How to Create an Educational Website: Guide for Your Successful Project

  • web development

How to Create an Educational Website: Guide for Your Successful Project

Online education has become a booming field in recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerating this trend. As more and more people turn to online learning as a way to continue their education or advance their careers, developing educational websites is becoming progressively more profitable and relevant.  

As the online education industry continues to grow, creating a website that stands out can be a daunting task. With increased competition, businesses need to come up with unique features and niches to succeed. However, even with a great idea, creating an educational website comes with its own set of challenges. From designing engaging content to ensuring a seamless user experience, the process can be overwhelming.

The Rock faced a challenge

That’s where ProCoders comes in. With our expertise in developing educational websites, we have created a comprehensive guide that covers the key considerations for creating a successful website. Whether you’re just starting or looking to improve an existing site, our guide provides valuable insights and strategies to help you overcome the challenges and achieve success in the competitive online education landscape.

Why Should You Create an Educational Website?

By 2028, Studocu projects that the worldwide e-learning market would have grown to approximately $1 trillion USD. The size of the worldwide e-learning market in 2021 was $315 billion dollars. I mean, if that doesn’t motivate you to create your own educational website, I don’t know what will.

education website development

It can provide many benefits for both educators and students, such as increased accessibility, engagement, and flexibility. along with personalized learning, collaboration opportunities, and progress tracking. Additionally, if done properly, it can be cost-effective and generate good revenue, and that is basically where ProCoders come in! Our experienced team of developers and designers will work closely with you to create a user-friendly, feature-rich, and scalable platform that caters to your target audience’s needs.

The field is broad and includes professional education, corporate education, and inclusive education. Professional education is aimed at providing training and certification for specific careers, corporate education focuses on training employees, and inclusive education focuses on providing education for people with disabilities.

After thoroughly analyzing ProCoder’s experience and knowledge, it is safe to say that the following areas are becoming increasingly important in 2023 and the years to come:

Personalization and customization: 

As the competition in the e-learning market increases, personalization and customization of the learning experience will become increasingly important.


The use of game-based elements such as quizzes, badges, and leaderboards, to make the learning experience more engaging and interactive.


Short, focused learning sessions that are tailored to individual learning styles and preferences

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): 

AI and ML can help personalize the learning experience, provide instant feedback, and adapt the learning content to the student’s progress.

Of course, it is not a necessity to add these features if you want to design an educational website, but it would be worth it to give them a thought, so you can always stay one step ahead of your competitors. 

illustration of a laptop with a cup of coffee on the dark blue background

Types of Educational Websites

Before you start an educational website, you must understand that they can be categorized based on the learning methods they employ, such as:

Online Courses: 

Structured learning experiences, often with a syllabus, assignments, and quizzes. They may also offer certifications upon completion. Examples include Coursera, Udemy, and edX.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): 

Free, non-credit online courses are available to a large number of students. Which are Khan Academy and FutureLearn.

Tutorials and How-to Websites: 

Step-by-step instructions and guides on various topics. Examples include Codecademy and W3Schools.

Virtual Labs and Simulations: 

Simulations and virtual labs for hands-on learning in various fields such as science, engineering, and medicine. Like, PhET Interactive Simulations and Labster.

Social Learning Platforms: 

A social learning environment, where students can interact and collaborate with each other and with educators. Schoology and Blackboard are some examples.

Flashcard and Quizlet:

Flashcards and quizzes to help students memorize and learn information. Examples include Quizlet and Anki.

Adaptive Learning Platforms: 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning to personalize the learning experience for each student based on their performance and learning style. Knewton and ALEKS are some of the popular Advanced Learning Platforms.

Each learning method can be suitable for different learning styles, so it’s important to choose the right one for the specific learning goals and needs of the students. Additionally, some educational websites may combine multiple learning methods to provide a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience.

education website development

Key Features of Education Sites to Plan before start Development Process

Basic features you can’t take off without.

As ProCoders have created numerous different e-learning projects, we have come to understand that there are a couple of must-haves if you want to make an interactive educational website, please keep in mind that these are the bare essentials that your project should have: 


A simple and intuitive navigation system is crucial for guiding users through the app and helping them find the content they are looking for.


The app should have a variety of high-quality educational content that is well-organized and easy to access.


Interactive elements such as quizzes, games, and simulations can help to engage users and make the learning experience more enjoyable.


Allowing users to personalize their learning experience by setting goals, creating custom study plans, and tracking their progress can help to keep them motivated.


A built-in messaging or commenting system allows users to communicate with other learners and instructors.

illustration with two people talking via zoom


The app should be accessible to users with different abilities, including those with visual, auditory or physical impairments.


The app should be secure to protect user data and privacy.


The app should be able to handle a large number of users and be able to scale as usage grows.


An analytics feature that allows tracking user engagement and progress is important for understanding how the app is being used and for making improvements.


An easy-to-use support system, including a help center and/or contact form, can provide users with assistance if they have any problems or questions.

support system for education website

Features that will help you stand!

Here at ProCoders we believe in providing the best, no matter if it is an e-learning platform or any other project that we have been asked to help with. Keeping that in mind, we want to suggest a couple of features that you can consider adding when you build website for education because they will help you in leaving your competition behind! 

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

By examining each student’s unique learning preferences, aptitudes, and learning needs, AI can be utilised to tailor the content and educational experience for that particular student. It can also be used to develop adaptive learning systems, which can modify the content’s tempo and degree of difficulty in response to the performance of the students.

Machine Learning (ML):

By pinpointing their areas of improvement and offering them individualized feedback and direction, ML may design customized learning paths for each student. In order to provide in-the-moment assistance, it can also develop intelligent tutoring systems.

Virtual Reality (VR):

VR can create immersive, interactive simulations and experiences that allow students to explore and experiment with complex concepts in a safe and controlled environment. This can make learning more engaging and interactive, and also help students visualize and understand abstract concepts more easily.

Augmented Reality (AR) –

By giving learners engaging and interactive visual aides, augmented reality can improve learning. It may also be utilized to make interactive simulations and experiences that give students a safe and controlled setting in which to investigate and experiment with real-world concepts.


The metaverse can be used for creating virtual classrooms, where students from all over the world can gather and learn together. It can also be used to create virtual labs and simulations, where students can conduct experiments and learn about different scientific concepts.

Again, these features are not absolutely necessary during education website development but they will undoubtedly help you stand out. So if you want to do something a little different, if you want to go the extra mile, talk to us, We are here to help!

two hands hi five each other

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Possible Challenges You May Face When Making an Education Website

Whenever you start a project, no matter what it is, you are certain to face some obstacles that is why ProCoders have created a list of possible challenges that you may end up facing during your website development for education. 

Lack of Planning:

First and foremost to build educational website requires careful planning, including defining the project’s goals, specifications, and limitations. Failure to do so could result in project delays, cost overruns, and a finished product that does not satisfy the consumers’ demands. Planning is important if you want to create education website!

Unqualified/Unexperienced Team: 

Having an unqualified or unexperienced team can lead to a lack of expertise, inefficiency, and a final product that does not meet the required standards. We have seen such cases before, where ProCoders were asked to step in and help during the development stage where the client, later on, understood that their team is not able to overcome obstacles along the way! That is why It’s important to have a team with the right skills, knowledge, and experience to create a successful educational website.

Shortage of Developers: 

A lack of skilled developers can lead to delays in the development process, as well as a compromise in the quality and functionality of the final product. It’s essential to ensure you have a sufficient number of developers with the necessary skillset to meet the project’s demands and timelines. Working with a reliable development partner like ProCoders can help you overcome this challenge by providing access to a pool of skilled developers who can help bring your vision to life.

Shortage of Developers

Underestimating the Competitors: 

Inadequately analysing the competition can result in the omission of crucial functionalities, design components, or features that are already provided by competing educational websites. It’s critical to stay current with market trends and best practices as well as to thoroughly investigate the competitors.

Not Creating a User-Friendly Interface: 

A bad user experience and low engagement can result from a website’s poor interface, which can make it challenging to use and navigate. It’s crucial to carry out user testing and build the interface with the users’ requirements and preferences in mind.

Steps to Make an Educational Site

Before starting any project, you have to make sure that you are up to date with the trends and requirements of the industry that you are going to explore. That is why using ProCoders’ wisdom we have created a list of steps of developing an educational website! 

Define your goals and objectives: 

Determine what you want to achieve with your educational website and what kind of content and resources you want to provide. Consider the unique value proposition you want to offer and how it will benefit your users.

Research your audience: 

Delve deep into your target audience’s preferences and needs, enabling you to create tailored content and design that resonates with them. Conduct market research to understand their pain points and expectations.

Develop your website: 

When developing your educational website, you need to determine whether you want to handle the development process internally, hire web developers through outstaffing to supplement your in-house efforts, or completely outsource the development. ProCoders can be of great assistance in this regard, as we possess extensive experience in creating and maintaining top-notch educational projects. We can provide guidance and expertise whether you opt for outstaffing or full outsourcing, ensuring a successful outcome for your platform.

We also think that how to find developers for startup would be worth a read if you are thinking of starting a new project!

let's find out of types of educational website

Create and organize content: 

Develop the content for your website. This includes creating text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. Organize your content in a logical way, making it easy for students to find what they need.

Implement interactive elements: 

Incorporate interactive features such as quizzes, games, and simulations to make learning more enjoyable and effective. These elements encourage active participation and promote better knowledge retention.

Test and refine: 

Perform comprehensive testing of your website, collecting user feedback and data to identify areas for improvement. Iterate and optimize your design, content, and interactive elements to deliver an exceptional user experience.

Launch and promote: 

Introduce your website to the world and promote it to your target audience using a multi-faceted marketing approach. Utilize social media, email campaigns, and content marketing to create buzz and drive traffic to your platform.

Maintain and update: 

Keep your website updated and maintained with fresh content, security updates and fix any bugs. Maintaining a secure, up-to-date platform helps retain user trust and engagement.

Measure performance: 

Use analytics and data to measure the performance of your website and make adjustments as needed to improve it over time. Continuously refine your platform based on data-driven insights to ensure its long-term success.

Remember, you can always tweak these steps, add something or skip some but what we have understood over the years is that high-quality developers are essential to create a high quality product and testing is as important as the development itself. So make sure that you do not skip when it comes to QA cause it might end up causing you a lot more in the long run! 

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Tech Stack You Need to Build an Educational Website

To comprehend how to build an educational website, you need to get a grasp of the tech stack that you will be using to create your project. We here at ProCoders have used different tech stacks depending on the needs and requirements of the project, to give you a brief insight, we have listed some below:

Frontend Technologies: For an engaging and interactive user interface, a web framework such as React, Angular, or Vue.js. This combination will streamline development and enhance the user experience.

Database: A database such as MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL, is used to store and organize website data, such as user information or course content.

Backend Technologies: To build the core functionality of your educational website, choose a backend frameworks, such as Laravel (PHP), Ruby on Rails (Ruby), Django (Python), or Node.JS. These technologies enable efficient development and establish a structure for your website.

Payment gateway: Online transactions are processed and managed using a payment gateway, such as Stripe, PayPal, Razorpay, etc.

Learning Management System (LMS): Create and manage online courses and tests using an LMS, such as Moodle, Canvas, or Blackboard. Read more on how to implement a learning management system .

Video streaming and hosting: Services such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia, can help host and stream video content on your website.

Email Marketing Platform: Platforms such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Aweber, can help you manage and send emails to your subscribers.

Website Analytics: Measure and examine website traffic and user behavior with the use of services like Google Analytics, Piwik, or Open Web Analytics.

Cloud Services: The website can be hosted on scalable and trustworthy cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.

How Much Does It Cost to Create Your Own Education Website?

If someone gives you an estimate of how much it will cost to build education website, run away! It is impossible to do that without listening to what you want first. 

On a serious note, The cost of developing an e-learning system can vary widely depending on the project’s specific needs and features. As every project is unique, it is not possible to provide a cost without first understanding the project’s requirements. At ProCoders, to determine the cost, we use a “Discovery Phase” during which we gather detailed information about the project under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). We then provide an estimate of the time and resources required to create the desired language learning app. Additionally, if you want to include things like e-commerce functionality, payment gateways, or interactive elements, the cost will likely be higher.

taking off rocket

To give you an insight, a simple educational website with basic features and minimal customizations can cost around $5,000 to $10,000. However, a more complex website with advanced features, customized design, and integration with third-party tools can cost upwards of $50,000 or more. It’s important to note that these are rough estimates, and the actual cost can vary based on various factors such as the developer’s location, the project’s complexity, and the desired functionality.

If you are hiring in-house or outsourcing the development, it will hugely depend on where your developers are located! For example, if you are located in the US and employing in-house, you will have to pay a huge amount compared to you outsourcing to a country like Estonia, which has a high reputation in terms of providing competent developers! For more details please read ‘ cost to hire a website developer

LocationAverage salary per yearAverage hourly rate
United States$92,016$44.24
United Kingdom$69,128$33.24

ProCoders Value to Contribute to Your Education Website Development

Procoders have a team of experienced developers who have a proven track record in creating educational websites. We have worked on a variety of projects, such as Quartz Network and Membean, and have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that come when you create online education website. Our developers have the skills, expertise, and creativity needed to create websites that are not only informative but also engaging and user-friendly.

