Accounting Standards in China and Australia For instance, a corporation in China with holdings internationally, such as in the United States, must create end of the year accounting reports using the Chinese Accounting Standards, another set using the International Accounting Standards, and a third using the ...
  • How did Mao Zedong secure control of China in the 1950’s They were the opposition of the CCP. Mao and the CCP wanted to 'serve the people' before themselves.
  • Introducting Brita to China Global Marketing Essay Sample The Yangtze River is the longest in China and the third longest in the world. The People's Liberation Army is the national military for the Chinese Republic, and is at the total control and mercy of the primary governing body ...
  • APWH Rome and China Notes This caused an outbreak and a loss ofrespectfor the law When people begin to not care about the law the republic started to fall. They used the violent acts to educate the people in the Punic Wars and promote Rome ...
  • Implementation Of Balanced Score Card In China Essay Sample The implementation of balanced scorecard has proved to be quite successful in the developed countries and hence it's increased acceptability as a measure of business enterprise performance. Research shows that the most important factor that has led to success in ...
  • Methods of Political Control in Han China and Imperial Rome Essay Sample The Han Dynasty of China and Imperial Rome's methods of political control were similar in many ways and many differences but I believe the similarities outweigh the differences because while the differences are definite ways to control the people, the ...
  • Lego in China One of the contributors is their government policy.'Chinese government has stressed the importance of developing the IT sector to the whole economicdevelopment of the country, with considerable commitments to massive investments in infrastructure positive effects of IT on its economic ...
  • SARS: Impact on China’s Economy SARS impacts economy through the channels - the aggregate demand, the aggregate supply and the financial market. The expansionary fiscal and monetary policy will persist to mitigate the impact of SARS and promote the growth of China's economy.
  • The US and China in pursuit of finding origin Essay Sample The struggle of Jing Mei is that she is stuck between two identities, the modern American one and the one with the one based in her Chinese heritage. As she repeat name is a round character in the story, we ...
  • Ancient Dynasties in China After the civil war China had, which lead to the death of the leader Qin Shihuangdi, china was reunited by the rule of the Han dynasty. This was when the Ming dynasty started.
  • The history of Ancient China Essay Sample The royal family lived in the Forbidden City, in a palace that was separated from the ordinary people.1.1. 1 Extract evidence from the source to suggest that the Mughal Empire was a dynasty".
  • Good Example Of The Ethics Of Using Organ Transplants From Executed Prisoners In China Research Paper First of all, it is necessary to determine whether or not the practice of carrying out the organ of executed prisoners to use it for organ transplantation is happening in China. Other reports state that the vast majority of organs ...
  • The South China Sea Island Disputes In the East China Sea, China has had a long dispute with Japan and Taiwan over the ownership of a group of islands known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. This is evidenced by the recent standoffs between ...
  • Han Dynasty and China 1 paragragh China experienced the fall, absence, and eventually the re-establishment of imperial authority while Confucianism prevailed through all levels of society from the period of 100-600 C.E. The Han expanded China hundreds of miles to the west, north, and ...
  • History of China Essay The first non-mythical dynasty to rule China was the Xia Dynasty in the 21st century B. The Revolution of 1911 ended the Qing Dynasty, and led to the founding of the Republic of China.
  • History of Music in China Essay Sample The development of music itself is a story that is interwoven with the history of a region. From this music form to the modern genres of China today is a long and drastic trail.
  • China Economics China, as a crucial country in the world, is suffering from a variety of costs of economic growth while the economic growth is incredibly fast in recent years. Because of the swift economic growth, the demand-pull inflation and collapse of ...
  • Australia And China Relations John McDonnell said "The Prime Minister needs to clarify the nature of his connections with the Chinese Government and how they are likely to affect Australian interests and policies." Moreover, John McDonnell has raised two things that the government and ...
  • My view on talent shows in China Essay Sample As far as I am concerned, the main reason that such kind of programs enjoying widespread popularity is that they help some ordinary people with performance talent realize their dreams by offering them the platform to show themselves. As long ...
  • Latest Reports: China Maternity Clothing Market In Chinas maternity clothing market, most of pregnant women belong to the post ass-generation, of them, most working women pursue high brand consumption, fashion and have publicizing individuality. Because of huge and stable consumer groups with unprecedented consumption power, market ...
  • Air Quality Regulation In China And The USA Research Paper Example The Clean Air Act is considered as the foundation of the air quality regulations in the States. A more effective regulation of air pollution and air quality came with the amendment of the CAA in 1967.
  • Great Leap Forward in China At the close of the GLF, many citizens were won over by Mao's leadership capabilities and vision for the country, and were willing to work hard to pave the way for China's future, which can be seen from the fact ...
  • China Toys and Games Market to Reach This has helped in the growth of toys and games market in China. The overall toys and games market in China have will reach USED 70,302.
  • Levendary Cafe: the China Callenge Essay Sample The decision to enter the China market was based upon several factors to include the declining domestic growth in 2008, the advisement of the board, and the US restaurant market had already shifted its attention in that direction. In return, ...
  • Article Review On Obama To China Behave Like Grown Up Economy Author has also informed the readers about the president Obama's economic plans of establishing strong ties with the countries of Asia pacific economic cooperation and to establish a free trade zone in this region. The author seems to be successful ...
  • The Expansion of Europe and China in the 15th Century Knowledge of wind and sea currents was considerably more advanced in the West by the Portuguese and Dutch than by the Chinese in the 15th century. In the 15th century, the Chinese and the Europeans were in rough overall parity.
  • Freedom of religion in the People's Republic of China Freedom of religion in China Freedom of religion in China Slavoj Zizek reported for The New York Times d 11 October 2007) that China iscurrently trying to control religious freedom even after the death of the people. As in the ...
  • See instruction/ china one child policy China is viewed in our modern times the country that grew itself out of the struggles of the poor and their leaders ability to recognize potential problems and then swiftly deal with the situation before it gets out of hand. ...
  • Ecommerce in China The growing importance of e-commerce and the spreading of the Internet have pushed isolators, both national and International, to adopt new legal Instruments to accommodate It and to foster Its development. The scope of the Measures Is to regulate behavior ...
  • How to implement e-business strategy in China Although eBay nominally continued to operate in China, it was no longer a concern of Taobao which held over 80 percent of the market in 2008. Overall, Taobao has a more clear understanding on the Chinese customer behaviors than eBay ...
  • The Roman Empire and Han China The differences within the groups of people in each empire and how they thought about money, possessions and responsibility for others helped contribute to the fall of each of these once great civilizations. This in turn put the burden of ...
  • Pestle Analysis Of China Analysts of China Political: China set to focus on supporting domestic brands and creating more appeal for domestic brands, this will mean naturally less support for exports and overseas brands Single child policy means that consumers aged between 18 and ...
  • Youth Participation in Democracy: China Essay As such, they create a platform for the pursuance of the same in the future. The revolution that occurred in China in 1911 ended the reign of the feudal monarchy while marking the start of democracy.
  • China Aerosol Market annual output volume China has become an important aerosol producer, aerosol MEMO and aerosol consumer in the world. China has already been one of the largest aerosol producers in the world.
  • China Linezolid Market Lentoid brought in sales revenue of USED 150 million in the same year it entered market and its sales in the global market during the period of 2013-2014 reached up to USED 1350 million. Currently, lentoid in the Chinese market ...
  • China Sildenafil Market Forecast In April 1991, the clinical research of goldenseal officially failed, but a side effect in the report attracted the researchers' attention. Price of Vicarage in China may be reduced as the generic drugs enter the market.
  • China Enoxaparin Sodium Market Forecast The report "Investigation Report on China Nonagenarian Sodium Market, 2009-2018" by China Research and Intelligence is now available at chinamarketresearchreports.Com. The collection of 'Life Sciences' market research reports has a new addition of "Investigation Report on China Nonagenarian Sodium Market, ...
  • Foreign market entry in China Consequently, he has decided to use his practical experience and combine it with the theoretical knowledge gained through the last year, to produce a piece of research which will attempt to explore the feasibility of employing the above two methods ...
  • China Paclitaxel Market After the patent of facilitate expired, over 100 companies around the world are engaged in he production of the Apish and preparations of facilitate. It is estimated that the market size of facilitate in China will keep growing in the ...
  • White pollution in China White pollution in China Have you ever heard of the term "white pollution"? White pollution affects the environment negatively through "visual pollution" and "potential hazards", resulted from inadequate dealing with plastic garbage "Visual pollution" means that disposable plastic waste strewed ...
  • Air pollution in China and Azerbaijan Speaking of different types of pollution, there are numerous such as noise pollution, visual pollution, light pollution, thermal pollution and so forth whereas as is surveyed the three most severe kinds of pollution are air pollution, water pollution and land ...
  • Free Air Pollution In China Essay Sample The scale and speed of the rise of China as an economic power has also welcomed the air pollution. In addition, the coal provides more than 80% of the electricity in China and has the greatest share in contribution to ...
  • China and Environment Given the secretive nature of the Chinese Government, it is difficult to determine the actual amount of environmental damage done, but even the most conservative estimates indicate that parts of China are among the most polluted in the world. Despite ...
  • China Town Through the characteristic of the design of the shophouses I need to identify the Malaysia and foreign design influences of the traditional shop houses in Petaling Street. Moreover the stucco decorations is the intention of which was to emphasis the ...
  • Essay On Christianity in China The re-birth of Christianity was owing to the creation of the Society of Jesus and the direct European maritime that resulted to the increase in number of Chinese participating in Christian activities, as a consequence of interaction with foreign powers. ...
  • Homosexuality and Mainland China Furthermore, to provide historical context for the interest in linking homosexuality to Tiananmen Square in Mainland cinemas, we will also look at Antony Thomas' documentary The Tank Man, a film centered on finding the true identity of the man who ...
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: Case Study Through the move of issuing equity in markets outside china, ICBC is able to raise capital denominated in USD and that to huge amount of capital, which may be difficult to raise from the issuer's home country. Price change is ...
  • China National Advanced Payment System: Need for Foreign Bank In China It is obvious that the system of same day settlement for payment transactions would greatly increase the operational efficiency of banks and this facility would not be available to foreign banks which do not adhere to CNAPS. In short, foreign ...
  • Discuss China’s Social Inequality and Poverty in the Context of Post-Reform China The combination of the economic strategy and the social policy in this era had several implications for poverty and inequality. The social benefit system in urban China: Reforms and trends from 1988 to 2002.
  • Child Labor Issue in China Even though there are some regulations enforced by the Chinese government to try decrease the number of children workers in cities, there is still a large number of families taking the risk of losing their children by sending them to ...
  • The Rise Of China And The Security Implications To The Region Argumentative Essay Sample This is due to the military, economic and political impact of any of its actions or moves.- China's Security Alignments and OppositionsOf the other stable nations in the Asia Pacific region, only Russia takes China as its vital partner. In ...
  • The Challenges in Strategic Sourcing Garments From China Manufacturers. The activities that affects sourcing with china and their commodities, and the key findings in the study that may influence a company to work with China. In the agreement, it is important to list out all the terms and conditions, ...
  • Analysis Of The 2017-18 China Vaccine Scandal As It Was Highlighted in News Lines The administration has also revoked the company's certificate that is needed for production and sales of the vaccine, as stated by People's Daily."The administration confirmed that the company's other vaccines now available on the market have been tested and no ...
  • China’s Cyber Espionage: Operation Aurora
  • The Analysis Of The Article "OECD Economic Survey: China Overview"
  • Mongolian Effects on Russia and China
  • The Challenges, Aims And Implications Of a New Development Strategy Adopted in China
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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NerdySeal . (2021) 'China'. 15 October.

