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  • Published: 24 October 2022

Visual speech recognition for multiple languages in the wild

  • Pingchuan Ma   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Stavros Petridis 1 , 2 &
  • Maja Pantic 1 , 2  

Nature Machine Intelligence volume  4 ,  pages 930–939 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

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  • Computational biology and bioinformatics
  • Computer science
  • Human behaviour

A preprint version of the article is available at arXiv.

Visual speech recognition (VSR) aims to recognize the content of speech based on lip movements, without relying on the audio stream. Advances in deep learning and the availability of large audio-visual datasets have led to the development of much more accurate and robust VSR models than ever before. However, these advances are usually due to the larger training sets rather than the model design. Here we demonstrate that designing better models is equally as important as using larger training sets. We propose the addition of prediction-based auxiliary tasks to a VSR model, and highlight the importance of hyperparameter optimization and appropriate data augmentations. We show that such a model works for different languages and outperforms all previous methods trained on publicly available datasets by a large margin. It even outperforms models that were trained on non-publicly available datasets containing up to to 21 times more data. We show, furthermore, that using additional training data, even in other languages or with automatically generated transcriptions, results in further improvement.

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Data availability.

The datasets used in the current study are available from the original authors on the LRS2 ( ), LRS3 ( ), CMLR ( ), Multilingual ( ) and CMU-MOSEAS ( ) repositories. Qualitative results and the list of cleaned videos for the training and test sets of CMU-MOSEAS and Multilingual TEDx are available on the authors’ GitHub repository ( ).

Code availability

Pre-trained networks and testing code are available on a GitHub repository ( ) or at Zenodo 66 under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence.

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All training, testing and ablation studies were conducted at Imperial College London.

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Imperial College London, London, UK

Pingchuan Ma, Stavros Petridis & Maja Pantic

Meta AI, London, UK

Stavros Petridis & Maja Pantic

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The code was written by P.M., and the experiments were conducted by P.M. and S.P. The manuscript was written by P.M., S.P. and M.P. M.P. supervised the entire project.

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Ma, P., Petridis, S. & Pantic, M. Visual speech recognition for multiple languages in the wild. Nat Mach Intell 4 , 930–939 (2022).

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Received : 22 February 2022

Accepted : 13 September 2022

Published : 24 October 2022

Issue Date : November 2022


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visual speech recognition

Visual Speech Recognition for Multiple Languages in the Wild

visual speech recognition

Visual speech recognition (VSR) aims to recognise the content of speech based on the lip movements without relying on the audio stream. Advances in deep learning and the availability of large audio-visual datasets have led to the development of much more accurate and robust VSR models than ever before. However, these advances are usually due to larger training sets rather than the model design. In this work, we demonstrate that designing better models is equally important to using larger training sets. We propose the addition of prediction-based auxiliary tasks to a VSR model and highlight the importance of hyper-parameter optimisation and appropriate data augmentations. We show that such model works for different languages and outperforms all previous methods trained on publicly available datasets by a large margin. It even outperforms models that were trained on non-publicly available datasets containing up to to 21 times more data. We show furthermore that using additional training data, even in other languages or with automatically generated transcriptions, results in further improvement.

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     Pingchuan Ma 1      Stavros Petridis 1,2      Maja Pantic 1,2

1 imperial college london       2 meta ai, [paper]         [code]         [model].

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October 10, 2023

Real-time Audio-visual Speech Recognition

by Team PyTorch

Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AV-ASR, or AVSR) is the task of transcribing text from audio and visual streams, which has recently attracted a lot of research attention due to its robustness to noise. The vast majority of work to date has focused on developing AV-ASR models for non-streaming recognition; studies on streaming AV-ASR are very limited.

We have developed a compact real-time speech recognition system based on TorchAudio, a library for audio and signal processing with PyTorch . It can run locally on a laptop with high accuracy without accessing the cloud. Today, we are releasing the real-time AV-ASR recipe under a permissive open license (BSD-2-Clause license), enabling a broad set of applications and fostering further research on audio-visual models for speech recognition.

This work is part of our approach to AV-ASR research . A promising aspect of this approach is its ability to automatically annotate large-scale audio-visual datasets, which enables the training of more accurate and robust speech recognition systems. Furthermore, this technology has the potential to run on smart devices since it achieves the latency and memory efficiency that such devices require for inference.