ProCoders helped Quartz Network create an innovative B2B platform for professionals to network and learn. With our extensive engineering resources, we quickly assembled a team and developed a comprehensive full-stack solution. Our seamless collaboration resulted in a successful platform launch, offering numerous courses and hosting conferences, setting Quartz Network up for a promising future. 

In addition to our experience and expertise, we are also able to offer a wide range of services, including website design, development, testing, and maintenance. We can also provide ongoing support to ensure that your website continues to function at its best. We are committed to delivering the highest quality work and ensuring that our clients are completely satisfied with the end result.

Education websites offer a variety of benefits such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, personalized learning, accessibility, assessment, scalability, flexibility, and continuous learning. They allow students to access educational materials and resources from anywhere and at any time, and provide personalized learning paths. They also offer instant feedback and assessments to track progress, and scalability to reach a large number of learners.

Popular educational websites include Khan Academy, Coursera, edX, Udemy, Codecademy, Duolingo, Quizlet, Skillshare, Memrise, and TED-Ed. They offer a wide range of educational resources such as video lessons, quizzes, interactive exercises, online courses, specializations, and degrees. 

It can take anywhere from 6 months to years! 

The time it takes to create an educational website can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the website, the size of the team working on the project, and the resources available. It’s important to note that the development process includes not only the coding and design, but also the planning, content creation, testing and the deployment which can take a lot of time. Book a free consultation with ProCoders to find out more. 

If you want to create a website for education, it is a journey worth embarking on. With the right mindset and a clear vision, you can develop educational website that not only educates, but also captivates and inspires your audience. By keeping your target audience in mind, building a well-organized and intuitive structure, and incorporating engaging and relevant content, you can create a website that is informative, user-friendly and generates revenue. 

Furthermore, adding interactive elements such as quizzes and forums can elevate the user experience and make the website more interactive. With a bit of planning, dedication, and a keen attention to detail, you can build an educational website that will be of great value to both you and your audience.

Procoders is the perfect choice for anyone looking to create a high-quality educational website. We have the experience, expertise, and creativity needed to create a website that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Let us help you to create something truly unique and effective for education.

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The Granada Logo History, Colors, Font,

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What Font Do Doctors Use? Medical

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The Real Betis Logo History, Colors,

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What Font Is Used on Diplomas?

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Education Website Design: 27 Great Examples

  • BY Bogdan Sandu
  • 11 January 2024

educational website project report

Imagine crafting a virtual campus so vibrant, students and educators flock to it with the same enthusiasm as the first day of school. That’s the magic of exceptional education website design—it turns the digital realm into an interactive learning hub.

With technology etching its significance across classrooms and curriculums worldwide, an outstanding online presence isn’t just nice-to-have, it’s essential.

This exploration dives into the art and science behind education website design examples that both captivate and educate.

From student-friendly navigation to responsive education portals , together, we’ll dissect the elements that set the bar for user experience in online education .

You’re right to expect more than a gallery of screenshots. Here, the journey into interactive educational platforms and modern classroom website functionalities unfolds, revealing the how’s and why’s that make each design tick.

Flow along, and by the end, the ABCs of online education design will seem less like a foreign language and more like your native tongue, sprinkled with insights into digital learning tools integration and engaging multimedia for student websites .

Prepare to transform that blank slate of a webpage into a masterpiece of educational innovation.

Education Website Design Examples

Khan academy.

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The detroit tigers logo history, colors, font, and meaning.

Education Website Design: 27 Great Examples

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Planning an education website design project.

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higher ed marketing web design

The decision to design a new website is not one schools take lightly. Comprising pages and pages of information about different courses, facilities, and locations, education websites are more difficult than most to revamp, requiring extensive planning and effort for both schools and any design, content, and web development professionals they enlist for the job.

With that in mind, approaching the project in the right way can mean the difference between success and failure. Keep reading for a step-by-step approach that can help your school keep this critical project on the right track.

New call-to-action

Evaluate Your School’s Existing Site Before You Begin

If your school is considering designing a new website, you will likely already have identified a number of things about your existing site that you are unhappy with. You might feel that the design seems a bit dated, or that the navigation is clunky, or that certain information is hard to find.

Whatever your reasons, it’s important at this point for you and your team to put your feelings on paper. Taking the time to articulate exactly what it is that you hope to improve will help to crystallize your vision for the site you want, and ensure that all the key stakeholders are on the same page.

However, it’s important to remember not just to focus on the negatives of your existing site. If there are elements of it that you like and feel work well, be sure to include them in your evaluation. This will ensure that you don’t throw the good out with the bad. What’s more, looking at your existing design’s strong points might provide a good starting point for your new project, allowing you to accentuate these positives and build upon them.

After evaluating the site at a more general level, you should do a deeper audit that focuses on its performance in a number of key areas, such as:

User Experience (UX)- Look at your existing site in terms of how easy it is for web users to navigate. Can they find the information they need easily? Does your site menu have a clear, logical hierarchy? Is the site’s design, its copy and its images visually pleasing and comprehensible?

Example: The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s website is good example of a design that is visually pleasing yet simple and intuitive for users.

university web design

You should also test your site across different browsers and devices and see if its design is compatible, and use Google Page Speed Insights to see how quickly your pages load in comparison to the average website.

Content- You should take a critical look at the content of your site, including text, images, and videos, and think about whether it conveys what it needs to. You should evaluate how concise and engaging it is, whether it offers the information your audience wants, and whether it effectively drives prospective students down the enrollment funnel.

SEO- After evaluating the substance of your content, it’s time to consider how well it integrates SEO best practices. Review elements like header tags, page titles, and body text for effective keyword integration, internal links, and proper page architecture.

This can be especially helpful if you have a number of pages on your site which were created some time ago. SEO has evolved a lot over the years, and content created a decade ago is unlikely to be fully optimized by today’s standards.

Results- Finally, one of the most instructive things to consider when evaluating education website design is the results you are getting. Take a deep dive into your Google Analytics data, CRM reports, and other sources of key performance indicators you might have at your disposal to gather tangible evidence of how well your site is serving its purpose.

Looking at GA goals and lead generation data will give you a good idea of whether your site is doing enough to attract prospective students, while engagement metrics such as page views, visit durations, and bounce rates will also tell their own story about how absorbing and user-friendly your web property is.

It may also be an idea to survey your current students about their experience with your website and improvements they’d like to see, as well as faculty, parents, alumni and other segments of your school community. This process should give you a clear idea of what you need to do to really elevate your current online presence, and a perfect platform to move forward with your new design.

Define Clear Goals for Your Education Web Design Project

The aim of a web design project should be much more than simply ‘build a better website’. In addition to identifying areas of improvement, you should also formulate a list of clear goals and tangible returns on investment your school would like to see.

What these goals are will largely depend on which of your audiences you are considering. Presumably, prospective students will be a high priority, and it might be an idea to set a targeted increase on the amount of inquiries or conversions you would like to generate after launching your new site. Having this goal will keep your redesign focused on this outcome, and ensure you take steps to improve UX with your target student personas in mind.

Likewise, if you feel other groups like current students, parents and alumni need to be better catered to online, setting engagement goals for these audiences might be helpful for your team. Your school may also want to increase participation or awareness of some of its other activities, like events or conferences, and targeting increased registrations could be a way to enshrine this into the outcomes of your project.

Example: Large schools like Concordia University regularly hold events and conferences, and ensuring a healthy amount of bookings are generated online is likely to be a priority. Concordia maximize their chances of doing this by making their events calendar easy to find and navigate.

higher ed web design

Your team may also have internal goals it wants to accomplish. For instance, you may want to provide answers to inquiries or allow students to view timetables and other resources online in order to provide a better experience, as well as lessening the burden and expense these everyday requests can place on your support staff.

Example: Newcastle University allow student societies to book rooms using an online request system. Automating processes like these through your website can save your school time and money.

college website design

By including these kinds of aims, you will ensure that your design team are working with these objectives in mind, and creating a site that not only looks good, but delivers tangible all-round benefits for your institution. Identifying the return you expect will also help your school to set a cost-effective budget for the project.

Formalize Your School Branding Guidelines

A well-defined brand can do wonders for your school. Going beyond a simple logo or catchphrase, your branding strategy gives your institution a recognizable identity, and tells prospective students exactly what your values are, and what they can expect from pursuing an education with you.

With that in mind, it’s essential to ensure that your new web design is approached with your branding strategy in mind at all times, both on an aesthetic level and in terms of the substance of the message the site is conveying.

In terms of design, this means developing a comprehensive style guide which sets out guidelines for how important elements such as your logo, colour scheme, fonts, and other elements should be used so that they are consistent and instantly identifiable.

Example: The website of Unity College, a medium-sized liberal arts college in Maine which provides a range of environmentally focused degree courses, is a great example of well-thought out branding strategy in action. The school’s logo, colour scheme, and use of visuals are all perfectly in keeping with its unique identity.

education web design

Like Unity, your branding strategy should tell your audience about your school’s personality, and it’s important that the design and layout of your website reflects this. For instance, a business school aimed at professionals might want to opt for a more traditional approach to its design than a school looking to capture the attention of younger students, who might be receptive to a more unusual or eye-catching layout.

Example: The website of Parsons School of Design in New York is striking and visually unique. While it is very unlike many education websites, it is pitched perfectly towards the school’s creatively inclined prospective student audience.

higher ed website design

Your branding strategy should also extend to the type of images you use in your design. A school that uses its location as a major selling point, for instance, might want to incorporate images of their surrounding area heavily into their site.

Example: Arena School of English makes its location in Dublin a central part of its marketing message. Accordingly, images of the city feature prominently in a banner video on its homepage.

college website design project

Whatever your approach, focusing on your branding during the education website development process can be an excellent opportunity to improve this aspect of your marketing operations. If you feel that your school’s current branding approach is ill-defined, or that you could benefit from a rebrand or a new strategy, this might just be the perfect time to do it.

Taking a Content-First Approach to Education Website Development

Most of today’s web design experts advocate a ‘content-first’ approach. This means that instead of developing a stylish but impractical site design and then trying to fit content around it, website owners should start by mapping out all of the information they need the site to contain, and then create a comprehensive information architecture (IA) framework .

The most typical way of doing this is by creating a sitemap. A sitemap is simply a list of every page on your site, organized based on their relationship with one another. This part of the process is where your school’s evaluation of your existing site, goals, and branding will really to start to pay off.  By looking at your existing content, you can evaluate what you want to save, what you need to create, and what you need to change.

Furthermore, considering your audience and goals alongside your audit of your existing site’s UX, SEO properties, and analytics data will help you to create a sitemap with a logical, intuitive information hierarchy that really makes sense when viewed from the point of view of your prospective students.

Sitemaps will all be different depending on your school, but a typical example would include the following elements:

Top Level Navigation : This is the main menu of your site, and the categories in which the majority of your content should fall into. Typically, this might include courses, accommodation, student life, an ‘About Us’ section, or any other broad categories that allow pages to be easily grouped together in a way that will be logical and familiar to the average student.

Example: Inlingua Victoria’s website is a good example of a simple, well-ordered top-level navigation structure.

language school website project

This area can be quite problematic for schools, particularly larger ones, as they often have difficultly catering to all of their audiences. Some will often solve the problem by creating different top-level menus for prospective and current students, as well as parents, alumni and others, segmenting each into a design that basically functions as a number of different websites within the same domain.

Example: Many larger universities, like UC Berkeley, use a two-tiered top-level system, with one dividing content into broad categories and another for each of their primary audiences.

higher ed web design strategy

If you can, though, it’s always best to be as simple as possible, and try to create a top-level menu that covers everything.

Second and third level navigation : Depending on the breadth of information your site needs to offer, each of your top level navigation menus may need to include second or even third level hierarchies. For example, a school with campuses in a number of different locations might need a number of pages covering different aspects of each one, such as accommodation options, courses offered, and city or region guides.

Examples: Liden & Denz, a Russian language school with locations throughout Russia and Latvia, has a third level of navigation on its website for the courses and programs in each of its locations.

education website design

Your school might also be looking to create unique pages offering information on different aspects of each of your courses, such as curriculum details, entry requirements, and career outcomes.

Example: WU Executive Academy provides several unique pages for each of its programs on its website, detailing the course curriculum, international residency opportunities, and other information that is likely to appeal to prospective students.

user experience education

While it’s important not to make your navigation too complicated, adding second and third level navigation can be quite useful if done well, allowing you to organize information in a series of digestible and concise pages. Creating unique pages for specific information rather than trying to include it in a single longer page also has the added bonus of giving your site more indexable pages for search engines, which can help your SEO.

Utility pages- Many sites also have a number of ‘utility pages’ which are not grouped under their main menus. These would include things like privacy policies, terms and conditions, legal disclaimers, or technical pages such as your sitemap, and are usually placed in the header or footer of your main pages.

Example: Schiller Language School in Germany places its legal disclosure, privacy statement and cookie usage policy in the footer of its site.

higher ed website

You may have other elements you want to include, such as photo galleries, a blog section, or an online portal for current students and faculty. Whatever your needs, drawing up a comprehensive sitemap will allow you to create a design that best suits the content you want to include.

