1. (PDF) Indiscriminate mass surveillance and the public sphere

    research papers on mass surveillance

  2. Enabling mass surveillance: data aggregation in the age of big data and

    research papers on mass surveillance

  3. Mass Surveillance in the Context of a State of Emergency

    research papers on mass surveillance

  4. (PDF) Human detection in surveillance videos and its applications

    research papers on mass surveillance

  5. (PDF) Mass Surveillance

    research papers on mass surveillance

  6. (PDF) Inculcating acceptance of Biometric Surveillance. A paper

    research papers on mass surveillance


  1. Insecurity of police departments surveillance systems

  2. Shoshana Zuboff & Roger Mcnamee on Surveillance Capitalism

  3. UPPSC introduces digital locks for exam papers amid leak incidents|| #uppcs #paperleak #digitallock


  5. Past Papers of Punjab University ~ 2023~2nd Semester~ BS ENGLISH LITERATURE

  6. Who Benefits from Mass Surveillance in China?


  1. Mass surveillance: A study of past practices and technologies to

    This paper aims to dispassionately examine the techniques and technologies of mass surveillance. We will study different approaches and technologies, including what each one surveils and how.

  2. AI-powered public surveillance systems: why we (might) need them and

    In this paper, we question the reasoning behind AI-enabled public surveillance and outline an answer to why we actually might need automated surveillance systems and, if so, how we want them to behave and work.

  3. Privacy and the Legalization of Mass Surveillance: In Search of a

    Abstract This paper revisits the traditional trade-off between privacy and security, which underpins the compatibility of general and indiscriminate mass surveillance with international human rights instruments, and extends the orthodox patterns of legal argumentation using interdisciplinary knowledge, which is able to nurture, and to be translated into, the language of International Human ...

  4. Surveillance, Snowden, and Big Data: Capacities, consequences, critique

    The Snowden revelations about National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance, starting in June 2013, along with the ambiguous complicity of internet companies and the international controversies that followed illustrate perfectly the ways that Big Data has a supportive relationship with surveillance. Words such as "bulk data" and "dragnet" and "mass surveillance" more than hint that ...

  5. Machine Learning, Mass Surveillance, and National Security: Data

    This chapter highlights the many issues confronting the use of machine learning (ML) in the context of national security and mass surveillance, with a focus on the ethical challenges posed by ML. This attention to ethics serves two purposes. First, given this...

  6. Privacy and the legalisation of mass surveillance: in search of a

    This paper revisits the traditional trade-off between privacy and security, which underpins the compatibility of general and indiscriminate mass surveillance (or bulk interception) with internation...

  7. Towards a new era of mass data collection: Assessing pandemic

    The concept of mass surveillance emerged the first decade of the 21st century, after the 9/11 attacks in New York and as a reflection of the phobia of possible new terrorist attacks presented by Zuboff (2015, 2019). Events such as 9/11 in New York caused massive surveillance and listening initiatives by the US government (Sinha, 2013).

  8. Freedom or Security? Mass Surveillance of Citizens

    Abstract This chapter discusses how mass surveillance is increasingly used in liberal democracies in order to protect national security, but how such policies run up against the right to privacy. It shows that there is significant potential for state intrusion into privacy through mass surveillance of citizens' digital communications, given the large extent to which people use digital ...

  9. [2309.15084] The Surveillance AI Pipeline

    A rapidly growing number of voices argue that AI research, and computer vision in particular, is powering mass surveillance. Yet the direct path from computer vision research to surveillance has remained obscured and difficult to assess. Here, we reveal the Surveillance AI pipeline by analyzing three decades of computer vision research papers and downstream patents, more than 40,000 documents ...

  10. Privacy, Mass Electronic Surveillance, and the Rule of Law in Times of

    The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, it summarizes how privacy and surveillance are regulated by international law in the digital age and what the specific privacy regulations applicable to health data are. Second, it seeks to provide an overview of digital surveillance measures applied in times of COVID-19.

