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Organizing Your Argument Presentation

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This presentation is designed to introduce your students to the elements of an organized essay, including the introduction, the thesis, body paragraphs, topic sentences, counterarguments, and the conclusion.

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A Dozen Slides

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We’ve all sat through -- and given -- presentations with too many PowerPoint slides. Moreover, we’ve all toyed with the various ways of trying to make complex theories, long quotable quotes from scholars or field observations, or enormous statistical tables into a single overhead screen. Many of us have also seen the guidelines and op-eds about what a good PowerPoint slide looks like, but few academics have a budget for a designer to really help with graphic elements. Moreover, the presentation of original research (or even proposals for original research) is different from the style and content of presenting with PowerPoint in the corporate world.

So what is a good starting point for a basic first draft of a presentation for any circumstance in which you are presenting your own research? What would work across audiences, whether you are presenting to a group of students in a classroom, peer researchers at a conference, prospective colleagues at a job talk, or the public?

A good way to start is by imagining a dozen slides. Obviously, the content that goes into this outline will vary, depending on whether you are doing quantitative, comparative, qualitative or humanistic inquiry. But this outline should be flexible enough to serve you in a short conference presentation or a long job talk: the basic goals and ingredients are the same. Indeed you may find that this outline exposes some of the shared assumption about what research can be across the humanities or the natural, physical and social sciences. Like an essay, there are some standard ingredients that research presentations should have. Some disciplines have their own conventions and your mentors should coach you on what these are. But not having the basic ingredients risks communicating that you have not been fully professionalized as a researcher.

Less Is More

There is an old adage that good data visualizations have a low ink-to-data ratio. You want every drop of ink to communicate something meaningful, and bedazzling colors or animations detract from what you want to communicate. Similarly, after you chose a background color for your presentation, only add pixels of text and color to communicate information. If the pixel is communicating something that you will be saying out loud during the presentation, it may not be needed. If playing with pixels is more about design than data, you are simply decorating your ideas and evidence. And Orwell’s writing rules can be adapted for conference presentations and job talks:

  • Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech that you are used to seeing in print or saying colloquially.
  • Never use a long word where a short one will do.
  • If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
  • Never use the passive where you can use the active.
  • Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
  • Break any of these rules before presenting anything outright barbarous.

Practically speaking, this means it is OK for you to edit quotes and use ellipses or hard brackets as necessary. It is OK to just present part of a model -- no need to put the variables you aren’t going to discuss up on the screen, just mention in passing that they were part of the analysis (people will understand that you can return to them in Q&A).

It’s a Performance

This is just an outline structure. The design elements are up to you, as is the performance. If you use a laser slide pointer, hold it in your hand and rest your hand on the corner of the podium so the red dot looks stable on the screen. Trace lines slowly on the screen: from the audience point of view, a quick jittery slash of laser across the screen just makes you look nervous.

Minimize the animations and don’t embed video -- they break the audience’s attention from you. Soft gentle fade-ins look good; fast-moving swiping transitions with silly sound effects are distracting. If you are studying visual culture and are analyzing a single, important video artifact, it might be OK to stop your formal presentation and let the audience watch the object of your inquiry. But inserting YouTube joke videos, excerpts from other people’s lectures or recordings from a field site means you are surrendering the attention. Unless you do a full setup and then analysis of an embedded video it is rarely worth jarring your audience and giving up the minutes you have to present your ideas … and you risk that the audience will fixate on the video and interpret it in unexpected ways.

Use one or two slides that are just a picture -- the kind of picture that is provocative and can trigger a whole slew of thoughts from you. An image that helps prompt you in some way that the audience will remember. As a presenter, this should let you get animated and let the audience see that you can eloquently riff on your research.

Use one or two slides that are just text. Big text so that people can read with you, and it's OK if you read the text out loud. Chose well-phrased lines from your writing that have precisely chosen words and bring home a punch line. Use this presentation style sparingly. This should let you hammer home the most important point of your research, using the crafted language that communicates the key thing you want to communicate. Again, these should be the ideas you don’t want your audience to misinterpret.

Play With Outline After Each Performance

Over the long term, your slide deck can include other slides that you have in waiting should you need more content either to help answer audience questions or fill in the time. Indeed the more you practice, the better able you will be to collapse or stretch your presentation of your ideas. So if you ever design a good slide but decide there may not be enough time for it, don’t delete it, just move it to the very bottom, where you can put it up if needed during the Q&A.

Once you are practiced with this slide show, you will also feel comfortable introducing your own variations. But it is good to start with this outline. Since the slides described above are also the common components of research projects across the disciplines, if you drop one in a presentation to a scholarly audience someone will probably query you about it!

Starter Outline

Title (Slide 1)

Snappy title, substantive subtitle. Date, your name, email address, department and college or university affiliation. Perhaps the logo of your home institution and your funder if relevant. This should be up first, as people ready settle in for your brilliant talk. By the way, always introduce yourself -- don’t just launch into your material!

Outline of My Talk (Slide 2)

Tell us what’s ahead with an outline. Make sure the section titles in the outline appear in the same phrasing later on so that the audience can track where you are. Roman numerals can signal progress in the argument, and some people put a running header on slides along with slide number. You don’t need the date, your name or your institution’s name on every slide. Those pixels are redundant after your first slide and introducing yourself.

Me and My Research (Slide 3)

Give us a few quick reminders about who you are, who you’ve collaborated with, how you came to (or fell into) this topic, or why you are personally invested in this research. If you are proud of having received some financial support for the research, or of having made it through the human subjects’ approval process, some of those details can appear on the slide. This slide helps people locate your research in the network of funders, research centers and other scholars involved in this area of inquiry. This slide also establishes your credibility and teaches the audience about your interests. You can also discuss a previous paper or previous project, which would build a bridge to the next slide. While the slide can identify your formal ties to the research community, this can also be the moment to take people behind the stage and tell them the personal compelling story that really drew you into the project.

Research Questions (Slide 4)

This slide should clearly state the research questions. Some people, especially those doing comparative or quantitative research, may also have working hypotheses. But all of us have research questions. Moreover, this slide will get lots of editing over time as you come across better words to substitute and as your research agenda evolves. Ideally your research interests can be expressed several ways: first through a big-picture research question that will be abstract and general, broadly appealing, even, and understandable for people who aren’t experts in your subfield or who are interested in your theory ideas but not really your specific case study or research domain; second, through a more focused question that is specific to your period of inquiry, your case study, your population, your sample or your artifact. For example, this might be the difference between “What does the concentration of media ownership mean for deliberative democracy?” and “What were the causes and consequences of the concentration of television broadcast licenses in the United States between 1990 and 2008?”

While this slide is up, you also have a unique opportunity to intrigue the audience with a weird problem, a perplexing quote, a puzzling situation. The details of the narrative don’t need to go on the slide -- you entrance us with an oxymoron, riddle or highly problematic quote from your text or your fieldwork. Or an unresolved question that your peers have missed. It should be something that will make someone in the audience heckle “no!” or “neat!”

Literature Review and Existing Knowledge (Slide 5)

In these two slides, you present the ways in which other contemporary researchers would tackle your research questions, solve your puzzle or deconstruct your artifact. This slide shows the audience that you are on top of the literature, and that you have done due diligence in assessing other schools of thought and familiarized yourself with other people’s critiques. Convince us that you know what the existing research is, but don’t go overboard. Don’t dwell on the literature review, just convince us that you know it, and if any of the important researchers are in the audience this is an opportunity to quickly acknowledge their contributions. This may vary a bit in the humanities, but on the whole the audience is not at your research talk to hear about Habermas, Foucault, Bourdieu, Castells, Einstein or Dawkins, they are there to learn about your work. If your work is on their work, you can refer to big names, but spending time on other people’s ideas means less time on your ideas. Slide 5 should be about what the leading scholars might say on your research question and about what others might say -- either some dissenters or some people who recently and directly tried to answer your research question.

Possible Answers and Rival Theories (Slides 6 and 7)

In this slide, you summarize three different yet plausible answers to your research question. You transition from theorizing about how other thinkers might answer your question to the most plausible answers. Of course refer to the literature and scholars you assessed, and perhaps summarize two rival explanations and suggest that you have a third, better, more nuanced answer. This is the bridge to the next series of slides, and it shows that you have identified a puzzle that current scholarship can’t solve or doesn’t handle well, and that you feel confident enough about your solution and handling of the puzzle to warrant presenting your work. If some of the people behind the rival theories are in the audience, be respectful.

My Methods (Slide 8)

Slide 8 should be about methods choices. Say things like, “To complete this research I have spent [X years of my life] doing [fieldwork/lab work/archival work/statistical analysis]. I have traveled to [these cities or libraries], interviewed [X number of experts], created [original datasets/original compositions/original artwork].” Detail your research process, especially if the audience is full of researchers. Impress the audience with the volume of artifacts you’ve studied, number people you’ve talked to, time you have dedicated or places you’ve been. By now, you are one of the world’s experts on your research domain, so describe all the evidence you’ve been working on and the kinds of intellectual work you’ve put into becoming this expert.

