
Essay on Anti Bullying

Students are often asked to write an essay on Anti Bullying in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Anti Bullying

What is bullying.

Bullying is when someone hurts or scares another person repeatedly. The person being bullied finds it hard to defend themselves. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or online. It can include hitting, name-calling, threatening, and spreading rumors.

Effects of Bullying

Bullying can hurt a person’s feelings and make them sad or scared. It can lead to low self-esteem and poor school performance. In severe cases, it can also cause depression or anxiety. The person being bullied may feel alone and unwanted.


Anti-bullying means actions taken to stop bullying. This can include telling a trusted adult about the bullying or standing up for the person being bullied. Schools can also have anti-bullying programs to teach students about the harm caused by bullying.

Role of Students

Students play a crucial role in anti-bullying. They can support the person being bullied and include them in activities. They can also tell the bully to stop if it is safe to do so. Being kind and respectful to everyone can help prevent bullying.

Bullying hurts people and is never okay. Everyone has the right to feel safe and respected. By standing up against bullying, we can create a kinder and more inclusive world. Remember, your actions can make a big difference.

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250 Words Essay on Anti Bullying

Bullying is a bad behavior where one person hurts or scares another person on purpose. The person being hurt may have a hard time defending themselves. This can happen many times or just once.

Why is Bullying Wrong?

Bullying is wrong because it hurts people. It can make a person feel sad, scared, or angry. It can also make them feel alone. This can lead to problems like low self-esteem, depression, or even thoughts of suicide.

The Importance of Anti-Bullying

Anti-bullying is about stopping this bad behavior. It is important because everyone deserves to feel safe and happy. Schools, parents, and kids can all play a role in stopping bullying.

What Schools Can Do

Schools can teach about the harm of bullying and how to stop it. They can also make rules against bullying and make sure to enforce them. Schools can also give support to kids who have been bullied.

What Parents Can Do

Parents can teach their kids about respect and kindness. They can also watch for signs of bullying and talk to their kids about it. If their child is being bullied, they can talk to the school about it.

What Kids Can Do

Kids can stand up against bullying if they see it happening. They can also be a friend to someone who is being bullied. Most importantly, they should always tell an adult if they or someone else is being bullied.

Remember, bullying is never okay. Everyone has the right to feel safe and happy. Together, we can stop bullying.

500 Words Essay on Anti Bullying

Understanding bullying.

Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person. Some of the ways they bully other people are by: calling them names, saying or writing nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, threatening them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, or hurting them physically.

Why is Anti-Bullying Important?

Anti-bullying is important because everyone deserves to feel safe and happy in school, in their neighborhood, or online. Bullying can make people feel lonely, unhappy, and scared. It can affect their concentration and lower their self-esteem. Sometimes it can make them feel so bad that they don’t want to go on living. That’s why we need to stop bullying.

Steps Towards Anti-Bullying

There are many steps we can take to stop bullying. First, we must understand that everyone is different and that’s okay. We should respect others’ differences and treat everyone kindly. If you see someone being bullied, it’s important to stand up for them. Tell a trusted adult about the bullying. Don’t just stand by and watch; it’s important to take action.

Role of Schools in Anti-Bullying

Schools play a big role in stopping bullying. They can teach students about the harms of bullying, encourage them to speak up about it, and take action when it happens. Schools can also provide a safe and friendly environment where everyone is treated with respect.

Role of Parents in Anti-Bullying

Parents too have a big role in stopping bullying. They can teach their children about the importance of respecting others. They should also encourage their children to talk about their feelings and any problems they may be having. If their child is being bullied, parents should take it seriously and take steps to stop it.

In conclusion, bullying is a serious problem that we need to stop. Everyone has the right to feel safe and happy. We all have a role to play in stopping bullying. By understanding, standing up against, and taking action to stop bullying, we can make our schools, neighborhoods, and online spaces safer and happier for everyone.

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How parents, teachers, and kids can take action to prevent bullying

Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment where children can thrive, socially and academically, without being afraid.

  • Schools and Classrooms

sad little girl being consoled by her father


Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength. It is a repeated behavior and can be physical, verbal, or relational. While boys may bully others using more physical means, girls often bully others by social exclusion. Bullying has been part of school, and even workplaces, for years. More recently, though, technology and social media have created a new venue for bullying that has expanded its reach. Cyberbullying is bullying that happens online and via cell phones. Websites like YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat allow kids to send hurtful, ongoing messages to other children 24 hours a day. Some sites, such as Instagram, allow messages to be left anonymously.

Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment where children can thrive, socially and academically, without being afraid. APA recommends that teachers, parents, and students take the following actions to address bullying.

Teachers and school administrators

Be knowledgeable and observant, involve students and parents.

Students and parents need to be a part of the solution and involved in safety teams and antibullying task forces. Students can inform adults about what is really going on and also teach adults about new technologies that kids are using to bully. Parents, teachers, and school administrators can help students engage in positive behavior and teach them skills so that they know how to intervene when bullying occurs. Older students can serve as mentors and inform younger students about safe practices on the internet.

Set positive expectations about behavior for students and adults

Schools and classrooms must offer students a safe learning environment. Teachers and coaches need to explicitly remind students that bullying is not accepted in school and such behaviors will have consequences. Creating an antibullying document and having both the student and the parents/guardians sign and return it to the school office helps students understand the seriousness of bullying. Also, for students who have a hard time adjusting or finding friends, teachers and administrators can facilitate friendships or provide “jobs” for the student to do during lunch and recess so that children do not feel isolated or in danger of becoming targets for bullying.

Parents of kids being bullied

Observe your child for signs they might be being bullied, teach your child how to handle being bullied, set boundaries with technology.

Educate your children and yourself about cyberbullying and teach your children not to respond or forward threatening emails. “Friend” your child on Facebook and other social media platforms and set up proper filters on your child’s computer. Make the family computer the only computer for children, and have it in a public place in the home where it is visible and can be monitored. If you decide to give your child a cell phone think carefully before allowing them to have a camera option. Let them know you will be monitoring their text messages. As a parent, you can insist that phones are stored in a public area, such as the kitchen, by a certain time at night to eliminate nighttime bullying and inappropriate messaging. Parents should report bullying to the school, and follow up with a letter that is copied to the school superintendent if their initial inquiry receives no response.

Parents should report all threatening messages to the police and should document any text messages, emails, or posts on websites.

Parents of kids engaged in bullying

Stop bullying before it starts.

Educate your children about bullying. It is possible that your child is having trouble reading social signs and does not know what they are doing is hurtful. Remind your child that bullying others can have legal consequences.

Make your home “bully free”

Children learn behavior through their parents. Being exposed to aggressive behavior or an overly strict environment at home makes kids more prone to bully at school. Parents/caregivers should model positive examples for your child in your relationships with other people and with them.

Look for self esteem issues

Children with low self-esteem often bully to feel better about themselves. Even children who seem popular and well-liked can have mean tendencies. Mean behavior should be addressed by parents and disciplined.

Report bullying and cyberbullying

It is important for students to report any bullying to a parent or an adult they trust. Often kids don’t report cyberbullying because they fear their parents will take away their phone or computer. Parents will support their child’s reports of bullying and not take away their phones as a consequence. It is important for kids to remember that bullying is wrong and should be handled by an adult.

Don’t bully back

It may be difficult to not bully back, but as the saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right. Try not to show anger or tears. Either calmly tell the bully to stop bullying or simply walk away.

Avoid being alone

Whenever possible, avoid situations where there are no other students or teachers. Try to go to the bathroom with a friend or eat lunch in a group. When riding the bus, sit near the front. If you know a student who likes to bully others is in an area where you normally walk to lunch or class, try to use alternative hallway routes.

Remember, report bullying of yourself or other students to your teacher, coach, principal, and/or parent.

Students who experience bullying may feel overwhelmed, depressed, or anxious. If your child or student is having trouble at school or with friends as a result of bullying, a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, can help your child develop resilience and confidence. This will enable your child to be more successful both socially and academically.

Additional resources

  • Net Cetera: Chatting with kids about being online
  • Stop Bullying Now Campaign
  • APA Q and A with Dr. Susan Swearer
  • Bullying Research Network

Special thanks to Rosalind Dorlen, PsyD, independent practice, New Jersey Elaine Ducharme, PhD, independent practice, Connecticut Susan M. Swearer, PhD, associate professor of school psychology and licensed psychologist; codirector, Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology; and secretary, APA Division 16 (School Psychology)

Recommended Reading

Ouch Moments

  • Cyberbullying: What is it and how can you stop it?
  • Stop office bullying

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

Eight Keys to End Bullying

Everyone has a story when it comes to bullying. As a licensed social worker, school counselor, and national educator, I have heard many first-hand accounts of bullying, from triumphant efforts to end unwanted aggression to heart-wrenching stories of relentless torment. I am routinely appalled by how ubiquitous cruelty has become. 

Yet, despite the pain, I am hopeful. I believe we have an opportunity to change the culture of bullying among young people and I think the answer begins with those who live and work with young people every day.  It is not complicated policies or grandiose programs that make the most difference, but rather consistent, daily, nurturing acts of reaching out to both children who bully and those who are are the receiving end of cruelty that bring about the most meaningful and lasting change.

Here is an outline of key steps that have the greatest impact on helping kids, drawn from my new book, 8 Keys to End Bullying .

1. Know bullying when you see it

essay about how to stop bullying

Bullying is clearly defined as having three elements: intentionally aggressive behavior that is repeated over time and involving an imbalance of power . It is most often used to gain social status, to maintain power and control over another, and for peer attention. 

In our culture of 24/7 news cycles and social media sound bites, we have a better opportunity than ever before to bring attention to this important issue. But when we overuse the term ‘bullying’ or make it synonymous with terms more related to everyday conflict,  we run the risk of making people so sick and tired of hearing about our issue that it loses its urgency as quickly as it rose to prominence.

It is important to distinguish behavior that rises to the level of bullying from behaviors that indicate rudeness or mean behavior so that teachers, youth workers, and parents know what to pay attention to and when to intervene.  We don’t want bullying in schools to become a “little boy who cried wolf” issue.

2. Establish connections with kids

Connections with kids are the essential prerequisite for any growth and change an adult can facilitate. When a child perceives that adults in his life are truly invested in his wellbeing and interested in his experiences, he is more willing to talk about what is going on in his life and to be open to adult feedback.

Without strong adult connections, kids that bully can act without the hindrance of adult disapproval, victims feel isolated from sources of potential support, and bystanders have no one to whom they can turn to report bullying behavior. Adults need to make it easy for kids to talk to them. Maintaining calm, expressing sympathy, thanking the child for having the strength to reach out, encouraging problem solving together, and following up later to make sure a proposed solution worked—those are all ways adults can support kids and nurture relationships that will help stop bullying.

If kids believe they are safe to reach out to adults, and that things will get better if they do, they will feel less isolated and will more likely report bullying.

3. Stop bullying whenever you see it

Most bullying goes unseen by adults—up to seventy-five percent of incidents happen in kid-only locations like the playground, bathroom, or the bus.

But when adults see something happening, they must be ready to intervene. The most effective approach to stopping bullying is often the least wordy one. In many cases, the briefer, the better. Here are some suggested statements teachers can make when they witness bullying:

  • “It’s not OK to say that to someone in my classroom. Are we clear?”
  • “Sending that kind of text about a classmate is unacceptable. That cannot happen again.”
  • “Leaving one kid out of the group is not going to work. Let’s fix this and move on.”

The benefit of brief statements like these is that they don’t humiliate or alienate anyone. Instead, they let everyone know the teacher is paying attention, and they send a strong signal that bullying won’t be tolerated.

4. Deal directly with cyberbullying

Adults have made a giant misstep in recent years by choosing not to take responsibility for responding to aggression that occurs through technology. School personnel say they can’t do anything because it didn’t occur at school; law enforcement say they can’t get involved unless there’s a clear crime; and parents don’t feel they can keep up with what their kids are doing online. This across-the-board abdication of responsibility by adults have given kids who bully evidence that they can control peer culture online, free and unfettered of adult intervention.

Cyberbullying can be distinctly harmful because it can occur anonymously and cruelty can go viral at the touch of a key. Kids find it far easier to be cruel when they don’t have to lock eyes with the object of their viciousness. There is no safe place for victims, because the online attack can happen without the victim being in the same place as the perpetrator.

One of the most important things that adults can do to prevent bullying online is to maintain strong connections with kids offline. Young people will never feel safe talking to adults about what is happening in cyberspace if their real-world relationships are not already strong.  Parents also play a key role in teaching kids commonsense standards for the use of technology, basing rules on values of kindness and compassion, and enforcing these agreements in consistently caring ways.

5. Build social and emotional skills

Stopping bullying means more than catching the perpetrators in the act. Instead, it begins by creating overall positive school cultures. That means taking concrete actions to champion acceptance, honor diversity, foster cooperation, establish connections with kids, and facilitate open communication among staff and students.

It also involves social and emotional learning. Bullying prevention programs that focus on building social and emotional competencies in all kids achieve better results than interventions aimed only at kids who bully. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs have been shown to create more positive peer relationships, build higher levels of caring and empathy, increase social engagement, and reduce problem behaviors. What’s more, on average students who receive SEL programming academically outperform their peers and graduate at higher rates.

SEL programming in schools can help prevent bullying in many ways: by increasing kids’ emotional regulation, by instructing kids on how to manage stress and control their impulses; by increasing empathy; by teaching problem-solving skills; by practicing assertive communication, and by fostering friendship skills.

6. Turn bystanders Into buddies

Research suggests that peers are present during nine out of every 10 incidents of bullying—but intervene on behalf of victims less than 20 percent of the time. When peers do step in to stop bullying, however, the episode stops within 10 seconds more than half of the time. Therefore, it’s incumbent upon adults to figure out best ways to encourage peers to intervene.

For kids to become empowered, they need to believe that stopping bullying starts with them. They must learn to feel a connection to a bullied child, understand that their friendships can endure doing the right thing, know how to use assertive communication, and feel confident that their intervention will have a positive impact.

Kids with high social status often make the best interveners, because of their outsized influence on the peer group and their relative immunity from the backlash of vengeful aggressors. Some of the most effective programs in schools build on this principle, pairing high-status kids with vulnerable peers. This experience benefits both the potential victim, who gains social status, and the high status kid, who learns the benefits of kindness and compassion.

7. Reach out to kids who bully

Because bullying is marked by repeated acts of aggression that intentionally harm others and is committed by individuals who hold more power than their victims, bullying behavior is predictive of troubling mental health and behavioral outcomes, like substance abuse, depression, and criminal behavior. For safety reasons alone, professionals and parents should reach out to kids who bully while they are young and their behavior is still highly changeable.

When approached by adults who are ready to listen, young people who bully tend to talk; when approached by adults who are ready to accuse, they tend to be defensive. Too often what’s meted out to kids who behave badly has more to do with fulfilling an adult’s need to win than with meeting a child’s need to learn, make amends, and grow. Instead of telling kids what they shouldn’t do, it’s more effective to say what they should do—to teach them appropriate social skills and ways of managing conflicts. Punishment alone does nothing to prevent future bullying and can, in fact, aggravate a bad situation.