  11. More realistic analysis of mass surveillance

    The PRISM made the research of cryptography against subversion attacks flourish these years. In a subversion attack, surveillants can compromise the security of users' systems by subverting implementations of cryptographic algorithms. While the scenario of a single-surveillant has been researched by several works, the multi-surveillant setting attracted less consideration. The authors have ...

  12. Mass Surveillance: A Private Affair?

    Abstract. Mass surveillance is a more real threat now than at any time in history. Digital communications and automated systems allow for the collection and processing of private information at a scale never seen before. Many argue that mass surveillance entails a significant loss of privacy.

  13. Mass Surveillance: A Private Affair?

    Abstract Mass surveillance is a more real threat now than at any time in history. Digital communications and automated systems allow for the collection and processing of private information at a ...

  14. Government Surveillance, Privacy, and Legitimacy

    Government surveillance and the erosion of privacy it is associated with are being discussed as a cause of distrust and feelings of vulnerability, as a potential source of discrimination and unjust domination, and as a threat to democracy and the integrity of the public sphere, to name but a few concerns.

  15. The effectiveness of surveillance technology: What intelligence

    The paper proceeds as follows: after briefly addressing related work, terminology is defined and the research methods of this study are described. Thereafter what intelligence officials are saying about effectiveness of surveillance technology is examined.

  16. PDF Surveilling the Masses with Wi-Fi-Based Positioning Systems

    In this paper, we show that an unprivileged, weak attacker can take advantage of Apple's WPS to perform mass surveillance of users' Wi-Fi access points virtually anywhere in the world, without any a priori knowledge.

  17. Paper-thin Safeguards and Mass Surveillance in India

    This paper examines the right to privacy and surveillance in India, in an to highlight more clearly the problems that are likely to emerge with mass veillance of communication by the Indian Government. It does this by teasing our privacy rights jurisprudence and the concerns underpinning it, by consider- ing its utility in the context of mass surveillance and then explaining the kind harm that ...

  18. 9 Mass Surveillance

    This chapter addresses the ethics of placing large groups of people under mass surveillance for the purposes of ascertaining who, amongst them, is planning to take part in rights violations at the behest or on behalf of foreign actors. It reviews contemporary mass surveillance practices as described by Edward Snowden and mounts the best possible case in their favour. Of all the objections ...

  19. PDF Privacy and The Legalization of Mass Surveillance: in Search of A

    SURVEILLANCE: IN SEARCH OF A SECOND WIND FOR INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW3 This paper revisits the traditional trade-off between privacy and security, which underpins the compatibility of general and indiscriminate mass surveillance with international human rights instruments, and extends the orthodox patterns of legal argumentation using interdisciplinary knowledge, which is able to nurture ...

  20. The Surveillance AI Pipeline

    Here, we reveal the Surveillance AI pipeline by analyzing three decades of computer vision research papers and downstream patents, more than 40,000 documents. We find the large majority of annotated computer vision papers and patents self-report their technology enables extracting data about humans.

  21. The Legislative Response to Mass Police Surveillance

    Abstract Police departments have rapidly adopted mass surveillance technologies in an effort to fight crime and improve efficiency. I have previously described this phenomenon as the growth of the digitally efficient investigative state. This new technological order transforms traditional law enforcement by improving the efficiency of everyday policing activities and retaining copious amounts ...

  22. Mass Surveillance Research Papers

    The paper summarizes the research the author conducted under the individually targetable mass surveillance systems of the P. R. China dictatorial regime with cyber sovereignty claims.

  23. Mass Surveillance , Predictve Policing and the Implementaton of the

    This paper critcally examines the judicial regulaton of mass surveillance practces undertaken for purposes that include the preventon of serious crime. In essence, this paper assesses the various issues arising from the requirements placed on the private sector, at the behest of security actors, to retain and transfer personal data in bulk for crime preventon purposes. The paper identfes a ...

  24. Reusability report: Annotating metabolite mass spectra with domain

    We present an in-depth exploration of the Metabolite Inference with Spectrum Transformers (MIST) tool for annotating small-molecule mass spectrometry (MS) data, focusing on its reproducibility and ...