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Class 11 Biology Case Study Questions

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If you are finding it difficult to solve Class 11 Biology Case Study Questions, you are not alone. Many students face difficulties in solving such questions, as they require in-depth knowledge of the subject. However, with the right resources and guidance, it is possible to overcome these difficulties. One of the best resources for Class 11 Biology Case Study Questions is the myCBSEguide app.

myCBSEguide provides detailed information and Class 11 Biology Case Study Questions that can help you understand the concepts better. Class 11 Biology students can also find several practice questions at the end of each chapter that can help Class 11 Biology students in understanding the concept better.

Biology: The study of living organisms

Biology is the study of life and all living things. It is a natural science that covers a wide range of topics, from the structure and function of the human body to the behavior of plants and animals. Class 11 biology students learn about the various branches of biology, such as anatomy, physiology, ecology, and evolution. In addition, they also study the cell, the building block of all living things. By understanding how cells work, students can better understand how the body works as a whole.

Class 11 students entering the world of Biology

For Class 11 students, biology is the foundation for Class 12 CBSE students. It is a vital topic that helps students grasp the fundamental notions of life and living beings. Cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, ecology, and plant and animal physiology are all themes addressed in biology. Biology is a fascinating topic that teaches students about the natural world around them. Biology is an excellent foundation for Class 11 CBSE students who want to pursue a career in medicine. Biology is critical for understanding the human body and its processes, as well as developing medical remedies.

Significance of Biology for class 11 students

  • Biology encourages students to learn the fundamentals of biology.
  • It promotes a rational/scientific attitude toward issues such as population, environment, and development by encouraging the acquisition of new information and its application to individuals and society.
  • It raises public knowledge of environmental issues, problems, and remedies.
  • It raises students’ understanding of the diversity of living species and fosters respect for other living beings.
  • It understands that even the most complicated biological phenomena are based on fundamentally simple processes.

Case study questions in Class 11 Biology

Case studies are a part of to Class 11 biology examination paper pattern. These case studies can be used to assess a student’s understanding of a subject as well as their ability to apply that understanding in a real-world context. Incorporating case study questions into Class 11 Biology can provide students with a more hands-on and realistic experience with the subject. Class 11 Biology students can better learn how chemical concepts are utilized in the real world by going through real-life problems. Class 11 Biology Case study questions can also aid in the development of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Examples of Class 11 Biology Case Study Questions

We must solve a range of Class 11 Biology case study questions in order to achieve high grades in Biology. Class 11 Biology students must be seeking some examples of case study questions in order to improve their grades. myCBSEguide has prepared a variety of Class 11 Biology case study questions that will undoubtedly assist all students studying the subject. We have compiled a selection of Class 11 Biology case study questions for you. Have a look at the following Class 11 Biology case study question examples.

Class 11 Biology case study questions 1

Read the following and answer any four questions: The detailed structure of the membrane was studied only after the advent of the electron microscope in the 1950s. Meanwhile, chemical studies on the cell membrane, especially in human red blood cells (RBCs), enabled the scientists to deduce the possible structure of the plasma membrane. These studies showed that the cell membrane is composed of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.

  • Nucleic acid
  • Carbohydrate
  • Phosphoglycerides
  • Glycoproteins
  • Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
  • Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
  • Assertion is true but reason is false.
  • Both assertion and reason are false.

Answer Key:

  • (b) The lipids are arranged in a bilayer in the plasma membrane with the polar head towards the outer sides and the hydrophobic tails towards the inner part.
  • (a) The lipid component of the membrane mainly consists of phosphoglycerides.
  • (c) In human beings, the membrane of the erythrocyte has approximately 52 percent protein and 40 percent lipids.
  • (b) Depending on the ease of extraction, membrane proteins can be classified into two types – integral or peripheral.
  • (b) The plasma membrane is selectively permeable to some molecules present on either side of it. Neutral solutes may move across the membrane by the process of simple diffusion along the concentration gradient, i.e., from higher concentration to the lower. Hence, both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

Class 11 Biology case study questions 2

Read the following and answer any four questions: Plastids are found in all plant cells and in euglenoids. These are easily observed under the microscope as they are large. They bear some specific pigments, thus imparting specific colours to the plants. Plastids consist of numerous membrane layers embedded in a material called the stroma. They have their own genome and ribosomes.

  • Leucoplasts
  • Chloroplasts
  • Chromoplasts
  • Carotenoids
  • Amyloplasts
  • Aleuroplasts
  • Elaioplasts
  • (a) The leucoplasts are the colourless plastids of varied shapes and sizes with stored nutrients.
  • (b) The aleuroplasts store proteins in grains.
  • (a) Amyloplasts are leucoplasts store carbohydrates (starch) in potato.
  • (c) The space limited by the inner membrane of the chloroplast is called the stroma.
  • (c) The chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments which are responsible for trapping light energy essential for photosynthesis. The chromoplasts impart colours to the parts of the plant as yellow, orange or red colour. Hence, Assertion is true but reason is false.

Class 11 Biology case study questions 3

Read the following and answer any four questions: In human beings, the lungs are situated in the thoracic chamber which is formed dorsally by the vertebral column, ventrally by the sternum, laterally by the ribs, and on the lower side by the dome-shaped diaphragm. The anatomical setup of the lungs in the thorax is such that any change in the volume of the thoracic cavity will be reflected in the lung (pulmonary) cavity. Such an arrangement is essential for breathing. Breathing involves two stages – inspiration and expiration. During inspiration, the atmospheric air is drawn in and during expiration, the alveolar air is released out.

  • 12 – 16
  • 70 – 72
  • Ribs lift up
  • Diaphragm flattens
  • Ribs flatten
  • Both ribs lift up and diaphragm flattens
  • Tidal volume
  • Inspiratory Reserve Volume
  • Residual Volume
  • Vital Capacity
  • 6000 to 8000 mL
  • 2500 mL to 3000 mL
  • 1000 mL to 1100 mL
  • 1100 mL to 1200 mL
  • The movement of air into and out of the lungs is carried out by creating a pressure gradient.
  • Expiration can occur if the pressure within the lungs (intra-pulmonary pressure) is less than the atmospheric pressure.
  • The diaphragm and a specialised set of muscles help in generation of pressure gradients.
  • Expiration is initiated by the contraction of diaphragm which increases the volume of thoracic chamber in the antero-posterior axis.

Choose from below the correct alternative.

  • a. Only I is true
  • b. I and IV are true
  • c. III and II are true
  • d. I and III are true
  • (a) On an average, a healthy human breathes 12-16 times/minute.
  • (d) When we breathe in, the ribs are lifted up and the diaphragm flattens which increases the size of the chest cavity. Because of this, the air is sucked into the lungs and fills the expanded alveoli.
  • (a) Volume of air inspired or expired during normal respiration is called tidal volume.
  • (d) Residual volume of air is the remaining air in the lungs even after a forcible expiration. This averages 1100 mL to 1200 mL.
  • (d) The movement of air into and out of the lungs is carried out by creating a pressure gradient between the lungs and the atmosphere. Inspiration can occur if the pressure within the lungs (intra-pulmonary pressure) is less than the atmospheric pressure. The diaphragm and a specialized set of muscles – external and internal intercostals between the ribs, help in the generation of pressure gradients. Inspiration is initiated by the contraction of the diaphragm which increases the volume of thoracic chamber in the antero-posterior axis. Hence, statements I and III are true.

Class 11 Biology case study questions 4

Read the following and answer any four questions: Exchange of gases also occurs between blood and tissues. O 2  and CO 2  are exchanged in these sites by simple diffusion mainly based on pressure/concentration gradient. The solubility of the gases, as well as the thickness of the membranes involved in diffusion, are also some important factors that can affect the rate of diffusion.

  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Partial pressure
  • Differential pressure
  • Capillary pressure
  • pO 2  – 104 mm Hg, pCO 2  – 40 mm Hg
  • pO 2  – 104 mm Hg, pCO 2  – 140 mm Hg
  • pO 2  – 95 mm Hg, pCO 2  – 40 mm Hg
  • pO 2  – 40 mm Hg, pCO 2  – 45 mm Hg
  • The given diagram represents the exchange of gases at the alveolus and the body tissues with blood and the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • The amount of CO 2  that can diffuse through the diffusion membrane per unit difference in partial pressure is much lesser compared to that of O 2 .
  • All the factors in our body are favourable for the diffusion of O 2  from tissues to alveoli and that of CO 2  from alveoli to tissues.
  • The total thickness of the diffusion membrane is much less than a millimetre.
  • Only I is true
  • I and IV are true
  • III and II are true
  • I and III are true
  • (b) Pressure contributed by an individual gas in a mixture of gases is called partial pressure.
  • (a) Alveoli are the primary sites of exchange of gases.
  • (c) The diffusion membrane is made up of three major layers.
  • (d) The values of pO 2  and pCO 2  in the body tissues is: pO 2  – 104 mm Hg, pCO 2  – 40 mm Hg.
  • (b) The given diagram represents the exchange of gases at the alveolus and the body tissues with blood and the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The amount of CO 2  that can diffuse through the diffusion membrane per unit difference in partial pressure is much higher compared to that of O 2 . All the factors in our body are favourable for the diffusion of O 2  from alveoli to tissues and that of CO 2  from tissues to alveoli. The total thickness of diffusion membrane is much less than a millimetre.