My Findings (Slides 9 and 10)

Your more nuanced understanding of the problem at hand is based on your expertise: your fieldwork, your considered assessment of a media text, your collection and assessment of data, or your cross-case comparison. You get to justify your methodological and epistemological approach, and do your reading of evidence. There is a lot of variety about what can go in these slides, but they can be dedicated to you or your project. These slides can be about findings from your specific field site, artifact or data analysis. In other words, they should be the answers you would offer to your second very specific research question.

Conclusions and Next Steps (Slide 11)

In this slide, you can suggest that more work is needed in this domain. Perhaps there are some remaining aspects of the research question that you couldn’t quite get to, or something about your sampling strategy that might have biased the outcomes. Perhaps your conclusions lead inexorably to more questions, and you could identify some of these … especially if your intention is to go on with this or if you want to influence the trajectory of other researchers in the room. This penultimate slide allows you to answer the big-picture question, and it should summarize the takeaway ideas that will interest even people who don’t care about your particular case study. They can be simply stated, but like your slide of research questions, they will take a lot of drafting and redrafting. Indeed, you may rephrase your conclusions the night before a presentation, to highlight conclusions you expect your audience will be particularly interested in. This is where you can say big things about the intellectual merit or broad impact of your work. What are takeaway ideas one, two and three?

References (Slide 12)

This isn’t about referencing other people’s work, it is about your work and it should identify some of the writing you’ve done in this domain. It doesn’t only have to list published items, it can list working papers, co-authored articles or manuscripts that are forthcoming, under review or in preparation. It is great if you have an authored or co-authored piece on the topic you are presenting on. But when most of us are presenting new research it hasn’t come out in print, so as long as your references are relevant to the research they should be identified here. If you haven’t actually published, then perhaps list your team members and move the funder information from the early slide to this slide. Repeat your identifying information from the first slide, and then list two or three items or the URL of a website where people could find out more about your work. This slide can stay up during the question and answer period, and it is much better than a final slide that says “good-bye,” “thank you” or worse, “fin.”

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write an essay on powerpoint presentation

  • Resources / Technology and Writing

Creating Effective PowerPoint® Presentations

by Purdue Global Academic Success Center and Writing Center · Published February 4, 2014 · Updated February 3, 2014

A Resource to Share with Students

By Chrissine Rios, Writing Tutor

Microsoft® PowerPoint® is a tool for creating dynamic oral presentations. This tutorial introduces the elements of a PowerPoint® presentation and helps you get started by illustrating the steps for creating slides and the features that make a presentation effective.


If you have been assigned a PowerPoint® in addition to an essay or instead of an essay, here are the key similarities and differences between these two forms:

Elements of a PPT vs an Essay


Similar to drafting an essay, when creating a PowerPoint®, you need to define your topic and focus, determine your audience, and know your purpose–whether you are informing, educating, entertaining, or persuading.

Another essential step that takes as much time when creating a PowerPoint® as it does when writing an essay is to research your subject matter and prewrite your ideas.

A next step to fully prepare is to make an informal outline to organize your ideas and establish a clear beginning middle and end. With the groundwork complete and content prepared, you are ready to create Slide 1.

1.     New presentations begin with a title slide. Follow the directions given in the text placeholders beginning with “click to add title.”

2.      Then, in the next box, add your subtitle. You may also use this area to provide your name and the university name per APA guidelines or any other information required on your title slide.

3.      Since a PowerPoint® accompanies an oral presentation, you may want to add speaker notes in the notes pane to elaborate on the points on each slide.

Slide 1

Slide 1: Add title, subtitle, your name, your university name, and in the Notes pane, your speaker notes.

Slides 2, 3, 4…

1.    To insert another slide, right-click the thumbnail of the slide that you want the next slide to follow.

2.    On the drop-down menu, click “New Slide.”

3.    The new slide will open in a default layout. To use this layout, “click to add title,” and in the body placeholder, you can click to add text or select from the media options.

Slides 2, 3, 4...

4.    To use another layout, open the  Slide Layout  task pane and select the layout that best suits your content.

Slide Layout Task Pane

5.    Continue inserting slides using the same steps as above, or insert a “Duplicate Slide” and replace the text or image to  maintain c onsistent title placement and formatting.

APA Citation Tips:

  • Cite your research after the bullet point(s) that have the quoted, paraphrased, or summarized text.
  • You can insert text boxes as needed and position them on the slide to add citations to images or charts from your research. Refer to the Insert menu on the PowerPoint® toolbar to use this feature.


PowerPoint® presentations are meant to be seen more than read. Their impact depends on their visual appeal, so you will want to apply design features. For the design to be effective, consider the following:

1. Apply a theme . Themes are design templates that establish the background, bullets, charts, SmartArt, and text style, as well as the position of the content placeholders. Slide layout options also remain available, and you can resize and reposition any object on a slide (except the stylistic patterns built into the themes).

Apply a Theme

Apply a theme.

2.  Use a consistent background such as one design template throughout. Only use a different background in the presentation to bring attention to one slide. 

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Use a consistent background, color scheme, and font.

3. Use a consistent color scheme throughout of no more than three colors (or one design theme).   When selecting colors, avoid h ard-to-read extremes such as black text on a white background, which is blinding, or white text on a black background, which is like reading the inside of a box. 

4. Use one type of transition  between slides for consistency. 

5. Use the same  font throughout such as Arial, Times, Verdana, or Calibri. Use font sizes large enough to view from anywhere in the room. Avoid using font smaller than 24. 

6. Use visuals such as charts, images, and clipart to illustrate your content. However, do not add clipart simply to make a slide fancier or more colorful. 

An Ineffective Slide Design

Cartoonish clipart is unprofessional and distracting. In this example it also crowds the text, which itself is too frilly, dense, slanted, and small to read.

All elements of the slide must work together to be effective and have the intended impact on the audience.

Effective Slide Design

APA Citation 

When using Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® clipart in your Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation, you do not have to cite it according to APA.  If you use clipart or images from an on-line source, however, you will want to attribute the art to its source with a citation. In APA format, this citation format is the following: 

In-text, aligned with image: (Name of image creator, Year image was made)

Reference slide: Name of image creator, A. A. (Year image was made). Title of image. . Retrieved from http://…

Want to Learn More About PowerPoint? The Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® website has many tutorials to choose from: http://bit.ly/1cZWSY0

Download this tutorial as a pdf :  http://bit.ly/1dZirfZ

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Thanks for sharing this information! This is a terrific resource for my students in completing one of their course assignments. I’m definitely going to share! 🙂

Thank you, Terresa. We are so glad the blog helped. Chrissine always makes fabulous resources, and we will try to post more of them.

Thanks for your comment!

[…] to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate […]

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How to Turn an Essay Into an Impressive PowerPoint

How to Turn an Essay Into an Impressive PowerPoint

Today, a genre of essay is outrageously popular, especially in the academic world. Proving one’s point of view, discussing social issues, justifying solutions, or simply describing events or processes – all of it exists within this genre. Impressive essays are a guarantee or a student to rise to the top and learn to express one’s thoughts in a clear way.

It is also a great way to move yourself on in learning. Anyway, mastering the art of writing essays is still in big demand. However, times change and the ordinary ‘pen-and-paper’ essays become too modest to leave a desirable imprint on the reader’s mind and soul. In addition, the essay in the traditional form is more fit for strictly official situations.

That is why many universities and colleges in all countries of the world have decided to make a smooth transition from ordinary essays to the more contemporary – digital ones. Probably, the easiest way to present your essay ideas to the wide audience is in the form of Powerpoint presentations. The method might not be extremely new and strikingly beautiful, – yet, it is a convenient, unique, and engaging way to share information.

This article will run about effective ways to turn your essay into a digital presentation. As for those who are too busy or too princess to do everything yourself, there is another solution – at the online writing service DoMyEssay.net, specializing in panicky students’ problems, texting ‘ Write my essay for me ’, it is feasible to convert the most complicated essay into a true work of art!

Techniques to Create an Attractive + Informative Powerpoint Presentation

The first thing we want to tell you right away will sound approximate like this ‘Creating a Powerpoint slide show doesn’t require special skills’. Even if you didn’t happen to deal with a program like this or any similar one, there are great chances for you to grasp the principle of work in the first minutes. So how should you organize your hybrid presentation-essay to be a success?

1. Choose the correct layouts.

The sense of style is necessary even here! Remember, the template should not be gaudy or overloaded with elements – it is always a win-win choice to grab a simple theme in pastel colors, with enough space for your images and ability for modifying. The cool bonus in some layouts is schemes and diagrams – they make your presentation great for visual perception and demonstrating evidence.

