Tips for Crafting an Impactful Acceptance Speech for Your New Position

Stepping into a newly elevated role is thrilling. It marks a culmination of years of hard work and unwavering belief. When it’s time to address your peers and mentors, the words you choose can leave a lasting impression. This is a unique opportunity to exhibit humility, demonstrate heartfelt thanks, and connect with others on a deeper level.

Firstly, be yourself. There’s no need to go overboard with complex language or overemotional expressions. A touch of humor never hurts, as it can ease the tension and make the moment memorable. Sharing specific anecdotes that highlight key experiences helps create a personal touch. This makes your comments relatable and genuine.

When crafting this moment, remember to be prepared. Think about the core message you want to convey. Focus on keywords that resonate with your audience. This is not just about the milestones you’ve achieved, but about the people who have supported you along the way. It’s about years of shared experiences and the mutual respect that’s built over time.

During your speech, balance between public acknowledgment and personal gratitude. Mentioning specific individuals by name can make a significant impact. For example, acknowledging “Quan’s unwavering support” or expressing how “the academy provided the essential resources needed” shows that you don’t take your journey lightly. Remember, it’s in these small details that sincere appreciation is felt.

Lastly, don’t be afraid of emotions. Addressing changes and embracing new responsibilities inherently involves a mix of excitement and nostalgia. Words that come from the heart can resonate in the hearts of others. It’s okay to express how much this opportunity means to you, both personally and professionally. Authenticity is key.

We’ve all seen examples where speakers go off-script and speak candidly. These moments often turn out to be the most touching and memorable. Time and again, it’s been proven that people connect with vulnerability and honesty. So, take that risk, and speak from a place of genuine feeling. Your audience will appreciate your candor.

Understanding Your Audience

Recognizing who will be sitting in front of you as you give your talk is essential. It’s more than knowing names and titles; it’s about understanding what drives them, what inspires them. Once you figure this out, everything else falls into place. You wouldn’t talk about rock music gigs to an academy hall of seniors, would you? Though that could be memorable for different reasons.

Steps Towards Knowing Your Audience

Start by acknowledging the incredible recipients who have graced the stage before you. This shows respect and sets a good tone. Are there family members or colleagues you should recognize? The emotions they share are your stepping stones. If possible, conduct preparation sessions – talk to a few people who will be in the audience. Their insights can shape your narrative in a more personal and inspiring way.

Wouldn’t it be great to include anecdotes that resonate with them? Your audience may include seniors and juniors alike, so your speech should find a common ground. Share stories that highlight your path to this point, but also connect with their experiences. Use this opportunity to acknowledge not just your journey, but everyone who supported you. This leaves an impact and makes your speech more relatable.

Personal Touches and Emotional Connection

Add a template of shared experiences and victories. Good emotions are contagious, and they create an energy in the hall that’s hard to forget. When you talk about challenges faced, ensure you highlight the collective strength of the team. It’s not just about “I did this,” but “We achieved this together.” Your role may be the center stage, but your tales should include the entire band of behind-the-scenes heroes.

In conclusion, tailor your words to be inclusive, acknowledging every soul that has contributed. The purpose is to make your speech memorable and impactful. The right words can turn those few minutes on stage into an inspiring memory. The key is to be prepared, be personal, and always be genuine. So, are you ready to give a speech that leaves a mark now and for times to come?

Structuring Your Message Effectively

When delivering a speech at a significant event, like receiving an award or stepping into a new role, structuring your message is crucial. Organized content can captivate the audience and leave a lasting impression. Let’s explore some key practices to organize your message seamlessly.

Identify Your Key Points

Start by brainstorming your main points. Think about the milestones in your journey, from your early days to the present. Identify the stories that encapsulate your experience. This isn’t just about outlining what you did; it’s also about how these moments shaped you. Acknowledge those who supported you along the way. Ensure your points highlight the importance of your position within the organization.

Example Structure:

Section Content
Opening Express gratitude and acknowledge the audience and key figures.
Main Body Share personal stories and significant milestones.
Conclusion Outline your vision and convey your commitment.

Incorporate Storytelling

Storytelling adds a personal touch to your narrative. Share anecdotes that resonate with the listeners and encapsulate your journey. Whether it’s a late-night brainstorming session or a pivotal meeting with the organization’s chancellor, these stories humanize your experience. This approach ensures that your message isn’t just heard; it’s felt. Devise a way to blend humor or emotional elements, making it relatable and memorable.

To keep the audience engaged, vary your sentence structure and length. This technique prevents monotony and keeps listeners on their toes. When writing, review each section to ensure clarity and flow. Memorize key parts but leave room for natural expression. Talk about the challenges and how you overcame them. Recipients of such honesty are more likely to connect with you. All of these practices culminate in a message that’s coherent, impactful, and genuine.

Moving forward, consider addressing some FAQs at the bottom of your speech. This could be a chance to talk about frequently discussed topics within the organization or event. Engaging with these questions shows that you value broader conversations and are attuned to the organization’s needs and aspirations.

Engaging With a Personal Story

To leave a lasting impression, sharing a personal story can be incredibly powerful. It adds a unique touch to your narrative and embodies your authentic self. When done well, it not only connects you with your audience but also acknowledges their support. Balance the tone to keep it both relatable and inspirational. By doing this, you draw people in and make them feel part of your journey.

Begin With a Relatable Theme

Starting with a relatable theme immediately captures attention. Whether it was a moment of doubt or a significant challenge, such themes are universally understood. Sharing how you overcame an obstacle or discovered a new passion in 2023 can be both motivational and uplifting. This approach also serves to show you’re just like everyone else, facing everyday struggles while striving to reach your goals.

  • Choose a moment that embodies your core message.
  • Connect the story to the current context of 2023.
  • Ensure it complements the overall tone of your speech.

Acknowledge Those Who Supported You

Within your story, it’s crucial to include acknowledgments of the people who’ve been supportive. This can be colleagues, family members, or mentors. By recognizing their efforts and expressing your debt of gratitude, you not only honor them but also create a more inclusive narrative. Kim, Quan’s, and others who stood by you aren’t forgotten, and their support is celebrated alongside your achievements.

  • Mention specific names and their contributions.
  • Highlight the importance of their roles in your journey.
  • Express deep gratitude towards each individual.

In conclusion, a well-crafted personal story in your speech does more than just engage . It connects on a deeper level, making the audience feel valued and involved. By acknowledging and celebrating the supportive people in your life, you underscore not only your accomplishments but also their vital role in your journey. This way, you create a template that’s relatable, heartfelt, and powerful.

Expressing Gratitude Sincerely

The cornerstone of any memorable address is genuine sincerity when acknowledging those who’ve supported you. Avoid generic statements. Be authentic. Personalize your messages. This will connect better with your audience.

Begin by expressing your immediate gratitude. Say thank you. Simple, but effective. Next, talk about those who’ve been particularly supportive. For example, mention colleagues, mentors, or family members who’ve helped during critical times. Highlight specific instances where their support made a difference.

One effective approach is to mention a moment or event unique to your journey. This demonstrates that your gratitude is not just a formality. Instead, it’s a heartfelt appreciation rooted in actual experiences. Avoid the pitfalls of sounding rehearsed or insincere. It’s crucial that your delivery feels natural and well-thought-out.

Let’s look at a sample of how this can be structured:

Step Action
1 Begin with a concise thank you to the awarding organization.
2 Mention specific individuals who played a role in your journey.
3 Share an anecdote or a particular story involving these individuals.
4 Express how their belief in you pushed you towards success.
5 Conclude with a general appreciation of everyone involved in this journey.

For instance, “I would not be standing here today without the unfaltering support of my team at Innosource. We’ve weathered many storms together, and your dedication keeps inspiring me. One particular evening, right before the Grammy awards, we pulled an all-nighter on a project that ended in our greatest accomplishment. John, your advice during that time was invaluable.”

Remember to avoid “housekeeping” comments that do not add value to your message. Stay focused on those who’ve affected your journey. Their understanding and support merit earnest recognition. Acknowledging them sincerely will not only honor them but also inspire those listening. Genuinely saying thank you goes a long way in making your address memorable and heartfelt.

Highlighting Your Vision and Goals

When stepping into a new role, articulating your vision and goals can set the stage for an impactful tenure. Sharing your vision doesn’t merely inspire but also builds trust. It shows that your plans are thoughtful, grounded, and aligned with everyone’s best interests. This section will guide you on how to present your future plans thoughtfully and clearly, ensuring your message resonates deeply with your audience.

  • Outline Your Vision: Get prepared by thinking about the big picture. Consider what the future looks like under your guidance. Make it memorable by being specific and relatable.
  • Set Clear Goals: Your audience should understand what you aim to achieve. Focus on measurable objectives and explain how you intend to implement these plans. This step is crucial in making your vision tangible.
  • Express Emotion: Delivery is everything. Speak with genuine passion. Show that you are deeply committed to these goals. Emotion can be powerful in making your vision credible and inspiring.
  • Theme Consistency: Stick to a central theme that ties your vision together. It could be innovation, growth, or community. A consistent theme makes your speech more coherent and impactful.
  • Acknowledge Challenges: Recognize the hurdles you might face. Share ways you plan to overcome them. This doesn’t just show foresight but also preparedness and resilience.

Don’t underestimate the power of anecdotes, especially in a speech setting. Share a story that underscores your plans. Maybe you’ll talk about someone who inspired a part of your vision. Or perhaps there’s a moment that clarified your goals. Stories make abstract concepts relatable. They’re great tools for keeping the audience engaged.

Think about the delivery. Prepare extensively and practice your speech multiple times. Even the most incredible visions can fall flat if not presented right. Consider doing a “housekeeping” check: are all the major points included? Are they in an appropriate order? This prepares you to articulate your vision compellingly and coherently.

Finally, your thank-yous should be well-placed, showing gratitude to those who supported you. Find moments in your speech to incorporate them seamlessly. This not only shows humility but also respect.

  • Start with a Strong Opening: Catch their attention from the get-go.
  • Maintain Focus: Stay on topic and keep the audience engaged.
  • Recognize Others: Thank those who helped you along the way.
  • Conclude Effectively: End on a high note, leaving a lasting impression.

In summary, articulate a clear, passionate vision. Set measurable goals that reflect your commitment and capability. Recognize potential challenges and show your preparedness. Remember, a well-prepared speech that effectively delivers your vision can be a powerful tool in motivating and uniting your new team.

Practicing Your Delivery

Mastering the art of delivery is an essential part of any notable speech. You want to ensure that your words resonate, your gratitude feels genuine, and your message is clear. Years of effort and dedication culminate in moments like this. It’s crucial you feel prepared. Avoiding pitfalls and crafting the perfect delivery can truly make a difference. Let’s delve into helpful techniques that can give you the confidence to shine on that special night.