NerdySeal. (2021, October 15). China. Retrieved from

NerdySeal . 2021. "China." October 15, 2021.

1. NerdySeal . "China." October 15, 2021.


NerdySeal . "China." October 15, 2021.

"China." NerdySeal , 15 Oct. 2021,

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China - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

China, a nation with a profound historical legacy and rapidly evolving contemporary significance, presents a rich tapestry of topics for exploration. Essays on China might delve into its ancient civilizations, dynastic histories, and the myriad contributions to science, art, and philosophy. The discourse could extend to the examination of modern China, the Chinese revolution, the era under Mao Zedong, and the subsequent economic reforms that catapulted China into a global economic powerhouse. Additionally, discussions might explore China’s political system, its human rights record, and its contemporary socio-political issues like the Hong Kong protests or the Uighur crisis. The international dimensions of China’s rise, its relationships with other global powers, and its ambitions as expressed through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative could also form a significant aspect of the discussion. The multifaceted nature of China’s history, culture, and modern-day standing provides a rich array of avenues for scholarly exploration and discussion. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of China you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Imperialism in China

The Age of New Imperialism, from around 1870 to 1914, was a time when European powers sought to take control and claim territories throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In order to do this, industrialization was required to produce the equipment and factories necessary to make these products. An example of new imperialism was British imperialism in China, where Britain, and other countries, fought to gain power in China's economy through trade. British imperialism in China additionally led to […]

Continuity and Change in China 1950’s to Present

Continuity and Change in China 1950 ?s to 1990's Today, a nation like China is the most influential on the Earth with a diverse economy, a billion population, considerable technical ability and innovation, and the most striking military power in Asia. It is believed that China will overtake the United States as the world's preeminent superpower. China's strength which is seen today is a positive impact of many years of historical hard times.A few centuries ago, beginning from the 1950s, […]

What Walmart Needs to Succeed in Indian Market

Introduction Walmart has already dominated the Americas and China Markets and have set their sights on the Indian market. However, Walmart must overcome the strict government barriers, frustrating bureaucracy, and poor infrastructure in order succeed in the Indian market with the lessons Walmart learned from previous ventures. Background Sam Walton opened the first Walmart in Rogers, Arkansas in 1962 to bring great opportunity and value to his customers after being inspired with the success of his dime store. Walmart soon […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

China’s One Child Policy

China is considered to be the highly populated country across the world. History says that China has the largest population which has ever been witnessed. By 1979 China's population was estimated to be approximately one billion. This number of people made the country to look for a way they can do to reduce this population before it was too late. That's when they came with a policy of one child. This policy has affected this country negatively. Firstly, according to […]

Internet Censorship in China

An original supporter of internet censorship was Deng Xiaoping, a Chinese politician. Deng Xiaoping had a famous saying that "If you open a window for fresh air for longer than 10 hours, you have to expect some flies to blow in". Deng Xiaoping, as well as many other Chinese politicians, were the main reason internet censorship exists today. Using this analogy, the Communist Party of China decided that it would be best for them to be proactive in "swatting flies". […]

British Imperialism in India

British imperialism was an event that greatly impacted both India's past and present. British imperialism in India was able to occur because of the country's trading system, and the weakening of the Moghuls, and British wanted to control India because, India was seen as a good source of both labor and raw materials and this was necessary for British industrialization. As stated previously British imperialism had a large, lasting effect on India. It opened India to western ideals, opened them […]

Big Trouble in Little China and the Hero’s Journey

Trying to solve big problems on your own is not always the best way to handle a situation, no matter the size. Today, I will be demonstrating the heroes journey and the lesson learned of the main character in the fantastic 80’s fantasy-comedy, Big Trouble in Little China. Big Trouble in Little China tells the story of Jack Burton, a big-talking semi-truck driver, who must help his best friend Wang Chi save Chi’s green-eyed fiancee from a group of San […]

People in China and the Cryptocurrency Ban

Boasting the world's second largest economy, China is a central focal point for any cryptocurrency business. Starting earlier this year, that became a whole lot harder when China instituted a ban on all cryptocurrency related activity. By August, that even included popular communication apps where people simply discussed cryptocurrency markets and news. The ban has been enforced by shutting down Chinese-based crypto trading exchanges, leaving Chinese bitcoin buyers with no way to trade the popular asset. This has prompted the […]

The Industrial Revolution Analysis

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Essay on China

Students are often asked to write an essay on China in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on China

Geography of china.

China, located in East Asia, is the world’s third-largest country. It has diverse landscapes, including mountains, deserts, and rivers. The highest point is Mount Everest.

Population and Culture

China has the largest population globally. Its culture is rich and diverse, with a long history that includes inventions like paper and compass.

Chinese Economy

China is a global economic powerhouse, known for manufacturing and exporting goods. It also has a growing technology industry.

Chinese Cuisine

Chinese food is popular worldwide. It varies by region, with famous dishes like Peking Duck and Dim Sum.

Chinese Festivals

Also check:

250 Words Essay on China


China, officially known as the People’s Republic of China, is the world’s most populous country, with a rich history that stretches back thousands of years. It has a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern innovation, shaping its global influence.

Historical Significance

China’s history is marked by dynastic rule, beginning with the semi-mythical Xia around 2100 BCE. The Great Wall, Terracotta Army, and the Forbidden City testify to the grandeur of these eras. The last dynasty, the Qing, gave way to a republic in 1912, marking a significant shift in China’s political landscape.

Modern China

Modern China is characterized by its rapid economic growth since the late 20th century. China’s economic reforms have transformed it into the world’s second-largest economy. This economic boom has brought significant changes in its socio-economic structure and global standing.

Global Influence

China’s global influence is undeniable. It’s a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a significant player in global trade. However, its rise has also sparked debates on issues such as human rights, territorial claims, and trade practices.

China’s journey from an ancient civilization to a modern powerhouse is a testament to its resilience and adaptability. Despite challenges, it continues to shape the world stage, making it a fascinating subject of study. Understanding China’s past and present is crucial for deciphering its future trajectory.

500 Words Essay on China

China, officially known as the People’s Republic of China, is a country located in East Asia. It is the world’s most populous country, boasting a population of over 1.4 billion. China’s rich history, diverse culture, and rapid economic growth have made it a global powerhouse.

Historical Overview

China’s history spans over five millennia, making it one of the world’s oldest civilizations. The country has seen the rise and fall of powerful dynasties, each leaving an indelible mark on its culture and society. China’s last imperial dynasty, the Qing, ended in 1911, paving the way for the Republic of China. However, civil unrest and power struggles culminated in the Chinese Communist Party’s victory in 1949, establishing the People’s Republic of China.

Economic Growth

China’s economic transformation in recent decades is nothing short of remarkable. The country has transitioned from a centrally planned economy to a more market-oriented one. China’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown at an unprecedented rate, lifting millions out of poverty and turning China into the world’s second-largest economy. This economic boom is largely attributed to the “Reform and Opening-up” policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s.

Culture and Society

Political system.

China is a socialist state under the people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. The Chinese Communist Party holds the ultimate authority, with the President serving as the state head. The political structure has been criticized for its lack of transparency and suppression of dissent, posing challenges for human rights.

China’s Global Influence

China’s rapid growth has significantly increased its global influence, both economically and politically. It is a major player in international trade, technology, and infrastructure development. However, its assertive foreign policy, territorial disputes, and alleged human rights abuses have generated controversy and tension with other nations.