2. Make up a plan.

Without a plan, a presentation will be a chaos, if not a complete public flop. In the perfect example, you could use the text of your essay to move on with showing the arguments and exemplary situations of your choice, as well as encouraging the discussion. To make everything even more obvious, leave a separate slide in the beginning for sharing this plan with the publicity.

3. Follow the basic rules of presenting.

Following the topic on slides, not overloading your slide show with text, being reader-friendly in all senses of this word (including the font size, adequate and combinable colors, the amount of information given at once) – all of this will make you a brilliant presenter if you stick to this advice.

4. Be precise and present good conclusions.

The aim of your work, its stages, methods, outcomes, – everything should be there for the audience to get the grip on what you were doing there. In an essay, use the definite examples and data that will strengthen your point of view and leave the impression of a well-informed author who wasn’t too lazy to investigate the issue.

What’s The Way Out If I Need to Transform My Essay into PPT Quickly?

As we have already figured out, making a PPT doesn’t take too much wit. Except for the situations when you need to be as fast as flash. Luckily, here a reliable writing service can come to your rescue. How?

Most students are so used to online writing services like the platforms offering help exclusively with dissertations, term papers, and academic essays. Despite this widespread misconception, many of such services are good enough at writing business plans, movie reviews, case studies, admission essays, CVs, critical feedback letters, and article reviews, along with creating presentations. Many of them can even help you devise a topic that will sound good and correspond to all academic demands.

Once you’ve got your topic, you might order the presentation in advance. At DoMyEssay.net, they have great writers who produce unique content for the customers. We haven’t seen a service like this yet that would both provide such a wide range of academic essays and specialize in so many subjects. Therefore, if you need an urgent essay or a presentation based on an essay, feel free to text this talented team and get your academic miracle!

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How to Convert an Essay or Written Content to a PowerPoint Presentation?

Transform your written brilliance into engaging presentations! Learn how to convert essays to PowerPoint seamlessly with expert tips and tricks.

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4. Title Your Presentation

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5. Copy and Paste Your Content

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7. Click on "Generate Presentation"

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How to Write a Professional PowerPoint Presentation (Discover the Writing Process)

Brad Smith

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Are you writing a PowerPoint presentation? Learning how to create a PowerPoint takes practice. The writing process helps you organize the steps to produce a presentation.

MILD PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements

You know your topic and audience. You know that your slides must grab attention, follow a logical order, and flow smoothly. This takes some work. But the first step in figuring out how to make a business presentation for PPT is to sit down and begin to write.

Before jumping in, look through our professional templates on Envato Elements.  We'll explain how to plan and how to write a PowerPoint presentation. This introduction to PowerPoint writing has everything you need. 

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Do you want a head start on learning how to writing a presentation? If so, you'll want to review this short video that explains the basics of writing a PowerPoint presentation:

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

You've just learned how to create a PowerPoint. But there's more.

Download your free eBook on making presentations below. And don't forget to read the written tutorial for even more tips about writing a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Research for Your Presentation
  • Sit Down to Write
  • Get Your Presentation Design Right

Best PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements

Envato elements: design without limits, learn more about professional ppt presentation design (in 2023), find more powerpoint presentation templates (for inspiring designs in 2023), download our free ebook on making great presentations, write a professional powerpoint presentation today, guide to making great presentations (free ebook download).

Take what you'll learn in this tutorial further. Download our free eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . 

Make a Great Presentation Free eBook Download

Learn the complete presentation process in this comprehensive guide. That way, you can go beyond writing your presentation. You can learn to design all your slides like a pro, deliver to your audience with impact, and more. 

In our tutorial, we make it simple. We go over how to write a PowerPoint presentation—quickly and painlessly. We’ll start with how to write a compelling introduction with a fail-proof “hook.” Then, we'll look at how to create an outline, and how to finish strong. Finally, we’ll wrap it up with some helpful design tips. These help the written and visual components of your presentation come together.

We've got the steps you need as an introduction to PowerPoint writing. Now let's get into the writing process that leads to a professional PowerPoint presentation!

1. Research for Your Presentation

Before you can write your presentation, you need to do some research. Here are the steps to take:

Step 1. Develop Your PowerPoint Presentation’s ‘Thesis’

Right now, before you get any further in the process, write out what your topic is in one sentence. Think of it as a mini thesis for your presentation.

To be effective, your single sentence “thesis” must be specific, relevant, and debatable. It's an argument that you'll spend the rest of your presentation proving.

For example, you may start by saying,

“It’s good for photographers to be aware of their surroundings.”

Think how this would read if you were a bit more specific.

“As a street photographer it’s important to be clear about your circumstances.”

Both phrases essentially say the same thing, but the second is more focused.

How to write a presentation

And finally, getting as specific and clear as possible might look like this mini-thesis  from one of our photography tutorials:

Few things are more important as a street photographer than being clear on the context, or circumstances, in which you are photographing. 

Step 2. Identify the Most Relevant Points

Now that you’ve written out your topic's mini thesis, it’s time to get to the main points.

The simplest way to do this? Make a list. Jot down everything that comes to mind on your topic. Once you’ve done this, go back through the list. Highlight (or circle or underline) the points that are most important.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Step 3. Write an Outline for a PowerPoint Presentation

An outline for a PowerPoint presentation helps you organize your thoughts. And it helps you decide exactly what to include. 

A PowerPoint presentation outline is a roadmap for your written presentation. Use one whenever you think about how to create a PowerPoint. These list the essential points you’ll explore. These you’ve already identified in the step above. Now, you'll organize the points in a logical way, starting with your introduction. 

Azaria how to create a PowerPoint

  • The introduction is where you tell your audience what you'll cover in your talk.
  • Next, you write a topic sentence for each of the main points you've decided you want to cover.
  • For each topic sentence or main point, you'll now write two to three supporting ideas or arguments. 
  • Your PowerPoint presentation outline needs a conclusion. The most effective conclusions end on as strong a note as the presentation began. Conclusions generally restate the key points you’ve made in your presentation. Then, they conclude with a call to action, compelling story, or memorable quote. 

Now you know how to write a PowerPoint presentation outline. Next, let’s look at how to write a script for a presentation.

2. Sit Down to Write

Once you've done your research and you understand your topic, you're ready to start writing:

Step 1. Start Strong

Remember that mini thesis we worked on? You’re about to be glad you did it.

Your introduction should consist of two things: your thesis and a summary of your outline. It's important to find the right balance with how you approach this. You want to neatly skim over each of the main points you'll cover, but without giving too much away too early.

Your introduction shouldn’t just be informative, it needs to be engaging, too. It's your opportunity to convince your listeners that what you've got to say is interesting and worth their attention. It should grab their attention.

Step 2. End Strong

Your conclusion will look and sound a lot like your introduction. But there's one key difference. Your introduction is to intrigue, and your conclusion is to call your listeners to action. 

Hornette how to make PowerPoint slides

Avoid watered down phrases as you wrap up your points. Learning how to write a presentation means sharpening your focus. Don't give hints or suggestions. Instead, use direct language and make impactful summary points. 

Focus on that key last impression. Imagine what you want your listeners to leave your presentation with.

Step 3. Create a Compelling Hook and Angle

Your goal with the first statement of your introduction is to hook your listeners. You want to say something that makes them want to keep listening.

Ways to hook audience:

  • Use a provocative statement.
  • Tell a brief story or anecdote.
  • Ask a rhetorical question.
  • Say something that shocks or surprises your audience.
  • Bring up a problem and share the solution.

This tutorial on how to make a good persuasive presentation has many helpful tips on crafting a compelling hook: 

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Step 4. Turn Your Main Points Into Mini Hooks

Think of each main point as a mini hook. A point is an opportunity to draw your audience in. Take advantage of this. Every main point you make should be a memorable one-liner.

When it comes to the delivery of each point, remember to speak clearly, state slowly, and pause where appropriate for effect.

3. Get Your Presentation Design Right

The writing process for PowerPoint doesn't work in isolation. It's one of many contributing factors that fuel a winning slide deck. Design is equally important. 

Nikolas PowerPoint file type

Nothing will distract your audience more than a poorly designed PowerPoint presentation. It's essential to have a clear design strategy that pulls your presentation together. If you're lacking one, you won't inspire your audience. Here are a few critical design steps to take:

Step 1. Choose an Engaging PPT Template Design

Your slides need to be up-to-date and relevant. Have you ever seen a presentation that used a template that looks like it’s outdated or overused?

So, has your audience. Instead, download one of the many fresh modern PowerPoint templates from our Envato Elements . There are many professional options to choose from like the Golazo PowerPoint Presentation  below. 

Golazo PowerPoint Presentation format

The PowerPoint presentation format also needs to be on target with your goals. Learning how to make PowerPoint slides means knowing that every design isn't perfect for every occasion.

Learning how to create a PowerPoint is easier with great designs. For some more template ideas, check out these great articles on some of the best templates on the market today:

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Step 2. Work With Relevant Presentation Graphics

Photos and graphics are a great way to make a presentation more engaging. If they’re chosen well. But they can also be distracting. Written presentations need  just enough  graphic assets to shine.