In the future, speech recognition systems are expected to power applications in numerous domains. One of the primary applications of AV-ASR is to enhance the performance of ASR in noisy environments. Since visual streams are not affected by acoustic noise, integrating them into an audio-visual speech recognition model can compensate for the performance drop of ASR models. Our AV-ASR system has the potential to serve multiple purposes beyond speech recognition, such as text summarization, translation and even text-to-speech conversion. Moreover, the exclusive use of VSR can be useful in certain scenarios, e.g. where speaking is not allowed, in meetings, and where privacy in public conversations is desired.

Fig. 1 The pipeline for audio-visual speech recognition system

Fig. 1 : The pipeline for audio-visual speech recognition system

Our real-time AV-ASR system is presented in Fig. 1. It consists of three components, a data collection module, a pre-processing module and an end-to-end model. The data collection module comprises hardware devices, such as a microphone and camera. Its role is to collect information from the real world. Once the information is collected, the pre-processing module location and crop out face. Next, we feed the raw audio stream and the pre-processed video stream into our end-to-end model for inference.

Data collection

We use to capture audio/video from streaming device input, e.g. microphone and camera on laptop. Once the raw video and audio streams are collected, the pre-processing module locates and crops faces. It should be noted that data is immediately deleted during the streaming process.


Before feeding the raw stream into our model, each video sequence has to undergo a specific pre-processing procedure. This involves three critical steps. The first step is to perform face detection. Following that, each individual frame is aligned to a referenced frame, commonly known as the mean face, in order to normalize rotation and size differences across frames. The final step in the pre-processing module is to crop the face region from the aligned face image. We would like to clearly note that our model is fed with raw audio waveforms and pixels of the face, without any further preprocessing like face parsing or landmark detection. An example of the pre-processing procedure is illustrated in Table 1.

0. Original 1. Detection 2. Alignment 3. Crop

Table 1 : Preprocessing pipeline.

Fig. 2 The architecture for the audio-visual speech recognition system.

Fig. 2 : The architecture for the audio-visual speech recognition system

We consider two configurations: Small with 12 Emformer blocks and Large with 28, with 34.9M and 383.3M parameters, respectively. Each AV-ASR model composes front-end encoders, a fusion module, an Emformer encoder, and a transducer model. To be specific, we use convolutional frontends to extract features from raw audio waveforms and facial images. The features are concatenated to form 1024-d features, which are then passed through a two-layer multi-layer perceptron and an Emformer transducer model. The entire network is trained using RNN-T loss. The architecture of the proposed AV-ASR model is illustrated in Fig. 2.

Datasets. We follow Auto-AVSR: Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with Automatic Labels to use publicly available audio-visual datasets including LRS3 , VoxCeleb2 and AVSpeech for training. We do not use mouth ROIs or facial landmarks or attributes during both training and testing stages.

Comparisons with the state-of-the-art. Non-streaming evaluation results on LRS3 are presented in Table 2. Our audio-visual model with an algorithmic latency of 800 ms (160ms+1280msx0.5) yields a WER of 1.3%, which is on par with those achieved by state-of-the-art offline models such as AV-HuBERT, RAVEn, and Auto-AVSR.

ViT3D-CM 90, 000 1.6
AV-HuBERT 1, 759 1.4
RAVEn 1, 759 1.4
AutoAVSR 3, 448 0.9
Ours 3, 068 1.3

Table 2 : Non-streaming evaluation results for audio-visual models on the LRS3 dataset.

Noisy experiments. During training, 16 different noise types are randomly injected to audio waveforms, including 13 types from Demand database, ‘DLIVING’,’DKITCHEN’, ‘OMEETING’, ‘OOFFICE’, ‘PCAFETER’, ‘PRESTO’, ‘PSTATION’, ‘STRAFFIC’, ‘SPSQUARE’, ‘SCAFE’, ‘TMETRO’, ‘TBUS’ and ‘TCAR’, two more types of noise from speech commands database, white and pink and one more type of noise from NOISEX-92 database, babble noise. SNR levels in the range of [clean, 7.5dB, 2.5dB, -2.5dB, -7.5dB] are selected from with a uniform distribution. Results of ASR and AV-ASR models, when tested with babble noise, are shown in Table 3. With increasing noise level, the performance advantage of our audio-visual model over our audio-only model grows, indicating that incorporating visual data improves noise robustness.