Developing Web Design Templates for Your School’s Site

In the process of following these steps, your team will likely have already developed quite a clear idea of what your site should look like by the time you are ready to enter the actual design phase. At this point, web designers will work within the brief given to them to create a series of ‘wireframes’ for different kinds of pages that need to be included on the site. These are essentially blueprints of the pages, which layout all the different elements each one will need to include, such as headers and footers, body text, images,  menus, and any in-page navigation buttons.

educational website project report

Source: Envatotuts+

These will often be elaborated into mock-up templates which show what a finished page might look like. In order to serve modern web users, it’s important to create a responsive design, and include templates for both mobile and desktop.

Example: Bucks New University use responsive design for their website. That way, students can find what they need on the school’s site no matter the device they use.

UX in education

Once these templates have been created and agreed upon by your team, your school can begin to build each page, bringing together all the elements and coding them into a development site.

Keep in mind that while a content-first approach is advisable, it’s important to be flexible. For instance, if you have to write new text content for certain pages, doing this after you have created your templates might be the best approach, so that the person writing it can work with the agreed layout of the page and produce something that fits.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind the technical capabilities of your Content Management System (CMS), as it may limit what is or isn’t feasible in your design. Optimizing your design to create an SEO-friendly architecture that allows for the inclusion of page titles, header tags, and CTAs is also advisable.

Furthermore, you should consider the load speed of your pages while creating your design, particularly if you are targeting students in locations where internet speeds are less than optimal. A complex layout that incorporates numerous images and video elements might result in slow load times for your target audience, leading to frustration and increasing the likelihood that they will simply navigate away from your site.

Setting a Timeline for an Education Website Design Project

Depending on its scale, a college website design project can take a lot of time to complete, and it’s wise to remember this when evaluating its feasibility and practicality. Even a site for a small school might take over a year from initial conception to launch, and your school should set a realistic timeframe for the project.

Time must also be set aside to test the functionality of the website before it goes live, and ensure that there are no bugs or issues that could affect user experience. In addition, a relaunched or new site will need to be integrated properly with your other digital tools, such as Google Analytics or any CRM system your school might be using.

More than any other digital channel, your website is the online home of your institution, and getting its design right can be crucial to the success of your student recruitment efforts. While the process can be long and difficult, doing it properly is worth it in the long run.

Categories: Blog , SEO , Education Marketing , Mobile Marketing , Branding and Web Design , Content Development , Education Lead Generation , Web Design and Development , Online Student Recruitment

Tags: web development for schools • higher ed websites • education website design • College website design project • education website development • higher ed website design higher education web design • branding and web design

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eLearning Project Management: Project Plan Template and Tools

educational website project report

content creator

Sydney Mansaray See full bio →

educational website project report

Being an eLearning professional can feel like a delicate balancing act while juggling many balls. From writing and editing to design and development, it takes many hands to get the job done. But even with a talented team, incredible ideas, and the best tools on the market, you won’t get anywhere without a proper project plan and oversight. Now meet eLearning project management – the practice of making sure that every part of the eLearning development process runs synchronously, on time, and to standard!

In this article, we will guide you through the eLearning project management process (including the course development project plan template ), and explain why it’s important.

What Is an eLearning Project?

An eLearning project aims to create an engaging and informative online course that helps learners achieve the desired learning outcomes, but this is from a macro perspective. From a micro perspective, an eLearning project involves the effective coordination of your development team to build the course to standard and launch it. 

In short, eLearning projects are highly collaborative and multi-functional accomplishments that often include the following roles:

eLearning project participants

What Is an eLearning Project Plan?

An eLearning project plan is a document that outlines what needs to be done, when, how, and by whom to achieve the final goal, such as launching a training program.

It ensures that the entire team and stakeholders are on the same page about the project’s direction.

Sample eLearning Project Plan Template

Before we dive in, please note that you can download the instructional design project plan template as an Excel spreadsheet now and customize it to your unique business needs.

If you are familiar with the process, just fill in your project details, and this will be your go-to eLearning project plan.

Download for free an instructional design project management template →

Sample eLearning project plan template

A handy eLearning project plan template by iSpring

For more details, scroll down to the “How to Create an eLearning Project Plan” section for details on creating an eLearning project plan.

eLearning Project Management Process

eLearning project management process

For a smooth project launch, proper planning, realistic goal setting, and using the right eLearning project management tools and methods are essential. Let’s take a deeper look at the entire eLearning project management process.

Pro tip : Use these eLearning process templates to boost your team productivity and ensure consistency of content.

How to create an eLearning project plan

Step 1. develop an elearning project plan.

Developing an eLearning project plan

Though this is the first step in the overall eLearning project management process, developing an eLearning project plan is a process unto itself! We’ll briefly outline how to create an instructional design project plan and provide you with a customizable template. This section assumes that you have already conducted a Training Needs Assessment (TNA).

A Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is the method of determining if a training need exists and, if it does, what training is required to fill any gaps. A needs assessment usually includes the following steps:

  • Analyzing the present situation
  • Defining a business goal
  • Identifying the main cause of the training needs
  • Determining what employees have to do to achieve the goal
  • Finding out why they aren’t doing it 

Then, you’ll have all the information you need to begin building your eLearning project plan! Here are the steps:

Define project milestones/deliverables

The ultimate goal of the TNA is to differentiate between what people have and what they need. Once that’s accomplished, you can begin breaking their “needs” down into project deliverables. Simply put, you need to split a large task of developing an eLearning course into smaller steps. 

As a result, you’ll have 6 project milestones:

eLearning project milestones

Specify what resources you’ll need for each milestone 

After you’ve identified the milestones, you need to decide who will be involved in the process and what eLearning project management tools and resources are required for each task. Take a look at this example of how it might look:

1. Outline research notesContent writers, SMEsInternet resources, books
2. Course contentContent writersGoogle Docs
3. StoryboardInstructional designer, graphic designerFigma, a stock-photo library

All these things come at a price, so by specifying the resources, you’ll also be able to define an appropriate price. In a sense, you bag two birds with one stone here. Not only does this step enable you to determine and gather everything you’ll need for your project plan, but it also lets you justify the total cost of the project to stakeholders. 

Set deadlines for each milestone

Once you know what you need and how much it will cost, you’re well on your way to creating a project schedule. It’s impossible to determine how long the project will take without being able to assess how much time each part of the process requires. 

At this point, it’s great to consult with team members from each role about realistic timelines for your project plan. From there, as mentioned, you can create flexible deadlines to compensate for any unforeseen circumstances.

1. Outline research notesContent writers, SMEsInternet resources, books08.10.24
2. Course contentContent writersGoogle Docs08.15.24
3. StoryboardInstructional designer, graphic designerFigma, a stock-photo library08.22.24

Step 2. Gather your resources/materials

Gathering resources

Once the eLearning project plan has been created and you’ve determined your deliverables, you can see all the resources and tools that you’ll need at a glance. As mentioned above, there are two main types of resources you’ll need: human resources and software/tech.

As far as people go, it’s clear that, during the eLearning course design stages, you’ll need stakeholders and a project manager who may or may not also be an instructional designer. Then, during the course development stage, you’ll need some combination of human resources and tech tools. This is where things get particularly sticky.

Between managing stakeholder expectations and ensuring that your writers, designers, voice-over artists, and development team are in working order, you also have to ensure that they have the best tools to perform their roles efficiently. For example:

  • The writer may require access to the appropriate sources and editing software. 
  • The designer might need access to photo libraries and eLearning assets. 
  • The voice-over artist may require a professional microphone and editing software. 
  • The developer may need the right authoring tool for putting an eLearning course together. 

From an eLearning project management perspective, both sourcing and managing these many resources can be costly and cumbersome. Fortunately, you can cut course development costs significantly and easily streamline this step with the right authoring tool. 

Authoring tools offer a comprehensive tech stack essential for course development, enabling centralized content creation and minimizing the need for specific human resources.

There are many great, one-stop-shop solutions that allow people with minimal technological know-how to create professional courses effortlessly. iSpring Suite Max is among them. 

Anyone who can use PowerPoint can use iSpring Suite because it’s neatly embedded, as a tab, at the top of the interface. Navigating the software should be a breeze!

iSpring Suite tab

As you can see in the image above, you have all the resources you need at a glance. No voice-over artist or external software is needed to edit or record professional audio or videos. There’s also a dialogue simulator and a wide variety of interactions and quiz types right out of the box. 

There’s no need to pay for a savvy programmer to bring your eLearning course to life. In fact, you don’t even need to hire a designer for a professional-looking course with quality visuals, because iSpring Suite Max comes with a built-in content library. 

Apart from authoring tools, you’ll also need software to deliver courses to your learners. The best way to do this is with a learning management system (LMS) that lets you assign courses to your learners and track their progress. 

If you still don’t have an LMS, consider iSpring Learn. With the software, you can publish your eLearning course seamlessly, without hiring an LMS admin or pro to tediously transfer everything. As it’s integrated with the iSpring Suite authoring toolkit, it delivers your course flawlessly, without compromising any interactive or sophisticated features that you’ve incorporated. 

So, in essence, with the right resources, you might only need to hire a single developer during the next phase of the eLearning project management process – development.

Step 3. Develop the course 

Developing an online course

Whether you choose to hire help or streamline course development with key eLearning authoring tools , this step is where most of the action happens. It’s also where most things go wrong, including extending deadlines and going over budget. 

So, here, you’ll need to stay on top of everything while simultaneously taking a step back. It’s now your team’s responsibility to construct the deliverables and present them to stakeholders. And your role, as someone who liaises closely with the stakeholders, is to catch any hiccups early on and get the team back on track. 

Thus, in keeping with our sample eLearning project plan, the first part of project execution is initiating it. It’s quite customary for project managers to host kickoff meetings involving both stakeholders and the production team. 

Once everyone knows who’s doing what, you can encourage the team members to ask questions, discuss deadlines, and ensure that everyone’s on the same page. 

The rest of the eLearning project, from writing the outline to launching the course, involves managing the people, processes, and communication to ensure that everything occurs on time, within budget, and to standard. For example:

  • Did the subject matter experts provide enough support and feedback for the writer’s content? 
  • Did the instructional designer create the content storyboard for the beta eLearning course? 
  • Did the stakeholders provide the branding information needed for the designer to create the visuals?
  • Is everything that the eLearning developers created functional? 
  • Is everyone performing their roles on time and to standard?
  • Are we conducting enough meetings to ensure that everyone’s on the same page?

This naturally requires some back-and-forth movement between the stakeholders and the production team. This is especially true since your team created the first (beta) version of the course. At this point, the project manager presents the draft to the stakeholders for feedback. Once the production team has successfully incorporated this feedback, the course is ready for pilot implementation!

Step 4. Beta-test your course

Beta-testing a course

At this stage in the eLearning project management process, you test your beta course. Many eLearning project managers make the mistake of skipping over this step and launching the course. But there’s nothing better than having a fresh pair of eyes on the project prior to a full rollout. 

In essence, the project manager organizes a trial run by assembling a group of learners that reflects the target audience demographics. 

These “test learners” go through the entire eLearning process, providing feedback on the content, achieving learning goals , technological issues (like browser incompatibility), and overall user experience. Because they’re first-time viewers, they’re more likely to catch any bugs or glitches, enabling you to fix them before the course is officially launched. 

To conduct beta testing, the project manager needs to:

  • Develop questions to ask the test users. 
  • Determine which test users best reflect your target audience (while still ensuring diversity). 
  • Figure out the ideal sample size (you don’t want the number of testers to be too small, but too many can lead to redundancy). 
  • Choose a location that closely reflects the typical learning environment (e.g., should testers take the course at home or at the office?).

Step 5. Finalize the project 

Finalizing the eLearning project

The hardest part is over. But some final quality assurance measures need to be taken. First, apply important feedback from the testing phase before giving the deliverables to the project stakeholders. 

During this stage, verify if everything’s been completed to satisfaction. This can occur during a project close-out meeting, where you both celebrate your wins and discuss what can be improved upon in the future. As such, all team members should attend the meeting, since everyone can gain from hearing each other’s perspective. By the time you complete this meeting, you’re ready to officially distribute/launch your final eLearning course!

Also read  → 30 Best eLearning Examples to Inspire You

eLearning Project Management Tools

The project management software market is saturated, so you might not know where to start. In this section, we’ll highlight 5 awesome eLearning project management tools to start you off on the right foot!


Slack is one of the most common eLearning project management tools, given its coverage and ease of use. The team collaboration tool supports instant messaging, audio and video calls, and task management, and makes file sharing a breeze. Another core feature is its Slack channels, an easy way to organize your workspace into groups! You can organize your entire eLearning project team by role/function while keeping “channels” open to everyone. 

Cost : $0 (Basic), $7.25 (Pro), and $12.50 (Business) per active user/month, if paid annually.


Unlike Slack, with Trello , your eLearning project team can see all eLearning project tasks at once. 

The eLearning project management tool organizes things into cards and rows. Each card represents a project phase (e.g., beginning, middle, and end). 

Within each card, there are small rows that represent tasks associated with each deliverable (e.g., course outline, written content).