8. Keep the conversation going

Many adults who desperately and genuinely want to do right by kids give up on even attempting to manage incidents of bullying because they feel so overwhelmed by the complexity of the challenge. There are other adults who operate strictly from a risk management perspective, going through the motions of intervening in bullying without assessing if their intervention is effective or sufficient.

But this is not enough to keep kids safe. Instead, opening up an ongoing dialogue with kids about social conflicts, friendships, and navigating difficulties they may face is more effective, because it shows you care and that you understand their world.

Maintaining an open dialogue about bullying and making sure we continue to shine a bright light on it is the only way we will bring an end to this long-standing problem. Only by keeping the conversation going will we be able to deter bullying in the future and keep all children safe.

About the Author

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Bullying Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on bullying.

Bullying refers to aggressive behavior so as to dominate the other person. It refers to the coercion of power over others so that one individual can dominate others. It is an act that is not one time, instead, it keeps on repeating over frequent intervals.  The person(s) who bullies others can be termed as bullies, who make fun of others due to several reasons. Bullying is a result of someone’s perception of the imbalance of power.

bullying essay

Types of bullying :

There can be various types of bullying, like:

  • Physical bullying:  When the bullies try to physically hurt or torture someone, or even touch someone without his/her consent can be termed as physical bullying .
  • Verbal bullying:  It is when a person taunts or teases the other person.
  • Psychological bullying:  When a person or group of persons gossip about another person or exclude them from being part of the group, can be termed as psychological bullying.
  • Cyber bullying:  When bullies make use of social media to insult or hurt someone. They may make comments bad and degrading comments on the person at the public forum and hence make the other person feel embarrassed. Bullies may also post personal information, pictures or videos on social media to deteriorate some one’s public image.

Read Essay on Cyber Bullying

Bullying can happen at any stage of life, such as school bullying, College bullying, Workplace bullying, Public Place bullying, etc. Many times not only the other persons but the family members or parents also unknowingly bully an individual by making constant discouraging remarks. Hence the victim gradually starts losing his/her self-esteem, and may also suffer from psychological disorders.

A UNESCO report says that 32% of students are bullied at schools worldwide. In our country as well, bullying is becoming quite common. Instead, bullying is becoming a major problem worldwide. It has been noted that physical bullying is prevalent amongst boys and psychological bullying is prevalent amongst girls.

Prevention strategies:

In the case of school bullying, parents and teachers can play an important role. They should try and notice the early symptoms of children/students such as behavioral change, lack of self-esteem, concentration deficit, etc. Early recognition of symptoms, prompt action and timely counseling can reduce the after-effects of bullying on the victim.

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Anti-bullying laws :

One should be aware of the anti-bullying laws in India. Awareness about such laws may also create discouragement to the act of bullying amongst children and youngsters. Some information about anti-bullying laws is as follows:

  • Laws in School: To put a notice on the notice board that if any student is found bullying other students then he/she can be rusticated. A committee should be formed which can have representatives from school, parents, legal, etc.
  • Laws in Colleges: The government of India, in order to prevent ragging , has created guideline called “UGC regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Education Institutions,2009”.
  • Cyber Bullying Laws: The victim can file a complaint under the Indian Penal Code .


It is the duty of the parents to constantly preach their children about not bullying anyone and that it is wrong. Hence, if we, as a society need to grow and develop then we have to collectively work towards discouraging the act of bullying and hence make our children feel secure.

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Home ➔ Free Essay Examples ➔ Bullying Essay

Bullying Essay – Writing Guide

A bullying essay is a piece of writing that explores the issue of bullying, its causes, effects, and possible solutions. Bullying is a widespread problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is a form of aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or psychological, and is often repeated over time. Bullying can significantly impact the mental and emotional well-being of those affected, leading to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicide.

A bullying essay is an assignment that students can be required to write at all education levels. The problem of bullying is pervasive in schools and has many facets that must be addressed with equal consideration. That’s why there are many things you can write about in your essay on bullying. Read on to see a short essay example on this topic with a few comments and some topics you can use as examples for this assignment.

The bullying paper example below is divided into three core elements: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part is followed by a short analysis of that part.

Bullying Essay Example (with commentaries)

Topic: The Three Major Effects of Bullying in Schools

Type: Informative Essay


Bullying in schools has remained constant from decade to decade. Bullying is terrible for children in schools and can have various detrimental effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Education, bullying comprises three core elements: unwanted aggressive behavior, observed or perceived power imbalance, and repetition or high likelihood of repetition. It is alarming that almost 20% of students aged 12 to 18 experience bullying nationwide. School bullying can adversely affect kids, including health conditions, learning problems, low self-esteem, and mental health issues.

Introduction analysis:

The introduction oof this essay provides background information on bullying. Then, the writer uses statistics from credible sources as an attention hook, which is one of the good ways to start an essay. And it ends with a thesis statement that states the three main aspects that will be discussed in the essay. However, it lacks a proper transition between the hook and the thesis statement.

Body paragraphs

The first and one of the major negative effects of bullying in school is its ability to wreak havoc on a child’s health and well-being. Aside from physical injuries which may result from physical shoving or pushing, bullying can cause headaches, trouble sleeping, and stomach aches. The mind and body are connected; hence, any stressor to a child’s well-being can manifest as physical symptoms. Bullying may also aggravate pre-existing health conditions like skin, heart, and gastrointestinal diseases. The negative impact on a child’s health is one of the more obvious adverse effects of school bullying.

In addition to affecting the child’s physical health, bullying can cause learning struggles and delays in development. The academic impact on the child experiencing bullying can be overwhelming. Often, one of the first indicators that a child may be experiencing bullying is a sudden decline in grades or poor academic performance. Sometimes, kids are so caught up with how bullying makes them feel that they forget to study, don’t do their homework, or have difficulty paying attention in class and digesting the study material. Bullied children often make excuses to skip school, pretend to be sick, or lie to their parents about attending classes. Overall, the academic impact of bullying is one of the worst ones that must be considered when tackling the problem.

To make matters worse, besides negative physical health outcomes and unsatisfactory grades or a decline in academic achievement, kids who experience bullying in schools also suffer from poor self-esteem and mental health effects. For example, bullied kids tend to experience negative emotions such as social isolation, anger, loneliness, and more. In some cases with high school students, these negative emotions can lead to the misuse of drugs or alcohol. Bullying causes kids to feel poorly about themselves, increasing their risk for depression, anxiety, self-harm, or suicide. These effects can be short-term or long-lasting, even when bullying has ended.

Body analysis:

The body of the essay discusses the three main negative consequences of bullying mentioned in the thesis statement of this bullying essay. Each of these points is elaborated on with specific examples. The language used is clear and easy to understand. However, the essay does not flow smoothly from one point to the next and feels somewhat choppy as a result.

School bullying can have significant and detrimental negative effects on kids, including adverse health outcomes, inadequate academic performance, and mental struggles. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience a manifestation of health conditions, which may become chronic. Bullying causes kids to be less likely to perform well academically and may cause them to skip class, thereby impacting their learning. Lastly, bullying causes kids to experience unhealthy emotions and poor self-esteem. Bullying is a chronic problem that we must continue to address in schools everywhere.

Conclusion analysis:

The essay’s conclusion restates the three main points of the body and reaffirms that bullying is a serious problem with far-reaching consequences. But, it feels somewhat abrupt and could be further developed at the very end, even though it is an informative piece.

97 Bullying Essay Examples – Here’s a PDF file with more examples of papers about bullying (by various authors). They vary in size and quality, so make sure to analyze them thoroughly.

What to Write About (Topics)

Below, you will find various ideas you can use to write an essay on bullying. The topics are divided by essay type as it will affect how you write and what you write about.

Expository essay : You can educate or inform your audience about bullying or define bullying from your unique perspective. Here are a few topic examples:

  • Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools
  • How to Stand up to a Bully Effectively
  • What Role Bystanders Play in Bullying Situations
  • How to Support Someone Who is Being Bullied
  • The Legal Repercussions of Bullying
  • Existing Policies and Laws That Fight Bullying
  • Best Ways to Handle Bullying for Educators
  • How to Overcome the Consequences of Bullying
  • Examples of Effective and Ineffective Anti-bullying Programs in Educational Institutions

Classification essay : You can explore and describe the types and subtypes of bullying. For example:

  • Bullying in schools
  • Workplace bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Bullying of children
  • Bullying of teenagers
  • Bullying of adults
  • Verbal bullying
  • Physical bullying
  • Emotional bullying
  • Racial bullying
  • Religious bullying
  • Cultural bullying
  • Fat shaming

Problem-solution essay : You can explore and describe the possible solutions to bullying. Here are some topic examples for this bullying essay type:

  • How schools can effectively address bullying
  • The role of parents in preventing bullying
  • How we can change the culture of bullying
  • How we can support a bullying victim
  • How to create a more positive school climate to prevent bullying

Cause and effect essay : You can explore and describe the effects of bullying or the causes that lead to bullying. Below are several topic samples:

  • How bullying leads to school violence
  • How bullying can lead students to suicidal thoughts
  • The long-term effects of being bullied
  • How bullying affects the academic performance of students
  • The psychological consequences of bullying

Persuasive essay : You can try to take a stance on bullying and persuade the readers to take action. Such a bullying essay could be written on the following topics:

  • School shootings: why do school shootings happen, and how can we prevent them?
  • Repeated verbal abuse: how does repeated verbal abuse affect bullying victims, and what can be done to stop it?
  • Family members: should family members be held responsible for bullying?
  • Bystanders: what role do bystanders play in bullying, and how can we encourage them to take action?
  • Social media: how does social media contribute to bullying, and what can be done to stop it?

Argumentative essay : You can argue your point of view on bullying or any of its aspects in an argumentative paper. Topic examples:

  • What causes people to bully others?
  • Can we end school bullying for sure?
  • Should people who bully others be punished?
  • Is there a difference between boys and girls who bully?
  • Is there a link between bullying and poor mental health?

Narrative essay : You can tell your personal story related to bullying (if you have one) or a story of someone you know. Topic examples might include the following:

  • How I studied bullying behavior for my project
  • How spreading rumors ruined my middle-school life
  • How other countries I have been to deal with school bullying
  • Why I changed schools five times and don’t have many friends
  • How it can get to you even through text messages

Bullying is a serious and growing problem affecting individuals, their families, and communities. It is a complex subject to broach and talk about because it provides little comfort to parents, but it should be discussed to implement strategies to mitigate bullying and its effects. And while it is true that some young people will likely “grow out of” being bullied, it’s also true that some never stop being bullied.

In conclusion, this essay guide on bullying has provided a comprehensive overview of the issue and its impact on individuals. It is a problem that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. By working together and taking action, we can help create a world where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected, and where bullying has no place. If you are writing an essay on this topic, this guide can serve as a valuable resource to help you better understand the issue and develop practical solutions to address it. Remember, if you or someone you know is being bullied, speaking out and seeking help is important.

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Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Cathy A.

Learn How To Craft a Powerful Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Published on: Jan 24, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024


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Are you looking for ways to craft a powerful persuasive essay about bullying? Writing an effective and engaging persuasive essay is no easy task.

However, with some preparation and planning, it can be a piece of cake! 

From outlining strong arguments to providing examples, we will explain all details of composing a perfect persuasive essay about bullying.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

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Writing a Perfect Persuasive Essay About Bullying 

Bullying is a major issue that affects many children, teens, and adults in schools, workplaces, and other environments. 

Writing a persuasive essay about bullying can effectively raise awareness of the problem and find solutions.

Here are a few components of a persuasive essay that you should include:

  • An Introduction 

Start your essay with an interesting introduction that explains the concept of bullying and its effects on those involved.

Provide evidence to support your argument using facts, statistics, and personal accounts to support your claims. 

Offer potential solutions to the problem of bullying. Focus on proposing effective solutions that can be implemented in schools and other environments where bullying is a common issue.

  • Call to Action

Conclude your essay with a call to action for both victims and bystanders of bullying. Encourage them to stop it or report it when they witness it happening.

Here Is How You Can Write a Persuasive Essay About Bullying Introduction 

Writing an introduction to a persuasive essay about bullying can be challenging.

To start, it's important to understand the purpose of the introduction. It is to provide a brief overview of the topic and introduce your thesis statement. 

  • Begin by providing a general overview of the topic of bullying.
  • Introduce the main point of your essay: your thesis statement. 
  • Create a hook for your introduction to draw readers into your topic and compel them to read further. 
  • State why this issue is important and relevant, providing evidence from authoritative sources to support your claims. 
  • Conclude your introduction with a summary of the main points you will make in the essay. 

How To Write Body Paragraphs In a Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Body paragraphs in a persuasive essay about bullying should focus on providing evidence to support the thesis statement. 

This can be done through various research methods such as interviews, surveys, and personal experiences. 

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Here are five ways to effectively write body paragraphs for a persuasive essay about bullying:

1. Utilize vivid tone and descriptive imagery

2. Present evidence - Provide facts, figures, and other evidence to support your argument. 

3. Discuss consequences: Explain how bullying hurts individuals, communities, and society. 

4. Make a call to action: Ask the reader to participate in anti-bullying initiatives or speak up when they witness bullying.

5. Offer solutions: Suggest ways to prevent bullying, such as implementing more school-wide programs or teaching students.

How To Write The Conclusion In a Persuasive Essay About Bullying

The conclusion of a persuasive essay about bullying should summarize the key arguments. 

It should provide a call to action for readers to take further steps in preventing or stopping bullying.

Check out this amazing video!

Lastly, it is important to end on a positive note, reassuring readers that progress is possible.

Learn more about making perfect persuasive essay outlines in this amazing blog!

Examples of Persuasive Essay About Bullying

We have shared some practical examples of persuasive essays on bullying so that you can get inspired and start crafting your paper. 

Persuasive essay about bullying must stop

Short Example of Persuasive essay about bullying

Persuasive essay about bullying in school

Cyber Bullying Persuasive Essay

Bullying Persuasive Speech

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Bullying

These essay samples can give you a helpful look at how other students have approached this complex topic before. 

Argumentative Essay About Bullying Introduction, Body, Conclusion

Argumentative essay about bullying pdf

Check out this amazing blog by our expert writers on persuasive essay examples !

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics About Bullying

Have a look at these inspiring topics. You might get motivation for your next persuasive essay. 

  • Should Schools Implement Mandatory Training Programmes to Address Bullying?
  • What Role Do Parents and Guardians Play in Preventing Bullying? 
  • Is Online Harassment on the Rise and How Can We Stop it?
  • How Effective Are Anti-Bullying Policies at Schools?
  • Should Employers be Responsible for Preventing Bullying in the Workplace? 
  • How Can We Make Schools a Safer Place to Help Students Avoid Bullying?
  • Is Social Media Making Bullying Worse? 
  • Are Laws and Regulations Regarding Cyberbullying Effective Enough?
  • Should Teachers Be Held Accountable for Bullying in the Classroom?
  • What Are Some of the Long-Term Effects of Bullying on Victims? 
  • How Can We Encourage Bystanders to Speak Out Against Bullying? 
  • Is Cyberbullying More Difficult for Parents and Schools to Stop Than Traditional Bullying? 
  • Should Government Intervention be Required to Address the Bullying Crisis in Schools?
  • How Can We Help Victims of Bullying Heal and Recover? 
  • What Are Some Effective Ways to Prevent Bullying From Occurring?