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Essays on China

International Cooperation: Globalization and Its Impacts on China Essay

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Impact on the physical environment, working conditions and wages, housing and housing costs, political impacts: protest and political change, cultural impacts: adoption of western values and tastes.

Globalization is a phenomenon that has continued to shape the world’s economies due to the increased exchange of ideas, products, and cultural aspects, among others. Through international cooperation, countries across the globe facilitate trade by lowering trade barriers, lifting capital controls, and liberalization of foreign exchange restrictions.

This scenario has empowered many businesses to access enormous consumer markets across transnational borders, significantly boosting their sales. However, international integration has significant effects on social, political, and economic spheres of life. China, which is a rapidly growing economy, has experienced a tremendous impact of globalization due to increased international cooperation and trade. As the country focuses on expanding its businesses across transcontinental borders, the effects have caused significant concern. This essay delves into the impacts of globalization on reshaping the Chinese economy, rural land, urban places, workplace dynamics, and the environment.

Environmental degradation resulting from globalization is not a new phenomenon in China, and the country has made attempts to solve it. Environmentalists claim that globalization has led to an increased global demand for products, creating a need for expanding production. This scenario results in the abuse of the physical environment and the overuse of natural resources, especially in the manufacturing industry. Increased economic activities in China have given rise to the amplified release of industrial pollutants and environmental deterioration spanning all ecosystems (Khan & Yardley, 2007). The most visible effect of globalization on the country’s physical environment is air pollution. Regrettably, biodiversity loss and water pollution have also raised severe ecological issues. China is the world’s largest source of Sulphur oxides and chlorofluorocarbon pollutants. Most of the country’s atmosphere is covered with industrial dust and airborne contaminants, which also reach the territories of neighboring countries (Sengupta, 2020). The fact that China consumes enormous amounts of natural resources and generates pollutants aggravates the pressure on the physical environment. Globalization is also exacerbating land degradation owing to increased industrialization, urbanization, and economic development.

Globalization is a primary factor that has contributed to the provision of expatriate employment opportunities in China. Most salary scales and employee benefits for foreign nationals are based on US or Western European standards. While China may be providing jobs to millions of citizens and foreigners, numerous questions have been raised over low wages and poor working conditions. Although there are no consistent figures of payments, investigators reveal that a large percentage of laborers receive a monthly salary of $300 or less (Bergman, 2017). China Labor Watch (CLW), an activist group that monitors and defends the rights of workers, recently reported that many factories had unsafe working environments. While some organizations have tried to make the conditions better, foreign laborers still report cases of low wages, overworking, and institutionalized discrimination based on color. For instance, there is widespread abuse of migrant workers in Beijing, and the government shows little effort to protect them. Approximately 200 expatriate laborers flocked the country in recent years in search of employment opportunities (Bergman, 2017). Nevertheless, they often experience problems such as improper healthcare, withheld wages, hazardous working conditions, and possible exploitation by Chinese nationals.

Economic changes resulting from globalization have had significant effects on China’s housing market. Indeed, the country now holds the most significant construction market in the world. Despite the current boom in the housing sector, there is an expected demographic shift and growth, especially in urban areas due to not only the continued influx of foreign nationals but also the increasing Chinese population (Fidler & Sabir, 2019). Housing prices have skyrocketed faster than income, a situation that has made rental services unaffordable for many people. The intervention of foreign investors in the real estate industry can ease vacancy rates soon. However, China places stringent regulations that restrict foreign nationals from accessing land for development purposes. The law requires a migrant to acquire property through registered Chinese dealers, which makes it difficult for many foreigners to invest in the housing market. Nonetheless, the scale of foreign direct investment in this sector has been rising gradually, especially in the first and second-tier cities.

Globalization is a critical factor that is continuously changing China’s political sphere in many ways. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many nations have begun to reexamine their relationship with the country. Various actors associated with the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) are feared to interfere with the country’s democratic state using concealed, intimidating, and corruptive means. CPP is redefining globalization as a weapon to win the global stage (Schrader, 2020). The need to intensify global interconnectedness in terms of technology and trade has become a common topic among many Chinese leaders. This phenomenon is not new considering that the United States ascended to global power against the same forces (Schrader, 2020). For many decades, China has been persuaded to integrate with the rest of the world in a bid to make it embrace various standards acceptable by the international community. National renewal and advocacy for global leadership have become unavoidable as the country steers towards establishing sustainable economic development.

The Chinese community is known for its traditionalism and adherence to the core values and ideologies of Confucianism. The CPP plays a vital role in ensuring that people do not lose grip on the country’s historical foundations. China’s president, Xi Jinping, is particularly adamant about the infiltration of Western values (Fish, 2017). Nevertheless, globalization is a game-changing singularity that forces change even into the most complex systems. Various studies on youth attitudes indicate that many Chinese youths have an overpowering taste for popular Western culture. Numerous other surveys that were completed over the last ten years show that a large population of Chinese college students had an affinity for liberal democracy as opposed to a single system. Foreign political influences, mainly from Japan and the United States, have been met with counterforces in a bid to subdue any interests in radicalizing the country’s young generation.

International integration has become a powerful tool for the exchange of ideas, culture, and technology globally. Irrespective of this proposition, its impacts have had significant effects on urban and rural development, workplace dynamics, political landscape, and the environment, among other aspects. There is a need to embrace low emission methods of production to cut down on pollution levels in China as continued contamination of the atmosphere with poisonous gases will exacerbate diversity loss and climate change. Further, the country should revise its labor laws to improve wages and ensure safer working conditions both for national and expatriate employees. Expensive housing tariffs should also be reviewed to make houses affordable to the poor workers since they drive the country’s industries. Lastly, China leaders need to understand international dynamics pertinent to modernism and allow its population to integrate with the rest of the world in matters that contribute to national development.

Khan, J., & Yardley, J. (2007). As China roars, pollution reaches deadly extremes . New York Times. Web.

Fish, E. (2017). Why’s Beijing so worried about Western values infecting China’s Youth? ChinaFile . Web.

Bergman, K. (2017). What you need to know about labor conditions in China , and how you can take a stand. Relevant Magazine . Web.

Fidler, D., & Sabir, H. (2019). The cost of housing is tearing our society apart. World Economic Forum. Web.

Sengupta, S. (2020). Economic giants are restarting. Here’s what it means for climate change . New York Times . Web.

Schrader, M. (2020). China is weaponizing globalization: The Chinese Communist Party has turned global ties into its own tools. Foreign Policy. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 21). International Cooperation: Globalization and Its Impacts on China.

"International Cooperation: Globalization and Its Impacts on China." IvyPanda , 21 Feb. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'International Cooperation: Globalization and Its Impacts on China'. 21 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "International Cooperation: Globalization and Its Impacts on China." February 21, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "International Cooperation: Globalization and Its Impacts on China." February 21, 2022.


IvyPanda . "International Cooperation: Globalization and Its Impacts on China." February 21, 2022.


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The History of Chinatown and Chinese Immigration in Manhattan

Chinatown in New York was first established in about 1870 s which is a “Home” for large numbers of Chinese immigrants to gather and live together in the United States. Thus, Chinatown can be seen as the historic product of Chinese immigration. With the development...

The Cultural and Traditional Settings of Singapore's Chinatown

The mid-day sun was merciless, roasting the streets of Chinatown. Glorious food scents mixed with the rich tatse of garlic, onions, and stir-fry perfumed the air, an alluring mix that lured us to an alley. Before us, picturesque rustic Chinese shophouses elegantly mirrored the orange...

The Authoritarian Roles in Kipling's Opinions Addressed in His Work

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The Secret Identity of Chinese Women in the 1800s China

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The Political and Economical Effects of Ming Dynasty on China

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The Emergence of Porcelain Production with the Ming Dynasty

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The History of Censorship in China

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Importance of Qin’s Terracota Warriors Tomb in Historical Side

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Similarities Between the Terracotta Warriors Emperor Qin Mausoleum and Ancient Egyptians Tombs

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The Growing Influence and Power of China

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The Development of Athletics in China and Other Nations

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  • Olympic Games

The Possible Impacts of Costco's Expansion in China

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  • Online Shopping

China and Philippines as the Most Influential Countries in Asia

Having a glimpse of how China being the greatest and far most fearsome threat since World War II to Philippines gave rise for China to begin with taking over West Philippine Sea. A great controversy between the two countries in keeping over 531,000 square kilometers...

  • Philippines

Chinese Calligraphy Styles in Chinese Dynasties

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  • Chinese Dynasties
  • Handwriting

The Role of Language in the Nationalism Development in China

Anderson has proposed a creative definition of the nation: it is an imagined political community – and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign (Anderson, 1991). It is a Copernican argument which raises questions to what we regard so natural. Most importantly, Anderson breaks down...

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The Hong Kong's Political Game: Conquering the Independence

In 1997, Britain handed over Hong Kong to China, under the agreement that it would still remain semi-autonomous. The agreement allowed for some democratic freedoms to be maintained such as the right to vote, freedom of speech and of the press. However, these allowances opposes...

The Influences of Colonization and Other Factors on the Hong Kong Protests

Hong Kong Region Hong Kong is a territory located southeastern part of China. The region is different from other cities within the Chinese area for many reasons. The region was a British colony for more than 150 years, and after the war in 1842, part...

Production of iPhones in China: Conditions and Working Environment

An iPhone is made from many metals including aluminium, cobalt, and tin. These metals come from mines in places such as Indonesia and the Congo. The conditions in these mines are extremely inhumane. For example, Indonesia’s Bangka Island is a source for Apple’s tin. In...