Project phases can be rearranged easily with a drag-and-drop feature; the idea is to slide the tasks into each phase to see what has and hasn’t been done.

That said, given its linear functionality, it might not be the most efficient choice due to the iterative nature of eLearning.

Cost : Free plan, $5 (Standard), $10 (Premium), and $17.5 (Enterprise) per user/month, if paid annually.


Asana is another eLearning project management tool that helps teams plan, manage, and even automate their work. One feature that sets it apart is its many view modes. You can easily view all tasks in a list, timeline, or calendar. And because the status reports virtually build themselves, you can keep stakeholders up to date without lifting a finger.

Asana’s Smart Answers AI feature (looks like a chat bot) allows you to ask any questions about your project.

That said, like Trello, it does not support video or audio conference calls without third-party integrations. So, you’ll need additional setup if you’re working with distributed teams.

Cost : $0 (Personal), $10.99 (Starter), $24.99 (Advanced) per user/month, if paid annually.


Built for bigger teams, Wrike enables many impressive features for end-to-end project management. Unlike many other eLearning project management software that’s organized based on an eLearning project plan, Wrike actually assists with the project conception stages. 

Not only does it feature a Gantt Chart, which serves as a visual timeline for effortless stage tracking, but it also comes with customizable dashboards, workflows, and groups for your unique project needs. 

In 2023, Wrike released automation options and even AI suggestions for automation. This advanced feature spots repetitive processes within your daily or weekly routines and offers relevant automation templates.

Wrike has third-party integration with 43+ apps, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Gmail. So, you can bypass any communication hurdles that can arise with large and/or distributed teams.

Cost : Free plan, $9.80 (Team), $24.80 (Business) per user/month.

5. Basecamp


Basecamp is a user-friendly and highly social collaboration tool. As with many other eLearning project management software, there are discussion boards and chat rooms for your development team to huddle together, come up with ideas, and solve issues. 

A major differentiator is the user interface. Basecamp organizes project details into “camps.” For example, you might have a camp that focuses on to-dos and project scheduling, or one that’s just for hosting documents and files. 

Basecamp offers integrations with time-tracking and reporting tools, but there are no audio/video conferencing options.

Cost : No free plan, but a 30-day free trial. There is a plan for $15 per user/month or $299 (unlimited number of users) per month.

Typical Obstacles for eLearning Project Teams and How to Overcome Them

Collaborative work is great and can be highly rewarding. But the more people with their hands in the pot, the greater the chances for communication breakdowns, differing opinions, conflicting schedules, late submissions, etc. Like a link in a chain, each connection point or node is a potential bottleneck that can throw off the entire developmental process. That’s why eLearning project management is essential. An L&D department might face the following challenges:

eLearning project management obstacles

1. Lack of synchronization for distributed team members

To attract top talent, sometimes you need to source them from afar. But managing remote-collaboration teams can pose challenges with scheduling and time zones. Of course, you can always schedule conference calls and Zoom meetings, but ensuring that these meetings are structured and accessible to all is key to project success. An alternative would be to send regular emails and messages, but that can also prove cumbersome. 

How to overcome it

  • Break eLearning projects down into smaller tasks and teams . For example, the designers don’t need to sit through a writing review, and vice versa.
  • Use online collaboration tools like Slack, Asana, or even eLearning-specific tools like zipBoard. These are not only great for file-sharing but also allow teams from various divisions to view everything at a glance.

2. Communication breakdowns

A typical eLearning project team has a top-down hierarchy with stakeholders, project managers, and subject matter experts up top, and production teams underneath. In simpler terms, there are the decision-makers and the developers. 

During a trickle-down flow of information, production teams might misinterpret instructions and disseminate this version amongst themselves. Or, they might make assumptions (e.g., they’ll take care of that), which can lead to chaos and missed deadlines. 

  • Reduce the division into decision-makers and developers , and work more collaboratively.
  • Keep the communication channels open to everyone . Let all parties ask questions and express ideas to each other.

3. Poor time management

The eLearning project manager is responsible for creating a well-defined eLearning project plan. Without clear milestones and corresponding deadlines, it can be difficult to measure your overall progress. Besides, eLearning projects have unique challenges because every role is highly collaborative and closely connected.

For example, the designers depend on the content writers, while the eLearning developers depend on both of these. So, this can create many bottlenecks, not to mention the chaos that can ensue from scope creep, cumbersome revisions, or project overhauls.

  • Ensure that the eLearning project plan is specific, yet flexible . Any deadlines you set should allow for potential delays.
  • Get a realistic expectation of how long it takes to complete each task . Consult with each team member before creating the eLearning project plan. Unrealistic goals and deadlines are also time-management killers.

Final Thoughts

eLearning project management requires coordinating various elements, similar to an orchestra. If one part is out of sync, it can affect the entire project. Success hinges on the instructional designer’s or project manager’s skill to keep everything aligned and quickly address any issues that may arise.

This process can be streamlined with the right techniques and tools that help save time. Aside from project management software, consider iSpring Suite, a user-friendly authoring tool that lets your team create courses with no technical skills needed. It offers a free 14-day trial without requiring a credit card or any commitment.

Table of Contents

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Create online courses and assessments in record time.

Fast course authoring toolkit

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Sydney Mansaray

Sydney is an Instructional Designer with over 8 years of experience developing online courses and training programs for companies and educational institutions. Her focus is designing engaging learning experiences that marry storytelling with technology.

educational website project report

Streamline Your eLearning Development with the ADDIE Model

9 Ways to Assess Student Learning Online

How to Create an eLearning Course – A Comprehensive Guide

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How to Write a Project Report (with Best Practices Templates for Microsoft 365)

Shubhangi Pandey

Key Take Aways

What you’ll learn:

  • How AI can enhance project reports with predictive analysis and actionable insights
  • A 7-step checklist for making sure that your project reports are easily accessible and consumable by stakeholder
  • The importance of using project management software for streamlining project reporting, especially in the age of remote working
  • Why you should use the Microsoft 365 platform for project reporting and some out of the box examples from BrightWork 365

By: Shubhangi Pandey | Published on: Jun 5, 2024 | Categories: BrightWork 365 , Microsoft 365 , Project Reporting | 0 comments

How to Write a Project Report (with Best Practices Templates for Microsoft 365)

In an age where remote work is becoming the new every day and data-driven decision-making is more crucial than ever, project reporting has become more than a managerial obligation. It’s an art and a science that combines traditional project tracking with modern metrics and advanced data visualization.

This guide will walk you through seven essential steps to craft a project report that informs and engages your stakeholders. We’ll explore the role of AI in project management, delve into the importance of remote work metrics, and discuss cutting-edge data visualization tools that can make your reports more insightful.

Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or just getting started with project management basics , these steps will help you write a project report that adds value to your organization’s knowledge base for future projects.

Why are Project Management Tools Vital for Report Writing?

The importance of robust project management tools for effective report writing cannot be overstated. Here’s why:

  • Centralization : Project management tools are a central hub for all your project data, streamlining project management and reporting processes.
  • Efficient Tracking : These tools make it easier to monitor work progress during the monitoring phase of project management , helping you stay on top of tasks and milestones.
  • Risk Identification : Advanced features enable you to spot potential risks early, allowing for proactive management.
  • Stakeholder Communication : Keep all stakeholders in the loop with real-time updates and comprehensive reports.
  • Data Visualization : Utilize features like Power BI to transform raw data into insightful visuals, aiding in better decision-making.
  • Custom Reports : Depending on organizational needs, create specialized reports that offer in-depth analysis and recommendations upon project completion.

The Evolution of AI in Project Management Tools for Report Writing

When crafting an impactful project report, your tools can be a game-changer. And let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Artificial Intelligence. AI is no longer just a buzzword – it’s a reality transforming project management and reporting.

According to a systematic literature review published in MDPI , AI’s role in project management is increasingly significant, offering advanced capabilities like predictive analytics and risk assessment.

The Power of Predictive Analytics

These advanced AI tools centralize your project data and offer predictive analytics, risk assessment, and automated insights that can be invaluable for your report. Like Power BI revolutionized data visualization, AI algorithms can sift through massive amounts of data to highlight trends, predict risks, and recommend actions.

Making AI Accessible for Every Project Manager

Imagine reporting on what has happened and providing stakeholders with insights into what could happen. It’s like giving your project report a crystal ball. And don’t worry – embracing AI doesn’t mean you have to be a tech wizard. Many modern project management tools benefit from built-in AI features. 

A thesis from DiVA portal explores the implementation of AI in project management and its impact on working personnel, indicating that AI is becoming more accessible and user-friendly.

The Future of Data-Driven Decision Making

AI’s capabilities equip stakeholders with data-driven insights for strategic decisions. It’s not just about tracking work and identifying risks anymore – it’s about forecasting them and offering actionable solutions. Welcome to the future of project reporting.

Types of Project Reports and Their Formats

Understanding the types of project reports you need to create is crucial. Whether it’s a project summary report, a project health report, or a project completion report, each serves a unique purpose and audience.

Knowing the format, whether a pie chart, bar chart, or complete chart, can also help present the data effectively. Writing a report is a valuable opportunity to evaluate the project, document lessons learned, and add to your organization’s knowledge base for future projects.

Data Visualization: Modern Tools and Techniques

Data visualization has come a long way from simple pie charts and bar graphs. With the advent of AI, we now have tools that can display and interpret data. Think of AI-powered heat maps that can show project bottlenecks or predictive line graphs that forecast project completion based on current trends.

Techniques for Effective Data Presentation

Modern data visualization techniques like interactive dashboards, real-time data streams, and even augmented reality (AR) representations are making it easier than ever to understand complex project metrics. These aren’t just for show; they offer actionable insights that can significantly impact project outcomes.

Making Data Visualization Accessible

The best part? These advanced visualization tools are becoming increasingly user-friendly. You don’t need to be a data scientist to use them. Most project management software now integrates seamlessly with these tools, making it easier than ever to incorporate advanced data visualization into your regular reporting.

The New Normal of Remote Work

In today’s digital age, remote work is becoming the new normal. As project managers, adapting our reporting techniques to this changing landscape is crucial.

Critical Metrics for Remote Teams

When it comes to remote teams, some metrics become even more critical. Think along the lines of ‘Remote Engagement Rate,’ ‘Digital Communication Effectiveness,’ and ‘Virtual Team Collaboration.’ These KPIs offer a more nuanced understanding of how remote teams are performing.

Tools for Tracking Remote Work Metrics

Fortunately, modern project management tools have features specifically designed to track these remote work metrics. From time-tracking software to virtual “water cooler” moments captured for team morale, these tools make remote work measurable in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago.

Project Timeline and Milestones

A well-defined project timeline and key milestones are essential for any project. They not only help in keeping the project on track but also provide a basis for decision-making. 

Project management software can automate this process, ensuring that reports are always up-to-date. Try the steps outlined below for writing better project reports.

Manage Projects with Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and Teams

Collaborate seamlessly from anywhere, with brightwork 365 and microsoft teams..

educational website project report

How to Write a Project Report in 7 Steps

Writing an effective project report is crucial for evaluating the project’s health, keeping stakeholders informed, and setting the stage for future projects. Here are seven steps to guide you through the process.

Step 1. Decide the Objective

Take some time during the project management initiation phase to think about the purpose of the report. Do you need to describe, explain, recommend, or persuade? Having a clear goal from the outset ensures that you stay focused, making engaging your reader easier.

Understanding the objective is the cornerstone of effective project reporting. Whether crafting a project summary report or a detailed project performance report, aligning your content with the aim will make your report more coherent and actionable.

This is also the stage where you decide the key milestones and metrics to highlight in the report.

Step 2. Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial for crafting a report that resonates. Whether you’re writing for stakeholders or team members, the language, data, and visuals should be tailored to their preferences and needs.

  • Language & Tone : Consider the communication style of your audience. Is a formal or informal tone more appropriate? Tailoring your language can build rapport and make your message more impactful.
  • Data & Graphics : Choose the types of data and visual aids that will most effectively convey your message to your specific audience.
  • Personal Preferences : Pay attention to how your audience typically communicates, whether in emails or other documents and try to mirror that style.
  • Report Format : Different stakeholders may require different levels of detail. A project manager may want an in-depth analysis, while a sponsor only needs an executive summary.
  • Audience Personas : Utilize audience personas to guide the tone, style, and content, ensuring your report caters to the diverse needs of all project stakeholders.

Step 3. Report Format and Type

Before you start, check the report format and type. Do you need to submit a written report or deliver a presentation? Do you need to craft a formal, informal, financial, annual, technical, fact-finding, or problem-solving report?

You should also confirm if any project management templates are available within the organization.

Checking these details can save time later on!

Different types of project reports serve other purposes. A project status report provides a snapshot of where the project is, while a project health report dives deeper into metrics. 

Make sure to consider the medium – will this report be a PDF, a slideshow, or an interactive dashboard? The format can significantly impact how the information is received.

Sep 4. Gather the Facts and Data

Including engaging facts and data will solidify your argument. Start with your collaborative project site and work out as needed. Remember to cite sources such as articles, case studies, and interviews.