Check out some more persuasive essay topics to get inspiration for your next essay.

In conclusion, consider all aspects of the issue when writing a persuasive essay on bullying. You should provide evidence to support your point of view and address any potential counterarguments. 

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essay about how to stop bullying

National Academies Press: OpenBook

Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice (2016)

Chapter: 1 introduction, 1 introduction.

Bullying, long tolerated by many as a rite of passage into adulthood, is now recognized as a major and preventable public health problem, one that can have long-lasting consequences ( McDougall and Vaillancourt, 2015 ; Wolke and Lereya, 2015 ). Those consequences—for those who are bullied, for the perpetrators of bullying, and for witnesses who are present during a bullying event—include poor school performance, anxiety, depression, and future delinquent and aggressive behavior. Federal, state, and local governments have responded by adopting laws and implementing programs to prevent bullying and deal with its consequences. However, many of these responses have been undertaken with little attention to what is known about bullying and its effects. Even the definition of bullying varies among both researchers and lawmakers, though it generally includes physical and verbal behavior, behavior leading to social isolation, and behavior that uses digital communications technology (cyberbullying). This report adopts the term “bullying behavior,” which is frequently used in the research field, to cover all of these behaviors.

Bullying behavior is evident as early as preschool, although it peaks during the middle school years ( Currie et al., 2012 ; Vaillancourt et al., 2010 ). It can occur in diverse social settings, including classrooms, school gyms and cafeterias, on school buses, and online. Bullying behavior affects not only the children and youth who are bullied, who bully, and who are both bullied and bully others but also bystanders to bullying incidents. Given the myriad situations in which bullying can occur and the many people who may be involved, identifying effective prevention programs and policies is challenging, and it is unlikely that any one approach will be ap-

propriate in all situations. Commonly used bullying prevention approaches include policies regarding acceptable behavior in schools and behavioral interventions to promote positive cultural norms.


Recognizing that bullying behavior is a major public health problem that demands the concerted and coordinated time and attention of parents, educators and school administrators, health care providers, policy makers, families, and others concerned with the care of children, a group of federal agencies and private foundations asked the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to undertake a study of what is known and what needs to be known to further the field of preventing bullying behavior. The Committee on the Biological and Psychosocial Effects of Peer Victimization:

Lessons for Bullying Prevention was created to carry out this task under the Academies’ Board on Children, Youth, and Families and the Committee on Law and Justice. The study received financial support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Highmark Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Semi J. and Ruth W. Begun Foundation, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The full statement of task for the committee is presented in Box 1-1 .

Although the committee acknowledges the importance of this topic as it pertains to all children in the United States and in U.S. territories, this report focuses on the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Also, while the committee acknowledges that bullying behavior occurs in the school

environment for youth in foster care, in juvenile justice facilities, and in other residential treatment facilities, this report does not address bullying behavior in those environments because it is beyond the study charge.


This section of the report highlights relevant work in the field and, later in the chapter under “The Committee’s Approach,” presents the conceptual framework and corresponding definitions of terms that the committee has adopted.

Historical Context

Bullying behavior was first characterized in the scientific literature as part of the childhood experience more than 100 years ago in “Teasing and Bullying,” published in the Pedagogical Seminary ( Burk, 1897 ). The author described bullying behavior, attempted to delineate causes and cures for the tormenting of others, and called for additional research ( Koo, 2007 ). Nearly a century later, Dan Olweus, a Swedish research professor of psychology in Norway, conducted an intensive study on bullying ( Olweus, 1978 ). The efforts of Olweus brought awareness to the issue and motivated other professionals to conduct their own research, thereby expanding and contributing to knowledge of bullying behavior. Since Olweus’s early work, research on bullying has steadily increased (see Farrington and Ttofi, 2009 ; Hymel and Swearer, 2015 ).

Over the past few decades, venues where bullying behavior occurs have expanded with the advent of the Internet, chat rooms, instant messaging, social media, and other forms of digital electronic communication. These modes of communication have provided a new communal avenue for bullying. While the media reports linking bullying to suicide suggest a causal relationship, the available research suggests that there are often multiple factors that contribute to a youth’s suicide-related ideology and behavior. Several studies, however, have demonstrated an association between bullying involvement and suicide-related ideology and behavior (see, e.g., Holt et al., 2015 ; Kim and Leventhal, 2008 ; Sourander, 2010 ; van Geel et al., 2014 ).

In 2013, the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services requested that the Institute of Medicine 1 and the National Research Council convene an ad hoc planning committee to plan and conduct a 2-day public workshop to highlight relevant information and knowledge that could inform a multidisciplinary


1 Prior to 2015, the National Academy of Medicine was known as the Institute of Medicine.

road map on next steps for the field of bullying prevention. Content areas that were explored during the April 2014 workshop included the identification of conceptual models and interventions that have proven effective in decreasing bullying and the antecedents to bullying while increasing protective factors that mitigate the negative health impact of bullying. The discussions highlighted the need for a better understanding of the effectiveness of program interventions in realistic settings; the importance of understanding what works for whom and under what circumstances, as well as the influence of different mediators (i.e., what accounts for associations between variables) and moderators (i.e., what affects the direction or strength of associations between variables) in bullying prevention efforts; and the need for coordination among agencies to prevent and respond to bullying. The workshop summary ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2014c ) informs this committee’s work.

Federal Efforts to Address Bullying and Related Topics

Currently, there is no comprehensive federal statute that explicitly prohibits bullying among children and adolescents, including cyberbullying. However, in the wake of the growing concerns surrounding the implications of bullying, several federal initiatives do address bullying among children and adolescents, and although some of them do not primarily focus on bullying, they permit some funds to be used for bullying prevention purposes.

The earliest federal initiative was in 1999, when three agencies collaborated to establish the Safe Schools/Healthy Students initiative in response to a series of deadly school shootings in the late 1990s. The program is administered by the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Justice to prevent youth violence and promote the healthy development of youth. It is jointly funded by the Department of Education and by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The program has provided grantees with both the opportunity to benefit from collaboration and the tools to sustain it through deliberate planning, more cost-effective service delivery, and a broader funding base ( Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2015 ).

The next major effort was in 2010, when the Department of Education awarded $38.8 million in grants under the Safe and Supportive Schools (S3) Program to 11 states to support statewide measurement of conditions for learning and targeted programmatic interventions to improve conditions for learning, in order to help schools improve safety and reduce substance use. The S3 Program was administered by the Safe and Supportive Schools Group, which also administered the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act State and Local Grants Program, authorized by the

1994 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. 2 It was one of several programs related to developing and maintaining safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools. In addition to the S3 grants program, the group administered a number of interagency agreements with a focus on (but not limited to) bullying, school recovery research, data collection, and drug and violence prevention activities ( U.S. Department of Education, 2015 ).

A collaborative effort among the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Education, Health and Human Services, Interior, and Justice; the Federal Trade Commission; and the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders created the Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention (FPBP) Steering Committee. Led by the U.S. Department of Education, the FPBP works to coordinate policy, research, and communications on bullying topics. The FPBP Website provides extensive resources on bullying behavior, including information on what bullying is, its risk factors, its warning signs, and its effects. 3 The FPBP Steering Committee also plans to provide details on how to get help for those who have been bullied. It also was involved in creating the “Be More than a Bystander” Public Service Announcement campaign with the Ad Council to engage students in bullying prevention. To improve school climate and reduce rates of bullying nationwide, FPBP has sponsored four bullying prevention summits attended by education practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and federal officials.

In 2014, the National Institute of Justice—the scientific research arm of the U.S. Department of Justice—launched the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative with a congressional appropriation of $75 million. The funds are to be used for rigorous research to produce practical knowledge that can improve the safety of schools and students, including bullying prevention. The initiative is carried out through partnerships among researchers, educators, and other stakeholders, including law enforcement, behavioral and mental health professionals, courts, and other justice system professionals ( National Institute of Justice, 2015 ).

In 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act was signed by President Obama, reauthorizing the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which is committed to providing equal opportunities for all students. Although bullying is neither defined nor prohibited in this act, it is explicitly mentioned in regard to applicability of safe school funding, which it had not been in previous iterations of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

The above are examples of federal initiatives aimed at promoting the

2 The Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act was included as Title IV, Part A, of the 1994 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. See http://www.ojjdp.gov/pubs/gun_violence/sect08-i.html [October 2015].

3 For details, see http://www.stopbullying.gov/ [October 2015].

healthy development of youth, improving the safety of schools and students, and reducing rates of bullying behavior. There are several other federal initiatives that address student bullying directly or allow funds to be used for bullying prevention activities.

Definitional Context

The terms “bullying,” “harassment,” and “peer victimization” have been used in the scientific literature to refer to behavior that is aggressive, is carried out repeatedly and over time, and occurs in an interpersonal relationship where a power imbalance exists ( Eisenberg and Aalsma, 2005 ). Although some of these terms have been used interchangeably in the literature, peer victimization is targeted aggressive behavior of one child against another that causes physical, emotional, social, or psychological harm. While conflict and bullying among siblings are important in their own right ( Tanrikulu and Campbell, 2015 ), this area falls outside of the scope of the committee’s charge. Sibling conflict and aggression falls under the broader concept of interpersonal aggression, which includes dating violence, sexual assault, and sibling violence, in addition to bullying as defined for this report. Olweus (1993) noted that bullying, unlike other forms of peer victimization where the children involved are equally matched, involves a power imbalance between the perpetrator and the target, where the target has difficulty defending him or herself and feels helpless against the aggressor. This power imbalance is typically considered a defining feature of bullying, which distinguishes this particular form of aggression from other forms, and is typically repeated in multiple bullying incidents involving the same individuals over time ( Olweus, 1993 ).

Bullying and violence are subcategories of aggressive behavior that overlap ( Olweus, 1996 ). There are situations in which violence is used in the context of bullying. However, not all forms of bullying (e.g., rumor spreading) involve violent behavior. The committee also acknowledges that perspective about intentions can matter and that in many situations, there may be at least two plausible perceptions involved in the bullying behavior.

A number of factors may influence one’s perception of the term “bullying” ( Smith and Monks, 2008 ). Children and adolescents’ understanding of the term “bullying” may be subject to cultural interpretations or translations of the term ( Hopkins et al., 2013 ). Studies have also shown that influences on children’s understanding of bullying include the child’s experiences as he or she matures and whether the child witnesses the bullying behavior of others ( Hellström et al., 2015 ; Monks and Smith, 2006 ; Smith and Monks, 2008 ).

In 2010, the FPBP Steering Committee convened its first summit, which brought together more than 150 nonprofit and corporate leaders,

researchers, practitioners, parents, and youths to identify challenges in bullying prevention. Discussions at the summit revealed inconsistencies in the definition of bullying behavior and the need to create a uniform definition of bullying. Subsequently, a review of the 2011 CDC publication of assessment tools used to measure bullying among youth ( Hamburger et al., 2011 ) revealed inconsistent definitions of bullying and diverse measurement strategies. Those inconsistencies and diverse measurements make it difficult to compare the prevalence of bullying across studies ( Vivolo et al., 2011 ) and complicate the task of distinguishing bullying from other types of aggression between youths. A uniform definition can support the consistent tracking of bullying behavior over time, facilitate the comparison of bullying prevalence rates and associated risk and protective factors across different data collection systems, and enable the collection of comparable information on the performance of bullying intervention and prevention programs across contexts ( Gladden et al., 2014 ). The CDC and U.S. Department of Education collaborated on the creation of the following uniform definition of bullying (quoted in Gladden et al., 2014, p. 7 ):

Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths who are not siblings or current dating partners that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. Bullying may inflict harm or distress on the targeted youth including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm.

This report noted that the definition includes school-age individuals ages 5-18 and explicitly excludes sibling violence and violence that occurs in the context of a dating or intimate relationship ( Gladden et al., 2014 ). This definition also highlighted that there are direct and indirect modes of bullying, as well as different types of bullying. Direct bullying involves “aggressive behavior(s) that occur in the presence of the targeted youth”; indirect bullying includes “aggressive behavior(s) that are not directly communicated to the targeted youth” ( Gladden et al., 2014, p. 7 ). The direct forms of violence (e.g., sibling violence, teen dating violence, intimate partner violence) can include aggression that is physical, sexual, or psychological, but the context and uniquely dynamic nature of the relationship between the target and the perpetrator in which these acts occur is different from that of peer bullying. Examples of direct bullying include pushing, hitting, verbal taunting, or direct written communication. A common form of indirect bullying is spreading rumors. Four different types of bullying are commonly identified—physical, verbal, relational, and damage to property. Some observational studies have shown that the different forms of bullying that youths commonly experience may overlap ( Bradshaw et al., 2015 ;

Godleski et al., 2015 ). The four types of bullying are defined as follows ( Gladden et al., 2014 ):

  • Physical bullying involves the use of physical force (e.g., shoving, hitting, spitting, pushing, and tripping).
  • Verbal bullying involves oral or written communication that causes harm (e.g., taunting, name calling, offensive notes or hand gestures, verbal threats).
  • Relational bullying is behavior “designed to harm the reputation and relationships of the targeted youth (e.g., social isolation, rumor spreading, posting derogatory comments or pictures online).”
  • Damage to property is “theft, alteration, or damaging of the target youth’s property by the perpetrator to cause harm.”

In recent years, a new form of aggression or bullying has emerged, labeled “cyberbullying,” in which the aggression occurs through modern technological devices, specifically mobile phones or the Internet ( Slonje and Smith, 2008 ). Cyberbullying may take the form of mean or nasty messages or comments, rumor spreading through posts or creation of groups, and exclusion by groups of peers online.

While the CDC definition identifies bullying that occurs using technology as electronic bullying and views that as a context or location where bullying occurs, one of the major challenges in the field is how to conceptualize and define cyberbullying ( Tokunaga, 2010 ). The extent to which the CDC definition can be applied to cyberbullying is unclear, particularly with respect to several key concepts within the CDC definition. First, whether determination of an interaction as “wanted” or “unwanted” or whether communication was intended to be harmful can be challenging to assess in the absence of important in-person socioemotional cues (e.g., vocal tone, facial expressions). Second, assessing “repetition” is challenging in that a single harmful act on the Internet has the potential to be shared or viewed multiple times ( Sticca and Perren, 2013 ). Third, cyberbullying can involve a less powerful peer using technological tools to bully a peer who is perceived to have more power. In this manner, technology may provide the tools that create a power imbalance, in contrast to traditional bullying, which typically involves an existing power imbalance.