The Consequences of Urbanization in China

Introduction This essay will examine urbanization in China by starting with a brief background of urbanization in Asia, specifically comparing it with Western countries. Then, we will focus on three specific issues - air pollution, public transit and “left-behind” children and elderly people - that...

  • Globalization
  • Urbanization

International Trade and Economic Integration into the Global Market in China

This coursework is an attempt to understand the theories associated with Global economic integration and to analyse the significance and impact of Global economic integration (GEI) when conducting International Trade in China. In this course work, I have presented some theories of GEI then I...

  • International Trade

The Silk Road: Impact of Historical Processes on Present Day

The author of this study has explored how Central Asia played a major role in the prehistoric appearance of the Silk Road and its dispersal of foods through processes similar to modern globalization. The central question being explored asks how humanity has manipulated ecosystems so...

The Build of Modern Silk Road as a Cause for the China's Tensions

The environment in south and southeast Asia is vast and extremely beautiful. It is full of amazing wildlife unlike anything else in this world. Southeast Asia is made up of eleven different countries from China to eastern India and is usually divided into Island and...

Building a New Silk Road in Chinese Regime

With the new Silk Road, otherwise known as the Belt and Road Initiative, there raises the question is this truly good? China is for all intents and purposes an autocratic regime. Meaning that if the Chinese government wanted to introduce their form of government to...

The Sino-Italian Relationship Through the Silk Road

China and Italy have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship for centuries, in terms of commerce, economy and culture. In this essay, I will examine the early stages of the Sino-Italian relationship, dating back to the Roman Empire. I will then focus on the importance of...

China's Vision of the Silk Road for the 21st Century

Since the break-up of the Soviet Union and the establishment of the independent Central Asian States, China has been extremely active in its effort to rehabilitate the concept of the “Silk Road”. This endeavour eventually helped shaped the Chinese government’s grand initiative “One Belt and...

  • 21St Century

The Progress Industrialization in China

In 1949, Mao Zedong established the Communist Peoples Party that tries to solve China’s problem of land distribution and poverty. Mao changed China's social and political order. Before 1949, China was a divided country with no national identity and pride, this limited progress. Mao instilled...

  • Industrialization

Nationalism in China and Japan Through the Years

Tonnesson and Antlov identify three types of nationalism, ethno nationalism, official nationalism, and plural nationalism; which are derived from Anderson’s linguistic/vernacular, official and creole nationalism and Smith’s ethnic, civic and plural nationalism. This essay will first define the terms in the order listed above. Then,...

  • Nationalism

Haier Case Study: Taking A Chinese Company Global

In 1984, Qingdao Refrigerator was a Chinese company dedicated to the manufacturing of refrigerators which was close to bankruptcy, and its future looked discouraging. Results were not good, as they even had to lend money in order to pay its employees. However, in 2004, under...

Guanxi - The Way To Engage More With The Business Culture Of Chinese

China has one fifth of the world’s consumer. China’s economic growth and living standards of the people is growing fast in recent years. Business people from all around the globe are interested to have a business in China or work with Chinese since in the...

"Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon": Relationship Between Daoism And Confucianism

Throughout history, we see the rise and fall of empires. The Chinese Empire has proven to withstand the changes of time and this is due to one simple trait, its self-regulation. A complex, yet simple fusion of Daoist and Confucian nature blend perfectly resulting in...

  • Confucianism

Group-Based Crt For Chinese Schizophrenia

This study was moderately supported by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission grant (No. D0906001040191, Z141107002514016), Beijing Natural Science Foundation grant (No. 7,102,086), and Fund for Capital Medical Development and Research grant (No. 2011-2013-02). The aim of this study was to test the viability of...

  • Schizophrenia

The Challenges Of Groupon Company In The Chinese Market

When Groupon entered the Chinese market in 2011, analysts thought that they had a very good chance for success. It also seemed to be a natural fit since group purchasing behaviour was deeply entrenched in the hard-bargaining Chinese people. They were always on the lookout...

  • Business Insider

The Impact Of Climate Change On China

In china a growing economy, and the world’s biggest polluter. People say the worlds fate lays with china’s grasp if they ignore we are all gone if they take it we may still have the chance to turn our fate and the worlds fate the...

  • Climate Change

The Reasons Businesses Chose To Manufacture In China

Company’s manufacturing in china do so for many reasons. For instance some of the reasons are for cost and the others are for technological advances that just can’t be done yet any other place. When you think of production of consumable goods most people will...

  • International Business

The Use Of Danshen In Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine China is rich in medicinal resources with more than 5,000 medicinal herbs. Currently, 1,146 Chinese herbal raw materials and Chinese herbal patent medicines have been documented in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Danshen Background Danshen, is the dried root or Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, a...

  • Alternative Medicine

Analysis Of China's Economy Current State And Future

China was under communism ruled by Mao ZeDong since 1949 to 1976 and classified Maoism for Socialism. China is known as one of the largest countries in the world due to their huge number of populations, being second largest economy in nominal GDP, being one...

Analysis Of Work Ethics And Business Practices In China

Life in China With 1. 4 billion citizens living in China, it is regarded as the busiest, and the most populated area in the world. Population in China is growing exponentially like its business. Being born as a Chinese citizen, many children are brought up...

Chengde Mountain Resort In China

One of the top spots in Chengde that you should not miss is the Chengde Mountain Resort. Once a resort for Qing emperors, the mountain resort is now open to the public, so you can visit this mountain resort, walk its paths, and enjoy the...

Company Name: Heng Yuan Xiang Hyx

Executive Summary Our company Heng Yuan Xiang (HYX) founded in 1927, is China’s largest textile producer and one of the largest textile companies in the world. With good reputation and brand recognition, HYX is growing globally. In Canada, more and more new Chinese immigrants are...

  • Fast Fashion

Intellectual Property Rights Protection In China

The weak Intellectual Property Rights protection in China is one of the cornerstones of the US-China trade issues. However, in order to realize/grasp the scope of the matter it is necessary to understand how important the IPR is for US economy in general and American...

The Iron Bank Moves From Braavos To China

The aim of ignorance is to gain strength, that of war is peace and trade wars’ is leverage. President Trump has set out ripples of unparalleled magnitudes towards the existing status quo of trade, society, military, environment and every other element of life in his...

  • American Government

The View Of Supermarkets In China

Abstract The purpose of this report is to outline key success factors for multinational supermarket chains to compete and expand in China by critically reviewing cross 40 journal articles and few grey materials. The nature of this study is forward-looking orientated report which aims to...

What Is OBOR And Its Key Aims

OBOR consists of two major parts. The Silk Road economic belt, a road stretching to Europe from China that encompasses infrastructure projects such as high speed railways and roads. It also consists the 21st century Maritime Silk Road, a sea-based network ports and shipping lanes...

  • Economic Development

Best topics on China

1. Discovering the Beauty and Diversity of Asia

2. The Mogao Caves – a Unique Tribute to Ancient China

3. Overpopulation in China: A Growing Crisis

4. Mao Zedong as An Important Historical Figure

5. Change And Continuity in Canadian Society Over Time

6. The Issue Of Sexual Harrasment And Victim Blaming In China

7. The Impact Of Great Wall Of China On Chinese Population

8. The Great Wall Of China And Its Significance

9. Panda Conservation Groups In China

10. Overview Of The Domestic Politics Of Philippines And Its Harsh Relationship With China

11. Critical Success Factors And Customer Expectation In Budget Hotel Segment

12. Analysis Of Mattel’s Strategy To Bring Popularity To Barbie Doll In Chinese Market

13. Remarking Bai Xianyong’s Glory By Blossom Bridge: Homesickness, Memory And Experience

14. Analysis Of Taoist Rituals And Beliefs

15. Why Muslims Should Break Their Silence And Speak Up Against China

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Chinese culture - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Chinese culture is one of the oldest and most complex in the world, steeped in history, tradition, and symbolism. It is a culture deeply influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, with an emphasis on family, respect for elders, and harmony. Chinese cuisine, calligraphy, traditional medicine, martial arts, and music are just a few examples of the rich and multifaceted culture. The Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival are among the many festivals celebrated throughout the year, each with their unique customs and traditions. The Chinese language is widely spoken, and Mandarin is the official language of China.

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  • Chinese Culture
  • Chinese Traditions
  • Chinese Cultural Diversity
  • The Influence Of Chinese Culture On Japanese Culture
  • The Chinese Cultural Identities Cultural Studies Essay
  • Different Aspect of Chinese Culture and Their Impact on Marketing
  • Analysing Chinese Food Culture Cultural Studies Essay
  • Chinese society
  • Chinese Civilization
  • Yum cha tradition in Chinese culture
  • Research report on Chinese Business, Chinese Culture and/or Chinese Language
  • Chinese Dress
  • Chinese Corporate Culture Review Paper
  • Chinese Philosophy Essay
  • Chinese Wedding Tradition
  • Ancient Chinese Foot Binding
  • History of Chinese Film
  • Comparison of the Chinese and American Cultures
  • Chinese descendant: Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang
  • About Chinese Festival
  • Animals Idioms In Chinese And English Cultures Cultural Studies Essay
  • The Impact of Lu Hsun’s Short Stories to Modern Chinese Culture
  • Amy Tan: Chinese in America
  • Comparison of Chinese Festivals With Western Ones
  • Essay on why Chinese Mothers are Superior
  • Chinese Frequent Food Safety Incidents
  • Chinese Views on Death and Dying
  • How China became Chinese?
  • Ancient Chinese Art Research
  • Chinese Communism DBQ
  • American Born Chinese and the American Religious Experience
  • Rhetorical Analysis – “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior”
  • Review on Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
  • Chinese fan dance

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China Essays

Research on the factors influencing the willingness to use digital currency electronic payment in china —case of e-cny, an overview of older population treatment in the united states of america, japan, and china, enhancing organizational performance through governance in beijing, china: a moderating role agile leadership, book review: representing lives in china: forms of biography in the ming-qing period 1368–1911. cornell east asian series, 191., target corp. expanding to china, rural-urban migration policies in china, comparative social policy analysis: china’s and the united states abortion laws, forecasting of china newly built houses prices yoy change, energy transition in china, social and technological differences between china and turkey, a comparative analysis of early civilizations: egypt and china, a cross-cultural study of electric vehicle adoption in multinational markets: the case studies of australia and china, apple inc.’s economic activities in china and the united states, cultural challenges of globalization, american studies- why other communities/nations fall and others rise, essays about china.