Dealing with Class 11 Biology case study questions

There are a number of different ways to approach Class 11 Biology case study questions, but the most important thing is to make sure that Class 11 Biology students answer all parts of the question and provide as much detail as possible. In some cases, you may need to research the topic further in order to be able to answer the Class 11 Biology case study questions fully.

When dealing with Class 11 Biology case study questions, it is also important to think about the different perspectives that might be involved. For example, if you are asked to evaluate a particular decision made by a scientist, you will need to consider the impact of that decision from both the scientist’s perspective and the perspective of those affected by the decision.

Answering case study questions can be challenging, but it is an important skill to develop if you want to pursue a career in fields such as business or law. With practice, Class 11 Biology students will be able to approach these questions with confidence and provide well-reasoned, detailed answers.

Class 11 Biology curriculum: As fascinating as Biology itself

The current curriculum of Class 11 Biology provides students with up-to-date principles as well as more extensive exposure to current topics in the discipline. Class 11 Biology curriculum also strives to emphasize the basic concepts that are shared by animals, plants, and microbes, as well as the link between Biology and other fields of study. Class 11 Biology structure provides for a straightforward, sequential flow of ideas. It connects the science of biology to actual life through technological advancements. It connects biological discoveries and breakthroughs to everyday issues including the environment, industry, health, and agriculture. The new curriculum of Class 11 Biology also emphasizes scientific ideas and their application, while ensuring that enough chances and opportunities for mastering and recognizing fundamental concepts remain within its framework.

CBSE Class 11 Biology (Code No. 044)


IDiversity of Living Organisms15
IIStructural Organization in Plants and Animals10
IIICell: Structure and Function15
IVPlant Physiology17
VHuman Physiology17

myCBSEguide: An app as intriguing as biology

If you’re looking for an app that’s as intriguing as biology, myCBSEguide is a perfect choice. With millions of downloads, it’s one of the most popular apps on the App Store, and for good reason. myCBSEguide offers extensive coverage of the CBSE curriculum, with detailed explanations of concepts, thousands of practice questions, case study questions and much more. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or parent, myCBSEguide is an essential tool for anyone wanting to learn more about biology.

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case study questions on biological classification class 11

11th Standard CBSE

Class 11th Biology - Biological Classification Case Study Questions and Answers 2022 - 2023

case study questions on biological classification class 11

Class 11th Biology - Biological Classification Case Study Questions and Answers 2022 - 2023 Study Materials Sep-09 , 2022

QB365 provides a detailed and simple solution for every Possible Case Study Questions in Class 11 Biology Subject - Biological Classification, CBSE. It will help Students to get more practice questions, Students can Practice these question papers in addition to score best marks.

case study questions on biological classification class 11

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QB365 - Question Bank Software

Biological classification case study questions with answer key.

Final Semester - June 2015

Since the dawn of civilisation, there have been many attempts to classify the living organisms. The classification was done instinctively based on the use of the organisms for human benefits and not on any scientific criteria. (a) Who was the first to classify organisms on a scientific basis? (b) How did he classify plants? (c) How did he classify animals?

Linnaeus classified aU organisms into two kingdoms Plantae and Animalia; this system was used till recently. But now it has been found that the two kingdom system of classification is inadequate. (a) Give four reasons to justify that the two-kingdom system of classification is inadequate. (b) Who proposed the five-kingdom classification?

case study questions on biological classification class 11

Though the bacterial cell structure is very simple, they are very complex in their behaviour. Bacteria as a group show the most extensive metabolic diversity. (a) Mention the different modes of nutrition shown by bacteria. (b) How do Archaebacteria differ from other eubacteria?

case study questions on biological classification class 11

Kingdom Protista is an artificial assemblage of unicellular eukaryotic organisms and its boundaries are not well-defined. This kingdom forms a link with other kingdoms, Plantae, Animalia and Fungi. (a) Mention two characteristics in which certain protists resemble plants. (b) Slime moulds resemble fungi in certain aspects and animals in some other aspects. Mention one feature each of fungi and animals, in which slime moulds resemble them. (c) Mention two features in which protozoans resemble Animalia.

case study questions on biological classification class 11

Kingdom Plantae includes all eukaryotic chlorophyUbearing, autotrophic organisms. A few members are parasites or partially heterotrophic like insectivorous plants. (a) Name two insectivorous plants. (b) Give an example of a parasitic plant. (c) All plant cells have a cell wall. What is it mainly made of? (d) What is meant by alternation of generations?

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CBSE Important Questions for Class 11 Biology are available in Printable format for Free Download.Here you may find NCERT Important Questions and Extra Questions for Class 11 Biology chapter wise with answers also. These questions will act as chapter wise test papers for Class 11 Biology. These Important Questions for Class 11 Biology are as per latest NCERT and CBSE Pattern syllabus and assure great success in achieving high score in Board Examinations

Total Papers :

Class 11 Biology Marks Distribution
Units Marks
Diversity of Living Organisms 15
Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals 8
Cell: Structure and Function 15
Plant Physiology 15
Human Physiology 17
Total 70

Biology Topics to be covered for Class 11 Science

  • The Living World
  • Biological Classification
  • Plant Kingdom
  • Animal Kingdom
  • Morphology of Flowering Plants
  • Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  • Structural Organisation in Animals
  • Cell-The Unit of Life
  • Biomolecules
  • Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  • Transport in Plants
  • Mineral Nutrition
  • Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  • Respiration in Plants
  • Plant - Growth and Development
  • Digestion and Absorption
  • Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  • Body Fluids and Circulation
  • Excretory Products and Their Elimination
  • Locomotion and Movement
  • Neural Control and Coordination
  • Chemical Coordination and Integration

Structure of CBSE Biology Sample Paper for Class 12 Science is

Type of Question Marks per Question Total No. of Questions Total Marks
Very Short Answer Type Questions 1 5 5
Short Answer Type Questions - 1 2 7 14
Short Answer Type Questions - 2 3 12 36
Long Answer Type Questions 3 5 15
Total 27 70

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There are many ways to ascertain whether a student has understood the important points and topics of a particular chapter and is he or she well prepared for exams and tests of that particular chapter. Apart from reference books and notes, Question Banks are very effective study materials for exam preparation. When a student tries to attempt and solve all the important questions of any particular subject , it becomes very easy to gauge how much well the topics have been understood and what kind of questions are asked in exams related to that chapter.. Some of the other advantaging factors of Question Banks are as follows

  • Since Important questions included in question bank are collections of questions that were asked in previous exams and tests thus when a student tries to attempt them they get a complete idea about what type of questions are usually asked and whether they have learned the topics well enough. This gives them an edge to prepare well for the exam.Students get the clear idea whether the questions framed from any particular chapter are mostly either short or long answer type questions or multiple choice based and also marks weightage of any particular chapter in final exams.
  • CBSE Question Banks are great tools to help in analysis for Exams. As it has a collection of important questions that were asked previously in exams thereby it covers every question from most of the important topics. Thus solving questions from the question bank helps students in analysing their preparation levels for the exam. However the practice should be done in a way that first the set of questions on any particular chapter are solved and then solutions should be consulted to get an analysis of their strong and weak points. This ensures that they are more clear about what to answer and what can be avoided on the day of the exam.
  • Solving a lot of different types of important questions gives students a clear idea of what are the main important topics of any particular chapter that needs to focussed on from examination perspective and should be emphasised on for revision before attempting the final paper. So attempting most frequently asked questions and important questions helps students to prepare well for almost everything in that subject.
  • Although students cover up all the chapters included in the course syllabus by the end of the session, sometimes revision becomes a time consuming and difficult process. Thus, practicing important questions from Question Bank allows students to check the preparation status of each and every small topic in a chapter. Doing that ensures quick and easy insight into all the important questions and topics in each and every individual. Solving the important questions also acts as the revision process.

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Case Study Questions Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Biological Classifications

CBSE Expert

Case Study Questions for Class 11 Biology PDF Download

We have provided here Case Study questions for Class 11 Biology for final board exams. You can read these chapter-wise Case Study questions. These questions are prepared by subject experts and experienced teachers. The answer key is also provided so that you can check the correct answer for each question. Practice these questions to score well in your exams.

case study questions on biological classification class 11

CBSE 11th Standard CBSE Biology question papers, important notes, study materials, Previous Year Questions, Syllabus, and exam patterns. Free 11th Standard CBSE Biology books and syllabus online. Important keywords, Case Study Questions, and Solutions.

Class 11 Biology Case Study Questions

CBSE Class 11 Biology question paper will have case study questions too. These case-based questions will be objective type in nature. So, Class 11 Biology students must prepare themselves for such questions. First of all, you should study NCERT Textbooks line by line, and then you should practice as many questions as possible.