A study that used focus groups with college students to discuss whether the CDC definition applied to cyberbullying found that students were wary of applying the definition due to their perception that cyberbullying often involves less emphasis on aggression, intention, and repetition than other forms of bullying ( Kota et al., 2014 ). Many researchers have responded to this lack of conceptual and definitional clarity by creating their own measures to assess cyberbullying. It is noteworthy that very few of these

definitions and measures include the components of traditional bullying—i.e., repetition, power imbalance, and intent ( Berne et al., 2013 ). A more recent study argues that the term “cyberbullying” should be reserved for incidents that involve key aspects of bullying such as repetition and differential power ( Ybarra et al., 2014 ).

Although the formulation of a uniform definition of bullying appears to be a step in the right direction for the field of bullying prevention, there are some limitations of the CDC definition. For example, some researchers find the focus on school-age youth as well as the repeated nature of bullying to be rather limiting; similarly the exclusion of bullying in the context of sibling relationships or dating relationships may preclude full appreciation of the range of aggressive behaviors that may co-occur with or constitute bullying behavior. As noted above, other researchers have raised concerns about whether cyberbullying should be considered a particular form or mode under the broader heading of bullying as suggested in the CDC definition, or whether a separate defintion is needed. Furthermore, the measurement of bullying prevalence using such a definiton of bullying is rather complex and does not lend itself well to large-scale survey research. The CDC definition was intended to inform public health surveillance efforts, rather than to serve as a definition for policy. However, increased alignment between bullying definitions used by policy makers and researchers would greatly advance the field. Much of the extant research on bullying has not applied a consistent definition or one that aligns with the CDC definition. As a result of these and other challenges to the CDC definition, thus far there has been inconsistent adoption of this particular definition by researchers, practitioners, or policy makers; however, as the definition was created in 2014, less than 2 years is not a sufficient amount of time to assess whether it has been successfully adopted or will be in the future.


This report builds on the April 2014 workshop, summarized in Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying: Workshop Summary ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2014c ). The committee’s work was accomplished over an 18-month period that began in October 2014, after the workshop was held and the formal summary of it had been released. The study committee members represented expertise in communication technology, criminology, developmental and clinical psychology, education, mental health, neurobiological development, pediatrics, public health, school administration, school district policy, and state law and policy. (See Appendix E for biographical sketches of the committee members and staff.) The committee met three times in person and conducted other meetings by teleconferences and electronic communication.

Information Gathering

The committee conducted an extensive review of the literature pertaining to peer victimization and bullying. In some instances, the committee drew upon the broader literature on aggression and violence. The review began with an English-language literature search of online databases, including ERIC, Google Scholar, Lexis Law Reviews Database, Medline, PubMed, Scopus, PsycInfo, and Web of Science, and was expanded as literature and resources from other countries were identified by committee members and project staff as relevant. The committee drew upon the early childhood literature since there is substantial evidence indicating that bullying involvement happens as early as preschool (see Vlachou et al., 2011 ). The committee also drew on the literature on late adolescence and looked at related areas of research such as maltreatment for insights into this emerging field.

The committee used a variety of sources to supplement its review of the literature. The committee held two public information-gathering sessions, one with the study sponsors and the second with experts on the neurobiology of bullying; bullying as a group phenomenon and the role of bystanders; the role of media in bullying prevention; and the intersection of social science, the law, and bullying and peer victimization. See Appendix A for the agendas for these two sessions. To explore different facets of bullying and give perspectives from the field, a subgroup of the committee and study staff also conducted a site visit to a northeastern city, where they convened four stakeholder groups comprised, respectively, of local practitioners, school personnel, private foundation representatives, and young adults. The site visit provided the committee with an opportunity for place-based learning about bullying prevention programs and best practices. Each focus group was transcribed and summarized thematically in accordance with this report’s chapter considerations. Themes related to the chapters are displayed throughout the report in boxes titled “Perspectives from the Field”; these boxes reflect responses synthesized from all four focus groups. See Appendix B for the site visit’s agenda and for summaries of the focus groups.

The committee also benefited from earlier reports by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine through its Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education and the Institute of Medicine, most notably:

  • Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders: Frontiers for Preventive Intervention Research ( Institute of Medicine, 1994 )
  • Community Programs to Promote Youth Development ( National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2002 )
  • Deadly Lessons: Understanding Lethal School Violence ( National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2003 )
  • Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People: Progress and Possibilities ( National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2009 )
  • The Science of Adolescent Risk-Taking: Workshop Report ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2011 )
  • Communications and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2012 )
  • Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying: Workshop Summary ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2014c )
  • The Evidence for Violence Prevention across the Lifespan and Around the World: Workshop Summary ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2014a )
  • Strategies for Scaling Effective Family-Focused Preventive Interventions to Promote Children’s Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health: Workshop Summary ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2014b )
  • Investing in the Health and Well-Being of Young Adults ( Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2015 )

Although these past reports and workshop summaries address various forms of violence and victimization, this report is the first consensus study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on the state of the science on the biological and psychosocial consequences of bullying and the risk and protective factors that either increase or decrease bullying behavior and its consequences.


Given the variable use of the terms “bullying” and “peer victimization” in both the research-based and practice-based literature, the committee chose to use the current CDC definition quoted above ( Gladden et al., 2014, p. 7 ). While the committee determined that this was the best definition to use, it acknowledges that this definition is not necessarily the most user-friendly definition for students and has the potential to cause problems for students reporting bullying. Not only does this definition provide detail on the common elements of bullying behavior but it also was developed with input from a panel of researchers and practitioners. The committee also followed the CDC in focusing primarily on individuals between the ages of 5 and 18. The committee recognizes that children’s development occurs on a continuum, and so while it relied primarily on the CDC defini-

tion, its work and this report acknowledge the importance of addressing bullying in both early childhood and emerging adulthood. For purposes of this report, the committee used the terms “early childhood” to refer to ages 1-4, “middle childhood” for ages 5 to 10, “early adolescence” for ages 11-14, “middle adolescence” for ages 15-17, and “late adolescence” for ages 18-21. This terminology and the associated age ranges are consistent with the Bright Futures and American Academy of Pediatrics definition of the stages of development. 4

A given instance of bullying behavior involves at least two unequal roles: one or more individuals who perpetrate the behavior (the perpetrator in this instance) and at least one individual who is bullied (the target in this instance). To avoid labeling and potentially further stigmatizing individuals with the terms “bully” and “victim,” which are sometimes viewed as traits of persons rather than role descriptions in a particular instance of behavior, the committee decided to use “individual who is bullied” to refer to the target of a bullying instance or pattern and “individual who bullies” to refer to the perpetrator of a bullying instance or pattern. Thus, “individual who is bullied and bullies others” can refer to one who is either perpetrating a bullying behavior or a target of bullying behavior, depending on the incident. This terminology is consistent with the approach used by the FPBP (see above). Also, bullying is a dynamic social interaction ( Espelage and Swearer, 2003 ) where individuals can play different roles in bullying interactions based on both individual and contextual factors.

The committee used “cyberbullying” to refer to bullying that takes place using technology or digital electronic means. “Digital electronic forms of contact” comprise a broad category that may include e-mail, blogs, social networking Websites, online games, chat rooms, forums, instant messaging, Skype, text messaging, and mobile phone pictures. The committee uses the term “traditional bullying” to refer to bullying behavior that is not cyberbullying (to aid in comparisons), recognizing that the term has been used at times in slightly different senses in the literature.

Where accurate reporting of study findings requires use of the above terms but with senses different from those specified here, the committee has noted the sense in which the source used the term. Similarly, accurate reporting has at times required use of terms such as “victimization” or “victim” that the committee has chosen to avoid in its own statements.

4 For details on these stages of adolescence, see https://brightfutures.aap.org/Bright%20Futures%20Documents/3-Promoting_Child_Development.pdf [October 2015].


This report is organized into seven chapters. After this introductory chapter, Chapter 2 provides a broad overview of the scope of the problem.

Chapter 3 focuses on the conceptual frameworks for the study and the developmental trajectory of the child who is bullied, the child who bullies, and the child who is bullied and also bullies. It explores processes that can explain heterogeneity in bullying outcomes by focusing on contextual processes that moderate the effect of individual characteristics on bullying behavior.

Chapter 4 discusses the cyclical nature of bullying and the consequences of bullying behavior. It summarizes what is known about the psychosocial, physical health, neurobiological, academic-performance, and population-level consequences of bullying.

Chapter 5 provides an overview of the landscape in bullying prevention programming. This chapter describes in detail the context for preventive interventions and the specific actions that various stakeholders can take to achieve a coordinated response to bullying behavior. The chapter uses the Institute of Medicine’s multi-tiered framework ( National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2009 ) to present the different levels of approaches to preventing bullying behavior.

Chapter 6 reviews what is known about federal, state, and local laws and policies and their impact on bullying.

After a critical review of the relevant research and practice-based literatures, Chapter 7 discusses the committee conclusions and recommendations and provides a path forward for bullying prevention.

The report includes a number of appendixes. Appendix A includes meeting agendas of the committee’s public information-gathering meetings. Appendix B includes the agenda and summaries of the site visit. Appendix C includes summaries of bullying prevalence data from the national surveys discussed in Chapter 2 . Appendix D provides a list of selected federal resources on bullying for parents and teachers. Appendix E provides biographical sketches of the committee members and project staff.

Berne, S., Frisén, A., Schultze-Krumbholz, A., Scheithauer, H., Naruskov, K., Luik, P., Katzer, C., Erentaite, R., and Zukauskiene, R. (2013). Cyberbullying assessment instruments: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18 (2), 320-334.

Bradshaw, C.P., Waasdorp, T.E., and Johnson, S.L. (2015). Overlapping verbal, relational, physical, and electronic forms of bullying in adolescence: Influence of school context. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 44 (3), 494-508.

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Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R.K., and Turner, H.A. (2007). Poly-victimization: A neglected component in child victimization. Child Abuse & Neglect , 31 (1), 7-26.

Gladden, R.M., Vivolo-Kantor, A.M., Hamburger, M.E., and Lumpkin, C.D. (2014). Bullying Surveillance among Youths: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements, Version 1.0 . Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Department of Education.

Godleski, S.A., Kamper, K.E., Ostrov, J.M., Hart, E.J., and Blakely-McClure, S.J. (2015). Peer victimization and peer rejection during early childhood. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 44 (3), 380-392.

Hamburger, M.E., Basile, K.C., and Vivolo, A.M. (2011). Measuring Bullying Victimization, Perpetration, and Bystander Experiences: A Compendium of Assessment Tools. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

Hellström, L., Persson, L., and Hagquist, C. (2015). Understanding and defining bullying—Adolescents’ own views. Archives of Public Health, 73 (4), 1-9.

Holt, M.K., Vivolo-Kantor, A.M., Polanin, J.R., Holland, K.M., DeGue, S., Matjasko, J.L., Wolfe, M., and Reid, G. (2015). Bullying and suicidal ideation and behaviors: A meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 135 (2), e496-e509.

Hopkins, L., Taylor, L., Bowen, E., and Wood, C. (2013). A qualitative study investigating adolescents’ understanding of aggression, bullying and violence. Children and Youth Services Review, 35 (4), 685-693.

Hymel, S., and Swearer, S.M. (2015). Four decades of research on school bullying: An introduction. American Psychologist, 70 (4), 293.

Institute of Medicine. (1994). Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders: Frontiers for Preventive Intervention Research. Committee on Prevention of Mental Disorders. P.J. Mrazek and R.J. Haggerty, Editors. Division of Biobehavioral Sciences and Mental Disorders. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. (2011). The Science of Adolescent Risk-taking: Workshop Report . Committee on the Science of Adolescence. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. (2012). Communications and Technology for Violence Prevention: Workshop Summary . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. (2014a). The Evidence for Violence Prevention across the Lifespan and around the World: Workshop Summary . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. (2014b). Strategies for Scaling Effective Family-Focused Preventive Interventions to Promote Children’s Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health: Workshop Summary . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. (2014c). Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying: Workshop Summary . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Institute of Medicine and National Research Council. (2015). Investing in the Health and Well-Being of Young Adults . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Kim, Y.S., and Leventhal, B. (2008). Bullying and suicide. A review. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 20 (2), 133-154.

Koo, H. (2007). A time line of the evolution of school bullying in differing social contexts. Asia Pacific Education Review, 8 (1), 107-116.

Kota, R., Schoohs, S., Benson, M., and Moreno, M.A. (2014). Characterizing cyberbullying among college students: Hacking, dirty laundry, and mocking. Societies, 4 (4), 549-560.

McDougall, P., and Vaillancourt, T. (2015). Long-term adult outcomes of peer victimization in childhood and adolescence: Pathways to adjustment and maladjustment. American Psychologist, 70 (4), 300.

Monks, C.P., and Smith, P.K. (2006). Definitions of bullying: Age differences in understanding of the term and the role of experience. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 24 (4), 801-821.

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National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. (2009). Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders among Young People: Progress and Possibilities. Committee on the Prevention of Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse Among Children, Youth, and Young Adults: Research Advances and Promising Interventions. M.E. O’Connell, T. Boat, and K.E. Warner, Editors. Board on Children, Youth, and Families, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Olweus, D. (1978). Aggression in the Schools: Bullies and Whipping Boys. Washington, DC: Hemisphere.

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Slonje, R., and Smith, P.K. (2008). Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49 (2), 147-154.

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Sticca, F., and Perren, S. (2013). Is cyberbullying worse than traditional bullying? Examining the differential roles of medium, publicity, and anonymity for the perceived severity of bullying. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42 (5), 739-750.

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Bullying has long been tolerated as a rite of passage among children and adolescents. There is an implication that individuals who are bullied must have "asked for" this type of treatment, or deserved it. Sometimes, even the child who is bullied begins to internalize this idea. For many years, there has been a general acceptance and collective shrug when it comes to a child or adolescent with greater social capital or power pushing around a child perceived as subordinate. But bullying is not developmentally appropriate; it should not be considered a normal part of the typical social grouping that occurs throughout a child's life.

Although bullying behavior endures through generations, the milieu is changing. Historically, bulling has occurred at school, the physical setting in which most of childhood is centered and the primary source for peer group formation. In recent years, however, the physical setting is not the only place bullying is occurring. Technology allows for an entirely new type of digital electronic aggression, cyberbullying, which takes place through chat rooms, instant messaging, social media, and other forms of digital electronic communication.

Composition of peer groups, shifting demographics, changing societal norms, and modern technology are contextual factors that must be considered to understand and effectively react to bullying in the United States. Youth are embedded in multiple contexts and each of these contexts interacts with individual characteristics of youth in ways that either exacerbate or attenuate the association between these individual characteristics and bullying perpetration or victimization. Recognizing that bullying behavior is a major public health problem that demands the concerted and coordinated time and attention of parents, educators and school administrators, health care providers, policy makers, families, and others concerned with the care of children, this report evaluates the state of the science on biological and psychosocial consequences of peer victimization and the risk and protective factors that either increase or decrease peer victimization behavior and consequences.


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Essays About Bullying: 12 Ideas For Students

Explore these 12 ideas for essays about bullying to find inspiration for your next writing assignment.