A great topic to explore on many different fronts is China. It’s one of the oldest nations in existence and has a rich history that some even believe to be borderline mythical. So, there’s a bottomless pit of subjects you can cover with such a complex country, and it also works with any kind of topic.

The country boasts thousands of years of recorded history. Even to this day, it continues to be a global superpower on many fronts, and what’s so interesting about China is just how different it can be from other countries. This is especially the case with their culture’s nuances and how they operate as an economic powerhouse today.

How do you write an essay about China?

Take a moment to really pick out what topic you will write about. Are you looking to simply do a timeline of ancient Chinese history filled with empires, epic battles, and intrigue? Writing about the history of the Three Kingdoms era could be enough.

Maybe you want to write an essay on some of the notable philosophers of China and how they took different approaches. These include Confucious, Sun Tzu, Han Fei, and Lao Tzu. All of them had their own unique flavor that could be discussed.

Or we could take a look at its rise post World War 2 as a beacon of communism and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. These ended up changing the manufacturing industry as we know it. We can even look at the modern country today and what direction it’s headed with its current agendas. There’s no lack of topics to write about, and plenty of sources are out there, so make sure once you’ve narrowed down the subject that you also reference properly and professionally.

Some topic ideas can be found below:

• The rise of China as a global economic power • The social and political challenges facing China • The Chinese culture and its effect on the world • The history of China, from its earliest dynasties to the present day • The future of China • The technologies of China

If you still don’t know how to start, essay examples on this page may help you set your thoughts and start writing.

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One Hundred and Eight Possible Term Paper Topics

Related to traditional chinese society, page outline, family life, archaeology, extremely bad term paper topics, introduction.

As far as I know, all of the topics on this page can actually be developed into term papers suitable for a college course on traditional Chinese society. The list was originally developed in order to provide students in my courses with a broad enough list of topics that they wouldn't all try to use the same library resources simultaneously. Over the years many good papers have been developed from the list. (Actually, so have many bad ones, but never mind that.) It is offered here for the use of students needing inspiration as they start developing topics.

As to length , I notice that the Encyclopaedia Britannica editors maintain that there is no topic too complex to summarize in 750 words. On the other hand, there is no topic so inherently straightforward that nobody is willing to be longwinded about it. That said, most topics listed here can probably be handled adequately in about ten to twelve pages, the length of an average college term paper.

Term papers should always be legible, written in graceful English , and correctly spelled and punctuated; the list of citations at the end should follow a normal citation format. (Click here for help with graceful English or an easy and widely acceptable citation guide .)

If bibliographic resources are ample enough, you may wish to focus your paper more closely than is implied by the topic as stated here. For example:

  • If you are writing about prostitutes, for example, and you find that there is enough material, you may wish to contrast prostitution under the Han dynasty with prostitution under the Song dynasty. Or you may wish to limit yourself to Cantonese prostitutes. Or you may wish to limit yourself to village prostitution.
  • If you are writing about life in the army, you may wish to limit yourself to army units stationed at the frontier, or contrast them with non-frontier ones, or you may wish to restrict the discussion to Chinese units in the Qing dynasty, when Manzhou ("Manchu") units had special privileges.

On the other hand if the information is spare and hard to find, such a restriction is impossible, and you may find yourself even having to broaden the topic. In a prologue to your paper, placed before the first paragraph, you may if you wish explain what sorts of bibliographic constraints you experienced and the changes you were able (or forced or delighted) to make in the original topic in view of the materials you found.

An appendix at the end of this list suggests three utterly terrible topics for which it is nearly impossible to receive a decent grade.

(Pet Peeve of All Right-Thinking Paper Graders: Princess Di's England was not the same as Julius Caesar's Italy, Napolean's France, or Count Dracula's Romania. So what makes you imagine that China didn't have any variation!? If, in a fit of last-minute idiocy, you write a term paper that refers to 1920 as "ancient times" or uses quotations from Mao Zedong as examples of Hàn dynasty court decisions, or cites modern business practices as the opinions of Confucius, your professor may have apoplexy. Or run amok. Or both. Think about that!)

1. Chinese craft and mercantile guilds. 2. Chinese domestic animals and ideas about domestic animals. 3. Finance, money, and credit in Chinese farming life. 4. How Chinese irrigation systems worked. 5. How marketing operated. 6. Land and labor: the ecology of Chinese village life in [a particular region] 7. Landlords and tenants. 8. Peddlers. 9. Money lending and money lenders: rural credit in traditional China. 10. The silk industry and the organization of labor. 11. Did ancient peasants really wear silk? Most ancient clothing in China.

Return to top.

12. A man and his wives: polygyny. 13. Adoption of children. 14. Birth control, reproduction, and fertility. 15. Chinese genealogies. 16. Famale infanticide and the sale of children. 17. How big were families really? 18. Mothers are compassionate, fathers are severe: parental stereotypes in traditional China. 19. Love: the place of romantic love in a society with arranged marriage. 20. Reflections of familistic ideology in New Year rites. 21. The expression of values about families and family life in pre-XXth century short stories. 22. Tiger women: myths of dangerous female sexuality in traditional China. 23. Why clans and lineages divide and when. 24. Why families divide and when.

25. Chinese city walls and city planning. 26. Civil Service examinations as a route to social advancement. 27. Contracts, written & unwritten, in traditional times. 28. Crime and crime rates among Chinese populations: Is there a "Chinese pattern of Crime"? 29. Crime and police work. 30. Heroic warriors and military lore in folk life. 31. Intervillage warfare in the Cantonese-speaking world. 32. Cheating the tax man: the collection of taxes in traditional China. 33. The model of an ordered state implied in the Confucian canon. 34. The use of torture under traditional Chinese law: theory and practice. 35. Village-level organization in two dynasties. 36. Was the Chinese local government adequately staffed for the job it was supposed to do?

37. Different schools of interpretation concerning the nature of Shang and Zhou period bronzes. 38. Manchus and Mongols: How two kinds of outsiders tried to run the Chinese empire. 39. Recent archaeological evidence concerning the origins of agriculture in China. 40. Taiwan at the time of the Dutch & Dutch policy concerning Taiwan. 41. Taiwan at the time of the Japanese annexation: What did the Japanese get? 42. The Chinese migrations into Malaya and their local-level organization. 43. How can we know how big the population of China was in the Yuan dynasty? 44. Was the famous Tang dynasty persecution of Buddhists really necessary? A study of the anti-Buddhist position. 45. Western experience of China: The view of three nineteenth- or early twentieth-century missionaries. 46. What are the Dunhuang manuscripts and what do they tell us about Chinese society? 47. What do we actually know about the reforms of Wang Mang? 48. What we know about most ancient Chinese writing and what needs to be done if we are to find out more. 49. What we know about the Xiongnu. 50. Who are the Hakkas?

51. Chinese "Culture-bound psychiatric syndromes." 52. Medical diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine. 53. Religion and the treatment of childhood illness in traditional China. 54. Diet and nutrition before the discovery of the Americas. 55. How Chinese thought about the human stomach. 56. Plagues, pestilence, and famines. 57. The idea of qi in Chinese medicine.

58. How did Chinese children learn to read? 59. How much literacy was there in China really? 60. Elementary education in imperial times: village schools, clan schools, and tutors. 61. What were "textbooks" like in traditional China? Did they work? 62. Was there education for people who didn't aspire to the civil service exam system? 63. How were "clan schools" organized anyway?

64. The cult of the goddess Mazu in south China. 65. Buddhist monasticism. 66. What's in the Buddhist canon as known to most Chinese? 67. The Kings of Hell and Judgement after death. 68. Chinese contributions to the Buddhist canon. 69. Chinese place gods: Chenghuang (the city god) and Tudi Gong (the earth god, a.k.a. She). 70. Chinese theology and the view of hell. 71. Divination: when must the goeds be consulted and why? 72. Evidence for nature worship in pre-Han times. 73. Evidence for popular (i.e., non-royal) ancestor worship in pre-Han times. 74. The evolution of the idea of reincarnation after it is introduced to China from India. 75. Lay Buddhism. 76. Liturgical Taoism (as against philosophical or literary Taoism). 77. Elixirs of immortality in Chinese tradition. 78. The nature of indigenous Chinese Christian churches. 79. Nuns, priests, and other religious professionals. 80. Patterns in Chinese ghost stories. 81. The religious beliefs of the Taiping rebels of the 19th century and their relation to traditional religious beliefs. 82. The role of texts in Chinese Buddhism as it was practiced. 83. Secret societies and small-scale religious sects during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 84. Secret societies in pre-Ming-dynasty times. 85. Tai Shan: a sacred mountain. 86. Trance and possession in Chinese society. 87. What actual evidence is there about the behavior of the ancient Wu ("shamans")?