Graphs are more likely to cause your audience to focus on the screen instead of on what you’re saying. If you decide to use a graph or infographic to illustrate a point, choose one that's simple to read.

Because photos and illustrations can be distracting, use them when it adds to the understanding of your point. When you use graphic assets, make sure they're relevant, in a current style, and are high-quality.

Learn how to work with images effectively. It's a key part of how to make PowerPoint slides. Find out which templates have the best graphic slide options in these collections:

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Step 3. Keep It Consistent

One big problem with PowerPoint presentations occurs when you add content. If you're not careful, you may get a PowerPoint that's more like a patchwork quilt than a well-built slide deck. This is especially true if you add slides from other presentations into the one you're working on.   

Mixed colors, messy text, and varying fonts are some of the issues that can afflict your slides. That's especially true when they're being built collaboratively. 

Introduction to PowerPoint

Notice how the slide above is a departure from the colors and fonts used in the rest of the presentation. It looks and feels out of place, and doesn't fit the PowerPoint file type.

It's important that you use the Master Slide effectively to keep formatting consistent. Keep an eye on the overall feel and look of your presentation. This lets you create a presentation that's consistent and feels like a cohesive whole.

PowerPoint file type

These articles help you cut out some of the inconsistencies that can crop up. They teach you how to write a presentation with consistent, focused messaging. With them, you'll learn how to create a PowerPoint more effectively.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Step 4. Format Your Slide Text for Readability

Your text formatting should be purposeful and visually consistent.

Your main points should act as headlines to a slide and should be a different size (or even font) then your body text. The fonts and sizes for each should remain the same throughout all your slides. 

The beauty of PowerPoint though is that it offers you all the tools you need to format your slide easily and consistently :

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

A presentation is about you and what you've got to say. Your slides are merely the back-up dancers. For example, look at the slide below from the Clammos PowerPoint template. See how it maintains readability with larger font sizes and proper text formatting:

How to make PowerPoint slides

Step 5. Keep It Simple

We often have so much we want to share in a presentation, that the temptation is to keep adding text. But one of the most important things to remember when designing your slides is to keep things simple. 

The is a case where less is more effective. A cluttered slide is distracting and hard for audiences to digest. They spend more time trying to figure out what to focus on: reading the slide or paying attention to the presenter?  

Conversely, simple, visually appealing slides engage your audience while keeping them on each of your main points. Here are more guides that teach you how to make PowerPoint slides with effective design:

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

To save time while designing a professional PowerPoint presentation, a premade template comes in handy. Here are some of the best-selling PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements.

1. Colington - Creative PowerPoint Template

Colington - Creative PowerPoint Template

The Colington template has got a fresh and creative design that'll help you present your company as well as your portfolio. The template is easy to customise and includes a total of 30 modern slides. It's designed in widescreen PowerPoint format. It comes with five color schemes that you can use as a starting point for your presentation.

2. Agio - Modern PowerPoint Template

Agio Modern PowerPoint Template

Try the Agio template if you prefer a minimal and clean design. Use this template for any type of presentation thanks to its simple and versatile slides. The template comes with 70 unique slides based on master slides and nine color schemes. It's designed in widescreen format and includes drag and drop image placeholders for easy editing.

3. 44 Clean Presentation - Simple PowerPoint Template

44 Clean Presenation - Simple PowerPoint Template

This template is another great choice if you’re looking for a simple and clean design. Use the template for business presentations as well as for portfolio or webinar presentations. It includes 44 slides, image placeholders, and subtle animations.

4. Model - Modern PowerPoint Template

Model - Modern PowerPoint Template

The Model is a modern PowerPoint template suitable for business presentations. The template has got easy to edit image placeholders as well as vector shapes and various infographic elements. You’ll get a total of 30 slides and five premade color schemes. The template was designed in standard and widescreen format.

Envato Elements  has a single compelling offer. For a flat rate, you can download as many PowerPoint presentation templates  as you want.

What’s more, you can download millions of other creative design assets too! These include stock photos, business card templates, web templates, icons, fonts, and more. PowerPoint file types are just one of the many assets you can leverage.

Explore Envato Elements

Envato Elements homepage

That’s right! For a single monthly subscription, you can download any type of design asset you might need. It's easier to learn how to write a presentation when you can simply use pre-built design assets.

These help you successfully brand and market your business. Sign up  for Envato Elements today and start downloading PowerPoint and other templates. 

You've learned how to write a professional PowerPoint presentation! For even more helpful guidance, turn to our guide to 60 Effective PowerPoint Presentation Tips & Tricks . This will teach you how to make a good PowerPoint presentation - fast.

These tips help you power up your knowledge of how to write a presentation. And here are a few resources that'll help you hone your skills as quickly as possible:

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

PowerPoint templates are time savers. As you learn how to create a PowerPoint, you can leverage designs. They give you great results for your written presentation.

Want to learn how to make PowerPoint slides? Keep using templates. To see more PowerPoint templates, check out these roundups:

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Before you go, grab  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations  now for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Use this comprehensive PDF guide, to get your ideas formed into a powerful presentation that'll move your audience!

The process of writing a PPT presentation is a straightforward, linear one.  Write your thesis and main points. Then, create a solid introduction and conclusion. Find ways to hook your audience, and bring it all together by creating a visually appealing set of slides. 

Anyone can learn how to make PowerPoint slides. It's a trainable skill that's easier as you follow those structured steps.

The best way is to use great PowerPoint templates that you can find on Envato Elements now! And if you're looking for more design inspiration, check out this terrific article:

Now, you know how to create a presentation! Get started today and bring your creative vision to life. 

Editorial Note: This post was originally published in 2016. It's been comprehensively revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special help from Brenda Barron and Andrew Childress . A video has been added by Andrew Childress.

Brad Smith

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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

Click to jump ahead:

What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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Business writing essentials

How to write a presentation (and deliver it, even via Zoom)

Jack elliott.

31 minute read

A woman at a microphone giving a presentation.

You’ve been asked to give a presentation. Chances are, your response will be roughly one of the following:

1. It’s a subject you’re passionate about and you’re a confident speaker. You’re pleased to have the opportunity.

2. You secretly worry that your style is flat and unengaging. You’re not looking forward to it.

3. At best, the prospect makes you nervous; at worst, terrified. You’d rather have root canal surgery.

If you belong in one of the last two categories, you probably know you’re not alone. You may have heard the statistic that public speaking is more widely feared even than death .

Quote from Mark Twain, illustrated with his photo: ‘There are only two types of speakers in the world: those who are nervous and liars.’

However you feel about the prospect of presenting, this comprehensive guide will take you step by step through the process of planning, writing and delivering a presentation you can be proud of (even via Zoom).

Use the contents links below to jump to the section you need most, make your way through methodically from start to finish, or bookmark this page for next time you need it.

What is a presentation?

Essentially, it’s a story. And its origins go back thousands of years – to when our ancestors gathered around the campfire to listen to the wise elders of the tribe. Without PowerPoint!

These days, presentations encompass the glitz and scale of the Oscars or the new iPhone launch through to business briefings to smaller audiences, in person or – increasingly – online. We’re focusing on the business side.

Whatever the occasion, there’s always an element of drama involved. A presentation is not a report you can read at your leisure, it’s an event – speakers are putting themselves on the spot to explain, persuade or inspire you. Good presentations use this dynamic to support their story.

Always remember: everyone wants you to do well

If you are nervous, always remember: no one sets out to write a poor presentation and no one wants to go to one either. There may be private agendas in the room, but for the most part audiences approach presentations positively. They want to be engaged and to learn. They want you to do well.

First things first: the date’s in the diary and you need to prepare. Let’s break it down.

Preparing a presentation

1. Preparing your presentation

Imagine you’re a designer in the automotive industry and your boss has asked you to give a presentation. The subject: the future of the car and how it will fit with all the other modes of transport.

Where to start? How to approach it? First you need an angle, a key idea.

We talk about ‘giving’ a presentation – and of course it’s the audience who will be receiving it. So, instead of beginning with cars (in this case), let’s think about people. That way we can root the talk in the everyday experience we all share.

Maybe you remember a time you were stuck in traffic on a motorway. Morning rush hour. No one moving. Up ahead children were crossing a footbridge on their way to school, laughing at the cars going nowhere. And you thought, ‘Enjoy it while you can! This will be you one day.’ But maybe not. Surely we can do better for future generations!

There’s your opening – the whole issue captured in a single image, and you’ve immediately engaged your audience with a simple story.

The who, the why and the what

Always begin with the people you’ll be addressing in mind. Before you start writing, answer three fundamental questions: who is your audience, why are you talking to them and what do you want to say?

The answers will provide the strong foundations you need and start the ideas flowing. Ignore them and you risk being vague and unfocused. Clear writing is the result of clear thinking and thinking takes time, but it’s time well spent.