To build a compelling case in your report, start mining your collaborative project site for crucial metrics like project milestones, resource utilization, and project health. Supplement this with additional data from external sources like articles and case studies. 

Utilize data visualization tools like pie charts or bar graphs to make complex information easily digestible. Ensure the data is current to maintain the report’s credibility and remember to cite your sources for added reliability.

Step 5. Structure the Report

How you arrange your report is pivotal in how well your audience can digest the material. A logically organized report improves readability and amplifies its impact in delivering the core message.

Your report should have a natural progression, leading the reader from one point to the next until a decisive conclusion is reached. Generally, a report is segmented into four key components:

  • Opening Overview: This is the first thing your reader will see, and it’s usually crafted after the rest of the report is complete. Make this section compelling, as it often influences whether the reader will delve deeper into the report.
  • Introduction: This section sets the stage by offering background information and outlining the report’s cover. Make sure to specify the report’s scope and any methodologies employed.
  • Body: Here’s where your writing prowess comes into play. This is the meat of the report, filled with background, analyses, discussions, and actionable recommendations. Utilize data and visual aids to bolster your arguments.
  • Final Thoughts: This is where you tie all the report’s elements together in a neat bow. Clearly state the following steps and any actions the reader should consider.

Step 6. Readability

Spend some time making the report accessible and enjoyable to read. If working in Word, the Navigation pane is a great way to help your reader work through the document. Use formatting, visuals, and lists to break up long text sections.

Readability is not just about the text but also about the visual elements like pie charts, bar colors, and even the background color of the report. Use these elements to break the monotony and make the report more engaging. Also, consider adding a table of contents for longer reports to improve navigation.

Step 7. Edit

The first draft of the report is rarely perfect, so you will need to edit and revise the content. If possible, set the document aside for a few days before reviewing it or ask a colleague to review it.

Editing is not just about correcting grammatical errors – it’s also about ensuring that the report aligns with its initial objectives and is tailored to its audience. Use this stage to refine the report’s structure, clarify its key points, and eliminate any unnecessary jargon or technical terms to the reader’s understanding.

Automate and Streamline Project Reporting with Microsoft 365

Project reporting can often be a laborious and time-consuming task. Especially on a project where there are so many moving parts and different people involved, getting a clear picture of what’s going on can be pretty tricky.

That is why we recommend moving to a cloud-based solution for project management and reporting – and you might have guessed it: we recommend Microsoft 365! If you’re considering SharePoint, check out our build vs buy guide.

Why use Microsoft 365 for project reporting?

There are many benefits to using Microsoft 365 as the platform for your project management reporting, including:

  • Centralizing your project management and reporting on Microsoft 365 brings your project information into one place, so you can automate reporting and save time. If you’re still using excel for project management , here’s why you should consider switching.
  • You can access configurable and filterable reports based on the audience by leveraging the available reporting mechanisms in Power Apps, Power BI, and Excel. Everyone can see the information in the way they need.
  • Linked into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, reports can appear in Power Apps, Power BI, exported to Excel, emailed in Outlook, or seen in MS Teams, so reports are available wherever the audience is working.
  • Having project data maintained in a single platform means that project reports are always up to date. No more chasing up PMs or team members for the latest document version!

5 Ways you can use BrightWork 365 for Project and Portfolio Reporting

BrightWork 365 is a project and portfolio management solution for Microsoft 365 and the Power Platform. Here are five ways you can leverage BrightWork 365 and Microsoft 365 for more efficient project reporting:

1. Capture Project Status Reports in a few minutes

BrightWork project sites have a “Status” tab where the project manager can capture what is happening. This is not a status report but a place for the PM to log the current status.

It is not a snapshot, as it will change regularly, but the info here will become part of the status report once the PM creates one. once the PM chooses to create one.

educational website project report

The Status Reports tab is where you can capture a snapshot of the project status at a point in time. It will bring in all the info from the “Status” tab, but you have the ability to add comments.

educational website project report

2. Track the project schedule with Gantt

educational website project report

3. Get High-Level Visibility into Programs and Portfolios

BrightWork 365 enables a hierarchy for your project management – with Portfolios being the highest level. For example, a portfolio may house all the projects in a company.

educational website project report

4. Surface Risks and Issues across all projects

One of the most critical elements for senior executives and project stakeholders is being aware of the project risks, especially understanding any issues that arise quickly.

educational website project report

5. Leverage Visual and Interactive Reports

The type and format of a report often depends on the audience. For example, senior executives often want the high-level details of a project. That’s where BrightWork 365 Power BI Dashboards come in.

educational website project report

Spend less time on your project reports with BrightWork 365

Streamline your project reporting process with BrightWork 365, a tool to centralize and automate your project data. Whether you prefer real-time dashboards or scheduled email reports, BrightWork 365 adapts to your needs, eliminating the tedious aspects of project reporting. Consider the following:

  • Centralization : BrightWork 365 consolidates all project information into a single platform, making it easier to manage and report.
  • Real-Time Reporting : As data is updated, reports are generated in real-time, ensuring you always have the most current information.
  • Flexible Access : Reports can be accessed through various methods, including logging in to view customizable dashboards or receiving scheduled email summaries.
  • Efficiency : The tool automates the reporting process, freeing time and reducing manual effort.

Conclusion: The Future of Project Reporting

Project reporting has undergone a significant transformation, thanks partly to technological advancements like Microsoft 365 and BrightWork 365 . As we’ve discussed, it’s not just about tracking tasks and milestones anymore. 

Today’s project reports are data-rich, AI-enhanced documents that offer predictive analytics and actionable insights. They also cater to the unique challenges and KPIs relevant to remote teams.

As we look to the future, we can expect even more advancements in project reporting technology. However, the core principles of clear objectives, a deep understanding of your audience, and a well-structured format will remain constant. 

By adhering to the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to adapt to new tools and technologies, ensuring that your project reports remain valuable for decision-making and strategic planning.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in September 2016 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness

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Shubhangi Pandey

Shubhangi Pandey

BrightWork Content Marketer

Shubhangi is a product marketing enthusiast, who enjoys testing and sharing the BrightWork 365 project portfolio management solution capabilities with Microsoft 365 users. You can see her take on the experience of the template-driven BrightWork 365 solution, its unique project management success approach, and other personalized services across the site and social channels. Beyond BrightWork, Shubhangi loves to hunt for the newest Chai Latte-serving café, where she can read and write for hours.

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5 Downloadable eLearning Project Plan Templates

  • Jake Wengroff
  • April 22, 2022

elearning project plan templateselearning project plan templates

Project Plan Templates to Keep eLearning on Track

How do you know what everyone is working on, and when it is due?

Project management tools and technology have been around for quite some time and should be familiar to even the smallest teams.

However, how do you know which one works the best for your eLearning project? Project management apps abound—Gartner’s Software Advice portal includes reviews for 1,306 products —but designing and developing learning experiences have their own unique workflows that general project management apps built for a broad business audience cannot address.

For example, instructional design models, like ADDIE, include phases that once completed, might be revisited again. This makes traditional project management tools ineffective to track the typical learning development process. In traditional project management tools, once a project is complete, it is usually archived—over and done with, very rarely to be revisited.

However, in learning development, there is often much back and forth, and so project plans need to build in this non-linear process.

What is a project plan template for learning and development?

A project plan template for learning and development can help L&D teams map out the tasks needed for completion with instructional design principles in mind.

Templates, or pre-formatted guidelines that can be used and re-used, are essential for project management. While no two projects are alike, the underlying instructional design models are the same. As such, a template can easily demonstrate how much time is needed for different elements of a learning project, assign these to the appropriate team members, and determine reasonable due dates.

The project management template can include fields, tabs, or pages that track the following information:

  • Each team member, their role, and their capacity
  • Each of the tasks required to complete the learning project, including what will be outsourced
  • Hours necessary for each of those team members to complete each of their tasks
  • Intended due dates for each component to be completed
  • Initial outline of eLearning development plans such as learning objectives

Why use a learning and development project plan template?

Some teams might question the value of using an eLearning project timeline template when they can simply use the organization’s project management software that’s already in place—maybe even spending a bit on IT resources to add features or views suitable for L&D’s needs.

That can certainly still work. In fact, it might even be necessary, especially if L&D must work or report closely to other departments, such as HR or Operations, that lean heavily on the enterprise instance of a project management suite.

However, leveraging forms and guidelines built by others that know the training function inside and out can help you focus on the important tasks at hand. These eLearning project charter templates can prevent the team from getting distracted by the other bells and whistles of large-scale enterprise project management tools.

Best eLearning Project Plan Templates to Download Now

Use one—or several—of these templates to keep track of your current eLearning projects. These are built with the instructional designer, course developer, and training manager in mind.

Additionally, these can be uploaded to a cloud-hosted document sharing service, like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, for access and sharing on the go if needed.

1. eLearning project plan template from Cognota (Excel)

educational website project report

For eLearning project managers, designers, stakeholders, and subject matter experts, keeping all the relevant information in one place and maintaining oversight of the project’s progress is key.

With this eLearning project plan template from Cognota, you’ll be able to:

  • Record and maintain all the relevant project details
  • Develop project milestones and deliverables
  • Create a project schedule to keep things on track
  • Assign tasks to specific project team members
  • Keep track of progress on each milestone

Download Now

2. eLearning project information template by iSpring Solutions (Word)

educational website project report

This template in Microsoft Word is simple and straightforward, as it is essentially a table of empty fields that members of the L&D team would fill in.

This could be helpful if managers and executives outside of the L&D team are curious to understand more about your process. Such individuals might just want a simple rundown of what’s on deck, without needing to log in or search for your project in the enterprise project management software. As such, sending a Word document providing a high-level review might just work perfectly.

3. eLearning course planning template from Elucidat (PDF)

educational website project report

This PDF is a booklet of questions that learning leaders can ask themselves before starting to design and develop a training course in their authoring tools.

Elucidat’s 5C Framework asks questions related to the project’s purpose and target audience, how will success be defined, and how the course will be distributed, among other questions.

4. L&D project plan template from eLearningArt (Excel)

educational website project report

This Excel-based template created by learning consultant Bryan Jones of eLearningArt has a calculator to help you estimate the number of hours required for each project phase. When creating an eLearning project plan, this helps determine the resources you’ll need.

By inputting the percent of the project allotted to specific project phases (i.e., storyboarding, scripting), the total project hours budgeted, the number of working hours per day, and expected delivery date, you will be able to calculate the total project hours by phase and the days the team has to complete them.

5. eLearning project tracker from Learning Carton (Google Sheets)

educational website project report

This Google Sheet has multiple tabs, including a Punchlist (item name, who it’s assigned to, and status), Timeline, and Tracker. Christopher Karel of Learning Carton provides detailed instructions on how to use the spreadsheet on the download page (see below).

He also explains how to use certain features of Google Sheets, such as tagging team members so that they get pinged, so that live collaboration elements can be built into the project.

eLearning Project Planning Software Built Specifically for L&D Teams

L&D teams need to be on the same page at any moment while planning and prioritizing tasks as part of a learning project. The right tools are needed for planning, organization, and collaboration in order to maximize team capacity and ensure that the project is completed and delivered to learners on time.

With Cognota, you can plan and manage capacity, assign tasks and due dates, and standardize your L&D processes, ensuring that projects can stay within a budget and be delivered on time. See for yourself with a 14 day free trial !

  • Tags: eLearning Project Management , learning and development , Templates for L&D , Training project , Training Templates

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How to Write a Project Report In 5 Easy Steps (Template Included)

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Last updated on 9th May 2024

The reasons why projects fail are plentiful but it typically comes back to poor planning or a lack of organisation. 

A solid project report can eliminate these issues and ensure you stay on track to complete your goals.

So, let’s take a look at how to write a project report in 5 easy steps…

What is a project report?

A project report is a document that contains helpful information so that teams can ensure their project stays on track, runs successfully, and completes on time. 

There are different types of project reports that are used at different periods throughout a project’s lifespan, but they all contain similar data that covers things like progress, tasks, roadblocks, stakeholders, and financial information. 

Why is a project report important?

Project reports are important for many reasons. A project report gives your project a sense of direction that can help you maintain consistency throughout the project, even as it passes between different people and teams. Your project report will also be a great document to refer back to if things get difficult, so you can stay on track. 

Even in the first instance, before your project kicks off, a project report can help you to manage your budget, workload, and any foreseen risks. It can also give stakeholders insight into the specifics of the project to help manage expectations from the start. 

Types of project report

There are many different types of project reports that will help you manage different aspects of your project. For example, a resource report will help you to understand the resources you’ll need for the project, how much resource you have at your disposal, and will also help you to predict when your resources will need to be replenished. Other examples include:

Now, let’s dive into 3 of the biggest, most important types of project reports.

1. General project report

This is your first project report. It should cover predictions and plans for how you expect the project to go, and give you a clear sense of direction when it comes to things like budget , timelines, and everything else you need to keep track of in order for your project to be considered a success. 

2. Progress report

A progress report – as you may have guessed – comes in the middle and helps you document your progress. It’s important to keep reassessing your project to see if you are where you expect to be and to help you make adjustments along the way. 