Bullying is on the rise in today’s society, and it can create an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim. This problem is complex, making it a good candidate for essay topics.

According to the National Bullying Prevention Center, one out of every five students reports being bullied. Bullying can happen at school, on the school bus, and even via a student’s phone. However, this behavior is not limited to schools. Bullying can happen in the workplace and the general community and affects people of all ages.

The problem of bullying is not easy to solve, but it is an important matter of human rights. Bullying essays will discuss everything from causes of bullying to solutions. If you need to write an essay about bullying, consider some essay topics. For help with your essays. check out our roundup of best essay checkers !


1. What Contributes to the Rise of CyberBullying

2. why cyber bullying is worse than physical bullying, 3. bullying in schools: are bullying rules effective, 4. is bullying a school issue or a parent issue, 5. the impact of bullying on student academic achievement, 6. how cell phones make bullying into a growing problem, 7. my personal experience as a bullying victim, 8. my personal experience as a bully, 9. what workplace bullying looks like, 10. the impacts of bullying, 11. is bullying an attempt to increase low self-esteem, 12. explore the different types of bullying.

Essays About Bullying

Cyberbullying is a serious problem for today’s parents. Comparitech performed a survey of 1,000 parents to discuss bullying, and 60% of the respondents indicated their children were victims of bullies. One-fifth occurred through social media apps, 7.9% through online video games, 6.8% through other Internet sites, and 11% through text messages. This indicates that bullying behavior shows up through technology regularly.

There are many factors leading to this increase. Increased media use, the isolation and online nature of life during the pandemic, and less parental involvement are just some of these factors. Your essay can explore what contributes to this rise so that parents can understand the risk their children face.

Essays About Bullying: Why cyber bullying is worse than physical bullying?

Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that is very invasive. Children and teens cannot get away from their bullies when they are victims of bullying through phones and computers. This makes the bullying more intense and dangerous for some students than when they have a face-to-face bully at school that they can leave behind at the end of the day.

To a bystander, in-person bullying seems more dangerous, but the friends and family members of the victim can’t always see the internal emotional struggle caused by cyberbullying. Your essay could establish that cyberbullying has a more intense effect on bullying victims than other types of bullying. Then, use the essay to support your thesis with statistics and relevant facts.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about cyberbullying .

No school advocates bullying, and most have anti-bullying rules that are supposed to protect students from the effects of bullying. But are these effective? This essay lets you explore what does and does not work to fight bullying in schools.

Suppose you find that some things effectively fight to bully, but other rules are not; you can discuss why. Then, you can give guidance schools can follow to help reduce bullying behaviors.

There is much talk about bullying in high school and elementary school classrooms, but is this an issue for schools to address or parents? Is it a combination of both? This thought can give you a good direction for your bullying essay as you expound on whether you think bullying is an issue for parents or schools to address.

As you research this topic, you will likely conclude that it is both. Then, you can delve into how parents and schools can work together to create anti-bullying programs that effectively reduce aggressive behavior and protect victims. With a cooperative approach, communities often see better success as they work to stop bullying.

Is bullying just a social issue, or does it affect students’ learning ability? According to the American Psychological Association , school bullying is directly linked to lower academic achievement. This means it is both a social issue and an academic issue.

In this essay, you can discuss why bullying affects students academically. You can also look at whether this is a long-term effect or a temporary one. Does the educational impact of bullying stops when the bullying stops, or does it continue through the child’s educational years? These questions have complex answers, making them good topics for your bullying essay.

Essays About Bullying: How cell phones make bullying into a growing problem?

Increased cell phone use among adolescents is why cyberbullying is on the rise. Your essay can explore this trend by drawing a correlation between cell phone use by children and teens and increased bullying statistics.

For example, in 2013, 19% of third graders had their cell phones. In 2017, that increased to 45%, more than double. Interestingly, three-quarters of the third-graders who exhibited bullying behaviors carried cell phones. You can explore this link more in-depth and suggest limiting bullying and unwanted cell phone activities to help protect children. You might be interested in these articles about racism in schools .

Have you been the victim of a bully? If your essay is personal, you can transform your bullying experience into your essay topic. Make sure that you tie in how your bullying experience helped or hurt you and what you learned from it.

In your essay, don’t be afraid, to be honest. Did your experience as a bullying victim make you stronger or more compassionate? Were there some benefits in addition to the challenges? Dive into these ideas to make a compelling essay.

Everyone makes mistakes, and it may be that you weren’t the bullying victim as a child but the bully. You could create an essay out of this by exploring why you exhibited this aggressive behavior, and you could discuss what made you change.

Be careful with this type of personal essay. You want to be clear that you do not support bullying of any sort but that you were able to learn from your past mistakes. Show how you have grown and improved since your childhood and what you are doing now to help support anti-bullying efforts.

Much of the discussion about bullying focuses on young people, but workplace bullying also happens. Your essay could discuss this form of bullying and how it shows up in a group of employees. This type of bullying is often more subtle than the type seen in middle school and high school classrooms, but it can significantly impact the overall feeling of the workplace.

After looking at how workplace bullying appears, you can also discuss how this form of harassment impacts workers and their mental health. You can end the essay by discussing bullying prevention initiatives employers can implement to limit these behaviors, so workers can feel safe when they clock in each day.

Bullying impacts people in many ways. It can lead to low self-esteem and poor mental health and damage academic performance or workplace effectiveness.

Build an essay around the impacts of bullying. Weave many statistics into the essay that show how hurtful it is in today’s society. Consider the long-term effects and the short-term ones in your essay, and use it to show why the problem of bullying is such a serious one.

When a child is bullied, you often hear well-meaning teachers or parents tell them that the bully is simply eating because they have low self-esteem, and taunting or name-calling makes them feel better about themselves. Is this true? You could explore this as your essay to determine if it is.

Research has shown that it is less a sense of self-esteem and more a sense of shame that leads to bullying incidents. When a young person does not live up to their standards, they feel shame, and that shame can cause them to lash out at others so that they can share the shame. This negative behavior takes attention away from the parts of them they feel shame about, which can significantly lessen the feeling of shame.

Bullying is not limited to sending mean text messages or teasing. It can take many forms , and discussing these can make an interesting essay. Explore each, and then discuss their impact on the victim and why the many types make bullying a challenging problem to solve.

Verbal bullying occurs when people call other people names or tease and taunt them. Physical bullying involves hitting, punching, pinching, or pushing the victim. Social or relational bullying is a more covert form that happens behind the back of the victim, including spreading rumors about them or making mean faces at them. Cyberbullying involves bullying using computers, phones, or other electronic devices.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

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  • Research Resources
  • How Youth Can Protect Themselves


How Youth Can Protect Themselves From Bullying


Youth often ask: "What can I do to help stop bullying?" and "How can I protect myself from being bullied?" These are difficult questions to answer, and sometimes parents, teachers, and principals struggle to address them. 1 Findings from some recent studies of new and innovative strategies can help youth to protect themselves from bullying. While considering the important role of parents, educators, and adults at school, this summary covers protective factors to prevent bullying as well as innovative strategies for youth that can reduce the likelihood of being bullied.

Protective Factors

How Youth Can Protect Themselves

One of the best ways that youth can protect themselves against being bullied is through healthy friendships and positive relationships with classmates. 2 A wealth of research indicates that having a healthy peer network protects against being bullied and also helps reduce the negative effects of being bullied, such as feeling depressed and anxious. 3 In addition, having positive peer relationships also can increase the likelihood that peer bystanders will step in to intervene and help stop bullying when it occurs. 4

Research also indicates that having positive relationships with teachers is associated with a reduced risk of being bullied 5 and that hostile teacher-student relationships are associated with higher levels of bullying 6 . So it is important for youth to seek out and maintain both healthy peer and adult relationships to reduce the likelihood that they will be bullied.

Youth can also reduce their exposure to environments in which bullying frequently occurs such as areas of schools with poor adult supervision or in social media settings where negative and hurtful communication occurs. In those instances where youth are in these environments, they should take extra caution, such as walking between classes with friends or a supportive peer, and protecting their identity online and the information they share electronically.

New and Innovative Strategies

Although research on this topic is emerging, efforts to deflect bullying may also be effective in some situations. Deflecting is doing something to take away the power of bullying and make the behavior less effective. For example, youth with strong social skills can use humor to deflect bullying. One study found that using humor or “telling a joke” was a more effective response to bullying than some of the more typical responses, like pretending not to be bothered, depersonalizing, retaliating, telling the aggressor to stop, appealing to the aggressor’s empathy, walking away, telling an adult at home, telling an adult at school, and telling a friend.

Here are a few ways that have been shown to be effective in responding to bullying and cyberbullying that youth can use:

Specific Strategies Youth Can Use to Deal with Bullying

  • Seek assistance from an adult, friend, or classmate when a potentially threatening situation occurs.
  • Be assertive (not aggressive, fighting, or teasing back) when possible.
  • Use humor to deflect a potential threatening situation.
  • Avoid unsafe places or walk away before a potential bullying encounter occurs.
  • Agree with or “own” a belittling comment to defuse it.
  • Walk with friends or a small group of friendly peers.
  • Use positive self-statements to maintain positive self-esteem during an incident.
  • Avoid getting emotionally upset when bullying occurs, as this may embolden the person bullying.

Strategies Youth Can Use to Prevent Cyberbullying

  • Never accept friend or network requests from unfamiliar people.
  • Use the “mom” principle: Do not post or share photographs or movies that you would not be willing to share with your mother, father, or another important caregiver.
  • Follow the “forever” principle: Assume that everything you put online will be there forever.
  • Follow the “no privacy” principle: Assume that everyone can access information about you in cyberspace.
  • Follow the “ex” principle: Would you be okay with your ex-boyfriends or girlfriends having access to content that you are planning to share?
  • Block threatening or questionable people from seeing your profile and personal information.
  • Do not post provocative, scandalous, or inflammatory remarks online.
  • Do not reply to or retaliate against incidents of cyberbullying.
  • Regularly change passwords to sites and applications, and immediately delete profiles that have been hacked.
  • Avoid sites, networks, and applications that have poor security, provide easy access to personal information, or encourage interactions among strangers.
  • Ensure that information is approved before it is posted or shared socially.
  • Limit involvement in social networking to a few familiar sites.
  • Avoid joining sites that do not have adequate privacy settings.
  • Never engage in sexting (sharing pictures or messages that have private sexual content).
  • 1 Yoon, J., Sulkowski, M. L., & Bauman, S. (2016). "Teachers’ Responses to Bullying Incidents: Effects of Teacher Characteristics and Contexts." Journal of School Violence, v15 n1, 91-113.
  • 2 Hong, J. S., & Espelage, D. L. (2012). "A review of research on bullying and peer victimization in school: An ecological system analysis." Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17, 311-322. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2012.03.003.
  • 3 Salmivalli, C. (2010). "Bullying and the peer group: A review." Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15, 112-120. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2009.08.007.
  • 4 Kärnä, A., Voeten, M., Poskiparta, E., & Salmivalli . (2010). "Vulnerable children in varying classroom contexts: Bystanders' behaviors moderate the effects of risk factors on victimization." Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 56, 261-282. doi: 10.1353/mpq.0.0052.
  • 5 Yoon, J. S., & Barton, E. (2008). "The role of teachers in school violence and bullying prevention." In School Violence and Primary Prevention, 249-275. Springer New York.
  • 6 Lucas-Molina, B., Williamson, A. A., Pulido, R., & Pérez-Albéniz, A. (2015). "Effects of teacher-student relationships on peer harassment: A multi-level study." Psychology in the Schools, 52, 298-315. doi: 10.1002/pits.21822.
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Bullying: Problems and Solutions, Essay Example

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In recent years bullying has received greater attention in America’s schools, though the issue of bullying is hardly a new one. While many people might consider bullying to be a matter involving physical intimidation and even physical violence, the range of behaviors that comprise bullying are much broader, and include psychological as well as physical intimidation and actions. According to Long and Alexander (2010), bullying “has been defined as hostile actions, recurring over time that is deliberately destructive and occurs without provocation.” Long and Alexander go on to describe bullying as “a subtype of violent behavior,” driving home the point that the emotional impact of bullying is a form of violence even if no actual physical contact is involved. Bullying behaviors are not restricted to schools; they’re also found ion homes and other social settings, and even in the workplace among adults. From a statistical standpoint, however, bullying is especially pervasive among students of middle-school age (Long & Alexander), and as such it is of significant concern to administrators, teachers, and parents. The following paper examines some of the issues and problems associated with school bullying, as well as several possible solutions.

While bullying is associated with a number of problems for victims and those whose role it is to protect them, perhaps the most significant problem involving bullying is simply recognizing it. There are a number of reasons why bullying often goes unnoticed; among these is that many of the behaviors that constitute bullying often take place less overtly than some of the most blatant acts of physical intimidation or violence. Identifying is inherently subjective, and those who are tasked with identifying it and reporting it will not always see bullying when it occurs (Brank, Hoetger& Hazen, 2012). What might look like harmless teasing to one person might appear to be a clear case of bullying to another. Many forms of bullying fall under the heading of indirect or “relational” bullying, including gossip and rumor, social exclusion, and other social behaviors that can be difficult to identify as bullying (Long & Alexander). Another related problem is that even when some teachers or administrators are aware of bullying, they choose not to intervene. According to one study, 71% of teachers simply ignore most instances of bullying (Schroeder, 1999). Before any effective solutions can be found to bullying it is first necessary for teachers, administrators and parents to know how to identify it and to take it seriously.

Another set of problems associated with bullying are the risk factors that correlate to becoming a potential victim of bullying.Being the victim of bullying is known to be associated with a number of serious risk factors. Studies have determined that there are some cognitive and emotional factors that are commonly seen in victims, which seems to indicate a causal relationship between the two (Brank et al.) These include such conditions as Asperger’s syndrome, a condition on the autism spectrum that undermines an individual’s capacity to understand social norms and respond with socially appropriate behaviors. Children with stronger peer and friend relationships are less likely to be targeted for bullying, though there may be an inverse relationship at work, with victims of bullying retreating from social relationships, thereby affirming the conditions of victim status (Brank et al.). External factors such as socioeconomic background and race are also correlated with bullying, especially when these factors place victims in a social minority at school.

The most serious problems associated with bullying are, of course, the effects on victims. Bullying victims suffer from a range of problems, including higher rates of emotional disturbances such as depression and anxiety (Long & Alexander). Victims of bullying are at a greater risk of committing suicide, using drugs and alcohol, and becoming detached from social settings such as school and family (Brank et al). Victims may develop overt physical symptoms predicated by the stress of victimization, and often report headaches, stomachaches, and other ailments (Collier, 2013). Bullying has clear and often serious effects on victims.

Solving the problem of bullying has no one-size-fits-all solution, and typically requires a multi-pronged approach. The first step towards addressing the issue of bullying is simply raising awareness among responsible adults about the seriousness of the problem. Teachers, administrators, and parents must be given the tools and information to identify bullying behaviors and to understand their negative consequences in order to be able to intervene appropriately. This requires more than just informal conversations, and must include appropriate programs that are provided in an adequate and complete fashion. Settings fort this might include seminars and forums for school officials and teachers, as well as parent-teacher conferences and other settings where parents can be given educational materials and information about available resources.