Got a presentation to write? Before you do anything else, answer three fundamental questions: who is your audience, why are you talking to them and what do you want to say? @EmphasisWriting Share on X

Start with the audience

Are you a senior car designer talking to your team? If the answer’s yes, you can assume high-level, shared knowledge.

But if you’re talking to the sales or marketing departments, you can’t make the same assumptions – there are issues you might have to explain and justify. And if it’s a press briefing, it’s about getting the message out to the general public – a different story again.

Knowing your audience will also dictate your tone. Your presentation to the board is likely to be quite formal, whereas a talk for your team can be more relaxed.

And what’s the audience’s mood? On another occasion you might have bad news to deliver – perhaps the national economy and the company’s finances are threatening people’s jobs. Then you must empathise – put yourself in their position and adapt your tone accordingly.

I want to …

You also need a clear objective (the why ). For our car designer, the overriding objective should be to plant a key idea in the audience’s mind. Starting with that image of the schoolchildren, it’s to convince the audience that the company has a radical and distinctive design future.

That’s the takeaway. How should they do that? Should they explain, persuade or inspire – the three key strategies for any presentation? You may need to use several of them to achieve your goal.

Objectives should always complete the statement ‘I want to …’. What do you want to do ?

It’s about …

The what is the substance of your presentation – the building blocks, all the facts and figures that tell the audience ‘It’s about …’.

Back to our designer. The move away from petrol and diesel will allow a complete rethink of car design. The electric power unit and battery can lie under the car’s floor, freeing up all the space taken up by the conventional engine. And then there are all the issues around emission-free, autonomous vehicles in the ‘smart’ cities of the future.

When you’re planning, it can be helpful to get all the information out of your head and onto the page, using a mind map , like the example below (for a talk on UK transport policy).

This is an effective way of unlocking everything you know (or still need to do more research on). Start with your main topic, then keep asking yourself questions (like who, what, when, where, how and why) to dig into all the aspects.

Mind map to plan talk on UK transport policy. Full description below, under summary field labelled 'Open description of image'

Mind map with the topic of ‘UK transport policy at the centre. Arrows point out to six bubbles with the labels ‘Who’, ‘When’, ‘Why’, ‘How’, ‘What’ and ‘Where’. More arrows point out from each of these bubbles to explore related points in each area, and still more arrows from some of those points to expand further. The information reads:

  • Special interests / NGOs
  • Need for clear government direction
  • What industry will do
  • R&D spend
  • What industry is doing
  • Congestion [this leads to the sub-point ‘Wasted time and money’]
  • More pollution
  • More congestion
  • More wasted time and money
  • Climate change
  • Road pricing
  • Legislation
  • Working together
  • New technology
  • Exports/revenue
  • Social policy
  • Rest of world
  • Emerging economies

Once you’ve got it all out on the page, you can identify which parts actually belong in your presentation. Don’t try to include every last detail: audiences don’t want to process piles of information. They are more interested in your ideas and conclusions.

Now let’s put all this research and planning into a structure.

2. How to structure your presentation

On 28 August 1963, Dr Martin Luther King Jr stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC and delivered one of the most powerful speeches in history: ‘I have a dream’.

He was the leader of the civil rights movement in the US and his audience that day numbered in the hundreds of thousands. His goal was to inspire them to continue the struggle.

Presentations usually aim to either explain, persuade or inspire – sometimes with elements of all three. Your aim will determine your structure. This will be the backbone of your presentation, giving it strength and direction.

Explain in a logical sequence

When you explain, you add to people’s knowledge to build the key idea. But ask yourself, what does this audience already know?

If you’re an astrophysicist talking to an audience of your peers, you can use terms and concepts you know they’ll be familiar with. If you’re explaining black holes to Joe Public, you can’t do that. Typically, you’ll have to use simple analogies to keep the audience with you (‘Imagine you’re in a huge dark room …’).

Whether it’s black holes or new software, good explanations start with what we know and then build on that understanding, step by step, layer by layer. The audience will stay with you if they can follow your logic and you can help this with linking comments – ‘Building on that … ‘, ‘This means …’, ‘To illustrate that, I’ve always found …’.

Presentations usually aim to either explain, persuade or inspire – sometimes with elements of all three. Your aim will determine your presentation's structure. @EmphasisWriting Share on X

We need to change

If you’re writing a persuasive presentation, you also need to follow a particular sequence.

Whether you’re writing a pitch for a prospective customer or making research-based recommendations to a client, you follow the same structure. That structure is the Four Ps . It’s a powerful way of leading your audience’s thinking.

Start with the current situation – where you are now ( position ). Explain why you can’t stay there, so the audience agrees things have to change ( problem ). Suggest up to three credible ways you can address the issue ( possibilities ). Then decide which one is the optimum solution ( proposal ).

Three is a magic number for writers – not too many, not too few. But there may be one standout possibility, in which case you go straight to it ( position, problem, proposal ).

Think about how the pandemic has profoundly changed our working lives. Towns and cities are full of offices that people used to commute to. But to maintain social distancing, we’ve been encouraged to work from home where possible and to stay away from public transport.

At some point, decision-makers within organisations will have to make a call – or share a recommendation – about what to do long term. Should we go back to the office, stay at home or combine the two?

If we had to present on this choice using the Four Ps structure, we could outline the pros and cons of each possibility and then make a push for the one we recommend above the others. Or we could join the likes of Google and Twitter and simply propose purely remote working well into the future.

I have a dream

A presentation that inspires is about the future – about what could be. Scientists inspire children to follow careers in astronomy or physics with their passion and stunning visuals. Designers re-energise companies with their radical, exciting visions. Business leaders convince their staff that they really can turn things around.

The Rosette Nebula

An audience watching an inspirational presentation is not going to take away lots of facts and figures. What’s important is their emotional and intellectual engagement with the speaker, their shared sense of purpose. One way to build that engagement is with your structure.

From dark to light

The most inspiring presentations are so often born of shared struggle. On 13 May 1940, Winston Churchill addressed the British parliament – and the British people listening on their radios – in the darkest days of the Second World War.

He was brutally realistic in his assessment of the current position: ‘We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.’ He then set out his policy: ‘To wage war by sea, land and air, with all our might … against a monstrous tyranny’, and the prize: ‘Victory, however long and hard the road may be.’

In difficult situations, audiences immediately see through false hope and empty rhetoric. They want honest acknowledgement, and the determination and clear strategy to lead them to the future.

We can imagine how the same structure could show up in a more business-related context:

‘I’m not going to sugar-coat the figures. We have to change to save jobs and secure our future. There will be dark days and sacrifices along the way, but what’s the hardest part of any turnaround? It’s getting started. To do that, we all need to keep asking two fundamental questions: where can we improve, how can we improve? And if we push hard enough and if we’re utterly relentless, change will come and our momentum will build.’

Insight boxout. Transcript below, under summary field labelled 'Open transcript of image’

Are you going to appeal to your audience’s

  • habits of thought (current beliefs)?

If your recommendations run counter to their current beliefs, try appealing to their emotions.

3. Writing your presentation script

You don’t have to write a script. Some people put a few PowerPoint slides together and wing it; others make do with bullets on a smartphone, laptop or cue cards. It depends on the event and the presenter.

Writing a full script takes time, but if it’s a very important presentation and you might use it again – perhaps to appeal for investment – it will be worth it.

Some people will write a full script because the company or organisation that’s commissioned a presentation will want to see a copy well ahead of the event (often for legal reasons). Others will write the script, edit it down to the required time and then edit it down again to bullets or notes.

If the presentation is to a small audience, your notes or bullets will suit a more conversational approach. There are no rules here – see what works best for you. But what you must do is know your subject inside out.

To write clearly, you must think clearly and a full script will expose the areas that aren’t clear – where an explanation needs strengthening, for example, or where you should work on a transition.

Timing is everything

A full script also helps with working out timing, and timing is crucial. TED talks, for example, have a strict 18-minute limit, whether in front of an audience or online. That’s short enough to hold attention, but long enough to communicate a key idea. (The ‘I have a dream’ speech lasted 17 minutes 40 seconds and it changed the world.)

It takes a very skilled presenter to go much over 30 minutes. If you are taking questions during or after your presentation , however, it’s fine to build in extra time.

Imagine you’re writing your presentation in full and your slot is 20 minutes. On an A4 page with a 14-point Calibri font and 1.5 line spacing, that will equate to about 10 pages.

You can also divide the page in two, with slides on the left and text on the right (or vice versa). Then you can plan your words and visuals in parallel – and that will be roughly 20 pages.

Example excerpt of presentation script. Full description and transcript below under summary field labelled 'Open description and transcript of image

Script page with a slide on the left-hand side and text on the right. The slide has the heading ‘What is your purpose?’ and has a photo of a smiling person at a whiteboard mid-presentation. The text on the slide reads:

Do you want to:

  • do a combination of all three?