Key Techniques to Focus On

Before you get to the stage, review your speech multiple times. Doing so helps you find areas that need refinement. Practice in front of a mirror to get a sense of your body language. Pay attention to your gestures. They should complement your words, not distract from them. Experiment with different tones and volumes. These adjustments can add layers of meaning to your words. Once you feel comfortable, record yourself. This allows you to see yourself from the audience’s perspective. Analyze the recording and make necessary changes.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Many people underestimate the power of pauses. Taking your time by pausing in the right moments can add emphasis to your major points. Avoid rushing through your speech; it can make you appear nervous and unprepared. Remember to breathe! This will help you stay calm and focused. If you’re prone to nervousness, practice relaxation techniques beforehand. Deep breathing or meditation can work wonders. Engage with your audience. Make eye contact to establish a connection. This shows sincerity and helps in delivering an impactful message.

Let’s break it down with some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that can further assist you in nailing your delivery:

FAQs Solutions
What if I forget a part of my speech? Pause, take a breath, and use cue cards if necessary.
How do I handle unexpected interruptions? Stay calm, acknowledge the interruption, and smoothly continue your speech.
Can practicing too much be a problem? Over-rehearsing can make you sound robotic. Find a balance.

Remember, whether you’re an executive addressing the whole organization or a chairman thanking a particular team, your delivery should be a reflection of your excellence and personal style. By focusing on these areas, you’ll be ready to deliver an outstanding speech that leaves a lasting impression within the hearts of everyone present. You’ve put in the time, and now it’s your time to shine!

Acceptance Speech

Using Humor Wisely

In any speaking engagement, humor is a double-edged sword. Think about it: a well-placed joke can break the ice or lighten the mood. But go overboard, and you might alienate your audience. The key is understanding your recipients and respecting their sensitivities. Humor should be genuine, never forced.

First off, consider the context. Are you sharing your humor in a formal corporate setting or a more relaxed environment? The appropriateness of jokes varies widely. Next, keep it inclusive. Avoid jokes that could be considered offensive or divisive. Instead, aim for humor that unites people and embodies shared experiences.

Timing is crucial. A funny remark may work wonders, but only if delivered at the perfect moment. Practice makes perfect, even in comedy. Think about the pacing of your speech. We’ve all laughed harder at well-timed humor, and felt awkward at poorly timed jokes. So, take a moment to find that sweet spot.

Acknowledge the efforts of those who helped you along the way. This is where a touch of humor about shared experiences can do wonders. Moreover, being thankful while adding a bit of levity shows a willingness to share your gratitude in a light-hearted manner.

Sharing a humorous anecdote often makes your speech more memorable. Recipients are likely to remember the feeling you invoked rather than the words you said. Therefore, start by writing down funny moments that resonate with your journey, then choose which to include.

Here’s a sample: “Imagine the reaction when I told my director, ‘Sure, I can do that task in just five minutes!’ Clearly, I was thinking it was the perfect way to impress. And I’ve been in debt to the coffee machine ever since.”

Remember, humor is an art. Incorporate it wisely, and it will create a genuine connection with your audience. After all, good humor equals good impact when delivered with understanding and respect. So go ahead and be funny, but always keep your audience in mind. Follow these steps, and you’re likely to be a successful speaker and moderator.

Concluding With Confidence

In the final moments of talking to your audience, you need to leave a lasting impression. This is your opportunity to underscore the key points and values that got you to this moment. Stay poised. Remain engaging. Acknowledge those who have supported and inspired you. Give your words a personal touch.

Thanking Your Support Network

Think about the people who helped you climb the ladder. Thanking them genuinely will not just honor their support but also show your humility. Oprah once said, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” Express gratitude to mentors, colleagues, and anyone else who stood by you. This is your chance to sing their praises.

Looking Ahead

Now pivot to the future. Share what exciting projects lay ahead for you and your organization. You can say something like, “We’ve got some exciting initiatives planned in the coming months.” Paint a picture of the journey you and your team are about to embark on. Signal your readiness and enthusiasm.

As you near the end, be sure to rehearse what you’ll say. Rehearsing gives you the confidence to speak fluidly and without hesitation. Review any key points that showcase your professional milestones and personal growth. Reiterate the powerful narratives that weave through your journey.

End with a strong closing statement. Here’s where you encapsulate your message in a memorable way. Remember, “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else,” as Judy Garland wisely noted. Make sure every word you say expresses just how prepared and willing you are to take on this new role with glory.

Again, thank everyone who made this night special. Leave everyone feeling inspired and appreciative. There’s nothing quite like concluding a speech with the same energy with which you started it. Good luck!


What are some key elements that should be included in an impactful acceptance speech.

An impactful acceptance speech should include several key elements to make a lasting impression. Firstly, express genuine gratitude by acknowledging the people and organizations that have supported you. This includes mentors, colleagues, and family members. Secondly, share a personal story or anecdote to create a connection with your audience. Thirdly, articulate a clear vision or goals for your new position. This helps to set expectations and inspire confidence. Lastly, end on a positive and hopeful note, encouraging collaboration and looking forward to future successes.

How much time should I spend brainstorming ideas for my speech?

While the exact amount of time can vary depending on the individual, it is generally recommended to spend at least a few hours brainstorming ideas for your acceptance speech over the course of a few days. This allows you to thoroughly consider what messages you want to convey, gather any relevant stories or anecdotes, and reflect on how you can best thank and recognize key contributors. Additionally, taking breaks between brainstorming sessions can help you gain fresh perspectives and refine your ideas.

Is it important to incorporate humor in an acceptance speech?

Incorporating humor in an acceptance speech can be beneficial if it suits your personality and the context of the event. Humor can make your speech more engaging and memorable, and it can help to put both you and your audience at ease. However, it is important to ensure that any jokes or humorous anecdotes are appropriate and respectful. Avoid humor that could be divisive or offensive. If you are unsure, it might be best to keep your speech sincere and heartfelt, focusing on gratitude and inspiration.

How should I handle stage fright or anxiety when delivering my acceptance speech?

Handling stage fright or anxiety when delivering an acceptance speech involves a combination of preparation and mental strategies. Firstly, practice your speech multiple times until you become comfortable with the content and delivery. Familiarity can significantly reduce anxiety. Secondly, consider using deep breathing exercises or short meditation techniques before you go on stage to calm your nerves. Finally, try to focus on the positive aspects of the experience, such as the opportunity to express gratitude and share your vision, rather than the potential for mistakes. Remember that your audience is there to support you.

Can you suggest some ways to personalize my acceptance speech?

Certainly! Personalizing your acceptance speech makes it more engaging and meaningful. Start by sharing personal anecdotes or stories that highlight your journey to this position. Mention specific people by name and describe how they have contributed to your success. Additionally, reflect on any challenges you have overcome and how they have shaped your perspective. Acknowledge the unique qualities of the organization or team you are joining, and tailor your vision or goals to resonate with them. Personal touches like these help to create a deeper connection with your audience.

How to Make an Acceptance Speech | Public Speaking

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9 Ways to Make a Great New Employee Self Introduction Speech

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Navigating the landscape of a new organization calls for a strategic self-introduction ; it’s the cornerstone of your professional narrative. Your initial address as the new team member serves as a catalyst for occupational rapport and team cohesion. A meticulously articulated new employee speech can function as a bridge, connecting you to your peers and cementing your place within the corporate framework.

Crafting a compelling introduction speech as a new employee is not merely a ritualistic formality—it’s an opportunity to establish your professional ethos and to plant the seeds for future collaborations. Let’s embark on molding your first verbal imprint to be as indelible and impactful as possible.

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Key Takeaways

  • First Impressions Are Vital : Your self-introduction is a pivotal moment for setting the tone of your professional relationships in a new environment.
  • Tailor Your Speech : Adapt the content of your introduction to suit the size and culture of your team, ensuring relevancy and connection.
  • Incorporate Key Elements : A balanced self-introduction should include your name, role, professional background, how you’ll contribute to the team’s goals , and a touch of personal interest.
  • Professional and Personal Balance : Strive for a mix that showcases your qualifications while also giving a glimpse of your personality to foster relatability as you introduce yourself to new colleagues .
  • Preparation Reduces Anxiety : Rehearsing your speech can significantly diminish nervousness, allowing you to present with confidence and clarity on your first day of work.

New Employee Self Introduction Speech

What Is a New Employee Self Introduction Speech?

A new employee needs to give a self-introduction speech because it allows them to introduce themselves to their colleagues, and also allows them to articulate what their goals and ambitions are for their role at the company.

A self-introduction speech should be short and concise and include information about the new employee’s background, education, and experience. The new employee should also outline their goals for their role at the company and explain how they plan on contributing to the team.

Why It’s Important to Introduce Yourself to a New Team

In the mosaic of workplace dynamics, a new joinee speech is akin to a personal press release, broadcasting your unique value proposition. It’s an unveiling that transforms you from a résumé into a colleague, providing a narrative that goes beyond your LinkedIn profile or CV .

Launching your tenure with a well-composed new employee self-introduction speech can propel you beyond the generic ‘newbie’ status and embed you firmly within the company culture. It’s your initial step towards weaving your personal brand into the fabric of the company’s culture, which can catalyze your transition from outsider to insider.

What Should You Include in Your New Employee Self Introduction Speech?

When introducing yourself to a new company, it’s important to put your best foot forward and make a good first impression. In your speech, you should highlight your strengths and accomplishments and explain why you’re excited to be a part of the team.

You should also mention any unique skills or experience you bring to the table and express your enthusiasm for working with your new colleagues. Finish by thanking the company for giving you this opportunity, and let them know that you’re looking forward to contributing to their success.

The key things to include in your new employee self introduction speech are:

  • State your name and position.
  • Briefly describe your education and work experience .
  • Outline your skills and strengths.
  • Share a little about your personal life (family, hobbies, interests).
  • Thank the audience for their time and say you’re looking forward to getting to know them better.

New employee self introduction speech example :

“Hello everyone, My name is John Smith, and I’m the new marketing manager. I have a degree in marketing from XYZ University, and I’ve worked as a marketing consultant for the past 5 years. In my previous role, I was responsible for developing and implementing marketing campaigns for my clients. Some of my key strengths include strategic planning, creative thinking, and project management. Outside work, I enjoy spending time with my family, hiking, and playing tennis. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I look forward to working with you and contributing to the company’s success.”

new employee self introduction speech

9 Ways to Make a Great Introduction

Here are nine tips for how to introduce yourself :

1. Describe your environment in your introduction

When you’re new to a company, making a good first impression is important. One way to do this is by basing your introduction on your environment. By observing your surroundings and taking note of your colleagues’ behavior, you’ll be able to adjust your behavior accordingly. 