This educational information must be backed up by practical structures and interventions in schools, with clearly-defined anti-bullying policies and clearly-defined consequences for students who victimize other students (Long & Alexander). Students must also be properly informed about the seriousness of bullying and about the consequences for bullies who engage in inappropriate behavior.  Many states have passed anti-bullying legislation which makes bullying a legal matter, and such legislation generally includes significant punitive measures for bullies, including suspension, expulsion, and even incarceration (Duncan, 2011). While such rules and laws are helpful and appropriate, the best way to protect potential victims is for those responsible for supervising students to intervene as early as possible to minimize the damage of bullying.

Parents of bullying victims can also take steps to minimize the effects of bullying. This can include providing “insulating or protective factors” (Brank et al) to help the victim avoid contact with the bully and to provide positive emotional support. For victims who do not have strong social bonds, parents can help by involving their children in activities of interest or, in some cases, switching schools or finding alternatives to typical education. Victims of bullying may be helped by counseling, and schools should help provide information about the resources available to victims and their families.

While bullying is clearly a serious problem for many victims, it is also clear that bullying behaviors often go unnoticed or ignored by those who are in a position to intervene. Teachers and school officials must learn to identify the range of bullying behaviors and to take these behaviors seriously, while school officials must provide appropriate information for teachers and establish guidelines and policies for students related to anti-bullying measures. Parents must learn to spot the signs that indicate their child is being bullied, and take advantage of the resources and information available to protect and help their children. There is no single solution to stopping bullying, but by working together, parents and schools can help to reduce the problem.

Brank,, E., Hoetger, L., & Hazen, K. (2012). Bullying.  Annual Review Of Law And Social Science I , 8 (2132).

Long, T., Alexander, K. (2010). Bullying: Dilemmas, Definitions, And Solutions. (2010).  Contemporary Issues In Education Research ,  3 (2).

Collier, R. (2013). Bullying Symptoms.  CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal ,  85 (16).

Duncan, S. (2011). Restorative Justice and Bullying: A Missing Solution in the Anti-Bullying Laws.  New England Journal On Criminal & Civil Confinement ,  327 (267).

Schroeder, K. (1999). Bullying.  The Education Digest ,  65 (4).

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Argumentative Essay: Solution for Bullying

Bullying is a big problem for children and young people that go through it. It knocks their self-esteem and makes them lose their confidence, and can make them dread going to school each day. In extreme cases, young people can become suicidal as a result of bullying, while in other very serious cases, it can get out of hand and lead to the bully murdering their victim. It’s also a huge problem for parents and teachers, because stopping bullying is a hard task and they often don’t know the best ways to go about it. There are three key elements to stopping bullying: educating the bullies, imposing greater sanctions for the bullies, and protecting the victim.

The reason that bullies must be educated is that many of them are not aware of exactly how much they are hurting their victim. In serious cases, it is probably wholly deliberate, but even then, most bullies wouldn’t want their victim to become as suicidal as they have made them. Bullying can come in all sorts of forms and one that affects girls in particular is a group of so-called friends excluding them from everything. In cases like these, if the bullies understood that they had become bullies picking on a victim, they may think twice.

The second way to deal with the bullies is to punish them. This could be the only thing that works for incredibly nasty people, because they will only care when it begins to affect them. Bullying often isn’t taken seriously enough; for example, if you punched a person in the middle of the street you would probably be arrested, but if it happens in a case of bullying, the perpetrator might get a detention. It is important not to allow things to happen in school that they would never get away with out in the real world, and children and young people who don’t have boundaries and sanctions imposed as they grow up may not obey the law as adults.

The final main way to deal with bullying involves working with the victim. Victims of bullying need to know their self-worth so that they don’t just accept what’s happening to them, and need to be taught to be assertive without just being aggressive. They should also be taught that self-defence is allowed when necessary, and should not be punished for it, while it is very important that adults always listen to them and take their concerns very seriously.

All in all, there is no one single solution for bullying, but it’s not good enough to ignore it just because it’s hard to deal with. By using a combination of these three tactics, teachers should be able to stop bullying at school long before it gets out of hand.

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The Problem of Bullying and Possible Solutions Essay

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  • The Problem of Bullying

Solution 1: Positive School Climate and Progressive Discipline

Solution 2: using posters with slogans, solution 3: involving more people, works cited.

People encounter numerous problems, ranging from broken home appliances to difficulties of communicating with friends or colleagues every day. They have many different ideas about solving them, though these notions are often too theoretical and lack feasibility. Therefore, individuals cannot successfully deal with new challenges. Nevertheless, these abstract ideas are crucial, as they lead to positive outcomes if combined with tangible solutions.

Without any doubt, bullying is an enormous and complicated problem affecting a multitude of humans and institutions, which fail to manage it despite all efforts. The reason for it is that people place too much reliance on governmental policies and various campaigns and ignore their responsibility. However, each citizen can handle it only by employing practical responses to the problem. In general, bullying is a critical and complex issue prevailing among children; thus, it is essential to adopt different solutions to tackle it.

It is vital to clearly understand what bullying means and how it affects individuals before discussing the responses to the challenge. According to Cornell et al., the Center for Disease Control and Prevention emphasizes three characteristics of bullying: “willful aggression, power imbalances between aggressors and victims, and reoccurrence of aggression” (par. 5). The first and the second characteristics are critical and define the problem, while the third one is widespread but not required. It is essential to note that bullying is always intentional and involves people whose power and influence are different.

Unfortunately, in most cases, bullying is not a single episode but occurs regularly. It is prevailing among everyone regardless of their socioeconomic status, religion, gender, or nationality, though children are the most vulnerable population. They face aggression not only at schools but also in the street and on the Internet. The government, local authorities, community members, school staff, and parents work diligently to eliminate the issue, but only some succeed due to its complexity.

Furthermore, the effects of bullying are adverse and long-lasting, destroying both aggressors and victims’ lives. It is noted that the bullied’s confidence and self-esteem are undermined, and their sense of security is destroyed (Safe from Bullying on Journeys 3). The issue influences every aspect of life, ranging from academic success to home relationships. Children mistreated by their peers may fail to fulfill their potential and make the most of their talents. At the same time, aggressors develop bad manners preventing them from future progress and face severe criticism. Bullying considerably alters everyone leading solely to adverse outcomes.

Nassem states that even though wealth research has been conducted and effective interventions have been made, bullying is still “a prevalent problem causing depression, anxiety, and even suicide” (par. 1). These results are likely to make an enormously damaging impact on children who undergo mental and physical development. Unfortunately, the consequences of intentional aggression may be impossible to alleviate unless an urgent response is received.

In addition, numerous institutions and individuals fail to tackle the issue effectively. It needs practical solutions and personal responsibility but not abstract notions and reliance on the government and social activists. Cornell et al. argue, “Today’s laws and policies about bullying are fragmented and inconsistent” (par. 4). The solutions presented below are tangible and can be adopted by staff members of any particular school without governmental regulations. People need to realize that not knowledge but action can lead to eliminating the issue. Simultaneously, it requires much time and effort, though all the hard work is worth the possible positive outcomes.

A positive school climate leads to effective learning, fruitful collaboration, and valuable experience for all stakeholders. Parents and staff members can create it in many different ways. For instance, designing a code of conduct promotes positive student behavior, and building respectful and healthy relations between educators and learners is incredibly useful (Progressive Discipline ). Children spending much time in such an environment are discouraged from mistreating others.

Even though bullying cases may still occur, aggressors are likely to be criticized by other students inspired to support victims. In a positive school climate, bullies cannot gain power, respect, or influence by threatening others, as a school community regards it as unacceptable. Therefore, within the local area, the school administration should arrange meetings involving staff members and parents willing to collaborate on designing a positive environment.

On the other hand, it is not enough; thus, adopting progressive discipline is required. It encourages every student to feel more accountable for their actions and proves that inappropriate conduct causes negative consequences. At the same time, staff members implementing progressive discipline should consider many factors, such as social background and age, before imposing punishments or supplying support. It is evident that “providing students with the opportunity to reflect on their own actions and the impact of these actions is essential to student learning” ( Progressive Discipline 2).

Otherwise, they cannot alter their behavioral patterns and realize what is right and what is wrong. Principles can determine the ways to either support or punish aggressors. For instance, talking with them, reviewing their perspective on appropriate conduct, and involving social workers are examples of supportive practices (Progressive Discipline ). Simultaneously, additional assignments, detentions, suspensions, and expulsions are examples of punishments (Progressive Discipline ). Hence, the local authority needs to consider making the progressive discipline approach mandatory.

People should encounter an idea several times in their daily lives to realize it. However, they need to be constantly reminded about this idea to adopt it and change their thoughts and behavior. Perversely, children are exposed to bullying not only at schools but also in the street and on public transport where adults cannot intervene directly. Research proves that “fears about safety limit young people’s use of local amenities” (Safe from Bullying on Journeys 9). Everyone can alleviate the problem by taking small steps, which may primarily affect aggressors, victims, and witnesses of bullying.

Spreading posters with slogans outside of school settings can promote the idea that bullying is inappropriate in any form. The case study of the borough-wide initiative on bullying out of school is inspiring. Throughout a series of workshops, social workers determined the places where children face bullying the most often (Safe from Bullying on Journeys ). Students designed posters with slogans on intentional aggression, which were displayed at bus stops, subways, and park play areas (Safe from Bullying on Journeys ). They indicated that these locations are zones free of bullying and encouraged children not to withstand it even if they are not involved. It is an example of how small actions can lead to considerable changes.

In addition, small businesses can also get involved and make their impact. For instance, they can incorporate posters on their premises and print out slogans on T-shirts worn by employees or products. Hence, community members should spread anti-bullying posters around the local area, and the authority ought to encourage launching an anti-bullying campaign involving businesses.

Numerous adults encounter children every day and may witness bullying on their own. Without any doubt, “All organizations and adults (paid or unpaid) who work with children owe them a duty of care and must take all reasonable steps to ensure their safety (Safe from Bullying on Journeys 11). Everyone can contribute to dealing with the issue by realizing one’s responsibility, speaking up, and taking action. At first, it may seem that shop assistants or bus drives can do nothing to solve the problem, but it is far from the truth.

Bus drivers and conductors often meet children and communicate with them during their workdays. Sometimes they may be present when bullying occurs, though they are not required to intervene. Therefore, they often choose to ignore the issue, as their response can be regarded as unprofessional and even cause some problems. However, they can make remarks or ask an aggressor to leave a vehicle. Undoubtedly, bus drivers, conductors, and train guards should be instructed on how to act in such situations and be able to contact school representatives to report the cases of bullying.

For example, in Birmingham, England, bus drivers reach schools by contacting a safer travel team on their concerns or actual incidents (Safe from Bullying on Journeys 14). Such cooperation between different organizations helps to identify bullying cases and reduce their occurrence. Hence, the school administration needs to start cooperating with local transportation providers and shopping malls.

Furthermore, teachers are the most critical stakeholders, as they have enough power and knowledge to successfully deal with the problem. According to Nassem, “Bullying often happens because of a desire to be popular and to relieve boredom.” The author offers teachers to endeavor to help students to find alternative ways to fulfill their desires. For instance, involving children in exciting activities giving everyone a particular role is a useful technique. Numerous activities promote collaboration and engage students, and teachers have to use them. Thus, the school administration should arrange training sessions for teachers.

Millions of children face bullying every day worldwide, and it adversely affects their academic success, relationships, confidence, self-esteem, and prospects in general. Even though much attention is paid to the problem, the progress in alleviating it is not satisfactory. Governmental policies may be ineffective, and the influence of social activists may be weak. Therefore, everyone has to accept one’s responsibility and adopt practical solutions. For example, employing progressive discipline, creating a positive school climate, spreading posters with slogans, and involving everyone are the steps needed to be taken in every community.

Cornell, Dewey G. et al. “ Do U.S. Laws Go Far Enough to Prevent Bullying at School? ” Monitor on Psychology , vol. 47 no. 12, 2016. Web.

Nassem, Elizabeth. “ Bullying is Still Rife in Schools. Here’s How Teachers Can Tackle It .” The Guardian . 2018. Web.

Progressive Discipline: Part of Ontario’s Approach to Making Schools Safe Places to Learn . 2016. Web.

Safe from Bullying on Journeys . 2009. Web.

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The Long-Lasting Effects of Bullying

  • Social and Emotional Impact
  • Physical Impact
  • Academic Impact

Impact on Family

How to help your child heal.

Being bullied is both heartbreaking and miserable. But many adults, unless they have also been bullied themselves, have a hard time understanding just how much kids can suffer—and for how long. They may fail to realize that the consequences of bullying are significant and can have a lasting impact.

This lack of understanding is often called the "empathy gap." Working to close this empathy gap is one of the best ways to improve bullying policies and prevent bullying. Efforts to advocate on behalf of victims will not be effective unless people truly comprehend how painful and traumatic bullying can be.

Learn more about the long-term effects of bullying on kids and how you can help.

Social and Emotional Impact of Bullying

Kids who are regularly targeted by bullies often suffer both emotionally and socially. Not only do many find it hard to make friends, but they may also struggle to maintain healthy friendships. Part of this struggle is related to low self-esteem , which can be a result of the mean and hurtful things that other kids say about them or to them.

  • Targets of bullying also tend to experience a wide range of emotions, including:
  • Vulnerability
  • Helplessness
  • Frustration

These feelings have long-lasting consequences. For example, some kids will resort to drugs and alcohol to numb their pain. Others may develop chronic anxiety or depression. Some may even contemplate suicide .

Bullying and Learned Helplessness

Eventually, kids can also develop what is known as "learned helplessness." This means that the targets of bullying believe that they cannot do anything to change the situation. As a result, they stop trying, which can lead to a feeling of hopelessness and the belief that there is no way out.

As bullied kids grow into adults, they may continue to struggle with self-esteem, have difficulty developing and maintaining relationships, and avoid social interactions. They may even start to believe lies about bullying, such as convincing themselves that the bullying wasn't as bad as they remember or that it was their fault.

Physical Impact of Bullying

Aside from the bumps and bruises that occur during physical bullying, there are other physical costs of any type of bullying . Bullied kids might experience anxiety, for example. They may also complain of stomachaches and heaydaches.

Research has shown that chronic conditions that are aggravated by stress—like heart disease, depression, and diabetes—might worsen when a child is being bullied.

Academic Impact of Bullying

Kids who are bullied often suffer academically, too. In fact, slipping grades is one of the first signs that a child is being bullied. Kids also may be so preoccupied by bullying that they forget about assignments or have difficulty paying attention in class. Additionally, bullied kids may skip school or classes in order to avoid being bullied.

A study conducted by the University of Virginia showed that kids who attend a school with a severe climate of bullying often have lower scores on standardized tests.