88. Banditry. 89. Charity and welfare in theory and practice. 90. Chinese rhetoric: how Chinese argue. 91. Chinese styles of conflict and conflict resolution. 92. Ethical dilemmas and the celebration of ethical dilemmas. 93. How Chinese thought about painting and paintings. 94. Jokes and farces: the underlying patterns in what Chinese found funny. 95. Life in the army. 96. What is "face" anyway? 97. Patterns in the conceptualization of the "martial arts." 98. Song Dynasty Prostitution. 99. The punishment of children in traditional families. 100. Theatricals as a way to teach morality and history to illiterate people. 101. Two Chinese games and their social and cultural significance. 102. Value orientations in Chinese proverbs & popular expressions.

103. Neolithic peoples of Heilongjiang: a second Xia dynasty? 104. Neolithic peoples of the Sichuan Basin: a second Xia dynasty? 105. So what's with the Xia Dynasty? 106. Who was "Peking Man" and does he matter to later China? 107. Is there any actual evidence that prehistoric China was matriarchal? 108. What were the "Dunhuang Caves" all about?

Very broad topics tend to result in appallingly superficial papers. It is always best to start with a broad interest, try to narrow it as far as humanly possible, and then broaden it again only as sources require. A paper on why peach wood is considerd to have magical properties will almost always turn out to be more successful than a paper on "Buddhism."

Certain topics are especially terrible because, in my experience, they have never in all of human history produced adequate term papers. Here are some examples:

  • "The Position of Women in China." Women did not occupy a single position in China, and attempts to treat of all Chinese women at all stages of their lives in all times and places have always resulted in ill-considered ideological tracts of no intellectual merit. Papers about aspects of women's lives with a more limited focus can be wonderful, but attempts to treat "the position of women in China" as a single brief topic have always been disasters.
  • "Chinese Medicine." Chinese medicine is an immense and extremely technical subject about which whole libraries, have been written. To treat a subject this broad in a single term paper has in every instance resulted in a depressingly superficial product, usually made worse by mindless preaching about how Chinese medicine works (of course) or is better than "Western" medicine. (Sometimes students have tried to write brief papers on "acupuncture." That normally doesn't work either, since the bulk of the literature on this subject that they locate is either a list of cures or promotional hoopla praising acupuncture as ancient wisdom. Although considerably narrower than "Chinese medicine," acupuncture is a topic that has never produced a term paper to which I could give a grade above C.)
  • "Martial Arts." This is a favorite of students taking martial arts classes and has in every case resulted in a mediocre to poor product with little analytical thought. It seems as though taking a martial arts class seduces participants into the sense of knowing something but is not very conducive to thinking about how martial arts really fit into Chinese society. A more limited topic linked to martial arts might work all right. Purporting to treat the whole subject in a single paper pretty clearly does not work. And if you are actually practicing martial arts, experience suggests that picking it as a term paper topic is an extremely bad decision.

An unsolicited translation this page is available as follows. Note that translated pages are not normally updated, and links in them simply refer to the pages in the English original.

China Studies Paper Topics

China, currently known as the People’s Republic of China, is the most heavily populated country in the world with a population level that exceeds 1.35 billion individuals. As one of the few modern bastions of communism that has endured since the end of the Cold War, China currently has the largest and most complicated economy in the world (CIA, 2015). China has emerged into a 21st Century global superpower from its early and fertile roots as a cradle of civilization (Loewe & Shaughnessy, 1999). Within the vast history and geographic location of China stands countless sociological, environmental, political and historical subjects waiting to be explored. From architectural marvels like the Great Wall of China to some of the most polluted cities in the world, the cross curricular examination of China cannot be understated.

The professional staff at Power Papers is well versed China Studies and are poised to help students select suitable fields of inquiry within the scope of this vast topic. Beyond this, the staff at Power Papers can locate and apply suitable primary and secondary research data to complete anything from a short single page journal style entry on China to a full dissertation on a facet of China studies. For your China studies paper needs, Power Papers‘ staff members can be reached by email for questions regarding scopes of inquiry or for placing an order on our secure server.

Interesting China Studies Research Paper Topics

The nature of China studies is so immense that analysis could be conducted from, but not necessarily limited, to the following categories: sociology, history, economics, religion, political science, geography, art, military, gender studies and even biology. As a result of the topic potential, it can be stated that there is likely some element of China studies that can be applied to a student interest or field of inquiry. While there are some subjects related to China studies that have received a great deal of analysis, like civil rights studies in China, there are other less examined topics of inquiry that could provide important advances to existing research on the topic like Falun Gong and contemporary religious movements in China. In addition, the uniqueness of Chinese culture is such that ethnographic data could be easily generated for original social science research that could be applied to global business or cultural studies.

Navigating the potential scope of inquiry for China studies could be intimidating to someone unfamiliar with the topic. Its depth could even be intimidating to individuals with a strong background knowledge of the culture. Selecting suitable research topics related to China studies necessitates a topic with suitable specificity and scope in comparison with the length of the project parameters.

Below is a list of some topics that fall within the spectrum of China studies paper topics that can be adapted for research purposes. The list can be used in a literal capacity for selecting research topics or it can be used as an idea source for selected original topics spawned from the listed suggestions.

  • Contemporary Chinese Politics
  • The Sleeping Giant: Becoming the World’s Largest Economy
  • Tibet and the Chinese Government
  • Environmental Issues In China
  • Mao’s Little Red Book
  • The Communist Experiment: The People’s Republic of China
  • The People’s Republic of China and the Former Soviet Union: Parallels and Deviations of Marxism
  • Censorship and China
  • One Child Policy: Population Control and Modern China
  • Human Rights and China
  • Made in China: A Production Phenomenon
  • The South China Sea: An Exploration
  • Cross Cultural Competency: Business Interactions in China
  • The Tianamen Square Incident: An Analysis and Implications
  • The 2008 Olympics: An Outside Perspective of China
  • China and Africa Alliances
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act: The Migration of Chinese Workers and Western Response
  • Interpretation of the Chinese State Through the Orientalism Lens of Edward Said
  • The Great Wall of China: An Engineering Marvel
  • The Boxer Rebellion
  • The Silk Road and Chinese Culture
  • China and the Opium Wars
  • An Examination of the Tang Dynasty
  • Chinese Art
  • Confucius and Chinese Philosophical Impact on the Modern World
  • China and Space Exploration
  • Genghis Khan: Ancient Conquerors
  • Sun Tzu: Understanding the Art of War
  • Marco Polo and Early Interactions with Ancient China
  • Feudalism in Ancient China
  • The Mongols and Chinese Development
  • The Battle of Red Cliffs: Great Naval Battles
  • China: A Geographic Analysis
  • Three Gorges Dam: The World’s Largest Hydro Electric Power Source
  • Venous Snakes and the Taklamakan Desert
  • Buddhism and Chinese Culture
  • Falun Gong: Modern Chinese Spiritualism
  • Gender Role Structures in the Chinese Family
  • The Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)

Do you have any additional ideas or would like to further discuss your projects needs, simply email us here .

Click for more great research paper topics listed by discipline .

Central Intelligence Agency. (2015). China. CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from .

Loewe, M. & Shaughnessy, E. (1999). The Cambridge History of Ancient China. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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The Future of the U.S.-China Educational Exchanges — 2024 China Essay Contest Runner Up

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From Columbia University

As China and the United States grapple with issues of intellectual property theft, cybersecurity concerns, and competition for technological supremacy, their once symbiotic relationship in education is now in jeopardy. By “symbiotic” I mean the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge, talent, and resources that has characterized the U.S.-China educational cooperation for decades. American universities have benefited from the influx of talented Chinese students and researchers, while China has gained access to cutting-edge research and educational practices. This reciprocal relationship has fostered innovation, cultural understanding, and economic growth for both nations. However, in recent years, the U.S. has imposed restrictions on Chinese students and scholars to facilitate the transfer of technologies critical to national security and economic competitiveness to China, while China has tightened its control over academic freedom and foreign influences on its campuses. These actions tend not to only hinder the flow of knowledge and talent between the two nations but also undermine decades of progress toward a more collaborative relationship with far-reaching implications for both countries and the global community. 

On the Chinese side, the government has sought to assert greater control over the academic sphere, including through tighter ideological oversight of universities, restrictions on foreign textbooks and online resources, and pressure on Chinese scholars to align their research with national priorities. This has raised concerns about academic freedom and the openness of China’s education system to international engagement.

While legitimate security concerns exist on both sides, current restrictions risk eroding the trust essential to US-China educational exchanges. This hinders the flow of knowledge and talent, fostering suspicion that could damage the broader relationship and jeopardize global stability. In this tense environment, educational exchanges are more crucial than ever for maintaining dialogue and collaboration. The US and China must prioritize finding a sustainable framework that balances security with the vital principles of openness, reciprocity, and mutual benefit. Though difficult, the stakes are too high to let this bridge between two major global powers collapse.

The Power of Educational Exchange: Beyond Dollars and Diplomas

  The magnetic pull of American universities and the rapid rise of Chinese talent have fueled an unprecedented era of educational exchange between the two nations. In just four decades, what began as a trickle of 52 Chinese scholars sent to the U.S. in 1978 had surged to over 289,526 by 2023, with more than half pursuing STEM degrees. However, this remarkable growth has had its challenges. In recent years, the number of Chinese students in the U.S. has begun to level off and even decline, dropping by 8.6% in the 2020-2021 academic year. This trend has been driven in part by the tightening of U.S. visa policies, as well as by growing concerns among Chinese students and parents about safety, discrimination, and the overall climate for international students in the U.S. On the other hand, while the number of American students in China had grown to around 15,000 per year at its peak, that figure has also declined sharply in recent years, falling by more than 50% between 2019 and 2021. This drop can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, rising geopolitical tensions, and growing concerns about academic freedom and safety for American students in China.

