Smart. Open. Grounded. Inventive. Read our Ideas Made to Matter.

Which program is right for you?

MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

Apply now and work for two to five years. We'll save you a seat in our MBA class when you're ready to come back to campus for your degree.

Executive Programs

The 20-month program teaches the science of management to mid-career leaders who want to move from success to significance.

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers.

A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.

Rising Scholars Conference

The MIT Sloan PhD Program is proud to host the fourth annual Rising Scholars Conference. This event will gather diverse PhD students and postdoctoral scholars from across the country to present their research work and interact with faculty from MIT Sloan and other institutions. The conference will be held virtually on October 25 and October 26, 2023. The objectives of the conference are to help rising scholars gain research insights, valuable exposure, and faculty mentorship that will benefit them for years to come. The Rising Scholars Conference originated at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2020 to support doctoral student and faculty diversity.

Agenda and Registration The agenda for the Rising Scholars Conference is available here , along with information on this year's selecting rising scholars and other conference speakers. Registration to attend is free and open to all students, pre- and post-doctoral researchers, RAs, and faculty at any college or university. Please complete the registration form here  in order to receive the Zoom link for sessions that are open to the public.

Questions? Please reach out to the MIT Sloan PhD Program office for assistance by emailing [email protected] .


Norwegian Research School of Global Health

Phd-conference 2023, språkvelger, phd conference in global health, 24 - 27 april 2023.

phd conference 2023

- Global Health Research: from evidence to implementation 

The 7th national annual PhD conference will take place at  Reine Rorbuer in Lofoten, 24 - 27 April 2023.  Hopefully we will get good scientific discussions and gain some presentation skills and new friends. We hope to see many NRSGH members at  Reine Rorbuer   this year :-) This is a unique opportunity to meet other colleges and to learn about Norwegian history of rural coast communities.


About the conference

The annual PhD conference is NRSGHs main national event. This is the perfect arena to meet and listen to other students doing research in global health topics, to discuss relevant topic and broaden your network in a friendly atmosphere, this year in Lofoten at Reine Rorbuer on the coast of Norway outside Bodø.   The program will include lectures by invited speakers, group work, discussions, social activities, and sightseeing. Accommodation and all meals are included. There is no conference fee. 


Contact  NRSGH Coordinator  if you have questions.


Some highlights for the program

Morning activites - Yoga, Swim, running :-)

Day 1 - Topic for the day: Impelementation Research 

Introduction to Implementation Sciences "What do you need to know"

Scale up, readiness, community-academia partnership, Public private partnership, economic evaluation and case studies are some of the topic which will be dicussed. There will be presentation of PhD-project with Implementation research, theoretical discussions, groupwork. 

phd conference 2023

Day 2 - Parallel session: 

Choose between four parallel:

1. Scientific Communication by Johanne Sundby, UiO

2. Grant writing by Flemming Konradsen, UCPH and NovaNordisk.

3. Publishing in high impact journals by Jon Øyvind Odland, NTNU and Editor in IJERPH

4. Writing thesis or Kappa and life after PhD by Thorkild Tylleskär, UiB 

Social activites: There will be a boat trip in Reinefjorden with guide to Vindstad, walking around on Bunes beach being told stories about the hard life on the Norwegian coast in the old days. Some may also use the possibility for hiking up the mountain, Reinebringen :-) (3 hours)

Quiz, culture exchange and networking!!


It is mandatory for the participants at the PhD-conference to register your abstract. This abstract can be similar to what you already have submitted to another conference. All submitted abstracts will be printed in a book that is handed out at the start of the conference. The correctly completed form will help us generate the book with similar layout for all abstracts. Please, remember to also attach a profile picture of you.


Deadline:  14 March 2023. 

Photo competition  :-)

phd conference 2023

We invite PhD candidates affiliated with the Norwegian Research School in Global Health to submit up to three photos that exemplify  “life of a PhD student in global health”  or  capture a key global health challenge, solution or research question  central to the PhD research undertaken by the individual PhD candidate.

For each submitted image, a brief text (up to 100 words) should be included to capture the context represented by the photo. A panel will select two photos to be featured on the home page of the NRSGH to represent some of the important areas of research covered by research school. The two best photos will be awarded with respectively 1500 and 1000 NOK.

See the call document   

Deadline: 13 March 2023

Practical information:

phd conference 2023

You should book you own ticket from you hometown to Bodø Monday 24th April and return ticket from Bodø Thursday 27th April . NRSGH will pre-order the ferry from Bodø to Moskenes.

The ferry leaves from Bodø ferry terminal at 16.45 on Monday. You need to be there 45 min before. So no later the 16.00. It takes about 10-15 min with taxi and 40 min to walk from Bodø Airport to the ferry terminal. On Thursday you will arrive at Bodø ferry terminal at 10.15 . It will take some time to reach the airport and check-in. 

Make sure you book your planetickets accordingly to the ferry schedual. 

Suggestions for travel from your home city 

The travelcost for your travel will be covered by NRSGH, see more information below about  reimbursement.

Travel expenses

NRSGH travel grant are limited to 3000 NOK for the roundtrip, including public transportation to/from the airport. Please book your ticket to/from Bodø as soon as possible, there are limited low-pize tickets. Please contact  NRSGH coordinator  if you need NRSGH to prebook the tickets directly for you. See more  information  about reimbursement.

Grant - travel from abroad

If you are staying abroad and want to join the PhD-conference, you need to apply for an  International Training Grant.   This grant has a limited amount pr grant pr student: 10 000 Nok.  This is for travel to/from Norway and short stay before/after the Conference. The conference is paid by NRSGH and free for all members. Please, contact NRSGH coordinator  [email protected]  if you have any questions.

Remember to stay updated by the  Norwegian Governments traveling advice  coming to Norway. 

The Organizing Committee

The Conference Committee consists of PhD students from most of the partner Universities participating in the Norwegian Research School of Global Health. In addition, the NRSGH coordinator are supporting the Conference committee







phd conference 2023

Please contact the members of the committee if you have suggestions for the program or questions of practical matters.

  • CEU PU - Deutsch
  • Közép-európai Egyetem

PhD Graduate conference 2023


Central European University

Sociology and Social Anthropology

Graduate Conference

June 2-3, 2023

CEU Vienna campus: Quellenstraße 51, 1100 Wien, Room B-505


 Translating academic knowledge into social praxis has always been a central question for critical theory. This is particularly true in an age of polycrisis. Neoliberal globalization has intensified the exploitation of natural resources, the financialization of social reproduction, and the precarization of labor. Climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and housing precarity yield a unique moment that urges us to consider how to bridge the gap between academic and practical knowledge. Moreover, the rise of chauvinist discourses and authoritarian political regimes around the world, often accompanied by outright attacks on knowledge production, has narrowed the potential for social scientists to communicate and impact public discourse. In this conference, we aim to explore the ways to overcome these challenges and translate our work into meaningful social action.