Bullying even impacts students who simply witness it. For instance, kids scored lower on standardized tests in schools with a lot of bullying than kids in schools with effective anti-bullying programs. One possible reason for the lower scores in schools with pervasive bullying is that students are often less engaged in the learning process. Teachers may also be less effective because they must spend so much time focused on classroom management instead of teaching.

When a child is bullied, it's not uncommon for their parents and siblings to also be affected. Parents of kids who are being bullied may feel powerless to fix the situation. It's not uncommon for parents to feel a sense of failure when their child is bullied. \

Not only do they feel like they failed to protect the child from bullying, but they may also question their parenting abilities, worrying that they somehow missed the signs of bullying or that they did not do enough to bully-proof their child along the way.

The truth is that no one can predict who bullies will target . Parents can do everything "right" and still find out that their child is being bullied. As a result, they should never feel responsible for the choices a bully makes. Instead, they should focus on helping their child heal.

Research shows that the effects of bullying last well into adulthood. In fact, one study found that the consequences of being bullied by peers may have a greater impact on mental health in adulthood than originally thought.

The experiences that people have while they are children help mold them into the adults that they later become, so it's not surprising that the effects of bullying linger well into adulthood. But there are ways to heal from the childhood trauma related to bullying .

How to help your child heal from bullying

In order for your child to heal from bullying, they must change the way they think about the situation and how they view themselves after being bullied.

  • Don't allow your child to let the bullying define them . Instead, help them focus on what they learned, what their future goals are, and how to take care of themselves.
  • Help your child find closure . As counterintuitive as it sounds, forgiving the bully goes a long way in freeing your child from the pain of the experience. Remind them that revenge will not make them feel better.

Having a mental health professional help your child with the recovery process may speed things along. Talk to your child's pediatrician or school counselor for suggestions about who to contact in your area.

How to help yourself heal

The psychological impact of childhood bullying doesn't go away simply because you grew up. If you were bullied as a child and are still experiencing the effects, here are a few ways to get that closure you deserve:

  • Acknowledge what happened to you . Be truthful with yourself about the pain you experienced.
  • Make healing a priority . Take time to take care of yourself and consider talking with a counselor to help you make sense of your feelings, reframe your thinking, and reclaim control over your life.
  • Face the issue head-on . Once you have come to terms with what you experienced and changed the way you view yourself and others, you will be on your way to recovery.

It may take some time, so be patient with yourself. Bullying hurts regardless of your age, but with a little hard work, you will be well on your way to moving past it.

The effect of childhood trauma and resilience on psychopathology in adulthood: Does bullying moderate the associations? BMC Psychology . 2023.

Committee on the Biological and Psychosocial Effects of Peer Victimization: Lessons for Bullying Prevention; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on Law and Justice; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; Health and Medicine Division; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine . Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice . Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). 2016.

How Well Do We Understand the Long-Term Health Implications of Childhood Bullying? Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 2017.

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Bullying Essay Writing Prompts & Examples for Students


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Bullying is a repeated, physical, social, or psychological behavior that refers to the misuse of power by a person or group towards another individual or people. It is unacceptable in the United States! However, the acts of bullying are typical for the educational institutions, especially high schools. The teachers assign corresponding essays and research papers hoping to prove the harmfulness of this phenomenon to the students. Do not confuse bullying essay and bully essay! We will explain the difference between these two, share some good topics, provide useful writing tips, and present free examples of such papers. There are times when students can do nothing about the homework. It does not mean they know nothing about the offered topic or have no talent - the lack of time is the most common reason. What our academic writing company offers is quality help with writing an essay available online 24/7. Do not miss your chance to improve your grade!  

What Is Bullying Essay?

One may ask, “ What is bullying essay? ” Okay, not all students know the definition of this word because some of them are lucky never to witness school bullying. A bullying essay is an academic paper on the humiliation, inequality, and unfair treatment of a person by another person or a group of people. It is a common phenomenon in the US schools. Bullying is one of the main reasons for the massive school murders. Because this activity may lead to the fatal, dramatic consequences, a bullying essay is one of the most popular assignments.

Working on Bullying Essay Outline

The primary thing to get ready with before writing a bully essay is the bullying essay outline. It is a must in any type of writing. An outline won’t let you get lost during the writing process. It looks like a detailed plan of action, and here is an example:

  • The negative aspects & adverse consequences of bullying.
  • The victims of bullying: common features they share, reasons to be involved in bullying, and mistakes the victims do.
  • Conditions under which bullying takes place.
  • The outcomes of bullying.
  • Possible solutions against bullying: from the things students should do on their own to the involvement of parents and teachers.
  • Conclusion Relate bullying as a story and rewrite the thesis statement from the introduction.

Preparing an Unforgettable Bullying Essay Introduction

In the bullying essay introduction, introduce the topic you are going to discuss. Define the term “bullying” using a dictionary and own words. Show the importance of discussing this issue by starting with an interesting fact or official statistics. The examples of the opening sentences are:

“Between 1 in 4 US students say they have been bullied at school.” “There is no general profile of a person involved in bullying. Young adolescents who bully can be either well-connected socially or marginalized.” 

The rationale for writing an interesting bullying essay introduction is to make it possible to let the reader appreciate the topic and understand its significance.

Tips on Writing a Bullying Essay Conclusion Paragraph

A bullying essay conclusion paragraph should leave the greatest impression on the reader and motivate them to contribute something to the war against bullying. A writer can start with the essay hook or rewritten thesis. Both versions are good to make the reader interested. A student has to develop a conclusion to guarantee a closure for the bullying essay that defines his or her final claim concerning the problem of bullying in schools or an entire community. It is time to stop the anti-social behaviour!

  • Offer a final statement that talks about the abusive practices against the person or group of people.
  • Provide learning insight to stress the important role of bullying in the life of modern kids. Show the importance of further research. Think about what makes a significant lesson for personal perception.
  • Share feedback relevant to the implementation of governmental regulations created to stop the bullying.
  • Come up with the recommendations about bullying to let others think about the most effective way of handling the problem.
  • List the negative implications of bullying (victim’s physical & mental problems).

Post-Writing Steps

No matter whether you work on a short essay about bullying or a long one, the post-writing recommendations are the same. Do not ignore their importance!

  • Look at the format and structure of the paper and fix it if needed.
  • Proofread to detect & fix any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes.
  • Seek for the tutor’s feedback before revising.
  • Apply grammar and plagiarism checking software to get rid of the errors.
  • Let your peers or family members read the bullying essay to make sure it is polished.

20 Anti Bullying Essay Topics

An essay on bullying is not limited to defining the term. It has many options when it comes to choosing a specific topic. An essay on bullying may have several categories. One of the examples is cyber bullying essay - the threat of bullying with the help of social profiles and Internet, in general, is high.

  • Reasons why teasing may end up bullying.
  • Accepting people for who they are - preventing bullying.
  • The ways to support people who were bullied in the past.
  • The consequences of school bullying.
  • Turning for help to the adults.
  • Stopping the culture of bullying in the US schools.
  • Ways to make students feel comfortable when talking about bullying.
  • The problem of standing around and doing nothing to help the victim.
  • How other kids may prevent their peers from bullying each other.
  • Bullying in person vs. bullying in a group.
  • What are the mental consequences of bullying?
  • How can students prevent cyberbullying?
  • Reasons why some people bully others.
  • The way a bully feels once he or she put someone down.
  • Family essay : The role of family members in the life of the bullied person.
  • Risks for standing up for the one who is being bullied.
  • New ways to increase the community’s awareness about bullying
  • Describing the episode of bullying from your life.
  • Things you would do if someone tried to bully you.
  • Different types of bullying.

Each of these bullying essay titles is a good example of the ways to reduce bullying in schools essay. If you still lack ideas, rely on our Topic Generator for Essay . 

Read our free bullying essay examples. They will help to understand the goals of such paper better!

5 Awesome Bullying Essay Examples

Argumentative essay on bullying.

An argumentative essay on bullying is a challenge. A writer has to take one of the positions in the existing debate. Unlike in persuasive paper, there is no need to convince the target audience of your truth, and it makes the mission a bit easier. Here is an extract from such essay:

"Bullying is unacceptable, and many movements exist trying to stop this act of violence and inequality among teenagers. I will formulate an argument towards the problem at hand. Being a student of the high school, I see bullying among students of my age every day. That is why I will express my support in the fight against this phenomenon. Some things change for better thanks to the efforts of our parents and teachers, but the signs of bullying are present in most of the US education institutions. It is inhuman and has to end. Do you think the measures contemporary society takes are effective? I am a former victim of bullying: it happened several times when I was studying in the high school because of my family’s social status. The rest of the students came from wealthy families, and they believed there is no place for “burglars” like me. What they did to me was morally unacceptable. I think the government along with the legal bodies should make school bullying illegal and punish those who commit this crime according to the constitutional law. Such type of crime can have a long-term impact on everybody involved in the act. The experts define several types of this crime. Those are face-to-face like direct name calling; at a distance like spreading rumors; and cyberbullying. To me, the worst one is face-to-face even though experts name cyberbullying as the most dangerous one.”  

Persuasive Essay on Bullying

In a persuasive essay on bullying, a student has to explain his or her position towards the existing problem AND prove it to the reader. It requires more efforts than an argumentative paper. See the example below.

"School bullying is one of the basic issues in many educational institutions. Students may injure or even murder others. It happens in many regions of the world, but it looks like the United States suffer from this problem more than other countries. This type of crime is never acceptable. I have witnessed several acts of severe school bullying in my city, and I do not understand why teachers, parents, and government do nothing special to prevent such cases. Even if the act of bullying has nothing to do with physical injuries or rape, it may lead to the victim’s suicide. That is the purpose of the school bullies. I insist on forcing all shareholders in the education sector to cooperate to decide on the ways of handling and preventing this problem until it gets worse. The shareholders and working personnel are responsible for bullying. They should guarantee the safety of every student. One of the solutions I recommend implementing to fight against school bullying effectively is through special education explaining why this type of activity is to be discouraged and measures to take if bullying takes place on the eyes of other students. The students should understand the problem. Writing a persuasive essay on this topic might be a clue to the solution.”  

Cyber Bullying Cause and Effect Essay

A cyberbullying cause and effect essay should explain the reasons for bullying and the possible consequences. Most of the outcomes are dramatic and even fatal.

"Hitting someone makes a bully feel good. The strongest ones tend to express their significance through humiliating the weak. It is a natural instinct of many people. The primary reason to blame people who are weaker than you is the inferiority complex - the bully is a non-confident teen who feels better when making others look beneath himself or herself. The psychologists name one more reason. One of the main problems that lead to school bullying is the inability of parents to control their children. Those who come from wealthy families believe they will stay untouched. This feeling of permissiveness results in many different crimes and bullying is one of them. The major effect of the school bullying is the dramatic change in victim’s personality. Bullying can make initially happy and mentally healthy people self-conscious, shy, non-confident, or insane. Some of them end up in asylums. The results of bullying are obvious: the person becomes anti-social and keeps away from trying new things. The victims avoid speaking in public or participating in team games. In some situations, a bullying victim can start to have previously absent anxious signs.”  

5 Paragraph Essay About Bullying

Do you need an example of 5 paragraph essay about bullying? Find the solution below - discover more statistics & facts about bullying in the US schools.

"Bullying is one of the most common problems in the US schools. More than seven percent of kids in the 8th grade prefer staying at home once per month because of the school bullying (Banks, 1997). 15% of students are regularly bullied. Some of them are initiated into the bullying practice by the older students. The paper will talk about the definition of bullying, causes, effects, and the ways people can prevent this phenomenon. Bullying exists for ages. In most situations, it involves the School Bus Park, school hallways, and bathrooms, sometimes during recess (Banks, 1997). A bully never attacks alone. Such person prefers being surrounded by some type of minions that follow him/her everywhere. These people, minions, tend to have no personal opinion, and that makes them a treasure for the leader.”  

How to Prevent Bullying Essay

One of the most popular topics is how to prevent bullying essay. People should not close their eyes to the problems of teenagers ! Your essay may sound this way:

“A victor of bullying can do a lot to stop this phenomenon. It is necessary to take measures to protect yourself by evaluating personal strengths and weaknesses. This way, you will know how to resists the bullies. It is critical to develop and implement psychological, defensive tactics to keep away from getting in touch with the bullies. To stay away from bullying, one has to avoid any contacts with the bullies. A potential victim should not show anger in case of the attack - a good sense of humor may prevent the conflict. If bullying happens, the victim must report it immediately.”

So, writing a teenage bullying essay is useful. It helps to study one of the most serious school problems. Bullying essay should unite people in a battle against inequality and unfair treatment in educational institutions. What do you think? 


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How Bullying Manifests at Work — and How to Stop It

  • Ludmila N. Praslova,
  • Ron Carucci,
  • Caroline Stokes

essay about how to stop bullying

It’s a systemic problem that requires systemic solutions.

The term workplace bullying describes a wide range of behaviors, and this complexity makes addressing it difficult and often ineffective. For example, most anti-bullying advice, from “anger management” to zero-tolerance policies, deals with more overt forms of bullying. Covert bullying, such as withholding information or gaslighting, is rarely considered or addressed. In this piece, the authors discuss the different types of bullying, the myths that prevent leaders from addressing it, and how organizations can effectively intervene and create a safer workplace.

While the organizational costs of incivility and toxicity are well documented, bullying at work is still a problem. An estimated 48.6 million Americans, or about 30% of the workforce, are bullied at work. In India, that percentage is reported to be as high as 46% or even 55% . In Germany, it’s a lower but non-negligible 17% . Yet bullying often receives little attention or effective action.

essay about how to stop bullying

  • Ludmila N. Praslova , PhD, SHRM-SCP, uses her extensive experience with neurodiversity and global and cultural inclusion to help create talent-rich workplaces. The author of The Canary Code , she is a professor of graduate industrial-organizational psychology and the accreditation liaison officer at Vanguard University of Southern California. Follow Ludmila on LinkedIn .
  • Ron Carucci is co-founder and managing partner at  Navalent , working with CEOs and executives pursuing transformational change. He is the bestselling author of eight books, including To Be Honest and Rising to Power . Connect with him on Linked In at  RonCarucci , and download his free “How Honest is My Team?” assessment.
  • CS Caroline Stokes is a stakeholder capital business sustainability coach and strategist, and CEO of FORWARD , working with leaders and teams in AI, cybersecurity, and digital entertainment.

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Bullying Prevention: Implementing Anti-bullying Programs in Schools

  • Categories: Bullying Youth Violence

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Words: 1160 |

Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 1160 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, preventive measures.