The benefits of this U.S.-China educational exchange have been substantial for both sides. Chinese students and researchers have made immense contributions to U.S. innovation, particularly in cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence, where around 27% of top researchers are China-born. Their intellectual dynamism and global perspectives have enriched American campuses and labs while returning students have been a key conduit for knowledge transfer fueling China’s rapid development.

For the U.S., Chinese students and researchers have been an indispensable source of talent and innovation. They have pioneered groundbreaking research, launched thriving startups, and helped maintain America’s edge in critical fields like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and quantum computing. According to NAFSA’s report, Chinese students contributed a whopping $15.9 billion to the U.S. economy in 2018 alone through tuition, housing, and other spending.

But the value of these exchanges goes beyond dollars and diplomas. They have fostered a reservoir of goodwill and understanding between the American and Chinese people. For many Chinese, studying in the U.S. is a formative experience that shapes their worldview and leaves them with a lifelong appreciation for American culture and values. For Americans who study or work in China, the experience can be equally eye-opening, challenging stereotypes and revealing the nuances of a rapidly evolving society.

These grassroots connections have long been a stabilizing force in the often-rocky U.S.-China relationship. During the dark days following The Tiananmen Square Crackdown in 1989, it was the network of the U.S.-educated Chinese officials and scholars that helped keep lines of communication open and prevent a complete rupture in relations . More recently, as tensions have spiked over trade, Taiwan, and technology, the voices of moderation on both sides have often been those with deep personal ties to the other country.

The Economic and Social Risks of Decoupling

The erosion of the U.S.-China educational exchanges carries grave economic consequences that demand urgent attention. As artificial intelligence and other disruptive technologies reshape the global labor market, the United States risks a critical shortage of skilled workers in the very fields that will drive the economy of the future.

Consider the projections: A 2022 report by the Center for Security and Emerging Technology estimates that the U.S. could face a shortfall of 30,000 AI experts by 2025 if restrictions on Chinese researchers continue. Losing access to this vital talent pool could undermine America’s innovation edge and competitiveness in the industries of the future.

But the risks go beyond economics. As the U.S. and China decouple, the social fabric that has bound the two societies together is fraying. Educational exchanges have long fostered a web of personal relationships and cultural understanding that humanize the other side and temper the impulse toward conflict. Without these stabilizing ties, misperceptions and hostilities are likely to multiply.

 Moreover, as the global challenges of the 21st century – from climate change to public health crises to the ethical implications of AI – grow increasingly complex, solving them will require unprecedented cooperation between the U.S. and China. That cooperation depends on a foundation of mutual understanding and trust, one that is built through people-to-people ties and sustained collaboration. 

If educational decoupling continues, the U.S. and China risk not only economic loss but a dangerous empathy gap, one that could have catastrophic consequences in the event of a crisis. The costs of conflict between the world’s two largest economies would be incalculable, not just for them but for the entire global community.

Exchanges Under Threat: Finding Solutions

Educational exchanges between the U.S. and China, which have historically strengthened their relationship, are currently facing significant challenges. The U.S. has tightened visa restrictions, launched investigations into researchers’ links to China, and proposed cuts to exchange programs due to concerns about espionage and technology transfer. This has resulted in a chilling climate for Chinese students and scholars are reporting heightened feelings of suspicion and alienation. The Asian American Scholar Forum (AASF) has raised concerns about multiple incidents of Chinese American scientists, academics, and scholars being harassed or interrogated at ports of entry, which they believe are based on their background or ethnicity. These incidents involve U.S. citizens of Chinese descent or their family members being interrogated for hours, leading to increased fear and concerns about being targeted and surveilled within the community. AASF Executive Director Gisela Perez Kusakawa stated that these incidents cement the perspective for Chinese American scientists, researchers, and scholars that they can be subjected to heightened scrutiny, investigation, and surveillance, despite their contributions to the country.

In China, increased censorship, political interference, and surveillance complicate research for American scholars. The consequences of this narrowing space for academic dialogue are far-reaching, impacting both individual scholars and also extends to topics deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government. A case in point is the 2022 denial of a visa to an American Human Rights professor, Ryan Thoreson, known for advocating for LGBTQ rights and developing capacities in human rights research and training. While the reason remains unclear, both the university and the professor were left without a specific explanation. However, the professor’s past work on promoting equal rights and social justice raises questions about whether these broader themes may have also played a role in the decision. This climate of restriction has fueled self-censorship among foreign academics, who fear that their research or teaching activities may jeopardize their visas or access if they address sensitive topics.

These academic barriers reflect the deep political sensitivities between the two nations, exacerbated by the U.S. Department of Justice’s ‘’China Initiative’ (established in 2018 to combat economic espionage), and China’s assertive actions in the South China Sea, stifling the free exchange of

ideas. Such restrictions not only impact individual careers but also threaten broader academic collaborations essential for fields ranging from technology to the social sciences. This cycle of suspicion and the resulting restrictions not only harm individual careers but also threaten larger academic collaborations that rely on trust and the free flow of ideas. When scholars cannot collaborate without fear of geopolitical consequences, critical research partnerships across various fields, from technology and science to humanities and social sciences, are put at risk..

To balance these security concerns with the benefits of collaboration—such as advancements in biotechnology and cancer research—both nations could implement measures like robust data encryption and establish collaborative oversight bodies composed of neutral experts. These bodies could be composed of:

  • Senior researchers from top universities in the U.S. (e.g., MIT, Stanford), China (e.g., Tsinghua, Peking University), and countries like the UK (Oxford, Cambridge), Germany (Max Planck Institutes), or Japan (University of Tokyo);
  • Representatives from international scientific organizations like the International Council for Science or the World Academy of Sciences;
  • Former diplomats with experience in science and technology cooperation, such as those who have served on bilateral Science and Technology Committee;
  • Legal experts specializing in international intellectual property law and research ethics.

These steps would protect sensitive information while building trust necessary for fruitful partnerships. A recent Nature Index analysis highlights the dramatic decline in non-collaborative research between the two countries, underscoring the risks of prioritizing security over knowledge sharing. Implementing secure data-sharing protocols and establishing joint research oversight committees have proven effective, as seen in the recent agreement between Stanford University and Peking University, which includes provisions for joint ethical review of research projects.

Moreover, promoting open forums for debate on diverse topics enables critical thinking and idea exchange, crucial for academic progress and innovation. The University of Chicago’s commitment to protecting controversial speech serves as a model for fostering a culture of intellectual openness essential for groundbreaking research, as seen in multicultural teams developing life-saving vaccines. Ensuring no restrictions based on nationality or ethnicity, as advocated by the National Science Foundation, is critical for maintaining a thriving academic environment.

In the end, prioritizing open discussion and debate on college campuses, as exemplified by the China Focus Essay Competition hosted by the Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China, the 1990 Institute, The Carter Center, and the 21st Century China Center, is vital for fostering critical thinking and challenging perspectives.

Rescuing Educational Exchange: A Path Forward for the U.S. and China

President Biden and President Xi Jinping recognize the importance of interpersonal ties, turning rhetoric into reality will demand bold action. President Biden has promised to increase funding for the Fulbright program and other educational exchanges, signaling a commitment to fostering mutual understanding. Similarly, President Xi has emphasized the need for direct exchanges and cooperation in education during his speeches. To turn these words into action, both leaders could take specific steps such as easing visa restrictions for students and scholars, creating new joint research projects, and establishing high-level dialogues on education cooperation. These actions would demonstrate a genuine commitment to rebuilding trust and promoting mutual understanding through educational exchange.

To achieve this, both sides must act quickly to rescue and reinvest in educational exchange. The U.S. could shift its approach towards targeted restrictions in sensitive research areas rather than broad bans, ensuring knowledge sharing in non-critical fields. Transparency in explaining these restrictions to universities and scholars could foster greater trust. Additionally, programs fostering a welcoming environment for Chinese researchers and students would reduce anxieties and promote healthy collaboration. Ultimately, by leading the way in setting global standards for ethical and secure research collaborations, the U.S. could create a system where clear rules and fair practices prevail. These shifts are essential to finding a balance between protecting critical national interests and remaining open to the benefits of educational exchange.

For China, rescuing educational exchange will require a realistic appraisal of how its own actions have eroded the confidence of American partners. Greater transparency around issues like research funding, intellectual property, and academic freedom could help rebuild trust. So too could a more open posture towards American scholars and students seeking to study and conduct research in China.

Critically, it also means redoubling investments in homegrown innovation and STEM education to sustain America’s competitive edge. By cultivating its own domestic talent pipeline, the U.S. can reduce its overreliance on Chinese students while still welcoming the best and brightest from around the world.

The Power of Institutions and Individuals

Beyond government actions, the real power to preserve educational ties lies with the institutions and individuals at the heart of these exchanges. American and Chinese universities can collaborate to develop joint educational programs and research initiatives focused on areas such as sustainable development, cultural exchange, and technological innovation, ensuring transparent, reciprocal, and a shared commitment to addressing global challenges. Scholars and students from both countries can actively promote the importance of open exchange, serving as influential advocates and informal ambassadors dedicated to fostering mutual understanding.