The notes next to the slide read:

How should they do that? Should they explain, persuade or inspire – the three key strategies for any presentation? You may need to use several of them to achieve your goal.

The most powerful key on your keyboard – Delete

Use these numbers as your goal, but your first draft will probably be longer. That’s when you start deleting.

Be ruthless. Anything not adding to the story must go, including those anecdotes you’ve been telling for years ( especially those anecdotes). It’s not about what you want to tell the audience, it’s about what they need to hear.

Don’t feel you have to include every single issue either. Dealing with two or three examples in some detail is far better than saying a little bit about many more.

And interpret visual material you’re displaying rather than describing it, just as you wouldn’t repeat the text that’s on the screen. The audience can see it already.

It’s a conversation

Be yourself – don’t write a script that’s not in your style. We want the real you, not a supercharged version.

Some people are naturals when it comes to presenting – which can mean they’ve learned how to draw on their authentic strengths.

Sir David Attenborough is a great example. He has a wide-ranging knowledge of the natural world. He has an infectious passion and enthusiasm for his subject. And most importantly, he doesn’t lecture the camera: he talks naturally to his audience (and he’s now using Instagram to inspire new generations).

You can take a cue from Sir David and make your presentation style your own. Knowing your own strengths and really understanding your why will help you speak with purpose and passion.

And aim to speak naturally. Use conversational, inclusive language. That means lots of personal pronouns ( I believe, we can) and contractions ( Don’t you wonder …, you’re probably thinking …).

Sir David Attenborough introduces his new series, Our Planet at its premiere. He builds up our awareness by layering information alongside arresting statistics. These are framed simply, in relatable terms (‘96% of mass on the planet is us …’), so we easily grasp their shocking significance. He also uses ‘we’ and ‘us’ a lot to underline how this environmental emergency affects us all on ‘the planet we all call home’.

Finding the right words

Imagine you’re talking to someone as you write. And try saying the words out loud – it’s a good way to catch those complex, overlong sentences or particular words that will be difficult to say.

Presentations are not reports that can be reread – the audience has to understand what you are saying in the moment . Don’t leave them wondering what on earth you’re talking about, as they will only fall behind.

So avoid using long or complex words, or words you wouldn’t hear in everyday conversation (if your everyday conversation includes ‘quarks’ and ‘vectors’, that’s fine). And beware of jargon – it can exclude the audience and it quickly becomes clichéd and outdated.

Here are some more hints and tips on how to write effectively for speaking:

Syntax (word order): Disentangle your thoughts and arrange the words in your sentences to be simple and logical. Often, complex syntax shows up when the main point is getting lost inside excess information (or that the speaker is unsure what their main point is).

Pace, rhythm and tone: Varying the pace, rhythm and tone of sentences makes both the speaking and listening experience far more enjoyable.

Make sure the stress falls on the most important words. For example, ‘To be or not to be ‘ (where the stress rises and falls on alternate words) or ‘I have a dream ‘ (where the stress falls on the final word).

Vary the length of sentences and experiment with using very short sentences to emphasise a point.

Play with rhythm by arranging words in pairs and trios. Saying things in threes gives a sense of movement, progression and resolution: Going, going … gone . Saying words in pairs gives a more balanced tone (‘courage and commitment’, ‘energy and effort’) or a sense of tension between the words (‘war and peace’, ‘imports and exports’).

Analogies: Good analogies can work well in presentations because they paint vivid pictures for the audience. The best way to do it is to use either a simile (‘It wasn’t so much a dinner party, more like feeding time at the zoo’) or a metaphor (‘He was the fox and the company was the henhouse’).

Alliteration: This means using two or more words that start with the same sound, like ‘big and bold’, ‘sleek and shiny’ or ‘key components’. On the page alliteration may look contrived, but it can effectively highlight important phrases in a presentation.

Words to avoid: Be careful about using clichés like ‘pushing the envelope’, ‘playing hardball’ and ‘thinking outside the box’. And think carefully about using any word that ends with -ism, -ise, -based, -gate, -focused and -driven.

Be careful with humour too: don’t write jokes unless you can naturally tell them well. Keep the tone light if it fits the occasion, but a badly told joke can be excruciating.

4. How to start your presentation

People tend to remember beginnings and endings the most, so make sure your opening and conclusion are both strong.

You have about a minute to engage an audience. You want them to be intrigued, to want to know more, to come slightly forward in their seats. If you only learn one part of your presentation by heart, make it that minute.

A quick ‘thank you’ is fine if someone has introduced you. A quick ‘good morning’ to the audience is fine too. But don’t start thanking them for coming and hoping they’ll enjoy what you have to say – you’re not accepting an Oscar, and they can tell you what they thought when it’s over. Get straight down to business.

There are four basic types of introduction which will draw your audience in:

  • News – ‘Positive Covid-19 tests worldwide have now reached …’
  • Anecdotal – ‘About ten years ago, I was walking to work and I saw …’
  • Surprise – ‘Every five minutes, an American will die because of the food they eat.’
  • Historical – ‘In 1800, the world’s population was one billion. It’s now 7.8 billion.’

You can interpret these beginnings in any number of ways. If you were to say, ‘I have an admission to make …’, we will expect a personal anecdote relating to your main theme. And because you’re alone in front of us, it’s playing on your vulnerability. We’re intrigued straight away, and you’ve established a good platform for the rest of the presentation.

You can also combine these techniques. The historical beginning creates a sense of movement – that was then and this is now – as well as a surprising fact. It may prompt a thought like, ‘Wow, where’s this going?’ And you can trade on this with your own rhetorical question: ‘What does this mean for everyone in this room? It’s not what you think …’.

As well as setting up your story, you need to quickly reassure the audience they’re in safe hands. One way to do that is to give them a map – to tell them where you’re going to take them and what they’re going to see along the way.

Then you’re starting the journey together.

5. How to end your presentation

Your ending is what you want the audience to take away: your call to action, your vision of the future and how they can contribute.

If your presentation is online or to a small group in a small room, your ending is not going to be a battle cry, a call to man the barricades – that would be totally inappropriate. But equally don’t waste it with something flat and uninspiring.

Here are four effective ways to end your talk (like the intros, you can combine them or come up with your own):

  • Predict the future – ‘So what can we expect in the next ten years? …’
  • Quotation – ‘As our chief exec said at the meeting yesterday, …’
  • Repeat a major issue – ‘We can’t carry on with the same old same old.’
  • Summarise – ‘Continuous improvement isn’t our goal. It’s our culture.’

Predicting the future fits well with a historical beginning – it completes the arc of your presentation.

If you end with a quotation, make sure it’s relevant and credible – it has to be an authoritative stamp.

Repeating a major issue means pulling out and highlighting a major strand of your presentation, while summarising is about encapsulating your argument in a couple of sentences.

Your ending can also be a change of tone, perhaps signalled by the single word ‘Finally …’. It’s the audience’s cue to come slightly forward again and pay close attention.

As with your opening, it will have more impact if you’ve learned your ending – put down your notes, take a couple of steps towards the audience and address them directly, before a simple ‘Thank you.’

6. Creating your PowerPoint slides

We’ve all been there – watching a seemingly endless, poorly designed slide deck that’s simply restating what the presenter is saying. So common is this tortuous experience that there’s a name for it: Death by PowerPoint. But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Do you need slides at all?

As with your script, the first thing you should ask is ‘Do I actually need this?’ In 2019, Sir Tim Berners-Lee gave the Richard Dimbleby lecture for the BBC. He spoke for about 40 minutes with no autocue (he’d memorised his script) – and no speaker support.

This is a uniquely powerful form of presentation because the audience’s attention is totally focused on that one person. The call to action at the end of a presentation and delivering bad news are also best done without visuals.

Visual support

But if they’re well-judged and relevant, slides or other visuals can add enormously to a presentation – whether it’s photography, video or the ubiquitous PowerPoint. There are, however, two things everyone should know about PowerPoint in particular:

  • It’s incredibly versatile and convenient.
  • In the wrong hands, it can be unbearably tedious.

Your PowerPoint slides should not essentially be your cue cards projected onto a screen. They shouldn’t be packed margin to margin with text or full of complex diagrams.

If the presentation is live, the audience has come to watch you, not your slide deck. Online, the deck may have to work harder to sustain visual interest.

As with the script, keep your finger poised over that Delete key when you’re putting the deck together.

How many slides?

There’s no hard-and-fast rule about how many slides you should use, but think in terms of no more than one or two a minute on average. And don’t use more than a couple of short video inserts in a 20-minute presentation.

You might have a section where you show a few slides in a sequence or hold a single slide for a couple of minutes, which is fine. Varying the pacing helps to keep a presentation moving.

Optimise for psychology

As self-professed presentation aficionado David JP Phillips notes in his TEDx talk , people – and that includes your audience – have terrible working memories. If you don’t account for this fact in your slides, your talk will not have a lasting impact. In fact, most of it will be forgotten within around 30 seconds.