Chapter-wise Solved Case Study Questions for Class 11 Biology

  • Chapter 1 : The Living World
  • Chapter 2 : Biological Classification
  • Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom
  • Chapter 4 : Animal Kingdom
  • Chapter 5 : Morphology of Flowering Plants
  • Chapter 6 : Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  • Chapter 7 : Structural Organisation in Animals
  • Chapter 8 : Cell : The Unit of Life
  • Chapter 9 : Biomolecules
  • Chapter 10 : Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  • Chapter 11 : Transport in Plants
  • Chapter 12 : Mineral Nutrition
  • Chapter 13 : Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  • Chapter 14 : Respiration in Plants
  • Chapter 15 : Plant Growth and Development
  • Chapter 16 : Digestion and Absorption
  • Chapter 17 : Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  • Chapter 18 : Body Fluids and Circulation
  • Chapter 19 : Excretory Products and their Elimination
  • Chapter 20 : Locomotion and Movement
  • Chapter 21 : Neural Control and Coordination
  • Chapter 22 : Chemical Coordination and Integration

Class 11 MCQ Questions

Class 11 students should go through important Case Study problems for Biology before the exams. This will help them to understand the type of Case Study questions that can be asked in Grade 11 Biology examinations. Our expert faculty for standard 11 Biology have designed these questions based on the trend of questions that have been asked in last year’s exams. The solutions have been designed in a manner to help the grade 11 students understand the concepts and also easy to learn solutions.

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Case Study Questions for Class 11 Biology

Chapter 1: The Living World Chapter 2: Biological Classification Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom Chapter 4: Animal Kingdom Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants Chapter 7: Structural Organisation in Animals Chapter 8: The Unit of Life Chapter 9: Biomolecules Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division Chapter 11: Transport in Plants Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition Chapter 13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Chapter 14: Respiration in Plants Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption Chapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases Chapter 18: Body Fluids and Circulation Chapter 19: Excretory Products and Their Elimination Chapter 20: Locomotion and Movement Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination Chapter 22: Chemical Coordination and Integration

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Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 - Biological Classification

  • Class 11 Important Question
  • Chapter 2: Biological Classification


Crucial Practice Problems for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 2: Biological Classification

Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 ‘Biological Classification’ important questions and answers are presented in this study. These important questions and answers are prepared by expert teachers of Vedantu from the latest edition of the CBSE (NCERT) books.

The important questions and answers are prepared for the students to get a better understanding and general guidelines of the chapter thoroughly. The study is presented in the PDF format which is free of cost and conceptual understanding to the students, which will help them to get an idea of what questions they can expect from the chapter.

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Boost your Performance in CBSE Class 11 Biology Exam Chapter 2 with Important Questions

Very short questions and answers (1 marks questions).

1. Nostoc and Anabaena have specialised cells called heterocysts. What is the function of these cells?

Ans:   Assist in the nitrogen fixation process.

2. Which group comprises single-celled eukaryotes only .

Ans : Kingdom Protista comprises single-celled eukaryotes.

3. Which organisms are the chief producers in oceans?

Ans: Diatoms are the chief producers in oceans.

4. Name the fungus which causes disease in wheat  (i)rust  (ii) Smut.

Ans: (i) Puccinia, (ii) Ustilago are the fungus that causes disease in wheat.

5. Which ascomycetes have been used extensively in biochemical and genetic work.

Ans : Neurospora used in biochemical and genetic work.

6. Who introduced the five-kingdom classification of organisms?

Ans:   R.H. Whittaker (1969) introduced the five kingdoms.

7. To which kingdom do the multicellular decomposers belong?

Ans: Kingdom fungi - multicellular decomposers.

8. Expand PPLO.

Ans: Pleuropneumonia like organisms stands for PPLO.

9. Name the five kingdoms in which the organisms are grouped together?

Ans: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae & Animalia -5 kingdoms

10. Which organisms are known as "Jokers of plant kingdom"

Ans: 2 Mycoplasma

11. In which class of fungi sexual reproduction does not occur?

Ans: Deuteromycetes - sexual reproduction does not occur.

12. Who is known as the "Father of classification"?

Ans: Carolus Linnaeus - Father of classification

13. Name the fungus from which LSD drug is obtained?

Ans: Claviceps purpurea is the name of fungus.

14. It is advised to grow one pulse crop in between two main crops in the same field. Why?

Ans: To increase the fertility of the soil so it is advised to grow one pulse crop in between two main crops in the same field.

15. Define experimental taxonomy?

Ans: It is the process of identifying evolutionary units within a species by determining their genetic origin through experimentation.

16. Name the fungus that causes the rust of wheat?

Ans:  Puccinia graminis tritici is the fungus that causes the rust of wheat.

17. What are distributed organisms that have not been included under any kingdom?

Ans: Virus & Viroids has not been included in any kingdom.

Short Questions and Answers (2 Marks Questions)

1. How are alt bacteria classified on the basis of their shapes?

Ans: Coccus (red-shaped Bacillus), Bacillus (red-shaped Bacillus) (spherical). Spirillum (comma-shaped) and Vibrium (spiral-shaped).

2. What is the mode of reproduction in bacteria?

Ans: Mostly by fission; spore production in difficult conditions. By transferring DNA from one person to another, sexual reproduction is possible.

3. Why are red tides caused and why are they harmful?

Ans : Dinoflagellates such as Gonyaulax have a rapid multiplication rate. They are dangerous because they emit chemicals that destroy aquatic animals.

4. Viruses and viroids differ in structure and the diseases they cause. How?

Ans: Viruses can have either RNA or DNA molecules enclosed in a protein coat, whereas viroids are free RNA molecules with low molecular weight and no protein coat. Viroids are smaller than viruses in size. Viruses infect only plants, but viroids infect all living things. Viroids lack a protein coat, whereas viruses have a protein covering or coat called capsid that surrounds the genetic material.

5. Which class of Kingdom fungi has both unicellular as well as multicellular members?

When is a fungus called coprophilous?

Ans: On dung, Ascomycetes Yea-n (Unicellular), Pen cilium (Multicellular), and Coprophilous moans fungus flourish.

6. What is the basis of modern classification?

Ans: Modern taxonomy is founded on the following principles:

(i) Relationship between evolution.

(ii) The genetic codes of different species are similar.

(iii) Characteristics of the environment.

7. Give one example of a fungus as a source of antibiotics?

Ans: Penicillium is the genus from which the antibiotic penicillin is derived. Green and blue moulds are examples of Penicillium. The bacteria Penicillium chrysogenum is used to make the antibiotic penicillin.

8. How are viroids different from viruses?



Viroids are smaller

than viruses & lack

protein coat.

Viruses are non-cellular

organisms having a protein coat.

Genetic material is free RNA

Genetic material as RNA

or DNA.

9. Explain the phylogenetic system of classification?

Ans: The phylogenetic system of classification is based on species' evolutionary relationships. It reflects the fundamental interdependence of creatures. It is neither static nor dynamic.

Its origins are incomplete fossil records due to the difficulty of formation, exposure, discovery, and investigation.

10. What is the basis of Whittaker's system of classification?

Ans: Whittaker based his classification on the following three criteria :

(i) Structure of cell i-e. prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic organization.

(ii) Unicellular Vs. multicellular organisms

(iii) Different modes of nutrition - parasitic, autotrophic or heterotrophic

11. Find out what do the terms "algal bloom" & "red tides" signify?

(I)Algal bloom is a term used to describe the rapid growth of algae in a water body as a result of nutrient enrichment.

(II) Crimson dinoflagellates, such as Gonyaulux, multiply rapidly, making the sea appear red. It's known as red tide.

12. Why are some fungi grouped under "fungi imperfecti"?

Ans: Asexual reproduction is widespread in fungus. A portion of the mycelium is fragmented into minute pieces that grow into new mycelium, however sexual reproduction occurs in some fungus. Fungi imperfecti refers to a group of fungi that reproduces entirely by asexual spores rather than sexual spores.

13. Explain "Numerical taxonomy".

Ans: The employment of technology approaches in taxonomy is referred to as numerical taxonomy. The characters that can be seen are investigated. For computers, they are given numbers and codes like (+) and (-). (-). The computer-processed data assigns a score to each taxon based on the number of unit characters they possess.

14. What are the demerits of the five kingdom classification?

Ans: Below given are the demerits of five kingdom classification:-

(i) Autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms are included in the kingdom monera & Protista.

(ii) Phylogenetic lineages in lower organisms are not well-defined or well-defined.

(ii) From protists, multicellular groups have emerged.

15. Give scientific name of species of fungus:

(a) Produces a plant disease.

Ans: Phytophthora infestans, which causes potato late blight.

(b) Is edible

Ans:  Agaricus campestris - A mushroom that can be eaten.

(c) A source of antibiotic

Ans: Penicillium notatum is an antibiotic-producing fungus.

(d) Used in the manufacture of ethanol.

Ans: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a yeast that is used to make ethanol.

16. Compare salient features of Monera & Protista.



It includes unicellular bacteria, archaebacteria, cyanobacteria

It includes photosynthetic algae, slime moulds, protozoans, etc.