One particularly promising area for collaboration is artificial intelligence. As a transformative technology with immense implications for both countries, AI is a domain where U.S.-China cooperation could yield significant benefits. Joint research projects, subject to appropriate oversight and IP protections, could accelerate progress on shared challenges like climate change, public health, and disaster response. Moreover, by bringing together American and Chinese AI researchers, such collaborations could help establish norms and best practices to guide the responsible development of this powerful technology.

The vitality of the educational exchange between the U.S. and China must be preserved and renewed. Not as a panacea for all that divides these two nations, but as a crucial reminder of what unites them: a shared interest in global stability, prosperity, and innovation. In an age of existential challenges and transformative technologies, maintaining robust educational exchanges may be the most significant advantage we can secure. These exchanges are not merely transactions of knowledge; they are investments in a peaceful and prosperous future, enabling both countries to navigate the complexities of modern geopolitics not as rivals, but as partners in the pursuit of knowledge and the service of humanity.


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MacroPolo. (2024a, May 15). The Global AI talent tracker 2.0 . MacroPolo .

MacroPolo. (2024b, May 15). The Global AI talent tracker 2.0 . MacroPolo .

More restrictive U.S. policy on Chinese graduate student visas raises alarm. (2020, May 28). Science , 368 (6492), 1059 1061.

NAFSA: Association of International Educators. (2021). Losing talent: Economic and foreign policy risk America can’t ignore .

National Science Foundation. (n.d.). NSF – National Science Foundation .

Nature Index. (2019, May 15). Big fall for the United States in non-collaborative papers; China’s tally rises . Nature .

Ryan, T. (2023, November 1). Chinese universities ticked off for ideological education gaps . University World News .

Sixth Tone. (2020, May 28). Concerns grow about academic freedom and COVID-19 . Inside Higher Ed .

Statista. (n.d.). Number of Chinese students that study in the U.S. Statista .

Thoreson, R. (2023, January 11). Chinese universities ticked off for ideological education gaps . University World News .

U.S. Department of Justice. (2018, November 1). Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces new initiative to combat Chinese economic espionage .

U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2023). GAO-23-106114: Efforts to secure critical technologies in U.S.-China relations .

University of California, San Diego. (2021). Three decades of Chinese students in America, 1991-2021 . China Data Lab .

Whiteness and free speech at the University of Chicago. (2023, July 3). New York Times .

Wilhelm, M. (2018, September 12). Wilson Center releases study on China’s influence and interference in U.S. higher education . Inside Higher Ed .

World Bank. (n.d.). Visa restrictions on Chinese students endanger U.S. innovation edge, universities say . The Wall Street Journal .

Zhao, S. (n.d.). China’s influence on academic freedom: A study of Chinese interference in U.S. higher education . Harvard University Press .

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    The first non-mythical dynasty to rule China was the Xia Dynasty in the 21st century B. The Revolution of 1911 ended the Qing Dynasty, and led to the founding of the Republic of China. History of Music in China Essay Sample. The development of music itself is a story that is interwoven with the history of a region.

  3. China Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    83 essay samples found. China, a nation with a profound historical legacy and rapidly evolving contemporary significance, presents a rich tapestry of topics for exploration. Essays on China might delve into its ancient civilizations, dynastic histories, and the myriad contributions to science, art, and philosophy.

  4. Essay on China

    500 Words Essay on China Introduction. China, officially known as the People's Republic of China, is a country located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, boasting a population of over 1.4 billion. China's rich history, diverse culture, and rapid economic growth have made it a global powerhouse. Historical Overview

  5. Essays About China ️ Free Examples & Essay Topic Ideas

    Free essays on China are academic papers or articles that provide a comprehensive overview of the country's history, culture, economy, politics, and society. These essays can cover a range of topics, such as China's role in the global economy, its political system, social issues, and cultural heritage.

  6. Free China Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

    China - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas. China is a country located in East Asia, with a population of over 1.4 billion people. It is the world's second-largest country by land area and has a rich cultural history that spans thousands of years. China is known for many things, including its ancient landmarks such as the Great Wall, its ...

  7. Chinese Essay Topics

    Chinese Essay Topics. Sort By: Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. Better Essays. Chinese History And The Chinese Tradition. 1871 Words; 8 Pages; Chinese History And The Chinese Tradition ... In China, Japan, and Korea they believed that dragons where. 1628 Words; 7 Pages; Good Essays. Preview. Better Essays. Differences Between Chinese And ...

  8. Globalization and Its Impacts on China

    China, which is a rapidly growing economy, has experienced a tremendous impact of globalization due to increased international cooperation and trade. As the country focuses on expanding its businesses across transcontinental borders, the effects have caused significant concern. This essay delves into the impacts of globalization on reshaping ...

  9. Weekend Long Read: What We Can Learn From This Year's Gaokao Essay Topics

    China's 2021 gaokao essay topics. (Compiled by Caixin Global) Writing essays is part of the annual gaokao. Scores are tremendously important to students. Here are nine essay topics for Chinese high school students seeking to get into university in 2021. National Test I. This year marks the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of ...

  10. Chinese Culture Essay Topics

    Write an essay in which you identify an aspect of Chinese culture that you believe is misunderstood by people outside of China. In your essay, explain the origins of the misunderstanding and ...

  11. China Essays: Samples & Topics

    The Sino-Italian Relationship Through the Silk Road. China and Italy have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship for centuries, in terms of commerce, economy and culture. In this essay, I will examine the early stages of the Sino-Italian relationship, dating back to the Roman Empire.

  12. Modern Chinese History Essay Topics

    Critical Thinking Essay Topics. During the 18th and 19th centuries, China had gone through a population explosion that bureaucracies throughout the provinces found difficult to govern and tax.

  13. Chinese culture

    It is a culture deeply influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, with an emphasis on family, respect for elders, and harmony. Chinese cuisine, calligraphy, traditional medicine, martial arts, and music are just a few examples of the rich and multifaceted culture. The Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival are ...

  14. My Study Experience in China: [Essay Example], 834 words

    In conclusion, "my study experience in China" was a vibrant mosaic of learning experiences that transcended the boundaries of a classroom. The journey was an educational odyssey, marked by rigorous academic engagements, rich cultural immersions, and personal transformations that have carved a deep impact on my psyche.

  15. The 2020-21 Wilson China Fellowship: Essays on the Rise of China and

    From the South China Sea to the situation in Xinjiang, our 2020-21 Fellows explore a range of topics addressing the breadth and width of China policy. With accompanying essays by Stephen Del Rosso, Abraham M. Denmark, and Robert Daly, the Wilson China Fellowship essays and their policy recommendations come at a crucial time when the rise of ...

  16. China Essay

    China. Sui Dynasty (589 - 618 CE) was a short lived Imperial Chinese dynasty, preceded by the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It unified China for the first time after nearly four centuries of north-south division. It was followed by the Tang Dynasty. Founded by Emperor Wen of Sui, the capital was Chang'an.

  17. China Essay Examples

    Essays About China A great topic to explore on many different fronts is China. It's one of the oldest nations in existence and has a rich history that some even believe to be borderline mythical. So, there's a bottomless pit of subjects you can cover with such a complex country, and it also works with any kind of topic. The country boasts thousands of years of recorded history. Even to ...

  18. Jordan: 108 Traditional China Term Paper Topics

    Heroic warriors and military lore in folk life. 31. Intervillage warfare in the Cantonese-speaking world. 32. Cheating the tax man: the collection of taxes in traditional China. 33. The model of an ordered state implied in the Confucian canon. 34. The use of torture under traditional Chinese law: theory and practice.

  19. Ancient China Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Women Live in Ancient China China is one of the world's oldest nations, being more than 4000 years old it shows no signs of decline. China has a rich history. It was ruled by several men and by various dynasties. Each ruler set standards for how the Chinese civilization was to be governed and every emperor and dynasty makes the history of China only more interesting.

  20. China Studies Paper Topics

    Interesting China Studies Research Paper Topics. The nature of China studies is so immense that analysis could be conducted from, but not necessarily limited, to the following categories: sociology, history, economics, religion, political science, geography, art, military, gender studies and even biology. As a result of the topic potential, it ...

  21. China Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    China-Puerto Rico K -- 12 Students in China and Puerto Rico In this essay, the author will use the 2009 PISA analysis to compare the China and Puerto Rico's policies on education and the impact or influence on the performance of K -- 12 students. Both countries are radically different in that they have different relationships with PISA and OECD.

  22. The Future of the U.S.-China Educational Exchanges

    In China, increased censorship, political interference, and surveillance complicate research for American scholars. The consequences of this narrowing space for academic dialogue are far-reaching, impacting both individual scholars and also extends to topics deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government.

  23. Review on Modern China: [Essay Example], 3871 words

    Measured on a purchasing power parity basis that adjusts for price differences, China in 2016 stood as the largest economy in the world, surpassing the US in 2014 for the first time in modern history. China became the world's largest exporter in 2010, and the largest trading nation in 2013. Still, China's per capita income is below the world ...

  24. Free Essays on Chinese Culture, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Essays on Chinese Culture. Most of us can write a Chinese culture essay without spending hours on research, as the world has been obsessed with Asian culture for years now. The culture of China began to form as early as 3000 BC. Most Chinese traditions have survived and are practiced to this day. Chinese value family and hard work, they ...

  25. China economy: Young people in China aren't spending on romance ...

    During China's go-go years, young couples holding enormous bouquets of roses were a familiar sight during the Qixi Festival, an ancient holiday celebrating love and loyalty.