For example

If you’re new to a team, you could say something like:

“I’m excited to be here and can’t wait to learn more about what you do.”

If you’re new to a company, you could say,

“I’m excited to join the team and can’t wait to contribute to the company’s success.”

2. Be genuine

When you introduce yourself, it is essential to remember to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not—it will be obvious, and people will respond more positively to the genuine you.

Instead, be to the point and authentic, and people will appreciate your straightforwardness. The most important thing is to be comfortable in your skin; the rest will follow naturally. 

“Hi, my name is Adam, and I’m new here. I’m excited to learn about the company and contribute to its success. Thanks!”

3. Utilize the orientation program

A new job is always an exciting time. It’s a chance to learn new things, meet new people, and build new skills. The new employee orientation program is one of the first things you’ll likely encounter at your new job.

This program is designed to help new employees learn more about the company and its culture. It’s also a great opportunity to meet other new employees and begin building relationships.

So be sure to take advantage of this program and use it as an opportunity to network. Attend all the events, introduce yourself to other new employees, and ask questions. 

“My name is John, and I just joined the company last week. The orientation program was a great way for me to learn more about the company and meet other new employees. I’m looking forward to contributing to the team’s success.”

4. Ask for a team introduction

One way to formally introduce yourself to a new team is by asking for a team introduction from your manager or team leader.

It’s a good opportunity to learn more about your teammates and what they do. Doing this will give you a feel for the team dynamic and see how you fit into it.

Additionally, it shows that you are eager to get to know your teammates and are invested in the team’s success.

“I’m Mike, the new engineer, and I’m excited to join the team. As an engineer, I bring a variety of skills and knowledge to the table that can be of benefit to the team. In addition, I have experience in design and implementation, and my goal is always to create efficient, effective solutions that meet the customer’s needs. I look forward to collaborating with everyone on the team and contributing my skills to our shared goal of success. Thanks for having me aboard!”

5. Introduce yourself to other teams.

Being new to a company can be intimidating. You don’t know the lay of the land or who does what. But, it’s important to introduce yourself to your team and other teams in the same department to get a feel for your new workplace’s environment .

This is a great way to network and build relationships with people in the department. To do this, find the leaders of other teams and reach out to them for an introduction. 

“Hi, I’m the new account manager of this company, and I was wondering if you could introduce me to your team. I’d love to learn more about what they do.”

6. Find more opportunities for introductions

There are many opportunities for introductions. You could also introduce yourself to people you see in the hallways or the cafeteria. If your workstation is in a shared space, you might start a conversation with someone at the next desk.

Whether through formal or informal channels, getting to know as many colleagues as possible can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your work environment. 

Before the meeting begins, you can amiably introduce yourself to others nearby.

“Hello, I’m John, the new account manager. Can you tell me what we’ll be talking about at this meeting?”

You might get a formal introduction from your manager to the participants during the meeting. In this situation, make things quick so the discussion may continue.

“Hello, my name is John. I am a new copywriter, and it’s a pleasure to collaborate with you.”

7. Ask questions

Asking work-related questions is a great way to learn about your new company and build relationships with coworkers. This shows that you’re curious and want to learn more about the company.

In addition, it’s a good way to get to know your colleagues and build relationships . So next time you’re meeting someone new, don’t be afraid to ask some questions!

“Hi, I’m new here. What is your role at the company?” or “What team do you work on?”

8. Get the company’s organizational chart

When starting a new company, getting to know the different departments and teams is important.

One way to do this is by getting the new company’s organizational chart. This will give you an overview of the different departments and teams and who the leaders are. This is a great resource to have when you’re introducing yourself to people in other departments.

By getting the organizational chart, you can familiarize yourself with your new company and learn about the different people and departments.

“I’m new to the company and was wondering if you could tell me more about your team. I’ve heard great things about the work you’re doing.”

9. Send follow-up emails

When you meet someone new, it’s always a good idea to follow up with an email. This helps to solidify the relationship and shows that you’re interested in staying in touch.

In your email, you could include a brief recap of what you talked about and other relevant information, such as your contact information or links to your website or blog. 

“Hey John,  It was delightful to make your acquaintance on my first day in the office. Thank you so much for being detail-oriented and providing such helpful information. I truly appreciate it! If there is ever anything I can do to return the favor, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I am always there to help you out.  Wishing you all the best,  Adam”

Crafting Your New Employee Self-Introduction Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embarking on a new professional journey is a pivotal moment. Crafting a self-introduction speech is your opportunity to present yourself as a confident and valuable addition to the team. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you deliver a memorable and effective speech.

Step 1: Greet Your Audience

Start with a warm and friendly greeting to establish a connection with your new colleagues.

  • Example: “Good morning, team! It’s wonderful to meet everyone.”

Step 2: State Your Name and Role

Clarity is key. State your full name and job title so everyone knows who you are and what you’ll be doing.

  • Example: “I am [Your Name], your new [Your Job Title].”

Step 3: Provide Your Background

Briefly summarize your professional background to build credibility.

  • Example: “I’ve spent the past [number] years working in [your previous job/industry], where I honed my skills in [your specialty].”

Step 4: Express Your Enthusiasm

Share your enthusiasm for both your role and the opportunity to work with your new team.

  • Example: “I’m thrilled to start this new chapter as [Your Job Title] and am looking forward to contributing to our collective success.”

Step 5: Add a Personal Touch

Include a personal tidbit that resonates with your professional persona and makes you relatable.

  • Example: “Outside of work, I enjoy [personal interest], which I believe reflects the creativity and energy I bring to my professional life.”

Step 6: Invite Connections

Encourage your new teammates to engage with you beyond the speech.

  • Example: “I’m eager to learn about your roles and how we might work together, so please feel free to reach out anytime.”

Step 7: Close Graciously

End with a thank you and a positive outlook.

  • Example: “Thank you for the warm welcome. I’m excited about the great work we’ll do together.”

Step 8: Offer an Opening for Interaction

Make yourself approachable and open for future conversations.

  • Example: “My door is always open, and I’m just an email or a quick chat away.”

Here’s a simplified template that encapsulates these steps:

Greeting:  “Good morning/afternoon, everyone. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Introduction:  “I am [Your Name], the new [Your Job Title] in [Your Department].”

Background:  “Coming from a background in [Your Previous Job Industry/Field], I bring experience in [Skills/Expertise].”

Enthusiasm for Role:  “I’m looking forward to leveraging my skills in [Area of Expertise] to contribute to our team’s goals.”

Personal Note:  “On a personal level, I’m a fan of [Hobby/Interest] which I find inspires my professional work.”

Invitation to Connect:  “I’m keen to collaborate and learn from you all. Let’s connect soon!”

Closing:  “Thank you for this opportunity—I am excited to be here and ready to get started.”

Openness for Interaction:  “Feel free to drop by my desk or reach me on [Communication Platform]; I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you.”

By following these steps and using this template, you can ensure your self-introduction speech makes a lasting impact, setting a positive trajectory for your future with the company.

Examples of How to Introduce Yourself to a New Team

An introduction can be the genesis of lasting professional relationships. Here, we dissect various scenarios you might encounter and how to navigate them with eloquence.

Self-Introduction Speech Examples

  • For the formal team meeting : “Hello everyone, I’m [Name], the new [Job Title] in the [Department]. My journey has taken me through [Brief Work Experience], and I’m thrilled to contribute to [Company’s] continued success.”
  • During a casual team lunch : “Hi, I’m [Name], the latest addition to the [Team Name]. When I’m not [Professional Activity], you can find me [Hobby/Interest]. Looking forward to working with all of you!”

Each script serves its purpose— the first establishes your professional credentials , while the second fosters a personal connection .

Self-Introduction Email Examples

  • Announcement-style email to the entire office : “Dear Team, I am [Name], your new [Job Title]. With a rich background in [Industry/Field], I am eager to bring my insights to [Company Name]. I’m excited to collaborate with you all!”
  • A warm, direct email to your department : “Hello [Department] Team, It’s a pleasure to e-meet you! I’m [Name], the new [Job Title]. I’m looking forward to learning from and contributing to our team’s amazing work.”

Email introductions are crucial—they are often your first textual handshake with the new team . Whether it’s the company-wide blast or a department-focused note, tailoring your tone to your audience is key .

Adopting these templates can set a robust foundation for your initial interactions, opening channels for dialogue and establishing a positive first impression .

Making a Good Impression on Your New Colleagues

Effective self-introductions extend beyond words; your non-verbal cues can be equally telling. When preparing your new employee introduction speech, consider that body language often communicates your confidence and approachability before you even speak.

Tips on How to Introduce Yourself

  • Master your non-verbals : Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and offer a firm handshake; these gestures project assurance and set a tone of professionalism.
  • Modulate your voice : Employ a clear, friendly tone to engender warmth and openness; how you say something is as impactful as what you say.
  • Incorporate relevant personal stories : Share anecdotes that reflect your values or work ethic—such narratives can foster connections and make you memorable.

First Meeting with Supervisors: Showcasing Your Professionalism

Meeting your supervisors often involves navigating a blend of formality and personable interaction. A nuanced self-introduction can establish your credibility and demonstrate your readiness to contribute meaningfully.

Tips for a Self-Introduction Speech with Higher-ups

  • Tailor your content : Highlight aspects of your background that resonate with your new role and align with the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Focus on your impact : Convey how your expertise can solve problems or add value, showcasing your commitment to the company’s success.
  • Practice brevity and substance : Leaders appreciate conciseness paired with substance. Articulate your points succinctly, leaving room for further discussion.

By integrating these tips into your new job speech, you’ll not only make a great first impression but also lay a foundation for ongoing professional respect and collaboration.

A compelling self-introduction is more than a formality—it’s the first chapter of your professional story at a new organization. It sets the precedent for how colleagues perceive and interact with you. A memorable introduction fosters an atmosphere of trust and collaboration from the outset.

Embrace this opportunity to weave your personal narrative into the larger tapestry of your new team’s culture. Each interaction is a step on the journey of mutual growth and achievement. Welcome this adventure with openness and enthusiasm, for the relationships you cultivate today can become the cornerstone of your career tomorrow.

Related posts:

  • Craft the Perfect 2 Minute Self Introduction Speech | Guide
  • What is a Self Introduction Speech: The Guide to Making an Impression
  • Master Your Self Introduction for Job Interview Success
  • Self Introduction Email Sample: First Day Work Success!