These are prokaryotic, photosynthetic & some heterotrophs

These are eukaryotic unicellular, autotrophy, or saprophytes or parasites.

17. State an economically important use of

(i) Heterotrophic bacteria.

Ans: Heterotrophic bacteria are mostly decomposers. Some are beneficial in the production of curd milk, nitrogen fixation, and other processes, whereas others are pathogens that cause sickness .

(ii) Archaebacteria.

Ans: production.Archaebacteria, bacteria that make biogas from cow dung, for example.

18. Write the importance of the classification of organisms.

Ans. (i) With millions of plants known today, classification is essential for the systematic study of living beings.

(ii) All organisms do not live in the same place.

(iii) Studying all creatures at the same time is impossible.

(iv) It aids in the understanding of evolutionary links between various groups.

(v) It makes each creature easier to distinguish and identify.

19. What are insectivorous plants? Give an example.

Ans: Carnivorous plants are insectivorous plants. They catch insects to supplement nitrogen requirements in the diet. These are green plants that have had their leaves modified to trap insects in order to overcome a nitrogen shortage. For example, the 

pitcher plant (Nepenthes) has had its leaf blade modified into a pitcher.

Long Questions and Answers (3 Marks Questions)

1. Who gave live Kingdom classification? What were the criteria used for such classification?

Ans: Whittaker, R., and Whittaker, H. Classification criteria Phylogenetic relationships, cell structure, thallus arrangement, method of nourishment, reproduction.

2. What is the sexual cycle in kingdom fungi?

Ans : The steps are as follows:  

(i) Plasmogamy fusion of two motile or nonmotile gametes protoplasm.

(ii) Karyogamy is the fusion of two nuclei.

(iii) Zygotic Meiosis, which results in the formation of haploid spores.

(iv) Dikaryophase in ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, where two nuclei per cc (dikaryon) are found before karyogamy.

3. Some symbiotic organisms are very good pollution indicators and are composed of a chlorophyll-us and a non- chlorophyll-us member. Describe them.

Ans : Lichen is a symbiotic connection between algae and fungi that results in the formation of lichen. Algae chlorophyceae and fungi ascomycetes are the most common. Because they only grow in clean places, they operate as pollution indicators because they do not grow in polluted areas. For instance, consider the case of industrial melanism.

4. Explain sexual reproduction in bacteria?

Ans: Bacteria can not reproduce sexually, yet they exhibit genetic recombination in three ways:

(i) Conjugation: Lederberg and Tatum discovered it. The presence of a plasmid called F-factor in cells identifies the donor or male call. The donor cell has hollow cylindrical sex Pilli that adhere to the recipient bacteria. With the help of sex pilli, the donor and receiver make physical contact. The recipient cell receives a plasmid or a plant of donor DNA.

(ii) Griffith was the one who discovered it. It includes the death of a bacterial donor cell, which causes its DNA to be released into the external media, where it is broken and integrated into metabolically active cells. Recombination occurs when a recipient cell incorporates donor DNA and expresses all of its characteristics alongside those of the donor cell.

(iii) Zinder and Lederberg were the first to discover transduction. A virus is used to deliver donor genes to the recipient. A phage promotes bacterial lysis and integrates bacterial genes into phages before being released and infecting additional bacterial genes.

5. Discuss the salient features of viruses with the help of a diagram?

Ans: Viruses have the following characteristics:

(i) They are a fraction of the size of bacteria.

(ii) They can be filtered 

(iii) They can reproduce in host cells by utilising the host cell's enzymes and metabolic machinery.

(iv) Their genetic substance is DNA/RNA.

(v) These organisms are obligate parasites, self-replicating, and non-cellular.

(vi) They have a capsid protein covering that protects the nucleic acid.

(vii) They produce plant diseases such as mosaic, leaf curling, leaf role, vein clearing, and so on.

General diagram of a Virus

General diagram of a Virus

Viral protein capsid

Viral protein capsid

6. Distinguish between bacteria & cyanobacteria?




cells are comparatively smaller

Cells are comparatively larger .

They have lesser structural elaboration

They exhibit a high degree of morphological complexity and structural elaboration.

Most bacteria have flagella

Do Not have flagella.

Are autotrophic & heterotrophic both

Are Autotrophic.

Possess bacteriochlorophyll

Possess chlorophyll.

Reserve food is glycogen.

Reserve food is starch like cyanophycean starch.

7. Why is the natural system of classification better than the artificial system of classification?

Ans: Natural selection studies evolutionary tendencies and phylogeny using all available data, including fossils, in addition to bringing out natural links. It is superior to an artificial classification system for the following reasons:

(i) This method reveals organisms' natural relationships.

(ii) Only connected organisations of the group are included here.

(iii) It prevents the mixing of unrelated organisms.

(iv) It depicts the evolutionary relationships and origins of various taxa.

8. Give a comparative account of classes of kingdom fungi on the basis of mode of nutrition & mode of reproduction.





They are obligate parasites on plants.

They are saprophytic or parasitic.

They are parasites.

They are saprophytic or parasites.

The spores are produced in sporangia. Asexual spores are oospores or zygospores formed by the union of gametes.

Asexual spores are ascospores. Asci are arranged in ascocarps.

Basidia are arranged in basidiocarp.

Asexual spores are conidia.

Sexual spores are zoospores or aplanospores.

Sexual spores are ascospores produced in the ascus.

Plasmogamy occurs by the fusion of somatic & vegetative cells.

Sexual reproduction is absent in them.

9. Discuss different systems of classification briefly.

Ans: There are three types of fungus.

(i) Phycomycetes: Their mycelium is multinucleated and aseptate. Asexual reproduction is accomplished using aplanospores, while sexual reproduction is accomplished through isogamy or oogamy. These can be found in wet or damp areas, such as mucor Albugo.

(ii) Ascomycetes: They are septate unicellular or multicellular mycelium. Conidia are asexual spores that develop in chains. Ascospores, which are carried in a cup-shaped structure called asci, are used for sexual reproduction in yeasts like Penicillium and Aspergillus.

(iii) Basidiomycetes: These fungi are known as club fungus because of the basidium, which is a club-shaped terminal of mycelium. They have septate mycelium and produce basidiospores, which are asexual spores. For example, mushroom smut

10. What are the different groups of fungi?

Ans: There are several classification systems:

(i) Artificial Classification: It simply considers a few easily observable traits and ignores anatomical linkages.

(ii) Natural Classification: It is based on organisms' natural affinities. It makes use of both external and internal characteristics.

(iii) Phylogenetic Classification: This classification is based on evolutionary relationships between organisms, i.e., organisms belonging to the same group have a common ancestor.

(iv) Phenotypic Classification: To prevent problems establishing evolutionary relationships, various criteria and procedures are used to classify organisms.

CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter-2 Important Questions - Free PDF Download

Introduction - biological classification class 11 .

Vedantu offers a step by step guidance on the solutions of each chapter. The guidelines are prepared by the latest syllabus, which leaves no doubt about the solutions provided. It provides reliable and accurate NCERT Solutions for class 11 biology chapter 2. These NCERT solutions are not only confined to specific books, rather it covers all such important topics and subject. Students can download the free pdf form in a hassle-free manner. All the important topics are easily covered in class 11 chapter 2 - Biological classification 

Biological Classification Chapter 2 - Benefits of Important Questions and Answers

The following are the benefits of studying these important questions and answers from the chapter Biological Classification:

Vedantu’s important questions and answers for Class 11 Chapter 2 are curated in a precise and easy-to-understand form for students. 

These are extracted by subject matter experts. These are purely based on the latest NCERT pattern. 

Every content created is in an easy-to-understand manner like headings highlighted, having subpoints of every important concept. 

These are created in such a way as to get the bullseye on the PDF form. 

Class 11 Chapter 2 - Biological classification PDF not only provides important questions and topics, but it also gives a great insight into the whole chapter at the time of revision.

Biological Classification - Chapter 2 Class 11 Biology: Topics Covered in This Chapter 

Biological classification Class 11 Chapter 2 explains the different classifications of kingdoms. Biologist Linnaeus classified organisms based on two kingdoms - Animalia for animals and Plantae for plants. Biologist H. Whittaker stated five kingdoms of classification. Each of the kingdoms is discussed precisely in the following content in a better and easy-to-understand format. 

Biological Classification - Chapter 2 Class 11 Biology: Summary of the Chapter 

Biological Classification Class 11 Chapter 2 important topics include the following heads. We will discuss these in brief to get a clear understanding of the concept. The important topics include the following:

Biological classification

Importance of taxonomy

Classification and Evolution

Classification of the Animal kingdom

Classification of plants

Organisms are classified in accordance with their ranks. Here are eight ranks used to classify organisms. These ranks are named as follows:

For example, to classify humans, the following basis is used:

Domain - Eukaryota

Kingdom - Animalia

Phylum - Chordata

Class - Mammalia

Order - Primates

Family - Hominidae

Genus - Homo

Species - Homo Sapiens

Taxonomy deals with the naming, describing, and classification of living organisms including plants as well. Here classification is based on behavioural, biochemical, and genetic variations. 

The taxonomy also helps in the classification of species which further makes the understanding more precise and clear. Here is an incident from 1996 which will clarify the importance of taxonomy.

In 1996, a deadly fungus named Tilletia Indica was widely spread in wheat crops and caused a disease named Karnal bunt. This fungus impacted enormously and resulted in declining economic conditions. All exports were restricted which resulted in a billion-dollar loss. From here on taxonomists played their role, they observed the wheat crop and concluded that the blackening of the wheat crop is due to different fungi. After this evaluation, the billion-dollar crisis changed to a stable economic condition.

Classification and evolution: Biodiversity refers to the diversity of living things on Earth which is home to around 8 million known species. Some of the classifications are similar in body design but differ in other characteristics. Over time, different species evolved from one or more ancestors. From where have these species come? This is known as Evolution. Evolution took place and resulted in biodiversity. The Earth grounds more than 8 million species out of which some are known and some still unknown. Evolution says that life forms that exist today are far better than it they existed in early life forms. The organisms which existed years ago undergo certain changes for better survival and new life forms have arisen from them. Older organisms have simple body designs while young organisms have more complex body designs. Even though evolution took place, some sort of species still has their ancestral body designs and didn’t change completely. Whereas another set of species completely took a new body design, different from their ancestors.

Students are suggested to go through all notes which include Class 11 Chapter 2 important questions and topics. The notes provided by Vedantu expert teachers are in an easy-to-understand form and cover most of the important topics of this chapter. Students are also suggested to keep visiting the Vedantu website for a timely revision of important questions and topics. Memorising all leads to mugging up the answers without even understanding what the chapter is trying to explain to us. One needs expert guidance and teachers to get a better understanding. Vedantu ensures credible teachers who teach in an interactive manner.

Biological Classification - Chapter 2 Class 11 Biology:  Extra Important Questions (For Practice)

Below are four solved questions and answers which are regarded as important in this chapter. One can practice with these questions and answers before their examination. 

1. What is the advantage associated with Five-kingdom Classification over Two-kingdom Classification?

Ans. The five-kingdom classification that we see today was not the initial classification of living organisms. Carolus Linnaeus came up with two kingdom classifications which included kingdom Plantae and kingdom Animalia. The two-kingdom classification did not last for very long as because of its size it ignored major parameters while classifying. Here, there was no differentiation between Eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Neither unicellular and multicellular nor photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic were bifurcated. Organising all organisms either in plants or animals’ heads was not sufficient as there were organisms that cannot be either grouped as plants or animals.

These confusions led to the formation of a new mode of classification. It took into account cell structure, the presence of the cell wall, mode of reproduction, and nutrition. It led to the five-kingdom classification which included the following:

Kingdom Monera

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Animalia

2. What are the approaches to improve crop yield?

Ans. In order to improve the crop yield, the following approaches are adopted:

Crop Variety Improvement - Plant breeding helps the farmers to select desired properties of crops and cross them to produce new varieties. It results in more plant properties which further help in feeding the growing population. It also helps in the production of disease-resistant crops.

Crop Production Management - Farming in India ranges from small farms to vast farms. Different farmers have different sizes of land depending upon the availability of resources, money, place, and access to information and technology. The crop results depending upon the inputs. It includes no cost, low cost, and even high-cost production practices.

Nutrient Management - As humans, plants require nutrients for their growth and development. There are certain macronutrients and micronutrients required depending upon the quantity. The farmers should be very much aware and educated of the nutrients required. Both very little and very much nutrients are harmful for crop production.

3. What will be an example of an insectivorous plant?

Ans. The Venus flytrap is an example of an insectivorous plant. 

4. Give an example of a parasitic plant.

Ans. The Corpse Flower is an example of a parasitic plant. 

Tips to Study Biology for Class 11 Biology Examination

The following are some tips that can be incorporated into your study routine if you want to excel in your Biology exam:

Study the concepts properly with total understanding. 

Read the theories, and make notes.

Follow the class explanations.

Revise regularly.

Make diagrams to study better. 

Memorise the difficult names by writing them in a notepad and then re-writing it another copy. 

Practice with sample question papers.

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 11 

CBSE Class 11 Study Materials

The Class 11 Biology Biological Classification chapter is a crucial chapter that introduces students to the diversity of living organisms on Earth. It covers topics such as the classification of organisms based on their characteristics, the binomial nomenclature system, and the different kingdoms of life. Students should pay close attention to this chapter and practice solving questions to gain a thorough understanding of the concepts. Vedantu provides comprehensive study materials, including notes, sample papers, and solutions to previous year question papers, to help students prepare for their exams. By mastering the concepts covered in this chapter, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity of life and understand the importance of classification in the study of Biology.


FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 - Biological Classification

1. What are the concepts important from the exam point of view in the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 11 Biology?

While students should prepare for all the concepts with an equal amount of seriousness before their exam, more focus on certain topics can help students increase the probability of scoring better. Some topics covered in the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 11 Biology that hold more importance from the exam point of view include:

2. Explain the characteristic features of Euglenoids from Chapter 2 of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology.

According to the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 11 Biology, the following are some of the characteristic features of Euglenoids:

They are unicellular protists.

One can find them in freshwater bodies.

They contain pellicle present, a protein-rich membrane.

There is no cell wall present in euglenoids.

They can prepare their food with photosynthetic pigments called chloroplasts.

They are generally red in colour because of the carotenoids present in them.

Euglenoids generate a cyst that helps them withstand the drying period.

3. How many questions are asked from Biological Classification in NEET?

NEET is held for a maximum total of 720 marks for a total of 180 questions. Out of these, 90 questions are from Biology, making total marks for the subject to be 360. Out of this total of 360 marks, the chapter Biological Classification holds 2% weightage in the exam. One cannot determine how many questions may be asked from the chapter but it has been determined that there is a 5% chance that the topic is questioned during NEET.

4. What are some important questions in Class 11 Biology Chapter 2?

Chapter 2 - Biological Classification of Class 11 Biology NCERT is one of the important chapters in the Class 11 syllabus provided by CBSE. Students can find here some important questions from the chapter to help them make their preparation before the exam stronger. The solutions to these questions can be found on Vedantu’s website. These solutions are available at free of cost on Vedantu( and mobile app. These important questions include:

“What is the Advantage Associated with Five-kingdom Classification Over Two-kingdom Classification?”

“What are the Approaches to Improve Crop Yield?”

5. What is the need for Biological Classification according to Chapter 2 of Class 11 Biology?

Biological Classification has been defined as a process during which various living organisms are classified or grouped by scientists on the basis of their specific characters and their similarities. There are mainly three reasons why biological classification is important. These include:

Study of a wide variety of organisms is made easier.

Projection of all life forms  in a well-explained manner

Helpful in explaining the inter-relationship among the various groups of different organisms

CBSE Class 11 Biology Important Questions

Cbse study materials.

  • NCERT Solutions
  • NCERT Class 11
  • NCERT 11 Biology
  • Chapter 2: Biological Classification

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Biological Classification

Looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology for Chapter 2 Biological Classification? Look no further because we at BYJU’S, have got students covered. NCERT Solutions are proven to be the go-to resource for students following the latest update on the CBSE Syllabus 2023-24. They are apt resources for students who are looking for the most precise and accurate solutions to all the questions and are completely reliable sources.

BYJU’S offers NCERT Solutions for Class 11, which can be readily accessed and downloaded at the convenience of students. These solutions have been created with the aim of benefitting students with their first board exam preparations; hence they have been framed by professionals having years of experience with the same. Biology is a vast subject, constantly evolving and advancing with developments in the fields of science and technology. In the quest of learning concepts in an interesting approach, revision of concepts are always better if backed with a thorough review from NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology , available in a downloadable format at BYJU’S.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 – Biological Classification


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Access Answers of Biology NCERT Class 11 Chapter 2 – Biological Classification

1. Discuss how classification systems have undergone several changes over a period of time.

Aristotle was the first to introduce scientific classification. He used simple morphological characters to classify plants into trees, shrubs, and herbs. He divided the animals into two groups, one with red blood and one without.

Linnaeus introduced a two-kingdom classification, which includes Plantae and Animalia, respectively, of plants and animals. But this classification does not classify eukaryotes and prokaryotes, single-celled and multicellular organisms, photosynthetic (green algae) and non-photosynthetic (fungal) organisms. Therefore, the system was found to be less significant as it did not include more features.

Thus, the classification of living organisms has undergone several changes. R.H. Whittaker introduced a five-kingdom classification, including Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Some of the characteristics included in this classification are the structure of cells, body organisation, mode of nutrition, mode of reproduction, and phylogenetic relationship to classify organisms. Subsequently, a three-domain system was proposed, which divided Kingdom Monera into two domains, leaving the remaining eukaryotic kingdoms in the third domain, thereby classifying the six kingdoms.

2. State two economically important uses of:

(a) heterotrophic bacteria

(b) archaebacteria

a) Heterotrophic bacteria are used in the production of vitamins, antibiotics, cheese and curd.

They help fix nitrogen and are used in the formation of humus.

b) Archaebacteria are used in Biogas production.

They are used in the bioleaching of mines.

3. What is the nature of cell walls in diatoms?

In diatoms, cell walls are embedded with silica imparting characteristic patterns onto the walls and are indestructible. These diatoms leave large amounts of cell wall deposits in their habitat to accumulate to form the diatomaceous earth.

4. Find out what the terms ‘algal bloom’ and ‘red tides’ signify.

Algal blooms are found in contaminated water. They are an overgrowth of algae, especially blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Their growth leads to water pollution. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

Rapid multiplication of red-pigmented dinoflagellates, such as Gonaulax , gives the sea a red colour, a phenomenon known as red tides. These algae produce toxins that kill fish and other aquatic organisms.

5. How are viroids different from viruses?

(i) Viroids are small infectious agents with single-stranded RNA without a protein coat, but viruses have single-stranded or double-stranded RNA bound with a protein coat.

(ii) Viroids are very small in size compared to viruses.

(iii) Viroids infect only plants, while viruses infect plants, animals, and microorganisms.

6. Describe the four major groups of Protozoa briefly.

Four major groups of Protozoa are as follows:

Amoeboid protozoans: Found in the aquatic environment, they move and catch their prey using pseudopodia.

Flagellated protozoans:  These protozoans are free-living or parasitic. Their locomotory structure is flagella.

Ciliated protozoans: They live in aquatic environments, and the presence of cilia makes them actively moving.

Sporozoans:  They contain a wide variety of organisms, producing infectious spores throughout their life cycle. Their spore-like phase helps them move from one host to another.

7. Plants are autotrophic. Can you think of some plants that are partially heterotrophic?

Insectivores and carnivorous plants are partially heterotrophic; these organisms are green and autotrophic, but they prey on and digest small components for their nitrogen supply.

Ex;  Utricularia, Drosera, Nepenthes.

8. What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiont signify?

Lichens are a symbiotic association of fungi and algae. Phycobiont is part of algae and part of mycobiont fungi. Mycobiont provides structural cover that protects the algae from unfavourable conditions. Similarly, phycobionts prepare food through the process of photosynthesis, which is used by both organisms.

9. Give a comparative account of the classes of Kingdom Fungi under the following:

(i) mode of nutrition (ii) mode of reproduction

Phycomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Deuteromycetes
Mode of nutrition Saprophytic or parasitic Decomposers, Saprophytic or parasitic or coprophilous Saprophytic Decomposers, Saprophytic or parasitic
Mode of reproduction Asexual reproduction by zoospore (motile) and Aplanospore (non-motile)

Sexual reproduction – zygote can be similar or dissimilar in morphology

Through asexual spores called conidia, and sexual spores are known as ascospores By vegetation reproduction through budding.

The fusion of two somatic cells for the formation of basidiospores is Plasmogamy

Through asexual spores called conidia.

10. What are the characteristic features of Euglenoids?

The typical features of Eugenoids are:

(i) Absence of cell wall.

(ii) Their body is flexible because there is a protein-rich layer called a pellicle.

(iii) Two flagella of different lengths are found.

(iv) They are autotrophic in the presence of sunlight and heterotrophic in the absence of sunlight.

11. Give a brief account of viruses with respect to their structure and nature of genetic material. Also, name four common viral diseases.

Viruses are infectious agents that crystallise in structure when found outside the host cell. The genetic material is either DNA or RNA (never both), and they are located within the protein core. If the virus that infects plants has single-stranded RNA, then the viruses that infect animals are single or double-stranded DNA or RNA. The capsid is their protein coat, which in turn is made up of small subunits called capsomers, which protect nucleic acid.

Common viral diseases are Influenza, AIDS, Herpes and Rabies.

12. Organise a discussion in your class on the topic ‘Are viruses living or nonliving’?

Non-living Characters

(i) No cellular structure

(ii) They can be stored in bottles like crystals

(iii) There will be no energy storage or energy liberation systems

(iv) They cannot grow or multiply outside the host

Living Characters

(i) They are host-specific

(ii) The presence of genetic material

(iii) The ability to multiply

(iv) They have antigenic properties

(v) They are obligate parasites

(vi) Mutations occur

List of subtopics covered in Chapter 2 – Biological Classification

2.1 Kingdom Monera
2.2 Kingdom Protista
2.3 Kingdom Fungi
2.4 Kingdom Plantae
2.5 Viruses, Viroids, Prions And Lichens

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 – Biological Classification

Simple differences in the morphological characteristics initially led to the classification of plant and animal species, which further paved the way for classification that was backed by definite scientific research and study. The main criteria for the five-kingdom classification were body organisation, cell structure, mode of nutrition, reproduction, and phylogenetic relationships. In this kingdom of classification, bacteria were included in the Kingdom Monera, while bacteria are cosmopolitan in the distribution.

These entities exhibit tremendous metabolic diversity. Where entities belonging to Kingdom Protista include single-celled eukaryotes, species of Kingdom Fungi exhibit great diversity in their habitat and structure. Kingdom Plantae compromises all eukaryotic chlorophyll-containing entities, while Kingdom Animalia includes heterotrophic eukaryotic, multicellular entities that lack a cell wall.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Biological Classification

July 16, 2019 by phani

Topics and Subtopics in  NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Biological Classification :

2 Biological Classification
2.1 Kingdom Monera
2.2 Kingdom Protista
2.3 Kingdom Fungi
2.4 Kingdom Plantae
2.5 Kingdom Animalia
2.6 Viruses, Viroids and Lichens
2.7 Summary

NCERT Solutions Class 11 Biology Biology Sample Papers


1.Discuss how classification systems have undergone several changes over a period of time? Soln. Biological classification is the scientific procedure of arranging organisms in a hierarchical series of groups and sub-groups on the basis of their similarities and dissimilarities. Scientists have proposed different systems of classification which have undergone several changes from time to time. Earlier Aristotle proposed artificial system of classification, which divided animals and plants on basis of habitat. E.g., Aquatic (fish, whale), terrestrial (e.g., reptiles, cattle) and aerial (e.g., bat, birds). Then, natural system of classification was based on morphology^ anatomy, physiology, reproduction, ontogeny, cytochemistry, etc. After natural system, organisms were classified on basis of evolutionary relationships called phyloge¬netic system. It is based on cytotaxonomy, chemotaxOnomy, numerical taxonomy and cladistic taxonomy.

2.State two economically important uses of: (a) heterotrophic bacteria (b) archaebacteria Soln. (a) Heterotrophic bacteria: They include saprotrophic, symbiotic and parasitic bacteria. They act as natural scavengers as they dispose off the dead bodies, organic wastes, release raw materials for reutilisation. They also help in sewage disposal, manure production etc. Symbiotic bacteria help in nitrogen fixation. Some bacteria arq employed in the production of a number of industrial products like lactic acid, curd, cheese, butter, vinegar etc. Some bacteria are used in preparation of serum, vaccines, vitamins, enzymes, antibiotics etc. e.g., Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, etc. (b) Archaebacteria : Archaebacteria are employed in the production of gobar gas from dung and sewage and in ruminants, they cause fermentation of cellulose.

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3.What is the nature of cell-wall in diatoms? Soln. The cell walls of diatoms are called frustules. The cell wall is chiefly composed of cellulose impregnated with glass-like silica. It is composed of two overlapping halves (or theca) that fit together like two parts of a soap box or petri dish. The upper half (lid) is called epitheca and the lower half (case) is called hypotheca. The outer covering possesses very fine markings, pits, pores and ridges. The siliceous frustules of diatoms do not decay easily. They pile up at the bottom of water reservoirs and form big heaps called diatomite or diatomaceous earth. It may extend for several hundred metres in certain areas from where the same can be mined.

4.Find out what do the terms ‘algal bloom’ and ‘red tides’ signify. Soln. The rapid increase in populations of algae and other phytoplanktons, in particular cyanobacteria, in water bodies rich in organic matter is called algal bloom. The density of the organisms may be such that it may prevent light from passing to lower depths in the water body. Algal blooms are caused by an increase in levels of nitrate, a mineral ion essential for algal and bacterial growth. The source of increased nitrate may be from agricultural fertilizers, which are leached – into water systems from the land, or sewage effluent. Red tides are caused by a sudden, often toxic proliferation of marine phytoplankton, notably dinoflagellates, that colour the sea red, brown, or yellowish due to the high concentration of the photosynthetic accessory pigments. Some dinoflagellates, such as Gonyaulax, produce potent toxins, which may kill fish and invertebrates outright or accumulate in the food chain, posing a hazard to humans eating shellfish and other seafood. These phytoplanktonic blooms may be related to nutrient-rich inputs from the land, or upwelling oceanic waters, and are initiated by the activation of cyst-like forms lying on the sea bed.

5.How are viroids different from viruses? Soln. Viroids are the smallest known agent of infectious diseases that contain small single-stranded RNA molecule. They lack capsid and have no proteins associated with them. Viroids infect only plants. Whereas, viruses have genetic material surrounded by a protective coat of protein or lipoprotein. The genetic material of viruses are of 4 types – double-stranded DNA, double-stranded RNA, single-stranded DNA, single-stranded RNA. They infect both plants and animals.

6.Describe briefly the four major groups of protozoa. Soln. All protozoans are heterotrophs and live as predators or. parasites. They are be-lieved to be primitive relatives of animals. They are classified into four groups on the basis of locomotory organelles. (i) Amoeboid protozoans : These organisms live in fresh water, sea water or moist soil. They move and capture their prey by developing pseudopodia (false feet) as in Amoeba. Some of them such as Entamoeba are parasites. (ii)Flagellated protozoans : The members of this group are either free-living or parasitic. They have flagella for locomotion. The parasitic forms cause diseases such as sleeping sickness e.g., Trypanosoma. (iii)Ciliated protozoans : These are aquatic, actively moving organisms because of the presence of thousands of cilia. They have a cavity (gullet) that opens to the outside ‘ of the cell surface. The coordinated movement of rows of cilia causes the water laden with food to be steered into the gullet e.g., Paramecium. ~ (iv)Sporozoans: This includes diverse parasitic organisms that have an infectious spore¬like stage in their life cycle. Locomotory organs are absent. The most notorious N . is Plasmodium (malarial parasite) which causes malaria which has a staggering effect on human population.

7.Plants are autotrophic. Can you think of some plants that are partially heterotrophic? Soln. Some insectivorous plants like Drosera, Nepenthes, Utricularia are partially heterotrophic plant. These plants are deficient in nitrogen content but are otherwise autotrophic. They, trap various insects to obtain nitrogen from them. Rest, the food i.e., carbohydrate is manufactured by themselves.

8.What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiont signify? Soln. A lichen is structurally organised entity consisting of the permanent association of a fungus and an alga. The fungal component of a lichen is called mycobiont and the algal component is called phycobiont. Both mycobiont and phycobiont are associated in symbiotic union in which the fungus is predominant and alga is subordinate partner. – ; Fungus provides the structural covering that protects alga from unfavourable conditions, i.e., drought, heat, etc. It also traps moisture from the atmosphere and anchors the lichen to a rock, tree bark, leaves and other similar supports. The alga prepares organic food by the process of photosynthesis from carbon dioxide. If the algal component is cyanobacteria (blue-green alga), they fix atmospheric nitrogen in addition to preparation of food.

9.Organise a discussion in your class on the topic – ‘Are viruses living or non-living’? Soln. Viruses are regarded as intermediate between non-living entities and living organisms. It is very difficult to ascertain whether they are living or non-living. Some . characters of viruses suggest their non-living nature whereas many other characters suggest their living nature. They resemble non-living objects in – (i) Lacking protoplast. (ii)Ability to get crystallised. (iii)Inability to live independent of living cell. (iv)High specific gravity which is found .only in non-living objects. (v)Absence of respiration. (vi)Absence of energy storing system. (vii)Absence of growth and division. Instead different parts are synthesized separately. Viruses resemble living beings in – (i)Being formed of organic macromolecules which occur only in living beings. (ii)Presence of genetic material. (iii)Ability to multiply or reproduce although only inside living cell. (iv)Occurrence of mutations. (v) Occurrence of enzyme transcriptase in most viruses. (vi)Some viruses like Pox virus contains vitamins like riboflavin and biotin. (vii)Infectivity and host specificity. (viii)Viruses are ‘killed’ by autoclaving and ultraviolet rays. (ix)They breed true to their type. Even variations are inheritable. (x) They take over biosynthetic machinery of the host cell and produce chemicals required for their multiplication. (xi)Viruses are responsible for a number of infectious’ diseases like common cold, epidemic influenza, chicken pox.

10.What are the characteristic features of Euglenoids? Soln. The euglenoid flagellates are the most interesting organisms having a mixture of animal and plant characteristics. The characteristic features are: (i) They are unicellular flagellates. (ii)These protists lack a definite cellulose cell wall. Instead the cells are covered by a thin membrane known as pellicle. The pellicle is composed of protein, lipid and carbohydrates. (iii)One or two flagella which help these protists in active swimming are present. If two flagella are present, then one is long and other is short. They are tinsel – shaped i.e., with two longitudinal rows of fine hairs. Each flagellum has its own basal granule. The two flagella join with each other at a swelling, called paraflagellar body and finally only one long flagellum emerges out through the cytostome. (iv)Cell at the anterior end possesses an eccentric mouth or cytostome which leads into a flask-shaped cavity viz. gullet or cytopharynx. Gullet opens into a large basal reservoir. (v) At one end of the reservoir, the cytoplasm contains an orange red stigma (eye spot). The eye spot is a curved plate with orange-red granules and contains red pigment astaxanthin. Both paraflagellar body and eye spot act as photoreceptors. (vi)Just below the reservoir is found a contractile vacuole having many feeding canals. The contractile vacuole takes part in osmoregulation. It expands and pumps its fluid contents in the reservoir. (vii)The mode of nutrition in euglenoids is holophytic or photoautotrophic. Some euglenoids show mixotrophic nutrition (both holophytic as well as saprobic mode). (viii)Cytoplasm is differentiated into ectoplasm and endoplasm. Nucleus is large and occurs roughly in middle. The envelope and nucleolus persist during cell division. (ix)Each chloroplast is composed of a granular matrix traversed by 10-45 dense bands and is covered by 3-membraned envelope. They contain the photo¬synthetic pigments-chlorophyll – n, b. They store carbohydrates as paramylon bodies, scattered throughout the cytoplasm. (x) Asexual reproduction occurs by longitudinal binary fission. The flagellum is duplicated before cell division. (xi)Under unfavourable condition the euglenoids form cysts to perennate the dry period. (xii)Sexual reproduction is not observed.

11.Give a brief account of viruses with respect to their structure and nature of genetic material. Also name four common viral diseases. Soln. Virus (L. poisonous fluid) is a group of ultramicroscopic, non-cellular, highly infectious agents that multiply only intracellularly- inside the living host cells without involving growth and division. Outside the host cells, they are inert particles. They are nucleoproteins having one or more nucleic acid molecule, either DNA or RNA, encased in a protective coat of protein or lipoprotein. A virus consist of two parts – nucleoid (genome) and capsid. An envelope and few enzymes are present in some cases, (i) Nucleoid : The nucleic acid present in the virus is called nucleoid and it represents viral chromosome. It is made up of a single molecule of nucleic acid. It may be linear or circular and nucleic acid can be DNA or RNA. It is the infective part of virus which utilizes the metabolic machinery of the host cell for synthesis and assembly of viral components. (ii)Capsid : It is a protein covering around genetic material. Capsid have protein subunits called capsomeres. Capsid protects nucleoid from damage from physical and chemical agents. , (iii)Envelope : It is the outer loose covering present in certain viruses like animal viruses (e.g., HIV) but rarely present in plant and bacterial viruses and made of protein of viral origin and, lipid and carbohydrate of host. Outgrowths called spikes may be present. Envelope proteins have subunits called peplomers. A virus without envelope is naked virus. (iv)Enzymes : Rarely, lysozymes are found in bacteriophages. Reverse transcriptase enzyme (catalyses RNA to DNA synthesis) is found in some RNA viruses like HIV. Some common viral diseases are – influenza, polio, measles, chickenpox, hepatitis, AIDS, bird flu, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) etc.

NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Biological Classification Q12

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case study questions on biological classification class 11

Case Based Questions Test: Biological Classification - Grade 11 MCQ

15 questions mcq test - case based questions test: biological classification, linnaeus gave two kingdom classification, which consists of kingdom plantae and kingdom animalia. this classification was based on the mode of nutrition, reproduction, presence or absence of cell wall. however, this system had many drawbacks like there was no distinction between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. then, came the three kingdom classification in which single-celled bacteria and protozoans were kept in kingdom protista. this system also failed to classify all living organisms into appropriate categories. finally a five kingdom classification was proposed by dividing all the organisms into five kingdom and it will be accepted as modern system of classification. q. all eukaryotic unicellular organisms belong to :.

  • B. Protista
  • D. Bacteria

case study questions on biological classification class 11

Linnaeus gave two kingdom classification, which consists of kingdom Plantae and kingdom Animalia. This classification was based on the mode of nutrition, reproduction, presence or absence of cell wall. However, this system had many drawbacks like there was no distinction between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Then, came the three kingdom classification in which single-celled bacteria and protozoans were kept in kingdom Protista. This system also failed to classify all living organisms into appropriate categories. Finally a five Kingdom classification was proposed by dividing all the organisms into five kingdom and it will be accepted as modern system of classification. Q. The five kingdom classification was proposed by:

  • A. R. H. Whittaker
  • B. C. Linnaeus
  • C. A. Roxburg
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Linnaeus gave two kingdom classification, which consists of kingdom Plantae and kingdom Animalia. This classification was based on the mode of nutrition, reproduction, presence or absence of cell wall. However, this system had many drawbacks like there was no distinction between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Then, came the three kingdom classification in which single-celled bacteria and protozoans were kept in kingdom Protista. This system also failed to classify all living organisms into appropriate categories. Finally a five Kingdom classification was proposed by dividing all the organisms into five kingdom and it will be accepted as modern system of classification. Q. Biologist who proposed the term protista for unicellular organisms is :

Linnaeus gave two kingdom classification, which consists of kingdom Plantae and kingdom Animalia. This classification was based on the mode of nutrition, reproduction, presence or absence of cell wall. However, this system had many drawbacks like there was no distinction between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Then, came the three kingdom classification in which single-celled bacteria and protozoans were kept in kingdom Protista. This system also failed to classify all living organisms into appropriate categories. Finally a five Kingdom classification was proposed by dividing all the organisms into five kingdom and it will be accepted as modern system of classification.