  • leaves school with torn or damaged clothes and belongings,
  • has unexplained cuts and bruises,
  • has fewer friends,
  • seems afraid to be in school and afraid to ride the school bus,
  • has lost interest in school work or are performing poorly,
  • appears sad and depressed,
  • avoids the cafeteria or other gathering with peers.
  • Bauman, S., Toomey, R. B., & Walker, J. L. (2013). Associations among bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide in high school students. Journal of Adolescence, 36, 341–350. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2012.12.001
  • Bender, D., & Lösel, F. (2011). Bullying at school as a predictor of delinquency, violence and ‐other antisocial behavior in adulthood. Criminal Behavior and Mental Health, 21(2), 99-106.
  • Costello, M. (2017). Bullying Basics. Teaching Tolerance. [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://www.tolerance.org/professional-development/bullying-basics
  • Dempsey, A. G., Sulkowski, M. L., Nichols, R., & Storch, E. A. (2009). Differences between peer victimization in cyber and physical settings and associated psychosocial adjustment in early adolescence. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 962-972. doi: 10.1002/pits.20437
  • Durwin, C.C, & Reese-Weber, M. (2018). EdPsych: Modules, 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Espelage, D. L., Low, S., & De La Rue, L. (2012). Relations between peer victimization subtypes, family violence, and psychological outcomes during adolescence. Psychology of Violence, 2, 313–324. doi:10.1037/a0027386
  • Ross, D. M. (2002). Bullying in J. Sandoval (Ed.), Handbook of crisis counseling, intervention, and prevention in the schools (2nd ed., pp. 105-135). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Ttofi, M. M., Farrington, D. P., Lösel, F., & Loeber, R. (2011). Do the victims of school bullies tend to become depressed later in life? A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 3, 63–73.

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How to Stop Bullying

Last Updated: June 16, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Mental Health America . Mental Health America is the nation's leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting overall mental health for all. Their work is guided by the Before Stage 4 philosophy – that mental health conditions should be treated long before they reach the most critical points in the disease process. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 52 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,201,113 times.

Bullying can take many forms, but all forms of bullying cause harm or worse. Even if there is no physical contact between a bully and their target, people who are bullied may carry the emotional damage of what they experienced for the rest of their lives. That is why it is important to put a stop to bullying. If you are being bullied, then there are things you can do to deal with the bully. If you witness bullying , then there are things you can do to stand up for someone else. You can also work to raise awareness among your peers and learn about the different ways that you can ask for help.

Things You Should Know

  • Deal with a bully by walking away, reporting the bully, and asking them to stop if it’s safe. If you see someone being bullied, step in right away and separate them.
  • Set a good example for others and stand up for people who need help. Talk to your school administrators if you need help or call law enforcement.
  • Protect yourself from cyberbullying by keeping your passwords secret, blocking bullies, and reporting it to service providers.

Dealing with a Bully

Step 1 Walk away.

  • Try to walk towards other people, such as towards a teacher or someone else who will not put up with bullying.

Step 2 Tell someone so the bully will stop.

  • Find a teacher, parent, school counselor, or someone else who can help you and immediately tell them what the bully has been saying or doing to you. If the bullying occurs somewhere else, call the police or get a cop's attention if one is nearby.
  • Try saying something like, “Joyce is bullying me. She keeps making fun of my weight and she will not stop. I have asked her to stop, but she is still doing it. I think I need some help to make it stop.”
  • You can also write a note to explain what is happening. Deliver the note to your teacher, school counselor, or principal.
  • Tell someone else if the first person you tell does not do anything about the bully. Don’t accept that you will have to put up with the bullying.

Tip: If you’re an adult dealing with bullying the workplace, talk to your supervisor or someone in human resources. You might find it helpful to keep a written record of your experiences or involve a third party who’s witnessed the bullying. [2] X Research source

Step 3 Ask the bully to stop if you feel safe doing so.

  • Don’t try to confront the bully if you feel like doing so might put you in danger.
  • To use assertive body language, stand up tall and face the bully. Look the bully in the eye when you are speaking to them. Don’t look down and don’t try to make yourself smaller, such as by folding your arms or bringing your knees in close to your body. Pull yourself up to your full height, keep your arms at your sides, and your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • Keep your request short and direct. Try saying something like, “Stop it, Jennifer,” or, “Cut it out, Craig.” As you say this, make sure that you look the bully directly in the eye and speak in a calm, clear voice.
  • Don’t compliment or insult the bully. If you say nice things to a bully after they have been insulting you, putting you down, or physically threatening you, then this will only increase their sense of power. Calling the bully names may enrage them and increase their efforts to hurt you.

Step 4 Stay calm...

  • Take a few deep breaths and think about something that makes you happy, such as getting a good grade on a test, playing with your dog, or something fun that you are planning to do with your family over the weekend. Doing this may help you to take a step back from the situation and avoid reacting to your emotions. Make sure that you keep your eyes open and maintain eye contact with the bully as you do this.
  • Respond to the bully in a calm way. For example, you might say, "Jack, I know you think you're funny, but you're not. Stop." Or, "Stop now or I'm asking the teacher to move you away from me."
  • Be sure to talk about how the bully made you feel with someone else later on. Talk with your parents, a school counselor, or a teacher.

Helping Someone Who Is Being Bullied

Step 1 Take immediate action.

  • You can try standing up for the person and saying something like, “Stop it, Lisa!” Don’t insult the bully or use physical force to stop them from bullying the person.
  • If you are not able to intervene or if intervening does not work, then get help from someone. For example, if you see someone being bullied on the playground, then run and get a teacher or recess monitor and tell them what is happening.
  • Don’t wait until later to tell someone. If you wait, the person may get hurt.
  • Tell a teacher or counselor about any ongoing bullying that you know about. Some forms of bullying, such as exclusion or subtle remarks, may go unnoticed by teachers.

Step 2 Separate the bully and the person being bullied if you can.

  • Ask each person what happened.
  • You can also talk to other kids who witnessed the bullying, but don’t do this in front of the bully or the person who was being bullied.
  • If you didn’t witness the bullying yourself, take your time sorting out the details of what happened. Do not try to figure everything out on the spot. Talk with both parties if you can, ask witnesses what they saw, and then put all of the pieces together.

Step 3 Take bullying seriously.

  • A weapon is involved.
  • There are threats involved.
  • The violence or threats are motivated by hate, such as racism or homophobia.
  • The bully has done serious physical harm to the person.
  • Sexual abuse is involved.
  • Anything illegal has happened, such as blackmail or robbery.

Did you know? The harmful effects of bullying can be severe and long-term. Kids who experience bullying are more likely to struggle with depression, anxiety, and panic disorders as they get older. [8] X Research source

Setting a Good Example

Step 1 Make sure you aren't participating in bullying behavior at school.

  • Be careful teasing someone unless you're good enough friends with them to know that they won't take it personally.
  • You should also avoid spreading rumors or gossiping about people.
  • Avoid talking about people online or sharing pictures of them without their permission.

Step 2 Stand up for people if they're being bullied.

  • If your friends start gossiping about someone, make it clear that you don't participate in that kind of thing. Try saying something like, “I don’t like gossip. Can we talk about something else?”
  • If you're part of a group that's intentionally leaving someone else out, tell the group you want to include everyone, because it's the right thing to do. Try saying something like, “I think we should be nicer to Catherine. It must be hard to be the new girl in school.”
  • If you see someone getting picked on and fear for that person's safety, tell a teacher or school administrator right away. Try saying something like, “I am worried about David. I have noticed that some of the older boys harass him when he is walking home from school.”

Step 3 Spread the word that bullying has to stop.

  • Try starting a conversation with your friends about bullying. You might say something like, “Did you know that bullying is still happening at our school? I think it is terrible and I would like to do something to stop it.”
  • Talk with your teacher or school counselor about ways you can help. For example, you might be invited to give a presentation on bullying in your class or you might be able to help organize an event to raise awareness about bullying.

You can be an anti-bullying influencer. By taking a stand against bullying at your school or in your peer group, you can make a real difference! Studies show that bullying incidents drop significantly when schools put student-led anti-bullying programs in place. [9] X Research source

Protecting Yourself from Cyberbullying

Step 1 Think about what you post.

  • Think about who sees what you post online. Complete strangers? Friends? Friends of friends? Privacy settings let you control who sees what.

Step 2 Keep your password...

  • Block the bully on instant messaging and email.
  • Unfriend and block the person on your social network accounts and use the online privacy settings to ensure that the person can’t contact you again.
  • Block the person's phone number to stop intimidating texts and phone calls.

Step 5 Talk to an adult you trust about any messages you get, or things you see online that make you sad or scared.

Asking for Help

Step 1 Talk to your school administrators.

  • Know that other kids in your school are experiencing the same problem, and rules and protocols are in place for good reason.
  • If you're a parent, set up a meeting with the school administrator instead of trying to handle the situation on your own.

Step 2 Call local law enforcement.

  • Physical violence. Bullying can lead to real physical harm. If you're worried that your health or life is in danger, call the police.
  • Stalking and use of intimidation. If someone is violating your personal space and intimidating you, that's a crime.
  • Death threats or threats of violence.
  • Sharing of potentially humiliating photos or videos without your consent, including sexually explicit photos or videos.
  • Hate-related actions or threats.

Tip: If you’re a kid experiencing this kind of bullying in school, try asking an adult (such as a teacher, administrator, or playground monitor) for help, first. If the bullying takes place outside of school, you may need to call the police directly, or ask an adult to call for you.

Expert Q&A

  • If you see someone being bullied, tell a teacher or another trusted adult. Make sure that that person is actually being bullied, and not just playing around with their friends. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Don’t ignore bullying. This will only allow it to progress more. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Remember that you won't be in this situation forever. For the people who are getting bullied by others, just remember that you are more than what others are saying about you! You're perfect just the way you are!
  • Remember that people usually bully because they're jealous of you or insecure with themselves. Try your best to ignore them or act like you don't care and they will probably leave you alone.
  • Don't become a bystander. If you see bullying happening and do nothing, you are also part of the problem. Go to an school administrator or trusted adult and tell them what's going on.

essay about how to stop bullying

  • Continued bullying that causes severe emotional or physical damage may be grounds for taking legal action. If you’re an adult dealing with severe bullying, or if your child is being bullied and the measures taken by the school and the bully's parents are not sufficient to correct the problem, you might want to consider getting a lawyer involved. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ http://www.kzoo.edu/psych/stop_bullying/for_kids/what_is_a_bully.html
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/communication-success/201611/8-keys-handling-adult-bullies
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/passive-aggressive-diaries/201503/what-girls-can-say-and-do-stand-bullying
  • ↑ http://www.stopbullying.gov/respond/on-the-spot/index.html
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/bullies.html
  • ↑ https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/bullying-hurts-peer-support-really-helps

About This Article

Mental Health America

To stop someone bullying you, try to walk away from the situation to distance yourself from them. If they don’t let you leave or they continue to harass you, try to stay calm and tell them to leave you alone. For example, you can say something like, “Stop it, Craig. You’re bothering me.” However, if you feel physically threatened by a bully, you don’t have to deal with them alone. Tell a teacher, parent, or counselor as soon as possible, who will help you put a stop to the bullying. It's not always easy, but try your best to ignore bullies, since they're probably just trying to get a reaction out of you. For more tips from our Mental Health co-author, including how to help someone else who is being bullied, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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    There have been measures performed in schools and even in the government to prevent, assist, or completely stop the heinous acts of bullying. To discuss the theme of bullying in schools, this essay analyzes the main causes, effects, and solutions to this issue.

  11. Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice

    1 Introduction. Bullying, long tolerated by many as a rite of passage into adulthood, is now recognized as a major and preventable public health problem, one that can have long-lasting consequences (McDougall and Vaillancourt, 2015; Wolke and Lereya, 2015).Those consequences—for those who are bullied, for the perpetrators of bullying, and for witnesses who are present during a bullying event ...

  12. Essays About Bullying: 12 Ideas For Students

    This essay lets you explore what does and does not work to fight bullying in schools. Suppose you find that some things effectively fight to bully, but other rules are not; you can discuss why. Then, you can give guidance schools can follow to help reduce bullying behaviors. 4.

  13. How Youth Can Protect Themselves From Bullying

    Protective Factors. One of the best ways that youth can protect themselves against being bullied is through healthy friendships and positive relationships with classmates. 2 A wealth of research indicates that having a healthy peer network protects against being bullied and also helps reduce the negative effects of being bullied, such as ...

  14. What Can We Do to Stop Bullying? Essay

    Decent Essays. 531 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Bullying is not only a topic, but it is an action. An action in which is seen by many everyday within school systems, business offices, or on the streets. It is everywhere and has become part of the everyday environment. More often then not, bullying occurs greatly within local school systems ...

  15. Bullying: Problems and Solutions, Essay Example

    The most serious problems associated with bullying are, of course, the effects on victims. Bullying victims suffer from a range of problems, including higher rates of emotional disturbances such as depression and anxiety (Long & Alexander). Victims of bullying are at a greater risk of committing suicide, using drugs and alcohol, and becoming ...

  16. Argumentative Essay: Solution for Bullying

    Argumentative Essay: Solution for Bullying. Bullying is a big problem for children and young people that go through it. It knocks their self-esteem and makes them lose their confidence, and can make them dread going to school each day. In extreme cases, young people can become suicidal as a result of bullying, while in other very serious cases ...

  17. The Problem of Bullying and Possible Solutions Essay

    Furthermore, the effects of bullying are adverse and long-lasting, destroying both aggressors and victims' lives. It is noted that the bullied's confidence and self-esteem are undermined, and their sense of security is destroyed (Safe from Bullying on Journeys 3). The issue influences every aspect of life, ranging from academic success to ...

  18. Effects of Bullying: Long-Term Impact and How To Heal

    The long-term effects of bullying are often overlooked. Learn how bullying can impact your child's mood, academic achievement, health, self-esteem, and relationships.

  19. Steps to Writing a Bullying Essay With 5 Great Examples

    The outcomes of bullying. Possible solutions against bullying: from the things students should do on their own to the involvement of parents and teachers. ConclusionRelate bullying as a story and rewrite the thesis statement from the introduction. Preparing an Unforgettable Bullying Essay Introduction.

  20. Do Schools Do Enough to Prevent Bullying

    The essay "Do Schools Do Enough to Prevent Bullying" highlights the prevalence of bullying in schools and questions whether schools are doing enough to address the issue. The essay is relatively well-organized and focused, with a clear introduction and conclusion.

  21. How Bullying Manifests at Work

    Summary. The term workplace bullying describes a wide range of behaviors, and this complexity makes addressing it difficult and often ineffective. For example, most anti-bullying advice, from ...

  22. Bullying Prevention: Implementing Anti-bullying Programs in Schools

    Conclusion . In conclusion, the goal of bullying prevention is to create an effect on the involved parties, both behaviorally and mentally. Educators and parents can practice preventing bullying in the classroom and in homes by staying educated and involved, observing warning signs, implementing strategies and techniques, and incorporating anti-bullying programs.

  23. 5 Ways to Stop Bullying

    The best thing to do might be to calmly walk away from the person. This will send the message that you won't put up with this kind of treatment. Try to walk towards other people, such as towards a teacher or someone else who will not put up with bullying. 2. Tell someone so the bully will stop.

  24. Persuasive Essay On How To Prevent Bullying

    Persuasive Essay On How To Prevent Bullying. 1305 Words6 Pages. Bullying Can Be Prevented Bullying is a form of violence to pick on victims because they are different from their bullies, have insecurity/jealousy or home problems. The hate towards their victim has something to do with the victim having an unusual gift or being intelligent the ...