Translating knowledge into action has long been integral to grassroots activism in housing, migration, gender equality, and environmental justice. Academics continue to take an active part in social movements, working together with NGOS and mobilizing/ bottom-up initiatives.  We understand translation not only in the linguistic sense, but in a broader sense as interpretations, associations, and representations that mediate between different contexts. As Clarke et al. (2015) remind us, translation has a double significance “as both an act of domination (the means through which power, hierarchy, and rule are re-inscribed) and a condition of possibility in which dialogue, talking back, and building connections and solidarities [...] become possible.”  We take this double significance of translation as both a potentiality for engaged social research and a methodological tool in need of serious critical reflection.  This conference asks: What can be gained or lost in the translation of knowledge? How can translation be used for community-oriented social research? How can it be used as a critical methodological tool?

June 2, 2023

10.00-11.00      Keynote: John Clarke, The Open University

11.30-13.00      Panel 1: ACTIVIST SCHOLARSHIP 

13.00-14.30      Lunch break 

14.30-16.00      Panel 2: SPACES OF LEARNING  

16.30-18.00      Panel 3: ETHICS OF TRANSLATION

June 3, 2022

10.00-11.00      Keynote: Shahram Khosravi, Stockholm University

11.30-12.30      Panel 4: METHODOLOGIES OF TRANSLATION

12.30-13.30      Lunch break 

13.30-14.30      Book Talk: Scholarly Podcasting: Why, What, How?  (Ian M. Cook, 2023)

15.00-16.30      Panel 5: AGENTS OF TRANSLATION 

17.00-18.30      Panel 6: ALTERNATIVE MEDIA 

Friday, 2 June 2023 

10.00-11.00     KEYNOTE: John Clarke (The Open University) 


Chair: Claudio Sopranzetti

Alberto Fierro (Wenner-Gren Engaged Research Grantee) – Developing Knowledge Between Activism and Academia in Latin America

Zimeng Yin (CEU) – From the Umbrella Movement to the Anti-ELAB Movement: A Bourdieusian Approach to Social Movements in Hong Kong

Klara Nagy (Periféria Policy and Research Center) – Workers' rights in the semi-periphery Worker-driven monitoring in the electronics manufacturing sector in Hungary.

13.00-14.30     Lunch break  

14.30-16.00     SPACES OF LEARNING

Chair: Daniel Monterescu

Federico Giovannini (Independent) – Power and didactics in the Italian university under neoliberal governance: the case of the DISCI

Ahmed El-Mongy (Independent) – Learning in difficult times: the case of a prefigurative space in post-2013 Egypt 

Kudzai M Munyavi (Mississippi University for Women) – Beyond Spirit Mediums: Using Academia to Debunk Myths of African Queerness: A Case of Zimbabwe.


Chair: Jean-Louis Fabiani

Sudatta Ghosh (South Asian University) – Being a ‘Phool’: Researching Among the Nachnis of Purulia

Shabnam Singla (CEU) – Ethics of Inclusivity: Who should bear the burden of translating knowledge of marginalized experiences?

Rae Hackler (University of Bristol) – In Your Own Voice: Oral Histories as a Method Bridging the Gap Between Researcher and Researched

Saturday, 3 June 2022 

10.00-11.00     KEYNOTE: Shahram Khosravi  (Stockholm University)


Chair: Johanna Markkula

Valentina Grillo (University of Vienna) and Tonmoy Chowdhury (Independent) – Power Dynamics in Humanitarian Context and Research: Postcolonial Reflections on Translation

Vic Riveros (Newcastle University) – Issues with connecting with an imagined community in diaspora space: the case of the Southern Cone Diaspora in the UK

12.30-13.30     Lunch break  

13.30 -14.30 Book Talk: Scholarly Podcasting: Why, What, How (Ian M. Cook, 2023)

15.00-16.30     AGENTS OF TRANSLATION 

Chair: Vlad Naumescu

Hitesh xxx (KU Leuven) – Gender and the EU: Topology of Gender Policy and Queer Culture

Ray Leiyi Lin (CEU) – Challenges in Knowledge Translation: The Use and Abuse of “Involution” on Chinese Social Media 

Elmira Kakabayeva (Independent) – Family Ethnography, or How to Decolonize Creative Writing: A Case Study from Central Asia

17.00-18.30     ALTERNATIVE MEDIA

Chair: Ian M. Cook, Allegra Lab

Gulzat Egemberdieva (Humboldt University) – Nomadism ad Time Compression

Arne Vermassen (KU Leuven) – Reinscribing Affect into Secular Statistics through Science Fiction

Marcela Torres Heredia (University of Vienna) – The Role of Knowledge and Epistemology – between Colonial Reproduction and Social Alternatives: An Analysis Based on Women’s Experience in North Cauca Region

NEW: Conference Program HERE


18th International Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics

Areas of interest.

Micro/Nanoelectronics Semiconductors Analog/Digital Signal Processing Computer Aided Design Analog/Digital/Mixed/RF IC Design Integrated Power ICs Sensors/Systems and MEMS Semiconductor Memories RF, Microwave and mm-wave Circuits VLSI and SoC Applications Visual Signal Processing Energy Harvesting Automotive Flexible Electronics Technical Trends & Challenges Other topics within the electronics field will also be considered.

Important Dates

Organizing committee.

General Chair
Technical Program Committee Co-Chair
Technical Program Committee Co-Chair
Finance Chair
WiCAS & YP Co-Chair
WiCAS & YP Co-Chair
Industrial Liaison Chair
Publication Chair
Publication Chair
Publicity Chair
Local Arrangement Chair
International Liaison Co-Chair
International Liaison Co-Chair

Steering Committee


Technical Program Committee

Conference Venue

Hotel primus, accomodation, discounted rates for prime /smacd participants, book your stay, general terms, reductions for third/fourth bed (children's ages are to be considered for years not completed), information for authors, paper preparation and submission, reviewing process, special issue, plagiarism and excessive re-use of earlier material.

Papers submitted for PRIME 2023 will be checked for plagiarism and improper re-use of authors’ earlier material using IEEE CrossCheck .

Ethical policy

PRIME 2023 follows IEEE ethical guidelines and policies in terms of non-discrimination and privacy .

Final Paper Submission

Copyright notice to be added on the paper final version, pdf express check and certification, ieee copyright release, registration fees.

Early Registration (within May 8th)
Standard Registration (after May 8th)
Student and Life IEEE/CASS Members 525€ 575€
Student non member 550€ 600€
IEEE/CASS member 570€ 620€
Non member 600€ 650€
Welcome cocktail (additional for accompanying person) 45€ 45€
Gala Dinner (additional for accompanying person) 100€ 100€

What is included?

Cancellation policies, transportation to tanka village, conference schedule.

18:30 Welcome Cocktail
Opera Room (Plenary) Fenice Room Bolshoi Room
11:00Coffee Break
RF Circuits and Systems


Automotive Circuits
Analog Circuits

Photon and Particle Detection Circuits

Sensing and Biomedical Circuits
Technical Sessions
Technical Sessions
Opera Room (Plenary) Fenice Room Bolshoi Room
11:00 Coffee Break
Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems

Data Converters

VLSI and SoC Applications
Power Circuits

Hardware Security

Modeling, Optimization and Characterization
21:00 Gala Dinner
Technical Sessions
Technical Sessions
Opera Room (Plenary) Fenice Room Bolshoi Room
10:30 Coffee Break
Data Converters

Image and Data Processing

Sensing and Driving Circuits
Analysis and Modeling of Radio Frequency Circuits

Power Circuits

Digital Circuits and Sub-Systems
Technical Sessions
Technical Sessions

Oral Presentations

Company fair, platinum sponsors, gold sponsors, platinum sponsors, gold sponsors, silver sponsors.

phd conference 2023

  • PhD Conference 2023

September 07–08, 2023

University of bologna, italy.

  • PhD Conferences
Abstract Submission Feb. 17 - March 31, 2023
Notification of Applicants May 15, 2023
Conference registration June 1 - July 31, 2023
End of early bird registration June 30, 2023
Submission of Papers (if accepted) July 31, 2023
Conference September 7 -8, 2023

Columbia | Economics

DEVPEC PhD Student Conference at Stanford – April 25-26 2023

UC Berkeley and Stanford University joined forces again to organize the eighth edition of the Development and Political Economics SF Bay Area PhD Student Conference (DEVPEC). The conference aims to provide PhD students an opportunity to present their research and learn about what other students are working on in political economy and development economics. This year it will be held at UC Berkeley, California, on April 25-26, 2023 .

Please see the following program   for details.

This is an excellent opportunity to get feedback on your project from excellent researchers from universities across the globe. We encourage you to submit your working papers at [email protected] no later than Friday March 10th, 2023 .

Partial travel and accommodation funding will be provided for selected participants outside the Bay Area.

phd conference 2023

1022 International Affairs Building (IAB)

Mail Code 3308

420 West 118th Street

New York, NY 10027

phd conference 2023

19th eawe PhD Seminar

6-8 september 2023.

Welcome to the  19th EAWE PhD seminar !

The CRC Offshore Megastructures ( CRC 1463 )   team and the  European Academy of Wind Energy  ( EAWE ) invite you to participate in the 19th EAWE PhD seminar.  

For this edition of the seminar, we look forward to welcoming you  in person  in Hannover (Germany)  from  6-8 September 2023 .

The seminar is a great opportunity for PhD researchers to present their work to peers and to get involved with the wind energy community. The seminar is organized for PhDs by PhDs, and both starting and concluding researchers are welcome.

Thanks to the help of our organization and our sponsors, there are no conference fees.

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission 02/06/2023   16/06/2023  30/06/2023 ( MsWord Template  -  LaTeX Template )
  • Notification of acceptance 07/07/2023
  • Registration 01/08/2023

If you have questions about the seminar which are not answered on these pages, please reach out to us by email:

Contact :  [email protected]

Further information will be uploaded in the next weeks.

Hosted and organized by

phd conference 2023

The PhD Seminar is over.

Thank you for your participation.

Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT)

The Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) provides professional development to, and fosters the exchange of information and ideas among the faculty and administrative leaders of biomedical PhD, MD-PhD, and postdoctoral programs.

GREAT members are appointed or can request to join the group .

Find resources and information on appropriate treatment of research trainees and training environments.

The AAMC embraces a broad definition of diversity and develops initiatives, data, tools and resources to help our members realize this mission.

The AAMC Black Women in Scientific Research project spotlights six Black women scientific researchers across the career spectrum in academic medicine.

GREAT Products 

  • Compact Between Biomedical Graduate Students and Their Research Advisors
  • Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors
  • PhD Programs for Aspiring Biomedical Students (PDF)
  • National MD-PhD Program Outcomes Study (PDF)

Professional Development 

  • GREAT Graduate Training Section Community Forum
  • GREAT/GRAND Community Forum Webinars
  • GREAT MD-PhD Section Forum
  • GREAT Postdoc Community Forum
  • New and Early Stage Investigator Policies (NIH)
  • Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA)
  • ScienceCareers
  • Educational and Scientific Organizations

Training and Degree Programs 

  • Predoctoral Programs by School
  • Postdoctoral Programs by School
  • Medical Scientist Training Program Institutions
  • NIH Intramural MD-PhD Partnership Program
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Programs
  • MD-PhD Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

Group on Research, Education, and Training

On September 19, 1996, the AAMC Executive Council approved a proposal to establish a new AAMC Group to promote quality PhD and postdoctoral education in biomedical science. Membership in this body, termed the Group on Graduate Research, Education, and Training (GREAT), includes the faculty and administrative leaders of the PhD and postdoctoral education programs conducted under the auspices of accredited U.S. and Canadian medical schools. The GREAT maintains close ties with the Council of Deans and the Council of Academic Societies through special representation on the GREAT Steering Committee and the Administrative Boards of the two councils. The Group's professional development meetings have been held annually since October 1994. These events bring together an expanding number of faculty and administrative leaders to interact with national experts concerned with the quality and quantity of biomedical PhD programs. These meetings have led to a general recognition of the challenges and opportunities confronting these programs and an agenda and organizational structure that the AAMC may use to address them. At the annual meeting, new members are elected to the GREAT Steering Committee. In 2004, a MD-PhD Section was established to promote the development, growth and nurturing of physician-scientist training programs by representing the interest of MD-PhD programs. In 2008, a Postdoctorate Leaders Section was established to support and enhance the quality of postdoctoral research training and professional development for postdoctoral appointees by providing a forum for institutional leaders of postdoctoral education and training. Issues that have been and will continue to be explored within the context of the GREAT activities include:

  • factors determining the quality of biomedical PhD degrees;
  • the need for modernized PhD curricula;
  • the challenges and opportunities posed by international PhD candidates and graduates;
  • balancing the production of biomedical PhD graduates with career opportunity;
  • the special nature and organization of graduate and postdoctoral education in the evolving academic medical center;
  • institutional support for optimal postdoctoral training;
  • diversity issues in biomedical graduate and postdoctoral programs; and
  • the expectations, realities, and obligations of mentors and mentees.

GREAT Group representatives are appointed by the deans and/or CEOs of AAMC member institutions.

AAMC Member Institutions Membership to the GREAT is made under the authority of the medical dean of medical schools that are members of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The medical dean may delegate this authority or share it with the graduate dean or equivalent. The dean or deans shall nominate an individual, or individuals (as appropriate) from faculty or administrative ranks who serve(s) in an academic leadership role(s) in the graduate programs involving medical school faculty. If you are interested in becoming a GREAT representative and are a member of a medical school faculty, please contact your medical school dean. Non-AAMC Member Institutions The GREAT Steering Committee may also appoint voting members to the GREAT from non-AAMC member institutions when the Committee determines that those individuals represent biomedical training programs that are important for their quality, affiliations with medical schools, contributions to a diverse workforce, or other key characteristics. These members shall have all privileges of the floor and shall be entitled to one vote per member. Their term of membership shall be renewable yearly by the GREAT Steering Committee.

Request to Join Group on Research Education and Training (GREAT)

The Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) provides professional development to, and fosters the exchange of information and ideas among the faculty and administrative leaders of biomedical PhD, MD-PhD, and postdoctoral programs. 

Join the Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT)

The Group on Graduate Research, Education, and Training offers numerous opportunities for members to collaborate and participate in group decisions and governance .

MD-PhD Section

In the fall of 2004, the Executive Council approved a proposal to establish a new MD-PhD Section of the GREAT. Membership in this body includes the faculty who serve as the institutional leaders of MD-PhD programs (MSTP and others) at medical schools. The mission of the MD-PhD Section is to advance the education, training and career development of physician-scientists, with an emphasis on training in the MD-PhD programs of LCME accredited medical schools. Individuals who are trained as both physicians and scientists make unique contributions to biomedical research, the translation of that research from theory to practice, and the leadership of academic health centers. The Section will promote the development, growth, and nurturing of physician-scientist training programs by representing the interests of MD-PhD programs and their students in the areas of admissions, educational programs, scientific curricula, research and clinical training, and post-graduate career development. To accomplish this, the Section will strive to:

  • foster the development of innovative and successful methods for the education, training, and career development of physician-scientists across the spectrum of basic and clinical research;
  • promote the sharing of these methods and the rigorous evaluation of their success;
  • advocate for a continuing investment in the education and development of physician-scientists at all stages of their training and careers, and;
  • serve as a resource within GREAT and the AAMC on matters relating to the Section's areas of interest and expertise.

The goals of the MD-PhD Section include:

  • facilitating and enhancing the ability of institutions to improve human health through the education and training of physician-scientists.
  • aiding in the optimization of the training of physician-scientists at the pre- and post-graduate levels so as to improve the likelihood that they will become successful investigators in a timely manner.
  • gathering and analyzing data in support of its mission.
  • advocating for effective integration of training and career pathways for physician-scientists at institutional, local, and national levels.
  • educating the public and policy makers regarding the contribution of physician-scientists in the discovery and translation of biomedical research into human disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
  • fostering networking and information exchange among MD-PhD programs and their leadership, and
  • coordinating and engaging with entities within the AAMC that have complementary and/or overlapping interests.

MD-PhD Leadership and Committees

The MD-PhD section of the Group on Graduate Research, Education, and Training offers numerous opportunities for members to collaborate and participate in group decisions and governance . 

Postdoctorate Leaders Section

In October 2002, the GREAT established a Postdoctorate Committee to focus on policy issues related to postdoctorate education. During the course of this committee's deliberation, increasing consensus developed within the GREAT Steering Committee and the membership of the desirability of forming a Postdoctorate Leaders Section to meet a national need. In February 2008, the AAMC Executive Council approved a proposal to establish a new Postdoctorate Leaders Section of the GREAT. Membership in this body includes the institutional leaders of postdoctoral training programs at medical schools. The mission of the Postdoctorate Leaders Section of the GREAT is to support and enhance the quality of postdoctoral research training and professional development by providing a forum for the faculty members and administrative officials responsible for postdoctoral education and training policy matters at LCME accredited medical schools and teaching hospitals. Goals The goals are to:

  • Facilitate and enhance the ability of institutional leaders to provide quality postdoctoral research training and professional development for postdoctoral appointees at their institution.
  • Support the development of institutional policies for postdoctoral appointees such as equitable compensation, benefits, term appointment limits, leave policies, and grievance procedures;
  • Support and provide guidance for the development and functioning of postdoctoral offices;
  • Develop opportunities to share models of good practices for postdoctorate policies and educational programs;
  • Acknowledge, support, and develop strategies that promote successful mentoring relationships among postdoctoral trainees and their faculty mentors;
  • Acknowledge and support strategies that promote diversity to broaden the participation of underrepresented populations;
  • Foster interaction and collaboration with funding agencies and professional organizations; and
  • Identify metrics that allow institutions to systematically assess the quality of their postdoctoral research training and professional development efforts and assist them in gathering and analyzing data.

Postdoctorate Leaders Section Committees

The Postdoctorate Leaders Section Steering Committee manages the affairs of the Section and approves all committee appointments.

Questions about GREAT?

Aamc mailing lists.

AAMC mailing lists are available for sharing valuable information and resources with our member institutions and constituents.

My AAMC Affinity Groups

View your AAMC Affinity Group participation including other members of your active Groups via the My AAMC Affinity Group page. Sign in required.

  • How to recruit?
  • Internship calendars
  • Post an offer
  • How to give
  • Ways to give
  • 2019-2024 campaign
  • News and publications
  • Annual Report
  • Build your brand
  • Work with our students
  • Become a partner
  • Our corporate partners

HEC Economics PhD conference


Department of Economics and Decision Sciences

HEC Economics PhD Conference 2023

Rooms T-305 & T-306

HEC Paris is happy to announce the first edition of the HEC Economics PhD conference, a student-led workshop supported by the Faculty of Economics and Decision Sciences Department at HEC Paris. The event will bring together PhD students in different fields of Economics from all over the world and give them the opportunity to share their work, obtain valuable feedback, network with international peers and improve their presentation skills. The conference will include paper presentations, keynote lectures and several social interactions. 

Further informations, including the detailed conference schedule and abstracts, can be found on the official website of the event.

HEC Economics Conference

Event Details :

Monday, June 12

09:40 AM - 10:30 AM: Keynote Lecture: Pierre Boyer , École Polytechnique–CREST

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Session 1 - Game Theory

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM: Session 2 - Trade, Urban and Environmental Economics

04:00 PM - 05:30 PM: Session 3 - Gender Economics

Tuesday, June 13

09:20 AM - 10:10 AM: Keynote Lecture: Florian Ederer , Yale School of Management

10:40 AM - 12:10 PM: Session 4 - Labor and Economic History

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM: Session 5 - Applied Microeconomic Theory

04:00 PM - 05:30 PM: Session 6 - Monetary Policy and Financial Intermediation

Organizing HEC Paris PhD Students:

Sarat Chandra Akella

Julián Chitiva

Andrew Funck

Vittoria Iannotta

Atulya Jain

Giacomo Rostagno

Supporting HEC Paris faculty:

Gaetano Gaballo

Emmanuel Kemel

Tristan Tomala

Nicolas Vieille

phd conference 2023

The 1st Bonn-Frankfurt-Mannheim PhD Conference took place on May 5-6, 2023 at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. More than 130 young researchers presented and discussed their ideas during presentation sessions, coffee breaks, and an evening dinner.

We thank all our sponsors that have made this conference possible, below are some impressions of the conference., media coverage:.

phd conference 2023

Marcel Brambeer

Sebastian Hildebrand

Martin Kornejew

Clemens Müller

Felix Rusche

Dominik Damast

Frederik Horn

Lena Liebich

Celina Proffen

Paulina Verhoff

Nicole Karnaus

Chiara Malavasi

Sophie-Dorothee Rotermund

Sponsors of the 2023 Conference

phd conference 2023

University of Cambridge

Study at Cambridge

About the university, research at cambridge.

  • Undergraduate courses
  • Events and open days
  • Fees and finance
  • Postgraduate courses
  • How to apply
  • Postgraduate events
  • Fees and funding
  • International students
  • Continuing education
  • Executive and professional education
  • Courses in education
  • How the University and Colleges work
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PhD Conference 2024: Social Science Approaches to Crime, Harm, and (In)Justice

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The second annual PhD Criminology conference took place from 22 nd -23 rd April 2024. As with last year, it was organised by PhD researchers. Daria Przybylska, a PhD candidate at the Institute’s Prisons Research Centre, organised it this year.

This year’s conference kept last year’s theme, ‘Social Science Approaches to Crime, Harm and (In)Justice’. Our speakers engaged with this theme from a variety of perspectives, from sociology to migration studies.

On 22 nd -23 rd April 2024, the Institute of Criminology hosted their second annual PhD-led conference.

This conference was created to provide an opportunity for PhD researchers in criminology and adjacent fields to share their work and network. Through this, they could develop confidence in their work and professional skills without the pressures of the larger criminology conferences. A key part of this is the conference being organised by PhD students. Daria Przybylska, a PhD candidate at the Institute’s Prisons Research Centre, was proud to lead this year’s organising team.

“It wasn't easy to manage alongside all of our workloads as PhD students – I was actually conducting fieldwork at the same time. So, it was great to have a responsive and hard-working team that stepped up when I needed them,” she says. “Also, we were only able to do this thanks to the encouragement and support from our department, namely our director Professor Eisner, and other academic and administrative staff at the Institute.”

This year’s conference maintained last year’s theme, ‘Social Science Approaches to Crime, Harm and (In)Justice’. Attendees’ fields of speciality included criminology, but also sociology, terrorism studies, migration studies, gender studies, queer studies, and anthropology, to name a few. Attendees also provided many different theoretical and empirical perspectives on how to research the central themes. Daria points to recurring themes of interpersonal, systemic and structural victimisation and inequality within and outside the criminal legal system. Crucially, this included speakers with lived experience.

Presenters came from within Cambridge and many other universities, in the UK and abroad. Key to attracting such a breadth of students was the low cost of this conference. Many of the larger conferences are prohibitively expensive for early-career researchers. This conference used a simple £5 registration fee, which funded bursaries for researchers with no financial support.

Attendees left the conference with new ideas both within and beyond their immediate expertise, and hopefully feeling inspired and motivated. Out of many excellent presentations, two examples that stood out to Daria were the use of Participatory Action Research methods in research with care-experienced youth, and digital sexual harassment research in the Metaverse.

“I think what the conference really highlighted was [a] need for critical perspectives, but also for a sensitive and genuine inclusion of lived experience in our work. There are so many bureaucratic barriers in criminology to doing Participatory Action Research, for example. Some of these are justified, but the new generation of researchers – with support and encouragement from more established academics – should question whether existing bureaucratic frameworks for the social sciences are really the best way of doing ethical and impactful research”.

Looking forward, Daria commented that “The Institute of Criminology has a long tradition of being a beacon in our field. That makes it ideal for the next generation of scholars to continue the legacy of pushing intellectual boundaries and finding solutions to the very real problems of crime, harm and (in)justice”.

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Fronteras: ‘From GED to PhD’ — Hispanas Unidas celebrates the 40th anniversary of a conference by, for, and about Latinas

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Forty years ago, a group of women determined to make a difference in San Antonio gathered for the first Hispanas Unidas conference at Our Lady of the Lake University. Over a thousand Latinas from all walks of life convened to talk about a wide range of issues that impacted their day-to-day lives.

Hispanas Unidas grew into an organization that empowers Latinas in the community through education, advocacy, and engagement.

It now marks its 40th anniversary with a conference that honors the trailblazers who launched the initial effort and the leaders who are carrying on the mission.

San Antonio activist María Antonietta Berriozábal founded Hispanas Unidas back in 1984.

Berriozábal, the first Latina to serve on the San Antonio City Council in 1981, reflected on the impetus behind creating the conference.

“The concept of Hispanas Unidas that we had in the beginning was that those Latinas who have resources — whether in education, financial resources, some kind of position, or even just time — give to the ones that are still working on it,” she said. “Then we gather from GED to PhD.”

Attorney Alejandra Villarreal, the co-chair of the Hispanas Unidas 2024 conference, was a speaker at the original 1984 conference.

She said the experience opened her eyes to the struggles many women face.