How To Introduce Yourself as a Manager To A New Team

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Make a positive first impression and set the tone for your leadership team by mastering your introduction.

Moving into a new role is one of the biggest challenges you can face as a manager. In fact, nearly half of all new managers fail at their assigned objectives. The good news is that being strategic about how you start your new role can have a big impact on your effectiveness as a leader.

The first step to a successful transition is to think about how you want to introduce yourself to your new team. According to Michael Watkins, your introduction is an opportunity to hit the ground running and set your team up for success.

“Step back and ask yourself questions like, what new relationships do I need to build to be effective? What things do I need to learn about that I don’t understand today but are necessary? How am I going to get early wins in this situation?” — Michael Watkins, author of The First 90 Days, on the Supermanagers podcast

Much more than just a “hello,” your introduction is a key time to build trust and credibility, set expectations, and build a foundation for your team’s collaboration. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to manage your introduction with helpful tools and examples to get started.

How to introduce yourself to a new team

How fellow can help you introduce yourself to a new team, examples of how to introduce yourself to a new team, first team meeting agenda template.

  • Send a positive message or email introducing yourself
  • Schedule a team meeting
  • Start with an icebreaker or by sharing a fun fact
  • Talk about your professional background and experience
  • Open the floor for questions from the team
  • Write an “about me” or “read me” page
  • Schedule one-on-one meetings to connect with each individual
  • Set expectations about team meetings and communication cadence

1 Send a positive message or email introducing yourself

As soon as you start, send a brief email or message to introduce yourself and express your enthusiasm for working with your new team. Use a friendly subject line like “A Quick Hello” and share a brief description of yourself and your experience. Make sure to learn about the company culture before sending your introduction. For example, if the culture is more relaxed, you can include a few fun facts about yourself; if it’s more formal, stick to a summary of your professional background. Let people know you’ll be scheduling a team meeting followed by one-on-ones and encourage them to reach out with any questions in the meantime.

2 Schedule a team meeting

You can make a good impression by running a well-organized introductory meeting with your new team. The objective of this meeting is to establish rapport, learn about your team, and set the tone as a new leader. Creating an agenda and sharing it ahead of time will help you stay on track —we’ve even included a template below! Make sure to read up on your team members before the meeting so you know their names, roles, and some details about their professional skills and accomplishments to begin fostering positive working relationships.

With Fellow , you can easily schedule meetings, automatically share agendas with attendees, and add actions in real time to run a successful first meeting.


Run efficient meetings, come to a decision, and get back to work

Level up your meeting habits to boost engagement and productivity with a collaborative meeting agenda. Try a tool like Fellow!

1:1 meeting agenda linked to calendar event

3 Start with an icebreaker or by sharing a fun fact

Kick off your meeting with an icebreaker to get to know your new team and help people relax. You can ask a question like, “What’s a bucket list item you want to complete this year?” or “What movie or TV show character do you relate to the most, and why?” or even ask team members to pitch their favorite vacation spot to the group in 30 seconds. Sharing some fun personal facts will help you bond with your new team and allow people to express their personalities. For more ideas, check out our list of the best icebreaker questions.

4 Talk about your professional background and experience 

Research shows that when forming a first impression, people evaluate two main factors: competence and trustworthiness. Sharing your professional highlights is a good way to demonstrate the former; you can mention companies you’ve worked for, notable projects, and areas of expertise. Be mindful of your tone and body language so you come across as relaxed and confident instead of boastful. If you have previous experience as a manager, you’ve also developed an important set of skills. You can share your managerial experience with your team and briefly describe your management philosophy to demonstrate credibility.

5 Open the floor for questions from the team

An effective way to build trust with your team is to invite them to ask questions and to answer openly and honestly. By including a section for questions in the meeting agenda and sharing it ahead of time, you’ll give everyone the chance to come up with any questions. People may have some anxiety or uncertainty about having a new manager, so it’s important to show empathy and support your team members during the transition. Be an active listener when they share questions and concerns, and remember that it’s okay not to have all the answers. In fact, sometimes it’s even preferable; you’ll gain more respect by listening and learning than by coming up with answers immediately.

6 Write an “about me” or “read me” page

A best practice in management is to create a ‘user guide’ to help your team members get to know you and explain how you like to work. For example, PatientPing CEO Jay Desai credits his personal user guide as an important part of improving his team’s collaboration. When writing your user guide, include information about your values, expectations, communication styles, and personality traits. You can also add a few interests and hobbies to help people connect with you on a personal level.

If there’s a company wiki, you can add your user guide there; otherwise, share it as a document with your team. User guides aren’t just for managers, either! Encourage your team members to create their own user guides for a fun way to learn more about them.

7 Schedule one-on-one meetings to connect with each individual

Schedule a one-on-one with each of your new team members to meet them and address any questions or concerns they may have. Ask them about their communication style, their preferred method for receiving feedback, and how they perceive their strengths and weaknesses. It’s also a good time to find out about their professional goals and how you can support them. These one-on-ones are an important opportunity to build trust on an individual level and lay the foundation for effective collaboration. Sharing an agenda ahead of time will allow people to reflect on their answers before the meeting for a thoughtful discussion.

8 Set expectations about team meetings and communication cadence

Establish clear expectations around communication from the start to prevent misunderstandings that could erode trust with your new team. As a group, discuss details like communication channels and frequency, meeting cadence , and response times. Specifically relating to meetings, you can cover how agendas will work, who will take notes, your method for assigning action items , and how you’ll collect feedback to optimize meeting effectiveness.

When setting communication guidelines, make sure to honor company culture and uphold values like trust, open communication, and accountability. To foster mutual respect, don’t forget to ask your team members what communication they need from you to do their best work.

Make a good impression with your introduction using Fellow ! In your first team meeting, there’s a lot to cover—use our ready-to-go templates to make sure you’ve got all the essentials on your agenda. The agenda will be automatically sent ahead of time to help everyone feel prepared and alleviate any first-meeting nerves for you and your team. You can also use Fellow to manage your one-on-ones and record action items, feedback, and notes. Following your initial meetings, Fellow can help you manage effective meetings on an ongoing basis and ensure your team follows best practices before, during, and after every meeting.

Plus, Fellow’s AI-generated agendas help you generate headings and talking points for your meeting based off of the title of the meeting and the calendar description.

AI-agenda builder prompt

Here are some example templates you can use for your introductions.

Sending an introductory email

In-person or via video call.

Use this template to send an email introduction on your first day.

Subject: A Quick Hello

It’s my first day here at [company name]. I’m joining the team as the new [job title].

I’ve worked as a [what you do] for [X] years. I recently worked at [company name], where I was the [job title]. You can learn more about me and my experience on my LinkedIn profile. [LinkedIn link]. Outside of work, I enjoy [a few short things you like to do].

I’m really looking forward to working with all of you. I’ll be scheduling a team meeting and one-on-ones to get to know everyone.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions before then. I’m happy to share more about what I’ll be doing here, and I’m excited to find out how I can best support you.

[Your name]

Use this template to introduce yourself at your first team meeting in person or on a video call.

Hello everyone! Thank you for being here today. My name is [your name], and I’ll be your new manager going forward. Before we get started, I’d like to briefly share a little bit about myself.

[Two quick personal facts that are relatable for your team]. [Your relevant experience–namely, how many years of experience you have and what you’ve done in the past]. Together I’m confident we can all [a few quick goals]. I’m looking forward to working with all of you.

Use this template for your first meeting to establish rapport and set the tone for your team’s success.

First Team Meeting Template

Parting advice

Your actions in the first few weeks and months can have a big impact on whether your team ultimately delivers results. While a change in leadership always requires team members to adjust, being intentional about your introduction will help make the transition as smooth as possible. However, there’s a lot to remember when getting started—following these steps will make sure you don’t miss any key practices. While trust is built over time and through mutual respect, you’ll be able to start building rapport and good communication from the start. Check out the Fellow blog for more tips and advice for managers to help you lead your new team to success.

How To Set Meeting Etiquette Rules As A Business Leader 7 min read

How to Welcome New Employees: A Guide for Leaders and Executive Teams 8 min read

16 Meeting Ground Rules for Leaders and Their Organizations 10 min read

How to Introduce Yourself in a Meeting: 8 Tips + Examples

See how leaders in 100+ countries are making meetings more productive and delightful.

Say goodbye to unproductive meetings. Fellow helps your team build great meeting habits through collaborative agendas, real-time notetaking, and time-saving templates.

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new role speech

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How to succeed in your new job

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Speech for Joining a Company as a New Manager


Speech Manager Company Employee Team New

When you join a company as a new manager, the core requirement of your introductory speech is to show the qualities that will encourage and enable your staff to be successful. Your speech needs to convey your aims and illustrate how you will be an approachable, inspirational leader.

Your first speech as a new manager is terribly important because it will shape your employees' opinion of you and so have a great impact on your achievements in your new role. You do not want to sound like the boss from hell, nor do you want to come across as a pushover.

Use the following tips and template to help you strike the right balance.

Preparation for Your New Manager's Speech

Template for your new manager's speech, 1. introduce yourself.

  • Gather everyone together
  • Introduce yourself in a suitable manner
  • Say you are excited to be working with your new team
  • Give a brief personal/professional history

Example: I wanted to gather you all together to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my plans for (company/department name). As some of you may already know, my name is (name) and I have joined (company name) as part of the new sales-focused initiative. I have been told that you are an enthusiastic, results-driven team and I am looking forward to utilising your talents for the benefit of us all. I come from a high-value sales project background and will be introducing some new projects to help us reach our potential.

2. Make Your Aims Clear

  • Highlight your aims for the team
  • Make it clear that you are approachable and fair
  • Explain how you will get the best from your team

3. Build Loyalty and Shared Expectations

In order to empower and encourage your new team to work as hard as possible, they need to want to work with you. You need to come across as a manager that will fight their corner and support them as individuals. You do not need to be ‘one of them’ as, after all, you have to manage them, but you do need to build loyalty and shared expectations. By finishing your speech in this way, your new team will leave the meeting on a high and feeling positive about their new manager.

  • Show that you will support your team
  • Conclude with a positive message

Example: I am sure that we can work well together and I know that you are all capable of a great deal. I am here to help you reach your potential so I’m relying on each of you to prove me right!

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new role speech

How to Talk About Your Career Change in Your Elevator Pitch

new role speech

The thing about making a career change is that, eventually, you have to tell everyone. It might be something you want to put off for a while, but actually, you’re better off telling people sooner rather than later. After all, the sooner your contacts know, the more likely they’ll be able to help you with your transition.

So, incorporating your career change into your elevator pitch makes a lot of sense. The question is: How do you include your upcoming career change and still keep your previous experience in your pitch? Here’s a four-step guide for doing just that.