3. Project completion report

As you wrap up your project, a project completion report can be a great way to reflect on what went well and what went wrong. This can not only help you wrap up the current project neatly, it can also inform future projects and ensure you don’t make the same mistakes twice.

How to write a project report in only 5 steps

There are many different types of project reports. So, of course, the writing of each one will differ slightly depending on who they are aimed at and what the content of the project report is. 

However, there are still some core steps to follow for each. Let’s take a look at how to write a project report in 5 steps. 

1. Start with the basics

At the very top of your project report should be a simple table that includes all of the core information for the project. Here’s an example: 

Project report table

The table for your project will probably vary slightly to this, but hopefully this gives you an idea of the most important top-level information to include. 

Underneath this table you should have a short summary of the project. This can be just a couple of sentences that sum up the objectives and goals. Think of this kind of like an elevator pitch for the project. 

2. Cover your objectives

Now it’s time to go into more detail. List out each objective for the project, including what you need to do to achieve each one. 

For example, let’s pretend our project is to create a brand video. There are many objectives, such as: 

Each objective will need to be completed in order to go on to the next. And each objective requires different resources and skill sets. All of this should be recorded, in detail, in your project report. 

3. List your obstacles

Next, list any predicted obstacles or risks. This may feel like a waste of time because of course you’re going to be avoiding risks and obstacles as often as you can. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential roadblocks that might appear so that you are prepared to handle them without slowing down. 

Some example obstacles for the brand video project could be: 

Next to each obstacle, jot down a quick plan for how you would solve this issue if it happened. For example, for “weather ruins a shoot” your potential solution could be to “choose a backup location”.

4. Create a project timeline

With any project, it’s important to know how long everything’s going to take. This is the best way to estimate how much time, money, and resource is required. 

A project timeline will help plot a path forward. To create a project timeline all you need to do is break down each objective into tasks and add a deadline for each task. It also helps to add an owner to each task, so you know who the point of contact is for each section of the timeline. 

educational website project report

This can be tricky to manage but becomes so much easier with a project management tool, like . When you create a project on, all of your clients and team members can see everything that goes on with the project in one centralised place. This includes tasks that can be allocated to team members, assigned a date, and a status – so everyone involved in the project can see how it’s progressing: 

educational website project report

You can also add comments, attachments, priority tags, and more. 

Plus, it’s easy to keep track of several tasks at once by using the calendar view: 

educational website project report

Other views available are kanban, list, and scheduler. 

5. Cover project communication

Somewhere on your project report you should include a link to your communication guidelines . This will help everyone involved on the project to understand what’s expected of them when it comes to communication, for example what tools to use and how to communicate. 

This can help your project run more smoothly and create a better result for everyone. According to our Communication Statistics 2022 , 94% of people feel that the businesses they deal with could improve when it comes to communication and project management . 

Writing a project report: 7 top tips 

1. be clear.

The perfect project report is clear and concise. Try your best to leave no room for errors or misunderstandings, and write in short definitive sentences. 

Being clear is especially important when it comes to timelines and targets. It can be helpful to plot out your tasks in a visual way, like a kanban view . This will make your project timeline easy to scan and understand.  

2. Be thorough

While it’s important to be clear and concise, it’s equally important to be thorough. Try to include as much relevant information in your project reports as possible.

One of the main functions of project reports, particularly project status reports, is to inform stakeholders on the progress of the project. So the more thorough you can be, the better. 

3. Be appropriate

A project report is an internal document that’s likely going to be shared between many different departments or teams in your business, so it’s important to make sure your language is appropriate. 

Keep the culture of the business in mind when writing your report. Use the same kind of tone and language that you would in other internal communication documents. This is especially important when you consider more than a third (35%) of businesses have lost an employee because of poor internal communication . 

4. Be honest

Your project report is not the place to sugarcoat anything. You should be honest, and brutally so. This means giving accurate and realistic figures, deliverables and deadlines. 

A project report should be a factual account so that everyone has a clear understanding of the data and knows exactly what to expect from the project. 

5. Be quick

It may seem contradictory to tell you to be thorough and quick with your project reports, but this just means don’t overload people with unnecessary information. Be succinct and to-the-point with every aspect of the report, from points of contact to resources and any potential roadblocks. 

The idea is for your project reports to be as easy to digest as possible, especially if you’re supplying busy stakeholders with a steady stream of ongoing status reports. 

6. Be prepared

No project runs perfectly, so it can be helpful to be prepared for bumps in the road. You might want to leave an ‘other’ or ‘notes’ section at the bottom of your report where you can jot down anything that’s changed along the way. 

It can also help to leave room for slight adjustments in your timeline. Just a couple of buffer days here and there can really reduce stress for your teams, and also help ensure your deadlines are more realistic. 

7. Be proud

When you’re carefully documenting things like risks and problems, your project report can become pretty gloomy. So it’s important to even it out by also celebrating your team’s achievements. 

Every project has ups and downs, and by giving as much attention to the ‘ups’ as you do the ‘downs’ you can boost team morale and this can be reflected back on your project. 

Free project report template

As promised, here is your free project report template ! 

Final thoughts

A solid project report can act almost like a map that clearly directs you towards your end goal, helping you to avoid risks along the way and take the best route to success.

In addition to a project report, a project management platform can also help you to maintain your focus and manage your project with ease, thanks to centralised communication and complete visibility of all your work. Click here to get started for free .

Written by <a href="" target="_self">Samantha Ferguson</a>

Written by Samantha Ferguson

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Project Management

How to write a project report (with steps & templates).

August 16, 2024

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Juggling all the different components of a project can be quite a challenge. If that weren’t enough, you also have to write a project status report to update key stakeholders on the project’s progress. The struggle is real.

So where do you start? Fortunately, we have the answer. And that’s precisely why we put together this guide—to walk you through the process so you have a clear path from start to finish.

Learn more about creating project reports and different types of project status reports. Plus, you’ll walk away with five free project report templates, carefully crafted to streamline your project management workflow, save you time, and impress your stakeholders. 🤩

What is a Project Report?

How to write a project report, 1. project status report, 2. project progress report, 3. project cost benefit analysis report, 4. project time tracking report, 5. project resource report, 6. project risk report, 7. project variance report, 8. project performance report, 9. project completion report, 10. project management report, why is project reporting important, 1. final project report template, 2. project status report template, 3. digital marketing report template, 4. employee daily activity report template, 5. campaign report template, create professional project reports in less time with clickup.

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A project report is a document offering a comprehensive overview of a project’s objectives, progress, team performance, and milestone accomplishments. It also gives an account of the challenges faced during a project’s execution , solutions devised to tackle them, and the lessons learned during the process. 

Project managers create these reports to communicate with other project stakeholders—including team members, sponsors, clients, and other interested parties—to ensure everyone’s on the same page. The document also serves as a foundation for further evaluation and analysis to ensure the project says on track and achieves its goals. 🎯

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Creating a project report doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Follow these three simple steps to create your first project report with ease.

Understand the purpose of the report

Before you create a project report, you need to understand the purpose of the report (the “why”) and know your target audience (the “who”). This will guide the content, structure, and tone of your project report.

Gather and organize the relevant information

At this point, you need to gather project information relevant to your project report. Make sure your data is accurate, reliable, and up-to-date. Organize the gathered information in a logical and structured manner.

  • Executive summary : As its name suggests, this project summary gives readers a quick overview of the whole report. It’s a snapshot that highlights the most important parts of the project. While it’s placed at the start of the report, it’s often written last. It covers the project’s objectives, methodology, major outcomes, and conclusions. 
  • Introduction: This sets the context and expectations of the entire report. It includes the project’s purpose and scope, project schedule, the problems it aims to address, and the methodologies to get there. It also outlines the structure and organization of the rest of the report. 
  • Body: Typically, this is the longest part of project management reports because it dives into in-depth details, including project progress, data collection, analysis reports, constraints, and limitations. Remember that whatever you include here should reflect the purpose of your project report and the preferences of your target audience. 
  • Conclusions & Recommendations: Based on your findings and analysis, identify opportunities for improvement, suggest strategies for addressing them, or propose avenues for future research. 

Format and proofread the report

Ensure that your project report follows a consistent formatting style—headings, subheadings, and bullet points will make it easier to read. In addition, scan your report for spelling or grammar errors and typos.

Types of Project Reports

Project reports come in diverse formats, with each serving different use cases. Here are nine of the most commonly used types of project reports.

A project status report is a document that gives a snapshot of where your project stands at any given moment. It’s like answering the question, “How’s the project doing?”

But instead of just saying “The project is fine,” you actually dive into the project goals, tasks completed, milestones achieved, challenges faced, lessons learned, potential roadblocks, and next steps. 

Define the Statuses depending on your team in ClickUp

Whether it’s a weekly project status report or a monthly status report, this documentation eliminates the need for status meetings while giving stakeholders the most recent status of the project.

A project progress report is slightly similar to a status update report, as they both discuss task progress. However, the progress report is more quantitative and zooms in on individual tasks and project milestones . 

It’s like taking a magnifying glass and examining the progress of each task, one by one. For example, it could include in-depth information on the percentage of completion and current status of each task (completed, on track, delayed, etc.). 

The cost-benefit analysis report is usually prepared before a project is put into motion. Of the various project reports, this one aims to answer a simple question: “Is it worth pursuing this project?”

To answer this question, the report first assesses all project costs like operational expenses, materials, salaries, equipment, and potential risks. 

It then considers the projected benefits, such as increased profit margins, cost savings, improved efficiency, or happier customers. Finally, the report compares the costs to the benefits to determine if it’s time to move forward or explore other options.

A project time-tracking report is a document that records and summarizes time spent on project activities. Each project team member contributes to writing this report—they track and record the amount of time they’ve spent on tasks and submit it to the project manager. ⏰

Thankfully, the rise of project management tools has eliminated the need for paper-based time-tracking submissions. They make it easy for team members to submit accurate and detailed time reports to the project manager—while reducing the administrative burden of manual report compilation. 

Project managers can see how time is spent and the overall productivity of team members. As a result, they’re able to make informed decisions, such as redistributing workload (aka workload management ), reassigning tasks, and providing feedback and support to team members. 

A project resource dashboard offers a bird’s-eye view of how resources (e.g., labor, equipment, materials, budget, etc.) are allocated in a project. Think of it as a comprehensive resource inventory, listing every project task, the responsible party, and the resources being used. 

workload view in clickup

Project reports like this help project managers keep track of resource availability, identify potential resource constraints or shortages, and make informed decisions about resource allocation and optimization.

A project risk report offers a comprehensive analysis of potential risks, their likelihood of occurrence, their potential impact on the project, and recommended mitigation strategies. 

Rather than waiting for future events to derail the project, project reports like this one allow project managers to take a more proactive approach to risk management—thereby boosting the chances of overall project success.

A project variance report reveals the gaps or deviations between project plans and the actual performance or results achieved. It compares various factors—like budget, time, resources, and scope—and their planned values with their actual values, then computes the differences (or variances). 

By analyzing these variances, project managers and stakeholders can discuss the possible reasons behind them, identify areas that need attention, and take corrective actions where necessary.

A project performance report evaluates the overall performance and achievements of a project against predetermined metrics and objectives. It includes information on project deliverables, key performance indicators (KPIs) , and stakeholder satisfaction.

This report helps project managers assess project success, identify areas for improvement, and communicate the project’s performance to stakeholders.

A project completion report marks the end of a project journey. It summarizes the entire project lifecycle, from initiation to closure. This report contains an overview of the project’s objectives, deliverables, milestones, challenges, and recommendations for future projects.

A project management report summarizes a project’s progress, status, and performance for stakeholders. It includes an overview, current status, timeline, budget, risks, resource allocation, key performance indicators (KPIs), and next steps. The report helps ensure transparency, track milestones, address issues, and guide decision-making. It provides a snapshot of where the project stands and what actions are needed to keep it on track.

Writing project reports may initially seem redundant and time-consuming. However, it plays a crucial role in achieving project success. While a few benefits were hinted at earlier, let’s get a better picture of why project reports should not be overlooked.

More clarity

Creating a project report allows you to step back and reflect on the project’s progress. As you record the milestones, successes, and challenges, a wealth of insights begin to unfold—strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need attention.

milestones in clickup

This holistic view of the project’s health helps you steer it toward the desired outcomes and ensure it stays on track.

Encourages evaluation and analysis

Project reports allow you to evaluate and analyze the different aspects of a project in a systematic way—gathering relevant data, analyzing them, and evaluating their significance. By giving your project a critical analysis, you can uncover valuable insights, identify patterns, draw meaningful conclusions, and take strategic action. 🛠️

Enhances communication and collaboration

Creating a project report challenges you to present the project’s progress and results to stakeholders in a clear and coherent manner. A well-written report promotes project transparency and ensures everyone is on the same page.

It also facilitates collaboration by providing a common reference point for discussions, feedback, and decision-making.

Boosts professionalism and credibility

When you present a comprehensive and well-structured report, it shows that you have conducted thorough research, followed a methodical approach, and can effectively communicate complex information. This, in turn, boosts your reputation, enhances your credibility, and showcases your expertise among peers, colleagues, and potential employers.

Knowledge preservation

A project report serves as a valuable reference for future research or projects. By documenting your process, methodologies, challenges, lessons, and results, you create a resource that can be consulted and built upon by others.