A 1.6 1.8 3.2 10.9 27.9 55.5
A+V 1.6 1.7 2.1 6.2 11.7 27.6

Table 3 : Streaming evaluation WER (%) results at various signal-to-noise ratios for our audio-only (A) and audio-visual (A+V) models on the LRS3 dataset under 0.80-second latency constraints.

Real-time factor . The real-time factor (RTF) is an important measure of a system’s ability to process real-time tasks efficiently. An RTF value of less than 1 indicates that the system meets real-time requirements. We measure RTF using a laptop with an Intel® Core™ i7-12700 CPU running at 2.70 GHz and an NVIDIA 3070 GeForce RTX 3070 Ti GPU. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first AV-ASR model that reports RTFs on the LRS3 benchmark. The Small model achieves a WER of 2.6% and an RTF of 0.87 on CPU (Table 4), demonstrating its potential for real-time on-device inference applications.

Large GPU 1.6 0.35
Small GPU 2.6 0.33
CPU 0.87

Table 4 : Impact of AV-ASR model size and device on WER and RTF. Note that the RTF calculation includes the pre-processing step wherein the Ultra-Lightweight Face Detection Slim 320 model is used to generate face bounding boxes.

Learn more about the system from the published works below:

  • Shi, Yangyang, Yongqiang Wang, Chunyang Wu, Ching-Feng Yeh, Julian Chan, Frank Zhang, Duc Le, and Mike Seltzer. “Emformer: Efficient memory transformer based acoustic model for low latency streaming speech recognition.” In ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 6783-6787. IEEE, 2021.
  • Ma, Pingchuan, Alexandros Haliassos, Adriana Fernandez-Lopez, Honglie Chen, Stavros Petridis, and Maja Pantic. “Auto-AVSR: Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with Automatic Labels.” In ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2023.

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Enhancing ctc-based visual speech recognition.

11 Sep 2024  ·  Hendrik Laux , Anke Schmeink · Edit social preview

This paper presents LiteVSR2, an enhanced version of our previously introduced efficient approach to Visual Speech Recognition (VSR). Building upon our knowledge distillation framework from a pre-trained Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model, we introduce two key improvements: a stabilized video preprocessing technique and feature normalization in the distillation process. These improvements yield substantial performance gains on the LRS2 and LRS3 benchmarks, positioning LiteVSR2 as the current best CTC-based VSR model without increasing the volume of training data or computational resources utilized. Furthermore, we explore the scalability of our approach by examining performance metrics across varying model complexities and training data volumes. LiteVSR2 maintains the efficiency of its predecessor while significantly enhancing accuracy, thereby demonstrating the potential for resource-efficient advancements in VSR technology.

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Deep Learning for Visual Speech Analysis: A Survey

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A PyTorch implementation of the Deep Audio-Visual Speech Recognition paper.


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Deep audio-visual speech recognition.

The repository contains a PyTorch reproduction of the TM-CTC model from the Deep Audio-Visual Speech Recognition paper. We train three models - Audio-Only (AO), Video-Only (VO) and Audio-Visual (AV), on the LRS2 dataset for the speech-to-text transcription task.


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CUDA 10.0 (if NVIDIA GPU is to be used):

Project Structure

The structure of the audio_only , video_only and audio_visual directories is as follows:


/checkpoints : Temporary directory to store intermediate model weights and plots while training. Gets automatically created.

/data : Directory containing the LRS2 Main and Pretrain dataset class definitions and other required data-related utility functions.

/final : Directory to store the final trained model weights and plots. If available, place the pre-trained model weights in the models subdirectory.

/models : Directory containing the class definitions for the models.

/utils : Directory containing function definitions for calculating CER/WER, greedy search/beam search decoders and preprocessing of data samples. Also contains functions to train and evaluate the model. : File containing checker/debug functions for testing all the modules and the functions in the project as well as any other checks to be performed. : File to set the configuration options and hyperparameter values. : Python script for generating predictions with the specified trained model for all the data samples in the specified demo directory. : Python script for preprocessing all the data samples in the dataset. : Python script for pretraining the model on the pretrain set of the LRS2 dataset using curriculum learning. : Python script to test the trained model on the test set of the LRS2 dataset. : Python script to train the model on the train set of the LRS2 dataset.

We provide Word Error Rate (WER) achieved by the models on the test set of the LRS2 dataset with both Greedy Search and Beam Search (with Language Model) decoding techniques. We have tested in cases of clean audio and noisy audio (0 dB SNR). We also give WER in cases where only one of the modalities is used in the Audio-Visual model.

Operation Mode AO/VO Model AV Model
Greedy Beam (+LM)
Greedy Beam (+LM)
Clean Audio
AO 11.4% 8.3% 12.0% 8.2%
VO 61.8% 55.3% 56.3% 49.2%
AV - - 10.3% 6.8%
Noisy Audio
AO 62.5% 54.0% 59.0% 50.7%
AV - - 29.1% 22.1%

Pre-trained Weights

Download the pre-trained weights for the Visual Frontend, AO, VO, AV and Language model from here .

Once the Visual Frontend and Language Model weights are downloaded, place them in a folder and add their paths in the file. Place the weights of AO, VO and AV model in their corresponding /final/models directory.

If planning to train the models, download the complete LRS2 dataset from here or in cases of custom datasets, have the specifications and folder structure similar to LRS2 dataset.

Steps have been provided to either train the models or to use the trained models directly for inference:

Set the configuration options in the file before each of the following steps as required. Comments have been provided for each option. Also, check the Training Details section below as a guide for training the models from scratch.

Run the script to preprocess and generate the required files for each sample.

Run the script for one iteration of curriculum learning. Run it multiple times, each time changing the PRETRAIN_NUM_WORDS argument in the file to perform multiple iterations of curriculum learning.

Run the script to finally train the model on the train set.

Once the model is trained, run the script to obtain the performance of the trained model on the test set.

Run the script to use the model to make predictions for each sample in a demo directory. Read the specifications for the sample in the file.

Set the configuration options in the file. Comments have been provided for each option.

Important Training Details

We perform iterations of Curriculum Learning by changing the PRETRAIN_NUM_WORDS config option. The number of words used in each iteration of curriculum learning is as follows: 1,2,3,5,7,9,13,17,21,29,37, i.e., 11 iterations in total.

During Curriculum Learning, the minibatch size (default=32) is reduced by half each time we hit an Out Of Memory error.

In each iteration, the training is terminated forcefully once the validation set WER flattens. We also make sure that the Learning Rate has decreased to the minimum value before terminating the training.

We train the AO and VO models first. We then initialize the AV model with weights from the trained AO and VO models as follows: AO Audio Encoder → AV Audio Encoder, VO Video Encoder → AV Video Encoder, VO Video Decoder → AV Joint Decoder.

The weights of the Audio and Video Encoders are fixed during AV model pretraining. The complete AV model is trained on the train set after the pretraining is complete.

We have used a GPU with 11 GB memory for our training. Each model took around 7 days for complete training.

The pre-trained weights of the Visual Frontend and the Language Model have been obtained from Afouras T. and Chung J, Deep Lip Reading: a comparison of models and an online application, 2018 GitHub repository.

The CTC beam search implementation is adapted from Harald Scheidl, CTC Decoding Algorithms GitHub repository.

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What is speech recognition?

Speech recognition

Speech recognition is a capability that enables a program or an app to process human speech, a.k.a what you are saying, into a written format.

Female read person with long blond hair and white cardigan talking into a phone while using a laptop

It is often confused with voice recognition – the key difference is that speech recognition is used to understand words in spoken language, whilst voice recognition is a biometric technology for identifying an individual’s voice.

Although there are many speech recognition applications and devices available, the more advanced solutions are now using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These integrate grammar, syntax, structure, and composition of audio and voice signals to understand and process your speech. Some also allow organizations to customize and adapt the technology to their specific requirements (more about this later in this article).

Thanks to the ever-growing use of portable devices, like smart phones, tiny microphones, dictaphones, speech recognition software has entered all aspects of our business and everyday lives. Examples include virtual assistants, like Siri or Alexa, that enable us to command our devices just by talking and voice search which allows users to input voice-based search queries.

However, the most significant area as far as business users are concerned is speech to text software. This area is growing rapidly, due in no small part to the availability of cloud-based solutions that are enabling users to access speech to text apps from their smartphones or tablets.

How speech recognition systems work?

Speech recognition in Windows 10 is a powerful accessibility feature that allows users to control their computer using voice commands. This technology enables you to dictate text, navigate applications, and perform various tasks without needing a keyboard or mouse.