“I had never really thought about how others don't have the same kind of ... didn't have the same kind of luxury that I had,” she said. “My father would tell me when I was young, ‘You're going to be a lawyer.’ That was a decision that I had already made. So, I see a lot of people who never even considered it.”

The 2024 Hispanas Unidas Reunion and Conference is Sept. 13 and 14 at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio.

The conference opens with a reception, an art exhibit, a showcase by Latina authors, and an ofrenda to honor Latinas no longer with us. It continues Sept. 14 with a plenary session that looks back at the issues of 1984 and the path forward.

Susana López-Krulevitch, the first executive director of Hispanas Unidas, encouraged people to attend panel discussions on mental health, voting equality, and more.

“Bring abuelita, bring your daughter, bring your nieces. They need to see this,” she said. “It's a great opportunity for young women, especially high school, late middle school girls to see what all they can be.”

Click here to register.

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Vibrant multicolor background made of interwoven diagonal lines with overlays depicting detailed hill shade maps and illuminated areas of interest

Plenary Session

GIS–Uniting Our World

July 15, 2024 | San Diego, California

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Explore why a holistic, location-based understanding of our world can both unite and empower us to affect positive change.

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Join Jack Dangermond and other industry experts as they share stories of how GIS is being used to reveal patterns, solve problems, and enrich collaboration across enterprises.

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Portrait of Jack Dangermond

Jack Dangermond

President | Esri

A landscape architect by training, Jack Dangermond founded Esri in 1969 with a vision that computer mapping and analysis could help design a better future. Under Jack's leadership, that vision has continued to guide Esri in creating cutting-edge geographic information system (GIS) and geodesign technologies that are used in every industry to make a difference worldwide.

Portrait of Tim Walz

Governor Tim Walz

State of Minnesota

Tim Walz is Minnesota's 41st governor. He has spent his career in public service, from serving in the military to working as a high school geography teacher and coach. Governor Walz won his first election to the US House of Representatives in 2006 and was reelected for five additional terms serving Minnesota’s 1st congressional district.

Portrait of Jeff Kerby

Jeff Kerby, PhD

Explorer | National Geographic Society

Jeff Kerby, an award-winning natural history photographer for the National Geographic Society, holds a PhD in Arctic ecology. His latest project uses photography to explore widespread, yet often subtle, changes to Arctic flora and fauna. His work blends classic photography with scientific imaging to tell stories about individual animals and entire landscapes.

Three scenes showing a lush jungle with diverse foliage and trees, a dense urban skyline, and a skyscraper surrounded by palm trees

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WNBA star Brittney Griner released from Russian custody in a high-profile prisoner swap between the U.S. and Moscow

WASHINGTON —  WNBA star Brittney Griner  is free Thursday after the Biden administration negotiated her release from a Russian penal colony in exchange for an arms dealer.

President Joe Biden signed off on the trade, which took place in the United Arab Emirates, even though it meant leaving behind Paul Whelan, an American corporate security executive who remains jailed in Russia.

The move marks one of the most high-profile prisoner swaps between Moscow and Washington since the Cold War, with the Kremlin seeing the return of Viktor Bout, who Russian President Vladimir Putin has been wanting to get back — and who had served 11 years of a 25-year sentence in the United States.

Griner’s return to the United States will cap a monthslong saga that began in February when she was detained at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport after Russian authorities said they found vape canisters with cannabis oil in her luggage. She was later jailed on drug charges.

Brittney Griner at a hearing in Khimki outside Moscow on Aug. 4, 2022.

The 32-year-old Phoenix Mercury player was the subject of prolonged and often public negotiations between the two countries after a trial that  underscored frayed relations  amid  Russia’s war in Ukraine . Biden’s administration had sought the release of both Griner and Whelan.

“I’m telling you, I am determined to get her home and get her home safely — along with others, I might add,” Biden said of the situation on Nov. 9.

Whelan is serving a 16-year prison sentence after being accused of spying, which the U.S. has denied. People familiar with the negotiations for his release say the Russians refused to release Whelan without getting a Russian spy in return. The U.S. insists it does not have any Russian spies in its custody, and thus no one to trade to meet the Kremlin’s demand.

Griner’s release marks a stunning turn of events from last month, when she began serving a nine-year sentence  at a Russian penal colony  more than 200 miles east of Moscow.

Brittney Griner Russian Prison

During her trial in July, Griner pleaded guilty but said she had no criminal intent. Griner said the canisters, which she had been prescribed to treat chronic pain, were packed inadvertently as she hurriedly prepared for her flight.

As her trial neared its end in early August, it became public that the U.S. put a prisoner swap offer on the table for Moscow to consider. Russia called for “quiet diplomacy” but said after her sentencing that it was  ready to discuss  a deal.

NBC News reported in July that the U.S.  proposed  a prisoner exchange with Russia for the release of Griner and  Whelan , who has been detained since 2018. That deal, two sources familiar with the matter confirmed at the time, would have included the U.S. releasing Bout, known as the “Merchant of Death” because he was considered one of the world’s largest illicit arms dealers.

Bout  was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison  in 2012 after he was convicted of selling arms to Colombian rebels, which prosecutors said were intended to kill Americans. The Kremlin has been demanding his release over the past decade, saying he was unfairly targeted.

Paul Whelan

The Washington-Moscow swap marks the most prominent diplomatic engagement between the two countries since the U.S. and its allies firmly backed Kyiv and condemned the Kremlin for launching the war against its neighbor in February.

The Biden administration has faced tremendous pressure to help bring home the 6-foot-9 Houston native. Griner’s teammates, family and friends, as well as a number of U.S. celebrities lobbied for her return.

Griner’s release is the second publicly known U.S. prisoner swap with Russia since the war in Ukraine started .  American  Trevor Reed  was released in April after spending nearly three years in a Russian jail. The former Marine was freed in a  prisoner exchange  that saw Biden commute the sentence of Konstantin Yaroshenko, a convicted Russian drug trafficker serving time in Connecticut who was sentenced to 20 years in prison in the U.S. in 2010.

With the United States and its Western allies confronting the realities of a new Cold War with Russia in the wake of the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine, the high-stakes swap will evoke memories of Soviet-era trades involving spies.

One of the most well known Cold War swaps involved American pilot Francis Gary Powers, whose U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. He was traded in 1962 for Soviet spy Rudolf Abel in an exchange on a fog-shrouded bridge between West Berlin and East Germany.

The largest U.S.-Russian spy swap since the Cold War  came in 2010  when 10 Russian agents, including  Anna Chapman , were exchanged for four other Russians accused of spying for the West — among them  Sergei Skripal , who was later poisoned with a nerve agent in the United Kingdom. The British government  blamed  Moscow for the poisoning.

Andrea Mitchell is chief Washington correspondent and chief foreign affairs correspondent for NBC News.

Zoë Richards is the evening politics reporter for NBC News.

Yuliya Talmazan is a reporter based in London, UK.

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Ukraine war latest: Russia claims to have control of town just 15km from key city

Russia claims to have captured Novohrodivka - a town just 15km from the key city of Pokrovsk. Have questions about the war? Submit them for our correspondents and military analysts to answer by using the comments form at the top of this page.

Sunday 8 September 2024 13:41, UK

  • Ask our experts a question about the war by using the comments form at the top of this page
  • Russia claims capture of another key town on route to Pokrovsk 
  • Children injured and deaths reported as both sides trade air attacks
  • Kursk invasion not distracting Russia from Pokrovsk ambitions
  • Ukraine developing cheaper tech to combat Russian drones
  • Explained: What Iran is getting out of its 'strategic partnership' with Russia
  • Analysis: Russia's imminent delivery of ballistic missiles is very worrying
  • Your questions answered : Could Zelenskyy's 'buffer zone' aim lead to war's end?
  • Live reporting by Ollie Cooper

Ask a question or make a comment

You can submit any questions you may have about the Ukraine war for our correspondents and military analysts to answer.

Defence and m ilitary  analysts Michael Clarke and Sean Bell are on hand to answer anything you need to know about the situation on the ground or the wider battlefield strategies at play, while Moscow correspondent Ivor Bennet  offers the view from Russia and can discuss the ever-shifting politics surrounding the war. 

To ask your question, simply fill in the form at the top of this page. 

Russian shelling has killed three women in a small village in the Donetsk region, the local governor has said. 

Vadym Filashkin said Russian forces hit the village of Cherkaske with cluster munitions this morning, killing the women, aged 43, 45, and 53.

The attack also injured a man, and damaged at least nine private houses and cars, he added. 

It comes after at least two people died and four injured by overnight Russian air attacks on the Sumy region (see 7.36am post).

By Deborah Haynes , security and defence editor

The head of the CIA has warned that any move by Iran to supply Russia with ballistic missiles for its war in Ukraine would be a "dramatic escalation" - but Ukrainian sources say this has already happened.

It is part of a pattern of ever-tighter cooperation between Moscow and Tehran which has already seen the Iranian regime transfer huge quantities of killer drones, ammunition and artillery shells in return for cash and help from Russia on improving its own military technology and manufacturing capabilities.

This includes the alleged gifting by the Kremlin to Iran of captured Western weapons, such as the N-LAW anti-tank missile.

Read more from Haynes here .

A Russian drone violated Romanian airspace during overnight attacks on Ukraine, according to officials. 

The incident occurred as Russia carried out attacks on "civilian targets and port infrastructure" across the Danube River in Ukraine, Romania's ministry of national defence said.

Romania deployed F-16 jets in response and NATO allies have been informed, it added. 

Romanian emergency authorities also issued text alerts to residents of two eastern regions.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Romania has confirmed drone fragments on its territory on several occasions, most recently in July this year.

To great surprise among allies and enemies alike, Ukraine has managed to successfully launch - and maintain - a land grab of Russian territory.

For more than month, Kyiv's troops have occupied a significant portion of the Kursk region - up to 1,300sqkm if Ukrainian estimates are to be believed. 

While holding the land opens up the prospect of a territory swap later down the line, one of the shorter-term aims was to force Russia to redirect its considerable forces inside Ukraine a little closer to home. 

But are Russian troops actually being pulled out of Ukraine and away from their previous objectives? 

Ukraine's GUR military intelligence chief Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov said yesterday that the invasion had signalled theatre-wide impacts on Russian offensive operations.

He claimed Ukraine had successfully disrupted Russian plans for the rest of August, but admitted that Russian military command is still committing most available manpower to achieve their objectives in Russia's "main direction". 

He was almost certainly referring to Pokrovsk.

The city has been under aerial bombardment and is slowly being advanced upon by Moscow's troops, with the nearby town of Novohrodivka and village of Kalynove claimed by the ministry of defence in the last two days alone. 

It's home to a major logistics hub used by Ukrainian forces, which services the eastern region of Donbas.

Analysts, including experts at the US-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW), have noted intensifying Russian operations around the city are taking place in spite of the Kursk invasion.

Interestingly, "ISW has not observed intensified Russian offensive operations in other frontline areas in Ukraine" - suggesting that the Kursk operation has had at least some impact in forcing Moscow to redirect its forces.

However, Moscow's military command has "almost certainly decided to prioritise Russian advances near Pokrovsk" and is "committing available manpower and materiel to the area at the expense of Russian offensive operations in other directions".

Can Russia capture Pokrovsk and defend Kursk at the same time?

Russian military bloggers don't seem to think so. 

Voenkor Kotenok claimed manpower constraints meant it was unlikely that Russia could claim Pokrovsk and kick Ukraine's forces out of their defensive positions and back across the border. 

He also claimed Russian forces are continuing offensive operations around Pokrovsk despite being "exhausted" and "exsanguinated".

ISW suggested that Russian forces will likely eventually take the city, but there is a possibility that troops will completely tire before then. 

Watch: Russian forces fight in Kursk region

Will winter impact fighting? 

Winter is not far away now and conditions along the front will be massively impacted. 

Lie Gen Budanov said yesterday it would complicate Russian operations, but did not think that it would stop them completely, comments echoed by the ISW.  

"The fall mud season has historically hampered Russian and Ukrainian ground manoeuvre, but periods of prolonged freezing temperatures that typically begin in late December freeze the ground and allow armoured vehicles to move more easily than in autumn and spring months," ISW said.

"Fall and winter weather conditions will likely complicate Russian and Ukrainian battlefield activity, but are very unlikely to completely stall activity along the frontline."

Russia is waging a "reckless campaign of sabotage" across Europe, the heads of MI6 and the CIA warned.

Sir Richard Moore and Bill Burns also said the UK and the US faced an "unprecedented array of threats". 

Watch our security and defence editor Deborah Haynes ' report on their comments here...

With the US election looming, we ask experts what they think a second Trump presidency would look like for Europe and the war in Ukraine.

Former British ambassador to the US, Lord Darroch, was asked by Sky's Trevor Phillips  about previous comments, in which he described the previous Trump administration as "inept and insecure".

Lord Darroch replied, saying he worries "more about a Trump second term than his first term". 

The former US president will be "better prepared" and have a "greater understanding of how to get his  agenda through", he added. 

Donald Trump's ideas on Ukraine, comments on NATO and threat of imposing tariffs on the rest of the world are "all very dangerous stuff", Lord Darroch said. 

However, he noted Mr Trump "isn't a great policy person" so it is also "a bit of an unknown quantity".

Volodymyr Zelenskyy's government reshuffle continues - appointing a new adviser. 

Oleksandr Kamyshin, formerly minister for strategic industries, will now serve as an external adviser for strategic issues, a decree published on the presidential website said.

Mr Kamyshin resigned his former ministerial position last week as part of a Ukrainian government shake-up, which takes place at a critical juncture in the war with Russia.

Russia invaded Ukraine more than 30 months ago. In that time, both Russia and Ukraine have made considerable advances - only to lose territory again in vicious fighting.

Today, Kapesa asks:

Who is winning between Russia and Ukraine?

Military analyst  Sean Bell  says...

When Russia initiated its brutal invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin appeared to expect Ukraine to capitulate within days.

However, stoical Ukrainian resistance combined with growing Western military support forced Russia to modify its war aims. 

Over 900 days into the war, it is very difficult to use terms like "winning" given the price that both sides are paying in this grinding war of attrition.  

However, we can provide an objective assessment of progress to date.

Although we can only speculate about Mr Putin's specific objectives for the war, he has consistently suggested that the aim of his "special military operation" is securing Crimea, the Donbas, and the Land Bridge linking the two areas.  

Russian forces have secured the majority of this territory over the course of the war, and have advanced further into Ukraine territory this month than in any month since October 2022.

While Ukraine has conducted an audacious incursion into Russian territory - the first time Russia has suffered occupation since 1941 - and has also increased the intensity of drone and missile attacks deep into Russia, such attacks look unlikely to divert Russian forces from their main effort in the Donbas region.

For now, Russian forces are making grinding progress towards securing the remaining areas of the Donbas not yet occupied, and it looks likely that this will remain Russia's priority for the remaining weeks before winter arrives and fighting becomes more difficult.  

If Russia achieves Putin's military objectives this year, their military capability will need to be regenerated before they are able to conduct further large scale military operations.

Therefore, we should expect Mr Putin might then declare he has achieved his military ambitions - for now - and be prepared to negotiate an end to the war.

However, whether President Volodymyr Zelenskyy might be prepared to accept Russia's terms in those circumstances, only he can know.

Have questions about the war? Submit them for our correspondents and military analysts to answer by using the comments form at the top of this page. 

Russian forces have taken control of the town of Novohrodivka in Donetsk region, state media reports, citing the defence ministry.

This comes amid increasing military pressure in the area - with Russian forces setting their sights on Pokrovsk, which lies some 15km northwest of Novohrodivka as the crow flies. 

The city of Pokrovsk, which has been under aerial bombardment and is slowly being advanced upon from several sides by Moscow's troops, is home to a major logistics hub used by Ukrainian forces, which services the eastern region of Donbas. 

Russian forces have for months sought to capture the town, but their advance appears to have picked up speed in recent weeks. 

"Pokrovsk is a very important hub, a centre of defence. If we lose Pokrovsk, the entire front line will crumble," military expert Mykhaylo Zhyrokhov told the BBC last month.

Russian forces also claimed to have captured the nearby village of Kalynove yesterday. 

Ukraine has not commented on Russian claims. 

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RES PhD Conference 2023

Organised by research students for research students, the PhD Conference is supported by the Society and takes place annually.

The Conference aim is to bring together young economists at different stages of their research to encourage discussion and the sharing of knowledge.  Submissions are welcome from PhD students and early career researchers in any field of economics. 

The 2023 Conference returned to an in-person format and was hosted at the University of Glasgow.  PhD Students coordinated the programme and format for the conference with a committee of other regional university students.

Find out more about this years event here.

Event Date: Friday 9 June

Venue: St Andrew’s Building, University of Glasgow, UK

Conference Programme

Hosted and chaired by Professor Mary Morgan, LSE and RES President (2023-24)

  • The PhD Conference 2023 keynote lecture will be held by Dr Adam S. Posen , President of Peterson Institute for International Economics , on ‘Global Economic Policy and Economic Careers’.
  • We are delighted to announce that we will have a session at the conference on ‘Getting Published’. Prof Hervé Moulin will provide an informative talk with practical advice on the process for getting a paper published and some insightful Do’s and Don’ts.

Best Paper prize 

After reviewing all accepted papers, a panel of judges awarded the prize to:

Victor Saldarriaga  for his paper:

“The Distributional Dynamics of Wages over the Business Cycle.”

The panel decided to award a prize to:

Carmen Villa-Llera for her paper: “The Impact of Youth Centers on Youth Crimes”

Best Poster prize as voted for by the students who attended the conference, the winner was:

Lovisa Reiche for the poster:

“That’s What She Said”

phd conference 2023

Conference attendees can apply for a refund for travel to and from the conference.  Participants can apply for up to £100 to cover travel to and from Glasgow.  Travel must be booked in advance, not on the day.

Applications are now closed.

Organising Committee 2023

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PhD Candidate | University of Glasgow

Yanyu is a PhD candidate in applied economics at Adam Smith Business School. Her research interests include corporate finance, transportation economics, and development economics. Her current research programme focuses on the effects of highway construction on manufacturing firms’ investment decisions and capital allocation efficiency.

phd conference 2023

Max Schroeder

Max is an economist working at the intersection of Macro- and Labour Economics. His research explores the relationships between opportunities, wealth, and human capital. To this end, he has developed empirically relevant quantitative economic models and bring them to the data using calibration and estimation methods. Max recently worked on topics related to technological change, higher education and Covid-19.

RES 2022 Symposium Recordings

Recordings of the Symposium sessions are available to view here:

Professor Veronika Grimm, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU),  The Economics of Renewable and Traditional Energy

Professor Amanda Friedenberg, Managing Editor of the Economic Journal & University of Michigan,  How to Get Published?

Every year a prize is awarded for the Best Paper presented at the PhD Conference. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

With thanks to:

Other PhD Conferences:

PhD Conference 2024

PhD Conference 2022

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  4. RES PhD Conference 2023: creating a supportive space for PhD students

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  28. RES PhD Conference 2023

    The 2023 Conference returned to an in-person format and was hosted at the University of Glasgow. PhD Students coordinated the programme and format for the conference with a committee of other regional university students. Find out more about this years event here. Event Date: Friday 9 June. Venue: St Andrew's Building, University of Glasgow, UK.