To counter this effect, David identifies five key strategies to use when designing your PowerPoint:

  • Only have one message per slide: more than that and you’re splitting your audience’s attention.
  • Don’t use full sentences on slides, and certainly don’t imagine you can talk over them if you do. People trying to read and listen at the same time will fail at both and absorb nothing. Move your running text into the documentation section instead, and keep the slide content short and sweet.
  • People’s focus will be drawn to the biggest thing on the slide. If your headline is less important than the content below it, make the headline text the smaller of the two.
  • You can also direct people’s attention using contrast. This can be as simple as guiding their point of focus by using white text (on a dark background) for the words you want to highlight, while the surrounding text is greyed out.
  • Including too many objects per slide will sap your audience’s cognitive resources. (Your headline, every bullet, any references, even a page number each count as an object.) Include a maximum of six objects per slide and viewers will give a mental sigh of relief. This will probably mean creating more slides overall – and that’s fine.

More Powerpoint and visual aid tips

Here are a few more guidelines for creating your visual aids:

  • Never dive into PowerPoint as job one in creating your presentation. Work out your talk’s structure (at least) before designing your slide deck. Making a genuinely effective PowerPoint requires that you know your subject inside out.
  • List any visuals you’ll need as you prepare your script. That terrific photo you saw recently could be difficult to track down, and you might need permission and to pay to use it.
  • It bears repeating: keep each slide to one key idea.
  • Use the build effect of adding one bullet at a time (or use the contrast trick above) and try not to use more than three bullets per frame (or six objects overall).
  • Strip each bullet to the bare minimum – no articles (‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’), no prepositions (‘in’, ‘at’, ‘to’ etc) and cut right back on punctuation.
  • Every word that’s not there for a reason has to go. Delete, delete, delete.

‘Extra’ slides

  • Use a ‘walk-in’ slide. Rather than have the audience arrive to a blank screen, this tells them who you are and your presentation’s title.
  • Use occasional holding slides in between those with more content – perhaps an image but no text. They give the audience a visual rest and put the focus back on you.
  • A plain white background might look fine on a computer monitor, but it will be glaring on a big screen. Invert the norm with a dark background, or use shading or ‘ghosted’ images to break up backgrounds and add visual interest.
  • Some colours work better than others on-screen. Blues and greys are soft and easy on the eye. Red is a no-no, whether for backgrounds or text. And if you stick with a light background, favour a more subtle dark grey over black for the text.
  • Use sans serif fonts (like Arial, Helvetica or Calibri) and think about point size – make sure it’s easily legible.
  • Only use upper case where absolutely necessary.

Images and data

  • Photos work well full screen, but they also really stand out well on a black background.
  • Make sure your charts and graphics aren’t too complex. The dense information that’s fine on the page will not work on-screen – it’s too much to take in. Graphs behind a TV newsreader are often reduced to a single line going dramatically up or down.
  • Don’t present data or graphs and expect them to speak for themselves. You need to find the story and significance in the data and present that .

And finally

  • Proofread, proofread, proofread – or risk standing in front of an embarrassing spelling mistake.

Technical check

  • Check what laptop they’re using at your venue. If you’ve written your deck on a PC, run it on a PC (and, of course, the same rule applies if you’ve used a Mac).
  • If you’ve emailed your presentation to the venue, take a USB copy along as back-up.
  • If you’re presenting online, check which platform you’ll be using and get comfortable with it. If someone else will be hosting the event, make sure you arrange a time for a rehearsal, especially if there will be a producer.

7. Delivering your presentation

You’ve put a lot of time and effort into preparing your presentation and now you’ve come to the sharp end – it’s time to stand and deliver.

Run it through

You don’t have to rehearse, but most presenters do and for good reason – it catches weak points and awkward transitions. And, crucially, it bolsters confidence.

Read your script or go through your bullets aloud – it will help to settle your nerves. If you use colleagues as a dummy audience, you can do a sense check too: ‘Does that bit work?’ ‘Have I explained it clearly?’ ‘Do you get the big picture?’ And rehearsing out loud will catch those words and sentences you thought you could say but can’t.

The more you rehearse, the more familiar and natural the presentation will become. Rehearse the technical side too – where the video is going to come in, how you’re going to vary your pace and tone to maintain interest.

Try speaking slightly more slowly than you would normally so the audience catches every word, and don’t be afraid to pause now and again. It gives a breathing space for you and the audience.

A businesswoman presenting points to a smiling member of the audience

Connect with your audience

When you deliver your presentation for real, establish eye contact with the audience, just as you would in a conversation. In a small room with a small audience, talk to individuals. In a larger space, don’t talk to the first couple of rows and ignore the rest – include everyone.

And if you stumble over your words here or there, carry on and don’t dwell on it – you’ll lose your concentration. Audiences are generally forgiving and they might not even notice.

Each audience is unique: they react differently in different places. And although tomorrow might be the tenth time you’ve done the same presentation, it will be the first time this audience sees it. Your duty is to keep it fresh for them.

A final point

This is your presentation – you’re in control and the audience needs to feel they’re in safe hands.

It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous , but it’s the thought of doing it that’s the worst bit. Once you get going – and especially when you sense the audience is with you – the nerves will start to disappear. Try to enjoy it. If you enjoy it, it’s far more likely the audience will too.

And remember: everyone wants you to do well.

write an essay on powerpoint presentation

8. How to present online

Taking to Zoom or another online platform to present was once the exception. These days, online presenting is as essential a skill as presenting in person.

The switch to online can be nerve-wracking and cause even usually skilled presenters to falter. But there’s no need for that to happen.

Indeed, all of the advice we’ve talked about on preparing, structuring and writing for in-person presenting is equally relevant for your online delivery. You just need to be ready for the unique challenges that remote presentations pose.

An obvious one is that while you still have an audience, it will probably be muted and possibly even unseen (if webcams are switched off). This makes it far more difficult to gauge audience reaction, and if the event is pre-recorded, there might not be any at all – at least not immediately. Clapping and laughing emojis are not quite like the real thing.

Keep eye contact

But although your audience may be many miles away, there are still ways you can – and should – create a sense of connection with them. Your presentation will have much more impact if you do.

Whether the event is live or recorded, at least start with your webcam on (unless you really can only use slides). If it’s an option and feels appropriate, consider keeping your camera on throughout – remember, you are the presentation as much as any visuals.

If you will be on display, make sure you know where your webcam’s lens is and at key moments of your talk look directly into it – and out at your audience – to punctuate those points.

And don’t look at a second screen to cue up your PowerPoint – viewers will think your attention is wandering.

Engage your online audience

Being an engaging speaker is always important, but remember that the online world is already a place we associate with distraction. It’s also easier for a viewer behind their laptop to disguise their wandering attention than it would be for one in an auditorium or boardroom.

This isn’t to say your audience don’t want to give you their attention. But it is more important than ever to keep your presentation sharp and concise. Revisit your structure, your script or cue cards and your slides. Take a really critical eye to it and (as always) delete, delete, delete anything that’s not directly relevant.

If it works for your format, you can look at making your presentation interactive. You can then break the content into short segments, interspersed with comment, polls, questions and discussion. The variety will be a welcome change for your viewers.

Your visuals are part of what will keep people with you – along with the interplay you create between you and them. This means following the best-practice guidance we covered earlier is even more important.

Using Zoom for your presentation? Master the art of online delivery through this simple mix of set-up, delivery and technical tricks @EmphasisWriting Share on X

Modulate your voice

Your tone of voice is extremely important here because presenting online is like radio with pictures. When people say ‘You have a great voice for radio’ what they mean is that it’s easy to listen to, often because you’re using quite a low-pitched, warm and relaxed register.

Listen to voices on the radio and voiceovers and identify the ones you particularly enjoy. What do you like about them? Why do you enjoy some voices and not others?

A flat, unmodulated voice, for instance, is difficult to listen to for long periods (and isn’t likely to inspire anyone).

Experiment with intentionally adding energy to your voice, as internet audio can have a dulling effect. As our trainer Gary Woodward puts it: ‘Turn up the enthusiasm dial even higher than you think, to make sure it comes through.’ And always vary your pace and tone as you would in a normal conversation.

And if it suits the tone of your talk, smile now and again. Smiling is contagious, and people will hear it in your voice even if they can’t see you.

Perfect your transitions

One of the other key challenges of remote presentations is that you have another layer of technology to wrestle with: sharing your PowerPoint online.

This means that many presentations begin with the popular catchphrase ‘Can you see my screen?’

This can also cause many presenters to stumble through their transitions, making the links between their slides clunky. And while remote audiences may be forgiving, for a slick presentation it’s best to prevent these sort of fumbles.

Naturally, practice plays a part here. But you can also give yourself the advantage with your set-up.

Dave Paradi from Think Outside the Slide explains one great way of setting up Zoom so you can smoothly cue up and run your slide deck – and be certain what’s being displayed.