1. Describe Yourself in a Few Words

The first part of your elevator pitch should be used to introduce yourself and your personal brand. If you’re not sure what your personal brand is yet, try going through this workbook , or just use your current occupation and add a few things you’re interested in. So, the beginning of your elevator pitch might be:

I’m an English teacher obsessed with clean and precise language.

2. Talk About Your Experience and Skills

Next, move into your previous experience. Don’t sell yourself short in this bit, even if your previous experience isn’t directly relevant. This is the stuff that makes you special. We’ll tie it all together in the next part. For example:

I’ve been teaching for five years now, and every year I push students to read and think and discuss, but more than anything I push them to write. They start with sloppy five paragraph essays in September, but by the time summer rolls around, they leave my classroom with their own beautifully complex short stories.

3. Pick Your Favorite Parts

Here’s the part where you make the connection. Pick out the parts of your previous experience that you love and are hoping to bring with you to your new role . Highlight them as a way to point out the kind of work you hope to be seeking in the near future. It should be structured something like this:

I love working with my students. They’re so creative, especially after they realize there’s no ‘right’ answer in English. In the end though, my favorite part of my job is actually diving deep into the language. For me, polishing text and teasing out meaning are the highlights of my day.

4. Connect to Your Career Change

Finally, bring it all together and spell out that you’re seeking a career change. Don’t dance around the subject. Wrap up your pitch by making it abundantly clear what you want to move on to:

That’s why, after some serious self-reflection, I’ve started looking into becoming an editor. I know it’s a competitive field, but this is the kind of work that’s really exciting to me.

Of course, your elevator pitch is just the beginning of the conversation, but getting this right is an important step in steering the conversation in a direction that might help you learn more about the industry or connect with others.

Photo of train tracks courtesy of Shutterstock .

new role speech

More From Forbes

The script that new managers need to use when meeting their new employees.

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New managers have a fair number of challenges; maybe they’re a manager for the first time, or taking over a new team that loved their previous manager, or they got promoted over some of the employees they now have to manage.

Whatever the situation, the first thing a new manager has to do, before sitting down and talking to all the people on the team, is to understand ‘what are my goals?’ and ‘what have I been put in this leadership role to accomplish?’

Ostensibly, the new manager has been given goals. There are priorities that the organization, or the boss, has for this leadership role. Maybe the manager was hired to increase productivity. Or grow revenue. Or improve accountability, or make sure that we produce more widgets per month, or have fewer defect rates.

Watch on Forbes:

The second thing new managers have to understand is ‘who do we serve?’ and ‘who are our customers?’ Managers often say, ‘I’m in HR, I’m in Supply Chain Management, I’m in Procurement, I don’t really have a customer, all the customers are outside the building.’ But that’s the wrong answer. We all have customers, we all serve somebody, and whether they’re internal or external customers, every one of us is in service of somebody.

We have to understand who those customers are because new leaders are going to need the customer, internal or external, as a source of power. The customer is one of the most powerful sources available. The customer is one of the greatest legitimizers, and people forget them all the time. Without customers we do not exist, so we’ve got to understand who they are and what we need to deliver for them.

Once the new manager understands those two pieces, they’re ready to sit down and introduce themselves to each member of the team individually. It’s generally a good idea to meet with each person individually, because it cuts down on all of the interpersonal dynamics that would occur with a meeting of numerous employees.

The first thing we want to offer is a statement of excitement. Basically, “I am so excited to meet you. I’m so excited to get to know you. I’m so excited to be working together.” We can frame it any number of ways as long as it starts on a very positive note that says “I am excited, this is going to be good.”

Second, we’re basically going to say, “I am here to achieve X goals,” with “X” being whatever the manager’s goals are. Remember that these are the goals that the new manager has received from the organization. And then they’re going to add “And I’m here to help us deliver extraordinary service for our customers.” The word ‘service’ can be changed to quality or whatever it is the new manager has been hired to deliver.

So our first few sentences are essentially saying:

“I’m here. I’m excited. I’m here to achieve X goals that been given to me by the organization. I’m here to achieve extraordinary service, quality, etc. for our customers.”

Starting the conversation this way, the new manager claims the legitimacy and power that comes from achieving the organization’s goals and service to the customer. Whether the employees are older than the new manager, more experienced, bitter from being passed over, or whatever, beginning the conversation by claiming legitimacy shuts down a lot of potential passive-aggressiveness.

Now, once the new manager has this power they can say “I’m really looking forward to your ideas on how we can do those two things (achieve the goals and serve the customers).” Even though the conversation starts with claiming legitimacy and power, we don’t want to wave that in employees’ faces. So the new manager should reach out a hand of friendship and collaboration. And they can further that collaboration by asking their employee “I also would like to understand ‘what are your goals?’”

When this is all put together, it sounds something like:

“I’m really excited to be working with you. This is great. I’m really excited to get to know you, and to work even more closely with you. Let me tell you a bit about kind of why I’m here. I’m here to help us achieve X number of goals (whatever those things are), and to make sure that we deliver extraordinary service, quality, etc. to our customers. I’m really looking forward to your ideas on how we can achieve those two goals. I’m also interested, while we’re talking, to hear what your goals are. Given everything I’ve just said, let me ask you, what are your goals for this next year?”

By framing the conversation this way, new managers are legitimizing themselves and reducing lots of potential resentment or passive-aggressiveness while simultaneously building collaboration and investing in their new employees.

Mark Murphy is the author of  Truth At Work: The Science Of Delivering Tough Messages ,  Hiring For Attitude and Hundred Percenters .

Mark Murphy

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Giving A Farewell Speech At Work (With Examples)

  • Say Goodbye To Coworkers
  • Clean Up Your Desk
  • How To Ask For A Reference
  • Farewell To Coworkers
  • How To Resign From A Job
  • Farewell Speech

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Summary. Your farewell speech at work is an opportunity to bring your time with the company to a close in a friendly way. In your speech should express your gratitude for your company and colleagues and let people know where you are going. Your speech should be personal and it’s a good idea to use anecdotes from your time in the office. No one can stay at a job forever, and there comes a time in everyone’s career when you have to say goodbye to a group of coworkers. Whether you got promoted and relocated, you’re retiring, or you were given a better offer by another company, it’s nice to give all of your coworkers a proper goodbye, and one of the best ways to do this is in a farewell speech. No matter when or why you need to give a farewell speech, we’ll help you prep one that’s memorable and moving in no time. Keep reading to learn what a farewell speech is, how to create a good one, and a few examples you can model yours after. Key Takeaways: Keep your speech positive and use a relaxed tone while giving it. Create an outline when writing your speech to get an idea of what you want to say before you start writing. Thank your coworkers for their support and for creating a fun work environment. In This Article    Skip to section What Is a Farewell Speech? How to Write a Job Farewell Speech Examples of Farewell Speeches Tips for Delivering a Good Farewell Speech Writing a Farewell Speech for a Colleague Farewell Speech FAQs References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What Is a Farewell Speech?

Farewell speeches are an opportunity to bring your time with a company to a close in a polite and friendly way. Typically, they’re short speeches you can make on your last day or if your coworkers throw you a going-away party. They don’t need to be long monologues; you just need to express your gratitude for your time with the company and let people know where you’re heading.

Keep in mind that farewell speeches don’t have to happen every time someone leaves a job or switches offices. Farewell speeches are usually reserved for people who have had a significant impact on a company, worked somewhere for a long time, or are retiring . Not everyone has to give a special speech, so if you feel like you haven’t been at a company long enough or don’t have a high enough position to make a speech, you definitely don’t need to.

How to Write a Job Farewell Speech

Farewell speeches are pretty low pressure, and you can just speak from the heart, so they’re not the trickiest professional speech you’ll ever have to give. But, it still doesn’t hurt to be prepared and have an idea of what you want to say before your opportunity arises. Here are the steps you should take when you want to prepare your farewell speech ahead of time:

Start with an outline. Even though goodbye speeches are just a few minutes long, it doesn’t hurt to have a general idea of what you want to say before you start forming your thoughts.

Beef up your ideas. After you have an outline, you can start filling it in with anything you want to share. Be sure to make everything flow, which the outline can help with since you already know what you want your next point to be.

Let people know where you’re going. Before you wrap up your speech, make sure you take a moment to tell your coworkers what your next step is . Whether you’re retiring, moving to a new company, or having a career change, people want to know what you’re up to and how they can stay in touch with you.

Create a strong conclusion. When you’re writing the end of your speech, make sure it follows the tone you’ve created throughout the rest of the speech. If you went for a more serious tone, you should make sure you keep the ending serious, and the same goes for if you went for a humorous tone.

Edit your speech. Before you read your speech for your coworkers, you should read it aloud for yourself to make sure everything feels right. You can even have a friend read it over for you, but just make sure you give it a read over before giving your speech.

Examples of Farewell Speeches

Here are a few examples of farewell speeches you can give to your coworkers before you leave your job. We’ll give you some samples of different reasons you might be departing a company.

If You’re Retiring

Hi everyone. Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to celebrate my last day with ABC Company. After 20 years here, I can’t believe I won’t be seeing that hideous fake plant and all of your lovely faces every morning. I’m immensely grateful to everyone in this room, especially my HR team. We’ve done some amazing work during my time here, from implementing our database years ago to supporting our colleagues throughout some rocky patches at ABC. I’ll miss everyone on the HR team, especially our weekly Friday gossip lunches. I also want to give a huge thanks to Linda, our head of HR. Linda’s been with me almost since my start, and I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am today without her kindness and support. Thanks for everything, Linda. I’m sad to say goodbye to all of you, but I’ll be stopping in from time to time. It’s been an incredible journey with you all, but now it’s time for me to kick back and finally watch that new show you’ve all been telling me about! Thanks again, everyone!

If You’re Leaving For Another Company

Thank you all for coming. I really appreciate you taking some time out of your days to send me off like this. I’ve loved my time here because of all the wonderful people I’ve met, so you’re making it really hard for me to leave. I just want to say a little thank you to my team, who has been by my side since I started at Smith Consulting. Without the leadership and mentorship of Brenda, I don’t know how I would’ve ever moved up to Senior Consultant . Of course, I have to thank my fellow team members Oliver, Sarah, and John, for keeping me motivated and laughing during our late-night brainstorms, countless airport trips, and meetings with tough clients. I also want to give a quick shoutout to Jamie, who will be taking over for me. Jamie is amazing, and I’ve really enjoyed working with her and watching her grow over the last month. I know she’ll do a great job and be a real asset to the team after I’m gone. I’ve enjoyed every second I’ve been with Smith Consulting, and I’m sad to leave. I’ll be moving to Chicago with my husband to be closer to our families, but I sincerely hope everyone will stay in touch. Hopefully, I’ll make it back out here soon, and we’ll have a chance to work together again. Thank you again to everyone, and I’ll miss all of you!