This contributes to the cumulative knowledge in your field and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Improves Team Alignment

Project reports are instrumental in enhancing team alignment. They provide a clear, concise snapshot of progress, identifying accomplishments, challenges, and next steps. This enables all team members to understand the project’s current status and their respective roles in achieving the overall objectives.

Check out these project report templates for teams:

  • Nonprofit Organizations Project Report
  • Operations Teams Project Report
  • Finance Teams Project Report
  • DevOps Teams Project Report
  • Agile Teams Project Report
  • Sales Teams Project Report

5 Project Report Examples & Templates

Sure, you could write project reports from scratch and spend countless hours formatting and structuring them. But why would you when you can use free project report templates? They provide a structure and format for your report so you can simply plug in your data and customize the design to fit your needs. Not only do project report templates speed up the report creation process, but they also enhance the overall quality of your reports. 

Let’s jump right in to explore our top five project report templates. 📈

Final Project Report Template

A final project report is the perfect finishing touch to conclude a project and highlight its achievements. ClickUp’s Final Project Report Template provides a solid structure to help you put it together with the following key sections:

  • Planned vs. Actual: A quantitative breakdown of how the project deviated from the original plan with regard to its start date, completion date, duration, and budget
  • Management Effectiveness: A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis evaluating how the project was managed
  • Project Learnings : Share the important project lessons learned by the team throughout the lifespan of the project
  • Contract Terms Checklist : A simple table listing the various contract terms, whether they were completed, and any remarks you have 
  • Overall Performance rating: A 1 out of 5 rating of the different aspects of the project, from planning and execution to leadership and communication

This template is built in ClickUp Docs , which means you have unlimited flexibility for customization—add extra sections and tweak the appearance to suit your taste. And guess what? The table of content updates in real-time as you add, edit, or delete multiple headers.

If you want to wow your team and clients, this project status report template will help you get the job done. 

Project Status Report Template

Writing a project status report is fairly straightforward. But staring at a blank document and worrying about crafting perfectly manicured sentences can make this process last a lot longer than it should. 

Thankfully, ClickUp’s Project Status Report Template is here to save the day! Built inside ClickUp Whiteboards, this template provides a hassle-free method to quickly capture key project details in a visually engaging way.

  • General information: Cover general project details (e.g., project name, objectives, project timeline , reporting period, etc.) which you’ll need to fill in only once
  • Progress details: Use color-coding to share in-progress, at-risk, delayed, and completed tasks
  • Support and resources: List out assets (e.g., labor, money, etc.) needed for a smooth operation 
  • Highlights and takeaways: Share key lessons learned and other noteworthy highlights
  • What went well/What needs improvement: Use this opportunity to reflect on the project’s progress and share the areas that performed well and what needs attention
  • Next steps: Highlight the key action items that need to get done to keep the project on track

Enter the details under each of these sections onto sticky notes, which’ll help you quickly pour down your thoughts without worrying about writing perfect sentences. It’s also very helpful for stakeholders as the information on sticky notes is short and straight to the point. 

This template removes the pressure of creating a status report and saves valuable time—all while keeping key stakeholders informed and up to date.

Digital Marketing Report Template

After running a digital marketing campaign project, you need to gather key metrics from the campaign and present it to key stakeholders for evaluation, performance analysis, and notes for future improvements. 

Sharing this info across multiple digital channels can get overwhelming but there’s no need to worry. ClickUp’s Digital Marketing Report Template has you covered with everything you need. Plus, it’s neatly broken down into the following sections:

  • Digital Marketing Performance: This section lets you summarize the overall performance of your campaign by capturing key details like project budget allocations, actual expenses, cost per acquisition, total impressions, and total clicks across multiple campaigns
  • Web Analytics Report: This section analyzes website performance during and after the project’s completion. It captures metrics like page views, bounce rate, traffic sources, and overall conversion rate
  • Social Media Campaign Performance: This section analyzes social media performance by measuring metrics like impressions, followers, and engagement rate—all in a simple table for each social media platform 

Use this template to present the performance of your digital marketing project in a simple and visually engaging way. This makes it easy to identify trends, analyze the impact of your campaign, and make informed decisions regarding future marketing initiatives.

Employee Daily Activity Report Template

A key way to stay on track and guarantee overall project success is to engage team members in the process.

The Employee Daily Activity Report Template by ClickUp has a simple tabular layout that makes it easy for team members to record and keep track of: 

  • Completed tasks and the time spent on each
  • Ongoing tasks and their due dates
  • Upcoming tasks and any support they’ll need

This template encourages each team member to get work done and ask for support when needed—while allowing you to keep the project on track by providing support and maximizing team performance.

Campaign Report Template

Remember the Digital Marketing Report Template we looked at earlier? You can choose to further analyze the marketing performance section, with elements from this Campaign Report Template by ClickUp . 

Dive deeper into how each marketing channel contributed to overall ad cost, ad revenue, and ad conversion rate. You can further break down each channel’s performance by analyzing the metrics from each individual campaign on that channel.

There you have it—your secret sauce for creating an effective project report in a fraction of the time. And that’s only scratching the surface … working inside ClickUp unlocks a lot more perks. 

Not only does ClickUp make project reporting easy and quick, but it also gives you access to free project management templates to enhance your workflow. Quickly assign tasks to your team, keep track of progress, discuss updates, and collaborate on documents and whiteboards—all in one place. ✨

Did we mention the integrations? ClickUp plays nicely with other apps, allowing you to seamlessly connect your favorite tools to supercharge your team’s productivity. And let’s not forget about the time you’ll save using ClickUp’s automations—a feature that lets you breeze through repetitive tasks that used to eat up valuable time across project management reports.

Just imagine what you can do with those extra hours—maybe enjoy a cup of coffee or catch up with your team about how best you can support them. Make project reporting a blast with ClickUp and boost your chances of a successful project. 

Get started by signing up for free on ClickUp today … Ready? Set? Report!

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The project report for E Learning is as follows.

E-Learning, often known as electronic learning, is a type of education that occurs through the internet or through digital technologies. It enables students to learn at their own pace, on their own schedule, and frequently in their preferred learning style. Online courses, webinars, virtual classrooms, and educational apps are all examples of e-learning.

One of the most significant benefits of E-Learning is its adaptability. Students can access course materials and lectures from any location that has an internet connection, making it easier to incorporate education into their hectic schedules. This adaptability also makes E-Learning a more accessible option for those who, due to geography, disability, or other factors, may not have access to traditional educational opportunities.

Another advantage of E-Learning is the capacity to tailor learning sessions. Educators can design courses to match the particular needs of each student by using data analytics and machine learning algorithms. This can lead to improved learning outcomes and increased student engagement.

E-Learning is also less expensive than traditional classroom instruction. It eliminates the need for physical classrooms, textbooks, and other materials, potentially lowering overall education costs. E-Learning can also save students and teachers time and money on trips.


Benefits Of E-Learning

E-Learning, often known as electronic learning, is a type of education in which students are taught through electronic technologies. E-learning has a number of advantages, including.

Flexibility: One of the most significant advantages of e-learning is that it allows students to study at their own speed, location, and time. As long as they have an internet connection, students can access instructional materials and resources at any time and from any location.

Cost-Effective: E-Learning is less expensive than traditional classroom-based learning. Travel, lodging, and other related expenses are greatly reduced, and students can save money on course fees as well.

Market Potential Of E-Learning

In India, the online education market is predicted to expand by USD 14.33 billion between 2020 and 2024. The paper also discusses the commercial effect and new prospects that the COVID-19 epidemic has created. The impact is predicted to be large in the first quarter, but to gradually diminish in subsequent quarters, with only a little influence on full-year economic growth.

As schools, businesses, and individuals have had to adapt to remote learning and working environments, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of e-learning. As a result, e-learning companies now have a significant opportunity to address the expanding demand for online education. 

E-learning’s business potential is also visible in the education sector, where online learning platforms are increasing popularity. Many universities and schools are implementing e-learning platforms to provide courses and degree programmes online, making education available to students all over the world.

Project Report Sample On E-Learning

(Click To View Sample Report)

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Project Report of Website Development Project management

Profile image of Tarikul Islam

The project report has been prepared based on available data, forecasts provided by experts and other project management tools. The real life situation can be little different depending on the circumstances. The project is considered as not for profit. The members working in the team will get fixed amount at the end of the project. Any inclusion or deduction is possible as we have enough buffer time. Risks has been estimated based on common issues faced by this type of project. CPM method has been used to estimate time and creating Gantt chart. Spreadsheet (EXCEL) analysis has been used to do CPM. A detailed network diagram has been drawn to describe every step clearly. A register form is included in the appendix section to monitor the project through its lifespan. Risk register should be updated at every meeting. Full effort has been given to complete each and every pros and cons, so that they are taken into account. However, the report isn’t full proof. There is always room for improvement.

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Table of Contents

What is a project report, how to create a project report in 5 steps, project report objectives, project report components, common project report types, project report use cases, project report examples, opening and viewing reports with microsoft , change data in your report , change the report format , make your report , share your report , choose the right program, train to become a project leader today, mastering project reports: a guide to success.

How to Create a Project Report: Objectives, Components, Use Cases, and Examples

Managing a project is by no means an easy feat. Many moving parts can make it complicated to stay focused on the tasks and keep stakeholders up to date on the project status. This is why project reports are a useful tool for project managers .

These project reports can be used to provide direction for team members, offer status updates for partners or management teams, and successfully manage risk mitigation – to name just a few! 

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Let’s take a closer look at how to create a project report including its many objectives, components, and examples of project reports.

A project report is a comprehensive document that provides detailed information about a specific project. It typically outlines the project's objectives, scope, methodology, progress, findings, and outcomes. A project report often includes details about the project's goals, activities, timelines, resources used, challenges faced, and the results achieved. It serves as a formal record of the project's lifecycle, serving both as a documentation of the work done and as a communication tool to convey the project's status and outcomes to stakeholders, sponsors, or interested parties. Project reports are commonly used in various fields such as business, engineering, research, and academia to assess the effectiveness and success of a project.

Creating project reports is an integral part of evaluating project success. Documenting the lessons learned and sharing them with a larger team in an organized way can help with future projects. You can use different tools to put together your project report. Here are 7 basic steps involved in creating a project report - 

1. Know Your Objective 

Sit down, evaluate your objectives, and understand what you want to describe, explain, recommend, and prove with your report. Having set goals will not only help you proceed with your project report but also help readers understand your point of view. 

2. Recognize Your Audience

Your audience plays an essential role in making your project report a success. A formal annual report differs from a financial report: the language, representation of data, and analysis changes per your target audience . 

3. Data Collection 

The chances of you having a solid report is when data supports it. Data plays an essential role in making people believe in your derivations. Also, support your claims by citing sources such as case studies, surveys, interviews, etc. 

4. Structure the Report

A project report is further divided into certain sections. These 4 are the most common divisions of a project report:

  • Summary: The summary gives the reader a download of all covered in the project report. Even though a summary is placed at the beginning of a project report, you can only write it once your entire report is complete. 
  • Introduction: Mention the outline of the report, give context and mention the scope and methodologies used in the report. 
  • Body: This is the lengthy section of the report as it contains background details, analysis, data, and graphics. 
  • Conclusion: This section brings the entire project report together. 

5. Edit and Proofread 

Once your project report is ready, read it multiple times with some time gap. You can ask your co-workers to review it. 

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Every project report starts with a solid project report objective. Your objective should provide precise direction for the rest of the report. Consider what purpose you want your project report to serve. Are you describing new risks or explaining project delays? Or will your report focus on persuading management teams or stockholders to invest additional funds into the project? 

A thorough understanding of your objective will help guide you in writing the report and make the purpose of the report clear to all stakeholders.

Here are a few examples of project report objectives:

  • Requesting approval for a new project
  • Tracking the progress of the project
  • Identifying and managing risks
  • Managing costs and budgets
  • Requesting financial assistance

Your project report will be bursting with essential information about your project. Although the content of your report will differ depending on the type of report you’re creating, keeping your report organized will make it easy for the reader to follow along without missing any critical points. Organize your data and content into sections that allow all stakeholders to quickly reference.

Consider including some of the following project report components:

Executive Summary 

The first section of your report will likely include an executive summary. The brief overview should provide all the essential takeaways from the report, allowing the reader to understand the report's contents without having to read through all of the project details.

Project Progress

This component includes real metrics that track your project’s progress. It offers an overview of the project's status and budget while identifying risks or issues that may have emerged. Helping project management and other stakeholders reflect on the project schedule and make amendments as needed.

Risks and Risk Management

What risks have developed that may affect the quality, timeline, or budget of your project? How will you control these emerging elements? It’s inevitable that all projects will face risks, so it’s how you intend to manage those risks that’s important to the project team and stakeholders. Include a detailed analysis of the risk, your proposed solutions, and how these new elements will affect the project as a whole. 

Are your financials where they need to be for the current status of your project? Will more capital be required to reach your goals effectively? Provide a detailed overview of the allocation of your budget including materials, labor, and operating costs. 

Reflect on your project goals. Is the project behind, ahead, or on schedule? How will any changes to your timelines affect your budget or resources? Include an overview of tasks that have already been completed and a comprehensive schedule of remaining tasks.

Resources may include materials, machinery, or even funding required to complete your project. Provide a detailed summary of your current resource allocation. What are detrimental resources for your project running low? Are there any excess amounts?  

Team Performance

Is your team completing tasks efficiently? Are there any skill or knowledge gaps that need to be addressed? Compare your team’s performance to your initial goals to identify the group’s progress.

A project report is a simple and detailed description of the essence of the project and its aims and aspirations. The business management team and stakeholders are kept updated on every development regarding the project; based on that, they prepare their strategy. This vital information keeps the communication line open between the management team and the stakeholders, providing them with a complete picture of every action concerning the project. 

A project report includes the necessary recommendations for all types of businesses, established and start-ups. Moreover, organizations use project reports to procure financial help from institutions. Project reports can be of various types that help everyone complete a project successfully. Based on the report, your team can take up any activity that benefits the project. 

Status Reports

It talks about the progress going on with a project. It also states various significant activities associated with the project. This status report organizes the communication medium between the team and the stakeholders. It summarizes the finished tasks on the project at hand. It includes the budgetary details and the timeline of the project. It also helps identify the risks related to the project and measures to tackle them beforehand. The status report also keeps track of the events or actions or any activity taken in the past. Status reports are carried out weekly, daily, monthly, or quarterly. They help collect and distribute information about crucial activities in a project in a smooth manner. 

Progress Report

While executing a project, a progress report is inevitably carried out to update everything about the project. It usually includes things like if the project baseline is fulfilled. It indicates the initial plan you prepared along with your stakeholders about a project regarding the expectations, schedules, cost, deliverables , and scope of it. A progress report informs your stakeholders how much progress has been made in the above directions. 

You should prepare this status report in a specific manner by stating the project title, contact information, a summary of the status, and providing all the information about the budget, timeline, and expected completion date of the project. You can take the help of several such free templates available online to make the status report. 

Risk Reports

This type of report explains the risks associated with the project in a documented form. It covers details about risks that are managed already and the emerging ones. It includes the overall risk profile of the project. Risk reports identify and state potential risks that could alter the duration of the project and tips to manage them. 

Board Executive Reports

An executive report is a summary of the business plan of an organization for lending partners. It enables the team members to collect and combine the results of numerous research studies to help them decide on the project. It is the starting point of arranging a dialogue with the investors. It should be written in such a way that it creates the best impression in the minds of the lenders. It should be short and precise and comprehensively analyze the project. 

Cost Benefit Analysis Report

This kind of report helps organizations know if a particular project is possible or not. It will show you how much the project will benefit your organization against the investment. It will help you decide if a project is worth taking on for your organization and how much business profit it will get you at the end of the day. Alternatively, it will also help your organization better utilize its resources while progressing with the project. You can monitor your project expenses and spending to manage your funds better. 

Resource Reports

This report highlights the distribution of resources according to the project tasks. The team members and the investors get the necessary information by reading this report on how well the resources are distributed in the project. It will give detailed narration about which team is assigned to which task according to the date wise. This type of report is beneficial for an organization to know if there is over allocation of resources as this could harm the project. Overall allocation happens when there are insufficient resources to complete all the crucial activities of the project. 

Variance Reports

This report helps you compare your overall project plan with the project's end result. It uses metrics to inform you if your project is running according to the timeline, ahead of time, or running late. Moreover, it will streamline the data based on the comparisons you have made on the project. With the availability of various project management tools , preparing this kind of report has become easier now. It cuts down your hard work by creating the project activity report and conveying it to the stakeholders. 

Gap Analysis Report

This report will examine the project's current status in the context of schedule, cost, and labor and, subsequently, compare the targeted status. It discovers and examines the gap between these two aspects and prepares a strategy or action plan on how to do the needful to reach the targeted objectives. Every business, whether a budding one or an established one, will need this kind of gap analysis report to perform better in terms of projects. This report will tell you how to take the successful step to graduate to the next level of your business. This will tell you whether you are fulfilling your business objectives and using your resources carefully. 

There are several common use cases for project reports in project management. These include:

Project Status Report 

A project status report is used regularly throughout a project to communicate the project’s progress in conjunction with the original project plan. The status report of a project provides all stakeholders with updates on the project’s development and performance. Your status report may cover issues or risks that have emerged and include your amended project plan.

Project Tracking Report

A project tracking report offers real numbers, metrics, and other key indicators that measure the project’s overarching progress. This comprehensive report covers all aspects of the project, including project status, tasks, project team performance, and how much of the project has been completed.

Project Performance Report

Performance reports provide an overview of the project’s progress, a breakdown of resource allocation, and costs to date. Your performance report will help monitor the project’s current direction and forecast how well it will perform.  

Project Health Report

A health report offers an analysis of any problem areas or risks within your project. Completing a project health report can help identify any potential issues before they occur, saving you time, money, and resources.

Project Summary Report

A project summary report provides a quick snapshot of the project’s status. Along with tasks completed and a summary of financials, the brief report should include any key highlights or milestones and a glance at upcoming scheduled tasks. 

Project Time Tracking Report

Project time tracking reports help the team and all stakeholders better understand the time allocation for each task. It’s a useful tool for project managers to gauge their teams' efficiency and identify what areas need improvement. 

Not sure where to start with your next project report? Consulting the right project report example can help you gain the direction you need.

Click here for a status report example.

Using Project, one can easily create new reports or customize them for various types of project data without relying on any other application or software. MS Project offers dozens that you can use right away. You can also customize any report’s content and look or build a new one from scratch.

  • Click the Report tab and then click the View Reports group. 
  • Select the type of report you need.

For instance, if you have to open the Project Overview report, navigate Report > Dashboards > Project Overview.


Reports Dashboard Option

Reports are customizable. So, you choose the data that MS Project will show in any part of a report. Follow the steps below to change the data in your report:

  • Click the chart or table you would like to alter. 
  • Use the Field list pane present on the right side to select fields to filter and show data. 
  • Also, clicking a chart displays three pop-up buttons on the right-hand side of the chart. You can opt for the Chart Elements or Chart Filters button to select elements and filter chart data.

For instance, take the previous Project Overview report as an example. You can change the % Complete chart and display critical subtasks rather than top-level summary tasks using the below-mentioned steps:

  • Click anywhere in the % Complete chart.
  • Now, in the Field List pane, navigate to the Filter box. 
  • Select the Critical option.
  • Next, pick level 2 in the Outline Level box. Let’s suppose that this is the first level of the outline with subtasks rather than summary tasks.
  • The chart will reflect the change as you make your selections.


Changes in the % Complete Chart

Using Project, you can go from monotonous black-white to vivid effects and colors. With the Split view, you will be able to view the real-time report changes while you make the changes. To change the report format, take the following steps:

  • Click the report (you can click anywhere).
  • Now click Report Tools and click the Design tab. It will display options for changing the look of the entire report. 
  • Using this tab, you can alter the color, font, or theme of the entire report. You can also include images, charts, shapes, or tables here.


Report Tools Options

  • Clicking on individual elements such as tables, charts, and others of a report will display new tabs at the top of the screen for formatting that part. 


Table Styles

  • Use the Drawing Tools Format tab to change shapes. 
  • The Picture Tools Format tab will help you add picture effects.  
  • You can configure and tweak tables using the Table Tools Design and Table Tools Layout tabs. 
  • The Chart Tools Format and Chart Tools Design tabs help tweak charts. Also, clicking on a chart displays three buttons on the right side of the chart. You can use the Chart Styles button to modify the chart color or style. 

Suppose you plan to change the % Complete chart in the Project Overview report. Click anywhere in the chart and tap on the Chart Tools Design.


% Complete Chart

  • From the Chart Styles, pick a new style for your chart. The option selected in the following image adds shadows to the columns and removes the lines.


Chart Styles in Chart Tools Design

  • Next, you can click Chart Tools Design > Change Chart Type to add some depth.


  • You can change the columns by clicking Column > 3-D Stacked Column.


  • To add a background color, click Chart Tools Format > Shape Fill. Now pick a new color. You can explore more color options by clicking on more fill colors.


Color Options for Chart

  • Alter bar colors by selecting the bars and then click the Chart Tools Format > Shape Fill option. Pick the color you want. 
  • You can drag the numbers upwards to get them off the chart. 

The above-stated changes will be reflected as follows.


% Complete Chart on Making the Changes 

Take the following steps to create a new report. 

  • Click the Report tab and then click New Report.
  • Pick from the four options: 
  • Blank: Provides a blank canvas that you can use to add charts, text, tables, and images using the Report Tools Design tab.
  • Chart: It is suitable for comparing Actual Work, Work by default, and Remaining Work. Using the Field List pane, you can pick different fields for comparison or use the controls to alter the format and color of the chart.
  • Table: It displays tabular information. Using the Field List pane, you can select what fields are to be displayed in the table.  
  • Comparison: It gives you two charts side-by-side. Initially, they will have the same data. You can click on the chart and choose the information of your choice in the Field List pane. 


Types of New Report Styles

  • Name your report and start adding information to it. All charts are fully customizable. You can easily add or delete elements to meet your needs.
  • You can make your new report available for future projects by using the Organizer to copy this new report into the global template. 
  • Click anywhere in the report.
  • Navigate Report Tools Design > Copy Report.


Copy Report Option

  • Now paste the report into any program of your choice. You might have to resize or align the report when you paste it elsewhere. You can also opt for the printing option for sharing hard copies. 

Are you looking to take your project management skills to the next level? Look no further than Simplilearn's comprehensive project management courses!

Our courses are designed to help professionals at every level of experience to develop and enhance their project management skills, whether you're just starting out in the field or looking to advance your career. With our courses, you'll gain practical, hands-on experience in managing projects from start to finish, and learn best practices and industry standards that will set you apart from the competition.

Program Name PMP® Certification Training Course PMP Plus Post Graduate Program In Project Management glyph Icons All Geos All Geos All Geos University PMI Simplilearn University of Massachusetts Amherst Course Duration 90 Days of Flexible Access to Online Classes 36 Months 6 Months Coding experience reqd No No No Skills you wll learn 8+ PM skills including Work Breakdown Structure, Gantt Charts, Resource Allocation, Leadership and more. 6 courses including Project Management, Agile Scrum Master, Implementing a PMO, and More 9+ skills including Project Management, Quality Management, Agile Management, Design Thinking and More. Additional Benefits -Experiential learning through case studies -Global Teaching Assistance -35PDUs -Learn by working on real-world problems -24x7 Learning support from mentors -Earn 60+ PDU’s -3 year course access Cost $$ $$$$ $$$$ Explore Program Explore Program Explore Program

Become a digital-age project leader with Simplilearn’s PMP® Certification Training . Created to align with the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification, you’ll learn the frameworks, tools, and skills to drive successful projects.

In this course, you will learn how to manage quality and risk, create effective strategies, implement best practices, and ultimately, deliver results.

1. What is a project report and its significance?

A project report summarizes a project's key aspects, including its goals, timeline, budget, progress, and outcomes. It provides project managers with critical information to monitor and evaluate the project's performance, identify potential risks and challenges, and communicate progress to stakeholders.

2. What is the format of a project report?

A project report format is completely customizable depending on the project requirements and your choices. However, it should focus on the specific objectives of the project, its methodology,  major findings, and progress. 

3. How do you prepare a project report?

Preparing a project report is simple. Click Report > New Report and choose from the four options. Now, give a suitable name to the report and start adding information. 

4. What is a project report with an example?

A project report is a document providing detail on the project’s overall status or specific aspects of its performance. Irrespective of the report type, it contains project data based on economic, financial, technical, managerial or production aspects. For example, a Cost Overview report tells the current cost status of the project. It also reveals planned costs, remaining costs, cumulative costs, actual costs, and percentage of completion to help understand if the project is within budget.

5. How do you write a complete project report?

Writing a complete project report entails a proper start and closure, including

  • Labeling the document and writing the project overview 
  • Including a section for the project’s scope 
  • A well-formulated project performance analysis.
  • Highlighting the project’s accomplishments, results, and outcomes.

Our Project Management Courses Duration And Fees

Project Management Courses typically range from a few weeks to several months, with fees varying based on program and institution.

Program NameDurationFees

Cohort Starts:

10 weeks€ 2,250
Plus7 weeks€ 1,199
3 weeks€ 499

Get Free Certifications with free video courses

PMP Basics

Project Management

Learn from industry experts with free masterclasses.

Career Masterclass: How to Successfully Ace the PMP Exam on Your First Attempt in 2024

Career Masterclass: Become an AI-Savvy Project Manager: The Skills You Need to Thrive

How to Successfully Ace the PMP Exam on Your First Attempt in 2024

Recommended Reads

Report: The Future of IT Jobs in India

How to Create a Google Analytics Report?

What is Google Data Studio and How to Create Report On It?

Project Management Interview Guide

Communicating Project Status to an Executive

How to Create a Maven Project in Eclipse

Get Affiliated Certifications with Live Class programs

  • PMP, PMI, PMBOK, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, ACP, PBA, RMP, SP, and OPM3 are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.


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