You’ll even be able to see the rest of your screen (but the audience won’t). As you’ll be able to see what’s coming up, your transitions can also be seamless.

The trick is to use one of Zoom’s advanced settings after you hit ‘Share screen’, to share only a portion of your screen:

Screensharing options in Zoom. Full description below, under summary field labelled 'Open description of image'

Advanced screensharing options pop-up box in Zoom, with the options ‘Portion of Screen’, ‘Music or Computer Sound Only’ and ‘Content from 2nd Camera’. The ‘Portion of Screen’ option is highlighted in blue.

This will give you a frame you can move to the part of the screen you want the audience to see.

Put your PowerPoint slides into ‘presenter view’ before launching the screenshare. Then you’ll be able to see the upcoming slides and your notes throughout, and your animations (like build slides) will work as normal.

PowerPoint presenter view using Zoom's portion of screen. Full description below, under summary field labelled 'Open description of image'

Zoom’s ‘portion of screen’ setting in action

Presenter view in PowerPoint, with the current displayed slide on the left and the upcoming slide displaying smaller on the right, with notes below it. There is a notification saying ‘You are screen sharing’ at the top and a sharing frame positioned around the current slide.

The other part of the trick? Set it up in advance shortly before you’re due to speak. Once you’re happy with the set up, you can stop sharing until it’s time to kick off your talk. When you return to ‘Share screen’ again, it will reopen the frame in the same place.

Dave shows you the process in this video:

Five practical tips for a truly professional online presentation

You’re happy with the content of your talk, you’ve ruthlessly streamlined your slides and mastered your radio voice. Now just make sure you cover these crucial practicalities for a polished presentation:

1. Create a good space Make sure you have your environment well set up:

  • Keep the background on display as tidy and minimalist as possible – a plain wall or backdrop is great, if you can.
  • Manage and minimise background noise (shut the window, ensure your phone’s on silent, put the cat out, make sure someone’s watching the kids in another room – whatever it takes).
  • Check your lighting: have your light source in front of you, not behind you (or you’ll be in shadow).
  • Set up your computer or device at eye level so that you are well-framed and facing it straight on – avoid looming above it while providing a lovely view into your nostrils.

2. Think about your appearance Dress in the same way you would if the presentation were in person, and judge your choice of attire based on the formality of the event and your audience.

3. Practise! Run through the presentation and rehearse the technical side. Practise your transitions, including the initial cueing up of your slides (perhaps using the Zoom tip above), so that you can be confident in doing it all smoothly.

4. Be primed and ready Log in early on the day of your talk. Check all your tech is working, get your headset on and ensure everything is set up well ahead of time. This will save any last-minute issues (and stress) and means you can hit the ground running.

5. Stand and deliver Even online, consider giving your presentation standing up, if you can do so comfortably (adjusting your device or webcam accordingly). This may put you more into a presenting frame of mind and will differentiate you from most remote presenters.

Are you still there?

Live audiences have a group dynamic – as soon as a few people start laughing it becomes infectious and the others join in. It’s naturally different online. But that doesn’t have to throw you.

You might not get that immediate feedback, but don’t overcompensate and feel you have to win them back.

Yes, it’s often more difficult to gauge an audience’s reaction online – especially if their audio is muted and their webcams off. Yes, this can be daunting. But they are still out there listening. You may or may not hear (or see) laughter, but they could still be smiling and very interested in what you have to say. Have faith in your own content. Whatever form your delivery will take, keep coming back to your purpose and message for giving this talk – and keep considering the people you’ll be talking to. Whether the address will be online or in person, it is keeping this focus which is the key to every powerful presentation.

Ready to learn even more? Work one-to-one on your presentation-writing skills with one of our expert trainers or join our scheduled presentation-writing courses . If your team are looking to upskill, we also offer tailored in-house training . And if fear of presenting is holding your team back, check out our in-house course The reluctant presenter .

Image credit: lightpoet / Shutterstock

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Jack Elliott

These days he's one of Emphasis' top business-writing trainers, but in previous career lives Jack has written for many public and private sector organisations. He has an in-depth knowledge of the engineering and manufacturing sectors, particularly the UK automotive industry. As the lead scriptwriter for chairmen and CEOs, he has been responsible for proposals, pitches and reports as well as high-profile speeches and global product launches.

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Free, Downloadable Lecture Slides for Educators and Students

Published on October 8, 2021 by Tegan George and Julia Merkus. Revised on July 23, 2023.

We have adapted several of our most popular articles into lecture slides that you can use to teach your students about a variety of academic topics.

Scribbr slides are free to use, customize, and distribute for educational purposes.

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Introduction to literature reviews.

  • Writing a research paper
  • Structuring a dissertation
  • Writing an essay
  • APA 7th edition changes

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George, T. & Merkus, J. (2023, July 23). Free, Downloadable Lecture Slides for Educators and Students. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-writing/lecture-slides/

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Essay Outline PowerPoint Template

The Essay Outline PowerPoint Template is designed with the objective of helping writers present their essay. The Essay outline is a skeleton, a platform on which you can build your own writing and come up with your own thoughts. These outlines help you (the presenter) structure ideas and thoughts logically to build towards a meaningful and strong conclusion, which is the main point of presenting an essay. In fact, the outline is the main aspect towards writing an effective essay too.

This essay outline template is ideal for content writers and ghost writers when they need to present an essay pitch. It follows best practices structure and provides professional presentation layouts to accommodate content (texts, images, visuals and videos) in a way that make it easy to create a document style presentation.

The Essay Outline Template sections included are:

  • Introduction : Containing Background and Thesis statement slides, this section should get the reader’s attention – intended to ask a leading question; relay something enticing about the subject in a manner that commands attention. Then State the thesis – what you are going to discuss.
  • Essay Body : The body is the largest part of the essay. While creating your Essay outline, list down the supporting points you are supposed to cover when writing the essay. Make sure that you provide the main idea of the topic you will be discussing. Each Body supporting paragraph should reveal an argument that support the thesis statement and ague with Evidence and Examples.
  • Conclusions : The conclusions section summarizes the essay idea. It is the evaluation of the statements made and the arguments given. The conclusion therefore refers to the thesis statement of the work.
  • References : Referencing is a system that allows you to acknowledge the contributions and work of others in your writing by citing your sources. A feature of academic writing is that it contains references to the words, information and ideas of others. A well done research always includes investigating other authors about the state of the art of the topic or thoughts about the thesis statement.

Writing an essay implies a formal writing technique that can be mapped to more professional con complicated works, for example an academic thesis. Check our thesis presentation tips in the article  How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense Using the Right PowerPoint Presentation.

Impress professional audiences with the Essay Outline PowerPoint Template. User the structure as your base and transmit your message with the proper visual support and documentation. Check out our wide variety of Education PowerPoint Templates .

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    ation.4. Explain and analyze the examplesYou must explain why each e. ample is relevant to the controlling idea. It shows the reader w. yo. chose the examples for your support.5. Complete the. dea and transition into the next paragraphTie up any loose ends in your paragraph and make sure your reader wi.

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    1. New presentations begin with a title slide. Follow the directions given in the text placeholders beginning with "click to add title.". 2. Then, in the next box, add your subtitle. You may also use this area to provide your name and the university name per APA guidelines or any other information required on your title slide. 3. Since a ...

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    Alternate the details from comparison or contrast to. 1:Introduction and thesis. give of the similarities between both. Paragraph 3: between both. give. Paragraph 4: (spring and autumn) of the differences.

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    In the perfect example, you could use the text of your essay to move on with showing the arguments and exemplary situations of your choice, as well as encouraging the discussion. To make everything even more obvious, leave a separate slide in the beginning for sharing this plan with the publicity. 3. Follow the basic rules of presenting.

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    Click on "MagicSlides GPT" to install it. 2. Activate MagicSlides GPT. After installation, click on the MagicSlides GPT extension to activate it. This tool will streamline the process of converting your written content into PowerPoint slides. 3. Generate PPT in MagicSlides GPT. In the MagicSlides GPT interface, locate and click on "Generate PPT."

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  17. Free, Downloadable Lecture Slides for Educators and Students

    Published on October 8, 2021 by Tegan George and Julia Merkus. Revised on July 23, 2023. We have adapted several of our most popular articles into lecture slides that you can use to teach your students about a variety of academic topics. Scribbr slides are free to use, customize, and distribute for educational purposes.

  18. Essay Outline PowerPoint Template

    Writing an essay implies a formal writing technique that can be mapped to more professional con complicated works, for example an academic thesis. Check our thesis presentation tips in the article How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense Using the Right PowerPoint Presentation. Impress professional audiences with the Essay Outline PowerPoint Template.

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    Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens. Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of ...

  20. Free Essay Google Slides and PowerPoint templates

    Writing an Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Download the Writing an Advantages and Disadvantages Essay presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind.