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Essays About Life Lessons: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Read our guide to see the top examples and prompts on essays about life lessons to communicate your thoughts effectively.

Jordan Peterson once said, “Experience is the best teacher, and the worst experiences teach the best lessons.” The many life lessons we’ll accumulate in our life will help us veer in the right direction to fulfill our destinies. Whether it’s creative or nonfiction, as long as it describes the author’s personal life experiences or worldview, recounting life lessons falls under the personal or narrative essay category. 

To successfully write an essay on this topic, you must connect with your readers and allow them to visualize, understand, and get inspired by what you have learned about life. To do this, you must remember critical elements such as a compelling hook, engaging story, relatable characters, suitable setting, and significant points. 

See below five examples of life lessons essays to inspire you:


1. Life Lessons That the First Love Taught Me by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

2. the dad’s life lessons and the role model for the children by anonymous on, 3. studying history and own mistakes as life lessons: opinion essay by anonymous on, 4. life lessons by anonymous on, 5. valuable lessons learned in life by anonymous on, 1. life lessons from books, 2. my biggest mistake and the life lesson i learned, 3. the life lessons i’ve learned, 4. life lessons from a popular show, 5. using life lessons in starting a business, 6. life lessons you must know, 7. kids and life lessons.

“I thought I knew absolutely everything about loving someone by the age of fourteen. Clearly I knew nothing and I still have so much to learn about what it is like to actually love someone.”

The author relates how their first love story unfolds, including the many things they learned from it. An example is that no matter how compatible the couple is if they are not for each other, they will not last long and will break up eventually. The writer also shares that situations that test the relationship, such as jealousy, deserve your attention as they aid people in picking the right decisions. The essay further tells how the writer’s relationship became toxic and affected their mental and emotional stability, even after the breakup. To cope and heal, they stopped looking for connections and focused on their grades, family, friends, and self-love.

“I am extremely thankful that he could teach me all the basics like how to ride a bike, how to fish and shoot straight, how to garden, how to cook, how to drive, how to skip a rock, and even how to blow spitballs. But I am most thankful that could teach me to stand tall (even though I’m 5’3”), be full with my heart and be strong with my mind.”

In this essay, the writer introduces their role model who taught them almost everything they know in their seventeen years of life, their father. The writer shares that their father’s toughness, stubbornness, and determination helped them learn to stand up for themselves and others and not be a coward in telling the truth. Because of him, the author learned how to be kind, generous, and mature. Finally, the author is very grateful to their father, who help them to think for themselves and not believe everything they hear.

“In my opinion, I believe it is more important to study the past rather than the present because we can learn more from our mistakes.”

This short essay explains the importance of remembering past events to analyze our mistakes. The author mentions that when people do this, they learn and grow from it, which prevents them from repeating the same error in the present time. The writer also points out that everyone has made the mistake of letting others dictate how their life goes, often leading to failures. 

 I believe we come here to learn a valuable lesson. If we did not learn this lesson through out a life time, our souls would come back to repeat the process.” 

This essay presents three crucial life lessons that everyone needs to know. The first is to stop being too comfortable in taking people and things for granted. Instead, we must learn to appreciate everything. The second is to realize that mistakes are part of everyone’s life. So don’t let the fear of making mistakes stop you from trying something new. The third and final lesson is from Frank Sinatra’s “My Way.” People learn and grow as they age, so everyone needs to remember to live their life as if it were their last with no regrets.

“Life lessons are not necessarily learned from bad experiences, it can also be learned from good experiences, accomplishments, mistakes of other people, and by reading too.”

The essay reminds the readers to live their life to the fullest and cherish people and things in their lives because life is too short. If you want something, do not let it slip away without trying. If it fails, do not suffer and move on. The author also unveils the importance of travelling, keeping a diary, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

7 Prompts for Essays About Life Lessons

Use the prompts below if you’re still undecided on what to write about:

Essays about life lessons: Life lessons from books

As mentioned above, life lessons are not only from experiences but also from reading. So for this prompt, pick up your favorite book and write down the lessons you learned from it. Next, identify each and explain to your readers why you think it’s essential to incorporate these lessons into real life. Finally, add how integrating these messages affected you. 

There are always lessons we can derive from mistakes. However, not everyone understands these mistakes, so they keep doing them. Think of all your past mistakes and choose one that had the most significant negative impact on you and the people around you. Then, share with your readers what it is, its causes, and its effects. Finally, don’t forget to discuss what you gained from these faults and how you prevent yourself from doing them again.

Compile all the life lessons you’ve realized from different sources. They can be from your own experience, a relative’s, a movie, etc. Add why these lessons resonate with you. Be creative and use metaphors or add imaginary scenarios. Bear in mind that your essay should convey your message well.

Popular shows are an excellent medium for teaching life lessons to a broad audience. In your essay, pick a well-known work and reflect on it. For example, Euphoria is a TV series that created hubbub for its intrigue and sensitive themes. Dissect what life lessons one can retrieve from watching the show and relate them to personal encounters. You can also compile lessons from online posts and discussions.

If the subject of “life lessons” is too general for you, scope a more specific area, such as entrepreneurship. Which life lessons are critical for a person in business? To make your essay easier to digest, interview a successful business owner and ask about the life lessons they’ve accumulated before and while pursuing their goals.

Use this prompt to present the most important life lessons you’ve collected throughout your life. Then, share why you selected these lessons. For instance, you can choose “Live life as if it’s your last” and explain that you realized this life lesson after suddenly losing a loved one.

Have you ever met someone younger than you who taught you a life lesson? If so, in this prompt, tell your reader the whole story and what life lesson you discovered. Then, you can reverse it and write an incident where you give a good life lesson to someone older than you – say what it was and if that lesson helped them. Read our storytelling guide to upgrade your techniques.

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Good Titles for Essays about yourself: 31 Personal Essay Topics

Good Titles for Essays about yourself: 31 Personal Essay Topics

Titles for Essay about Yourself

Titles for Essay about Yourself

What is a Personal Essay?

 There are quite a number of essays used by writers to communicate ideas out there. One of these essays is the personal essay which is written to capture a person’s ideas, emotions and feelings towards something.

This essay is a non-fictional piece that provides the reader with an interesting, humorous and thought provoking narrative drawn from either the personal experiences of the writer or information from another party.

titles for essays about life lessons

It is a non-fiction story in which you as the author share your lessons, incidents and predicaments faced in life with your audience, the readers.

about me

The personal essay is an essay written about one’s life, experiences and thoughts in turn providing readers with an insight about life lessons and experiences about yourself. It captures your memorable moments like you can ever imagine.

Therefore it ought to describe you positively to your audience by highlighting your inspirations and motivation but at the same time leave your audience with a wide understanding of what you are, what you stand for and importantly your tick boxes.

In other quarters it is also known as the narrative essay and somewhat it appears different from the other essays because it shares a story with the readers.

The story in a personal essay needs to be non-fictional otherwise it will lose the meaning intended in it.

A personal essay can appear as a class assignment or a college application depending on the circumstances. In case it appears as a college application, it should stimulate the readers in acting in a particular way.

The author is expected to provide an account of their roles and provide an insight in their subjects.

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How to Write a Good Title for an Essay about yourself?

Normally news titles tend to have a story title distilled into five to ten words in order to accurately summarize the intended information to an audience.

For instance, a title may appear like ‘Plane Crashes Minutes After Takeoff’. Magazines on the other hand will have catchier titles to the readers’ delight such as ‘Ten Ways to Improve your Body Fitness’ or rather ‘Destinations You Do Not Want to Miss on a Cruise Ship’.

Newspapers will scream their titles with catchy phrases or words like ‘Lockdown in Miami’ or simply ‘Betrayed’. In these three settings, the audience is already aware of what to look out for from the story from the advent.

catchy titles

A blog post title will probably begin with a playful or catchy question in order to draw the readers’ attention but at the same time inform the readers’ on what is about to follow.

Contrary to the above, personal essays possess unique and finessed titles that make the readers’ wonder about what is there in the essays.

These titles require readers to insert themselves into your essay in order to reveal your personality, beliefs, thoughts, hopes, experiences, dreams and even your sense of humor.

Personal essay topics usually include your own opinions, experiences and even real stories.

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Two types of Personal Essay Topics

Personal essay topics exist in two types: Defining moment and Secret lives.

Titles on secret lives will concentrate on mysterious but important experiences where the writer provides stories on infrequent life and to some extent unusual exploits in life. Defining moment’s titles on the other hand will focus on a person’s life during a critical moment.

When you consider these two types of themes, the essay you write will definitely be outstanding to your readers.

The titles of personal essays if done well will challenge the writer and audience on what the essay is about because they will provide hints rather than summarize, they will add as opposed to mirroring and infer instead of summing up the essays ideas. How is this done? Simply by engaging similar skills harbored in a catchy personal essay.

know my secret

The essay title undoubtedly sets the tone and the flow of the essay and so it has to be as catchy as possible. You can start by giving a description of yourself using a key word in the title.

Words like determined, optimistic or thoughtful can suit your title well. For example, your title can read like ‘An essay about Sam, the resilient optimist’.

Your audience will therefore be introduced to the main trait that you desire to reinforce in your essay thereby setting a good tone for the essay.

It is important to follow up the essay by using the same term a number of times throughout the essay in order to emphasize it as a vivid motif.

Since the title of your essay is the first thing your readers will see, it has to fully grab their attention. It would be better if the title is short with about four words or less though there are exceptions. The title and your essay ought to connect but not to fulfill the expectations of the readers immediately.

In order to spice up your title, you can use punctuation marks as options. Exclamation marks, the colon and the semicolon can serve you good in coming up with a good and catchy topic. Moreover, you should capitalize all words with the exception of articles, pronouns, conjunctions and prepositions.

This implies that titles should be flexible to the liking of the readers.

31 Personal Essays Topics

The hardest breaking news I had to deliver

How I spent a fortune on travel

The things I can do that robots can never do

The animal I would like to be

The one thing I would change at my school

What I have learnt about conquering poverty

A disappointment I will never forget

My most embarrassing moment

The moment I realized I needed help

Why I had to succeed

My bravest moment

Nowhere I can run to

The distance between us

The memories I desired but I lost

When did I stop?

My best summer ever

Strange beliefs

My peculiar flowers

Dress your family in silk

Let our children accomplish their dreams in their own way

In 40 years’ time

My adulthood memories

What I would like to change most about my life

My favorite animal

The wall is not listening

That cake was not for you

How I understand death

How did my parent’s choices influence my spending?

My no pleasant experience in high school

Impacts of workout on my stress levels

The moment my life took a turn for the worse

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Personal essays ought to portray a writers writing skills and take the reader to the writer’s personal journey. It is so because it demonstrates who you are as a person and as a writer and so you have to be as coherent as possible in providing your personal statement.

It also reveals a number of qualities about the writer such as the writer’s persona, communication skills, critical thinking skills, and maturity, teaching and personal skills.

This essay can act as an inspiration to your audience if well written and in essence allows the writer to provide a description about their personal or significant life events and experiences.

A number of employers, graduates and various schools will ask you to provide a personal essay before they consider you for an interview and therefore it shows that this essay is not just limited to composition courses in schools.

The question now is: Can you actualize your desire to write a good personal essay?

Jessica Kasen

Jessica Kasen is experienced in academic writing and academic assistance. She is well versed in academia and has a master’s degree in education. Kasen consults with us in helping students improve their grades. She also oversights the quality of work done by our writers.

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  • Life of Walt Whitman Walt Whitman is one of the most eminent poets of America who expressed the condition of nineteenth century American society in his works, which always reflected the cruel, unjust and discerning face of the country. At the age of sixteen ...
  • American Life During & After the Cold War As a result of this, the African Americans came together with the some of the whites in the United States to protest against racisim that was real in the US. Civil Rights was probably the best thing that happened to ...
  • Free Term Paper On Gettysburg Real Life Versus The Movie On the other hand the novel introduced to the audience to one of the most important leaders of the Civil War, Joshua Chamberlain. Gettysburg demonstrated a lot of respect to the Union leaders and to the soldiers fighting in the ...
  • Only God Has the Right to Take Life Essay Sample Regardless of what most people assume, Christians have slightly different views on topics, both believe abortion is evil but feel that it is sometimes the lesser of two evils and in all circumstances the should do the most loving thing, ...
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  • The Story Of My Mother’s Life Struggle She was treated unfairly at home, especially by her own mother, who gave her severe and unreasonable punishments and did not see her as her own child. Evidently, this period of her life definitely was not smooth sailing, but regardless, ...
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  • The Relationship between Our Daily Life and Military Technology Development He claims that the intensity of research and development in the military has increased substantially due to the rise in the use of new technology in war. The material is suitable for use in this project as it will aid ...
  • The Most Impactful Factors of Human Happiness and Life Purpose This would be a definition of a miserable life; one where a person must force themself to consummate a task in order to get paid, rather than finding an interior motivator. Happiness contributes to a good life in many ways, ...
  • Life On The Mississippi Literary Response 2 Essay Of course, that was not the only allure a steamboat had for these boys; the spirit of adventure would often call to them, wishing for a life at sea and stories of his own. It appealed to the boys' rebellious ...
  • The Life Event Approach Essay Traditionally middle age has involved middle years of parenting and career peaking with the later phase of midlife being a time of relinquishing the employment and parenting of children. Generally, the framework implies that the influence of life event is ...
  • Real-Life Problem Faced by the Body Shop This report is to address the real-life problem faced by The Body Shop and how the problem can be solved based on the functions of management. But behind the cuddly image lies the reality The Body Shop's operations, the Body ...
  • Good Research Paper About Life After Death: Issues And Concerns In Healthcare The empirical evidence of the life of the person in the afterlife is premised on the life that the person practiced in the physical life. However, since the onset of studies on the factor of "near death experiences", the comfort ...
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  • The Life Behind Our Phones Lack of communication because of phones is negatively affecting people and especially millennials who are trying to get a job. All because young adults are not used to face-to-face communication which leads back to phones creating a negative effect on ...
  • Fidel Castro Early Life as President of Cuba Essay To the concern of the Eisenhower administration, Cuba began to establish closer ties with the Soviet Union. Castro asked young students in the cities to travel to the countryside and teach the people to read and write.
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  • Life or death – whose decision is it anyway? Given the situation above, it is the duty of Angela's doctors to uphold the value of life. Wendy Smith's duty as a doctor to inform the patient of his predicament no matter how grave said situation is.
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  • Example Of Real-Life Examples And/Or Personal Experiences Research Paper While the importance of vitamin C in reducing stress is debatable, it can still help reduce stress owing to its properties. However, some studies show that the vitamin C has no psychological effect on stress, there is evidence for a ...
  • Adult Life Stress Measurement Research Paper Example The major problem in measuring the relationship between illness and stress inventory is the item confounding in the major event of life scale with existence of physical disorders. In the study parents, it is very important to recognize there way ...
  • The Shift to Life-Dependence on Digital Health in the Current World Over the past couple of decades' people have been turning to technology in every aspect of their lives, whether it be to communicate with friends and family, for education, to shop in the comfort of their own home, or for ...
  • Social Media in Everyday Life In most cultures around the world, there has been a huge increase in the use of technology and media by children and adolescents. Negative feedback and victimization are only a few of the negative consequences that social media can have ...
  • Life and Turning Point My grandmother's death made me realize that life is too short to live constantly in a state of negativity. I also realized that I must live life to the fullest and life is fragile and must not be taken for ...
  • Research Paper On End-Of-Life Care Cultural Issues First, as the number of the aged in the society increases, this implies that the number of healthy people in the society in rapidly diminishing. This is solely attributed to the fact that old age comes with its own challenges ...
  • Free Book Review On At The End Of The Life Lee Gutkind This paper will analyze the several themes, emergency and record-breaking decisions in medical practice in the various story articles as edited by Lee Gutkind, including the critical analysis of the stories in relation to the current medical practices and psychology. ...
  • Why Death Is Better Than Life in Prison? The death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison, mostly because of the upfront costs of legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people. Families of murder victims are not unanimous about the death penalty.
  • Explain the Life and Death of the Iceman This tells us that the Iceman could have lived in a village or town close to the Val Venosta, and, that he died soon after the harvest. Based in the evidence, historians have assumed that Iceman may have been a ...
  • Euthanasia As An Ethical Alternative To Living A Life Of Suffering Essay Example On the other hand religion sees suffering as part of quality of life, suffering in the religious community is supposed to make you a better person, it's something to overcome but how can someone like Tony Nicklinson overcome effectively not ...
  • Philosophy on Life and Death in Hamlet Essay Sample He is willing to accept his fate, and no longer does he fight the injustices of life. Before the sword fight with Laertes and the conclusion of the play, Hamlet decides he's ready to take whatever is in store for ...
  • Life and Death In stark contrast to this is the concept of death, which is essentially the end of a chapter and the ceasing of existence. This is one of the most significant differences between life and death the opportunity for more time ...
  • Trench Warfare: Characteristics of Life in the Trenches Essay Sample The main method of combat during the first world war a.k.a.the Great World War, was trench warfare. The experiences of the war lead to a sort of national trauma afterwards for all the participating countries.
  • Rizal’s Life By accusing Ibarra's dad of being a heretic, and by using the death of a local student to make him look bad, Father Damaso turned the community against Ibarra's dad, and had him thrown in jail where he got sick ...
  • My Life in Kuwait Every Diwali, not only I look forward to join the fun with my friends and relatives, but I also look forward to sitting comfortably in my balcony, munching on sweets and snacks and admiring the beautiful sparks of light that ...
  • Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life In fact, not only does this program discuss the theories of Darwin's adulthood, but it even talks about his fascination with bugs as a child, and his discoveries, that tempt me to believe spurred his desire of study. Darwin held ...
  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Dialectical Journal Essay Sample I am aware that the overall message is always going to be "slavery is wrong and should be abolished," but what nuanced arguments does Douglass present within that same argument? "If anyone wishes to be impressed with the soul-killing effects ...
  • Free Essay On The Interesting Narrative Of The Life Of Olaudah Equiano In the narrative, he also compares the slavery he knew back in his village and the type of slavery he experienced and also observed his fellow slaves go through. Originally, Equiano came from an upper class family in their village ...
  • Life of Frederick Douglass and American Slave written by Frederick Douglass Essay Sample The setting of this text is the European countries under the influence of the Nazi regime of the Third Reich during the reign of Hitler. The sentences were counted, and the length of the final sentence was given as a ...
  • A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass in an American Slave by Frederick Douglass: a Critique Towards the end of the chapter we are told that his first master's overseer was very cruel and that Frederick was scared by witnessing one of the beatings he gave out. In the next few chapters we learn that Douglass ...
  • Frederick Douglass' Ideas in Narrative of the Life During a time in which slavery played a large role in the structure of the United States, people were beginning to realize its negative effects on the people centered around it. Frederick Douglass wrote, Narrative of the Life of Frederick ...
  • How Plastic Pollution Can Impact both Marine Life and Human Health Then illustrating the problem of a single-use plastic bag, identifying the solution of reducing single-use plastic bags in the USA, and assessment the solution. After that, explaining the problem of electronic and electrical waste, sympathizing the solution done in the ...
  • Free Essay About Reasons For Marrying Late In Life The entry of women into the career field, the acceptanceof cohabitation as a lifestyle and the inability of young men in the lower socioeconomic tiers are all factors that have pushed the average age of first marriage later for adults ...
  • A Day in the Life: Career Options in Library and Information Science Her implicative suggestions in the matter actually increases the competency of the library systems in making an impact on the increased need of researchers today for referencing approach in libraries. A Day in the Life: Career Options in Library and ...
  • John Steinbeck: A Life In Words Essay His father, the late, John Ernst II was the Treasurer for Salinas Country and his mother, Olive Hamilton Steinbeck, was a retired school teacher who quit her job to be a mother to her dear son and feeding his ever ...
  • The Life And Success Of Michael Jackson – King Of Pop He was shy when he was with someone he liked. He also suffered with osteoarthritis of a couple of the vertebrae in the lower back, so the spine was slightly twisted to the left.
  • This life as a Nursing Instructor and Furthermore, to realize my ambitions, I pursued a Masters inPublic Health at the University of Buea where I earned a cumulative GPA of 3. I amdeeply committed to the advancement of underserved communities in Cameroon and Ihope to work with ...
  • Research Paper On The Effects Of Drinking Alcohol At A Young Age How Does It Affect A Person Later In Life Besides they are likely, to engage in criminal activities because of a ruined future, and the need to get money to buy alcohol and other drugs. Excessive consumption of alcohol in the long run leads to the degeneration of the ...
  • Change for Life campaign Essay Sample Perceived benefits- In the Change for Life campaign, this is about showing people the benefits to their health as a result of a change in drinking lifestyle and behaviour. This will make this health campaign more effective because a lot ...
  • Variety - the Spice of Life It is said "variety is the spice of life," but when it comes to relationship and love, one often wonders if the saying is applicable in or perhaps not, for the priceless emotional investments couples make in a relationship. January ...
  • "Life self-modesty, virtues and ethics, and the relationships Even in the enduring works of Confucius' Analects and the ancient Hebrew Bible, the respective authors examine the lessons of self-modesty, virtues and ethics, and the relationships of individuals, family, and state. Both Confucius and the author of the Hebrew ...
  • Life And Work Of Louis Kahn Architecture Essay Born in 1901 in Estonia, Russia, Louis Isadore Kahn is considered to be one of the most influential designers of the 2nd half of the 20th century throughout the universe. It is widely believed that Louis Kahn, who was so ...
  • Issue of Coping with Death in "The Love of My Life” and "I bought a Bed” The essays "The Love of My Life" by Cheryl Strayed and "I bought a Bed" by Donald Antrim discussed the issue of coping with death, wherein the authors shared their own experiences of experiencing and coping with grief due to ...
  • Love is very necessary in life First of all, the love of family is very important in the life because home will always be a shelter. Second, children are the crystal of love of two people in love.
  • Nutritional Needs over a Life Span The following are nutrient requirements for the lifespan of both men and women: Infants Infants of both sexes leave the mother's womb and live on their mother's breast milk for the first four to six months of their life. Women ...
  • Healthy Life Iron is the another best thing you should worry about because iron helps the blood transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissue cells where it is needed and if you do not get the iron you need in future ...
  • Media Violence is not the leading cause of Real life violence Essay Sample With the introduction of media and with the introduction of television in 1945, the world has been united in a very beneficial way. Blaming media violence and coming to the conclusion it is the number one cause of violence is ...
  • Example Of My Life As A Writer Essay People regard being a writer as something that requires a definite commitment to writing, that there is a certain point in one's life when the person says, "I am going to become a writer". The kind of writing I had ...
  • Exchange of Values - Changing Minds and Life Among the most distinguished and long-standing debates in the anthropology of economy in general and that of exchange in particular is the divide between formalists and substantivists that occurred during the 20th century. In their research, formalists focus on the ...
  • A Rite Of Passage Experiences in My Life The rites of passage in which I have experienced was being of witness to my cousin getting married in the traditional Christian way with the priest reading the vows and having the marriage part-take in a Roman Catholic church. In ...
  • The Real Worth Of a Human Life In the beginning, I said I learned the value of a human life. But I was looking for the value of a human life compared to animals or a young person to an old one.
  • The Importance Of Architecture in Human Life It also explains the complexities within the given context of the central business district as well as the tectonics of the character and lastly the methods and metaphors incorporated within the urban ensample. By investigating into the experience of the ...
  • Example Of Article Review On A Boys Life By Hanna Rosin The author explains the confusion that the boy faces in different social settings and as a participant observer; she relates the Boy's parent's assimilation process in regards to their son transgender identity. Rosin's article is convincing because therapist can assist ...
  • How Does the Practical Life Exercises Help Children in Their Daily Living? by Maria Montessori It is therefore the Directress's task to demonstrate the correct way of doing these Exercises in a way that allows the child to fully observe the movements. The directress must also keep in mind that the goal is to show ...
  • How Life with a Single Parent is Disadvantageous for Children Financial contrasts keep on playing a part in the lives of youngsters brought up in a solitary parent home as to their instructive needs. Youngsters experiencing childhood in a solitary parent home can be dynamic throughout everyday life, except their ...
  • Life of Galileo By Bertolt Brecht: Analysis Of The Scene 12 Galileo Galilei was the man who used science and the telescope to prove to the church that the sun is the center of the universe instead of the Earth. The audience is pleased but at the same time astonished because ...
  • The subject of Coriolanus is the ruin of a noble life through the sin of pride Thanks.- What's the matter, you dissentious rogues, That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion, Make yourselves scabs? " The quote above is what Coriolanus says to the plebeians when he peaks to them in the first scene of the ...
  • Life’s Fire Escape Tom, the narrator of the play, consciously creates art in an effort to subjectively redefine the present moment, and as a coping mechanism for the troubles in his life. Rather than stay and face the reality of his life, Tom ...
  • Pollution, marine life's number one enemy spreads its negative effects on the oceans The patch is located in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii. Over a long period, organic toxins such as DDT accumulate in the crevices of the suspended plastic debris, which, when ingested lead to the ...
  • The Jungle: The American dream tested by real life's hardships of an immigrant family The center of the story revolves around Jurgis Rudkus, who came to America with inspiration and the idea that jobs were plentiful, freedom was free, and the whole world was his oyster. Another major theme is that of power and ...
  • Life Styles – Leadership and Organizational Both work and in life, I feel I am strong when it comes to commitment and to making and keeping satisfying relationships. LSI Style Interpretations: Go to the LSI1 Results page, find your circumplex profile, and click on the circumplex ...
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1. NerdySeal . "Life." October 19, 2021.


NerdySeal . "Life." October 19, 2021.

"Life." NerdySeal , 19 Oct. 2021,

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50 Eye-Catching Autobiography Titles (+ How to Write Your Own)

titles for essays about life lessons

You’ve written your life story. 

You’ve laid your heart bare before the world

So, what’s the best title for your one-of-a-kind masterpiece?

“____________: An Autobiography”?

Seriously, unless you’re a household name, using “autobiography” as part of your title might not work in your favor, but not to worry. You don’t have to be famous to write an autobiography , but you do need a title that will grab a buyer’s attention, so they know your book is worth a second look.

Book Title Generator

Don't like it?

The purpose of this article is to break down what makes a standout autobiography title and the process for creating your own. 

Need autobiography titles? Let’s dive in!

The secret sauce for writing an amazing book title.

The process of creating an autobiography book title that gets noticed starts with a marketer’s mindset.

Yes, it all boils down to strategic book positioning in the marketplace. Creativity is a big part of it, but that’s a small part of the bigger picture. After all, if your book doesn’t get in front of the people who would be most likely to read it, you can’t change lives with the content inside!

Unlike fiction books or other types of nonfiction books (e.g. business books or textbooks) where there’s a specific category or genre expectation, autobiographies play by their own set of rules—the more creative the better. 

How to think like a marketer when creating your title

If you are self-publishing your book, then you’re probably already aware that marketing is a key component of your book’s success, but what is marketing exactly? 

The American Marketing Association defines marketing as

Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. 

When marketing your book, knowing how to write a good book title matters, because, along with your cover, it’s the first thing a potential buyer sees (reads) before making a buying decision. A casual search for “autobiography” on Amazon pulled up over 700,000 results. This doesn’t mean that every book belongs in the category, but it’s still a lot of books.

You might be asking how you get your book to rise to the top of search results.

Start with a great title. 

Here are some best practices:

  • Make your title relevant – You can never go wrong with a title that reflects the theme of your book . This will clue buyers into what to expect. You can also go with a significant statement or quote drawn directly from your story. Clever titles also work, but try to stay away from the cheesy ones that confuse buyers.
  • Appeal to your ideal audience’s needs – Every book is not for everyone. Target a specific reader type when creating your title. For example, meteorologist and television personality Ginger Zee titled her book Natural Disasters. This title works well for her because her book’s content is about the unpredictable “storms” of life she has faced and she also covers storms in her reporting. 
  • Stay away from clickbait – Or anything that leads readers to believe your book is about one thing but it’s something else. This only frustrates readers and could potentially lead to bad reviews. 
  • Use a primary keyword in your title if it fits – First Gen by Alejandra Campoverdi and Cooked by Jeff Henderson include keyword(s) that are relevant to buyer searches. 
  • Invite the reader into your story – This can be done by asking a question like the autobiography title What Are You Doing Here? by Baroness Floella Benjamin. Or, create an image in their mind like The Ugly Cry by Danielle Henderson or The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish. 

Hint: Keep it short. According to Amazon, “Customers are more likely to skim past long titles (over 60 characters). There are exceptions to the rules. You’ll see some in the list that follows.

Don’t forget about writing a subtitle for your book . They are optional but a great way to add a splash of flavor. 

50 eye-catching autobiography titles that inspire

After an exhaustive search in the autobiography categories of the top online book retailers, I selected 50 incredible autobiography titles as a starting point for creating an amazing title for your autobiography. Note: Memoir titles listed under the autobiography category are included in the list.

Autobiography titles about celebrities

  • What Are You Doing Here? – Baronness Floella Benjamin
  • Tis Herself – Maureen O’Hara
  • F inding Me by Viola Davis
  • Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots By Reba McEntire
  • Live Wire: Long-Winded Short Stories by Kelly Ripa
  • Thicker than Water by Kerry Washington
  • We Were Dreamers by Simu Liu
  • Enough Already: Learning to Love the Way I Am Today by Valerie Bertinelli
  • Just as I am by Cicely Tyson
  • A Promised Land by Barack Obama
  • Making It So by Patrick Stewart
  • Inside Out by Demi Moore
  • In Pieces by Sally Field
  • The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish
  • Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder by William Shatner
  • Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology by Leah Remini
  • Look Out for the Little Guy! By Scott Lang
  • I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons by Kevin Hart, Neil Strauss
  • No Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality by Michael J. Fox
  • Scenes from My Life by Michael K. Williams
  • The Way I Heard It by Mike Rowe
  • I Came as a Shadow – John Thompson

Autobiography titles about authors

  • I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings  by Maya Angelou
  • Lit by Mary Karr

Autobiography titles about family

  • The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
  • Mott Street by Ava Chin
  • The Girl in the Middle by Anais Granofsky
  • All You Can Ever Know by Nicole Chung
  • The Ugly Cry by Danielle Henderson

Autobiography titles about immigration, culture, and race

  • Good Morning, Hope: A True Story of Refugee Twin Sisters and Their Triumph over War, Poverty, and Heartbreak by Argita Zalli, and Detina Zalli 
  • Negroland by Margo Jefferson
  • First Gen by Alejandra Campoverdi
  • Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui
  • Heart of Fire: An Immigrant Daughter’s Story – Mazie K. Hirono
  • The Girl Who Smiled Beads by Clementine Wamariya, Elizabeth Weil

Autobiography titles about beating the odds

  • Cooked by Jeff Henderson
  • The Pale-Faced Lie by David Crow
  • Thunder Dog: The True Story of a Blind Mann, His Guide Dog, and the Triumph of Trust by Michael Hingson and Susy Flory
  • When the Tears Dry by Meredith Hawkins
  • Reaching for the Moon by Katherine Johnson
  • 80 Percent Luck, 20 Percent Skill: My Life as a WWII Navy Ferry Pilot by Ralph T. Alshouse

Autobiography titles about faith

  • Like a River: Finding the Faith and Strength to Move Forward After Loss and Heartache by Granger Smith
  • The Barn by David Hill
  • All My Knotted-Up Life by Beth Moore

Autobiography titles about journalists, reporters, and media

  • Natural Disaster: I Cover Them. I am One by Ginger Zee
  • Going There by Katie Couric
  • Rough Draft by Kati Tur
  • The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day

Use a free tool to generate your own autobiography title

You obviously can’t use these published autobiography titles for your own book – but you can use our free book title generator to come up with suggestions that you could use.

It’s really easy to use, and instantly gives you an unlimited amount of working titles – or even final titles – to use for your book!

1. Select nonfiction for the book’s genre in the drop-down menu

titles for essays about life lessons

2. Fill in the details

For the next question, if you have a book description, type “yes” and add your description in the text box.

If you don’t have a description yet, answer “no” and fill out the questions. Eventually, you will need to write a book description , but this is often something our authors do after they complete their manuscript .

Incredible Biography Titles - Book Title Generator Description Question Section

3. Click “generate”

That’s it! Get ready for some unique autobiography book title suggestions. Remember, if you don’t like the one that you see, you can continue to generate as many as you’d like.

Final thoughts

Your autobiography title can be the difference between someone scrolling past your book on Amazon or stopping to read a sample. Whatever title you choose, remember that it’s just as much about you as your reader. Make them want to read your story by giving them something unique that piques their interest. 

You can also look for inspiration in other genres. For example, some memoir book titles could also lend well to an autobiography – like What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo. Intriguing, isn’t it? Don’t limit yourself!

Are you ready to take the next steps with your autobiography? We have a professional publishing team ready to guide you through the book development process. 

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Best Memoir Writing Prompts (Life Lessons, Childhood, and More!)

Whether you are writing for personal therapy or sharing your story with others, memoir writing prompts lets you create personal narratives that are engaging, meaningful, and reflective. In this article, you’ll discover a variety of journal prompts for unlocking different aspects of your life. 

Table of Contents

What Are Memoir Writing Prompts?

Memoir topics are an excellent way to jumpstart your writing and to reflect on your life experiences. Plus, they provide a specific theme, so you can focus on one aspect of your life and defeat the dreaded writer’s block.

Unlike  narrative writing prompts , which are generally more focused on developing a story, memoir topic ideas explore your personal experiences and memories. It can be your earliest memory when you were a kid, a passion that got side-tracked because of responsibilities, or an emotionally hurtful part of your life, like a divorce or a separation from your first love. 

Tip:  Don’t feel pressured that your personal narrative should be perfect after answering memoir writing prompts. Remember, even the best memoir writers always start with a draft. What’s important is that you write. 

Life Lessons

Memoir writing prompts that focus on life lessons can be particularly valuable if you want to share your experiences and insights with others. Here are some of the best memoir ideas that focus on life lessons:

  • Think about a mistake that affected not only yourself but others. 
  • A moment when you had to let go of something or someone.
  • A moment when you had to stand up for yourself or someone else.
  • What was the toughest decision that you had to make? 
  • Think about an experience that you did not expect to fail. How did you overcome it? 
  • What is one experience that changed your outlook on life? 
  • Recall a wrong decision and how it affected your life. 
  • How did you overcome a situation that you had difficulty letting go of? 
  • How do you cope with problems you don’t have control over? 
  • What life lesson did you have to learn the hard way? 

They say that our childhood experiences shaped who we are now. So, tap into your younger version or younger self and trace back your memories that made a lasting impact. 

Tip: If you want to pen a powerful memoir, don’t stick only to good memories.

Here are some memoir writing prompts that you can use as a guide: 

  • What was your happiest childhood memory that you could think of on top of your head? 
  • As a young child, what were your proudest moments? 
  • What video games did you play for our hours? 
  • A lesson you learned as a child that has stayed with you into adulthood.
  • Your earliest childhood memory and what it reveals about your personality or interests.
  • Your relationship with your parents or guardians. Make sure to include both positive and challenging aspects.
  • A pivotal moment in your childhood, such as a move or a major life change.
  • A childhood friendship that was particularly meaningful to you.
  • A difficult or traumatic experience you had as a child.
  • A family tradition or celebration that you participated in.
  • A place from your childhood that was particularly special to you and why.
  • A childhood dream or aspiration and how it shaped your path in life.

When it comes to writing about your school years, there are a wealth of memories and lessons to draw from, whether you look back on these years with fondness or find them more challenging to revisit.

  • A favorite teacher from your school years and how they influenced you.
  • A significant achievement or challenge you faced in school.
  • A school project or assignment that was particularly meaningful to you and why.
  • Did you feel like an outsider at school?
  • A school-related goal that you worked towards and achieved.
  • A subject or activity that you were passionate about in school.
  • A school-related tradition or event that was significant to you.
  • Did you belong to a clique or club in high school? 
  • What did you feel after graduation? 
  • What was your favorite subject during elementary school or middle school?


By sharing your experiences, you can offer valuable insights and guidance to others facing similar challenges or seeking inspiration on their own journeys.

  • A time when you faced a significant challenge and overcame it.
  • Think about one person who has had a profound impact on your life.
  • A moment when you felt true joy or contentment.
  • Think about an experience you thought would fail, but the outcome was the opposite. 
  • Recall the darkest point in your life and how you overcame it. 
  • A goal or dream that you have pursued despite obstacles or setbacks.
  • A time when you showed courage in the face of fear or uncertainty.
  • A moment when you learned an important lesson about forgiveness or acceptance.
  • A time when you helped someone else.
  • A moment when you had to step outside of your comfort zone.
  • A way in which you have grown or changed over time.


When it comes to writing confessionally, the process can be even more challenging, but it can also offer an opportunity for healing and growth.

  • A secret or hidden part of yourself that you have kept from others and why.
  • A mistake or regret from your past that you’ve never told anyone.
  • A time when you felt shame or guilt and how you coped with those feelings.
  • A personal weakness or flaw that has challenged you.
  • A difficult relationship in your life.
  • A moment when you felt lost or uncertain about your life path.
  • A time when you experienced a significant loss or change in your life.
  • A habit or behavior that you struggle with.
  • A moment when you felt betrayed or let down by someone you trusted.
  • A time when you felt like an imposter or struggled with feelings of inadequacy.

Love also shapes us, whether it’s romantic love, familial love, or love for friends and community. Here are some memoir prompts revolving around love. 

  • A time when you experienced a deep and meaningful connection with someone.
  • Think about a relationship that has challenged your beliefs and outlook on life.
  • A moment when you felt truly loved and cared for.
  • Did you experience abuse, or were you in a toxic relationship? How did you let go? 
  • A person or relationship that has shaped your understanding of love.
  • A moment when you experienced love in an unexpected way or from an unexpected source.
  • A time when you struggled to express your love or affection.
  • A time when you had to forgive someone you loved.
  • A moment when you felt deeply connected to a community or group.
  • A time when you experienced unrequited love and how you accepted that you couldn’t force someone else to feel the same. 