Q. Organisms having characteristic of both plants and animals is :

  • A. Paramoecium
  • C. Mycoplasma
  • D. Bacterium

Direction : In the following questions the Assertions (A) and Reasons (R) have been put forward. Read both the statements and choose the correct option from the following:

Assertion : The five kingdom classification is based on the mode of nutrition of organisms.

Reason : The organisms are placed in different group based on the cellular organization.

  • A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
  • B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  • C. A is true but R is false.
  • D. A is false but R is true.

Sarcodines are unicellular, jelly-like protozoa found in fresh or sea water and in moist soil. Their body lacks a periplast. Therefore, they may be naked or covered by a calcareous shell. They usually lack flagella and have temporary protoplasmic outgrowths called pseudopodia. These pseudopodia or false feet help in movement and capturing prey. They include free living forms such as Amoeba or parasitic forms such as Entamoeba. Zoo flagellates ciliates and sporozoans are other groups of protozoan protists. They are all unicellular and heterotrophic. They may be holozoic, saprobic or parasitic.

Q. The basis of protozoan classification is:

  • B. Locomotion
  • C. Measurement
  • D. Number of nuclei

Q. Protozoan group with two nuclei, macronucleus & micronucleus is :

  • A. Flagellata
  • B. Sarcodina
  • D. Sporozoa

Q. Which of the following is a flagellated protozoan.

  • B. Entamoeba
  • C. Plasmodium
  • D. Trypanosoma

Q. Which of the following is not the locomotory organ of protozoa.


Locomotory organs  parapodia  not found in protozoans.

Assertion : The heterotrophic protists are found as saprophytes, parasites and predators.

Reason : Heterotrophic protists are eukaryotic and mostly unicellular except few protists.

Lichens are the composite or dual organisms representing a symbiotic association between a fungus and alga. The fungal partner is called mycobiont whereas algal partner is called phycobiont. Algae prepares food for fungi and fungi provides shelter and absorbs mineral nutrient and water for its partner. Lichens grow on barren rocks, cooled volcanic lava and icy tundra soils. They can tolerate extreme dessication and are pioneers of rock vegetation. The are very sensitive to air pollution and do not grow in polluted area. They are very good pollution indicators Certain lichens or source of food for grazing animals.

Q. An association of roots of higher plants and fungi is called:

  • C. Mycorrhiza

Q. Most of the lichens are formed by _____.

  • A. Blue-gree algae and club fungi
  • B. Blue-gree algae and sac fungi
  • C. Red algae and sac fungi
  • D. Brown algae and algal fungi

Lichens are the composite or dual organisms representing a symbiotic association between a fungus and alga. The fungal partner is called mycobiont whereas algal partner is called phycobiont. Algae prepares food for fungi and fungi provides shelter and absorbs mineral nutrient and water for its partner. Lichens grow on barren rocks, cooled volcanic lava and icy tundra soils. They can tolerate extreme desiccation and are pioneers of rock vegetation. The are very sensitive to air pollution and do not grow in polluted area. They are very good pollution indicators Certain lichens or source of food for grazing animals.

Q. Mycobiont and phycobiont are found in ________.

  • A. Mycorrhiza

Q. Lichens are described as indicators of _____.

  • A. air pollution
  • B. water pollution
  • C. soil pollution
  • D. agricultural productivity

Assertion : Lichens are both algal and fungal cells that act as pollution indicator.

Reason : Lichens grow very fast at the rate of about 2 cm per year.

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case study questions on biological classification class 11

Important Questions for Case Based Questions Test: Biological Classification

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Biological Classification – NCERT based MCQs for NEET

Biological Classification; Class 11 NCERT MCQs for NEET

“ Biological Classification ” is the 2nd chapter of Biology NCERT text book for class 11. This chapter cover six topics including Kingdom Monera , Protista , Fungi , Plantae , Animalia and Viruses , Viroids & Lichens . Within Five kingdom Classification System , Kingdom Monera, Protista & Fungi are illustrated in detail in this chapter while kingdom Plantae & Animalia are briefly described here and given the detail in next two separate chapter.

It is a important chapter for NEET . Every year, three to four MCQs are asked in NEET from this chapter. So, let’s go for   practice MCQ   from this chapter…

NCERT based MCQ from “Biological Classification”

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The Living World
Biological ClassificationClick here
Plant Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Plant Morphology
Plant Anatomy
Animal Tissue
Cell Biology
Cell Division
Transport in Plants
Mineral Nutrition
Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsClick here
Respiration in PlantsClick here
Plant Growth and DevelopmentClick here
Digestion and AbsorptionClick here
Breathing and Exchange of GasesClick here
Body Fluied and CirculationClick here
Excretory Products and their EliminationClick here
Locomotion and MovementClick here
Neural Control and CoordinationClick here
Chemical Coordination and IntegrationClick here
Reproduction in OrganismClick here
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsClick here
Human ReproductionClick here
Reproductive HealthClick here
Principle of Inheritence & VariationClick here
Moleculer Basis of InheritanceClick here
EvolusionClick here
Human Health & DiseaseClick here
Strategies for Enhancement in Food ProductionClick here
Microbe in Human WelfareClick here
Biotechnology : Principles & ProcessesClick here
Biotechnology & its ApplicationClick here
Organism & PopulationClick here
EcosystemClick here
Biodiversity & ConservationClick here
Enviornmental IssuesClick here

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Class 11 Biology: Case Study of Chapter 1 The Living World PDF Download

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In Class 11 Final Exams there will be Case studies and Passage Based Questions will be asked, So practice these types of questions. Study Rate is always there to help you. Free PDF Download of CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Case Study and Passage Based Questions with Answers were Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 11 Biology The Living World to know their preparation level.

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In CBSE Class 11 Biology Paper, There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

The Living World Case Study Questions With answers

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 11 Biology  Chapter 1 The Living World

Case Study/Passage-Based Questions

Case Study 1:

Taxonomy is the study of the classification, characterization, nomenclature, and identification of organisms and it is a branch of science. Systematics is another branch of science that includes the study of the classification, nomenclature, identification, and evolutionary history of an organism. Thus, the taxonomic characteristics of an organism along with its evolutionary history come under systematics. In 1813, A.P de Candolle was the first to introduce the term taxonomy while systematics was introduced as the time of human civilization.

The term Systematics is derived from the Latin word ‘systema’ which means the systematic arrangement of organisms. Linnaeus (father of taxonomy) published his book Systema Naturae where the classification of plants, animals were based on taxonomy.

Neo-systematics is the branch of systematics that deals with the species to be the product of evolution. In 1940, Julia Huxley was the one who developed this concept. It involves the known characteristics of an organism and also the known evidence from different fields of biology.

Identification – It is the method of pacing the organisms in their exact place based on their classification. The identification of organisms can be done with the help of taxonomic keys.

Classification – The classification is the process of grouping various living organisms based on the common features that they share. A single group consists of those organisms that have similar common features. To make classification easier various groups are forms in which different organisms are placed depending upon their characteristics.

Characterization – The studying and understanding of characters of organisms and categorizing them like external and internal structure (morphology and anatomy), the structure of the cell (cytology), developmental process (embryology), and ecological information (ecology) of the organism.

(1) Who is the Father of New Systematics?

  • (a) Aristotle
  • (b) Linnaeus
  • (c) Theophrastus
  • (d) Julian Huxley

Ans: (d) Julian Huxley

(2) Which of the following takes into account evolutionary relationships between organisms?

  • (a) Cladistics
  • (b) Artificial System of Classification
  • (c) Natural System of classification
  • (d) Systematics

Ans: (d) Systematics

(3) Who is the father of taxonomy?

Ans: Carolus Linnaeus is the father of taxonomy.

(4) Define taxonomy.

Ans: Taxonomy is the study of the classification, characterization, nomenclature, and identification of organisms and it is a branch of science.

(5) What is meant by Systematics?

Ans: Systematics is another branch of science that includes the study of the classification, nomenclature, identification, and evolutionary history of an organism. Thus, the taxonomic characteristics of an organism along with its evolutionary history come under systematics.

Hope the information shed above regarding Case Study and Passage Based Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 The Living World with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries about CBSE Class 11 Biology The Living World Case Study and Passage Based Questions with Answers, feel free to comment below so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible. By Team Study Rate

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