Tips for Delivering a Good Farewell Speech

No matter how formal or informal your farewell speech is, you can follow these tips to make sure you deliver one that’s memorable:

Practice before the big day. Just like anything else, practicing your speech a few times before you give it is a good way to make sure it flows. It can also help you make sure you sound natural and relaxed when you give your speech.

Greet your listeners. To make your speech more lighthearted, you should acknowledge your audience before launching into your speech. Take a second to greet everyone and incorporate them into your speech.

Make it personal. At the end of the day, the speech is about you and your colleagues, so don’t be afraid to make it personal. Your audience will find it more entertaining if you make your speech specific and personal than if you just keep things generic and vague.

Stay positive. While you might be departing with your company for negative reasons, don’t bring anything up in your farewell speech.

Use anecdotes. One way to make your speech memorable and engaging is to use stories from your time in the office. Think of running jokes you have with your coworkers or talk about the great prank you pulled on your boss one year.

Thank your coworkers. While this is a speech about your time at the company, you should take time to thank your coworkers for their support and creating a fun work environment .

Keep it natural. There’s no need to force yourself to do a formal farewell speech if that’s not your personality. Do something that feels natural to you and represents who you are in relation to your audience. You can keep it light and humorous if that fits you, or go for something more serious; just keep it natural.

Use a relaxed tone. Since farewell speeches aren’t overly formal, you want to make sure you’re using a relaxed tone when you address your audience.

Be brief. Your colleagues want to hear from you, but they don’t want a ten-minute walk down memory lane, especially when they’re waiting to eat or need to get to a meeting.

Writing a Farewell Speech for a Colleague

Sometimes you’ll be asked to give a farewell speech for a colleague that is leaving. In this case, you’ll follow many of the same principles that we listed for a farewell speech that you’d give when you’re the one leaving.

Instead of talking about your time with the group as a whole, however, you’ll talk about the individual who is leaving.

Share some of their positive qualities and accomplishments, a few memories or uplifting experiences you had with the person, and how the person has impacted your career or the workplace as a whole.

Close by thanking them for their hard work and wishing them well as they move on to other endeavors.

Farewell Speech FAQs

How do I give a farewell speech for leaving a company?

You give a farewell speech for leaving a company by briefly mentioning a few positive memories of your time working there, expressing your sadness at your departure, and thanking your coworkers.

This speech should be more about your colleagues than about you, so make sure you keep your speech to the point and focused on topics everyone can appreciate.

General memories that most people have in common or your gratitude toward different people or groups in the organization are both great points to include in your speech.

How should I start my farewell speech?

You should start your farewell speech by thanking everyone for being there. Chances are you’re giving your speech at an event of some kind, and even if it’s just a gathering in the conference room to eat cake, you need to thank everyone for taking the time to attend.

From there, you can move into sharing what you’ve appreciated or positive things you’ve learned from your time at the company, thanking your coworkers, and sharing where you’re going next.

What are some good farewell sayings?

Some good farewell sayings are, “It’s been an incredible journey,” “I hope you will keep in touch,” and “I wish you the best.” These sayings all express your appreciation for your coworkers and your desire to continue those relationships.

It’s important to include phrases like these in your speech to show that while you may be excited about what you’re moving to next, you are still sad to be leaving this job and community behind.

How do I say goodbye to my colleagues?

Same ways to say goodbye include:

“I’m going to miss you. Wishing you luck in your new role and your future. We’ll talk soon.”

“It was a blast working with you. We will miss having you around. Goodbye, dear friend.”

“leaving this place and everyone will be difficult, thank you, everybody. Goodbye.”

“Although I am thrilled about my new position, I’m sad to leave the company. Everyone, goodbye.”

Best Speech Topics – Farewell Speech

Throughline – How To Give A Memorable Farewell Speech

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Amanda is a writer with experience in various industries, including travel, real estate, and career advice. After taking on internships and entry-level jobs, she is familiar with the job search process and landing that crucial first job. Included in her experience is work at an employer/intern matching startup where she marketed an intern database to employers and supported college interns looking for work experience.

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Acceptance Speech for Position

Acceptance speech generator.

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It’s such a great honor when people appoint or promote you to a specific position. A short “thank you, next” won’t suffice in thanking the people responsible for such circumstances. In events such as these, you need to give an impressive speech in front of several people. To achieve this, practice your skills in speech writing and compose an acceptance for position.

10+ Acceptance Speech for Position Examples

1. acceptance speech for chancellor position.

Acceptance Speech for Chancellor Position

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Acceptance Speech for Chairman Position

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Acceptance Speech for Executive Director Position

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4. Acceptance Speech for Moderator Position

Acceptance Speech for Moderator Position

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5. Acceptance Speech for Lawyer Position

Acceptance Speech for Lawyer Position

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6. Acceptance Speech for Service Corporation Position

Acceptance Speech for Service Corporation Position

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7. Award Acceptance Speech for Position

Award Acceptance Speech for Position

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8. Acceptance Speech for Council Position

Acceptance Speech for Council Position

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9. Acceptance Speech for Mayor Position

Acceptance Speech for Mayor Position

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10. Acceptance Speech for President Position

Acceptance Speech for President Position

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11. Acceptance Speech for Nanny Position

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What Is an Acceptance Speech for Position?

After receiving a position or a promotion to a higher one, you will need to give a particular type of speech, and this is the acceptance speech for the position. Most people write their speeches beforehand and deliver them through either a memorized speech or extemporaneous speech . This speech usually includes thanking people who offered help and mentioning how grateful you are for the grand gesture.

How to Compose an Acceptance Speech for Position

An acceptance speech for position is a lot similar to an award acceptance speech . The difference between these two is that you will be receiving a new responsibility instead of getting an award certificate . Secure the success of your public speaking by considering the necessary components. Now, you wouldn’t want to disappoint the people who put you in that position. Your goal should be to do the exact opposite.

1. Devise a Speech Outline

Composing an outline is the most basic first step in essay writing and devising speeches. In this procedure, you need to take a moment to think about what your objectives are. What are the most important messages that you want to express? After having an idea, organize the flow of your thoughts, and structure your speech outline.  There are plenty of outline templates  online. 

2. Compose an Introduction

You can’t start your speech with a series of thank you right off the bat. You need to set the mood first by greeting the guests and delivering your hook. What is an introductory hook? Its purpose is to attract the attention of your listeners, which would make them want to hear more from you. If your introduction is interesting enough, you can gain command of your audience. Another tip is to conduct an audience analysis beforehand. If you have a basic knowledge of your audience, you can tailor your introduction according to their interest. 

3. Consider Important Elements

In giving your position acceptance speech, you should prioritize thanking the organization and the people who aided you. Also, you should state how grateful you are for the position. To avoid forgetting a name, you can devise a list containing the names of those you want to show your appreciation. In speaking about how great an honor you are receiving, avoid turning your speech into a pity party. Instead, you can state how you can contribute more to the organization with your new position.

4. Devise a Powerful Closing Statement

After doing the previous steps, now you’re left with closing your speech. Close it with style by delivering a statement that would urge them to think, call them to action, or leave them in awe. It can be a question, an inspiring quote, or an interesting fact. A conclusion powerful enough will earn you a sea of applause.

What is a speech for acceptance?

People give an acceptance speech on the occasion of receiving any prize or achievement award, including getting a position. It’s an expression of your gratitude and appreciation. This speech prioritizes giving merit to deserving people and showing respect to the organization. A person gives this speech out of courtesy or as an agreement for a requirement.

What are the elements of giving speeches?

Giving speeches involves a complex process, thus containing several elements. The elements in giving a speech include establishing a connection with the audience, speaking with clarity, modulating your voice, and incorporating appropriate gestures. If you take these elements into account in writing and delivering your speech, its success rate will improve.

How do you get a promotion to a higher position?

If you want to get a promotion, the first thing to do is get out of your comfort zone and showcase your strengths. If you work with a team, make sure you can contribute to raising your members’ performance. Also, you can devise and write down your job goals to set the direction of your career.

You are good at what you do, that’s why you are reading this article. Given that fact, it will be inevitable for you to give one or two speeches for accepting a position. Follow these steps, then compose and practice your acceptance speech before the event schedule . Make them think that giving you that position is the best decision they ever made. 


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40 Simple Yet Awesome Welcome Messages for New Employees


Crafting welcome messages for new employees is a tedious task.

They say, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” The quote holds when we are talking about onboarding new employees to the company. Making every employee feel comfortable and familiar with their new working environment is the best way to start a healthy work relationship. And this crucial step can help you pave the path for boosting employee engagement and building a productive workforce .

69% of employees who undergo effective onboarding are more likely to stay with an employer for at least 3 years, and 58% are more likely to stay on for more than 3 years. (Source: O.C Tanner )

Here’s a list of 40 thoughtful welcome messages that your new employees would love to hear. Choose the best ones from the list to convey your wishes and give them a great onboarding experience .

40 Awesome Welcome Messages for New Employees


We are delighted to have you among us. On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes!

Welcome to the team! We are thrilled to have you at our office. You’re going to be a valuable asset to our company, and we can’t wait to see all that you accomplish.

The entire team of [name of the company] is thrilled to welcome you on board. We hope you’ll do some amazing work here!

A warm welcome and lots of good wishes on becoming part of our growing team. Congratulations and on behalf of all the members. We are all happy and excited about your input and contribution to our company.

We just heard that our company hired an excellent new employee to join our team, and guess what? That’s you. Welcome aboard!

Congratulations on being part of the team! The whole company welcomes you, and we look forward to a successful journey with you! Welcome aboard!

A big congratulations on your new role! On behalf of the members and supervisors, we would like to welcome you to the team. We are delighted and excited about working as a team starting today.

A warm welcome to the office! Your remarkable skills will be a great addition to our team and the company. We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with you!

Congratulations on being part of our dynamic team! The entire office welcomes you, and we hope to have a long and successful journey together.

We love to form a team, work with enthusiastic, creative people, and have a great learning attitude. And hear that you fit the bill perfectly. It's great to have you with us. Warmest welcome!


Having you in our company is a great honor! Indeed, all of us here are very excited to work with you. Welcome aboard!

Welcome aboard,[Name]! You are one of the most proficient and resourceful candidates we have hired so far. We hope you like the amenities here, and make sure your talents are utilized!

Welcome aboard! Our team is pleased to have you with us. Your expertise would be of great use to the company and its success.