Philips SpeechLive is a cloud-based dictation solution that seamlessly integrates with Windows 10. You can use it with any of your favorite office application like Word, Outlook or even Salesforce.

The increasing role of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning methods like deep learning and neural networks are becoming more common in advanced speech recognition software. AI can be used to address common challenges to speech recognition technology. For example:

  • Regional accents and dialects: It can sometimes be difficult to understand what someone with a strong dialect is saying, but AI can assist in detecting the various nuances.
  • Context: Homophones are words that have the same or similar sounds, but different meanings. A simple example is “sell” and “cell.” Once again, AI can help in differentiating.  

Importance of the cloud

Given the explosive growth of hybrid and remote working, there’s an increasing requirement for workers to have access to speech to text capabilities anywhere, at any time and the cloud option delivers this.

A cloud-based solution, such as Philips SpeechLive utilizing the Dragon Professional Anywhere software, enables authors to access fully featured versions of speech to text apps from their devices, irrespective of their location. Transcripts can be shared with other team members, allowing them to add comments or sign-off the contents. And because the software is cloud-based, these changes/additions can be made from anywhere.

Selecting the right speech recognition solution

A key factor in speech recognition technology is its accuracy rate. There is little merit in using speech recognition for input purposes if the resultant document is littered with errors.  Fortunately, the use of AI has enabled some speech recognition solutions to achieve accuracy rates as high as 99% .

The need to address user mobility is also an important factor to consider. Will you need access to the speech recognition capabilities whilst working from home or in remote locations? If so, then the availability of a mobile app capable of supporting both Android and iOS devices are essential.

And finally, one of the most important considerations is the degree to which the speech recognition software allows for customization. Think for a moment about all of the industry-specific terms, acronyms, phrases or jargon used in sectors as diverse as legal, healthcare and financial services. It’s vital that the software has the capability to recognize these, whether it is trained to do so, or has the capability to import custom word lists that might already exist.

Potential benefits

Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect to achieve if you select a feature-rich speech recognition solution such as Philips SpeechLive to meet your requirements:

  • Speedier document production - talking is much faster than typing, allowing users to dictate a document roughly three times faster than they can type it.
  • Reduce repetitive tasks - freeing up time so that professionals can focus on other things. For example, fee earners in legal firms have found that using Philips SpeechLive results in spending less time on support activities such as document creation and editing, which in turn allows them to spend more time with clients and enables a greater focus on work that is directly billable. Similarly, within a medical environment, automating the processes involved in generating clinical documentation means that healthcare professionals can spend more time on patient treatment.
  • Another cloud-based benefit is the potential integration with other business apps.

For example, linking speech to text capabilities with other cloud apps such as workflow management and document management can provide a number of significant benefits such as streamlining document-related processes and providing a clear digital audit trail for all dictations.

Unsure if speech recognition is the correct tool for you? Find out by taking our easy 5-step  quiz .

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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Title: visual speech recognition.

Abstract: Lip reading is used to understand or interpret speech without hearing it, a technique especially mastered by people with hearing difficulties. The ability to lip read enables a person with a hearing impairment to communicate with others and to engage in social activities, which otherwise would be difficult. Recent advances in the fields of computer vision, pattern recognition, and signal processing has led to a growing interest in automating this challenging task of lip reading. Indeed, automating the human ability to lip read, a process referred to as visual speech recognition (VSR) (or sometimes speech reading), could open the door for other novel related applications. VSR has received a great deal of attention in the last decade for its potential use in applications such as human-computer interaction (HCI), audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR), speaker recognition, talking heads, sign language recognition and video surveillance. Its main aim is to recognise spoken word(s) by using only the visual signal that is produced during speech. Hence, VSR deals with the visual domain of speech and involves image processing, artificial intelligence, object detection, pattern recognition, statistical modelling, etc.
Comments: Speech and Language Technologies (Book), Prof. Ivo Ipsic (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-322-4, InTech (2011)
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Cite as: [cs.CV]
  (or [cs.CV] for this version)
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  6. PDF Visual speech recognition for multiple languages in the wild

    A novel method for visual speech recognition (VSR) that outperforms previous models trained on larger datasets. The method uses auxiliary tasks, data augmentation and hyperparameter optimization to achieve state-of-the-art performance on English, Mandarin and Spanish.

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