Social Life

Your social life is an integral part of your identity, and the relationships you form with others can have a profound impact on your experiences and perspectives.

  • A friendship that has had a significant impact on your life.
  • A time when you’ve felt like an outsider in a social group or community.
  • A moment when you took a risk to form a new relationship or social connection.
  • A time when you had to set boundaries in a relationship or social interaction.
  • A time when you had to confront someone in a social situation.
  • A moment when you felt a strong sense of belonging in a community or social group.
  • How did you navigate a conflict or disagreement with friends? 
  • Recall a moment when you broke off a friendship. 
  • A moment when you experienced a major shift in your social life, like starting a new job.
  • A time when you felt empowered or inspired by a social connection or relationship.

Focusing on key milestones allows you to delve deeper into your thoughts and emotions and gain insights into how these events have shaped you into who you are today.

  • A time when you felt genuinely proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
  • A significant moment in your childhood that shaped who you are today.
  • The first time you fell in love and how it impacted your life.
  • A difficult decision you had to make and how it affected you.
  • A moment when you felt a deep sense of loss and how you coped with it.
  • An experience that challenged your beliefs or worldview.
  • A moment when you had to confront your fears and how you overcame them.
  • A significant accomplishment or achievement you worked hard for.
  • Think about how you felt when you finally bought your own home.  
  • A moment when you felt happy and content with your life.

Memoir writing prompts are a powerful tool. It helps you create personal narratives that are engaging, meaningful, and reflective. Remember, there are many more prompts out there. What’s important is that you write freely but truthfully.


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Essay Title Examples About Life

An essay about life deals with mundane topics that don’t make it into the highly specialized categories (some sort of “miscellaneous” category). These may relate to lifestyle, health, typical challenges everybody faces in life, life wisdom, life hacks, advice from accomplished people, real cases and what they teach, issues related to spiritual exploration, self-improvement, career choices, and much more.

Such essays may serve as a source of valuable knowledge, life wisdom and inspiration for others and even help the authors themselves to obtain a better understanding of the topic. Feel free to explore the essays listed in this category, paying attention to the topics, but also to how they are structured, the language and writing style employed.

Why Reading is Important for an Individual

Reading is a fundamental skill and a gateway to a world of knowledge, imagination, and personal growth. This essay explores the profound importance of reading for individuals, highlighting its role in education, intellectual development, empathy cultivation, and lifelong learning. Reading is the cornerstone of education...

The Qualities of a Good Leader: Vision, Empathy, and Resilience

Leadership is a multifaceted and indispensable aspect of human society. Whether in the realms of business, politics, education, or community, the qualities of a good leader play a pivotal role in guiding teams, organizations, and nations towards success and progress. In this essay, we will...

My Journey to Vet School: Pursuing a Lifelong Dream

Ever since I can remember, I have been drawn to animals. Their innocence, their unconditional love, and their vulnerability have always touched my heart. As a child, I would spend hours observing and caring for the pets I had, from fluffy kittens to loyal dogs....

Self Evaluation: the Journey to Self-discovery

Self-evaluation is a critical aspect of personal growth and development. It involves introspection, self-awareness, and a sincere assessment of one's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This essay delves into the process of self-evaluation, its significance in personal and professional life, and strategies for conducting...

Unique Opportunities and Challenges During High School

High school is a pivotal period in the lives of young individuals, marked by both unique opportunities and challenges that shape their personal and academic development. It is a time of self-discovery, academic growth, and the formation of lifelong friendships. This essay explores the distinctive...

What is Power: Examples in Real Life and Literature

Power is a concept that has intrigued and perplexed philosophers, scholars, and individuals throughout history. It manifests in various forms and can be wielded by individuals, institutions, or nations. Power influences the dynamics of societies, shapes the course of history, and defines the relationships between...

"The Friend" by Matthew Teague: an In-depth Analysis

Matthew Teague's essay "The Friend" is a poignant and emotionally charged piece of writing that delves into themes of friendship, grief, and the human capacity for compassion. Originally published in 2015 in Esquire magazine, the essay has resonated with readers worldwide and was later adapted...

Social Worker: Qualities, Opportunities, and Challenges

Social workers play a vital role in society by assisting individuals and communities in need, advocating for social justice, and promoting well-being. Their work encompasses a wide range of fields, from child welfare to mental health to substance abuse. In this essay, we will explore...

The Importance of Self-love

Self-love, often referred to as self-esteem or self-worth, is a fundamental aspect of human well-being. It is the foundation upon which our mental and emotional health is built. In this essay, we will explore the significance of self-love, its impact on various aspects of life,...

Life Lessons I Learned from My Parents

Our parents play a pivotal role in shaping our values, beliefs, and character. From a young age, we absorb their wisdom and observe their actions, often unknowingly imbibing life lessons that guide us through our own journeys. In this essay, I will reflect on the...

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  • Family Values
  • Traditional Family Roles
  • Family History
  • Parenting Styles
  • Single Parenting
  • Career Goals
  • Risk Taking
  • Famous Person
  • Helping Others
  • Watching Tv
  • Comfort Zone
  • Superstition
  • Relationship
  • About Myself
  • Self Awareness
  • Reconstruction
  • Community Service
  • Forgiveness
  • Perseverance
  • Self Reflection
  • Why did you Choose Nursing
  • Why i want to be a Nurse
  • Why is College Important
  • 20 Years From Now
  • About Someone
  • Barbie Doll
  • Future Plan
  • Limitations
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