An employee like you, intelligent, talented, and full of energy, is an asset to any company. We can’t wait to start working with you! Welcome to our company!

Related: 50 Work Anniversary Wishes and Quotes for Employees and Peers

Welcome aboard, new buddy! We are sure that you will prove to be a great addition to our team and the office!

It’s amazing to have such a young, fresh, and talented new member as part of our team. Hope we can together take the company to new heights. Welcome Aboard!

The office welcomes you today with open arms to be a part of our strong team! We hope we can together help the company grow bigger and broader.

Warm welcome and congratulations on getting hired! You are an asset to the company, and we hope you have a fantastic time working with the team!

Our heartiest welcome goes to you. Congratulations on being part of our growing and dynamic team here! We’re honored to have you with us!

Thanks for accepting the job offer. Your skills will be highly valuable for the team and the company. Welcome to the company!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the XYZ team here at [company name]. We are doing some exciting work here, and we are hopeful that your talent, enthusiasm, and fresh ideas will be invaluable to us!

Related: How To Write A Great Welcome Letter To New Employee In 2023: Explained With Pre-maid Templates .

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." --Helen Keller

Congratulations on becoming the newest member of this team! We hope you find your new role rewarding and challenging. Welcome Aboard!

Welcome aboard! We are proud to have you with us. We all have faith that you’ll deliver results, excel, and make us all proud.

Thanks for choosing to be part of the company! We are all working towards a common goal, and your contribution is integral. Congratulations, and welcome aboard!

Congratulations and welcome to the team! We believe that what a strong group of people can accomplish together is much larger, far greater, and will exceed what an individual can achieve alone.

We hope that your new journey with us will be exciting and fruitful. Welcome aboard!

Your talent and skill will add great value to our organization. We are hopeful that your learning experience will grow with us. Congratulations and welcome!

Having a talented individual like you will help us take another pivotal step towards the organizational goals. We look forward to working with you. Welcome!

We are thrilled to have you in our organization. Your skillset, creative mindset, and personality will positively impact the workforce. Hope you have a great time here!

With the organization growing rapidly, your addition to the team will greatly assist us in achieving our goals. We look forward to providing you with the best professional and personal opportunities.

Everyone on the team extends a warm welcome. With your exceptional skills and personality, we believe you will be a good fit for us.

Starting a new job can be overwhelming. But do not worry; we are here to help and support you in every way possible. So, sit back, relax, learn and enjoy the journey with us!

Welcome to a work culture that values a positive attitude and camaraderie. I hope you have a good time here!

With newer perspectives and ideas, we hope you bring a new dimension to our workplace. Welcome aboard, and congratulations!

We hope that you will surprise us with your innovative ideas and influence the whole organization in a positive way. Hope you have a good time working with us!

Hard work and dedication are something that we value the most, and we know that you are ready to put in all your efforts from the first day. Congratulations on joining the team!

Persist in your work, learn from your mistakes, cultivate positive relationships, and always give your all. That is all we ask from you. Congratulations and welcome to the team!

Never be afraid to try new things because that is exactly what we encourage our employees to do. You experiment, and you learn. The team is always available to help you. Welcome to the group. Hope you have an amazing time here!

Happy joining day! Please let me know if HR made you feel welcome because we have something better in the works. I am delighted you have decided to join us.

In Conclusion: Why Do Welcome Messages For New Employees Matter?

A warm welcome is essential for making your new employees feel at ease, developing strong peer relationships, and settling in quickly. Consider including an introduction to the team as part of your overall employee onboarding (and vice versa). It can be through a guided office tour, personal 1-to-1s, your employee newsletter , social channels, teambuilding exercises, or even a special office getting-to-know-you afternoon.

Darshana Dutta

This article is written by Darshana Dutta . She works as a Content Creator and Digital Marketer at Vantage Circle . She writes extensively on trends around employee engagement and transforming company culture. For any related queries, contact [email protected]


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Top job promotion acceptance speech

How do you say thank you after a promotion.#JobPromotionSpeech

When workers hear the good news that they will be promoted to a new and better position within a company, they feel a mixture of emotion, satisfaction and pride. But, a promoted worker usually has to deliver an acceptance speech accepting for their new post.

#JobPromotionSpeech #JobSpeech #Job

How do you say thank you after a promotion?,How do you accept a promotion graciously?,How do you write a speech after a promotion?,How do you start a thank you speech? Acceptance speeches should not be too long or too short. Their contents must have three main objectives: to thank their chiefs for their trust, to thank all the people who collaborated to the promotion, and to commit to work efficiently in the new post and in the company’s growth.

Here’s how to respond to a promotion offer

Express gratitude:

* Thank the person who offered you the promotion. Let them know you appreciate their confidence in you.

Show enthusiasm (conditionally):

* You can express excitement about the new opportunity, especially if you were hoping for the promotion.

* If you have reservations, you can still acknowledge the opportunity and express your interest in learning more.

Ask questions (if needed):

* This is a good time to clarify any details about the promotion you might be unsure about. This could include:

* Specific responsibilities of the new role.

* Start date and salary.

* Reporting structure and team dynamics.

* Training and support offered.

Negotiate (optional)

* If the promotion involves a raise or other benefits, this might be the time to negotiate. Be sure to do your research on industry standards for the new position beforehand.

Give your Answer

* Once you’ve considered everything, give your answer.

* If you accept, reiterate your enthusiasm and express your eagerness to get started.

* If you decline, do so politely. Thank them for the offer and explain your reasons for declining.

Here are some resources that might be helpful:

Why you might write a thank you note for a promotion?

There are a couple of reasons why you might want to write a thank you note after getting a promotion:

* Express gratitude: A promotion is a significant achievement, and it shows that your hard work and contributions have been recognized. A thank you note is a way to express your sincere appreciation to your manager, colleagues, or whoever played a role in your advancement.

* Strengthen relationships: Taking the time to write a thank you note shows that you’re thoughtful and appreciative. This can help strengthen relationships with your superiors and colleagues, which can be beneficial for your future career within the company.

* Reiterate enthusiasm: You can use the thank you note as an opportunity to reiterate your enthusiasm for the new role and your commitment to the company’s success. This can solidify your position and make a positive impression.

Overall, a thank you note for a promotion is a professional courtesy that shows good character and strengthens bonds within your workplace.

How to write a thank you letter for a promotion in clear steps

1. start with the salutation:.

* Address the letter to the appropriate person. Typically, this will be your manager who directly promoted you, but it could also be someone else who played a significant role, like a senior leader or colleague who advocated for you.

* Use a formal salutation like “Dear [Manager’s Name],” or “Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Last Name],”

2. Express gratitude:

* Clearly state your thanks for the promotion. You can mention your new job title for clarity: “Thank you so much for promoting me to the position of [New Job Title].”

* Use words that convey your genuine appreciation, such as “honored,” “excited,” or “grateful.”

3. Highlight supportive actions (Optional):

* This step personalizes your message. Briefly mention a specific instance where your manager or colleague’s actions helped you develop or grow in your role.

* For example, “Your guidance on [specific project] was invaluable and prepared me for this new challenge.”

4. Express enthusiasm for the new role:

* Briefly show your excitement about the new opportunities and responsibilities that come with the promotion.

* You can say something like, “I’m eager to learn more about the role and contribute to the team’s success in a bigger way.”

5. Offer help with transition (Optional):

* If relevant, you can offer your help to ensure a smooth transition. This shows initiative and responsibility.

* You can say, “Please let me know how I can best facilitate the handover of my current projects.”

6. Conclude and sign off:

* Briefly reiterate your thanks and express your commitment to your new role.

* Use a closing like “Sincerely,” “Thank you again,” or “Best regards,” followed by your typed name and signature (if sending a physical letter).

Here’s an example structure to follow:

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Thank you so much for promoting me to the position of [New Job Title]. I am truly [honored/excited/grateful] for this opportunity.

[Optional: Briefly mention a specific instance of support]

I’m eager to learn more about the new role and contribute to the team’s success in a bigger way. [Optional: Offer help with transition]

Thank you again for this amazing opportunity. I look forward to working with you even more closely in this new capacity.

[Your Name]

By following these steps and using the example as a guide, you can craft a thoughtful and professional thank you note for your well-deserved promotion.

Example of a thank you letter for a promotion?

Thank you so much for promoting me to [New Job Title]. I am truly honored and incredibly excited to take on this new challenge.

I appreciate your confidence in my abilities. Your support and guidance throughout my time at [Company Name] have been instrumental in my professional development. I’m particularly grateful for [mention a specific instance where your manager helped you grow].

I’m eager to learn more about the new role and contribute to the team’s success in a bigger way. Please let me know how I can best make the transition and ensure a smooth handover of my previous responsibilities.

How do you write a promotional speech?

Mr. General Director, Mr. Finance Manager, Mr. Human Resources Manager, coworkers, ladies and gentlemen:

I gratefully and humbly accept the company’s top executives’ decision of appointing me as Head of the Accounting Department.

First, I would like to say that this news has been a big surprise for me, and to be honest I did not expect this change so soon. Still I cannot deny I am very happy and proud because I feel my effort in these five years has had positive and satisfactory results.

I thank God, this company’s directors and, of course, my boss , Mr. Martín Gómez, who from the start treated me as a son, pupil and friend. I promise all of them I will not let them down and keep working for the company’s success.

The post of Accounting Chief is a great responsibility, but this is also a grand opportunity to demonstrate all I have learned and how capable I am, so I am sure I will not disappoint you. I assure you I will work well day by day for the company and all of us workers.

Finally, I repeat my gratitude to all people who made it possible for me to be standing in front of you all today and accepting this new challenge.

I want to thank Mr. Javier Arévalo, General Manager, who did not hesitate in appointing me to manage the Accounting Department.

I also want to thank Mr. Louis Sanders, Human Resources Manager, who made everything possible to give me this promotion before the expected time.

I thank them, my former boss, Mr. Jean, and all of you, friends and coworkers, for sharing this great joy and opportunity in my career with me.

I promise you all I will work well for our second home (NAME OF THE COMPANY). Thank you very much.

What do you say after you get a promotion?

In the immediate aftermath of getting promoted, there are a few things you can say depending on the situation:

To your manager

* Express gratitude: “Thank you so much for this promotion! I’m honored and excited about the opportunity.”

* Reiterate enthusiasm: “I’m eager to take on the new challenges and responsibilities that come with this role.”

* Offer help with transition: “Please let me know how I can ensure a smooth handover of my current duties.”

To colleagues

* Show appreciation: “Thanks everyone for your support! I couldn’t have done it without you all.”

* Acknowledge teamwork: “This promotion reflects the great work we’ve done as a team.”

* Express commitment: “I’m excited to continue working with you all in this new capacity.”

General responses

* Enthusiasm: “I’m thrilled/excited about this new opportunity!”

* Gratitude: “Thank you for recognizing my hard work.”

* Commitment: “I’m committed to succeeding in this new role.”

Here are some additional tips:

* Keep it professional: While you can be excited, avoid being overly boastful.

* Be mindful of the audience: Tailor your response to the person you’re speaking to.

* Be specific (optional): If appropriate, you can mention something specific you’re looking forward to in the new role.

Remember, the key is to be gracious, express your enthusiasm, and show your commitment to your new position.

Should I say thank you for a raise?

Absolutely, you should say thank you for a raise. Here’s why:

* Expresses Gratitude: It shows appreciation for your employer recognizing your value and contributions. A simple “thank you” acknowledges the raise and fosters a positive work relationship.

* Professional Courtesy: Expressing thanks is a standard professional courtesy in many workplaces. It shows good manners and strengthens your reputation.

* Potential Benefits: Thanking your employer for a raise can show your continued dedication and enthusiasm for the role. This might be seen favorably in future evaluations or discussions about promotions.

How you express thanks depends on your comfort level and company culture. Here are some options:

* Verbal Thank You: A sincere “thank you” to your manager in person is a great way to express your appreciation.

* Thank You Email: A quick email expressing gratitude is another appropriate option.

Here’s an example of what you could say in your email:

Thank you very much for the recent raise. I appreciate you recognizing my contributions to the team.

I’m committed to continuing my hard work and achieving great things here at [Company Name].

The key is to be genuine and express your appreciation in a way that feels comfortable for you.

Positive quotes for work

:: “Work gives us the opportunity to connect with others and build meaningful relationships”.

:: “In my short life I have been able to learn that work not only gives us an income, it also teaches us discipline and responsibility”.

:: “Although sometimes it is exhausting, work gives us the opportunity to achieve our goals and objectives, so let’s not give up and keep going”.

:: “Work does not have to be a burden, it can be a source of joy and satisfaction. That is why it is important to choose wisely the path we will follow in this life”.

:: “Success at work is not just about working hard, but about working smart and keeping in mind what we are doing it for”.

:: “A good work environment is essential for a satisfying and productive working life. Let us always keep our objectives in our sights and continue forward”.

What are some sayings about getting work done?

:: “Success at work is not just about making money, but about finding meaning and purpose in what we do”.

:: “Work is an opportunity to learn new skills and expand our knowledge. Let us not forget how important it is to continue training and improving ourselves”.

:: “Collaboration and teamwork are key to achieving great results at work. Let’s take care of our labor relations because only then can we grow”.

:: “A job well done not only benefits the employee, but also the employer and society in general. Let’s be proud of everything we have accomplished”.

:: “Work does not have to be boring, there are always opportunities to innovate and be creative, we just have to know how to be curious and always investigate beyond what is asked of us”.

:: “Our work does not define who we are, but it can help us achieve our goals and realize our dreams. Let us go for more and never stop dreaming!”.

Inspirational quotes for work and life

:: “Work can be stressful, but it can also be an opportunity to develop stress management skills”.

:: “A good boss not only leads, but he also inspires and guides his team to success. Let us always keep that in mind and value good leadership”.

:: “A positive attitude at work can make a big difference in our productivity and job satisfaction”.

:: “Work is an opportunity to make a difference in the world and contribute to something bigger than ourselves. We are proud of our work”.

:: “Sometimes, the best job opportunities can be found outside of our comfort zone. Let’s leave fear behind and dare more”.

:: “Work should not be our only source of happiness, but it can be an important part of our life, so let’s give it due importance”.

:: “A good balance between work and personal life is key to a balanced and healthy life, but above all a happy one”.

:: “Work can be a way to discover our strengths and weaknesses, and learn and grow as people”.

Phrases: Happy Labor Day boss!

:: “Happy Labor Day boss! I thank you for your leadership and commitment to making our company a great place to work”.

:: “Good morning boss! On this important day, I want to express my gratitude to you for being a role model and for motivating us to do our very best”.

:: “Happy Labor Day boss! I hope that today you have a day full of joy and satisfaction for all that you have achieved. We admire you very much!”.

:: “Good morning boss! On this Labor Day, I want to send you my best wishes and recognize your dedication and daily effort, as they do not go unnoticed”.

:: “Happy Labor Day boss! I hope this day is filled with gratitude and reflection on all that you have achieved over the past few years because it is truly admirable”.

Happy Labor Day! greetings for coworkers

:: “Today is a day to celebrate the achievements we have achieved together, because without you none of this would be possible. Happy Labor Day!”.

:: “On this Labor Day, I want to thank you for your commitment to our team and for your hard work every day”.

:: “Your work is essential and valuable to our team. On this Labor Day, we thank you for it and we want you to know that you are the very best!”.

:: “Today we celebrate all workers, including our colleagues. Happy Labor Day!”.

:: “Dear colleague, on this Labor Day, I thank you for your dedication and effort in our team”.

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Stirling MP Chris Kane accused of ‘double-jobbing’ after stepping down as council leader

Labour's Councillor Margaret Brisley will replace Chris Kane in the role.

Chris Kane MP will also step down as a councillor in due course. Image: Scottish Labour

The leader of Stirling Council has finally stepped down, two months after being elected as the area’s new MP.

Labour councillor Chris Kane won the Stirling and Strathallan seat in July’s general election while still the local authority leader.

He left his council role during a heated special meeting on Thursday afternoon, and will also step down as a local councillor in due course to focus on his Westminster role.

Labour’s Councillor Margaret Brisley will replace him as leader.

Independent council member Councillor Alasdair MacPherson criticised the outgoing leader for “double-jobbing”, estimating that Mr Kane makes around £8,500 per month but “votes to rob pensioners”.

This was in reference to Mr Kane voting in favour of cutting the winter fuel allowance at Westminster, along with the majority of the Labour Party.

Councillor MacPherson was interrupted by chair Provost Elaine Watterson, who said she would not tolerate personal attacks, particularly of individuals who were not present.

Controversial Councillor Gerry McGarvey appointed depute leader

Labour councillor Gerry McGarvey was appointed as depute leader of Stirling Council.

Before councillors voted, it was raised by a member that Councillor McGarvey was found by the Standards Commission to have behaved disrespectfully towards another elected member during the recess of a council meeting on March 2, 2023, becoming “angry, frustrated and agitated”. However, nothing more was said on this.

There was also unease among some of those present around Conservative councillor Robin Kleinman’s new appointment as convener of the audit committee.

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SNP councillor Gene Maxwell said: “The Conservative Party here would be auditing their own homework.”

And fellow SNP councillor Gerry McLaughlan agreed that he felt Stirling Council’s Conservatives are not the opposition to Labour, but are often in agreement.

Green councillor Alasdair Tollemache said: “Everybody I’ve spoken to has had enough of party politics in this council.” He called for collaboration between parties, to be done in an open and transparent way.

SNP councillors left the room during new leader’s debut speech

After the conclusion of the vote, new council leader Margaret Brisley began to make a speech, but was interrupted by the abrupt exit of some of her colleagues.

Praising Councillor Kane as “an excellent council leader”, Councillor Brisley said: “It’s a shame my SNP colleagues have already gone and aren’t interested, because I would hope to continue the trend that Councillor Kane had, which was an open-door approach.

“And I would welcome, any time at all, if any member of the council wants to speak to me on any issues, I’m happy to do so.

“I think that’s the way the people of Stirling voted, with the split of seats, and we owe it to the public and to the council to try and work in that collegiate fashion.

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“I will continue to try to talk to my colleagues. If they refuse to participate, as they have down up to now, that’s up to them.”

Chris Kane MP commented: “It has been a huge privilege to be the leader of Stirling Council and I am delighted to be followed in the role by Cllr Margaret Brisley.

“Margaret was a great support to me in my time in the role, with her knowledge and experience second to none.

“I wish her well and I look forward to working closely with her in my new role as member of parliament for Stirling and Strathallan.”

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A black and white portrait of a young James Earl Jones sitting on a wooden bench and leaning forward and smiling with his hands on his left knee.

James Earl Jones, Whose Powerful Acting Resonated Onstage and Onscreen, Dies at 93

He gave life to characters like Darth Vader in “Star Wars” and Mufasa in “The Lion King,” and went on to collect Tonys, Golden Globes, Emmys and an honorary Oscar.

James Earl Jones in 1980. He climbed to Broadway and Hollywood stardom with talent, drive and remarkable vocal cords. Credit... M. Reichenthal/Associated Press

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Robert D. McFadden

By Robert D. McFadden

  • Sept. 9, 2024

James Earl Jones, a stuttering farm child who became a voice of rolling thunder as one of America’s most versatile actors in a stage, film and television career that plumbed race relations, Shakespeare’s rhapsodic tragedies and the faceless menace of Darth Vader, died on Monday at his home in Dutchess County, N.Y. He was 93.

The office of his agent, Barry McPherson, confirmed the death in a statement.

From destitute days working in a diner and living in a $19-a-month cold-water flat, Mr. Jones climbed to Broadway and Hollywood stardom with talent, drive and remarkable vocal cords. He was abandoned as a child by his parents, raised by a racist grandmother and mute for years in his stutterer’s shame, but he learned to speak again with a herculean will. All had much to do with his success.

So did plays by Howard Sackler and August Wilson that let a young actor explore racial hatred in the national experience; television soap operas that boldly cast a Black man as a doctor in the 1960s; and a decision by George Lucas, the creator of “Star Wars,” to put an anonymous, rumbling African American voice behind the grotesque mask of the galactic villain Vader.

A black and white portrait of Mr. Jones wearing glasses and looking away from the camera with a serious expression on his face.

The rest was accomplished by Mr. Jones himself: a prodigious body of work that encompassed scores of plays, nearly 90 television network dramas and episodic series, and some 120 movies. They included his voice work, much of it uncredited, in the original “Star Wars” trilogy, in the credited voice-over of Mufasa in “The Lion King,” Disney’s 1994 animated musical film, and in his reprise of the role in Jon Favreau’s computer-animated remake in 2019.

Mr. Jones was no matinee idol, like Cary Grant or Denzel Washington. But his bulky Everyman suited many characters, and his range of forcefulness and subtlety was often compared to Morgan Freeman’s. Nor was he a singer; yet his voice, though not nearly as powerful, was sometimes likened to that of the great Paul Robeson. Mr. Jones collected Tonys, Golden Globes, Emmys, Kennedy Center honors and an honorary Academy Award.

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